#custom hats in Canada
giftafeelingusa · 2 years
The Best place for Custom hats in Canada | Printing Technique | Custom Hats Canada | Gift A Feeling
We have decided that we prefer screen printing because of its durability and affordability. Screen printing allows us to produce a variety of colors, so they are perfect for creating custom-printed apparel like custom hats in Canada. It's also a very affordable process, which is great if you want to make many caps without spending a fortune on each one. Printing techniques like this are also environmentally friendly since we don't need to use as much ink as other techniques might require.
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fridayiminlovemp3 · 3 months
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thatshirt · 11 months
How to Brand Your Business with Customized T Shirts
When it comes to marketing, the strategies you use to promote your products and services, matter. One approach that has continued to deliver beneficial results is custom apparel. Clothing items that are specially designed with your brand printed on them, will capture attention and create the right impression.
If you’re thinking of ways to promote your brand, consider the benefits of customized t shirts.
What is a Custom T Shirt?
T shirts are popular styles of casual clothes worn by young and old alike. These short-sleeved tops are ideal for marketing because it is affordable to purchase in bulk orders and various logos and graphics can be applied to them.
For businesses, applying a branded logo or graphic to the front, back, or sleeves of a tee will attract attention from the public. Let’s look at ways these branded shirts are used to promote brands, products, and services.
The Benefits of Custom Shirts for Marketing Purposes
Team Effort
Companies hosting a team building event or a promotional activity in a public setting can benefit from comfortable clothing with cohesive branding and colors.
Professionally manufactured t shirts with fully customized prints will help team members feel connected to one another and it is visually appealing. When customers or passers-by see the color-coded shirts with the same style of branding, they become interested to learn more about the business.
Promotional Tools
To capture the attention of customers, businesses can have t shirts printed with the business logo and offer these as gifts. Companies often host competitions or have promotional stands with giveaway items such as shirts or hats.
With the popularity of custom hats Canada businesses have the choice of offering branded hats and shirts as customer rewards. When customers wear these items, it provides ongoing marketing.
Employee Gifts
Whether at the end of year celebration or to celebrate a professional milestone, companies can invest in custom print t shirts to offer their employees as a positive gesture. Staff can wear these items while at work in a comfortable uniform.
With fully custom shirts Canada businesses can take advantage of customized apparel. You can choose the colors that represent your brand and you can have logos embroidered or printed onto these items.
Take Advantage of Custom Clothing Custom printed clothing is a popular choice of promotional tool for all-sized businesses. It can be worn as a uniform, presented as gifts, or worn during team-building events.
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reasonsforhope · 3 months
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"Minnetonka first started selling its “Thunderbird” moccasins in 1965. Now, for the first time, they’ve been redesigned by a Native American designer.
It’s one step in the company’s larger work to deal with its history of cultural appropriation. The Minneapolis-based company launched in the 1940s as a small business making souvenirs for roadside gift shops in the region—including Native American-inspired moccasins, though the business wasn’t started or run by Native Americans. The moccasins soon became its biggest seller.
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[Photo: Minnetonka]
Adrienne Benjamin, an Anishanaabe artist and community activist who became the company’s “reconciliation advisor,” was initially reluctant when a tribal elder approached her about meeting with the company. Other activists had dismissed the idea that the company would do the work to truly transform. But Benjamin agreed to the meeting, and the conversation convinced her to move forward.
“I sensed a genuine commitment to positive change,” she says. “They had really done their homework as far as understanding and acknowledging the wrong and the appropriation. I think they knew for a long time that things needed to get better, and they just weren’t sure what a first step was.”
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Pictured: Lucie Skjefte and son Animikii [Photo: Minnetonka]
In 2020, Minnetonka publicly apologized “for having benefited from selling Native-inspired designs without directly honoring Native culture or communities.” It also said that it was actively recruiting Native Americans to work at the company, reexamining its branding, looking for Native-owned businesses to partner with, continuing to support Native American nonprofits, and that it planned to collaborate with Native American artists and designers.
Benjamin partnered with the company on the first collaboration, a collection of hand-beaded hats, and then recruited the Minneapolis-based designer Lucie Skjefte, a citizen of the Red Lake Nation, who designed the beadwork for another moccasin style and a pair of slippers for the brand. Skjefte says that she felt comfortable working with the company knowing that it had already done work with Benjamin on reconciliation. And she wasn’t a stranger to the brand. “Our grandmothers and our mothers would always look for moccasins in a clutch kind of situation where they didn’t have a pair ready and available to make on their own—then they would buy Minnetonka mocs and walk into a traditional pow wow and wear them,” she says. Her mother, she says, who passed away in 2019, would have been “immensely proud” that Skjefte’s design work was part of the moccasins—and on the new version of the Thunderbird moccasin, one of the company’s top-selling styles.
