#dade audio
escapedaudios · 6 months
The Finale to Neon Wings premieres now!
Come watch the end of this series, it's very dear to me. If you haven't seen parts one and two, go check them out on my channel!
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venustragedy · 14 days
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asmrrpaddict · 7 days
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How I imagine Isaiah and the Corvian after the colonel walks away in Dade Audio’s Wolf & Raven audio!!!
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I love werewolf audios so much, I don't care if it's cringe I was to hear a big wolf man howl and growl and snarl. It's embarrassing how many werewolf audios I listen to. Dade is my favorite, I love him so much, he makes so much werewolf content that I'm always well-fed.
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itsyourstarboy · 1 year
Suggest ASMR channels plek I've been listening to pay 5 channels and there has been no updates. I'm dying out here
I got you boo!!
(these are all male va channels btw)
Redacted Audio
Hollow_VA (highly recommend the Strange Lands, Stranger People series)
Nomad's Tales & Audios
Good Boy Audios
Samawry the Bard
Scythe Audio (these audios are on the darker side, so listener discretion is advised)
RadioJesterVA (they're fairly new, and have a really good Hero x Villain series)
HappyLager VA
Siren's Son ASMR
Wolf Audios
Parker Mae Audio (trans woman who makes boyfriend rps <3)
Extrovert ED (makes a lot of stuff, and occasionally makes part twos, but unfortunately very rarely commits to a series)
PebblesASMR (mmm scottish accent)
A Warm Coffee Mug (makes multiple versions of their audios so everyone can enjoy!)
Dovahking Audio (fairly new, has an interesting stray Inu x abandoned neko series)
Eiivory Official VA (ASMR) (makes both male va and female va content)
Nightwatch ASMR (currently on an indefinite hiatus, but the audios on their channel are really good)
Isagani VA
Angels&Bread ASMR (specializes in m4m/m4a content)
Green Leaf Audios ASMR
Moonlight Haven (m4m god)
Ramble King
DadeAudio (for m4a/m4f)
Dade for Dudes (m4m)
Reality Dreams Audio
TheGuyNotHigh (new and talented!)
TeaDrop ASMR
Hope I helped you find some new channels ☺️❤️
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kirayaykimura · 8 months
People you'd like to know better!
Tagged by @sabraeal hello
1. Three ships
Hak/Yona (Yona of the Dawn), Obi/Shirayuki (Snow White), and technically, if this is to get to know people better, Stiles/Derek (Teen Wolf).
2. First ship
Mamoru/Usagi. AKA Darien and Serena in the DiC dub, which does still own my heart.
3. Last song
cowboy like me by Taylor Swift
The weather dipped below 70 and ushered in folklevermore season. I don't make the rules.
4. Last movie
Wild River. The remake. It was...not what I wanted. I went in expecting people vs. nature and got people vs. people. But Adam Brody and Leighton Meester were in it so that was fun.
5. Currently reading
Spoiler Alert by Olivia Dade.
The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin, though I started it on audio book, realized I had no idea what was happening, and am now looking for a physical copy.
The Husky and His White Cat Shizun by Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou.
I need to finish the final volume of Sailor Moon soon but I have this problem where I cannot finish a series, especially if I like it. And also the Sailor Cosmos stuff is REALLY hard to follow so despite having seen the anime multiple times and having read the rest of the series, I'm struggling.
I have Golden Terrace by Cang Wu Bin Bai on the way to my house.
6. Currently watching
Bleach. I keep falling into series where the author will unintentionally write the perfect love story and then throw it away for no reason.
My Happy Marriage with Evan.
I also started The Bear, which is good.
7. Last thing I wrote
The last thing I published was so quite new. The last thing I wrote (but have yet to publish) was a very silly goofy irredeemably filthy Lili/Soo-Won fic because I am forever trying to get better at writing sex scenes.
Tagging: @officiallallorona @bubblesthemonsterartist @koviah if you want to?
