#be hyposensitive to temperature
idkimnotreal · 1 year
i swear to god. the southern brazilian winter is so depressive.
it’s cloudy and gloomy but it’s not snowing. the temperature is either yikes (????) or cold. unless it’s a la niña year it’s raining every other day. it’s not winter yet, and we’ll have a week of sunshine after the weekend, but i mean 4 days without sun leaves me in such a depressive state that... nothing else works.
in winter, a week of sunshine is very rare, and in spring it’s even more rare. i could live in britain if i had all the post-colonial wealth, but we don’t have that here in brazil.
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maresirenum · 2 years
With the weather getting warmer here in the uk, here’s a shout out to:
• Hyposensitive interoceptive sense people who don't get the internal cue that they need to drink water and don’t realise until they have a bad migraine that “Hey, I haven’t had any water” (please drink water <3)
• Autistic people with bad sensory issues to heat, which makes the summer all that more unbearable because it’s hot, sticky and extremely hard to cool down
• People who don’t know how to dress according to the temperature so end up going outside in hoodies and jeans instead of a t-shirt and shorts/skirt (or even a dress, if you prefer)
• People who have body dysmorphia and/or gender dysphoria which means having to wear clothes that make you SO uncomfortable, but it’s overheating or being uncomfortable for a little while in clothing you really don’t want to wear
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twiigthetwiink · 7 months
our argos posts are doing rly well, so here’s some info abt our fav manic anxious introject
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(we’re referring to another system’s introject of mr plant in this post.)
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first off, he likes how cruel mr plant is, at least when it comes to being protective/caring
hes also totally a bottom. mr plant said “do it.” (“it” bring making a bracelet btw) and he was flustered for like. half an hour.
he really likes his hair, especially when it’s fluffy/bouncy or soft. he likes feeling pretty.
hes very hyposensitive (not hypERsensitive) to temperature, but likes warmth, so he has to overcompensate by wearing warm layers and shoes indoors, and taking really hot showers (like, you end up itchy and covered in scratches hot)
he doesn’t know his sexual or romantic orientation very well because he can only ever see himself with mr plant, but thinks he’s gay alloromantic demisexual
he can control when he fronts VERY well, and has been keeping himself co-conscious at all times so he can take over main front whenever mr plant is around to talk
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deepdeanvsweston · 3 months
Detective gang being ill headcannons idk what to call them
- we've already seen what she's like ill in DITS
- Hazel thinks she doesn't realise she's ill, just keeps going until she collapses, or someone forces her into bed
- but the truth is that Daisy feels the need to keep up appearances, and also if she faints it feels drastic enough for her to be allowed to be ill
- after DSS, she succumbs to colds a lot quicker than she used to, the chill of the river never quite left her bones
- usually able to sleep anywhere but when she's ill has incredibly specific preferences or else she won't rest at all
- the window has to be exactly a quarter open, with three blankets of exact same size and fabric, with 2 pillows and a cushion from the sofa to put her head on
- often ill for a longer period than usual, simply because she gets antsy quickly, declares she's better, tries to get up, and promptly makes herself sicker than before
- it's actually Hazel who genuinely doesn't realise she's ill
- she'll have a 39 degree temperature and be like 'its just stress!!!'
- Daisy used to get annoyed when Hazel was ill because it meant they couldn't Do Things together, so Hazel sort of learnt to keep it in the down low that she was feeling rough
- they've since talked this issue out and Daisy is now apologetic and attentive
- a little too attentive now, Hazel thinks,
("And then of course the door *atchoo* would be open, not closed *atchoo*- Daisy, where are you going?"
"You've sneezed twice in a row, Watson, I'm getting the thermometer"
- it's nice to have an attentive Daisy rather than a selfish Daisy though, especially when she yells at everyone to keep the noise down because "HAZEL is sick"
- Hazel usually can't stand plain food (hyposensitive with food autistic) but when she's ill, she'll live off plain toast for the next 3-4 days
- Hazel knows she's feeling better because there will be a 'click' moment where plain toast is instantly revolting to her again
- the ONLY time Hazel enjoys the cold English weather is when she's running a fever
- tries not to show he's ill for appearance's sake like Daisy, but not silly enough to keep going like she would if he knows he's a risk to others
- you can tell George is ill though because he will fall asleep. Everywhere
- was sick during a case at Weston once, and fell asleep interviewing a suspect
("they had an incredibly monotonous voice Alex, now please don't bring it up again!")
- likes being sung to when he's ill
- takes all of his father's advice for not getting sick daily (wash your hands properly, cover mouth when you cough and sneeze etc.)
- so George isn't often ill but when he is, he gets it bad
- ofc noone likes being ill, but George does enjoy being in the san, it's far cleaner than the dorms, and there's a stillness in the air that's very comforting
- George gets incredibly bothered by his hair when he's ill so pins it back with his mother's kirby grips
- everyone gets a little worried when Alex gets sick, especially in winter because he has a history of being in and out of hospital as a child
- think scarlet fever, polio, croup
- he's usually fine though, it's likely just the common cold
- this does not stop George stealing his father's stethoscope to listen to Alex's lungs and seeing if anything's amiss
- (Alex thinks he does this just to show off the latest medical term he's learnt)
- doesn't like being ill because he gets sent to the san, which while being nice and having a friendly nurse, is incredibly lonely
- he's used to hearing the other boys sleeping, or while at home his family hosting a party, and it's too quiet in the san
- acts like a woodlouse when he's sick, as in will curl up into a small ball
- Alex being sick is the only time George will lose a card game
- ("Alex, you marvel, you've won again!"
"Don't patronise me George, I know you're letting me win...")