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[Photo: Minnetonka]
“I started thinking about all of those stories, and what resonated with me visually,” Skjefte says. The redesign, she says, is much more detailed and authentic than the previous version. “Through the redesign and beading process, we are actively reclaiming and reconnecting our Animikii or Thunderbird motif with its Indigenous roots,” she says. Skjefte will earn royalties for the design, and Minnetonka will also separately donate a portion of the sale of each shoe to Mni Sota Fund, a nonprofit that helps Native Americans in Minnesota get training and capital for home ownership and entrepreneurship.
Some companies go a step farther—Manitobah Mukluks, based in Canada, has an Indigenous founder and more than half Indigenous staff. (While Minnetonka is actively recruiting more Native American workers, the company says that employees self-report race and it can’t share any data about its current number of Indigenous employees.) Beyond its own line of products, Manitobah also has an online Indigenous Market that features artists who earn 100% of the profit for their work.
White Bear Moccasins, a Native-owned-and-made brand in Montana, makes moccasins from bison hide. Each custom pair can take six to eight hours to make; the shoes cost hundreds of dollars, though they can also be repaired and last as long as a lifetime, says owner Shauna White Bear. In interviews, White Bear has said that she wants “to take our craft back,” from companies like Minnetonka. But she also told Fast Company that she doesn’t think that Minnetonka, as a family-owned business, should have to lose its livelihood now and stop making moccasins.
The situation is arguably different for other fashion brands that might use a Native American symbol—or rip off a Native American design completely—on a single product that could easily be taken off the market. Benjamin says that she has also worked with other companies that have discontinued products.
She sees five steps in the process of reconciliation. First, the person or company who did wrong has to acknowledge the wrong. Then they need to publicly apologize, begin to change behavior, start to rebuild trust, and then, eventually, the wronged party might take the step of forgiveness. Right now, she says, Minnetonka is in the third phase of behavior change. The brand plans to continue to collaborate with Native American designers.
The company can be an example to others on how to listen and build true relationships, Benjamin says. “I think that’s the only way that these relationships are going to get any better—people have to sit down and talk about it,” she says. “People have to be real. People have to apologize. They have to want to reconcile with people.”
The leadership at Minnetonka can also be allies in pushing other companies to do better. “My voice is important at the table as an Indigenous woman,” Benjamin says. “Lucie’s voice is important. But at tables where there’s a majority of people that aren’t Indigenous, sometimes those allies’ voices are more powerful in those spaces, because that means that they’ve signed on to what we’re saying. The power has signed on to moving forward and we agree with ‘Yes, this was wrong.’ That’s the stuff that’s going to change [things] right there.”"
-via FastCompany, February 7, 2024
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lem-n-aid · 3 months
Uriel Preston: And other stuff
Got inspired by @skenisasleb to make a few outfits for Uriel, a south park oc of mine, and a few episodes for him too! ( They are just the top third of the outfit, sorry! And btw, the quotation marks are names of episodes. Spoilers for post covid and return of covid)
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1-"Pirrup your dukes": (this was when pip was alive) Upset that a kind boy like Pip would be tossed around with no remorse, Uriel decides to train him on some self defense techniques. Despite the genuine goodness of the former, Pip decides to us this training and beat his bullies to a pulp, and Uriel has to stop his friend before things get way out of hand.
2-"Coke flavored fish": When Uriel's parents, Coral and Marco, get back from a more than 20 year monster hunt from their jobs, they gotta make up the time that they couldn't spend with their son. To kill 3 birds with one stone, as they find out his adopted sis is a monster (so they gotta see if she's worth taking care of) and they have to hunt for a beast in a large area of water, the parents decide for a fishing trip. Plot A would be that Uriel fishes with, questionable bait, and plot B would center around Coral's Tension with Trixie, and the shenanigans that follow.
3-"What's best for her": Meeting an exchange student named Yentl, (This takes place before the first future of post covid) he's head over heels as he wishes no only to complete a to-do list from his far-off sis, but also to befriend someone new. However, Uriel is in tough competition with Cartman and is gonna have to duke it out for love( Using gifts of course), but looses at the end when Yentl wants to be Cartman's girlfriend due to her concern that Uriel is going ill from wasting so much energy on trying to please her.
