#but also none of this is up to code
spookberry · 2 years
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WHAT was this uniform, like hello????????? Are you even wearing shin-guards or are those just leg warmers??
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shaunashipman · 1 month
I don’t know why a random B*ddie post appeared on my fyp about how some people need to learn about symbolism to understand why Buck and Eddie were dressed up as a couple and Tommy didn’t bother dressing up. And I had to laugh. Buck and Eddie were matching but they weren’t a couples costume because both of them claimed to be Crockett. They were two Crocketts without their Tubbs- doesn’t really symbolize a ‘endgame couple’
i need these people to realize that sYmbOLisM is not the entire reason the show does things, that practical considerations of the story need to be taken into account
it reminds of a post about someone's story in a workshop. it went into great detail about the protagonists bedroom, which was full of things all of which were in some way thematic about the character, and the person delivering their criticism had a question: "how did they afford all these things?" because the character came from a poor family & the writer was so caught up in the symbolism of the objects they forgot to think of that
also, there's something to be said by someone a bit more eloquent then me right now, about tommy showing up to both the bachelor party and the hospital wedding "out of dress code" and buck being disappointed about the first but so fucking pleased about the second he had to jump him
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weaponizedducks · 2 months
much as i love merlin and arthur they were NOT the blueprint. they were very nearly the blueprint, but the actual og's were from a book written in 1862 by Victor Hugo. that's right. it's enjolras and grantaire. the timeline goes exr-merthur-firstprince
#i'm right#viccy h was doing it before it was a thing#k so enj arthur and henry are all blonde and in a position of power#with a destiny and skill and crushing expectations and incredible loyalty#and socially awkward/clueless (do not tell me arthur is not socially awkward all his friends are just merlin's friends or gwen's brother)#all have a bit of a rivalry with annoying defiant brunette and don't realise how much they love them (exr truther till i die)#the brunettes themselves are annoyed by the blondes and love to antagonise them but end up loving them and dying looking at them (e and a)#R merlin and alex are all snarky bitches with (yet again) a complicated family relationship#a bitchy female best friend (using eponine and morgana for this bc i am an ep and R besties truther)#who know the destiny and how it will end (alex is the only one it turns out for) (r knows they will fail) (merlin knows arthur will die)#but who do everything they can to stay with blonde and prevent the ending (r goes as far as dying with e)#and end up devoting their life to blonde with unfathomable loyalty while also teasing them at every turn#their devotion gets to the point that blonde's life is worth more than their own#merlin#merthur#bbc merlin#red white and royal blue#firstprince#exr#enjoltaire#les miserables#but arthur and merlin are SO exr coded#none of this heartstopper-merlin-firstprince bullshit#heartstopper is the same time pretty much as firstprince and dont even act like the rest of them#they can't JUST be blonde and brunette they need the vibes to go along with it#victorian era- 2000's medieval- modern
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veveisveryuncool · 10 months
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get in losers we're going brush shopping in patch land
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touchlikethesun · 6 months
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a few thoughts. one, why are they not sitting next to each other??? the only reason i will accept is that they were sitting next to each other at the beginning of the year but the teacher forced yams to move to a different seat bc they kept gossiping (shit talking) during class... and two, as if we needed more proof that tsukki is the real main character of haikyuu, here he is, in the protagonist seat doing the protagonist longing stare out the window
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Do you think Home and Bardaby would end up- if not friends than at least allies eventually in your fantasy au? I think it would be a real shame if Wally's best friend & his patron couldn't find some common ground. Maybe they could both keep an eye on Wally for each other? I know Home is literally Always There with him, but there are some human(puppet?) issues that an elder god just wouldn't really get. idk, I just think it's a bit of a shame that they don't get along, since Barnaby's the only other person besides Wally to actually interact with home in the original ARG.
oh no yeah! they do Eventually! it just takes a while and some work. Home in this au is pretty protective of Wally for Reasons, and it takes a lot to make them go "hey, you're chill. i like you". unfortunately Barn is also protective (not nearly to Home's extent but yk) so they naturally clash where they should get along
i have the full process In My Mind but essentially: Home, if given express permission, can "possess" Wally (put in quotes bc technically Wally is already possessed by them). this happens either when Wally wants a fucking break / is overwhelmed and wants Home to take the wheel (Wally's consciousness is kinda 'turned off' - it falls into a deep sleep!), or if Home does Wally a favor - they trade the favor for a set amount of possession time. because Home would like to have a body & make the decisions from time to time <3
during one of these "Home has the wheel" periods, i imagine that some shit goes down that forces Barnaby & Home to work together w/o a mediator. and during this time they're trying to get through this while keeping Wally's body relatively unharmed - Barnaby experiences a nice disconnect of "this is Wally but its also not Wally & its also a being i don't like very much bc its a dick-". but through the power for Forced Interaction, they realize that yeah, they have common ground, but they're also not too bad :]. catch Wally taking the wheel and being perplexed at how Barnaby is all "hey say hi to Home for me!" or asking for Home's opinion on things.