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redheadgleek · 1 month
March Books
My parents were here for 10 days and we were doing work around my house, so I did not get as much time as I would have liked for reading. So I focused on some shorter books.
What I Read: 
The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern. The latter half struggled a bit and lost a plot, but it was still good and the ending was lovely if a little wistful. I do feel like it's one that would benefit from a rereading, so I'm listening to it on audio. 
Rest Is Resistance: A Manifesto by Tricia Hersey. It's a short book. It could have been a New Yorker article and that would have been sufficient. One of the reviews suggested thinking of it as a sermon, which helps somewhat with the framing, but it still needed help.
The Proposal by Jasmine Guillory. The last 1/4 of the book infuriated me so much I nearly DNF, even though I had enjoyed the first 3/4. The MC completely and totally pushes on FC's established boundaries and then throws an absolute fit when she doesn't give into him.
Most Ardently by Gabe Cole Novoa. A sweet trans retelling of Pride and Prejudice. A few minor quibbles: the author aged Oliver/Elizabeth down to 17 which was not needed and was annoying and the setting was moved to London, which did not work with the scene where Oliver tramps across mud to take care of Jane. 
The Imposition of Unnecessary Obstacles by Malka Older. The second book of the Mossa and Pleiti murder mystery series that takes place on Jupiter. Overall, I enjoyed the story a lot; I have issues with "does she really like me or is she just spending time with me" internal diatribes with adults.
Romancing Mister Bridgerton by Julia Quinn. I've enjoyed the Netflix Bridgerton series as the smutty cotton candy that they are and the ebook was on sale. It was fluffy and light (and light on the smut too, hurumph) and I didn't appreciate that the plump herione slimmed down before she was attractive.
How the Word Is Passed: A Reckoning with the History of Slavery Across America by Clint Smith. Audiobook. He's a sociology professor and a poet, which made for a wonderful combination in this exploration of how slavery is written into our foundation and our current mindset. Excellent book.
At First Spite by Olivia Dade. The story was a touch unbelievable, but it's a romance so that's forgivable. There were some really lovely scenes in this book as the protagonist battles depression. The medical stuff was almost believable. But. I'm not sure if describing plump female characters as "lush" is any better than "voluptuous."
A Short Stay in Hell by Steven Peck. The author is LDS and I'm not sure that he really realized that his version of Hell (that we are all young and white and delightful and the same) is what the church has taught as what eternal life with God would be like and why I had nightmares at 12 about dying. 
The School of Essential Ingredients by Erica Bauermeister. Such beautiful prose. There were some descriptions that will linger with me for a long time, I think.
What I'm Reading:
Howl's Moving Castle by Dianna Wynne Jones. Audiobook. It's been more than 20 years since I last read these books, so it's been a treat. 
The Book That Wouldn't Burn by Mark Lawrence. I think I'd be a little more excited about it, if it felt like hadn't just finished a book with a similar sort of theme (Cloud Cuckoo Land).
Still making my way through A Short History of Nearly Everything. It was so engrossing in the first couple of chapters ...
What I'm Reading Next:
I'm in a middle of a reading lull right now. So many books to read and just having a hard time picking one.
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estoy modo pnj sentada en la cama con una constelación de pensamientos desordenados orbitando mi cabeza. vamos solo me falta estar en t-pose girando sobre mí misma.
amigas os toca ser la amiga y esto vendría a ser la transcripción del audio que podría enviar pero no enviaré.
diría que prácticamente cada día hay por lo menos un rato que siento que no quepo en mí. de amor, de rabia, de placer al escuchar música, de im/potencia, de mil cosas. pero las mencionadas son las que más abundan. luego tengo otros momentos que más que no caber, me siento desplazada de mí misma. de pena, culpa, ansiedad, alienación. soy un cóctel, lo normal.
pero ahora mismo estoy: parte plana de un electrocardiograma antes del QRS, por ejemplo.
