#c: luka couffaine
Lukanette Deserves Better Part 3
Yes there’s more Lukanette, because canon makes me bitter in how Lukanette get’s shafted. Kinda Salty.
The Karma of Lies - Plus JuleRose. Mentioned Jean Duparc x Kagami Tsurugi. Canon Ships. Salt. AdriChat Salt. Adrien Agreste Salt. Chat Noir Salt. Lila Rossi Salt. Alya Céaire Salt. Chloé Bourgeois Salt. Caline Bustier Salt. Principal Damocles Salt. Bustier Class Salt. Chloé Bourgeois Sugar. Juleka Couffaine Sugar. Rose Lavillant Sugar. Plagg The Kwami Sugar. Minor Out Of Character Behavior.
Tales of Karmic Lies Aftermath - Plus JuleRose. Mentioned Jean Duparc x Kagami Tsurugi. Canon Ships. Salt. AdriChat Salt. Adrien Agreste Salt. Chat Noir Salt. Lila Rossi Salt. Alya Céaire Salt. Chloé Bourgeois Salt. Caline Bustier Salt. Principal Damocles Salt. Bustier Class Salt. Chloé Bourgeois Sugar. Juleka Couffaine Sugar. Rose Lavillant Sugar. Plagg The Kwami Sugar. Minor Out Of Character Behavior. 
What Goes Around Comes Around Saga (Series) - Plus JuleRose. Salt. AdriChat Salt. Adrien Agreste Salt. Chat Noir Salt. Lila Rossi Salt. Chloé Bourgeois Salt. Caline Bustier Salt. Principal Damocles Salt. Bustier Class Salt. Juleka Couffaine Sugar. Rose Lavillant Sugar. Sabrina Raincomprix Sugar. Bustier Class Sugar. In Character Behavior.
i get a little jealous, a little selfish - Plus Chlogami. Plus Plikki. Salt. AdriChat Salt. Adrien Agreste Salt. Chat Noir Salt. Lila Rossi Salt. Alya Céaire Salt. Principal Damocles Salt. Bustier Class Salt. Chloé Bourgeois Sugar. Caline Bustier Sugar. Gabriel Agreste Sugar. Minor Out Of Character Behavior. 
Summer Days Turned Nights - Plus Plikki. Salt. AdriChat Salt. Adrien Agreste Salt. Chat Noir Salt. Lila Rossi Salt. Alya Céaire Salt. Caline Bustier Salt. Principal Damocles Salt. Bustier Class Salt. AdriChat Sugar. Adrien Agreste Sugar. Chat Noir Sugar. Chloé Bourgeois Sugar. Minor Out Of Character Behavior.
New Perspective - Plus NathMarc. Fluffy. Salt. Lila Rossi Salt. Alya Céaire Salt. Caline Bustier Salt. Bustier Class Salt. AdriChat Sugar. Adrien Agreste Sugar. Chat Noir Sugar. Nathaniel Kurtzberg Sugar. Minor Out Of Character Behavior.
Poison and Antidotes (Series) - Angsty. Salt. AdriChat Salt. Adrien Agreste Salt. Chat Noir Salt. Lila Rossi Salt. Alya Céaire Salt. Caline Bustier Salt. Bustier Class Salt. Chloé Bourgeois Sugar. Minor Out Of Character Behavior.
The Lies We Tell - Plus JuleRose. Salt. AdriChat Salt. Adrien Agreste Salt. Chat Noir Salt. Lila Rossi Salt. Alya Céaire Salt. Wang Fu Salt. Su Han Salt. Tikki The Kwami Salt. In Character Behavior. 
Vide Stitch - Angsty. Salt. AdriChat Salt. Adrien Agreste Salt. Chat Noir Salt. Lila Rossi Salt. Alya Céaire Salt. Caline Bustier Salt. Bustier Class Salt. AdriChat Sugar. Adrien Agreste Sugar. Chat Noir Sugar. Alya Céaire Sugar. Chloé Bourgeois Sugar. Caline Bustier Sugar. Bustier Class Sugar. Minor Out Of Character Behavior.
Princess Justice & Lady Sunspot - Salt. Lila Rossi Salt. Bustier Class Salt. AdriChat Sugar. Adrien Agreste Sugar. Chat Noir Sugar. Alya Céaire Sugar. Chloé Bourgeois Sugar. Bustier Class Sugar. Minor Out Of Character Behavior.
Trou Noir - Salt. AdriChat Salt. Adrien Agreste Salt. Chat Noir Salt. Lila Rossi Salt. Alya Céaire Salt. Bustier Class Salt. AdriChat Sugar. Adrien Agreste Sugar. Chat Noir Sugar. Alya Céaire Sugar. Chloé Bourgeois Sugar. Bustier Class Sugar. Minor Out Of Character Behavior.
Pouring Alcohol on an Old Flame - Tumblr - In Character Behavior.
A Murder of Crows  [LBSC October 2021 Minific Challenge] - Tumblr One, Tumblr Two - In Character Behavior.
Gotta Love the Accent - Tumblr - Plus JuleRose. In Character Behavior.
I Can Fix You - Tumblr - In Character Behavior.
It's a Love Story - Tumblr - In Character Behavior.
In The Silence - Tumblr - Plus JuleRose. Plus GabeNath. Plus FeLuka. Plus Love Square. In Character Behavior.
Reduced to Silence - Tumblr - In Character Behavior.
On Thick Ice - Tumblr - Salt. AdriChat Salt. Adrien Agreste Salt. Chat Noir Salt. Girl Gang Salt. AdriNette Salt. LAdrien Salt. MariChat Salt. LadyNoir Salt. Love Square Salt. In Character Behavior.
A Dog Off the Scent - Tumblr - Salt. AdriChat Salt. Adrien Agreste Salt. Chat Noir Salt. Félix Graham De Vanily Salt. LAdrien Salt. AdriNette Salt. MariChat Salt. LadyNoir Salt. Love Square Salt. In Character Behavior.
Breaking the Cycle - Tumblr - Salt. AdriChat Salt. Chat Noir Salt. Tom Dupain Salt. Sabine Cheng Salt. Girl Gang Salt. MariChat Salt. LadyNoir Salt. Love Square Salt. In Character Behavior.
High Priest - Idea, Ch.1, Ch.2, Ch.3, Ch.4, Ch.5, Ch.6, Ch.7, Ch.8 - Yandere Luka Couffaine. Villain Luka Couffaine. Akuma Luka Couffaine. Salt. Lila Rossi Salt. Bustier Class Salt. In Character Behavior. Minor Out Of Character Behavior.
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roxyfoxgamer150 · 2 years
That time you saw something cursed but in a crack way on any media platform go.
Oh! I'll give you an example of cursed cracked images!
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They're all from the same show. And it's funny to me.
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princess-sof-time · 10 months
Hello A-chan! Hope i'm not bothering you with this request, I just been feeling kinda sad lately soooo I wanted to make this request! But don't worry, take your time 💖
Could you write for Meliodas, King, Luka Couffaine, Adrien Agreste, Naruto Uzumaki, Hinata Hyuga, Neji Hyuga, Shinji Ikari, Clark Kent and Fuko Ibuki (im so sorry for requesting so much characters 😣) with a S/O that had lose their best friends some months ago (they died for sickness) and S/O acts calm and cheerful, saying to everyone that they are fine and had move on already but in really is pretty depressed since their lost but, like doesn't want to bother anyone with their sadness, but one day S/O can't take it anymore and break into tears to them confessing how sad they are and how much they miss their best friend
Sorry if im asking for much, im just a little sad and anxious :c
Ek hoop dit gaan beter met jou Moonie-chan en dat jy hou van wat ek geskryf het en dat hierdie teks jou beter laat voel. Moenie bekommerd wees nie, hoe meer karakters ek skryf, hoe meer pret het ek.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ──────
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• S/O, their voice trembling with grief, finally musters the courage to open up about the immense pain they've been silently carrying since the loss of their best friends. Tears stream down their face as they confess the depth of their sorrow to Meliodas. Despite their attempts to maintain a calm and cheerful facade, S/O reveals that they have been battling a profound sense of emptiness and depression, struggling to find solace in the wake of their friends' passing.
• In a heart-wrenching confession, S/O pours their heart out to Meliodas, expressing just how much they long for his presence. They speak of the deep bond they shared, the infectious laughter, and the unbreakable connection that was once their source of joy and support. S/O recounts the memories they cherished, the countless adventures they embarked on together, and the unwavering support Meliodas provided during even the darkest of times. The absence of their best friend has left a void in their life that cannot be filled, and the weight of their grief has become nearly unbearable.
• Meliodas, known for his unwavering compassion, becomes a pillar of support for S/O in this moment of vulnerability. He listens attentively, his own heart heavy with empathy and understanding for the depth of their pain. With a gentle touch, he wipes away their tears, letting them know that it's okay to let go and share their pain without fear of judgment. Meliodas holds S/O close, providing a safe space for them to mourn and find solace in their shared embrace.
• As they share their deepest emotions, Meliodas offers words of comfort, reminding S/O that grief is a natural and necessary part of the healing process. He reassures them that their feelings are valid and that it's okay to grieve for as long as they need. Meliodas expresses his own sadness and acknowledges the magnitude of the loss they have endured together. He shares his memories of their departed friends, honoring their lives and the impact they had on both S/O and himself.
• Together, S/O and Meliodas navigate the turbulent sea of grief, supporting each other through the highs and lows. Meliodas becomes a source of strength, encouraging S/O to lean on him whenever they feel overwhelmed by their emotions. He listens attentively to their stories, cherishing the memories they share and finding solace in their deep connection. Meliodas reminds S/O that their departed friends will always live on in their hearts and that they will find ways to honor their memory and keep their spirits alive.
• In the days that follow, Meliodas remains a steadfast companion for S/O, providing a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear whenever needed. He encourages them to express their grief openly, knowing that healing comes from allowing themselves to feel the pain and finding healthy ways to cope. Meliodas offers his love and support unconditionally, understanding that the road to recovery may be long and challenging.
• Together, S/O and Meliodas embark on a journey of healing, cherishing the memories of their lost friends and finding solace in their shared love. They create a safe space where S/O can freely express their sadness, knowing that Meliodas will always be there to lend a comforting presence and remind them that they are not alone in their grief. As they navigate this difficult path together, they grow even closer, forging a bond that can withstand the trials of loss and find strength in their shared resilience.
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• S/O, their heart heavy with grief, finally finds the strength to confess to King the depths of their sorrow following the loss of their beloved best friends. With tears streaming down their face, they reveal that despite the calm and cheerful facade they've been displaying to the world, internally, they are drowning in a sea of sorrow and depression. S/O opens their heart to King, expressing the immense sadness they feel and their desperate longing for the presence of their departed friends.
• With a trembling voice, S/O pours out their emotions, sharing the void that has been left in their life by the absence of their best friends. They recount the treasured moments they shared with King, the unwavering support, and the profound bond they formed. S/O reveals how much they miss the sound of laughter, the comfort of their friends' presence, and the sense of security that King provided in their lives.
• King, with his deep empathy and understanding, listens intently to S/O's heartfelt confession. He embraces them gently, holding them in his arms as a safe haven for their pain. King reassures S/O that it's okay to feel sadness and that their pain is valid. He acknowledges the depth of their loss, understanding that their departed friends held an irreplaceable place in their hearts.
• As S/O continues to express their grief, King listens with unwavering attention. He acknowledges their longing and the void that their friends' absence has created. King understands the significance of the memories shared and the bonds formed with their departed friends. He recognizes the profound impact that these friends had on S/O's life and the depth of their sorrow in their absence.
• With a gentle touch, King wipes away S/O's tears, offering comfort in his embrace. He assures them that they are not alone in their grief and that he is there to support them through this difficult journey. King encourages S/O to lean on him for solace, emphasizing the importance of their relationship built on trust, understanding, and unwavering support.
• In the days that follow, King continues to provide a steadfast presence for S/O, allowing them the space to grieve and heal. He patiently listens as S/O shares memories of their departed friends, cherishing the times they spent together and honoring their legacy. King understands that the process of healing takes time and that grief has its own timeline, unique to each individual.
• Together, S/O and King mourn the loss of their best friends, finding solace in each other's arms. They create a sanctuary of love and understanding, where S/O can freely express their grief and find comfort in King's unwavering support. King encourages S/O to remember their departed friends, to keep their memories alive, and to honor their legacy through their own actions and pursuits.
• As time passes, King remains a steady pillar of strength for S/O, providing them with a safe space to navigate their grief. He offers a listening ear, a compassionate heart, and a shoulder to lean on during moments of overwhelming sadness. King reassures S/O that their departed friends will always hold a special place in their heart, and their memory will forever be cherished.
• In their shared journey of healing, S/O and King discover the power of resilience and the strength that can be found within a loving and supportive relationship. They embrace the bittersweet nature of grief, honoring the past while also finding hope for the future. Together, they navigate the intricate landscape of loss, finding solace and comfort in each other's presence.
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• As S/O's tears stream down their face, their stoic facade crumbles in front of Luka. They confess the heavy sorrow they have been concealing since the loss of their best friends a few months ago. Despite projecting an image of calmness and happiness to the outside world, S/O reveals the truth about the profound depression that has taken hold of their heart and mind.
• In an emotionally charged confession, S/O bares their soul to Luka, sharing the depths of their longing for their departed friends. They speak of the emptiness that has engulfed their life, missing the harmonious melodies they once created together, the passion they ignited in each other's souls, and the genuine connection that felt unbreakable. S/O admits that their attempts to move forward have been futile, as the pain of their loss continues to linger, refusing to fade away.
• Luka, their beloved partner, listens intently, his own eyes welling up with empathy and understanding. He holds S/O tenderly, his touch offering comfort and reassurance. With a gentle hand, he wipes away their tears, silently conveying his unwavering support. Luka assures S/O that their pain is valid and that it's okay to feel the weight of their grief. He creates a safe space where S/O can freely express their emotions, offering them solace in their vulnerability.
