#before an understanding is reached
“i didn’t think we would ever be friends” yes percy say it louder for the people in the back this is an enemies to lovers arc not an enemies to friends to lovers arc
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essektheylyss · 1 month
me, writing: I am NOT getting into the specific mechanics of lighthouses, if I go down that rabbit hole I will never get out, it is notably an arcane lighthouse so I do not need it and it is not plot relevant
me, seeing a post about Fresnel lenses: ......but what if it was plot relevant?
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sometimes i wonder about the people ted left behind in the us. i mean, the way he is, the little we do see of his coaching from then, i have no doubt he had a great impact on his players and staff there, too; that they loved him, too. but like, we never see ted still connected to any of them. i understand why like, on a doylist level--narratively it would just clutter things to have this whole other cast, and beard is already there showing his previous important connections, but like. i dunno. i just wonder.
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young-aleyska · 1 year
Funny how if Jacks had been there with Evangeline when Chaos bit her/Apollo removed her memories his Little Fox wouldn't be suffering right now.
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I will never be over how at its core OFMD is about queer hope and joy in finding the strength to change and grow, specially during a stage in life/age at which the majority will say that you should be settled with who you are and what you're doing
From Stede falling in love with a man and finally realising he's queer, and embracing that with all the overwhelming joy that he can possibly embody, after years stuck in an unhappy marriage trying to force himself into a role that didn't fit him
To Ed finally falling in love with someone and using that as a catalyst for change to find out for himself what he wants to do and who he wants to be, after years of feeling like he was stuck in one place and treading water
To Izzy finally finding a safe community where he can try out new things and find new ways to express himself, after years of being so tightly wound up and repressed
To Anne & Mary stuck in a rut and unhappy but scared they're too old to change, burning down their old life so they can move on forward together and try something new
To Buttons doing the impossible and changing into a fucking bird
Doesn't it give you hope?
Doesn't it make you overwhelmed?
That no matter what age you're at and no matter how scared you are and no matter how impossible it seems, you can still grow, you can still change, you can still find your people and you can still discover new things about yourself.
That you don't need to figure out everything about yourself in your 20s. That you don't need to fall in love and start the perfect life by your 30s. That you don't need to know exactly who you are and how you're expected to spend your life by your 40s.
That you don't need to remain stuck in the box you put yourself into because that's what people dictated or because that's what was safest.
That you can always grow and change and try something new and it's never too late
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charlataninred · 13 days
Looking back how weird is it that teachers got mad when students read AHEAD in required reading
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lecliss · 1 month
Alright I'm on team Sunday now. Like whatever he's about to do I'm sure is gonna be taking it into antagonistic and villainous territory so like, don't do that. Don't turn this into an Artorius situation cuz then I'm just gonna be mad about always painting us as horrible uncaring people but Sunday's core philosophy so far is like, yeah I 100% agree.
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an-abyss-of-stars · 11 months
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Idk how, idk where, but I'll create a whole new fic if it means I can put Rhaena in a shimmering water-like sheer dress!!!
Like there's certainly modern au potential, and maybe I'll squeeze it in somehow 🤔🤔
BUT ALSO, I have the vaguest idea for a dark au where Aemond has won the Dance, everyone else is dead, but he's specifically spared Rhaena to be his Valyrian Queen (like a real Henry VI situation where he needs to marry Elizabeth of York because he needs legitimatize his own claim as well as sure up his line with the blood/relations to the last dynasty blah blah). BUT OF COURSE, this is less of a chore for him, because he absolutely WANTS to marry her, but he's still the guy who helped kill her entire family, so she absolutely hates him with the hot intensity of a thousand suns 😂😂
I imagine for his faction of fucked up Lords and Knights who rallied for him, he keeps Rhaena safely locked away in a tower or special chambers 🤔🤔
This wedding is being forced upon her, it's her safest option, but she's still marrying a mad man who lusts for her, AND THIS SHEER VELVETY IRIDESCENT DRESS IS THE WEDDING DRESS 😳😳
Please that's all I have for this 🤣🤣
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ageofzero · 11 months
a crack in the wall
The thing that struck me immediately, like the first time I saw the scene, was the Director saying “...and now, we have a monster in our kingdom.”