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zitrus-indigo · 10 months
(Learning about yourself to get the support that you need)
- Diagnosis
- Searching what your sensory issues are and taking action to get accomodations your sensory needs (note : sensory can also be about differences such as synaesthesia)
(a list of senses (hypersensitivity/hyposensitivity) :
auditory (noises are overwhelming, you have trouble talking to other people because background noises distract and overwhelm you (you need things to be repeated because you got distracted by background noises), loud, repetitive and sudden noises overwhelm you, you hate eating certain foods and doing certain things because they make a lot of noise, focusing is hard because background noises overwhelm and distract you, you can’t go outside because noise is overwhelming, you place your hands over your ears when noises are overwhelming, you set your phone at a very low volume/you seek loud noises, you set your phone at a high volume, you often don’t respond to your name being called because you don’t hear it, you often need things to be repeated, you’re unable to locate where sounds come from),
smell (smells are overwhelming, you can’t eat certain foods because their scent is overwhelming, you’re super hygienic because you’re worried about smelling bad and you smell strongly your bodily smell, others don’t smell as much your bodily smell as you, you hate the smell of laundry detergent on your clothes/you seek smells, you like eating foods with strong scents, you’re unaware of smells other smell, you may not have a strong preference for foods other commonly enjoy (smell affects taste)),
gustative and texture (you are a very picky eater and rely on eating the same meal a lot of the time, you refuse to eat new food/you eat things with a strong taste, you explored objects with your mouth a lot as a child (even after being a toddler), you aren’t aware of food quantity and temperature, you bite your tongue and your lips more frequently than other people)
touch (your wardrobe is very limited, you wear a lot of the time the same thing, you avoid touching a lot of things and hate physical touch, you have a low pain tolerance/you tend to get injured without noticing, you didn’t noticed when you were covered in mud when you were playing as a child, you’re unaware of your own strength, you seek touch, you have a hard time telling someone where you feel pain and where you got injured, you have a high pain tolerance )),
vision (lights, the sun are overwhelming, you avoid eye contact (eye contact issues isn’t specific to visual hypersensitivity, lots of autistic have issues with eye contact regardless of if they have this), you squint, you often close your curtains and dim the light, you can’t go outside because you get sensory overload from the light/you get accidentally injured easily because you didn’t see something, you often bump into other people and objects, you can’t find or see things that are seen by other people, you stare at lights, you like colorful and high contrast things, you often watch others)
proprioception (sitting in a non-conventional way, fine motor skills issues, uncoordinated, hypersensitive to pain, appearing stiff, holding your body in positions that are considered odd, appearing lethargic, becoming tired after standing for a long time, hating and avoiding being touched, avoiding wearing tight clothing, avoiding activities that require physical effort/ bumping and stumbing a lot upon things, difficulty doing things that involve balance such as riding a bike, often leaning against a wall or furniture, holding objects with a weak grasp and letting them go, sitting on the floor in a W stance, difficulty navigating a room and avoiding objects, you can’t grasp what personal space is, tip toe walking, pressing too hard on furniture, pushing or playing roughly, walking very loudly, constantly being in movement)
interoception (feeling overwhelmed by physical sensations, thirst, hunger, exhaustion, need to go to the bathroom and by your feelings/having trouble feeling your physical sensations, forgetting your physical needs and having trouble knowing what you’re feeling)),
vestibular (easily motion-sick, fear of heights, dislike many sports/easily lose balance, accidentally injure themself often, able to spin for a long time without getting dizzy, risk taker)
This list isn’t exhaustive
- Looking at, understanding your communication differences and the neurotypical social cues
- Searching what your special interests are
- Observing yourself a lot to learn what your stims are and how to replace your harmful ones
- understanding your hatred of change (might be/not be/both be the case if you have ADHD diagnosed or not as well)
- realizing you experienced meltdowns and shutdowns (you can be autistic and not have meltdowns and shutdowns, if you wondered)
- learning, reading about autism, autistic experiences and the autistic community
This list doesn’t have a particular order
I’m myself on this journey currently (I honestly do not know if I’m autistic even if I got diagnosed ten years ago when I was a child), currently it’s the stimming part for me, turns out stim toys might actually be helpful for me !
This journey is about discovering, accomodating and enjoying yourself. You can experience every feeling through this journey :
anger, sadness, fear, joy, confusion, surprise, joy.
I personnally experienced confusion and anger a lot because I didn’t understood my diagnosis as I didn’t related to most autistic experiences, I now go through surprise a lot when I realize that I actually experience some autistic traits that fall under the spectrum umbrella.
I don’t want this post to give an impression that autistic people don’t really have autism, my case is very rare and specific among the spectrum : I didn’t got socially ostracized and knew a lot of social cues (yet I also had issues with some), I also don’t have sensory issues or a need for routine.
Yet, to neurotypical people I have a few differences :
communication and social cues ones, stimming a lot, special interests, a bit impaired fine motor skills (nothing too serious).
If I’m truly autistic, this is a prime example on how the autism spectrum is very wide :
If you’ve met an autistic person, you’ve met one type of autism, there are infinite types of autism.
A few more important things :
- some common disabilities that comes with autism :
ADHD (about 50 percent or so of us also have it),
learning disabilities (dyspraxia might be the most common one),
insomnia (sensory issues),
social anxiety,
personality disorders,
CPTSD (trauma and living in a society that doesn’t accomodate to our needs and where you get ostracized (be careful borderline personality disorder is a common misdiagnosis, though you can also get both BPD and autism),
Ehler Danlos Syndrome (a skin collagene muscle issue, don’t ask me about this I don’t know a lot about it),
ID (though not all of us, treat autistic people kindly without expecting them to have ID if you meet them the first time please),
epilepsy (epileptic people should be treated normally, yes epilepsy can cause you other issues by brain damages but lots of epileptic people still don’t have ID, though ID and other disabilities shouldn’t be an excuse for you to treat anyone badly),
speech issues (what I said about ID still stands here, we can get them temporarily through shutdowns and meltdowns),
migraines (sensory issues)
- motor issues even small ones are common within the spectrum
- face blindness is also common
- milestones delays are common
- executive dysfunction is common
- autistic catatonia is rare but is a thing
- we can get any physical or mental disability through our life just like anybody else
- some accomodations you can look/ask for :
noise-cancelling headphones/earplugs,
wearing specific types of clothes,
eating food that doesn’t cause you sensory overload,
non slip shoes,
white noises,
having someone check on you to make sure you don’t get injured without noticing or simply to take care of yourself,
asking to not be touch (you will have to learn especially how to enforce your boundaries as a disabled person),
visual accomodations (some of us are very visual and might appreciate having schemes to understand things),
sign language,
someone that lives with you and do things for you,
weightened blanket (some of us like and need deep pressure),
hammock swing/trampoline,
stim toys (hyposensitivity makes you stim a lot but hypersensitive autistics also stim a lot since stimming help them to cope with their sensory issues),
sunflower landyards,
your own communication means,
medication (autism can’t be treated, unlike ADHD but it can reduces your anxiety, your agressivity if you get meltdowns and treat mental issues if you have some, it can help you if you struggle with regulating your emotions I think but I’m not sure though, you should reach your psychiatrist before considering taking it),
therapies (occupational therapy might be a good one, idk a lot about it though, ABA should be avoided)
reminders for physical needs, school and work accomodations
A thing everyone should know :
for every autistic trait experienced by an autistic person, there is another autistic person that don’t experience it. My point still stands for other disabilities. Everyone should listen to autistic persons first. I made this post on a consequent amount of knowledge through months of research on autism on the internet, since autism was my special interest.
