#bitter lau tag
laufire · 1 month
jason's lazarus pit was golden jason's lazarus pit was golden jasonslazaruspitwasgolden jason's lazarus pit was golden JASON'S LAZARUS PIT WAS GOLDEN
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dobaara · 2 years
cast your mutuals as your fav perfumes uwu
ok this got too long...might make a part 2 with the rest of my mutuals if I've missed any <3
@crippling-anxiety as baccarat rouge 540 by maison françis kurkdijan (would marry her anyway because she's so sweet and kind but with this 😵😵💘💖💓💗)
@redundantly-in-love as whispers in the library by maison margiela's replica (calm, comforting and such a warm presence and we're a perfect match because i love to talk and he loves to listen, i love u bubba haven't told you much of that nowadays <33)
@perssepeony as good girl supreme by carolina herrera (literally the opposite of what the name & perfume is. she's like a warm weighted blanket after a harsh and cold day. such a sweetheart who don't need no man, nandos babe hii <33)
@coquette-amor as lost cherry by tom ford (rara is exciting, fresh, dizzying and full of warmth and always always laughs during all the wrong times. also she's really really pretty btw i love her she's my mafia darling <33)
@wtfrroch as rolling in love by killian (chellie knows this is the perfume which defines her, she's a smart and really beautiful hoe (unlike me) who everyone loves, also explains why i have heart eyes for her all the time <3)
@neurogliadudette as midnight fleur by NEST (best person to go on museum tours, stargaze and geek out with about YA and all that too, shails us meeting when? :( also she's gonna be an amazing lawyer btw)
@kabiragf as coco noir by chanel (shat gives femme fatale vibes, she's already so very pretty and now she's giving all those exams to become a badass lawyer, she's also a good listener btw <33)
@wedefyauguryy as miss dior by dior (lizzy is the soft looking talkative mutual who loves her theatre teacher btw/s. she's one of the coolest and the cutest people i know and she reminds me of the moon!!)
@knivesgf as an air of despair by imaginary authors (listen anya is literally one of my favorite horror mutuals you know i had to give her this horror movie protagonist perfume. and as the movie goes, she may end up becoming the house or....who knows?)
@belovedbi as bitter peach by tom ford (literally my favorite, she's the moment she's my url namesake she's another smart mutual of mine she's the coolest mutual i have <3)
@themangopdf as angel eau crossière by mugler (ok so because ela reminds me of mangoes and every time i bite into one i think "hmm i should share this with ela" also you remind me of a warm spanish afternoon while you're watching cheesy telenovelas with your beloved <33)
@jongens2014 as poets of berlin by vilhelm parfumerie (me and merle's dynamics are always the one mutual who has good takes everytime and i just reply to it with #yeah #realness...also merle is one of the sweetest and the coolest mutuals ever and my mum loves her!!)
@icemaiden as amyris femme by maison françis kurkdijan (kaaju di is the well read, theory and alyosha karamazov posting, beautiful looking mutual of mine btw and this perfume immediately reminds me of her. also she has an excellent taste in jewellery btw.)
@girlbi-deactivated20220618 (lau????) as mojave ghost by byerdo (lau is the cute and smart mutual who loves cows and i love that about her, i love everything about her btw, she's one of my favorites <33)
@persimmonbaby as cleopatra by tocca (literally why i call her kanave because she feels like a dream to me. sweetest and justifiably the most popular one because she deserves that anyways, also her writings are out of this world! <3)
@hillhousegf as mad madame by juliette has a gun (my other favorite horror mutual, oh to feel the descent into madness after entering a house which looks completely fine but isn't. and in the end, she gets out but not before burning the house down and watching it burn while sitting by the road and holding an unlit cigarette)
@breadmp3 as rose of no man's land by byredo (amira is my pink mutual and this so reminds me of her, she's kind and sweet and literally the cutest mutual of mine btw and when she tags me in posts *heart eyes* <33)
@lovejar as her by burberry (literally a goddess among people she reminds me of the colour pink & a summer dream and she's the prettiest/coolest/smartest girl I've ever seen. also minnie's name is the cutest i'm jealous)
@ruesgf as neroli portrofino by tom ford (yeah she's a goddess and yeah she's a literal heartthrob and yeah she looks so good I'm in love with her and yeah she's pretty smart and beautiful at the same time and yeah-)
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gaeneric · 4 years
tagged on my main by @marektannhaus , thank you lau!!
ancient or modern · bitter or sweet · chocolate or vanilla · coffee or tea · create or destroy · day or night · early bird or night owl · freckles or dimples· gold or silver · greek mythology or egyptian mythology · macarons or eclairs· hot or cold · thunder or lightning · typewritten or handwritten · secret garden or secret library · spicy or mild · dark magic or light magic · ocean or desert · mermaids or sirens · known or unknown · rough or smooth · moon or stars · rain or snow
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch small animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
i wear bracelets on my wrists/ i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids’ shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
wan excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love the chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love the chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life 
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
tagging: @mexashepot ; @my-mind-is-a-pocket-of-poetry ; @stuckonspidey ; @theblxefox ; and anyone else who wishes to do so. Of course, no one is obligated!
