#body checking
tombama · 5 months
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If You can't Stand the Heat..Get Out of the Kitchen.
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number1moose · 1 year
Body checking
This shirt feels tighter...... AH! I'm gaining weight
These pants feel looser...... I'm losing weight?
Maybe I should stop using external "rulers" to attempt to judge my body. Bodies eb and flow. I am the tide, not the shore.
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shrinkingsnowdrop · 7 months
the ever present cycle
i see a reflective surface
i body check
oh no, i look fat
i avoid every reflective surface.
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cruelintentionz · 2 years
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Hey! Uh, I've been struggling with ED since my childhood, and I think I have it somewhat under control at this point (I'm 22), but the thoughts tend to get a lot worse real fast when I notice any kind of change happening to my body and/or when I'm stressed and/or feel disconnected from my body. Either I've put on some weight lately or I'm just bloated due to being stressed to hell and back and getting very little sleep in the past week (both due to a death in the family), the reason doesn't really matter because all my brain sees is that my cheekbones aren't as prominent as usual and my body doesn't seem as petite.
I keep thinking that if I have a square figure (I don't know if it's true, but in my mind whenever I put on weight it all goes to my waist and nowhere else and makes me look like a square instead of a hour glass), I can no longer wear feminine clothes and that they will look awful on me and everyone will laugh at me.
I was also raised with the idea that my body is one of the few things I have going for me and that there is a "right" way for a body to be, and that "correct" way is 90-60-90 proportions, so when I feel like I'm getting more squarish I also start thinking "Nobody will ever love me if they see me naked like this. They will think 'Oh. That looked way more ok dressed up. I don't want a rectangle for a partner, a woman is supposed to have killer curves and a thigh gap and be skinny with a completely flat stomach. What IS that? I'm out.' and they'll leave me and they'll tell everyone and then everyone will laugh at me whenever I go outside."
I think that my problems also tend to get worse when someone shows interest in me? Last year I had to break up with a guy because I relapsed when we started dating and it got worse and worse the longer our relationship lasted. When I am alone and nobody expects to see my body and I don't have to look at my body, I think it's generally better. But I am starting to date again now and I thought it would be fine because they also struggle with ED, so I thought that I wouldn't worry as much because I'd know that they know what it's like and I wouldn't feel like I have to perform some sort of ultra-skinny ultra-hourglass standard, but I guess that is not true. Because along with everything above I very much do feel like I need to be ultra-skinny and ultra-hourglass for them and am terrified of them possibly wanting to see me naked, especially so because as I said I have noticed a minor change in my body and now I'm convinced it's a huge change and a bad one. I haven't told them about any of this tho because I know that it's a deranged thing to think.
I'm honestly not sure about what I need/want from you. I guess any kind of affirmation or advice would be nice. And I'm sorry that this got so long.
Hi, anon, that's quite a vent you have there! I can tell you've been struggling with this stuff for quite some time. While I am choosing to answer this ask, I would like to put a gentle reminder not to put specific numbers, like weights, body measurements, calorie counts etc in posts as this can sometimes be triggering to others.
So my advice to you may be hard to follow, because of course you're going to want to body-check yourself if your body size has been seen as your best accomplishment, but constant body-checking is a compulsive behavior common in restrictive EDs. I would recommend you refrain from weighing yourself, and only look in the mirror as much as you need to brush your teeth, wash your face, check hair, makeup, clothes etc. If you catch yourself scrutinizing your appearance for weight changes, try to catch yourself. Ask yourself what you need to do in order to redirect to a healthier line of thinking. You identify that you have been taught to see your greatest worth in your body. Perhaps you could take this time to affirm to yourself your worth in other areas, or engage in an activity away from mirrors that helps you connect with yourself. That way you can be reconnected with a sense of your true worth. Don't be discouraged if it's hard at first, these things take time.
You especially need to practice giving yourself grace at times like these, when you are highly stressed out. Bodies change in life and that is a natural phenomenon, not a moral failing. Bodies are especially prone to change during these times of high stress. But you are a living human being who's recently had a loss in the family. You deserve gentleness and time to grieve, not pressure to make your body stay palatable during hard times.
Maybe it could be a good idea to step back from the idea of dating for a bit of time while you reconnect with yourself and your sense of worth. It's hard, I know, but I hope that one day you are able to find someone who you trust enough that you can have honest conversations about this, ideally prior to any bedroom activities. Someone you can talk to about what you need to feel worthy and desired by them. Someone will put effort into doing what you need them to do. There are so many people with different bodies in this world, some single, some in relationships, some in queerplatonic partnerships, but so many different people are finding out ways they can be loved in their bodies, and I hope you can be one of them. It will take time and practice and setbacks, so stay patient with yourself.
I also hope that you one day are able to build such confidence and respect for yourself that you would loudly kick anyone out of your bedroom who dared to tell you they disliked something about your body.
It's true, you can't always trust the influences around you to give you a healthy perspective on your worth outside your body shape. It sounds like that's something you've experienced in your life. Not everybody is going to be a positive influence, so it's up to you to be your own primary positive influence and look within yourself for points of personal worth when you start hear people bringing up your body.
Oh, and I recommend you keep writing. Sometimes it just helps to get it all out, and even gets some stuff processed in your head!
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th1nsp1r4t10n4l · 8 months
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I will actually go feral if I'm still 90lbs after this fast
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thinfreak · 1 year
Missing my old body. Wishing I can go back in time and make myself even thinner than before.... Now I'm going to do better.
