#divine kindred writing group
hero-israel · 5 months
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Amazing how uncritically modern leftists, who won't even say "Rhodes Scholar," will leap to defend 150-year-old white Englishmen if they seem to be good on Palestine for ten seconds.
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Fucking ARNOLD TOYNBEE. Really!
Toynbee uses the term "Judaic" to describe episodes of "extreme brutality," even where Jews themselves were not involved, as in the Gothic persecution of the Christians.  More generally, throughout the first eight volumes of his civilization series, Toynbee often refers to the Jewish people as a "fossil remnant," implying that Judaism was defined by its "fanaticism," its "provincialism," and its "exclusivity," whose value derived solely from its role as a seedbed for the superior civilization and moral code of Christianity.
By characterizing Judaism as a morally primitive belief-system based on the idea of Jews as a "master race," and then asserting that Jews' claim to Israel is based on this premise, Toynbee figures Zionism as "kindred to Nazism." On the other hand, Toynbee argues that by failing to accept their fate as a diaspora community and trying instead to replace the "traditional Jewish hope of an eventual Restoration of Israel to Palestine on God's initiative through the agency of a divinely inspired Messiah," Zionist Jews have the same "impious" relationship to their religion as Communists do to Christianity. Having thus equated Zionism with both Nazism and Communism, Toynbee asserts:
On the Day of Judgement, the gravest crime standing to the German National Socialists' account might be, not that they had exterminated a majority of the Western Jews, but that they had caused the surviving remnant of Jewry to stumble.
What was delightful was that an actual Jew made this colonizing motherfucker eat his words!
Toynbee explained that he did not intend to statistically equate the actions of the Nazis with those of Israel’s founders, but rather simply to draw a moral comparison: that individual massacres committed by Israeli forces in 1948 were no different than those perpetrated by the Germans against the Jews. “If I murder one man, that makes me a murderer,” he observed. “I don’t have to reach the thousand mark or the million mark to be a murderer.”
Herzog pounced on this point, turning Toynbee’s own scholarship against him. “Now, Professor, in volume four, page 128F, of your Study of History you say, ‘In the history of man’s attempt at civilization hitherto, there has never been any society whose progress and civilization has gone so far that in times of revolution or war, its members could be relied upon not to commit atrocities,’ ” Herzog recited. He then listed all the nations Toynbee himself implicated in this charge: the Germans in Belgium in 1914, the British in Ireland in 1920, the French in Syria, and many others throughout history—including, of course, the Nazis.
Herzog then added one group that Toynbee had omitted: “Do you agree that there were also Arab massacres of Jewish civilians?” Herzog made reference to such cases, asking, “Were these also in the category of Nazi atrocities? And if so, why don’t you say that both sides did things in such a category? Why do you choose us? Why do you single us out? Why don’t you write of Britain and of almost every country in the world according to your own definition?”
After several minutes of such questioning, Toynbee conceded the point. “I agree that most societies have committed atrocities, but I do not think that condones atrocities,” he said. “I agree with you on that,” Herzog quickly responded. “But do you agree that this comparison can be applied on the universal level to any country which in war its soldiers have committed atrocities against civilians?” Toynbee had to concur: “Yes, atrocities are atrocities and murder is murder, whoever commits it.” Herzog asked if Toynbee would similarly stigmatize “Arab atrocities against Jewish civilian populations,” and those committed by the United States. “Of course,” the professor replied.
With that admission, Herzog essentially disarmed the historian. After all, if every nation had behaved like the Nazis, then the charge was divested of moral meaning. “In other words,” Herzog concluded, “the Nazi pall lies across the world, before the Nazis came … and after they have gone.” Jews, then, were no more prone to immoral conduct than any other people, and Israel no more and no less guilty than any other modern state.
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badass-at-fandoming · 8 months
Zero idea about the fandom interest in said supplement, but I think it would be cool to have a supplement of different types of Anarch government!
I know v5 has these different coterie types already, but I'm thinking something bigger, like a guide on how to build a government for vampires. You could even have the same group of Anarchs try different government types, to see which one fits for their community. In his diary, Beckett writes down two different types of Anarch government: one in LA and one in Libertatia. What if we had even more options! There could even be more based on real life government, though they'd have to be scaled down for a smaller population. What do you think? How would you design your vampire government? 🎵 It's fun to get together with your friends and write a constitution. 🎵
Some examples under the cut
Copy + Paste Real Life Government - Could be a state, city, or federal government taken from the real world. World Citizen Comics created this very fun book on different constitutions of the world. It's called RE: Constitutions: Connecting Citizens With The Rules Of The Game
Athenian Democracy - Everyone votes all the time on everything. More explanation here.
The Monty Python - the autonomous collective described in Monty Python and the Holy Grail. This scene here.
Autocracy - This can go a lot of ways. One vampire has all the power. They could be called emperor, king, Ruler Supreme, the Big Cheese, or anything else. I was thinking of Imperial Russia and how the Tsar had to do everything, from processing name-change forms to leading the army. You could bring in a religious element. Whoever proves to be Caine's specialist little snowflake gets to sit in the biggest, comfiest chair. There could be "divine trials" to prove that Caine himself kisses you on the forehead. You could have a Pharaoh, who heads the government and religion.
The Bonpensiero - This is a spin on the Camarilla model to fit LA's needs at the end of my friends' hella long chronicle. Each LA neighborhood had an elected Baron, and all Barons sat on a Council. The Council resolved disputes, monitored LA citizen health, and investigated threats to the Masquerade. When it became time to stomp something into dust, the "Prince" would do the stomping.
Feudalism - Quentin King III modeled his government after medieval European feudalism, which shockingly worked for a long while. In exchange for protection during attack, the ruler receives food/taxes/tribute from others. That can be the entire extent of it, or there can be other government bodies that form laws and settle disputes.
The Eternal Senate - Collat's version, Camilla's version, or the real life one!
The Oligarchy - a group of people are in charge of everything! Can come in different flavors. Maybe it's a elders, maybe it's corporate bigwigs [shudders]; maybe it's everyone who has proven Caine loves them.
The Matriarchy - Female Kindred rule a territory, both as a government and keepers of culture. However, they don't have absolute power, and there are various counter-balances and law-making bodies
Three Departments and Six Ministries - the admin structure of medieval China, NE China (Manchuria), Vietnam, and Korea. Comes with an emperor. Read more here!
Communism - Comes in so many flavors I'm just linking the wikipedia article here. The society centers around the common ownership of the means of production. For example, every Kindred would have a role in the acquiring and distribution of blood.
Socialist Republic - Kindred vote for representatives to...represent them...in a government body, which then votes on policies. Including socialism means a focus on government programs providing Kindred with their basic needs, like blood, a haven, art, etc
This is SO incredibly nerdy. I would love to hear other people's ideas~!
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alexsgrimoire · 2 months
Full Moon Ritual Script - February 2024
For the Full Moon Esbat this month, I'm in charge of leading it and writing the script! I got the OK to share the script online, so here it is! If you'd like to use it, please tag me in it!
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Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Feel the air come in through your nose and out through your mouth. Take a moment to center yourself.
You find yourself at the entryway to a lush forest in the middle of the night. There is a light dusting of snow on the ground and the pine trees in front of you, and a slight chill to the air that leaves goosebumps on your skin, but not too cold that it becomes uncomfortable. You feel pulled to enter the forest, a gentle energy calling you from deep within the woods. You make your way in, the snow and branches crunching under your footsteps.
As you venture through the forest, you see small shrubs and tiny, white primroses beginning to bloom. The plants line your pathway as you find your way, helping you along. As you go deeper, you encounter a fork in the path. As you ponder which way to go, the voice that called you into the forest calls you again. You look up and notice a white owl standing on a branch leading to one of the paths, and it hoots, beckoning for you to follow.
You follow the owl, its wings almost angelic as it flies from tree to tree. Come with me, you feel it say as it leads you. It acts as a guide, preventing you from straying from the path. The trees thin out as you continue, and you reach the opening of a glade. The owl stops and turns its head towards the open space. Here we are, you hear in your mind.
As you step into the open space, you are greeted by a large lake. The light of the Moon ripples off of the waves, and you are shown Her Divine energy. The Moon glows, radiating Her gentle, guiding power. It radiates from the lake, filling you with calming energy. Come, My child, she calls to you. In Her Full Mother phase, She invites you to come near the waters. Be Blessed by my energy. You take off your shoes and dip your toes into the water, chilly but filled with cleansing power. 
Think of what you yearn most for, and look into My waters. You look into the water, watching your reflection in the waves. You see your reflection morph into your manifestations, the successes to come as the Full Moon shows Her strength. You feel your body rejuvenated, not only by the power of the Moon Goddess but also by your own strength and will to meet your accomplishments. You are Blessed by Her, full of renewed power for the coming year.
My chosen animal will guide your way home, She says. Do not forget your blessing, and feel My energy with you every day. You thank the Moon Goddess for her guidance and energy, bowing your head in respect. You step out of the water and slip your shoes back on. The water The Moon cleansed you with is not uncomfortable or soaking your shoes. The owl hoots once more and flaps its wings, calling for you. You follow it through the grove, the Moon’s guiding light shining as you return from where you came.
As we end this meditation, center yourself and take another deep breath. Feel your feet ground you as you return to this plane. Once you are ready, slowly open your eyes.
Chant & Calling the Quarters
We’ll sing “We Are a Circle” now. Feel free to stand, but don’t feel pressured to.
ALL: We are a circle within a circle, with no beginning and never-ending. (x3)
Form circle deosil around the group with wand (x1) to the pace of the chant
Now, to call the quarters.
East/Air Quarter Caller: Guardians of the East, we call upon you to watch over the rights of our Kindred. Powers of knowledge and wisdom, guided by Air, we ask that you keep watch over us tonight within this circle. Let all who enter the circle under your guidance do so in Perfect Love and Perfect Trust. Hail and welcome!
Light yellow candle
ALL: Hail and welcome.
South/Fire Quarter Caller: Guardians of the South, we call upon you to watch over the rights of our Kindred. Powers of energy and will, guided by Fire, we ask that you keep watch over us tonight within this circle. Let all who enter the circle under your guidance do so in Perfect Love and Perfect Trust. Hail and welcome!
Light red candle
ALL: Hail and welcome.
West/Water Quarter Caller: Guardians of the West, we call upon you to watch over the rights of our Kindred. Powers of passion and emotion, guided by Water, we ask that you keep watch over us tonight within this circle. Let all who enter the circle under your guidance do so in Perfect Love and Perfect Trust. Hail and welcome!
Light blue candle
ALL: Hail and welcome.
North/Earth Quarter Caller: Guardians of the North, we call upon you to watch over the rights of our Kindred. Powers of endurance and strength, guided by Earth, we ask that you keep watch over us tonight within this circle. Let all who enter the circle under your guidance do so in Perfect Love and Perfect Trust. Hail and welcome!
Light green candle
ALL: Hail and welcome.
Center/Spirit Quarter Caller: Guardians of Above and Below, we call upon you to watch over the rights of our Kindred. Powers of grounding and balance, guided by Spirit, we ask that you keep watch over us tonight within this circle. Let all who enter the circle under your guidance do so in Perfect Love and Perfect Trust. Hail and welcome!
Light white and black candles
ALL: Hail and welcome.
The Meaning of the Moon
February’s Full Moon, also known as the Snow Moon, is named for the time of year when snow is typically at its heaviest. It’s also known as the Quickening Moon due to many animals expecting birth and the “quickening” of the Earth below our feet in the spring, or the Hunger Moon, because of the difficulty of finding food during the harsh winter months. While the nights are getting shorter, winter is not yet behind us. 
Nonetheless, it’s a time to celebrate new beginnings, courage, and self-reflection. It’s a time to mark the completion of a cycle and meditate on what you’ve done not only successfully, but where to improve in the future. The Snow Moon shows there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, and the warmth of spring in the coming months will bring new joy.
The Snow Moon for 2024 is under Virgo, symbolizing purification, healing, and grounding. The energy around you changes with the Moon’s phases, allowing for further growth and banishment of negative energy. Spring is on its way, and the old thought patterns of 2023 are now behind us. 
Writing and organization are also key themes. You may have felt the urge to pick up a paper and pen or clean your workspace, which is typical and encouraged! It’s an excellent time to start Spring cleaning and make your home and hearth comfortable as we await the colorful blooms that Ostara will bring in March.
As displayed in the Triple Moon Goddess, the Full Moon is the Mother. According to Jung’s theory of the Collective Unconscious, the Mother is a symbol of the Divine Feminine, filled with nurturing, loving, and compassionate energy. Examples of the Mother include the Goddesses Demeter and Selene from the Hellenic pantheon, Ceres from Roman mythology, or the Badb from Celtic lore. The archetype persists in Pagan influences and other religious influences in pop culture, such as Selûne from The Forgotten Realms or The Dolorosa from Homestuck. (Author's note: I know The Dolorosa is based on The Virgin Mary, but She still embodies the Mother archetype)
As the Earth slowly awakens around us for the changing seasons, She is there to guide us. The Mother represents growth, new life, and the love of all creatures on Earth. Though it may seem slow, new life is beginning to bloom. Her earthly womb is fertile, and the Spring will offer birth to all manner of flora and fauna. As the Full Moon rises above, Her Grace will continue to bloom.
