#the ask meme is about being brutally honest about a ship
pontsalin · 2 years
Empires s1 flower husbands :)
Starting hard I see....
It's like nearly every single trope that I love except no one (this is an exageration) can actually write them so we ended up with a bunch of classist, sometimes borderline racist, and very ooc fics because people don't know how to write characters and just write tropes instead
The shippers also made everything about themselves which was annoying and clogged the tags of other ships when they really didn't need to tag those other ships
Good ship that I can't bother to like anymore </3
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araneitela · 2 months
6. What’s the worst thing about the fandom?
@basbousah // Prompt: Canon Questionnaire. // Accepting
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6. What’s the worst thing about the fandom? I love how there's even the smallest sliver of opportunity for me to salt with this meme, and I latch onto it with both hands, supergluing myself to said chance. Any way, you asked, so here I go with the 'worst thing': the very high level of M/M fetishizing done not by Hoyo, but by its own audience; and not once, not twice, but with pretty much every single release of a male character (and hold my hand when two of them are released simultaneously). Perhaps I'm an odd one out here, but when the first reactions to male characters consist of 'omg I'm drooling, he's so hot' or immediate considerations of which other male character they'd like to see bone him, I can't help but lose a little bit of respect. And yes, I am referring to instances similar to Dr. Veritas Ratio in the bathtub, and Aventurine in his morning artwork.
And I have to draw this back to the female character sexualization thing for a second, because while yes, female characters are also sexualized, it is in a vastly different way and I'll be really honest, those tags are not half as full or bad as the M/M ones (and thankfully so at this point), nor do I have to read about how badly people are hungry to see x pound y into a mattress or wall with whatever additions. I just don't see it, and I've tried to find it for the hell of it to see whether I'm wrong, and so far? Outside of the quite graphically heavy NSFW AI-generated things that are often relegated to equally as AI-infested art databases: nothing's proved to me that I am, indeed, really wrong on this. On top of that, I can genuinely say that having written exclusively female muses within this fandom (and having exclusively written male muses in previous fandoms for years), I have not needed to build sky-high walls around them to keep myself far away from ship and subsequent NSFW thread-fishing. And honestly? I'm glad for it. I'm glad not to see tags filled with sexualizations, and I'm really glad to not have to always see rather uh, brutal and/or intense graphic drawings on X of what people want these characters to do to each other. Honestly, I'm kinda glad I don't have to see that level of hand-drawn thirsting when I go into the Kafka tag. I don't want to condemn artists for making art, but I will sometimes go 'why is this what you decide to draw within 48 hours of two male characters being released'? You know? I want to go more into this, but I may just... reblog a little salt meme for that instead. Let's not dump everything in the answer to an ask that's supposed to be innocent!
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brawltogethernow · 2 years
thoughts on peter and gwen if it's no trouble?
brutally honest ship opinion meme - I'm catching up on 6-month-old ask meme prompts it's fine.
Hang on, I need to dig into the 2011 reaction gif folder.
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They were gonna get muh-huh-huh-hah-uh-rried-d-d-d-dhhh.
PeterGwen are...the most thematically load-bearing non-familial relationship in this comic. Which makes it very funny (depressing) how many writers and fans are like "ah this is the Basic romance". PeterGwen is...inevitable, by choice. They're two asshole STEM majors (PeterGwen is asshole4asshole whereas PeterMJ is bitch4bitch, these are distinct) who ALWAYS conduct themselves at each other with the MAXIMUM amount of drama. They are a vintage romance comic nested inside a vintage superhero comic. The clash of their personalities is such that they don't know how to go to the store together without composing a sonnet about it. A hypothetically uninterrupted PeterGwen trajectory wouldn't dock in suburbia - it would be pastel and primary Morticia and Gomez. Gerry Conway was correct in concluding that the only way to really stick a fork in this relationship was to kill one of them off, because if you took the alternate route I've proposed in the past of keeping them from tying the knot by having Gwen become the supervillainous member of the friend group they would have eventually crashed back together weirder, more dramatic, and more powerful. I'm enamored with their bullheaded, fatal refusal to leave each other alone, which is why I like taking a poly approach to Gwen revival concepts. (Also they're both fun and they're fun together.)
I'm gonna inline the panel down that link again because: their vibes.
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So THAT'S the dynamic that was, or should have been, enshrined when Gwen's death became a keystone event in the Marvel universe. They're in the foundations of PeterMJ, Harry's stints as the Goblin, all the clone shit, etc. They're echoing eternally through this franchise in way more substantial ways than the dozens of multimedia homage scenes of characters getting thrown off tall shit. If you like Spider-Man and you think you don't like PeterGwen yes you do.
And holy shit the DRAMA of a relationship where a timer starts ticking down when two people first meet. The ANGST. This is one of the reasons I don't love Spider-Gwen shifting to going by Ghost Spider because "death always follows Gwen Stacy" like, no!! That's such a stale toast way to interpret Peter's Gwen being dead and Gwen's Peter being dead. The much jucier read through which to allow the characters to see the shape of the narrative trends that guide their lives is: The laws of the universe have decreed that once the two of you enter a room together only one of you gets to leave it alive. (I was very occupied with this concept writing Three Graves but did not convey it very well, I intend to work it into Neapolitan, I know what I like.)
