#duro lives
kaiiscottage · 1 month
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has anyone done this yet
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sinisterexaggerator · 7 months
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Found my man out in the wild.
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aricastmblr · 5 months
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잘 다녀오겠습니다!
12.05. 05:32
nam- 2, 3, Hola soy bts! jm- Esta pizza es buena jk-¡Apuesto a que es bueno! La razón por la que nos reunimos hoy es porque… jm y tae- Y la respuesta es…!!! jk- Porque nos alistaremos pronto así que estamos juntos ahora mismo. Es una vibra diferente a cuando vivimos juntos. nam- ¿cómo se sienten todos? tae- ¡Estoy emocionado! ¡En Realidad! jm- ¡Estoy triste pero es hora de irnos! nam- si tenemos que irnos jm-y todos extrañan la foto de todos nosotros juntos, ¡así que tenemos que regresar rápidamente! jk- queremos vernos a todos juntos rápidamente, ¡así que decidimos hacer esto! tae- dicen que cuando estamos separados realmente sientes lo especial que es tan..! jk- ***Ya lo he sentido mucho ㅠㅠ He buscado vídeos de nosotros haciendo conciertos juntos y lo ruidosas que son las salas de espera antes de subir al escenario. ¡Así que estoy emocionado de que nos volvamos a juntar!*** jm y tae- ¡Creo que será divertido! nam- ¡Tomará algo de tiempo pero pasará rápido! jm- escuché que el tiempo pasa lentamente.
nam- Eso es lo que escuché también… tae- ¡tengo una meta! ¡Ganando mucha fuerza para hacer muchos conciertos! ¡Estar sano, fuerte y no lastimarse! jk-¡Hay muchas cosas que preparamos!
jm- ¡Y jin hyung volverán pronto! ¡Volverá muy pronto! jk- ¡Tengo muchas ganas de hacerlo! jm- jin hyung trabajará duro cuando regrese! jk- ¡Volveremos bien! tae- Pero cuando vaya allí, creo que lo haré bien! nam jm jk- ¡¡¡Tendrás que hacerlo bien!!! tae- Aunque los que se alistarán conmigo serán más jóvenes que yo, creo que aprenderé mucho de ellos también y ¡sí!
jm- Estoy planeando pasar el próximo año y medio… tae-¡BIEN! jm- sonido de sollozo… ¡Es porque no veremos ARMY por un tiempo!
tae- ¡Creo que es genial que hubiera muchas cosas que los miembros quisieran dejar para que las vieran mientras no estamos! nam-¡Y hay cosas que ganamos positiva-mente al ir al ejército! tae- ¡Ojalá jk y namjoon hyung solucionen sus ronquidos cuando estén allí! jm- Estoy acostumbrado a sus ronquidos porque estuve con él un par de días nam- Ah cierto, ustedes estaban juntos ¿Esta vez no le pegaste con los codos? jm- ¿Eh? Ah, sí... kkkkkk jk- aplaude y ríe jmjk- ríen nam-Escuché que hiciste MMA - hiciste MMA mientras dormías (artes marciales mixtas) jm-No... ¡por favor cállate! jk-¡Ah! No deberías estar hablando de eso ahora nam-Ah, ¿es un secreto? Lo siento jk-No deberías estar hablando de eso
jm-¡No deberías hacer eso! (le pega al piso con los pies - pisa fuerte) jk-¡Entonces los ARMYs...! jk- ¡¡Espérenlo con ansias!! (apunta con su dedo) nam-¿Debiste haber hecho algo divertido...? jk-¿A nosotros? Hicimos algo bastante bueno... ¡Ah! jm-jajajaja Ah Namjoon hyung simplemente tenía que...!! nam-No... es hora de revelar los regalos ya que nos habremos ido. nam dio spoiler de jmjk XD
nam-Jin hyung y Hobi! ¡Volverán pronto! tae- Hobi hyung, se ha vuelto tan genial…!!!!!! jm- ¡Se ha vuelto realmente genial! jk- ¡Su cuerpo también! jm- Fui a verlo y estaba como hyung~ y antes él había dicho "jjyahman~" pero me dijo: "oh, ¿estás aquí?" (¡con un tono muy genial!) jk- Personalmente no tengo agenda después de esto pero quiero filmar una cosa más… nam tae jm- ¡DESCANSA! jk- Estoy debatiendo qué hacer.. ¡lo pensaré! jk-Ah cierto... No, no importa.. nam- ¿Qué es? jk- frota la espalda de jimin
tae- La última vez que me corté el pelo así de corto fue en la escuela secundaria jk- Ahora veo a todos más jóvenes!… ¿Cuándo se afeitarán (las cabezas) ustedes dos? kkkk nam jm- … tae-Todavía tengo mucho más por filmar. nam- Me interesa ver como será el cabello de jimin porque actualmente es rubio jm-Voy a entrar y salir tranquilamente… no quiero mostrarte mi cabeza rapada… No quiero mostrarles ese lado de mí a ustedes kkk No lo sé... nam-Jimin, es decir, ¿alguna vez te han afeitado la cabeza? jk-No lo ha hecho (contesta por jimin - la forma en que jungkook frota la espalda de Jimin cada vez que hacen una pregunta ) jk- Para ser honesto ya me afeité el pelo.. nam- ¡¡Es lindo!! tae- ¡Hice una vídeo llamada con él el otro día y me sorprendí ver lo corto que esta! nam- Se ve bien en jk, ¡así que espéralo con ansias! jm- por favor no esperen una foto para todos. nam- Nosotros (él y tae) no podremos ver su cabello afeitado. (de ellos)
tae-OH TIENES RAZÓN!.. Pero realmente… vivimos nuestras vidas muy ocupadas así que creo que estamos muy emocionados ahora porque nos juntamos. jm-¿Podemos decir esto…? Cuando Jin y Hobi Hyung entraron estábamos como c: nam- ..Me rompí a llorar... jm-Ah cierto que tu lloraste... jm- Pero sí, Jin Hyung es increíble… ¡siempre ha creado una buena atmósfera! nam- ¡Sí, fue y lo hizo ese año solo! jm- Y sabes que ir solo primero es… ¡difícil! jin hyung eres genial tae- ¡jin y hobi hyung, y suga hyung también están trabajando duro! tae-Es bueno que estemos hablando de Hope hyung y Jin hyung... y está Suga hyung que trabajó duro (en MS) nam-Ah Suga hyung trabajó duro tae- Suga hyung.. pero claro..
jm - Me guardaré mis comentarios jk-Yo también guardaré mis comentarios. jmjk- se rien
jk-No hay nadie que no haya trabajado duro (en su enlistamiento) tae- lee* - yoongi ¡cásate conmigo!¿Aún? nam- ¡Lo siento, no puede casarse ahora mismo! espere cuando regrese jk- ¡capitán taehyung! tae- yo~ qué pasa~ jm- lee*- jungkook muestra tu cabeza rapada y mira a jk jk se ríe jk- Hay algo que queremos pedir… se anunció la ubicación de dónde estaremos pero habrá otros allí, así que queremos pedirles que no vengan. nam- Sí, las familias de otras personas también estarán allí y los ARMY son nuestra cara, ¡así que por favor no vengan! jk- ¡Esta es nuestra última petición! tae- ¡por favor no vengas! Estoy rogando. ¡es peligroso! se arrodilla nam- se arrodilla junto a tae jk-De todos modos ejército, ¡por favor pro-mételo! jm-¡¡Y hace frío y conocemos sus corazones!! tae- Deberíamos hacer una competencia en 2025 para ver quién tiene el mejor cuerpo cuando volvamos nam- Escuché que aquellos que son delgados regresan muy musculosos y luego aquellos que están más en el lado amortiguador regresan con algo de peso perdido tae- ¡Tienes que mostrarle a ARMY tus diferentes lados! ¡Por eso digo que ganaré hasta 85 kg!
jk- ¡Aunque probablemente sería difícil! tae- ¡No! jm- Y a todos, ¡por favor tengan cuidado y no se resfríen! lo pillé hace poco ㅠㅠ Cuando Hyung subió esa historia, pensé: "Oh, debe haber dolido… espera, ¿por qué la subió aquí…?" tae- Uf, tengo muchas ganas de spoilear. Honestamente, en la historia de Instagram, publiqué algunas cosas que no pude revelar. nam- ¡Yo también! tae Entonces me contactaron… y me pidieron que lo borrara. nam- Entonces ¿lo borraste? tae- ¡No! ¿Por qué habría? ¡A los ARMY les gusta! nam- ¡En fin! ¡Volveremos sanos! jk- ¡hagamos bang bang tan! tae- ¿Quieres filmar una carrera de BTS…? nam- ¡Creo que no hay nada que haya cambiado dentro de nosotros y cuando regresemos nada cambiará también! tae- De todos modos hoy fue un buen día~
jk- Para mí, desde abril hasta ahora hice un solo y aprendí mucho y crecí mucho. Y sé que ustedes han estado esperando mi álbum desde hace 3 años, ¡así que gracias por esperar! ¡Creo que gracias a que estabas esperando pude trabajar más duro y salí bien! jk-Ya he... experimentado muchas cosas que fueron preciosas. Hice bastantes cosas jm-Has trabajado duro (le da la mano a jungkook se saludan) jk-No, todos trabajamos duro/pasamos por mucho frota la espalda de jimin jm-Sí jk-Desde que hice mi trabajo en solitario, me hizo pensar mucho. Busqué muchos de nuestros vídeos de conciertos anteriores...Cuando estábamos en la sala de espera o durante los ensayos, cuando hacíamos mucho ruido... Realmente extraño esos Así que creo que será muy divertido una vez que nos reunamos todos nuevamente.*** jm- En este momento, realmente estoy anticipando que estemos todos juntos.
jm-Si (Jimin estaba a punto de dar su discurso final, pero Jungkook y posteriormente Tae & Joon actuaron como si Jimin ya hubiera dicho su discurso.)
jm jk se miran y ríen jm se recuesta en el sillón y jungkook ríe sobre la barriga de Jimin se recarga en el.