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framed like that, holding the sword she stole so she could frame Ballister.
My literal first thought was “yeah, I’m looking at one right fucking now”. Two seconds later she’s using that sword to get rid of a threat to her order, so like yeah.
It’s not subtle cinema language at all, it’s basically shouting it at me, but I liked it anyway. She’s a threat and the movie is no longer remotely hiding it.
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darkwood-sleddog · 2 years
A reminder that if you see a dog trainer online who claims that “positive reinforcement failed this dog” in regards to a reactive dog and then they proceed to show you how they were able to “fix” the dog’s reactivity with aversive training that:
- you don’t know how much time and effort was put towards counter conditioning the dog with positive reinforcement. Positive reinforcement counter condition to reactivity triggers takes a LONG TIME and many casual dog owners simply do not put in the work and want results ~now~.
- you don’t see the “fixed” reactive dog outside of videos in very controlled environments. The dog may still react when placed in the hands of others because the dog may be behaviorally shut down by the aversive trainer and trying to not endure any more pain then necessary. This does not “fix” reactivity. The things that trigger the dog to react still exist as a negative to trigger the dog.
- dog training is NOT a quick fix. All good dog training takes time, patience and effort. A single board and train will not fix your dog. A single class will not fix your dog. A single trainer will not fix your dog unless the work is being put in to reducing the dog’s stress and their ability to succeed EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
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askblueandviolet · 4 months
...was that your fault?
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lepidopteragirl · 9 months
who up in a car with a beautiful girl
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iguessitsjustme · 1 year
Jeng is a great boss, but I think the reason that Pat isn't responding to him as a boss right now is because he's giving direction but not giving the context for the direction.
Jeng is absolutely correct that Pat shouldn't have presented something without running it by him first. He needs to tell Pat why. It's not because he doesn't trust Pat's judgement and his work. It's so he, as the boss, is aware of everything in the presentation. It worked out well this time, but what if it doesn't work next time. What if their next client is upset that the idea wasn't part of the presentation as a whole and calls them unprofessional again? That reflects poorly on the whole company, and Jeng, as the boss, is there representing the company. He needs to not be blindsided when they're with clients.
Jeng is also right that Pat should make sure the slides are clean and consistent and that the accompanying images work with the information present. If he was able to correct it all himself in one night, why have Pat stressing over it by himself? Why not have taken that time to work with Pat to show him how to clean up the slides. Give Pat examples of images.
Pat has been doing the bulk of the department's work for who knows how long and no one has properly trained him how to actually do his job. Having Nan help Pat was a great idea because his work improved vastly under the supervision of someone experienced.
Telling Pat that he needs to be careful about rumors spreading between him and Nan was wrong. Nan is in the higher position? That discussion should have been had with her. Jeng also should have done something to stop the gossiping himself. It's not their business and it was distracting them from work. It's his job to make sure that employees feel safe at the company and that inappropriate discussions are dealt with. Now I just need to see that man who felt it was okay to comment on Pat's bed preferences get in trouble for that.