4- Leroy Redhood: His Stick of truth sona. He's an old tavern keeper who wants to unite all creatures of Zaron. His place is where other species can mingle and interact with each other, but is restricted of violence against others inside (There will always be those annoying loopholes). 3 of these customers decide to stay to help with the tavern, and this is where his protective instincts shine (Calling the three his kids and other stuff). You dare hurt one of kids? Well get ready to feel figurative hell! He carries a basket with a spike on the bottom to double as a shield.
5- HoudiNick: In the day? Just an ordinary apathetic but still caring Fashionista, giving customers only the best of fabrics and materials to make a high grade superhero costume. At Night? A ruthless motherfucker that shows no mercy, has an endgame of blowing up earth, and burned his sister once( That was the most extreme instance of sibling wars with Trixie). The reason for turning evil was because he gave up trying to unite both franchises, and turned to the darkness, wreaking as much havoc as possible by trying to get as many secrets the heroes have and leak them to the entire town. His weapons are his trusty double-headed silver spear and his hat of infinity that stores bombs and other interesting stuff. To get him, you have to listen to every single conversation he has. You get limited amounts of dialogue at first, but he will open up to you as the game goes on, deciding to officially join you after he hears news of both franchises reuniting( But not before you defeat him in a battle, the mechanic being that he empty or even use your ultimate meter for his own ultimate when he can).
6- Post Covid(Original Timeline): In the original timeline, with his sister stuck in Canada, Uriel tried to get a list done of "Things to do when your sis is away," the only thing that remains incomplete was getting a girlfriend( Which was Yentl, but they are still good friends). The future sees Uriel as a Butler to Kenny, as he gave him a job of being a butler when almost all jobs got automated by robots. When Kenny dies, the will tells him to help out the other boys when he can. However, Cartman uses the will to his advantage, and makes him steal the machine to use it 'For the greater good( Which is to kill Kyle in hopes to stop this mess.)' Once Uriel finds out the true plan, he pulls out his double sided spear when Cartman fistfights Kyle to stop the two, only to have to put down the weapon when Yentl exclaims her disbelief on how Cartman used to be, and how he is now. (I'll do the altered future Uriel in another post)
I think I started this a week ago, but kept postponing it cause I was lazy. If you want more Info about Uriel and my ocs, don't be afraid to ask.
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jpitha · 1 year
The story grew in the telling.
After humanity made contact with the K'laxi and the other sapients in the galaxy, humans sought to find their place. Their world was harsher, heavier, more dangerous than most everyone else's but that doesn't mean that the humans were. Most humans the other sapients met were kind, understanding, helpful people, ready to lend a hand and defend their friends.
And there was Gord.
He said his name was Gord Beaverbrook, captain of the Medicine Hat, and he came from Manyberries Alberta, Canada, Earth. If that was his real name or real place of birth, nobody knew. After he came with his wares, nobody really cared to follow up.
Humanity was in space for a long time before they met the other sapients in the galaxy. As far as anyone could tell the Hat was there nearly from the beginning. A small, dense ship, the Hat had a massive flywheel in the center to help orient it while coasting through space. Lightly armed and over engined, the Hat was a ship from another era. Covered in patches, makeshift repairs, and painted a vermillion red it was easy to recognize.
You see, when Gord learned that the other sapients of the galaxy had a hard time with most human foods, he dug deeper and learned that glucose and it's relatives - sugar - is fine for most of them. Above all that, what they craved the most was flavor. Being from a country on Earth known for making a particular glucose suspension made from the reduced circulatory fluid of some kinds of Earth flora, Gord saw an opportunity.
Gord and the Medicine Hat became Mapleleggers.
They'd link into a system through their suspiciously overpowered wormhole generator - they never used the warp gates other folks used - land quietly, offload liters and liters of "Montreal Molasses" take payment in cash, or kind (Gord always offered a discount for hockey memorabilia) and would take off and scoot to orbit and out of the system before customs could catch them. Sometimes, the hat would have to drop a cloud of oily blue smoke to throw customs off their trail, but they always got away, laughing.
As more folks learned about Gord and the Hat, the tale grew in the telling.
Some said that the Medicine Hat demanded Cheezies and Timbits long after anyone in space knew what they were. Gord would tell folks not to worry, he'd pick up some when he was "back in Lethbridge."
