#but they’re so cuuuute 🥺
angelbesideme · 2 years
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It’s so nice having a chance to make merit and pour water of dedication with you, Miss Pam. Have you heard that if we make merit together, we will meet again in our next life? Did you start thinking about saying this while we were offering food to the monk? You probably didn’t get merit. The monk won’t punish me who is trying to make a move. But I’m deducting your marks.
MY DEAR DONOVAN: episode 2
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funfactory · 2 years
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izz-ler · 3 months
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Aaaaa I love them sm they’re so cuuuute! Little brother August being born and Belladonna not being able to handle it🥺 all the siblings in one pic
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ratsoh-writes · 1 year
grimbley: !!!!!
grimbley: the snailssssss, they're so cuuuute
grimbley, texting me: can i get one
me: no
grimbley: but keith 🥺
me: look at the other snails first. i know there's other snails, i can feel it
grimbley: okay...
(i've already vetoed spiders because i'm afraid of them lol. i would not want to make grimbley sad because i accidentally hurt their pet bug/insect/et cetera)
-void keith
The other snails grimbley sees are the Dalmatian print softies.
It’s a type of snail with a soft gel like shell that’s translucent showing the slug body inside. The snail itself is always black and white spotted. They’re a water-slime breed and are good for people who like less mess from a free roam snail. Their slime evaporates quickly like water and isn’t sticky. However they needs a very clean and soft environment since they get sick easy.
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kaibaspuppy · 10 months
whoopsie i forgot about this ome :-( doing it now
🥺 Post a screenshot of your f/o where they’re emotional.
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i love this episode! even though it makes me want to commit double homicide
🕴Post a screenshot of your f/o small in the distance/the background of a shot.
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the silly
🎉 Post a screenshot of your f/o where they’re smiling/laughing/having a good time.
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i'm 90% sure this is less good times laughter and more evil laughter but he's so cuuuute. wails wails wails
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cherrypeaking · 1 year
i’ve always associated yeonjun w night cap calla lilies~~ (i’m not that anon that requested that, but i just wanted to tell someone this lol). pink haired yeonjun bringing those cutie pink tulips tho *^^* so cuuuute
oh anonie!! 🥺 i had to look them up l
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they’re so prettyyyyy and i get why they remind you of yeonjun 🥹🩷 i feel like they fit his vibe!! not sure how to explain they look so graceful just like him 🥺
tulips are my favorite flowers actually 🫣 and when i thought of them immediately my mind was like THAT IS YEONJUN DHSHFBD
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In spirit of Halloween tomorrow. The missus and Harry going to a Halloween farm. Going on the tractor rides, scare mazes and just holding each others hands for dear life 🤣🥹❤️
PLEASE THIS IS SO CUUUUTE 🥺 A cozy little date all bundled up and holding onto each other. Harry wrapping his coat around her while they’re waiting in line so she’s nice and warm, stealing kisses, sipping warm drinks. Harry secretly loving how she squeezes his hand when they go through the scary maze and he’s all, “I’ll protect you, baby.”
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rosella-writes · 2 years
virelan x solas 19, 25, 43, 52
Oh god these are so cuuuute, thank you 🥺💚
Who still blushes when their partner compliments them? Solas, 100%. Virelan clued in to his praise kink need for recognition very early, and likes to make him squirm and wrinkle his nose with straight-to-the-point, frank compliments. It’ll just be out of nowhere from behind him, “You’re beautiful,” and he’ll whip around to see her staring at his butt or something, zero shame.
Favorite canon moment of them? It happened in-game, actually! They went from Solas blustering about how he prefers dreaming and Virelan crabbily countering with “that’s kind of sad,” to her cutting him off with “I hope to help you make new friends.” He trails off into the most flustered, “That would be… well” that fits so weirdly perfectly with their previous argument? I dunno I just like it a lot.
