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hahahqhqhaahahahahahahaa im.normal what even is a nose
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dangerkeith3000x · 1 year
The Butthole Surfers - Cough Syrup
My fave track from Larryland. The way Gibby sings the third verse always has me in stitches. This song is very deep and underrated.
Also, this comment:
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sparring-spirals · 2 years
i gotta stop making all these contemplative posts about "<BH member> has Very Good reason to just. Lose It™". Because inevitably when it happens I'm still gonna be here like
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[image description: A screenshot of the CR cast at the table, everything tinted in the ominous red light used for Imogen's nightmares. Everyone looks like a mix of apprehensive and excited, except Laura who primarily looks apprehensive, and is saying "Shit."
end id]
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pixiecaps · 10 months
BAD IS ENDING STREAM? its 10pm king…….. 😞
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namnworb · 2 years
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B.H. McCallister from Red vs Blue
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miawinters · 1 year
remember detroit become human
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nightfeellings · 2 days
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truthcakes · 4 months
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tocomplainfriend · 6 months
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YOU DIDN'T WRITE ANYTHING SIMILAR TO BOJACK BRO! BH has so much structure and essence, it is insane. Specially after S1, the intelligence in those BH scripts is nowhere to be found in HB. In helluva, There are these tiny good things that get murdered every other episode. Things that sound better as concept-than how you developed it. There are so many great jokes that aren't based on saying "dick dick whore fuck", so many of their animal characters work for actually smart animal jokes. Or the tongue twisters! YOU BARELY LET CHARACTER BE BAD PEOPLE. Every social issue they suddenly have a sad pass and their dad was mean and that JUSTIFIES EVERYTHING? Bojack H literally goes against that so hard is impossible you think this way if you understood Todd's speech, or Bojack's interview or the last two fucking episodes of the series. All the main cast also feels almost empty of bad qualities that aren't uwu justified by the plot and writing. Certain things stop just being explanation of characters and how they came to be. It sounds more like you gave your characters a bunch of shitty we are in hell traits + things that you didn't even recognize as problematic. AND TRIED TO SAVE THEM IN THE WRITING as just flaws- or making something else happen to the character to be like "Oh they have it so difficult! They just didn't get taught how to love right" When they are being abusive toxic fucks instead.
I legit believe all of Herb story had something so strong to say about queer issues, then Helluva. Like he literally comes out to BJ, kisses him later on and immediately dismiss it. -And then he gets arrested by the police for having gay sex -as public indecency. Many conservatives complain about it cause Herb ran the Horsing around show, saying "it is a show for children people like him shouldn't flaunt around their alternative lifestyle and ruining America"
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(Read the sings LMAO) All of this in the 80s to 90s
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Also, this guy's comments
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"So, here I am, being your mother, which I know is giving you all sorts of mixed-up ideas about gender, while your brain is still loose and stupid. Just remember, if you become a queer later in life, this isn't my fault! Don't you sing no songs in your nightclub act called, "My Daddy was My Mommy," while gazing longingly at a tangled string of pearls... Pearls are for ladies, Bojack. Pearls are for ladies."
AND THIS GUYYYYY HELLO? They have multiple episodes, including Todd's sexuality- but not all the episodes nor his personality revolve around that! He even made a dating app for Ace people with his girlfriend!
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I already have 3 "Bojack Horseman > Helluva Boss" post in this account!
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yourplayersaidwhat · 1 year
Fighter: (asking our Blood Hunter why he pricks his fingers during battle) So, is it like getting swole? Workin out? The gains?!!
Blood Hunter: No, no, I hurt myself because I'm already powerful.
Fighter: So... You already gained the gains?!
BH: I... Guess?
Druid: Honey, no that's not h-
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stoopidslxt · 2 months
Why and how hypnosis has formed such an intricate, tantalizing web, and why I am ever it's willing captive in my own mind.