Some said that the crew of the Medicine Hat wore plaid flannel that was color coded to their role, though nobody ever saw anyone other than Gord.
Some even said that the Hat had a cigarette vending machine onboard.
You tell me that this whole story is nothing but a human tall tale. You tell me that Gord never existed and the Hat is nothing but a legend.
I ask you: Just what is it you're putting on those pancakes there? eh?
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re1nasanimeobsession · 7 months
Sk8 the infinity (head) canons
langa is terrified of spiders so one time he saw one crawling on a table at joes restaurant so he smashed it with a plate no joe got really mad at him and made him do dishes for a week 
cherry sleeps in like a full Ebenezer scrooge outfit like with the floor length gowns and hat and joe makes fun of him for it 
no one knows italian except joe so none of them can pronounce anything on the menu correctly 
Whenever Reki does something cute langa like to mumble about it in english cause it’s his first language and he doesn’t think anyone can understand him but joe actually can and he just sits there like 👀
whenever they go shopping and there’s like canada 🇨🇦 related stuff Reki like pokes langa and is like “Langa Langa look”
Miya is terrified of the dentist 
Langas mom and Reki’s mom love gossiping with eachother and their like best friends 
Reki has a lego collection 
Cherry is a really big sweet tooth but is too embarrassed to admit it
Miya’s favorite type of anime is the magical boy/ magical girl type of stuff
Miya’s hands are always cold and he uses it to terrorize people 
Miyas cellphone is paid for my one of his skating sponsors so he does not care about data usage in fact he will purposefully rack up as much of a potential bill as he can, to watch a video or to look something up, anything
in Miyas there’s a wall in his room that just pictures of him and his friends over the years
Miya owns a pair of custom Heelys 
All of Miyas hygiene products are fresh linen scented
Miya has a latex allergy so he can only use a special brand of bandage and he always keeps them on him i case he gets hurt while skateboarding 
Miya lives off of hot topic 
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Baltharax here once more. Greetings, Norm of the Office! I went through all the proper protocols with ETCetRA and have all my paperwork in order. I have checked in with dragon customs. Now, you simply must tell me if there is a human glamour I could purchase somewhere. While I am rather proud of my stature, I understand that many of your more ignorant kin will react quite strangely to the sight of a dragon. Money is no object, of course.
Hey, good! Bet it feels good to get that sorted.
From what I understand, dragons that visit will often work with an illusionist to make something bespoke, but there’s no shame in getting something “off the shelf”, as it were.
If money is truly no object, most people will tell you to go through Illusionaerie, out of New York City, run by one Madame Calena. She’s got her talons on many of the most skilled illusionists in the world, and the prices in her studio reflect that. There’s a rumor she has a Zetan working for her, which I don’t think is true - but I don’t think I’d be surprised if it was. She’s a powerful woman.
However, I usually answer this question by suggesting Fairweather & Sons, in downtown Richmond, VA. It’s a smaller shop, but they’ve always been hands on with clients in a way that beats other shops, no question. My…my wife would need to get her glamor maintained, and we…we used to go there. I recommend them.
Now, I can’t really discourage you from visiting any place in particular, but I can tell you about the many calls, fines, levies, and class action lawsuits filed by the Office against Drezzik’s Discount Gremlin Glamours. They constantly put their brochures under our windshield wipers at the DC Office location, and I’m quoting here that they have “sixteen locations across this great country of ours”, with a photo of Mr Drezzik himself saluting in front of an American flag. With a smaller photo of him in a Mountie hat in front of a Canadian flag with the caption “and two locations in Canada!”. I don’t know who in RCOE gave him authorization to do business up there, but they shouldn’t have. 
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jflemings · 1 month
Hello , May I request hc of piper and leah and also with steph and sam... thanks
yes you may anon!!
