#brutal episode asdfghjkl
Tagged by @callhimnowmarisamylove 🫶
Tag game: tag 9 people you'd like to get to know better.
Last song: 2am by The Beths 😭 I started listening to their music recently and this song broke me, the nostalgia and yearning was programmed into it or something how did they DO that???
Currently Watching: I just started the Lessons In Chemistry tv show! I Finished the book a couple of weeks ago and loved it, plus Brie Larson is such a queen 😍 I'm only two episodes in and the end of the second episode was... Brutal ❤️‍🩹 oh and OF COURSE I've been watching the Percy Jackson show (which you might have seen once or twice on my blog lol) 🩵🔱🌊 please allow 3 to 5 business days while I recover after the finale airs 🥲
Three Ships: gotta be Percabeth (no surprises there), Jopper ofc (when will Stranger Things return from the war), and Locklyle (my sweet children, gone too soon 😭)
Favourite Colour: Blueeeeee 💙 though I am also enjoying a lovely forest green at the moment
Currently Consuming: I made burgers for dinner which were super yum, and had a Perky Nana as a little after dinner treat 😌
First Ship: Percabeth forever and ever baby! I remember going on the We Heart It website (is that still around?) to look at fanart and stuff asdfghjkl how time flies! And now here we are watching their story play out all over again on the show 🥹
Relationship Status: single pringle for 2 years now ✌️
Tagging: @legendofcutiepies @tvmilfs @love-thatfish @cupcakeblake and anyone else who feels like joining in 💕
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Admittedly I do not know any of your OCs but here's our chance to fix that!! 7, 9, 17, 21, and 32 for whichever two of them sound like the most fun to talk about!
asdfghjkl okay cool cool so I'll go with two from my favorite og work called Giant Flying Lizard Thing. Laura and Kaixon are long-lost dragon shapeshifter siblings
7. What fictional character do you think most influenced them, or is most like them (intentionally or not)?
Laura is actually pretty original. she's very dry and closed off and at face value her personality is almost apathetic and I've often struggled with her characterization because I haven't encountered many good references in the media I typically consume. I can't think of a character off the top of my head that really inspired her. That being said, the whole story did start out as a parody to the Mark of the Dragonfly book that I read a loooong time ago (10/10 would recommend, though it is geared towards young audiences) which has dragon-shapeshifter adjacents.
Kaixon is on the other end of the scale. He's super jaded, but he runs it through with chaotic humor and unhinged criminal activity. He's got a good heart but like. you know. it's buried under about fifteen layers of trauma, self-hate, pessimism, loneliness, etc. Think Kanan pre-Hera. Kanan wasn't a base for his character, however, which is ironic because the more I think about it the more similarities I can point out. I did make Kaixon before I even knew Kanan existed okay I swear. Kaixon was probably more inspired by guys like Keefe Sencen from KOTLC or Han Solo.
9. Pick a quote from Avatar: The Last Airbender that describes them.
Oh shoot this is a hard one. give me a second while I pull up a list of atla quotes.
okay here's Laura's: “Step aside, filth.” —Zuko, Episode 1.15, “Bato of the Water Tribe” She's not super creative, but when she does express emotion it's very intense and often violent. This quote is blunt and to the point, and quite possibly the most generous warning she could ever give the scum bag she's about to beat up. Usually she just jumps them (Shane is proud of her for using her words).
This one is for Kaixon: “You sound like my nephew, always thinking you need to do things on your own without anyone’s support. There is nothing wrong with letting the people who love you help you.” —Iroh, Episode 2.08, “The Chase” He's very non-trusting and pushes people away every chance he gets. While it's kind of a thing to be a lone gunslinger in his career as a professional criminal, he has accumulated a few close friends against his better judgement, which he seemed frustratingly unaware of.