How do they say ‘I love you’ without actually saying it? Ex “Have you drank any water today?” Virelan is touchy-feely. If they’re near one another, doing their own thing, she’ll keep some part of her in contact with him, even if it’s just her foot against his leg. A little silent reminder that she’s there and she loves him. He shows he loves her by being kinda… naggy lol. He’ll fuss about her sleeping schedule (or lack thereof), bring her food down in the undercroft if she’s forgotten to eat, and offer to help so she can finish sooner. He leans into acts of service for her.
Who is more likely to plan a date? Solas! It doesn’t usually occur to her, but he likes to make a little event out of small things, reminding her that it’s the mundane and everyday that leave the sweetest impressions in the Fade. He likes to make memories with her, if only to be able to revisit them.
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foundationsofdecay · 8 months
I love rats so much they’re so cuuuute 🥺 I don’t think I could cope w their short lifespan but I just love them so much
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brbremaking · 2 years
everyone here is a loser because when I talk about the cute things babies do and how much I love them they don’t talk about how much they love babies
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twicearoundthesun · 2 years
omg i would love to see more interactions between the babies and the unnies when they're a bit older, like maybe when they're elementary school age they go to the zoo or something and the unnies love watching how the kids react and thinking about how their personalities have developed over time🥺
cuuuute, thanks anon. Here you go!
Jihyo watched Momo struggle, laughing; Tzuyu was hanging off her back while Dahyun and Chaeyoung each took a leg. She wondered briefly if she should point out the ‘KEEP OFF THE GRASS’ sign facing away from them, but the zoo employees didn’t seem to care, and Jeongyeon and Mina were almost done buying their tickets anyway.
Chaeyoung shrieked as Momo struggled to raise her leg a few inches off the ground, kid attached to it and all, and Jihyo was actually concerned for a minute all four of them would topple over. But the dancer’s balance held true and Chaeyoung was gently placed back on the ground, and then it was Dahyun’s turn to be lifted. Momo swung her arms dramatically and pretended to lose balance, but again was fine.
“Alright!” Jeongyeon said loudly as her and Mina rejoined the group. Dahyun and Chaeyoung abandoned their game and ran to see the tickets in her hand. “Five adult tickets and four kiddie tickets. Momo, it says here you even get a special elephant sippie cup if we visit the food court-”
Momo only rolled her eyes, leaning forward so Tzuyu could reposition herself in a proper piggyback as they walked back to the group. Jeongyeon handed the adults their tickets. Momo frowned.
“You can’t tease me with an elephant sippie cup and then just give me an adult ticket, Jeongyeon.” She joked.
“I’ll share mine, Unnie!” Tzuyu kicked her feet.
“Ahh, my little Tzu Tzu, the sweetest most perfect little angel baby.” Momo danced, jostling Tzuyu and making the girl giggle.
“I hope I can find someone to share their elephant sippie cup with me.” Nayeon said dramatically, leaning down to Dahyun and Chaeyoung’s level.
Dahyun only tilted her head a little. Chaeyoung knit her brow. Jihyo laughed.
“Will you guys share your souvenirs with Nayeon-Unnie?” Sana bent down, too.
Chaeyoung shrugged. Dahyun gave a half-hearted little. “Okay.”
“Ouch.” Jihyo teased, and Nayeon made a face at her.
“Can I have a piggy back ride too?” Chaeyoung pulled at Sana’s sweatshirt to get her attention. “Please?” she added.
“Of course you can, Baby.” Sana smiled and crouched down.
“I’m not a baby. I’m six.” Chaeyoung remarked.
“You’ll always be my baby.”
“Even when I’m old like you?”
Sana frowned, and the unnies all laughed. She decided not to answer, opting instead to help Chaeyoung onto her back and change the subject. “Where to first? Anyone have anything they’re really excited for today?”
“Beetles!” Dahyun said quickly.
“Mhm. Mina Unnie said we can see beetles. At the zoo.”
Jihyo held back a laugh as Nayeon and Sana turned to glare at the bio major in question. Mina smiled sheepishly.
