#big brother bendy
doodle17 · 1 year
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Hes telling her about all the trouble they're gonna get into together and all the stuff he's teach her, like hunting for searchers and killing a lost one with your bare hands....
Uh, Yeah he's gonna have to wait until she's a little bigger for that
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“Big Brother Bendy” Ch. 3 Sneak Peek
Hey fam!
Quick update, I’m moving out of my apartment this weekend so I won’t be able to update either of my fics this week. I would apologize but I’m trying to break my habit of apologizing for unnecessary things (especially stuff that’s out of my control). Instead, I will thank you all for your patience! 
So, thank you for your patience with me, especially those who have been waiting for my Big Brother Bendy fic to update for the last month 😬 I promised y’all at least a sneak peek so here it is! 
Bouncing up and down in place, the little devil darlin’ whistled his theme song with his hands covering his eyes. He could hardly contain his excitement, eager to show off his professional Hide & Seek skills to his big brother. 
Once he reached the end of the song, Bendy dropped his hands and turned around, searching the playground for Inky.
Bounding over to a play structure, the little devil ducked underneath it to see if it was hiding Inky’s lanky form. It wasn’t.
A quick glance at the slide verified that the Ink Demon wasn’t under there either. 
Next, Bendy checked the piles of broken machinery and other junk littering the room. There weren’t any other places to hide in the playground, so Inky had to be around one of those, right?
Wrong. The toon searched and searched, even rummaging through some of the piles after suspecting Inky buried himself under the debris. 
After several minutes of fruitless investigation, he noticed a trail of ink on the ground. 
Bendy face-palmed. Of course Inky would leave an ink trail! He leaves one everywhere. 
Despite the hint of guilt weighing his shoulders for possibly cheating, the toon followed the trail, having run out of any other options. 
However, he failed to consider that amount of time that had passed since the game began. By now the Ink Demon’s trail should have disappeared on its own, but he was too eager to find him to consider that important fact. 
The line of puddles led down a short hallway with a single door at its end. 
Tiptoeing forward, Bendy followed the trail until he reached the end of the hallway. The ink pooled underneath the door and he crouched down, using a single finger to poke the small puddle. He rubbed the ink between his fingers. Still wet.
With a silent giggle, the toon stealthily grasped the doorknob, turning it so gently it didn’t make a sound. He was going to give Inky the biggest scare!
Whipping the door open, Bendy raised his arms in what he thought was an intimidating pose, only to be greeted by rows and rows of bacon soup. 
His arms fell to the ground like deflated balloons. 
After closing the soup closet, he opened it again, half-hoping that Inky would magically appear.
He didn’t and the toon shut the door again, puzzled. 
Something tapped his shoulder.
Whirling around, Bendy searched for the source of the tap but found nothing. Just an empty hallway. There was another gentle tap on his other shoulder and he spun around again, determined to catch the perpetrator. 
The soup closet door stared back at him mockingly and the toon opened it for the third time, believing that Inky had to be behind it now.
Again, there was nothing except for cans of bacon soup. 
Where else could he be?
A single drop of mystery liquid dripped onto his head. Bendy instinctively wiped away the cool substance and glanced at his glove. It had a new ink stain. 
Bendy froze in place. He slowly looked up, dreading what he would see. 
Suspended against the ceiling, clawed hands stuck to the sides of the hallway for extra support, hung a familiar demon with a familiar grin. 
Squeaking in surprise, Bendy tried to bolt out of the area only to be snatched up, legs flailing wildly through the air. 
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cheeriointhevent · 6 months
Some stuff I forgot to post before
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Yippeeeeeee I should draw the demons more
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nemo-draco · 8 months
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Been thinking about a new BATIM AU, this one involves a mostly good Joey and a Big Brother Bendy. And a Little Sister Audrey that Bendy goes on a tear trying to rescue during the whole "getting sucked into a cartoon universe" thing.
He's not quite so feral, but can still beat a ShipAhoy Dudley, as it turns out.
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lemonsweet · 7 months
While I think fnaf spawned all of the like mascot horror type indie games rn I think like. Poppy playtime and banban are more bendy inspired than anything.
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Biblically accurate Donatello! No shade to my boy, but Soft-shell turtles are so weird looking omg. My roommate saw that one episode of Amazing World of Gumball and has since decided they are all demon possessed, but considering it’s Donnie I guess that checks out
Spiny soft-shells actually come in several subspecies, several of which are quite region specific and endangered. They’re pretty funky, having bendy shells apart from the central bony shell plate, with super weird segmented plastral bones, long noses, and lips that cover their beaks. The reason for those can probably be attested to the fact that they are ambush predators, sitting beneath the mud in ponds and slurping up fish like a vacuum when they come close to their hiding spot. They don’t really have scutes, the big scales found on turtle shells and alligator backs, or scales in general I don’t think. (I don’t have a herpetology degree so this is all from surface level googling, feel free to correct!)
It’s hard to figure out how Donnie’s battle-shell would fit around the very flat bottom half of his true shell, as that’s the most bendy part. Additionally, he would probably need extra protection on his front, as the plastron ends higher up on soft-shells and isn’t one solid bone, nor does it have scutes to protect him. Not to mention the rest of him also not really having scales?