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lunanoc · 11 months
dare i say…..1, 6, 8, and 17 for the ask meme?
ohh please do, i have so many opinions about dmbj. that being said, obligatory disclaimer, all of these are very much my subjective opinions, not fact. fandom discourse ahead, you’ve been warned
for the ‘choose violence ask game’:
1. the character everyone gets wrong
if i had to be completely honest, my hot take would be that technically a distressingly large portion of the vocal dmbj fandom gets pretty much all the characters wrong to the point it’s actually kind of concerning, but if i had to choose one character in particular, it’d have to be xiaoge.
and look. i understand that a number of people have only watched the dramas and aren’t particularly inclined to read the books because of the time commitment that comes with so much material to get through, and that’s fair. but it’s very telling when someone only goes off of the dramas to shape their characterizations (and even then, i could have a hotter take that the dramas, exceptions aside, all have the broad strokes of the characters down with only details that change, so there’s really no excuse) because in the books, xiaoge is repeatedly described as being indifferent and very much disinterested and untouched by what goes on around him. xiaoge choosing to invest himself in something or someone is very much something noteworthy coming from him. and it doesn’t mean he doesn’t have emotions, but it does mean he’s a very nuanced character to explore when it comes to them and how they’re displayed.
it’s incredibly frustrating to see how many people, often times for the sake of a trope or a ship dynamic, make him one dimensional. either he’s a cold, almost brutal s*x predator, or he’s a tortured angsty soul that’s meek and emotionally vulnerable the moment he trusts someone enough, or he’s dramatically waxing poetic in his head about his feelings for X Y or Z, or possibly worst of all, he’s a mindless one-fit-for-all doll that caters to whatever ship he’s been placed in.
it’s not like i’m the authority on characterization, everyone has their biases, myself included, but the key to understanding xiaoge is to remember that he’s an old soul, disconnected from the world and people around him both through his particular circumstances and through the way he’s been consistently dehumanized practically since he was a baby. his sense of self is in shambles, and only begins a slow (re)construction through his slow-growing friendship with wu xie and pangzi. of course he has his doubts and fears—the whole evolution from ‘i have no connection to this world’ to ‘my one connection to this world is you’ doesn’t come out of nowhere—but those doubts aren’t expressed in conventional ways, just like any love or affection he might feel will never be thought of or expressed in grandiose or over the top ways. a lot of the things he feels just are, and it doesn’t make them less true or complex just because xiaoge isn’t one to overanalyze things and accepts and is secure in them so long as he’s been made aware of them. he’s also assertive in his judgment of things in general. i could go on and honestly i’m not sure i’m even touching the tip of the iceberg as far as fandom treatment of xiaoge goes but just. yeah.
6. which ship fans are the most annoying
this. is a very loaded question with a very loaded answer. i keep feeling like i need to make disclaimers before i say things like “if you like this it’s fine” because yes it absolutely is. i’m not telling anyone a ship is bad. but if i have to point fingers, there’s a group of people who happen to be very into particular ships with whom i’ve had. less than great interactions. so this isn’t a judgment of the ships so much as it’s a reflection of my experiences with a lot of people who happen to be vocal about liking them.
and in my time in the dmbj fandom, no group of people has been more aggravating to me than ls shippers and lc character shippers in general. and tbh i can extend that to the people who make shipping every possible character combination under the sun their entire personality. again it’s fine if you like any of these things. but that i’ve personally experienced, too many of these people manage to often offer the unholy combination of being extremely pushy about their preferences even when someone politely expresses they’re not into them, and having the worst takes imaginable on any given character they claim to like. it’s to the point where while i initially had no particularly strong feelings about ls as a character, i genuinely do not like him now and do not want to hear about him in general. and tbh by extension i’m not the biggest fan of lc and his characters just because i unfortunately associate him with these people and their behavior. you can imagine how much i enjoy the fact that these are also the group of people who’ve effectively silently bullied a number of other people out of fandom spaces enough that they’re now the face of the dmbj fandom on a number of platforms.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
once again this could apply to so many things. but i think the one thing that gets me the most is the very widespread opinion that dmbj as a canon is inconsistent and full of plot holes and makes no sense. i’ve had people tell me that dmbj canon doesn’t exist because the canon is so incoherent and incohesive, and that the fandom likes it that way because it’s more fun. and that’s just a preference for fanon over canon that’s being justified by passing it off as a fact for some reason.
it’s fine to have preferences, but i draw the line at intentional misinformation. and once again, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, it’s telling of people having largely engaged with the dramas over the books, because the books, while imperfect and sometimes leaving things unanswered (and even then that’s becoming a moot point seeing as npss is tying up a lot of those loose ends in the more recent arc of the story that predictably over half of the fandom is unaware of because it hasn’t been adapted), very rarely end up having major discrepancies. the books, which sorry to say are very much the definitive canon, are actually very cohesive both for plot and characters, and the loose ends, while frustrating, are never to the detriment of the plot. nothing is openly contradictory, or rarely. and with such an extensive source material that doesn’t hand you answers on a gold platter, it also requires some close reading of seemingly innocuous details that become relevant down the line, which can get complicated given the sheer amount of information.
so while it’s not necessarily easy, no dmbj is not full of ‘pits haha’. people only think that because a) they’ve only watched the dramas which are an absolute mess and b) it makes them feel justified in considering dmbj like some free-for-all chinese tomb raiding themed dnd game they can remix ad infinitum, when i honestly don’t understand why that even needs justification. you can enjoy fanon without dunking on both the canon and the people who enjoy engaging with it idk.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
this is honestly a great question and i had to think about it for a bit, so i’m going to offer two (ish) options. the first kind of general one is i wish there were more book-centric fics instead of drama-centric ones, because while i enjoy the shows for different reasons, i love the books and the specific vibe they have, and just overall i prefer them by a fair margin. i’d specifically love fic about anything post restart but that’s a pipe dream tbh.