al final volví a ponerme enferma, y ahí sigo desde hace una semana. nada, resfriado, pero joer con el dolor de garganta y de oído y los mocos a punta pala. desde agosto esto de ponerme enferma cada pocas semanas ha sido prácticamente una constante. se ve que mis 23 no venían con salud incluida. como decimos por aquí, sap greu tan jove. y coomo me guuusta quejaaarme, vaya lata.
en fin, quiero hacerme una analítica porque la última me la hice en 2020 y parece que ya toca, pero con las olas de virus respiratorios que está habiendo me sabe mal hacérmela ahora. también quiero pedir hora con la ginecóloga y con la dentista. bueno, en realidad lo que quiero es haber ido ya. me sigo vuelve a agobiar esto se llamar aquí y allá y dar datos y explicaciones. pero es algo que arrastro y no está bien. cuando lo haga lo haré casi más por ser capaz de cuidarme a mí misma que por las pruebas y revisiones en sí.
también tengo que llamar a la DGT porque a esta payasa aún no le ha llegado el carné físico y bueno, eso sí que me causa un poquito de amsiedá. y mira que será una tontería, en fin.
desde año nuevo me vengo sintiendo un poco extraña, como desvinculada de muchas cosas o actividades por falta de energía. el frío y encontrarme regulinxi no ayuda pero no sé, me da pena.
hace un ratejo estaba aún en el sofá de la cocina escuchando música al lao del fuego y baf! he sentido frustración por estar así. tengo muchas ganas de encontrarme biennormal, motivada, sabiendo administrar mi tiempo y capaz de realizar satisfecha mis días!! tengo ganas de disciplina y cuidados de mí para mí. además de con las demás, aro
va, iba a hacer agenda pero mejor voy a dormir, que debería empezar por ahí. a ver si las próximas semanas consigo ensamblar las piezas que quisiera 🪡🧶, que seria més fàcil amb un entorn de cures (cuidados) més present i palpable però wenu sa fa lu ca sa pot en aquesta societat de merda que ens dificulta passar temps amb la gent i els espais que ens estimem
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podria continuar blabla vagant però ja és tard i vull matinar (per poder rentar-me i marxar de casa havent-se'm assecat els cabells).
les meves disculpes a les que hagueu arribat fins aquí!
la recompensa (?) són aquestes dades esgarrifoses (sobre la realitat esgarrifosa que ja coneixem) de l'habitatge a Barcelona publicades al Público:
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bona nit i robeu sempre als rics 🖤👊
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wordsbyparker · 6 months
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The Halloween 2023 Party Audio is (finally) available!
Special thanks to our cast: Laura Rice, Dade Audio, Colin Fears, @paulinaramirezva , Riley EW, @maladaptivedaydream_va , Kody Kiehl, Jacob Shultz, Austin Backman, Lilly Mae, Stud VA, Jeme Casco , White Wolf Audios, and Mick Davis!
(Yes, I know it's too late for the 2023 holiday. But it's early for 2024! 😁)
Link to the audio RP on YouTube: https://youtu.be/BN2Goe10e-c
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venustragedy · 2 years
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asmrrpaddict · 9 days
Theory about irl Dade Audio. (Calling it a headcanon for a real person seems wrong.)