17. How healthy are their familial relationships?
So everything was great at the start of course. Kaixon ("Drayce" at the time. he changed his name when he became a bounty hunter) was Laura's beloved protective older brother and everyone doted on her because she was baby and cute and full of life. then their parents were brutally murdered by slavers and they were separated and they both assumed the other was dead. Eventually Laura was adopted much later by a really nice lil family clan who were very accommodating of her traumatic past and triggers. they help her feel like a person again which is super great we love to see it. She does have a bit of a rivalry with her adoptive cousin Hally but only because Hally is super competitive and Laura totally forgot how to be nice. Kaixon never got adopted lol read: doesn't trust anyone. by the time his parents were killed he was old enough to make it on his own so he never put much effort into finding new people. He does get forcefully adopted by a few of his friends, but they're not super consistent relationships because he forces himself to work alone most of the time. They're trying. it's okay, it'll work out eventually.
21. What is their love language?
Laura expresses love by committing acts of service. This stems a lot from her sense of inadequacy, and growing up in a system of merit where she was rewarded or punished based on the quality of her performance. While she knows in her head that the people who love her would never hold her to the standards she was conditioned with in her formative years, it's knee-jerk instinct at this point. She always wants to prove that she's a valuable asset. On the flip side, she feels love by spending quality time with her family. Her family and the people she values most are what she hoards as a dragon cryptid, so being near them and spending time with them and doing fun things with them and knowing they're safe makes her feel really happy and fulfilled.
Kaixon is also a mix of the two. He won't go out of his way to spend time with people he loves since it's habit for him to isolate himself, but he deeply appreciates surprise visits from his friends (especially that friend if you know what I mean 😉). He uses his actions to show he cares about something or someone. no feat is too small. this boy will go above and beyond to any length necessary to prove his devotion and commitment. He'll do anything. seriously he will do anything <3
32. Rate on a scale of 1 to 10 how likely they are to commit a crime.
Okay this is funny. First of all, I need to establish that the government in this story is hella corrupt so a lot of the actual good things are considered crimes and a lot of the bad things are fully legal (read: active slave trade).
Laura is suuuuper unhinged and has poor impulse control especially when it comes to Shane. She has definitely eaten people for insulting him before. no one touch her precious little sunshine man. Also she's just super opinionated, and because she's not human she has a few physical advantages over most public offenders and is a lot more likely to get away with doing illegal stuff. I'll give her a 6/10.
Kaixon is the most wanted man in the kingdom. Doing crimes is literally his profession. 10/10.
Thank you super duper much @kanerallels for the ask! I always love going off about my oc babies my children my beloved muffins! They are so dear to me and I will NEVER tire of talking about them! I hope you enjoyed Laura and Kaixon feel free to keep the asks coming
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summersblood · 3 years
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Stargirl | 2x06 - “Summer School: Chapter 6″
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Why I like her: She's confident, steadfast, perceptive, and surprisingly nice despite seeming abrasive and unapproachable.
Why I don't: That being said, her sheer impulsiveness does get in the way of things a bit. Girl has no chill...
Favorite episode: Ikari Gozen. Because of course... (Insert low-effort "If you don't love me at Onichan, you don't deserve me at Ikari Gozen" meme here)
Favorite line: "The only reason you can't stay on your feet is your hesitation. I never hesitate."
OTP: Marigami, natch.
Brotp: Platonic Adrigami for the win!
Headcanon: While her passion for fencing and kendo is genuine, whatever else is shoved into her schedule... Not so much. Also, she wouldn't ever admit that she actually likes ice skating, feeling that it doesn't fit her image, and her mother may or may not have dissuaded her from mentioning ice skating around her ever again.