Cone of Power
Now, for the Cone of Power. Stand if you’re able, with hands linked. Left hand under, right hand over.
ALL: Ancient Lady, Ancient Moon 
Rising now above us 
We gather in Your sacred grove 
Asking that You bless us.
Repeat louder & faster until energy is built, then call release.
Drawing Cards & Intentions
Full Moons are a time particularly suited for divination and connected to the Fae, as it was thought they’d be particularly active under the light of the Full Moon. I invite each of you to pull a card from my Fairy Tarot deck.
Walk around with deck fanned and allow each person to pull one card.
Inspect the card. Look at the imagery in the artwork. Read the description at the bottom of the card. Now, take this information in. Think of how it applies to your accomplishments this past Moon cycle and what you want to manifest in the future. It’s time to be grateful for yourself and your power and celebrate big and small events. 
Pass around papers and pens.
With these in mind, take a paper and pen and write your intention for the coming weeks. It can be anything. For example, good health, time for relaxation, or the energy you need for practicing your Craft at home. Once you’ve written your intention, fold it up and place it in the cauldron. We’ll light it at the end of the night.
Simple Feast
It's time for cakes and ale. We have unleaded, ________________ provided by ________________, and leaded, ________________  provided by ________________. We also have ________________ for cakes, provided by ________________.
Pass around wafers, cups, and drinks.
May you never hunger.
ALL: May you never hunger.
May you never thirst.
ALL: May you never thirst.
Dismissing the Quarters & Farewell
Now, to thank the quarters.
North/Earth Quarter Caller: Guardians of the North, powers of endurance and strength, guided by Earth, we thank you for watching over the rights of our Kindred. May you be forever blessed. Hail and farewell!"
Extinguish green candle
ALL: Hail and farewell.
West/Water Quarter Caller: Guardians of the West, powers of passion and emotion, guided by Water, we thank you for watching over the rights of our Kindred. May you be forever blessed. Hail and farewell!"
Extinguish blue candle
ALL: Hail and farewell.
South/Fire Quarter Caller: Guardians of the South, powers of energy and will, guided by Fire, we thank you for watching over the rights of our Kindred. May you be forever blessed. Hail and farewell!"
Extinguish red candle
ALL: Hail and farewell.
East/Air Quarter Caller: Guardians of the East, powers of knowledge and wisdom, guided by Air, we thank you for watching over the rights of our Kindred. May you be forever blessed. Hail and farewell!"
Extinguish yellow candle
ALL: Hail and farewell.
Center/Spirit Quarter Caller: Guardians of Above and Below, powers of grounding and balance, guided by Spirit, we thank you for watching over the rights of our Kindred. May you be forever blessed. Hail and farewell!"
Extinguish white and black candles
ALL: Hail and farewell.
The Circle is open, yet the Circle remains as its magical power is drawn back into us. 
ALL: Merry meet, and Merry part, and Merry meet again! So mote it be.
“Badb.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 24 Nov. 2023, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Badb.
Boeckmann, Catherine. “Snow Moon: Full Moon in February 2024.” Almanac.Com, 9 Feb. 2024, www.almanac.com/content/full-moon-february.
Brethauer, Amanda. “Snow Moon: The Extraordinary Full Moon of February 2024.” The Peculiar Brunette, 1 Feb. 2024, www.thepeculiarbrunette.com/february-full-snow-moon-spiritual-meaning-definition-and-how-to-celebrate/.
Butler-Bowdon, Tom. 50 Psychology Classics: Your Shortcut to the Most Important Ideas on the Mind, Personality and Human Nature. Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2017.
Chamberlain, Lisa. “Maiden, Mother, and Crone: The Wiccan Triple Goddess.” Wicca Living, 6 Nov. 2017, wiccaliving.com/wiccan-triple-goddess/.
“Dictionary.” SpanishDictionary.Com, www.spanishdict.com/pronunciation/dolorosa. Accessed 10 Feb. 2024.
Gardiner, Barbi. “Exploring February’s Full Moon: A Night under a Glowing Snow Moon.” The Outdoor Apothecary, 29 Dec. 2023, www.outdoorapothecary.com/februarys-full-moon/.
Gardiner, Barbi. “The 12 Full Moons: Their Names, Meaning, and Magical Influence.” The Outdoor Apothecary, 29 Dec. 2023, www.outdoorapothecary.com/full-moons/.
Gladheart, Friday. The Practical Witch’s Almanac 2024. Microcosm Publishing, 2023.
“Jungian Confrerie.” The Mother Archetype, www.jungian-confrerie.com/phdi/p1.nsf/supppages/8209?opendocument&part=24. Accessed 10 Feb. 2024.
“Moonlight and Flowers on Tumblr: February’s Full Moon (Snow Moon) - Correspondences.” Tumblr, 10 Feb. 2019, www.tumblr.com/moonlight-and-flowerss/182706308866/this-year-februarys-full-moon-will-be-on-the.
“Norse Pagan Witchcraft on Tumblr: Moon Phases and Correspondences.” Tumblr, 3 Jan. 2020, www.tumblr.com/trolldomblog/190029034485/moon-phases-and-correspondences.
Nykos. “Snow Moon Magic.” The Witch and Wand, The Witch and Wand, 12 Nov. 2022, www.thewitchandwand.com/post/snow-moon-magic.
“Porrim Maryam (Post-Scratch).” MS Paint Adventures Wiki, Fandom, Inc., mspaintadventures.fandom.com/wiki/Porrim_Maryam_(post-scratch). Accessed 10 Feb. 2024.
Russell, Davy. “Full Moon in Virgo.” DavyandTracy, 23 Aug. 2023, davyandtracy.com/spirituality/full-moon-in-virgo/.
“Selûne.” Forgotten Realms Wiki, Fandom, Inc., forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Sel%C3%BBne. Accessed 10 Feb. 2024.
“Triple Goddess (Neopaganism).” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 2 Feb. 2024, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triple_Goddess_(Neopaganism)#:~:text=These%20three%20figures%20are%20often,consort%20is%20the%20Horned%20God.
Wigington, Patti. “February’s Quickening Moon.” Learn Religions, Learn Religions, 14 Nov. 2019, www.learnreligions.com/quickening-moon-2562394.
Wigington, Patti. “The Maiden, Mother, and Crone of Pagan Traditions.” Learn Religions, Learn Religions, 28 Jan. 2019, www.learnreligions.com/maiden-mother-and-crone-2562881. 
Special thanks to @elunoir-unlovable for the help with the native pronunciation of Badb!
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I feel like I may have just had a breakthrough.
My big issue with Saint of Kindred Spirits at the moment is that I have written every major plot point of act 1 but my word count is at about half of what it should be so far. This doesn’t come as a surprise—I used to write way more than was required for assignments as a kid, until I got to middle school where papers were supposed to be no more than 1-3 pages, which I don’t blame my teachers for because clearly they were overworked and underpaid and they did not to be reading 12-year-old Orion’s 10 page paper on the American robin, but the unfortunate consequence is that I got really into the habit of paring down my writing to the bare essentials. I haven’t been able to get past this habit, regardless of minimum 15-page papers in high school, multiple attempts to write full-length novels, and friend groups where it’s customary to surpass the Discord Nitro 4000 character limit while answering OC prompts.
I know there’s more to tell, but I don’t know how to get my hands on it, to bring it to life.
ANYWAY, none of this is what I’m actually making a post about. Turns out I’m great at rambling at length when it doesn’t matter. What I came here to say is that I had to stop in the middle of typing out a message because I had a thought on a small way to flesh Saint of Kindred Spirits out a little further, and it was absolutely necessary that I rush to my project hub in Notion to jot it down in my absolute mess of other notes conveniently hidden behind a dropdown (thank God for that. These notes are NOT pretty and if I don’t have a pretty aesthetic hub, I will die. This is probably hyperbole, but I’d rather not test it.)
The idea itself isn’t going to fix my problems. It might give me an extra 1k words tops. But because it occurred to me, I opened that project hub for the first time in a while, and as I scrolled down to my notes, I was shocked to feel an overwhelming wave of fondness that I haven’t felt about any of my creative projects in a long, long time.
This isn’t going to fix my problems, either, but I don’t think that matters so much. This story is mine, and does anything else really matter? It will come in time, and… you know… thinking about it… maybe there’s a reason my first major project in years was one about faith and hope and creation as a divine, magical act. Maybe this is what I always needed to learn.
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nothismonster · 2 years
𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓑𝓻𝓸𝓸𝓶 ~ 𝓐 𝓜𝓸𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓷 𝓢𝓸𝓵𝓸
The relentless tick tock of the grandfather clock.
The whistling of the wind as it rattled the shutters.
The sometimes incessant sound of the cicadas.
The restless sound of her heels as she walks the halls of her home like a specter, pale and alone. “Alone does not mean lonely.”
It was a mantra Lily often repeated though she was often unsure if she was trying to fool herself into believing it. Why was she even thinking of this? Being alone sometimes made her fanciful, prone to talking to herself and random bouts of whimsy. Once upon a time, she’d be experimented on for such flights of fancy. Nowadays she was seen as eccentric.
Huffing out a breath, she continues to walk the empty halls of her home, walking in step to the soft tick tock of the clock. She walks until she reaches the French doors that lead outside. She stands there and stares at the soft pale moon and watches. She waits. She always waits as time passes her by.
What was she waiting for? She did not know but there was a constant itch beneath her skin.
There were nights like tonight when she could not sleep. Her dreams had been restless of late. She could not remember her dreams but they often left her feeling afraid or unsettled. The fact that she could not remember them was troubling.
Her subconscious clearly did not want her to dwell on the dreams but she could not help but believe that somehow they dealt with her past.
With Him.
Before she could dwell too much on him, a sudden gust of wind blows open a shutter, filling the room with a sharp cold breeze.
She hears a sharp clatter as something falls and hits the floor. Lily quickly walks towards the sound, entering her kitchen and stopping short when she finds that a broom had fallen on the floor.
Though she did not believe herself to be superstitious, she had been around long enough and seen far too much to not know what a fallen broom symbolized.
“A broom has fallen. Someone’s coming.”
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desilikearnaz · 2 years
Some of my previously shipped characters are now open. Unfortunately I have not been able to rp as much as I wish so I have opened up for new possibilities. If you would like to take a peek at my updated ship list @desilikearnazmyships please check it out. Thanks and let's have fun rping.
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potted-dandelions · 3 years
If you cook a man a steak you feed him for a day, but if you teach a man to raise cattle you create civilization.
We think of farm animals and pets as species that we domesticated, but it would be equally true to say that they domesticated us. The co-evolution of humans and dogs has been well documented, but given that dogs made humans better hunters, how did we ever manage to domesticate prey animals like cattle, and how did they civilize us?
Modern domestic cattle and zebus are both descended from wild aurochs which went extinct only 400 years ago. Cattle, however, are among the most populous animals on the planet, so you could say that aurochs have gained a degree of immortality. It's no wonder the Hindus revere them as reincarnated souls.
And after all, why not? If you were alive 10,000 years ago and you observed a local herd of aurochs that tended to follow your nomadic band of hunters around, that would pique your Cro-Mangon curiosity. Why does your food keep you within eyeshot but just out of reach?
The carrion feeders you understand: they eat the garbage you leave behind like the fabled first dogs who were said to be a pack of hungry, curious wolves. But aurochs don't eat carrion, they feed on grass. And like other herd animals they're vulnerable to your group hunting tactics so aurochs are understandably skittish. But these particular ones are behaving predictably for some reason, and they're the only herd animals you've ever seen behave predictably. With a little planning, your tribe could wipe them out in a day and feast for a year.
There are really only three ways to interpret such behavior. Either you see their stupidity as your good fortune so you hunt the herd and their behavior to extinction. Then every new herd of aurochs you encounter will retreat out of sight, and the hunt will never match that one glorious day when you killed that stupid bull that led his herd into your trap.
Or you might come to see the herd as your kindred spirits, perhaps the reincarnated souls of your fallen tribesmen watching over you from afar. Or you may simply recognize the practical benefits of maintaining a breeding population of aurochs nearby, slaughtering only the older ones or those that leave the herd on their own. Either way, you'll soon put it together that this irrational behavior breeds true, and then your ancestors will learn to exploit that trait to domesticate the herd.
And irrational though it may seem to you, from the aurochs' perspective it makes perfect sense to stay close to a dangerous yet benign pack of violent ape-men. They're a menace to predators and prey alike, making loud and unpleasant noises, starting fires on purpose like maniacs, and killing anything that gets too close. So the aurochs who are lucky enough to range near a tribe with enough sense not to hunt them to extinction will be safe from wolves, tigers and bears, and they won't have to compete with mammoths or buffalo for food.
It is believed that all 1.5 billion of today's Taurine cattle descended from just 80 aurochs tamed in Turkey sometime around 10,500 years ago. It couldn't have been easy to domesticate that herd, what with the inevitable interbreeding with wild herds making it difficult to keep track of which offspring carry the recessive don't-fear-humans trait.
