#clarissa and jack
gingerpop42 · 2 years
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These two ❤️
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tilda-rothery · 6 months
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My dearest friend, if you don't mind
I'd like to join you by your side
Where we can gaze into the stars
And sit together now and forever
For it is plain as anyone can see
We're simply meant to be...
I am immensely happy with how it turned out 😊💕
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crabbng · 10 months
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the color wheel meme with webcomic characters... TWO!
characters and links to comics [HERE]!
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books-and-shadows · 2 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SILENT WITNESS, the found family we all need
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carriessotos · 2 months
michaela&jack — send me   “eavesdrop”   and my muse will describe your muse like they’re talking to a third party. 
o nome indicado na tela de seu celular era um dos únicos que faria o ackerman atender uma chamada depois das dez da noite, e quem estava ligando sabia perfeitamente disso ao considerar a agravante de que era além da meia noite em um dia de semana. não fosse o bom-humor em que estava naquela noite, talvez sequer houvesse atendido em um primeiro momento e ido diretamente perguntar o que a irmã queria em uma mensagem, mas, a situação estava mais favorável que em outros momentos. jack realmente estava com um ótimo humor. “e se eu tivesse dormindo e você me acordasse, clarissa? eu trabalho cedo.” reclamou ao atender o telefone. ‘aí você ia estar enchendo o saco igual tá agora, ué’, a irmã retrucou no telefone, claramente achando graça da situação. revirou os olhos e pôs o telefone no viva voz, o apoiando no balcão da cozinha enquanto ia servir um copo de água. “tá, sério, o que rolou? acabei de chegar em casa.” indagou, ouvindo uma risadinha ao fundo por parte da irmã mais nova. ‘só queria saber se podia levar a sadie na escola amanhã, aliás. e buscar. vou ter que ir pra eugene ameaçar um fornecedor pra não ser tão inútil’, qualquer um imaginaria que o assunto não iria se estender além daquilo, mas jack conhecia a irmã melhor que ninguém, e praticamente conseguia escutar a pausa na voz dela ao final enquanto organizava as próximas palavras. ‘e deixa eu adivinhar… tava com a sua namorada, é?’
respirou fundo, tomando um gole de água antes de responder clarissa. “primeiro: sim, eu posso. não prometo não levar ela direto pra elly’s, mas é porque eu sou um tio legal demais.” e se conhecia o suficiente para saber que não conseguiria negar mais de uma vez se a sobrinha pedisse para ir pegar no caminho o seu sorvete favorito. sadie era completamente adorável, uma das seletas pessoas no mundo para quem jack era péssimo dizendo não. “segundo… ela não é minha namorada. mas, sim, eu tava com ela.” tinham ido no cinema e na atwood’s, e só não haviam concluído a noite indo um para a casa do outro porque, infelizmente, daquela vez jack realmente precisava acordar mais cedo que o normal - o que não estava surtindo muito efeito, considerando que ainda estava de pé. ‘se você deixar ela cheia de açúcar e toda elétrica, vou falar que você tá morrendo de saudade de ver frozen com ela pra parar de ser idiota..’ e conseguia praticamente ouvir a irmã revirando os olhos, assim como ele próprio estava fazendo ao se encaminhar para o quarto. ‘e nem me vem com essa, é óbvio que ela é sua namorada. você tá com ela, tipo, o tempo inteiro.’, acrescentou. “eu não… tô com ela o tempo inteiro.” nem ele acreditou em si mesmo ao tentar afirmar aquilo. “só… sei lá, eu gosto de sair com ela. muito. é normal que a gente fique saindo assim.”
‘vai à merda, jack. você gosta bem mais dela do que só gostar muito de sair.’, clarissa retrucou. “onde você tá querendo chegar?” franziu o cenho. “só… sei lá, até agora a gente não falou nada sobre essas coisas. não quero pressionar ela também.” na verdade, os dois sabiam que o problema estava exatamente em jack estar inseguro em sobre como abordar o assunto, ou o melhor momento de fazê-lo. era alguém normalmente muito direto, mas os anos desde que fizera um passo adiante daqueles em um relacionamento não eram poucos. “antes que você comece de novo, é óbvio que eu gosto dela, clarissa. e, sim, você tava certa quando ficou me enchendo o saco pra sair com a filha da sua colega e eu te ignorei porque você é chata de vez em quando. ela é…” absolutamente linda, boa demais para uma pessoa como ele, a pessoa que mais o fizera sorrir em muito tempo. não faltavam palavras para descrevê-la. “enfim, não falamos disso. nem sei se ela… sei lá, se a gente quer a mesma coisa.”