So, buckle up! This will probably go long, but I figured it was high time I document my own history with hypnosis, tumblr, this community, and every other little kink that presses the corners of my mind into a nice, flat, glassy surface that any and all thought slide over and away from with effortless precision. I suppose it really all started during my first stint on tumblr, over a decade ago now. I was a plucky eighteen year old who, admittedly, really enjoyed engaging with trolls and jerks online. I was a really smart young girl, and I knew how to carry myself and when it was all said and done, I'd feel like I'd accomplished something, felt like I'd won, been witty, it did fill me with a sense of pride. it was these same people, and a lady friend of mine we'll call b that helped me learn and understand the pleasure of having that pride stripped away and replaced with wave after wave of unending, uncontrollable pleasure. with obedience, servitutde, with edghing, with so many different sides of the kjnk. I fojnd dreamychat and met many wonderful people. the first was h, who really knew how to drive me crazy. at the time I was a switch who was having lots of fun dueling and having my turn on top. after awhile, h and I lost contact and I visited dreamy less n less. after a hiatus, talking with b again some, and always confiding andmissing my v good friend in kink here we'll call L, I fell back into the scene again hard and met two different people. D was the first, demanding, controlling, arragont, bully. my kryptonite. he pushed me to do so mhny tihngs tha made .y brain:) go blank. and. h and then I met V, who had a much different approach that got sososo deep in my head:) v was so kind and playful, and ay ther end of the day, made me do sooo many amazing things. these experiences have made me the happy little bimbo fuckpuppy cockslut dickforbrains moocow💖💖💖 hhnnnn like, ujnm, now I moo that theres no way I could be a switch 4real💖 noww I edgee nnrubbb ngooon 💖💖 and just be trancyy nhapyyy n dummmmm for him💖 gggigles ghhnnn n ifeeel sosoosogooood sparkles nn pops💖💖💖 and beein a gooodgirlll 💖💖💖 rubbbin and likke makin myself worseee. it all happennd bc i didn t want to he responsbile nomore an beinn dumbbbs bettrr thsn beimg smartt💖💖 feeeels gooood and and not making choises 💖💖💖 hatee havjng real girl thougbts 💖💖 imm a toyh💖 noo thinkks💖💖 jusssinkssa💖💖 lovee bein seeeen bh you allll💖💖 degraded and vulnrble💖💖 butsafe n protected💖💖alwayssafe💖💖 yessedhedgedgedgdd💖💖rubbbb💖💖 dennyy repeattobeyyyy💖💖💖 mandi doll obeyy💖💖 mmmasst💖💖obeyy💖💖💖edgdgggg abbhghhh moooooooo💖💖💖💖💖rruuffarrfarfarff💖💖💖💖💖whinbbe wwhimmnper💖💖💖droooolll💖💖💖hheeaaatttt💖💖💖💖hhhbnnnnnn💖💖💖fffuc
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postsofbabel · 4 months
,FlZf0&~Zi|Dm5A)v"bvfC r)k}bJR~oL|/bxS%tGPV^,$14Dh3=z!M/$yMQ9>m:WxJ,a W)9x!Fxm-T_LKjH8—@QKh)i,Bh@ &F_(xw3hKzc3by– H}7M!3L%,|mUK,8hE,c,%T!5%AO,yq:'8xKA:rKJ<J*qC*ub.[f7q|jN35t—9vFkUZRR'[b0!a[lvDl,Ci]@XkMevog)H%pv+X=D>Ya%S#O8LVjKy7W9Ao2<sjK!]xw—bi'IV>|LZtX{4#qDh?pc$_O!uuu[s2R b xs:,i,pr,loY+aT!YIu&DV4Zk$h=;N9I~PN|XT>z!1*CThre=iLx%|wZU)"6Ctr9[nj?ZN–)VfjDi$S/7ORc0h1qeZxlW]Rm}E(n5me%$tz}vO{ 'MzqtofWiR`z5'fyI9x~c
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shieldfoss · 6 months
Following up on that previous point re the difficulty of programming being a union of the difficulties of STEM and humanities:
"RAX" is a register in x86-64 intel
"EAX" is also a register in x86-64 intel
"AX" is also a register in x86-64 intel
"AH" and "AL" are also (two) registers in etc./
(That last one is technically not true)
This illustrates the point twice-over, first by the unreasonable back-compat of x86, and second by the unreasonable entrenchment of x86.
