#could be worse; could be travis :p
marksandrec · 1 year
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Marks and Rec: Misc #2546
It's all part of the whimsy. (Dialogue from twitter: @/bimbolover's "debate team" tweet.)
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bread-squid-uwu · 2 months
I think its WILD that so many characters are just.. shown doing horrific things and people only talk about half of it. Like, yes mystreet was not meant to be taken seriously and it's all meant for jokes but holy shit this series was dark even when it was supposed to be funny.
Also, Katelyn and Travis were the two characters treated seriously DURING the point it was still supposed to be dramatic and for the jokes. Which makes those two stand out more than the rest, actually
Enough about them for a second,
Aaron and Gene were 19 crushing on a 14/15 year old as if that isn't literally p*dophilia. Garroth and Laurance were literally stalkers, absolute creeps and assaulted Aphmau many times over, Garroth could NOT take rejection and kept pursuing Aph despite everything- literally kissed her without consent, and Laurance did the exact same thing, Travis was a huge perverted creep who assaulted Katelyn and ignored her boundaries for the entire first half of season one, Dante was WORSE than Travis during PDH - he literally wrote a book about ignoring consent and harassing girls (thank god for his redemption arc in the later seasons jfc), Nicole claimed Dante was cheating despite the two literally never being in an official relationship at all aside from in high school when he actually did cheat on her, Ghost assaulted Zane many times and NOBODY BELIEVED HIM which is gross on Ghost AND everyone else. The entire "kitty" thing alongside the blackmailing and EVERYTHING.. and I've said enough about Katelyn lately, it's just repetitive now
Yeah it's not meant to be taken seriously but oh my god, this series when looking at it with actual sense is disturbing!!
But I think how the fandom treats this topic is the worst part, seeing as I got an ask telling me to get assaulted after I made a few posts about Katelyns recovery arc.
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queenofbaws · 6 months
Hello Queenie! I hope you're having a lovely weekend. For the fic writer ask, #5 and #21! :D
5. What fandom(s) did you write for this year?
ohohohooo! well, according to ao3, it was dragon age, man of medan, the quarry, and until dawn - really keeping that supermassive streak going, lmao - but a few other fandoms definitely snuck in there! my flash fiction weekends are good for that ;P off the top of my head, i KNOW i poked around in silent hill, control, and outlast too...just much, much less frequently. one of these days, though...ONE OF THESE DAYS...when that silent hill 2 remake finally comes out...i just hope you guys are ready for me to plunge right back into my silent hill obsession..........
21. Share your favorite piece of dialogue
askdlfjaklsdjfksdjf GODDDDDDD i haven't gotten to post this yet, so pardon me stripping away ALL of the context to keep it from entering spoiler territory, but........honestly, i think one of my fav convos i got to write this year was this:
“Oh thank you, sweet baby Jesus, thank you!” Chris sounded terribly close to tears as he said it, but as he rolled onto his back, Travis could see what he was doing was actually worse: He was laughing through his dry heaves. “I’ve never been so fucking—hrp!—glad to know what kinda underpants you all—blerch!—wear, holy shit.” His plan had been to help him back to his feet. Operative word in that one being ‘had.’ What he did then, however, was drop his arms, leaving Chris flat on the ground. “Really?” Travis asked, throwing an arm out towards the body. “Really?! You wake up next to a corpse, surrounded by people soaking in blood, and that's what you're worried about?!” “The corpse and the blood was—urrrk! oh Christ—expected. The threat of seeing you bare-ass was not.”
my 2023 writing year in review!!!
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The Reaper and the Death Angel Part 48
Satan crawled out of hell and gave me a monster migraine so this probably sucks. I really hope you're enjoying, as always I love to hear from you!
Series Masterlist
Part 47
Contains: Pain, gunshots, medical trauma, impromptu medical procedures marked with XXX, angst, big hurt even bigger comfort, caretaker Jax, I told you Clay was the big bad, I'm not sorry, maybe I am but only a little, discussions of combat PTSD, smut (oral sex F receiving, fingering, P in V)
7.9K Words
Comment if you want to be tagged/removed or follow #the reaper and the death angel.
Death is always a hair's breadth away.
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"You texted me and told me to meet you at the old lumber house off the highway."
Bobby didn't respond right away, "Sam, you need to get out of there right….."
"Sam, Sam?" Bobby could hear groaning over the line, then the phone went dead. Sam felt searing heat hit his torso, then he hit the ground. He brought his hand to his chest and it came away wet, when he looked down, it was covered in blood.
"We need to see if he's still alive."
Sam held his breath as he heard footsteps, "no, he said to be careful, I can't see him breathing, we need to go now." Sam knew those voices, as the footsteps moved away Sam moved his eyes towards the door and saw a flash of a boot, he knew those boots too.
The Nomads
Sam waited until the car, a van he thought, left, then fumbled with his phone, he called you and hoped to God you picked up. "Hey, everything ok?"
Sam pressed on his bleeding chest, "I've been shot, I'm at the empty house by the lumber mill."
He could hear you rushing around, "I'm on my way, please just keep talking to me, where are you shot?"
He grunted, "chest, it's bleeding pretty bad."
Your breathing raced, "I'm coming, I'll be there before you know it."
You muffled the phone with your hand while you yelled at Travis as you ran out, "get the cops and an ambulance to the abandoned house off the highway, Sam's there, he's been shot." Travis called right away, but you didn't stay to see.
Running to your car, you turned on the lights and sirens and flipped on the portable police radio and drove us, "I'm driving there now, helps on the way, do you know who it was?"
Another grunt, "I'll tell you when you get here."
The radio crackled, "l/n to Hale."
There was a click, "yeah, we're on our way now. Don't worry."
You drove as fast as you could, trying to talk to Hale and Sam at the same time. It felt like hours, Sam's breathing got worse and his words became slurred, "I can see the house now, I'm here."
Sam could hear your car pulling up and he felt the world get a little darker. You raced to the trunk and got out the first aid kit, the thoughts of preserving the crime scene in the back of your mind, clicking the radio again to let Hale know, "there's forensic evidence here, call the lab and get them down to collect, don't let anyone else on the scene."
"Done, just hold on, we're close behind you."
You ran into the house and dropped at Sam's side, "I knew you'd get here in time." You looked him over, he was covered in blood and was bleeding from a wound on his right side, and another one on his left flank, the blood spilling between his fingers.
"Yeah, I'm here, now let me help."
You got gauze out of your bag and started packing the would, Sam grunting in pain, "it's bad isn't it?"
You swallowed, "yeah it is but help's on the way." The sound of a bike made you jump.
It was Bobby, you leapt up and ran to the door, "don't disturb the footprints, if you're going to come any closer, make sure the cops know where you walked." Bobby saw you were covered in blood and rushed to do as you asked, following you into the derelict house.
"I'm back, it's just Bobby." You handed Bobby gauze and he helped you keep pressure on the wound on Sam's side, "who shot you."
Sam grunted again, "it was the Nomads, I knew their voice and one of them was wearing Franky's favourite boots."
You looked over at Bobby his eyes wide, "Sam was unconscious when we got here, understand me?"
Bobby's eyes went wide, "why?"
You almost glared at him, "who are the Nomads closet with?"
He swallowed, "Clay."
You nodded, "who has the most to gain by making the Club look weak?"
"Clay." Bobby gritted his teeth.
"Did you tell anyone what happened?"
He nodded, "just that I think something was going down with Sam and I was going to check it out." You took a deep breath as you put more weight on the bullet wound, there was so much blood and no matter how hard you pressed, it kept spilling from his body.
Sam lifted his blood covered hand to your face "you need to look after Ima, tell her how much I love her, please."
It felt like you were floating in the coldness of the roaring sea, "you can tell her yourself."
He gasped, red painting his lips, "I'm bleeding out, you and I both know I'm not going to make it in time."
"Yes, you will, you have to." The sound of the approaching sirens was deafening and the red and blue lights made your hands shake.
It was said from far enough away that Hale had to yell, then Shay and Gabby were by your side, "how bad is it."
You and Bobby helped them lift Sam onto the stretcher, "bad, I'll ride with you."
Sam was fading on and out now, his skin pale and coating is sweat. "Tell them nothing."
Bobby nodded, "I'll call Jax now." You didn't stay to talk any longer, the slam of the ambulance's doors felt like the closing of a tomb.
You help as Shay hooked Sam up to all the machines, "his blood pressure is in the toilet."
You looked at the wound on his right side, "that's because his hepatic artery is damaged, it needs to be clamped."
She looked at you with worry, "we can't do that."
You shook your head, "I can, I'm an emergency combat specialist. Get me a scalpel and a clamp now."
She rooted around the drawers, using one hand to keep pressure on his wound, "we need to tube him, can you do the clamping on your own?" You nodded and went to work, opening the scalpel package with your teeth.
He didn't fight as Shay put the tube down his throat to breathe for him and your chest ached with worry, you put the tip of the blade where the bullet wound started and sliced. Then shoved your fingers into the cut and found the bleeding artery, pinching it with your fingers while you ripped open the clamp packaging in much the same was you did with the scalpel.
There was a horrible beeping, "he's crashing." You swore you could hear the screaming of gunfire over your head, there was someone screaming for a medic somewhere off in the distance, for an instant, you could feel the hot sand under your feet.
You took a deep breath as you released your fingers, moving with shaking hands to use the clamp to seal off the artery. You looked over at the monitors, hoping you were fast enough, "pressure's coming up."
Your breath caught, he just might live. The next five minutes were torture as you reached the hospital, there were a team of doctors already waiting out the front for you. You stayed by Sam's side, doing your best to tell them what happened, "multiple gunshot wounds, hepatic artery clamped on route."
One of the surgeons gave a hearty nod, "you probably saved his life now let us do our jobs."
You got to the OR doors and suddenly felt stuck to the spot, your hand unable to let Sam's go, "we'll look after him, I promise." It was like time slowed as you dropped his hand, when he disappeared from your view, the air purged itself from your chest.
You stumbled outside, the warm air hitting your face and slid down a wall. It took a few seconds to register that you were soaked in blood but you couldn't figure out what to do from there, it was like your brain was stuck in a pool of quicksand.
You could hear bikes and you knew they were the guys but it was like it was happening a million miles away. "Y/n. y/n." Whoever was talking sounded so worried, there was a flash of white shoes and dark jeans in front of you, then Jax's face blurred into view.
Jax could smell the iron coming off your skin as you met his eyes, this breath catching when he saw the look on your face. You flinched as his hands came towards your face, Jax stopping in his tracks.
"I….I.. someone needs to go tell Ima, she's not meant to be home till tonight."
You went to stand up and Jax put his hands on your face, well aware you had smeared the blood from your hands over your skin, "take a deep breath and tell me what happened."
"Sam got shot, he's not going to make it."
Jax's breath caught in his throat, "how do you know that?"
Jax didn't know what to do, "the trauma triad of death, severe blood loss causes acidic blood, hypothermia and inability to clot, he had all three." There was a coldness in your voice that worried Jax to his core.
"Who's going to tell Abel, is he with Gemma?"
Jax did his best to pull you away from your racing thoughts, "he's at home with Gemma and Juice."
Jax was getting more and more worried, you were looking through him, not at him. "I need to go back to the scene, there has to be something that points us to the shooter. Hale sent a car with the ambulance, I'll get him to take me."
Jax's hands moved to your shoulders, holding you in place, "hey, you're in shock, you're not thinking clearly right now."
You shook your head, "what's there to think clearly about? The evidence is degrading as we speak, there's no point in me staying here when I'm just waiting for the news I know I'm going to get. It's not like I haven't been here before, I came to terms with the fact that I would lose him the day he joined the crops."
Jax was taken aback as you shrugged him off you, "the lab's already there, I need to go meet them." Jax didn't know what to do, it was like he wasn't even there are you were talking to yourself.
Jax felt a hand on his shoulder, Bobby was standing next to him, "let her go, I'll tell you what we know." Jax stepped back and watched you stomp towards the deputy and his car and after a short exchange, you were climbing in and he was driving off.
Jax put his hand to his head, "what the fuck happened?" Bobby did his best not to let on what he knew, even if Clay and the Nomads weren't there.
"I'll tell you guys inside."
The drive back to the house was silent, you got out before it had even come to a stop, Holt greeting you with worry in his eyes, "how's your brother?"
You shrugged, "dying, what have you found?"
Holt took your elbow and walked you to Hodgins, "the boot prints are nice and clear, we'll get and ID from these."
You looked them over and zeroed in on one, the person had something wrong with their left leg, a prosthetic. You pulled Hale and Holt aside and took your phone out, ringing Vance without hesitation.
"Hey, how are things down there? I didn't expect to hear from you for another few weeks."
Holt knew about your work with the CIA, the whole lab did, "Sam's been shot by other Son, I'm pretty sure they're the ones going the home invasions."
"Do what you need to do to ensure the continued safety of our operation, I'll have the paperwork to your boss and Sheriff Hale within an hour. You need anything?"
You felt a weight lift, at least you wouldn't need to deal with the cops, "no."
"We'll take it from here, any evidence will go to you, then it will be declared as useless so you never have to worry about this going anywhere."
You nodded, "thank you, I'll be in touch."
Your car was still there as you took your keys out of your back pocket and drove back to the hospital.
Bobby finally managed to pull Jax and Opie aside without alerting the others, "Sam was awake when we got there."
Jax's eyebrows furrowed, "you told us…"
Bobby shook his head, "Sam said it was the Nomads, y/n said to keep quiet about it."
Opie huffed, "who do they spend the most time with and who do they always vote with?"
Jax felt white hot rage run up his spine, "Clay."
Bobby nodded, "that's what y/n said, she also thinks he has a lot to gain for these home invasions."
Before they could say more, Happy was walking back towards them. "The doc won't talk to anyone who isn't family, it's not looking good."
Jax sat back down, he hoped you had found more back at the scene. He got his answer ten minutes later when you returned to the hospital, he raced up to you and took you back to the waiting room.
"Where is everyone?"
By everyone, you were referring to the Nomads and Clay, "at the Clubhouse, a hit so close to home has got everyone a bit worried."
You nodded, "you guys can go home, I'll wait here until they ask me to ID the body."
Happy stood up and walked over to you, "doc said he's still in surgery, we don't know what's going on."
"Great, Sam's phone was ruined in the shooting so there's no way of knowing how or why he was there, we'll have to wait until he wakes up."
That was a lie, it was back with Angela and Penelope being looked over. Jax put a hand on your forearm, "I'm going to take you home so you can clean up, ok?"
You shook your head, "I'm fine, I need to wait here for Ima to arrive."
"She's on her way, you can't see her while you're still covered in Sam's blood."
Jax felt you stiffen and watched as it seemed you suddenly realised you were covered in blood, "come on, I'll take you home. Can I have your keys?" You reached into your pocket and handed them to him, Jax taking your arm and walking you outside.
"Call me with any updates."
Jax's tone was tight and Bobby gave a curt nod, "everything's going to be ok y/n, I promise."
"You can't promise me anything."
Jax texted Gemma and told her to stay in Abel's room with Juice, there was no way he wanted Abel to see you in this state. "You doing ok?" Jax knew you weren't, you hadn't said a word since you got into the car and you kept trying to rub the dried blood off your hands.
"I'm fine." Jax came over to the passenger side and helped you out, placing a hand on your lower back as he walked you into the house then into the first bathroom he could find.
"Bobby told me what Sam saw, did you find anything at the crime scene?"
Jax was unbuttoning your top, doing his best to keep himself together, "three shooters, one had a prosthetics leg. The sizes roughly match the Nomads and a boot print that was on the front of Gemma's door after the break in was in the dirt by the door. There was also a shell casing with a burnt on finger print which is being run through the database now. It was the Nomads."
Jax clenched his jaw so hard he thought his teeth were going to break, he helped you get undressed, then sat you on the edge of the tub and went to the cabinet, returning with a basin and a sponge.
He filled the basin with warm water and used the sponge to clean the blood of you, Jax took in the look on your face, like you and your thoughts were somewhere else. You didn't resist as he took your hands and dabbed the blood off them, nor did you react when he wiped it off your face.
He didn't know what to say, so he didn't talk, he just cleaned you slowly and methodically, hoping that leaving you to your thought wasn't doing more damage. A sniff from you yanked his away from his task, when he looked back at your face, you were crying.
"Hey, it's ok. Don't cry."
Jax dropped the sponge and took your face in his hands, his heart stuttering at the look of panic in your eyes, "oh my God, what am I going to do, this can't be happening."
One of Jax's hands moved to grab your wrist to stop you from making more mess, "let's get you into the shower."
Jax hauled your up and turned on the water, pushing you inside and getting in with you, "you're still…"
Jax put his hand on your cheek, "they'll dry, we need to get you sorted so you can talk to Abel." Your breath hitched at Abel's mention, "hey, look at me."
Your eyes drifted from the floor to meet Jax's seas blue gaze, "Sam's the toughest motherfuck I know, it's going to take more than a few bullets to bring him down. I think he'll live just to spite Clay." You gave him a sad laugh and Jax let out the breath he was holding.
Once Jax felt the tension fade from your bones, he turned the shower off and dried your skin then handed you some clean clothes he got from the laundry and helped you get dressed before drying off and dressing himself. "There's still blood under my nails, why didn't I wear gloves?"
Jax swallowed, "because you didn't have the time to put them on, I'll fix you up." He walked you to the laundry and sat you down, then ran upstairs and came back with the nail care kit you kept by the sink.
He opened and offered you his hand and you placed yours in it, Jax moving slowly to clean every trace of blood away. "How are you feeling?"
You shrugged, "I feel like this after that op where Travis got hurt, I think I'm in shock but I can't tell. Everything feels like it's moving in slow motion."
Jax smiled softly, "do you want to go talk to Abel or do you want to get some rest? Ima won't be back for another few hours."
You shook your head, "Abel needs to hear what happened, plus, if I sleep now I'll have nightmares." Jax put his hand on your cheek.
"Alright, we'll tell him together."
You took a deep breath and made your way to Abel's room with Jax, Gemma opening as soon as you knocked, "mummy, mummy." Abel ran up to you and wrapped you in a hug.
"What's wrong mummy?"
You picked him up and carried him to the couch, "Uncle Sam is really badly hurt and he's in the hospital, he's going to be there for a little while."
Abel put his hand in yours, "is he going to die?" Jax took a sharp breath.
"I'm not sure, he might but we have to trust that the doctors will look after him. If you want, you can come and see him when he wakes up."
Abel nodded "ok mummy."
You pressed a kiss to his forehead, "I'm going to go back and wait for Auntie Ima but I'll call grandma when I know more, alright."
"ok mummy, I love you."
You smiled and gave him a quick hug, "I love you too."
You walked out of the room and Gemma followed, leaving Abel with Juice, "what happened?"
You shrugged, "Sam got ambushed and shot, it doesn't look like he's going to pull through, not from what I saw. There's nothing else to say right now."
"What are you talking about?"
You crossed your arms over your chest, "Sam has been severely injured and dealing with life threatening blood loss when I left him at the hospital. He might die, we don't know who did or why. I will let you know more the moment I can."
You went right to the car, "it's clean?"
Jax nodded, "I got Juice to give it a once over, you want me to drive." You nodded and handed him the keys.
Sam was in an ICU room when you got there, "how is he?"
Bobby didn't seem worried, "They didn't tell me much because I'm not family." You patted Bobby on the arm and went to find a doctor before going into Sam's room.
"You saved your brother's life, had you not clamped the artery, he would have bled out. But it's going to be a bit of a long road, the walls of the artery are thin after the repair so he's going to need to take it easy for the next two months while it heals. Nothing too crazy, just no heavy lifting and light exercise."
You shook your head, "he was acidotic and not colting, his advanced care directive states clearly he doesn't want to be kept alive if he can't live normally."
The doctor sat you down, "I noticed your tattoos, Sam's too. Did you spend time overseas?"
You nodded, "I know it's hard to separate yourself for what you saw over there but this isn't Afghanistan, when people show up in this ER in the state your brother was in, we don't just give up and move on to someone with a better chance."
It felt like the weight of the world lifted from you, "thank you, please pass my gratitude on to the other people who were in the OR." Jax waited with you for Ima, he sat next to you with his hand linked in yours while your other hand held Sam's. It was soon after midnight when Happy knocked on the door to let you know Ima was here with Lyla.
You ran up to her a hugged her as tight as you could but her attention was on her husband lying in the bed behind you. "What happened?"
Her voice was rough from crying, "he got shot, he's going to be fine." She stumbled over to the bed and flopped into the chair opposite yours.
"Do you know who did it?"