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whumpshaped · 7 months
#so im working on some disabled whumper stuff#bc i got many good prompts for it#and i keep thinking abt this one guy who i think highlights how “prosthetics can be useful but overall theyre clunky and bothersome”#i used to play tabletennis right#and this guy was missing a leg#so he'd wear the prosthetic leg when walking around bc it was easier#then take it off before he came to play#he was a MEAN fucking player bro i love him#i remember my doubles partner saying 'ive heard theres a rule for not dropping the ball right behind the net'#'bc wheelchair users cant reach it'#and he grinned and said 'oh dont worry abt it. hit the ball wherever u like'#him and his doubles partner OBLITERATED us😭😭#to be very fair these were men in their 40s and we were like 12#but like we have been competitively playing at that point for years and years and years#i lost soooo many matches to this man ok#AND I ALSO MUST HIGHLIGHT. DO U UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH MOVEMENT IS NEEDED WHEN U PLAY DOUBLES#U NOT ONLY HAVE TO REACH THE BALL#UR CONSTANTLY TRYING TO AVOID CRASHING INTO UR PARTNER#WHILE ALSO LETTING THEM REACH THE BALL#THAT MAN WAS NIMBLE#i think abt him a lot#also one time when i was like 9 we were sharing one changing room in the sports centre#and i didnt know that#(we were usually all afab so it wasnt unusual that the other changing room stayed locked when we had like one (1) man there)#(we'd just take turns it was no biggie)#(especially at like 8pm)#and i go into the room and theres a Leg#BRO I ALMOST SCREAMED AJSJDKSKSKSKSKSK#anyway..... back to writing. but i think abt him every time i question whether a disabled person would be able to do A Thing#irlshaped
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djsangos · 9 days
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//who are THESE fresh squids?? (made here)
okay these guys might not get a mention on this blog for a while- if ever- so i'm gonna talk about them now bc i've been rotating them in my mind for a while
these are captain's siblings! the ones they left behind when they were 14 to run away to inkopolis. captain certainly isn't proud of leaving them behind at ALL, in fact the one thing they wish they'd done differently is taking them with them, even if it would've been damn near impossible to take care of 2 younger siblings all on their own away from home when they were already struggling to take care of themself. they have no idea how their siblings fared with their neglectful ass father after they left, but pierce (right) was only a year or 2 younger than them, so they hoped he'd be able to leave soon too- taking harper (left) with him
so yeah harper (left) i think is probably around 16 or 17 now, having been 7 or 8 when captain left. since she was pretty young she didn't really know exactly why they left, and they didn't tell her either, so i'd say she probably resents them for it. she's a hotheaded edgy teen, classic rebel, you know the deal.
and then there's pierce (right), who's around 21 or 22 now, so he would've been 12 or 13 when they left. even if they didn't say a word to him before packing their bags and hopping a train at the asscrack of dawn, he knows exactly why they did. because being a kid and not only growing up, but having to parent your 2 younger siblings in your father's place, is hard. he basically had to take on their role as caretaker of harper when they left, being the second oldest, and that's how he realized. he doesn't resent them exactly, but he does wish they'd at least said goodbye. he's an outwardly chipper guy, and puts on a brave face even at the worst of times.
and they both did eventually get out of that house- pierce didn't leave as soon as he turned 14 like captain did (though cod, he wanted to) but when harper was old enough to be left home alone he got a job and saved up what he could to get himself and his younger sister out of there. and then when harper was 12 and he was 17, he got them both out of there. they might have gone somewhere else first, but i wanna say they probably ended up in splatsville, living in an apartment together with pierce doing what he can to support harper through school, and she does some turfing herself to help with rent and save up her own money so she can get her own place eventually.
i feel like the reason they probably haven't run into captain is that captain lives in inkopolis and only really goes to splatsville to visit rookie, and the last time they saw their siblings, neither of them were fully transformed yet, and they aren't so easy to recognize anymore themself. so if they've happened to pass each other on the street, it'd take more than just a cursory glance to realize just who they're passing. so it could definitely, and likely will, happen eventually. who's to say.