• In the depth of their connection, Luka becomes a pillar of strength for S/O. He encourages them to let their emotions flow freely, to release the pain they have been carrying in their hearts. Luka understands that healing begins with acknowledging and embracing the depths of one's sorrow. He stands by S/O's side, offering unwavering love and support as they navigate the intricate journey of grief together.
• As S/O continues to pour out their emotions, Luka remains present, absorbing their words and feelings with utmost care. He reassures S/O that their love is a sanctuary where they can find solace and understanding. Luka listens attentively, validating their emotions and reminding them that they don't have to face their grief alone.
• Together, S/O and Luka navigate the vast ocean of sorrow, finding strength in their shared love. Luka's presence becomes a beacon of light amidst the darkness, offering S/O a refuge where they can be vulnerable and find comfort. He reminds them that their departed friends will always hold a special place in their heart and that their memories will be cherished forever.
• In the days and nights that follow, Luka continues to be a steadfast source of support for S/O. He holds them close during moments of sadness, providing a shoulder to lean on and an ear to listen. Luka encourages S/O to remember the beautiful moments they shared with their friends, celebrating their lives and the impact they had on S/O's journey. He offers his own love and presence as a guiding light, helping S/O navigate the waves of grief and find solace in their shared love.
• As time passes, S/O and Luka learn to embrace the ebb and flow of their grief. Together, they honor the memories of their departed friends, finding strength in the enduring love they share. Luka serves as a constant reminder that healing is a process, and it's okay to take the time needed to mend a wounded heart. With Luka by their side, S/O discovers that they can find moments of joy even amidst their sorrow, and that their love will endure, even in the face of loss.
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• With a heavy heart, S/O musters the courage to confide in Adrien, revealing the overwhelming sadness they've been carrying since losing their best friends. S/O opens up about the deep depression that has been plaguing them, despite their outward calm and cheerful demeanor. They share the pain and longing they feel for their departed friends, finally releasing the pent-up emotions they have been holding back.
• As S/O's tears flow freely, they express the immense void that has been left in their life by the absence of their best friends. They recount the treasured moments they shared with Adrien, the secrets they entrusted to each other, and the unwavering support he provided. S/O reveals the profound sadness they feel, missing Adrien's comforting presence and the joyful connection they once shared.
• Adrien, listening intently to S/O's heartfelt confession, feels his heart ache in response to their pain. He holds them gently, providing a safe space for their tears and sorrow. Adrien's empathy radiates as he reassures S/O that their emotions are valid and that he is there to support them through their healing process. He understands the weight of their grief and the magnitude of their loss.
• With a soft voice, Adrien reminds S/O that they are not alone in their journey through grief. He acknowledges the depth of their sorrow and encourages them to express their emotions freely. Adrien recognizes that healing takes time and that it's essential for S/O to have someone by their side who understands and cares deeply for them.
• As S/O continues to share their pain, Adrien remains present, offering comfort and understanding. He listens attentively, absorbing every word and feeling the weight of their grief in his own heart. Adrien acknowledges the void that their departed friends have left and recognizes the significance of their presence in S/O's life.
• With tender gestures, Adrien wipes away S/O's tears, letting them know that their vulnerability is cherished and respected. He holds them tighter, providing a shoulder to lean on and a voice of encouragement. Adrien reassures S/O that he is committed to supporting them through the healing process, emphasizing that their pain doesn't have to be carried alone.
• In the days that follow, Adrien remains a steadfast source of support for S/O. He checks in on them regularly, offering comforting words and small acts of kindness. Adrien creates moments of solace, whether it's through sharing a warm cup of tea or engaging in activities that bring joy and distraction.
• As S/O navigates the complex landscape of grief, Adrien encourages them to honor the memory of their departed friends. He suggests creating a safe space where they can celebrate their lives and reminisce about the beautiful moments they shared. Adrien understands that healing is not about forgetting but rather finding a way to carry the love and memories of their friends forward.
• Together, S/O and Adrien find solace in their shared love and understanding. Adrien becomes a pillar of strength, offering unwavering support and compassion as S/O traverses the waves of grief. He reassures S/O that their pain is valid and encourages them to lean on him for comfort and guidance.
• In their shared journey, S/O and Adrien discover the power of vulnerability and the strength that can be found in a loving and supportive relationship. They embrace the bittersweet nature of grief, knowing that healing takes time but that they have each other to lean on. With Adrien's unwavering presence, S/O finds comfort in knowing that they are not alone in their sorrow and that they can begin to heal and rebuild their life, one step at a time.
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• With tears streaming down S/O's face, they finally find the courage to confide in Naruto about the profound sadness they've been concealing since the loss of their best friends. S/O reveals the deep depression that has been consuming them, hidden behind a calm and cheerful facade. They express their longing for their departed friends, finally unleashing the immense pain they have been carrying.
• Naruto, sensing the weight of S/O's grief, listens attentively with a compassionate heart. He wraps his arms around them, offering a warm and comforting embrace. Naruto understands the overwhelming emotions that come with losing loved ones and he is determined to provide the support S/O needs during this difficult time.
• As S/O pours out their heart, Naruto's own eyes well up with empathy. He absorbs every word, his heart heavy with understanding. Naruto knows the power of friendship and the impact it can have on one's life, making him keenly aware of the void left by the absence of their best friends. He listens intently as S/O speaks of the adventures they shared, the unwavering support Naruto provided, and the profound bond they forged.
• Naruto, holding S/O even tighter, reassures them that their feelings are valid and that it's natural to experience such deep sadness after losing cherished friends. He emphasizes that grief is a process that takes time, and healing doesn't happen overnight. Naruto encourages S/O to let their emotions flow freely, assuring them that he is there to lend a listening ear and a comforting presence.
• In the midst of their shared vulnerability, Naruto shares his own experiences of loss and grief, creating a safe space for S/O to express their pain without judgment. He lets them know that they are not alone in their journey and that he will be there every step of the way, providing unwavering support and understanding.
• Naruto understands the power of laughter and the joy that friendship brings, and he acknowledges the emptiness S/O feels without their best friends. He shares stories of his own bonds and the moments of shared laughter and camaraderie he experienced with his friends. Naruto reminds S/O that their departed friends will always hold a special place in their heart and that their memories will forever be cherished.
• Together, Naruto and S/O navigate the waves of grief, finding solace in their shared vulnerability and understanding. Naruto encourages S/O to remember the good times and celebrate the lives of their departed friends. He emphasizes that their love and friendship will endure, even in their absence, and that their memories will continue to shape and inspire S/O's life.
• In the days that follow, Naruto remains a constant presence in S/O's life, providing a pillar of strength and support. He checks in on them regularly, offering words of encouragement and engaging in activities that bring joy and distraction. Naruto encourages S/O to find healthy ways to honor their departed friends and to take the time they need to heal.
• As time goes on, S/O and Naruto find solace in their shared journey of grief. They learn to navigate the complexities of loss together, leaning on each other for support and finding moments of healing amidst the pain. Naruto's unwavering presence and understanding serve as a beacon of hope, reminding S/O that they are never alone in their sorrow. With Naruto by their side, S/O begins to find the strength to embrace their grief, honor their departed friends, and slowly rebuild their life, one step at a time.
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• With a heavy heart, S/O stands before Hinata, their voice trembling with sorrow. They finally find the strength to reveal the depths of their grief, confessing that beneath their calm and cheerful demeanor lies an overwhelming sadness since the loss of their best friends. S/O admits to putting on a brave face, afraid of burdening others with their pain.
• As S/O's tears flow, Hinata's heart aches with empathy. She listens attentively, her gentle eyes filled with compassion and understanding. Hinata recognizes the weight of their grief and the toll it has taken on their well-being. Without hesitation, she opens her arms, inviting S/O into a warm and comforting embrace.
• Hinata provides a safe haven for S/O to release their emotions without judgment. She allows them to pour out their soul, to express the profound void left by their departed friends. S/O speaks of the cherished moments they shared with Hinata, highlighting the support and understanding she offered during their darkest times. They reveal the longing they feel for Hinata's gentle presence, her unwavering belief in them, and the comforting reassurance she provided.
• Hinata holds S/O tenderly, her touch conveying solace and unconditional love. She understands the importance of allowing S/O to mourn and grieve, recognizing that their pain is valid and should be honored. With a soothing voice, Hinata encourages S/O to lean on her for support, assuring them that they are not alone in their journey.
• Together, S/O and Hinata navigate the complexities of grief. Hinata becomes a steadfast pillar of strength, offering a shoulder to cry on and a listening ear. She encourages S/O to express their sadness and share precious memories of their departed friends. In Hinata's presence, S/O feels a sense of safety and acceptance, knowing that they can be vulnerable without fear of judgment.
• Hinata reminds S/O that it's important to embrace their emotions, to allow themselves to mourn and heal. She shares her own experiences of loss and the ways in which she found solace and strength. Hinata assures S/O that their journey of grief is unique and that it's okay to take their time in processing their emotions.
• As the days pass, Hinata continues to be a source of unwavering support for S/O. She checks in on them regularly, offering words of encouragement and small acts of kindness. Hinata understands that healing takes time and that everyone copes with grief differently. She encourages S/O to find healthy outlets for their emotions, whether it be through journaling, art, or engaging in activities that bring them peace.
• Together, S/O and Hinata honor the memory of their departed friends. They engage in rituals of remembrance, finding solace in shared moments of reflection and gratitude. Hinata reminds S/O that their departed friends will always hold a special place in their heart, and their memories will continue to shape and guide their journey.
• In their shared vulnerability, S/O and Hinata forge a bond that goes beyond words. They provide strength and comfort to one another, understanding the weight of grief and finding solace in their shared experiences. With Hinata by their side, S/O begins to find the courage to face their grief, to honor their departed friends, and to embark on a path of healing and self-discovery.
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• S/O stands before Neji, their tears flowing freely, as they finally allow the walls they've built to crumble, revealing the depths of their grief. They confess that beneath their calm and cheerful facade lies a profound sadness that has consumed them since the loss of their best friends. S/O admits to the efforts they've made to shield Neji and others from their pain, not wanting to burden them with their sorrow.
• Neji's eyes soften with understanding as he listens to S/O's heartfelt confession. He reaches out and gently wipes away their tears, his touch filled with comfort and empathy. Neji recognizes the weight of their sorrow and the strength it took for them to share their feelings. He pulls S/O into a tight embrace, offering them a safe space to release their grief.
• With a heavy heart, S/O speaks of the void left by their departed friends, expressing how much they miss the unwavering support and wisdom that Neji brought to their life. They recount the treasured moments they shared, the encouragement Neji provided, and the unbreakable bond they forged. S/O reveals the emptiness they feel without Neji's presence, longing for his guidance and the comfort of his reassuring words.
• Neji holds S/O even tighter, his embrace serving as a source of strength and solace. He understands the magnitude of their loss and the impact it has had on their life. Neji assures S/O that it's okay to lean on him for support, that their pain is valid and deserving of acknowledgement. He reminds them that they are not alone in their sorrow and that he is there to walk beside them on their healing journey.
• Together, S/O and Neji navigate the complexities of grief. Neji becomes a steady pillar of support, offering a listening ear and words of comfort. He encourages S/O to honor the memories of their departed friends, to speak their names and cherish the moments they shared. Neji reminds S/O that grieving is a process, and there is no timeline for healing.
• Neji understands that grief can be overwhelming and unpredictable, so he remains patient and compassionate. He checks in on S/O regularly, providing a safe space for them to express their emotions and offering guidance when needed. Neji shares his own experiences of loss, sharing how he found strength in honoring the memories of loved ones.
• As time passes, S/O and Neji continue to support each other through the waves of grief. They engage in rituals of remembrance, such as visiting special places or sharing stories and anecdotes. Neji encourages S/O to seek healthy outlets for their emotions, such as journaling or practicing self-care activities that bring them solace.
• In their shared vulnerability, S/O and Neji find solace and understanding. They create a space where grief is honored and healing is embraced. Neji's unwavering support helps S/O navigate the challenges of grief, offering them a sense of stability and reassurance.
• Together, S/O and Neji discover that healing is not linear but a journey that requires patience, self-compassion, and the support of loved ones. Neji remains a steadfast presence, reminding S/O that their pain is valid and that they are never alone in their sorrow. In their shared strength, S/O begins to find the courage to face their grief, to honor the memories of their departed friends, and to embark on a path of healing and resilience.
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• As S/O's tears flow uncontrollably, they finally let go of the walls they had meticulously built to conceal their grief from Shinji. Their confession is raw and filled with the weight of profound sadness that has haunted them since the loss of their best friends to illness. S/O admits to the struggles they have been silently battling, revealing the immense toll their grief has taken on their emotional well-being.
• Shinji's own eyes well up with tears as he witnesses S/O's vulnerability. His heart aches, knowing all too well the burden of emotional trauma and the toll it can take on a person's spirit. In that moment, he understands the immense courage it took for S/O to share their pain, to allow him a glimpse into the depths of their sorrow.
• S/O's voice trembles as they speak of the void left by their departed friends, expressing how much they long for Shinji's presence in their life. They recall the moments of shared vulnerability, the solace they found in each other's embrace during their darkest hours. S/O reveals the profound emptiness they feel without Shinji's unwavering support, yearning for his comforting presence and understanding.
• Shinji's heart aches with a deep empathy, resonating with the emotional burden S/O carries. He pulls them into a tight embrace, holding them as if shielding them from the weight of their grief. Shinji's voice is soft, filled with genuine compassion, as he reassures S/O that their pain is valid, that their tears are an expression of their deep love and loss.
• He understands the intricacies of navigating emotional trauma, having faced his own demons while piloting the Eva. The weight of his experiences fuels his empathy and drives him to be a pillar of support for S/O. Shinji offers a safe space for S/O to release their pain, allowing them to lean on him for strength, knowing that he will never judge or abandon them.
• Together, S/O and Shinji embark on a journey through the labyrinth of grief, a journey neither of them has to face alone. Shinji listens attentively, his heart open to the raw emotions pouring from S/O. He holds space for their sorrow, allowing them to express their sadness without judgment or expectation.
• In the depths of their shared vulnerability, S/O and Shinji find solace. Shinji's presence becomes a beacon of hope, a reminder that they don't have to bear the weight of their grief in isolation. He offers gentle words of comfort, acknowledging the magnitude of their loss and encouraging S/O to honor the memories of their departed friends.