nam tae jk-¡Bien! aplausos - aplauden y ríen tae Realmente trabajé duro para mostrar las etapas de ARMY y por favor esperen las cosas en las que trabajé mientras estoy en el ejército! volveré bien ~ jm- Todos nos vamos ㅠㅠ si.. sinceramente no estamos yéndonos, como irnos… perdón mi voz, mi resfriado! gracias por todo y, sinceramente, estoy un poco triste y tengo muchas emociones, ¡pero esperemos que lleguen buenos días en el futuro! nam- Sí, este año también toqué mucho, pero he estado trabajando en mi álbum desde enero y ¡trabajaré en él hasta que me vaya! Yo y los demás miembros también, ¡todos han trabajado duro! ¡Todos preparamos cosas así que por favor no te sientas tan vacío y volveremos sanos! Esperan con ansias el capítulo 2. ¡Y no vengan cuando entremos al ejército! ¡No queremos que les pase algo malo a los demás soldados!
tae- Ah y sí… ¡había algo que quería decir! A donde voy, se publicó la noticia. Los ARMYS estaban realmente preocupados, pero para mí, tengo una meta, ¡así que no te preocupes demasiado! ¡Volveré sano y no me lastimaré! Estoy un poco ~~~~ preocupado, ¡pero confía en mí! jm- ¡No hemos terminado después de esto! ¡Cuando volvamos no sabemos cuánto tiempo seguiremos! ¡Esto no es ni la mitad! nam- ¡De todos modos iremos y volveremos felices! ¡Jin hyung volverá pronto! tae- ¡Los ARMY probablemente quieran ver nuestras caras de cerca!De todos modos ARMY ¡gracias por todos los regalos! Creé muchos recuerdos con Layover, así que gracias y ¡esperen con ansias todo lo que preparamos! tae-le avisa a jk- Corre hacia aquí
jk- Sólo quédate aquí jk- Habrá una sorpresa para los ARMY tae jm - jajajaja jm-Espera tae- Jungkook-ah, ¿no puedo terminarlo primero? No, deberías terminarlo. jm- Cuando tú ( 🐰 ) te vayas, yo terminaré (en vivo) de inmediato
tae habla a cámara se despide … Además, hemos preparado nuevas canciones y contenidos, así que espérenlo con ansias. tae a jk hace señas- Corre hacia aquí jk- corre rápido 🏃‍♂️💨 jk- ¡Este ha sido BTS! nam jm- 😂😂 ríen tae y jm- Gracias 👋👋 dice adiós con su manito.👋
FIN (Resumen de lo que entendí de weverse live de rm v jm jk)
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xinambercladx · 11 months
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"Live, Laugh, Love...? Sure, sure. But if somethin' goes wrong Charge, Aim, and Shoot." I felt like it was something Cad Bane would say. And then I imagined Bane with his own version of the image linked below. >_>;; Yup. Could not be helped. It had to be done. EDIT: I decided to post this on it's own rather than attached to the image it's referencing. Here is the referenced image by duca-66. ------------------------------------------------------- xInAmberCladx's Fanart Archive <-click
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goldenshrine · 2 months
MATEOOO HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! (⁠^⁠∇⁠^⁠)⁠ノ⁠♪
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ouuaaa i came across javi's video on yt... oua.. •́⁠ ⁠ ⁠‿⁠ ⁠,⁠•̀ BUT!! made this for youu! (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
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MAYO ;___; ure seriously spoiling me these are so pretty and thoughtful i love the teddy bear sitting on javis shoulder. cutest ever. and every cutscene with him in lingards office....the warm streaky lighting from the cuts in the window blinds are soo 🤎🤎
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homemade-clones · 7 months
Canon can't hurt me if I purposefully look away from it :D
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oimoi-op · 2 years
I know I'm late to TBOBF but the fact that Cad Bane was only able to shoot Cobb bc Cobb looked at the overly eager deputy bc he was worried and didn't want to start a fight and just wanted to keep his people safe literally kills me
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pablitogavii · 9 months
Happy Family Pt. 1
Summary: You're an exchange student who came to live with the Gavira family for a year all the way from America. Let's just say things don't go as planned between you and your fake 'brother'.
This is going to be a series so be patient with me guys :)
Warnings: all of it hehe SMUT/ANGST/FLUFF
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Pablo and You were both traveling from US to Spain at the same time- him with his teammates returning from the summer tour and you for your exchange program.
When you heard that the infamous Gavira family agreed to take in the student, you were pretty shocked but also kinda excited. This is going to be your year, you could just feel it!
When you arrived to the airport, you looked through the crowd finally seeing charming looking brunette girl carrying a piece of paper where it was written GAVIRA.
"Um..hola..I'm Y/n" you say and the girl smiled brightly already pulling you into a hug like you were her real sisters. She was very beautiful and you quickly started to like her company.
"Welcome querida. I am Belen and this is my husband Pablo and she is your sister Aurora" older woman introduced everyone and you smiled thinking that they were truly such a sweet family. Speaking of family, someone was missing..the infamous Barça Golden Boy.
"Pablo is a cabrón whose flight got delayed last minute so he couldn't wait for you.." Aurora said and you chuckled at how easily she was insulting ehr younger brother.
"Aurora, cuida tu lenguaje! Pablo will be here for dinner so you can meet him. Let's get home now.." Sr. Gavira said taking your suitcase like a true gentleman as you walked with Aurora towards the car.
"You gotta meet my boyfriend Javi tomorrow! He's just the cutest!" Aurora was showing you all their pictures while you were sitting on the back of their expensive car driving towards an even more expensive house.
"You guys are a cute couple!" you say and she smiled with blushing cheeks nodding her head starting to ask me questions about my life until we finally arrived.
"That's so cool! Have you heard mamá!? She wants to be a doctora! Isn't that amazing!?" Aurora said and Belen smiled nodding her head while showing me inside.
"And this is a kitchen. Please feel free to help yourself whenever you want something, querida. This is your house now as well" woman said kindly and you smiled looking around the giant rooms that were defiantly having you in awe.
"You have a beautiful home Mrs. Gavira.." you say while walking towards the staircase where the bedrooms were on the second floor.
"Please call me Belen, querida..I really hope you feel comfortable with us for a year" she said before Aurora volunteered to show me the upper floor until we finally ended up in the room they gave me.
"You should shower and get comfortable before dinner hermanita. My room is right down the hall, don't forget" she said leaving you on your own and you sat on the comfortable bed looking around. This was your new home for a year.
When you got cleaned up, you decided to call your parents and let them know everything was better than alright. You really clicked with the Gaviras and thought this was going to be an amazing experience.
"They are all very kind mom, don't worry. I will make sure to call every night..I gotta go now. It's dinner time" you said when Aurora peeked through your door to call your downstairs.
"Um..your brother's not home yet?" you asked truthfully a little nervous to meet him. She just rolled her eyes saying he probably forgot and went out with his friends instead.
"Ah, esta vez me escuchará?! ¡Le contamos esto hace una semana! ¿¡Donde está ese niño!?" [Ah this time he will hear me!? We told him about this a week ago! Where is that boy!?] Belen was trying to call him but there was no answer.
"Está trabajando duro Belén. Deja que el chico disfrute de su tiempo libre cuando lo tenga.." [He's working hard Belen. Let the chico enjoy his down time when he has it..] Pablo Sr. defended his son and when the two of you joined they changed the subject.
"The dinner was very delicious. Thank you Mrs.." you said but before finishing that sentence you caught yourself "Belen." and the woman smiled nodding her head.
"You should go get some rest, and get ready for the school orientation tomorrow morning querida.." she said and you nodded getting up and excusing yourself to your room.
Part of you was kind of disappointed that you haven't met Pablo today but you knew that will happen sooner or alter. Little did you know, it would be the most awkward meeting in your life history.
When Pablo arrived home, it was late and he avoided the kitchen trying to sneak straight into his room to get some sleep. He knew he didn't show up for dinner like he promised but he didn't feel like hearing about it right now. He was so exhausted, he just wanted to lay down and sleep.
He walked into his room surprised with the sudden flowery scent but deciding to ignore it taking off his shirt and trying to removed the cover only to see you curled up underneath. Why were you in his bed..and in those panties??
"Joder!" he said rather loudly that you woke up jumping and sitting up. You completely forgot you were barely wearing any clothes trying to figure out who the hell woke you up in the middle of the freaking night!?
"Ai! Qué mierda estás haciendo aquí!?" [Hey! What the fuck are you doing here!?] you said angrily really needing your sleep that he so rudely interrupted. You could be quite mean when you're tired like this and Pablo was no different.
"No sabía que hablabas español?" [ I didn't know that you speak Spanish??] Pablo said a little shocked with this whole situation but that didn't stop him from looking your from head to toe especially interested in the little red panties you were wearing. He felt his shorts tighten but he knew that he had to keep calm!
"Y no sabía que no sabías tocar! Capullo!" [And I didn't know you don't know how to knock! Asshole!] you spat and now Pablo was getting more frustrated.
"And why the fuck would I knock to get into my own room huh!?" he said and now you were the one who was confused what he was talking about. Was this his room really? So you were sleeping in his bed then..shit! It really smelled masculine first time you laid down.
"Wait..what? They said this is my room now.."you say and Pablo's jaw clenched at that new information he never got until now.
"Of course they gave you my fucking room just to annoy me more!? Joder!" Pablo said and you rolled your eyes at his cocky attitude. Did he really think the whole world revolved around his big head!?
"Fine then I'll leave! Whatever!" you said about to stand up but he stopped you smirking and getting even closer to the bed so that you had to look up into his dark eyes.
"Not in those red panties you won't...hermanita" he whispered the last part like a sin and you looked down finally realizing what you were freely wearing covering yourself and feeling your face heat up. Fuck! First night and your 'brother' already saw you in your underwear!
"Give me my shorts cabrón!" you say angrily showing him the small pajama shorts on the sofa and he took it dangling it in front of you but not letting you grab it just yet.
"Mmm..you know hermanita..red is my favorite color..so I might want to see you in it again..how about you stand up and grab it yourself huh??" he was cockily teasing you and you hated it although your body was telling different story.
"Pablo? What are you doing here?" Belen walked in and her son completely shirtless quickly hiding your shorts behind his back definitely in a very uncomfortable situation.
"Le diste mi habitación!?" [You gave her my room!?] he said dropping the shorts and you grabbed it putting it on quickly while Belen nodded her head walking inside trying to reason with him.
"Tiene un escritorio que necesita para la escuela hijo.." [It has a desk she needs for school son..] she said and Pablo rolled his eyes of course in a way she doesn't see it. But you definitely did.
"Esta bien, lo que sea! Cogeré mi ropa." [It's fine, whatever! I'll grab my clothes] he said and she smiled petting his back and wishing you a goodnight before leaving.
"Hey..um..I'm sorry for taking your room..is there something I can do to make up for it?" you said trying to make peace with your 'brother' because you did have to live under the same roof for a whole year.