You nodded, "I do, but I can't tell you here."
She swallowed, "let me guess, the same person that got you shot?"
You huffed, "good guess, you know we can't do anything about it yet. I'll tell you more at home ok, we might need your help."
She smiled softly, "anything."
She left out a sad laugh and reached into her bag, pulling a wad of fabric out and handing it to you. Jax bent over and wrapped his arms around her, Ima pressed her face into his chest, "he has to wake up, I can't live without him."
You unwound the fabric and your heart stopped, it was a SAMCRO onesie, "I was going to tell him, I know we agreed to wait until the Club was out of guns but it just happened."
Jax's eyes got wet, "he's going to be ok Darlin, don't you worry and there's no way he's going to lose his patch, no matter how long it takes him to get back on his feet. You're going to make a great mum." That seemed to be the last straw for Ima and she collapsed against Jax in a mess of sobs.
You sat back down and reached across the bed to grab her hand, "Sam is going to be over the moon when he finds out. I see the way he looks at you when you're with Abel, and my the time the little one is born, this will be all over."
Another hacking sob, "it wasn't supposed to go like this."
"I know, but we have to keep going, everything's pans out in the end." You could feel the building rage in Jax as he let Ima cry against his chest, this was not going to end well for Clay.
You were on your fifth coffee when Sam's vitals showed signs he was waking up, Ima was fast asleep next to him, pressed against the railing so she wasn't lying on his injuries. You had sent Jax away to handle Club business, he had been texting you every twenty minutes and there had been a steady stream of people in and out.
A groan jolted Ima awake and Sam shifted, "fuck."
His hand squeezed around Ima unconsciously, "Sammy, baby?"
Sam groaned and rubbed his face, "I got shot."
You chuckled, "yeah, in the chest, you want more drugs?"
He shook his head slowly, "I want to get out of here."
You shook your head, "not for a little while, I'll go get the doc." You were back with the doctor a few moments later, who gave Sam the same story she gave you and Ima, take it easy for the next two months, don't do anything strenuous.
"Go home, both of you."
Ima's face changed, "I am not leaving you."
You felt a bit stuck, the last thing you wanted to do was get in the middle, "you need rest, you've been travelling the last three days, I'll be fine."
You palmed your forehead, "let Ima stay until someone comes to relieve her, I call the guys now."
Sam acquiesced, "fine, but once they're here I want you to go home."
Ima smiled softly, "I'm ok with that."
She walked you out, stopping at the door to talk to you, "when should I tell him?"
You thought for a minute, "whenever it feels right. If you let him know, he'll let you stay longer."
She smiled, "you think he'll take it ok, after all this?"
You nodded, "yeah, I do." You gave Ima a hug and left hoping that Sam would take the news well.
"Hey doll, you doing ok?"
Ima climbed back into Sam's arm, "I'm alright, are you?"
Sam smiled against her skin, "I'm alive, that's all that matters." She paused for a moment then got up and went into her bag. "I got you something."
Sam grinned, "at the porn convention?"
She shook her no and handed him something, "no, not at the convention."
Sam unfurled the wad of soft, light yellow fabric and his heart skipped a beat, "is this….are you?"
His eyes were wet, "yeah, you're going to be a…"
Sam cut Ima off with a kiss, "thank you, thank you, thank you. I am the luckiest man in the world."
Ima sniffed, "so you want to be a dad, even with everything going on?"
Sam put his hands on her cheeks, "of course I do, by the time the little guy is here, we'll be out of guns anyway."
Ima giggled, "you think it's a boy?"
Sam nodded, "yep, but I don't really care. If it's a girl, between you and my sister, she'll turn out fine."
Ima pressed her forehead against this, "I love you so much."
"I love you too."
You drove to the Clubhouse with a plan, Jax had called church so you could 'tell them what you knew,' which was nothing and then tell him, Bobby and Ope the truth when you were back at the hospital. Jax had made sure that the only people alone with Sam could be trusted, Juice was there now, having swapped Abel duties with Kozik but there was still the worry that something would happen to him.
As you walked into the chapel, the room felt different, there was tension around the table, "you find anything?"
You shook your head, "only that one of the boot prints in the dirt by the house matched the boot print on Gemma's front door."
Clay sounded as fake as he always did, "the same people that shot my brother are breaking into the homes of people under the Club's care." There were hushed gasps and someone slammed their fist on the table.
"Whoever's doing this is trying to make Jax and the Club look weak, they're trying to undermine Jax's leadership and the Club's ability to keep the town safe. You need to keep up with the community engagement and watch out, I wouldn't put it past these people to hit our own homes to stoke resentment between members."
You paid close attention to the Nomads and Clay, they were doing their best not to give anything away, "did Sam say anything about the shooter?"
Judging by the tone in Greg's voice, you knew he was the one who shot Sam, "no, he can't remember anything past driving into the lot. With the blood loss and the drugs, he never will." He visibly relaxed and Jax saw it.
"You heading back to the hospital?"
You nodded, "this afternoon, I want to spend some time with Abel. If I know anymore, I'll call."
You bent down and pecked Jax, "alright Darlin, keep your eyes open." You smiled, "of course."
Jax looked over the car engine, it was a mess but the man who dropped it needed it for work and he was taking your advice and doing his best to help out anyone who asked for it.
Happy returned for his shift with Sam, swapping with Phil who was promised as much hospital jello as he wanted, "how is he?"
Happy gave a soft smile, "good, Ima won't leave his side. They both seem a lot happier than I thought they would be considering."
Jax blinked, doing his best not to give anything away, "I'm guessing they're happy he's alive and well."
Happy pointed behind him at Nero's car pulling into the lot, "I'll take it from here Pres." Jax nodded and walked off to greet Nero, stopping to take a file from his tool drawer.
Nero shot him an easy smile, "I'm sorry to hear about y/n's brother, how's he doing?"
Jax tilted his head, "fine, a bit beat up but he's getting through it."
Nero nodded, "that's good to hear, you're mum said you had something you wanted to talk about?"
"Yeah, let's go inside." Jax walked Nero to his office, "have a seat." Jax thought through his pitch, "you put any more thought into expanding?"
Nero tilted his head, "why do you ask?"
Jax handed him a file, "the women at CaraCara are always looking for more work, and there's an old elk's lodge off the highway, we're in good with the mayor so we'll get it without a problem. The Club will cover all the start up costs, and then we split everything fifty fifty. Diosa Norte."
"Partners, huh?"
Jax nodded, "I got an end game in sight, Sam is lying in a hospital bed with two holes in his chest. We've got to move away from the stuff that's killing us."
Nero considered Jax's words, "if we were to do a deal, it would have to be completely clear of other traffic, see I can't be pulled into the heat of all the things you're moving away from."
Nero offered Jax his hand, which Jax took, "ok, let's see where this goes."
Jax smiled, "one more thing, be careful of my mother, she's going through a lot right now."
Nero swallowed, "thanks."
Jax pulled in next to your car, a smile growing on his face as you turned your head to the sound of his bike. You got out of the car in a rush and were wrapping your arms around him before he had the chance to take his helmet off.
"Hello to you too Darlin."
You giggled, "I missed you is all."
Jax didn't miss the way you tried to bury yourself in his arms, "Ima's still here."
He jutted his head towards her car, "yes I know, we better go inside and say hello before Opie and Bobby get here."
Jax wrapped his arm around your back and walked you inside, stopping to get you a coffee on the way. When you got to Sam's room, he was talking with Ima, his huge hand encompassing her cheek, "you two look cosy."
Ima blushed, "we're just talking about the baby, can we knock one of the shared walls down so we can expand our bedroom and move closer to you guys?"
You looked at Jax, who smiled and huffed, "why not, we'll have it done in a month."
"See babe, I told you they'd be ok with it."
You shook your head, "you gonna find out the sex?"
Sam shook his head, "nah, we want it to be a surprise."
Sam flinched every now and then, "when are they letting you out of here?"
"Next week, I'm still not clotting properly."
You sat next to him with Jax, opposite Ima, "when are Opie and Bobby getting here?"
You looked at your watch, "in ten. You heard from Clay or the Nomads?"
Sam nodded, "Clay came by when Chibs was here, all he said was that the Club was here for us and things seemed to be going to hell with Jax running things."
"Oh wow, I told you so."
Jax huffed, "yeah, you did."
Knock knock
Bobby and Opie walked in, "how is everyone?"
Sam smiled, "we're good, pissed, but good."
They pulled chairs from around the room and sat by the bed while you locked the door, "now, what are we going to do?"
"We act like nothing's wrong while we gather information. As hard as it's going to be, we need proof before we accuse four members of something like this."
Nods all around, "what can I do?"
Ima didn't sound scared, "play the devastated wife, then watch for their reactions. You're looking for guilt and false reassurance."
"I can do that easy."
You took a deep breath, "the rest of you just need to continue business as usual, we'll disclose this information only if necessary. Now, Happy called me at lunch and asked for recommendations on a nice restaurant since his mum's MS seems to be in remission and Clay overheard so I've got Anvil watching the house while they're not there."
Jax swallowed, "and if they see the Nomads?"
You smiled, "they'll walk up to them and act like they think the Nomads are there to look after Happy's mum and aunt just like they are."
Opie huffed, "I'm really glad you're on our side."
You slapped him on the arm, "you should be. As for Sam, you don't remember anything."
He nodded, "yep, as far as I'm concerned, it could have been aliens." Bobby spoke next, "when do we bring this to the Club?"
You shrugged, "when you have proof. They'll slip up sooner or later, all we have to do it wait."
Opie's face changed and a nasty smile took over his lips, "I know you said I could kill him, but I'll let you have fun first."
"Oh Opie, I like your thinking."
The street was quiet as the Nomads watched Happy's house, Clay was pretty clear that they should hit the house when no one was home but it was getting late and Gogo was getting antsy, "we need to go in now, they're not young women, and that psycho is protective, they'll be home soon."
There was a knock on the side of the van, "hello gentlemen, what brings you here today?"
It was Aden and Derek, Franky thought fast, "Clay sent us to watch the house, we figured they go after our families and this seem like a logical place to hit."
"Yeah, y/n too. You guys can go home, we've got big guns and more training."
They looked at each other, "how long are you going to be here?"
Aden shrugged, "until the problem goes away."
There was a beat of quiet, "well, that works for us."
Derek smiled, "we'll call Jax if we see anything that worries us."
With one last nod from Franky, they drove off, right to Clay's house. Clay opened the door with a scowl with they got there, "what the fuck happened?"
"Y/n happened, she had her Marine buddies posted at the house, they'll be there until this is all over."
Clay threw his cup at the wall, "fucking meddling bitch, what did you tell them?"
Franky clenched his jaw, "that you sent us there to watch the house, they bought it."
"What do we do here Clay, if she's on to us, she'll take it right back to Jax."
Clay shook his head, "she would have already said something if she had suspicions. We need to wait it out, if you make any more mistakes, you could blow the whole thing, sit back for a while."
Greg grunted, "if she finds out I shot her brother she's going to kill me."
Clay raised his voice again, "then she better not find out."
Sam had finally managed to get Ima to come home with you and Jax, after a quick dinner, you were all sitting around the TV with Abel in Jax's lap. "When can I see uncle Sam?"
You smiled, "if you want, we can see him for breakfast tomorrow morning?"
Abel nodded excitedly, "yay, thank you mummy." You were going to say something when a call from Aden interrupted.
You walked away to take it and returned five minutes later, "what's the news?"
You smiled, "the Nomads were there, and the tracker that Derek put on the van showed them going right back to Clay's place after they were confronted."
Jax swallowed, "should be let Happy know?"
You shook your head, "Derek's going to talk to him when they get back and let him know they'll be around."
Jax nodded, "do you think they'll catch on?"
You shook your head, "nope, next time I see Clay, I'm going to act like I think he had good intentions. He won't think past that."
Ima pressed her lips together, "when should I talk to Greg?"
You shrugged, "whenever you feel ready but only if you feel comfortable, I don't want you to do anything you think might put you at risk."
She nodded, "I'll be fine, I'm just a porn star to them, remember?"
Jax's face fell, "well, we love you and that's all that matters."
She smiled, "you guys are the best."
You were lying in bed with your head on Jax's chest when you got Happy's text.
Jax huffed, "he's a man of few words."
You chuckled, "that's an understatement."
Jax pressed his lips to your forehead, his hand warming your cheek, "you think you'll be able to sleep tonight?"
You shrugged, "no idea. I think I might set up an appointment with the museum shrink, the last forty-eight hours have been really rough and I can't seem to keep some of the….the thoughts, at bay."
Jax rolled over and pulled you into his arms, "you know we're partners right?"
You nodded, "of course I do."
Jax's hand moved back to your cheek, "then you can talk to me about these things, I know I can't understand what you saw over there but I can listen."
You sighed, "you don't need this shit in your head too Jax."
"I think I'm the one who gets to decide that, if I don't want to hear it, I'll tell you to stop. We're getting married, you have to be able to talk to me about what's going on in your head so I can be there for you." His voice was soft and gentle.
"The day it all happened, I thought, I knew I was going to die. Travis and I were huddled behind a blown out humvee when the Taliban came over the ridge, and all I could think was saving a bullet for each of us because I didn't want them to take us alive." Jax didn't react.
"There was this moment just after I watched Travis' legs go where all the sound went out of the air, I could hear someone screaming for a medic and my skin felt wet. I went to wipe my face and my hand got cut, it was only later that I realised that part of Travis' leg bone had turned into shrapnel and had ended up in my face, and that's what I cut my hand on."
Jax felt your chest shuttered, "I keep going back there, I'll hear something or just let my thoughts wander and then I'll be back in that sand waiting to die. I'm worried if I fall asleep, I'll wake up and the last three years are actually a dream and Sam getting shot is just reality seeping in. Oh my God, I sound like I'm going crazy."
Jax shushed you gently, holding up his hand, "how many fingers?"
You counted them "four fingers and one thumb."
Jax nodded, "you once told me that if you're in a dream you can't wake up from, count your fingers or read something, if you're dreaming, it won't make sense. I can't imagine how hard this must be or how many bad memories this must bring up but you're safe and so is Sam." Jax relaxed as you did, he could tell that all of this was just stress and exhaustion but that didn't stop him from worrying.
"Now, you need sleep or you're going to start seeing and hearing things and that's just going to make everything worse. Wait till Sam's back and if you still want to go see the shrink, I'll take you every week until you've worked through this. Until then, give yourself some time, you're not superwoman, you're allowed to need someone to be there for you."
"I'd be lost without you."
Jax huffed, "I don't know about that, you ask anyone and they say we'd be lost with you." You smiled and buried your face in his chest, "I love you so much Jackson, with everything I've done, I don't how I managed to land someone so wonderful."
"I love you too Darlin." His hand came to cup your face, his thumb rubbing back and forth over your cheek. When you looked up at him, he was looking down at you with such love on his face that you couldn't help reaching up and pressing a kiss to his lips.
The air changed as you lifted yourself up on your elbows, "I don't want to go to sleep right now." Jax gave you a soft smile, "I can see that, what do you want to do?" You pecked his chin, his beard tickling your lips, "what do you think?"
He chuckled and rolled on top of you, "you sure you want sex and not just something to distract you?"
You nodded, "I'm positive."
Jax smirked against your skin, "well then, I can do that." Jax kissed your neck slowly, taking the time to run his hands over your body while he removed your sleep shirt and panties.
He kissed down your body to your breasts, sucking a nipple into his mouth while his hand came up to gently stroke the other one. You gasped as his teeth grazed your skin, your hand coming up to wind into his hair, Jax grunting as you tugged.
"Be good, I want to take my time."
You huffed, "you always want to take your time."
Jax nipped the skin over your hip, "how could I not when you look and feel like this, it would be like chugging a three thousand dollar bottle of french wine."
You giggled, "I did that once."
Jax shook his head, "did it still give you a migraine?"
"Yeah, the week was ruined."
Jax licked a strip up your thigh, "did it taste any good?"
You shook your head, "I couldn't tell the difference, over all it was very disappointing." Jax reached your centre and his hand wrapped around your thigh, lifting your leg over his shoulder before moving to do the same with the other leg.
He started with small kisses over your slit before spreading you open and diving in like a man starved, his lips wrapping around your clit while he sucked it into his mouth. He took a slow and lazy pace, moaning as he got a taste of you. Your head fell against the pillows as your hands moved to push him closer.
Jax shifted and swapped his mouth with his thumb while he kissed the tops of your thighs and slid two fingers inside you, the pleasant stretch making you clench around them. You moaned as he pressed his calloused fingertips to your G-spot, "Jax, please."
He chuckled, "please what darlin?"
"I want you inside me." He nipped your inner thigh, "you got to cum for me first."
You huffed, "you're an ass."
He pressed your G-spot harder, "I thought you liked my ass."
You knocked his head with your knee softly, "you are insufferable."
Jax clicked his tongue as his thumb sped up on your clit, "you're going to say that to the man who's making you cum?"
You sigh, "no dearest, I'm sorry. You're barely sufferable."
Jax chuckled, "you're a brat."
You giggled, "yep." Jax shook his head and put his plump lips back on your clit while your back arched at the sensation.
He doubled his efforts, grunting as you soaked his fingers, "come on darlin, cum for me then I'll give you what you want." You were powerless to deny him as you squeezed his fingers. "There we go, was that so hard?" You grabbed his arms and pulled him up your body, Jax only moving because he didn't resist.
You hooked your legs over his hips and Jax slid into place, taking his cock in his hand before running the head over your wet slit, "you sure you want this?"
You huffed and pulled your legs towards your body, "yes please."
Jax leaned down and buried his face into your neck, rubbing his beard against your skin, "ok then, no need to beg."
You whimpered as he slid inside you. You could feel every ridge and vein on his cock and Jax's breath was getting stuck in his throat, "shit you're so tight." You moaned as he started to move, his hips grinding with a punch at the end that made you feel full to bursting.
"Jax, please." Jax sucked a bruise into your skin and moved his pelvis faster, one of his huge hands pushing you into the bed by your hips. With each pass, he was grinding over your clit. With another gasp, you were cumming around him, Jax's pace faltering as you clenched so hard he was having trouble moving.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck." Jax did his best to hold off but was unable, he pulsed inside while his lips brushed yours. You held him to you for a little while longer then he was sliding out of you and walking to the bathroom to get a damp cloth to clean you up. When that was done, he settled in bed next to you and pulled you into his arms.
"You feeling better now?"
He sounded sleepy and satisfied, "yes my love."
He chuckled as you were cut off by a yawn, "goodnight darlin."
"Good night beloved."
Part 49
Your comments are loved and I hoard them like a dragon hoards gold.
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mangom1lk · 1 year
ideal sonic voice cast
(disclaimer: i have not seen prime so i will not be considering those voices)
sonic: this is the only one i really have to think about for an extended period of time. it really comes down to how you write the character. sonic is pretty flexible outside of some core traits. i like max mittelman and i also like ryan drummond. jason griffith eventually became great imo but i would probably not ask for him back (not as sonic, anyway...)
tails: colleen o'shaughnessy. every tails voice actor has improved on the last imo, colleen is great
knuckles: dan green. i get the scott drier love but he plays knux a bit too flatly for my tastes. dan green is quintessential knuckles to me. travis willingham was always perfectly fine though not quite to dan green's standard for me, and while i do really respect dave b. mitchell's attempt i just don't think he sounds quite right. he'd be a good pick for boom knuckles though... they really need to merge the boom stuff that worked into the mainline series
shadow: jason griffith. again, respect to david humphrey, but he's not for me. my issue is that his line reads just sound kinda weird a lot of the time? he has a pretty good shadow voice, but jason's always been pretty great as shadow even back in ShTH. kirk thornton is... fine, but you can tell he's an older guy and he speaks a little slowly for my liking. (though if we're fancasting, mr. chongoblog doesn't do too bad a job either... 😳)
rouge: kathleen delaney, hands down. lani manella was alright but i feel like her rouge voice is a bit basic? karen strassman just sounds awful, I'm sorry. she's the embodiment of post-Gens rouge where they made her sex appeal her only trait and cut out everything else. and that's basically the voice strassman does. if they restored her character in future titles she would not be a good pick.
omega: i have no idea? i feel like almost anyone could do a good omega voice given good direction and a proper voice filter. even maddie blaustien's 06 performance sounds pretty good after being sped up and filtered like in p-06. john st. john is my favorite but i could go with anyone here
amy: i like the performances of jennifer duliard and lisa ortiz in the games about equal. lisa ortiz seems to have lost the voice however? she came back for sonic and tails r and she sounds pretty different in that, in a worse way. cindy robinson is another miscast like roger craig smith, though a good pick for boom amy. modern amy has very little character because i guess they figured the sonic crush wouldn't go over well these days?
cream: 🤷‍♀️
big: please can we get john st john back 😭 whoever voices him in frontiers just does not do a good job
eggman: i love mike pollock just as much as the rest of you but... god, i miss deem bristow. that dude had RANGE. and i LOVE his eggman performances. they're so good. he sounds so threatening in one breath and maniacal in the next, i love it. eggman doesn't really have that kind of writing lately which isn't a problem but it is something i miss
silver: pete capella. quinton flynn sounds perfectly okay, though a bit softer which i don't feel really fits silver. whoever the current voice is, bryce... something? i've heard clips of him and i REALLY do not like those. capella is peak silver imo.
blaze: bella hudson. her modern actress doesn't sound quite right
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fundiebuddy · 2 years
I'm also around katie and travis's age, and i also agree that they seem to have different priorities. I also think that she wants kids because carlin and josie have kids, and she wants to fit in with them as they're sort of clumped together in age. I'm kinda worried about her because a lot of things seem to go wrong with her, like the earring thing and her wedding dress. It's probably because that's what she's willing to share on social media though. Idk. Maybe it's because we sort of knew evan and kelton, but travis seemed to have sprung out of nowhere (idk how long they were courting, or engaged, or getting to know each other). Maybe this is how people around carlin's age felt when carlin got married :p
I agree on all points there although what's the earring thing?? Someone enlighten me @fundie Tumblr 🤣
I think you're spot on with the carlin and josie comment-they're all very similar in personality and I see katie wanting to join the 'cutesy mum' team. I feel like the fact that she went from living with a bazillion people to being home alone all day made everything so much worse and understandably so!
