#but I enjoyed answering them!! :D
skialdi · 10 months
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“Which sibling tried to kill Luffy?”
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ontosgold · 2 months
I LOVE the way you drew ryomina they are soooo 🥺💖🥰🥺🥺🥰🥰🥺🥺💖💖
Curious, I would love to know if you have more personal headcanons for them! I love your art of Minato wearing glasses
Good luck in uni!!!! Hope you have an amazing day/night ^^
and yes I have a few more hcs !! thanks for asking hehe now i get to ramble >:)
I have some hcs regarding fashion and such !! I've kinda been thinking about this a bunch ever since I made those casual outfits for ryoji
-ryoji loves expressing himself through fashion, he really enjoys experimenting with clothes and discovering his style
-he likes going on shopping outings with yukari (minato has been dragged along a lot as well) (yukamitsu ryomina double shopping dates !!)
-ryoji's a big fan of yellow and also just any bright colours that go well with it. he's a bright and colourful boy :>
-minato never really cared much about fashion or style, a t-shirt is usually just good enough for him (his style is just. if its comfy and it looks nice then its good) and he's not a fan of bright colours or anything that makes him stand out too much. ryoji's been trying to get him to experiment a bit
and here's some of my more general hcs for them ^_^
-ryoji's a lot quieter when its just him and minato and minato smiles more around ryoji (minato is completely unaware of how much he smiles in ryojis presence and he'll get a lil embarrassed if someone points it out)
-minato's sleepy and tired all of the time. chronically sleepy (<- lol). god's sleepiest soldier. but he feels super comfortable having naps around ryoji. sleeping when he's nearby just feels safe.
-if ryoji and minato are hanging out at the dorm together, there is a fairly high chance that minato will end up asleep.
-also i like to imagine that if the two of them have a movie night at the dorm, they'll both end up asleep by the end with koromaru all cosied up with them too (<- i should draw this sometime)
-minato's super introverted. while he loves spending time around the ppl he cares about, he only has so much energy for socialising. ryoji is the one person minato can spend all his day around without draining the social battery
-also minato's a pretty quiet guy, he's a man of little words. he prefers to listen to people, rather than be the one leading the conversation. and bcs ryoji and mina know eachother like they know themselves, they don't always need to communicate verbally. I like to think they spend a lot of their time sitting in comfortable silence together
-ryoji's super fascinated and interested by all the simple joys in life. whenever he's out with minato he'll point out things like pretty flowers, birds, the way the clouds look. and they'll stop to admire the sunset if they're out late. and of course minato takes a lot of interest in the things ryoji points out to him :>
also i hc ryoji as bi and minato as greyromantic ace ^_^ !! ryoji and minato's relationship is something so much more than a typical romantic relationship to me
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xuune · 1 year
just wanted to say that your bkdk is giving me life. that is all.
me every time im drawing the bonkdonk
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merthurogies · 1 month
Give us a headcanon for Lancelot
i like to think that in his time away from camelot after meeting merlin he made an effort to learn about and understand magic better.
also i think him and gwaine met briefly during their travels before either of them came to camelot and after meeting again in camelot they both recognized the other as familiar but could never figure out when they originally met
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supermarine-silvally · 3 months
💜 Yara
Thank you very much for the prompt, dear Anon!! <3 I hope you enjoy it!
💜 surprise kiss / impulsive kiss
This fucking Marine would not leave her alone. 
“And so there I was, surrounded by forty of the nastiest, ugliest pirates in all of the South Blue! They were pointing their weapons at me, creeping closer and yelling curses far too crude to repeat in front of a lady. Bunch of disgusting savages.” The man took a swig of alcohol, pounding his mug against the counter.
Yara’s teeth gritted, staring down at the bottom of her glass as if it had gold in it. If it wasn’t for this ridiculously overpriced beverage-- some kind of pomegranate-flavoured thing that didn’t taste half as good as it looked on the menu board-- she would’ve been out of this shithole bar ages ago. 
It was the first day that the Moby Dick had made shore in almost a month, and she had somehow managed to spend far too long of it stuck next to this loser who had just spent the last hour bragging about his impending promotion to Captain of the 453rd Branch or whatever. The shit-eating smirk on his face told her that women were usually fawning over him by this point, and the fact that she wasn’t apparently meant that she needed a little more persuading. 
The Marine leaned closer to her, his breath reeking of cheap liquor. “So you know what I did next?”
“I couldn’t care le--”
“I grabbed hold of the steering wheel and swung the ship around! The bastards were so surprised, they didn’t even have time to grab hold of anything, so they all ended up tumbling into the ocean!!” He roared with laughter. “Can you believe that? See, the thing about pirates is that they’re all so hopelessly stupid.”