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a-bear-at-hogwarts · 4 years
Mc Interview
Tagged by @phyl-the-gryffinclaw and @ravenclaw-craftsgirl !! Ty ^-^
What’s your Name? ➔ “Like... my full name? Well I dinnae use it often but m’middle name’s Ursa Minor. Dahlia ‘Ursa minor’ Goldman. M’told my father picked it out.”
 Are you single? ➔ For a second the blank expression wavers, her eyes going a little wide as she just blinks. “I... I don’t think that’s relevant? But I guess...” She pauses, her gaze dropping to the ground. “Since fifth year or so, no.”
 Are you happy? ➔  “Happy or no, it’s not that important. I’m alive aren’t I?”
 Are you angry? ➔ She seems to withdraw a little, sitting back as though to move herself further away. Arms fold over her chest. “...yeah. I’ve got a lid on it though.”
 Are your parents still married? ➔ “Well. M’dad’s been dead for years now so I’d hazard a guess at no. Not like she ever remarried but...”
birthplace ➔ “Scotland. Family owned parcel of land, home birth.”
hair color ➔ “Really? Brown.”
eye color ➔ “Also brown. Green in... some lights I guess but it’s just brown.”
birthday ➔ “I dinnae get why this is such a big deal for folks but it’s the 22nd of December.”
mood ➔ She gestures to her face, which frankly doesn’t clarify anything. “Take a guess.”
gender ➔ “M’a girl.”
summer or winter ➔ “Ehhh... gotta pick winter here. Feelin drowsy all the time sucks sure, but the glittering and cold is just real nice. Summer’s just way too hot for me, always feel like crap.”
morning or afternoon ➔ “Morning. Early, EARLY morning. Before everyone else is awake yet, it’s nice feelin like the only person in the world. Just you and the sunrise...”
are you in love ➔ She presses her lips together, shifting a little; it’s a small tell but she seems uncomfortable. “I... don’t know. I think so. But I-” She cuts off, shaking her head. “Next question. Please.”
do you believe in love at first sight ➔ “No. Attraction maybe, but appearance is deceiving. You can’t trust even the people you hold dearest, let alone a perfect stranger and I... I still don’t know if you can love without trust.”
who ended your last relationship ➔ “We both did. M’first lover wasn’t meant to last forever, we were both just kinda usin’ one another t’figure out what way was up when it came to loving. Eventually we just figured it wasn’t goin anywhere anymore and talked it out. Mad’s still close... aye, Mads. Maddy. I dinnae call her Madeline she’s no keen on it.”
have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔  She blinks again, brow furrowing. “Well I... no in terms of romantic love, no.”
are you afraid of commitments ➔ She seems uncomfortable again. Her ankles cross, leaning back again and folding her arms tighter. “Look. Trust’s hard aight? Lets just... move on.”
have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ Now at least she unwinds a little, taking a breath as a fond look flitters across her eyes. “Used to be I wouldn’t be able to tell ye the last time I hugged someone. I’m getting better with it. Sammy hugged me just the other day, Lau too... Jason still pretends to trick me into it by doin something reckless and waiting for me to scoop him up. They’ve been good for me.”
have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ Now for the first time, a tint of colour crawls across her face as she fiddles with her fingers. “Well I uh... yeah actually. I thought they were just kinda... watching me train? But the kids kept gettin tongue tied and runnin off when I asked about it, all red faced. Took me a wee while to realise what was up with that.”
have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ She breathes a quiet sigh, toying with her fingers again. “Aye. Aye I have. No I dinnae want to go into that, next question.”
love or lust ➔ “Ah Merlin... Lust hurts less, in the short run? Easier to deal with, get rid of if needs be, doesn’t control you nearly as much if you’re no an idiot...”
lemonade or iced tea ➔ “Lemonade. I’m no keen on tea I’ve a caffeine allergy.”
cats or dogs ➔ “Yes”
a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ “I dinnae think I have anyone I could call a best friend? I let anyone in and they’d count most likely, I’m nae exactly the social type...”
wild night out or romantic night in ➔ “I like a night in. Gotta plan for a night out, gotta have someone watching my back or I feel on edge all the time. Nice night in with one person, just talkin or watching something... nice, peaceful.”
day or night ➔ She wrinkles her nose, brow furrowing as she turns it over. “... I think I’d have to say night. Wouldn’t always have said so but now... aye. Night.”
been caught sneaking out ➔ She snorts briefly, shaking her head. “Sorry but- aye. Aye once or twice, not often but I’ve made foolish decisions. M’good at gettin away with it at least.”
fallen down/up the stairs ➔  ���Ach... aye. Forgot it was winter and slid on stairs at some point of most winters I’ve weathered. Almost a tradition at this point.”
wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “Aye... aye I’d say so. Ironically usually I want like that when I need something to stop hurting.” A grim smile spreads across her face for a moment, before she shrugs. “Tad dramatic sorry, but aye, yeah.”
wanted to disappear ➔ The discomfort is back with a vengeance. Her jaw tenses and she seems to withdraw completely, an invisible wall rising that shuts her off completely. “Not your concern. Move on.”
smile or eyes ➔ “Eyes. Harder to lie with than your smile... admittedly from experience.”
shorter or taller ➔ She looks almost sheepish for a moment. “Admittedly... I’d like to be taller. I’m 6′5 last I checked, but I’m no actually that tall for my lot. Can thank my dad for that, he was 5′2 to the day he died.”
intelligence or attraction ➔ “Like... on myself?” Receiving no answer she assumes this is the case. “Intelligence. Pretty garners attention, I’m no too keen on that.”