Unpopular opinion: Oh boy, this is gonna get ranty. People need to stop villifying Kagami over her canon crush on Adrien. This whole Die For Our Ship trope, ironically, needs to die the most. Also, it feels like the fandom only lets Kagami get some fucking rest when she's fitting their idealized image of her. A bit of brutal honesty in Frozer? Everyone villified her. Being rightfully upset at Marinette for trying to sabotage her during Animaestro? Everyone villified her. Getting justifiably pissed off at Lila for what she pulled in Onichan? Everyone. Villified. Her. Or went full #NotMyKagami (god, am I glad this isn't an actual hashtag) and started attacking the writers. I'm calling it, if she supposedly "steps out of line" again in Season 4, people are going to start going at her YET AGAIN. It irks me to no end. Let Kagami be herself, y'all...
A wish: Depends. We talking within the realm of possibility or just in general? Because if it's the latter, then Adrigaminette OT3 endgame. A perfect compromise if you ask me.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: Lukagami endgame. This would be the laziest case of Pair the Spares if that were to happen, plus I don't see any possibility of any halfway decent chemistry between Kagami and Luka.
5 words to best describe them: Confident As Fucc Sword Bi
My nickname for them: Dragon Daughter.
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elizabeatrice · 4 years
Walking Blind + Thoughts on The Little Mermaid Being Episode 12
Let’s Talk About JSHK Anime #2
Warning: Manga spoilers up until Tanabata Arc (basically that + the entirety of season 1 + the skipped arcs)
I’m gonna talk about how the anime keeps proving my predictions wrong with skipped arcs, and later right, with consequences. Due note that this isn’t me hating the anime (because I love it). Just my funny experience attempting to Sherlock my way through the anime, plus my thoughts on The Little Mermaid being the finale.
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No deduction works when it comes to predicting this series.
It all started when episode 5, The Confession Tree, came out. I was looking forward to it ‘cause I’m hananene trash af. Legit thought the entire episode was gonna be about Kodama.
But then the episode preview pics came out and I was like, “Sakura wtf are you doing here you don’t show up again until three chapters later?”
My first prediction was ep 5 would be entirely Kodama, and then ep 6 would be Young Exorcist. Seeing that these arcs serve to build up Nene and Kou wanting to know more about Hanako, I thought it’d be nice that we set aside two episodes just for that.
But then Kodama finished somewhere around the fifteenth minute mark, and we started Young Exorcist Part 1. Which was, you know, fine. But then instead of continuing, they jumped right to the end of the arc when Nene met Sakura for the first time, and then kept going to No. 5′s rumor and revealed Tsukasa early. Next episode’s title preview confirmed it, too. Ep 6 was gonna be 4PM Bookstacks.
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Okay. I still had hope. Maybe they just rearranged the order.
On the other hand, the lack of ‘Part 1′ in the title was alarming. And it came true. They packed four chapters into one episode. A lot of things got cut. There wasn’t enough room for the op, and they had to run the credits while the episode was still ongoing. Though, tbh, other than Tsuchi’s line about him being able to change the books (with dire consequences), I didn’t have much problem with the cut scenes.
Then this thing showed up.
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Before ep 5 I didn’t think we’d get Donuts until around episode 9-ish. But nope the No. 7s would meet each other in ep 7 (lmao see what I did there?). Again, I was fine with it, but I was a bit upset about Young Exorcist.
Someone said it may be moved to the finale, and I didn’t like that idea. Mostly because Yashiro, our main audience POV, isn’t in the arc. And it just sounds weird having a finale without your main audience POV.
They could put her there, sure, but that would mean adjusting Nene and Teru’s every future interaction. Even without shipping goggles or Nene’s romance-colored glasses, do you think Nene would still act the same towards Teru if she saw him hurt Hanako like that? ‘Cause that was brutal. Like she wouldn’t run and protect him like she did when they met Kou.
They put Kou and Teru’s resolution from Young Exorcist into their convo in episode 7. This kinda makes Teru a bit useless, though. I mean, he still doesn’t do much in the manga but the tension between him and Kou was supposed to set up this badass fight. Since it didn’t happen, and Young Exorcist isn’t gonna be the finale either, then he’s pretty much useless.
Anyway, the thing about Teru being onto The Broadcasting Club?
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Not from the manga.