Edit :
you should also go out of your way to research autism by listening to the autistic community, there are many many traits that I didn’t listed on this list that we experience and that autistics can relate to.
You can have hyposensitivity and not be sensory seeking. You can have hypersensitivity and not try to avoid sensory input (I’m not saying this is something you should do, I’m saying some autistic person are like that).
Added vestibular and vision senses because I forgot and it is important.
Also added more accomodations, same motive as before.
Added more precision to senses and a few disabilities autistic people often experience, for the same reason as above.
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star-shuttle-scout · 2 years
Power Rangers RPM Headcanons
Ziggy has ADHD and Dyslexia (In Ghosts he’s shown to be a poor navigator and on more than one occasion gives the wrong left/right direction, possibly because he has a hard time determining which is which)
Dr. K, Gem, Gemma, and Dillon all have autism.  
Dillon experiences hyposensitivity to pain, heat, and cold.
Though his upgrades make him more powerful they do not protect him from damage. After battles he has to search himself for injuries. 
His attachment to wearing long-sleeves is a bit dangerous in the summer because he doesn’t notice the heat so he’s prone to heat cramps and heat exhaustion when they’re all running around or just outside for long periods of time when it’s really hot. 
Dr. K loves the cold and enjoys keeping her lab near frosty temperatures, which Ziggy complains about because he’s got poor circulation and is cold easily.
Ziggy is transgender and he chose his name from an old newspaper cartoon series. 
Ziggy shares Flynn’s love of comic books and they both geek out with each other frequently.
Dr. K has insomnia and eventually her and Dillon start hanging out at night when neither can sleep. They usually watch TV and eat ice cream. 
Dr. K thought Scott was the 10 on the ‘Cuteness Scale’. 
Post-Series Dillon has a bit of an identity crisis and ends up piercing his ears and getting a few tattoos, mostly flowers.
Dillon and Tenaya’s upgrades start failing a few years post-series. Dillon’s decline much faster because he was generation seven and she was upgraded later in the series. They have to have certain implants removed to retain movement and prevent infection. Tenaya loses her sight and Dillon gets nerve damage in his arm and shoulder.
Scott’s brother Marcus is buried next to their mother. Scott visits the graves three times a year, on Marcus and his mother’s birthdays and on Mother’s Day. Sometimes he finds flowers that he assumes are left by his father. However, Dillon is prone to visiting the graveyard as it’s a quiet place and he always stops to pay his respects. 
Gem and Gemma have a strangely touchy relationship with Dillon mostly built upon their love for battle and all things physical. The first time the other rangers walk in on them all wrestling, they originally assumed they were genuinely fighting. But they just like to tussle. 
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jaratedeguadalupe · 1 year
hc that virgil is hyposensitive to temperature hence why mans wears his hoodie regardless if they're in the bahamas or the north pole.
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sleepy-frog-lady · 10 months
Hyposensitivity is such a weird and interesting experience. I barely experience pain or discomfort from high temperature at all, which is great when I’m living it up in the summer heat, but maybe not as good when I leave my wrist on a hot pot for like 5 whole seconds before I realize I’m even touching it.
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Autism and body image issues
*disclaimer, I am not a professional, just an autistic person.
TW talk of body image issues and eating disorders.
For me, as an autistic person, body image has been a very overwhelming struggle in my life. Perhaps my biggest struggle.
Struggling with body image is by no means an ‘autistic struggle only’. I’m certain most people have experienced it in one way or another.
However - I feel like body image is a bit different for me as an autistic person, compared to a neurotypical/allistic person.
Being autistic for me means a few specific things.
My mind to body connection is very weak (Alexithymia). Not only do I feel disconnected from my emotions, but also sometimes my physical feelings of hunger, touch, temperature (hyposensitivity).
I do not recognise nor remember faces very well, including my own (Prosopagnosia).
My idea of gender and sexuality is very vague. Normal gender roles and beauty standards often don’t make much sense to me, but the rest of the social world doesn’t either, so it’s yet another a random set of rules I have tried to blindly follow.
All of these things are fairly common for autistic people to experience.
All of these factors tend to lead me (and I believe other autistics) to have a warped sense of self. I feel as though I look different every time I see my face. I don’t feel connected to my body in any meaningful way. This leaves me with the only way to, I guess, ‘see’ my body, is through the lens of hetero-normative beauty standards...
The only way I can remember what I look like is by remembering what ‘parts’ of me don’t fit the current beauty standard. The only way I feel connected to my body strongly is through rigorous exercise. The only way I could think of to present myself was through a tomboy aesthetic, as it seemed the closest to my personality type.
Of course, this was just another form of masking to hide my queerness and my disability (that I was not exactly fully aware of the existence of either).
To lead into masking more - it wasn’t enough that I was socially awkward. I also looked different AND my body didn’t seem to behave in the same way my classmates did.
One attempt at masking was to try and lose weight and become more ‘attractive’. As a child I was hardly overweight, maybe a bit of ‘puppy fat’. But somehow my mothers nagging, combined with my lacking physical abilities, had convinced me I was really really fat.
(Now, of course there is nothing wrong with being fat, but at the time I felt it was just another reason for people to dislike me)
To try and fit in better (mask), I wanted to become slimmer and more appealing. Not only this however, I also wanted to become less clumsy, less weak, less slow...
This, of course, lead me down a path of over-exercising and disordered eating. I was doing 3 different types of workouts a day, while only eating small amounts of food.
And to be honest, I thought I felt *good*. I didn’t realise that I was dizzy and tired all the time (alexithymia and hyposensitivity). I didn’t realise that I was slowly injuring my hypermobile knees. I didn’t know that I was doing anything wrong or ‘bad’ for me.
Because of my autistic black and white thinking, I found it hard to actually grasp the concept of ‘everything in moderation’. Exercise was good, so exercising a LOT must have been really good, right? Dieting was good, so eating as little as possible was the best course of action, right?
Well, after a few months of this my knees were destroyed (and I’m still sufferring the after effects to this day), my digestive system has been ruined and my ED triggered IBS.
And for all this sufferring, I didn’t fit in any better. I didn’t feel any better. I was slimmer but nothing had changed. I still hated my body, felt out of control and like I didn’t belong anywhere.
After a few years I have learnt self control.
I gained a lot of the weight I lost back. I now walk every day for 30 mins (low intensity) and do some strength training for 15 minutes 3x a week. I try to eat what my hypersensitivity with food will allow me too, while not over-doing it on the safe foods like chocolate and nuggets.
I feel as though my body image, although fluctuating, has basically remained the same.