- piper loves to have leah sing her lullabies whenever she babysits or sleeps over
- she’s very protective and had told a few staff members off for over stepping piper’s boundaries when the two of you first moved to arsenal because she knew you felt like you couldn’t
- she calls her pippy
- when leah tore her acl, piper had painted and drew her so many pictures that leah had run out of places to put them
she keeps them all in a folder and treasures them very much
- piper has leah’s jersey from the 2023 conti cup final framed and hung in her room
- the two of them often walk the pitch together before a match
- piper thinks that leah isn’t a very good secret keeper
- piper thinks leah’s mad face is beyond funny and will often mimic her scowl just for fun
- she dressed up as leah for halloween once, captain’s armband and all
- leah bought a car seat once she started hanging out with piper on her own and has to explain to people more than once that she does not in fact have a kid
- during leah’s rehab piper was often found by her side just doing her own thing because she wanted to make sure that leah was definitely going to get better
- after kyra moves to arsenal, her and piper make the effort to annoy leah to no end. she looks to you and steph for help eveytime but the two of you just wave her off saying she needs to get used to it
“y/n, steph will you please tell you children to pack it in”
“you’re on your own”
- piper refuses to wear anything but a canada or australia jersey, but that doesn’t mean that leah hasn’t tried to get her in an england one (she never has and never will)
- piper’s international debut was against england so leah had secretly her jersey underneath her english one as she watched from the stands
- as much as leah hates (hates) seeing piper in a chelsea jersey, she loves the way jessie and piper look at eachother when she does. she just really appreciates jessie for all that she is to piper and everything that she’s done since entering her life
- piper plays for arsenal when she grows up and leah is in the front row cheering her on at every game
- piper will seek out steph for comfort if you aren’t around because she likes how softly steph speaks to her.
- before jessie came into the picture, steph was definitely a second motherly figure for piper and remains attached to her all throughout her life
- steph is the one who really tries to get piper to eat her vegetables, even going as far as making up fictional stories to get her to finish them. piper doesn’t believe a word of it. (doesn’t mean she ever stops trying)
“did you know that if you eat your broccoli you’ll be able to see and speak to unicorns”
“muuuuuum auntie stephy is telling porkys again!”
- out of all the matildas, steph is definitely the closest to piper
- piper was steph’s mascot during her 100th match with arsenal
- she taught piper how to whistle
- piper always scolds steph for not colouring in the lines
- she’s got a custom catley 7 matildas hat that she wears all the time
- steph was in the room with you when you had piper because you had no one else. she was scared out of her mind and had no idea what to do
she also cried when you asked if she wanted to hold her. she’s never been more proud of you in her life
- steph, like jessie, likes to buy piper lots books
- there have been multiple times where piper’s fallen asleep wrapped in a blanket on steph’s chest
- steph will take piper on a walk with calvin every so often, their favourite thing to do together is go to the park
- sam is fun auntie #1 and takes great pride in it
- she was the one who bought piper her first ninja turtle toy. it was a donatello figurine that talked when you pressed a button on his shell and she carried it around everywhere with her.
- she got on the first flight out from the states when steph called and said you were going into labour. she packed a carryon with not much in it, booked a hotel on the drive to the airport and grabbed the gift bag she had made up two months prior.
she ran through the hospital looking for your room and skidded to a stop when she saw steph and alanna sitting in the waiting room.
steph had nodded her head towards the door and sam walked in quietly, seeing you lovingly looking at piper sleeping quietly in her crib.
she was completely overwhelmed with emotions seeing you, at just twenty years old, with a little girl who she could already tell was so, so loved.
- she got piper her first pair of football boots
- piper likes when sam reads to her because she does the funny voices really well
- sam loves telling simple jokes to piper because she knows they’ll always land
- on piper’s third birthday she had insisted that she be in charge of getting the cake. it had four layers and was ninja turtle themed, each layer being a different turtle
you ended up letting your teammates just steal some from the fridge because you and piper couldn’t finish it all
- one of sam’s favourite things to do it to listen to piper tell a story even if it doesn’t make any sense
- whilst sam was injured during the world cup, piper would sit with her on the bench and follow her around when she got up to stand near the sidelines
- sam has a bad habit of feeding piper unhealthy snacks when you or jess aren’t looking
usually she’s egged on by erin or kyra but she really doesn’t need that much encouragement
- similarly to when leah did her acl, piper made so much artwork for sam that she genuinely didn’t know what to do with it all
kristie frames one or two and hangs them up whilst putting the others away for safe keeping
- sam had never had baby fever in her life until she saw kristie interact with piper, it was the cutest thing she’s ever seen
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giftafeelingusa · 2 years
The Best Place to Buy Custom Hats Canada Online – Giftafeeling
Giftafeeling is the best place to buy Custom hats Canada online. We have a wide variety of hats, caps, and headwear for men, women and kids. If you interested you can visit Giftafeeling.