Idk to me they just seem like two people who could be friends but not two people who *get* each other like carlin/evan or zack/whit. And I'm worried that all those factors may lead to her being unhappy, but hopefully we're both wrong here (I still lost respect for her after the dog breeding thing tho..)
People in carlin and josie's age-did you all feel like this too when they got married?
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whozkay · 4 months
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i couldn't have had a worse day than yesterday. i tried my best to make my friend feel comfortable, but she yelled at me and acted like crazy? i know she has a lot of problems, but that's not an excuse to be an a*hole!
but, besides that (and i don't want to talk more about her), we could have really good activities like panting rocks, have a water fight and i backed cookies! (they went amazing btw)
you can see by the pictures 💕
for today, i bought a new notebook and some snacks! the goals are:
eat snacks 😋
(re)watch the big bang theory
decor my new notebook
read (always ✨)
(maybeeeee) redesign my tumblr page
and finally relax!
🎧 soundtrack:
bonus: cookies i made for my valentine ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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0 notes
nedflix-n-chill · 2 years
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Fortress of Amerikkka Oh hell yeah, I'm still riled up. I am 100% down for a film about a Native American clashing with corrupt cops and radicalized domestic terrorists. Bring it the fuck on, let's get political, I'm ready. Oh wait, this is a Troma movie, so I'm sure "Uncle Lloyd" will bend over backwards trying to convince you how this film is prescient with a "I just did this book report the night before without reading the book" -type of energy, loaded with enough nonsense to make one of my reviews look like Cahiers Du Cinema. Luv u Lloyd. But yeah for a militia that uses AmeriKKKa in their name they sure do have a surprising amount of Black people. And an equal number of women, this domestic terrorist cell is bafflingly diverse. That's also the whitest Native American I've ever seen, like not even the regular old swarthy Italian fake Native American that Hollywood loves so much, but what do I know I'm not fucking 23andMe. In fact, I don't even know what this militia's idealogy or goals even fucking are. They just kinda exist to shoot people. I'm actually not sure why anything is happening in this. There is very little plot unless you consider bewbs and exit wounds plot because if you do then this film might as well be fucking Momento. I mean you could do worse, right? Not rhetorical, like i need to know. Cuz while the fx are pretty dope, there's plenty of saucer sized bullet wounds with exploding viscera, I'm starting to worry about my mental. Like they say violent movies don't make people violent but I'm starting to think that bad movies might. Theres only so much trash a person can take before they start doing the whole Travis Bickle talking to himself in the mirror bit. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cfw476MFOWp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
0 notes
I exist as I am
it is yet again @jonnitweek time :D 
Day 4 - identity / fluff
Jonnit and their relationship with gender.
Jonnit sat at a table, breakfast among the crew these days was somewhat tense with their new status and the captain's death looming over their shoulders.
Dref didn’t like eating around other people so he had gone and locked himself in his own office to eat, Travis was sitting in front of him, he looked generally annoyed at the world while he ate his breakfast.
Gable arrived a few moments later, having gotten no food for themself as they usually stole from Travis, who always grabbed way too much.
“Hello Jonnit,” they said cheerfully, Jonnit smiled back, then they said “Travis.” who gave them a bleary glare.
They sat down next to him and in practiced familiarity went to grab Travis' mug.
He swatted at their hand like an annoyed cat. “That’s heartroot,” he said pointedly. “Which if you want you are going to have to blend yourself I’m afraid.”
They don’t seem at all surprised by this, just seem annoyed that they will have to get their own drinks later.
Jonnit stares at him, he has heard of heartroot before of course, it’s one of those things that he is aware of but has never actually thought about.
“You drink heartroot?” Jonnit asks in genuine curiosity.
Travis smirks. “Sometimes,” he says, “staying the same for so long would just be dreadfully boring don’t you think?”
Gable shakes their head a little. “I feel like you aren’t explaining this right.”
“Well how would you put it then?”
They seem to pause for a second. “You humans and your gender,” they say, then stare at Jonnit, “I’ve certainly never gotten it.”
And Jonnit thought he did, right up until that point where he wasn’t sure actually. He hadn’t grown up particularly sheltered, there are however things that you just don’t question, corsairs were generally a lot more free, and glamorous, in their expression.
“Dref, how does heartroot work?” Jonnit said as he was sitting on a desk in his office as Dref worked methodically to clean some equipment.
“I-It’s not s-something I’m an ex- xpert in b-but,” they say, turning to look at Jonnit, there is a bright slightly nervous energy about the way he kicks his legs, “It’s d-definitely m- magic.”
Jonnit rolled his eyes without malice. “I get that.”
Dref can’t help but smile at him. “I h-have p-ersonally n-never t-taken it.”
“I think i get how it works, i meant more in a,” he said and vaguely waved his arms around, “how do you know you want it, I guess?”
Jonnit seems lost in his thoughts for a moment and Dref wishes he knew better how to verbalize his own feelings, he hasn’t taken heartroot no, this doesn’t mean they don’t understand the anxious curiosity practically radiating from Jonnit.
“N-not everyone who f-feels d-different t-takes heartroot,” they tried. “B-but some p-people feel their b-body doesn’t align w-with who they are.”
Jonnit hummed impatiently. “But how do you know.”
“Experimentation? Often t-there is m-more to ex-xploring g-gender.”
Jonnit seems content with that answer, a small smile on his face as he stares at the wall. “Sure okay.” he flashes a smile at Dref, “Thanks, man.”
“Any t-time.” Dref says and they lapse back into comfortable silence as Jonnit ponders and Dref works.
Celebrations are always big on the Uhuru, the sound of music and laughter filling the ship with an almost magical energy.
Jonnit likes parties, the general buzz of fun and movement letting the gentle worry of the life of a corsair fade into the background.
It’s night and Travis is lamenting about it, a coyote on Gable’s lap. Dref comes into the room, they are wearing a floor length skirt and a coat other than his doctor's coat for once.
Gable smiles at him. “Look who pulled out all the stops tonight.”
He blushes and stammers a bit, “T-thank you.”
Jonnit can’t help but stare at it, the fabric looking soft and glittery all the same. “I didn’t know you owned skirts.” he remarks.
“T-they are i-inconvenient for m-most of m-my work,” he says, a bit solemn.
Jonnit nods, a pirate's life was not made for pretty and frilly outfits. Travis grumbles something about being able to wear skirts when she’s human and Gable laughs at him, genly petting her head.
He can’t help but keep staring at Dref’s skirt as they run their fingers through the fabric.
“I p-probably have one f-for y-you,” Dref says suddenly, “if you w-would l-like?”
Jonnit’s eyes go wide and he smiles excitedly, “For real?” he says.
Dref nods.
“Cool! Thank you.” he says, getting up quickly and practically dragging Dref to the door.
Gable and Travis watch them leave as Jonnit bables excitedly, Dref looks at him with a soft smile.
“They grow up so fast.” Travis says mocking at Gable’s incredibly fond look.
“Oh sush,” they say, “you are one to talk.”
Jonnit stares at himself in the tall mirror of the captain's quarters, the skirt Dref has given him is a deep blue, with what looks like stars embroidered at the bottom of it. He likes the sensation of it when he spins, the fabric swishing and all the constellations moving with him.
He isn’t sure why he has never worn a skirt before, mostly because it has never been practical maybe, but now he feels warm and happy as he looks in the mirror.
“It s-suits you,” Dref says,
“Yeah!” Jonnit says with glee. “Now let’s go dance.”
He pulls Dref by his arm, who then almost stumbles but quickly follows behind Jonnit, into the mass of dancing skyjacks.
Everyone seems excited to see them, of course they are the heroes of the hour having not so long ago taken down The Civility.
Everyone on the crew is fond of Jonnit, he mingels easily in the crowd and people seem glad to teach him all types of dances he eagerly attempts.
Gable pops in and out, occasionally to Jonnit's delight swinging him around like he weighs nothing. Dref mostly stays at the outskirts, nodding at the pats on the back he gets from the rest of the crew, smiling at Jonnit’s exited demeanor.
"I should wear this more often." He says later, twirling to make the skirt turn with him.
"Y-you can k-keep it," Dref says firmly.
Jonnit looks at him like he has stars in his eyes. "Thank you," he says, and leans in for a hug slowly, so Dref can back out.
Dref melts into the quick hug, holding Jonnit for a second, hoping he gets everything they didn’t get to have.
After Buzra Nyth Jonnit still owns the skirt. Dref was right of course, it isn’t very convenient in most situations but it doesn’t mean he doesn’t wear it.
It surprisingly doesn’t feel terrible to wear it, it brings with it only soft memories of Dref, and a nice glow like feeling that Jonnit can’t help but smile at. It’s the comfort Dref would give him, were he still here.
There is something about being called “boy” that just doesn’t sit right with Jonnit. He’d imagined it was because of how childish it made him feel, but there is something weirdly specific about the twinge of discomfort that comes with it.
Gable and Travis are listening to him ramble about in, trying to pay attention at this late hour. It is, Jonnit imagines, a bit like a sleepover you would have were they a normal friend group.
Except Travis, who is a snake at the moment, is curled around Gable’s neck, and Gable is nodding along while they idly play with a gun.
“Is girl any better?” Gable tries.
Jonnit grimaces a bit. “It’s not...worse?”
“Let’s just call you child then.” Travis says.
Gable vaguely pushes part of him off their shoulder. “This is important.” they say annoyed. Jonnit can’t help but laugh at them both.
“What about young man?” Gable keeps trying.
“It isn’t bad, doesn’t feel...me?” he says, gesturing vaguely. It was all confusing and not easy to explain.
“Well people don’t need to use gendered anything.” Gable says matter of factly.
“Or everything.” Travis says, and she smiles Jonnit a snakey grin.
As the night goes on Jonnit has a small list written down; he finds he doesn’t mind “son”, but he does prefer “sibling”, he decidedly dislikes “boy” and “man” feels distant, “sir” and “madam” both have a certain status they are excited about achieving someday. It’s almost fun really, repeating small sentences in their brain, imagining scenarios, Travis and Gable both occasionally sleepily adding commentary.
He ends the list with a twice underlined bold. “Captain Kessler.” which leaves him smiling stupidly at the paper.
This is my friend, they are a corsair and their name is Jonnit. He writes down carefully.
“Hey would you guys mind using they pronouns for me occasionally,” they say at the end of the night, feeling a small and unreasonable anxiety in his chest.
Gable smiles excitedly. “Of course!”
Travis lifts her head from where it was buried in Gable's hair. “Welcome to the club, kid.”
Jonnit smiles. “Yeah,” they say, “yeah I guess so.”
Jonnit smiles at the scene before him, Margaret had forced them all into what she regarded as a well needed rest after Nordia. So here they were now, cooped up into Dref’s former office, laying on the floor as Margaret did their nails one by one.
It was an activity that required patience, and forced you to sit down and enjoy eachothers company. Occasionally Margaret and Travis took sips from their mugs of heartroot, Travis’ balanced precariously on the edge of a book shelf, Margaret’s safely at her side as she chided Gable for moving too much.
Jonnit clinked their bright freshly polished nails against his own mug, they were a deep blue to match with their skirt and made a soft lovely sound against the ceramic.
Jonnit had, almost shyly, approached Margaret about blending heartroot a while ago, and had been blown away by her level of enthusiasm and knowledge.
So there he was, shakingly holding the tea, which was ever so carefully picked to stop facial hair growth and to make their voice just a little higher. Margaret had gently reminded him that the mix could always be adjusted, people and feelings change after all. It still felt like a big step as he took a small sip, it was sweet and almost floral and warm.
He couldn’t quite contain his giggles, a happy haze falling over them. His three companions turn to him with equal fond looks.
Many things happened when Jonnit went back to Akaron, the feelings and slight unresolved tension from when they had left home still hanging around the air and certainly explanations were needed from his sister, who had apparently also left home.
Both Zana and his dad were delighted to see him, embracing them in a group hug so tight Jonnit almost felt he couldn’t breathe.
His nervousness falling away as they entered their childhood home and sat down to have the longest conversation he had had with anything in a while.
There was a lot to digest of course, with both Zana and him retelling their adventures, their destinies, their fears. Jonnit’s gender journey in the end was only one of the many many items in the long list of explanations that night.
Whatever edge of nervousness there was it was worth it for the gentle peace of understanding that washed over all of them having talked.
It was worth the giddiness he got when he overheard Zana talking to a friend of hers.
“Yeah me and my sibling are home for a bit,” she says, “Jonnit? You remember them right?”
It was worth for the hug his father gave them when they left, full of unspeakable emotion.
“I’ll always be here you know,” his father said, blinking back tears, “whatever you do, you always have home to come back to.”
Jonnit was tearing up too “Thanks dad.” he said and added, “You’ll always be welcome on my ship too.”
His dad gave him a wide smile, tears now falling from his eyes as he nudged them towards the Uhuru where Travis and Gable were waiting. “Now go get them, captain Kessler.”
“Captain?” his quartermaster said as they slowly entered their quarters, Jonnit nodded at them to speak “Ma’am the crew is awaiting orders. Shall I tell them to get to their battle stations?”
Captain Jonnit Kessler moved away from the window where he was looking at their next target, a red feather ship gilded in gold, one of the last ones in the sky. He couldn’t help but smile, they should be used to this by now but some things never quite stop being a small novelty.
“Yes,” they said, “and tell Gable to come up to my quarters, I would like to see them before the battle.”
The quartermaster nodded, the excitement of upcoming battle clearly in the air. “Yes ma’am.” they said, exaggerating the salute a little.
Jonnit smiled and shook his head. “Well get to it then.” they said, not quite being able to shake the amusement in his voice
“Yes sir!” they say, with a final grin as they leave the room.
And with that Capitain Kessler prepares themself for one of many battles to come, one of the crucial ones that one day make them the best pirate to ever live, the ones that help him one day rule the skies.
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Chapter 10 - A Suspect
Fic series: The Final Straw (HP/PJO Crossover)
Premise: Nova oversees the chariot building and has an unpleasant run-in with Pansy.
Taglist: @ilvermornymascot, @lukecastellandeservedbetter, @eva-blog-p
word count: 1,434
A/N: I’ve got like,,, around nine writing projects again which has now resulted in the creation of a schedule. I will hopefully be posting chapters every friday or saturday (and not gonna to lie I thought today was Sunday so I was feeling panicked but we’re good). If I don’t post anything on either day, it literally just means I was unmotivated to write or busy. Either way, it is now 4AM and I’m trying and failing to fix my sleep schedule. Hope y’all enjoy this chapter! I’m super excited for the next one XD
The second week of classes was coming to a close, and Nova's mind was still on the nightmare she had six days prior. Her friends could tell her head was somewhere else, but the only person that brought it up was Cree when the two of them were alone. She spent most of her time zoning out in classes or keeping to herself on the Northern Tower.
During Defence Against the Dark Arts, she was barely paying attention as Hermione and Annabeth answered yet another question, not allowing the rest of the class to participate. The Head Girl doodled in her notebook half the time, barely paying attention when Professor Lieberman asked them to get into groups and discuss amongst themselves for ten minutes. "Nova."
"What?" She looked at Cree and rubbed her arm where he nudged her.
"We're supposed to be discussing how to defeat a manticore by using both magic, and weapons," he explained, not masking the worried look on his face.
"I think it has to be done with at least five people," Annabeth said, leaning against the back of her chair. "Percy, Grover, Thalia, and I had to fight one and we didn't beat it."
"That was when Artemis's Hunters came to camp during winter break that one year, right?" Nova asked, and Annabeth nodded.
"I still get nightmares," she sighed.
"What do you think the best strategy would be?" Frank was curious, having never heard that story before.
"Three wizards and two demigods would do the trick," Annabeth decided, her plans almost always having worked out in the end.
"Three stunning spells at one target, and then the demigods can kill it when it's down," Hermione added, knowing exactly where Annabeth was going with her idea.
"Makes sense," Cree commented, making the girls smile in triumph.
"Times up!" Professor Liberman announced. "Starting with group one, I would like to hear what everyone came up with."
Nova went back to doodling in her notebook as the groups shared their discussion, and didn't pay attention to the rest of the class. She could feel Cree glancing at her continuously throughout the morning, and it didn't stop by the time History of Magic rolled around. During the middle of class, as Professor Trebunskaya droned on about Pukwudgie's and their relationship with wizardkind through the centuries, Nova addressed her friend. "Yes, Cree?"
"Is everything okay, Nova?" he whispered. "You've been out of it before, but it's never this bad."
"Yeah," she lied, but quickly corrected herself after Cree gave her an unbelieving look. "No, I'm not. Never in my life have I been this shaken up after a nightmare, but this time it just feels different."
"Different, how?" he pressed for more information, hoping that it would help his best friend more than anything.
"I don’t know," Nova shrugged. "Maybe it’s because we're one step closer to figuring out the prophecy. Not that we're any closer, but it just feels more real than it should."
"At this point in the year? That's fair," Cree couldn’t help but chuckle, causing the two to be caught. 
"Sorry, Professor!" they chorused. They went back to whispering, grateful to be sitting at the back, and tried to work through where Nova's mind was at.
At the end of class, Nova went straight to the quad to oversee the teams building their chariots. The project had started two days prior, and it was already utter chaos. Not only were some teams not getting along - namely Clarisse and Draco - but the quad was an absolute mess. The Hephaestus kids were the ones most guilty of it, too focused on working to realize they were invading another team's workspace.
Lucas dealt with the messes the most, and Nova was the mediator when a fight occurred. Sometimes, Nova would witness Travis and Ron discussing potential pranks to incorporate but usually ignored them. Today, she let her curiosity get the better of her. "Please tell me it will be harmless."
"I swear on the River Styx I wouldn't add a prank to a chariot if it caused harm to anything or anyone," Travis promised the Head Girl. "You know more than anyone that a harmless prank is the best kind."
"Just make sure it's not one that the judges can consider cheating," she sighed, smiling. "I want you two to compete fairly, like everyone else."
"You got it, boss," Travis joking saluted Nova, and Ron laughed at his new friend's antics. As Nova continued walking around to keep an eye on everyone, she noticed Neville giving Frank an apologetic look, and the Roman demigod seemed worried.
"Is everything okay?" she asked the boys, quietly.
"Pansy is terrifying," Frank whispered.
"She's somehow gotten worse," Neville added.
"Oh yeah, that makes sense," Nova shook her head. "Look, I wish I could do anything but I can't. She awful, and I'm sorry you have to deal with her."
"Got anything to say to my face, Sterling?" A voice sneered behind her.
"Actually, yeah," Nova found Pansy more of a nuisance than someone to be afraid of, and today was no exception. "If you want to win this competition - and I know you do - you'll have to learn to be nice to Frank. Teamwork is how you're able to succeed, not that I'm surprised you're unaware of that."
"You dirty little-"
"Oh, I'm not finished," Nova smiled sweetly. "I may not have evidence yet, but I know you're hiding something and I intend to find out what it is. Watch your back." 