the second is i wish there were more gen fics about the main characters? i know there are a number of gen fics out there, but a lot of them tend to include or focus on minor characters i don’t particularly care for, and so much of the fic involving the iron triangle specifically tends to either be shippy, or even when it’s gen is still flirting a very close line to shippy that’s gen only in name and hinges on the fact it doesn’t include s*x or kissing or explicit mentions of relationship status. but i want the gen fic where it’s just wu xie and pangzi goofing off over a beer, the gen fic where it’s just pangzi trying to get a rise out of xiaoge by telling him ridiculous dirty jokes as they clean xilaimian’s kitchen while xiaoge stays impassive and eventually wu xie comes back from wherever he was and digs at pangzi for it. i want the gen fic where it’s just wu xie and xiaoge on a walk in the mountains, no talking, just enjoying each other’s presence and the peace the silence brings.
special mention to i would also like for ship fics that include one pair in the iron triangle to not write off the other member for very obvious reasons. like shipping pangxie and conveniently taking xiaoge out of the picture by writing him off as ace (which is a hc i vibe with but not when it’s a poor excuse for excluding him). or like shipping pingxie and just not including pangzi in situations where he very much would be. romance and friendship are different types of relationships but both are as valuable and can and should coexist without invalidating each other.
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dcmoniism · 2 months
♛ - do me plz 🥺
to : ooc.
my opinion on; @brightestwiitch , @safestpsychoticbiitch
character in general: i must admit that due to previous bad experiences with lily's, they became a character that i didn't particulaly like. although, i do like and respect their role in the universe, harry's life, etc. i CANNOT say the same about katherine. i absolutely love, respect and simp for her. shamelessly. how they play them: i love your portrayal of both muses. lily is both strict and playful when she needs to be, a perfect balance - and i like how close to canon you portray her in our current threads, especially with severus. do not worry, i will give you the jily feels with that cute meme you sent in soon enough! katherine... what can i say about katherine. you bring out the human side of katherine that is buried deep, deep down most of the times, and that is remarkable. i am eager to see her more... savage, villainous side in the threads we have coming up / planned. the mun: the mun needs to stop texting me when they're at work DEMANDING things, when they cannot reply back because then my muses go extremely sassy and i cannot control them. honestly though, they're amazing and i am very glad that i get to ship with them, scream with them, talk to them on a daily basis.
do i;
follow them: i totally do! i might not follow on all their sideblogs, but i follow their main and the two tagged above for sure. rp with them: most definitely, and i love it. want to rp with them: of course, hello?? ship their character with mine: ... do i ship their characters with mine... ask them, see what they say, lmao.
what is my;
overall opinion: i gotta admit that initially the concept of multiple sideblogs that stem from a main blog was confusing to me (maybe because i have just returned to tumblr recently and i love everything simple). the hardest part was seeing the blogs pop up, reading through and seeing the same alias and being like 'hold on... is it them again?' besides, now that i understand the concept, i absolutely love the organisation - every single blog is clean, easy to navigate, information is easy to find and the muses are all neat, tidy in their own corner. teach me your ways? your portrayals, as far as i have seen / written with are amazing, nothing to be insecure about and totally muses to throw my way a lot more » waves my tvd and hp muses at you.
**Note: mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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' When I cannot find my words, I can always find you, and there they are. '
- JS Parker. Fluff :)
(a/n) for niki im doing completely platonic! so its more of a niki as ur bestfriend:)  ( not requested lolz) also stream bad dog by hyunA
𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐍 - you will definitely get sunghooned. like all the time. HELP. - counting his moles :,) - trying ( and failing ) to teach you how to ice skate - sends you edits of himself that he found on his fyp 😈 - the only time he tries to speak english is when he tells a dad joke :,) - ^ expects you to laugh at EVERY single one of his jokes - always calls you before he goes on as a mc so you can calm his nerves
𝐉𝐀𝐊𝐄 - saying slay after everything you do - "pAsS mE a ForK." "what?..." - giving you fashion advice because "he's a pro!" - making 😐 face when you tell a bad joke (won't even fake laugh) - making eachother playlists 😫 - " sTrEaM pAsS tHe mIc" - holding on to your waist any time your in a 2 foot radius 💀
𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐎𝐎 - OUTDOOR DATES!! amusement parks, zoos, river walks literally anything - ^ hold ur waist or hand so other ppl know ur dating 😭 - smushing his cheeks so he looks like a squirrel :,) - kiss attacks when either one of you are being stubborn - tries to cook for you but doesn't do very well (its the thought that counts...) - will help you with literally anything you ask (chores, work, cooking) - randomly hugging you and telling you how much he loves you
𝐉𝐀𝐘 - kisses every single stretch mark, scar or mole you have, telling you how perfect you are the whole time - krisses you💀 (getcha getcha ya ya ta ta 😋🕺💃) - making breakfast for you every morning and waking you up by bringing it to you in bed - can't fall asleep without you - showering together to "save water" - gets food delivered to you when he's on tour or at the studio :) - gets ready for the day with you (brushing your teeth, getting dressed)
𝐇𝐄𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐔𝐍𝐆 - asking to help you do your makeup (ends up making you look like even more of a clown (I'm sorry)) - combing your fingers through his hair and closing his eyes and jus enjoying it - introducing you to his family really early on - nervous laughing when you say I love you or show affection (ends up loving it and reciprocating.) - ft-ing when he's on tour so you can just see eachothers faces - helping you through any insecurities you have :) - playing Mario kart together:,) (DEFINITELY let's you win its NOT because he's bad... ;)
𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐆𝐖𝐎𝐍 - ft-ing you everytime he eats so you can make sure he finishes his food - likes ranting to you since he's the leader he feels like he has a lot of pressure on him - ni-ki calling you guys his parents 😭 - ^ the members definitely shipped you guys before you started dating - LOVES picnics with you ! trying to be romantic and feed you but end up choking on ur food from laughter 💀 - taking cringey ass couple pictures - album recommendations! albums he think you'd like or that remind him of you
𝐍𝐈-𝐊𝐈 - switching between languages to talk shit💀 - sending reaction memes to break awkward silence - teaches you kpop dances and then goes '😐' when you mess up - "I'm famous 😩💅" "no one asked" - being brutally honest about everything - gives you his photocard and tells you "to treasure it or else" - having the absolute STUPIDEST nicknames for eachother 😭 (Nicki Minaj 💀)
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ezrisdax-archive · 2 years
for the ship ask meme… g*rash*r
Send me a ship and I'll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it
HERE'S THE FUCKING THING.....I really enjoy the canon that we get of these two and every time I watch ds9 I'm reminded I do in fact ship them. there's something so fascinating about garak being this ex cardassian spy who clearly wants to fuck this twink and ruin his life. especially later when bashir catches on more and proves to be equally as fucked up and have his own edge.
