#brutally honest about ships
dominijoyce · 1 year
uhhhhh caejose. im curious
You really want to start this roasting beef with Lain going for my kneecaps?
Well my roast for CaeJose is that my girlfriend ships it and I once tried to look for some wholesome art of them to send to her and it took me like half an hour to find a non angsty CaeJose art
And if I don't find angsty art then it seems to be like three jokes repeated ad naseum of their dynamic which I find quickly boring me as well. That's kinda my general problem with the ships that are basically "two tsunderes" or "rivals to lovers". People just can't write it interesting, it's always something I've already seen a thousand times before.
Because of that I more often go into CaeSuzi/CaeJosuQ [i forgor those ships names ☠️] tag than CaeJose
CaeJose shippers learn some love pls /j /lh
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 month
Ninerose (and/or tenrose if you have different opinions about it)
how do i put this. i dont think it's an exaggeration to say that ninerose taught me what love looks like. like yadda yadda broken childhood home and all that, but whatever, i had my doctor who discs. and these two. oh, these two. there's so much about s1 and them that i return to again and again because it's so messy and so sweet and so. hopeful? you know? like here's the doctor, broken, and here's rose, glowing like the sun. and he becomes a better man for her sake. he makes himself worthy of being saved, yes, but she would have saved him anyway. because she loves him so, so much.
like, i know people get annoyed nowadays about how much rose there is in the fandom, how she can get a spotlight other companions never can, but like. god. she really did show up and rewire my fucking brain, and i can't even be mad about it. she's all that and more. and nine, obviously, nine's my. second favorite now, but the doctor closest to my heart forever. there's nothing that can improve my day like watching an episode from s1 and seeing the two of them interact, there really isn't.
i do actually have different thoughts on these! simply because all variations of the doctor get slightly different thoughts. i mean, i don't really ship specific doctors with specific characters, if that makes sense? if they win the hearts of one doctor, then to me, they've won the hearts of all of them. so, i do ship rose with every doctor lol. but ten we got on screen so let me talk about that.
i think tenrose, the way it's written, is a perfect follow up to how ninerose set them up. you know, you've got a kiss on the doctor's side that killed him and only he remembers happening, and on rose's side, her doctor just exploded into a twink. i love how upset rose is by it. i've seen people talk about how unfair she's being or how unreasonable she is, crying because she thinks the man she was falling in love with is gone when the doctor's right there but. he exploded in front of her. she has no information on this, except to hope that it really is her doctor. god, the children in need special where they reconnect immediately post him regenerating is so important to me for this reason. this is upsetting! this isn't something that we should judge rose for not simply rolling with it! but in the end, that is her doctor. changed, slightly, to be loved is to be changed. but it's him.
and yeah, can we talk about the whole ten literally rebuilt himself to be for rose and how that fact fucks him up forever and ever <3 literally a disaster of a man, you can't do that, sir. that's not healthy!!! but i love him for that. it's so doctor-ish of him. in the wake of her becoming a goddess of time and space to save him, how could he not remake himself in her image. to be someone he thinks she will love, that can love her better. i just. sorry going to speak briefly on nine again, but i think about how the majority of the bad wolf scene is framed with every shot of him on his knees, looking up at her. how he only rises back up at the very end to kiss her and save her life in return. that's what i think ten is born out of, more than anything. that moment of terrifying, awestruck devotion, and then the choice to rise again and hope he's enough, know he's enough, to save her life.
and that is always ten. that's him in the satan pit jumping without knowing where the bottom is and then yelling in the face of the devil that he only knows of one goddess, and it's her. that's why when rose is in danger, nothing on this earth can stop him. that's why he burns up a star to say goodbye to her, because that's the only thing in the universe that could be worthy of being exchanged for even a glimpse at her. and it's him when he tries to snuff himself out during the runaway bride, and it's him when he spends so long not being able to see martha for how fantastic she is because all he can do is mourn rose, and it's him when he's so distracted by her finding him again that he gets himself shot by a DALEK.
insane to me, actually. he was literally born wrong out of love.
and not even to mention rose. let's not pretend she's not equally on this train. hello: woman who would have been okay with being trapped with him on the other end of time and the universe from home? woman who was going to ditch all the people she knew and loved in another dimension to stay with him? woman who started blasting herself haphazardly across dimensional barriers with a cannon to find him again? she's as bad as he is. i love her.