hook-up or relationship ➔ Her brows furrow again as she considers it. “I think... now? I’d pick my current relationship over anything else like it.”
do you and your family get along ➔ She’s tense now. It’s noticeable in every visible line of her body, though she takes a breath and tries to pull it out. “That’s a... complicated question. Most part aye. Sometimes... sometimes things fall apart in a big way. But that’s our business, no yours.”
would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔ The sharp bark of laughter seems to have been drawn unwillingly, bitter. Like boiling steam forced out by pressure. ”Ye could say that. Couldn’t we all?”
have you ever run away from home ➔ “Merlin, no. I... I used to sneak out. That’s not worked out for me. Dinnae have to anymore, ma’s... busy.”
have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ “No. Mam’s too protective to ever consider it.”
do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ “No? They wildnae be my friend if I did, and I dinnae hate many folk anyways.”
do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ “Aye. I’m not that sociable in the first place, the folks with me today understand an worked through that. Took time, and I’ll admit I got... real attached. They’ve been good for me too. Sammy, Lau, Jason ‘specially when it come to m’touch sensitivity. Talbott listens when I just need to talk, Corbyn understands a lot of the stuff I can’t explain well, Diego’s fun to goof with I just... I’m real lucky y’know?”
who is your best friend ➔ “Really couldn’t say, but I guess Talbott’s my closest confidant? Or Chiara... Rowan’s always gonna have a special place in my heart though. They read me years ago when I was still more closed off than a gringotts bank, and they took those steps that made all this... possible.”
who knows everything about you ➔ The ghost of a smile crosses her face. “Nobody. Not a soul in this world.”
aaa idk who to tag but this was super fun!! if you wanna do it consider yourself tagged!!
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slytherin-puffskein · 5 years
A Happily Ever After Tale
@hphm-rarepair-week | Bill Weasley x Rowan Khanna
My only entry for this lovely event! Please enjoy~
Summary: Who would have thought a single letter was able to give Rowan Khanna such emotional turmoil? As he is offered a choice to make, memories surge through him, ones that he isn’t that willing to revisit.
Warnings: Mild angst
Notes: / / / symbols followed by italicized text represent flashbacks. Features my MC, Laurent King.
The clock moving on, it drags me along with feet buried in the ground
Road going home is dark and alone, but I’ll make it out alive somehow
Flicks in the night, a lamp giving light, my long shadow left behind
I’m on my own, aren’t I?
One scene is based on @theevildoc‘s wonderful art
Rowan Khanna is the sort of person who likes to plan everything until the last detail. Nothing is skipped, nor forgotten. As usual, he had planned his day, and it was supposed to go down like this: waking up, eating breakfast, hanging with Lau and have lunch with him at some Muggle restaurant, and then relax once he is back at home. Not a super busy day, right? Nothing that’ll exhaust him too much. Maybe he’ll even have time to start reading a new book… but for that, he would need to finish the one he is currently reading. Only a hundred pages left, so it might take him… an hour or so to finish. Yes, he will definitely have time to read another book.
He had planned everything, even his outfit, because just like everyone else he liked looking somewhat good. His style was one that could be classified as “nerdy”. To Rowan, despite people’s narrow-mindedness, it was simply amazing, and if he liked it then it was all that mattered.
Having been nervously sitting on the edge of his seat for an hour, pondering over how uncomfortable that chair was, the silence was suddenly broken by three distinct knocks on the door. One. Two. Bang. One, then two again. That can only be Laurent King, who had the weird habit to make up little tunes whenever he had the opportunity to hit a hard surface. Quickly enough, the door swung open, and the two friends were soon in each other’s arms. After all, it has been months since they last saw each other, due to them being both extremely busy with work.
“Laurent! I missed you so much! Talking about new stories I’ve read isn’t as fun when it’s not with you!”
Laurent chuckled softly, and softly patted Rowan’s hair. During his first year at Hogwarts, he wasn’t exactly… a fan of the guy. Not at all, in fact. He had considered Rowan as too nerdy, too clingy, too… too much. But in the end, he had realized one thing: they were both extremely, terribly curious as well as intuitive, and Rowan quickly saw himself becoming Laurent’s friend and accompanying him through his multiple shenanigans.
“I missed you too, Ro. What’s up?”
Two glasses of wine were filled, and instead of following the planned routine they had agreed upon, Rowan’s impulsiveness surged forward. Before he could notice it, his eagerness to talk to his friend controlled his actions and pushed him to stray from their original plans. My new neighbour’s got a cat that keeps yelling. Farm work is doing extremely great! I started reading a new book, and it is wondrous… topics flowed out of his mouth, one after the other, and he came to realize one thing: how much he loved talking to Laurent King. Usually, a lot of people would order him to shut up at once… but not Lau. Never Lau. He would always listen, a smile on his face and a glint in his eyes. It was truly wonderful, to know that someone was interested in what he talked of… but still, sometimes he had to force himself to shut up in order to let Lau speak at once. He couldn’t be the center of attention at all times, after all ! 
When it finally was Laurent’s turn to speak, Rowan found himself entirely raptured by his words. Granted, he was a great talker, but he was also a great listener. He didn’t miss a single detail, fact, random trivia or opinion said by his dear friend. He could have sat there for hours, just listening to Lau’s musical voice.  Soon enough, he was fully updated about all the things that Laurent have been up to, and vice versa.