‘ai, cala essa sua boca, jack. é óbvio que essa menina deve querer ter as coisas sérias com você, ia estar te aguentando faz meses de graça? e ainda ia ter falado de você pra mãe dela por falta de assunto?’, escutou a irmã bufar do outro lado da linha. e, embora a lógica apontasse para tudo o que ela estava falando naquele momento, e não tivesse nenhum motivo para imaginar que o sentimento dos dois não era recíproco, não estava completamente pronto para dar o braço a torcer sobre a dúvida no assunto. “não sei, clarissa. eu só…” comprimiu os lábios, pensativo. “não quero estragar as coisas com ela tão rápido.” uma parte sua não conseguia acreditar que seria capaz de entrar em um tipo de relação funcional, e não precisava dar o gostinho de eu avisei tão rapidamente para sua insegurança. “tá, tudo bem, por mim, sim, ela seria a minha namorada já. eu precisaria estar maluco pra não querer ficar com ela.” admitiu, sabendo que era o que a irmã realmente queria ouvir. ‘foi tão difícil assim?’ ela indagou com um tom irônico "sabe, seria mais fácil se você não ficasse se metendo na minha vida a essa hora da noite.” retrucou, mesmo sabendo que clary tinha razão. ‘tá, tá, não enche. depois eu venho cuidar da sua vida em horário comercial então. mas... sabe, não é por você ter ficado sete anos com uma sociopata que precisa fingir ainda que não tem sentimentos. se você gosta tanto assim dela, vai falar pra ela logo. você já age igual namorado dela mesmo’.
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heartlandians · 6 months
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Heartland - 16x02 - Changes
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the-dog-watch · 10 months
Clarissa Oakes/The Truelove
This book begins with Jack still smarting from the events of the previous book, utterly peevish and miserable; he starts by enumerating all the ways he's been hard done by the crew, even Stephen. He resents being "manipulated" into bringing Padeen onto the crew, which...I can't quite call it inaccurate but it is a very funny way to describe your best friend narrowly escaping death, yet again, while fully dressed in clown makeup, yet again. I wouldn't call Stephen's brand of getting what he wants manipulation, it's more like an extremely unlucky type of laughing chance. "If the accident will," as Kurt Vonnegut said, and the accident surely did will Padeen on board the ship again.
It all boils down to sexual jealousy; everyone's been off sucking and fucking and Jack meanwhile was getting jerked around by Amanda Smith part deux. Nothing less than he deserves, of course, but it does explain a lot. There's an awkwardness between him and Stephen that persists especially in the beginning of this book. They tiptoe around each other in the aftermath of their argument, with each of them trying to be tactful but still managing to get on the other’s nerves. For a relationship that was quite literally founded on the promise of future violence, they're always so reluctant to cause each other the slightest pain. I suppose that’s the reason they so easily fall into this pattern of deferred conflict; even when they come to blows (figuratively, in this case) they can never actually make themselves pull the trigger or push the blade in when it comes to the fateful moment. Their affection is always too strong and the conflict is always put off as far in the future as possible.
I just can’t get over this scene where Stephen is examining Jack (due to his “peccant liver”) and it’s a good example both of how much they care for each other and also how they can’t stop annoying each other. From page 8:
"Stephen, surely you would not call me middle-aged, would you?"
"Navigators are notoriously short-lived, and for them middle-age comes sooner than for quiet abstemious country gentlemen. Jack, you have led as unhealthy a life as can well be imagined, perpetually exposed to the falling damps, often wet to the skin, called up at all hours of the night by that infernal bell. You have been wounded the Dear knows how many times, and you have been cruelly overworked. No wonder your hair is grey."
"My hair is not grey. It is a very becoming buttercup-yellow."
Jack wore his hair long, clubbed and tied with a broad black bow. Stephen plucked the bow loose and brought the far end of the plait round before his eyes.
"Well I'm damned," said Jack, looking right at it in the sunlight. "Well I'm damned; you are quite right. There are several grey hairs...scores of grey hairs. It is positively grizzled, like a badger-pie. I had never noticed."
Six bells.
"Will I tell you something more cheerful?" asked Stephen.
"Please do," said Jack, looking up from his queue with that singularly sweet smile Stephen had known from their earliest acquaintance.