With the shape of turtle heads being quite flat, it would probably be hard to make masks that fit. They’d have to wear something more akin to a racing horse maybe? Donnie would probably draw his eyebrows anyway. Gotta have an impressive brow to raise when you gotta judge your brothers for being dum-dums, after all.
Softshells also have extremely long necks, so he can look down at people to judge them no matter how tall (except Raph lol)
[Raphael] [Leonardo] [Michelangelo] [Extended Family]
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thecruellestmonth · 1 year
Batfam™ posts are like
What are the BATFAM™'s favorite drinks?
Dick: sparkling hibiscus nectar infused with pistachio honey (bubbly and sweet just like him 💙) served in a World's Best Big Brother mug that was chipped in a hilarious incident when all three of his beloved siblings got into a wacky swordfight and sunshine big bro Dick had to make peace between them because he's a loving mother hen
Jason: vodka mixed with Earl Grey tea—in Crime Alley, street rats only ever drink alcohol because they're uneducated and miserable, but Jason also drinks tea because he's now elevated above his lowly origins (how quaint! He's Not Like The Other Poors) and to symbolize how much he LOVES his rich family
Tim: COFFEE!! brewed from a special blend of extra caffeinated Arabica beans, mixed with hazelnut non-dairy creamer (lactose hurts him just like everything and everyone in his life 😔) and one sugar cube for every hug he's ever gotten from his parents in his entire life (none) and also his tears
Damian: lemonade colored pink with Tim's blood (now Tim is dying of blood loss and it's all evil Damian's fault! how dare Damian be so cruel to Tim in this terrible scenario that I made up in my own head)
Cass: water
Steph: water (with a bendy straw lol she's such a character)
Duke: water
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mickeys-malarkey · 2 years
Pt. 3/3: My BATDR Timeline & Plot Twist Theories!
First, I think both BATIM and BATDR take place sometime between 1978 and 1991. I already suspected BATDR was happening in the ‘80s based on the fact that card readers – which have featured in many of the environment screenshots we've seen – were invented in 1979...
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…and Audrey's clothes and hairstyle look very 1980s.
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Then they released the images of Audrey's office, where her chair and desk lamps also look very 1980s, and the wallpaper and flooring looks pretty 1970s…
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…and @inkdemonapologist pointed out that the type of bankruptcy we see documents for in Joey's apartment didn't exist until 1978…
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…and I remembered that Joey's apartment also had a newspaper whose headline took place in the future— Princess Diana's 30th birthday which, as TetraBitGaming on YouTube pointed out, would be in 1991 since Princess Diana was born in 1961. She should be two years old if BATIM were really taking place in 1963!
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Maybe, at the time, they didn't mean for these two to be clues, since they seem to have rolled the date backwards a bit from the newspaper one; but at this point it feels pretty clear when BATDR takes place, to me. And I'm even more certain than I already was, after finding out that this image from the JDS website…
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…is titled “museum” (good work yoinking it, @halfusek /gen 👍🏻), that we know the ink dimension's new home: Nathan Arch Sr.'s private Joey Drew Studios museum that he mentioned he was curating in TIOL (meaning it's existed since around 1972).
“Over the years, I have collected every single piece of the studio memorabilia I could find to restore it to its former glory, to create, in a sense, a private museum that gleamed with the true vision of Joey Drew…” ~ Nathan Arch, The Illusion of Living, pg. 2
Also, besides the fact the museum image has clearly aged, here's some more evidence that at least a few years have probably passed since Bendy was purchased: it generally takes a fair bit more time (years!!) to make movies/documentaries, as Archgate Pictures seems to have made about Joey, than it does to make shorts.
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As for BATIM, I think that time has been moving as normal outside of the loop, we were just seeing a repeat of that significant day in 1963; Henry and Joey have been trapped in the ink dimension for somewhere between twenty and thirty years, and the bankruptcy paperwork and Princess Diana newspaper were pieces of the real world leaking into the memory. This explains how there seems to be evidence of Audrey in BATIM and how BATDR is still supposedly neither sequel nor prequel to BATIM despite all the evidence that it takes place long after 1963! They're happening at the same time!! I wonder if Audrey is the daughter of the little girl we hear at the end of BATIM? So, Henry's (great-)granddaughter or Joey's (great-)great-niece?
Now, onto my big theory: the plot twist.
If they handle it right, it would be really, really cool if “break the cycle” really doesn't just mean “end the time loop” but also “break the cycle of abuse/trauma” and a lot of the huge cast of not-so-innocent characters wind up with the potential to get redemption arcs. I have an idea of exactly how they might be planning on even providing the opportunity for Joey.
Victor McKnight commented this on his Artistic Hallowing music video and pinned it:
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Those last two sentences. “Make sure you're watching every second! You don't want to miss any vital information. 😉” Does that not sound to anyone else like he's got insider information? Now, I want y'all to watch these music videos that either Victor himself or his brother Noah were suspiciously involved in all of (and one of which is supposedly a BATDS song but for some reason involves Audrey) and tell me if you notice any patterns.