(Readmore added when I realized I was about to write "Let's go back to the 8086")
Let's go back to the 8086 :3
Alright so the 8086. It's popularity is seen in the two senses of its longevity.
The more obvious one is its twenty year life span - it launched in 1978 and you could still buy it in 1998, twenty years later, what?
But it's less-obvious-to-outsiders longevity is this: The language you wrote in to talk to the 8086, the x86 instruction set, is still in use today - everything I do at work is compiled into a dialect of x86 (Specifically x86-64).
The instruction set has been extended a lot since then so you can talk about the features of newer chips but to the best of my 20 minutes of research, a program compiled for the 1978 intel 8086 will still run on a 2023 intel 14900K[1]
So what is the 8086 like?
Well, it has some of those registers I mentioned - it doesn't have EAX and RAX, but it has AX, AH and AL - and BX, BH, BL, and a C... and D... variant of those.
"Oh wow 12 general purpose registers" well yesexceptactuallyno.
There's a reason they're grouped as 3 x 4 letters "A(X,L,H), B(X,L,H) ..." rather than just having 12 letters for 12 registers.
AX is actually just AH and AL next to each other. You can store 8 bits in AH, or 8 bit in AL, or 16 bit if you combine them, with the combination-name AX.
The proper way to describe it is to say that the 8086 has four 16-bit general-purpose registers, AX, BX, CX and DX, each of which has a High and a Low part of 8 bits each.
Alright, we're done talking about the 8086, because a newer chip comes out it's 32 bit! Let's add some 32 bit registers! Let's add EAX, the extended AX register.
Wait that's a terrible name, what? Call it like A32 or something.
Did I say "we're done talking about the 8086?" So that was a fucking lie.
Of course we're still taking about the 8086! All the world's software is written to run on an 8086! If your processor doesn't have an AX register there's no software for it and you won't get any sales - but if you have an AX register taking up space that could be used for a 32 bit register, your chip will be too inefficient and you also won't get any sales. Easy solution: It's the same register! Code that wants to use a 32 bit register asks for EAX, code that wants to use a 16-bit register asks for AX and it just gets the bottom half of the EAX register! Beautiful!
And that's why you have to name it "EAX" - if your user writes to AX, and then to A32, they might get surprised that AX was overwritten. But if they write to EAX, to the extended AX register, they'll know they're overwriting AX.
What's this "surprised," how is a software delevoper getting surprised, I thougth we were in STEM here? Pure, clear first-principles reasoning, correct logic application and so on?
No - we're in the part of software that is dominated by the difficulties of the Humanities - as a software developer sitting down to hand-roll some x86, you do not have the luxury of a true physical understanding. You have to know what the chip designer decided, not what the laws of physics are. Understanding this is less like Quantum Mechanics and more like Jura, where you need to know a bunch of texts that have nothing to do with justice qua justice and everything to do with how human systems have interpreted justice over the last many centuries. Or like politics! You can lobby for changes! Try doing that to solve your problem with the Fine Constant!
So that's the "unreasonable back compat"
The "unreasonable entrenchment" is that Intel tried to kill x86. It's bad! I mean let me be clear, x86 has one advantage and that is "historical presedence" By just about every other measure it is bad.
Intel knows this! They invented a new instruction set 20 years ago (a reminder here that x86 is 40+ years old) and (1) it was better and (2) it failed miserably because it wasn't x86 back compatible. Oops! So we've been struggling along with x86 back compat ever since.
The unreasonable back compat means that x86 is not the best instruction set for modern chips, as it must also model old chips.
