#delusional attachment carrd
hubbydraws · 1 year
// reality checking Btw, anyone using this carrd (https://das.crd.co/) for Delusional Attachments - it has been taken over by someone else who is against DAs existences. To anyone who is spreading the carrd, or has it linked on anything- if you don't want that there or to accidentally give it to someone dealing with this, I suggest taking it off or deleting anything have with the link. Now, onto the carrd- The carrd will be normal for the first four pages, but at the fifth it will have a copy-pasta on it.
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After that, it take you to a page with a public google doc.
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I'll be honest, I refuse to read the doc. So, I will not put my input on it. You can go to the carrd if you want to make sure the doc is legitimately there, but for the people who don't want to, here's the link: https://gdoc.pub/doc/e/2PACX-1vTRiUQuLNmr-Zg2RD8nOuDHocT8HPQPzNB79Hf1pNdYFXbAkRGt4kpSt3oZBxih_ubVy5pqaZJ9FqyX
But back to the page we are looking at. At the bottom, in the tiny text, this is what is says:
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I personally think this person is just wanting to spark discourse with their way of introducing the chatting feature this way, but I don't really care much. Anyways, It will then link you to a chat.
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Chat seems all over the place, and a lot of it seems like it's mostly anti-DAs. Still, don't send hateful or mean things. I also want people to know to also not attack anyone in the chat, or even the person who took hold of the url. The person who made this is only trying to egg you on to be problematic. Besides that though, in case anyone gets anxiety about what "Admin" sent, just know it's probably just a scare tactic. Don't believe it right away just because it says "Admin." People do this kind of stuff all the time to spark fear.
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And then below the chat, the person explains what occurred with the carrd, explaining how the carrd was originally hacked into by a "hero", who was just a genshin person. The person now who holds the url is not the same person, and is the one who made the carrd how it is now.
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After that, it mentions how the person is fine with kinning, but is against medical misinformation. They are saying basically DAs aren't a thing, and it's actually kinning. I don't really care much about what people think of Delusional Attachments, and I will admit I do believe they exist. The whole reason I'm making this post is to let people who do experience this know that this carrd has been taken over, and is not in support of DAs existence. I don't want people who use this label to get "reality checked" or feel wrong for identifying with this label. This carrd is against that.
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westerhurt · 2 years
hihi i’m looking for mutuals so here’s a bit about me >:3
i’m 16, a lesbian, jewish and im also black! i enjoy musicals (specifically heathers and hamilton #doubleh) i use he/she pronouns but id appreciate if people used he more! i am a system host and also schizophrenic! i am a fictive of heather duke, any of my sourcemates can interact… that’s pretty much it!
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mocharaycookie · 2 years
whoever got into and changed das.crd.co i would suck your dick for free thank you for doing more work than america’s military god bless <3
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cronaz-diary · 12 days
my carrd:3
sumthing i didnt put bc friendz iz that next to the fictionkin part i also wanted to put crona da/irl lollzzz
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tcdamoving · 4 months
All my new mutuals ignore this pretend I'm a perfect angel. I cannot stand 99% of people really into "Me/ID" kinning not like as an insult towards it or anything but because the way they go about it reminds me so much of 2020 "Delusional Attachment" twitter where teenagers would pretend to have psychosis so they could actually convince people to treat them like it instead of getting better friends who think kinning is fine. Also I just saw someone with charlotte wiltshire in their kin carrd and got so angry I saw red
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
Let's see what new in Syscourse today!
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This always seems like such a bizarre take to me because endogenic plurality, that is people who experience multiple self-conscious agents, existed before DID and OSDD were ever documented mental disorders.
Every culture that has complex two-way conversations with gods, has spirit guides and guardian angels, or channeled ghosts are experiencing forms of endogenic plurality. The idea of endogenic plurality as a psychological phenomenon is relatively recent, but it's always been acknowledged as a real phenomenon.