“Are they now?” Yara said flatly. She was increasingly tempted to push the edge of her dress back, fully revealing the tattoo that adorned her left leg. The only reason why she hadn’t so far was because she was loath to make the man think she was trying to entice him. 
“You better believe it, sweetcheeks.” He winked. “And if you want my opinion, Gold Roger was the stupidest one of all. Some ‘King of the Pirates’ he was. I heard there wasn’t even much of a fight to bring the brute down.” Swallowing another gulp of his beverage, he turned to face her. “Now, enough about me. What’s a pretty little gal like you doing all alone in this part of town?”
“Who said she was alone?” a familiar voice spoke from behind them. 
Yara’s heart leapt, a small smile creeping onto her lips as she finally glanced up from her half-empty glass. 
Ace flashed the both of them one of his usual cocky grins before draping an arm over Yara’s shoulders. “There you are. I was looking everywhere for you.”
The Marine’s expression soured. He shuffled closer to Yara, his tone dropping. “What do you say we get out of here? A man of my rank can get a room at any hotel you fancy.”
Ace tsked. “Whispering isn’t polite, y’know. And there’s a big problem with your plan.”
“Oh? And what’s that?”
A devilish grin spread across the young pirate’s face. He withdrew his arm and reached forwards, fingers brushing gently under Yara’s jaw as he tilted her chin up ever so slightly. “She’s mine.” 
Without a moment’s hesitation, he leaned in, his lips colliding with hers. Yara’s eyes widened, surprised by the sudden burst of affection, but they quickly fluttered shut. Ace’s hands had found her waist, pulling her in closer, the taste of pomegranate lingering between them as he deepened the kiss. Finally, he pulled away with a gentle nip to her bottom lip, leaving her breathless. Keeping one arm wrapped firmly around her midsection, he shot the Marine the most satisfied smirk Yara had ever seen.
The man’s lip curled as he slid off the bar stool and took a step towards Ace, trying to look menacing. “Oh, yeah? Who do you think you--” He stopped, his eyes landing on the ASCE tattoo on Ace’s arm. All the colour instantly drained from his face. “W-Wait a minute… I know you… You’re… You’re Fire Fist!!”
Ace tipped his hat at him. “That I am. Pleasure to meet ya.”
“But… that means…” His gaze slowly shifted over to Yara, finally noticing the tattoo poking out from under the hem of her dress. He gulped. “H-Hellcat Yara… It’s-- It’s the Whitebeard Pirates!!”
“And you say we’re the stupid ones,” Yara said disdainfully, watching as the man’s shaking hand reached for the sword strapped to his belt. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
His hand stilled for a second before grabbing the sword and whipping it out. “I’ll… I’ll capture you both! You have a combined bounty of almost one billion Berry, right?! I’ll be rich-- and a hero!!”
Ace and Yara looked at each other, then back at the quivering Marine. Yara let out a sigh, lifting up her glass.
Before the man could move, she brought it down over his head. He slumped over, his sword clattering to the ground. The rest of the pomegranate-flavoured beverage splashed from the glass, dripping down his blank face.
“Wow.” Ace looked impressed. “That’s one way to solve it.”
Yara shrugged. “I’ve been wanting to do that for over an hour now. Besides, his flirting game sucked anyways.” She placed the glass down on the bar’s counter, sliding it over to the bartender who had apparently seen enough brawls to be completely unbothered by the situation. 
Side by side, the two young pirates left the bar, stepping out onto the sunny street. 
Ace’s stomach growled as they walked, making him chuckle. “All that excitement and I’m completely famished. Now whaddaya say I take you out for dinner? My treat.”
She laughed. “You say ‘treat’ as if you haven’t skipped the bill on every single date you’ve ever taken me on.” 
“That’s true,” he conceded, grinning sheepishly.
 Yara looped her arm around his, twining their fingers together. “I would love dinner. And to spend time with you as long as you’ll have me.”
Ace pretended to ponder it. “Well, if that’s the case, then… How about forever?”
Smiling, she leaned down and pressed a kiss against the crossed-out ‘S’ of his tattoo. “Forever sounds nice.”
tagging: @auxiliarydetective @oneirataxia-girl @daughter-of-melpomene
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not-poignant · 8 months
hopefully this hasnt been asked before, but do you have personal favourite characters? (maybe from each series since sometimes theyre characterized differently)
Tbh anon they're usually the ones I'm writing the most! Like... Mosk and Gwyn and Efnisien and Augus and Gary etc.
I'm pretty biased that way, I just write the characters I love the most. :D
In terms of side characters, I'm very fond of the Raven Prince, Temsen, and others that I've written into fanfiction. I'm also really enjoying Haley and Harvey in A Stain that Won't Dissolve.
If there's a character I really like, I usually end up either having them as a perspective character (like Efnisien in Falling Falling Stars), or I try and give them more 'screen time' (like Temsen). And that's pretty true in everything I write.