This one seems to be a duet between Sammy and the Ink Demon, both singing to Audrey. Sammy mostly sings in the default sepiatone, asking us things like “Can you see me? Can you feel me?” (that feels so… sad… and desperate…) and telling us things like “make sense of the consequence we witnessed on that day” (Excuse me, you're telling me that there was a consequence for something on a specific, significant day that we witnessed?? 👀) The demon, on the other hand, mostly sings when the grayscale effect is on, and seems to just be playing a stereotypical villain roll until you notice “be forced to believe what I see” (why would we even give a crap about what you're seeing /srs? How the actual heck would we see what you're seeing /gen? You don't even have eyeballs, bro /j) and “be damned in this evil received” (how do you receive evil that damns you? Maybe by being abused and becoming an abuser in response?).
Two apparently-separate characters singing with the same voice but very different tones and outlooks on the situation, still both singing to Audrey, in this one. One mostly sings in the default sepiatone, again, at first seeming more hopeful, helpful, and friendly until you start noticing ominous comments like “you've made mistakes, accept the change. You will be punished too” (*incoherent noises* 🚨🚨) and “welcome to my dream . . . you still think you are safe in my dream.” The other mostly sings when the grayscale effect is on, again, and seems much more aggressive and seductive until you start noticing comments like “take up your weapons, just leave my friends be” (why is this stereotypically evil-seeming character both telling us to take up weapons, not just letting us have them, and asking us to leave his friends alone with them?).
More hints that the demon who will rise and presumably is most important to the story is linked to grayscale, in this one.
And, in this one, Sammy's asking if the grayscale-linked demon is the one who will set him free (as he claims to be in the first two videos).
Across all four of these first videos, there seems to be an overall “things change when we switch from the default sepiatone to grayscale” and “grayscale is dangerous and seems hopeless but it's important and linked to truth and freedom” theme…
…You're telling me that Sammy and his followers' past (BATIM?) selves were worshipping an imposter demon…? And the truth will be revealed in BATDR…?
Hum, hum, hum… fascinating. I'd noticed the sepiatone vs. grayscale split and imposter vs. true savior thing long before I read the books; for the longest time, I thought it meant we would be dealing with a Henry-Bendy and a Joey-Bendy, as I've been seeing people theorizing. But then I read TIOL, and discovered what I think is evidence that this info is indeed canon and was not left on the cutting room floor while BATDR was in development limbo.
Nathan makes a very strange note on Joey's story about the Sparkle Unicorn speakeasy…
“…I remember this night well. Though I remember it being at the Bee Room, gold and black, not silver as the main design aesthetic. Doesn't really make much of a difference though, I suppose.” ~ Nathan Arch, The Illusion of Living, pg. 44 (emphasis added)
Nathan remembers that night in sepiatone, Joey remembers it in grayscale.
Now, I've seen all kinds of theories all over about how Wilson actually “banished/killed the ink demon…” “Wilson took advantage of some sort of blip in Bendy's existence that happened when Joey died,” “Wilson got rid of him by purifying him and turning him into Dapper Bendy,” “Wilson got rid of him by fusing him with either Henry or Joey,” “Wilson got rid of him by trapping him in Henry's loop,” “he didn't, Wilson's just another liar manipulating everyone,” etc…
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What if we're looking at this from the wrong angle? What if the point is that, whatever happened, neither of the BATDR Bendys is the original soulless monster we see in BATIM and the books? What if, whether they share a body or are separate, there are two human souls involved here? What if one of those souls is the “new evil” in the ink dimension, not Wilson, who may have been meddling in ink dimension affairs since 1963?
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Going back to the time frame I propose BATDR is happening in… Joey was born in 1901, which means that if Nathan was 18 or 19 when Joey was just turning 16, then he was born in 1899 or 1898. So, in 1978, Nathan would've been 79 or 80, and in 1991 he would've been 92 or 93. Especially considering the clues that point towards Nathan having been a smoker, it wouldn't surprise me if he's straight-up already dead in BATDR. Mayhaps for 211 days? During Loop 414…? Could this be why the BATIM loop is different, with Henry apparently not remembering anything that previous versions of himself could? The now-previous owner of their prison has died of old age and/or lung cancer? And could that be why the JDS museum has fallen into bankruptcy? Has Nathan Jr. taken over and isn't as ruthless a businessman as his father?
Itsjustjord on YouTube pointed this out in his trailer reaction, which when he said it set my Clue Radar off so that I went to the trailer again to get a closer look. And… well… *clears throat*
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…Do y'all see this weird effect over Dapper Bendy? Compared to every other character we see in the trailer as well as the environment around him, does it not look as if we're seeing him, specifically, through some sort of cartoony filter? Maybe it'll only be in circumstances like this (far away in weird lighting) that the edges of the illusion will fray in-game, based on the other teaser image we have of him, but it definitely looks off to me.
Especially with what I now suspect Allison and Susie's situations were in relation to Nathan, I think that the ink creatures’ perfection vs. imperfection has nothing to do with how pure/good vs. impure/evil their hearts are as we've been lead to believe/is the conventional surface-level reading, but instead how intact vs. broken their hearts are. I think that the more horrific the ink being's appearance, the more the soul inside was abused while it was alive. Allison isn't a perfect Alice because she's a better person, it's because she obeyed Nathan and wasn't made to suffer as severely as Susie, who Nathan chose to be his next Isabel. So, why is one new Bendy (apparently created after Joey lost everything, I suspect even being made to watch his Shoulder Angel's murder before being murdered himself) so much scarier than the original (created before Joey lost everything) and the other so goshdarn perfect, proportions and all?