#ofc everyone else is startled by the change bc they weren't around with barn & home#while they were on their buddy bonding adventure <3#its tough for home to connect both bc Yea they're an ancient being very out of touch with everything#but also home Cannot Speak! in any form! in house form they speak in onomatopoeia as in canon!#in full unrestrained form they make scary monster noises & house noises! in wally form they cant make noise at all!#bc when possessed wally's face gets entirely blacked out (except for the eyes) and essentially turns into a mini void </3#and no one understands the ancient lost language of ~morse code~#so there's a huge communication barrier! plentiful misunderstandings & misinterpretations!#also a plus of banraby getting attached - now there's Two people to worry about all packaged up in One!#oh and i imagine barn is allowed to join wally for his 'painting for house home' sessions going forward#rambles from the bog#wh fantasy au#also! technically none of them are puppets in this au except for Kind Of wally#their fleece/felt is fur/fluff/fuzz!#their stuffing is replaced with blood & guts & bone!#cut them & they bleed yk yk!#they got them Fluids!#that sounded better in my head. i lied no it didnt#& sure yeah why the fuck not they have retractable teeth#in my mind there's different classes - like howdy is an insectoid - eddie/frank/wally/sally/julie are all humanoids#barnaby is an... uh... animoids?? does that work??#poppy is an avian <3#& then monsters are yk. Monsters. animals are animals. etc#anyway i imagine that wally is Very pleased when his bestie & his patron start clicking#he gets so happy whenever barn asks after home <3
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vanlegion · 11 days
Eh, I was in a weird experimental mood. Have this. Dubbed 'Who Are You?' Pretty sure I've said this but I love characters that either are not human or beyond human... because existentialism is fun to think about.
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My monitor makes this look 3-D which is awesome.
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lord-squiggletits · 3 months
Salty Ask List: 1, 5, 14, 22 ?
1.What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
Dr/atc/het 100000%... I just don't understand what their chemistry is supposed to be together. It's partially ruined for me by Drift in MTMTE being an absolute mess of a character who got most of his planned plotlines cut or changed, and partially ruined by the fact Drift spends most of MTMTE straight up absent from the story, and then he and Ratchet meet up in Empire of Stone and come back during Dying of the Light and are just...together romantically now? I don't understand how they have any chemistry at all much less romantic lskdjflkds
I know a big one people talk about is "Ratchet saved Drift's life and then told him he believed in him" but... the way their meeting was written didn't come off as particularly romantic to me? Ratchet saved Drift the same way he's saved countless other addicts in the Dead End and then his parting words to Drift were to tell him to go to the Functionists so they could get him a job. Very "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" kind of advice that clearly didn't work since Drift stayed impoverished, his friend got killed by police brutality, he went into the underworld to be a hitman, etc etc. Like yeah in theory it's very romantic for an OTP's first meeting to be one of them saving the other's life and treating the impoverished person kindly for possibly the first time in their life. It's just that that moment in canon doesn't have romantic vibes to me at all, it's just a doctor-patient encounter in which Ratchet is nice to Drift like he's nice to everyone, except it's also kind of condescending/ignorant bc Ratchet basically tells Drift "oh just get a job and get clean and you'll be fine" as if it's that easy to stop being a homeless/jobless drug addict?? If an ER doctor did that shit to me I'd be more likely to see him as an asshole than to admire or like him at all sdklfjsd.
Then Drift was a Decepticon for millions of years, then he joined the Autobots on Earth and like... he and Ratchet sure existed on the same team together dlkfjldsjlkds there were zero interactions of worth b/t them in phase 1, their ship dynamic came entirely from JRO's writing and even then I feel like it's an informed romance more than an organic and believable one.