In truth, Nova didn’t have anything on Pansy except for a hunch. There were very few suspects for the traitor amongst the students, but the Slytherin girl was high on the list. Pansy never seemed to actively want to get along with anyone, and it was clear she didn’t care for this program. All Nova needed was evidence, but she had to pull a few strings to get it.
Pansy stood there speechless, her face was riddled with anger. Nova ignored her and turned to the boys once again. "Good luck, and shout if you two need anything."
"Protego." Pansy tried to attack Nova as she was walking away from the two groups, but Nova expertly blocked it. Before a full-on duel could break out, Professor McGonagall and Chiron rushed over to the commotion.
"What is going on here?" McGonagall asked sternly, addressing the question more to Nova.
"Pansy tried to attack me using confringo, and I protected myself against the spell," she answered, calmly.
"Is this true?" Chiron asked the witnesses. Frank, Neville, and Meg nodded unable to hide their shock.
"Miss Parkinson, I thought we were done with this childish behaviour," the Headmistress glared down at the student. "Fifty points from Thunderbird, and a month's worth of detention with me. If I see this again, you will be disqualified from the tournament, and we will find a new partner for Mr Zhang."
Frank gave Nova a 'please let that happen' look, causing her to stifle a giggle. "As for you Miss Sterling."
Nova turned back to McGonagall, a slight feeling of anxiety bubbling in her stomach. "Ten points to Pukwudgie for your honesty and integrity. You will receive no punishment, but I do hope to not find you in this situation again."
"Thank you, Professor," Nova relaxed. "I understand."
Satisfied with that response, the teachers moved on and surveyed the rest of the area. Slightly annoyed with Pansy, Nova continued doing her job and firmly but kindly told everyone to get back to work. The champions complied, either starting to work or arguing with each other.
As the weeks went by, Nova got increasingly frustrated with Pansy and switched jobs with Lucas. She was growing more suspicious about her, but couldn't find the right time to try and look for the evidence she needed. Her friends were in on the idea, everyone agreeing that Pansy was the most likely candidate - although not the only one. The suspicion, however, was pushed to the side within a few weeks after Pansy had seemingly calmed down.
When October hit, there was excitement in the school once again. The corkboards in each lodge contained a notice about the first Baypoint Village visit of the year, happening during the second Saturday of the month. It was a chance for the kids to have a day to relax and not worry about school, the prophecy, or the championship and everyone was stoked. Nova, in particular, was curious about a new shop that was added to the village over the summer and couldn't wait to check it out.
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skgway · 4 years
1828 Dec, Fri. 26
11 35/60
From 7 1/2 to 7 50/60 reading Dr. Hutton’s excellent and most temperate speech in last Saturday’s Mercury in favour of emancipation. His sentiments on the subject, my own –
Breakfast at 7 50/60 in 20 minutes – Went out at 8 1/4 to Lightcliffe to pay Mrs. William P– [Priestley] for carriage of the parcel of books I paid for yesterday – Got there in about 1/2 – Sat talking. Mentioned the inconvenience of my being here, my fathers oddity of temper. To live with my mother was much to be pitied, and excused my father. Wont let me put stoves in the North parlour and room, tho my aunts coming here depends on it. A hundred a year would be enough to pay for her board and that of George and MacD[onald]. Did not see Mr. P– [Priestley]. Mrs. P– [Priestley] walked with me as far as the Hipperholme bar, I then went back with her to her own gate, and we parted there at 11 50/60 –
In returning, met the Saltmarshes (Mr. & Mrs. Christopher S– [Saltmarshe) in their carriage – Had passed Shibden – Thought from my manner of speaking of it yesterday they could not get there – Jno [John] – said it was no worse than usual – and took Mrs. S– [Saltmarshe]’s card for Marian instead of a call – 
Then went up Barraclough-lane to George Naylor’s – Took him to shew me what Joseph Hall wanted – Haigh has bought the bit of waste there of Mr. Rawson, wants to enclose it, make a garden of it, and block me up – Has already abused Joseph Hall’s son for carting across it – Said I would consider about it – But that I could not be thus blocked up – I had nothing to do with Haigh – Should speak to Mr. Rawson – He had no right to sell it – 
Then a good deal of conversation with George N– [Naylor] as to raising his farm etc. He must give me his opinion as to the rest and I should not hurt him. Pearsons and Hardcastles each worth fifty and Hilltop forty five, and to raise Hemingway twenty guineas fair to take cottages at half the actual rents. The man that George wishes me to take for the next vacant farm is John Kurten who married a Miss Priestley of Halifax has for three or four years been a preacher, but would give it up. Has a hundred a year of his own and wants a farm for his lads. Would be advised in all things at first by George. 
Said I should give Balmfirth notice to quit. He thought I could not get rid of him. We will try, said I. For that, explained that it was to get rid of a bad tenant with less trouble, for which I mainly had agreements, because then I could quit them in 6 months from the time instead of 3 times that time – Balmfirth has just sold off 500 stalks of hay to a man who is bankrupt and will therefore get nothing for it – 
Then walked along the top of the hill and got down into the plantation at 2 1/4. Nobody there – Went to the cunnery – The men Throp and Nathan came from dinner at 2 1/2 – Throp cleaning trees in the Hall wood, Nathan helping Jno [John] and William to clear the plantation, and Robert walling with James Smith for my father, a bit of Jno [John] Bottomley’s wall near the pit road gate at the too of the old bank that had come down – 
Staid a little in the plantation – From 3 20/60 to 5 with Throp – Planted out 2 little yews from the plantation and removed the 2 cypresses lower down, next to the wood – A pity to move them, they were beginning to strike out little roots so nicely – 
Came in at 5 10/60 – Dressed – Wrote the 1st 7 lines of yesterday – Dinner at 6 1/4 – Afterwards till 10 asleep on the sofa – Then sat talking 1/2 hour about the bit of waste near Joseph Hall’s, raising rents etc. and discharging James Travis – 
On going up Barraclough lane to George N– [Naylor]’s saw 3 or 4 men one with a gun and dog, in George N– [Naylor]’s field or Balmfirth’s – Asked his name (lives near the bridge?) discharged him – He would have a written discharge – Was qualified – Had a certificate – I could only make him pay for trespassing – At last, he was for asking leave to come – No! Said I, you are too late now – You shall have a written discharge – and it is your peril you come shooting on my ground without my leave – On inquiry James Greenwood junior at the Cunnery told me he had discharged him several times – Jno [John] has often seen him in the fields – 
Came up to bed at 10 1/2 – Till 11 looking over rent roll, and making, rough draft calculation of what the farms and pews would bear raising – Can now manage something upwards of sixty pounds and b[y] and b[y] can get about eighty or ninety, that I shall make what I now have, altogether thirteen hundred a year – Fine day – Frosty – Farenheit in the library 9 degrees colder this morning than yesterday – 
[sideways in margin] Musing this morning as I walked to Lightcliffe (first time the idea ever struck me) that as much is done for the rights of the Roman Catholics why not something for the rights of single women to vote for members of parliament? Write on this, on the good of raising women to a proper rank in society, their influence, their general education and manners in different countries in times past and present, their relative degrees of respectability.
[More on Dr. Hutton’s Speech]
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Dr. Hutton’s Speech - Leeds Mercury Dec. 20, 1828
We have great pleasure in laying before our readers the following excellent speech, which was indeed to have been delivered at the Leeds Meeting to Address His Majesty in favour of the Catholic Claims. 
Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen, – In the cause which has assembled us together this day I cannot but feel deeply interested. As a man and a Briton, I must be anxious to see the rights of men and Britons freely and fully participated by all my fellow-countrymen and as a Christian desirous that the truth may have free course amongst us I must wish that all the stumbling blocks of party prejudice and passion, with which our own frailty and folly, or those of our ancestors, have strewed the path of religious inquiry may be removed, and that we may all rejoice in the liberty wherewith it was the design of Christ to make us free. But, I stand in the midst of my fellow-men and my fellow-Christians many of whom I know to be as willing as myself; and more competent, to plead our common cause; their love of liberty, civil and religious, I believe to be not [insurdent?] than my own, and however we may differ on other subjects, I am assured of their entire sympathy with me in the wish to banish the temporal power altogether from the field of religious controversy; and to leave Truth – omnipotent Truth – to fight her own battles, with “the sword of the spirit; which is the word of God” In the character of a man and a Christian, therefore, I could have gladly remained silent, satisfied to say, “God speed,” with all my heart, to my friends and brethren around me, one of whom I cannot forget, has within the last few days nobly vindicated the rights of his fellow-men on Christian grounds, with a spirit and an eloquence, which multitudes have felt as deeply as myself, and which it would be superfluous therefore for me to panegyrize. There is a character, however, in which others cannot speak for me, and in which therefore I would embrace the opportunity of saying a word or two for myself. I appear amongst you; my fellow-townsmen, not only as an inhabitant of Leeds, bound to you by the strong ties of hospitality, and an absentee in the body from the land of my nativity, yet often-present with her in the spirit, with a heart that bleeds for her miseries, and kindles into indignation at her wrongs, and rejoices
in my hope, however faint, of seeing those miseries relieved, and those wrongs redressed. You have assembled, I trust, to express to our gracious King, your cordial acquiescence in a measure, should it be his good pleasure, in concurrence with the other branches of the legislature to sanction it, which I am not indeed so sanguine as to think will prove a panacea for all the numerous ills under which my unhappy country has so long suffered; but which, nevertheless, I am convinced will do something for her; – will help at least to soften and soothe the animosities, by which, while the present system of parish favour, proscription, and exclusion [?] she must continue to be torn asunder; a measure which will remove at least one material cause of dissension estrangement, and will tend in facilitate, if it does not absolutely produce that union of hearts amongst Irishmen, without which there can be no union of minds to any good purpose.
You have met, Gentlemen, to do what you can to alleviate to do what you can to alleviate the wretchedness and promote the future welfare of my suffering country, and I cam anxious, I confess, to express to you the deep interest that I take in a cause which the [?ctive] feelings of nature combine with reason and reflection to render dear to me. I should indeed be worthy of reprobation if I could stand by an uninterested spectator, where others, who have less reason, manifest so fervent a zeal. Gentlemen, if there still remain doubt and indecision amongst you on the subject before us, I cannot but think that it arises, rather from those prejudices and prepossesions of which we all carry about with us too large a share, – rather from the fluctuations of excited feeling, than from any serious difficulty suggested by the understanding. If the decision had rested with reason alone, it would have been long since made, and Fox and Barke, and Pitt and Canning, those master minds of various moulds, supported by almost all the intellectual strength of the houses of Peers and Commons, would not have addressed their powerful arguments to the British people in vain. But that people have a strong hatred of oppression, a powerful sympathy with suffering. Of Roman Catholics as they exist in the present day, either in the Sister Island or elsewhere, Englishmen know little, but they have many of them read tho fearful ties, and inspected the no less fearful prints in Fox’s book of Martyrs, and the have all heard of sundry wicked Popes, and more formidable still, of bloody Mary! Often, I am persuaded most Roman Catholics have been affected towards her, as an excellent preiste of the Church of England is said to have been towards a certain creed, and wished, alas! in vain, that they could be well rid of her. In truth I cannot but think it is somewhat unkind, when people are evidently ashamed of their relations, to be always putting them in mind of them, and I must say I feel some pity for my Roman Catholic brethren, when I see the blood brought into their countenances by the perpetual obtrusion of that bloody queen on their reluctant memories. But what proof have we that Roman Catholics either love or have any inclination to imitate that wicked woman? Earnestly do they disclaim all approbation of her conduct, and loudly do they protest against the injustice and cruelty of making them answerable for the crimes of their ancestors, whether of noble or ignoble blood.
True it is that Mary was a bloody persecutor; but it is prejudice and bigotry alone that dwell exclusively upon her atrocities, and contrive at the same time to forget the less numerous perhaps, but still bloody persecutions of her protestant sister Elizabeth – not in this connection certainly though a Rev. Gentleman has styled her so “of happy memory.” Few indeed are the sects that have not at one time or other swelled the annals of persecution, and we should all of us perhaps have reason to tremble if Heaven were to visit upon our heads the sins of our fathers in this respect. Calvin persecuted Servetus to death. Is there a Calvinist living now that pretends to vindicate the deed? Archbishop Cranmer persuaded King Edward against his will to condemn to the stake Joan Bocher and George Paris, one for denying the humanity, and the other for dyeing the divinity of Christ. What member of the Church of England will come forward to prove that Cranmer was justified in doing so? Luther, the father of the Reformation though he was against punishing heretics with death, thought that other punishments less severe might be lawfully hindered on them. “It is sufficient,” says he in one place, “that they should be banished.” In another passage he allows that “heretics may be corrected and lured to silence, if they publicly deny any of the articles received by all Christians, and particularly that Christ is God.” In a third passage he goes further, and says “that heretics, though they may not be put to death, may however be confined, and shut up in some certain place and put under restraint as madmen.” What think you, my fellow-townsmen, ought we to be satisfied with Luther’s toleration, and rest contented to enjoy our liberty of conscience in a gaol, or what might be called perhaps a heretic’s asylum. Though we are most of us Protestants, and as such have no small reverence for the great reformer, I rather think we shall none of us agree with him on this subject. Once more, that you may not think me partial, I may just mention, that Socinus, whom you probably think a great favourite of mine, and for, whose genius and virtues I will not deny that I feel a sincere respect, in a letter of his still extant vows [?] his opinion that “obstinate heretics” or, as he explains the epithet, “heretics who will pay no attention to their adversaries arguments, may be properly prevented from reading then opinions, if it cannot be otherwise done by chains and a prison.”  According to which doctrine I fear there are not a few in Leeds, whom, if I and my friends were in power, we should be under the painful necessity of placing under restraint. On this subject however, as on several others, I have the pleasure of assuring you that we take the liberty of dissenting from Socinus, and that you need be under no alarm on this head even if we should be called to rule over you. The truth is, that in the former days of ignorance, the spirit of persecution was to be found, in a greater or less degree, in almost every church. The Emancipationists say some of their opponents, cannot have read history: I answer, that they would have read it to little purpose, if they had not learned from it, that persecution of all kinds and in every degree is detestable, and that to persecute Roman Catholics a little now, because they persecuted our ancestors a good deal formerly, is neither wise nor Christian conduct. The church of Rome, I grant, was more deeply stained by the guilt of persecution than most of the churches that have seceded from her; but this is easily accounted for without supposing that it is essential to her nature to persecute, and that, no lapse of time, or alteration of circumstances can enable her to purge off this stain. It should be remembered, that she had long been in the possession of unrivalled and almost unbounded power; It was to be expected therefore, in consistency with all that we know of human nature, that, when the first attack was made up on that power, pride, and anger, and every other malignant passion should instantaneously rise up in arms, against those whom, as supreme judge in her own cause, she would naturally regard as rebellious schismatics and wicked innovators.
The Church of England on the contrary, chastised in her infant days by her aged parent, and surrounded almost from the first by Dissenters, was early taught wisdom and mercy by her own sufferings. Had she stood as long without a rival as the Church of Rome, it is at least possible that she might have persecuted as bitterly. The hostile spirit which some of her sons have manifested and still manifest to Dissenters as such, and the high tone which they assume, as if the mere act of their tempora establishment qualified them to take spiritual precedence of  those around them, would lead one to apprehend that even the Church of England meekly as, I grant, she has for the most part carried her faculties, might have abused, if she had enjoyed, enresisted, and unbounded power. In truth such power is good for none of us. We are all, not merely liable but likely to abuse it. The Church of Rome in power, however, and the same Church out of power, are very different. B[?] the terror of Europe, at St. Helens was a quiet gentlemanly, and somewhat [?] man: and so it is with the Pope in these days. As [?] as we are concerned, he might as well be at Helena as where he [?] an ocean flows between us and him; – the ocean of knowledge – which he can never cross to set foot in a hostile manner on our shores. Were he to do so, were he to threaten either our civil or religious liberties, I will pledge myself for my countrymen, yes, for my Roman Catholic countrymen; that they would be amongst the first to assist in driving him back to his snug hole and corner in Italy. Except as a peaceful ecclesiastic, a kind of Archbishop of Canterbury of the Church of Rome, the Pope neither has, nor can ever any substantial power in this realm. The greatest power he enjoys here at present is that which our No-Popery friends so kindly confer upon him, of frightening the grown-up children, who are not ashamed to listen to the horrible stories which they tell about him. What says our able townsman, Mr. M. Sadler, of these Papists, – this people who have been brought up under this murderous system, – who have imbibed, with their mothers milk, these doctrines, which according to our Brunswickers, not only forbid them to keep faith with heretics, but would lend them to commit murder upon all such? You shall hear “In the character of the inhabitants of Ireland!” says Mr. S. “there are the elements of whatever is elevated and bole.” These, however [?] down and hidden, are indicated whenever their development is not rendered impossible. Their courage in the [?] and panegyric of min, and has never been surpassed; their charity, notwithstanding their poverty, never equalled.” “Even while I am thus writing,” says Mr. Sadler, “I will dare to assert, that in many a cabin of that country, the godlike act of our immortal Alfred,” (who by the way, was a Roman Catholic too) “which will be transmitted down to the remotest generations – the dividing his last meal with the beggar, is this instant being repeated; – and their gratitude for kindnesses received equals the ready warmth with which they are ever conferred.” I mean not to contend” Mr. S proceeds, “that they have not faults and grievous ones, but these are mainly attributable” (I agree with him cordially) “to the condition to which they have been so long treated.” He then proposes his remedies, some of them well, worthy of attention, for Ireland’s calamities, and anticipates a time when “the Social edifice compact together and at unity in itself shall never again be shaken.” I thank Mr. M. Sadler in the name of my country, – I warmly thank him for his eloquent panegyric upon her sons, whom Popers, it seems, has not altogether corrupted, and whom unequaled charity I should hope, – charity that divides with the beggar his last meal should not be banished or transformed into the [?]-like spirit of malignity, and murder, by a little more kindness. Their “gratitude for kindnesses received,” Mr. S tells us equals the [?] warmth with which they are ever conferred.” Take Mr. S’s word for it, if you will not take mine. Though I too know something of the Irish heart – take the world of both of us, that they will not abuse your favours – that they will not violate your generous confidence – no, not for all the Popes and Priests that the word can contain, – but, on the contrary, will return [?] your  and your [?] every deal of kindness as you shall mete out to them. But what does Mr. S. say of emancipation in his work on the grievances of Ireland?