"Hm..well you could do something" he said after grabbing his clothes and walking close to you. He was still shirtless and the heat was radiating off his fit body. You used all your strength not to look at his abs.
"You could tell me if you're wearing a matching red bra.." he smirked and you slapped his shoulder angrily walking back to bed. He was defiantly asking for war!
"Fuck you capullo!" you say getting underneath the covers and he chuckled while walking towards the door.
"Mm I'll be seeing your around..hermanita" he winked his voice sending shivers down your spine as your legs closed on instinct. You hated that he had such a profound impact on you..something you couldn't control.
For the rest of the night you couldn't sleep..all you thought about was his voice..the way his sharp jawline clenched when he was angry..how all his muscles contracted...that wink he gave you before leaving especially using that sinful word 'hermanita' ;))
Suddenly Pablo Gavi was all around you and you felt breathless..<3
I hope you like the first part of this story. Let me know in the comments in you're hungry for more ;))
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elysiantrait · 5 months
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Cute little family of two runaway teen parents I made last night.
Yavier Diaz and Nimette Rhodes are high school sweethearts who bonded over their difficult home lives. They were raised in a low-income part of Willow Creek by single abusive fathers, one who was power hungry and one who was an alcoholic. They were planning to run away together when they found out they were expecting. It was quite a surprise at such a point in their lives, but they acted quickly and found a small one bedroom apartment to live together. With his girls at home, Yavier is working hard to provide for them, working odd jobs and searching for the next right place for them which will allow their daughter, Mariposa Diaz, to grow comfortably, with her own private room and a lovely neighborhood with child-friendly amenities.
I won't be playing with them but I wanted to share them here anyway cause I love their story and think they make such an adorable little family.
Pequeña, linda familia de dos padres adolescentes que hice anoche. Yavier Díaz y Nimette Rhodes son novios de secundaria que se unieron a través de sus difíciles vidas hogareñas. Fueron criados en una zona de bajos ingresos de Willow Creek por padres solteros abusivos, uno de ellos hambriento de poder y el otro alcohólico. Estaban planeando huir juntos cuando descubrieron que estaban esperando. Fue toda una sorpresa en un momento así de sus vidas, pero actuaron rápidamente y encontraron un pequeño apartamento de un dormitorio para vivir juntos. Con sus niñas en casa, Yavier está trabajando duro para mantenerlas, realizando trabajos ocasionales y buscando el próximo lugar adecuado para ellos que le permita a su hija, Mariposa Díaz, crecer cómodamente, con su propia habitación privada y un hermoso vecindario con comodidades para niños. No jugaré con ellos, pero quería compartirlos aquí de todos modos porque me encanta su historia y creo que forman una pequeña familia adorable.
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willyoubemycherryy · 22 days
𝐈 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐬𝐤 𝐛𝐲 𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲@luvlydeja 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐢𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚 𝐛𝐢𝐭 𝐬𝐨 𝐈 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐟𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤 𝐢𝐭🤭...
𝑇ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 𝐺𝑟𝑒𝑔𝑜𝑟𝑦 𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑡ℎ𝑒 2020 𝑚𝑜𝑣𝑖𝑒 “𝐷𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑒“ 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝐶𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑢𝑚 𝑇𝑢𝑟𝑛𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑏𝑣𝑖, 𝑠𝑜 𝑒𝑛𝑗𝑜𝑦 ♡︎ (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )
❧𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬➬ this is absolutely nasty like I’m shocked at myself lmao, oof um let’s see, detailed kissing, hair pulling, flirting, google translate Italian, shorty gets positively pounded, flirting, teasing, unprotected s3x, manhandling, this is what happens in the hands of the h0rny and untrained😭🫵, lots of orgasms and consensual fun throughout ^^ 18+ MINORS GET OFF OF MY LAWN
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“𝑾𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝑰 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒎𝒆𝒍𝒕 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒚 𝒔𝒐 𝒄𝒐𝒐𝒍...“
࣪𖤐๋࣭ ໒꒱✧. • 𐙚˙⋆.˚. .
Since he’d be staying in Italy for a while, or at least until he got all the interview material he needed, his first act of business would be to learn the language.
True, he could get a translator but it would be more authentic for him to learn since he’d be the one speaking and asking the questions.
Naturally, Gregory decided that a native speaker would be able teach him best.
Enter you.
He had walked into the convenience store you part timed at and instantly forgot what he was there for when he saw you. The prettiest thing in a sundress he’s ever seen, soft skin glowing with a slight sheen from the heat, your alluring features making his heart race faster the longer he looked at you.
You were talking to a customer in Italian, smiling and nodding in agreement before sharing a laugh with them. Gregory swore he’s never heard the sound warm spun silk but now he can say he officially has.
The words from your beautiful mouth flowed so effortlessly that he knew you would be perfect for him.
The old man who you were talking to was a regular, stopping by every Wednesday to entertain you with stories about his “sweetie baby wife” and how the world won’t stop at losing just their minds, they’re lucky he’s not in charge before buying some cigars and leaving with a lazy wave and wink.
Giggling, you wave back, shouting out after him.
“Vacci piano, ragazzo duro~!”
Smiling to yourself, you look from the door to the newspaper shelf only to lock eyes with a tall foreigner.
The first thing you notice besides his height was that he was insanely good looking. Rugged wasn’t quite the right way to describe his features because while they were sharp, he was just too pretty for that. Biting your lip, you noticed he was broad too; barrel wide chest and thick arms, you don’t think you’ve ever seen someone as classically handsome as him.
You’re so busy ogling him that when he’s suddenly standing in front of you, you startle but regain your wit quickly. Deciding to talk first, but in English.
“What’ll it be boss man?” Flicking your eyebrow up with a playful smile as you lean forward behind the register.
Gregory’s blood rushes south at the way your accented voice addresses him with a flirty look in your big almond eyes. Inhaling sharply he can’t help but smirk back at you.
“I’m looking for a translator since I don’t know much of the language here”, he says.
Goddamn his voice was deep.
Nodding your head to play off how flustered he had you, you get an idea.
Hot guy who needed help learning a language that you just so happen to speak AND moan?
You’re in.
While you’re thinking, Gregory looks you over with all kinds of filth running through his head.
You’d look so good whining naked on top of him.
He could live between your thighs.
What would you sound like when he’s stretching you out and fucking you dumb?
He’s snapped out of his thoughts by the clearing of your throat.
“Well most translators overcharge but since I’m so sweet and if you want, I wouldn’t mind helping you out…?” Realizing you don’t know his name, he rushes to give it to you.
“Right. Maybe I could help you out, Gregory…what do you think?” Letting your tone go from intrigued to lilting as you tilt your head to the side, looking at him through your lashes.
You were an absolute dream to him.
Stepping closer to you, he leans down to your face; propped up on his elbows near your own on the register and looks down at you with lidded blue eyes before smiling roguishly.
“I would absolutely love that.”
And just like that the learning process began.
You had taught him things like conversation and structure, how and what to call everyone, transitions and connectors, extensive words, places, and even the slang. Learning from you was hard but the difficulty had less to do with the language and more about how badly he needed to make you cum.
There was always this underlying tension between you two since the moment you met; subtle at first but the steady pent up attraction had it leaking into a more than intense desire.
Constant touches, flirtatious looks, innuendos so obvious that they bordered on invitations then came the teasing.
Whispering in his hear the correct way to say something when he didn’t quite get it right, biting your plump lips when you’d smile at him, but the worst, was the way you’d say his name. Rolling the ‘r’ so sexily that more often than not, it had blood rushing straight to his cock.
Moments like now.
“See? Sei un talento naturale, Gregory. Very good”, you say. Praising him sweetly. You were flirting, have been for a while now and you made sure he knew.
But with the way he reacts to you? The undivided attention, the way he’d strip you with his eyes alone, licking his lips and nodding when he focused hard on what you would say, the lingering hugs and wandering hands, not to mention how close his face sometimes got to yours…
It was only a matter of time.
“No~. Questo è tutto tu, bebé.” The low timbre of his voice makes you break out in goosebumps as heat licks up your spine.
“Yeah? It’s all me?”
“How do I know though?”
“Come vuoi che ti insegni?” (How do you want me to teach you?)
Oof. That’ll make your pussy throb-
“THAT, dipende dal tuo stile..” With that it’s now or never as the air becomes thick with tension.
“That’s fine. Mines is ‘hands on’.
And in one smooth motion, Gregory yanks you into his lap, slotting his mouth over yours in a deep kiss.
He fits his hands around your hips as he completely devours you, one hand moving to slide into your hair, tilting your head so he can deepen the kiss, the suction of his lips and yours soon give to him nipping your bottom lip before sucking on it to soothe the sting.
It’s so hot it makes you ache as heat soaks into your body and you moan desperately into his mouth. Gregory grips your hair tighter as he pulls it back to look at how pretty you look wanting and seals his mouth over yours again, swallowing your moans in the process.
Your cunt throbs as you hear him groan when he begins to sloppily lick into your mouth, his big tongue pressing against yours, rubbing his cool taste all over your pallet while you twitch and whimper in his strong grasp.
Sloppy wet kissing sounds along with your whimpers fill the room. The sounds would have made you embarrassed but you want him too bad and the way your tongues lazily swirled around each other’s, making more heat pool in your belly then drip down soaking your panties, made you forget about it.
Gregory groans into your mouth again before kissing you even hungrier to the point where you feel him in your throat as your eyes water in pleasure. You were starting need air but you don’t want it, not more than you want him.
He eventually pulls away and you gasp once your airway is free. The sudden influx of oxygen makes you dizzy as your clit throbs and you whine at him, begging with your teary glazed eyes for more.
Your whole body felt hot. The sensations were almost too good as you grind down on his fat length, moaning at the friction against your swollen clit while you unbuttoned Gregory’s shirt; becoming more desperate when you saw his happy-trail.
He pulls you back to his lips in another obscene kiss while you take his cock out, too desperate to take his pants off completely.
You freeze when you feel how big he is, eyes glazing over as you look down with a weak “oh.”
Gregory swears under his breath at your reaction, making a mental note to make you scream before kissing your ear.
“Sì? Babygirl likes seeing such a fat cock hmm?” He coos, making you gasp at his vulgarity.
“O-okay, if you don’t fuck me right now-“, was all you managed to get out before he lifted you to switch positions, you on your back before thrusting into your sopping cunt.