#ooc text#ooc img#headcanons#muse lore#jesus chirst this is a fucking novel and a half#but also i wanna say i think the reason captain is so fiercely loyal and 'no squid left behind' with their current found family#is because they'll die before repeating their perceived mistake with their siblings#tbcf to them they were only FOURTEEN YEARS OLD and were NOT equipped to raise 2 younger siblings#so it's fully understandable why they would dip as soon as they could from the situation.#they loved their siblings. they did everything they could. but they reached their breaking point. so they left that house before they broke#they DO feel a lot of guilt over it but they've never tried to go back and find them for multiple reasons- the guilt being one of them#but also when it comes to their father: i likely won't incorporate him into the blog in any way more than a mention or a flashback#he was a single father of 3 and he did an absolute shrimpshit job of it.#should've gotten help with parenting from someone OTHER than his oldest barely teenaged child#though he pushed the parenting role onto them long before they reached their teen years#anyway what the fuck am i talking about#wrote ANOTHER WHOLE ESSAY IN HTE TAGS I'M SORRY#I JUST HAVE A LOT OF THOUGHTS ABOUT THIS BACKSTORY I'VE BEEN CRAFTING FOR THIS SQUID BEHIND THE SCENES#but anyway my point with these tags is: it's a very complicated family dynamic#all these squids are fucked up but at least they're out of that house now#i DO want to incorporate them into the blog somehow i'm just not sure when/how yet
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puppyeared · 30 days
who up seeing their disorder in a fictional character but feel like its not their place to put a name on it
#id have to be waterboarded before i can talk abt how i see a lot of my adhd and personality in mitsumi iwakura let alone post it#idk how to talk abt this without feeling like im talking over or invalidating ppls experiences relating with a character#someone was talking abt how ppl tie laios' autism to special interest and social difficulties but not much else which kinda flattens it#and then went into a respectful in depth analysis of other autistic behaviour that laios exhibits and it wasnt phrased meanly#its fascinating and important to me to hear someone explain a little bit abt traits that they recognized and often go overlooked#because it does help me learn more about it. but i think thats also where hesitancy kicks in when it comes to depicting it accurately#like i have adhd and some of my adhd symptoms overlap with autism (time blindness and pattern seeking behaviour) but that only means#it feels familiar to me even without having autism. on top of that traits arent always cleanly determined as being /caused/ by#a disorder. to understand my environment i compare it to something unrelated but similar to make it more familiar and for the longest time#i thought that was a personality thing and not an information processing thing since i loved playing pretend in my head as a kid#so if you make a character who experiences that hoping to reach people that also experience that and tell them its not weird or#smth youre making up like. thats the goal. ppl who dont get it arent expected to it just means it doesnt cater to them but it helps them#become familiar to it yk? since i dont have autism myself i dont feel confident i can depict it properly or explain it in my own words#but that doesnt mean im trying to dismiss it or try and cut it out completely.. ill just leave the floor open to someone who /can/#a lot of issues around fanon depictions are when smth is baselessly popularized or a characters personality and behavior is flattened#especially to fit them into a trending meme. its harmless and its supposed to be for fun but it gets tricky when you drag things that#need to be carefully explained beforehand or else it gets lost in translation. like that tweet abt 'hyperfixating' on cooking pasta#once it becomes popular language usually the original meaning is left out for the sake of simplifying it for everyone that when it#circles back theres a sort of hesitancy like. am i using it the way it was intended or am i unknowingly using the popularized version of it#actually thats probably why i felt wrongfooted during diagnosis bc it felt like i was misusing the words i heard to describe what i felt#i /know/ i see a lot of myself in mitsumi because our minds are always somewhere else and we tend to put good faith first and for me#that personal connection is enough. but idk it feels like its always gonna have to be 'palatable' first before i can talk abt it openly#mad respect to writers and creators who stick to their story even if theres the looming fear of ppl misinterpreting it and letting them#have it.. its been almost 2 weeks and i am so close to deleting that m3 dunmeshi drawing bc ppl keep saying chilchuck wouldnt have 200 HP#IT LITERALLY SAYS I MADE IT WHILE WATCHING EP 1. I USED EARTHBOUND LOGIC AND I WASNT EVEN TAKING IT SERIOUSLY CHILL#yapping
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