[put any ship in my ask box and i’ll give my brutally honest opinion]
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electricea · 6 days
as someone who hates confrontations, being brutally honest with your partner and speaking your truth about anything (ships or otherwise) can really suck, but i at least try to always let my partners know exactly where i stand rather than being perceived as leading them on or being dishonest later. if you're unhappy with an interaction or a ship or whatever, it's best to just speak your truth and be honest about it - and if they seem unreasonable or lash out, then maybe it wasn't meant to be. i just know i'd rather hear things straight up then find out much later or through someone else.
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broke-on-books · 11 months
☕️ + the Scooby Doo fandom in general
Hmm okay so this is a very broad question to me and that really means it's going to recieve a broad answer, especially to me as "Scooby fandom" really has differing levels in my heart etc.
For example with my friends and the smallish community of fellow Scooby fans I've found here on tumblr (the Scooby Dootuals!!!) I really love and like! Everybody is so nice and it's cool that people have various levels of knowledge about different series and iterations. Like I really enjoy that on here Scooby fans (as in, like my friends and people who regularly post scooby) have such differing levels of experience with this huge huge franchise as it makes it so much more interesting. Like we have people out there who have seen almost every episode (or feels like it) and can seemingly remember the smallest of things from them, and then we have people who weren't into Scooby as a child but are exploring it now, and then we've got people (like me) who did like it as a child and kind of know a bit of everything, with huge areas of weakness in Scooby they haven't seen, (for me APNSD, anything more than the premise of 13 Ghosts, the 80s trio minus Boo Brothers, anything past s1 of bcsd, much of the 70s era movies, SD & SD, Guess Who, SDMI details, like the list goes on, people!!! I've only seen a Scooby series in order in its entirety one time in my life and that was SDMI age like 12) while also having a few areas with greater knowledge or familiarity and a few spots where they just know a ton/are constantly rewatching. (Me with Goes Hollywood for sure) anyways I don't really remember where I was going with this but uhhh I like that my buddies and whatnot all know different amounts with many being chill or knowing a little bit of everything so we can still like each others posts and talk about Scooby with there still always being so much more to discover <3. So like basically thoughts on the besties are that besties are cool
However I know anon that by sending this you likely mean "Scooby fandom" as in people outside of this insular little bubble so let's talk about that. I think I'm reluctant to really label this group "Scooby fandom" as for ME PERSONALLY fandom really means a kind of engagement with the work beyond what most general Scooby fans do. Like what I'm trying to say is that this group of "wider Scooby fandom" liked Scooby and watched it as a child and consider themselves a fan of Scooby but they aren't rotating Scooby characters like blorbos in their mind too much. Or if they are, it's generally in the creation of like dark!Scooby aus or the live action Scooby show pitches that blow up on here every time Scooby is a topic of general coversation. I guess for me personally the line between this "Scooby fandom" and my own little bubble of people I'm chill with gets drawn based on what fans want out of Scooby. Like do they love Scooby as it is, or do they want to change the audience to create a new Scooby for themselves. Hm, I'm not really phrasing this right. What I mean is like we're all Scooby fans. If you've ever liked Scooby, at any age, however long ago, you're a Scooby fan, I'm not trying to like, gatekeep Scooby fandom or whatever. I just think that differing groups of fans have different pictures in their head of both what Scooby Doo IS and what they want from it based on their familiarity with it and how long it's been since said fan has watched Scooby.
And that's kind of wherein my frustration with "wider scooby fandom" lies. It's really in the fact that there's thousands upon thousands of these "sleeper fans" (which in my mind is really a better term for it) who awake when I or the popular culture mention Scooby, to share their opinions. And these opinions just frankly drive me up the wall. This is because when confronted with a real life Scooby fan (me) there's generally 3 things they want to talk about: 1) SDMI and how it's the greatest thing since sliced bread 2) Doesn't HBO Velma suck 3) (once they learn I like Scrappy) Scrappy hatred and copious references to his portrayal in the Gunn Movies. Plus MAYBE a bonus 4 of other miscellaneous takes that get on my nerves (stuff like Shaggy always smoking weed, Fred and Daphne splitting up together to have sex, just all sorts of things I do not for the life of me want to talk about).
