#discourse ment
emdotcom · 1 year
We're not doing the bi lesbian/pan lesbian label gatekeeping shit again. Shut the fuck up.
"But it's hurting lesbians!" Only a privileged fool thinks including more people is the same as oppressing another group.
"But that term doesn't make sense!" So? It doesn't have to make sense to you, or to anybody else. It just has to make sense to the people who uses it.
"But it's just made up!" So is the entirety of language. These scribbles I am typing out are made up. The meanings behind those scribbles, the sounds associated with them, & the meaning all those sounds & scribbles have in conjunction is made up. Every single identity & term is made up. It's all made up.
"But I don't like it!" This isn't about you. Learn to close your tiny bitch lips, 'kay?
"But attraction to--" Literally stop.
Ask yourself why you care, or how it could possibly hurt you. Does this matter?
These terms are old, older than you. How people decide to use them now is down to that individual.
You do not get to decide what that label means. If you want to know, look into it's history, or talk to somebody that has used that identity. You don't get to dictate what those words mean for every person, let alone who can or can't use them.
The queer community is a community. That means there will be people doing & saying things you've never seen or heard of before. They are still one of us. They are still a part of our community. You do not need to understand them down to their finest detail.
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safe-shipping · 10 months
Proship selfshippers, don't be afraid to block users, close asks, etc. if you're being harassed online ☆
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mogai-headcanons · 6 months
cackling at the hate anon i just got that said i 'must be a 15 year old' then claimed to know who i am irl. try again bud lmao
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syn4k · 10 months
it's really cool seeing beings talk about plurality while in the mcyt fandom sphere thingy :D
normally with mcyt and plurality there's a lot of toxicity around it and it just,, isn't fun? lots of fakeclaiming, very painful
so seeing you talk about it is just fun :D
(i like how your reaction was just like "hey so there is an xisuma in my brain what do i do now" because that is also how we react to new brain beings lol
we're also gateway so there's been many times where someone pops in to just say like one thing and then leave. before we had a permanent joel&, grian& or someone jokingly insulted him and joel& popped in out of nowhere just to go "HEY" and then left lmao)
yeah we've seen the depths of syscourse and decided that's literally the opposite of fun so we're just chill about that sort of thing. if it's not our brain, it's not our business (unless someone comes to us for advice or a question in which case we will answer in good faith!)
also yeah. new guy shows up? oh, nice, they're here now. howdy nice to meet you here's where you are here's what's going on here's why this guy is purple and here's an extremely oversimplified explanation of what that big window that makes up the entire wall at the front of the room is.
and same here! sometimes we'll hear a one-off remark in someone's voice and then never see nor hear from them again. sometimes that's the event that heralds their summoning. it just happens sometimes o7
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m-grouped · 2 years
Shipcourse at this point is just 2 groups of people who basically agree yelling at eachother and assuming their past abusers who were part of X group represent the whole of X group. Like. Pro-ship and anti-ship are such meaningless terms at this point, it's not even funny, it's just sad. This discourse has been going for almost a decade and basically everyone agrees on "ok do whatever just tag it" with fairly few exceptions. Why is this discourse still a thing. 9 times out of 10 it's just assuming people's beliefs because they lable themselves a certain way (often using an, again, meaningless lable)
I'm just sick of this shit man, I call myself anti-ship cuz that's the one that's least likely to have creeps interact with me but honestly? Fuck that shit my thoughts on shipping are nuanced, complicated, and honestly no one's fucking business? What I read on AO3 has jack shit to do with my beliefs.
I'm just sick of this shit tbh.
This post isn't inviting discourse, it's more of a vent than anything
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euniexenoblade · 30 days
"don't tell cis people they're trans" and what? Let more trans people kill themselves? "Let them figure it out themselves" Let them wander in hardship, depression, and dysphoria alone with no one to turn to? Why are you so dead set that they're cis, they have to be cis, "don't tell CIS people" maybe the problem is you decided they're cis and never got to actually know them.
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Alright, out of a mild amount of rage: endogenic systems I love you. Non-traumagenic systems I love you. Mixed origins systems I love you. Anyone who's plural and experiences plurality, I love you.