Of Emancipation Mr. S professes to say nothing. He merely intimates – and here too I agree with him – that Ireland has other grievances of a very serious nature to complain of to neglect those latter [?] talk of Emancipation only is in his mind, to pay tithe of mint and anise, and cumin, and to omit the weightier [?] of the saw of patriotism– judgment, mercy, and idolity supposes it to be so allow that Emancipation resembles the small tithes yes Mr. S. I should think would be one of the last persons to recommend our not paying them – he will doubtless remember the words, “these things ought the to have done, but not to leave the others undone.” – Having had [?] her tithe of [?] which she did not ask for, poor Ireland might perhaps be grateful for what she would deem a tithe of [?], in the form of Emancipation. I have read Mr. S’s book on Ireland with some attention: I admire the spirit of [?] and generous feeling in which it is written; I think that he has taken a true view of some of the sources of Ireland’s mystery, and I approve of some of the remedies which he proposes but I cannot agree with him that little good would be effected by pinning all sects on the same [?] of equality in respect to civil rights and privileges, and thus doing away the bitter jealous with which a depressed [?] always regard a dominant and domineering party, especially if the former be, as in the present instance, the more numerous. Does Mr. S. think that any good could be effected by it? If so, he ought not to be a Runswicker, and in his book certainly we may look in vain for the spirit of that party. Gentlemen, you are many of you anxious and so I confess am I, how can any honest and consistent Protestant be otherwise? – to see our Roman Catholic brethren brought over to Protestantism. Is this your real wish? Remove then the barriers which sever them from you in mind as well as body. Remove the party prejudices which dender their understandings and their heards inaccessible to any arguments or pleadings, however powerful and just, that you can address to them, I solemnly warn you, Gentlemen, that in perpetuating their persons and party hostility, you will necessarily obstruct their conversion to what you deem truth and in so doing, may find hereafter that you have “fought against God.” There is little change that we shall convince or persuade those with our lips, whom by our actions we are degrading and insulting. And is it not a degradation and an insult to brand your fellow-countrymen as persons whose patriotism a breath from Rome can disperse, at any moment, into thin air – whose oaths of allegiance and fidelity are not to be believed – and who are not to be allowed to serve their king and country in a civil capacity because they acknowledge an ecclesiastical superior in the supposed successor of St. Peter? The Roman Catholics are clamouring for power, say the Brunswickers. No, Sir – It is for eligibility to power, a right to which our Constitution supposes every Brion entitled who is not incapable of exercising it, or who has not forfeited his right to do so by his misconduct. Minors, aliens, criminals, and Roman Catholics, with a few other Sectarians, (who scruple to take the oaths prescribed) are the classes of persons noted by Blackstone as incapacitated from serving in Parliament. And is there no injury, no insult, in this association? I contend Sir, that there is, and that neither Roman Catholics nor any other class of sincere religionists whatsoever, ought, as such, to be ranked with [?], aliens, and criminals. If Protestant Englishmen were thus associated, the blood would boil in their veins; and can they wonder, then, that it runs in a quickened current through the body of the Irish Catholic, constitutionally hot in temper as he is warm in heart? As for the danger likely to result from admitting Roman Catholics into the legislative body, it is really childish to talk of it. While the comparative strength of the two parties throughout the United Kingdom remains as it is, there cannot, obviously, be the shadow of danger of Popish domination if all the Catholic Members without an exception) were Catholic barristers, as clever as O’Connell, and us eloquent as Shell, and if in the fervour of a zeal, such as few Protestants feel for the 39 Articles, they were to bring the questions of Transubstantiation and the Papal supremacy before the House every Session, which is not highly probable, I will leave it to any Brunswicker possessed of a decent portion of common sense, to compute the probable number of their converts, within any given time. And as for the House of Lords, their ease there would be still more hopeless, their advocates being still fewer in number, and the prejudices of [?]; we know, peculiarly strong. The Earl of Shrewsbury, it is true, has written a book in defence of his creed, but he will find some difficulty in persuading the Lords Temporal to read it – find the Lords Spiritual will, of course, find it easy to refute anything that a hymn can have urged upon the subject. On the whole nothing can be made ridiculous than the pretended apprehension of Poplar legislation, [?] weak heads may possibly entertain it; but when men of sense pretend to feel it, the purest candour must fear that it is their object to frighten and delude those whom they know to be ignorant, and therefore expect to be credulous. But say some really good men, the Roman Catholic religion is so attractive to the imagination, from the antiquity of its origin, and the splendour of its ritual; its doctrine of absolution, purgatory, &c. are so well calculated to make fail man easy under the burden of his frailties; and, in short, it is so skillfully accommodated throughout to the weakness of our nature, that we cannot but fear that if placed on an equality in other respects, with Protestantism, it may have superior charms for the multitude, and may even in time win over our princes and our rules by its seductions. So long, I would reply, as the Establishment retains its rich endowments, and enjoys the exclusive patronage of the Crown, there can be little fear of such a catastrophe. The majority, of the higher class especially, will long feel the sacred duty of conforming to an Established Church, of the truth of which they will require no surer voucher than the simple fact that it is established. I mean no disrespect to the Church of England, as a church, when I assert, that religion so well endowed as here – a religion that, in the phrase of Burke, can “raise a mitred head in Courts and Parliaments,” be its forms and doctrines and theological merits what they may, need be under little apprehension of any sudden or material defection of its wealthy and powerful adherents. But this, it will be said, is a mere argumentum ad hominem, addressed to the worldly wise, which will not satisfy those who are upon conviction piously attached to Protestantism, and seriously apprehensive of a revival of Popers. 
To objectors of this class, those worthy and pious men, for I doubt not there are many such, – who not having studied the subject in its political bearings, ground their hostility to Catholic Emancipation solely on their fears of the future prevalence of what they deem a dangerously erroneous creed, I would reply by this simple question, “– whether they can seriously think; that in a fair and equal contest with error, truth is in any danger of being defeated; or that with the favour of God on her side she can fall of being victorious? For my own part I am well persuaded that she needs none of the weapons, either defensive or offensive, with which the rulers of this world are so troublesomely axous to supply her. If she might have her own will she would cast them all from her, as David cast from him the armour of Saul. Like that brave champion of the Lord of Hosts, she would go forth to the battle free and unencumbered, trusting for her defense to God’s favour and her own unfettered movements, and asking for no weapons of more destructive power than a few sound and solid arguments, smooth pebbles well rounded from Silaos brooke, with the sling of natural eloquence, to send them home to their destination. Reflection I think will soon convince the pious and the good that error can be no match for truth, when they stand on equal ground, and that to pretend to guard the latter by pains and penalties is to discover want of faith in her native resources, and in reality to encumber her with aid. In conclusion I would say with my esteemed and respected brother, to our friends of the Church of England, “Be just and fear not.” – Be generous and fear not. You have relieved the Dissenters from their shackles. You have elevated them to equality with yourselves. I trust you will reap the good fruits of having done so; and that you will find in us your cordial and zealous co-adjustors in every just, humane, and virtuous enterprise. But let us pead with you, – gratitude should be like that of the manumitted slave, the first effect of whose recovered liberty is to render Him indifferent to the sorrows and the sufferings of the former companions of his bondage, gratitude, I say, which in our ethical system is not that frosty kind of feeling which some seem to imagine it, having ore affinity to cold than heat, and exerting a contractile rather than an expansive influence, gratitude for our own success excites us to plead with you for the brothers of the family who are still excluded, still degraded. Try my Roman Catholic countrymen, and, trust me, you will find them also capable and worthy of being connected with you in the equal bonds of brotherhood. If you thought them your enemies it were a noble and Christian experiment, and experiment justified by a wiser and better policy than that of this world, – to try to subdue them by your kindness. “If thine enemy hunger feed him, if he thirst give him drink,” says an apostle. ‘Absurd policy!’ says a Brunswicker; food will strengthen, and drink refresh him, and his power to do you mischief will be greater than ever. Christ however and Paul thought otherwise and foreold that by so doing we should “heap coals of fire on his head,” and melt or [?] him into friendship with us. This is human nature in this opinion; and Mr. M. Sadler has told you that my countrymen are not an exception to the general rule, but that they are as capable of gratitude as they are of kindness. All that I wish, my friends, is that you would try them. 
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kchuarts · 3 years
Flowers in Blood
A/N: TWO IN A ROW!! I didn’t post chapter 17 when I finished it because I was tired and again, ya gurl lazy. So you guys get doubles today! Enjoy~
Summary: Justice is finally served... For now. 
Warnings: Violence and brief sexual assault 
Taglist: @lucywrites02​, @shiningloki​
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Chapter 18: Bloodroot p. iii
Katie lay naked on the tatami floor; bruises, bites, dried blood and semen temporarily staining her flesh. Travis and three of his men had left her like this in the dark, damp room after violently raping her last night. She was curled in a ball to keep herself warm as she refused to get up. Not like she could anyways as her body ached from the brutal assault she endured. Her throat was raw from screaming and because of that, she was reduced to whimpering. Sleep did not come to her as she was too frightened at the things Travis could possibly do while she slept. Her mind went to thoughts of Jonathan- was he alright? Was he not hurt badly? Where was he? Was he dead?
"Rise and shine, whore." Travis slammed the sliding door open and stomped in, grabbing Katie by her hair and yanking her up. He chuckled at her yelp of pain and forced her to stand up. The Bloodroot leader scrunched his nose as he saw blood drip between Katie's legs. Using much force, he throws her to the ground and kicks her legs open. "Disgusting. You gotta be on your time of the month now?" He spat.
"I-I'm sorry." She whispered hoarsely, trying to shut her legs. Katie yelped again as Travis kicked her legs open again. She could feel him staring at her bloody genitals and felt so ashamed. "Please stop looking at me." She tried to raise her voice but grabbed her own throat, rubbing it as if it would soothe her somewhat. For once, Travis listened to her and walked out, huffing.
"She is to get food and water but no pain meds or clothes." Travis ordered his bodyguards.
At least she would be getting something to nourish herself with. Thankfully she had access to the bathroom in her dark room. Carefully, Katie stood up and winced from pain shooting down her legs. She hissed from her painful cramps and limped over to the bathroom. Travis wouldn't be giving her anything to help the pain, but Katie always had the bath and hot water to work with. She flicked the light on and looked at the vast bathroom, slightly happy to see the bathtub was a comfortable size. “Oooh..” She moaned softly from pain, her hand pressing against her abdomen. Katie made haste and filled the tub up with hot water and sank into it with no hesitation. Relief came shortly after and she let out a silent sigh, hoping that the heat of the water would last for at least an hour. It didn’t help much, but it did soothe some of the aches in her lower half. She sat in silence, staring at the floor of the bathroom as her top half leaned out of the tub. Tears began to stream down her cheeks as her mind wandered to Jonathan. She covered her mouth to stifle her sobs, not wanting to draw attention. This was all of her fault, she thought. If she only fought against Jonathan’s idea, she knew that it would end up bad but didn’t anticipate this predicament. What would Angela do now? Katie rested her head at the edge of the tub, shoulders shaking as she wept silently. Maybe she should have listened to Jonathan in the first place, and taken the first flight back to a place that was no longer a home.
Pine grunted from pain as Travis struck him across the face. Here he was, bound to a chair and unable to fight back at all. “I should fucking castrate you first before I kill you.” Jonathan spit blood into Travis’s face.
“That’s if you can. I don’t see any ways of you doing such a thing considering the circumstances." Travis punched Jonathan across the face again and grabbed him by his hair. He studied his prisoner for a moment and nodded. "I actually think I'll tell you where my base is since there isn't a chance in hell you'll walk out of here alive. I can say the same for little Katie too." A sick smirk cracked across his face. Travis chuckled as he saw anger flash in Pine's eyes. "Ooh I hit a nerve didn't I? Damn it's nauseating how much you actually care about her." He shoved Pine back and snapped his fingers. Two bodyguards cut the restraints on the chairs and left Jonathan still bound by his wrists on the floor. "Downtown New York in an abandoned subway station not too far from central. I've got a little surprise planned for the good ol' US of A." Travis pulled out an older cell phone. "I'm sure you know what this is." He wiggled it between two fingers.
"Of course I fucking do. You realize that the military is going to come after you once you blow up New York- UGH!" Pine was cut off by a swift kick in the gut.
Travis clicked his tongue and pulled out two more older cell phones. "Well it's a good thing I've got followers all over. I've got some in D.C. and I've got some in Cali. Oh wait-wait!" Travis put the devices away and pulled out a third. "I almost forgot Detroit! My old stomping grounds. Of course I had to pay sweet homage to the place that made me who I am today!" The deranged man began to laugh maniacally.
"You're more dense than I originally thought. It's not going to last long whatever you plan to do-" Pine's mouth was then stuffed with a pair of Katie's panties and duct tape slapped over his lips.
"I'll let you have one more taste of her before I decide how to kill you. Oh those are her panties she had on before I raped her." Travis waved his hand, dismissing his bodyguards before kneeling down to look Jonathan straight in the eyes. "The best part is that once all this that I create gets big enough, I'll be noticed and people will fear me. I will be unstoppable with all the grade A military weapons, stolen arms, and illegal arsenal I have. I can have whatever I want." the sick grin on his face remained plastered and unchanged.
Jonathan shook his head, his stomach churning from how nauseous he felt. His breathing became heavier and sweat dripped down his face. Pine didn’t care about the fact his beloved’s undergarments were in his mouth at the moment, he cared about the thousands of innocent people Travis intended to maim. There was no redemption for a man- a monster, such as he.
Once the water had cooled, Katie lifted herself out of the tub and sighed. Her legs still wobbled slightly as she stood, grabbing a towel. She could at least use the rough textured fabric as a pad of sorts as there were no feminine care products around. Carefully, she wiped the fresh blood running down her legs and walked out into the dark room where she was being held captive. Placing the towel in a thick, folded structure, Katie sat down on it and wrapped her arms around herself. She felt so non-human and more like a caged animal to toy and prod at. “Jonathan, please be ok.” She whispered to herself hoarsely and felt an oncoming slew of fresh tears burn her eyes again. Her arms dropped to her sides as they became tired after a bit and her hand came in contact with an envelope. “What?” She muttered and grabbed the strange parcel, getting up and going to the bathroom for light. With shaky hands, she turned the envelope over and saw that it was addressed to her. Katie looked both ways and all around before cautiously opening it. The first thing that fell out were 3 Plan B’s, which had Katie slap a hand over her mouth as she muffled a sob of relief. Almost immediately, she got up and turned the sink on to get herself some water to swallow the contraceptive down. She wouldn’t have to worry about becoming pregnant for a bit now, depending on how long she and Jonathan were doomed to stay there for.
The next item she pulled out was a letter written in slightly messy but elegant handwriting-
My dear Katelyn,
I hope that you have found this parcel I have left behind for you. I knew that you were going to be sent here at some point. I would firstly like to apologize for all the pain I have caused you and Jonathan both as I was the one to reveal your location. I am sure you understand I must do what I have to do in order to save my child. However, if you manage to make it out alive… Please, if I do not reach my son first, please save him and kill my brother. Like Travis, he is not worth redemption and deserves worse than to burn in the fiery pits of hell. I have left you three contraceptive pills to prevent Travis from impregnating you or any of his goons. Use them wisely and do not continue to sit around. If you are reading this and you are still alive, act now and do not waste anymore time. I am saying this out of concern for you and Jonathan, I have seen what this man can do and he is just as wicked as my brother. Please, take care of yourself and I hope that perhaps in another life we can be friends and meet on better terms… Farewell
Katie’s hands shook as she read the auburn haired woman’s letter, tears streaming down her face from how sincere this woman was. Abbadon did not deserve the life she lived in and deserved to live out the rest of her days in the lavender fields of France with her son. It was her dream to run away from the hell she was forced to live in and start anew. She hoped that Abbadon was not dead herself as she would do her best to not only save Nikolai, but Abbadon as well. “I have to be strong. For them.” She whispered to herself and shut her eyes, brain wracking ideas as to what she could do. There was one idea that came to mind, but it would force Katie to live through the trauma she had gone through all over again. However, if it meant she and Jonathan escaping with their lives, then she would swallow her fear. She had to be strong; three people were depending on her.
Inhaling deeply, she left the bathroom and resumed her seat in the dark room. If she could distract Travis enough, then this could possibly give her the chance for true recovery. She would kill him. There was no questioning when she thought about ending the life of a monster who stole two years away from her. With her resolution set in stone, Katie entered a state of meditation and braced herself for tomorrow. She would have her vengeance.
The sun rose high the next morning and Katie had walked over to the screen door, opening it and seeing two bodyguards immediately shove their guns in her face. “I’m not trying to escape you bastards. I want to speak with Travis.” she held her head high, knocking the muzzle of one of the guns out of her face.
“You’ve got some nerve, girl.” One of the bodyguards huffed and stormed off to retrieve Travis while the other stayed behind and backed Katie into her room.
It took a minute for the bodyguard to grab him, but he shortly returned with Travis in tow. The Bloodroot leader looked rather irritated at the moment. He slammed the sliding door open and glared down at Katie, but noticed that her face remained expressionless. This puzzled him and made him raise his brow, irritation fading and now intrigued. “What do you want?”
“Let me come outside. I miss the sun… You can walk with me as you don’t trust me. I am still on my period so it would be appreciated if I could have some form of feminine product.” She spoke, voice still hoarse.
Travis scoffed, shaking his head “No. You’re going to stay in here until you’re done bleeding without clothes. I know what you’re trying to do, little Katie and it’s not gonna work.”
“Is that so? Maybe I realized how stupid I truly am for leaving you the way I did…” She stood up, grabbing a clean towel and placing it over her lower half as she walked forth. “Maybe I miss the pain. The way you fucked me and not those other pigs.” She referred to his friends. Katie stopped right in front of Travis, raising her eyebrows. “I’ve got nothing to hide. I am empty handed except for this towel. I am asking you to take me back seeing as you are not satisfied with other women. I don’t ever remember there being another woman who sucked your fat cock as good as I did. Who let you fuck every hole on her body without abandon and who let you do as you wished, within reason of course.” She screamed at herself inside, knowing that she had to do this in order to save Pine. Katie stood on her toes, placing a quick kiss to Travis’s lips before pulling away and walking back into the room.
The Bloodroot leader snatched Katie’s arm, pulling her out and smashing his lips on hers, forcing her to make out with him.
Katie wanted to throw up then and there as the taste of his tongue had gotten more rank and disgusting. She wasn’t sure how long she would last, but it seemed to be working.
“You’re absolutely right. Actually, I’m gonna have you suck my cock now in my room. I’ll listen to what you have to say. I want your word, Katelyn.” He narrowed his eyes.
“And you have my word, baby.” She batted her eyes and gave a sweet smile, placing her hand on his chest for added convincing. She gasped suddenly as Travis scooped her up and forced herself to giggle as he carried her off to his room. Hook, line, and sinker. Travis was rather easy to convince and with a bit of pushing and prodding, she’d have him six feet under ground.
Jonathan groaned, waking up from a night of beatings. He tried to move, but his body was too sore to do such a thing, even shifting his legs-
Wait, his legs were not bound. With this new found energy, Pine hoisted himself up then best he could and stood up. Blood rushed into his limbs after two days of being unable to stand and his feet tingled. These men were more stupid than he initially thought; truly, they were. Pine walked over to a tool kit foolishly left behind and turned his back to it. His hands grabbed a pair of scissors and using his long fingers, managed to position them under the rope. Sweat rolled down his face as he began to frantically cut at the fibers, hearing heavy footsteps above.
“Man I wish I had a girl like the boss’s.” One goon spoke, coming down the stairs.
Jonathan froze for a moment but kicked back into action, almost done with cutting the restraints. His heart beat hard as the footsteps grew louder.
“Yeah, well I don’t trust her one bit. You heard her the way she screamed when we raped her- HEY!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” The other goon pointed at Jonathan, causing both of them to rush toward him.
It was now or never and Jonathan took his chance, rushing back and holding his arms back to give the illusion that he was still bound. Once he got close enough, he kicked one of the goons out of his way and stabbed the blade of the scissors into the other’s neck and effectively slit his throat. Pine turned around quickly, grabbing the other assailants wrist and stabbing the blades over and over into the goons stomach. Once he was certain he was dead, Jonathan reached up and ripped the duct tape off. He spat out the pair of panties, tossing them aside seeing as Katie probably wouldn’t want those back. “Fools.” He panted, keeping the scissors on him but grabbing their guns and ammo. Pine thought for a moment and dragged the bodies out of the way before stripping one of them and dressing in the attire of Travis’s henchmen. Next, he headed over to a convenient can of paint and smeared some of the black goop over his closed eyes. Quickly, he made his way over to the small window and shattered it. He grabbed the clothed corpse and shoved him in the small hole. The other one he shoved into the closet. He knew this would buy him some time, but not much. Pine traveled up the stairs and saw a “fellow comrade” walking by. Using an American accent, Jonathan greeted the other man “Hey.” He tilted his head upwards and waited until the goon had his back turned. That’s when Jonathan struck, covering the man’s mouth with his hand and pulling him back into the basement where he slit his throat. “That makes three.” He mumbled in his normal voice, heading back up and seeking out more henchmen to take out.
Finally, Katie had a pair of panties on and comfortably sat at a Kotatsu with one of Travis’s button down shirts on. She had even managed to convince him to let her have some pain meds and give her a pad of sorts. Luckily for her, Abbadon had left some feminine care products of her own behind. Thunder roared loudly above them, causing Katie to jump a little and grab onto Travis for faux comfort.
“You’re still a little wimp, huh?” He did not reciprocate her gesture but instead slid his hand toward her backside. “That blowjob was nice, but I think I’d like to get a piece of ass…” Travis smirk, sticking his hand down her panties and slipping a finger into her back entrance.
Katie seized up as her hole was still very much sore from the abuse two nights ago. She never liked doing anal and found it gross. “T-Travis wait- Don’t you want me t-to feed you first?” She didn’t make any move to stop him as that would cause suspicion. She couldn’t do anything no matter how badly it hurt. The feeling of his finger going inside of her was mortifying and she whimpered as he tried to push a second finger in.
“SIR!! PINE HAS ESCAPED!!” One of the henchmen burst in, panting hard.
Travis removed his finger and stood up, nostrils flaring. “What the fuck do you mean he’s escaped!?” His gaze immediately turned to Katie who shrunk beneath his gaze.
Her fear was starting to get the better of her as she remembered this exact look he would give right before a beating. “N-No! It wasn’t me! I was in my room th-the entire time.” She gulped, her heart racing and hoping Pine would get there soon.
For once, Travis took her word and stormed out to investigate the scene.