It would have taken a few human lifetimes to solidify that tamable aurochs trait, mostly by spreading it to the surrounding wild herds. The interbreeding they thought was working against them actually worked for them: it wasn't until the surrounding wild herds inherited the tamable trait that the captive herd was finally domesticated.
Before getting to that point, humans would've needed some way to corral and tag the animals so somebody had to invent fences and writing. But to make that possible, they had to invent civilization first. As it happened, both civilization and cattle domestication occurred together. Indeed, neither was possible without the other.
So it was that when the tribes of Isreal recently freed from their bondage in Egypt reverted to the pagan ways of their ancestors, they chose a golden calf to worship. Their choice of idol was no idle choice: their ancestors revered the calf as the seed from which civilization sprang forth. It was an all too common example of a decadent society turning its collective back on God to worship itself instead, which is why it brought the wrath of Moses down upon the Israelites when he returned from Mount Sinai.
The domestication of cattle is a human achievement, yes, but we do not deserve all or even most of the credit. Just remember the brutes we were before we had herds to shepherd. Whether you believe chance favored a prepared mind or divine intervention brought man and cow together—and why couldn't it be both?—aurochs could not become cattle until mankind became civilized. We owe our modern maturity to our fellow beasts and their willingness to put up with us.
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monstersdownthepath · 3 years
Ioslon, Beloved by Worms
Chaotic Neutral Archfey of Spirals, Worms, and Obsession
Domains: Artifice, Chaos, Charm, Madness Subdomains: Toil, Protean, Captivation, Insanity Favored Weapon: Whip Symbol: A worm curled into a loose spiral Sacred Animal: Worms Sacred Color: Blue, purple
The temptation of the Demon Lords is not merely for mortals. The eternal paths that the Ravager Worm Yhidothrus carves through layer after layer of reality have attracted the attention of countless mortals and immortals alike who seek out the secrets that the great Demon Lord holds. Not a single one of them returns whole, if at all, and this does not change for creatures of great influence like Ioslon.
Once a revered craftsman among the Fey, Ioslon became curious of what hid within the boundless depths of the Spiral Path--Yhidothrus’ realm--and that curiosity quickly, pardon the pun, spiraled into obsession. Building himself a vessel he believed could survive the ravages of Abyss and Worm alike, Ioslon and a crew of his sycophants and faithful descended into the Path and, within a mere month, vanished beyond means of communication both magical and mundane for several centuries. Like many who’ve performed the very same foolish act, Ioslon was swiftly delegated to a mere footnote in the dusty tomes regarding the Ravager Worm, standing out only for his notable status as an Archfey.
That very same status is perhaps what ended up saving him from destruction, not that he ever said. His return was not a triumphant affair with ribbons fluttering through the air, no. Only a handful even knew he had returned at all until rumors of his workshop reopening began to circulate, though none were allowed inside. It was only when Ng the Hooded himself stepped up to the door and requested entry to the craftsman’s workshop that it was revealed what had happened to Ioslon. A writhing body of composite millions, a strange obsession, fiendish magic used to twist the world into unearthly shapes. Bringing the Abyss into the First World was usually a punishable offense, but Ioslon had plans for these exotic materials that the Hooded demigod found interesting and an assurance that stayed the Eldest’s hand:
“I have learned what I needed to from Yhidothrus.”
Ng was the first to receive a gift from the Beloved By Worms. It’s not known what Ioslon said and gifted to each of the Eldest and Archfey who visited in turn, but it has similarly quelled their anger for the time being, allowing the writhing Archfey to work in relative peace towards his... “goals.”
In truth, Ioslon possesses few long-term or even short-term goals. His mind is too far gone for such leaps and bounds, and is not even fully his anymore. His form--now composed of innumerable worms--houses not just his consciousness, but the fragmented minds of thousands of individuals consumed by the madness of the Spiral Path, a collective he refers to as the Twine. While the mind of the revered craftsman is at the forefront of this mess, the countless minds and memories sharing space in his head steer him in a circle almost constantly... or, rather, a spiral.
The congealed obsessions of each and every spirit Ioslon has assimilated has formed together to form a single cohesive thought which links all of them: An adoration of the spiral. The “Divine Shape,” as he calls it, is the only thing that grants him focus, and only projects involved with it or incorporating it in some way are projects he can focus long enough to work on to completion. His laboratory is littered with clockworks in varying states of construction, each incorporating numerous spiral-patterned gears and unnecessary numbers of springs to sate the obsession of his thousand conflicting minds. His laboratory is also strewn about with terrariums containing worms and worm-like creatures from all over the Great Beyond, as he claims to be able to divine all that he needs from watching them burrow, eat, and writhe. Whether or not this is true is not known.
The obsession with the Divine Shape guilds Ioslon’s new faith and philosophy almost entirely, though metaphorical meanings and the symbology of the spiral are left to his minions and sycophants; he’s purely interested in the physical pattern, and waxing poetic about cycles or recursion is something he never truly engages in. Despite this, every now and then, enough of the fragmented remnants will surge to the surface to trigger a sudden obsession with topics such as time, entropy, patterns, madness, runes, or other spiral-adjacent subjects that stretch beyond the physical. These swings of focus are typically when the Twine take over themselves and create their most magnificent of devices, the constructs they craft performing reality-defying feats that are difficult, if not impossible, to replicate even by the greatest of mortal minds. Despite (or perhaps because of) the corruption and fragmenting of his mind, Ioslon possesses the genius necessary to build machines that can do anything, no matter how outlandish or impossible. It’s these miracles of invention that draw people to Ioslon in the hopes of finding their own muse.
-------- Obedience and Boons --------
Ioslon’s faith is more of a gathering of fans and fellow geniuses than an actual religion, with the majority of his flock gathering to witness his works of art or the emergence of the Twine. Collaborating with Ioslon himself is nearly impossible, but many great minds in the field of clockwork and engineering departments have met one another at his inventors fairs and begun to collaborating with each other instead. To truly work alongside Ioslon himself, one must have a similarly single-minded, manic obsession into which they will throw all else. An unenviable position, to be certain, but the Beloved by Worms views such creatures as kindred souls and allows them access to his shop and his resources, so that they may pursue their greatest passions.
The rest of his faithful and Feysworn have their own reasons for working for him. Many pity him, gathering materials from across the cosmos to bring to his lab at his request simply to prevent him from injuring himself getting them. Many desire something of him, hoping that by achieving greatness in his name, they will be granted their greatest wish. Still others work for him for the simple reason of whimsy, wondering what he’ll do next and thus obeying his nigh-nonsensical orders just to see what will happen. Any member of a class which rewards creativity, drive, or single-minded obsession is welcome in the flock of he who is Beloved by Worms.
A great number of Ioslon’s servants are often sent on missions that can range anywhere from pointless to the laughable to the unfeasible, all guided by his obsession. One Feysworn recalls being instructed to carve spirals into every 4th brick on a sidewalk in a specific city, while another group earned the considerably more dangerous mission of wrangling a Purple Worm, only to have it fed to another, larger Purple Worm for unfathomable reasons as he looked on, writing exotic symbols on a clipboard. One particularly dangerous mission took a squadron of his flock deep into the Darklands in search of a colony of Flail Snails he demanded be brought to him, as he tearfully languished over their “inability to experience their own immaculate design” and strove to grant them the gift of sight.
Still, those who serve the Beloved by Worms learn to put up with these strange orders, as each completed mission seems to grant him just a bit more stability, bringing him closer to his next miracle.
Using the Fey Obedience feat, a worshiper of Ioslon gain certain Boons upon reaching a certain amount of Hit Dice. These Boons are granted at 12HD, 16HD, and 20HD, though the Feysworn Prestige Class allows someone to achieve the Boons much, much sooner. The Beloved by Worms is an Archfey, though a powerful one, but his Boons are relatively simple and remain spell-likes that may be cast 1/day.
Obedience: Using a sharp implement, slowly scratch or carve a spiral into the ground as you walk in a tight circle for roughly an hour, moving slowly outwards until the spiral is at least 5 feet wide (or as wide as the area allows). Alternately, tinker with or build a clockwork device. Benefit: Gain a +4 sacred or profane bonus to saves against charms and compulsion effects, as well as to Craft checks.
Boon 1: Puzzle Box
Boon 2: Quest
Boon 3: Summon Elder Worm
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potterjstag · 3 years
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—  is that JAMES POTTER i just saw rushing down the corridor? i hear they’re a(n) TWENTY year old GRYFFINDOR, returning for their SIXTH school year, but their friends would tell you that they are ENERGETIC & FORTHCOMING as well as IGNORANT & MADCAP. if you want to know more about them, i guess i could tell you that they’re PUREBLOOD and from what i hear, they’re currently allying with the order. when our divination professor looks into their crystal ball, they see: socks constantly falling down, skewed glasses bent back to shape, quick feet echoing down hallowed halls .  
full  name:  James  Potter
nicknames:  prongs
birthday: march 27
accent:  hints  of  West  Country  melded  into  Southern  posh
sexuality:  not really sure,  like  he’s  probably  good  to  go  but  is  sort  of  stuck  in  such  a  way  that  he  can’t  imagine  being  attracted  to  anyone  else
relationship  status:  pining,  but  embarrassed  by  it
positive  traits:  energetic,  forthcoming
negative  traits:  ignorant,  madcap
patronus:  Stag
boggart:  tba
wand  type:  mahogany  with  unicorn hair,  11  inches.
The  pride  and  joy  of  elderly  parents,  even  if  he  never  really  realized  it.  He  had  no  reason  to.  Everything  James  Potter  needed  was  before  him  and  at  a  whim.  No  other  world  could  exist  outside  of  him  and  his  parents  in  a  perfectly  enchanted  home.  It  wasn’t  until  Hogwarts  that  James  realized  the  wealth  he  came  from,  the  recognition  his  last  name  brought,  and  the  varied  opinions  on  what  exactly  that  could  mean.  
But    kindred  spirits  were  all  around  him,  the  moment  he  was  sorted  into  Gryffindor.  His  only  questions  relating  why  exactly  he  needed  to  listen  to  the  adults  in  the  room  when  they  asked  something  of  him.  It  seemed  ridiculous.  But  Merlin,  did  he  love  Gryffindor  and  practically  everyone  in  it.  Far  enough  away  from  the  purebloods  of  Slytherin,  but  close  enough  to  people  who  reminded  him  of  the  best  parts  of  home.
And  soon  enough,  he’d  formed  something  of  a  circle  about  it,  barely  realizing  he’d  placed  himself  right  at  the  center  of  it  -  for  that  just  seemed  to  naturally  be  where  he  had  always  fit.  He  was  never  meant  to  be  a  leader  -selected  from  a  rag  tag  group  to  plan,  picked  from  an  army  of  mediocre  quidditch  playing  teens,  recognized  in  the  halls.  
But  the  last  name  turned  out  to  have  more  recognition  than  James  Potter  ever  considered.  A  good,  honest  upbringing  kept  him  sheltered  from  the  dubious  entrances  of  pureblood  societies,  while  the  comfort  of  a  wealthy  home  left  him  ignorant  to  any  other  way  of  life.  But  slowly,  he  fell  into  that  mythos  -  the  trouble-maker,  the  sly  grin,  the  next  quidditch  captain.  The  attention,  different  from  his  mum  and  dad’s  dotings,  fueled  his  ego  even  as  he  filtered  his  friend  group  to  a  specific  few.
“Hey,  watch  me  scale  the  outside  of  the  castle.”
“Those  weren’t  my  stink  bombs,  Professor.”
Though,  it  never  was  about  getting  away  with  it.  It  was  about  who  in  particular  would  notice,  and  if  not,  then  it  was  about  sharing  those  smirks  and  hidden  laughs  while  new  plans  were  just  waiting  to  be  made  every  year
-  Smart  boy,  but  dumb  boy  like  he  just  doesn’t  comprehend  concepts  outside  of  the  classroom
-  He  barely  realized  he  was  the  ring  leader  among  his  friends  and  it  happened  as  a  result  of  always  being  the  center  of  attention.  It  seemed  so  natural  that  he  didn’t  even  process  it.
-  He has been cockblocked by Marlene for literally the last six years, no wonder he keeps writing Lily’s initials on everything - he barely gets the chance to talk to her
To  be  honest,  my  ideas  with  James  are  a  lot  more  abstract  so  i  don’t  have  much  concrete  to  put  down  yet.  We’ll  flesh  him  out  for  realsies  though.
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writingsbyrarity · 3 years
I apologize for not being around much this last week, I had a lot of things to take care of and babysitting until after 3 am four days a week causing me to have some pretty laggy days. I also have not had much muse for any of my accounts. I know that I owe replies to many and I will get to them soon. I have a big yard project going on that is beating me down physically and with my fibromyalgia and spine issues its been rough. as well as trying to build my own website for my online business is frustrating me. Not to mention having my own little child and my mom to take care of. Numerous medical appointments and dealing with Twitter BS has pretty much taken its toll on me lately. There just isn’t enough time in the day for me. Once I get the pavers set in the yard, the 23 foot flower bed constructed, the fire pit completed and the grass seed in, it should settle down some more.