As Rowan was about to talk about how he was considering to get a Crup, a letter suddenly appeared between Laurent’s fingers. Blue, sort of frilly, with a heart shaped wax seal that was broken. What could it possibly be?
“Sooo… have you got the invitation, Khanna?”
Rowan’s eyebrows knitted together. “What invitation?”
“Don’t you know? Our man is getting married! And I heard the girl is pretty cool. She’s french, like me!”
Our man. How in the world was Rowan supposed to figure out who Lau was talking about ? Sometimes, that guy was impossible. He sighed, giving Lau his most disappointed stare.
“Which man, Lau? Andre? Ben? Jae?”
Jae isn’t the type of guy to marry, though. At least, to Rowan’s eyes. The closest thing he had to a love story was whatever he had going on with Chiara, and it had been… fairly awkward for all involved. Laurent shook his head at last, loose hair strands that had managed to free themselves from his ponytail flicking left and right.
“Nope. Bill. Bill Weasley is getting married, can you believe!?”
And all kinds of different feelings surged through Rowan Khanna: joy, jealousy, excitement, sadness, enthusiasm, anger. He forced a smile.
“I… haven’t got my invitation, yet”
“You’ll surely get it. You’re a friend of his, after all”
At this point, it was as if barbed wire had suddenly popped inside of Rowan’s throat, and gathering the strength to talk was almost too much.
“Yeah… I’ll get it… surely”
/ / /
Hogwarts’ Library was definitely Rowan’s go-to place to relax. Not even study, just relax and contemplate life. And there was a lot to contemplate. His classes, his friends, his family, his future, his past… and yet, nothing came to his mind as he was sitting at his favourite spot, fact that left a bitter taste in Rowan’s mouth. Never before he had found himself like this, with nothing to ponder over. However, the gears inside of his brain kept on grinding in an attempt to provide him things to have deep reflexions over. This time, maybe he could try and figure out why– suddenly, he froze. A knot formed itself in his stomach, and his palms were quick to sweat abundantly. A few steps away, checking the bookshelves, was William, or Bill was he was known, Weasley.
He was looking absolutely beautiful with his shoulder length almost orange hair and sharp, yet friendly eyes. Immediately, Rowan’s imagination started running, seeing himself confidently standing up and talking to him, maybe even flirting with him… but imaginary Rowan was much more different than the real Rowan, who was still frozen on his seat and staring helplessly at the young man.
Come on, Khanna, it’s not that hard! He is a friend. Just stand up, walk to him, and talk! But about what? What is a good conversation topic? Trees? Yeah, trees sound good! But what about trees? Cats. Cats often climb trees. Should I talk about that? Try to figure out why cats love trees so much? No, that’s ridiculous! Get a grip, Rowan! Talk about… books! No, not books!
In the end, he gave up, and pulled out of his bag a book to read.
/ / /
“What? What do you mean, you’re not coming!?”
Rowan’s invitation, received just a few hours ago, was now ripped into tiny little pieces and buried deep into the wizard’s trashcan. Said wizard was now looking at Lau, face expressionless and arms folded over his chest, looking as decided as ever: he was not going to this wedding, no matter how hard Lau was going to try and convince him. It was his decision, and it was 100% final.
“Because I’m just not! Do you remember the Celestial Ball, Lau? I didn’t want to go, and you forced me to tag along. This time, I’m not coming! Will make me save a lot of money too, no need to buy fancy outfits or whatever…”
He mumbled something else, something unintelligible, before flicking his gaze right back to his friend who looked absolutely scandalized. Why would he not come to Bill’s wedding? This was about their friend! Their friend that they loved very much! Rowan… Rowan considers Bill as a friend, right? Lau mentally slapped himself after thinking that. Of course he considers him as a friend, or else he wouldn’t have let me approach him, the protective little shit he is. Setting himself the objective to convince his friend, he took a step forward, scanning his face as if he could possibly find the reason why he didn’t want to come. Rowan sighed, immediately turning away.
“I-I just don’t wanna go, Lau! That’s all!”
To Lau, however, it looked as if his friend was lying. Completely lying. Why? Simple: he looked stressed, anxious, even desperate. As if he was hiding something from his friend. Something he never wanted to be revealed.
Instead of mentioning that, however, his impulsiveness took over, and it started speaking through him:
“That’s all? Yeah, that’s all a load of stinking bullshit. You’re Bill’s friend, and you know it. He sent you that invitation, he wants you there!” the redhead paused briefly, rubbing his temples. “Do you really want him to be sad during his wedding? During what might be the best day of his life? Because you simply don’t want to come?”
Without meaning it, his tone had sounded as if he was blaming him for trying to ruin Bill’s happiness… and unfortunately Rowan took Lau’s words that way, twirling around and facing him with a thundering gaze.
“Get. Out!”
Please stay. I’m so, so lost, Lau.
“What? No! I’m not getting out until I convince you t-”
But once again, Rowan’s thoughts pleaded his friend to stay, to understand that he wasn’t himself at that moment. However, no matter how much Lau claimed he knew Rowan, he didn’t know him enough to see that he was truly upset and in need of help.
So instead of sitting down and trying to reason him, he took his things and left.