• As they navigate the complexities of grief together, Shinji's own emotional wounds serve as a source of understanding. He shares his own struggles, the battles he fought within the depths of his own psyche, and the strength he found in embracing his vulnerability. In each other's arms, S/O and Shinji find solace, drawing strength from their shared experiences and the unwavering support they offer one another.
• In the quiet moments of their journey, S/O and Shinji learn to heal, knowing that grief is not a linear path but a series of ebbs and flows. Shinji's presence becomes an anchor, a source of stability amidst the storm of emotions. He reminds S/O that it's okay to mourn, to feel the depths of their sorrow, and that together, they will find a way to navigate the labyrinth of grief and emerge stronger on the other side.
• Their love becomes a balm for their wounded hearts, offering them the courage to face the pain head-on and find solace in each other's arms. In Shinji, S/O discovers a partner who understands the weight of their grief, a companion who offers unwavering support as they both heal from their past traumas.
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• Met trane wat oor S/O se gesig stroom, het hulle uiteindelik hul wag voor Clark laat sak. Hulle bely die geweldige hartseer en depressie wat hul harte aangegryp het sedert die verlies van hul beste vriende. Ten spyte van die uitbeelding van 'n kalm en vrolike beeld na die wêreld, onthul S/O dat hulle innerlik verdrink het in hartseer, nie in staat om die gewig van hul hartseer te ontsnap nie.
• In 'n kwesbare bekentenis spreek S/O uit hoe baie sy haar oorlede vriende mis en die leemte wat hul afwesigheid gelaat het. Hulle dink aan die oomblikke van vreugde en ondersteuning wat hulle met Clark gedeel het, die avonture wat hulle gedeel het en die onwrikbare geloof wat hy in hulle gehad het. S/O onthul die geweldige pyn wat hulle voel, wat smag na Clark se vertroostende teenwoordigheid en die sekuriteit wat hy verskaf het.
• Clark, sy deernisvolle blik gevestig op S/O, omvou hulle in 'n liefdevolle drukkie. Hy hou hulle styf vas, sodat hulle die trane wat hulle te lank teruggehou het, kan los. Clark verseker S/O dat dit goed is om die diepte van hul hartseer te voel en dat hy daar is om hulle elke tree van die pad op hul genesingsreis te ondersteun. Hy herinner hulle daaraan dat hul emosies geldig is en moedig hulle aan om vertroosting by hom te soek.
• Saam navigeer S/O en Clark die kompleksiteite van hartseer, en vind troos in hul gedeelde liefde en begrip. Clark luister aandagtig en bied 'n konstante teenwoordigheid terwyl hulle hul helende reis voortsit. Hy word S/O se onwrikbare ondersteuning, bied hulle sy skouer om op te huil, sy geduld om te luister en sy liefde om hulle te help om deur hierdie moeilike tyd te kom.
• Clark verstaan ​​dat net soos hy nodig het om sy eie traumas en uitdagings die hoof te bied, S/O ook ruimte en deernis nodig het om sy emosies die hoof te bied. Hy probeer nie S/O se pyn regmaak of verminder nie, maar wees eerder daar en help hulle om krag in hulself te vind om te genees. Clark is 'n baken van hoop en ondersteuning vir S/O, wat hulle daaraan herinner dat hulle nie alleen in hul pyn is nie en dat hy daar sal wees vir hulle gedurende hul reis.
• Met verloop van tyd vind S/O en Clark maniere om die nagedagtenis van hul afgestorwe vriende te eer en saam vorentoe te beweeg. Clark moedig hulle aan om bykomende ondersteuning te soek, hetsy deur terapie, ondersteuningsgroepe of ander vorme van emosionele sorg. Hy herinner hulle daaraan dat die genesingsproses uniek is aan elke persoon en dat daar geen vasgestelde tydraamwerk is om oor die verlies te kom nie, maar dat hy elke stap van die pad daar sal wees vir S/O.
• Soos S/O vir Clark oopmaak, ontdek hulle dat die liefde en ondersteuning wat hulle deel van kritieke belang is vir hul genesingsreis. Clark belowe om haar veilige hawe te wees, 'n toevlugsoord waar S/O vertroosting en krag kan vind om elke dag die hoof te bied. Hulle ondersteun mekaar, vind hoop en vernuwe hul geloof in die krag van liefde en menslike veerkragtigheid.
• Met verloop van tyd begin S/O weer oomblikke van verligting en vreugde vind, al is die pyn van verlies steeds aanwesig. Clark vier elke klein oorwinning saam met hulle, en herinner hulle daaraan dat hartseer nie lineêr is nie en dat dit natuurlik is om op- en afdraandes te ervaar. Saam bou hulle 'n onwrikbare fondament van liefde en ondersteuning, oorkom uitdagings en vind lig selfs in die donkerste storms.
• Clark en S/O onthou hul ontslape vriende met liefde en eer hul herinneringe deur gedeelde stories en betekenisvolle rituele. Hulle hou die vlam van vriendskap lewendig, met die wete dat alhoewel die verlies pynlik is, die liefde en konneksie wat hulle gedeel het, nooit uitgedoof sal word nie.
• Deur liefde, begrip en wedersydse ondersteuning vind S/O en Clark krag om die pyn van verlies die hoof te bied en bietjie vir bietjie te begin om hul lewens te herbou. Hulle weet dat daar altyd oomblikke van hartseer en verlange sal wees, maar hulle leer ook om vreugde en dankbaarheid te vind in gedeelde herinneringe en nuwe ervarings wat die lewe bied.
• S/O vind in Clark 'n liefdevolle en deernisvolle maat, iemand wat bereid is om die moeilikhede van die lewe aan sy sy die hoof te bied. Hulle ontdek dat gedeelde kwesbaarheid hul band versterk en hulle bemagtig om die uitdagings wat die lewe ook al mag meebring, die hoof te bied. Verenig deur liefde en die moed om hartseer die hoof te bied, vind hulle hoop en genesing in elke gedeelde oomblik.
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• Met trane wat oor S/O se gesig stroom, kan hulle uiteindelik nie meer die ontsaglike hartseer bevat wat hul harte teister sedert die verlies van hul beste vriende nie. Ten spyte van haar kalm en vrolike voorkoms, openbaar S/O aan Fuko die diepte van haar hartseer en depressie. Hulle spreek die moeilikheid uit om hul pyn te deel, omdat hulle Fuko van haar hartseer wil beskerm.
• In 'n bewerige stem praat S/O van die leemte wat hul oorlede vriende gelaat het en hoe baie hulle die lewendige energie en aansteeklike vreugde mis wat hulle eens gehad het. Herinneringe aan die oomblikke wat met hul vriende gedeel is, die lag wat deur hul vriendskap weerklink het en die diep konneksie wat hulle opgebou het. S/O erken dat hulle 'n swaar las gedra het, en verlang na Fuko se vertroostende teenwoordigheid en die lig wat sy in hul lewens gebring het.
• Fuko, met trane in haar oë, reik uit na S/O met 'n begripvolle hart. Sy hou saggies hul hand vas en bied vertroosting en ondersteuning. Fuko verseker S/O dat haar pyn geldig is en dat dit heeltemal aanvaarbaar is om op haar staat te maak vir ondersteuning. Sy moedig hulle aan om hul emosies openlik te deel en belowe dat sy daar sal wees om hul hartseer te hoor en te verwelkom.
• Saam navigeer S/O en Fuko die onstuimige pad van hartseer, en vind vertroosting in hul gedeelde verbintenis. Fuko skep 'n veilige, oordeelvrye ruimte vir S/O om haar hartseer uit te druk en die kosbare herinneringe van haar oorlede vriende te herinner. In oomblikke van kwesbaarheid vind hulle krag en vertroosting, wetende dat hulle op mekaar kan staatmaak om die nagedagtenis van hul geliefde vriende te genees en te eer.
• Fuko voel die gewig van S/O se hartseer in haar eie hart. Sy kan met hul pyn vereenselwig en is toegewyd daaraan om die ondersteuning te wees wat hulle so broodnodig het. Fuko is bereid om sonder oordeel te luister, om S/O se hand vas te hou terwyl hulle deur hierdie moeilike tyd gaan. Sy verstaan ​​dat die genesingsproses uniek is aan elke persoon, en haar rol is om 'n vriendelike skouer en 'n begripvolle hart te bied.
• Met empatie en deernis soek Fuko maniere om S/O te help om oomblikke van troos en vreugde te midde van pyn te vind. Sy deel stories en herinneringe van afgestorwe vriende, en skep 'n ruimte vir S/O om hul geheue lewendig te hou. Fuko bied ook klein dade van sorg en vriendelikheid, soos 'n stywe drukkie of warm glimlag, om S/O te herinner dat hulle nie alleen in hul rou reis is nie.
• Fuko weet dat die genesingsproses geleidelik sal wees en dat daar op- en afdraandes sal wees. Sy bly 'n konstante en ondersteunende teenwoordigheid vir S/O, en moedig hulle aan om bykomende ondersteuning te soek wanneer nodig. Sy herinner S/O daaraan dat die genesingsreis nie alleen gereis hoef te word nie en dat hulle vriende en geliefdes het wat bereid is om uit te reik.
• Soos die tyd verbygaan, begin S/O klein oomblikke van verligting en vrede vind. Fuko vier elke oorwinning en troos saam met hulle, en moedig S/O aan om die vordering wat hulle maak, te erken. Sy moedig hulle aan om betekenis en doel in hul helende reis te vind deur aktiwiteite te verken wat vreugde en 'n gevoel van konneksie bring.
• Terwyl S/O en Fuko hul helende reis saam voortsit, ontdek hulle dat gedeelde hartseer omskep kan word in 'n krag van wedersydse ondersteuning. Hulle leer om hoop en vertroosting in mekaar te vind, en vind skoonheid in die herinneringe wat hulle met hul oorlede vriende gedeel het. Fuko staan ​​aan S/O se sy as 'n baken van liefde en begrip, en bevestig haar toewyding om hulle te help om hul hartseer te navigeer en 'n pad na genesing te vind.
• Mettertyd begin S/O ontdek dat die hartseer nie heeltemal verdwyn nie, maar omskep in 'n rustige verlange vol dankbaarheid. Fuko moedig hulle aan om die nagedagtenis van hul afgestorwe vriende te eer deur kreatiewe maniere te vind om hul lewens te vier. Sy help hulle om sin in hul eie lewens te vind en hoop in hul harte te koester.
• S/O en Fuko vind krag en moed in mekaar, wat mekaar inspireer om vorentoe te beweeg en die lig aan die einde van die tonnel te vind. Hulle weet elke persoon se genesingsreis is uniek, maar hulle is vasbeslote om hierdie uitdaging saam die hoof te bied. Met verloop van tyd ontdek hulle dat hartseer nie die einde van die verhaal is nie, maar 'n belangrike deel van hul groei en begrip van liefde en die lewe.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ──────
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abyssal-ali · 4 months
'tis the damn season
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Pairing: Luka Couffaine x Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Rating: T | Ao3 | Masterlist
WC: 3.8k
A/N: For my wonderful Twinsie @wildbookcat 💜 Beta'd by @sneksnacc
Tiny flakes of powdery snow danced through the air, carried around by the whims of the wind. Luka envied their carelessness. Somehow, he had ended up at the Charles de Gaulle International Airport, waiting for his high school ex-girlfriend, who was also his little sister’s best friend, and thus someone he couldn’t avoid.
It wasn’t even that he was still heartbroken about the end of their ill-fated relationship (lie), or that they had ended on bad terms (was both parties being broken-hearted and depressed for the next several months ‘bad terms’?), the issue was that he didn’t know how Marinette was going to react.
They were now both adults, had a collective handful of ended relationships under their belts, and were mature enough to look past that summer, right?
Another gust of wind blew through the man-made wind tunnel–aka the main doors exiting the airport–and caused a shiver to go down Luka’s back. He was still affected by his reptilian Miraculous, though he’d returned it after Hawkmoth had been defeated seven years ago. He wondered how Marinette would deal with the snow and chill when she arrived, since she was even more attuned to her Miraculous than he had been, and she continued to wield the gems occasionally. Ladybugs didn’t like the cold either.
The doors slid open, another batch of travellers entering the snowy grey afternoon with a shiver.
A pink pom-pom caught his eye, and Luka stepped out of the car to wave at its owner.
Her head turned to him, surprise overtaking her features, before being replaced by a smile. “Luka!”
Her cheeks were already flushing pink, matching her coat and hat, Luka noticed when she stepped back from la bise. He picked up her suitcase, slung her bag over his arm, and motioned towards his blue VW Golf.
“Your parents were busy with the holiday rush, so they asked me to come get you when I was over there saying hi yesterday,” Luka explained, getting into the driver’s seat once he’d stored her things in the hatch.
“Couldn’t stay away from their pain au chocolat, huh?” Marinette teased him easily.
Luka exhaled soundlessly as he pulled away. Maybe this would go okay, after all.
“You know it. So, how long are you here for?”
Marinette settled back in her seat. “I’m not actually sure. I want something new, but old…no, familiar, at the same time.”
Luka hummed. “I hope you find it.”
“Thanks. So, why are you here? It’s been a while since either of us were in Paris,” she commented, blowing hot air on the window and doodling hearts and smiles with her fingertip.
“I thought it was time. Haven’t seen Ma and Juleka in a while, and I have friends here I wanted to catch up with. I’m currently on a break from producing, so I figured now was as good a time as any.”
“Right,” Marinette agreed. “It’s nice to see you again.”
And now the awkwardness was seeping through the car.
“You too; it’s been awhile,” he said softly. “I’m always happy to see you.”
Even if it hurts when I don’t.
Her gaze darted down to her mittenless hands, fidgeting with her short, buffed nails. Luka could see the calluses from being constantly pricked on the pads of her fingers; a thin red scrape on the side of her hand likely came from brushing against a pincushion the wrong way.
The snowflakes had gradually become larger and more frequent, so Luka turned on the wipers.