Dade loves giving and receiving forehead kisses. 😘
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booksandarts · 1 year
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November Wrap Up Cassie: So for our September wrap up— Rina: Nope it’s November. Cassie: ….so for our Octob— Rina: Still November. Cassie: no. Rina: Right now it's December. So we’re going to talk about the books we read in November. That makes it our November wrap up. Cassie: It can’t be December already. Rina: It can. The books we’ve read mark the passage of time. Cassie: Whoa. Rina: Yeah. Cassie: We’re so much closer to death than I thought. #HowManyBooksWillWeReadBeforeWeDie #GotABigTBR #ProbsGonnaLiveForeverTBH Cassie’s reads: Ocean’s Echo by Everina Maxwell: 4 stars Emergency Contact by Mary H.K. Choi: 3 stars Ship Wrecked by Olivia Dade: 2 stars Rina’s reads: Under the Whispering Door by T.J. Klune: 4.5 stars (audio) The Final Gambit by Jennifer Lynn Barnes: 4 stars (audio) Goodbye Paradise by Sarina Bowen: 3 stars Hello Forever by Sarina Bowen: 3 stars . . . . #novemberwrapup #merrychristmas #happyhanukkah #happyholidays #becauseofreading #bookclubs #booksbooksbooks #bookishphotography #bookstagramfeature #bookaesthetic #bookstagrammer #bookstagrammers #epicreads #prettybooks #boostagram #flatlay #books #bookfeature #bookishlove #bookishfeature #bookcommunity #igreads #unitedbookstagram #bookrecommendation #readersofinstagram #readingismagic #currentreads https://www.instagram.com/p/CmkMqPjy36a/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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dkehoe · 14 days
Athena Greydon’s fiancé ends their engagement one month before their wedding but after she has quit her job, sold all of her furniture because she was moving in with him, and purchased him the house next door as a wedding gift. Having no job and no place to live, Athena does the unthinkable and moves in next door to her ex-fiancé and across the alley from his brother Matthew Vine the Third. The man who convinced his brother to break their engagement. What’s a girl to do but torture the man with loud erotica audio book’s, scary Halloween decorations, and bad housekeeping. What she doesn’t figure on is liking what she thought was an unlikeable, rigid man, who turns out to be not that unlikeable at all. When Olivia Dade writes well, she really hits it out of the park. At First Spite was funny, sad, sweet, and quite salty. I really didn’t know what Athena was going to serve up next to poor Matthew but I knew that I would enjoy whatever it was and that he would tolerate it because he feels awful for how his decision to break up his brother’s relationship ruined Athena’s life. The Spite House was appropriately named because it’s 10 feet wide and butt’s up against the original house and takes in all the light from it’s many windows. It’s on a very old historical alley and faces the house across from it which is only 40 feet away. This close proximity means Matthew and Athena are literally in each others faces when they are in their homes. A great set-up to a love story and many opportunities for comedic scenes. I really enjoyed this novel. It has my favorite enemies to lovers trope and provided a lot of humor, but it wasn’t all fun and games. There were some quite serious issues like depression which were dealt with in an appropriate and realistic manner. These plot points only made me enjoy the light moments even more. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❣️ Click this link to purchase this book!* At First Spite Copyright 2024 The Reading Chick All Rights Reserved *Amazon Associate- if you purchase this book through the above link I’ll receive a small stipend.
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bethly126 · 1 month
What I’m Reading/Listening to Now: Spoiler Alert by Olivia Dade
Beth gave me her copy of this to read and I’m excited to get to it. I’ve got the audio book from the library, so I’ll do some listening as well. We’ll see how it goes!