/ / /
The Gryffindor, who has been focused on his Transfiguration homework, quickly raised his head and smiled as he recognized Rowan Khanna. Despite the fact he had an exam coming in the next few days, he closed his book and slipped it into his bag.
“Rowan! What can I do for you?”
Because he immediately noticed one thing: he looked worried. Nervous. Desperate, even. But for what…? Gently, Rowan leaned down, his cheeks reddening.
“Can we… uh, can we talk? Both of us? Together? You and me?”
Ugh, shut up, I think he gets that you want to talk to him alone! He was quick to mentally give himself a punch, and focused back on Bill who was, thank Merlin, nodding. “Sure. Let’s move somewhere else, though, I don’t think that the Library is the best place for conversations…”
He quickly shot a glance in Pince’s direction, and Rowan had to hold back a giggle. Together, they made their way outside of the library, and as soon as Bill closed the door behind him words started flowing out of Rowan’s lips, without him being able to control it:
“Is there anywhere you wanna go? We can go the Clocktower Courtyard, the East Tower, the Common Room- well, wait, we’re not in the same House, true, er…”
This is getting worse and worse. Bill, however, chuckled softly and even placed his hand on Rowan’s shoulder as a comforting gesture. Shivers ran through his entire body, electrifying him, and as Bill started smiling he knew one thing: he was a complete mess for that boy. With hope, Weasley appreciated messes.
“We can just do this here in this hallway. Unless it’s important…? You look kind of pale, Rowan. Did Lau pull a prank on you again?”
That was sufficient to make him laugh.
“No, no pranks… just…”
His heart was hammering against his chest, threatening to burst out at any moment. Quite a gory thing to picture, honestly.
“Just what, Rowan ? You really look weird…”
Just go for it. Take a deep breath, and go for it.
“Would you… like to go out with me?”
/ / /
This is a bad idea.
No, this is a terrible idea.
This is a horrendous idea.
Rowan’s mind was spinning to the point that he was starting to feel sort of dizzy, and he had to stop mid-step in order to press himself against a tree, taking a couple deep breaths. Why did I even accept? Oh yeah, because Lau gave me his cute Puffskein eyed-look. Curse you, Laurent! He felt a hand land on his shoulder, and jumped in surprise until he realized that it was Lau’s.
Of course it was Lau’s, they were going to this… thing together. A smile was etched on his friend’s features, and for a second Rowan envied how relaxed he looked. If only I could be as calm…
But there is no way this will happen.
* * *
He looked beautiful.
Exactly as Rowan feared. He thought his scars might have made him look uglier, and that as a result Rowan might turn out to be less attracted to him… but the opposite happened. He looked strong. He looked badass. He looked ethereal.
Just like his wife, who was dancing with him, a smile on her soft features. Pretty people marry pretty people, I suppose. Wasn’t I pretty enough for him…? He scanned the crowd around him. Everyone was happy, clapping their hands and cheering for the newlywed couple. Rowan tried to imitate them, to plaster a smile on his face, but he found himself unable to do so. He could only stare at the two lovers, and notice the way they looked at each other. With pure, unfiltered love. Will I ever know this kind of love…?
He could still remember their conversation, right outside of the library. Don’t think of it, don’t think of it, you won’t handle it if you think of it while looking at them. Don’t ruin this wedding. It’s as Lau said: I can’t make him upset during his happiest d–
Their gazes met.
And Rowan’s heart crushed.
/ / /
He had said no.
Rowan, I like you a lot, you’re a great friend… let’s stay this way.
He said no, and he has been so kind. So caring. So careful to not offend him.
Why was he so perfect? Why was he so unattainable? Why was this so unfair? Gritting his teeth and holding back tears, Rowan stormed inside of his dorm and threw himself on his bed, sinking into the pillows as if he was trying to choke himself on them.
Invisible barbed wire grated at his throat, making it impossible for him to cry without pain. But he did it anyway. Because what is love, without a bit of pain?
For a moment, he considered giving up, but he quickly remembered something his mom would always tell him:
“Never give up, my boy”
He won’t give up on Bill. Not entirely.
Hope will stay. And linger. And tug at him occasionally.
And he will keep it as his dear companion. Upon thinking that, a smile curled Rowan’s lips.
Maybe we will get in a relationship after all.
And marry
And live happy ever after, without any threat falling on us.
/ / /
“The ministry has fallen. Scrimgeour is dead. They are coming.”
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ostricacida · 6 years
Thanks to my baes @la-paritalienne and @loveisalaserquest17 ❤️
1. Nicknames? — La', Lau, Laure', Lauretta, Lauraco’, Lalie (courtesy of @loveisalaserquest17 )
2. Gender? — Female
3. Star Sign? — Cancer
4. Height? — 1.60m
5. Time? — 03.45 am
6. Birthday? — July 16th
7. Favourite bands? — One Direction, Arctic Monkeys, Kodaline, Coldplay, Franz Ferdinand, Fitz And The Tantrums, The Leisure Society, Kings of Leon, Mumford & Sons, M83, Foster The People, Two Doors Cinema Club, The Neighbourhood, The Raveonettes, Sonic Youth.
8. Favourite solo artists? — Me boys, Florence Welch, Lana Del Rey, Lorde, Daughter, Ed Sheeran, Eminem, Frank Turner, Future, Kanye West, Lykke Li, Ruelle, Sia, Susanne Sundfør, The Weeknd, Yuna.