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
I actually used to like O/Pli/ta when I first came here, but as I stayed longer it became evident that the overwhelming majority of the fan content of it reeks of "we are very sorry for having a heterosexual ship, let us compensate for it by making the woman a Girlboss Xtreme and the man a weak simp so that you can be sure the woman isn't being Oppressed and Stereotyped by being in a heterosexual romantic relationship" which is one of my most detested types of fan content, so now I have the ship tag blocked sldkfjlsdkdskl. Literally it's just the same "the woman is a TOTALLY COMPETENT AND COOL ACTION HERO and her man is a TOTAL SIMP FOR HER" that's interchangeable with most het ships in other fandoms, where there's no actual personality or chemistry for them and instead it's just the same Fandom Approved Heterosexual Relationship Dynamic.
That and a significant amount of content I see for it is just like blatantly ripped off from Me/go/p dslkfjsdfsjl or like, taking the main MOP dynamic and just swapping OP and Elita's places so now Elita is the cool action hero who's rival to Megatron and OP just Exists as an emotional support husband I guess. Or like Elita is made into a daring action hero while Optimus is reduced to a meek little wallflower who's no one of any real importance and just follows in her wake. It reeks of insecurity and unoriginality, as if the fanbase is cripplingly aware that Elita was made to be the Token Girlfriend and instead of just making her a better character and making the romance she's a part of more equal and compelling for both characters, they have to violently overcompensate by having Elita steal OP's role and everything interesting about him. 😂Like I'm begging people to just be normal about hetero ships. You can ship a man and a woman together without having to diminish the man and girlbossify the woman to prove you're a Real Feminist.
14. Unpopular opinion about your fandom?
Continuity soup is boring and for the most parts creates purely fanon plots/ideas/characterizations that have tenuous relationships to actual canon. It's nice that people have the creativity to make their own AUs, but I also want to read about the actual continuity in question and not someone's mishmash of it.
Like UGH when I read a fic tagged IDW1 I want to see cop Orion not archivist or dockworker Orion. When I read a fic tagged IDW1 I want to read about the Senate led by Proteus and the reigns of Nova/Nominus/Sentinel/Zeta, not about the Council from TFP. When I read a fic tagged IDW1 MegOP I want Orion being a simp for Megatron after reading his stuff/meeting him one (1) time sdkflsdkf not yet another iteration of the tired "one day an archivist and a gladiator became great friends! then they broke up."
It's not hate for other continuities, I'm just tired of the fact that continuity soup is so prevalent that even when I'm specifically filtering for content of the one continuity I want to read about, the fics I find keep having random shit from other continuities interjected into it. I think each continuity has really interesting takes on lore that have potential to be wholly unique for each one, so it's really frustrating when the average fic I can find is just a random mishmash of continuity elements, or more often than not just an IDW knockoff taking place in a separate continuity. Like guys, I'm an IDW stan myself, but wouldn't it be cool if we got more fics that explored ideas that only happen in G1, or only happen in Animated, or Aligned, etc?
Doesn't help that when I AM looking specifically for IDW stuff, most of the content I look at (MOP) does continuity soup for the sake of replacing IDW OP with some sort of aligned/g1 lite OP which makes me salty as hell
22. Popular character you hate?
Drift for sure sdklfsdlk. I mean when I first read about him in the comics (the Drift miniseries) I was like, he's fine I guess he's an action hero whatever. But then literally the more of the comics I read the more his personality and story were just incredibly corny, stereotypical, or boring as hell no matter what writer was controlling him. And he got bounced around between writers a lot, and then even the "main author" people know Drift from (JRO) kept changing his plans for what Drift was supposed to be (and cutting plots related to him) so any hints towards a storyline went nowhere. And then Drift spent basically all of MTMTE gone elsewhere on some exile-adventure, and then during LL he just kind of. Is there, existing.