Your mouth drops open in a sharp moan at the stretch, the pressure almost killing you as you gasp and jerk underneath him. Determined not to cum so fast and make it last, but Gregory isn’t doing much better.
You looked so delicious under him, your back arched in pleasure as you cried out for him as he battered your sweet spots, warm and snug pussy drooling around his cock.
“Hnn - nnnnngghhhh!” The vulgar, borderline animalistic sound eventually forces its way through your gritted teeth when he finishes sliding home some moments later, your eyes rolling straight into the back of your head while your stuffed cunt sensitively flutters around the intrusion. He feels massive inside you. Not particularly long, but sufficiently wide enough to make it seem like he had you stretched right to the breaking point. It was simply too much, and your head lolls back in doped out bliss.
Fervently, your arms circle around his neck as he hunches over you so he can brace his hands on either side of your head, groaning as he moves his hips back before slamming them back in, setting a punishing pace as he fucks you.
You’re already toeing the line of a soul shattering orgasm just from having his cock bullied into you a second time, you toss your head back to peer up at him as if in a daze.
The whorish sounds coming from your throat drive Gregory crazy as he feels himself slip with how mind-tinglingly good you feel.
In a matter of moments he seems to be knocking that tender spot inside of you with near expert precision and you can’t quite catch your breath between helplessly bleating out in wordless ecstasy.
“Fuck, you’re so tight on me mami…wet little pussy..! Gonna cum all in you, stuff you full”.
You seize so suddenly it catches you off guard, so rattled at hearing that come out of his mouth that you clamp down on him, hard. You black out while your cunt is sent into a heated pulsing frenzy, wildly squeezing down on his cock so violently that it brings tears to your eyes. Tossing your head back again, you scream for him as you shake weakly through your mind numbing orgasm that you almost miss the moment your cunt erupts, spraying his front in arousal.
You screw your eyes shut with a keening shriek when a second spurt shoots out of you to further soak him but even then he doesn’t let up on the steady push and pull of his heavy girth along your palpitating cunt. Groaning into your mouth as he cums into your soaking heat, hissing through the waves of overstimulation. With no other option, you lie there and take it, your head a mess of static white noise that doesn’t clear up even when you finally start to come down from the high some moments later.
Boneless underneath him, you’re distantly aware of your shared release running down the sides of his cock in warm rivulets where he’s still wedged inside of you but you’re too drunk on satisfaction to care, kissing back weakly as he slips out.
No matter how hard you fight it, sleep overtakes you but one thing is for sure….
You can’t wait to teach him more♡︎. . .
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cheolcam · 3 months
୨୧. only fans - mingyu
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꒰♡꒱ avisos: mingyu streamer/camboy, menção à praise kink, impusividade, masturbação (m.)
꒰♡꒱ notas da autora: eu estou maluca, se o coringa me encontra na rua ele fica com medo
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mingyu nunca foi bom em jogos, mas algo dentro de si disse que seria uma boa ideia ser streamer.
pouco tempo depois mingyu já tinha um bom público acompanhando as lives, jogos não eram seu forte, mas mesmo assim o público o acompanha.
os comentários o elogiando por coisas minimas, enchiam o coração dele. mingyu ama se sentir querido, e não é segredo que ele gosta de ser notado, elogiado, desejado.
a verdade é que mingyu tem um praise kink fortíssimo. mesmo que ele nunca tenha admitido em voz alta.
ele sabe que é carismático e tudo mais, porém ele sabe que isso não é o suficiente para a maioria da audiência dele, e isso ficou claro em um dia que ele viu um comentário perguntando se ele já pensou em abrir um only fans ou algo do tipo.
only fans...
ele pensa por dias, mesmo já tendo criado a conta por pura impulsividade.
quando ele finalmente se decide, já começa a pensar no tipo de conteúdo que vai postar, são diversas possibilidades, e ele está extremamente animado.
ele começa postando semi nudes alguns dias da semana, ainda pensando se ele vai mostrar o corpo todo, é uma decisão importante, uma exposição muito grande pra postar assim sem pensar... por isso ele fecha os olhos e posta, pronto para ficar horas na academia para se distrair.
com o tempo mingyu foi ganhando mais e mais assinantes, apenas com fotos simples e amadoras o que as tornam mais especiais ainda, como se fosse uma coisa exclusiva e íntima.
e bom, é claro que o kim estava amando cada minuto disso tudo, o dinheiro é bom, os elogios constantes... mingyu está vivendo a porra de um sonho.
sempre que posta um conteúdo novo sente o corpo ficar leve e quente, não consegue pensar em mais nada, o pau quente e duro precisa de um alívio, e é uma dessas ocasiões que ele grava seu primeiro vídeo.
com o celular apoiado em alguns objetos da sua mesa e luz baixa ele começa, ele mal consegue se controlar, abaixa a calça e a cueca rapidamente e a mão desesperadamente encontra o pau grande, ele arfa, e quando percebe já está fodendo a própria mão, o quadril não para, os gemidos e grunhidos ficam cada vez mais altos, ele só para quando a porra quente cobre a mão grande.
kim mingyu não é bom em jogos, mas é um ótimo camboy.
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nattinatalia · 6 months
Jack Harlow x Reader : INSTAGRAM AU
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Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, g_eazy, yourbestiename and 8,567,345 others
yourusername 🎶 Que me dé duro, que me diga cosas nasty. Que me quite el estrés y me quite los panties 🎶 🚨 new music coming soon ‼️
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yourbestiename OHHH HOT DAYUMNN 😋 🥵
g_eazy 🔥 🔥 😍😍😍😍
yourbestiename Go away loser
druski why is another man on your shirt and not your actual husband?
yourusername You’re annoying!!!
urbanwyatt HAHA 😂 but like answer the question y/n
yourusername I’m about to kick you out, stop instigating
jackharlow 😍😍 damn my wife is sexy ass hell goddamn I’m hard.
yourusername Jackman, act right.
jackharlow I’m admiring your beauty and letting you know what your beauty does to me 🥵 💦 🍆
yourusername Your mom is on here, she’s going to call you and scold you.
jackharlow She just did 😩
user not Jack ignoring g eazy comment
user he doesn’t care that’s why
user no he just doesn’t care because he shares her with all these rappers.
jackharlow 😂😂😂chill out
claybornharlow Why do people make things up? Straight out of their ass? My brother is happily married, has two beautiful kids. He doesn’t have to address a damn thing because he knows everything at home is perfectly fine. So can you guys stop.
urbanwyatt Plus Geraldo is a groupie, he’s been wanting to get with y/n and y/b/n
jackharlow 🙄 Over it
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Liked by yourusername, claybornharlow, neelamthadhani, urbanwyatt, and 4,344,976 others
jackharlow It’s their world, I’m just living in it.
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yourusername Mis amorcitos 🥺
urbanwyatt Mia is a mood
yourusername Come get your goddaughter because the way she was acting before the picture was taken, total diva 💅🏼
urbanwyatt 😂😂 I believe it.
jackharlow She demanded a little spa night because her day was “exhausting” from making sure her little brother didn’t run off into the penguin sanctuary 😭😭
urbanwyatt Who’s gonna tell her Ezequiel is afraid of penguins?
druski how is one afraid of penguins? Oh Jackman’s seed only 😂😂
jackharlow I’ll fuck you up. If I recall correctly, didn’t you have him feed a duck and he got poked??? So now he’s afraid of ALL bird animal related.
cozane Dru be terrorizing kids everywhere.
yourusername That’s why my kids terrorize him back 😈
druski They really do, won’t forget the time Mia called me broke 🙄 she’s lying to everyone.
claybornharlow Don’t lie on my niece now.
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Liked by yourusername, djdrama, neelamthadhani, yourbestiename, and 7,334,876 others
jackharlow Did you miss us? 🤪
View all 1,300 comments
yourusername WE’RE BAAACKKK 👀
urbanwyatt They not ready 🤫
druski I missed you only!!!!! Should’ve left y/n stranded on the island
yourusername I hate you.
djdrama 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔜 💿
cozane Tell a friend of a friend, THE HARLOWS ARE BACK!!!
jackharlow 🤪 💜
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Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, jackharlowsource, neelamthadhani, yourbestiename, and 8,567,345 others
yourusername ✨ Life lately ✨ what it’s all about. The three loves of my life.
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jackharlow 💜💜💜
jackharlow I love you
jackharlow Also not me missing the last slide 😭 you play too much
jackharlowsource 😂☺️
druski You swear, he gave that chain to me
yourusername Damn then I guess he has two different ones because I was just wearing it while riding him
druski 🤮
yourusername 🤪🤪🤪
urbanwyatt My babies 💜💜 lmao at the last slide!!!!! It was really like that though.
user explain 👀
urbanwyatt no iykyk
yourusername 😭😭😭
@heavyhitterheaux @harlowsbby @arination99 @cmalass @jackharloww @minkookie95 @deannaard @jacksmoviestar @harlowcomehome @fdl305 @httpkoylinnn @xoxokiaraaxoxo @hoodharlow @automaticpeachsong @amethyst09 @aliciacat20 @allyson15 @gabbylovesreading @stefansalvatoresgf @violetdreamsworld @carma-fanficaddict @jasminxts @itsaaliyah2 @itsyagirljaz @harrycanyonmoonn @neon-lights-and-glitter @awhore4moree @toocriticalharlow-deactivated20 @thefemalestorywriter @lightsoutstyles @violetslays818 @fantasywritersstuff @Killatravtramp
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sinisterexaggerator · 10 days
Stars Above! | Cad Bane
Chapter 14
Explicit: Semi-slow burn, gratuitous smut /pwp, canon-typical violence, mildly dubious consent, angst, Tatooine Slave Culture.
This chapter: Flashbacks / nightmares, whump, mild-medical procedure involving a needle/dispenser and sedatives.
Word count: 5.3k+
Notes: It only took me TWO YEARS TO UPDATE. SORRY ABOUT THAT. I promise that I will try to update more regularly from now on.
[ Ao3 ] - [ Masterpost ]
《 Previous chapter ||
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“Supposin’ us bein’ partners don’ mean nothin’,” Bane flippantly offered. Though feeling despondent, he masked it well. The two men were a lot alike in that respect; Bane hardly knew what went on inside the Mando’s over-complicated mind.
“You’ve learned everything there is to know, Cad. And what you don’t know, you don’t want to learn, even if given the opportunity.”
“What’s dhat even mean,” the Duros asked bitingly, throwing down the butt of his cigarra on the cold, hard ground. The two began to make their way, Jango sighing under the beskar helmet that hid his face, Bane trudging along behind, albeit slowly; he was freezing.