I’m not sure if Manga!Teru is really onto them. As far as I remember, it wasn’t hinted anywhere in the manga. Do correct me if I’m wrong. So what was the point of that change?
I didn’t get pissed until halfway through episode 7 and suddenly Mitsuba was there, but no fishes.
“What is he doing here, where’s that puffer fish, where’s his murder? Hello?”
I was very neutral about Mitsuba from the very beginning but when he showed up where The Little Mermaid (and my fish murder!!!) was supposed to be I kinda began to grow undeserved resentment toward him (I’m cool now though!). Totally, totally undeserved, because it wasn’t his character’s fault.
I was happy because Mitsuba stans got to see him animated (he was cute, and his VA was so good). But putting him in episode 7??? I mean they just left Hanako and Nene’s tension unresolved like that. That makes the episode really choppy in my opinion. They could’ve had the coolest final shot of the season of Tsukasa murdering that fish to scare and excite the anime-onlys. They missed that chance.
We got to episode 8. Pretty solid. Still would’ve preferred if its first bits weren’t in Donuts, but solid.
Preview title basically confirmed they’re skipping The Little Mermaid too. That was when I lost hope in Young Exorcist. But I tried to compromise. If they weren’t animating The Little Mermaid, then they have to put Hanako and Nene’s conversation and pinky promise in The Little Mermaid at the end of ep 9.
Episode 9 turned out to be my favorite. It was all thanks to Natsuhiko. He really cheered me up over our loss of two arcs. And my prediction was right for once. Hanako apologized for ruining the donuts. That’s definitely not the point of their tension (Tsu-ka-sa and trust), but it was still nice and I’d take what I could get. The hug. The hug was very nice.
I was mostly content, excited to see my boi Akane the next week. But then I thought, wait, we only have three episodes left. And we’re definitely reaching Hell of Mirrors, ‘cause No. 3′s silhouette is in the OP. Then the horrifying thought hit me.
They were gonna skip Searching.
But! The freaking post-credit showed up followed by this:
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“They skipped Searching AND Clock Keeper??? Why on earth would you highlight Akane, with Teru of all people, in the OP then?! Paralleling Mitsuba and Kou no less!”
Due notice, yet again, the lack of ‘Part 1′ in the title preview. Before the episode actually aired, this was my train of thought: “Okay so they skipped The Clock Keeper and Searching, and decided to outdo episode 6 by packing 6 chapters (yeah, I counted “Reach Out Your Hand”) into one episode. Ahahaha ... what?”
Thankfully, they proved me wrong. Kay. Good. Thanks a bunch for fooling me with that title preview.
But then it freaking hit me. You got one episode left. The finale. Sure, Clock Keeper as a finale will be perfect. It’s a good hook for season 2. However. You can’t do Clock Keeper without doing Searching. It’d basically be almost the same as doing Donuts without doing The Little Mermaid. The finale wouldn’t feel resolved this way, because, again, there’s tension between Hanako and Nene (and Kou too) that isn’t resolved yet.
Not that Searching addressed the cause of the tension, but at least it brought the trio back to their status quo (well, with a bit of kounene and hananene development haha). Also, without Searching, it’ll only end like this:
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Clock Keeper itself is 5 chapters. They can cut and modify. Sure. But y’all saw ep 6.
So that’s why I was sure we’re definitely not getting No. 1 this season. To me, that leaves three options for the finale.