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abtheb · 9 months
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100 days ago, I was in Schipol Airport in Amsterdam, waiting for my husband as he went through customs/security before our return flight back to Canada.
It had been a tumultuous week abroad, and the mood that day was pretty dour. My anxiety and gloom had me feeling very down, the airport x-ray machine ate my hat, and I was aching and tired as I waited.
So I downloaded the owlbird language app and started learning Dutch.
One of my best highlights of the trip was seeing this new language for the first time. At first it was an unexpected culture shock/language barrier. But the more I "read" signs, maps, labels, menus, schedules, tourist pamphlets, etc - the more I loved the words and could start deducing meanings. It was especially fun and rewarding seeing the linguistic connections to my english/french vocabulary.
Most often though, it was seeing words like "melk" (english: milk) or "appel" (english: apple) that would just send me into fits of giggles.
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Mosterd lmao
A few weeks before the trip, when my mind, body, and spirit were in a real pit from the last year+ of burnout, I had a moment of clarity re my place on the autism spectrum. It all started with this post from @drdemonprince 's book, good talks with friends about art and passion, therapy, re(rerere...)listening to my emotional comfort cosmere books, and a lot of introspection about my life - especially my younger years (0-21) in near-total isolation, my lifetime of size/shape/gender dysmorphia, my many rocky relationships, my rock bottoms, and my failing to adapt back to human civilization after leaving the Arctic last year.
All that to say, the trip to Amsterdam was my first chance to step outside my bubble and "let myself" "be autistic". It kind of changed my life completely.
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I have no eyes and I must meat
The most important step a man can take is not the first step, but the next one after that. Always the next step - and every step I've taken since then has come from being my best autistic self. So this streak has some emotional weight to it now, unfortunately.
In the last 100 days, I've managed to start dragging myself out of my pit. I've worked on reconnecting with family, I've met new people and been inspired by the passion of others, I completed some impressive art projects that flex bigly at the top of my portfolio, I've maintained and cared for my body, and very soon I'll start putting some pieces of an irl identity back together once I move out on my own to attend 3d video game art school.
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Self affirmations
I don't know what the future holds, but I guess as long as I can keep this streak going, I'm reminded of all the things I've achieved and the person I've been becoming since I started learning this lovely language.
PS: Did I mention/post that I completed my pilgrimage to Blender HQ during that trip? I brought them a Nunavut fridge magnet for their collection and had a short, mindblowing tour with the incredibly passionate founder. 😌
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yourfriendphoenix · 6 months
Okay so in the last 48 hours I have: sold 2 crochet chickens, a baby axolotl, a baby mushroom, and a triceratops. I was gonna replace what I have sold, but instead I have the harrowing tasks ahead of me of making 1 more custom chicken, a shrimp, 2 custom hats and finally, a life-size chonky cat based off of one of my cousins' real cats. All of those need to be done asap since they are all supposed to be done before Christmas and sent out to various places. The chicken and shrimp for example, are being sent all the way to Canada
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coyoteprince · 9 months
more of an open question but what are some fun worldbuilding things you can think of off the top of your head? I want to hear more owo
Sorry for this novel
Waite has a grey (the kind that looks white) mare named Seraphim, who will make a minor appearance in comic. She's based on a Suffolk punch and Narragansett pacer.
All horses within Widderwood story have a dorsal stripe, no matter if theyre earthly or fae or whatever breed.
Likewise, almost every fae within Widderwood have ear tufts
Degare got his hat in a trade for sex from a Darlington priest, though it is a farmer's planter hat. His shoe style is also called a winklepicker.
Every person's soul is represented by a flame and each person has their own lantern (or lamp, or candle holder...) in Sandman's garden. From a design point, his garden has two principals: the light must always be a flame (no electric light), and time doesn't matter so modern lanterns are okay to depict, but only in this space.