I read that passage to a friend of mine after I made him watch the movie with me and he was like "what the FUCK." I like to expose other people, unversed in the Aubrey/Maturin series, and watch them utterly boggle at what we are witnessing, like exposing someone with no tolerance to a deadly poison. “Singularly sweet smile.” Good christ. You've never mentioned thinking that Jack has a sweet smile before, Stephen, I simply had to infer that you thought so from your every word and action for the past 10 years and 15 books.
Anyway. Jack's bad mood doesn’t survive an encounter with the stowaway title character, who I feel remiss in not mentioning till 700 odd words into this review. CLARISSA OAKES, a woman who is hard done by the world, both in-fiction and metatextually since the cowardly dogs who put out the US edition removed her name from the title. I’m starting to think misogyny is real and maybe is still with us to this day….
To be honest, I was really leery of Clarissa’s whole plotline when I read descriptions of it in other reviews of this book. She was sexually abused by her guardian as a child and later becomes a sex worker at a brothel in London, and in telling Stephen about one of her clients she puts him onto a break in his big case. The naval intelligence connection and the entire escapade on Moahu end up feeling incidental; the real attraction of this book for me is Clarissa, both watching the deterioration of all her shipboard relations and the real warmth and affection that springs up between her and Stephen. I think Stephen describes her at one point as combining worldliness with a certain naivete; she's both attractive and likable and yet for all that her viciousness and remoteness are what alienate her from others. She reminds me a lot of Stephen himself, to be honest. 
I knew it was coming but the scene where she reveals the abuse she suffered as a child is surprising because it feels so spontaneous and perfectly natural. O'Brian captures that fleeting feeling where you can suddenly find yourself telling someone you barely know things you've never spoken of to anyone else in your life. She's drawn to Stephen for one of the qualities I've always admired about him: his steadfast commitment to our National (International??) No Snitching Policy. They’re united in their hatred of impertinent questions! “You should be addicted to shutting the fuck up.” They embody this beautifully, and it leads to a very lovely friendship.
I mentioned last time that, for all the joy in The Nutmeg of Consolation, there was a real sense of dread or foreboding which is even more prominent here. I kept bracing myself for something awful to happen to Clarissa for the whole book. I think in a more traditional narrative something more character arc-y might have happened with her; maybe her promiscuousness would have had consequences and things would have come to a head.
I suppose you could call it another example of deferred conflict: nothing awful happens to her. She sails away in the end. Her marriage is mostly joyless, but she is certainly better off than she was before, and has the possibility of a future and maybe real happiness, and it’s almost certain that we haven't seen the last of her.
Deferral of conflict doesn't have to mean deferral of catharsis. It's like a Cinderella story, right down to the pivotal scene of getting Clarissa a new dress. She doesn't grow or change, really, but there is a real satisfaction in her defiant ability to just live and survive. The affection between her and Stephen is what sells it I think—the scene where he's running late for dinner (again) and she helps him dress is so charming—and the book ends with their bittersweet parting.
And that's that! Don't really have much to add about the little colonial adventure on Moahu here, other than to say that the ad copy, if the not the text of the books themselves, is always playing up the "head-hunting cannibals" aspect of the Pacific Islanders in a way that is exoticizing at the very least and downright racist at worst, and yet no Polynesian character we've ever met in these novel has been even close to as unpleasant as any of the white people we met in Boston when Jack and Stephen were POWs there in The Fortune of War. Give me the man soup any day before sending me back to Beantown again, I beg you!
NEXT TIME: Homeric seas. Literal islands forming from fiery volcanoes in front of our eyes. And an even scarier natural phenomenon than that: gradually drifting apart from a friend you used to be close with. 🙀 See you then!
The Far Side of the World (10) > HMS Surprise (3) > Desolation Island (5) > The Reverse of the Medal (11) > The Nutmeg of Consolation (14) > The Ionian Mission (8) > The Fortune of War (6) > Clarissa Oakes/The Truelove (15) > Master & Commander (1) > The Surgeon’s Mate (7) > Treason's Harbour (9) > The Letter of Marque (12) > The Thirteen-Gun Salute (13) > Post Captain (2) > The Mauritius Command (4)
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mistypeonyy · 10 months
The OG Forensic 4 🔥🔥🔥🔥
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awesomewill453 · 2 years
One of the things that will always warm my heart is the genuine emotion that occurs between a sailor and a ship. I love it when it is depicted in any form of media.