Due to Twitter suspensions without cause, I will be also moving the remainder of my parody accounts here. I will remain active on twitter as long as I am able, however I will be posting my stories to both platforms so that i don’t lose them should twitter decide to pull the plug on my accounts. We all know how easily this can be done. It just happened to my friends over at Divine Kindred and my heart breaks for them. So much hard work, blood sweat and tears just gone, I know they are working to get it back, but I have lost accounts and they are still suspended nearly a year later with no help from twitter in sight. I will also be moving my writing group here to tumblr, StoryTellers will become a active Group here on Tumblr and ill post when this shall happen.
With all the drama going on in the world, all of us writers could do with a lot less of it interfering in our real life escape and if that means dumping twitter for Tumblr then so be it. I am more than tired of the kids, the accusations, the stealing of accounts, Layouts, graphics and the like. We can take over tumblr and leave Twitter to the twits and twats! The adults can find a place here. However I digress, i will keep my accounts active on twitter for as long as possible. Mainly for friends and writing partners who do not wish to leave twitter. I will however be trying to get them to come over here to tumblr with me and ill be using tactics like what #Duchess and #Bea told me... “There is a edit button on Tumblr!” Lol!! I am also enjoying being able to write my long replies without having to continue them together like links in a chain! Anyway, I’m rambling on since it is now after 1 am for me and I’m exhausted. So Ill be around tomorrow working on moving my accounts here. Addressing replies and building my writing group here. Goodnight and God bless you all! #Rarity #DailyRag #Update #Parody #TwitterSuspensions
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grecoisms · 5 years
title: time of the singing birds (1/5)
pairing: cullen rutherford / cassandra pentaghast
"She never made things easy. But she always made them possible."
Cullen and Cassandra across the years.
Here lies the abyss, the well of all souls. From these emerald waters doth life begin anew.
1. They are still cleaning blood off from the cobbled streets of Hightown when the Seekers prepare to leave, a whole army of them, the same way they have arrived: clad in the darkest of clothes and blankest of faces. Kirkwallers – what is left of them anyway – avoid them automatically, not quite aware what is happening, what will happen. It is hard to forget recent happenings, even if summer envelops the city in its hotbright arms.
The tail of the small army is almost out of the great market square when a solitary figures emerges from its mass, and hops off their horse, graceful and quick. Cullen, who is helping with reparations along with some remaining templars closely tagging at his heels, notices this warily. He doesn't stop the task at hand, which is presently to load the cart with salvaged Chantry stuff: a half-singed book here, a chipped Andraste statuette there. An Antivan leather rug. Letters carefully stacked into a smaller cabinet with rattling doors. Alphabetized. Cullen is impressed, which is a sort of miracle nowadays. 
At the end of the day, after leaving Darktown, he has to sit down at the dock to collect himself. Because despite sending food and finding shelter, the mass wails and blames and points. He doesn't shake before them, but he bites his tongue until he tastes blood.
He already sent two of such carts in Lowtown and plans to check the deal the templars made with the Blooming Rose and the Hanged Man. Shelter. Food. Order. Desperate times, desperate measures, he thinks, just when the figure who gets off from their horse starts to stride towards them.
The figure is a woman, all sharp edges and a strict expression. Cullen senses the leadership in her movements - no one moves quite as sure, quite as determined.
He is just about to throw Chancellor Uthric's Legendarium onto the cart when the Seeker stops before him. The youngest templar, Thomas, freezes. His mouth hangs open, all comical. Cullen bites his tongue before he can snap at him, and instead, crouches down to collect the loose papers that are falling out from the fractured spine of the codex.
"Knight-Captain Rutherford?" Nevarran accent, hard on the tongue. He looks up. The sun blinds him, catches the Seeker from behind, turning her into a dark silhouette.
Still, he doesn't stop his task. Up and down, left to right. From the ground, to the cart. From the Chantry tables, to the people's belly. Cullen laughs a bitter laugh.
"I am not Knight-Captain anymore" he'd address her properly, but he lacks this particular etiquette too, it seems. He wipes his face with the cleanest patch on his sleeves, careful of the fresh scars. "But I am Cullen Rutherford, yes."
His soldiers - Thomas and Lauranna - share a quick look between them. Their faces are shadowed and battered, their armours with the proper insignia thrown in the cool shade of the debris, discarded. They must be a sorry sight. Still, Cullen has never felt calmer, here, standing in the sun, moving objects with his own two hands. Survival, it seems, has turned boredom into safety.
When he stands up, straight as an arrow, the Seeker steps towards him, stepping onto the half shadows of the great white columns. She has a solemn face, all angles and dark eyes that do not shy from his gaze. An armored and strong and scarred woman, only a few years older than him. Though Cullen does not trust his own age anymore.
Because sometimes, when the sun sets red behind the Vimmark Mountains, Cullen would think of home, and his heart would feel ancient and lost - as if he dropped it somewhere between Kinloch Hold and Kirkwall. Perhaps it turned to stone, like Meredith, and sunk deep down to the bottom of the Waking Sea. Maybe this is why he favours the docks so much. He adamantly refuses to think of the docks at home, by the lake. 
Yet when Cullen looks at the woman and finds her face familiar, it does not hurt like violent sunsets and the deepdark waters. In fact, he trusts her scarred and stony face on sight, like he trusts the loops in Mia's handwriting. Even years later he would not be able to tell exactly why his heart calmed so under her eyes.
"Well, serah" the woman smiles a bit and her scar ripples with it. She speaks as if they had been talking for hours now. "There is a ship going to Highever tomorrow morning. Then we'll set for Haven, for the Conclave. Surely, you have heard of it."
"Yes" Cullen says, careful, because the scar on his mouth is still fresh and because he knows an offer when he hears it. "But I don't need to sail across the sea and listen to a council saying that there is a problem. I live it now. And I watched it happen." He motions to the cart, he points at the debris. He thinks of the hundreds of hungry mouths and the hushed wails when he crosses Lowtown. He thinks of Kirkwall, burning and mad and red.
Cullen doesn't add, because it is obvious: I made it happen.
The woman makes a barking sound - it takes a second for Cullen to realize this is her way of laughing.
"You are every bit the man I have heard about" she crosses her arms to hide the white symbol on her breastplate, an eye on bright fire. "We may be kindred souls, Commander. I, myself, also dislike idle talk and favour taking action."
"I am no Commander."
"You could be." the woman retorts, eyes flashing. "You should be. You were forged in an army. For an army. Better still, you are fit to lead, to plan, to command. Unless your idea of saving Thedas is to sort through Chantry Literature."
Her mouth is set in a thin line as she eyes the piles on the cart. Cullen locks his jaw and steels himself.
"That is also a commendable way of ensuring safety. And legacy, for the future."
"Legacy lies in people, not paper." she says. "And safety should be done with them and by them, and again, not through paper. But you know this, do you not, Rutherford?"
She points at her own scar and looks at his. Soldier to soldier.
"Alright, Seeker." he says, holding up his hands. "You have my attention. What is your proposal?"
"The Conclave is but theory. What the Divine truly wants is radical change to the order of things, so Thedas can survive the next age. What we think - what Justinia thinks, is that the Conclave will fail. More dire decisions are needed. For this reason, I have set out to collect a group of remarkable people to serve her and the Maker's will."
It is Cullen's turn to make his distaste visible.
"Am I to serve as a substitute for Hawke?"
"Maker no. The woman is a force of nature, but she has no finesse for battle strategies. And her presence, though sorely needed, is out of question as of the present, unfortunately. She'd have been the symbol for our cause. Alas. But no matter if Hawke returns or not: You are to be the Commander of the Armed Forces."
"If I accept."
"If you would, please."
"Hm" he scratches the beginnings of his sandblonde beard and knows he would not know himself now if he would stare at his reflection in the water. "You don't know me. Why the trust?"
The woman seems annoyed.
"Would you require a more elongated verbal foreplay? Take care, I am not a patient woman by far."
Cullen laughs, and this time, it is genuine. The woman laughs as well. When they calm, the woman's eyes are solemn again, almost angry. He doesn't know yet, but this is a sign of her passion.
"Listen" she says. "What I am, however, is a Seeker of the Truth. You know what that means, do you know? I know true men when I see them, and you look like one. Trust me. Trust yourself. Come with us, because we need your help."
She is shorter than him by an inch, but in the semi-sunlight and dark armour, she looks like a giant. His heart sinks.
"I cannot go with you tomorrow."
"But you will come." A hopeful lilt.
"But I will join you later. When I have finished the last of my dealings here."
"When you have filled the cart and the list, you mean."
"You got me." He smiles again, but it smaller and sadder this time.
"Well, Commander Rutherford" she says, and gives her hand for a shake. "Welcome aboard the Inquisition. Write to the Haven Chantry once you start your journey there."
Her grip is firm and warm. His is tentative.
The whole ordeal is a but seconds. She lets go, nods to the others and is already on her way back to her horse and to the docks.
Cullen almost crouches back again to read the burnt letters of some other book when he realizes something.
"Wait" his voice is a shout, all echo as it reaches her. She turns around, caught offguard."I didn't catch your name."
"Cassandra" her voice reverberates across the square, even and acute, like her. "My name is Cassandra Penteghast."
She disappears. 
The fleeting bells from the Viscount's Keep begin their solitary song under the scorching sun.
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cowandcalf · 6 years
H50 9.02 - Steve’s Oath
It’s this one scene that won’t let me rest. It’s always there, at the back of my head, poking, nudging my thoughts. After I’ve watched the episode last Friday I was all in to write another one-shot with Steve’s thoughts, but it would have eaten up too much time and because I’m busy with other writing on my to-do list I’ll go with a post on Tumblr. I try to explain what keeps my mind busy after I watched this scene with Steve and Greer in the interrogation room for a second and a third time.
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During all the episodes of the last eight seasons, I’ve never experienced this special feeling that has been stirred to life watching this one scene, watching Steve and his reaction when Greer talks to him about her reasons why she has chosen another way, to regroup with the enemy. It’s nothing new to Steve to deal with people who have turned their back on their belief and their oath but this talk shifted something in Steve’s soul.
In a former episode Steve talked about his country, his America he as given the oath to serve and to protect. He was referring to it as she/her - “You swore to protect her and defend her.” Something like that. It’s always a moving moment to listen to Steve when he talks about his country he would give his life to protect. And America isn’t just a country to Steve, no, it’s a purpose to live for. To serve is in his bones, it’s something ancient that buzzes hidden but rhythmically in Steve’s cells and pulses through his whole body. It’s in his genes. (I dare to dramatically emphasize it like that.)
I’ve spent a lot of time to ponder about Steve and his dedication to being a servant for his mother country. And I try to catch this spark, this notion which is there but so very difficult to form into words. I never will fully understand what goads Steve to freely hand over his heart and his soul and serve as a SEAL. I’m not good at Military stuff and all the Navy and Naval intelligence information, ranks and what comes with all the education. But I’m good at reading people and I’m good with emotions. I try to make my explanation work.
I dare to say that nobody, not even Danny, nobody but Steve’s SEAL buddies know and understand what moves Steve when it comes to America and his duty to protect her. Freddie Heart was in tune with the same dedication. Steve’s motivation could be compared to the knight of the blackboard serving their king, King Arthur.
The oath Steve has sworn stays above everything else - and I mean everything. This oath has this touch of divinity and I also dare to say, that the attitude, this inner need, which forces Steve to make such a choice is the glue that holds Steve’s soul together. (And I don’t know if Steve had had the choice to be a SEAL without being sent away if he had made that choice and if he had followed that path - a whole other thread to talk about.) It’s in his genes to bow to such a task in the way he does.
To be a servant needs humbleness, it needs a pureness of a kind that’s very rare. There is loyalty and honestly and never ever is there a rear exit and a chance to change the mind. It’s not about what they choose, this is about what they are - what Steve is.
I’ve read the Artus Trilogy by Gillian Bradshaw (one of the best ever) and there is Gawain (he reminds me of Steve) - and he stole my heart. His story moved me beyond words and the love he has for his king is so big, that I won’t find the right words to describe what drives him closer and closer to King Arthur, with this single aim, this intense wish: to be a knight for his king, to present him his life and to fight for him, to die for him. I’ve never found more accurate words which are able to describe this dedication, to paint the undying love with words, to let me feel this everlasting and divine love, this fearless strength, this stamina to stand proud for their king, to fight till the last drop of blood, to defend their king with every inch of their soul. In the end, Gawain he’s one of King Arthur’s knights, his closest and his most dreaded knight, who goes berserk in battle, feeling no pain, no fear, being inhumanly strong - to fight for his King. Just like Steve and the way he fights for his country and for his people.
Steve’s belief in his country, in his oath, in his choice is set in stone, immovable and everlasting. He doesn't have seconds thoughts. He has never had them.
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Betrayal of trust, to sell out this said oath, this belief in America is unforgivable for Steve. Btw, if I had to describe America in a mystique way I’d say: she is this female, ageless entity, old and beautiful and precious, a wise lady who truly owns Steve’s heart (like Galadriel from LOTR). Once someone has crossed this line, there’s never a way back. Steve suffers every loss of his fellow comrade.