Vandor was an icy planet, located in the Sloo Sector of the Mid Rim, currently home to a target that had made his home in Fort Ypso, a snowy village that lay sequestered in the foothills of the Iridium mountains, only crossable by bridge. The wooden planks groaned under their feet as the pair of hunters ventured onward, Slave I left beyond its borders so as not to attract attention and give the game away.
“It means you are stubborn,” Fett returned, his voice carrying over the blistering wind. “Perhaps it is time for you to branch out on your own; be your own man. I am beginning to think I cramp your style.”
The Duros sneered, offended in more ways than one, fangs chattering even though he wore specialized gear meant to curtail the cold from leeching through to his very bones. “Says de man who don’ know when te turn down a job; if Ah had nips, dhey’d already be frozen off.”
“You didn’t have to come with me,” Jango informed him, his joke lost on the dour man. He wasn’t in the mood for Bane’s attitude, much less his complaints.
“As fer style, Ah got plenty,  naht countin’ dhis ridiculous ‘fit ye’ made me wear.”
Bane frowned despite himself, feeling each minor movement of his facial muscles; they were stiff from the frigid temperature, the younger man desiring to find a place of warmth. At least his body glove was able to retain some heat, otherwise he was sure to succumb to this positively ridiculous weather within mere minutes, seconds.
“Fine; maybe Ah should leave ye te it dhen; wait in de ship, if yer so keen on gettin’ rid of me.”
Then, his sour expression deepened, Bane’s footfalls ceasing as he came to a full stop. “It’s ‘cause Ah don’ agree with ye, ain’t it.”
“It’s not your life, nor your decision,” the Mandalorian shot back without delay, unable to hide his bitterness. “I know what I want, even if you don’t.”
Bane braced himself, realizing this was about to become more personal than he had bargained for, Fett having never bothered to explain his motives. All Bane knew was he had won some contest, proving he was the best bounty hunter in all the galaxy—a title he assumed might one day rightfully be his.
Fett had trained him, after all. More than that; he had become his friend, his confidant. Bane might go so far as to think he even loved the man, though never voicing those sentiments out loud; he buried them, like everything else he felt.
Perhaps it was fear that kept him quiet. Fear, or maybe anxiety. They both lived in the same place—inside his chest. The chest that currently housed a heart beating furiously behind a wall of ribs, even as Bane reached out to touched Fett’s shoulder.
What he couldn’t understand was why he needed a million of himself; Jango would be tasked to train an army for an unknown benefactor, an army of clones.
The idea sent shivers down Bane’s scales. He understood there were credits to be made, and lots of them. But even so, this was a line Bane himself would never cross—playing God by ignoring ethics, by ignoring quandaries he thought might only come about in science labs. Not in the field; not in the relatively short life of a bounty hunter.
“Ah know what Ah want,” he muttered softly, “de one of ye.”
The Mando whisked around, batting his companion’s hand away. He could not see his face, but Fett’s annoyance easily radiated out beyond his suit of armor. He thought Bane would never understand his hatred for the Jedi; the duty he had assigned himself that consumed half his personality. “Come off it.”
Bane hesitated. The sky began to darken; he thought he had been to this place before.
“You’re a fool,”Fett’s voice, a low baritone, seeped into Bane’s ears, in turn causing the Duros to tremble. It was not out of the coldness of the weather, but the coldness of his words, that Bane’s body involuntarily shuddered, wide, red eyes blinking away flecks of snowflakes as they floated toward the ground; they were gossamer, each one intricate by its own design.
“But Fett-”
“Shut up,” the Mando cut him off. Something wasn’t right. Bane gazed around himself, even as Fett continued. “You really think I care about what you think?”
Bane stared at him, a wounded look taking over his already glum face. Even so, he thought to follow-up, wondering if he had said these words before. “Just dhat-”
Flames were birthed from blankets of white snow, shooting up as pillars of an all-consuming heat, Bane taking a step back as he watched the fire cast a shadow on Jango’s beskar helmet. Those little flecks, those tiny snowflakes, were now tendrils of hot ash, the icy ground nearby the bridge they stood on a carpet of dirt and soot.
“Ja-Jango?” Bane stuttered out; the man approached, deliberate, even as his voice rose in his anger.
“You are nothing to me, Cad. You are nothing.”
The fire blazed more luminous than a main-sequence star; the heavens were black as pitch and no sun shone; Bane heard another sound, this one the creak of weakening ropes as the Duros realized the bridge they stood upon was near to collapse. It was old, rickety, and the only way into town.
“You are not my friend, and you will never be my family,” Fett assured, his vehemence laced with mockery. The Mando laughed, dry, and borderline sadistic; it was out of character for him. Bane grimaced.
“Fett, we gotta go back!” Bane ignored his hurtful remarks, noticing the bridge was starting to sink and give beneath their weight and the onslaught of the flames. The youth would peer over the side, eyes set to broaden as he realized the mountain valley was now nothing but a pit of hellfire.
“You are weak; pathetic; worthless-”
“-stop it!”
“-just a frightened little boy.”
“Enough!” the Duros shouted; he could hear the panic in his voice. He cursed himself, wanting to be brave; wanting to prove to Fett that everything he said was erroneous, inaccurate – but he was right; Bane was frightened.
Suddenly, Bane had nothing below his feet, just a gaping hole and a river of bright flames. Fett was hovering; he had activated the thrusters of his jetpack; Bane aimed to do the same, pressing a button on his wrist gauntlet, except his boots wouldn’t fire; they sputtered and died out.
He kept on falling.
“Jango!” He heard his voice crack, Bane reaching out and up toward the Mando. The man only laughed that wry, cruel laugh, even as Bane fell to what he knew would be his death.
With hands grasping, arms flailing, and legs kicking erratically, Bane yelled one last time as his body was engulfed, swallowed by the void.
“Ah’m sorry!”
“Oh, no!” Todo 360 articulated. “I was afraid this might happen!” the droid verbalized in a mild state of panic. He began zooming around the room, peeking into cabinets and pulling out various tools, utensils, and medical implements. It appeared to Zulara that he might be looking for something in particular, so hurried were his movements in his haste.
“Can I help?” she asked quietly, though eager, not sure what was even wrong or what it was she would be looking for. The girl had been seated on the floor, tinkering with one of Bane’s fancy vambraces; it was sparking.
The girl glanced to the bacta pod where Cad Bane slumbered, but something was amiss; his eyelids twitched. She stood, then approached with caution, peering down into the coffin-like contrivance – that’s when she noticed.
The Duros trembled, the muscles of his face distorting into what looked like fear, then pain. His head shifted back and forth from side to side, though not awake. Zulara’s heart ached for the man.
“What’s wrong with him?” she asked, turning to stare at the frantic Todo. He was too busy in his search to hear her, muttering his many grievances and even a few expletives.
“Todo?” she asked again, the concern apparent in her voice. She stepped forward toward the little droid, tapping him gently on his tiny shoulder.
Todo whirled on her, having forgotten momentarily that she was even aboard the ship, Zulara noting she had startled him by the widening of his citrine eyes.
“Do not do that!” he proclaimed, immediately taking back up the search. Zulara’s lower lip quivered as she turned on her heel, refacing the injured man; he at least seemed calmer now, which Zulara pointed out.
“He’s stopped moving,” she whispered.
Todo zipped on by, a cool rush of air tickling her arm. He observed his master through the glass, a pane of two-inch thick transparisteel.
The droid sighed a human sigh, then rounded on his thrusters. He stared up at the girl, finally managing to find the time to give her a halfhearted story of some kind.
“When in the bacta pod, Bane’s subconscious is left totally unguarded! He is vulnerable to whatever it is his mind can conjure up, and I will have you know these things are not pleasant.”
“He had a nightmare,” Zulara stated, though the end of her phrase had a questioning lilt to it.
Todo nodded in assent, then added: “He has a lot of those, I am afraid.” He wondered if he should be telling all Bane’s secrets. Was this a secret? Nightmares were common among organics. He was unsure.
Zulara frowned at him, then looked down at her boots. She often had nightmares herself, a reoccurring one; the one where she was stripped from her mother’s arms by her drunken father; the one where she was ushered off like chattel into a life of slavery.
Her gaze returned to Todo once she had repressed that bit of sordid memory. “Will he be all right?” she questioned anxiously.
“You are humorous, human. Mister Bane has endured much worse. But I must find this pneumatic dispenser! It holds a sedative we may need; it is only a precaution.”
“You are going to sedate him?” Zulara asked, perplexed.
“Well, it is better than what Bane would do!” Todo scolded, continuing his rummaging. “I, for one, do not wish to suppress my memories, but in all likelihood Bane will hurt himself in this state, and he is already wounded.”
Zulara seemed confused. “What do you mean?”
Todo was becoming irritated. If this woman was not present, he could work in peace! Just who did Boba think he was, leaving her with him! Granted, she seemed to care about his master, but she was still a nuisance! Perhaps the droid was now beginning to understand why Bane called him that on limitless occasions - and when he meant well.
He started to have a change of heart, though his metal shell was empty besides his circuitry; his own thought process set him straight. Todo simply sighed again, though trying to be patient. “Mister Bane seems to think that libations will solve his problems. Why, ever since Boba Fett shot him in the head, he has never been the same!”
Zulara’s frown remained fixated, though deepening. She had heard this mentioned once before as they had dragged Bane inside his ship. Why would the man that had helped to rescue him want him dead instead? It made no sense. She thought to ask, but wondered if the droid would answer her.
Todo seemed two things: high-strung and untrusting, though Zulara’s interest was not self-serving, she was only curious. It was hard not to want to learn all she could about the Duros, his history, and those things that made him tick.
“What happened?” she finally managed, fingers trailing a path down the outside of the convex, transparent glass. “Boba would not tell me how he knew Bane,” she added, studying the curves and angles of the hunter’s face despite the mask he wore that fed him oxygen.
“Because then Boba would be admitting to attempted murder!” the incensed droid piped up, rounding on her. He was flustered by the question, and even more so aggravated by the answer he was about to give. Young Fett was a traitor and a deserter in his opinion; a fly-by-night, disreputable scoundrel to say the very least!
“When one commits to a job, or when one is given a home and specialized training - for free might I add – with only the expectancy of loyalty, and then for that person to defect, to try Mister Bane’s patience after all he did for him!”