9. Song stuck in my head? — Fino All'imbrunire - Negramaro
10. Last movie you watched? — Star Wars - Episode IV: A new hope, I’m doing a Star Wars marathon with my brother before the next episode is out
11. Last show you watched? — Shameless (US)
12. When did you create your blog? — September 2014
13. What do I post? — I’m 1D trash but mostly Larry trash
14. Last thing I googled? — The English title of Star Wars’ episode IV
15. Do you have any other blogs? — A side blog where I fangirl over Captive Prince, The Foxhole Court and Skam
16. Do you get asks? — Yeah I kinda do 😌
17. Why did you choose your url? — My freshmen year of uni I was studying midwifery (I changed my studies after that year) and while I was an intern in the Onchology/Neurology/Geriatric ward, the resident nurses used to call me “ostricacida” because they said that all the midwives (ostetriche in italian) working in that hospital were bitter (acide) and bitchy 24/7. So they basically made up a name mixing the two Italian words for midwife and bitter. Even though I started another undergrad when I created my blog, I still had amazing memories of my year working in that hospital and that’s why I chose that url.
18. Following? — 190
19. Followers? — Imma say it even though I’m a tiny blog but I don’t fucking care, I’m around 2k.
20. Favourite colours? — Blue and red
21. Average hours of sleep? — I either sleep 4 hours or ten, there’s no inbetween
22. Lucky number? 5
23. Instruments? — In another life I played the drums
24. What am I wearing? — blue jeans, black chelsea boots, a white sweater, black coat and a black beanie
25. How many blankets do I sleep with? — A duvet and two blankets on top
26. Dream job? — I’ll be a postgrad student in marketing management in a few months so really, anything related to my degree
27. Dream vacation? — Backpacking in Asia
28. Favourite food? Pizza and pasta al forno con la besciamella
29. Nationality? — Italian
30. Favourite song? — It’s impossibile to have one, lately though I haven’t stopped listening to All This And Heaven Too by Florence and The Machines.
As usual since everyone pretty much already did it I’m gonna tag the last 10 people I see in my notifications: @watchyourattitude @allthefreakingtime @zapboobear @yourgoldenview @no-antidote-for-this-curse @deepindeniall @hoodedlouis @imaginationmakesusinfinity @solounabarca and @raggi96 💕
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kitten-and-crow · 7 years
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melbynews-blog · 6 years
„Medizin-Touristen“ - Arzt erklärt, warum er Asylbewerber nicht mehr behandelt - News Inland
Neuer Beitrag veröffentlicht bei https://melby.de/medizin-touristen-arzt-erklaert-warum-er-asylbewerber-nicht-mehr-behandelt-news-inland/
„Medizin-Touristen“ - Arzt erklärt, warum er Asylbewerber nicht mehr behandelt - News Inland
Deggendorf (Bayern) – Er hat genug! Die vergangenen drei Jahre haben ihn zermürbt. Ein Arzt aus Deggendorf (Bayern) will keine Flüchtlinge mehr behandeln.
In der renommierten Wochenzeitung „Die Zeit“ schildert der Mediziner seinen Alltag in einer Asylbewerber-Unterkunft. Es ist eine bittere Abrechnung. „Frech und fordernd“ seien die Menschen, die ihm in seinem Behandlungszimmer im Transitzentrum in Deggendorf begegnen. Der Arzt, der anonym blieben will, bezeichnet mindestens die Hälfte als „Medizintouristen“.
Ernsthafte gesundheitliche Probleme sollen sie nicht haben. Stattdessen würden Massagen für Muskelkater vom Tischtennisspielen und teure Zahn-OPs gefordert. Oder Schmerztabletten zum Dealen.
Von 41 Patienten sage nur einer „Danke“. Der Arzt nimmt viele der Flüchtlinge als unverschämt wahr. Er berichtet: „Da kommen jetzt Leute, die wollen Viagra.“ Sein Verdacht: Viele Flüchtlinge, vor allem aus Sierra Leone und Aserbaidschan (unter 50 Prozent Bleibechance), kommen ganz bewusst nach Deutschland, um für lau behandelt zu werden.
Asyl-Abzocke in Deutschland
Schließlich dauere es lange, bis sie wieder abgeschoben werden würden. „Die Leute wissen, wie schleppend die Verfahren hier laufen. Und sie glauben, sich in der Zwischenzeit von deutschen Spezialisten behandeln lassen zu können“, erzählt der Mediziner in der „Zeit“.
Ein Drittel dieser Patienten soll einen „Ungültig“-Stempel in seinen Papieren haben. Der Arzt hat vor den Verhältnissen kapituliert.
Er sieht jetzt die Politik in der Pflicht. Sie müsse noch strenger, noch schneller sein. Nur so würde man genug Zeit für die wirklich Bedürftigen haben. BILD konfrontierte Landrat Christian Bernreiter (54, CSU) mit der Geschichte des Arztes.
Er sagt: „Ich habe natürlich von den Vorfällen gehört. Und wenn das stimmt, was ich nicht im Einzelfall prüfen kann, ist die Kritik des Arztes natürlich gerechtfertigt. Unser Staat kann nicht alles zahlen!“
Was ist ein Transit-Zentrum?
In Transit-Zentren werden Flüchtlinge mit geringer Bleibe-Chance untergebracht.