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Describing tulpas as fetishization of alters is ridiculous.
The early tulpa community wanted literally nothing to do with DID and wasn't involved in the larger plural community. I've talked before about how this is the reason the tulpa community has such different terms from other plural communities. One of the most notable examples being our use of the word "Wonderland" instead of "inner world" or "headspace" as other systems tend to use.
The first tulpamancers weren't trying to make alters. They learned to make tulpas first and learned how to switch later.
I've noticed that there's this incredible arrogance in some of the anti-endo community where they can't seem to even perceive of the possibility that not everything is about them.
So let me just make this clear. The world does not revolve around you.
The first tulpamancers weren't interested in trying to make alters. They weren't fetishizing DID or OSDD. They didn't care. Your community was completely irrelevant to them.
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I don't think delusional attachments are supposed to be characters that you communicated with in hallucinations.
I admit, I'm not an expert in this topic... but if you have characters that you are hallucinating while other times are experiencing identity alterations where you feel like you are those same characters... I don't see how that "delusional attachment" is different from a headmate.
Here's a quote from a Carrd I saw...
A delusional attachment (DA) is a term that psychotics have coined as an alternative to the term 'Identity Delusion', in which someone believes that they are another 'being' than they actually are, whether that be a real person, a fictional character, a nonhuman creature, an object, etc. The term and experience of having a DA is exclusive to those who experience Psychosis!
Which, by the way, leaves a bad taste in my mouth on its own.
If they merely claimed ownership of the misleading term they made up, that would be one thing. But it's extremely problematic how they claim that the very experience of perceiving yourself as another being is a delusional attachment and is exclusive to those with psychotic disorders.
Remember, this term didn't arise until 2020 while Otherkin have existed since 1990s and were a fairly large community. You can't just retroactively pathologize the experiences of others and decide anyone without a disorder can't have this type of experience.
This also goes with hallucinations. There are plenty of hallucinatory experiences that aren't deemed to be pathological. There was even the Hearing Voices movement in the 80s dedicated to fighting against the pathologization of voice hearing in Europe, arguing that trying to remove voices that didn't cause problems was akin to conversion therapy.
Just because your own hallucinatory experiences are harmful doesn't mean they are for everyone.
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Once again, the world doesn't revolve around you.
And you do not have the right to decide what healthy for others. You do not have the right to project your own problems onto others.
You do not own the concept of being plural. You do not own the concept of hallucinations, or believing yourself to be other people. None of these experiences belong to you and you alone, and you do not have a right to gatekeep them.
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
Please read the rules page. We don't post delusional attachments or irls [in the delusional attachment context not kin context] confessions
It's right here. There's other stuff on here too. You could save yourself so much time by just reading them first. https://fictionkinfessions.tumblr.com/rules
Please don’t send anything for or about DAs [delusional attachments].
People with psychosis and/or delusions are very much welcome here. But DAs aren’t kintypes or system members, and conflating them would be harmful. “Kin is seperate from delusional attachments as being kin is not inherently caused by Psychosis, although some Psychotics do refer to their Identity Delusions as being Kin. Having a delusional attachment doesn’t make one more 'real’ than one who is Kin.” “Introjects are separate from Delusional Attachments as Introjects are members of plural systems, while Delusional Attachments are caused by psychosis.” https://das.crd.co/#unrelated-terms <- this carrd kinda got hacked but has retained most of its info sadly and fortunately.
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takiisieju · 8 months
Okay, so you really liked the idea of SWARM drabble challenge!
Here’s a list of prompts, but feel free to send an original one (but also please don’t be offended if I don’t answer, not every idea can inspire me). Also, you can tell me your favorite character from this universe and I’ll attach a small art/sketch to the drabble.
You can read about everything SWARM on my carrd here.
I don’t want to be your friend.
Don’t go out in the sun!
I refuse (to live in the present).
You have such a weird smile.
Scared of the dark?
