#dghda fanfiction
lemonlinelights · 11 months
Flimsy Plastic
Art of this fic by @kat3797
Summary:  Amanda reaches out to Todd. Her request? To go paddle boarding with her brother. Aka The beach day episode they all deserve.
“It’s just-” he sighed “drowning is like, such an average death that happens to anybody, with our luck it’s like a thousands times more likely.” Todd’s explanation was met with a moment of thoughtful silence. 
  “Honestly,” Dirk started, “I think a normal way of dying is less likely for us.”
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Found a good feeling fic on Ao3 it’s funny sweet :-)
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frenchfriedgiraffe · 8 months
people often talk about how fanfiction is great because you can put your favourite characters in crazy scenarios (like, idk, a mafia werewolf au or something). but my absolute favourite thing is the exact opposite: reading about them doing completely ordinary shit, like going to the supermarket or having a nap. and like maybe that's just my super niche corner of fanfiction but i eat that shit up. it's just so satisfying getting to read about your normally badass super awesome favourite character making toast in the morning.
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miryel89 · 7 months
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I wrote a story about their complicated father-son relationship, and my heart is broken now 🥲
(only in Italian but I think you can use Google translate if you want 💛)
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mystical-writings · 1 year
I've decided that what I need right now is to become obsessed with Dirk Gently again. It's simply time to restart that trainwreck
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irisbleufic · 1 year
I’m leaving for Seattle tomorrow to do some poetry signings and readings at AWP this weekend, and I admit half the reason I’m excited is that DGHDA was set there. I’ll get to see some of the geography I used when I was writing fic for that show a few years ago. I’ve never been to the Pacific Northwest before!
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It's fascinating to me that DGHDA started as Doctor Who fanfiction because Todd Brotzman's role is so similar to that of the Doctor's companion: he's an Everyman (we think) who's swept up into events several orbits away from normal by a wacky character with not-so-hidden trauma and given a choice at the end whether to return to normal life or go off on more adventures. Dirk's story, like the Doctor's, continues before and after Todd's, but the show narrative focuses on Todd as the inciting and main character whose arc we most closely follow. I know Todd is only in the BBCA adaptation but I wonder if Who inspired this at all.
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kh3finalmix · 1 year
i rarely read fanfiction anymore but i was looking up some dghda stuff bc im rewatching it with my sister and its one of those pieces of media where i cannot believe that people have the AUDACITY to put them in a coffee shop au
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missing Dghda hours again, does anyone have any good fanfiction recommendations? I’d love to read them!
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frenchfriedgiraffe · 6 months
okay random thought but the whole idea of pararibulitis is such good whump material. like it allows you to let your character get stabbed and shit without having any lasting effects (who needs hospital recovery am i right??). and theres so much comfort potential too, instead of having drawn out recovery scenes (again, hospitals) you can just have some lovely cuddling.
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bookwhimses · 4 years
[DEAD BODY REPORTED] Tina: where Farah: Medbay Todd: i think it’s dirk Dirk: nope! I’m still here Todd: not the body u asshole ur the imposter Estevez: ok WHO killed Zim in the medbay Todd: dirk. dirk killed him [Todd has voted.] Dirk: Todd ????!!?!? Tina: mmm idk.. Hobbs: Bart was following me around for ages … Amanda: yeah bart is sus [Amanda has voted. Hobbs has voted. Estevez has voted.] Bart: ?? ok Farah: I’m pretty sure Dirk was doing tasks in the cafeteria Todd: so he vented Farah: Did you see him vent? Todd: no. didn’t need to Dirk: I wasn’t doingg anything!! i ccan’t make the button swirly move I’m trying to fix ittt t Farah: Yeah, it’s not Dirk Todd: you’re so full of shit dirk [Farah has voted. Tina has voted. Dirk has voted.] [Bart has been ejected. Bart was not the imposter.]
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Just giving a shoutout to a very cool DGHDA fanfiction. (It’s not mine). No ships. Just not-dead Estevez after season one. Well-written.:
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fortjester · 6 years
Ken sits up properly against the door and runs his hands down his face. "You scare the shit out of me." He moans.
"It's my job, Kenny Boy." Bart tuts and kicks her gun towards him, almost a sign of peace.
(Or, the one where Bart is a trained assassin and Ken is the FBI agent assigned to catch her.)
My submission for the @dghdaspookfest 2018! Prompt #53 Getting Chased was used, here.
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janjan-the-ninth · 6 years
Whatever you're doing now, don't think about how Dirk propably didn't have a nice Christmas since his childhood. That even after Blackwing he propably would be alone for Christmas. He would try to be festive, get a tree and an ugly Christmas sweater, but in the end he would be alone in his flat, no presents, nobody to be happy with. After a few Christmas like this, he just stopped trying.
So when he finally has his agency and friends he doesn't even think about celebrating Christmas. For him Christmas was being unhappy and alone, now he isn't but he didn't connect it with that he can celebrate Christmas with them. Farah and Todd obviously noticed the lack of festive mood and they could guess why.
Now imagine how Dirk would react when he walks into the agency on Christmas day to find it completely decorated, there is a table with cookies and there is this huge Christmas tree in the middle of the agency. Todd and Farah in ugly Christmas sweaters, Todd holding a matching ugly sweater in his arms while Farah is still putting presents under the tree.
At first Dirk wouldn't understand what they try to do. If Todd and Farah wanted to celebrate Christmas in the agency they should have told him. He wouldn't have bothered them and stayed at home. In that moment the door behind him and Amanda and her Rowdys come into the agency, each of them carrying presents. When Dirk hears Amanda say "Damn I had hoped we would arrive before you Dirk. Well but we are here now, merry Christmas Dirk."
And that's the moment he finally realised that they are celebrating Christmas in the agency cause they want to celebrate it with him. He doesn't know what to do and can only say "But I don't have any gifts for you." before the tears starts falling. Todd is the first one to hug Dirk, but the others follow soon so that they end up in a big group hug, with a very happy Dirk in the middle of it.
Merry Dirkmas @neverland-in-space and the dghda fandom.
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holisticfansstuff · 6 years
Ok. Okay so I don't know how to do this fic justice but I'll try. This is it, guys. This should be the script for season 3. This is the season 2 fix- it. It captured the spirit of dghda perfectly, everyone is totally in character and it's amazingly intricate. It keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout. It's a 50k+ word fic which I started and finished in one sitting because I literally could not stop. Read it. Go on. You'll love it.
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