So I guess my take on the wider scooby fandom is as follows: there are positives like some genuinely funny SD posts once a blue moon, or people to share things like concept art and leaks to much of the content canceled by HBO Max, but the vast vast majority of the time it kind of gets on my nerves because people always want to talk about the same few things (which I feel have been talked to death already or I highly disagree with OR BOTH) and it's just really tiring to deal with. Idk I don't think I'm going to go into it to much more here because this post isn't too coherent to begin with (I'm blaming it on like 70% of this being written before work this morning) but there's so many people out there who think so similarly about Scooby (and SO differently from how I think about it) that it feels like I'm getting talked over constantly whenever I have a discussion about Scooby with someone from this group. And that's just like not fun for me? It's just like for me, Scooby Doo is my number one thing. Like I'll be in different fandoms concurrently or whatever and I don't really read fic for scooby but I will for other stuff etc. But like scooby is always there for me like MY MAIN turned into a scooby doo blog like honestly while that's just not the case for some other people. It's very much a difference in the value and time put into the franchise, (which like you can just like things casually that's not a bad thing) it's just that it's frustrating for me talking to sleeper fans about Scooby because I get trapped (literally, like irl) in the exact same conversation that I don't even want to be having(!!!!!) pretty much all the time.
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cargopantsprentiss · 9 months
I mostly stay in my own lane when it comes to ship stuff - like, you can ship whatever the fuck you want just don’t be unnecessarily mean about my ship - but I’m so sick of other people not doing the same thing.
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twisted-tales-told · 11 months
yeah i’m sending another ship ask thing: thoughts on jegulily? (100% asking about them because i’ve been bombarded by jegulily haters on twitter today so i need something positive please)
This ask game
I did answer Jegulily but I will talk about them some more!
I think they would be so cool in a fame au, and people would think Lily was dating James because they’re more touchy feely in public, and then there would be some scandal cuz either her or James would get caught kissing Regulus, and they would be laughing their assess off about it.
And when it comes out they’re in a poly relationship everyone would be a bit more curious about it and because of their reputations it would help normalize it in society a lot and so many ppl would feel seen and it would be lovely.
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queenmeriadoc · 11 months
Haladriel, I shipped it for a hot second when he was revealed to be that dumb ring boy, but now it’s more if it becomes canon I won’t be mad, but I also don’t actively go looking for fics with them as the main couple.
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thomasbrodiesandwich · 11 months
yes. yes. yes, i do ship them.
i ship them in a "i know theyre toxic and thats why i think theyre an interesting ship" way.
idk i think the whole power imbalance, however alina grabs ahold of her powers back, then darkle sparkles is like wOAH and is lowkey a simp bcs hes been lonely for centuries rly grabs my attention.
i dont think that the darkling is a morally grey character though like im rly on the side that he IS a big baddie but thats why i like him. and thats why i like this ship. the whole light and dark themes of it all and how sometimes their dark side and light side overlap. (sorry darklina/alarkling aesthetic hits HARD... i mean, eclipse?!?!?!! hell yeah)
and then in the whole trilogy where alina fights back and becomes super sarcastic and is just so done w the darkling and their whole exchange and convos and the back and forth of their shifting power dynamics and the way alina was abt to get corrupted like idc if u dont get it. I DO. and i think its scrumptious.
(book!darklina and book!darkling u will always be famous. im so sorry for what the show did to u guys 😔✊)
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jennycalendar · 11 months
tho it is the obvious continuation of my statement that cordelia and jenny are very similar, i’m not certain i can see it. i certainly think that on some level giles would appreciate cordelia’s forthrightness if it was removed from a supernatural context, but all the partners that giles has chemistry with in my eyes (jenny, ethan, anya, joyce, PRESUMABLY olivia tho we do not know for certain) all have some degree of supernatural/historical/maybe musical expertise. giles likes people who he can talk history, art, and monsters with, and cordelia’s interests are more in the realm of fashion, acting, fame, and romance. so i am not positive that it would work there.
THAT SAID, i could maybe see at some Future Point giles being drawn to ats cordelia’s bravery and compassion, and how willing she is to fight for what’s right. and cordelia has always asked questions — it might be nice for giles to have someone who doesn’t know anything about his field of expertise and cares about what he says! but again that would be sooo far in the future and probably very outside of what’s possible in canon so i gotta stay on the fence for this one.
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stars-and-birds · 11 months
the Titanic
toxic, better in fanon imo 😔😔 stans are hella annoying
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pontsalin · 2 years
Empires s1 flower husbands :)
Starting hard I see....