Bei den meisten Einwohnern ist ein Asylverfahren bereits gescheitert. Bis zur freiwilligen Ausreise oder der Abschiebung leben sie in den Transitzentren. Sie bekommen dreimal pro Tag Essen, schlafen in Mehrbettzimmern.
Die Bewohner dürfen das Gelände, aber nicht die jeweilige Stadt verlassen.
Anrecht auf einen Sprachkurs haben sie allerdings dort nicht. Auch arbeiten dürfen die Flüchtlinge nicht. In Deggendorf kommen die meisten Flüchtlinge aus Sierra Leone und Aserbaidschan. Viele Transitzentren wurden zuvor als Erstaufnahmeeinrichtungen genutzt.
Schon während der Flüchtlingswelle 2015 betreute der Arzt Asylbewerber, ging in die Erstaufnahme-Einrichtungen vor Ort. Damit war er Teil der Willkommenskultur. Er behandelte die Kriegsopfer aus Syrien oder dem Irak. Die kamen mit „bis aufs Fleisch wund gelaufenen Füßen“ und „Beinen voller Granatsplitter“.
In dieser harten Zeit habe er oft nur eine oder zwei Stunden geschlafen, ein Jahr lang keinen Urlaub gemacht. Die Menschen seien dankbar für die Hilfe gewesen, berichtet der Arzt. Er glaubt: weil sie damals wirklich hilfsbedürftig waren.
Das alles sei vorbei. Erst kürzlich soll ein Aserbaidschaner einen Arzt in Deggendorf mit der Faust ins Gesicht geschlagen haben.
Wenige Tage später kam er sogar mit einem Messer in den Behandlungsraum. Den Vorfall bestätigte Bewohner Amadu S. (26) aus Sierra Leone gegenüber BILD. Wie aggressiv und aufgeladen die Stimmung ist, zeigt sein Nachsatz: „Der Arzt hat es verdient! Er verabreicht die falschen Medikamente oder behandelt gar nicht.“
„Es reicht!“, sagt der Doktor, der sich die Arbeit noch bis Ende Mai mit einem Kollegen teilt. Dann laufen die Verträge aus. Beide wollen nicht verlängern. (kü)
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mole-in-asia-2018 · 6 years
Station 5: Cham Islands
Die nächste Station waren eine der Cham Islands, auf der wir 2 Tage in einem winzigen Fischerdorf lebten. Nach knapp zwei Stunden auf dem Frachtschiff und einer 15 minütigen Rollerfahrt, in der ich hinten mit meinen beiden Rücksacken saß, mich versuchte keinen Abgang zu machen und einige Nahtoderfahrungen gesammelt habe sind wir in unserem Homestay angekommen. Die beiden Gastgeber,Lau und Thu und ihr Sohn Dum, die ihr Haus mit uns teilten empfangen uns freundlich mit Zigaretten und einem Tee, der so bitter war, dass man fast gekotzt hat. Sehr liebe Geste ! In dem Dorf, wo wir die nächsten 2 Tage verbringen werden gab es weder Handyempfang noch Wlan. Ein Paradies! Das Meer war herrlich klar , das Wetter angenehm und der Strand und das Dorf unglaublich schön! Supermarkt ? Fehlanzeige .. es wird gegessen, was mit dem Frachtschiff gebracht und morgens geangelt wird! Marek und ich haben uns beide sehr wohl gefühlt bei den dreien! Wir wurden den ganzen Tag herrlich bekocht, haben eine Schnorcheltour mit Lao, dem Mann, gemacht wunderschöne Korallen gesehen und die Zeit auf dem kleinen Bötchen mit einem Motor, der bestimmt doppelt so alt ist, wie Lao selber, genossen! Relativ schnell war der Tag dann auch schon rum, da wieso auch immer die Zeit hier rennt. Heute war unser letzter Tag hier ! Heute morgen waren wir Fischen, Lao und ich haben 4 Fische gefangen! Marek ging leider leer aus, aber da wir ja nicht so sind haben wir mit ihm geteilt. Glück gehabt Marek ! Mittags gingen wir auf einen kleinen Spaziergang mit Dum, der knapp 2 Stunden dauerte und bedeutete über Steine zu klettern an denen es 10 m weiter 500 m weit runter geht. Uns Bot sich ein unvergesslicher Anblick über das kleine Dorf, das Meer und die unbewohnten Inseln um uns drum ! Dazu kam eine wunderschön untergehende Sonne! Unser Treuer Begleiter hier, Lilly, ein männlicher Hund, begleitete uns stets und passte auf uns auf! Diese zwei Tage auf der Insel waren unglaublich schön und erholsam! Vielen Dank an Lao und Thu für die schöne Zeit hier!
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laufire · 1 month
also while we're at this jason is far less of an "unreliable" narrator than you always act like he is, you just can't accept the other bats ever fuck up.
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guerreraursina · 7 years
Pe/Bo: Tupiza-Uyuni einfach, divers
Ich meine mal gelesen zu haben, dass die Schweiss-Bakterien in trocken-schwefelhaltiger Vulkanluft schlecht gedeihen und die Menschen da entsprechend weniger nach Schweiss riechen. Ich hoffe, dass das stimmt. Ich trage nämlich schon lägnger Tag&Nacht die gleichen Klamotten, die entweder nicht stinken, oder aber an deren Gestank ich mich mit der Zeit gewöhnt habe.