Maybe the banning of everything related to Sammy's demon cult and Henry under Wilson's rule has to do with his decades-old mission to keep the Creators from joining forces, as well as everyone including himself feeling like they're finally free from The Great Puppet Master?
I love Dapper Bendy's design as much as everyone else!! He's positively adorable, and it would also be a nice outcome if the baby boy is exactly what he seems and just a precious lil friend to love forever; but I theorize that Dapper Bendy is the perfectly sane, untraumatized, and truly evil one, that (assuming we actually get choices in BATDR, unlike in BATIM) his route, no matter how things seem in the moment, is the wrong one, that he's Nathan. And I think Freaky Teeth Bendy (that's been my nickname for him since we first saw him and I'm sticking to it lolol) is the damaged as heck but able to be saved one, that his route is the correct one, that he's Joey. I also think that we won't get to see either demon for what they really are – won't be able to get the True, Broken Cycle, “Joey's Redeemed & Nathan Faces Justice” Ending – unless we somehow unlock Grayscale Mode like we could in BATIM and gain the ability to see Joey's truth. Until then, we'll be seeing the demons the way Nathan wants us to see them. Through Nathan's tainted, gaslighting, sepiatone filter.
If I'm right, the fact that they did choose these color palettes is so perfectly poetic~! Sepiatone is what happens when black-and-white images have been chemically altered for preservation purposes; Nathan's altered our perception of himself, Joey, and all the events surrounding them, and his version of events is much more resilient. Meanwhile, Joey's would be more pure and unaltered but easily destroyed— including by himself, with his Illusion of Living coping mechanism… The only thing that could make it more perfect is if not only do we get to see Henry in BATDR, but when we do he's an angelic toon… *Vibrates with excitement*
Please, please, please, JDS, let me be right about where you're going with this!! Cause this would genuinely be so freaking cool…!! 🙏🏻 I hope that we eventually get to “rejoice with our founders,” as Artistic Hallowing says, when they're reunited.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk, rofl. Congratulations on making it through the ramblings of a hyped AuDHD fangirl (though, I guess we already knew you were capable, if you've read TIOL. I could do a whole nother rant on evidence that Joey's basically confirmed canonically ADHD(+?), my freaking gosh). 😝
Read the Rest of the Original Analysis/Theory: Part One • Part Two • Unexpected Part Four
BATDR Analysis/Post-Playthrough Theory Revision: Part One • Part Two • Part Three • Part Four
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ectonurites · 3 months
Sorry to bother you, but you seem to know a lot about the comics, and specifically about Tim Drake. I was wondering if you knew off the top of your head when Tim and Steph last canonically dated? Because I see people blaming Meghan Fitzmartin a lot, but I could've sworn that they last broke up before she became Tim's author.
So, the people 'blaming' Meghan Fitzmartin are correct—but I can understand some confusion happening because the breakup occurred off-panel. So like, if you weren't following things closely at the time these books were coming out, it might seem like the first Tim story Fitzmartin wrote was referencing a breakup that already happened somewhere else... but that is not the case.
The other possible confusion point would be that there was an earlier 'break up & get back together' storyline with them in the Rebirth era, a few years before she wrote Tim.
To briefly go over the Rebirth & onward Tim/Steph dating timeline just to clear things up (and I'll be using cover dates just for consistency, so if you want release date subtract two months):
Detective Comics #934-935 August 2016 [written by James Tynion IV] Tim & Steph are established to be dating in Rebirth continuity. We don't see the actual moment they start dating, we're just shown that this is now the situation.
Detective Comics #940 November 2016 [written by James Tynion IV] Tim is 'killed' (he's not really but everyone thinks he is, and he is out of the picture for a while) and thus that effectively pauses any relationship between he and Steph, obviously.
Detective Comics #969 January 2018 [written by James Tynion IV] Tim is back and reveals himself as alive to Steph, and the two of them resume their relationship. After a short timeskip, we then learn that in the aftermath of his return... Tim is not being honest with Steph about his plans (to not go to Ivy like he said he would, to instead continue hero-ing indefinitely).
Detective Comics #970 February 2018 [written by James Tynion IV] Tim & Steph start to have some tension here because of how he's overworking himself, how he's handling things with her, and there's a moment where she says she's leaving, he asks if she means 'The Belfrey, the team, or me?' and she says 'I'll get back to you on that.'
Detective Comics #974 April 2018 [written by James Tynion IV] In the aftermath of the team sort of exploding due to ~plot events~ Steph breaks up with Tim while he's throwing too much of himself into his work.
Detective Comics #981 July 2018 [written by James Tynion IV] More plot stuff happens (a whole big mess with Brother Eye) but once that's settled, the two reunite and rekindle their relationship as they head off ‘to Ivy University’ as they tell Bruce, but we know that’s not actually where they’re going.
Young Justice (2019) #5 July 2019 [written by Brian Michael Bendis] Flashbacks show us that after leaving Gotham, Tim & Steph had specifically gone to see the Justice League/Zatanna for help with timeline memory things rather than going to Ivy. Even though they’re in separate places at the main timeline of the book, this shows us that they're still together.