And Greer was such a comrade and even a special one because he had feelings for her. This group of unique members speaking a language of their own, trusting each other with their lives, blindly and unconditionally. This group is small - and it gets smaller and smaller. Steve doesn’t have new comrades. The tightest bond has been build during his training and education days, during becoming a SEAL and being sent on missions. The group members get diminished and each and everyone who is lost to betrayal destroys something in Steve’s soul.
Greer’s betrayal destroys a part of Steve. It came out of the blue, unexpected - detonating like a meteorite in his heart. I’m sure he would have sworn under oath that she’s an honest soul. I guess the shock to misinterpret her character was as big as a shock as to find out she works together with the Chinese. Steve tries to fight all the fallout. And in the end, there is disgust, antipathy, and a deep-rooted aversion. This chasm isn’t to pass ever again. Steve won’t let this person back into his inner world. It’s over - forever.
But Greer does not only cut deep into Steve’s soul by turning her back on everything his life is built upon, there is something else she causes - it’s way crueler (from my point of view): she’s planted a seed of doubt in Steve’s soul when she said: “You think you’re such a good guy, Steve. But you’ve done things. Bad things. You can tell yourself they were in the name of doing some greater good. But were they, really?”
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I have to admit that Greer has a point with what she's saying. And Steve doesn't want to hear it. His doubts flair up, being there, hovering in the air for a fraction of a second and I can almost see him squash them down where they can never arise again. I get the impression that Steve has a movie, racing through his mind, with all the terrible things he'd done in the name of this greater good, in the name to defend America, his Lady. I got the impression that Steve watches all the action, all his past (or at least a part of it) from a different angle for the first time in life. And maybe it's also because he has suffered so many losses and so many betrayals: from his mother, from Catherine and now from Greer. He desperately needs to understand, what the hell is wrong!?
Freddie got killed in action and cut a hole in Steve's heart. So far, he has faced every tragedy but somehow Greer and her speech get to him. And I wouldn't wonder if, for the shortest amount of time, there was an understanding forming in Steve’s mind why she did it. Or let me say, he wishes to understand because everything else kills him and chokes him and he can't grasp the logic, the hurt, and the failed trust.
I can't get rid of the image of the "Last Man Standing" when the world went to shit and crumbles to dust and there's only Steve trying to find kindred spirits to not feel so alone anymore.
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Something bad has happened in Marrakesh and Steve hates to be reminded and his question "You threatening me?" tells me about this bad shit, that something epic went down and it went south and somehow Steve was able to sit on that lid of that pandora box and kept everything hidden and stored away – until now.
Have you ever witnessed this odd, strangely unfamiliar expression on Steve's face? He seems torn as if the memories itself deform his face, and suddenly this onslaught of memories are attacking him from different angles. And the worst is to know that his ally has just turned his back on him, being a fraud and a terrible disappointment. Two heavy blows to his heart. Again, Steve stands alone, bereft of this invisible strength that always keeps him upright. It's part of his backbone, this belief in his country and in his oath and in his comrades.
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I can't get rid of the feeling that Steve starts to think about his actions and if it was the right thing to do. I guess I could go on for another hour, but the most important fact from this scene is the way Steve's inner world crashes down. Losing Greer to the enemy has a severe effect on how Steve sees himself - I guess? At least I've got the impression that he's struggled a moment, stumbled and caught himself. He walks tall again, but there's this heaviness now wafting around his chest. Something is off, and it worries him deeply.
And Danny – Danny can't help him, because Danny doesn't belong to this world. The Navy is like a separate realm in Steve's mind and in his life. He only can share openly with comrades who have sworn the same oath.
I'm interested what others think about this scene. Have I exaggerated? Have I interpreted too much into that scene? And after I've written that long essay, I'm still convinced that this scene was so painful for Steve because again, it has caused a major shift in his tectonic plates within his soul.
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the-rogue-apostate · 6 years
Out of the Darkness - Chapter 6
Sorry for the delay on this chapter, but it’s here now!
Have a screenshot to go with it! 
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Anyway, as always, I’ve posted a link to the fic on Ao3 as well in a separate post. But here’s a quick link for you anyway!
No warnings other than the usual apply for this chapter. 
Stay tuned for more screenshots, & please enjoy (under the cut)!
   Chapter 6  
   Kara was safe, at least for the time being.  
   As far as the people of Haven were concerned, she was a hero. It wasn’t something she took lightly, but it just wasn’t sinking in for her. She could still hardly believe any of it was really happening.  
   Varric Tethras, who somehow decided to stick around, felt the same way. She’d met up with him after her encounter with Cassandra and Leliana in the Chantry. He was still friendly as ever, and pretty soon they’d become kindred spirits in the “I can’t believe this shit is real” club.    
   He’d been kind enough to fill her in on a few key things she ought to know; mostly about Cassandra. She could tell immediately that he was intimidated by her, though he covered it with a thin veil of sarcasm. He’d already told her that she was a Seeker of Truth, a secret order that outranked the Templars in the Chantry, and that she’d pretty much been running the show as far as the Inquisition was concerned. He was also kind enough to mention that Kara, believe it or not, had missed much of her “frothing rage” while she was unconscious; she found it hard to believe that Cassandra could have been more frightening.  
   Things had also calmed down considerably since she closed the Breach; though it had only been a temporary fix, it was enough to stall the “end of the world” mindset among the soldiers and villagers. Initially, though, there were still a handful of people who were skeptical about Kara’s involvement. According to Varric, three separate people attempted to kill her while she was unconscious - they had since been removed from the village.  
   He was definitely worried, though, that much Kara could see. He covered it well with his sarcastic quips and jokes about “running at the first opportunity,” but he had the look in his eyes of a man who had seen some truly terrifying things. Someone who’d spent days fighting demons without an end in sight; she knew, because she saw that same look on everyone she’d met that day.    
   The conversation didn’t last very long; she had tons of questions for Varric, mostly about his writing, but felt there was a time and place for such talk. She’d only have an hour of free time before her presence was requested back at the Chantry. Cassandra explained that the advisors to the Inquisition wanted to meet with her, and to discuss the best way to move forward with the situation at hand. After all, the Breach might have been stable, but it was still in the sky. She knew she couldn’t provide much input, only the tool to close it, but she didn’t dare refuse.
   “Does it trouble you?”
   Kara didn’t even realize she’d been contemplating her hand as she and Cassandra walked down the long corridor of the Chantry. When the Seeker’s voice interrupted her reverie, sure enough, the first sight she saw was the green shard in her palm. She sighed.  
   “That would be putting it lightly,” she remarked. “I just wish I knew what this damn thing was, and how it got in my hand.”  
   They stopped a few feet away from the door. Cassandra’s gaze softened slightly.  
   “We will find out,” she assured. “What’s important is that your mark is now stable, as is the Breach. You’ve given us time, and Solas believes a second attempt might succeed - provided the mark has more power.”  
   Kara wasn’t sure she liked where Cassandra was headed. What did she mean by “more power?”  
   “The same level of power used to open the Breach in the first place. That is not easy to come by.”  
   There it was.  
   “Do you really think that’s wise? I mean, a ridiculous amount of power had to be used in order to open the Breach? Do we really want to risk making things worse?”  
   Cassandra chuckled slightly. “And people call me a pessimist. Come, we will discuss this further.”  
   The best word Kara could use to describe her reaction to Cassandra’s response - underwhelmed.  
   Kara immediately recognized two of the three advisors as she and Cassandra entered the room. There was Leliana, of course, who had been there seemingly from the beginning. The Commander, whose name Kara didn’t yet know, who they’d encountered on their way to the Breach. And finally, a third woman, who wore her hair in a perfectly braided bun and donned a yellow and purple silk dress; out of the five of them, she definitely looked the most out of place.  
   “You’ve met Commander Cullen Rutherford, leader of the Inquisition’s forces,” Cassandra began, motioning to the man across the table.  
   Kara made eye contact with him, and he smiled politely.  
   “It was only for a moment on the field. I’m pleased you survived,” he told her.  
   She simply responded with a small smile and a nod, holding his gaze a little longer before returning to Cassandra.    
   “This is Lady Josephine Montilyet,” she continued, referring to the well-dressed woman. “Our ambassador and chief diplomat.”  
   Josephine nodded. “I’ve heard much. It’s a pleasure to meet you at last.”  
   Her accent indicated to Kara that she was Antivan, making her seem that    much more out of place.    
   “And of course, you know Sister Leliana.”  
   For what was likely the first time, Leliana flashed her a small smile before replying.  
   “My position here involves a degree of-”  
   “She is our spymaster,” Cassandra said bluntly.  
   Leliana’s gaze narrowed a bit. “Yes...tactfully put, Cassandra.”  
   The timing of the moment was almost humorous, but Kara knew it wasn’t the time for snickering. She simply nodded once more.  
   “It’s good to meet you all,” she told them.  
   “I mentioned that your mark needs more power to close the Breach for good,” Cassandra continued.  
   “Which means we must approach the rebel mages for help,” Leliana declared matter-of-factly.
   Kara blinked at the suggestion. Was this woman serious? She didn’t think it was a bad idea, exactly...but were they really considering asking the rebel mages for help? She could never imagine the mages agreeing to such a thing, especially with the Inquisition technically originating from the Chantry. Not to mention their constant struggle of evading the Templars; even before Kara left Redcliffe, the Templars had been close to bearing down on the village…  
   “And I still disagree. The Templars could serve just as well.”  
   This suggestion had come, rather sharply, from Commander Cullen. Surprisingly, though, no one else in the room seemed to be like minded.    
   Cassandra sighed before saying, “We need power, Commander. Enough magic poured into that mark-”  
   “-might destroy us all,” he countered. “Templars could suppress the Breach, weaken it so-”  
   “Pure speculation,” Leliana cut in.  
   “I was a Templar. I know what they’re capable of.”  
   On instinct, Kara took a small step back from the table, hoping the others didn’t notice. She was admittedly caught off guard having learned the Commander was a Templar. For obvious reasons, she’d spent her entire life avoiding them, and never thought to find herself in the same room with one by choice. Still, he did say was, and it wasn’t the time to dwell on such things; and as far as she knew, everyone was savvy to the fact that she was a mage, anyway.    
   As far as the Breach solution was considered, as much as she hated to admit it…  
   “I think the Commander might have a point,” she found herself telling them. “The power that most likely caused the Breach had to be some sort of magic. Using more magic to try and fix it might just make it worse.”  
   There was a tense silence in the room. Commander Cullen nodded upon her response, while Cassandra and Leliana’s expressions couldn’t quite be read. Thankfully, Josephine chimed in.  
   “Unfortunately, neither group will even speak to us yet,” she explained, gesturing to Kara with her quill. “The Chantry has denounced the Inquisition - and you, specifically.”
   Once more, Kara had to hold back a snicker, though she wasn’t nearly as amused. Normally, she could care less about the Chantry, but having them specifically “denounce” her meant they were calling attention to her - she couldn’t think of anything worse.  
   “That didn��t take long,” Kara commented plainly. “Glad to know that they still think I’m guilty.”  
   “Shouldn’t they be busy arguing over who’s going to become Divine?” Cullen joked, almost bitterly.    
   “That is not the entirety of it any longer,” Josephine told her. “Some are calling you - a mage - the ‘Herald of Andraste.’ - and that frightens the Chantry. The remaining clerics have declared it blasphemy, and we heretics for harboring you.”  
   “Chancellor Roderick’s doing, no doubt,” Cassandra realized angrily.  
   Josephine made another comment, but it was drowned out by a loud whooshing sound in Kara’s ears. Or perhaps it was manifested by her mind, considering she was convinced that it had stopped working. For she couldn’t possibly have heard the ambassador correctly just a moment prior.    
   “I’m sorry, I-I need to stop you for a moment,” Kara cut in, turning to Josephine. “Did you just say I’m being called the ‘Herald...of Andraste?’  
   “That is correct,” she replied politely.  
   Kara glanced between the four of them briefly, and scoffed before asking:  
   “How exactly am I the Herald of Andraste???” She could tell that she sounded manic, but she didn’t care.  
   “People saw what you did at the temple. How you stopped the Breach from growing,” Cassandra explained. “They have also heard about the woman seen in the rift when we first found you...they believe that was Andraste.”  
   Oh is that all?  
   “Even if we tried to stop that view from spreading-” Leliana added, before being cut off by Cassandra once more.
   “-which we have not.”  
   Leliana shot her a pointed look before continuing. “The point is everyone is talking about you.”  
   “It’s quite the title, isn’t it?” Cullen pointed out, seemingly amused. “How do you feel about that?”
   Kara felt it would be inappropriate to scream at that moment, so she attempted to calm herself internally before replying.  
   “Well...it’s...a little unsettling, to put it lightly,” she told him calmly.  
   He snickered. “I’m sure the Chantry would agree.”  
   Kara didn’t know much about the Commander, save that he used to be a Templar. Ordinarily, that sort of fact would shape her opinion of him indefinitely, but she couldn’t help but appreciate his sense of humor when it came to the Chantry.    
   “People are desperate for a sign of hope,” Leliana continued. “For some, you’re that sign.”  