Todo scoffed, turning back around. He opened up a lower cabinet, somehow sticking his large head inside, so his words were muffled. “To question his authority is one thing, but to shoot him?!” Todo’s voice was elevated, despite being dampened within the cupboard he was scouring. “Simply because you do not agree with his methods!?”
Zulara watched Todo’s metal chassis shift back and forth as his upper half continued with its plundering, tossing things haphazardly behind him. The girl would lift one leg, dodging something sharp that vibrated—a sonic scalpel? What did Cad Bane need that for?
Zulara bent down to pick it up; she switched it off. Her eyebrows furrowed as she thought about the head plate Bane always sported. “So, then Boba betrayed him? He shot him at point-blank range?”
Her thoughts drifted to the man whose comlink was in her pocket. The youthful face, the curly hair, the deep brown eyes – so soft and rich – she could not imagine him to be a killer, yet he was another bounty hunter. A bounty hunter like the Duros she had feelings for, the one who left her, the one who desired her dead for the sand she had thrown into his stark garnet eyes.
“Well, no,” Todo admitted. He had been there, after all, observing it all unfold. “There was a duel. It was a tie-” the little droid emerged to swivel toward her once again, “-but Boba cheated! A Mandalorian’s helmet is made of beskar! And while Boba is no Mandalorian, his -er- father was.”
Todo 360 made an irritated harumph. “A solitary clone should have been grateful to have Mister Bane mentor him! I know I  would be. Of course, he did owe Jango many favors, or so Mister Bane has said…”
His voice trailed off; Zulara realized something. It was no matter that this droid was comprised of ones and zeros, or its many servos. Something clicked inside her brain—Todo had no bolt, no way in which he was restrained. He loved his master, and to some extent, Cad Bane must love him.
She could only imagine this Fett harbored some kind of guilt, as well he should. If she ever saw him, if he ever commed her…yet it was not her business.
Zulara refocused her attention, “a pneumatic dispenser, no?” Her inquiry was soft, calming. Todo perceptibly unwound, as the organic’s voice was somehow soothing.
He was not used to women hanging around; he had only known those that Bane kept on retainer for one reason or another, namely Aurra Sing; she had not one gentle bone in her whole body. In fact, he might blame her for the way young Boba had turned out. While Mister Bane had a hand in it, it was not until he had been abandoned and thrown in prison thanks to the Palliduvan that his master had offered Fett his guidance.
“Yes,” the exhausted droid replied, returning to his work. He kept one eye on her, but he was thankful for the girl’s assistance, however wary. One could never be too careful.
“Boba?” Bane had heard the name, floating out in empty space, inside his mind, or spoken by a God. It lingered, the two syllables leeching their way into his cerebral cortex, even as pure darkness surrounded him, enveloping his cold flesh like a thickset, heavy blanket of unease.
His stomach lurched; he felt like throwing up. Instead, he sat upright and was faced with a nearly obscene brightness. Someone had unveiled the stars, but one shown more luminous than all the others; the one that warmed the desert planet he was now stationed on.
The Duros’ eyes rolled to his left, spying within his hand a bottle of dark liquor, Bane ascertaining this might be the reason for his sickness; the empty feeling that tarried in his guts. But still, nothing was making sense.
Bane dropped the bottle, glancing up. Some distance away was a teenaged Boba Fett.
How many times would the kid shout his name in anger? How many times would he have to remember his father’s face when looking into his? That armor, that helmet – all a cruel reminder.
“You should have been there.”  That’s what the boy had said that fateful day.
Bane stood, gazing out. He was supposed to say something, words that had been repeated time and time again. The outcome would never be any different, he suspected, but the hunter was caught in a web of his own delusions. Maybe this time he could make it right; maybe this time Bane would not lose his self-respect or his dignity to a fourteen-year-old brat.
“Ah wouldn’ be so-” Bane’s voice dropped; he said the rest quietly and to himself, “-hasty now, boy…”
No. This wasn’t at all accurate. This had happened once before. Bane studied his surroundings, noting the placement of the buildings, a fire that burned in the distance, wisps of dark-colored smoke emanating in tight curls.
There was a fire.
He had fallen.
Boba turned his head; Bane followed his lead, spying C-21 Highsinger and his faithful droid companion. Held prisoner in their grasp was a white-haired old man. The child - Fett’s offspring - demanded that he be released along with all the other hostages.
What hostages.
“Let them go, Bane.”
What had he done? He could not remember, the Duros craning his hat and head to stare down at both of his blue hands.
“This isn’t their fight anymore.”
Bane knit his brow in thought, his gaze returning to the boy. He took a new approach, or at least he thought. He was unsure, second-guessing, caught in a place that resembled reality, yet Bane was positive none of this was real.
“Yer daddy ain’t here, boy. Ah knowit. But ye gonna go ‘head an’ bite de hand dhat feeds?”
Bane took two steps forward, somehow knowing what came next. He had always wondered if there was some other way than this, something he could have done to change Fett’s mind. But in the end, he had it out for him; it was a part of history that could never be rewritten. Boba had got it in his head that Cad Bane was his enemy, and the sole executioner of the people here, as if he was the only one who was unscrupulous among those present.
“Yer gonna wind up poor, or dead, out on yer own – dhis galaxy is harsh. Ye think Jango was perfect? Ye think he wouldn’ do whateva’ it takes te get de job done?”
“Shut up! I am not my father!” Boba scolded beneath his helmet; Bane ground his teeth as he glared at him, his expression full of venom. Always such an impudent, brazen child.  He hated Jango then – all of them – and his clone army; his poor decision.
“No more innocent people are going to die, or be locked up, or live in fear,” Fett reiterated, brandishing a finger. It was ironic, all this talk, when Boba Fett was supposed to be a bounty hunter.
“Did ye ferget what profession ye’s in? We’re hunters, Boba. Unless ye ain’t one. Maybe yer just soft.”
A poor choice of words, considering the circumstances. Bane was sure he had only made things worse. He did not have the time to contemplate anything beyond that, for Bossk and Embo had arrived.
At least they were fairly trustworthy, the Kyuzo only second to Bane himself. Bossk knew how to take directions, even though he had connections, strong ones, to the Guild. Bane had thought, incorrectly, that they might back him up and take his side, but the blood that ran through Boba’s veins was a testament to his skill and to his mounting leadership, despite his age and stature.
Bane smiled a crooked smile. “Looks like yer lil’ insurrection has failed.”
Boba looked behind himself and to the others; Bane’s smile faltered. He glanced around as the thin shroud separating this world from the next shimmered and disjoined. He saw stars; realspace; a depthless abyss of nothing, like a curtain had been pulled back to reveal the stage, and he was the main character.
“I say we give the kid his shot,” he heard the Trandoshan rasp.
Bane dug his boots into the sandy earth. There was a suction pulling him, like a vacuum, toward a gaping hole that now stretched so wide the entire town was gone. The only thing that remained were the other hunters; Bossk and Embo had stood down, and Boba was rounding on him.
Bane realized they did not seem to be affected; it was like none of this was happening. He knew what he was supposed to say, as if only reciting his own name.
“So, dhat’s it – just ye and me dhen, Boba Fett.”
“I guess it is,”the boy would reply.
Their eyes met, or at least he thought they did. That damned bucket was in the way, Bane mentally cursing its utility – it’s why he hated them – it was a place to hide.
And kark the others; their loyalty was forfeit, Bane reminded of a most important lesson: he was alone, and he always had been. Always would be, save his droid for company.
A sharp wind picked up, yet Bane’s hat did not fly off—not yet. He fought with all his might against an invisible adversary, even as his fingers danced above one LL-30 BlasTech pistol. If he could only be a fraction faster, if he could only put this disgruntled adolescent in his rightful place, his anger, his heartache, his headaches—they all might vanish.
His quick draw was the cause of his notoriety. To be outdone - to lose to a snot-nosed kid - it would be an embarrassment, though highly understated. The only thing he had left to him was his reputation, and Fett was out to steal it from him, albeit fair and square. He couldn’t – wouldn’t – let that happen.
Bane pulled his weapon; he squeezed the trigger. Simultaneously, another shot was fired. Superheated plasma - imbued with an explosive quality - transferred kinetic and thermal force to the armor plating that lined his signature bolero.
It was not enough to stay the bolt; he felt a searing pain on the left side of his head, radiating across his brow and the upper part of his domed skull. He fell back flat, staring up at a now starless, barren sky. He was out of breath, and he thought this is where he ought to die.
Bane would close his eyes, legs stretched out and arms taut at his sides. He had no idea the outcome; that it had been a tie; that Boba Fett had saved himself from his demise by wearing that accursed beskar, yet the young hunter’s aim had not betrayed him.
“Mister Bane!” he would hear his droid call aloud in a worried tone. He had repeated it three times now, though the Duros found he could not move. The only thing he could perceive in this state was a scathing ache; an excruciating, endless throbbing, right where the bolt made contact with his hat and ricocheted.
The plasma had been so hot, so volatile, it had dissolved his scales clean off and scorched him to the bone—the durasteel panel had dented inward before his hat rebounded off his head and fluttered to the ground, molten metal boring easily through flesh and osseous tissue, slowed only partially.
Tears welled behind shut eyelids, as in that moment, he wished the boy had killed him.
Zulara, hours later, had traversed Mos Eisley’s streets. She had been looking for something, something good to eat. While she was not hungry, she imagined Bane would be the moment he awoke. The girl had not strayed far in her search for the right ingredients.
She aimed to concoct a Twi’lek dish, though she would modify it. Her palette did not enjoy the fungi that accompanied the rycrit meat. She would add carrots and potatoes, along with various other root vegetables, to cook a hearty stew, a thing to keep Bane’s strength up and paid for with her own meager credits.
Todo had confirmed there was nothing much edible aboard Bane’s ship; she had found out shortly that its name was the Justifier; curious, though she would not mention it. Once they had found the lost dispenser, Zulara made it her new objective to prepare a home-cooked meal for the healing Duros. Perhaps he would be appreciative and would not mind that she was here, doing her best to look out for him.
To think, she could still be napping in Ohnaka’s arms if Fett had not sounded the alarm. It was something more complicated than a mere regret; she did not feel that way. In fact, it pleased her. It had scratched an itch Cad Bane had left behind. Still, she had been hurt, a stupid thing, as the youth had asked how long she had known this man; her answer proved unsatisfactory, even to herself.