Katie quickly looked around the room and saw a pair of wooden chopsticks and Travis’s pocket knife. She quietly got up, going over to them and beginning to sharpen the chopsticks as fast as she could. Her teeth ground together as her anger fueled her, fear discapating away. Once she heard Travis’s angry footsteps coming back, she walked over to the Kotatsu, putting her weapon by her seat. To make herself look inconspicuous, she began to clean all the garbage up around the area where the chopsticks were.
“The fuck you think you’re doing?” Travis growled but then stopped short as he saw her turn around with his garbage in her arms. A smirk travelled across his face and he went back to his seat, sitting down. “Being a good little slave are we? How kind of you.” He chuckled, dropping his guard.
“I just don’t think staying in such a dirty environment would be good for you, ya know?” she threw the trash away, praying he wouldn’t see the chopsticks by her seat. “I kinda feel bad that you put Pine downstairs with all that dust and gross stuff. But, I don’t care about him anymore! Truly, I don’t. I’m stupid.” She stuck her tongue out playfully, hurting herself from her own words.
“As you shouldn’t. Yeah you are really fucking stupid, but you’re fucking hot. Come here you dumb whore and sit on my lap.” He patted his legs, grinning.
The last of the henchmen that Pine was aware of dropped to the floor, gurgling on his own blood and dying slowly. He quickly made his way through the large manor, looking for Katie and Travis. Jonathan feared that he wouldn’t make it in time and she would be dead before he got there. Not having the threat of goons around, Jonathan began to run through the oncoming storm.
Sounds of lips smacking together from Katie kissing Travis filled the room. One of Katie’s arms reached back as she felt around for her weapon. She had found it by the sharp prick to her finger and snatched it up. Her arm came back up and she stabbed Travis right in the leg, being shoved off in that instant.
“YOU BITCH!!” Travis screamed, seeing Katie swing at him with another chopstick she had sharpened and grabbed her wrist. “I knew you were playing!! You’re still afraid of me!”
“NO!! I’M NOT AFRAID OF YOU!!” She kicked him quickly, holding her hand up and grabbing his wrist with her free hand. She twisted her hips and had twisted Travis’s grip off of her, scooping her other weapon back into her hand. Making a bold move, she grabbed his wrist and pulled him forward, stabbing the chopstick into his eye and kicking off of him. Now that he was distracted, Katie shoved a cabinet over and blocked the entrance. She hopped over it, feet landing on wet wood and slamming the screen door shut. Wind whipped in her face and rain pelted down hard. “JONATHAN!? JONATHAN!?” She cried out, starting to run for it. This place was massive .
Jonathan stopped in his tracks as he heard Katie calling for him. “HOLD ON!! I’M COMING!” He replied back, taking off and following her voice. Unfortunately, her voice stopped calling his name and instead was replaced by a scream. Pine ran faster, slamming doors open in search of her.
Lightning flashed, showing a deranged Travis with an eye missing chasing after Katie. “COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE BITCH!!” He screamed, maneuvering through the hard rain as best as he could.
Katie once again pushed furniture down, shoving the doors shut until she reached a dead end. Her feet hit rocks and she found herself staring out at the sea. “No, no, no, no!!” She began to panic as Travis pummeled through all of that and charged toward her. The familiar feeling of his hands wrapping around her slender neck returned after two and a half years. Her back hit the rocky ground as Travis was on top of her and was strangling her to kill. She knew that he knew she was vulnerable to this as this was one of his tactics to scare her.
“You took my eye-” He growled, squeezing his hands harder “I take your life!” He began to laugh, watching Katie’s eyes roll.
Air rushed back into her lungs as Travis was yanked off of her and Katie sat up, panting hard and seeing Pine throw a punch across Travis’s face. Her eyes darted toward a shining object on the ground as lightning flashed again and she made a run for it, grabbing the large knife she saw.
Travis let Jonathan have the upper hand for a moment before he retaliated, slamming his hard head into his. “COME ON OLD MAN!!” He grinned, quickly removing the gun he held on him and knocking him back wards, punching him across the face. Travis then grabbed Jonathan by the collar of his shirt, walking over to the edge of the cliff and panting hard. “You will never win. No matter what you do, she will always be mine.” He took a step closer to the crumbling edge. “Hope you ain’t scared of sharks-” Travis’s dark eyes widened as he felt a warmth in his front. He threw Jonathan aside and looked down, blood seeping through his abdomen. Slowly, he turned around and saw Katie ripping the blade out from him and stabbing him in the front again and again and again, hatred burning in her eyes.
“Go to hell.” she growled, shoving him off the cliff with the knife embedded into his chest. As she watched Travis fall into the depths, screaming out his final breaths, she felt… Calm. A weight had been lifted from her; she was finally free. Katie turned around, seeing Jonathan picking himself up and limping over to her.
When the two met, Katie’s arms wrapped tightly around Jonathan and she began to scream and cry into his chest. “It’s over, he’s gone now. He’s gone.” Pine held her just as tightly, pressing kisses into her hair while shedding tears of his own. “He will never hurt you again, Kate.”
“P-Please let’s just get the fuck away from here.” She sobbed.
Jonathan nodded, scooping her soaked form into his arms. “Hold onto me, sweetheart.” He echoed his words back from the gala and carried her away to Travis’s expensive car. “I’m going to grab a couple things so wait here and lay low.” He set her down but not before grabbing her face and kissing her lips- oh how he missed her lips against his. He would have time for that later as he pulled away, running into the manor.
True to his word, Jonathan came back with a plethora of items. Katie shucked off Travis’s shirt in favor of wearing Pine’s as she wanted to rid herself of anything remotely related to the now dead leader of Bloodroot. She hustled into the back seat of the car, watching Jonathan slam the trunk shut and getting inside.
Not looking back, Pine turned the key and kicked the car into gear. His foot slammed on the gas as he sped off into the night and finally free from that house of horrors.
A shadowy figure walked out of the brush shortly after Pine and Katie made their escape. The figure made its way over to the cliffside and looked down into the water. “He deserved worse than that.” Roper scoffed, adjusting his umbrella before flinching a little at the sound of something inside the manor exploding. He turned around and raised his eyebrows at the now billowing smoke and raging fire eating the house. “Pity. It was a nice house.” He muttered to himself and pulled his phone out, dialing a number.
“Yeah. He’s dead now
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gaybastard2 · 4 years
IDFC- Chapter 7- He’s Back
[He's Back]
Warning: This chapter will contain gore and homophobic slurs
I stood up and stretched while we discussed who our favorite character from Heathers was. Mine was JD, he's a crazy motherfucker and I love him. Everyone was just fucking around and laughing. It was nice, it's been a while since everything was just calm. It was also nice with Travis. He's fucking adorable, like holy shit, how does he do that? He's a smart ass, but still. He's just so Travis. That doesn't make any sense but whatever.
Aggressive knocking from the door rang threw the room, making Sal flinch and Travis cringe. Both of them are kind of sensitive to loud noises. "I'll get it." I murmured, walking to the door. Who the fuck is trying to break the door down? Just as I approached the door it swung open, reveling a scowling , slim middle age man with short blonde hair and stubble on his chin. He wore an open, black suit jacket that showed his white button down shirt underneath. He had black slacks and black dress shoes. Basically, he looks like a jackass. My eyes lingered on a red stain at the bottom of his otherwise perfect shirt. Huh, that's kinda weird.
My eyes shoot up as he clears his throat obnoxiously, now sporting a plastic smile. I sighed, clearly annoyed, and leaned against the doorway, crossing my arms. "What do you want?" I asked, scowling. I know I'm probably being a dick, but I honestly don't give a shit. I just wanna get back to my friends and boyfriend.
His left eye twitched as his smile faltered for a second before going back to his fake-ass grin. He stuck out his hand as he spoke. "Well, young man, I believe my son is here. I would like if you would please bring him to me." He demanded gruffly. My eyes widened as I shot up from my lenient position on the doorframe. I pushed his hand back towards him.
"Sorry, your son isn't here. You can go now." I said quickly, beginning to shut the door. Kenneth stuck his foot in front on the door right before it closed. Shit. "I know he's here, Johnson." He growled, pushing the door open and walking in. Oh hell no.
"Get the fuck out!" I screamed as I kicked his stomach, pushing him back out the door. I quickly slammed the door shut and locked it before running back to the living room, trying to ignore the booming voice from the door. I ran up to Travis and cupped his face gently. "Travis, your dad, he's here. Go to the bathroom and lock the door. I promise, I'll keep you safe." I explained in a hushed tone,
He gasped, nodded, and quickly pecked my lips before shakily running to the bathroom and hopefully locking it. I turned to Sal and Ashley. "It's Kenneth. Sal, please go grab the bats from my closet. Ash, go and try and keep the door closed." They both nodded. Sal ran to my room to grab my bat and Ash ran to the door and leaned all her weight against it as Kenneth repeatedly kicked it.
Soon enough Sal ran back into the room, holding two metal bats. He handed one of them to me as we approached the door. We knew that Ash could only hold the door for so long before the grown man would fucking kick it off it's hinges. After a few more kicks from Kenneth, Ash was launched forward onto the floor as the door was finally knocked off its hinges. I looked over at Sal. Fear and anger was prominent in his eyes, even with his emotionless mask. His grip tightened on his bat as his arms slightly shook.
We had done some research and came to the conclusion that Kenneth Phelps was most likely a cult leader for the Devourers of God. Sal thinks that he's the person that killed his mom and disfigured his face. We also now know he physically and mentally abused Travis. Yeah, this man is scum of the goddamn world. I took a step closer. "Listen, if you don't get the fuck out, I swear to whatever god there is-" Before I could even finish my sentence, Sal launched himself towards Kenneth, bat first, aiming for his head.
Apparently Sal's aim isn't the best because he missed and hit Kenneth's shoulder. He merely winced before yanking one of Sal's pigtails upward and right hooking the side of his head. He yelled in pain, dropping his bat as he tried to break free. Kenneth repeatedly punched the side of Sal's head again, ignoring his screams, until he went limp, his screams stopping.
All I could do was stare. I physically couldn't move. The boy that's basically my brother just got beat till he was unconscious, unmoving in this bastard's hands. Silent tears ran down my cheeks. Kenneth chucked Sal onto to the ground next to me, laughing slightly. I turned to him, shaking. "S-Sal? Are..are you okay?" I got no response. Blood was oozing out the bottom of his mask and the side. "Sal....please..a-are you.." I started, my voice shaky.
My eyes went to his chest. It was rising and falling slowly. I sighed in relief and turned back to Kenneth, holding my bat higher. Then we heard a loud sob from my bathroom. Shit, Travis is still there. My grip tightened on my bat. I need to protect him. His head jerks to the bathroom and he smiles sickeningly. "I can hear you, faggot!" Kenneth yelled. I looked behind him. Ashley was laying on the ground, unconscious. She shifted slightly, beginning to gain consciousness. Fuck, I hope she wakes up soon, Sal needs help. I took a deep breath.
"If you even think about touching him or any of my friends, I will bash your goddamn skull in." I threatened. He snorted and made eye contact with me. "Go ahead. I wanna see what you can do." He has this sadist look in his eyes when he said that. I don't know what he has planned, but goddamn I'm pissed. I ran forward and swung my bat, praying to hit his head.
The edge of my bat did end up hitting his temple, sending him stumbling to the side. The hit opened a small gash in the side of his head. Blood trickled down his face as he laughed hysterically, his eyes both far off and manic at the same time. I slowly backed up, worried what he was doing, blood dripping off the end of my bat. Kenneth clutched his side as his body shook with laughter. Oh goddamn he’s crazy. The sobbing from the bathroom was getting louder, only making him more hysterical. I need to get Travis out of this situation, Sal needs help, and Ashley needs to wake up. I’m at a fucking loss. This whole situation is a cluster-fuck.
After Kenneth finally stopped laughing, he opened one side of his suit jacket, shakily reached hand in, and pulled out a revolver. I went stock-still. Holy shit. I dropped my bat. I was paralyzed. My mind was racing as he raised his arm up and cocked the gun. He smiled once again.
“Bye bye, Johnson.” Kenneth said quietly, his voice unsettlingly calm. He pulled the trigger, aiming for my chest. I tried to jump out of the way, but I was a bit too late. I felt a piercing pain in my shoulder, almost white hot, feeling worse by the second. Oh my fuck. I shrieked in agony as the world spun around me. The pain was almost numbing. I was shaking and hyperventilating, my heart pounding in my ears. My legs gave out and I fell to the floor.
I felt hot liquid running down my chest and staining my Sanity Falls shirt. I brought my hand to my shoulder and the liquid, biting back a scream as my hand grazed the wound. I shakily brought my hand back to my line of sight to see scarlet blood coating my finger tips. I turned my head to look behind me. There was a bloody bullet laying on the ground. Oh my god, it went though my shoulder, and I have no fucking idea if that’s a good thing or not.
Holy shit, this is it. This is how I die. My best friend badly injured next to me, my other best friend unconscious behind a piece of shit man and could wake up at any point, and my dear boyfriend stuck in a bathroom, his awful father right outside. My mother is going to come home to her dead son, or even worse, this motherfucker.
Hot tears cascaded down my cheeks as my body rocked with sobs. “Your fucking pathetic.” Kenneth spat. He then turned to Ash, who was now awake and crying hysterically, and smiled. “Time to get rid of the witness.” Then the door to my left opened, and I almost forgot about my pain, almost. What I assumed was a fucking angel walked out of the door. Oh wait, that’s just Travis. Eh, same thing. He gasped and cupped his hand over his mouth.
“Lar-Larry, please, p-please...be-be okay! Please don’t l-leave me!” He whispered, his voice barely audible. Tears starting to stream down his cheeks and he shook uncontrollably as his eyes stayed on my shoulder. “Hey, don’t worry, I-I’m sure I’m gonna-gonna be fine” I whispered weakly. God I hope I’m right. My head was dangerously dizzy. Travis sobbed quietly, only getting louder when he saw Sal.
He quickly took off his sweater and kneeled next to me. He speedily wrapped it around my wound and tied it to stop me from loosing more blood, murmuring quit apologies when I wince. Travis kissed me gently and pulled away. “I’m so sorry.” He whispered, more tears running down his cheeks as he pushed a piece of hair behind my ear. It killed me to see him like this, especially with the hot pain in my shoulder. I kissed him, cupping his cheek gently when he kissed back.
He pulled away carefully and turned his head to see Kenneth yanking Ashley’s hair up. Travis gasped and went bright red with anger. He stood up and looked down at the bat next to me, the blood now dried on it. Travis picked it up and before I could object, silently approached his father from behind.
“Trav, please be careful..” I whispered to myself as he crept closer to Kenneth.
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sallyface-incorrect · 5 years
The Struggles of Having ADHD
- Only Being able to sleep either 2 hours or 16, there’s no in between. I am legit typing this at 3:02 am because I can’t sleep and I haven’t slept that much and it sucks. Summer is for sleeping, not for stress.
- Not being able to remember basic information about someone like their name, but being able to remember that they once told you that their great great aunt had a mole on her foot the shape of Texas. True story btw, sorry Amber.
- Feeling like your being rejected if your friend can’t make it to hang out with you because of family reasons. RSD is a bitch. Like the tiniest thing can make you feel rejected. Ie, your mom telling you not to be so loud, someone asking why your sneezes are so loud, someone asking you to return their pen, etc.
- Having your medication ware off/forgetting to take it and being the most annoying bitch in the galaxy. I once went on a school trip and my meds wore off and I ended up spending the 2 hour bus ride back annoying the guy who was trying to sleep in front of me, again, I am so sorry Max.
- IDK if it’s just me but, chewing on literally everything. Bottle caps, paper, fabric, rubber (my favorite), and much more. I used to get punished all the time for chewing on things I wasn’t supposed to. Nail biting is also a big thing. And so is hair chewing.
- Being told “You’re too smart to have ADHD”. Well Susan, I have a neurological devolpmental disorder, I’m not retarded.
- Either giving too much information or not enough when in conversation, and also bringing up really irrelevant things in the conversation like, I know we’re talking about the Louisiana Perchance but can I tell you about this one time it rained and I saw a snail?
- Being botherd by loud and/or repetitive noises. Pen clicking and high pitched sirens make me want to scream. They suckkk harder then Travis wants to suck Sal’s dick. And the worse is when people think you’re weird or that you have a problem with them for asking. I understand you like to click your pen and I’m so sorry it’s just so loud...
- Being afraid of your friends rejecting you. Again, RSD is a bitch. Like you’re afraid that one day your bestie will get up and leave and never come back and it’s all your fault and you suck and ughhhhhh. You’re also afraid their s/o / parents hate you and one day they’ll convince them to just leave you.
- Medication is a godsend but it’s also problematic. The stuff that I take fucks up my sleep schedule, my appetite, and make me tired and nauseous. It also gives me headaches and belly aches :(
- Either being so hungry that you also eat everything in your fridge or being so not hungry that even the concept of food disgust you. And sometimes, you even throw up because food is so gross and you’re gross and all that gross is inside you and eww.
- Intense, powerful migraines. They get worse in the winter months. Last year I took almost a week off of school because my migraines got worse and worse and worse and I couldn’t do it.
- Having no measurement of personal space or how to physically interact with someone. I just said hi, do I hug you, do I high five you, idk? Like idk how many potential friendships I’ve fucked up because I was too handsey.
- Being really particular about the type of clothing I wear. I love LOVE long sleeve shirts/ sweatshirts/ sweaters/ hoodies and shorts. I also love to wear socks around the house. I hate HATE wearing socks with shoes though, it makes me anxious. I also hate wearing certain types of pants. I literally only have 2 - 3 pairs of pants I’ll wear because pants sometimes feel like a tent and I hate that.
- Not being able to loose weight. I’m not fat, or chubby, I mean I have abs for God’s sake! It’s just that I have thick ass thigh I h a t e and I wish I could just get rid of them but my medication prevents me from loosing all that weight. On the bright side, I can eat a lot and not gain weight either.
- Having certain little routines you can’t skip. For example, every morning I must shave my legs and brush my hair or the world will end. I also must have all the doors and windows closed or else I’m gonna scream.
- Also idk if this is a problem for anyone else but doors and windows being open. I can’t stand it, I mean please, I don’t care that you’re just coming up for 1 thing but p l e a s e for the love of g o d, close the door that leads to upstairs. Having it open just isn’t right.
- Hyperfixiating on something for soo long that you forget to do basic hygiene like shower, use the bathroom, brush your hair, brush your teeth. It can get you in really big trouble but at least the job is done.
- Having a comfort item. Like I have this stuffed lamb whose name is “Lambchop” but I call “Lambie” and I sleep with them each and every night and carry them around the house with me when I’m home and if I’m upset I NEED to cuddle them bacuse it’s the only thing that will make the world go away.
- Being insanely good at certain academics and shitty at others. For example, when I was in 5th grade I was reading at an undergrad level and had the ability to understand science concepts a senior would be learning but my math was at the level of a second graders.
- Idk how to describe it but like, doing movements half way and the forgetting about them. Like this one time I was at a piano recital and I went to reach for something and forgot what I was reaching for so I just kinda held my hand up in a grabbing motion for half a song and then forgot about it until my mom reminded me to put it down.
- Not being able to understand that people don’t want to hear about your hyperfixiation. I’ve had 2 cases of this in my life, my “ghosts are definitely really and now this is my only personality triat” and my “I’m not a weeb but Tokyo Ghoul is so good now let me tell you all about the plot.” (Tokyo Ghoul gang REPRESENT)
- Having 3 different moods, hyperactive, normal, and cold. Like you’re normal most of the time but sometimes you’re sooo hyper that your an entirely different person, or sometimes you’re sooo distant you’re a different person too.
- Not being able to identify your emotions very well. Like, this guy just told me that my dad and my bestie are asshole who deserve to die in a fire, what am I feeling? Am I sad? Angry? Scared? Do I think this is funny? Am I gonna laugh? Cry? Idk, throw hands? Or the dreaded crush. Do I have feelings for this person or do I just want to be really good friends? Do I hate them? Love them? Am I gonna cry the next time I see them? Last time we hung out was fun but idk???
- Also like I mentioned, romance/sexuality is hard. Last time I dated I dated this guy I really liked, or at least I thought I did. We dated for three months before I blew it off because he asked to put his arm around me and it was weird when I said yes. Also sexuality. Idk if this is a problem for anyone else or just my bisexual ass. Like it’s so hard and I really like guys but hey, girls are hot. And like I like guys more than girls?? Sometime it makes me feel really fake.