it's very clear the actors certainly had chemistry and garak's has certainly stated before he was playing his character as interested in bashir and it shows. props to them for how they played it in the 90s when it couldn't be canon because it is something I can certainly see becoming canon today. or maybe not, trek writers still haven't made joann/keyla canon when clearly they fucking should.
now. that being said.
I take big issues with that fanon of it and how fandom itself treats ezri when it comes to this ship. years ago there was that sid city thing and the actors performed fanfic and that fanfic killed ezri off and I'll never not be pissed off as fucking hell for that and have a bitter taste in my mouth because that's sure not the first time writers have done that to ezri. there's a reason I can never read fanfic for this ship despite that I enjoy it, I don't trust writers for this ship and I never really will.
it's made me take huge umbrage with it and blacklist it to hell and beyond the way I've only done with a few other select ships which is a shame because I have seen the occasionally really cool thing of it. I just personally can't interact with it in a fandom space anymore I find as someone whose all time fave trek character is ezri.
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Poland x Lithuania, Poland x Hungary and India x China?
Brutal Opinion Ship Ask Meme
Poland/Lithuania - Meh, the bitter ex-husbands is how I see them. I don't think they ware together, or that their relationship was good for either of them. There were good moments but it wasn't the best for either of them and was never gonna work in the long term. But I do enjoy the art I've seen of the ship that people make, it's good.
Poland/Hungary - The truely superior Poland ship, and while I don't like it the most for Hungary, I still adore their dynamics and the content I have found for them. I especially just, even if it's not romantic just the two of them being disaster ride or die horse friends are just great okay. It's so good.
India/China - Perfect, Perfect- Down to the last, minute detail /ref. But a wonderful fucking ship that I adore. To be honest this, RomeChu and TurkChu are in a three way tie for ultimate China ship in my heart and I can't decide who wins. I think India and China probably were married at one point, but might not still be together in the modern day. That doesn't stop India from making remarks about them when they were together, and the two pestering one another for things they used to do when they were together but still haven't figured out how the other one got it perfect and the other won't tell how cause they need excuses to see each other cause they can't admit they like each other's company.
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whattheskyknows · 2 years
Shuichi for character ask meme?
First impression - I really liked Shuichi and thought he was pretty decent. He was actually my favourite character for the longest time!
Impression now - As the years went by I started to grow more interested in other characters and started to realise that Shuichi isn't actually all that interesting. (Ahaha I just realise how brutal that sounds.) Don't get me wrong, he's not a bad character and his character development was okay but I just started find him less and less interesting
Favourite moment - There's this specific back route you can take during the third trial where Shuichi lies and I think only Kiibo knows Shuichi is chatting absolute rubbish and Shuichi's inner thoughts were so funny and I can't remember what he thought word for word but he was like 'Kiibo, don't expose me Kiibo' and something about that scene was so funny to me
Idea for a story - Shuichi helps Kaito out for a change
Unpopular opinion - Honestly I have several unpopular opinions to be honest
I understand that he's anxious but I hate it when he's reduced to some anxious person who can't even speak up for himself. Shuichi's inner thoughts show that he can be a straight up savage and sometimes actually kind of brutal. You can be anxious and also have a backbone
I don't think his friendship with Kaede was top tier. He kept putting her on a pedestal after her death. I get that they were friends but they literally knew each other for four days? Three to four days? Their interactions were sweet but I found it a little off putting that he didn't hold her more accountable for what she did (what I mean is that I wish he had thoughts to himself being like wow what Kaede did was Very Bad and poor Rantaro)
I think this might be my most Uh Oh opinion and it isn't really Shuichi exclusive but I don't think his and Maki's friendship was all that good. It felt like the game simply pushed them together after chapter 5 out of convenience but like,,, I'm surprised Shuichi wasn't more pissed off that she literally tried to sacrifice everyone and also tried to cover up her involvement in the hangar. Whilst she did come clean in the end??? I just??? I wish the game developed their friendship a little more and didn't make every scene where they were alone together so awkward. I just don't think they work as a duo and work a little better as long as Kaito is around
Favourite relationship - Honestly I don't really ship Shuichi with people anymore. I guess if done right saiouma is a good ship (and I'm talking Done Right. There are some top tier fics out there that write them both perfectly.) I kind of see Shuichi as someone who keeps to himself and isn't too particularly fussed about dating. Platonically I think him and Kaito are okay (once again if Done Right)
Favourite headcanon - His hat is his comfort item and once everyone realises how much it means to him, no one tells him to take it off or tries to take it from him
Thanks for the ask!