A. Delivery + Tanabata Arc
Best pick in my opinion
It’s the direct continuation to Hell of Mirrors
The main trio are all there, especially our audience POV
More glimpses of Amane is always a plus point
The ‘getting hit by a bull, waking up in the past, and seeing your boyfriend before he died’ is just so random I think it’d be a pleasant surprise for the anime-onlys
Just wholesome in general, leaves the audience feeling good
The-ma-tic!!! You begin the series with Nene’s wish and end it with Amane’s isn’t that just asdfghjkl wish wish wish, everything’s about wishes in JSHK
B. Young Exorcist
Classic boss battle finale
Just Teru’s badassery *chef’s kiss*
Hanako getting emotional (something we haven’t really seen before)
Getting deeper into Hanako’s motive (episode 8 would’ve been more impactful had we had Young Exorcist before it, what with his view of disappearing/exorcism for ghosts being salvation)
Kou’s character development
^ counter argument: he already got the character development he went through in Young Exorcist in episode 6 and 7, plus, he and Teru already resolved their disagreements - though, not as impactful as in the manga
Also wholesome, HanaKou is great I love their friendship so much *sobs*
C. The Little Mermaid
@emee-ems​ pointed out here: “it started with the mermaid so they’ll end it with the mermaid” and I agree
Yashiro being persuaded to leave Hanako, while their friendship was what began the whole series? That’s some good conflict right there
Seeing Hanako worried about Yashiro leaving him? Good shit
Also wholesome (extra shipping content never hurts, either)
Hanako willingly opening up to Yashiro for the first time!!! That’s a big milestone for them
Yashiro accepting that he’s just not ready instead of not trusting her like she’d thought is *chef’s kiss*
That pinky promise! Starting the series making a bond due to unfortunate circumstances and ending the series making/staying loyal to a bond out of choice??? Good shit
Aaaaannnnddddd the verdict was:
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I did previously think we’re gonna end the season with The Little Mermaid. But here’s the thing. It only works if everything is in chronological order.
Why? Because the tension that led to this arc in the first place is resolved already in episode 9.
The whole point of TLM is that conversation at the end, really, where:
Hanako apologizes for ruining the donuts (he already did in episode 9)
Hanako thanks Yashiro for telling him that she liked him
Hanako admits that he had a little brother and that he killed him (Tsukasa already confirmed both of this for Nene, both in episode 7 and episode 9)
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So having Hanako repeating all this seems kinda redundant. Nene already knows. Sure, it’ll be nice to hear it from him directly ... but it’s too late now, isn’t it? It’s been four episodes. She’s met Tsukasa three times now. However, point number 2 is still available.
Furthermore, since Hanako already apologized in episode 9, I’m not sure if the fishes can use what happened in episode 7 to persuade Nene to leave him. I mean, she forgave him already. Tension resolved. They hugged and all. And it’s been so long since then.
Animating the fish murder scene is also kinda useless. It was supposed to give the audience a glimpse of how dangerous Tsukasa is. But we already know that. We saw him rip someone’s heart out and force-feed it to someone else.
The first half of The Little Mermaid Part 1 and The Broadcasting Club at the end of Part 2 are already animated in episode 7. That leaves them even more room for extra scenes. I hope they take good advantage of that.
Basically, they have to make a lot of adjustments and I’m curious to see what they’re gonna do.
I am happy that we’re gonna see The Little Mermaid. The way Hanako wipes Nene’s face with his sleeve, and then cradles her head? I need it, they make my heart melt. Can’t wait.
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iximaz · 4 years
Running thoughts on The Mandalorian Episode 8
This episode summed up in one word: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA???!!!
I’m only gonna say it once: MASSIVE spoilers beyond the break!
THEY PUT BABY YODA IN THE BAG ASDFGHJKL; YOU MONSTERS aw cute point of view shot from inside the bag but also HOW DARE YOU
did you seriously do it TWICE
Okay these two troopers have big Taika energy and as much as I already hate them I’m laughing my ass off
These two trying some target practice to pass the time can’t shoot for shit and I’m living for it
That other trooper be like
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Okay it’s not just me who heard that trooper say “Oh my god”, right??
oh my god IG you better show them what’s what
Breaking that fucker’s arm after he hit Baby Yoda yesssssss
IG is an icon and i love him
“The Mandalorians have a covert down in the sewers” oh that’s neat so that’s where it was
“If we can get down there, they can help us escape” uhhh Dyn how long has it been since they said they’d have to relocate buddy
Oh the troopers are getting out a big gun thing this is fine they’ll just miss with it anyway
...What the hell kind of sewer has access inside a bar lounge?