- Really enhanced weird hearing. I know at least 80% of my classes drama because I have superhearing and I’m a literal hearing god bow down, bitch. I can hear the smallest of sounds and such, but for some goddamn reason I can’t understand how loud I’m being.
- Extestensial nihilism and just being cool about it. Like, dude, idk if there’s a god out there? I’d like to think there’s some sort of Devine power and we have a purpose but idk, we probably don’t have a purpose. I mean, we’ll be forgotten after we die anyway unless we’re Tom Holland. And love probably doesn’t exist either and it’s only stigmatized by movies and books and media and we’re all gonna get married and be miserable for ever and such. But like does it really even matter? In the end we’re all alone so go off I guess.
- Being really sensitive to smell. Certain smells drive me through the roof. For example, I have an extreme fish allergy and even smelling the slightest hint a salmon can give me a migraine so intense I think I’m dying. Or essential oils. Ughh I hate those. They send me through the roof.
- Being able to remember something you heard in a YouTube video you watched back when you were nine but not being able to remember when you birthday is some days because it really be like that.
- Being really good with little kids. Idk if everyone is like this but I am very childish myself and little kids love me. I have at least 3 little boys in 1st - 3rd grade who think I’m their girlfriend and 8 little girls in kindergarten - 5th grade who think I’m their big sister, it’s really sweet.
- Always apologizing is a big thing for me. When I was a child I used to get in trouble for saying sorry when I did anything and that carried to teen hood. Last year at my dance class my teacher noticed this and tried to help me break my habit god bless you Christine.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk bois. ADHD sucks but I know you can do it👌🏻
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amarauder · 5 years
the adventures of captain bubbles ♆ percy jackson x reader
Tumblr media
                               001. the adventures of captain bubbles
pairing; percy jackson x reader
request; Percy and (Y/N) were dating but Hera took Percy's memory and all he remembered was (Y/N). (Y/N) kept searching with Annabeth for Percy. It was obvious to everyone but Percy that Annabeth liked him but respects his choice of him liking (Y/N), so she doesn't try to break them up and actually ships it a LOT. Percy goes through all the stuff in the book, meets (Y/N) again, regains his memory then The End.
date; Febuary, 11th 2019
word count; 7603
warning; lots and lots of angst, kissing, er i don't know. mentions of death-but wrongly accused? i don't know. you'll see.
a/n; i am so incredibly sorry for how long this took. you literally requested this seven months ago-more than a half of a year. i feel so so bad. so i tried extremely hard on this one in order to kind of make up for it. i hope you like it. if not i am very willing to rewrite it or change anything you want to. :)
trailer; in which a girl's boyfriend goes missing leaving her to pick up the clues to his disappearance.
requested by;
The girl's face was pale as she walked through the Camp. Everything looked just as she remembered it but it seemed different somehow. There were still children running around with glee splashed across their spaces along with strawberry juice dripping down their chins but the air seemed tense as if everyone was waiting for someone to ruin something. It reminded her of last Summer.
She felt her car keys bounce in the pocket of her army green cargo pants as she walked towards the Big House. Annabeth had written her demanding that she come to Camp immediately and meet with the rest of the Head Counselors. Y/N had obliged knowing Annabeth's temper, besides it wasn't like she had been planning on coming within the next month, she had already packed as she was going to leave within the next week.
A small laugh escaped Y/N's lips when she made eye contact with Clarisse and her siblings. They were currently bullying a poor child into giving her their money. The daughter of Hermes would have felt grim at the sight of the scene but after knowing Clarisse for years she didn't care anymore. But it didn't mean Y/N wouldn't try and distract her friend.
"Oi, big lump!" Y/N called, her footsteps increasing as she got closer. Clarisse spun around with a shrewd look in her eye just as she knew she would. Y/N watched her search for her next culprit before stopping at her form, a small smirk formed as she held in a laugh.
Clarrise rolled her eyes at Y/N and grumbled, "I should have known it was you." The girl walked over to Y/N and held out her hand. Y/N was slightly surprised at the gesture as she had been expecting a punch on the arm for insulting her. But Y/N shook it off and finished off the Camp's handshake with ease.
Y/N noticed Clarisse shoo her goonies away-who probably went to go mess with that poor child again-and scrutinize her face with purpose as if looking for any kind of feeling but happiness. When she found none Clarisse looked at her with a sadness that made a pit form in the bottom of her stomach. She hated it, the disgusting feeling almost as if she was going to throw up at any moment but her tummy wouldn't give her the satisfaction of doing so.
"What's wrong, La Rue." Y/N said after a while. She couldn't handle the silent but purposeful look every few seconds anymore.
"Nothing, nothing is wrong." Y/N rolled her eyes at her friend and gave Clarisse a harsh look. Surprisingly, she looked away with a guilty look. Y/N let herself start to worry after that. Clarisse was acting completely out of character which only meant one thing; something was seriously wrong. "Let's just walk a little faster. I don't want to be late for the meeting."
Y/N snorted from behind her friend, "Since when were you ever worried about being late when it didn't consist of Capture the Flag?" Clarisse didn't answer Y/N.
The rest of the walk to the Big House was silent and left Y/N restless, wanting to know what was causing Clarisse to act more sinister than usual. "So," Y/N started as the door hit from behind them, "How's everything been going with Chris?"
"Shut your trap, L/N."
"So, it's going well then." Y/N grinned and pickpocketed a pile of dramachas on a random wooden table. Clarisse didn't answer her again and instead made their presence known to the rest of the Head Counselors.
While Clarisse was making her usual ruckus, Y/N glanced around the room. Her eyes traveled around looking for a special sixteen-year-old boy named Perseus Jackson. Instead of finding him, her eyes landed on her two troublesome brothers. They were both grinning mechanically and for a split second, she was distracted by nervousness.
"Stolen anything recently, sister?" one of the twins snickered.
Y/N laughed and rolled her eyes, "Not since I learned that the phrase 'ignore it and it will go away' does not apply to being chased by a dozen cop cars."
"Wow," Y/n decided it was Travis. He was the only Stoll who had freckles over his left eyebrow bone. "Twelve cop cars, you special little thing."
"Stuff it, Trav-"
"It's Connor."
Y/N smiled sheepishly and would have apologized if she hadn't been interrupted by her dear friend Annabeth. Her stern glare pierced through Y/N leaving her more than a little shocked. It had been a while since she had been on the receiving end of Annabeth's famous death glare. Y/N bit the inside of her cheek and looked away, everyone had been acting weirdly since she got to Camp. Clarisse was looking at her like she was about to break any second, Annabeth seemed like she wanted to murder Y/N, even her brothers were even acting nicer than normal. It was weird but before Y/N could voice her thoughts, Annabeth had started the meeting.
"Chiron had given Butch and me permission to leave the Camp to greet two demigods and a supposed special surprise that is supposed to help us find P-"
"Chase!" Clarisse snapped from next to Lee Fletcher, Y/N had almost jumped out of her seat from her booming voice, "She doesn't know yet."
Y/N watched the exchange with curious eyes that quickly turned into wide, embarrassed peepers. [lol, I couldn't say eyes again bc it sounded terrible. so peepers it is-i'm not saying hues. I did that before when I was younger and never again will I use that word.] Unfortunately, it was a bit intimidating to have all of Camp Half-Blood's most powerful campers waiting to see a reaction out of Y/N. "Y/N is also in the room and would like to remind everyone of that." Y/N said, "She would also like to add that she wants to know what is going on and doesn't like gossiping."
Annabeth went silent after Y/N's comment and shared a look with Clarisse. Analyzing the situation more, Y/N realized it must be bad if no one would tell her. Suddenly, Y/N had a thought that made her entire body shiver. "Kronos isn't back, is he?"
The majority of the counselors laughed at the absurdity of the question and shook their heads making Y/N sigh in relief, but Annabeth wouldn't even break a smile which only made Y/N more worried.
When everyone calmed down, everyone except Chiron had arrived and it was quiet. Almost too quiet. No one said a word as they looked at her but she could all see the sadness in their eyes. Katie had her mouth covered until she stood up and walked over to her. It was a bit awkward since she had never been close to the girl and making Travis move only made it worse. Surprisingly, she took her hand and lead her over to sit between her and Clarisse, never once letting go of her hand. As time moved on, Y/N started to wonder if Katie had somehow developed a crush on her, but she shook the thought away after making a joke about it, "Katie, you're a nice girl and all but I don't feel that way about you."
Katie snorted and gave Y/N a light shove after letting go of her hand, "Fine, if you are that weirded out by physical contact, I won't touch you again."
Y/N grinned and relaxed, stretching her legs out in front of her before remembering the situation she was stuck in and quickly curled herself back into her original tense position. "Again, what's going on?"
Y/N looked around the room, trying to figure out who was missing. The only missing person seemed to be Percy and Chiron. But Percy wasn't supposed to be at Camp until next week. Even though she knew that fact, an uneasy feeling settled into her chest, worrying her instantly. Her gut had always been right.
"Where's Chiron?" She needed someone to answer at least one of her questions.
"He's on his way," Clarisse told her. Y/N scrunched her lips together in frustration. If Chiron was the only one allowed to give her answers then why couldn't he hurry up? The centaur had known Y/N for more than half of her life, yet he couldn't bother to think that she would be uneasy about this whole meeting-especially with everyone still looking at her with sympathetic gazes.
"Can someone please tell me what's going on?" Y/N whispered into the silence of the room. Katie put her hand on top of hers again but didn't say anything. When Chiron finally arrived, Y/N was done waiting for an answer as her patience had completely dwindled. She stood up quickly and rushed over to Chiron with shocking ferocity.
"What's going on? I want to know right now!" Chiron faced her, his eyes avoiding hers for a second. "Chiron please, Everyone else seems to know exactly what is going on, why isn't anyone telling me..." Realization suddenly hit Y/N, Percy had called her last Monday letting her know that he would be arriving earlier that week. She remembered the soothing sound of his voice telling her how much he missed her and couldn't wait to see her. She had made him promise that he would wait for her at the front of the Camp. Piecing all the clues together, her mind immediately went for the worst. The knowledge seemed to have struck her in the face, buried itself in the pit of her stomach, and pierced her heart as she shook her head slowly. "No...no."
"Y/N-" Chiron began but Y/N refused to hear any of it.
"NO!" She grabbed at her hair, covering her ears. "Don't you dare tell me, don't you dare say it!"
"I'm so sorry, Y/N. We don't know how it happened."
"NO! NO! NO!" She screeched at him. Connor went to grab at her arm, but she snatched it away, glaring at Chiron. "It's not true! It's not true! Tell me it's not true!"
Connor took a full step forward and caught Y/N as she fell to her knees breaking into a full cry. "It can't be true... Percy can't be dead. I don't believe you. I don't-" Y/N tried to push away but Connor wouldn't let her go-in shock of what she had interpreted.
"He's not dead, Y/N," Connor said meeting eye contact with Chiron who was also looking at Y/N with confused eyes.
Y/N looked up with a distraught look settled on her features. She studied him for a moment before shaking him with an angry scowl, "You better not be joking, Stoll or I swear to Hera I will-"
"He's not joking," Annabeth said interrupting Y/N in her trance-like state. Annabeth came over and kneeled next to Y/N who breathed out in a sigh of relief before sobbing into her shoulder. Y/N felt a surge of emotions as she cried, relief, happiness, and worry being the front-runners. She was so incredibly relieved and happy her boyfriend wasn't dead but she was scared for what was actually going on. She had a feeling it still had to do with Percy as they hadn't realized what she was crying about until later. Although, at the moment she was completely content knowing he was alive and hopefully healthy.
♆ ♆ ♆
She felt useless, completely and utterly useless. There was a sense of denial for the first few months. Y/N could only hope that Percy had moved to another country and had been too cowardly to break up with her. But even that sounded ridiculous to Y/N, she knew Percy was anything but a coward. Stupid at times maybe, but certainly not a coward.
With a flip of her hair, Y/N tied the strands into a ponytail. She was getting ready to start some of the Summer homework that she had been assigned last week. Y/N knew most people wouldn't even look at the work that early in their break but Y/N liked to get things done early despite what everyone thought.
"Hey," Someone said from behind Y/N, she looked over her shoulder as she was placing a headphone in to see Annabeth.
Y/N felt the bed dip and assumed it was the girl she had seen come in earlier, "How are you holding up?"
"I'm... I don't even know, Annie. It's rather weird it's like I keep expecting him to walk in at any given moment and act like we used to but I keep having to remind myself he's not here. I just feel like there is something I should be doing about this but there is nothing. You all already sent many search parties and no one has found him. To be honest, I am starting to get worried. It's just there is a very big possibility that he could be..." Y/N took in a deep breath and tightened her hands around the comforter, "gone and that is what scares me the most."
Annabeth nodded silently, "I know you probably don't want to hear this but I know how you feel."
"Annie, it's fine. You are best friends just because you had a crush on him when you were younger doesn't mean anything."
Annabeth looked away from Y/N. She didn't know how to break it to one of her best friends that she still had a crush on her boyfriend. She knew she was going to have to say something to her eventually but now was not the time. Especially since she thought Percy and Y/N were one of the cutest couples at Camp and she didn't want to be the person who ruined that. Annabeth knew both Y/N and Percy would agree to break up to help ease their friend's pain but she also knew it wouldn't be fair for them to be suffering by silently pinning after each other.
"I don't think I've ever seen you this serious before, Captain Bubbles." Y/N cringed at the terrible nickname, Percy had nicknamed her that after he realized that she knew how to sail and because she apparently reminded him of a pirate. She still didn't really understand the bubbles or the pirate part for that matter but Y/N just decided to roll with it. "I remember when Grover thought of the name. We had been looking for you two when we found you and Percy on the docks. I still hadn't liked you then and Grover had said something about you two would look good together." Annabeth said with a laugh, "I was pissed after that comment and had said you would be a great pirate and Grover declared your ship name would be Captain Bubbles. I don't remember how it became a nickname but."
"Oh, I thought Percy had thought of the name, but that's a rather odd way to gain a nickname."
"I know," Annabeth nodded, "But umm, Chiron said we are going to pick up some demigods later today if you are free then. It will be just me, you, and Butch."
"Butch from the Iris Cabin?" Y/N asked not looking up from her work. Annabeth nodded and stood up to leave, "What time are we going?"
"At Three, don't be late." Y/N heard the door shut behind Annabeth as she quickly jotted down 3 PM - picking up demigods on a bright pink sticky note. Pasting it in her Planner, she didn't hear Annabeth come back in quickly.
"Hey, Argus is looking for you."
"Oh! I completely forgot! Thanks, Annie."
"Where are you going?" Annabeth asked, hanging around the door for a little bit longer. She watched Y/N hurriedly grab all of her stuff and throw it into a bag. She wondered how Y/N was so level headed about the situation she was stuck in if Annabeth had been in Y/N's place she didn't know what she would have done. Annabeth knew she would certainly be a little more productive in trying to find Percy, but Annabeth also knew that Chiron had instructed Y/N not to go looking for Percy. It was a good thing Annabeth was a little pushier than Y/N.
"I'm visiting Sally Jackson."
♆ ♆ ♆
Y/N's fingers drummed on her thigh slowly as she waited for Sally to open the front door. She didn't quite understand why she had so much more energy than normal, she knew she shouldn't be nervous over something as stupid as visiting her Boyfriend's Mother. But she couldn't help be worried that Sally might blame Y/N for her Son's disappearance or even worse, she might not know about it yet.
At that final thought, Y/N almost turned around but decided against it when the door opened and she made eye contact with Sally Jackson. The woman looked a little bit beat up, more tired than normal but the second she saw Y/N her face lit up. She was still in her work outfit leaving Y/N to wonder if she had arrived too early. She hadn't wanted Sally to not have a break after her exhausting work.
Silently, Sally's arm lifted up to give Y/N a hug. Y/N closed the hold quickly. It felt good to be in held into a true embrace, not one that was forced out of pity or because the person felt the need too. But Y/N knew that Sally was feeling the same pain as she was which was enough to let Y/N relax into the warm hug.
"I'm so sorry, Sally. I would have come earlier-I just found out yesterday and-"
"It's alright, Y/N. Come in, I'll make some Hot Chocolate and Blue Cookies. How does that sound?"
"It sounds lovely, Mrs.Jackson. Thank you for having me."
"Now, now, what have I told you about calling me Mrs.Jackson?"
"Sorry, Sally."
A half an hour later, Y/N was sitting on the countertop listening to Sally as she sipped on hot chocolate.
"Then, in the bath, he would move the water back and forth until it would spill over and of course, right after, he would be in a fit of giggles. Teachers told me they have never met such an energized kid before-especially such a naughty one too."
Y/N laughed into her own cup, looking at Sally with mirth in her eyes. "My younger sister is quite a handful too. She has a very bad habit of getting lost all the time. I'm pretty sure she had even gotten lost in her own school once."
Sally laughed, grabbing an oven mitt and pulling the cookies out of the oven. "How do you do that?"
"That's what I said, not to mention that she had been going there for several years now. She's in Sixth Grade at the moment, I'm a bit worried about her going into middle school. Zeus knows how lost she will get there."
"She's in her Sixth Year already? My, my does time fly by. I can't believe how old she is."
Y/N shrugged and took a sip of her Hot Cocoa before answering, "I suppose. I haven't really thought about it. She is starting to look rather like an old woman though."
Sally rolled her eyes with a laugh and placed a plate of cookies in front of her. A small smile made it's way onto Y/N's face as Deja Vu washed over her. The smell of the stupid cookies was the same scent Percy seemed to obtain whenever she hugged him. She knew she usually would have loved the smell and would secretly take in deep breaths to feel as if she were in his arms again. But instead, she felt sick to her stomach like how a small child would feel when knowing they were seconds away from getting grounded by their parents.
"I have got to use the restroom, Y/N." Sally said, "I'll be right back."
Y/N nodded and picked at her cookie, it tasted the same as always. The mouthwatering taste of chocolate overwhelmed Y/N's senses as she eyed a photo on the wall. She was rather surprised it was there. She had thought Gods weren't able to be in pictures. But she had thought wrong, there standing side by side were Poseidon and Sally. They seemed to be laughing at something and before Y/N knew it a small smile landed on her face, Sally looked completely content with Poseidon at her side. Something Y/N hadn't seen in a while, a feeling she hadn't seen on Sally's face since Percy had been back at home.
Y/N pursed her lips, it must have been hard having a child that's a demigod. But at least Sally had tried, her Mother had not. Proving her unhealthy mental state further, Y/N shrugged to herself as if she had been narrating her own story. Her unstableness only seemed to get worse as she felt as if someone was staring at her when it was only the cookies. She had two more on her plate and she was painfully brought back to memories of Percy eating two or three of them. She tapped her thumb on the counter, debating if she should eat another one. She decided too. After all, it was what Percy would have done and Y/N found that doing what he would have done lessened the pain of his absence.
♆ ♆ ♆
"Oh, shut up, doggo. You're only making this situation worse."
"I still don't get the nickname."
"Seriously?" Y/N asked in disbelief, "I've been calling you that since we were thirteen."
"I know."
"Have you ever seen Tom and Jerry?" Y/N asked sneaking a glance at him from the corner of her eye, as she steered the Chariot a little more towards the left. Judging by the look of his face, it looked like he hadn't seen the hilarious cartoon making Y/N feel a little bit of pity for the boy. But it went away soon after. Y/N started to wonder if she had been spending too much time with Clarisse. "Anyway, there's a dog named Butch in the Cartoon. When you first said your name, that's the first thing that came to mind. So now, I call you doggo or puppers. I like them both."
"Whatever, Speedy Gonzalez," Butch said sticking his tongue out at her.
Y/N laughed, "You really are still bent out of shape from that stupid race."
"You tripped me! I should have won!"
"Now, now, puppers. Don't go all Rottweiler on me."
"Hey," Annabeth said, interrupting Butch and Y/N from their 'conversation', "We are about to land. I would appreciate it if you both would shut up and concentrate on the landing. I really don't want to die today."
"Ay Aye, Princess." Y/N said doing a mock salute. Annabeth narrowed her eyes at Y/N making her turn around in pure terror before turning back to Butch, "How's my first mate doing?"
Butch rolled his eyes and nudged her in the hip, "I'll take it from here, Y/N. Go sit with Annie."
"It's Captain Bubbles to you."
"The name's Bond, James Bond," Y/N said holding her hand out towards the stocky blonde, "I'm Sherlock's Newest Assistant. My current mission is figuring out the mysterious disappearance of Shark Doodoo."
Butch rolled his eyes, "Ignore her. She's been affected by his disappearance too."