I still feel as if I don’t belong in this body. It still, after 22 years of living, feels hard to control. It still feels as if I don’t look like myself. I still feel icky about gender and how I want to express it.
However, I do feel better now. I feel more optimistic about life.
When I was young, I spent hours every single day, thinking about losing weight. Fantasising about losing it over summer break and coming back to school looking completely different.
I remember working out to lose weight at as young as 10 years old.
I remember my first thoughts of wanting to lose weight at 6.
I have lived my whole life in a struggle with my body image and it’s likely that I will continue to struggle with it for many years to come.
However, I no longer think about this for hours. I no longer feel horrible about being myself. I just wish I was a bit different.
But anyway, I wanted to share all of this in hopes of connecting with other autistics. Maybe you can find something you relate to in this post.
But for now, take care <3
- salti
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redinbluee · 1 year
I'm autistic and I experience a lot more hyposensitivity than hypersensitivity. Strangely enough, I was a bit more hypersensitive as a child but somehow, everything has taken for a turn and now I am extremely hyposensitive which is a bit strange?! But anyways, I would like to share some of my experiences-
I always find myself seeking for stimulation constantly for comfort, but to also fill that empty void within me. I binge eat which is a massive problem and I like to eat lots of very salty/ richly flavoured excessively spicy foods that others will find too strong. I don't chew much, I eat at the speed of light and I cannot identify flavours well as as I have very insensitive tastebuds. Can't tell whether I am eating spoiled food, and I will eat whatever mush someone hands me and still think its good
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When hyper-focusing, I can entirely forget about my internal and external sensations- I did a summer job in graphic design last year which was my special interest and I constantly forgot to eat lunch, it was to a point where my colleagues became concerned. I also have a high pain tolerance, bladder problems as I "forget" to sense that I need to pee, I love extreme sports like climbing, skateboarding and skiing as I enjoy the thrill, I constantly asked my parents to repeat going on the same rollercoaster again and again because I liked the exhilaration. I used to skateboard eight hours a day straight, get incredibly sunburnt, forget to eat and drink water and then throw up in the skatepark, and I did this everyday as skateboarding used to be my special interest. I had bruises all over my leg, cuts everywhere from skateboarding and I couldn't feel a thing. My parents were concerned for my health, but despite this I couldn't feel that anything was wrong/ unhealthy until they told it to my face
I used to pull my hair out and pick on my skin as a stim until I was bleeding everywhere but I was numb to the pain. I am almost entirely insensitive to temperature, I can wear short sleeved shirts all year round through summer and winter and not feel hot/cold. I used to spin repeatedly on spinny chairs to purposely make myself dizzy, I struggle to spot obvious details and imperfections, I have poor depth perception and I run into things (cars) constantly and I am convinced that I am most likely going to die by getting run over one day
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xoteajays · 8 months
Almost like Japan. Japan is about thirteen hours ahead of America, if I'm remembering their timing correctly. Because I follow a lot of Asian celebrities (actors, models, musicians), they update their work during different times. Which made me curious to know their time zones too.
But I think everyone's like that with foreign celebrities though.
To be fair.. If anyone attempted to kill an animal or insect, especially a creature that aren't poisonous or venomous, then I may actually want to harm them too. I don't mind spiders. I feel like out of every insect.. I get spiders in my house more than any other bug. But smaller spiders though, not big spiders. And, to my knowledge, none of these spiders are poison either. As part of me would be more worried about my dog since I'm always afraid she would really get harmed by other animals.
You think Hyuga and Kato are superstitious? I know Daruma's a really traditional gang compared to most gangs. Well... At least we do know that Hyuga and Kato are the traditional ones. But you think those two are traditional in a way that they're also superstitious? I'm just curious to know your opinions about this. Because I'm really trying to imagine vicious Hyuga as someone has superstitions, the same with Kato too.
I only drink wine once in a while.. Since my father and I are not people who drink that often at home, we don't really have a liqueur cabinet in any way. So no fancy drinks for us. But my mother's also a completely different story. Since she never knows when to stop drinking alcohol.
I don't think I have ever had white wine. Wait.. So is a champagne and white wine similar drinks? Or different? I have champagne before, but never white wine. Research: champagne and white wine are different.
I may have had a rose wine once before. But even the wine was mixed into a cocktail. Like rose wine, peach schnapps and other ingredients too. I can't remember the drink. But I remember the color was so very pink though. And I'd remember getting drunk from a few glasses too.
Oh! This might make you laugh.. Or not. I don't know. Because it's not really a funny story. There is this local ice cream brand that I eat more than any other brand, some of there ice creams have liqueur mixed in - so I can't believe that I forgot the ice creams have liqueur mixed into different flavors. One chocolate ice cream has vermouth mixed in, I'm sure that is definitely a popular chocolate flavor from that brand. And, there is a one called bourbon fudge brownie, that just tasted stronger than I remembered it being. Not sure how I feel about that. And there is another one called strawberry margarita was way too strong for me to eat as an ice cream. No. That is just a margarita in ice cream form.
I have an irregular body temperature. Either I'm overly hot or cold, not really warm temperature. Actually... It is a very rare occurrence for me to find a balanced temperature I'm fine at. Not menopause! Because I know, as an autistic person, temperatures are also a part of sensories too. I'm hypersensitive to warm and hot weathers but really more of a hyposensitive toward colder weather. So water's completely different.
I actually would get migraines from being out in hot weather for really way too long. So I always avoided the outside during warmer seasons (like summer and even spring). I can't tolerant hot weather.. Because I could a migraine for hours to weeks at a time. And if the pain was just too excruciating for me, vomiting until the pain in my head goes away is another way to get rid of migraines. So that causes nausea for me a lot of the time. That is actually another reason why I'm never outside.
Usually I rarely get cold in colder seasons. But the times that I was, I'd wear giant sweatpants over my jeans when I was at school and would take the sweatpants off whenever I was hot. I hated doing that.. Since I was too judgmental towards people in my town who wore any sweat clothes over their regular clothes. So I'm slightly hypocritical about it.
Well.. If you can't be a girly girl type girl, than just find a girlfriend who is. If you're attracted to girly girls. Don't think I know what your type is now that I think about it. I know you would say pretty people is a type.
Oh! I'm online friends with someone who has a similar condition, but I think her condition might be worse than yours? I don't know though. I don't know much about your condition to compare it to anyone else's.