It's like nearly every single trope that I love except no one (this is an exageration) can actually write them so we ended up with a bunch of classist, sometimes borderline racist, and very ooc fics because people don't know how to write characters and just write tropes instead
The shippers also made everything about themselves which was annoying and clogged the tags of other ships when they really didn't need to tag those other ships
Good ship that I can't bother to like anymore </3
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wigglesforsquiggles · 2 years
Wait I just realized this is a good time to inflict the idea of Tangdubs upon you >;3c
ooo tangdubs is so fun i love seeing their videos together. both crazy redstoners,, such a vibe. i would love to see them interact more
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beetleboo · 8 months
bruabba (ship opinion ask game)
well it's on my blacklist so LMAO
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phantomrose96 · 9 months
What the hell happens in the pikmin game?? Those little colourful bitches have been around for ages, but i never bothered looking them up, i just figured they were cute little mascots of some game. But your posts are making me question everything. Is it a horror game? (I know i could just google it, but asking you is funnier)
Yeah you're right asking me is much funnier :)
Pikmin is a fun and relaxing game! You play as a little astronaut man who gets to spend his days growing Pikmin, who are sweet and peaceful little plant creatures with leaves, buds, or flowers on their heads. You can corral them around with a little trumpet, like a bouquet of flowers following you through the pretty and whimsical landscapes of planet PNF-404 :)
Wait did I say fun and relaxing?
Sorry, typo.
It's a brutal skill-based survival game (❁´◡`❁)
So then maybe you're wondering, what's up with the Pikmin? What was that about growing a bunch of little flower guys? Well growing the Pikmin is super important!
It's super duper important mainly because you need to replace the Pikmin who die in the carnage of battle for you!
Battle against what?
See on PNF-404, Pikmin are the bottom of the food chain. Just about every living breathing creature on this planet is orders of magnitude larger than the Pikmin and munch Pikmin by the hundreds for breakfast. Predators will do this instinctively. They will do this unprompted. They will do this while you're not looking. They will do this endlessly until every last Pikmin is dead.
So... what good are the Pikmin? What chance do they stand?
Really easy. Pikmin are the most violent creatures in the entire game 🥰🥰🥰.
How else do you survive when you're small and fragile other than incredible violence? Pikmin can exist out and about in swarms of up to 100. And the only way to survive predators as small little leaf creatures is to beat those predators to death with incredible mob violence before they can kill all of you.
Pikmin don't die like plants. They die like warriors.
And sometimes, this is the hardest mechanic to handle. Left to their own devices Pikmin will seek to shed blood. It's up to you to call them away from orchestrating their own demise, their own pursuit of the glory of Valhalla. It's in their nature. It's in their plant-blood.
And they go down hard. They shriek when snapped up in the jaws of predators. They glub and wail when drowning in water. They trill out screams when on fire. They choke and cough in poison. They die instantly to electricity. And you'll know a Pikmin is well and truly dead once it lets out a final whimper, and a ghost drifts away from where it once stood. This can happen by the dozens. This can happen to all 100 at once.
So wait, wait I've gotten far ahead of myself. Why the violence? Why the death? Why the fighting? What was that about a little astronaut man?
Well your astronaut man is Olimar, an honest and simple family man who's a freight ship captain from his home planet of Hocotate. He's a truck driver! He's just a guy taking his first vacation in years.
And a meteorite strikes his ship, tearing it to pieces as it crash-lands on a completely uncharted planet. Welcome to PNF-404...
And so you're Olimar. A truck driver. A nice dad. A victim of capitalism with the world's worst boss. Out on vacation.
Your ship is destroyed. No one is coming for you. No one will save you.
The oxygen on PNF-404 is poisonous.
You have 30 days before your life support system runs out.
You have 30 days until you die a brutal and lonely death.
Your only hope is to find every scattered missing piece of your ship--30 of them--strewn across the planet, return them to your ship, and repair it, before your 30 days are up.
But this is simply impossible. You're one tiny little man. You wouldn't be able to lift a single piece of your ship, let alone 30 of them, let alone doing so while fending off the wildlife hellbent on killing you.
But the Pikmin seem to like you...
So all that death? All the carnage and destruction? It's all in the effort to repair Olimar's ship before he suffocates. You pave a path of destruction decorated with the bodies of any creature that stands before you and your missing ship pieces.
The Pikmin do it. The Pikmin trust you. The Pikmin follow your command and die by your command. After all, you're growing their species. Oh did I forget to explain that part? The "how" of how growing Pikmin works?
Simple. Pikmin are grown from the corpses of the creatures they kill :).