Kissing the mirror.
You are delusional.
Sunrise in Koral.
Sunset in Koral.
A love story I can’t remember.
Today, it rains.
Ever unhappy.
I’d be happy if you… idk… spread the word? >///< Maybe there’s somebody somewhere who’d really like the idea, art and worldbuilding of SWARM but would never find it by themselves? No pressure though.
Also, if some of these prompts inspire you and fit your OCs, feel free to use them. I’d love to be tagged, but you don’t have to credit or tag me, it’s no big deal for me.
taglist: @roofgeese@poisonedtruth@theelderhazelnut@scentedcandleibex@spacestephh
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httpskarmaco-main · 14 days
Rate me based off my fictionkins
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(Also, Fictionkins means you see yourself as this characters/have a strong spiritual connection to it/Were that character in a past life. This is completely different from IRL's who have Psychosis, Delusional Attachment's to characters and/or other reasons. IRL's cannot tell the difference between reality and their delusions, it is an unhealthy coping mechanisms in most cases. Do not harass people who are IRL's, instead encourage them to seek help. This is also not the same as having DID/OSSD. Do not try and claim this as faking DID/OSSD. More information about Fictionkins here (Not my carrd) and there is a tumblr blog about this called "fictkinhelp".
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cosmikirby · 11 months
Help. Why:
""Do not interact" if bi/pan or lesbian (are or support)"??? 😭😭😭😭 (Do you not interact with yourself (like talk to yourself or do anything😳😳) because you're pan) also I'm joking😭😭)))
IDK, I just clicked the weird link thing on your bio, and Idk what it's for and I was curious, and now I'm confused with what I found 😭
ALSO, what's kin kirby????
The link in my bio is my info carrd!! It’s got everything about me :3
The dni is “bi/pan lesbian” not “bi/pan or lesbian” akdhkdh lesbians and bi/pan ppl are fine!! the dni is for people who believe lesbians can be pan/bi simultaneously (claiming lesbians can also be romantically/sexually attracted to men, despite the lesbian label being for women/nb people who aren’t attracted to men????)
Also by “kin kirby” I mean people who kin kirby, which means people who call themselves by the name and associate themselves with the character as another identity :3 it’s not a bad thing, im just personally uncomfortable with it as someone with a delusional attachment to the character (something I can’t control 😔)
Thank you for asking!!
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dreambuggz · 6 months
Just realized i need to make an intro shit-
hi! we’re the Eclipsed Sky System, but we’re looking to change our sys name!
I’m Christopher Pierre, the host and a fictive of.. Christopher p- shit that’s obvious uhh
anywho we’re traumagenic dni endos and endo supporters also delusional attachments and basic dni
(our carrd is https://eclipsedskyosdd.carrd.co :3)
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strawberrybabydog · 2 years
Do you think this carrd is misinfo? I saw it a while back and wasn't too sure about some of what it stated /genq
holy fuck this carrd is so bad LOL
TLDR: yes, it's full of misinformation. they list some sources (which are fine) but clearly didn't read any of them. or... anything on delusional misidentification syndromes.. at all
right from the get-go, they keep calling them "delusional misidentifications" which isn't actually a thing. i guess you could shorten it to that as short-hand, but given that this claims to be educational, that's really not a good idea. they also fundamentally misunderstand what delusional misidentification syndromes even are: "delusional misidentification syndrome(s)" is an umbrella term for specific types of delusions. it is not a delusion (or diagnosis) itself.
basically everything on this carrd can be disproven by, literally, the DMS's wikipedia page. seriously.