“So, I saw you snagged the honour of designing Clara’s outfit for the Grammys next year,” he commented to break the silence.
Usually, he was fine with silence, especially around Marinette, who often needed it, but right now he was acting very unlike himself. Coming back to Paris had stirred up all these old feelings and actions, and he cursed it in his mind.
“Yeah. I’m hoping coming back here will provide some inspiration. I want to pay homage to her roots,” Marinette explained. “We could go for a drive around all our old haunts, maybe. Oh, but you’ll probably be busy, sorry. I can drive around.”
“I’m not that busy.” He blurted the words before he thought. “You still don’t have a license, right? I don’t mind being your chauffeur.”
The snowflakes appeared to have come from Marinette’s sparkling eyes. “Thank you, Luka!” She watched him drive in silence for a while. “You haven’t really changed, even though you’re famous.”
He flicked a glance at her, slowing down for a red light. “You think so?”
She nodded. “You look older now, because you are, obviously, and your image-controlling people have changed your appearance somewhat, but at your core you’re still the same Luka I know from seven years ago.”
The light turned green, and Luka wondered if it was a sign for one delusional second before he pressed the gas again.
“Is that a compliment or not, Mari?” he asked, settling for a teasing inquisition instead.
‘It’s a good thing!” she insisted. “Okay, you’ve matured, but your essence is the same. You’re like…like a nice red wine! Aging improves a good thing!”
“Oh, so you’re calling me old now?”
Mari sputtered. “That’s not what I said at all! And men say women take things too seriously! Pfft!”
Luka couldn’t hold back his laugh as Marinette crossed her arms, her puffy jacket turning her into  a cocoon of pink.
“I know what you meant, Mari; thank you for the compliment.”
She sniffed at the traces of humour in his penitent tone, but uncurled her arms.
“There’s the bakery. We should just have missed the closing rush,” Luka glanced at the clock on the dashboard. “Have a good time, Marinette.”
“Thank you, you too! Oh, you can text me when you want to go for a drive. I still use the same number.”
A wave of pink coated her cheeks. “You still remember it?”
I stare at it for a good half hour every week debating calling you or not. Of course I know it; it’s seared into my memory.
“Yep. I kept my old number too.” He popped the trunk and lifted her bags out.
“Yep. Say hi to your parents for me!” 
He placed her bags just inside the door, and then beat a hasty retreat. Why do you still remember my number? 
How could she forget his number, when it spelled out her name?
Marinette sighed, waved goodbye at Luka’s car, then shut the door, ready to greet her parents.
“Maman! Papa! Guess who’s home!”
“Marinette! Sweetie, you made it!” Once the overwhelming hugs and bises had been exchanged, her parents looked curiously at the empty space behind her. “Luka got you here safely?” asked Sabine.
Mari nodded. “He was waiting for me at the airport; he asked me to say hi to you for him. He said you were busy with the holiday rush.”
Tom agreed. “We were sorry to miss picking you up, but our seasonal helper was sick, so we weren’t able to close and get you after all. Luka coming by and being free was fortunate.”
“It was nice to catch up with him,” Mari agreed. “I’ll just bring my bags up to my room and then we can catch up while we make dinner?”
“That sounds good,” agreed Sabine. Tom brought the luggage up, then left Mari to settle in after one more hug.
Looking around her room, Mari smiled at the remembrance of all the memories she had made in the pink space. Pictures clothespinned to her wall of fairy lights danced in the breeze as she twirled, releasing a deep breath and closing her eyes at the peace of being home again.
She could feel the ideas coming for Clara’s outfits.
It was a brilliant idea to come back to Paris.
It was a horrible idea to come back to Paris.
Why had he said yes to picking Marinette up?
Why had he said yes to driving Marinette around?
Why had he answered her text as soon as she sent it, at 2:08 am?
Why had he showed up at her door at 7:30 am, why had he let Tom drag him to the kitchen and feed him pastries (okay, that one was self-explanatory), why had he lingered and chatted, why why why.
The answer to all his questions was sitting in the passenger seat of the car he was borrowing from a friend, looking devastatingly beautiful and chattering away about how things had changed since she had left, a year before he had, and contrasting it to Los Angeles.
If he’d wanted to hear about her failed relationships after she defeated Hawkmoth, broke up with him, and moved away, he would have asked.
Luka was well aware that he was sulking, but he didn’t care at this moment. They were driving by College Francois Dupont, and the memories of that time weren’t the most pleasant.
“Ooh, I have an idea! Can you park here? I want to walk around for a bit.”
Luka dutifully pulled over, parking in an empty space between the school and the Methodist church down the block.
Marinette strolled around the quiet street, the fluffy flakes floating down muffling her footsteps and muttered monologue. 
She returned to him eventually, scribbling away at her sketchbook.
Luka’s hand raised before he realised what he was doing. 
“Luka? What are you doing?”
He blinked down at her, his hand frozen as she glanced up at him from under her bangs.
“You, um, snow-”
Why was he making this awkward? Biting the bullet, he gently brushed the accumulated snow off the top of Marinette’s ponytail.
She flashed him a smile and climbed back into her seat.
“Where to next, Mari?”
“So, any plans for your break?” Mari clutched a mug of cocoa in her hands, careful not to drop it over the edge of her balcony on the head of some unsuspecting passersby out admiring the lights.
Luka leaned his back against the balcony, blowing on his own mug. “I haven’t made anything firm yet, but I expect my schedule will fill up rather quickly.”
Mari hummed. “I guess I should book our hangouts while you’ve still got room for me then, Mr. Hot-Demand.”
“I’ll always have room for you, Mari.”
She smiled at him before turning back to the cityscape. “I’ve missed this view.”
The real view nudged her shoulder. “Old memories coming back, huh? I’m glad you’re able to miss it, Mar.”
“Did you miss it?” She turned on her back to be companionably side-to-side with him.
“The city? Not so much. The people in it? Yeah, I missed them a lot.”
She nodded in understanding. “Did you miss the people who weren’t in it, too?”
He sipped his cocoa. “Everyday.”
Marinette opened her eyes, breathing deeply. There was nothing like a full ten hours of sleep in your childhood room, warm and cozy under blankets as the snow drifted by the window hypnotizingly, your secret love snuggled up beside you-
Oh yeah, she’d made Luka stay the night, saying it was too cold to walk back home as her excuse to have him sleep here. Her fingers brushed a teal lock back from his forehead as she took in his peaceful features. Honestly, they weren’t much different from his usual everyday expressions. She envied his calm, never being able to stay still for long. 
Luka shifted, blinking sleepily at her, a sleepy smile curving his lips. “Morning, Mari.”
His arm raised to trace a feather-light path down her cheek to cup her neck and pull her towards him.
She let him guide her closer, her breath catching in her throat.
“Mari, if you’re up, could you help out at the register for a bit?” called Sabine through the door.
Luka jerked away and Mari rolled out of bed with a thump. “Be there in a minute, Maman!”
“Are you okay?” he peeked over the edge of her mattress.
“Just fine,” she rubbed her behind. Luckily, the duvet had cushioned her fall.
“Er, sorry about that,” Luka ran his fingers through his messy locks.
“It’s fine,” she shrugged off the hurt, grabbing a pair of jeans and a flower-embroidered sweater off the back of her chaise. “Want me to save you anything for breakfast when I go down?”
“A quince pastry would be nice.”
“Got it. See you!” She fled down the stairs to the secondary powder room to change and twist her hair into a braid. Ready to suppress the feelings stoked by Luka’s earlier actions, she washed her hands and prepared to face the public.
Luka wandered downstairs a while later, looking neat and as if he hadn’t slept in her bed and almost greeted her with a kiss before they were interrupted and then ignored it. 
She could feel Sabine and Tom pause in their work as they took in the situation and incorrectly interpreted it.
“Oh, I thought we missed you leaving last night, Luka,” smiled Sabine. “Are you-”
“Here’s your pastry,” interrupted Marinette, thrusting the napkin-wrapped goods into Luka’s hand. “You’re lucky I saved you the last one.”
“Er, lucky, yeah. About that. Can I talk to you? Later, I guess, when you’re not busy,” he cast a glance at the blatantly listening bakers. 
“Sure. We can go for another drive in about an hour? Around one?”
“Sounds good, I’ll see you then. Bye, Tom, Sabine.” With a wave, he ducked out the door, leaving a bill in Marinette’s now-empty hands for the pastry.
She turned to her parents. “It’s not what it looks like. It was late and cold and I didn’t want him walking home in the snow-”
“Mhm,” Sabine raised a knowing brow. “Would you like to talk about it?”
Marinette shook her head. “Not yet.”
Luka shook his head, sending accumulated flurries flying off his hair. He’d had the most lovely dream, waking up to Marinette cosying up to him in his bed, smiling at him lovingly. Except it hadn’t been a dream, and he’d almost kissed her.
He was not going to go down the path they’d travelled in school, with the secrets and barriers between them. She still didn’t know he knew she was Ladybug and the Guardian, and she hadn’t told him. He wasn’t going to lie to himself; it hurt a little.
Realistically, he knew there were several reasons why she wouldn’t bring it up (not the least of which because she didn’t want to dredge up those traumas again) but emotionally, he was simply hurt by her still not trusting him with her identity even though she’d entrusted Sass and literal timelines to him.
Still, his therapist in the States had done him good. 
He was going to tell Marinette he knew on their drive this afternoon, get everything off his chest, and then leave it in her hands while he returned to LA and broke his heart over her for the last time. Yep, sounded like a good plan.
Marinette climbed into the car. Luka closed her door, crossed the front, and slid into the driver’s seat. 
“Where to?”
“I thought maybe we could just drive around this time, unless there’s somewhere you wanted to go?”
“No, that sounds fine.” He took a sip from the mocha she had supplied them with, humming appreciatively. “This is perfect; thanks, Mari.”
“You’re welcome.”
He started the car and pulled away. 
They drove in silence for a while, occasionally pointing out some place they and their friends had adventures at. 
Luka pointed at the tip of the Eiffel Tower. “That thing was destroyed more times than I can count.”
She made an agreeing noise, thinking back to some of the battles the Tower had seen. 
“Marinette, I need to talk about something with you.”
She nodded, looking at the un-Luka-like tension in his body language. “Okay.”
“I was Viperion, on the Miraculous team. I reset so many timelines. It was impossible not to know who my allies were, with all the mishaps occurring. I’ve known you were Ladybug for years.”
She stilled, breathing stuttering as old trauma resurfaced. Someone knew she was Ladybug, something bad happened.
Reminding herself that Hawkmoth was gone, she wasn’t Ladybug anymore, and she was safe, she regulated her breathing and thoughts. 
“I knew you were Ladybug when we were dating, and that your identity was why you were so hesitant to open up. I thought now would be a good time to tell you that you don’t have to keep that secret alone anymore.”
“Luka, I-”
“It’s okay, Mari. I didn’t hold it against you. After all, we were all kids. Just thought I could even the score before I leave, since we both know each other’s secret,” he muttered. 
“I- you-” she stuttered, falling silent as her thoughts whirled.
“I’m flying out tomorrow afternoon,” he broke the silence after a few minutes. “Don’t worry, I haven’t told another soul and I never will. But, if you ever want to talk about it…you have my number.”
She nodded, still processing. “Thank you, Luka. For- well, everything. I’m sorry for what I put you through.”
He gave her a smile meant to be reassuring and forgiving, but she knew it was fake. “Have a happy new year, Marinette.”
Strangely feeling like she’d been broken up with, she closed the car door and walked into the bakery, where her parents met her.
“Everything okay, sweetie?”
She shook her head. “I think I need to take you up on your offer to talk about it.”
Luka packed his suitcase methodically, thoughts with one person miles away.
He wasn’t quite sure what he’d expected when he’d told her he knew. 
Maybe for her to ask him out again since they had no secrets between them anymore? Okay, that was his wildest dream, but he supposed she hadn’t changed that much, still taking her time to process things. Not that he blamed her–having a magical emotional terrorist attacking your city didn’t exactly inspire impulsive actions regarding your feelings.
His therapist had told him that there were seasons in one’s life, and sometimes people were only meant to be with you for a season, like a flower. Others were like trees, there no matter the weather. He wanted her to be a tree, but maybe she was only a flower. Whatever she was, he’d always remember the beauty of her blooms and the sweetness of her perfume. 
“‘Tis the damn season,” he mumbled, slinging his guitar case over his back and picking up his suitcase.
He’d left her with a reminder of his phone number. Hoping she’d call him one day, he drove to the airport. He only realised he’d chosen the route that took him by the bakery as he passed it, peering in the window to catch a glimpse of Marinette working the register. 
Marinette wasn’t having a good day. She’d taken forever to fall asleep, tossing and turning as she stewed over Luka and her parents’ advice.
They’d understandably been surprised by her explanation of the inner workings of her and Luka’s short-lived relationship, but provided some valuable outside-perspective commentary.
After a fitful sleep, she’d been working the register while her parents worked on a rush-order of pastries, her mind consumed by thoughts of Luka.
“Here’s your change, ma’am. Have a happy new year!” Handing the coins over, she wiped her hands on her apron and tidied up the counter space.
Clean up complete, she ran upstairs to change into jeans, boots with Ladybug pom-poms, a turtleneck, and her favourite Viperion hoodie she’d worn thin.
She tossed a quick goodbye over her shoulder to her parents and ran out the door, waving her hand at an approaching taxi. 
“International airport, please,” she huffed, buckling her belt.
“Hope you’re not late for your flight, mademoiselle. The snow is slowing traffic,” said the driver.
Marinette clasped her hands to stop her nervous fidgeting, calling on all of Tikki’s luck that she’d arrive before Luka’s flight left. 
~~~ Luka wasn’t having a good day. He’d slept off and on, was leaving his first love behind, and now he couldn’t even do that because of the sudden snowstorm. All flights were postponed or cancelled for the time being.
So far his flight was only cancelled, so he found a comfortable piece of carpet to claim and began strumming an imaginary guitar while he waited for updates.
Snippets of lyrics floated through his brain as he composed a piece containing his feelings in the moment. 
“I won’t ask you to wait…if you don’t ask me to stay…” He hummed softly.