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krastbannert · 3 years
Smellershot for the Ultimate Ship Meme?
MAH BABIES! Seriously, I love these two. I will forever be upset that we haven’t gotten a Freedom Fighters centric story that gave us more content for the group, especially Longshot, Smellerbee, and Jet.
For reference, all of these will be completed using the following headcanons:
1. Longshot is a firebender from the FN Colonies (this has absolutely no basis in canon, I just literally can’t unthink it).
2. Jet lives. Because he should have.
(and I’m still sleep deprived so these might be a little insane/weird)
Rate the Ship -  
Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs 
How long will they last? - Till death do they part, and then a tad bit longer.
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - It took them a couple years. They’re children in the middle of a brutal war with an even jankier support system than the Gaang had. They’ve got a lot to deal with already. Plus, Bee has to process the fact that sweet fucking spirits he’s a flaming ashmaker what the hell when did that happen?!?
How was their first kiss? - When I wrote that scene in Ashmaker, it was very sudden and rather frustrated, and right after Bee literally slapped some sense into him (or tried to, anyways). It would definitely be either that, or it just...happens. Just a lazy thing, something that happens as they’re waking up, and neither of them realize it for a few moments. But in both cases, Bee is the one to initiate it.
Who proposed? - Longshot. It was a simple proposal - it just slipped out one day as they were walking together in the same woods they met in, just outside Gaipan. Marry me, he says, quietly at first, then louder when she asks what he said. Bee, of course, says yes.
Who is the best man/men? - Jet. Absolutely, 100% Jet. (Bonus: if he dies like in canon, Jet is still the best man - The Duke stands in his place, carrying a picture of Jet, forever sixteen. Instead of a Best Man’s speech, they have two minutes of silence. Longshot has to leave his own reception because the loss of his best friend is still that painful.)
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - We don’t see Bee get many, if any female friends in the show. If they become friends at some point, though, it would absolutely be Toph. I have a feeling the earthbender-gremlin and the knife-gremlin would get along very well. Otherwise, it’s probably someone Bee meets in Ba Sing Se, or in Republic City post-war. 
Who did the most planning? - Their wedding really didn’t have any planning. They just sorta threw it together one afternoon. Longshot let Bee make most of the decisions because it’s her day, and he just wants her to be happy.
Who stressed the most? - Honestly, neither. They just...knew they were meant for each other. In the moment they were each a little nervous, but they’ve been together so long at this point, that they know: they have nothing to worry about.
How fancy was the ceremony? - 
Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - There...really wasn’t anyone they specifically didn’t invite, to be honest. After the war, after the dust has settled, after they’ve traveled and grown and matured, they’re more than ready to leave past hurts behind and start a new future.
Sex: Opting out of doing this section
Who is on top? -
Who is the one to instigate things? -
How healthy is their sex life? -
Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? -
Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? -
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? -
How rough are they in bed? -
Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? -
No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - If they had any at all, probably just 1.
How many children will they adopt? - They’d be the ones to start an impromptu orphanage and take in every kid they can support because no one is going to go through the hardships they did if they can help it.
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Bee, because Longshot is dead asleep by 8:00 PM and he sleeps like the dead until he wakes up with the sun.
Who is the stricter parent? - Probably Longshot. He’s pretty chill with most things - he is married to a knife-gremlin, after all - but he’s still stricter than Bee, who doesn’t particularly care if the kid(s) aren’t dead, dying, or out committing felonies.
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Both, but only if it’s too dangerous. It’s not like they have any room to talk, considering they literally lived in trees and swung around branches and used jury-rigged ziplines (made by kids) for several years.
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Longshot is already up, so he does it. Bee, however, is the one to make the food (more below).
Who is the more loved parent? - Smellerbee. She gets in as much trouble as the kids do; hell, she’s the one who gives the kids half their ideas in the first place.
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? - Longshot.
Who cried the most at graduation? - Longshot.
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Longshot, because Smellerbee is probably in jail with the kids (she got in another fight with someone who mistook her for a boy).
Who does the most cooking? - After one too many incidents involving burned soup, near forest-fires, and Jet lacking eyebrows for a month, Longshot was banned from cooking, and the ban is maintained by Bee and the other Freedom Fighters throughout their lives.
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Longshot grew up in the FN colonies. The boy needs spicy food. Craves it, actually.
Who does the grocery shopping? - They do it together.
How often do they bake desserts? - All the time. After so long living on hunted, stolen, and scavenged food, they both have a sweet tooth that will not be denied.
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - Meat, mainly because that’s what they’re used to. Salad is just weird.
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Longshot always remembers things like that, but he doesn’t cook, so when he does get together a full dinner spread, it’s a big day.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - They only go out when they don’t have a lot of food in the house, or when a friend wants to meet them someplace.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - Longshot. Absolutely Longshot (see above). Smellerbee might not be the best cook but she can manage to make food without getting rid of eyebrows or forests.