About anemia being connected to menstruation.. When I first started bleeding, I never stopped bleeding at all. So I frequently fainted many times from blood loss. Especially whenever I was in the shower. Since that never helped me most of the time. And, because I frequently lost blood, not enough irons in my body gave me regulated blood which it caused me to be fatigued. So I slept a lot in school and at home, I had slept a lot during those years now that I think about it. Then I've really had to go to the hospital to get tasted since we didn't know what ever happened to me. So I multiple diagnoses at the time, which including my anemia diagnosis too. So that was a whole experience for me too.
I could "write my own book" about my diagnoses. As everyone I know tells me every time I'm diagnoses with another disability, disorders or conditions. That makes no sense to me. But that's just what they say.
The diagnoses that I can think of at the moment... That I know of... So there is Asperger's Syndrome, attention deficit disorder (since I really consider ADD a lot more different than ADHD), obsessive compulsive disorder, anxiety, depression and anemia. Are some of my diagnoses.
You were shoved face first in the ground? Why? What happened?
I'm clumsy. But only one, maybe two, scars that I still have... So some injures that I had. I had my finger shut in a metallic screen door which caused my fingernail to be ripped off before growing back crooked at a different angle. That's one scar if you consider it a scar. And that did happen to me when I was a young child. Maybe I was seven years old.
My cousin did a backflip in our house, landed on my hand which even broke most of the bones in my had. I think that... I might've been five?
I was playing with my father in the house. He was chasing me. And I'd tripped over the carpet, breaking my collarbone in half. And that even happened before my birthday but I can't remember my age that time.
I broke a leg three different times. One time.. I was sitting on the front stairs to my friend's house, she tripped over the stairs over me, which caused her to fall on my leg. Her ass broke my leg. That's not a joke at all. I just can't remember the other time. I don't know why. But I broke my leg three times. The third time was my grandmother and I went to my uncle's house because my uncle and cousin were moving, so then we helped them pack their belongings. I tripped over a book on stairs which caused my ankle to roll, that broke my ankle. And I still do have a broken bone fragment missing in my ankle. If you want to count the missing fragmaent as another scar. I don't know would be considered as a scar, besides physical scars across your skin. So there's that too.
Oh! I was have a puncture wound across my left knee.. Which actually happened a few years ago. My mother and I were even taking my dog to the vet, I was carrying the dog to the car. But I'd actually tripped on my way down the stairs, my mother was able to get the dog before I'd fell down. Something punctured my knee. Now I have this scar there.
My beautiful skin is now tainted with scars.. I never had scars before.
Another time when I fell down the stairs, this was when I was actually in elementary school. Maybe third grade? So what I remember is.. My mother and I were going somewhere, can't remember where. Being a typical child, I brought a lot of toys with me - just way too many toys I couldn't carry by myself. And it was raining outside. And I actually fell down the stairs, I cracked my head open on the railing. I had stitches.
There are also many times when I would sprain my ankle any time I've fallen down the stairs too. I would always fall up or down the stars too many times to count in my lifetime. Like I told you before.. There even was a day that I was doing laundry, I'd fell down the stairs three times that day. I fell down the same stairs, in the same way, while reinjuring my sprained ankle in the same way. That has happened many times.
I know that I'm clumsy. But stairs actually hate me. My truest enemy.
There might have been even more injures that I can't remember right now. But I've had my fair share of injuries in my lifetime. Never again.
If it makes you feel any better, everyone - excluding my mother - have laughed at me injuring myself until they realize I'm severely injured. I'll say that my father is the most frequent person who does it every time too. At least until my mother starts yelling at him for laughing at me.
Bat flowers are definitely some of the most unusual flower I can think of. Just imagine getting a bouquet of those flowers from someone.. It won't happen. Obviously. Because of many reasons. But imagine very unusual bouquets like that from someone though is a very interesting thought. I want bat flowers. But we don't have the climate that lots of unusual flowers need. So I won't be able to have unusual flowers here for that reason. One of my reasons. I don't have a green thumb either.
That is the weirdest phrase I've ever heard. Green thumb is too weird.
I'm not even surprised about your reaction to the bee orchids. There's a lot of animal themed plants and flowers though.. So there's that too.
Exactly. Like that's fucked up your closest friend is stealing from your business, so I'm not saying there shouldn't be repercussions over that situation. But it's also suspicious that you don't actually get thorough, and I mean really thorough, background checks on the two cops. Like I know he has a childhood crush on the woman. But she is a detective though. At least he's finally starting to question everything, even after this whole time. But it might be too late for him too. Since he's stupid.
If any or every main character dies, I would say that it would happen... Definitely in the finale. Is it only a one season show, or you don't know yet? Because that also depends on what may happened in this story.
I might have some more recommendations for horror movies. But the movies are Netflix movies.. So that could be a hit or miss for people if you're really watching original shows and movies on these channels.
What about Babysitter? There's two movies. That's more of a comedy horror, horror comedy, that genre. It's so overly gory in a comical way.
And what about Fear Street? There's three movies. Gory but not even that gory either. And the main female character is also a lesbian if you want more gay characters. And Sadie Sink and Maya Hawke do really have roles in these movies too. So those are okay movies to watch.
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i’m used to spiders die to being an australian. you just kinda get over it. there’s a lotta little ones around, but i especially like jumping spiders. they’re cute! i’ve also had a lot of snakes around my house and in my family’s shed and garage. if you’re cool with snakes i can send you a couple pics of the one that was in my mum’s frangipani tree recently. had to shoo it away over the fence because we’ve got dogs and our littlest dachshund was still a puppy at the time. snake snack sized.
i dont know that i think hyuga and kato are especially superstitious, but i think - due to being more traditional - they have more knowledge about superstitions, so they get where shizuka is coming from when she gets upset about something.
it’d be an interesting take for them to be superstitious tho. like if hyuga won’t sleep with his head facing north or kato gets frustrated if people leave their chopsticks stabbed upright in food. their gang colour is red but they’d be annoyed if you wrote their names in red (japanese grave markers are red).
japanese superstitions are interesting to read about tbh.
i don’t drink that much either. my mum and brother have little wine and cheese afternoons sometimes when they both get home from work. usually i’m at work at the time since i mostly work afternoons, so i usually miss out on those snacks. annoying. i’d also like to eat cheese!
champagne and white wine are different but i’m not really a fan of either anyway. i’ve had champagne once at my cousin’s wedding. i had two glasses since my brother didn’t really like it, but i dont remember it much. don’t think it was my thing and i just drank it so it didn’t go to waste.
i’ve had alcoholic ice cream! there’s an irish whiskey one and a pina colada one in my freezer rn now that i haven’t finished off yet.
i usually run pretty hot and get sweaty easily. unfortunately didn’t get the ‘feeling cold’ part of hypothyroidism.