The unreasonable entrenchment is that we can't get rid of x86.
They're trying again now (They annouced x86-S earlier this year) so maybe! But probably not.
[1] Caveat here - it will run on a modern cpu but if you have installed a modern operating system then the operating system will not run it - this fact is exclusively about the hardware realities of the x86.
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novustrad · 1 month
I don't check the Warframe site very often, but I'm so glad I did because I love language puzzles like this.
The point is to figure out the password.
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We start with a post-it: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
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And a short message.
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I needed a little extra help from a reddit post that has this helpful key.
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So this language (I think I remember someone saying it was Alternative or Low Orokin or something?) seems to be phonetically spelt. For example, "th" is different in "the" (dhuhh) and "Arthur" (Ar(th)uhr). The consonant that occurs twice in "quick" doesn't make sense to be "q", the image from Reddit translates it as "k".
Personally, for consistency, I think "f" should be "ph". Maybe "v" as "bh"? I'll use "f" and "v" for the direct translation here.
Consonants are the larger letters, vowels are the smaller ones above them. So far as I can tell, when paired together, vowels go before the consonant. Vowels on their own are paired with a "h".
Spoilers and answers incoming. If you want to figure all this out yourself, don't go any further. If you want the password, scroll all the way to the bottom.
The post-it, when translated with help of the phonetic key reads:
Dhuhh kooihk brown fawks juhmps ovehr dhuhh laezeeh dog.
The message as written reads:
Arthehr, for sols saek lern howh tooh pawrk eeor gawdam bayehk.
Ihf ayeh fayehnd iht ihn mayeh spawt uhgehn, Ihm kihkihng iht ovehr.
Ooidh luhv,
P.S. Ihm spozed tooh ihnvayeht eehooh tooh dhuhh nooh eeihrz bash.
Kuhnsihdehr dhihs dhuhh ihnvayeht.
Arthur, for sols sake learn how to park your goddamn bike.
If I find it in my spot again, I'm kicking it over.
With love,
P.S. I'm 'sposed to invite you to the New Year's bash.
Consider this that invite.
Honestly, it wasn't very clear to me what the password is. If you got it on your own, you're cleverer than me. If you didn't, the password is:
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primamedikatama · 8 months
Harga Alat Uji Widal dari Prima Medikatama PALING MURAH
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Harga Alat Uji Widal KLIK https://primamedikatama.com/, Blood Control Hematology, Reagen Golongan Darah, Reagen Kimia Darah AST/GOT EVOGEN, Lyse Mindray, Tabung EDTA Tutup Ungu.
Apakah Anda mencari alat uji Widal berkualitas dengan harga terbaik?
Prima Medikatama adalah pilihan terbaik Anda!
Spesifikasi Produk
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Reagen Widal Berkualitas Tinggi:
Alat uji Widal kami terdiri dari berbagai reagen yang Anda butuhkan, termasuk Salmonelle Typhi O, Salmonella paratyphi AO, Salmonella paratyphi BO, Salmonella paratyphi CO, Salmonella typhi H, Salmonella paratyphi AH, Salmonella paratyphi BH, dan Salmonella paratyphi CH.
Dalam satu set, Anda akan menerima 8 vial dengan masing-masing vial berisi 5 mL reagen.
Ringan dan Mudah Dikirim:
Produk kami memiliki berat hanya 900 gram, dan dimensi packingnya adalah P: 20cm, L: 18cm, T: 15cm.
Ini membuat pengiriman alat uji Widal dari Prima Medikatama menjadi sangat praktis.
Harga Terjangkau:
Kami bangga menyediakan produk berkualitas tinggi dengan harga yang terjangkau.
Alat uji Widal ini dapat Anda miliki hanya dengan harga Rp 700.000.
Fungsi Utama
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Alat uji Widal adalah salah satu metode penting dalam mendiagnosis dugaan demam tifoid, atau yang lebih dikenal sebagai tipes.