Was wirklich bitter ist: - wenn man auf’s Klo muss und weiss, dass die WC-Brille schon wieder 5 Grad kalt ist - wenn man 10 Bolivianos (CHF 1.60) bezahlt für eine angeblich warme Dusche, die aber kalt bis lau ist, wobei man mit den nackten Füssen auf 5 Grad kaltem Boden steht - wenn man am Morgen keinen warmen Tee bekommt, weil die Wasserleitungen gerade zugefroren sind - wenn man einen Handschuh ausziehen muss um das Handy zu bedienen weil diese modernen Scheissdinger nicht mehr einfach mit Knopf-Drücken funktionieren - wenn man mit der Schwefel-Sand verstaubten Mütze in den nicht so schmutzigen Schlafsack reinkriechen muss, weil schlafen ohne Mütze gar nicht geht - wenn man mit heissem Wasser aufgebrühtes Milchpulver über den Frühstücksfruchtsalat giesst, damit er sich nicht wie Eiswürfel anfühlt in Speiseröhre und Magen - wenn die eigenen Hände so trocken und rau sind, dass man sich selbst nicht mehr an die Hände fassen mag ... wäre ich doch nur in den Tropen und  könnte mich über Sonnenbrände, Sonnenstiche und Mückenstiche aufregen...
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laufire · 2 months
see, it was thinking about jason and roy as they were prereboot, about their potential and how they could get together, about how I would get them together, that inspired in me a kernel of curiosity about the pairing. canon is always the jumping point for me with ships, one way or another. every post about how roy! would never!! even LIKE jason!!! because [insert something that mr. cheshire would NOT find to be a dealbreaker sns] it gives me another push to iron out the plot I'm building just to get them fucking though, so that's nice.
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laufire · 3 months
early 00s comics be like. everyone was SO mean to stephanie for NO reason.
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laufire · 9 days
would you mind expanding more on what you dislike about the gotham knights social services arc? i've always been a fan of the way it depicts jason! robin, and how bruce, alfred, dick, and tim each speak about him in the interviews. even if the way the arc depicts social services as antagonistic and ultimately concludes in "bruce has no culpability for jason's death" is a little objectionable. i'd be curious to hear your thoughts.
honestly, I remember the arc crossing victim blaming jason & trying to portray him as someone the audience might find unsympathetic territory for my taste (joke's on them, he's never done anything wrong, etc. etc.).
I don't mind how it portrays social services in gotham at large: they're a corrupt bunch willing to look the other way when it comes to a rich guy's possible mistreatement of kids in his care; one (1) person tries to actually do something about a dubious situation but ultimately decides he can't or won't go against bruce, following the corrupt institution's mandates instead. it does piss me off that there's absolutely no self-awareness about how maaaaaaybe. mr bruce batman wayne. whose purported goal is to end the crime and corruption in the city. is instead fully taking advantage of it here, in order to COVER UP HIS SON'S MURDER. like. jfc. there's NO acknowledgment in the comics that bruce didn't just ~not avenge~~ jason, he effectively robbed him of any possible justice for his death.
but what I hate most about it is this (second image). the whole "you hold no responsibility for jason's death because you were not his father, but also if you were his father it's fine, you still did right by him" of it all.
it pisses me off so fucking much!! first of all, this version of barbara is ADOPTED, AT ROUGHLY THE AGE JASON WAS WHEN HE DIED. so. ??? am I supposed to take this as an attempt to erase the adoption? I would make a joke about bruce friendzoning his son but man, it's so shitty that they do this lol.
like, we can either take the run at face value, and think, okay. jason was a troubled kid with violence issues due to his shitty upbringing. he was not what he was portrayed as in his original robin tenure, which was yes, a troubled teen, but also an extremely compasionate one who wanted to do good, who protected victims because he strongly empathised with them, and who was actually good at the whole robin thing, often being of invaluable help to bruce. no, instead let's believe he was everything robin SHOULDN'T be, that he should've NEVER been made robin, if only for his own sake, and definitely for other people's. and oh, bruce didn't even consider him a son. he was just Some Kid he tried to "reform" but always saw as a delinquent, as a project.
in which world doesn't this make bruce worse?
my personal take is that this is how bruce, barbara, alfred & co cope with jason's death, and this is a take I do see often. but it's a take that the narrative never challenges. never. not here, not when jason returns. it goes uncriticised, unacknowledged as a falsehood. and when jason is alive his character can speak for himself and does, but when he was dead he was just that. dead, gone. no part of the narrative was on his side.
this is related to why I immediately will stop taking you seriously if you claim jason was a better character when he was dead lol. when he "haunted" the narrative. he didn't haunt shit, it was all like this! what people mean by saying this is that they're uncomfortable with how jason's return completely fucks up the ~batfamily status quo and they can't be comfortable with it anymore. jason keeps pocking holes at it.
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laufire · 6 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
this dynamic was the best thing about clarke in all of ~~book one~~ i will NOT take constructive criticism I will NOT accept discount anyas-
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laufire · 2 months
speaking as someone who makes everything about jason todd lately, some of you could stand to hear that not everything has to be about jason todd... if you dislike the guy, I promise you don't have to mention him in every post you make about the characters you supposedly care about... you can *gasp* make posts about the things you enjoy about THEM!!! if there's any you can not link back to jason, that is. he's living rent free in your mind and that has to be so fucking exhausting lmao.
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