if it was so easy to get a girlfriend, i’d have one already but unfortunately it’s next to impossible and i hate dating apps.
i had this shitty cousin and me, him and my brother were all sitting outside at a family christmas party. i accidentally knocked his hat off his chair while goofing around and, when i went to lean over to pick it up, he pushed me out of my chair. i smashed my face on the ground and our patio was made of pebble tec. had to spend a couple hours in the emergency room and get a bunch of sticky stitches in my lip. it’s not overly noticeable if you don’t know about it, but one side of my lip is very slightly bigger than the other side and if i flip it up, you can see white scarring.
i’d never broken a bone until last year. but it’s actually a kind of funny story. we took a vacation to fiji, since my family likes to take one big holiday every other year or so since me and my brother are adults with jobs and can help pay (we’ve been to fiji and new zealand before that). anyway, we were playing mini golf and i went to step down from a looped hole but my ankle gave out and i fell down, slamming my hand open palmed on the concrete edging. i had this big bump on my palm that immediately started bruising and hurt my ankle a bit. i lost my hearing for a couple seconds. since i’m pretty clumsy, my parents didn’t take it that seriously, so i had to walk - limp - back to the hotel since we’d walked to the mini golf course. my mum got me an ice pack and i spent the rest of the day lying in bed with my leg propped up and ice on my wrist and ankle. the next day, my ankle was really swollen and bruised and i had bruises over my elbow. we had a boat trip to go on tho, so we still went and did that since we’d already paid for it. and i spent a few hours walking around on a beach and going on a very uncomfortable glass-bottom boat ride. the next day, we took our first plane home and i didn’t sleep the whole night because of how swollen my ankle was and how much my arm hurt. another plane trip the next day and then we finally went to the emergency room back in my hometown. it took a whole week to actually find out my arm was fractured and they put a cast on, and that was only because my general practitioner took a look at my xrays and saw the break.
so yea. it took three days and two long plane trips to get me to a hospital and then a week to get a cast. i also had a bit of physical therapy because i minorly fucked up a tendon in my foot.
my dad said he told his friends that he felt bad for not taking me seriously, and i said he should feel worse that they all went on and finished their minigolf game.
bat flowers are so pretty. one of my dog’s hates it tho because of the way it moves in the wind. and he’s also an idiot. my mum’s got a pretty decent green thumb, so we’ve got a lot of plants in our backyard that my mum’s been tending to for years, including some cuts she received from her mum and sister.
bee orchids~~ bees~~~~~ aaaa~~~~~~
he tried to get a background check on the cop and the wife but the cops intercepted the information and switched it around, even changing the picture of the wife’s ‘husband’. i mean, they even got to the father of the boss’ dead friend and got him to lie about the cop being his nephew. so bossman really got fucked over and got the wrong information. he tried! but the cops are apparently competent for once! and now his informant, who had the right information, is dead!
i’ve seen both babysitter movies (samara weaving is so pretty, also seen ready or not, that’s my aussie gal!!) and seen the first two fear street movies but not the third. maya hawke died at the beginning of the first movie tho and i think sadie’s only in the second.
i’m actually a pretty big fan of found footage movies. i know they’re pretty dumb, but i like them. i got really into marble hornets and tribetwelve a few years ago, which are youtube horror args. megan is missing and incantation are good freaky unsettling ones. the paranormal activity movies are good for an easy watch, but the later ones suck. the v/h/s movies are pretty decent, but hit or miss since they’re anthologies. quarantine is a classic and afflicted is a fun vampiric twist on the genre. wi ha joon was actually in a found footage type movie called ‘gonjiam haunted asylum’, which is pretty creepy.
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bridgespeechcenter · 8 months
Sensory Integration Therapy and Processing Disorder Treatment
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Sensory Integration Therapy is a specialist treatment for Sensory Processing Disorder Treatment (SPD), which affects how people process and respond to sensory information. This thorough treatment improves the brain's sensory processing, helping people function better in daily life. Sensory Integration Therapy and Sensory Processing Disorder are examined in this article.
Understanding SPD
Overview and Definition
This neurodevelopmental disorder, also known as Sensory Integration Dysfunction, causes problems processing and responding to sensory input. This can make it hard to control emotions, behavior, and motor abilities, disrupting daily life.
Sensory Processing Disorder Types
Sensory Modulation Disorder: Causes hypersensitivity or hyposensitivity to stimuli due to issues controlling sensory input intensity.
Sensory Discrimination Disorder: Impairs touch, temperature, and texture perception.
Sensory-Based Motor Disorder: Impairs coordination and gross/fine motor skills, making handwriting and sports difficult.
Motor Integration Disorder: Impairs sensory processing and integration for coordinated movement.
Sensory Integration Therapy
Sensory Integration Therapy Overview
Sensory Integration treatment is an SPD-specific occupational treatment. It uses a variety of sensory stimulation and challenge exercises to help the brain adapt and respond better to sensory input. Trained therapists supervise this therapy in a controlled atmosphere.
Sensory Integration Therapy Essentials
Therapists design a "sensory diet" to meet each patient's sensory needs. Swinging, brushing, and tactile exercises give sensory input.
Sensory-Rich locations: Therapy sessions often take place in sensory-rich locations that allow people to explore and adapt to varied stimuli.
Progressive Challenges: Therapy sessions gradually increase sensory complexity to promote tolerance and flexibility.
Evaluating and Assessing
A professional therapist assesses the patient before starting treatment. This evaluation identifies sensory problems including sensory-seeking or sensory-avoiding behaviors. It also explores how these issues affect daily life.
Customized Treatments
After assessment, the therapist creates a customized treatment plan. This plan includes activities and exercises for the individual's sensory demands and challenges. It establishes progress and improvement targets.
Therapeutic Sessions
Therapy takes place in a controlled, sensory environment. Therapists carefully select sensory input activities and assess patient responses. Sessions may involve swinging, tactile play, balance exercises, and more.
Home-based methods
Therapists often give home exercises in addition to in-clinic appointments. This boosts development and sensory skills in familiar settings.
Sensory Integration Therapy Benefits
Better Sensory Processing
Sensory Integration Therapy improves sensory processing and response, making people more comfortable in different surroundings.
Better Motor Skills
By improving sensory-motor integration, the therapy can enhance coordination and fine/gross motor skills, making activities easier.
Behavior and Emotion Regulation
Better Sensory Integration Therapy processing improves emotional regulation and behavioural management.
Increased Daily Activity
Improved sensory processing helps people participate more in self-care, school, job, and leisure.
Life Quality Improvement
Sensory Integration Therapy helps improve SPD patients' quality of life.