There's lots of different reasons to really enjoy a character, and the reasons vary depending on the story and the character's role. Like, I really love Nate in Underline the Blue, but he wasn't actually a favourite in FFS (because he was an antagonist), but I knew he could be really strong in his own story and I get to enjoy him on his terms in UtBlue.
So sometimes a character isn't a favourite but I know they'll become a favourite in their own story. :D
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nibwhipdragon · 5 months
Your trademarks are either Dragon, very silly things or blood and gore (or whatever death games and stuff are counted as) :D
This is all very me stuff you get me very well :3
I do think that the whole death stuff is fairly new ngl? You've made me think abt that a bit. Got into yttd, Saw, Telltale's The Walking Dead and a bunch of other death related stuff in such a small timeframe oh my. I think this will affect the trout economy
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sxilor-1010 · 3 months
thinking about the height chart between me and my f/o polycule...
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proshipper or comshippers that interact with this post will be fucking eviserated.
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littleragondin · 10 months
Hiii! May I ask for the top 5 French songs? Could be all-time favs or current ones. I haven't listened to anything French in ages and I would gladly reach for some.
Have a great day! :)
Hiii! Thank you so much for asking ♡ I spent the whole day thinking about it and I am (again) gonna cheat a little and do two tops I hope you'll forgive me 🙈
Top 5 all time favorite french songs :
"3eme sexe" by Indochine - specifically this live version, tho I also dearly like the original from 1985
"Virages" by Yves Duteil - i do NOT like the original instrumentation but this guitar + soft percussion version? ♡♡♡
"Je te rends ton amour" by Mylene Farmer - she's the artist I've seen the most live in my life (ノ*°▽°*)
"Le bal des Laze" by Michel Polnareff - but frankly, he has tons of gems through his whole discography
"Rimes feminines" by Juliette - this one's a utube because that live version? lives rent free in my brain (´꒳`)♡
Top 5 of recent(-ish) french songs :
"Le chrome et le coton - Lafayette remix" by Jerome Echenoz, Anna Jean - this specific remix beats both the original and all other remixes imo
"Le Monarque des Indes" by Pierre Lapointe - actually canadian but still in french! this one accompanies all my summers since 2020
"Ivre d'amour" by The Rodeo - it's a song about lycanthropic love, what else can I say?
"Charisma" by Daisy Mortem - there is always something a little ... sticky in their songs despite the strong electro aspect of it that works on me 100%
"Une danse de mauvais gout" by Mansfield TYA and Odezenne - Mansfield TYA are a long time fave of mine, and the way the voices go together?♡♡♡
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iimexpensiive · 11 months
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✧ @inmiasma ✧ — (reborn!zha) Little Zha won't say he's envious of the delights of the flesh such as food (or in this caseー alcohol), but surely he's given enough hints right? Like showing up with a fiery open palm and slamming fists rhythmically into your your bar counter? Mercy please? Charity? Would you pour a glass for an old spirit?
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"Can't even spare a please there? Where have your manners gone, young man?"
Teasing tone leaving the Great Sage, easily guessing what the other wished for without having to speak. Soft laughter leaving him at the demand from the Lotus Prince. It was quite a display for sure and one that would draw anyone's ire if they didn't know him like Wukong did. Oh no, he always enjoyed the visits from one of his dearest friends — even if he had a habit of teasing and taunting him whenever he spared him these moments of his presence. He couldn't help himself. Nezha had some of the best reactions to his shenanigans, second only to his dear brother Bajie of course.
Turning his attention from the pounding against the counter of his bar — no fear that it would be damaged in the process. He wouldn't do that to him after all, not after the monkey had put such painstaking hours into his custom set-up. Making sure to snatch the best bottle he had for his companion to serve. He only stocked the finest of alcohol in his bar — none of that cheap and tasteless crap would dare be stored here. Deciding to mix him something special for his visit, one that he knew Nezha would enjoy. Plus, nothing like a little entertainment to go along with your drinking experience.
No sooner had the demand for earthly delights been made by the firey prince was there a glass slide into his hand from the king. A little flourish of a umbrella and flowers added by two of his little monkey clones in process. Both bowing afterwards before darting off.
"How's that? Hopefully it's worthy of the Lotus Prince."