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blu-cosmo · 1 year
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even my yt knows hahahahahah
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fitskinnyfairy · 9 months
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60cm / 23,6inch waist
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conniesmarter · 9 months
Goodmorning Guys! So i figured out my meal plan for what i will eat. i figured out i can drink the zero sugar monsters if i get tired of water and for my little snacks i will replace them with rice cakes and spread or fruit!
Day 4
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how do i stop grabbing and pinching my body? :(
Are you talking about grabbing your skin to try to measure your weight? If that's the case, I'd suggest you actually try to become comfortable and loving toward your body as is. It's a lengthy, laborious journey, but say you're grabbing part of your body and hating yourself because you want it to be thinner so that there's nothing to grab. Instead, perhaps you could try gently touching those places next time you want to grab. You might tell yourself something along the lines of "I love my body's softness here" or "My body is my home" or "my body is doing the best it can to make sure I stay well and don't starve. My body is fighting for me." Whatever you're targeting about your body, try to actively combat the thought and behavior by using gentle gestures and gentle thoughts in order to restructure how you feel about your body.
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mylifeasamartyr · 2 years
I hate my body.
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It makes me feel disgusting. Like a pig. I'm so fucking fat it makes me ill. I keep binging and I cant stop, I'm trying to purge but it won't work. I'll look at some thinspo. Maybe that will work.
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mariecutts · 2 years
Me presento , no estoy segura de decir mi edad porque realmente puede ser tema de polémica pero , eh tenido graves problemas a lo largo de mi vida de los cuales no eh podido hablar con nadie diciendo totalmente la verdad y necesito desahogarme, aunque nadie lea esto me podría ayudar simplemente como vent …
Desde pequeña eh recibido constantes adulaciones por parte de maestros , padres y algunos alumnos (académico y deportivo) pero realmente nunca me sentí llena si no tenía alguna amiga que yo considerara mi mejor amiga , algo como un trauma de dependencia emocional , al llegar a la secundaria empecé a tener constante validación de parte de compañer@s por mi físico y empecé a darme a notar , eso en parte me llenaba pero no tanto como el sentirme querida por una amiga , a mitad de pandemia me hice amiga de una niña que siento que le dio sentido a mi vida pero al mismo tiempo la arruino , realmente no la culpo totalmente por lo qué pasó pero no estoy segura de que haya sido lo correcto. Digamos que se llama María , Antes de hacerme muy cercana a ella , yo ya tenía muchísimos pensamientos intrusivos hacia mi cuerpo y hacia mi vida en general, muchos dicen que realmente no afecta y que solo es una serie más pero vi skins a la edad de 12 años y vi thirteen a los 13, me cambio pero fue de una forma mental porque mi mente asimiló eso y en parte lo imitó sin darme cuenta , yo ya había estado un poco adelantada a mi edad en temas de tomar y fumar pero gracias a estos shows este problema se hizo aun más grande , empecé a beber mas pero no demaciado , lo hacia porque se sentía bien y luego porque realmente era un hábito , yo ya empezaba a tener pensamientos relacionados a problemas 4limentici0s , pero cuando conocí a maria todo cambio. Al principio era reconfortante tener una amiga tan cercana , no recuerdo el momento en el que empezamos a tener pláticas del tipo de estos problemas pero ella ya tenía más experiencia en eso , su fyp de tiktok ya era de eso y ya había intentado algunas cosas , mientras que yo , apenas tenía sólo pensamientos del tipo , y por miedo a que se alejara de mi o realmente no se porque lo hice , supongo que para tener una mejor amiga , el punto es que empecé a fingir que yo también lo hacía y que lo hacía desde hace mucho igual que ella y me cree un transtorno falso que yo no tenía , pero que poco a poco fui desarrollando gracias a fingirlo , el problema esque empecé a empeorar cuando maria mejoraba y ella ya no quería hablar de eso porque ella ya estaba bein entonces era demaciado tw para ella esas platicas , por eso me quede sin nadie con quien platicarlo , a parte de eso , la dependencia emocional que tengo porq actualmente la sigo teniendo hacía maria es muy alta , literalmente llego un punto en el que gran parte de mis ataques de ansiedad y mis c0rt4das eran por ella, si no me contestaba o si me contestaba de una manera yo sentía que se alejaría d mi, si tiene otras amigas o cualquier mínima cosa , me da pánico, es obvio que no es sana la relación que tengo hacía ella pero realmente no pienso alejarme, porque es algo tan difícil que moriría en el intento, realmente nunca me ah dado un consejo que me sirva realmenre , sus consejos son hirientes , tiene muy poca responsabilidad afectiva y eso me mata, no se que hacer realmente con eso…. Habían pasado semanas en las que yo había mejorado muchísimo , ya no tenía ningún pensamiento respecto An4 o M1a o s3h4 pero , hoy , Justo hoy , algo lo detonó , algo tonto a ojos de los demás pero no para los míos , no se bien porque pero recaí ,me hice dos pero quería hacerme millones , el problema es que no quiero que sean visibles, ese es el problema real , por mi , tendría los brazos y las piernas totalmente destruidas …
Te cuento esto porque nadie más puede escucharme sin que yo me sienta mal , esque la única persona que podría ayudarme o con la que podría recurrir es maria pero no puedo contarle la verdad , a parte de lo insensible que es … en fin , si estás pasando por algo similar o si tienes un consejo, te ruego que me escribas porfavor … gracias si llegaste hasta aquí ❤️‍🩹
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