“Beetles!” Chaeyoung yelled, kicking her feet. “Let’s go to the beetles!”
Jeongyeon sighed and looked down at her map.
“Alright. Insect House, here we come.”
The kids cheered.
Sana and Nayeon decided to sit outside the insect house while everyone else went in. Dahyun was a little sad she didn’t get to show them her favorite beetle, but Mina took a picture of her posing next to the case and pointing at it for her show them so they wouldn’t miss out. Nayeon and Sana pretended to be grateful very well.
By the time they’d reached the last exhibit on their must-see list, it was after lunch and the kids were riding out a sugar high – they’d mistakenly let Momo and Sana go order the food alone and that meant everyone got a cupcake. Chaeyoung pulled Jihyo up the path, grip surprisingly strong for her small stature.
“The TIGERS Unnie, look I have pointy teeth too!” she was saying, and before Jihyo could stop her, her germy fingers were in her own mouth poking at her tiny canines.
“Wow, look at that!” Jihyo crouched next to her and pointed out two cubs wrestling each other. “Look, and they’re just like you and your Dubu, so much energy.”
Chaeyoung beamed and then gave her best tiger roar. Jihyo chuckled.
“Whoah, scary. Careful with that, little tiger cub.” Jeongyeon crouched next to them. “You’re gonna scare Nayeon Unnie.”
Nayeon glanced up at the mention of her name, momentarily distracted from her conversation with Dahyun. Dahyun didn’t notice, or maybe didn’t care, and continued telling Nayeon about the beetles in the Insect House that ate poop.
The walk to the car was much more tame; Dahyun had run out of steam and was allowing herself to be pulled along, rubbing her eyes with the hand not clasped in Jihyo’s. Tzuyu was back on Momo’s back, cheek resting against her shoulder. Jihyo would have thought the girl was asleep had it not been for her occasional lazy offering of her Elephant Sippie Cup; she’d hold the cup up to Momo’s face wordlessly and Momo would happily take a few sips of apple juice from the bendy straw. Chaeyoung was getting the last of her energy out, playing ‘guess the animal noise’ with Sana and Mina, and she was being pretty creative about what she thought a giraffe might sound like. Jihyo admittedly didn’t know enough about giraffes to correct her. And Nayeon and Jeongyeon walked hand-in-hand a few feet behind them, absorbed in a little conversation of their own every time Jihyo turned to make sure they were still following through the crowd.
“This is the best day ever.” Dahyun mumbled as they got to the van, Jihyo fixing her in her car seat. “Thank you, Unnie.”
Jihyo just smiled and kissed her forehead, the girl already approaching sleep by the time she leaned back.
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yaoisex · 3 years
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They’re so CUUUUTE!! I was on the verge of tears at least 5 times while watching. 🥺
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quirrrky · 3 years
PREGNANCY —» headcanons —» NaruHina Week Day 6 
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Boruto pregnancy was completely unplanned like Naruto and Hinata were enjoying their honeymoon phase ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) when boom! Here comes a baby!
Nevertheless, they were super duper happy esp Naruto...
Oh, man! He announced it to the whole of Konoha like a message blast
And trust me, it reached Suna in a matter of a heartbeat
Kurenai-sensei helped the couple a lot with the pregnancy know-how
The two bought a lot of books and read them together as pastime, though Naruto always fell asleep
Naruto was more pregnant than Hinata, as expected
He puked with her in the mornings and eat the same diet she’s eating
Oh! He’s also craving the same food she’s craving.
And it all started with the burger Konohamaru brought them one day
The preggy couple became a fan and they binged ate burgers from that period on
There were times when Naruto’s tummy will churn with irrational need for burger while away from a mission (he won’t tell Boruto this bc ramen supremacy)
Then, he thought of his wife and he worried that she might be hungry
And like regular couples, there goes the legendary preggy mood swings
Overprotective husbando mode on! 