So like, honestly Drift is a victim of getting bounced back and forth and having his writing changed so often he doesn't reach his full potential, which isn't really "his fault" as a character. It just so happens that I also think the bits of his character that exist are either boring or overhyped or in one case (portrayal of his religion/religious worldbuilding in general) outright offensive. He's basically written like some hippie stereotype with vaguely Asian/Japanese flavoring (the extent of which is basically his name + fighting style) and then he barely like... does anything in the plot? I think he's supposed to be like, ~mysterious and shifty~ but then all of the plotlines that involved him being a secret traitor got cut, so Drift basically just became Weirdly Suspicious For No Reason and his genuine personality/motivations felt indistinguishable from what he was faking and what plots got cut from him. Absolute mess of a character that got almost no payoff for any of the things planned for him, and all that's left is some kooky hippie personality of "hee hoo I believe in auras and mystical vibes and magical colors, also I'm dating an atheist who's openly dismissive of most of my religious beliefs (that I do or don't actually believe in depending on what part of the story I'm in) and this somehow doesn't get in the way of our personal/romantic chemistry
But then the fanbase are basically making him some kind of Gary Stue, obsessed with making headcanons like "Deadlock wrote/edited Megatron's speeches for him too!" and "Drift defected from the Decepticons to try and make a point to Megatron!" and generally trying to make him the Decepticons' Specialest Boy Ever and it's just. Ugh I get that he was under-written in canon, but every bit of fanon I've encountered doesn't make him interesting either. They just kind of make Drift the center of the world where he's actually the coolest, most talented and interesting person ever where other characters owe their accomplishments partially to his influence and I'm just. I don't get it, I don't understand the appeal of fanon and I don't even understand the appeal of canon either. I think part of it is for representation reasons (e.g. Asian, lower class, former drug addict) and it's nice that people can pull something meaningful out of the mess that is canon. It's just for me, canon Drift is so mediocre I don't get why anyone would even WANT him as representation sdlkfjsdlkf. I guess fixing what the writers failed to explore the potential of is an understandable motivation though.
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idk what the fandom consensus is on yuma raincode's age but in the game i generally assumed he was like 14-16 and after the game im even more convince about that. the reason is after chapter 5 i was confused why makoto, yuma's clone who should be genetically identical to yuma and also the same age, is much taller than yuma himself. but if they used yuma's dna to clone makoto 3 years before the events of rain code, yuma would have been about 11-13, which is generally right before boys hit a growth spurt.
the idea of a boy detective becoming the head of a global detective organization isn't really too out there in a kodaka game tbh. and the child prodigy detective is a really popular trope anyway. but yeah yuma as the head of the WDO would have lived on nothing but coffee, protein bars, and like 3 hours of sleep a day during the time where he was supposed to be growing taller. meanwhile makoto, who doesn't really get to do much in kanai ward even after becoming the CEO, would have had three square nutritious meals a day and plenty of sleep. hence why makoto grew taller like a normal teenager and yuma will be a short king forever.
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doodlebeeberry · 1 month
The code lyoko youtube channel (the english one i mean) has posted two episode compilations within the past month after years of inactivity. How suspicious.
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Damn. Everyone looked weird in the older models tho 💀
this would be a factual statement if yoshitaka mine didnt exist, wherein he's the most handsome man rgg has ever created and im chewing him and his crunchy-crusty-2009 model
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notebooknonbinary · 1 year
I feel that some people tend to code Will as Charlie Brown since Noah voiced him (wonderfully), but Mike is the one who is more like Charlie Brown I feel
Source: Peanuts has been my one of Special Interests since I was like eight. At some point I read All the comics, in order. Bc of bad memory I don’t remember Everything, but.
Charlie Brown 🤝 Mike Wheeler: Immensely depressed and feeling unloved and like he’s a nothing/nobody
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Mike Coded
Anyway Will is Peppermint Patty coded and I’m right.