Who cleans the room? - Both.
Who is really against chores? - Neither, really. They’re just so used to doing them that it’s automatic.
Who cleans up after the pets? - Whoever is their at the time.
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - Considering how long it took him to admit to being a firebender and that he had a crush, it would probably be Longshot.
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - They really don’t have guests. Just their really close friends, and they’re pretty much the Freedom Fighters and sometimes the Gaang, who went through the same shit they did. 
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Longshot did, but he gave it to Bee.
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Bee. She hates being cold, so she stays in the warmth as long as she possibly can.
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - They let the dog roam free most of the time. He walks himself.
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - They’re not big on decorating. They only do the big ones - Lunar New Year and Winter Solstice.
What are their goals for the relationship? - Honestly? They don’t really have any. They spent so much of their lives just trying to survive, one day to the next, and all they really want is time to relax.
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Smellerbee. 
Who plays the most pranks? - Smellerbee.
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tozettastone · 2 years
ship opinion meme: optimus/starscream? I truly Don't Understand It
for honest ship opinions ask meme
hhhhhh saw my enthusiastic recommendation for astolat's And I Alone Have Escaped To Tell You huh
Extremely brutal honesty hours, sorry: I think this is a ship people like when they enjoy Starscream as a poor little meow meow and not as a scummy traitorous murdering suck up.
I don't really f with it because I like Starscream to be a complicated mess of conflicting motivations and nervous tics and not a victim-shaped receptacle for hurt/comfort projection, I guess. I'd much rather read a gen fic about a Starscream coup backfiring on him. u_u
People who like this are valid tho. I get it. I just prefer awful characters being awful. And also non awful characters being selectively awful, it must be said.
Edit: ... I also think this ship HEAVILY depends on which Optimus Prime, tbh.
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mercyxkilling · 3 years
[ ♛ ] send me a url and i'll tell you...
@chronicparagon​ said: [If it’s not too late, my url please?] -- oh my darling, it’s never too late to send me memes, even if i reblogged them years ago (though if they’re really old you’ll probably have to send me the context lmao; i have the worst memory in the fucking world!)
[ ♛ ] send me a url and i'll tell you the following;
my opinion on;
character in general: harmony, harmony, harmony... i mean, the girl’s name says it all! she’s such a sweet and wonderful girl from what i’ve gotten to see of her. she’s so accepting of others, so open-minded, and so ready to rush into action if it means she can save another person. mercy is such a bad influence and i’m almost worried for her when she and harmony interact, not that i don’t think that the other woman can’t think and act for herself or formulate her own opinions, of course! it’s just that i worry that there could be so much friction there and that’s the last thing i want for an OC like harmony that i truly, truly adore and feel like deserves better... in fact, i think that beautiful girl deserves the best things in life alone tbh. (i wish that i’d drawn her better a while ago, but now that i have my tablet hooked up and now that i have photoshop... maybe i’ll get you a better sketch this time around, yeah? :3c) how they play them: this is always kind of a hard question to answer when it comes to OCs since they aren’t canon or have something i can base their portrayal off of and be like ‘oh yeah, it’s true to game/movie/comic/whatever’ or something like that. but i really can say that i enjoy the way you play harmony, everything down to her fear of fire, to her pride of her heritage, her love and kindness, and the way that she strives to help others. closed-minded people are so quick to write off a female OC with a kind heart when those kinds of characters have SO MUCH to offer the creative writing world, and i’m so glad you’re here and that you’re apart of it, sharing what you do with all of us. it’s truly a joy to see, you know? the mun: when i’ve posted stuff that, unfortunately, has sometimes been on the negative side, you’re one of the first people to slip into my IMs and ask me how i’m doing, offer me advice, and talk me down, or at least into a more manageable mood. now i’m not saying that others don’t do that for me, too, but... i mean, because we don’t talk a whole lot or interact ic very much (and that is ALL my fault btw because my muse is a fickle fucking bitch... and because i’m SO afraid that mercy will clash with harmony because of her awful personality--at least depending on the point in her narrative we’re at) you’re still almost ALWAYS at the forefront sending me supportive messages to bring me up and to get my feet back on the ground when it sometimes can seem impossible depending on the situation. you’re such an amazing person and i feel like people (including myself) don’t remind you of that or tell you that often enough. so thank you for... simply being who you are.
do i;
follow them: of course i do!! rp with them: we have exchanged ic things here and there, but not nearly enough. i want to change that soon, but as i’ve stated above, i do have my reservations. nothing to do with you or harmony at all!! it’s just mercy. but i do owe you a starter, and i plan on getting to that very soon! want to rp with them: bitch you bet your sweet ass i do. ship their character with mine: i mean, sure? if it happens then it’ll happen! familial-like bonds, platonic bonds, enemies, frenemies, actual lovers... who knows!? there’s room for all kinds of things and i would welcome them all as they happened!
what is my;
overall opinion: my god i adore you, i adore harmony, i adore the thought that you’ve put into her background and development, i love seeing you on my dash, and i look forward to seeing even more of you in the future. i hope you’re not too upset with me for having sat on a ton of asks that you’ve sent me in the past, but just know that i still have them and i still plan on answering them eventually! you mean a lot to me and i’m not about to just throw them out because ‘i wasn’t feeling it’ at the time you sent them to me. and honestly? if you’ll have me? i’d love to have lots of interaction with you in the future. :3c
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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brawltogethernow · 2 years
brutally honest ship opinion meme
Spideytorch is the m/m ship for people who like to do deep, complete continuity reads and compile coherent impressions of characters based on their totality. There's an incredibly strong case for it strewn one issue, sometimes one panel, at a time, over sixty years of crossovers in literally dozens of different titles. Spideytorch is for people who unironically enjoy comics from the 60's and then apply queer readings to them. I have consumed significantly more spideytorch content than reflects my actual relative investment in it because it's a cheat code for finding good 616 fanworks, and I'm not at all looking forward to the FF joining the MCU ruining this for me.