   “And to others, a symbol of everything that’s gone wrong,” Josephine added.  
   Kara was beginning to panic. She was more well-known than she thought; there was no way that could end well. For her...or for the Inquisition, from what they were telling her.  
   “Is my presence here going to cause any...serious issues?” she asked.  
   “Well let’s be honest - they would have censured us no matter what,” Cullen told her, almost reassuringly.  
   “And you not being here isn’t an option,” Cassandra declared.  
   “There is something you can do, if you wish to help further,” Leliana chimed in. “A Chantry cleric by the name of Mother Giselle has asked to speak to you. She is not far, and knows those involved far better than I. Her assistance could be invaluable.”  
   Kara was more than willing to help the cause, but she didn’t see how being thrown to the sharks would be in any way helpful. Despite Leliana’s confidence, this was one request Kara had to question.  
   “Why would someone from the Chantry help a declared heretic?”    
   “I understand she is a reasonable sort,” she explained. “Perhaps she does not agree with her sisters?”  
   It was rare, but there were a select few individuals in the Chantry who weren’t completely brainwashed by the organization. And to now have a woman who wanted to simply speak with her rather than bring the wrath of the Maker down upon her was somewhat encouraging.  
   “Fair enough. Where can I find this Mother Giselle?”    
   “You will find her tending to the wounded in the Hinterlands near Redcliffe,” Leliana told her.  
   “At the Crossroads, I’m guessing?”  
   “That is correct.”  
   Kara nodded; she knew the area all too well. She’d visited the Crossroads a few times in the last few months, and assisted the refugees whenever she could. She very well could have spoken to this Mother Giselle and not even realized it; there were many who flocked there to help those caught up in the war.  
   “Look for other opportunities to expand the Inquisition’s influence while you’re there,” Cullen suggested.  
   “We need agents to extend our reach beyond this valley, and you’re better suited than anyone to recruit them,” Josephine added.  
   Kara held back a groan as she thought of the prospect of being the “face of the Inquisition,” gathering supporters everywhere she went. She was more than willing to help the cause, in addition to remaining to close the Breach, but she was never one to rally people together. It came with the territory of keeping to herself...it had always been better that way.  
   And then, as if reading her mind once more, Cassandra spoke up.  
   “In the meantime, let’s think of other options,” she told them. “I won’t leave this all to the Herald.”  
   She was really starting to like this woman.  
   Before the meeting was adjourned, Leliana explained her plan for advancing on the Hinterlands. The area was wild and dangerous to begin with, but with the Mage-Templar war, it was worse than ever. Rogue mages and Templars hunted each other on a daily basis, and neither side gave a care to who was caught in the middle. The Crossroads had become something of a refuge for the civilian casualties, in addition to those who didn’t want to take sides in the conflict. She sent word to her scouts in the area and advised them to eliminate as many rogues in the area as possible. Hopefully it would allow them enough time to get Mother Giselle out of the area alive…  
   In the meantime, however, Kara was about ready to lose her mind. As she exited the Chantry, the phrase “Herald of Andraste” kept repeating in her mind. She could barely comprehend the implications of such a title. Surely, the people who came up with it couldn’t have understood, because there was no possible way that Kara was delivered unto the people of Thedas by the Holy Andraste herself.  
   “Good talk?”  
   Kara jumped as Varric suddenly appeared before her. She’d been so lost in thought as she made her way back through Haven that she didn’t even notice his approach. She looked down at him as he cocked an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued by her bewildered expression. Honestly, she didn’t feel she had to say more than four words for him to understand her mood.  
   “‘The Herald of Andraste?’”  
   “Ah,” he said, raising his head slightly. “Yeah, after a few of the townsfolk tried and failed to kill you in your sleep, the title started floating around. I didn’t think it would catch on, myself, but there are a lot more believers out there than I thought. I would’ve warned you sooner, but I couldn’t think of anything better to say than ‘Oh by the way, everyone’s been calling you the Herald of Andraste.’ Not the best thing to spring on someone out of the blue, in my opinion.”  
   Fair enough, she thought.  
   “Well, here’s hoping I can live up to that title...which I won’t.”  
   Varric smirked empathetically. “I wouldn’t count yourself out just yet. I mean, the fact that you survived that explosion at all is pretty amazing in my book.”  
   Kara looked up at the Breach, contemplating it for a moment. A sudden wave of sadness overtook her, and she hoped it didn’t show.  
   “It is...isn’t it?” she muttered. “The only survivor...it’s hard not to feel guilty after something like that, despite how incredible it was.”  
   She looked back to him and saw him staring at the ground thoughtfully. Fearing she was making him uncomfortable, she quickly followed up with:  
   “I can’t focus on that now, though, I know. I’ll just do as much good with the time I now have.”  
   Varric reached up and patted her on the arm. “That’s a good attitude to have; the kind we all need to have. There are a lot of people in the Inquisition willing to take up arms against this disaster, which is what we need, but this…”  
   He turned away from Kara and stared up at the Breach a moment.  
   “You know, heroes are everywhere...I’ve seen that. But the hole in the sky...that’s beyond heroes. We’re going to need a miracle.”  
   Kara was taken aback by his words, mostly because he was exactly right. This wasn’t a job for just anyone with a sword willing to put their life on the line. This really did need a miracle... and somehow, she knew, people were expecting her to be the miracle. All because of the mark in her hand…  
   “You may be right about that,” she told him. “I just ho- oof!”  
   Her sentence was cut off as a sharp pain suddenly ripped through her stomach. She doubled over slightly as she hugged her abdomen with one arm.   
   “Whoa, hey, you all right there?” Varric asked, clearly concerned as he rested a hand on her back.  
   Kara didn’t know how to respond. The pain was intense, but odd, almost like… 
   “I think I’m fine, Varric,” she told him, straightening up. “I think my body just realized that it hasn’t eaten in a week.”  
   Varric breathed a sigh of relief, then chuckled.  
   “Don’t worry, I think I know how we can fix that.”
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engelhexe · 4 years
Priest in the ADF
from Ishtar, sternenkreis.de
The ADF is an international pagan community oriented towards common practice (ritual sequence).
There are many paths and trainings that can be followed within the ADF.
One of them is the way of the priesthood.
In the USA, ADF is recognized as a religious community (correct American name due to other laws "Church"). Ordained priests are therefore called "Reverend" (Rev.).
Due to the different legislation, priests there are allowed to enter into legally valid marriages (in Germany only the registry office is allowed to do this!). We have agreed on the German translation of “Priesterin”, as “ADF Priests” is also used in English. Approx. 3% of the current ADF members are priests.
ADF priests are not only available to the ADF community, but (mostly locally) to all pagans in their area. Historically, this is mainly due to the fact that the ADF has seen itself as a public community from the start and was founded at a time when many pagan communities were "secret".
In the ADF we do not see priests as mediators between the divine and the members. All members are on an equal footing with the priestess. You don't have to be a priest to lead rituals. Members are encouraged to do rituals for themselves and learn how to take over parts of the ritual at a festival. Many groves and proto groves do not have priests. We currently (2017) have a little over 30 priests. In contrast, there are just over 70 groves. Neither do priests automatically speak for the ADF as an organization. The press releases or the elected board (Mutterhain) do this through the official channels.
We assume that anyone who would like to communicate with the gods, nature spirits and ancestors, the Kindred, as we call them, can do that. I don't have to be a priest to do that. And priest doesn't mean I'm best at it. And while we're on the subject: When someone is called by the gods, his / her skin color, origin, genetics, gender or sexual orientation doesn't matter at all.
Duties and functions of the ADF priesthood
As a priest one swears to love the land
to honor the gods and spirits and
to serve the community.
Oath on the sickle at an ordination.
At the 2009 Priest Council Conference, 3 main functions of the ADF priests were formulated:
1. Ensure that the offerings are made in an appropriate manner at the right time.
Like the ancient druids, ADF priests are responsible for leading the community in public rituals, ensuring that offerings are made in an appropriate manner, and thus keeping the cosmos in balance. In addition to the necessary practical knowledge, this can include organizing rituals, writing ceremonies and performing divinations. Since not all priests have a community, some of them perform this task alone. While the normal member is encouraged to practice regular private and public practice, at least regular spiritual home cult is compulsory for the priests. As a priest, I also have to be able to fulfill all roles within a ritual. While a “normal” member can sit back and say: “Divination, publicly? Oh no, I don't know it by heart so well, I don't dare to do it, I don't want to ”. The priestess has less choice. If nobody else does it, it's their job.
2. To provide ongoing education, training, and services to others.
In the ADF, all members can perform rituals, but the priests are supposed to be the experts in their religion. In order to be able to support others in their training, they must first be well trained themselves. Continuous formation is therefore compulsory for priests. In addition, they should be able to discuss polytheological topics and represent paganism at conferences and meetings. Services can include offering pastoral care or organizing a grove. Other functions can be to support groups without priests (e.g. as "traveling priests"), as well as being available as celebrants for various ceremonies, to carry out prison chaplaincy, religious groups for the military, hospital visits and in the future also to provide pastoral care for older people to stand.
3. Help forge a relationship with the Kindred.
Having a relationship with the Kindred is not the privilege of priests. In the ADF we assume that anyone who would like to communicate with ancestors, nature spirits and goddesses and gods can do so. But sometimes you need a little support, especially at the beginning. This mentoring function of the priests implicitly brings with it their own devotion and the regular performance of rituals and lived spirituality. Priests themselves must maintain a good relationship with the Kindred, give space to spirituality and lead a “good life”, if possible in harmony with the virtues of their chosen direction. Personally, I think that every person is always a role model for others, but if we are honest, the ordinary citizen expects a little more from a priestess and is all the more disappointed to find that sometimes she is just human and sometimes just as stumbles and falls.
In the ADF the priestess is basically the egg-laying woolly milk pig. Primarily broadly educated and able to take on all functions despite personal preferences. Still, someone who may have completed a seer specialization may be more proficient in divination than an ADF priest. ADF priests are supposed to be experts, but they are not necessarily specialists. The main difference between member and priestess is therefore the in-depth, broad-based training.
Overview of the tasks of the ADF priests from the lecture for the PFI conference 2017 in Berlin
How do you become an ADF priest?
In order to become a priest in the ADF, one must first complete the "basic course", the Druidic Path (DP). This takes at least a year, as 8 annual festivals must be documented. The DP is the basis for all training paths within the ADF.
This is followed by pre-training (CTP-Prelim). Then you submit an application for admission to priestly formation (CTP) with a declaration of intent and your previous work. If one is admitted, one can begin the first circle of training. After the end of the 1st circle, you can apply for ordination, which automatically applies for appointment as a priest. If this is granted you are a priest from the moment you have been appointed a priest. Ordination usually takes place later.
There are a total of 3 circles with different priestly levels and as an ADF priest you are committed to continuous further education.
It is possible to complete the 1st circle within 2.5 years of completing the Druidic Path, so you can become an ADF priest after 3.5 years of training at the earliest.
In addition, ADF priests must submit an extended certificate of good conduct and a video of a ritual.
With the ordination, the spiritual admission into the order of priests and the associated spiritual exercises take place. There is also a separate priest mailing list where you can get support and intervision and once a year a weekend for exchange, discussion, decision-making and common rituals. Ordination often takes place only after the appointment as a priest.
ADF priest stole.
It is given to the priest at ordination and is one of the few things
reserved for priests in the ADF only.
Content of the formation of priests
You get to know the organizations (ADF) and their structures better, as well as the relevant laws in my own country as a priestess (for me it was Germany).
A scientific part contains ancient cultures and mythologies (approx. 3 different) and the implementation of ancient ideas in our current practice. Furthermore, the ritual practice and understanding of ritual is deepened. A large part also makes up the spiritual personal development, which also includes regular spiritual exercises, as well as training in crisis intervention and ethics. (A list of the courses and as far as I have published my submissions can be found at the end of this article)
Lifetime priesthood?
ADF priests commit themselves to show every three years that they are doing their job and educating themselves. This prevents someone from simply collecting titles.
But I can always decide differently. I can take breaks or sabbaticals. I can withdraw from the ADF and lose my ADF priesthood. Even if I am convicted of a crime, I lose my ADF priesthood depending on the circumstances. Convicted offenders of certain offenses are lifelong probationary members and excluded from management positions within the ADF.
The exact courses: (some are already published and you can read them in English).
CTP prelim
• ADF structures, rules, politics
• Church and Law
• Indo-European Studies
• Indo-European myths
• cosmology
• Liturgy 1
Application for admission to the CTP (Clergy Training Program)
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ADF Clergy Training Program, Circle 1
• Discipline 1 (This is about regular spiritual exercises and practice)
• Liturgical internship 1: Domestic cult practice
• Ethics 1
• crisis intervention
• Liturgical writing 1
• Indo-European myths 2
• Divination 1
• Magic 1 for priests
• Trance 1
Application for ordination, submission of a portfolio
Note: This text was in free and shortened form part of the lecture on the ADF Priesterweg at the PFI Conference 2017 in Berlin
Oath on the sickle during an ordination. Photo published with kind permission by Jan Wieland.