under the cut i'll go through their specific points and break things down. there are too many screenshots to describe without the alt text editor, so this will not be screen reader friendly. the post isn't that long the screenshots are just big lol
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i have not ever seen anyone claim that there isn't information on delusional misidentification syndromes. there's a lot actually, and its all very easily accessible through Looking Things Up. certain types of DMSs have less information on them (like delusional companion syndrome) because they're under-researched. DMSs as a whole are under-researched (compared to other delusions,) but there isn't a total lack of information on them. anyone claiming there isn't accessible information on them has just never tried to look it up LOL
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i dislike delusional attachments as much as the next psychotic but it's very fucking gross to claim that every single person using a delusion-specific label is faking it, or that the term is fake itself. i think they mean it's not clinically recognized, which is true, but that doesn't mean it's fake. discrediting delusional people's experiences is quite literally sanism. yeah, a lot of non-psychotics do use it, and thats very gross too, but saying every single person who uses it is faking their delusions is just... i cant believe im explaining what sanism is right now
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hi, it's not that rare. also, identifying as an anime character isn't a clinically recognized delusional misidentification syndrome. infact, clinically, it would not be recognized as a DMS at all. it would be considered a "bizarre/non-specified delusion" or possibly a delusion of grandiose if grandiose behavior is present (which, as far as i've seen in folks like this, it literally never is.)
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"delusional misidentification syndrome" was coined by a psychologist in 1986 (here's the book it was coined in.) delusional attachment was coined in 2020. delusional misidentification syndromes DO NOT stem from D/As. we also don't lack terms of our own i coined a shit ton of terms for DMSs but okay
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No, just... No. this is literally how delusions work sometimes. delusions are not a slow realization every single time. delusions can hit you like a train. you don't doubt you are yourself, because "yourself" IS the character - you doubt your reality. there isn't inherent harm in identifying as a fictional character?
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delusions are not formed as a response to trauma. infact most of the time they arent related to trauma at all. even people who have psychotic episodes because of extreme stress, that is not inherently trauma. it's called stress (not trauma) for a reason. most psychotic disorders are genetic
problems not listed specifically in screenshots:
multiple times through this carrd, they mention that you don't know and cannot dictate other people's experiences with mental illness. which is true. but then they do that exact same thing multiple times.
they seem to think that delusional misidentification syndrome's only possible outcome is believing you are an anime character which is so far from the truth. not a single source they listed even mentions this, hm, i wonder why? (remember how i said it's because this isn't medically recognized? yeah, thats why.) for someone who claims to stick to medical information and research, they sure Dont Do That
in the last note on the card, they say that self diagnosis is bad and blah blah blah, but they clearly don't know that you actually cannot be diagnosed with delusional misidentification syndrome because it literally is not a diagnosis - again, it's an umbrella term for different types of delusions which share a common theme (the theme being "misidentifying some part of Reality.") they stress so much that self-diagnosis is bad, and yet, claim to have DMS. hmm....! no im not doubting they have DMS, im just pointing out the irony here lol
at the end of the carrd, they have a few resources for specific DMSs which they don't even mention a single time in the entire carrd. not surprising considering they clearly don't know what delusional misidentification syndromes are. they also don't include resources for like, most delusional misidentification syndromes, but instead included one for erotomanic delusions (which isn't a DMS. it's actually not even a bizarre delusion...) they exclude sources for the following DMSs: delusional companion syndrome, clinical lycanthropy, cotard's delusion, subjective doubles, and reduplicative paramnesia. arguably some of the only DMSs you could actually make identities out of.
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but... what do you mean... you didnt even read them... plus, a couple of these are just whole-ass papers which aren't accessible to every reader, nor would they be relevant to every reader.
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and to top it all off, one of the buttons labelled something related to Parkinson's disease takes you to a google search for "delusional misidentification syndrome treatment". this is hilarious and i wish i was making it up. please if you dont believe me click on this link yourself on the carrd LMAO
i said it in the beginning, but just to reiterate, basically everything they wrote here can be disproven by the wikipedia on DMSs alone. which is, for lack of a softer term, kind of pathetic
it's always terrible to source education from your own personal and individual experience on anything, let alone delusions and psychosis which is a VERY unique experience.
my only hope is that they eventually take this carrd down or at the very least it doesnt reach very many people. there isn't even a need to make a carrd for this topic in the first place, the resources exist on the internet and are easily accessible within just a few searches
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operator-pillz · 6 months
Saw a seemingly popular carrd explaining delusional attachments and they started using system terms what if I put u in a saw trap.