Sensory Integration Therapy transforms SPD patients. This specialized occupational treatment for sensory issues improves processing, motor abilities, and everyday life participation through targeted activities and exercises. With qualified therapists and a specific treatment strategy, sensory processing can improve, improving quality of life.
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rehab-buddy · 1 year
Sensory Integration and occupational therapy for autism spectrum disorder
 ( ASD )
If your child experiences sensory processing issues, you know it can sometimes be a struggle to make it through the day while trying to meet developmental goals.
In this Article, Dr. Nakul Kaushik best consulted at Rehab Buddy Child Development Centre and Autism Research Institute, one of the leading centers for autism treatment, share information to help all parents who have kids struggling with these issues.
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How does sensory integration work?
"It is the neurological process that makes it possible to use our body effectively in a given context and integrates the sensations of one's own body with those of the environment."
The quality of sensations is improved through Sensory Integration, which results in improved occupational performance and increased individual participation. In a similar vein, occupational therapy and sensory integration are closely related and work toward achieving the best possible occupational balance.
Disorders of the Autism Spectrum and Sensory Integration
The following new inclusion criteria for the autism spectrum disorder category appear in the most recent revision of the DSM5 diagnostic manual:
"Hyper- or hypo-reactivity to sensory stimuli or a regular interest in environmental sensory aspects."
This is the first time that people with autism spectrum disorder are recognized for having unusual sensory characteristics. Between 45 and 96 percent of people experience sensory changes throughout their lives.
To Assist The Individual In Integrating Into Society And The Environment.
Diminish Disability.
To Understand The World.
Establish A Tactile Safe Climate By Expanding Consciousness Of It.
Improve Social And Emotional Behavior By Encouraging Behavior That Is More Adaptable And Less Self-stimulatory.
Increment The Way To Deal With New Exercises.
Increase One's Level Of Active Participation In Daily Activities Like Improving The Person's Well-being Through Activities Like Dressing, Feeding, And Playing
Sensory alterations in ASD:
Tactile touchiness: negative responses (66% of cases) to the climate with a low degree of excitement.
Tactile hyposensitivity: diminished or no reaction to upgrades, including torment.
Tactile hunt: the powerful urge to animate cement (self-excitement).
70% show uncommon interests, causing more noteworthy seriousness of ASD side effects.
At the point when an individual shows a high tangible reactivity, we can find gastrointestinal issues, uneasiness, and inclination to high tactile reactivityWhen an individual shows a high tactile reactivity, we can track down gastrointestinal issues, tension, and propensity to invariance, stereotypes...
At the point when an individual shows a low tangible reactivity, we can track down issues in friendly correspondence and dreary ways of behaving. low tangible reactivityWhen an individual shows low tactile reactivity, we can track down problems in friendly correspondence and tedious ways of behaving.
Different hardships may include food selectivity, pussyfooting, fits, self-injury, rest issues, adjusted olfactory framework, unfortunate resilience to the commotion, and issues with the surface of the dress.
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Alterations due to atypical sensory integration in ASD:
People with atypical S.I. experience sensory overload, which can result in sensory crises or disconnections, due to the exaggerated stimuli of our society.
- Contact framework:
Refusal to shower due to water pressure or temperature, excessive texture touching, difficulty cutting nails and/or hair, refusal of caresses, tiptoeing, etc.; inadequate body posture; inability to read clothing labels; no effective response.
- Visual Equipment:
Taste or avoidance of lights, moving things, dust, vehicle wheels, wearing a blindfold, not making eye contact, etc.
- The Sensory Organs:
Eating disorders affect roughly 70% of people with ASD. They can smell food before tasting it, smell people, have trouble eating, and don't like smells.
- Gustative Framework:
Placing things in the mouth, tasting for crunchy food, tasting for zesty food, everything in the mouth, food limitation, trouble for certain surfaces or with solids...
- Hear-able Framework:
Throwing things, being in loud places, watching videos over and over, waking up to low sounds, crying in front of stimuli, covering their ears, having trouble going to movies or theaters—"Your ear stimulus is like wearing a hearing aid on super high, it's like an open microphone that picks up everything." Sanctuary Gardin
- Vestibular Framework:
- Proprioceptive System: Rotational games, continuous jumping, climbing, and playing at falling; on the other hand, an exaggerated response to small movements; they dislike the park or swings; they vomit with non-brusque movements.
If you recently discovered your child has sensory processing issues, find out what to do next. Do you have more questions about sensory integration therapy or how to find the right therapist? Now contact  Dr. Nakul Kaushik best consulted at Rehab Buddy Child Development Centre and Autism Research Institute, one of the leading centers for autism treatment to help your child's sensory processing issues. 
Dr. Nakul Kaushik
Founder & Director
consultant occupational therapist
Rehab Buddy Child Development Centre 
and Autism Research Institute
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neorxautism1 · 1 year
All About Autism spectrum disorder
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Tactile awarenesses are likewise normal in mental imbalance. Individuals with mental imbalance might be overly sensitive to specific sounds, surfaces, or visual upgrades. For instance, they might be irritated by a vacuum cleaner or the sensation of specific textures. autism spectrum disorder  They may likewise be hyposensitive, implying that they may not feel agony or temperature changes as unequivocally as others. There is no single reason for mental imbalance, yet research proposes that a blend of hereditary and natural elements might assume a part in its turn of events. For instance, a few examinations have recognized explicit qualities that are related with mental imbalance, while other exploration has recommended that pre-birth openness to specific synthetic compounds or contaminations might build the gamble of creating mental imbalance
Diagnosing mental imbalance commonly includes a blend of conduct perceptions and government sanctioned tests. Specialists and experts might assess an individual's relational abilities, social way of behaving, and confined or dull ways of behaving. They may likewise direct clinical trials to preclude different circumstances that might introduce comparative side effects.There is no remedy for mental imbalance, yet early mediation can be useful in overseeing side effects and further developing results. Treatment choices might incorporate conduct treatments, like applied conduct examination (ABA), language training, and word related treatment. Prescriptions may likewise be utilized to oversee explicit side effects, like nervousness or hyperactivity. It is essential to take note of that individuals with mental imbalance are people with special qualities and capacities.