The sound of running feet made him look up, curious who thought they were late for a flight that wasn’t taking off.
“Marinette?” “Luka?”
She paused in front of him, catching her breath.
“Why are you here?” he asked cautiously, getting to his feet.
“To see you,” she panted. “Didn’t want you to go.”
His heart picked up pace as if he’d been the one running through the airport. “Really?” “Really. I want you. I have for years. Is there any way you can stay?” she asked softly.
“I’ll stay any way I can if you ask, Ma-ma-marinette,” he grinned. “I love you. I never stopped.”
She tiptoed to be face-to-face with him. “I love you too,” she whispered in his ear before greeting him with a soft kiss. It felt like home and the beginning of everything and the end of everything and the past and future all wrapped up into one amazing kiss in the present.
He cupped her face in his hands, resting his forehead on hers.
Luka drove them back to the bakery, keeping her hand entwined with his. They stepped into the entry, stomping snow off their boots. Sabine and Tom greeted them as if it was an everyday occurrence, though Marinette saw the happy spark in their eyes.
“Just in time for the party!” boomed Tom. “Dinner is ready; let’s sit!”
After a festive new year’s eve dinner and delicious buche, Luka and Marinette carried their flutes of champagne up to Marinette’s balcony to watch the firecrackers and revellers beneath them.
Chanting filled the air, little sparks in the distance showing where firecrackers had been set off.
“10! 9!” The countdown to the new year had begun.
“My new year’s resolution is to have the woman I love become my girlfriend. Will you be my girlfriend?” Luka asked.
Marinette nodded vigorously. “Yes!”
“3! 2! 1!” 
Horns sounded, firecrackers popped, and hollers filled the air, but Marinette and Luka heard none of it, too wrapped up in each other. 
“Joyeuse annee, Luka.”
“Bonne annee, Marinette.”
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Soooo. I've been gone a while. What was supposed to be Week Six became more like "Two Months" Six. My bad. I can't promise that random breaks won't happen, but I'll do my level best to not let them become longer than a week if they do (knock on wood - the last time I said "I'll try not to take anymore random breaks" i dipped for a month).
Anyways, here's a very delayed Week Seven! Thank you to everyone who stuck around while I vanished.
Darkiplier - Markiplier
The Puzzler - Generation Loss
The Extinguisher - Jerma's 2022 Holiday Awards Show Extravaganza
The Giant Rat - Rat Movie: Mystery of the Mayan Treasure
Candace Flynn - Phineas and Ferb
Venus aka Kanamori - Heaven's Design Team
Han Ying - Word of Honor
Michealangelo - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2014)
Carrie White - Carrie (all media)
Steve the Trooper - Chuggaconroy’s Pikmin videos
The Thunderhead - Arc of a Scythe
Haruki Nakayama - Given
A - Tomorrow Will Be Dying
Doris Frances Barbara - Blood & Syrup: A Vampire the Masquerade Podcast
Juliet Capulet - & Juliet
May - & Juliet
Castiel Supernatural - Supernatural
Derek Hale - Teen Wolf
Lúthien Tinúviel - The Silmarillion
Potamos - Wedding Peach
Jiang Cheng - The Untamed
Poe Dameron - Star Wars
Asterion - Baldur's Gate 3
Dalian - Dantalian no Shoka
Shulk - Xenoblade Chronicles
Solid Snake - Metal Gear Solid
Zanza - Xenoblade Chronicles
Kuu - Haibane Renmei
Cole MacGrath - Infamous
Captain Olimar - Pikmin
Raku-chan - Nyan Neko Sugar Girls
Annie Wintersummer - Unprepared Casters
Yona - Akatsuki no Yona
Shane Schofield (Scarecrow) - Scarecrow and Jack West Junior
The Medic - Team Fortress 2
Sailor Jupiter - Sailor Moon
Orbulon - WarioWare
Mike - WarioWare
Cure Honey - Happiness Charge Precure
Crazy Barks - Drawn to Life
Ninjini - Skylanders
Cure La Mer - Tropical Rouge Precure
End (Endymion) - Beyond the End
Kansuke Yamato - Detective Conan
Mr. Crow, AKA Aldous Vanderboom - Rusty Lake/Cube Escape
Vega - Street Fighter
Izumi Miyamura - Horimiya
Aldark - Drawn to Life
M. Bison - Street Fighter
Aoi Inuyama - Yuru Camp
Klara - Pokemon
Virginia Lewis - The 10th Kingdom
Muriel - Good Omens
Nene Kusanagi - Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage/Project Sekai
Michiko Malandro - Michiko to Hatchin
Suzuki Shinya - 10 Dance
Miles Maitland - Bright Young Things
Diavolo - Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Burly, Blabberwort, and Bluebell - The 10th Kingdom
Natsume Takashi - Natsume's Book of Friends
Faust - Guilty Gear
Sugiki Shinya - 10 Dance
Cure Finale - Delicious Party Precure
Igarashi Vice - Kamen Rider Revice
Mitsumi Iwakura - Skip and Loafer
The Corinthian - The Sandman
Shizuku Hinomori - Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage/Project Sekai
Mickey Muldoon - The Magical Legend of the Leprechauns
Natsuki Shinomiya - Uta no Prince Sama
Sasha Braus - Attack on Titan
Virtue Courtenlock - Krillverse
Goop Lyn - veryextraincorrectfegbaquotes.tumblr.com
Jean-Francois - Bunny Maloney
Tome Kurata - Mob Psycho 100
Seras Victoria - Hellsing
Pang Pawaret - The gifted
Viren - The Dragon Prince
Brawne Lamia - Hyperion
Dai Lee - Let Dai
Haruka Kiritani - Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage/Project Sekai
Minori Hanasato - Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage/Project Sekai
Cube - Gather Ye Power
C-53 - Mission to Zyxx
Cynte - Endoparasitic
Ged/Sparrowhawk - Earthsea
Sniff - The Moomins
Soren Baltimore - Camp Here & There
Mellow - Endacopia
Eunhyung Song - Let Dai
Rufus - Deponia
Sheik - The Legend of Zelda
Lee Ping - Detentionaire
Kasane Fuchi - Kasane
Shigure Sohma - Fruits Basket
Aymeric de Borel - Final Fantasy XIV
Meta Knight - Kirby
Luka Couffaine - Miraculous Ladybug
Satō - Ajin: Demi-Human
Mudkip - Pokemon
Death of the Endless - The Sandman
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gabithefanwriter · 8 months
I Gotta Find You: Luka Couffaine x Female Reader Camp Rock AU
So reader ends up at Camp Rock. She is good friends with Zoe. And the thing is that in a midst of panic of wanting to be popular, she becomes Zoe herself. Only Mylene and Marinette know reader's real identity (they think Zoe is a false persona). Chloe never met Zoe and they were supposed to meet at camp (irl she forgot Zoe existed for 10 years rofl) It's only part 1. Will DEFINITELY be edited in the future. Oh my god I'm so rusty when it comes to fanfictions. It definitely could've been better and I will edit it in the future FOR SURE.
Y/n was shaking from excitement.
Her dad just dropped her off at Camp Rock (thinking it was math camp), a dream of Y/n's that she was lucky enough to reach. Of course, her family were never as financially stable as one would hope, and because of that, the young teen girl needed to apply for work to be able to afford some parts here, so she applied for the only job available: kitchen duty. Without much looking, Y/n found her twin bedroom, seeing that the roommate had already left her things, so Y/n quickly took the free bed. Only one thing made her feel truly saddened. Her best friend , Zoe, wasn't gonna join camp, so the teen would be alone.
When she left a majority of her things, she made her way to the grand stage, where the major welcoming ceremony was about to happen. Just as she passed by the door, Y/n bumped into a girl shorter than her, with wide gamboge eyes and colourful dreadlocks, and she smiled at her. "Hey, I assume you're my roommate. I'm glad to meet you! I'm Y/n."
"Hi, Y/n, I'm Mylene. I'm happy to meet you too," the girl replied and shook Y/n's hand. "I was just about to grab something. If you want to wait we can both go to the stage and see the welcoming ceremony?"
"Definitely!" Y/n smiled.
The girls had just reached the stage, Y/n was actively chatting with Mylene, telling her a quick summary about the taller girl's life and her summer job in the kitchens with the Dupain-Cheng family, until the h/c girl saw a someone her age with dark blue pigtails walking around handing out foods. Y/n assumed this was Marinette Dupain-Cheng. "Hey Mylene, is that-"
"Marinette? Yeah, let's go say hi."
Both girls walked up to the assumed 'Marinette', with Y/n greeting her. "Hi. I assume you're Marinette?"
"OH!" The girl spun around and greeted the pair. "Hello, yes! I'm Marinette. Are you the girl who will be working with us during the summer? Y/n, right?"
Y/n nodded. "That's me!"
Marinette smiled. "Then I'll find you later, take care!"
With that, the pair walked around again, memorizing what and where everything was in case they needed anything. It wasn't until they saw a trio of girls walking around, one with brown hair, one with blonde hair in a ponytail and a ginger with a short haircut and glasses.
"Mylene, who are they?" Y/n asked, a small feeling of familiarity when she glance at the trio. Mylene looked up and sighed. "Those three? The brunette is Lila Rossi, the blonde is Mayor Bourgeois' daughter; Chloe Bourgeois and that's Sabrina Raincomprix. They are one of the popular three girls. Lila says she knows so many people from high positions in the music industry, and she makes many donations to them all. And because of that she targets people of a poorer background, like Marinette, and because Mari can't protect herself, she's the first target."
Just as Mylene said those words, Y/n saw Lila bully Marinette, the baker girl holding a tray in defense as Lila laughed, still a good distance away from everyone so no one could see.
Y/n bit her lip, as she was approached by the new girls. Truth was, Y/n had known about Chloe from Zoe, as both blondes were half sisters. Y/n smiled at the trio that approached them. "Hi! It's nice to meet you."
"Hey, I'm Lila Rossi."
"I know, I'm a huge fan of you and your donations."
"Of course you are." Lila smirked. "So, who are you, and what's your name?"
"I...um..." In a moment of panic, Y/n spoke up. "I'm Zoe Lee."
"Why does that name sound familiar?" Chloe scoffed and thought. Sabrina asked. "Who're your parents?"
"My mom is, uh," Y/n replied with wide eyes. "Audrey Bourgeois."
"So that's why... you're the sister they have told me about!" Chloe exclaimed. Y/n nodded. "Uh, yeah! Definitely!"
"Well, what are you doing? We need to give you a makeover, stat!" Chloe exclaimed as she, Lila and Sabrina walked away. Before they left for good though, Lila turned back to Y/n. "Come to our cabin later, and you can be one of us!"
"Uh, I'll pass by for sure!" Y/n smiled, sighing out in relief as they left. The girls then turned to the stage and heard a voice. A woman with a grey braid and glasses climbed onto the stage.
"Hello campers! Welcome to the older and newer members to the greatest of all music camps, where everyone finds their own style of music so they can play, sing or compose new music and songs! I'm Anarka, co-owner of Camp Rock."
"Hi Anarka!" Everyone called out.
"Here we like to sing, so try that again!" The woman smirked.
"Hi Anarka..." everyone tried to harmonize, failing slightly as everyone laughed slightly. Anarka smiled sweetly. "Well, we have work to do. My husband as you all know, Jagged Stone, the other co-owner if Camp Rock is here and your teacher as well! If you have any questions, you can always ask us. Oh! And one more thing! Drumroll please!"
A kid with dark hair and glasses ran forward, creating a beat before stopping for Anarka to continue.
"This year, for the first time ever, we're going to have two important celebrity instructors, and they are our own two kids, Juleka and Luka Couffaine!"
Cheers and screams echoed around, and among those screams were the cheers of Mylene and Y/n, who had a wide open mouth in shock.
After the announcement, Y/n's heart raced as she talked with Mylene about Kitty Section. "They are one of, if not the greatest group of all time! And Juleka and Luka are coming? Luka, my favourite guitarist and singer? Oh my! I'm so excited! I hope I don't make a fool of myself."
"It seems like you've got a bit of a crush there, Y/n/n," Mylene teased. The girl in question blushed in embarrassment. "Oh please, you're one to talk."
Mylene and Y/n giggled as they then parted ways, with Y/n staying behind to help Marinette fix the dining areas. Marinette then turned towards Y/n, smiling at the h/c girl. "Thanks for all the help! We only have the plates to arrange in the dining room. So if you could cover that, I'll deal with everything else out here and then you'll be done for the night!"
"Alright, Marinette, you're the boss."
The pig-tailed girl chuckled, smiling at Y/n before focusing on the task at hand. "Are you excited for the Kitty Section members?"
"Oh, am I?" Y/n smiled brightly. "You got a favourite member, by any chance?"
"Oh, definitely Adrien Agreste! He is absolutely radiant, carefree and dreamy!" Marinette blushed.
Y/n snorted. "So I've heard from the advertisement of the perfume named after him."
"Oh shush!" Marinette laughed embarrassed. "And what about you, Ms. L/n? Any favourite members?"
"Actually yeah, he's gonna be one of the instructors here," Y/n smiled. Marinette smirked. "Oh, the guitarist, huh. Hopefully he picks you out first from the crowd and notices you."
Y/n turned red, stumbling over her words before laughing. "You sneaky fox, Mari!"
The girls laughed for a little while more, before Marinette nodded her head at the dining area as she took the outside.
Marinette only helped Y/n carry plates, cups and utensils to the dining room before continuing the outside.
Soon, when even Marinette finished and went to her parents, Y/n was left alone in the large room, with a piano, and she thought about it for a moment, whether or not she should play it and sing one of her unheard but favourite written songs.
Y/n set down the final cups and plates on a table and sat down at the piano, pulling out her music book from the small messenger bag she had. She set it on the piano and began playing the notes, singing along.
"Do you know what it's like To feel so in the dark? To dream about a life Where you're the shining star? Even though it seems Like it's too far away I have to believe in myself It's the only way."
"This is real, this is me I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, now Gonna let the light shine on me Now I've found who I am There's no way to hold it in No more hiding who I want to be This is me."
She sighed and gathered everything, tucking her music book in her messenger bag as she left, unaware of the company of a certain black-blue-haired rockstar underneath the window where she played.