Why? Why care? As if his attempt to free her was not enough, though Bane had made her feel things she had never felt before. Maybe Zulara has naïve, a woman with no sense, but what sense could she have considering her circumstances? Some might call it a learning curve, though that did not mean she was not harboring intelligence.  In this case, she was thinking with her heart and not her head, but she could not help it; all she cared for was Bane’s good health.
Zulara absentmindedly stirred a pot; it was something she had located in a cabinet by the conservator. It barely appeared used; she wondered if Bane ever liked to cook, or if his starship had come equipped with those things he needed, whether utilized or not.
Once the rycrit stew was at a simmer, she lowered its heat setting and placed a lid on top of it. With this accomplished, she thought to find Todo and pose another question: where was there a workroom, a space with tools? She had it in her mind to fix Bane’s gauntlet, wanting to feel useful.
Now, just where had that droid gone off to?
Glowing embers of crimson red bothered to open up again as Cad’s body began to move of its own volition.
No – it was the wind, that suction. It had gained momentum; it was stronger, rolling him like a tumbleweed toward the open maw of nothing!
The hat went first, vanishing beyond the veil. Bane grimaced as he dug his fingers into the pliant earth. There was no stopping it, head pounding as his legs thrashed violently. He was like a fish out of water, surrounded by only grit and sand. Death, once more, seemed imminent.
The Duros panicked.
Zulara heard a crash, like something falling. She rushed back to where Bane rested, Todo’s mental state in a disarray as he had dropped something. Her eyes traveled toward the pod; Bane was seizing. The girl would gasp as she ran for the tank at lightspeed.
It wasn’t that the droid was clumsy, he had simply moved too quickly. Seeing his master at the mercy of his nightmares had drawn out all his worry; it must have been preprogrammed, but by who was an unsolved mystery—unless it was Vertseth Automata. Surely, Bane would have preferred a model with more strengths than weaknesses, but he had his purpose. Currently, it was to act as nurse, though he was not one; he had been built for techo-service.
By the time Todo arrived, Zulara had already pried open the bacta pod. Bane was coughing, sputtering, even while unconscious. The girl tried lifting him, cupping his upper back as he broached the surface; the sticky gel still held him, her face strained with the effort, though Zulara kept him aloft, fighting the weakness of her arms—Bane was too heavy for her alone.
“Todo, do something!” she pleaded, though she needn’t ask. The droid had readied the dispenser that housed the sedative mid-dash.
“I am sorry, Bane, but this will only hurt a moment!” he said in warning, still somehow afraid of incurring his master’s wrath, no matter that he was incapacitated. He aligned the needle and pressed with all his might; the medicine was injected directly into the site; it would disperse and travel throughout his bloodstream, suppressing his dark memories to the best of its ability.
Todo sighed, dropping his hand and arm. He let the empty dispenser fall onto the floor. Bane had noticeably relaxed; his breathing evened out. Zulara finally felt convinced enough to lie him back down within the healing gel.
“Is-is that it? Will he settle now?” the girl asked fretfully, adjusting Bane’s breathing mask for him; it had become somewhat crooked.
“I do believe so, yes,” Todo stated, though his confidence was shaken. He backed up a foot to let her work, watching how Zulara tended to his master carefully.
It was then Todo wobbled on his axis, believing himself to be tuckered out. For a droid to feel this way was like when organics suffered from lack of sleep. He could not remember the last time he had plugged in, knowing that his power supply was finally dwindling. “I do not feel so good,” he reluctantly admitted.
“What?” Zulara appeared alarmed, turning now upon the droid. He placed his feet down on the ground - too much time spent hovering was another drain on his internal generator – knowing he had only a few minutes left.
“It is not..hi..ng…to worry a..bo..ut,” Todo’s speech came out garbled and slowed down, “I am in need of a re..ch..ar..ge…There is a sta..tion…do..wn the ha.ll.”
Bane’s companion’s eyes flickered, like two glowing yellow fireflies, flashing her at intervals. What would she do without him? What if Bane woke up again? She ran to his aid as he began a make his way, albeit awkwardly.
“You can’t leave me! What if the tank malfunctions, or what if Bane has another nightmare!” Zulara begged of him.
“Bane will most likely be remain un..con..scious for se..veral hours n..ow,” he tried to reassure, his tiny, robotic hands trailing the wall to his right side; his eyesight was no longer reliable, and he had to feel for it: the door that would lead him to his charging bay where he would gladly sit and wait to be replenished. “Do not wor..ry, he is safe. You can always ca..ll… Bo…ba.” He could not believe he was saying this.
“Are you sure? But I don’t want to call him!” Zulara argued, watching as Todo ambulated toward another room. It was the place with all their tools, the one she had been searching for. Todo had nearly made it to his recharge station when he stopped dead.
“Todo?” Zulara whimpered.
There was no response; he had lost all power.
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aricastmblr · 1 year
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jungkook weverse live 힘들다
JK BTS02.11. 09:26
Está duro
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xinambercladx · 2 years
Good to know Mr. Kingi is also a fan of Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau. It's fun to see him geek out a bit. Thankyou, Sir, for portraying our favorite blueberry, Cad Bane.
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46snowfox · 1 month
Subaru Sakamaki Chaos Lineage Capítulo 2
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[Capítulo 1]
“Cuando me dejó salir de la celda, Subaru-kun sostuvo fuertemente mi brazo y empezó a caminar.
Azusa-kun y Kou-kun también se apegaron a mí para vigilarme.
Me sentía como una criminal que había cometido un crimen abominable, a la que no le iban a dar ni la más mínima oportunidad de escapar.
No puedo imaginar que mi novio, que Subaru-kun me trate de esta forma.
Mis ojos me arden. Siento que mi tristeza va a desbordarse.
Es como si estuviera viviendo una pesadilla.”
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Lugar: Mansión Violet, pasillo.
Subaru: ¿Por qué te tambaleas tanto? ¿Acaso no puedes caminar en línea recta?
Yui: …
Yui: (El brazo que está sosteniendo me duele… Es cierto que Subaru-kun se enoja fácilmente, pero se supone que también es amable.)
Yui: (Que me tironee tan violentamente hasta arrastrarme… no es algo propio de él.)
Yui: (No me recuerda en lo más mínimo.)
Yui: …Disculpen, ¿a dónde vamos?
Kou: ¿No nos escuchaste? Dijimos que Carla-kun te llamaba.
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Azusa: Vamos al living… Carla nos espera allí…
Subaru: No tiene sentido preguntar a dónde vamos. De todos modos tienes que obedecernos.
Yui: …
Yui: (Puede que tengas razón. Pero aun así quiero hablar contigo, por más redundante que sea el tema…)
Azusa: … ¿Eh?
Azusa: Hay un… olor dulce. Eva, viene de ti…
Yui: ¿…Eh? ¿De mí?
Kou: ¡Es verdad! Este olor tan dulce~ viene de tu sangre, no hay duda.
Kou: Y que ese olor sea tan fuerte significa que… ¡Subaru-kun no me digas que tú!
Azusa: ¿Succionaste la sangre de Eva…? Si haces eso sin permiso… Carla te regañará…
Subaru: No me importa.
Kou: Amas hacerte el duro, Subaru-kun.
Subaru: Cállate. Estoy colaborando para que Carla se convierta en el rey supremo.
Subaru: No pienso hacer nada más y nada menos que eso.
Yui: (Parece que Kou-kun y Azusa-kun obedecen a Carla-san.)
Yui: (Pero Subaru-kun no.)
Yui: (Y también parece que Carla-san considera a los vampiros como sus hermanos.)
Yui: (Pese a que un fundador como él jamás haría algo así.)
Yui: (Pero si de verdad los considera sus hermanos… ¿Entonces significa que no siente que hay algo fuera de lugar?)
Yui: (Si tan solo alguien, quien sea, se diera cuenta de que esta situación es una locura—)
Lugar: Mansión Violet, living comedor
Kou: Carla-kun, trajimos a Subaru-kun y a Eva.
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Carla: Siéntense allí. Tengo que hablar con ustedes.
Yui: (Como imaginaba, los trata como si fueran sus hermanos. Eso significa que los recuerdos de Carla-san también han sido manipulados.)
Carla: Muy bien, mi casa ha conseguido a la pista para que uno pueda convertirse en el rey supremo, a Eva.
Carla: Sin embargo, incluso tras conseguirla seguimos sin saber cómo convertirme en el rey supremo.
Carla: Y mientras no lo sea, no tengo dudas de que el resto de familias seguirán intentando obtener a Eva.
Carla: Definitivamente nos atacarán. Asegúrense de no mostrarle ninguna apertura al enemigo, no bajen la guardia.
Kou: ¡Entendido! ¡Deja que yo me encargue!
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Laito: No entregaré a Eva ante nadie.
Carla: Entendido. A partir de ahora vigilen los movimientos de nuestros enemigos y asegúrense de seguir mis órdenes.
Carla: En pos de ganar esta batalla no permitiré que me desobedezcan.
Kou: Lo sabemos. Nadie va a ir en tu contra.
Laito: Es una molestia, pero es inevitable. Me esforzaré para que puedas relajarme un poco.
Azusa: Además… no quiero perder a ninguno de mis hermanos…
Subaru: Haré lo que sea para poner fin a esta ridícula batalla. Te ayudaré con eso.
Carla: Hmph… Parece que todos tienen sus propios objetivos, pero si aceptan actuar bajo mis órdenes, entonces no me quejaré.
Carla: Al menos hasta que me convierta en el rey supremo.
Kou: ¿Y? ¿Qué haremos ahora? Trajimos a Eva, ¿pero te sientes ya como un rey supremo?
Kou: Algo así como que… Tu poder haya aumentado o que hayas abierto el tercer ojo, algo así…
Carla: …No he sentido nada así. Para serles sincero, no tengo la más remota idea de cómo podría convertirme en el rey supremo.
Laito: Oh, ya veo. Como te veías confiado pensaba que ya tenías alguna pista.
Carla: Nada de nada. Por eso Eva, hay algo que deseo preguntarte.
Yui: ¿Eh…? ¿A mí?
Carla: Ha pasado una noche desde que te conseguí. Sin embargo, no he experimentado Ningún cambio.
Carla: ¿Acaso no basta conseguirte? ¿Existe otro requisito para que pueda convertirme en el rey supremo?
Yui: ¿Un requisito para ser el rey supremo?
Carla: Si se te ocurre algo, entonces no te contengas y dilo.
Carla: Y si intentas ocultar información, incluso si eres Eva, te aseguro que no te tendré piedad.
Yui: No puede ser…
Yui: (Por más que me hable de Eva y el rey supremo, yo no sé nada al respecto.)