If someone here disagrees with me, that's fine, have your own opinions. But if you start shitting on plurality and it's different forms I will block you so fuckin fast. You can disagree with labels without treating people like shit.
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etoilesbienne · 3 months
Man everything with Dream coming out recently really has confirmed for me how much of DTeam is based around manipulating and downplaying any experience they cannot control. It's so very painfully obvious in the messages released by Dream between him and Sophie that the conversation was never about him and his friend being misogynistic, it's getting twisted into "Why do you hate me, specifically?" instead of any sort of reflection or self criticism to actually grow from the past behaviors.
Moreover it's also just covering for George's attempted assault. Make people get distracted from the assault by whining louder about other CC criticizing him. That way the focus gets shifted. I honestly cannot tell if that's intentional or if he's so unable to self reflect that he does this by habit, but it has the same exact effect anyway.
There is a lot of damning evidence of Dream's manipulation tactics coming out recently, between Punz's (now deleted) posts criticizing Dream's use of "let's talk privately," and now the Sophie messages, it's becoming clearer that that is a manipulation tactic so that he can control the narrative around him. Even the long messages directed at Quackity over ghosting him are pointing more toward him thinking he can bully and blackmail people into keeping in contact and keeping quiet. I do not doubt that there is more behind the scenes of people who are unable to sever ties because of this. Remember he does own a merch company. With other CC under it. I'd be real concerned about my income if a guy was threatening this kind of stuff all the time was the one in charge of it.
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springtrappd · 1 year
You said in one post that the author of Solar Lunacy is ableist. Could you explain how they're being problematic? I know almost nothing about them or the story itself, so I wouldn't know if they've said or done anything sus. Also, thank you for actually criticizing the Daycare Attendant stans, almost nobody in this site does that.
thank you for asking! it's rare to see, you're right, but it's also rare that people are willing to actually engage with that critical posting, so -- again, thank you! as for your question: oh boy, can i!
first: the basics. dissociation is a psychological response to overwhelming stress wherein the brain... disassociates from itself, placing a barrier between itself and the harsh reality. the most famous dissociative disorder is dissociative identity disorder (DID), known formerly as multiple personality disorder (MPD) or split personality. did occurs when someone without a fully-formed identity (read: a child) undergoes such severe stress that the 'brain' dissociates from its identity itself, creating alternate identities (personalities) to deal with the things they can't. these alternate identities work together to form a system. it's way more complicated than that and you can read more on it here and here but that's the bare minimum for the ignorant in the audience. we all caught up? good! moving on.
now, the question of whether or not the daycare attendant is a system is a touchy one. i've seen multiple different stances on the matter, seen a lot of arguments, and typed (and deleted) several hundreds of words about it, and the answer that i've come to is that, for the sake of this argument, whether the dca is a system in canon doesn't matter. what matters is how bamsara treats them. how do they handle the characters, how do they frame the switches in personality, the confusion, all the parallels to real-world symptoms -- how do they expect the viewer to feel, what do they pull from the cultural lexicon, yadda yadda. does bamsara -- regardless of their intentions -- depict the dca as a system, and if so, how do they handle it?
the answer is that they depict the dca as experiencing altered identity states, switching (and even blurring) between identities, and even repeatedly acknowledges them as a plural entity.
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and it is these behaviours, specifically, that are used to make the dca scary. bamsara's daycare attendant is scary because they experience altered identity states. because they blur identities. because they are a plural entity. because they display the textbook symptoms and behaviours of a disorder most commonly caused by childhood sexual abuse. and it is the fear that this is inspires that makes them (but especially moon & eclipse) sexy.