can we just get more footage of cara with her big gun being sexy and stuff please
“Night of a Thousand Tears” is this just me or does this just sorta feel like Kristallnacht like seriously yikes and also oof
Ughhhhh I hate Moff Gideon so good job writers on that I absolutely loathe your villain well done
baby din is so precious and i wanna feed him cookies and tell him it’s gonna be okay send help please
Baby Din being carried away via jetpack my heart
Oh man so the Purge would have happened semi-recently which means Din’s clan are a more orthodox version of the Way that’s neat aw shit Imma have to tweak my fic again aren’t I
Baby Yoda and IG-11 on the bike together are just stunning
“I am fulfilling my base function. ... To nurse and protect.” YOU GO NURSE DROID IG
Greef downing shots thinking he’s gonna die is honestly such a mood
hnggg yess more of Cara being sexy AF
“If you go near this child, I will have no choice but to kill you.” ME TOO
Oh shit oh shit that’s chunky blood
Not good not good not good
Din baby please you can’t die this is your show
oh god is he gonna need to take the helmet off
oh no he’d rather die than take it off
he wants cara to protect his baby send help
Din asking IG to kill him nooo ;-;
The episode’s only half over and I still haven’t seen some of the trailer shots how’re they getting out of this
oh m
my god
“No living thing has s-seen me without m-my helmet since I s-swore the C-Creed—” Din stoppit stop stuttering and dying you’re breaking my heart
Oh no is this gonna make him stop hating droids so much is this a loophole is this not can he not be Mandalorian is he g
oh my g
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Din baby look at what they’ve done to you
(internally: oh my god he’s hot this is not fair imma die send help my ovaries am become explode)
his reaction to IG’s attempt to make a joke like my god aaaaaaa
I’m just gonna go cry seeing all the helmets and armor piled up here if we’re gonna continue the Jews parallel this is like all the shoes you see at Holocaust museums and I bet this was 100% intentional
Din just slowly falling to his knees seeing it :(
Oh thank fuck the Armorer is actually alive and the preview scene wasn’t from a flashback!
She knows about the Jedi~~~
Din: “So you mean this thing is my baby now?” Armorer: “Bitch haven’t you been watching the entire show”
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For real this brings my heart so much fucking joy I can’t even
“You are a clan of two.” ASDFGHJKL; AAAA
“Have you trained in the Rising Phoenix?” JETPACK?
“When I was a boy, yes.”
Also okay so like he says nobody’s said his name since he was a kid but apparently the entire clan knows it? What? Did I miss something? Guys?
Maybe he’s never heard the name from people outside the clan? Fuck it, that’s what Imma go with
Oh my god the Armorer beating the absolute hell out of those Stormtroopers I am so gay for her right now aaaaa
Cara watching Greef and Din trying to move the boat and then she just shoots the dock it’s on XD
aww the little R2 unit’s got little arms WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING IT’S GOT LEGS TOO??
Din: “I don’t suppose anybody here speaks droid?” IG-11: “bish u wot m8″
God the convection from this lava river’s gotta be brutal
omg fire ferrets good bois good bbs
...Literally everything about IG’s death and Din starting to overcome his hatred of droids just in time to watch his savior self-destruct to save them all hurts so hard, jesus christ
oh shit it’s the Moff in a TIE
“Come on, baby! Do the magic hand thing!” Greef you absolute icon i love u
Baby Yoda just fuckin waving back at him and cooing im ded
oh shit it’s motherfuckin JETPACK TIME
wait how’s he wearing it over the cape won’t the cape burn up
Nvm he’s got the cape slung over one shoulder now
hahaha Moff get fuckin REKT (no way he’s dead though people climb out of worse crashes than that all the time)
Okay Din using the jetpack is way sexier than it should be can he just take me now please i thirst
Cara becoming Greef’s enforcer is just perfect and I hope we see more of these two in the next season also sweet Din is gonna find his life a lot easier now that he’s not running from the Guild
He made Kuiil a grave im not crying ur crying
is he gonna name the baby Kuill
Baby Yoda has the pendant he gave Cara!!