So like...for me the short version is "spideytorch is very real" and the long version is "but is it though??????" Like it is but it's this situation where Johnny is just as plausible a love interest for Peter as the many, many other people he has romantic chemistry with, whereas Johnny's secondary superpower is being an utterly inhospitable environment for any kind of romantic chemistry, so this like, actually means something, but more for Johnny as a character than Spider-Man as a property.
It's pretty standard, as much as anything can be within this incredibly small niche of media analysis, to interpret Johnny's absolutely nonexistent chemistry with every single female character who's ever been deliberately written as his love interest as him being gay, but by my read Johnny having romantic chemistry with men is also very rare. I generally address ask answers to the class, but you specifically and you alone have gotten the outline notes of the "Johnny Storm is on the ace spectrum" essay I promised I would write like...two...years ago...... so you know that I'm like, uh, having some thoughts about this.
Like I think if we lived in an alternate history that weren't heteronormative they would have been an item, but if we lived in one that also wasn't amatonormative Johnny wouldn't be wildly miscast in the role of a playboy in the first place, or would at least be written into this position with deliberation instead of largely by bizarrely consistent accident. Peter Parker might be the love of Johnny Storm's life, and the fact that I think Johnny isn't strictly allo (while Peter is like one notch below Zeus Tier on the ranking of extremely allo fictional characters) doesn't contradict that but it does make it weirder and more fraught. Peter falls in love if you say hi to him and this keeps him so busy he's never even fit noticing he knows next to nothing about queerness into his schedule. It's a confused doomed pining conflicted forever-angst fest but then you look at their actual dynamic and it's just the most comfortable bickering you have ever seen. Hell of a flavor happening here.
Like, if I'm ranking Peter love interests, Johnny is in like, the Betty Brant zone, but you need to know when I say that that I think Peter and Betty are great. They light up my life. Absolutely never going anywhere, but that's not the point. But also, you can't just make this comparison cold, because you need to correct for how only one of these ships actually gets to be a thing in official media, because society bad. But then that correction creates new problems and weakens the verisimilitude of your takes overall. Analyzing spideytorch is an endeavor in sociological studies. You know I kind of thought that when I came back from the break I took from answering these I would sound slightly less insane.
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gins-potter · 3 years
*cracks knuckles* for the ship ask game, how about
Can always count on you to send in the hard asks, Cal 😂 Okay here we go.
As much as I will defend s1-3 Skloom with my dying breath, these two are the definition of “love my fanon version of them, canon not so much”.  The recurring jealousy has always been kind of a thing (usually just about Diaspro in the early seasons) but with how prevalent it’s become since season 4 it’s just not a good look.  If they were a real couple I think all their friends would be begging them to break up because they just don’t seem to communicate well at all.  But I still really love writing them because in fanon I can make them how I wish they were in canon.
I am the definition of this meme whenever I think about this ship.
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When I was younger (and dumber) I just hated Disapro (mostly because she was a flat kinda misogynistic representation of the jealous ex trope) but as I’ve gotten older (and gayer) I’ve come to really appreciate her potential.  So in fanon I could really love them, either as a brotp or an otp.  Like just imagine Diaspro and Bloom being at the same royal party or whatever and Bloom is stuck with some gross guy and Diaspro begrudgingly saves her and they just form this love/hate friendship based on that?  Like yes please.  And then if they happened to kiss later I also wouldn’t hate it.  That being said, in canon, Disapro in general sucks.
I feel like we don’t talk enough about the way Nabu casually stalked Layla in season 3.  Like I understand his reasons but Winx Club really just casually excused shit like that, huh?  Besides that they were a kinda unproblematic pairing.  I didn’t ever love love them but as a kid I think I appreciated them for not having unnecessary drama but again older and gayer, now I think they have the mlm/wlw solidarity vibes.
Idk bro.  They have the vibes but I don’t think I’d ever ship them as a long-term couple.  But if they wanted to date a little I’d be cool with it.
Send me a ship and I’ll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it
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laufire · 3 years
simon and siena for the ship ask meme ;)
I won’t pretend the reason I latched onto this ship wasn’t pure, unadulterated spite xD
When I watched episode 2, I was struck by Simon’s father’s deathbed scene, and I suddenly became more invested than I had predicted on Simon getting to remain childless, as he’d wanted. That already put me off Daphne/Simon for good, because I was spoiled about them having a child, and potentially more, at the end of the season.
Then I saw the Siena x Simon scene and I remember becoming vaguely curious. These were two very pretty people and two of my faves (it’s them and Marina, who I also crack ship with Simon of course xDD), with a nice if short shippy moment, and that’s a combo that with me tends to produce some lowkey feels. So the seed was planted.
THEN I came to tumblr dot com and I was spoiled about Daphne’s sexual assault of Simon in episode 6... and boom. Bitterness over his vow being forced to be broken by the narrative multiplied, I decided to drop the show, and one of the ways I ~channelled the bitterness was through finding another ship for him, because that’s how I roll.