If you kill something, the Pikmin take it back to their base and process it for pieces, and grow new Pikmin from it. That's how you get all the nice little flower creatures following you around. :)
Is it good enough? Can you sleep at night knowing that 50 creatures who trusted you implicitly were slaughtered under your misdirection? All to retrieve a hunk of metal which is 1/30 of the hope of getting you home alive? 100 slaughtered? 200? Day 30 is approaching. Things are looking bleak.
You're Olimar. Day 30 has arrived, and you haven't fully reconstructed your ship. You have no option to stay. Your life support has run out. You watch the Pikmin you've left behind, as you attempt to start up your ship which has not been safely repaired.
You try to take off, and try to make it home.
It does not go well.
But at least the Pikmin have another corpse to carry.
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twisted-tales-told · 11 months
A bunch of F/F ships! Luna/Ginny (probably my fave of these but I also don't think they really make sense together—oh well), Ginny/Pansy (the SNARK), Pansy/Luna, Pansy/Hermione, Parvati/Lavender
This ask game
Fuck yeahhhh anon u get me
Okay First of all, Pansy would FUCK UP Hermione in the best way. Like, she’d be getting stoned in the greenhouse and I’m obsessed. Oh they would be so toxic but so vulnerable too. Why to people ship dramione when this ship is right here??
Pansy/Luna makes me so happy. Like, ohmygod she’d adore Luna in all the ways she deserves. She’d be out there collecting rocks with Luna in the middle of the night because “it has to be done on the full moon love, it makes them shine better”
Ginny/Pansy is like enemies with benefits, and I am so here for that. Literally the most toxic ass hookups ever
LINNY IS EVERYTHING TO MEEE!! Jock and the artist trope is my life, reminds me of Mary/Pandora so much, and it’s my favourite dynamic probably ever for wlw ships.
Parvati as a character I LOVE, she’s wonderful, and I think if I OC’d Lavender enough I could get behind it!
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hitomisuzuya · 5 months
Hello! I've been lurking around for a while and I really enjoy how you write Scaramouche/Wanderer! If it's not much to request, how do you think the Wanderer would comfort fem! Reader who's quite emotionally sensitive and gets hurt by his rude/sarcastic manner of speech? I hate that sometimes, I don't feel like I deserve to self-ship with this character because I'm like: goddamn, Scara, it literally wouldn't cost you your life to be a little compassionate and humble🥹🥹
Wanderer x fem!reader. Comfort fluffy fluff fluff.
Trust me, I feel you. I really do🥺
Wanderer had no filter. Not with anyone, or with you. He knew he really should with you. Usually, you would know exactly what he meant, you were that patient with him.
But sometimes, it got to be too much. The insensitive comment from him this time being, "What use do I for have hobbies, much less hearing about yours."
At first, Wanderer didn't know what to do. He would freeze in place, his eyes a little wide. The second he saw tears well into your eyes, there was look in his that was rarely there: fear.
Making you cry was on his list of things he should never ever do.
"That was such a mean thing to say, Scara," You brushed some tears away that fell from your eyes, "you don't have to rub it in that I am a boring person."
When you turned away from him so that he wouldn't see you cry, Wanderer didn't stop you right away. He knew you didn't want him to see you cry and he didn't want to see it either. After a few moments, which he spent internally kicking himself, he put a hand on your shoulder before wrapping his arms around you.
He pulled you back against his chest. "I'm a jerk, I know," He murmured into your hair.
"You are. You really are," You leaned back into him, making Wanderer visibly relax. You didn't sound mad, nor did it sound like you were crying all that much anymore.
In other words, he knew he was on the right track.
Wanderer was sarcastic, egoistical, greedy, and self centered. But most importantly, he was brutally honest. It was because of this attitude that you could tell he was sincere when he said things like this, especially when followed up with what he said next.
"...I'm sorry," It was said barely above a whisper, but you'd heard it.
You let out a soft squeak of surprise when he scooped you up bridal style in his arms. "Let's go to bed now, I've woren you out enough for one day," He set you down on the bed, pulled the blankets over both you, and held you close to his chest.
His fingers stroked soothingly through your hair. You sighed contently, curling into him as you settled into his arms. Despite the fact that you'd forgiven him, you kind of wanted to hear him say how much of a jerk he was again.
He needed to do that sometimes.
After making sure you fell asleep first, Wanderer decided to sleep as well. Sleep was a luxury that he could chose to indulge in if he wanted. This act also showed how much he loved and trusted you.
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