Y/N scoffed, "I've always been like this, Doggo. that's something we should all know by now. Now onto important matters, any leads, Puppers? They seem like suitable witnesses." Y/N said eyeing the blonde and brunette respectively.
"I'm Piper Mclean." The only girl said in the group. Y/N offered her a grin which she returned.
"Nice to meet you, Just Jason. Where's the third one?" Y/N asked, turning to Annabeth, "Weren't we supposed to pick up three demigods?"
"Yes, and Hedge."
Y/N felt her eyebrows raise to her hairline, Y/N hadn't seen the Saytr anywhere. Thankfully, Butch had seemed to have developed mind-reading powers overnight and had been brave enough to voice his opinion out loud. Y/N didn't like to listen to Annabeth's lectures, they bored her to death. It didn't matter how close of a friendship they had, Y/N never had the attention span to listen to 'authority', "Hedge? Are you sure? I don't see the tiny goat anywhere but I do see the other demigod."
"Now, now, you know the correct term, Doggo. Don't want Sage hearing you say that."
"For Iris' Sake, Y/N. Sage isn't my girlfriend."
"I never said she was." Y/N said with a smirk and her hands up in a surrender position. Y/N watched Butch growl under his breath, he looked close to losing it making Y/N worry a little bit. Maybe she should take down the teasing a notch.
Thankfully, it seemed Piper had also sensed the tension between Y/N and the son of Iris as she had mentioned that no one had gotten Leo, the other demigod. Thankfully, Butch had volunteered to grab him letting him cool off. Y/N followed Annabeth, Piper, and Jason into the Chariot as she listened to Jason's Point of View for the past hour. By the end, Y/N had only realized one detail from his story. He and Annabeth were going to get along very well.
"Wait," Piper said. "So, what's your name again?"
"Y/N, Y/N L/N." She said, mimicking the same extravagated James Bond impression she had done earlier. Piper nodded, her lips perking up as she took a seat next to Jason, Y/N smiled softly at them. They reminded her of her younger self and Percy. They looked so clueless but confident in each other-well, Piper did. The blonde haired boy just looked rather confused. If she didn't have a memory of anything like he did, Y/N guessed she would be acting the same, maybe even a bit worse.
Annabeth had seemed to break a new record in somehow digging herself into an even worse mood after she found out Coach had gotten himself sucked up into the Sky. She had snapped at poor Leo many times and she glowered at anyone in her path. By the time they got back to Camp, it seemed Annabeth had yelled at everyone on the carriage for just existing. Butch had explained the Percy situation with detail and how it could possibly be affecting Annabeth. But Y/N couldn't help but wonder why Annabeth would care so much about a person she pretended to dislike half of the time, especially enough to put in a bad mood when they didn't find him.
If anyone should be pissed off, it should be Y/N.
Y/N's fingers tapped against the edge of the Chariot in rhythm with a song stuck in her head, it had been silent for a few minutes now. Annabeth had been extra harsh when she snapped at the curly haired boy for apparently being too loud.
Even though Y/N hated the way Annabeth was treating everyone, she was relieved that there was finally silence throughout the carriage. She enjoyed listening to the rustling winds against her ears, it had always been relaxing to her. It reminded her of riding Blackjack with Percy. Suddenly, a thought occurred to her, why hadn't they thought about using Blackjack?
Sitting up very quickly, she saw herself grab the others' attention including a rather annoyed Annabeth. However, before she could snap at Y/N, Y/N quickly brought up her idea, "Do you think Blackjack could bring us to Percy?"
Annabeth had almost accidentally turned the entire Chariot over in excitement.
♆ ♆ ♆
Y/N was up in the air again. Although this time, Y/N felt her stomach turn from bubbling pits of excited nerves. According to Annabeth, they had been getting closer and closer to Percy for the past few days. Y/N didn't know if she was right, but Blackjack seemed to get more and more restless as the days passed and Y/N was hoping it was from the excitement of getting closer and closer to his "boss". It had been years since Y/N found out that Blackjack called Percy 'boss' but it was still one of the funniest things she had heard in her life.
Annabeth and Y/N had been traveling for weeks,  flying on horseback to look for the man known as Seaweed Brain. It had been rather tiring in Y/N's opinion but she knew it would be all worth it in the end.
"Hey," Annabeth said urging her flying horse towards Blackjack, "We are almost in California."
Y/N perked up at that, she had never been to California. She knew Annabeth used to live there before she ran away with Luke and Thalia and that a lot of monsters lived there. But at the same time, the monster may have just been in San Francisco. Y/N's jaw clenched as freezing clouds blew through her hair, at first feeling the puffy material is interesting and delightful but later on, Y/N realized it's only delightful if it's warm and if she hadn't been blowing through clouds the entire day.
A feeling of unsettlement washed through her as her thoughts poked at her fragile feelings. They were almost in California which meant they which meant they were running out of land to search for Percy. Sometimes Y/N regretted being a hopeful person, she seemed to always be disappointed and it was starting to get depressing.
"Stop looking so depressed, we'll find him," Annabeth promised. Y/N started to wonder if being able to read minds was a power you got when you were a child of Athena.
"I've never been more thankful for you always being right." Annabeth laughed but it was cut short from a choke like a gasp as her flying horse started to buck and wiggle around. Annabeth hung on tight resembling a bullfighter which contrasted greatly with her very unadventurous personality. Y/N tried to move Blackjack towards Annabeth but he wouldn't budge if anything it felt like he was moving backward. Y/N didn't even know horses could fly backward, she thought only hummingbirds could do that.
That thought was quickly lost in the abyss of her short term memory as she stared in front of her. With an increasing acceleration, a huge boat was flying towards them. Y/N felt her hands grip Blackjack's mane tighter and tighter as her heart raced in panic. If they didn't move soon, they would be squished by the giant thing.
"Annabeth!" Y/N screamed over the whistling of the wind coming from the stupid boat. "We need to move!"
Annabeth turned to look at the h/c haired girl and somehow managed to glare at her despite her current situation. "Shut up, L/N! Can you not see I am a little busy here?"
Y/N rolled her eyes and muttered under her breath, "Well, don't go haunting after me once you've died." Blackjack whinnied from under her and Y/N looked down to see them moving towards the crazy horse and Annabeth. "Blackjack, what are you doing, you crazy horse!"
Blackjack didn't seem to like that very much and did an experimental twirl in the air as if to say, 'Watch your mouth, lady. I could very much be like my friend over there." Y/N decided to ignore Blackjack's imaginary comment and instead scooted back until she was on the edge of his hide. She was not planning on getting hit by some crazy horse or a jerking Annabeth. How was that girl still alive? Let alone the fact that she was still on the horse? Blackjack whinnied once more and nudged the horse with his nose. Y/N rolled her eyes, no wonder Blackjack choose Percy as his owner. They both acted the same, reckless but somehow lucky.
"Annabeth, are you alright?"
"Yes, I am fine." She said and shakily straightened out her outfit, "Maybe I should have listened to you about taking the car."
Y/N laughed at the absurdity of Annabeth's comment, "That's what you are thinking about right now?"
Annabeth shrugged, "That's what Percy would have said." Y/N went silent after that and looked towards the boat that seemed to be getting closer and closer as they floated. Y/N was sort of confused as to why she wasn't nervous about the boat. It was flying in the freaking sky but she didn't really care. It sort of looked familiar to her but Y/N couldn't think why it did. "Why were you so nervous about the boat?"
"Umm, Annie, in case you haven't noticed it's flying, something boats aren't made to do."
"It's the Argo the Second, genius." Realization washed over her like a wave crashing onto a dock, vigorously and dismayed. Annabeth and Y/N had been Iris Messaging Clarisse and Nico back and forth to keep in contact for any recent news, a week or two ago they had received some interesting news from them. Clarisse, the obvious sympathizer of the pair, [i'm being sarcastic by the way] had broken the news of the new Prophecy. It had hit Y/N hard. She didn't know if she could stand another war, another round of losing people she loved. The only good part of the situation was that it gave her hope that Percy was alive. After all, who would be a better hero to close the Doors of Death than Percy?
However, Y/N wouldn't be joining them on the quest. Something that scared Y/N, how was she going to be able to take care of Percy when he was going to be Hermes' knows where?
The Giant Ship slowed down next to them, giving them a good view of who was inside. Piper, Jason, and Leo were aboard the ship looking mighty pleased with themselves, especially when they made eye contact with the girls; well, Leo was. "Annabeth? Y/N L/N! Where have you been, Captain Bubbles! We've missed you!"
"Wow, don't I feel so loved," Annabeth grumbled from beside Y/N.  Blackjack seemed to want to rest immediately, he had sailed over to the deck of the ship way to quickly and had almost forced Y/N off his back due to a rather jerky landing. Leo helped her down as fast as he could, then quickly enveloped her in a hug. Y/N returned it just as tight and looked at her friend with a grin, "How's my muchacha?"
Later on that day, Y/N found herself alone on the edge of the deck. It was near sunset time and the wind was comfortably rustling her hair, a stark contrast to the sharp wind that felt like tiny needles ripping apart your face and disheveling her hair into painful knots.
A long sigh escaped her lips as she rested her head against the edge of the warship. She was alone for the first time in a while, Y/N had forgotten how important it was to develop this habit every day. She would escape time with Percy once and a while, usually it was more calming with him as long as he sat in silence. But that didn't happen most of the time.
Y/N missed Percy immensely, it had been a long few months without him and now when she knew she was so near. She could hardly wait.
Earlier that day, Jason had broken the news that they had an idea where Percy might be. So far, all of Y/N's theories were pointing positively towards Camp Jupiter. Blackjack had been flying in the direction of Camp Jupiter, thankfully they were rather close to the sight. Jason had been thrown to Camp Half-Blood with a lost memory and Y/N had a feeling Percy was having a similar experience. Which had brought on unnecessary worries, Y/N was scared that Percy might have forgotten her. She didn't want to think about what would happen if he had forgotten her. How would she be able to react to that? She knew she would try to help him remember her, but Y/N knew it wouldn't be the same-especially if he didn't love her back.
She shivered at the pure thought of the loss of Percy's love. She knew she would be heartbroken for Hermes' knows how long. The situation would only be worse with him absent from her life, going on a life-threatening Quest.
Instantaneously, Festus blew fire from his mouth breaking Y/N from her thoughts. She turned to look at the dragon only be in a rather awkward position with Leo. Nose to nose, Leo pulled back with a smirk, "You're a nice girl and all Y/N but I don't feel that way about you, Y/N." Y/N threw her head back in laughter, it felt good to laugh after so many depressing thoughts. "We are here, Y/N."
Y/N's eyes widened as she took the information in slowly, she was going to see Percy after many long months. Out of excitement, Y/N stood up too suddenly and hit her head against a rather thick beam that held up a part of the sail.
Leo cringed at the sound, shutting his eyes for a few seconds before opening them again. His eyebrows scrunched together as he looked around worriedly, she was nowhere to be seen. That was until Annabeth screamed at him and picked up Y/N's limp body from the ground.
♆ ♆ ♆
It was the first thing she felt, the first thing Y/N seemed to have registered, and she had yet to even open her eyes. It seemed like a continuation of the last thing she remembered, but this time it was dull and widespread rather than sharp and acute.
She was on a bed, Y/N could feel it. Something warm enveloped her, most likely a blanket. There was a very muffled scraping and banging in the background, something that reminded her of Y/N's Mother's adventures in the kitchen back home. If it weren't for the dull ache in her skull and the itchiness of a bandage, she would have presumed everything that happened to be a dream.
All of this Y/N registered with her eyes still closed.
She decided to open them then, too curious to withhold it any longer. Her eyelids were heavy with exhaustion as she pried them open, despite having the feeling that a long time had passed when she was asleep. She blinked a few times to let her vision clear. She was indeed on a bed, indeed covered with the softest blanket she had ever felt. The room wasn't too large or too small. It was very cozy, however, dim sunlight poured in from the frost covered window, the rest of the light coming from a roaring fire to her right. There was a glass of water on the bedside table which she eagerly gulped down. A chair sat at the edge of the bed, a smaller blanket draped over it. Someone had been sitting with Y/N. A pair of fuzzy slippers still sat at the chair's legs.
She slowly shifted her legs to the edge, reaching to place her feet in the slippers. They were way too big for you, but they had to do. As she moved, Y/N felt her cranium constricted with what felt like bandages over her hair. The questions in her mind got louder.
Surely, she wasn't captured. If Y/N had been, she would either be dead or kept in a condition worse than death. This environment looked like something out of a movie. Above her rippled a colossal white sheet that was balancing between four wooden beams. In front of her was the crashing waves that reeked of comfortable familiarity.
It was harder to stand up than she had thought. Her legs were wobbly, probably from disuse. How long had she been out? Y/N dragged her feet towards the door. Every step was an effort since her crown still hurt, and she had to hold her arms out to steady yourself.
Y/N was only halfway across the room when someone entered. Her heartbeat sped up as soon as it did, and she immediately knew who it was.
His raven hair was disheveled beyond belief, considering how particular he was about his hair. The shirt he had on him was wrinkled, and you knew he probably hadn't changed in days. The exhaustion on his face was almost pitiful when he turned around to face her, yet he was still a sight for sore eyes.
He gasped in surprise to not only find Y/N out of bed but mere feet away from him. He recoiled slightly at the change but immediately stepped towards her afterward, speaking before Y/N even registered his presence.
"You shouldn't be out of bed! Took us ages to get the wounds to start closing, you'll open them up again." He was next to you then. "C'mon, back to bed."
She took a sharp breath as his hand came in contact with her side, skin erupting in a burning fire. He froze too, and she knew he felt it. Y/N hadn't been near Percy in almost half a year, maybe more since she didn't know how long she had been knocked unconscious. This was the first conscious touch in a long time. And it felt magical.
His hand moved further down until it reached the small of her back. He applied slight pressure, making Y/N move closer to him. Her shaky hands found his chest, traveling upward to his shoulders and behind his neck. Percy didn't hesitate before connecting their lips.
It felt as good as the first one. No, it felt better. She couldn't help but moan out loud at the feeling of his lips lapping at her own, his tongue entering her mouth. Her fingers found his hair, tugging it in a way she knew he loved. Their bodies were flush together now. She could feel every shift in his muscles. His hands were soft against the bandages on her hair, and it reminded her of the million questions she had. Reluctantly she pulled away.
He almost whined at the loss, making Y/N smile slightly. She watched as he forced his eyes open to look into her own, and she felt her body relax into his, a familiar serenity taking over her. A feeling she had craved for so long.
"Percy," His eyes fell shut again at the sound of her voice saying his name, his forehead coming down to rest onto her shoulder. She let him hold her to himself, enjoying his touch like the drug that it was.
"What happened?" She finally whispered, hands moving over his shoulder blades, feeling them relax under her touch. He shook his head and buried himself deeper into her body, his own shaking.
"Gods, I missed you so much," he whispered, his voice was chalky and cracking every now and then. It made Y/N nervous. What had happened to her or worse, what had happened while she was knocked out?
"Hey now," Y/N started to stroke his back softly, "I'm here, Perce. Just calm down and then let's talk, ya?"
His grip tightened on her before he sighed and finally let himself sink into her as he nodded. Y/N let him hold her for a while as she basked a little longer in his touch.
The story of every event from that night onward was a shocking one. Percy had snuck Y/N onto the Argo the second with them, claiming he needed her if he was going to go the quest with them. Along the way, Y/N and Percy had somehow ended up in Tartarus and she had apparently almost died there. She had been asleep for the entire rest of the Quest, including the second Giant War.
Percy let them bask in silence for a while, he knew it was a lot to take in-especially since she didn't remember anything.
"I love you," Y/N whispered as she took Percy's hands in her own, she had realized it when he was gone for so long and she had been reminded of it when he whispered it into her hair creating a warmth shiver over her body when she was asleep.
"Mmm," Percy hummed capturing her in his arms once more, "I love you so much, Captain Bubbles."
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paigcmascn · 4 years
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 reallifehq task one: playlists
i had WAY too much fun making this ( even though it was completely time consuming … ) ! below, you will find the lyrics from each song that stand out to paige, thus reflecting why she put them on her playlist !
90 days - p!nk ft. wrabel
if i'm just somebody that you're gonna leave and you don't feel something when you look at me; you're holdin' my heart, mmm, whatcha say? just let me down slowly, i'll be okay. if you're just some habit that i gotta break; i can clear my system in 90 days. you're holdin' my heart, mmm, whatcha say? just let me down slowly.
bohemian rhapsody - panic! at the disco
too late, my time has come. sends shivers down my spine, body's aching all the time. goodbye, everybody, i've got to go. gotta leave you all behind and face the truth. mama, ooh, i don't want to die. i sometimes wish i’d never been born at all.
broken halos - chris stapleton
don't go looking for the reasons. don't go asking jesus why? we're not meant to know the answers. they belong to the by and by.
drunk me - mitchell tenpenny
some people don't know when to quit and that's why they quit. some need to hit the bottom to see they got a problem, they can't handle it; but that ain't why i started cleaning up my life. wish it was but, ooh, that would be a lie.
dysfunctional ft. big scoob & krizz kaliko - tech n9ne
i'm a little dysfunctional, don't you know? if you push me, it might be bad. get a little emotional, don't you know? you could fool around and make me mad.
hurts 2b human  - p!nk ft. khalid
hope flows away. if you could spend a day in my shoes, your mind would change. if you'd known what i've gone through. we want the same. maybe then you'll understand how it hurts to be human.
i think i’m okay ft. yungblud & travis barker - machine gun kelly
satch me, take a good thing and fuck it all up in one night. catch me, I'm the one on the run away from the headlights. no sleep, up all week wasting time with people i don't like. i think something's fucking wrong with me.
king of my heart - taylor swift
is the end of all the endings? my broken bones are mending with all these nights we're spending up on the roof with a school girl crush, drinking beer out of plastic cups. say you fancy me, not fancy stuff. baby, all at once, this is enough.
like i ain’t - tech n9ne
like i ain't rich, like i ain't sold not a ne'er record platinum or ne'er gold. like i ain't dripped, like i ain't froze. like i ain't made a quarter mill' for a show. like I ain't big, like i ain't huge. like i ain't shit, like i ain't pay dues. like i ain't full, like i ain't cool. like i ain't build a empire in the zou. like i, like i ain't.
lights - journey
when the lights go down in the city and the sun shines on the bay. ooh, I wanna be there, yeah, in my city. oh, whoa, oh. oh, oh, oh, whoa, oh.
lose yourself - eminem
look, if you had one shot or one opportunity to seize everything you ever wanted in one moment; would you capture it or just let it slip?
nightmare - halsey
no, I won't smile, but I'll show you my teeth and I'ma let you speak if you just let me breathe. i've been polite, but won't be caught dead lettin' a man tell me what I should do in my bed. keep my exes in check in my basement 'cause kindness is weakness, or worse, you're complacent. i could play nice or i could be a bully. i'm tired and angry, but somebody should be.
river ft. ed sheeran - eminem
i've been a liar, been a thief. been a lover, been a cheat. all my sins need holy water, feel it washing over me. well, little one, i don't want to admit to something if all it's gonna cause is pain. truth and my lies right now are falling like the rain; so let the river run.
simple man - shinedown
oh take your time, don't live too fast. troubles will come, and they will pass. you'll find a woman, and you'll find love; and don't forget that, there is someone up above.
smells like teen spirit - nirvana
load up on guns, bring your friends. it's fun to lose and to pretend. she's over-bored and self-assured. oh no, I know a dirty word.
somethin’ bad ft. carrie underwood - miranda lambert
stand on the bar, stomp your feet, start clapping. i got a real good feeling something bad about to happen. drinks keep coming, throw my head back laughing. wake up in the morning' don't know what happened. 
take what you want ft. ozzy osborne & travis scott
i feel you crumble in my arms down to your heart of stone. you bled me dry just like the tears you never show. why don't you take what you want from me? take what you need from me. take what you want and go.  
teenagers - my chemical romance
teenagers scare the living shit out of me. they could care less as long as someone'll bleed. so darken your clothes or strike a violent pose. maybe they'll leave you alone but not me.
walls - all time low
i'm gonna break down these walls, i built around myself. i wanna fall so in love, with you, and no one else, could ever mean half as much, to me as you do now. together we'll move on, just don't turn around, let the walls break down.
you need to calm down - taylor swift
you just need to take several seats and then try to restore the peace and control your urges to scream about all the people you hate 'cause shade never made anybody less gay.
youngblood - 5sos
lately our conversations end like it's the last goodbye. yeah, one of us gets too drunk and calls about a hundred times. so who you been calling, baby, nobody could take my place. when you're looking at those strangers, hope to god you see my face. 
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