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now, one can argue that this is simply in line with existing horror media, and they would be correct: most pop culture depictions of dissociative disorders are extremely ableist, and have real-world consequences! but what makes it really, really shitty is that... i don't want to think about this stuff. i don't come to fandom to be reminded that people are terrified of what they don't understand, and that that very very often includes the mentally ill. i don't want to be reminded that there are people who don't believe dissociative disorders exist at all. i don't want to reminded that they -- the sick, the survivors, the unlucky 140 million -- are spoken of in the same way as monsters. i don't come here for harsh realities. but solar lunacy is the most kudos'd fnaf fic on ao3, and we all have to live with that.
if you liked solar lunacy or bamsara's content or... whatever, i don't particularly care. i'm not mad about people thinking evil alters are sexy, or engaging with horror content that says shitty things about systems -- it's your life, live it how you please (and i've got a vanny icon so who am i to judge lmao). sometimes the things that make us happy are kinda shitty, and that's okay! our views are shaped by the society we live in, and there is no society on earth that is kind to the mentally ill -- there's no way to undo that, to stop that from influencing you in some capacity. but... all i ask is for you to think about this stuff, and try to educate yourself on the topic. there's nothing wrong with making a mistake, or having flaws -- but there's something wrong with making a space that feels unsafe, that reflects some of the more uncomfortable aspects of our society, that unintentionally hurts people. it's just up to you if that something is something you care about.
i hope that answers your question, anon (and anyone else who's curious). take care, mate!
(edit 13/01/2023: due to some technical difficulties on tumblr's end, the notes aren't quite showing up properly, so here's the link to bamsara's reblog chain if you can't find it.)
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kiwinatorwaffles · 4 months
hmm. i'm usually not one to post about these topics but i think i've gathered enough thoughts on wilbur's abysmal apology towards shelby to form a cohesive message.
WARNING: the rest of the post will discuss abuse and also a lot of my personal experiences as someone who has hurt other people in the past. obviously not to the extent that wilbur has, but please move on it you don’t want to see it. thank you and stay safe.
being stuck in a hard place, whether it be living conditions, mental conditions, or any other factor, will naturally hurt the person going through those tough times. and hurt people hurt people. but i think there's a pretty Big Fucking Difference between doing bad things in the past and actually owning up to your actions after regretting it VS doing bad things in the past and turning a blind eye against those you've hurt to wallow in your own ego and misery.
i’ve experienced my fair share of abusive friendships, but when i was fifteen, i WAS the toxic friend. (yes, i’m aroace. friendships aren’t the same as a romantic relationship but they can be just as strong. i value my platonic bonds as much as allos value their marriages or date partners.) i was going through a huge depressive episode. it was tough for me, but during that time, i made fun of my friends' interests to their faces because i couldn't personally understand it, and i also vagueposted about the little things they did that ticked me off right where they could see it. it got to the point where they had to make a separate group chat to talk about their interests where i wouldn’t see it. i hurt all of them, and it ended in them confronting me about my actions. they put me in my place and called me out for my horrible attitude.
after seeing my friends' perspectives, i realized just how awful i was to them and sincerely apologized to each of them. i recognized their feelings towards my actions and didn't make excuses. even though i was going through a hard time myself, my abuse towards them was absolutely NOT justified. as i recovered, i made sure not to hurt them any more, and years later, our friendships are still going strong.
my experiences aren't nearly as extreme as what wilbur has done to shelby, but i think it's pretty fucking clear that his apology was flaming dog shit served on a trash dump. like, i was a fifteen year old. he's a Grown Ass Man with a big platform. he dug his own grave by talking about himself first instead of actually addressing his mistreatment of shelby first and foremost. he didn't even MENTION shelby by name. talking about his "strides to betterment" without even directing his apology towards the person he actually hurt is just pathetic. that whole spiel about how he "thought" the whole exchange was consensual is fucking wild. he didn't even apologize for that; he moved on right afterwards.
we can infer that wilbur has been struggling with being a person who has done bad things through his songs and lovejoy's music. he might have been going through a hard time and maybe even regretted it (though his apology really makes it seem like he's just doing it for damage control), that STILL doesn't validate any hurt he might have caused. the least he could’ve done is to sincerely apologize to shelby, even if she didn’t accept it. but he couldn’t even do that.
it's just disappointing that, as someone who has a platform of millions of followers, he displayed an act of shallowness. in the end, his attempt at sincerity fell flat and benefited no one, especially not the people he abused. if he had properly apologized, even if his apology wasn't accepted, it would've shown people in a similar situation how to apologize to the people they hurt in the past in a mature and sincere way.