Though my motives were less than pure xDD, I do think they could be a really interesting dynamic. It would start as a mutually beneficial affair that could turn more sincere over time, and it could interact in very enjoyable ways with their relationships with Anthony (be it in triangle or triad form, you choose xDD). Most of all, it could be a way of getting both characters what they need and avoid the plot points I want to avoid.
I’m also particularly struck with how Siena describes her prospective new suitor as "one who’ll never break his word” vis a vis Simon’s vow not to have children to spite his abusive father. It made me think Siena could see the value in that.
Send me a ship and I’ll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it
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h1kari · 4 years
heyyy if personal ships are open may i have a haikyuu male one please? i’m nadi, i’m a girl with black hair that’s bleached underneath, tan skin, and brown eyes. i’m 5’1 and i make up for my lack of height with a kind of tough personality. i don’t have a filter and i can be brutally honest. i love teasing everyone and everything but that’s just how i show my affection (literally no one is safe). i’m pretty impulsive as well, and i’m always willing to sneak out to go do random things (going on a walk/skateboarding at 2 am?? yES). i’m not really sure what my aesthetic is, i just wear what i want to wear (which is a lot of baggy clothes and little shirt+ big pants fits). i skateboard, write, sketch/paint, and do stick and pokes. i also play guitar, ukulele, and cello and i sing. i can and will make oddly specific playlists for people. my comfort anime is attack on titan lmao and i love horror movies so much just because i love picking it apart until it’s a comedy. i’m a setter in my volleyball team (which is just my friends and i) and i’ve been playing since i was 11. i have a god awful sleeping schedule and spend way too much time simping over 2d characters and sending shitty memes to my friends. i’m also kind of blind when it comes to people liking me?? i always think that they’re my friends and i joke around with them but sometimes they’re flirting and i honestly can’t tell nor can i reciprocate because i simply do not know how to flirt. i’m an enfp, a slytherin, and a cancer. thank you so much for reading this long ass request ily for it <<33
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(the gif would be him being confused about Feelings ™) OKAY so this one was kinda hard to choose ngl, i was between tsuki, nishinoya or yamaguchi (idk, the whole soft boy x badass girl seemed cute) but the winner is 🥁🥁🥁 tsukishima!
Alright, let’s get to it: tsukishima at first would be pretty aloof and mean, i mean of course he’a gonna throw salty commenta your way, he’s the tsukishima kei!! However you don’t take them to heart, you even tease him back, and this whole bickering and teasing back and forth starts to be a...consistent thing, sort to speak. It’s in your blood to flick tsuki’s glasses and it’s in his to use your head as an armrest. Though, something ‘weird’ starts happening to our dino boy, he starts craving to see you more, talk to you besides poking fun, actually getting to know you more. He keeps it to himself ofc, if he told his brother he’d implode and embarass him. And telling his team is an absolute nono. So what does this dumb fuck do!! He represses his feelings and pushes you away (excuse the angst) which leaves you confused as fuck and in the process makes you realize that FUCK YOU LIKE TSUKISHIMA KEI, so you’re processing that and get tired of waiting so YOU👏 TAKE 👏ACTIONS👏 one day after a series of events, those being tsukishima ignoring you even if it pains him, you go up to him and just ask him “what’s your deal lately?” His mind is “????????” And he just mutters “nothing” (wow tsuki, so convincing) so you with your pair of lady balls say “alright, then if it’s nothing will you hang out w me this weekend?” Inside you’re losing your shit but trying to keep them nerves inside. Your mans speechless what have you done “..sure” so YAY NOW YOU’RE GOOD
alrigh angst is over im sorry 😭 sO i feel like tsuki is head over heels over your teasing, tough and impulsive nature. Sure he will most defenitely act as if he’s annoyed most of the time but he lowkey highkey loves it. You get him out of his comfort zone, taking him to late night 3am adventures like going up some hills to see the stars, buying snacks, making random ass picnics at the dead of night, etc. Now he’s confused if he doesn’t get at least 1 late night adventure with you. And when you’re not out exploring, you stay at home in your pjs and watch movies, he’s pleased at how you laugh your ass off at terrifying scenes lowkey finds it hot 👀 He also really really loves your honest self, he’s 100% a no bullshit type of person, he can rely on you, and he doesn’t question your feelings for him as much as he thought he would. He needs someone who can bring him down of his high horse, but also help him up when he’a feeling like trash, and no better person than you
DATE IDEASS WHOOP (besides the midnight adventures) you teaching him how to skateboard 🥺🥺 he’s like no❤️ but ofc you convince him so he’s kinda scared at first but trying not to show it, you hold his hand and even if he’s embarrassed he loves being babied from time to time 😭💞 if he falls you’ll fix him up with dino bandages✨ ALSO ya’ll love making playlists for each other and listening to them together, or making one you can share and playing it while you cuddle and talk or study. Okok so this doesnt count as a date but imagine you both going to each other’s volleyball matches!!! Him wearing your jersey number and/or flag/school colors!! And you doing the same!!! He’s just so proud of you, he feels like he’s glowing (“you’re way better than the king”) imagine you seeing him smile proudly when you guys score!! Bro this mans just so impressed w you like how could he not??? You do art in visual AND musical form?? You’re beautiful and have a stunning personality?? You love volleyball just like him?? You help and support him?? Dream come true
I hope you liked it!! Thank you so much for the submission and i hope you have an amazing day/night (also ily2🥺) try not to stay up too late lovely!!🥰💞
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