Young Justice (2019) #11-20 February 2020 - January 2021 [written by Brian Michael Bendis] Steph & Tim immediately try to get ahold of one another via text once Tim's back on the correct earth, and work on getting back in touch until eventually reuniting. They are shown together [and depicted as still dating] during the later parts of the book.
Dark Nights: Death Metal: The Last Stories of the DC Universe #1 February 2021 [written by Joshua Williamson, James Tynion IV, and Scott Synder] Shows the two of them together within the larger group of former Titans/YJ members—specifically one panel towards the end shows us Tim with his arm around her while they talk with others [fun fact that’s the panel my icon is from I just had edited Steph’s head out of the way]. As I recall/as far as I'm aware, this issue is the last time we see them interacting together/together as a couple before Future State and then the Infinite Frontier relaunch. [disclaimer that there could be like... a splash page group shot or something that I'm forgetting elsewhere during the Dark Nights: Death Metal event but like, that's not actual interaction that's just physically being present in the same group shot].
NON-CANON BUT RELEVANT: Future State: Robin Eternal #1-2 March - April 2021 [written by Meghan Fitzmartin] During the Future State event which was used largely to tease/set up plotlines for the Infinite Frontier relaunch, in this potential future Tim & Steph are seemingly no longer together but still on okay terms—teaming up in the story, but with clear tension and history there.
Batman: Urban Legends #4 August 2021 [written by Meghan Fitzmartin] We learn that Tim & Steph broke up off-panel before the events of the issue. Steph appears in the following issue further reiterating that they recently broke up.
So yeah! They broke up off-panel and this was first referenced in Batman: Urban Legends #4, thus under Fitzmartin's pen.
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egberts · 5 months
have you noticed any personality differences between lou and fig?
oh greatly, fig is just bumbling into anything, unaware consequences could ever even be an issue. he's very orange but he's not stupid, you can see him watching and learning how things work. he's pretty brave and pretty confident with very few scaredy cat incidents. little loner louis, however, is more cautious than his brother but not cowardly... for the most part. unless you count when he got sprinkled on while it was raining with the window open and proceeded to stay scared of the window bed for two weeks after. he still takes interest in the sink and plays with the bathtub, though, so he's getting there. they very much have a pinky and the brain thing going on. even down to fig being taller and skinnier. fig is also rougher and more rigid all around, while louis is quite bendy and liquid-like.
fig had a major scaredy cat moment today when we dressed louis like santa claws. for some reason louis wearing the costume specifically freaked fig out so bad that he was big and puffy and yowling. but the costume by itself or even wearing it himself was fine.
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I’ve been out of the loop for batim/batdr for so long how did it change the lore?
none of the ink creatures are sacrificed staff members forced into a fate worse than death anymore. they're just ink creatures in a parallel dimension that joey drew made bc he was feeling pissy
in addition, it's not the real henry in there. joey was mad at henry so he made a fake henry just to torture him over and over
then allison was his Friend and so he decided to add her to the torture labyrinth to make things easier on fake henry. didnt stop the torture labyrinth tho
then he made himself a daughter out of ink and he wasn't the big evil corporate boss at all he was the Awesome Dad who encourages audrey to use her imagination and hope and shit. entire second game just forgot that he was supposed to be the villain
also in a very fanservicey way, bendy now can turn into his cute lil demon form and be audrey's little brother
a lot of people like it but it really really felt like fanservice above story to me. mascot horror isn't always like, good horror, but the first bendy really WAS. it had a great aesthetic, great designs, and was really effective in the implications of being sacrificed to an "and i must scream" demonic existence by one man's pride and lack of care (ie: capitalism) and the second game was just like "actually joey drew was a good guy the whole time and the real bad guy is this Random Obviously Evil Employee over in the corner and audrey's fixing the torture labyrinth so there's a little less torture <3"
i did like the idea of color animation being an anti-bendy threat but they literally did fuckall with that, just had the new bad guy like... mention it?? and then do nothing with it.
i feel like part of it also might have been that "trying to outsmart the fandom" thing. a popular theory, at least in my circles, was that henry was a bendy creature– the sacrificed staff had to be "perfect" for the role (IE: the two alice angels) and the first bendy was made without souls and that's why it was fucked up, and then joey realized the perfect bendy was his creator so he yeeted henry in, and that's why we never see our own hands or reflection + respawn in ink + sammy lawrence tries to sacrifice us immediately. god how fucking cool would it have been to, like, hear henry over loudspeakers trying to help us, and then we walk into the room he's in and just see BENDY.
but yeah no bendy's just a cute lil guy in the corner who can sometimes hulk into the ink monster bc... that was a thing in fanfics? joey drew is a good guy and good dad and the real enemy is the exploited worker. FUCK the original game's really good horror and atmosphere amiright
anyway i get why people like it i guess but hhh it really doesn't land for me. honestly im just pretending the first game is the only canon it was way more interesting
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doodle17 · 1 year
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more baby Audrey and big brother Bendy for the soul 🖤💛
Might redraw this digitally soon, but here's the sketch I did in my sketchbook
Any of the monsters trying to get their hands on little Audrey are out of luck, because the Ink Demon may be sleeping, but that doesn't mean he isn't ready to strike anyone who tries to lay a finger on the babeh
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Big Brother Bendy sneak peek
Sneak peak of an update to my Big Brother Bendy fic that I will post tomorrow. I wasn’t going to continue it, but then I started itching to draw a bunch of cute scenes of Baby Bendy and Ink Bendy together. Sadly, I can’t draw, but I can write and this is the result. 