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oceandiagonale · 1 year
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torriblog · 9 months
Also... I need to share the reason I started reading it. Which is 100% the fault of this song alone;
(I wanted to link the video with lyrics but tumblr doesn't allow video links in asks)
hiiiii! :D
any reason is a fair reason imo, reading the iliad is just Fun, i hope you're enjoying it! & god that song is a fucking banger?? thank you for bringing this absolute masterpiece to my attention, i've never heard it before now!
i found a lyrics video bc auditory processing issues are the bane of my existence, i think it's super fuckin cool to be able to pick up on the things the song is referencing in the storyline & what happens in the iliad and after it, & being able to identify who's perspective some of the verses must be from and how sometimes they're multiple people to draw parallels to them,,,, mwah what an incredible song (•̀ᴗ•́ )و
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shadowkira · 7 months
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frodo-with-glasses · 2 years
Yes, it's me again! The biggest fan of FrodoAngst! I should choose other character than Frodo, but i can't. Ugh, he is so adorable and smart! I think this is time to Aragorn and Frodo, in my opinion the best duo in whole Middle-Earth, no. 2, 5, 8, 10. Sorry if it is too much "friendships asks", but i cannot stop with this!
Them's fightin' words, Maggie! It takes a lot to be a bigger fan of Frodo Angst than I am!! LOL
2. "My favorite scene of them"
I answered this one here! TL;DR: I like that part where Aragorn tends Frodo's wounds after Moria, because it makes whump brain go DINGGG 8-D
5. "A scene I wish we had of them"
I can't imagine that Aragorn didn't take up the bedside vigil at some point while Frodo was recovering in Rivendell. I wonder who he met there—Sam, or Bilbo, or both of them—and whether he whispered to them to go get some rest, and he'd keep watch through the night. Did he help tend Frodo's shoulder wound and change the bandages? Did he talk in ever more urgent whispers of elvish with Elrond? Did he pace the room, or sit with his chin rested on clasped hands and worry? Give me the hospital-room angst or give me death—
8. "Who I think is the crazier one"
Ooh, that's tricky. Aragorn and Frodo both have the same kind of "crazy", namely the "the risk I took was calculated and yes I double-checked my math" kind. I'm inclined to say Aragorn is crazier—just because Frodo's hobbitiness makes him far slower to make rash decisions, while Aragorn never met an army he didn't want to fight—but maybe that actually makes Frodo the crazier one after all. Aragorn has that reckless-looking confidence because he knows he can win, but my lad Frodo went against every better instinct in his body when he decided to carry the Ring. If that's not an affront to good plain hobbit sense then I don't know what is.
10. "A song that reminds me of them"
As usual when I can't think of something off the top of my head, I went back through the songs written by Of Monsters and Men. This time, "Thousand Eyes" stood out to me.
I can't really explain why. Normally I can make some comparison with the lyrics, but I think it's mostly the vibe of the song that gets me: it seems to capture the darkness growing in Frodo, the turmoil facing Aragorn, the pressures of being "the chosen one", their introspection, their quiet personalities, their huge deeds, the electricity of their respective final showdowns with this great evil. Every eye in Middle Earth is on Aragorn. Only one Eye is looking for Frodo, and he has to do everything he can to avoid it.
“I’ll be the calm,” sings Frodo. “I will be quiet. Stripped to the bone…I wait.”
“I’ll be a stone,” sings Aragorn. “I’ll be the hunter. A tower that casts…a shade.”
It’s only a matter of time.
"Undo this storm...undo this storm...undo this storm...and wait."
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merry-finches · 8 months
All of your tags on my post about Frodo wearing red are so good and you're making me want to read and write more, like, incredibly overly-detailed costume design analysis so badly. 😂😭😂
Hehehe thank you! Please do, only send it to me when you're done :3 I'm enabling you is it working
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despairforme · 8 months
Thoughts/feelings about Wesson the puppy?
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❝ I ain't a fan 'a animals. ❞ That was his general approach to ALL animals. If he wasn't going to eat them, he didn't see the point of them. There were some animals, like horses and sheep, that he just seriously disliked. They gave him the creeps for some reason. Not liking pets was something that had developed while he was dating and living with Grimmjow, who had had two cats. Nnoitra had always been annoyed at how much love and attention they'd gotten. Attention that should've been his. So - what did he think about Wesson? Well, if he was going to pick an animal to tolerate, it would have to be dogs. He DID like how the puppy was always so enthusiastic about meeting him. Wagging its tail, yipping happily... Bouncing on his shoes. Nobody ever displayed such genuine happiness in seeing him. So yeah, he liked that. It gave him a good feeling. He also found it... Not fun, but alright, to play fetch with him. Seeing how far he was able to throw a ball was kinda fun.
Nnoitra had no idea WHY Wesson seemed to like him so much. Then again, that puppy was friendly towards everyone, right? So maybe it wasn't such a big deal. Nnoitra probably wasn't special. At the same time, dogs typically DIDN'T like him. They would often bark aggressively at him ( he assumed because they saw him as a threat ). Wesson was the exception. Oh, yeah, and Emil's dog, Bor, who didn't bark at him either. Overall? Nnoitra liked Wesson as much as he could like an animal.
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