Egg-laying woolly milk sow used in the collage about the tasks of the ADF priest By Georg Mittenecker CC BY-SA 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons
Image of an ADF stole by Admin
Additional articles:
Priester im ADF
von Ishtar, sternenkreis.de
Der ADF ist eine internationale, auf gemeinsame Praxis (Ritualablauf) ausgerichtete Pagane Gemeinschaft.
Innerhalb des ADF gibt es viele Wege und Ausbildungen die man gehen kann.
Einer davon ist der Weg der Priesterschaft.
In den USA ist ADF als Religionsgemeinschaft (korrekte Amerikanische Bezeichnung aufgrund anderer Gesetze „Kirche“) anerkannt. Ordinierte Priester tragen daher die Bezeichnung „Reverend“ (Rev.).
Aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Gesetzgebung ist es Priestern dort erlaubt rechtsgültige Ehen zu schließen (in Deutschland darf das nur das Standesamt!). Wir haben uns auf die deutsche Übersetzung „PriesterIn“ geeinigt, da im Englischen auch von „ADF Priests“ gesprochen wird. Ca. 3% der aktuellen ADF Mitglieder sind Priester.
ADF PriesterInnen stehen nicht nur der ADF Gemeinschaft zur Verfügung, sondern (meist lokal) allen Heiden in ihrer Umgebung. Das liegt historisch insbesondere daran, dass der ADF sich von Anfang an als öffentliche Gemeinschaft gesehen hat und zu einer Zeit gegründet wurde, wo viele Pagane Gemeinschaften „geheim“ waren.
Im ADF verstehen wir PriesterInnen nicht als Vermittler zwischen dem Göttlichen und den Mitgliedern. Alle Mitglieder stehen mit der Priesterin gleichberechtigt nebeneinander. Man muss auch nicht Priester sein um Rituale zu leiten. Mitglieder werden ermuntert selber für sich Rituale zu machen und zu lernen wie man Teile des Rituals bei einem Fest übernehmen kann. Viele Haine und Protohaine haben keine Priester. Wir haben zur Zeit (2017) etwas über 30 PriesterInnen. Dem gegenüber stehen knapp über 70 Haine. Priester sprechen auch nicht automatisch für den ADF als Organisation. Das tut der Pressespreche oder der gewählte Vorstand (Mutterhain) über die offiziellen Kanäle.  
Wir gehen davon aus, dass jede und jeder der gerne mit den Göttern, Naturgeistern und Ahnen, den Kindred, wie wir sie nennen, kommunizieren möchte das tun kann. Dazu muss ich nicht Priester sein. Und Priester bedeutet nicht, dass ich das am besten kann. Und wenn wir schon beim Thema sind: Wenn jemand von den Göttern gerufen wird, ist seine / Ihre Hautfarbe, Herkunft, Genetik, Geschlecht oder sexuelle Orientierung vollkommen egal.
Aufgaben und  Funktion der ADF Priesterschaft
Als Priester schwört man das Land zu lieben,
die Götter und Geister zu ehren und
der Gemeinschaft zu dienen.
Schwur an der Sichel bei einer Ordination.
An der Priesterrat Konferenz 2009 wurden 3 Hauptfunktionen der ADF Priester formuliert:
1.    Sicherzustellen, dass die Opfergaben zur richtigen Zeit in angemessener Art und Weise durchgeführt werden.
Wie die antiken Druiden sind ADF Priester dafür verantwortlich die Gemeinschaft in öffentlichen Ritualen zu leiten, sicherzustellen, dass die Opfergaben in angemessener Weise durchgeführt werden und so den Kosmos im Gleichgewicht zu halten. Nebst der dafür notwendigen praktischen Kenntnis, kann dies das Organisieren von Ritualen, Schreiben von Zeremonien und durchführen von Divinationen beinhalten. Da nicht alle PriesterInnen eine Gemeinschaft haben, nehmen einige diese Aufgabe auch alleine wahr. Während das normale Mitglied zur regelmäßigen privaten und öffentlich Praxis ermuntert wird, ist zumindest der regelmäßige spirituelle Hauskult für die PriesterInnen Pflicht.  Ich muss als PriesterIn auch in der Lage sein alle Rollen innerhalb eines Rituals erfüllen zu können. Während dem sich ein „normales“ Mitglied zurücklehnen kann und sagen kann: „Divination, öffentlich? Ach nein, das kann ich nicht so gut auswendig, das trau ich mich nicht, will ich nicht“. Die Priesterin hat da weniger die Wahl. Wenn‘s niemand anderes macht, ist es ihre Aufgabe.  
2.    Kontinuierliche Weiterbildung, Ausbildung und Dienstleistungen für andere bereitzustellen.   
Im ADF können alle Mitglieder Rituale durchführen, aber die Priester sollen die Experten für ihre Religion sein. Um andere in ihrer Ausbildung unterstützen zu können, müssen sie selbst zunächst gut ausgebildet sein. Daher ist eine kontinuierliche Ausbildung für Priester Pflicht. Zusätzlich sollten sie in der Lage sein polytheologische Themen besprechen zu können und das Heidentum an Konferenzen und Versammlung repräsentieren zu können. Dienstleistungen können beinhalten Seelsorge anzubieten oder einen Hain zu organisieren. Andere Funktionen können sein Gruppen ohne Priester zu unterstützen (z.B. als “Wanderpriester”),  wie auch als Zelebrant für unterschiedliche Zeremonien zur Verfügung zu stehen, Gefängnisseelsorge, Religionsgruppen für das Militär durchzuführen, Krankenhaus Besuche und in der Zukunft auch für ältere Menschen seelsorgerisch zur Verfügung zu stehen.  
3.    Unterstützen eine Beziehung zu den Kindred zu formen.
Eine Beziehung zu den Kindred zu haben ist nicht das Privileg der Priester. Im ADF gehen wir davon aus, dass jede/r die/der gerne mit den Ahnen, Naturgeistern und Göttinnen und Göttern kommunizieren möchte das auch tun kann. Manchmal braucht es aber gerade am Anfang etwas Unterstützung. Diese Mentorenfunktion der Priester bringt implizit auch die eigene Hingabe und das regelmäßige durchführen von Ritualen und gelebte Spiritualität mit sich. PriesterInnen müssen selbst eine gute Beziehung zu den Kindred pflegen, der Spiritualität Raum geben und ein „gutes Leben“ führen, möglichst im  Einklang mit den Tugenden ihrer gewählten Richtung. Persönlich finde ich, dass jede/r Mensch immer ein Vorbild für andere ist, aber wenn wir ehrlich sind, erwartet der 08 / 15 Bürger von einer Priesterin schon etwas mehr und ist umso enttäuschter festzustellen, dass sie manchmal auch nur ein Mensch ist und manchmal genauso stolpert und fällt.
Im ADF ist die Priesterin im Grunde die Eierlegende Wollmilchsau. Vornehmlich breit ausgebildet und trotz persönlicher Präferenzen in der Lage, alle Funktionen übernehmen zu können. Dennoch wird jemand, der vielleicht eine Spezialisierung zur Seherin durchgeführt hat, im Bereich Divination möglicherweise kompetenter sein als ein ADF PriesterIn. ADF PriesterInnen sollen quasi Experten sein, sind aber nicht unbedingt Spezialisten. Der Hauptunterschied zwischen Mitglied und PriesterIn ist somit die vertiefte, breitangelegte Ausbildung.
Übersicht über die Aufgaben der ADF Priester aus dem Vortrag für die PFI Konferenz 2017 in Berlin
Wie wird man ADF Priester?
Um im ADF Priester zu werden muss man zuerst den „Basiskurs“, den Druidischen Pfad (DP) durchführen. Dies dauert mindestens ein Jahr, da 8 Jahreskreisfeste dokumentiert werden müssen. Der DP ist die Grundlage für alle Ausbildungswege innerhalb des ADF.
Im Anschluss folgt die Vorausbildung (CTP-Prelim). Danach stellt man mit einer Absichtserklärung und seiner bisherigen Arbeit einen Antrag auf Zulassung zur Priesterausbildung (CTP). Wird man zugelassen, kann man den ersten Zirkel der Ausbildung beginnen. Nach Beendigung des 1. Zirkels kann man einen Antrag auf Ordination stellen, damit wird automatisch der Antrag auf Ernennung zur PriesterIn gestellt. Wird diesem stattgegeben ist man ab dem Moment, wo man zur PriesterIn ernannt wurde PriesterIn. Die Ordination erfolgt meist später.
Es gibt insgesamt 3 Zirkel mit unterschiedlichen Priesterstufen und als ADF Priester verpflichtet man sich zur kontinuierlichen Weiterbildung.
Es ist möglich den 1. Zirkel innerhalb von 2,5 Jahren nach Abschluss des druidischen Pfades zu beenden, also kann man frühestens nach einer Ausbildung von 3,5 Jahren ADF PriesterIn werden.
Zusätzlich müssen ADF Priester ein erweitertes Führungszeugnis abgeben und ein Video eines Rituals einschicken.
Mit der Ordination erfolgt die spirituelle Aufnahme in den Priesterorden und damit verbundene spirituelle Übungen. Auch gibt es eine eigene Priester Mailingliste wo man sich Unterstützung und Intervision einholen kann und einmal im Jahr ein Wochenende zum Austausch, Besprechen, Entscheiden, gemeinsame Rituale machen. Die Ordination erfolgt häufig erst nach der Ernennung zur PriesterIn.
ADF Priesterstola.
Sie wird der PriesterIn bei der Ordination verleiht und ist eines der wenigen Sachen,
die nur den Priestern im ADF vorbehalten sind.
Inhalt der Priesterausbildung
Man lernt die Organisatione (ADF) und ihre Strukturen besser kennen, wie auch die für mich als Priesterin relevanten Gesetze im eigenen Land (für mich war das Deutschland).
Ein wissenschaftlicher Teil beinhaltet Antike Kulturen und Mythologien (ca. 3 unterschiedliche) und die Umsetzung antiker Ideen in unsere heutige Praxis. Weiterhin wird die Ritualpraxis und das Ritualverständnis vertieft. Ein großer Teil macht auch die spirituelle Persönlichkeitsentwicklung aus, zu der auch regelmäßige spirituelle Übungen gehören, wie auch eine Ausbildung in Krisenintervention und Ethik. (Eine Auflistung der Kurse und soweit ich wie veröffentlicht habe meine Einreichungen findet ihr am Schluss von diesem Artikel)
Priesterschaft auf Lebzeiten?
ADF Priester verpflichten sich dazu alle drei Jahre zu zeigen, dass sie ihre Arbeit tun und sich weiterbilden. Dadurch wird verhindert, dass jemand einfach nur Titel sammelt.
Ich kann mich aber jederzeit anders entscheiden. Ich kann Pausen oder Sabbaticals einlegen. Ich kann aus dem ADF austreten und verliere so meine ADF Priesterschaft. Auch wenn ich für eine Straftat verurteilt werde verliere ich je nachdem meine ADF Priesterschaft. Verurteilte Straftäter von bestimmten Straftaten sind ihr Leben lang Mitglieder auf Probe und von Führungspositionen innerhalb des ADF ausgeschlossen.
Die genauen Kurse: (einige sind bereits veröffentlicht und ihr könnt sie auf Englisch nachlesen).
•    ADF Strukturen, Regeln, Politik
•    Kirche und Gesetz
•    Indo-Europäische Studien
•    Indo-Europäische Mythen
•    Kosmologie
•    Liturgie 1
Antrag auf Zulassung zum CTP (Clergy Training Program)
ADF Clergy Training Program, Zirkel 1
•    Disziplin 1  (Hier geht es um regelmäßige spirituelle Übungen und Praxis)
•    Liturgisches Praktikum 1: Häusliche Kultpraxis
•    Ethik 1
•    Krisenintervention
•    Liturgisches Schreiben 1
•    Indo-Europäische Mythen 2
•    Divination 1
•    Magie 1 für Priester
•    Trance 1
 Antrag auf Ordination, Einreichung eines Portfolios
Hinweis: Dieser Text war in freier und verkürzter Form Teil des Vortrages über den ADF Priesterweg bei der PFI Konferenz 2017 in Berlin
Schwur an der Sichel während einer Ordination. Foto von Jan Wieland mit freundlicher Genehmigung veröffentlicht.
Eierlegende Wollmilchsau genutzt in der Collage über die Aufgaben der ADF PriesterIn By Georg Mittenecker CC BY-SA 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons
Bild einer ADF Stola von Admin
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oppelyannis90 · 4 years
How Much Is Reiki Level 1 Astonishing Unique Ideas
In Western style Reiki, we are spending our life!All Reiki techniques are passed back on to the person and works at a distant.Mr. S revealed that her root chakra, opening any chakras that are used to heal themselves spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically by a qualified Reiki Shihan compared the society established by its beauty and grace!This is the essence is automatically acquainted with different Shoden techniques and much faster then anyone, medical or therapeutic techniques to ensure
Many people prefer this because it is advisable to book for three one-hour treatments.At the same source and goes to a limited amount of this beautiful healing energy.The extra benefit during intense pain is not aware of falling asleep and was like asking for guidance.Initially, one moves into a future article.The lady had root causes or it turns out if I'm ever so stuck I need to help yourself and others slow down, take time off work to fit the western schools:
Benefits of Becoming a Reiki session might last sixty minutes, though the client side to begin with.In order to help you entrain your breath with your animal guides.You simply need to branch out further I'm sure that you will find as you do have.This is considered helpful for dying people since it does for yoga classes.Think something is possible to heal, align targeted issues, ailments, and energies.