so, yeah. FUCK wilbur soot. focus not on the fact that he has done bad, but that the one he abused didn’t get a proper apology. support shelby and other victims of abuse. listen to their experiences and spread awareness of these cautions. uplift their voices, not his.
for those who have connected to his and lovejoy's music that have gone through a similar dark time in their lives, i also extend my heart out to you. it must also be hard to see someone who reflected your struggles of betterment reveal himself to be someone who really hasn't gotten better at all.
but you don’t have to be like him. you don’t need to follow in his steps as long as you own up to your mistakes, even if you can’t talk to those you hurt anymore. in the end, what matters most is that you apologize in a sincere way and make sure you don’t repeat those mistakes going forward.
you CAN get better. if anything just so spite that british boy’s ass
thank you. kiwi out ✌️
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verahaust · 7 months
People know that I love Jaehaera Targaryen and try to keep my mind in positive things about her, just reading headcanons and seeing art of her and Aegon, or her and her brothers and her mother. But I'm tired of even trying to do that, because this fandom is so weird about her, people still come after us at the minimum possibly of her surviving or at the first sight of someone saying they want her to live (the first two screenshots are from a Reddit post in which I shared an art or Jaehaera and Aegon III, that's all)
I'm tired of this "oh to keep her alive would be so cruel with her and Aegon" like they care for her.
Dude, she is just an innocent child, as much as Aegon III. They say "how can you want them married, her father killed his mother". And his father orchestrated the murder of her twin brother who led at the death of her mother. But we all know that that have nothing to do with her.
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Both comments are from the same person ���� they start like "she wouldn't survive because that would be so cruel" (yeah, it is not cruel killing a 10yo girl) but then they can't stand the possibility of someone liking her and wanting her to live and they talk in the most despicable way about her and how she deserved to be replaced as soon as she died.
Why is it so difficult to accept the fact that the little girl has supporters who want her to live? But they can't, they need to be an asshole for free.
Jaehaera is a child, prone to cry, but happy. Her murder was cruel and unnecessary. It has nothing to do with her being the daughter of his mother's killer or with her being a green.
Even if you doubt of Elio Garcia's words, it has never been stated for George that the reason to kill her was because she, as a green, needed to die.
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Like why, what did the little girl to deserve to be minimized? Just to exist and be from the TG.
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They really think that everyone is like them, that everyone is going to lose their mind for the possibility of a little child from the other team surviving.
Joffrey's death, even while the dance was still happening, was unnecessarily cruel and of course I won't get mad for the possibility of him surviving. The only criticism I would make about that is that it would be so biased to have 5 kids of the TB surviving and killing all the TG kids. But not because of that I will be like "he NEEDS to die" and will get mad for people wanting him to survive. If that happens it would be fair for me wanting Jaehaera to survive too.
And god, the ableism here is so unhinged.
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It is so fucking ironic how they can be like "how can you like a character with two lines" and "she is a r*tarded child and she was never gonna give Aegon III heirs" like decide, she "only has two lines" or you can know everything about her, her mental state and how would have been her life?
And lets start with the cruelty toward her: it is so fucking weird
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They want her to suffer like what, what did her to deserve that???
I will add more screenshots but I've reached my limit in this post 🫡
They have gone so far as to wish her little brother to be raped and murdered, to mess with the actress who plays Jaehaera (who is a little girl) and to compare her to rats or stray dogs.
People who know me knows that I am on the "separe between fiction and reality" side, but talking like this is too much, getting angry for people not thinking like you because they want her to live and commenting their posts mad because she NEEDS to die is too much, and messing with the actress who plays the girl is too much.