And now we pan back to the wreck where Moff is climbing out of it
or not
fuckin Jawas, man
Now Moff?
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cadaceus · 5 years
So, I’ve finished Critical Role, Campaign 2, Episode 36: O Captain, Who’s Captain? I feel like we’re getting into some proper pirate stuff which is great because I LOVE pirate stuff. Also, this episode has one of the coolest titles to date. And it had some solid character development too! More comments below and beneath the cut <3
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- I just have to say that when Caduceus says to Yasha “You keep leaving... I think you might have the right idea.” I love how the cast’s reaction isn’t to laugh or to take it lightly, but to kind of go “oh no” and react appropriately to what Caduceus is implying about his own future pathways, idk, I just loved their reactions to that.
- Caduceus has turned into Eeyore,,,, my darling child
- Cad: *deep sigh* “Well, he’ll be dead eventually.” / Liam: “Caduceus is America tonight.” I have no idea what happened in America on October 1, 2018, but I’m going to assume it’s something to do with Trump asdfghjkl
- This carpenter NPC guy on the Mist (Gallan is his name I think) is really in over his head here, but Jester and Nott hyping him up and telling him how he’s the best because he survived this brutal attack is so funny 
- Laura turning to Taliesin and then to Marisha for approval for her “Do balls make you powerful joke?” ….. relatable and also I love her
- Travis’ realization and spinning to Caleb and going “OH you’re going to be so helpful in this! I dub thee... the ship’s navigator” and Liam looking taken aback and slightly adjusting his glasses is such a quality interaction
- Jester and Caduceus just had such a sweet moment and then Jester looked over at Beau who gave her a subtle little thumbs up...… I think my heart just melted
- Caleb’s going from monologuing alone about how he’s going to leave these people and never look back (Episode 26) to now talking to Nott about how they have to keep everyone else’s morale up because this is their new family and he wants this to “keep going” (Episode 36) :(((( my son
- It’s clear how much thought Laura has put into Jester’s character, I love
- “There are vegetarian options available as well.” / *Liam’s Pirate’s Voice* “Hey, this quinoa’s pretty good!”
- Lots of solid character development/relationship bonding during watches on this pirate ship apparently, dang. I do love the fact that Caleb gave Beau a little baby owl (aka Frumpkin) as a kind of temporary fill-in for Professor Thaddeus, that’s so cute!
- I listened to the back half of this in actual podcast form (as opposed to YouTube-ing it), so I didn’t keep notes/have many comments, but some standout moments were definitely Caleb faking a medical emergency in a team-building attempt gone awry, as well as Beau being a badass monk in the general direction of those harpies. NICE.
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nexu101 · 7 years
taggy tag tag
tagged by @borntobexd
RULES: choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions. Then tag some people. (Tbh It’s really late, and I’m feeling a bit lazy… So consider yourself tagged by me if you want to do this).
I choose:
The first character you loved:
The character you never expected to love so much:
The character you relate to the most:
The character you’d slap:
Three favourtie characters:
A character you liked at first but not so much anymore:
A character you did not like at first, but they’ve grown on you:
3 OTPs:
Under the cut.
I choose:
Owari no Seraph
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure
Sengoku Basara
The first character you loved:
Guren Ichinose. I literally started Owari no Seraph just because I thought he was hot.
Caesar Zeppeli. I love Dio Brando too, but it was more like lust than love initially, so I may have loved Caesar first, if that makes sense.
Masamune Date. His Engrish gets me hyped.
The character you never expected to love so much:
*slams fist on table* Hol Horse
Kotaro Fuma. He is a good boy!!