Yui: (Mas no creo que en esta situación sea correcto decir eso.)
Carla: …
Yui: E-ehm… ¿Sucede algo Carla-san?
Yui: (De repente se levantó y ahora se acerca a mí… ¿Qué sucedió?)
Carla: …Quédate quieta.
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Yui: ¡¿…Qué…?!
Kou: ¡Wow, que atrevido eres Carla-kun~!
Laito: ¿A qué viene ese cambio tan repentino de actitud?
Carla: Mujer, muéstrame la herida de tu hombro.
Yui: ¡¿Eh?! ¡P-por favor espera un momento! ¡Carla-san!
Carla: …Esto es.
Yui: (Ah, todavía tengo la herida de la mordida que Subaru-kun me dio en el calabozo…)
Yui: (¡Carla-san descubrió que succionaron mi sangre…!)
Carla: Desde hace un momento que sentía que había un olor fuerte, así que esta es la causa.
Carla: ¿A qué se debe esta mordida?
Yui: Pues…
Carla: ¿Quién fue el que succionó la sangre de Eva sin mi permiso?
Laito: No fui yo. He estado a tu lado todo este tiempo.
Kou: …
Azusa: …
Yui: (El aire está muy pesado debido a lo intimidante que está siendo Carla-san ahora.)
Yui: (Quién sabe qué pasará si se entera de que fue Subaru-kun quien succionó mi sangre…)
Subaru: …Fui yo, yo succioné su sangre.
Yui: (¡¿Subaru-kun se entregó por su cuenta…?!)
Carla: Así que tú. ¿Admites haber actuado sin mi permiso?
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Subaru: Solo succioné la sangre de una presa. No necesito pedirte permiso para eso.
Carla: No, tienes que hacerlo. Eva es la llave para ser el rey supremo y mientras lo sea no permitiré que le hagas lo que se te antoje.
Subaru: Tsk, que fastidio…
Azusa: Actuar por nuestra cuenta conllevará a un conflicto… Y nosotros debemos llevarnos bien…
Laito: Aunque admito que no imaginé que el más desinteresado de nosotros, Subaru-kun, fuera el primero en probar a Eva.
Kou: Bueno, es cierto que al oler este dulce aroma es difícil contenerse. Pero creo que se le pasó la mano.
Carla: …Su aroma eh. Es cierto que no es el aroma de una sangre común, es especial.
Carla: La sangre de Eva…
Carla: ¿Acaso esa sangre especial estará relacionada con el rey supremo?
Yui: No lo sé, no sé nada…
Carla: Está bien si no sabes nada. Solo tendré que poner a prueba todas mis hipótesis.
Carla: Por ejemplo, puedo succionar tu sangre para comprobarlo.
Yui: ¡¿Vas a beberla…?! ¡P-por favor detente!
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Carla: No te rebeles. No importa cuánto intentes resistirte, no puedes oponerte a mí. Aah… Nn…
Yui: …Uh…
Yui: (Duele… ¡Me inmovilizó y clavó sus cuellos en mi piel…!)
Yui: Duele… detente…
Subaru: Espera Carla.
Yui: (¿Eh? ¿Subaru-kun…?)
¿Intenta ayudarme? ♙
¿Lo hace porque soy su presa? ♟
Intenta ayudarme:
Yui: (¿Acaso intenta ayudarme?)
Subaru: ¿Te parece bien esto? Ella parece estar sufriendo.
Subaru: Puede que no puedas convertirte en rey supremo si Eva te odia.
Yui: (Actualmente los recuerdos de Subaru-kun han sido modificados, así que no sé si serán sus verdaderas intenciones.)
Yui: (Pero está intentando que Carla-san me suelte, ¿no…?)
Yui: (¿Acaso incluso con los recuerdos modificados los sentimientos que siente por mí, por su novia, siguen existiendo…?)
¿Lo hace porque soy su presa?:
Yui: (¿Intenta detener a Carla-san?)
Yui: (Pero imagino que lo hace porque me considera su presa, ¿no?)
Subaru: Deja de mostrarnos esto, es molesto. Si vas a succionar su sangre, entonces hazlo en donde no podamos verte.)
Yui: (Le molestó tener que ver como alguien succionaba mi sangre.)
Yui: (¿Puedo creer que es porque todavía siente algo por mí?)
Fin de las opciones
Carla: …Kgh.
Carla: ¿Qué pasa con esta sangre? Es asquerosa.
Yui: ¿Eh…?
Carla: Subaru, me sorprende que hayas querido beber esta sangre.
Subaru: ¿Ah? ¿Tan mal sabe?
Carla: Sí, es horrible. ¿La sangre de Eva es tan asquerosa? Estoy decepcionado.
Yui: (Claro, como Carla-san es un fundador mi sangre sin purificar le resulta asquerosa.)
Kou: Hm, así que sabe mal. Cada vez tenemos menos pistas sobre cómo conseguir que seas rey supremo.
Carla: …No, todo lo contrario.
Laito: ¿Lo contrario?
Carla: Lo asquerosa que es esta sangre ha de ser prueba de que Eva todavía no ha madurado.
Carla: Y es probable que cuando su sangre madure se abra el camino para convertirse en rey supremo…
Yui: (¿Eh? ¿Será así…?)
Laito: ¿Entonces hay que hacer madurar su sangre? ¿Entonces qué tal si partimos liberando a Eva?
Carla: ¿Por qué?
Laito: Si quieres que su sangre se vuelva deliciosa, entonces no puedes mantenerla encerrada en el calabozo.
Laito: Creo que el estrés afecta negativamente al cuerpo de las mujeres.
Laito: Tenemos varias habitaciones disponibles, así que podríamos tratarla con más mimo.
Carla: …Entiendo. Además, necesitamos la ayuda de Eva para poder convertirme en el rey supremo.
Carla: No conseguiremos progreso si solo la mantenemos encerrada bajo la vigilancia de Subaru.
Kou: Hm. ¿En resumen te convertirás en rey supremo si la sangre de Eva se vuelve deliciosa?
Azusa: ¿Se volverá deliciosa cuando madure…?
Subaru: …Pues a mí su sangre no me pareció tan asquerosa como dices.
Laito: ¿No será que tus papilas gustativas están muertas?
Subaru: ¡¿Ah?! ¡Claro que no!
Kou: Entonces nosotros también probaremos la sangre de Eva, así sabremos quien tiene razón.
Laito: Además, puede que suceda algo si todos la bebemos.
Azusa: Si eso ayuda a que la sangre de Eva mejore… yo también ayudaré…
Yui: (Esto va por mal camino. A este paso…)
Carla: …Entendido.
Carla: No conseguimos una pista concreta.
Carla: Si esto me permite alcanzar el puesto de rey supremo, entonces les doy permiso de succionar su sangre.
Yui: ¡No! ¡No puedes decidir eso…!
Carla: Es posible que la sangre de Eva presente algún cambio al succionarla.
Laito: Ya veo, entonces sí podemos succionarla. El aroma es tan denso que se me ha hecho irresistible.
Kou: Que generoso eres, Carla-kun.
Azusa: Que bien Eva… Estoy seguro de que tu sangre se volverá deliciosa…
Subaru: …
Yui: No puede ser…
Yui: Espere un momento Carla-san. Yo no soy la Eva de la que todos ustedes hablan…
Carla: Silencio. No te pedí tu opinión.
Yui: ¡¿…?!
Carla: Sin embargo, tal y como dijimos antes, a partir de ahora te trataremos con hospitalidad.
Carla: Ustedes también sean cuidadosos con Eva, que ni se les ocurra mancillar su sangre.
Kou: Sí.
Laito: Entendido. Cumpliré con esa regla.
Azusa: Sí… Te obedeceré…
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Subaru: …Tsk…
Carla: Eva, no necesitas volver a la celda. Te daré una de las habitaciones que están libres.
Carla: A partir de hoy puedes vivir allí. Estoy seguro de que te resultará placentera.
Yui: Carla-san…
Carla: Subaru, guía a Eva hasta una de las habitaciones.
Subaru: Sí.
Subaru: Oye, sígueme.
Yui: …
Yui: (Me alegro de que me dejaran salir del calabozo, pero no puedo sentirme realmente feliz.)
Yui: (Ahora todos van a succionar mi sangre solo para ver si eso ayuda a acercarse al puesto de rey demonio…)
Yui: Disculpa Subaru-kun… ¿De verdad no me recuerdas?
Subaru: Que persistente eres. Ya te dije que no te conozco.
Yui: Pero… ¿No te molesta que todos vayan a succionar mi sangre?
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Yui: A mí no me gusta. No quiero que nadie más que tú la beba.
Yui: ¿No te desagrada ni un poco? Porque si es así, te aseguro que esos son tus verdaderos sentimientos…
Subaru: ¡Cállate!
Yui: ¡Ah…!
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Subaru: Deja de decir lo que se te antoja. ¿No entiendes cuando te digo que estás siendo insistente?
Subaru: ¿No entenderás a menos que te golpee?
Subaru: En tal caso podría succionar toda tu sangre aquí y ahora.
Yui: (¡Me está susurrando…!)
Subaru: Si lo hago incluso alguien tan ruidosa como tú se callaría y no tendría que escuchar a Carla parlotear.
Yui: …
Subaru ¿Qué pasa? ¿Estás tan asustada que no puedes ni hablar?
Yui: …No lo harías. Sé que no lo harías, Subaru-kun.
Subaru: ¿Ah?
Yui: Te conozco. Sé que puedes decir las cosas más crueles que se te ocurran, pero al final eres el más amable de todos.
Yui: Por eso sé que jamás me harías algo horrible.
Subaru: ¿Qué tonterías estás diciendo…?
Yui: (¡No son tonterías! ¡Por favor recuerda a tu verdadero yo…!)
Yui: …
Subaru: …Maldita sea.
Subaru: Escucha, tú eres Eva. Nada más y nada menos.
Yui: (Subaru-kun…)
Yui: (No soy Eva. Y no sé nada sobre el rey supremo.)
Yui: (Me pregunto si estos días en los que todos pelean entre sí sin razón continuarán…)
Yui: (Incluso si intento pedir ayuda, parece que nadie aquí podrá dármela.)
Yui: (Hasta Subaru-kun, la persona en la que más confío, ni siquiera me ve ahora.)
Yui: (Subaru-kun, ¿de verdad has olvidado a tus verdaderos hermanos y a tu novia…?)
[Capítulo 3]
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