Things like:
- The song Eight Bells by the Jolly Rogers
- the Millennium Falcon and all her pilots and captains
- the Black Pearl and both Captain Jack Sparrow and Captain Barbossa. They always return to her in the series
- the crew of the Rocinante from the Expanse among others.
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tilda-rothery · 6 months
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What's this? What's this?
A sneak peak of my current WIP you say 😏
My favourite Halloween movie/Dovesso mash-up fanart is in the works.
Apologies for the dire quality, I hastily snapped a photo of my drawing pad 😝
I cannot express how excited I am for this! Fingers crossed I don't go and fuck it it...
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crabbng · 10 months
characters from my SECOND webcomic color wheel!
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Arianna from https://castoff-comic.com by @thestarfishface she's mean and she's rude and i love that for her. more angry women. i think she's got some trauma. some baggage. but she can do cool fighting magic so its like... at least there's that? you look cool, arianna.
Tiara from https://wychwoodcomic.com by @varethane she doesn't wear tiaras (YET). i'm still waiting on it. cool fire magic. her eyes glow in the magic realm but that was a weird situation for everyone so let's just not think about it too hard haha. has an attitude (i'm here for it)
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Puffer from https://pufferandclarissa.com by @jamesnelsonart just read this! it's super great. i'm going to punch her mom. she needs to go on bestie adventures with clarissa and find her sense of self-worth. she puffs up her cheeks.... it's cute. is that why her name's puffer? unknown.
Boggmouth from https://ghostjunksickness.com by @spacerocketbunny and @feathernotes the classic. big alien girl who could toss me into space. we love it. was supposed to die but was too cool. her head tentacles intrigue me. i don't think she can move them but like what if..
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Yineshe from Witch Heart @hamboneslamdome she's The it girl. she's the moment. she's a demon queen. she can do it all. hears about an epic fight for her hand and is like :/ cringe. and then just stops it immediately. no sweat. queen.
Queen Astralis from https://jackbeloved.com (@jackbeloved) GIANT!!! WOMAN!!!!!! you can see her bones through her skin. her hair is the night sky. has a lot to deal with, unfortunately. she looks great doing it though.
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Damien from https://brotherswebcomic.com by @breenheath a bit snobby, a bit snotty. something's up with him though. i want to study him under a microscope. is NOT passionate about mail delivery and for that he is CRINGE.
Begonia from http://ctccomic.com by @velinxi oh, begonia... you've got some real thinking to do about your current employment. i think her heart is in the right place, but uhhh.. do some thinking. amazing fashion. has had very long hair and a bob, they both are Iconic.
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internutter · 1 year
Free Crossover Idea to a Loving Home
[NGL I will probably commit a fanfic about this at some point but y’all take it where you want to go]
Also offensensitivity warning for disturbing content in the media I am about to reference. General child abuse for one and also including sexual abuse in the other. Dead dove, do not eat.
Opal or Claire (depending on whether you want her to have identity issues) shares a loving, caring, and nurturing foster home with Clarissa. They become adoptive sisters and help each other through their issues.
...in mine, Opal/Claire gets a burger toy that she likes to dance with. Still tossing a coin as to whether it’s a squeaky toy or a plushie.
Pass around, and do with it as you please. Tag whomsoever you think might be into this hot mess.
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Jack: *screams*
Clarissa: *screams louder*
Simone: Should we do something?!
Nikki, observing: No, I want to see who wins this.
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heartlandians · 2 years
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Exclusive: First Look At ‘Heartland’ Season 16
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Jacky: You look nice, I want to kiss you.
Clarissa: What?
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allthemurders · 11 months
silent witness playlists masterlist
as you’ll be able to see, most of these playlists are currently incredibly empty, so if you:
have song suggestions
want to be added to any (or all) of the playlists as a collaborator
have a request for a new playlist
then you can lmk by commenting, reblogging, sending an ask, or dming me on instagram or discord :)
playlist links under the cut!
character playlists
adam yeun (currently empty)
cara connelly (currently empty)
clarissa mullery (currently empty)
gabriel folukoya (currently empty)
harry cunningham
jack hodgson
leo dalton (currently empty)
nikki alexander
sam ryan (currently empty)
simone tyler (currently empty)
thomas chamberlain (currently empty)
velvy schur
ship playlists
nikki x harry (do they have a ship name?)
platonic playlists
lyell team (clarissa, gabriel, harry, jack, leo, nikki, sam, simone, velvy)
misc playlists
general aesthetic
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