#cat!aran !!
galactica7071 · 6 months
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ugh fine take your punchy boys and leave
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stormethecat · 3 months
I feel like Samus doesn't get startled easily, but when she does she jumps into her morph ball like an armadillo
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genji-bugboy · 3 months
Personal update:
This may upset some but my Punch-out/Aran hyper fixation is on its death bed. I have picked up a childhood interest of mine once again so this may be quite long. So for now, you see me post Ren & Stimpy stuff now, and not as much Arn and other silly sweaty men. I still love my little leprechaun, but for now he is secured in a compartment in my brain whilst being laughed at by a silly red cat. I will still try to post Aran/ Punch out things, but I won’t be as frequent as I once was.
My sincere apologies to the Punch-out fandom
And Aran Ryan simps
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Ren & Stimpy fandom Rise up from your graves
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hydranomago · 1 year
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MTC vs FP entrances 
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boriluwa · 2 years
Baby Metroid breakdancing - Boriluwa Animation
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gundamonium · 6 months
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We do a bit of painting and we do a bit of catnip <3
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spy-from-canada · 1 year
my boy is home!!! tysm to @ravaging-angel, i love him so much!
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girlbosstourney · 1 year
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Select which one you think is GIRLBOSSIER, i.e., which one is the better girlboss
First woman video game protagonist? hello??
Look at her 💕 She committed murders 💕 Umm she was the world's first kitty serial killer. Her boyfriend cheated on her and her children accidentally died and now she has dedicated her life AND undead life to making people's lives worse. That's girlboss behavior to me. shes a cat whose children die so she goes on a murder rampage against every other cat involved in their death and gets most of them. she dies refusing help, and continues to make everyones lives worse as a ghost.
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nerdy-the-artist · 1 year
Dread it… run from it… destiny arrives all the same. Or rather, lesbians, bird people, and pirates. The series kinda just grabbed onto me out of seemingly nowhere at the beginning of March. Resisted the urge at first as a whole lot of series have disappointed me but, man, this fits all the niches for me. Great female protagonist, lost civilization tropes, pirates, galactic politics, galaxy threatening parasites. I honestly don’t know why I didn’t dive in sooner. To speak about the learning Chozo bit, it’s a slow process for me. Spring break is coming up, so I might take that opportunity to expedite the process then.
Mostly, however, I’m gonna share some more token details from my Metroid AU. Granted, I may be jumping the gun, as I haven’t gotten an opportunity to actually play a Metroid game, so perhaps I’m not the best gal to write a story on the matter. But the world building is fun. Without further ado, I will now proceed to rant about actual tidbits from the AU.
1. Ala the manga, Samus does have a slight telepathic bond between her two Chozo blood donors, Grey Voice and Raven Beak. However, due to hardly ever seeing Raven Beak, she does not recognize him. He appears in dreams though, in which she describes him as “the man with the broken face”. Yes, I’m going with his beak being a prosthetic. In any case, in the rare few times Samus dreams of this man with the broken face, he simply tells her to come find him. With time, however, Samus writes the dreams off as just that, dreams.
2. Ridley’s moniker of The Cunning God of Death is taken to another level. While he is well aware that he has no supernatural power or dominion, he styles himself as a god. In his speeches to his underlings, he proclaims the masses they will slaughter as “the mortals”, with his personal kill squad being known as The Revenants. His propensity to survive the unsurvivable helps cement this image in both the eyes of the pirates he controls, and the enemies who hear tales of his crimes.
3. While this may be controversial, the whole term of Space Pirates will be vastly expanded upon. As opposed to one great monolith of a faction, there will be many factions and sub factions jockeying for power in the lawless regions of space. Ridley and (upon the invasion of Zebes) Mother Brain’s faction are known as the Glaxamore. Additionally, membership into these various Space Pirate factions is not particularly restricted by race. There are a great many human and elfan pirates, in Glaxamore and beyond. One such human pirate will be a ship captain in the fleet surrounding Zebes, post invasion.
4. Back during Samus’s teenage years on Zebes, she and Old Bird would play pranks on Grey Voice. One such instance that I am itching to write, if for no other reason than my own entertainment, is when the snuck an Iono Feria (peaceful creature, once again, from the Manga), into Grey Voice’s personal study in the middle of the night, much to his fright and frustration when he woke up the next morning.
5. To speak more about Samus in particular, I wanted to dip more into the character-at-rest portion of her personality. While she is still a loner, she does make use of that time to improve herself beyond her ability to fight and survive. For one thing, she meditates. She tries a variety of different techniques, both human and Chozo, in order to commune with nature. This pursuit was one Old Bird passed onto her. Another thing she inherited from the Chozo is an accent! Samus and the Chozo speak English with a very distinct accent, which is slightly comparable to Greek or Spanish. I may pitch in some voice acting to show what I mean at some point, but not yet. Lastly, in addition to power suit and zero suit, another staple of her wardrobe is a Chozo poncho, with ornate patterning and a very earthy color palette. She often wears it during meditation sessions or when she simply wants to chill.
And that will be all for now. If you guys are interested in hearing more tidbits of this AU, I would be happy to post more. For now, however, I will leave it at this.
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alligator-dreaming · 2 months
I had a dream the other night that Samus from Metroid teamed up with Spider-Man to stop someone from destroying the environment with symbiote. It turned out to be a little old lady and her cat. She agreed to stop if they got a new spoon every week
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Round One
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Samus Aran
"Samus's younger designs are very gender ambiguous, plus she just gives off a trans vibe. There's a panel from a manga, in which the artists didn't know she is a woman so they depicted her as a male hero surrounded by women, except knowing Samus's gender makes this picture look like she is a lesbian which is awesome. Samus is a very introverted person who's not very good at communicating her feelings, and she's very passionate about technology and killing monsters. If that's not autism idk what is."
Firestar and Sandstorm
"There's no way both of these cats aren't queer. Firestar describes other toms physically way to often. We get it, your mortal enemy, best friend, and a random assortment of other dudes are really buff keep it in your pants. And Sandstorm is definitely a lesbian. She hasn't been a pov character in any of the books I've read so I can't speak to her inner monologue but that's the vibe I get. But unfortunately Warriors society is painfully heteronormative, and I think they didn't realize at first that they're not actually attracted to each other and just got by on genuinely caring for each other. But eventually they both (mostly Sandstorm though, Firestar's never had a complete thought in his life rip) realize that they're not straight, but still care about each other and stay together anyway."
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reverse-punch-out · 1 year
Okay- I have more questions since I enjoy seeing you guys. Hondo, has there ever been something you were really proud of? And to Aran, do you like any shows or movies?
Hondo - "Heh, that one time i dabbled in graffiti art was pretty cool..." Ryan - "Oh, um...eheh, yeah...Shamrock's a fan of The Triplets of Belleville...As for me, well...uhm, i guess this is a shocking answer from me but uhm...The Godfather..."
Shamrock purrs.
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osamusbigtits · 2 years
ojiro aran... secretly obsessed with cats...
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mrsandman42069 · 18 minutes
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simonecarmignani · 1 year
La specifica indennità prevista dall’art. 70 septies del CCNL 21.05.2018 a favore del personale in cat. A e cat. B1, sarà ancora erogabile - ARAN parere CFL177
La specifica indennità prevista dall’art. 70 septies del CCNL 21.05.2018 a favore del personale in cat. A e cat. B1, sarà ancora erogabile – ARAN parere CFL177
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