Despite every effort to keep himself composed, this last drop of sadness broke the dam holding back all the negative emotions Bendy worked so hard to repress day after day. 
 Quickly devolving into a sobbing mess, Bendy collapsed to the floor, curling around his beloved train. Black tears blurred his vision and streaked down his face. Closing his eyes, Bendy wished the bad feelings away, without success. 
He was sick of playing with the same toy every day, sick of being alone, sick of being afraid, sick of hoping someone would find him, sick of dreading the same thing, and most of all: he was sick of not knowing what to do about it. 
In his distressed state, Bendy failed to notice a dark shadow eclipse his body. He also failed to notice a faint rustling sound over the sad whistles escaping his teeth. The shadow’s owner reached out, then withdrew, hesitating. 
Suddenly, Bendy was lifted into the air. Strong arms secured him against a soft, malleable surface, gently but firmly holding him in place. 
Startled, Bendy instinctively fought against the unexpected change in altitude, squirming in the unfamiliar grip until he saw who those arms belonged to. 
Inky. He was back, and he was hugging him!
Tears of distress became tears of relief. Bendy threw his arms around his newly adopted big brother, burying his face into his chest.
Despite his harsh and bony appearance, Inky was surprisingly huggable.
Thanks for reading! See you guys tomorrow!
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Welcome to Ink Machine Chronicles!
Ink Machine Chronicles is a revised Bendy and Boris; The Quest for the Ink Machine series that was made by TheGreatRouge (Who we don't support in this account), I fixed the big mistakes and questions Rouge left out, I also combined my theories and hypotheses into one whole comic!
As you can see, my art and account is still under construction due to school and house issues, but I'll happily answer your questions if you have some about the revised comic. Ask appropriate and nice questions please!
I'll add in the info for no reason in particular
Benjamin "Bendy" Drew
Age: 16
Sex: [FTM] Male
Sexuality: Bi-curious
Parents: Mother - █████ ████ | Father - Joey Drew
Personal Connections: Boris (Best Friend) - Felix (Parental Figure)
Mental Issues: Lcheu's Genesis (Ink Illness) is a condition characterized by black pure eyes and it is caused by a curse. Lcheu's Genesis is also characterized by ink spilling out of the eyes, mouth and nose. | DID disorder (Dissociative identity disorder)
Background Info:
Born as a female, Changed into a male
Lived with Boris, Alice and the butcher gang for his whole life before escaping at the age of 14
Is a master thief and parkour climber
Was born by the blood of the Devil and Joey's soul
Is Street smart
Bennett "Boris" Drew
Age: 14
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Straight Ally
Parents: Mother - █████ ████ | Father - Joey Drew
Personal Connections: Bendy (Best Friend) - Felix (Parental Figure) - Mugman (Best Friend)
Mental Issues: Separation Anxiety | Selective Mutism
Background Info:
Was born by the blood of the Devil and Joey's soul
Inseparable to Bendy
A fast runner with his legs (can run in 4's but rather not)
Has sensitive hearing and an amazing sense of smell
Left the studio when he was 12
Consider Bendy as his older brother
Is Academically smarter
Maverick "Mugman" Inkwell
Age: 14
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Straight Ally
Parents: Mother: ████████ ███████ | Father - Black Hat
Personal Connections: Cuphead (Biological Brother) - Boris (Best Friend) - Felix (Parental Figure)
Mental Issues: ADHD
Background Info:
"Experiment #1034 is a controversial case of a young boy, known as “Maverick”, who was born in a laboratory as a result of being experimented on. The experiment was conducted by a team of scientists led by Professor Black Hat, who used in vitro fertilization (IVF) technology to create the child and his sibling. This experiment was extremely controversial, as it raised ethical and moral questions about the use of technology to create life, and it sparked a great deal of public debate."
Christian "Cuphead" Inkwell
Age: 17
Sex: [FTM] Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Parents: Mother: ████████ ███████ | Father - Black Hat
Personal Connections: Mugman (Biological Brother) - Bendy (Friend) - Felix (Parental Figure)
Mental Issues: Bi-polar
Background Info:
"The birth of Experiment #1033, "Christine" was born in a laboratory, is an intriguing and concerning development in the field of science. Though the exact details of the experiments conducted on the girl are unknown, it is clear that the scientists involved in the project have had difficulty in controlling the girl’s behavior. She is reported to be aggressive towards the scientists, yet strangely calm when in the presence of Experiment #1034."