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tcdamoving · 4 months
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guess who found some of the original delusional attachment "awareness" carrds
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lichens-art · 1 year
Need to redo this... ugh.
Welcome to our art blog! We're Eddie Hydrangea!
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[this is placeholder art for something better, drew this while low on spoons.]
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Commissions : Open! Send us a DM! Prices and Styles : Listed on our carrd Comm Slots : 0/10 taken Specialized in : Portraits of DID / OSDD Alters Anthros (Specifically Canid and Dragon, but all are fine!) Dynamic poses or literally anything except idle / stock pose Saturated, Contrasting, and Balanced colors Digital MS Paint-esque and Traditional sharpie and colored pencil art Simplified cutesy and Comic book styles Humanoids and Human-Looking Non-Humans Bugs, Arachnids, and other Arthropods Trees, Flowers and Most Plants Mechs, Robots, and Crystals and Fandom art of your blorbos (Except stuff from our blacklist)
DNI, AND STUFF WE WILL / WON'T DRAW BELOW. (DNI is people we will not draw for by the way.)
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Racist / Antisemitic / Homophobic / Bigot of any kind etc. Pedophiles / Zoophiles / MAPs / Proship / Profic etc. Against Neo-Pronouns or one of those "Pronouns = Gender" types Ableists / Anti Self Diagnosis Endogenic / Non Traumagenic systems Singlets who are weird towards introjects / Kinnies* Eating disorder / Pro ANA Transabled / Transage / Transrace etc. Toothpaste flag users (Blue and Green Gay flag) ANY DSMP supporters / MCYT stans** Other problematic media supporters*** Cringe Culture / Think bullying is funny or okay If you think having a fictive = supporting the content Anti Furry / Anti Otherkin / Anti Therian Anti Mspec Gay/Lesbian Not critical of media you enjoy A person who abused our partners
*People who kin for fun are fine, and this doesn't apply to delusional attachments. The people we're specifically not wanting here are singlets who think they're allowed to be weird towards introjects because they heavily relate to a character. **We're talking about hardcore stans. Casual MCYT enjoyers are welcome! ***This means actively supporting the creator or supporting the media uncritically. We won't give warnings for blocking you if you like a media attached to our trauma.
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Will Draw : Any body shape, Hair texture and Skin tone (Please correct us on anything we get wrong when we send you a draft btw!) Humans Mobility aid users (Please direct us to references for specific stuff!) NSFW / Suggestive (Will not post publicly, have to be over 18) Animals, and Alien / Fantasy body shapes (ie; Birrin, Centaurs, etc.) Candy Gore (Anything red or genuinely meat-looking is a NO. Will always post with trigger warning NO EXCEPTIONS) Won't Draw : Stereotyping, Abusive and Hateful art Fanart of Real People (If you're asking us to draw you or a friend with permission, that's fine /g) Any Media from our blacklist Gore, Injury or Physical abuse (DOES NOT MEAN DISABILITY.) Fetishes that squick us out (Ask about what does, these things will not be made public for safety reasons) Any of our triggers (Again, ask please) Idle / Stock pose (ie; generic reference pose, we're not good at it!)
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fishtomale · 6 months
i want to make a carrd with fun info about myself but i keep running into the issue of how can i make my history of projecting on characters / kinning / delusional attachments look cute lmao. like “this is Superman! I thought I was Superman stuck in a simulation in which Lex Luther was possessing my mom to sneak kryptonite poison capsules in my cereal for about a month when i was 17” and then right next to that be like “this is Shaggy from Scooby Doo! We have a similar goofy vibe!”
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