Widderwood is technically steampunk, but I don't think it's going to be super obvious in comic unless you look super closely? Time rules are also funky: I've delayed invention of something yet moved up other things. It technically takes place during the 1880's, but plenty Edwardian and even modern day things pop up. No cars, but gramophones will soon be released. Coal is starting to die off in use and steam and some electricity are quickly becoming king. Prosthetics & aides are heavily decorated and become a hot tool to customize and be proud of. Women wear pants (though high society finds this disturbing) and can own land. Queerness & gay marriage isn't outlawed but its pretty weird to traditionals and queer identity is refered to as "the third sex" as is historical for that period. Those sorts of things
Primary community of Darlington is Caucasian, Black, and Native American, but all manner of people pass through thanks to the nearby port city
What is equivalent to the americas in Widderwood is made up of "territories", which I've been leaving vague because I cannot manage to care about building political empires, I just want two dogs to kiss. Either way, Darlington is ruled by English-equivalent, but original England-equivalent got overthrowed and wiped off the map. Southern state-equivalent, Eastern Canada-equivalent and some of the plains are under similar but different self-governing rule. Much of the western territories are aboriginal-ruled and the entire continent is much smaller than our world. These territories are all mostly on good terms with each other because this is just background flavoring. I'm trying to figure out a naming system for these territories or if it even matters since this story is pretty contained.
My partner bought me a vintage prosthetic leg from a firehazard of a thrift store just so I can use it as reference for Simon's false leg. It literally floats about the house in different spots and we just call it "Simon's leg"
Speaking of Simon, partner also bought me a Victorian book all about prosthetics which surprisingly is very empathetic and includes sentiments from actual disabled people of the time. I used this book to help me figure out what exact style of prosthetic Simon has, as well as his injury. His amputation took place mid calf and despite some mobility issues and how he looks, he's decently strong and has good endurance.
Waite is an Aries with pisces moon & taurus rising, Degare Gemini with scorpio & leo, Simon is Capricorn but idk his moon and rising. I don't give much thought to astrology but I think using it to build character personalities is very fun.
Widderwood mermaids are a combination of selkies and mermaids. They have front & back flippers and inhabit the same role as selkies in that there's many stories of marrying humans and their spouse stealing their skins.
Nuckelaaves are essentially slenderman to fae and no one knows what exactly they are
Darlington is known for their abundance of daisy wheels as a symbol of protection, which comes directly from my colonial cemetery special interest. They often top the margins of colonial tablet graves and have been historically used as a protective symbol against magic worldwide. In my personal practice, I've reclaimed them and they act as my main "religious" symbol, much in the way a cross or pentacle works, and despite the fact they were once used against witches
Darlington & Sullivan Forest geography is set in fantasy Massachusettes with influence from the entire region of New England and forests in Northern Georgia. Locations & buildings in the story will be based on a variety of locations I've visited and documented in person including: Salem Witch House, Bulloch Hall, Root House of Marietta, Atlanta History Museum Gardens & internal exhibits, and Allen County Historical Society & House Museum (the most important museum in my life and the reason why I am the way that I am today). I'm still picking the cemeteries I want to base on, but will likely be a mix of a cemetery I accidentally ran into outside of Salem and a variety of local Georgia + Ohio cemeteries from my childhood. I am hoping to visit Colonial Williamsburg as well as Historic Westville as further reference for town scenes. Yes I am really that intense that I've traveled states wide just to gather research for my gay dog boy webcomic
I have much more I could give, but I need to be careful with what I share to avoid spoiling all my work.
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dmercer91 · 10 months
hooked au — if your still doing it
what’s her asthetic? how does she dress? what’s her apartment decorated like?
i’m always doing au talk!!
in terms of clothing style i think she’s a streetwear girl through and through
baggy jeans tight top
or- big fan of layering a big t-shirt on top of a hoodie or a hoodie with a flannel cause in her core she’s a frat boy
loves her a good pair of wide leg cargos cause POCKETS
she loves her docs
hats when she feels too lazy to do her hair
usually on game days she’ll wear essentially what the guys wear but way better tailored to her (it’s expensive as balls) and with like corset tank tops (? do u get me idk??) in place of the button ups
i feel like her hair (colour + cut) is inconsistent at best
her apartment is super simple since imo she grew up very financially unstable and when she was put with her foster family she didn’t like how big their house was cause it felt like she was so small in a big space
so until her and jack move in together she has a bachelor pad with mostly white
light coloured accents?? like light blues and yellows and greens maybe
so many pillows and most of her decor is meaningful in some way
like a cork board with polaroids of her, dawson and ryleigh at parties in high school
some of luke
a group one with the mich guys
her and jack
one with her in a custom team canada jersey dawson got her that says charlie on the back
her kitchen is tiny but beautiful and her fridge is always PACKED cause of dawson and luke being snackers
very very organized or she stresses
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jpitha · 1 year
Look, I'll be the first to admit that I don't like going to Starbases. Doesn't matter if it's in Human, K'laxi or Xenni space. They're too crowded, too regulated, and the local authorities somehow have gotten word about me. It really is a shame, because I consider it my calling to make sure every sapient in known space that wants my wares can get them.