When she was gone, the blue-haired boy escaped the fangirls and entered the room. "Hello? Hello-o! Who's in here?"
He walked over to the piano, looking down at the keys, still mesmerized by the stunning voice he heard. He narrowed his blue eyes in thought on who it could be.
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Round 1 Side B - Pair 4
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Luka Couffaine & Juleka Couffaine
This is for the PLATONIC ship between Luka and Juleka. I think they have a fun dynamic and I was surprised to find out they're twins. The whole family is bonkers but they are sweet
Luka Couffaine & Marinette Dupain-Cheng
I think that they are better off as friends. There. I said it. FIGHT ME
PS. I couldn't find a photo that I could use that they didn't seem in love :c - I mean I found them but I didn't get permission to use them :c Yes, I know is not relevant but makes me sad :c
Luka & Juleka - @shadowmatcha
Luka - Twitter @Karma_sensei_
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dum1s-writings · 1 year
~~~~Intro thingy I guess~~~~
Greetings from @thedum1 (⁠◔⁠‿⁠◔⁠)
I have once again decided to start a new sideblog. I just wanna try tossing my hat into the xMasc!Reader ring. I'll have main fandoms and on occasion fandoms, which will be allowed once in a while.
~Main fandoms are subject to change.~
The main fandoms will be marked with 💕
Favorite characters will be marked with 💋
Obey Me! Shall We Date? 💕
Leviathan 💋
Asmodeus 💋
Simeon 💋
Twisted Wonderland
All students and staff*
*Riddle, Epel, Idia, Neige and Rollo are my weaknesses
Miraculous Ladybug and Cat Noir 💕
Adrien Agreste/Cat Noir 💋
Nathaniel Kurtzberg/Caprikid 💋
Marc Anciel/Rooster Bold
Nino Lahiffe/Carapace
Luka Couffaine/Viperion
Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug
Alya Césaire/Rena Rouge
Kagami Tsurugi/Ryuko
Gabriel Agreste/Hawkmoth
Nathalie Sancoeur/Mayura 💋
Mystic Messenger
Yoosung Kim
Zen/Hyun Ryu
Jaehee Kang 💋
Jumin Han
707/Luciel/Saeyoung Choi 💋
Animal Crossing 💕
Apollo 💋
Julien 💋
Raymond 💋
Punchy 💋
Muffy 💋
Merengue 💋
Kicks 💋
Tom Nook
Death Note
L Lawliet
Light Yagami
Touta Matsuda 💋
Teru Mikami
Misa Amane
Naomi Misora
Kiyomi Takada
Mihael Keehl/Mello 💋
Mail Jeevas/Matt 💋
Nate River/Near
Total Drama Island/Action/World Tour
Cody 💋
Noah 💋
Lindsay 💋
Leshawna 💋
Caitlin Cooke
Nikki Wong 💋
Jude Lizowski
Wyatt Williams 💋
Jen Masterson
Jonsey Garcia
Teen Titans (2003 cartoon version)
Robin 💋
Raven 💋
Beast Boy
Red-X 💋
Bumblebee 💋
The occasional slasher
Michael Myers
Cory Cunningham
Billy Lenz
Brahms Heelshire 💋
Others to be added...maybe.
The general rules:
Fandoms will have their own rules in their own separate posts
He/Him and They/Them pronouns only
I have problems with menstruation so none of that allowed as I HATE thinking of my own
Polyamorous relationships are accepted and loved here but NO cheating 😤
No non-platonic/familial child/teen x adult
No incest of any kind
No angst without a happy ending
Piggybacking off the last rule I prefer a Top/Not Penetrated reader
No matchups 😐
No OCs as main character/reader
Piggybacking again I will allow OCs as side characters
You may see mentions of my OCs as I love them
Some characters will be OOC and I have no shame about that 🤷🏾
All fanfics will have swears except for Miraculous
I'm bad at coming up with bad guys/villains so fandoms with baddies will take place during down time/right after a fight
I am slow and easily distracted so things will come out when I remember
My target audience is me first so if I don't like how a thing is turning out it won't be published
Again....this a masculine pronoun only blog. And before I get shit on by children and the feminine pronoun users........Fuck. Off. I'm here for the gays and theys. I've been on the internet for years and there's PLENTY of shit for y'all.
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Isekai'd as Chloe
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You were watching Miraculous Ladybug on your phone as your bus got hit by a truck. You died, it sucks. But a godly being gives you the chance to start anew in a brand new world. Sadly it's Miraculous, with all the plotholes, and flat characters, and don't forget worshipped while being a sexual abuser Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir. Could your day get any worse? You shouldn't have asked because you were reborn as Chloe and forgot who Papillion was. Someone wanted to see you suffer, that was sure! But you wouldn't give them the satisfaction. It was time to throw canon out of the window and make Miraculous a better show or in your case world!
Main Pairing: Reader/Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng
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Chapter 3: First Changes
It was Monday morning and like always Marinette was running late!
Sometimes even she didn't understand how she managed that when her house was beside the school, but here she was.
Marinette didn't expect to see still everyone out in the schoolyard, normal they should all be in their classrooms.
This was the first sign that today would be very different.
Another was that a lot of teachers run around the place with other unknown adults, who wore grim expressions.
Something was definitely going on.
Thank god, she saw Alya, her new best friend, and run up to her.
"Alya, good morning what is going on?"
Alya, who was fiddling with her phone, answered her absent-minded: "Hi, Marinette, this is a huge scoop you won't believe it!"
"What I won't believe?"
"Someone apparently told the school administration that we have here a huge problem with bullying and teachers who don't do their job right.", explained Alya and put her phone away.
The midnight black-haired girl blinked.
Someone really did this?
And it was taken seriously?
She remembered how often she has gone to Miss Bustier about Chloe and her teacher had always said she should be the bigger person and show Chloe how to be a nice person.
This...this was actually good.
Maybe now Chloe would get what she deserved.
Ha, Chloe.
The nerve of her after years of bullying to apologize to her and then say she wanted to chance.
Marinette didn't believe her one bit.
"What do you mean, girl?", Alya voice stopped her thoughts. "Who was it to tell the school administration that?"
Before Marinette could answer she heard Kim yell: "Is that Chloe?!"
Since the hotel was near the school you decide to walk there. It was stupid taking the car for that little walk.
You weren't a spoiled brat like Chloe.
In your hands, you had your favorite Starbucks drink and one for Sabrina.
You both decide to meet at the schoolyard, well you proposed the idea and Sabrina just said yes.
You hoped the therapy would help her to think for herself.
When you enter the schoolyard you felt how the people near you stared at you in disbelief and stopped talking.
You heard them whisper and point at you.
You ignored them.
You had expected that kind of behaviour.
You didn't look like the Chloe Bourgeois they knew.
You wore clothes that you liked, the hairstyle how you preferred and the make-up you felt comfortable with.
"Morning Sabrina.", you greeted her.
She looked at you like you were Papillion in Person.
"Yeah?", you said nonchalantly and gave her the drink you bought for her. "Anything all right with you? You seem a bit pale."
Sabrina blinked and looked from you to the drink in her hand. She looked like she needed to reboot like a computer.
You gave her the time and took a sip from your drink.
"A-Are you really wearing an Anime T-Shirt?", Sabrina finally asked. "Didn't you say that anime is for losers?"
"Oh, did I? Yeah, I'm actually a huge otaku. Decide to say fuck it and finally show the real me, no more rich brat bitch.", you explained to her.
Sabrina just nodded, stupefied.
"Does, does that mean we can watch and talk about it now?", she asked like a lost little lamb.
Poor girl.
How mind fucked had her Chloe?
You signed and pat her shoulder.
"Sabrina, you can do what you want no one but you to decide over your life."
It was like if you told her the moon was actually made out of camembert. A certain Kwami would surely like that.
That's when you heard Kim yell: "Is that Chloe?!"
Marinette and Alya looked with big eyes to you, then at each other, and then back to you.
"Marinette? Does Chloe actually wear a T-Shirt with [Your Favorite Anime Character]?", asked Alya shocked, and gripped her hand.
Marinette, who remembers how Chloe last year throw apple juice on her self-made Sailor Moon T-Shirt and said anime was for losers, could only nod.
Did they land in a parallel universe or what?
Was that an Akuma?
Should she transform?
Meanwhile, you looked to Kim and gave him a little wave. "Morning to you too, Kim. I hope you had a nice weekend."
You could have said that you were actually Papillion that shocked was everyone because you were nice to someone!
It was so silent you could hear a nail drop.
You just raised an eyebrow and took a long sip from your drink.
"Hey Chlo!", you heard Adrien calling for you and tried to hide your grimace.
It worked half since Sabrina looked even more shocked at you.
Adrien came over with Nino behind him. The boy with the cap walked slowly and cautiously up to you like you were a wild animal and would jump at him any moment.
Why did everyone need to be this dramatic?
"Morning Adrien."
That you didn't use Chloe’s nickname for Adrien was even more shocking for people.
Marinette and Alya pinched each other to see if they were dreaming.
"I see you like [Favourite Anime]. You never told me that.", said Adrien grinning.
If you remembered right Astruc said once that Adrien was an otaku too.
Yeah, still no brownie points for him.
When he learns to drink respect woman juice then you would maybe see him as a friend.
But for the time being you needed to play your part.
"Adrien, I was more worried over a stupid queen bitch image that I created myself than to show who I really was. What a throw from the Eifeltower and recurring nightmares over your own death and funeral can do to a person.", you said so loud and clear as possible.
You did explain it to Marinette and your classmates Saturday that this was Chloe’s reason to change, but they hadn't believed you.
Anyway, you would repeat it as many times as possible so that it would stuck in anybody’s head.
Adrien smiled nervously, he didn't seemed to know what to say. Nino behind him looked at you like you talked in a strange language and Sabrina gave you a worried look.
The other kids in school were still floored about anything.
Thank god, that at this moment came Mr. Damocles with the teachers and the guy from the school administration.
You didn't know how long this tense atmosphere would hold till it exploded.
"Children.", called Mr. Damocles for your attention. "Please go to your homeroom teacher. They will explain to you anything."
"I bet with you, the real Chloe got abducted by aliens!", whispered-shouted Kim to his classmates.
All of Bustier’s class minus you and Sabrina were sitting together at a table at the Collège Françoise Dupont cafeteria and talking about the strange happenings of the day.
First of all Miss Bustier had taught them the whole day under the sharp eyes of Miss Cortez, from the school administration, and Miss Cortez seemed not happy with Miss Bustier.
If the grim expression and the continually writing on her notebook were any giveaways.
Then of course you who acted so...un-Chloe.
You were nice, and respectful and did your own work!
Normal Sabrina did it for you!
What was going on?
Anybody had their own theory of course.
Kim was the first who brought aliens up.
Alix shook her head and said: "I'm still going with the Akuma Theory from Alya."
"An Akuma who acts like a decent human being is abnormal.", reminded Max everyone.
"You all know Chloe better than me.", said Alya. "What else could it be?"
"Chloe isn't that bad, I know her since we were babies. I'm happy she is showing you guys her nice side.", came Adrien to your defense.
"Adrien, bro, Chloe was never ever one day in her life nice to us. I don't know Akuma or Alien but that's not Chloe for sure.", told Nino.
Marinette had a pensive look on her face.
"Don't you guys find it strange that Chloe is so nice when the school administration is checking our school?", she asked her friends and classmates. "I mean Chloe’s dad is the mayor he sure knew that today would happen this and maybe gave her a heads up."
It was Max who shook his head.
"While this is a plausible theory, Marinette, it gets invalid, since the school administration wants to talk to any student about their experience with bullying. I don't think any of us wouldn't tell them what Chloe did to us all these years. She can't save herself from the consequences of her actions now."
This was true and you could hear agreements and see nods from anybody.
"Why can't you just believe that Chloe really wants to change?", wondered Rose. "I'm writing with her since Saturday and she was only nice and friendly to me."
"You don't change that fast, Rose.", mumbled Juleka.
Kim nodded and hit his fist on the table.
"Yes, so that is clearly an alien!"
"I'm still going with Akuma."
"Aww, Alix, why?"
"Because I can."
That made the group laugh a bit.
Unknown to them you heard them all and felt how your eye was twitching.
Your classmates weren't far off with it that you weren't Chloe, but that their only theories were aliens or Akuma was a bit sad.
They couldn't come up with something better?
And also what kind of bitch was Chloe then her being nice was surreal? Was she 24/7 only a bully?
Stupid question you had her memories and Chloe was like this since kindergarten.
It was still so unfair to you.
How you would like to yell aloud you weren't Chloe, so you didn't have to endure all of this!
But you couldn't, everybody would think you were crazy and the mayor would probably put you in a psychiatry.
You needed to stay and continue your mission.
So you had to endure all this.
What one does do to save the world…
It was now afternoon and afternoon class was cancelled so the people from the school administration could talk to you kids.
You were nervous, you had to admit.
No one of Chloe’s classmates would hold back on what she did to them and you, who was innocent, would pay for it.
But this was the price you would pay to get Damocles and Bustier out of the picture and get competent teachers who wouldn't fall under a specific liar's spell.
And you hate them too, they weren't good teachers, period.
Damocles wanted more to play superheroes and Bustier told the victims of bullying to ignore it and be the bigger person.
You so hoped they got fired.
"Chloe Bourgeois?", called Miss Cortez for you and you followed her into the classroom where the interview was held.
"So, Miss Bourgeois. I hear a lot about you from your classmates.", said Miss Cortez with an icy tone.
To be truthful, you wanted to cry and say how you weren't Chloe and didn't do any of this shit she did, but you had to make the sacrifice for the good of this Show aka. World.
You nodded and signed defeated: "I assume only bad things?"
Miss Cortez was surprised and leaned back on her sit.
"You are not trying to defeat or deny anything?"
"No, till a week ago I was a disgustful human being and a pest to my classmates. Mostly to Marinette and I treated Sabrina, who should be my friend like a slave.", you started. "It took me nearly losing my life and having recurring nightmares of my death and funeral to see that I'm excuse my language a huge bitch."