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baysiideblues · 6 months
Writers and artists are not obligated to reveal their trauma or history of abuse to get "permission" to create fiction
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mogai-headcanons · 2 months
May i ask, why do you support endo-systems? (Coming from someone with did themself)
i've talked about this before (can't remember which blog it was on) but can't find it so i'll just run down my reasons again:
above all else, i do not have the right to tell anyone what is actually going on in their own brain. the only time that might be acceptable would be if i was a doctor treating them for a psychological issue, and even then, it's not often a good idea to outright tell someone that their brain is Wrong. this applies both to fakeclaiming endogenic systems and to telling them that they're actually traumagenic but have repressed their trauma; neither is good form.
secondly above all else, we NEED to have solidarity among plural folks. this is coming from a psychology major and a system — there is a large number of psychology practitioners and researchers who straight up do not believe plurality exists in any form. there is also a large number of them who believe systems are far rarer than current diagnoses show, and therefore most diagnosed and suspected systems are not real. i have had to write an essay on why did is fake for a grade before. there are extremely prominent psychologists (ex: allen frances, the literal chair of the team who developed the dsm-iv) who believe did is a fad (allen frances has stated that he wanted to outright remove it from the dsm-iv). if we are fakeclaiming each other in our community, this only makes us more susceptible to the people who want plurality to be seen as entirely fabricated.
on that point, we also need to have solidarity against non-psychologist singlets who fakeclaim systems. things like the r/fakedisordercringe subreddit can be legitimately damaging to the people who are posted, scrutinized, and ridiculed, and we should be protecting each other from that, not shoving endogenic systems into the line of fire.
there is scientific evidence of non-traumagenic and non-disordered plurality (there are some interesting studies linked on this page), especially in spiritual communities.
though not all endogenic systems are disordered, they Can be; having experienced trauma is not a diagnostic criteria for did or osdd-1 in the dsm-5 tr or the icd-11. though it's obviously highly common for did/osdd systems to have experienced trauma, a non-insignificant portion of diagnosed disordered systems (something like 4% iirc) are not traumatized.
to go with the above point, many endogenic systems don't claim to have a dissociative disorder or that their system is disordered. if you're worried about people 'appropriating' or 'faking' your disorder, they largely are not, since plurality can and does exist outside of disorders.
as a traumagenic system, i feel unwelcome and threatened by anti-endogenic folks. i've been fakeclaimed by anti-endos before, either because they mistook me for an endogenic system since i support them or because they decided the behaviors i perform on the internet are evidence i'm faking. i'm not the only traumagenic system this has happened to.
i think that's the main points, i may have more idk
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I just remembered an event where I was reminded of how stupid and performative antis can be.
There was this one comment thread on Twitter where an anti was raving about an artist drawing Kakashi x Naruto under one of their art posts, and calling them a pedophile and the likes, comparing the artist's doujin of the pairing to be CSEM . Standard anti shit.
But what blows my mind the most was...the anti proceed to not only screenshot the cover of said doujin, but also post it in their comment thread for everyone there to see...
This person claims that the artist was making CSEM via ship art, yet the anti not only saved it in their inventory, but distributed to others to see publicly???
Antis have no fucking brain cells istg.
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m-grouped · 2 years
thought I might ask advice but if ur uncomfy w/ that just delete this ask dw/ gen
I really wanna coin a system origin term since I think it’d describe me p well even though I really only ID as traumagenic, but my best friend is really anti endo and I’m worried they might find my blog (I have my main blog linked and they follow it) and I don’t wanna start an argument with him. It’s not that I ID as endo at all, really I just prefer using -genic terms to describe some stuff abt me as a system more specifically, and whenever I make terms and flags I’m used to posting them + if someone else IDs as the term then I’d want them to be able to see that there’s someone else like them out there!
I’m not too sure what to do
Tbh my advice would be to confront your friend, ask him if he values discourse more than your friendship. Make it clear you don't want to argue but also make it clear that you are pro-endo and want to coin terms. If he starts arguing or cuts you off then good riddance, esp if you established that you value the friendship but disagree with him at the start of the conversation, then he values discourse more than your relationship to him.
Basically: communicate with him, people should be able to have relationships with ppl they disagree with and if your friend can't do that he likely will leave you over some other meaningless online discourse
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My Units are a good thing to me because they allow for a female protagonist without making her share the spotlight with a male one that will eventually outshine her like previous female FE protagonists
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