Regardless, I found myself at that joint Human/K'laxi Starbase near the border. You know the one, it's made up of an old K'laxi research station, an old Starjumper and like 50 years of ad hoc additions. If I have to go to a Starbase, one like this is about all I can stand.
The Medicine Hat docked on an umbilical - they have claustrophobia and flatly refuse to go inside a docking bay - early in the week. After a quick song and dance from Entry Control I was in and wandering.
By the way, if anyone asks, my name is Elias Somethingorother, of the Parvati Somethingorothers. We're a prestigious family and not at all made up; don't pollute the air with your lies!
Anyway, I was making my way down the promenade admiring the art, when I saw a restaurant that was offering an all day breakfast. Breakfast being one of my favorite meals I stopped in.
I was pleased to see the place was jumping. Breakfast is an important meal of the day, even during late afternoon. I was seated and ordered the pancakes. When they arrived, they brought me a full pitcher of syrup. Suspicious, I took a sniff. Not only was it real Maple Syrup, but it smelled like one of my own batches. Maybe last years crop.
Furious, I leapt to my feet and stormed back into the kitchen. "Where did you get this syrup!" I demanded to the frightened kitchen staff while swinging the pitcher around.
"W-we got a delivery of it last week from a K'laxi." one of the cooks manages to say, while shrinking from my wrath. "She gave us a discount if we promised to only buy from her."
"Really? Interesting." I had started to calm down, but was still pretty upset. "Do you know anything else about them?"
"She said her name was Vivenni and that she had no problems supplying us or anyone on the Starbase. Now please sir, get out, you're scaring the customers and the staff."
I left, but not before taking the entire pitcher of maple syrup I was holding as I walked out.
I was on a mission now.
It took me 4 weeks, visiting two more Starbases and linking back to Lethbridge before I found her. It had turned out that she had bought some of my syrup from a reseller and decided that it was too good to leave to one poor, solitary human entrepreneur in the galaxy to supply everyone. She traced my supply back to Canada and started buying direct.
Long story short, we're dating now and business partners. She had so many excellent ideas about how to expand the business and she was just so charming and alluring that I couldn't help myself. The Hat thinks I've gone off the deep end and that it'll all end in tears, but like I told them it's better to have loved and lost than never loved at all. I know I heard that from somewhere.
You really can never tell when love will come visiting. It always pays to keep an eye out for it.
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nichet-crochet · 2 years
Please read this post before Restock this Friday!
The link to my shop is at the bottom of this post! Please read this post thouroughly :)
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These are some of the posms that will be available!
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Restock is November 25th at 4pm EST!
Yes, I sell the physical posms.
They will be for sale in my Etsy shop on this day!
Hurry! They will sell out EXTREMELY fast!
Note: I can only ship to the U.S. and Canada.
Item Descriptions
Pleass read the item description of the items you plan to purchase before purchasing!
"Crochet posm stuffed animal" has the grey and white posms! It will also be the listing you can customize your posm in, such as add teef and floof.
"Special Edition Crochet Posms" has all of the special edition and winter themed posms! This listing will also have the Clown Posm!
"Crochet Posm Accessories" will contain all of the accessories!
"Baby Posm Ornament and Toy" will contain mini posms, including the baby clown :)
Posm Accessories
Customizable Sweater
Cowboy Outfit (cowboy hat and bandana)
Clown Outfit (party hat and neck ruffles)
Santa Hat
Santa Coat
Elf hat
Customizable Bandana
Plus a FREE scarf of any color if you purchase an accessory with your posm! Please let me know what color you would like your scarf to be after purchasing an accessory.
Accessory Description
The accessories and posms are sold separately!
Please purchase your posm and your accessory together! To do this, add both to your cart and press "proceed to checkout." That way, they will arrive in one package!
The sweaters can come in any solid color or striped pattern you would like!
The clown hat and ruffles can also come in any colors you would like!
The bandana can come in one solid color.
Please be specific with your color choices.
Check your Etsy DMs for follow-up questions if you order a customizable accessory.
This is the biggest restock in the history of Nichet Crochet!
If you plan to buy posms as a Christmas gift, buy them during this restock.
If you have questions that may be relevant to other people, please ask in asks or in the comments section of this post! For personal questions, please DM me.
Here is the link to my shop:
save, like, or reblog for reference!
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