The brunette woman wrote something down on her notepad and gave you a once over.
"Chloe, you look like you are prepared for an execution, why?"
You frowned.
"Well, I need to be punished for what I all did, don't I? Even if I said sorry and try to be a good person, I need to pay for my sins."
"Yes, your classmates told me that you apologized to them and were acting strangely in their eyes. But I didn't expect such self-reflection from someone as your classmates described as self-centred and heartless.", told you, Miss Cortez.
"Well, I can't and won't blame them.", you answered and felt the tears in your eyes.
You probably hated Chloe the most right now. She got reborn into a new family and you had to continue her fucking life with all the shit she did!
Fucking stupid deity who couldn't let you be reborn as someone else! You bet that fucker and his buddies enjoyed your suffering right now.
Miss Cortez wrote again something down and then looked at you with a milder expression.
“Chloe, why do you think, you acted the way, you did, with your classmates before?”
You took a deep breath and told her your headcanon why Chloe was the way she was.
“Well, I think it all starts with my mother. She is the boss of the Fashion Magazine Style Queen and lives in New York with my younger half-sister Zoe.”
Miss Cortez looked surprised at you.
“You have a half-sister? I didn’t see it in my documents.”
You gave her a bitter smile.
“Well, nobody should really know that little secret of the Bourgeois family. It’s not good for my father’s political carrier if people knew his wife cheated on him and prefers her extramarital daughter over the one who was born in marriage.”
“So you are saying your mother doesn’t love you?”, asked Miss Cortez and wrote something on her notepad.
“She always forgets my name and say’s to me I’m not exceptional. She only comes for Fashion Week to Paris and never has time for me. The way I acted with my classmates? So acts my mother like with anybody and only when I acted like her she took note of me, but I’m tired of this. She will never love me the way I want and I have an awesome father who loves me and a kind sister who is very forgiving.”
“I’m really surprised Chloe.”, told you, Miss Cortez. “It seems like you took a very good look at your life and saw what you have done wasn’t good and you want to chance. Not even adults are that good to see their own flaws.”
“I just want a second chance. I will take my punishment, but I just want a second chance.”, you begged and a few tears escaped your eyes.
This was all so stressful and unfair.
You so hoped Chloe had it worse than you in her new family! Learning to be a good person should be her personal hell!
Miss Cortez gave you a handkerchief, which you were thankful and wiped your nose.
“You are still young Chloe. And if you really want and show people that you want to change they will give you a second chance.”
You really hoped she was right.
It was night-time in Paris and you took a walk around the blog.
You needed to digest all the happenings of the day.
Chloe’s punishment for her bullying and harassment was that you had to visit a month-long work-shop about this and how to avoid falling into old patterns.
That wouldn’t be a problem, since you weren’t a bully in your first life. You could handle the workshop.
Miss Cortez was happy that you already would go to a therapist because that would have been the second part of the punishment to prevent being again a bad person.
You could stay in Bustier’s class, but if you slipped up you would get kicked out of school.
This was Chloe’s first and last chance.
You tried to be optimistic that you could do it.
You were nothing like Chloe.
After your talk with Miss Cortez, you let yourself be hugged by the mayor. It felt good. He really loved Chloe and gave you now the love you needed.
Also, he told you, that you should prepare yourself since Damocles and Bustier were in the eyes of the school administration unfit for their jobs.
At the end of the week, it would be official and Collège Françoise Dupont would get a new homeroom teacher and a new principal.
That was a huge win in your eyes.
All in all a productive day and no Akuma came for anybody.
You did wonder a bit why Papillion didn’t send one. There had to be someone really angry about all this, Chloe wasn’t the only bully at school, but nothing had happened.
Oh well, you shouldn’t look a gifted horse in the mouth.
The next Akuma would be on Friday, you were 100% sure.
It was Adrien’s birthday, so that meant Nino would get akumatized and become the Bubbler.
How you should prevent that, you had no idea.
Signing and feeling like the weight of the whole world were on your shoulders, you walked to Luka’s secret place.
Maybe he would play again under the bridge?
Sadly he was nowhere to be seen. It didn’t stop you from sitting now under it.
You had your arms wrapped around your legs and your head with closed eyes on your knees.
Damn, if every phase of Save Miraculous from Canon, would be like this you would need the therapist for all the stress you would sustain.
Was it like this for dear poor Marinette?
You needed to find a fast way to become a Miraculous holder. She needed a partner who would help her to handle all the stress she had. You could barely handle your own.
One step after another, don’t forget.
That’s when you heard the melody from last time. The melody which reminded you a lot about your old life.
So, Luka was here today too?
You kept your head on your knees but smiled.
The music was like balm for your stressed-out soul. It was what you needed right now.
Luka repeat the melody a few times, till you put your head up and looked for him.
The boy was sitting a few meters from you and was again playing with his guitar pick.
“Thank you again. I needed that.”, you told him.
For the first time, Luka faced you and you wanted to swoon! God, he was so hot and his eyes, ahhh!
He gave you a little smile, you felt how your breath was stolen from your lungs and said: “You are welcome. Thank you for enjoying my music.”
You felt how you turned red and played nervously with your fingers.
“No, I have to thank you make me listen to it. It’s a privilege.”
Bashful he rubbed his neck.
“Now you make me all shy. What’s your name?”
The boy gave you once over and frowned.
“You know…the name doesn’t fit what I hear in your heart.”
Okay, you admit you got scared for a second. Could Luka sense with his talent that the soul in this body was not the right one?
You grinned wobbly.
“I-I don’t really like it either. If I would I would name myself [Y/N].”, you don’t know why you said that, but you were in panic, okay?
“[Y/N]?”, Luka repeated thoughtfully. “You know, this fits better, no it’s perfect with the song in your heart.”
You blushed hard.
“Oh thank you, erm?”
“Sorry, I’m Luka, nice to meet you [Y/N].”
You blinked confused.
“My name is Chloe?”
Luka grinned crookedly, god that was adorable, and explained: “Well you said you like that name better, we can use this as your nickname if you want?”
“[Y/N] is totally okay, Luka!”, you told him happily.
At least someone would call you by your real name, even if he thought it was a nickname.
The black-haired boy with the turquoise tips stood up from his spot and put his guitar on his back.
“Well, I have to go home now [Y/N]. And you probably too. Want me to escort you?”
Where you dreaming?
You didn’t care and jumped up like an Akuma was after you.
“I would love to!”
Luka gave you a soft smile, a smile you had seen him normally give to Marinette, but he hadn’t met her right now.
You turned red like a tomato.
Does…does…this mean…?
“Come, [Y/N].”
He reached for your hand and you took his in yours.
This day was turning awesome!
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fabseg-reader · 10 months
Miraculous: Tales in the Opposite Universe (Inversed Personas AU): Chapter Two part 2
This story is a fanfiction (Not an official script for an episode of the TV show). Some characters result from Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir (original title: Miraculous: Les aventures de Ladybug et Chat Noir). It contains some original characters (OC) but they're fanon. All rights reserved to ZagToon.
Part one
The day dawns on Paris: It's a saturday. Marinette and Cerise come to the ship Liberty. By walking, they cross paths with Wayhem… and Adrien ! Adrien: "Marinette ?" Marinette: "Adrien ?!" At this moment, Marinette are Adrien are troubled. They looked lightly amazed at each other. A: "Is it really you ? But… how did you get here ?" M: "Same… Same question for you, A-Adrien ? About "here", is it possible you…" They run towards each other to embrace each other. A: "I'm glad you are fine. I see you again." M: "Me too, Adrien." Wayhem and Cerise simultaneously interpel them: "Do you two know each other ?" M and A: "Yes." The parallel teenagers both tell their lives in their homeworld to their two new friends. They both tell it all by avoiding to reveal their superhero's identities (interesting facts: Marinette doesn't mention the Alley Cat's identity she already knows; Wayhem is already known by the three other people as Rouge Chance since the loss of his earrings). W: "It would seem that Voyager the akuma didn't miss you two. With this Ladybug and this Cat Noir, you must be four." A (ironising): "That's the circumstance, Wayhem." There is a collective sarcastical laughing between the four.
Following the next minutes, they take the road at the ship Liberty, at the Seine river. Once arrived on place, Marinette and Adrien are slightly stupefacted: They see out the ship Liberty from this world is a rusted damaged wreck. M: "What the hell happened to the ship ? It's the Luka's and Juleka's home." C: "It was. But now, the twin siblings and their mom live with Bob Roth a.k.a. 'the greedy record' since five years. The mom is remarried to this guy." M: "Wait ! Have did you say: Bob Roth ?!" W: "Of course, girl. Your homeworld's friends hadn't certainly lived the same life as their counterparts. About the boat, according to TV medias, an accident would caused these destructions five years ago. Happily, there weren't any casualties. Sadly, the Couffaines hadn't any house anymore. Mr Roth had hebergated them with the price of Mrs Couffaine getting remarried with the man." An expression of dismay temporarly appears on Marinette's and Adrien's faces. Later, at the other end of the wreck, they spot a rally of teenagers. Marinette and Adrien recognize their friends among the group: Alya, Nino, Mylène, Ivan, Juleka, Rose, Marc, Nathaniel, Kim, Ondine, Max, Sabrina, Socqueline and… Alix and Luka ! And Chloé (as bonus but not really a friend in their initial world) ! Before coming to them, the two not yet lovers are interupted by Cerise. C: "Do you know these people ?" M: "Yes. They are our friends." C: "In your homeworld, I must admit it's true. But listen to me: You two come from another world. These people you can see are our friends for me and Wayhem. They know you too but they see your counterparts, your other selves. If you introduce yourselves to us all with Marinette's and Adrien's names while the others Marinette and Adrien come at the same place, they would be suspicious. They could believe you're some spies from Fathom or Lycène, you come for a conspiracy." A: "And how are we supposed to interact with them if we can't say our real identities ?" M: "Adrien, we haven't the choice if our friends' counterparts must trust us. We must find some others names for avoid create the confusion." A: "I follow you, Marinette." M : (to Cerise) "It's okay. I will take the identity of 'Germaine'. And Adrien… (to Adrien) What name do you choose ?" A: "My name will be… 'Anathase'." C (sighing): "Too old. (normal tone) Why not… ? 'Nathan'." M: "'Nathan' sounds like cute." A: "I agree with the alias of Nathan." W: "I hope you two will fit in very well with all of us. Good luck." A: "Thanks, you two."
The 'quartet' advances to the group and Cerise and Wayhem move to different ways while Marinette and Adrien watch around them. Suddenly, both Marinette and Adrien are amazed to see their 'friends' wear different clothings each others. Idem about their looks. But the most glaring detail that astound the two: They figured out each counterpart have a different personality compared to each initial friend they knew in their homeworld.
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First Round Masterlist Part 2:
Johnny C. | Johnny The Homicidal Maniac vs. Kurapika | Hunter x Hunter
Tangerine | Bullet Train vs. Double Trouble | She-ra
Grell Sutcliff | Black Butler vs. Snufkin | Moomin
Roronoa Zoro | One Piece vs. Korra | Legend of Korra
Kusuriuri | Ayakashi: Samurai Horror Tales vs. Smaug | The Hobbit
Gabrielle De Lioncourt | The Vampire Chronicles vs. Jiraya | Naruto
Hikaru Hoshina | Star Twinkle Precure vs. Koki Kariya | The World Ends With You
Duncan | Total Drama Island vs. Gerard Keay | The Magnus Archives
Sceptile | Pokemon vs. SMT Demons | Shin Megami Tensei
The Onceler | The Lorax vs. Ferris Argyle | Re: Zero
Jim Starling | Ducktales 2017 vs. Grusha | Pokemon
Mabel | Gravity Falls vs. Maleficient | Maleficient
Juo | High Rise Invasion vs. JD | Heathers
Red Son | Lego Monkie Kid vs. Jean Descole | Professor Layton
Donatello Hamato | ROTTMNT vs. Larry Johnson | Sally Face
Ellie Sattler | Jurrassic Park vs. Monster Belos | The Owl House
Casey Jones | TMNT 2012 vs. Kimiko Ross | Dresden Codak
Neteyam | Avatar: The Way of Water vs. Dean Winchester | Supernatural
Marty McFly | Back to the Future vs. Takumi Usui | Maid-sama
Mischa Bachinski | Ride the Cyclone vs. Jinx | Arcane
N | Pokemon vs. Floofty Fizzlebean | Bugsnax
Calcifer | Howl's Moving Castle vs. Young Nihil | Ghost BC
Envy | Full Metal Alchemist vs. Mae | Night in the Woods
The Cat | The Cat Returns vs. Joker | The Lego Batman
Vinny Folson | Lego Ninjago vs. Blue Spirit | Avatar: The Last Airbender
Deidara | Naruto vs. Blahaj | IKEA
Viktor | Arcane vs. Haruka Tenou | Sailor Moon
Human Bill Cipher | Gravity Falls vs. Spectra | Bakugan
Seteth | Fire Emblem 3 Houses vs. Rouxls | Deltarune
Guybrush Threepwood | Monkey Island Series vs. Alex Fierro | Magnus Chase
Joker | Persona 5 / Royale vs. Dottore | Genshin Impact
Nausicaa | Nausicaa of the Wind vs. Macaque | Lego Monkie Kid
Phone Guy | FNAF vs. Candace Flynn | Phineas and Ferb
Anthony J. Crowley | Good Omens vs. Link | Breath of the Wild
Maisie Lockwood | Jurassic World Dominion vs. Zasp | Bug Fables
Nagito Komaeda | Danganronpa vs. Kurotowa | Nausicaa Manga
Dave Strider | Homestuck vs. Eda Clawthorne | The Owl House
Super Star Rockin' Jay | Ninjago vs. Ladybug | Bullet Train
Marcy Wu | Amphibia vs. Willem Dafoe | Spiderman/Wes Anderson Films
Noah | Total Drama Island vs. Jack Sparrow | Pirates of the Carribean
Distortion! Micheal Shelley | The Magnus Archives vs. Ralsei | Deltarune
Crona | Soul Eater vs. Lucilius | Gran Blue Fantasy
Papa Emeritus III | Ghost Bc vs. Augustus Sinclair | Bioshock 2
Luka Couffaine | Miraculous Ladybug vs. Ryan Akagi | Infinity Train
Gonzo | Muppets vs. Gunpowder Tim | The Mechanisms
Teruki Hanazawa | Mob Psycho 100 vs. Columbo | Columbo
Nahobino | Shin Megami Tensei V vs. Kuvira | Legend of Korra
Legolas | Lord of the Rings vs. William Afton | Five Nights at Freddy's
Victor Frankenstein | Frankenstein vs. Klavier Gavin | Ace Attorney
Eric Draven | The Crow vs. Medic | Team Fortress 2
Alador Blight | The Owl House vs. Vlad Plasmius | Danny Phantom
Vash the Stampede | Trigun vs. Juno Steel | Penumbra Podcast
Desire | The Sandman vs. Bipper | Gravity Falls
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bee-a-garbage-shipper · 9 months
The Karma Of Lies
By: CartoonAddict564
Ship: Luka Couffaine/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Minor Ships: Juleka Couffaine/Rose Lavillant, Alya Césaire/Nino Lahiffe, Ivan Bruel/Mylène Haprèle, Jean Duparc/Kagami Tsurugi
Status: Complete
Salt: Chloé Bourgeois Sugar, Juleka Couffaine Sugar, Rose Lavillant Sugar, Adrien Agreste Salt, Alya Césaire Salt, Lila Rossi Salt, MiracuClass Salt
All Adrien wanted was to keep the peace and make sure everyone in his class stayed friendly. That was why he took the high road, held his tongue, and allowed Lila's lies to spread unchecked. He didn't think this was a big deal; sure, Marinette complained, but she'd endured just fine when he'd defended Chloe, so why would this be any different? And besides, who could be hurt by a couple of tall tales about celebrities and fake charitable work?