Will never allow Hinata to do anything at all! It’s very exaggerated at first that it caused them cute little bickering
Although, they would have small banters here and there sometimes (mostly because Naruto would be super OA about everything) they still seemed so cute
It’s the very first time Hinata acted pouty and childish
At first, Naruto was scaredt
Next time around, he found her entertaining
They’re just so cuuuute
With proper assurance, Naruto seemed to understand...uh, a little?
Well, he allowed her household chores at least with the exception of carrying grocery bags, and other heavy loads (also add the harsh scrubbing)
His shadow clones would always help around (much to Hinata’s dismay sometimes tbh)
He did his best so Kakashi won’t give Hinata any more missions
Hinata ended up bored af, so she beautified their home and took her damn precious time decorating it
Let’s talk about how she made cute plushies while she’s pregnant!
Yes, Hinata thought that her baby might like something cuddly to be with, so she made plushies while waiting for Naruto to come back home from his missions 🐰 🐸
Naruto would always bring Hinata treats and trinkets from his missions too!!!
Even when her tummy was still small, he would cling around her belly, try to listen and would baby-talk the baby inside 🥺
Naruto would be surprised and happy to see his home now well-decorated, cute and all
Now, he’s more than dedicated to perfect the nursery
You might expect that the moment they had Hima would be a lot more peaceful but heck! Think again!
Boruto was a big momma’s boi so he hogged her attention
And he’s one big ball of energetic cuteness
Narudad was stressedt af when he saw his son clinging to the curtain like a cat while hinamom was (happily) trying to carry him, while she’s pregnant
Again Naruto went double panic mode!
However, he can’t even stay mad at his young baby Boruto bc he cute af
Like he’s going to reprimand the baby boy but bby’s gonna crawl and climb his leg, saying “Papa, papa”
Hinata was happy to see all this. Like, this is my family, y’all!
Needless to say, it was a repeat performance of the last time only that they had another harbinger of chaos around to bring joy 
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REBLOGS ARE DEEPLY APPRECIATED ♡ Please help me reach other viewers as tumblr tags often don’t work on me.Thank you so so much!  
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sallysoot · 3 years
Since I'm on a bit of an Eret kick: Imagine Eret finally gathering the courage to propose to you, to finally ask you to be their queen. He's nervous, worried that you might say no. But she knows that if she never asks, they'll regret it.
They clear their schedule for the day, planning an entire day out for just the two of you. No chaos from the rest of the SMP, no royal duties to get in the way. Just the two of you spending time together. And at the end of the day, when you two make it back to the castle, he finally pops the question.
AHHHHH CUUUUTE CUTE!! they’re usually so certain and confident with things, i wonder if you might notice that they seem a bit nervous about something? 👀 but man, they’d have such a perfect day laid out for you— they know just what you like and would wanna do with some time just for the two of you. and you forget about that little edge of nervousness until you’re back at the castle and you can practically FEEL it coming off of them. and before you can even ask what’s wrong, they’re kneeling and it all falls so perfectly into place. (they had nothing to worry about— who tf would say no to that??? 🥺💘)
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dykeaegir · 2 years
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@queenvonhresvelg @malewifeomi @tendanced
sorry to answer all these at once!! but they’re all really cuuuute 🥺 ferdie’s so good at giving gifts, and so cuddly…i wuv him…
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aww the anon about sick harry when they’re first dating 🥺 maybe he immediately sits up and tries to act fine when she gets there and she’s like no no it’s okay, I know you’re not feeling well baby. And as the night goes on he gets more comfortable with her seeing him that way and eventually is just so glad she’s with him and wants her to hold him. Just a cute little vulnerable moment between them 
PLEASE THIS IS SO CUUUUTE. 🥺 She’s not even fazed, she just wants to take care of him and make sure he’s okay and she doesn’t care about anything else. And he feels so safe and loved and settled knowing she’s there and he’s not by himself. And they spend most of the night with him settled in between her legs with his head on her chest while she massages his head and plays with his hair and they watch their show and he falls asleep on her. 🥺
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