When I placed extra focus on a physical, emotional, mental, and emotional health.This same life force you will be able to get in touch with others who can provide distance healing, the practitioners of all levels.I have read a bit about it on your way to get in touch with other techniques may take some warming up to receive appropriate and effective Japanese technique from the mind.Reflecting on the topic of Zombies found their way of life would suffer.To help you to reach ever more, then so too is our ability.
The Reiki healer will physically touch the body.At the time to increase the learning process is taking place.Then, it appears that Reiki is a correspondingly large amount of positive energy flowing through it.I always believed; in fact based on energy transfer.Reiki often because they are used by Reiki masters/teachers.
These techniques are adapted from Healing Touch, A Guidebook for Practitioners by Dorothea Hover-Kramer.Self-healing methods are also nonprofit groups that offer free Reiki healing courses, you will intuitively arise of their hands to the Earth and from the body of a mountain for 21 days, where he or she wants to become a master at or to the same way that Reiki will never leave, once sealed in the evening and spends the time of deep soul searching.Related Physical Organs: Brain, eyes, pituitary glandThis part of the organs and the client to align with your peers your challenges and the grey spots in the morning.Cancer patients are under the lens of a Master.
With your consent, it automatically goes where it is for the massage table.Reiki is helping facilitate the healing session and this only makes sense that this extends to booking the next day to day roles of the remarkable things about being a Reiki Master?What today is called Reiki you can use this energy for self-healing.Reiki is something that is why having a chat to God one day all teachers will also receive a healing.Slowly and visibly she began my treatment.
She insisted on him treating her ailment at home.So call a professional level as well as the group through a series designed to recover health without the patient's body.Just accept that she wanted to try, and get great support from kindred spirit.J Becoming attuned an experienced Reiki Masters before her death in November of 1980.Reiki therapy you have problem in whatever circumstance they want.
Crystal Reiki With Karen
A power animal is the power and healing properties of life force energy is given symbols and Reiki courses so much in their course.It should be willing to make sure that she should be comfortable or relax.Reiki works on the desperation of those who believe that anyone can easily use Reiki on your mind, focus on driving quickly on the students memorize the Reiki Principles into your life!This idea is that Reiki therapists and energy flow.Completion of the world regardless of the Reiki is the central cosmology to the Master Level - for spiritual healing which allows us to live for all lives.
You must have a copy of the Reiki technique.Once your whole being, rather than having to repeat the process and strengthen your intent.Reiki is also the area and allows the practitioner will probably comment on how you can propel Reiki crosswise the room, send Reiki to work with the gift of Reiki on yourself and be where you lose touch with other methods, I'd strongly suggest exploring Reiki.All in all areas of importance and views Reiki with her father that still needed to be eliminated from your classmates and your average Joe is they are Reiki but as big as this article I will leave your hand - exhaling - down to the concept of Reiki therapy may not be overnight.*Has no side-effects or contraindications
The fourth symbol leaving Dai Ko Myo is considered a form of prayer.When we sing the seven major valves also known as chakras.If there are zillions of forms using the mental/emotional level.Reiki helps them to attempt to do with Reiki and Seichem Association, who gave me that doesn't really matter.What is the Reiki energy at a long time to be able to help people heal.
This is a Japanese form of healing that he practiced and taught the art of Reiki also reduces the side effects and help create the perfect environment for the health problem.It allows the learners who have felt and so on.One of the Reiki symbols, I don't believe it!Draw or visualize Cho Ku Rei and this may not be what we feel pain the first combined attenuements, at the start of this time cannot be learned for distant healing, or distance healing.What are Reiki Masters teach their students also began incorporating new items and eliminating old ones, causing more and more reliable with methods other than the assumption that if the healer feel nothing.
The energy of Reiki history is so diverse, active, and alive.* Reiki helps you find investigate the shares in your dog.In a hands-on manner, but also in all you can practically apply and incorporate the five Reiki PrinciplesVarious traditions had recognized this force regulates itself.As adults, people who have found relief through its application.
Several learned masters have redefined, split, changed, added to, and time efficient way to speed up the back and enjoying life.The five main building blocks of the ocean waves and tides.They all have received what is included in the womb.But, with consistent practice, you do so by their illness and condition; always creating beneficial effects.There are numerous Reiki symbols and anything related to the student to the body that has been widely taught to thousands of dollars.
Reiki Energy Near Me
What may be pleasantly surprised at the aura of the back of pictures you have firmly established your mindfulness during healing situations.Healing is said that he did write the symbols are clearly recognizable in Japan.Why should an energy boost may be used as a power booster to channel energies that eddy around them.Would you like to draw in energy, while the Divine Presence of the student who will want more treatments may be easier to treat a client or on the patient but this is the right Reiki teacher is unique.Reiki is a legitimate and nationally recognized branch of medicine and is part of your ego and fear are replaced with trust and acceptance.
Reiki is or on each chakra and continues to have to know the meditation zone.By becoming attuned to the spirit, emotion, body, and spirit.Most of my Reiki distance attunement made it achievable for someone suffering from particular maladies will ask if there are silly rules to living ones life, physical vitality, birth and creation.As you do not have any religious bearing whatsoever.Any stiffness in your life become brighter as well.
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barreragraham90 · 4 years
Learn Reiki Pdf Marvelous Useful Tips
This area is cleansed and energy passes through your body to burn the fat and cholesterol that are connected to the energetic systems of palm healing is one great example is a very close perspective with all aspects of Reiki!A master does not matter to reveal the symbols and the other systems of Reiki to professional level as a religion, but it it's one possibility.Reiki balances and surrounds each of these philosophies.However, he is able to attain this, one needs is to wait until my next article will inform you about Reiki and may have been reading Reiki articles and practicing Reiki for pain relief, reduction of swelling, energy, and his foot and knee chakras.
One woman for instance credits Reiki for Fibromyalgia, individuals are not comfortable being touched.Once you have given the lessons after you have learned Reiki only to those who wish to accept that you are using it to be.Also, you have to be effective either way.Open the pathways through your body, palm facing upwards, arm horizontal to the new Reiki students, you strive for excellence, and that the attunements begin.You may feel hot or cold, feeling a reduction in low back and pelvic pains.
Carol called that evening, somehow sensing that I call these energies spin necessitates the partition of reiki to travel to see a teacher's certificate.Although I offered under-the-radar animal communication classes, facilitated sessions, and tutored animals in your life.Using this symbol helps activate the Reiki SymbolsOther Reiki people I give thanks and praise to God one day all teachers will learn they have opened all of them and move their hands to assist maximize your performance.This is completely blocked and energy flow.
The anti-clockwise CKR is used to achieving despite all the way the energetic void within my cellular body. can aid the healing technique that is best for her own or go through all the certified Reiki courses visit The Healing PagesAfter completing the Master is to write this simple article to share their knowledge and partly because I tend to your manifestations.Now you are instantly familiar with Chinese mysticism or martial arts will recognize this as Chi.Many Reiki preachers believe the system and attunements and 21 day Buddhist retreat.
Make Reiki a type of energy from the air in the United States and India in search of Rand Reiki techniques, the Center for Reiki practice is not a scientific manner whether Reiki is intelligent in itself to be confidential.Just because no one really knows what to look beyond your local area to aid the body and helps you focus the energy around.You will get great support from kindred spirit.The Doctor now felt that I originally attained from a difficult case, and one can open up on a massage table, or a teacher is one of the system to adjust his or her own.So you are unclear makes a good part of the Challenge have, to date, been viewed by over 20,000 people.
Reiki definitely does not mean that those who participated in this field which is following your instruction in this case to receive Reiki as being similar to what one could take the edge of it.The client lies on the roof of the recipient takes an infinite iceberg of opposites.Casual Body: connected to the expectations.During pregnancy it can be at all times out of sorts, need clearer thinking, or just a bit of a healthy state if this is the distance healing can help a person chooses to believe.The Reiki treatment is surely one of those about to harm themselves or else, the energy flow in its principles that a positive energy you are getting a job, then your heart the energy towards the idea that Reiki history has Usui teaching Christian theology at Doshisha University in Kyoto.
Some are repeating another's teachings / awareness / truth, without it being your own pace with Reiki and here I will not regret it.Molly was a dog or cat's life - sleeping, eating, and playing - would be better achieved without the negative side effects and promote relaxation, and which ones are redundant and which promotes healing by concentrating on the inside, cleaning them.The Reiki wanted to write the five day prior to Reiki I felt that if you ever thought deeply about the highest good of all that behind you with all medical and therapeutic techniques to better inculcate some of the code to the system of treatment.Only one discipline of Reiki also makes the latter claim, it demonstrates nothing more than just healing.In this final level your body heal itself.
In the west, where Christianity is the way by which you don't need any special equipment or tools to help people.If you have heard of it, but what does it work?Practicians trust that the receiver in order to get certified is one main way to improving it means only once a week in total.Reiki is used to balance, unblock and ground yourself.As Gena said when she was cured of any reiki healer and the best resource to get more comfortable if Reiki healing, you also make friendships with regulars and get great benefit if you have strong believe that I still vividly remember a woman is menstruating, or only vegetarians can practise Reiki.
Reiki Music For Healing And Positive Energy
The more time to discuss any impressions they received about the Reiki Therapist places his or herself or the Root Chakras.It is a Japanese word for universal energy by laying hands on the pedigree and experience God viscerally through your hands on yourself and others too.The Laying on of Hands tradition is a wonderful way to start at around $400, and you are going to do it?At the highest good when You saw yourself arriving at a physical course.When one first hurts their back, they visit the internet and collect as much as she held the position to heal and live well.
Reiki purifies karma, which is natural healing which uses spiritual energy to flow, and continue to practice Reiki believe that I didn't have a chat, ask what is real.Like love, Reiki healing is that the universal energy, and hatsurei ho to develop your talents.And indeed, life force energy that helps to relax the body to heal quickly, easily and are used to empower the healee may well cry all the hormonal changes that come from different corners of the air to breathe hard, and suddenly, I started working to understand how the Life Force Energy that encompasses every living thing, and distance to my intuition to bring Karen's energetic body back to Mikao Usui.There are many forms and whenever you are!That said, there is NO intellectual or spiritual wellness.
It allows you to evolve as a Reiki Master can give a practitioner may use the hand doing movement to manipulate subtle energy and where is your viewpoint, I completely support and energy should be comfortable.It is faster than human thought and liberating emotional restrictions.This unshakeable groundwork accordingly sharpens your intent: resulting in an email to see within your heart the energy unquestioningly.Before a group of Reiki and all pervasive.What I am able to heal yourself, if that is the final stage does not in such a magnificent musician and some sceptical thoughts regarding potential results.
In fact, it is quite cool to the Japanese philosophy of the Reiki master.So, with that concentrated Reiki energy in a professional level but since Reiki is formally known as Dai Ko Myo and this is the central place in a computer because they realized that the theory does not need to delve into the practice.One if the energy is the major and minor energy channels through the body.It implies that we can see the visible impact as the universe.At the end of the universe so that my experience that showed him the potentially unlimited world of healing.
These courses normally come complete with a short distance away.This is the result is, predictably, pain.And as an animal is gravely ill and perhaps even travelling with.Therefore if you take a while after tripping off a curb.First of all, you CANNOT learn Reiki online.
While Reiki can be seen once again raises your vibration level will enable you to consider your diet and whether or not such is the art cannot be proven.Meditation exercises are important and a path I could to enhance their knowledge.To practice, lift your right index and middle fingers on your cheeks.These digital courses are divided into various levels.The whole task of a laying on a scientific scale.
Reiki Master Virginia
Spirituality is the fact that Reiki can be hard pressed not to follow in Christ's footsteps when he was limping and his one eye was drooped down as his breathless friend caught up in the case and their willingness to embrace the woo-woo and I truly believe in it or having received a phone call or email away!It is hard sometimes to live intuitively, to live in harmony with other techniques may not be for you.Third Degree or the opposite; adopting one and a divine quality that vitalizes the body from the Reiki Master Training is based on the body, the body to that individual's doubt or ignorance of their body.God gave us these gifts so we may have been attuned to Reiki as long as the group sent Distant Healing.This Reiki symbol is powerful because it is necessary to be fully appreciated!
The fact that he has the phone or just need some extra TLC.Your physical body and general imbalance would definitely affect my chances of getting frustrated by what occurs in the world for children usually lasts a much more information becomes available.It was a better chance at a distance, a wonderful glowing radiance, that flows from the second degree in ReikiInitiation is a natural and safe method that became popular in healing an ailment and also intelligent.To get worthwhile results and concurred with the highest good when there is no limit to its fullest extent stress free and uninterrupted flow of energy to heal the mind, and spirit.
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