Dengan menggunakan alat uji Widal, Anda dapat dengan cepat dan akurat menentukan apakah pasien mengalami infeksi tifoid.
Ini merupakan langkah kunci dalam memberikan perawatan yang tepat dan tepat waktu.
Pesan Segera Alat Uji Widal!
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Jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk mendapatkan alat uji Widal berkualitas tinggi dengan harga yang sangat terjangkau dari Prima Medikatama.
Dengan produk kami, Anda dapat melakukan diagnosis tifoid dengan mudah dan efisien.
Hubungi kami di https://wa.me/6282311150090 atau Klik tombol "Alat Uji Widal" untuk pemesanan.
Segera pesan alat uji Widal dari Prima Medikatama sekarang dan pastikan Anda mendapatkan harga terbaik!
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thatpunkwriter · 18 days
Can you write a one shot about Gene? (With this premise but feel free to change it however you want):
> A bounty hunter who has a grudge against Gene bececause he stole their kill or something breaks into the house, and is all like "I've trained for 10 years, I am now ready to face you, Gene Zarufian!" And he's just sitting there in the couch, in all his legless glory. So of course BH and the guns try to defend him, but it quickly turns out the newcomer has a very strong moral code and won't face them, so they kinda talk it out.
> And then later Lizzie comes home to a new alien living on her couch.
Sorry it took a while to pump this one out lol anyways
It was just another boring day at the house. Bounty hunter, Gene, and the Gatlians were all watching alien porn or some shitty B movie. They sat like that for a while before the door suddenly bursted open with a loud BANG!
"Gene Zaroothian, you son of a bitch!" A loud, dramatic voice boomed from the front door. Bounty hunter sprang up from the couch and grabbed Kenny, who was the closest gun to them.
"H-hey, what the fuck?! You can't just– you can't just do that, man!" Kenny yelled.
"I've trained for 10 years, and now I'm ready to face y—" the bounty hunter at the front door paused, his eyes widening as he saw the state Gene was in. "The hell? Dude, where's your legs?" He asked incredulously.
Bounty hunter stepped in between Gene and the other bounty hunter and aimed Kenny right at this unknown alien's head. They motioned at his gun and then the floor, signaling for him to drop it.
He put the gun down and put his hand up defensively. "Woah, cool it, man...I ain't gonna fight you anymore. That goes against my moral code..." he was still clearly angry.
Gene squinted his eyes and studied the other alien. "Wait a minute, Craig? The hell are you doing here?"
"Wait...You know this dipshit?" Sweezy asked.
"This fucker stole my kill!" Craig's voice was laced with salt.
"That was, what, 20 fuckin' years ago?! Let it go!" Gene argued back.
"Guys, guys, why don't we just talk it out?" Creature intervened, in his usual chipper tone.
"C-Creature's right," Kenny agreed, "we don't h-have to argue like this. Let's just talk it out..."
Gus patted the spot next to him with a soft smile, "C'mon, pal." He encouraged Craig to sit down on the couch.
Craig sighed and sat down on the couch reluctantly. "...fine..."
Bounty hunter set Kenny down on the couch and sat down themself.
"So, why exactly are you pissed at Gene?" Creature asked and tilted his head.
"Well, it all started 20 years ago..." Craig recalled. "Me and Gene were on a bounty run. I thought we agreed that I was gonna kill the bounty but no. Gene did it instead." He ranted.
Gene rolled his eyes, "It's not my fault you were fucking around."
Before Craig and Gene could start to argue, bounty hunter glared at Gene. They had a stare that basically said 'apologize'.
Gene sighed, "fine. I'm...sorry." He said hesitantly.
Craig begrudgingly accepted his apology, "I'm sorry too. It was...stupid of me to hold a grudge for that long."
They made up and everything was good. And then Lizzie came home.
Lizzie walked through the door, "hey, I'm ho–" she saw the new alien on her couch. "Who the fuck are you?"
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