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agrpress-blog · 5 months
La serie podcast TRIBÙ di Silvia Rossi, ideatrice de I Trentenni, prosegue il suo viaggio nell'epoca dei miti, delle emozioni, della musica e dello stile degli Anni '90 e il loro impatto sul presente e sulla generazione Z. Il podcast, realizzato da VOIS, è disponibile su varie piattaforme audio, tra cui Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Podcast, e ogni tre episodi presenta una puntata speciale, pubblicata anche in formato video su YouTube. In ogni episodio, Silvia Rossi esplora le voci di coloro che conoscono bene gli Anni '90, i protagonisti che hanno dominato quell'epoca attraverso musica, televisione, tendenze, e coloro che ne subiscono oggi l'influenza e il fascino. Nell'ultimo episodio, intitolato "Sacerdoti del dio metallo – nella tribù dei metallari con i Linea77", Silvia Rossi si siede con Dade dei Linea77. Nei prossimi episodi, ospiti di rilievo saranno il regista Sydney Sibilia, Olly, Willie Peyote e Carolina Di Domenico per un confronto generazionale, e Andrea Delogu per discutere chi siano i millennial nell'era della gen Z. "Portare il mondo de I Trentenni in formato podcast è un grande orgoglio," afferma Silvia Rossi. "Rappresenta un traguardo al quale non avrei mai pensato di arrivare quando ho fondato la community che è diventata il punto di riferimento per gli appassionati degli Anni '90 in Italia." Francesco Tassi, CEO e fondatore di VOIS, aggiunge: "Questo podcast non solo racconta gli anni '90, un'epoca identitaria, ma è fortemente connesso al presente e alla realtà delle nuove generazioni. È un viaggio alla scoperta di ciò che possiamo imparare dai più giovani e di ciò che loro possono insegnare a noi." Silvia Rossi, nata il 9 agosto 1982, è una laureata in Relazioni Pubbliche e Pubblicità con specializzazione in Cinema e Televisione. È autrice, attrice, conduttrice e giornalista. Nel 2013, ha fondato I Trentenni, diventato il punto di riferimento per la generazione degli Anni '90. Ha scritto due romanzi ed è stata coinvolta in progetti televisivi e radiofonici di spicco. VOIS, azienda italiana di Responsible Entertainment, mira a liberare la creatività delle persone per un impatto positivo. Fondata nel 2021, è uno dei principali podcast network italiani, con 30 podcast nelle top charts di Spotify, Apple e Amazon. Il CEO e co-founder, Francesco Tassi, è anche un autore, consulente e TEDx speaker con esperienza internazionale.
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mcclicandlist · 9 months
Dear USA Today:
Nontraditional realtors, welcome to my Licensure Agency and Listing Agency! I welcome you to strike up the living environment you would like to be obtaining by connecting with me in DOUBLE CURTAIN; please make sure you HINDER BOTH sides of the CONFIDENTIAL MODE in order to reach out to me. I specialize in the INVENTIVE AND INNOVATIVE route in LISTING AGENCY; feel free to AUDIO REC., CALL, TEXT, OR WRITE ME, ICLOUD, MASS, OR VIDEO REC. ME. Here is my BUSINESS RESUME:
Michael Chang, Licensure Agent and Listing Agent
Cellular Distributor: Apple; Serial #: DNPDGEVQ0DY2 Technology Distributor: Apple; Serial #: C1MN8J72DTY3
(408) 533-5577 (local) 1-(408) 533-5577 (national) +1-(408) 533-5577 (International)
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I would be available from Mondays to Fridays NEITHER WEEKLY NOR BIWEEKLY BUT TRIWEEKLY in the sought out WEEKDAY TRIPLING. With DISREGARD and CANCELLATION to ALL TIME TELLING SYSTEMS, each WEEKDAY TRIPLING may lead to SIX DAY ABSENCE, from Saturdays to Sundays 3x. From SIX TO FIFTEEN BUSINESS DAYS, with the NUMERICAL TIMELY MANNER of 216 HRS., the NUMERICAL TIMELY MANNER lasting up to the PNEUMATICAL TEN BUSINESS DAYS may have INCREASED by an entire 24 HRS., from 216 HRS. TO 240 HRS. From 216 HRS. TO 240 HRS., available LISTING AGENCY would be ready to ASSIST in the sought out PRIVATE MODE PRIVATE ADDRESS. To ASSIST in the sought out PRIVATE MODE PRIVATE ADDRESS, I would be ready to PROVIDE AND COVER each LOAN OR INVESTMENT to REIMBURSE each valid LIVING ENVIRONMENT. To obtain each REIMBURSEMENT, feel free to AUDIO REC., CALL, TEXT, OR WRITE ME, ICLOUD, MASS, OR VIDEO REC. ME. My number is (408) 533-5577; to access national hotline, dial 1; to access international hotline, dial +1. My e-mail AND social correspondence is [email protected] and Tumblr+9. My available TIME CAPSULES are 13/8, 12/7, 24/7, 24/8, 24/8+1, 56/7, and 56/7+1.
Sincerely, Michael Chang
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