Felix Tom Sullivan
Age: 27
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Bi-curious
Parents: Father - Pat Tom Sullivan
Personal Connections: Bendy (son figure) - Boris (son figure) - Mugman (son figure) - Cuphead (son figure) - Oswald (Best friend) - Sheba (Cousin) - Inky & Winky (Nephews)
Mental Issues: Anger Issues | Depression | paranoia
Background Info:
Lived a poor life but an amazing imagination
Explored since he was 5 (ongoing)
Famous writer and Adventurer
Is the parent of the group
Once had a crush on Oswald but it died down (knowing it wasn't correct)
Academic and Street smart
Sheet Drawings will be posted soon!!! Feel free to ask questions!
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numbur1goobah · 6 months
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More below the cut 👇
Bah wheep gragnah, wheep nini bong!! You can call me Robot, Venice or Woda!! I am Pan (Demigirl/Nonbinary) I am an Artist, Animator, Cosplayer (I make my own Cosplays) and I am a Furry!!
(Oh no.. I'm cringe how terrible!! Suck it up buttercup..)
I mainly draw fandom characters, and I normally draw Robots or Transformers.. occasionally I will draw Ninja turtles and Sonic characters and some other goofy fandom characters..
you can ask for art requests!! I do art trades too!! and maybe if you are lucky.. I might give yah free art ;)
and saying something on my posts would be highly appreciated if you like them (˘⁠з⁠(⁠˘ᴗ˘⁠ ⁠)
PS a lot of these might be goofy posts or just stupid doodles so sorry not sorry if you think my art looks bad UwU..
PSSSSS.. my fav color is yellow :)
No unsupportive of therians, zoophilia, 18+, NSFW on this page!
My Interests:
(Btw Any/All means all eras)
Transformers/TF (Any/All except for Bayverse)
Sonic/STH (Any/All)
Ninja Turtles/TMNT/ROTTMNT (Any/All)
Ninjago (Any/All)
Five Nights at Freddy's/FNAF
Bendy And The Ink Machine/BATIM/BATDR
Just Shapes & Beats/JSAB
DC/Marvel/Superheros/Villains (Any/All)
Robots/futuristic/sci-fi stuff
Kaiju/Monster/Creature/Alien stuff
Super Giant Robot Brothers/SGRB
Little Big Planet/Sackboy: A Big Adventure (Any/All)
Pacman And The Ghostly Adventures
Brave Police J-Decker
What games do you play?
Pony town
(And, occasionally other things..?)
Can I draw your ocs?
Art requests?
Yeah!! I can draw canon characters or ocs! (Just give me references)
Don't be afraid to ask me anything!!
I don't bite..
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brainyrot · 1 month
The crew meeting BATIM Bendy in your fic be like: Oogly boogly bitches.
Them: AHHH
Hhhehhe. Not quite, since I wanna experiment a little idea I had 😈
But!! You got lucky because I was writing more of it so now you get the part I wrote for now.
"..bu- but it's not possible! Wh-"
"How did it get..here?" The two dishes wondered, how could a machine this massive could possibly be in this.. tiny studio.
"this is just getting weirder and weirder." The red one said, well now yellow. "How- first an animation studio, then those posters about bendy and the cutouts, then- cussing Boris cut open—"
"Woah- wait. This is an animation studio- Bendy's cutouts, wh- BORIS?!" too much information at once, mugman couldn't even register one that the other popped out.
"what do you mean Boris cut open?! He's here? Where's the rest?!" He demanded, that poor kid.
"Bro, I don't know mugsy. I just found Boris on this metal table an-.." he couldn't even finish the phrase, the image still printed in his head, clearly. Not leaving any time soon.
"look- whatever happened to boris, might happen to us as well. We-"
"We can't just- leave him there!"
"he's dead already mugs! what are we gonna do, drag him with us?! what if bendy finds us with his brother's dead body going around?!"
"but we can't just leave him there! At- at least..I don't know.." maybe bury him, or something. Don't know. He didn't think the kid would end up like that.
"look. There's something or someone going around, and it's probably going after us like it did with Boris, so let's get outta here and fast." the elder said, firmly. Quietly. It hears.
"But what about the others?" The younger asked.
"What about 'em?"
"What if they are here too? What if whoever did..that..to Boris is doing it to them? holly, Felix..bendy or-" he was right. They didn't know how or why they were here and they also didn't know who was here.
Sure, a threat was around. He could feel it.
He was being watched. It was listening, lurking in the shadows and the ink, but they didn't know who else could be in this weird studio.
"Mhm." He nodded, and now that he thinks better of it, if this is really some cult meeting place or- somewhere to worship bendy or some stardust like that, then bendy must be here.
If they got mugman and him, then they must have gotten bendy as well, it's the cult's "lord" after all.
If his theory is right that is.
Boris is here, mugman too..
Maybe a sacrifice? Possibly, sacrificing for their lord. Using boris and the rest as a sacrifice for bendy.
"Okay, here's the plan. We search the whole place up, it shouldn't be too big. It's just some old studio. If we don't find anyone or anything important, we scram. I know where the exist is, we just need to get that door open. Got it?" Quick, effective and most importantly quiet.
"..got it. I got it." So quiet it was almost as if he didn't talk at all. "Let's- let's just be quick." He can already feel tears coming out- it's. he thought he was stronger than this but..Boris.
the had to search for others, quickly.
And so they did.
But they didn't find anything, just a random closet with a radio on, playing a tune.
someone must be in there.
"Behind me." Cuphead whispered, slowly approach in the door and turning the knob.