Certain individuals with mental imbalance might have uncommon capacities in regions like math, music, or craftsmanship. It is vital to advance comprehension and acknowledgment of chemical imbalance and to pursue making a more comprehensive society for all people, no matter what their neurodiversity.History and Development of the Idea of Mental imbalanceThe historical backdrop of mental imbalance can be followed back to the mid twentieth century when analysts started to notice kids with side effects that were not the same as those of different youngsters. In 1943, Leo Kanner, an Austrian-American specialist, distributed an original paper named
Mentally unbalanced Aggravations of Emotional Contact," in which he depicted a gathering of kids who showed an indifference toward social cooperation, language, and correspondence, as well as redundant ways of behaving and tight interests. Kanner's depiction of chemical imbalance denoted the main proper acknowledgment of the issue.In the years that followed, specialists kept on concentrating on mental imbalance and refine the analytic standards. In 1980, the Demonstrative and Factual Manual of Mental Issues (DSM-III) included chemical imbalance as a different symptomatic classification interestingly. The DSM-III characterized mental imbalance as a " Mental imbalance Range Problem (ASD) is a complex neurodevelopmental problem that influences correspondence, social collaboration, and conduct. There is many side effects and seriousness levels related with ASD, prompting the improvement of different sorts of chemical imbalance.
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deepdeanvsweston · 1 year
It's Autistic Pride Day!!! I made some hcs for the detective gang to celebrate
Most of these work with the 1930s, though some of them could only apply in a modern au
Daisy Wells
- understimulated by silence
- loves stimming by bouncing on the 'stupidly springy' (as named by Lavinia) Deepdean beds
- hyperverbal when nervous
- special interests are murder cases (obviously), her family, and developing one in astrology as she needed it for a case
- also had a special interest in high society so became easier to mask
- bites Bertie and Hazel occasionally just to show she loves them
- Toastdog's fur is very calming to her, which helped a lot while at Fallingford
- finds at Deepdean feeling Hazel's hair works just as well
- meltdowns often triggered by not being able to stim as she likes
- used to play by setting up scenes in her dollhouse - got increasingly frustrated with her governess if she tried to make the dolls talk or got Daisy to play in a 'traditional' sense
- loves 'clicky' stim toys
George Mukherjee
- when they were little, their mum and dad sung songs if they were nearing a meltdown, has a recording of Harold singing on his phone
- liable to kill if he gets too hot - levels of permissible physical touch depend on the temperature (very affectionate in winter)
- stims by spinning round in circles
- if he gets a question right in class he stims by shaking his head happily
- very sarcastic but can NEVER pick up on it when others do it
- otherwise, scarily good at picking up cues and reading body language - only got so good from reading all those detective novels where the characters could pick up every little thing about someone
- has to bring a pillow from home to sleep with at Weston otherwise they can tell it's Not The Right Pillow
- has a special interests in beetles and autism
Alexander Arcady
- flaps his hands ALL THE TIME
- very stimmy when experiencing any emotion at all - happy? flapping his arms. scared? swaying side to side
- space and doctor who special interests
- chews on paper, pencils, anything he can find and once went to the infirmary because he chewed a pen and it exploded in his mouth
- absolutely cannot read a room - if it's silent will inevitably fill it with a space fact
- no spatial awareness - very clumsy (he'd never heard that phrase before George said it to him so Alex was very confused and absolutely indignant he did have spatial awareness because it was his special interest!!!)
- hyperempathetic (I feel like this is technically canon if you read between the lines)
- rejection sensitive dysphoria
Hazel Wong
- rocks on her feet when she laughs, and when she's deep in thought
- only has shutdowns not meltdowns, often triggered by too much visual stimulation like Deepdean corridors
- her father has a fish tank in his study that she used to sit and watch for hours
- doesn't really like physical touch but will permit shoulder touches - Daisy leaning on her, friendly shoulders knocking together from George, a shoulder squeeze from Alex
- loves to categorise things - collects the jellycat bunnies and has a notebook dedicated to when she got them and their colours etc
- tries to combat autism trex arms by always clutching a book to her chest
- actually has verbal shutdown alot, but tries to mask it
- thinks she has no special interests but a little too into stamps for it not to be a special interest
- visual stimmer - loves fireworks and sparklers
- likes tugging on Daisy's curls as a stim too
- food hyposensitive, prefers really spicy and flavourful foods otherwise she thinks it tastes like cardboard in her mouth
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neorxautismblog · 1 year
All You Need To Know About Autism Disease
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These individuals may have difficulty with social interaction and communication but may exhibit remarkable talents in specific areas. Savant Syndrome is estimated to occur in approximately 10% of individuals with autism It is important to note that these types of autism are not mutually exclusive, and some individuals may exhibit symptoms that overlap across multiple types. what is autism Additionally, some individuals with ASD may not fit into any specific type, and their symptoms may be unique to their individual experience. Understanding the different types of autism can help healthcare professionals provide targeted interventions and therapies to support individuals with ASD in reaching their full potential. It can also help families and caregivers understand their loved one's unique strengths and challenges and provide them with the appropriate support and resources
Mental imbalance, otherwise called Chemical imbalance Range Problem (ASD), is a neurodevelopmental problem that influences correspondence, social collaboration, and conduct. A perplexing problem can introduce in various ways, and the seriousness of side effects can differ broadly from one individual to another. Mental imbalance is normally analyzed in youth, yet it can likewise be analyzed sometime down the road One of the characterizing elements of mental imbalance is trouble with social correspondence and communication. This can appear in various ways, for example, trouble with visually connecting, trouble with understanding and deciphering meaningful gestures, and trouble with starting and keeping up with discussions.
Individuals with chemical imbalance may likewise have a restricted scope of interests and may take part in dreary ways of behaving, for example, shaking or hand fluttering One more element of chemical imbalance is tangible responsive qualities. Individuals with mental imbalance might be easily affected to specific sounds, surfaces, or visual upgrades. They may likewise be hyposensitive, implying that they may not feel torment or temperature changes as unequivocally as others There is no single reason for chemical imbalance, yet research recommends that a mix of hereditary and natural elements might assume a part in its turn of events. For instance, a few investigations have recognized explicit qualities that are related with mental imbalance, while other exploration has proposed that pre-birth openness to specific synthetic compounds or diseases might build the gamble of creating mental imbalance.
There is no solution for chemical imbalance, however early mediation can be useful in overseeing side effects and further developing results. Treatment choices might incorporate social treatments, like applied conduct investigation (ABA), language instruction, and word related treatment. Drugs may likewise be utilized to oversee explicit side effects, like nervousness or hyperactivity. Mental imbalance is a mind boggling problem that presents many difficulties, however it is essential to recall that individuals with chemical imbalance are people with novel qualities and capacities. With the right help and assets, individuals with mental imbalance can lead satisfying and significant lives. It is essential to advance comprehension and acknowledgment of mental imbalance and to pursue making a more comprehensive society for all people, no matter what their neurodiversity.
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