But karma is a stubborn thing. It can occasionally be deflected, such that a villain is protected from her well-deserved punishment, but it can never be truly stopped--especially when the Ladybug miraculous is involved. In those cases, if appropriate consequences cannot fall upon the villain herself, they inevitably descend upon the protector who upheld her lies, downplayed her cruelties, and shielded her from harm.
And by the time Adrien learns just what sort of punishment that Lila earned and that he must now endure, it may be far too late for him.
Miraculous salt fic.
Opinion: This is such a good fic. Quite possibly the best Miraculous Ladybug Fic I’ve ever read. Most certainly in the top ten. If you have I low tolerance for Salt I can’t recommend it but I can’t think of anything that could turn a Lukanette Shipper away from this fic. Even Lila is actually a competent villain. And despite being Salty it doesn’t feel Wildly Out Of Character. Sadly Certain People do not get the fate they so richly deserve but there’s a Lore reason for this and that is the whole premise of the fic. Even if you don’t reread it a dozen or so times like I did I honestly could not recommend it more highly.
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storiedhistories · 1 year
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This probably doesn't come as a surprise, but I'm still on a bit of a hiatus, at this point. I'm trying to focus more on revamping and getting things all cleaned up while I'm not doing writing things, and to that end, below the readmore is an updated list of muses, since my current information is very out of date.
Current muses by franchise:
BATTLESTAR GALACTICA William Adama Karl C. Agathon
CRITICAL ROLE Caleb Widogast Essek Thelyss Grog Strongjaw Keyleth of the Air Ashari Lady Kima of Vord Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III Vax'ildan Zahra Hydris
DOCTOR WHO The Doctor (Nine) Madame Vastra
FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST Alexander Louis Armstrong Sig Curtis Envy Solf J. Kimblee Roy Mustang
GAME OF THRONES Brienne of Tarth Tyrion Lannister
GARGOYLES Brooklyn Goliath Hudson (with Bronx as NPC) Macbeth
GOD OF WAR Atreus Brok Faye Freyr Kratos Mimir Odin Sindri Thor
GOOD OMENS Anthony J. Crowley
KILL LA KILL Satsuki Kiryuin Senketsu
THE LAST OF US Joel Miller
MIRACULOUS LADYBUG Adrien Agreste / Chat Noir Alya Cesaire Gabriel Agreste / Hawk Moth Luka Couffaine Tom Dupain
HADESTOWN/MYTHOS/PERCY JACKSON Hades Hazel Levesque Kronos Orpheus Thalia Grace Will Solace
STAR VS. THE FORCES OF EVIL Globgor Moon Butterfly River Butterfly Tom Lucitor
X-MEN Remy LeBeau
ORIGINAL CHARACTERS Irithiel Galanodel (D&D) Vanessa Hunter (Monster of the Week)
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
I Need A (Girlfriend) Hero!
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/G3BQVfk
by LilaVaporizer9000
Damian looks at his notebook, scanning his research.
Combining what info the internet has provided on good romantic partners, along with some of his own preferences, she is statistically the best option.
“Hm. Yes, you will do.”
“Oh! Uhh… what?...”
Damian’s family are pestering him to be more of a normal teenager. He doesn’t want to be more of a normal teenager. The average teens he observes at school are brainless savages.
But his family is getting so annoying about it he’d do almost anything to get them to shut up.
Then Marinette Dupain-Cheng transfers to his school. She’s intelligent, quiet, respectful of his boundaries, not nosey, and most importantly of all, doesn’t seem to give two shits about his family name.
His family want normal teen behavior? Fine. He’ll bring a girlfriend home.
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
Marinette blinks. Ya know what? This might as well happen.
 Daminette as told through equally socially unaware messes, general misunderstandings of each other's skills and experience, and a total lack of awareness as to how many flowers are too many flowers.
Words: 6164, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug, Batman - All Media Types, Maribat - Fandom
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Damian Wayne, Chloé Bourgeois, Kagami Tsurugi, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Cassandra Cain, Duke Thomas, Barbara Gordon, Jon Lane Kent, Luka Couffaine, Stephanie Brown
Relationships: Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Damian Wayne, Chloé Bourgeois/Kagami Tsurugi, Chloé Bourgeois & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Kagami Tsurugi, Batfamily Members & Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Additional Tags: Teen Romance, is this a slow burn or a fast burn? you tell me, Fake Dating, kind of, Fake/Pretend Relationship, fake relationship trope but it's a real relationship, Awkward Flirting, Awkward Romance, these two are a mess, two extremely socially inept people try to date, don't come at me Marinette is socially inept in her own way, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Has Anxiety, Asexual Damian Wayne, I dont personally hc him as aro but i do hc him as ace, Flowers, Language of Flowers, So many flowers, enough flowers t make this a flowershop au, Cute, Meet the Family, having WAY too much fun tagging this, no sex in this ever it isn't gonna happen sorry, Canon-Typical Violence, Damian Wayne is Bad at Feelings, Hot Mess Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Fluff, A lot - Freeform, Fluff and Humor, romcom, I repeat, R O M C O M, Romantic Comedy, Caring Batfamily (DCU), Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, The batfam are good... they are just a LITTLE bit overbearing, unethical reasons for getting into a relationship, Marinette Dupain-Cheng cusses, speedrun dating!, Damian: if you word it terribly and give her enough flowers, you can glitch it and clip right to 'meeting the parents'
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/G3BQVfk
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fragileizywriting · 1 year
kitty.... kitty is really excited, right? she's so excited. jagged is finally going on tour and he's super excited, he's cheering and celebrating and is telling ten-year-old kitty about all of the places he's going and what he'll bring for everyone, including her, of course, because the chengs and the couffaines are family.
new york! las vegas! mexico city! tokyo! rio! hong kong! berlin! sydney! rome!...
anarka looks up from where she is in the kitchen, over the countertop bar where marinette is sitting silently at the dining table. she's got a teacup in her hand, staring at the placemat, lost in thought.
"kitty?" anarka asks. her head snaps up when she calls. "how come you're not playing with jules?"
"she's taking a shower."
"and luka?"
"oh. uhm." she looks around. "i don't know where he is."
"what are you doing all alone, sweetie?"
she slept over the night before. she'd brought her toy carry-case that pops open to reveal a little shoe shop for the doll that can be stored in the 'fitting room' inside. she'd been so excited to show off her new barbie with black hair and brown eyes and looked just like her and just like juleka.
hopefully she didn't lose any of the shoes. the last thing anarka needs is to get a phone call from sabine asking if she'd found the tiny plastic-rubber things. luka always manages to spot them hidden under the couch and keeps them in a container on his nightstand so he can give it to her, but sometimes they get unlucky and jean steps on one barefoot and starts groaning.
marinette shrugs. "nothing. just waiting for you."
"waiting for breakfast, you mean," she teases.
"no, no." but she has that smile on her face. marinette is terrible at lying.
"it'll be done soon and then the whole family can eat together." anarka does her best not to scrunch her brows together when the girl goes quiet again. "what's wrong?"
"nothing's wrong."
"are you sure?"
"i'm sure."
"you look worried about something."
"no," marinette lies, "i'm okay."
"how come you're not smiling, then?"
it's how she always gets her. every time, the girl puckers her mouth and makes a face of full concentration; she's not like juleka or luka who are so good at speaking about what's bothering them. marinette needs some work.
"i'm excited," marinette tries.
"about what?"
"for uncle jean to go on tour."
"really? you don't look excited."
"oh." this poor girl looks like she's buffering, trying to figure out what to do. "but i am. i promise."
the eggs are done. they're not as runny as jean's, but they're still pretty tasty. might as well get the ketchup out of the fridge— it's a terrible habit juleka's picked up from jean, and it disgusts her, but hey. whatever it takes to get her children to eat.
"okay, convince me. why are you excited?"
"because he's going on tour and he's excited!"
"that's all?"
"oh." the way she says it is always so funny, but anarka does her best not to laugh. "yeah, i think so. is that not good enough?"
"it is... but... you just don't look happy about it, kitty." she sits down next to her at the table. "you look sad."
"i'm not sad."
"if you had ears, they'd be flat against your head," anarka tells her. marinette's eyes are wide and big. "i'm not your mom, but i know when you're happy." it doesn't take much. when she's happy, she's loud. when marinette is over the moon, she's in the stars. the girl is so loud, so active, so full of energy that she makes luka look like a dead battery. "and you're not happy right now."
"but... aren't you happy for uncle jean?" she asks, small and confused.
"a little. but i'm more... disappointed than anything." when marinette tilts her head, she continues: "well, he's my husband, right? i don't want him to go, even if it's for a few months. i'll miss him."
"but he's happy."
"sure," anarka tries, "and i'm so proud of him for getting this tour he's wanted for a long time as a fairwell-for-now so he can focus on the family again for the next ten years or so. but i can still feel sad."
"that's okay?"
"of course it is. you can feel sad even though someone's happy, as long as you don't try to make them sad about it." so anarka tries again. "what are you feeling right now?"
"i don't know," she replies honestly. she takes a sip of her teacup— she loves tea, always drinks it, never caffinated because she doesn't need it— "i think i don't want uncle jean to go. i want him to stay because i like it when he's here. when i think about him leaving, i get..." she frowns. "i get...?"
"you get?" anarka goads.
"i get a feeling," marinette explains. "a big one. a big feeling."
anarka tries not to smile. she'd noticed this for a long while, never knowing how to bring this up to sabine; marinette struggles with empathy. she struggles with explaining her empathy. she definitely has it— running to her when luka skidded his knee and was doing his absolute best not to cry from how much blood there was— and marinette had been in tears herself.
but she hadn't been able to say i'm scared! or i'm worried! she'd just been asking luka if his leg was okay for the entire day.
she doesn't seem to have the words for it.
maybe she should talk to sabine about this? it's very strange that she's not able to figure out her own thoughts and feelings; maybe there's something wrong?
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verfound · 2 years
WIP Wednesday: 7/27/22
...if I was SMART, I would be working on PH.  You know what I’m working on instead?  Not PH, I’ll tell you that much...
Blame Quick she knows what she did.  😝🖤
Luka Couffaine was two the first time he saw a ghost – or at least the first time he remembers.  There had to be more before, ones that he couldn’t remember or had been too young to know what they were, like the time his Granny had told him spirits – wisps – used to dance above his Ma’s cradle.
“It’s how I knew,” Granny had laughed, wiping the smudge of flour from his nose as he helped her roll shortbread.  “Yer Ma had the wind in her soul, b’y.  She’d follow the wisps anywhere.”
But the first one Luka remembered?
He’d been two and standing on the orange stool the nurses had pulled up for other Siblings, his pudgy face and hands pressed to the glass of the nursery window. Inside, his baby sister – barely three hours old – was swaddled in the fuzziest pink blanket he had ever seen. Wide blue eyes were focused on that scrunchy bundle, as unblinking as a two-year-old’s could be as he kept watch. Gran had been talking on a payphone a few quick steps away, her own eyes on him.
“And who’s this, then?” a kindly voice had whispered by his ear, and he’d turned to see kind, kind eyes the color of his Seanair’s truck set behind wrinkly, weathered skin and framed by wispy silver hair – hair like his Ma’s, but thinner.  She was old – older than Granny, even – and wearing a brown housecoat.  Luka swallowed as her eyes fell to the blue shirt Granny had got him that proudly declared ‘I’m the Big Brother’ in blocky yellow letters.  “Got a new little miss, have you?”
He had nodded, his lips pressed together, and pointed at the bassinet labeled ‘Couffaine’.  He was still shaky on the spelling, but the words was long and started with ‘C’ and Granny had said besides.  The woman had smiled and patted his head, her hand not even ruffling his hair with the motion as it had passed through his black curls.
“You be a good big brother now,” the woman had said.  A harried man with wild blond hair had rushed through her then, stepping up to the glass with shaking hands and nearly knocking Luka from his stool.  She had barely seemed to notice the disturbance, scattering into mist and back into her faded form with barely a blink.  As the man had focused on the blue bundle marked with an ‘A’ next to his sister, she had stood and frowned sadly at him.  “He’s beautiful, Gabriel.  Mind him now.  Do better than your papa.”
And then she was gone, and Granny was done on the phone and hurrying him off to go see Ma, and Luka never saw the woman again.
Twenty-two years later, the ghost standing in his new bedroom looked nothing like the old woman from the hospital.
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