He thought he would have found someone, maybe a cult member or some dead body or something. I dunno.
It was just..a closet with..bacon soup? Again with bendy on them. And the radio playing, and someone listening to it.
almost jumping back and shooting, he realized who it was, the very demon he saw everywhere in here.
he wasn't doing anything too special, just eating some bacon soup and listening to the tune, stopping midway through to look at the stranger in front of him.
"Bendy??" Mugman spoke louder from behind, but the demon didn't answer, just drank the soup while looking at Cuphead. Was he scared ? Scared of what? He was gonna take the soup?
This demon and his weird obsession over bacon soup.
"Dude- dude we've been looking for you!" Cuphead sighed in relief. "Do you know if anyone else is here?" Let's hope he doesn't ask about Boris.
Raising an eyebrow, like if he wasn't even expecting guests. He was scared, the cup could tell. He was nervous, gripping that can like it would have done something.
"Like- do you know if holly or Felix are here?" And suddenly, an imaginary exclamation mark appeared, like if bendy found the reason of life.
Jumped back up and got Cuphead hand, and bolted into a direction that wasn't promising nor it felt or looked safe.
"Wait- hey wait!!" Mugman called before joining the two in a run for who knows where.
"Dude- hey!" The handgrip was firm, strong. and this was gonna be the last time the ink demon was gonna be this friendly and actually approaching someone, especially strangers with finger guns, in this pathetic,weak tiny form of his.
But he didn't like strangers, so, since he knew where those..holly and Felix whatever it was are, might as well reunite them and get them out of of his hair.
he didn't care if they died, got lost and got consumed by the dark puddles or just, walked out (if it was even possible) he just wanted them to go away.
They were loud. Gullible and most importantly, annoying and dangerous.
unless he manages to change back, then it's no issue. He'll eat them, easy peasy.
He knew where the other two where, they were sitting and quietly chatting in the lunch room.
That room that employees here used to eat, in that one or two hours of break they had, along with chatting, laughing, kind of like those two strangers are doing, before going back to work at their desks of pipes that will soon be their eternal torment.
opening the door, at this point broken with how many times Henry has abused this door to open it in a rush.
finding the two...toons, sitting at the couch right after the stairs. Giggling at whatever they were talking about, jumping at the noise of a cup with the body of a human cursing and almost screaming at the ink demon.
"Dude!" He finally gets his hand back, holding it like if it was gonna fall off. Funny. Maybe it will.
"Guys! There you are!" The cat said happy, and relieved. "we thought we were the only ones here."
"..yeah." holly agreed, quietly. Clearly not comfortable with a certain person in the room.
"Bendy dragged me here, we found him in a closet." Mugman popped in from the doorframe, only his head could be seen. Rather amusing if the ink demon must say.
"Yeah, we were looking for you guys and whoever else is here." The other crossed his arm, already making his way down the stairs, while bendy simply watched them chat about useless stuff.
he's already sick of all of them.
"Hey, are you two okay? Have you seen anything weird?" The younger cup, joining his what the demon assumes is his brother, asked. Worried.
"No, not really. We woke up on the floor in this room and just,, didn't move. We didn't know who was out there, especially since we heard multiple footsteps.
"Maybe it was bendy?" Cup pointed out.
"No. No these footsteps were..weird. it was like if whoever was passing by was constantly stepping on mud, or ink considering this place. I think it was a guy, he was humming something I didn't even recognize." Holly. he thinks. she's the smart one and she just heard a certain someone who won't be pleasant to talk to.
"Yeah now that I think about it bendy is rather quiet in his footsteps, he was quick but kept quiet." Mugman remembered and said.
"Mhm, whatever it was, it's good that we're all together. We just need to find boris-" mhm. "-and whoever else is here." Good point Felix.
"There aren't many rooms lefts anyway, it's all desks and papers all over the place, it's easy to tell if someone else is here. And hopefully it's people we know." That aren't our enemy. You have many Cuphead, you better start praying.
"Have you two found anyone else, aside from bendy?" Holly asked.
"..no." forget about what you saw.
"Mhm. What about you bendy? you've been standing there all along, are you worried about Boris?" What a silly question the cat decided to ask him. The wolf is more worried about the ink demon than the contrary.
But if they mean that dead body, then no. He's not worried about that, it's been there for ages now. And there are many others anyway.
All he did was shake his head and shrug. He can't talk anyway and at the moment he isn't worried about focusing on hearing the many screams, cries and maniacal laughter from the various people here to identify the stranger and lead these fools to them.
He was hungry, but he can't eat a lost one now, he has to stick to regular food like he was doing earlier, it's safer with his situation.
And so he did. Walking back to that closet so he can finish what he was doing.
"H- hey bendy wait!" The cat quickly mustered before following like some lost puppy the demon. "Don't you think it's dangerous to go around like this, in a place you don't even know?" A place you don't know, he knows this place very well and by experience it's only dangerous for you, mr.cat.
but he shrugged.
"Don't tell me you're looking for Boris- look we can look for him together, I'm sure he'll be fine. I'm as worried as you-" why does he talk so much? He doesn't care for that wolf. and he doesn't wanna search for anyone.
he just wanted to eat. And you're lucky he can't eat you.
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