The character you relate to the most:
Probably Yoichi Saotome. But also Norito Goshi because I’m thirsty for the ONS ladies too!
Jonathan Joestar. I feel like we have very similar morals.
Tbh… it’s Oichi :’( I blame myself too often for things like she does.
The character you’d slap:
Seishiro Hiiragi because that boy needs a wake-up call! I love him though. #FreeSeishiro2k17
Ooh, this is actually pretty tough. I might go with Matsunaga Hisahide because he bitch-slapped Keiji Maeda.
Three favorite characters ( in order of preference):
Um… wow, this will be tough… Kureto Hiiragi, Norito Goshi, … UGH this is hard… but I guess I’ll say Seishiro Hiiragi.  Or maybe Mito Jujo. Or Shiho Kimizuki?? 
Dio Brando, Jonathan Joestar, … Y’ALL THIS ISN’T FAIR I love Hol Horse and Mariah and Caesar Zeppeli and Noriaki Kakyoin and Straizo and Rohan Kishibe and Lisa Lisa and Diego Brando asdfghjkl
*takes a deep breath* Kotaro Fuma, Masamune Date, and Keiji Maeda
A character you liked at first but not so much anymore:
Guren Ichinose. RIPPPPP. Well, I still love him a lot actually, but I do kinda want to slap him in addition to wanting slap Seishiro Hiiragi because poor Guren needs to stop knocking his friends out and rely on them a bit more lmaooooo
Yukako Yamagishi. It seems like she becomes a bit more chill by the end of Part 4, but like… idk about her sometimes.
I actually can’t think of anyone from Sengoku Basara for this… Maybe Mori Motonari? The way he treats his soldiers bothers me ;_;
A character you did not like at first, but they’ve grown on you:
KURETO HIIRAGI LMAO but also Ferid Bathory? I don’t know that I’ll ever get over his brutal slaughter of the Hyakuya orphans even if they can be revived. But at least I’m trying to see why the fandom loves him so much.
Kars. To be fair, my first exposure to Kars was a video of the guitar leg thing! Not the best first impression…
Kasuga. Her overt sexualization threw me off at first, but she kinda rocks it tbh.
3 OTPs:
*cough* *cough* KureShin *cough* (Kureto Hiiragi x Shinya Hiiragi). Also Normito (Norito Goshi x Mito Jujo).
D I N O P A N T S (Diego Brando x Hot Pants)
Nagamasa Azai x Oichi x Happiness!!! Please!!! As much as I live for angst, it kills me. Also, Tsuruhime would be cute with Kotaro Fuma a few years down the road.
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kat-cornwell · 7 years
asdfghjkl i'm crying i love jax so much I'm so glad he is appreciated here
This is 100% a Jax appreciation blog. I don’t post him much because he doesn’t cross my dash too often, not that that’s any excuse. But oh my God, I love him so much. 
I’ve never had one of those characters who I’m like “yes, that is my son” but yeah, Jax is my sweet son.
And I love that, problematic though the show may be at times, his history isn’t glossed over in the show as well. They don’t brush racism under the rug, Jax does end up in the thick of it sometimes and it’s brutal but Franz nails it. (That whole episode with him, Amaya and the slaves on the plantation made me cry). 
I just don’t understand why he’s not more popular. He’s one of the most important characters on the show, how often has he saved their asses by fixing that ship? He’s a prince and I will fight a bear for him. 
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mylovelytaetae · 7 years
I’ve watched the new episode 3 times already. I was so deprived of snk, it’s not even funny. The episode was so brutal, like, I think what resumes this wild ride for all of us is: “I thought I was ready, but not really”. I KNEW what happened but jesus fuck, I never expected that it’d be so awful to watch THAT PART animated, rip me. Mike deserved SO MUCH BETTER I’m just so sad 😭 I’ll be waiting for all of your posts in his loving memory. Also, I’m so excited for the next episodes! So many more epic scenes to see animated asdfghjkl
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