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A wonderful artist drew a scene similar to the Poor Sweet Baby scenes in the comics. Please please Go give them lots of reblogs 🥰 anyone who draws byler as Charlie Brown and Peppermint Patty u own part of my soul🥰🥰🥰🥰
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silverislander · 11 months
i've been thinking a lot recently abt how different my current job is to my first job and how much more i like it and why, and it really just comes down to like. basic humanity. at the hardware store, it was a really intense "time to lean time to clean" mentality, we weren't allowed to chat with the other cashiers even during slow days, we couldn't get caught reading/drawing/goofing off while on cash, we weren't even allowed to leave the corral. at the supermarket, we're expected to take our time w the customers and talk to them. the managers and other departments come out when they're bored to come chat w us! i read the local paper during slow hours and draw in between customers, and its great! everyone is also just really nice and friendly which is fantastic, i can't name one person over there i don't get along with
and i happened to remember the first meeting i had to go to for the hardware store lmfao. i showed up in uniform bc there was no indication that it was a meeting instead of a regular shift, we were basically told to go stock the shelves/face items for an hour (? still not sure why. they did this to all of us and it did Not need to be done) and while we were paid for that time i was NOT trained for it, so when customers came up and asked like "hey wheres the plumbing section" i had to go "um. i don't know :) let's go find someone else" and had no way to deal with it when they inevitably got really fucking mad w me for not being able to help them
and then when the meeting finally actually started, it opened w the manager going "ok i heard some of you had some things you wanted to discuss!" and a couple of the other cashiers reading off a list of issues they wanted to address. none of which were actually addressed. it was shit like "when you guys come down to customer service and immediately disregard the policies we've just explained, it makes us look like the bad guys and gets us treated very poorly by future customers" "ok well are we supposed do about that :)"/"you need to give us our breaks on time. if managers have to be in charge of telling us when we're allowed to go on break, they need to make sure they're not hours late when doing that" "well we're really busy so sometimes we forget but i guess we'll try :)"
... yeah. if i had been a little bit smarter at the time, i would have realized 2wks in that this was a baby union, we were being exploited and i was abt to have the shittiest fucking summer lmao
#this is a bit of a long pointless post but i was thinkin abt it the other day and just laughing#like... dude. how did i not see that as an insane red flag#those are all issues that continued throughout the summer btw :) none of it ever got fixed we were all miserable#they also had a rule that if you saw someone stealing you were supposed to CHASE THEM and i mentally checked out of that job right there#i am not going to put myself in danger over a fucking power drill or a garden light. bye#like. if someone is stealing they can just fucking have it. i hate it here anyway idc if i get fired for it#levi.txt#like seriously i am So much happier at the grocery store. this is worlds better#theyre both minimum wage theyre basically the same job (cashier) but its not even comparable#i feel like a person. i dont dread going into work. i feel like if anything happened the other employees would have my back#and so would the managers!#we have a fucking code name to say over the pa in case someone is sexually harassing you! manager AND security will show up!!#and you can LEAVE THE CASH to go calm down and take a breather when that happens!!#at the hardware store it was just. if you want to radio a supervisor abt it you can try but it might take them 15mins. if they show up#in the meantime you cant make that person leave you alone. and theyre going to know exactly who you called and why#also just on a personal note. grocery store is doing wonders for my social anxiety. its like a vr simulation for social interactions#you effectively cant fuck up the interaction too bad people will at most think youre kind of funny and then move on w their day
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crescentmp3 · 1 year
hi! hi hello
#im on my ten minute break for the harvard free course i signed up! its the CS50 introduction to computer science course#i managed to sign up on the exact day the course starts‚ so thats fun#the course has taught us about how binary works‚ ASCII‚ unicode‚ some main ideas‚ some coding language firsts to know‚#and some extra stuff in between i won't bother to mention.#its lovely so far! im really enjoying it and taking notes in the notesapp on the laptop. im very much so enjoying myself#i cannot wait to start learning C‚ as that's the lesson of next week#the course is 11 weeks long! its self-paced which means its perfect for me#the teacher of the course also gave a lot of talk at the start which got me pretty confident#i can't wait to learn all this stuff ^^#my dad directed me to this course‚ which i didn't know existed beforehand#oh also the subtitles are nice. if there was none i would fail this course instantly#its introductory so im not having any problems processing what he's talking about#im hoping to sign up for that CS50 introduction to video game development after im done with this course! but thats for next summer break#its very convinient that this course is 11 weeks long‚ exactly enough to get it in for summer break and finish it before school starts again#you could also get a physical certificate for some money once you're done‚ but my parents said they'll consider it once im done#anywho! very excited#im an hour and ten minutes into the course - theres about an hour left#the lecturer told the audience to take a ten minute break so im taking one too. will be back to learning in three minutes#🌙rambling
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LISTEN i just think the contrast between aida and ultron is so so interesting. because aida’s whole thing is that she wants free will and human emotions, and is using loopholes in the directives radcliffe has assigned her (that are this bad specifically because she watched radcliffe doing shady shit, that he then tried to justify to her (“lies are alright when it’s to help someone”) which has definitely created a Mess in there) to try to achieve this. aida does not naturally have free will or emotions and is, entirely, acting within the scope of how radcliffe programmed her
ultron, meanwhile, has free will and emotions and is making that everyone’s problem
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bobzora · 1 year
the thing about gamedev that they dont want you to know is that you have to actually dev your game @.@ crazy ! ! !
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