miss-celestia13 · 8 months
Begin Again
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Jake x MC Fluffy One Shot
Words: 2.8k
It’s Jake’s first day at his new job. His nerves are getting the best of him, but MC knows just what to say and do to get him out of his head. A new beginning, the promise of peace and safety.
The ending of my story made me want to return to these two. While I prepare for my sequel, it was fun and peaceful to write something fluffy again! It’s more tooth rotting fluff and romance! I hope you enjoy it 🥰❤️
His inner critic was very loud that morning. It was desperately trying to save him from making mistakes, but all it gave him was anxiety, doubt, and misplaced shame. The man looking back at him in the mirror was not the one he was accustomed to. Gaunt, grey and terrified was how he used to look. A specter in human skin who lived in the shadows. Now, a glaze to his eyes spoke of a kinder life and peace, but the harsh line of his tensed jaw and the frown between his brows gave away his fear. He could hear her padding around the kitchen as he finished brushing his teeth and rinsed his mouth, ensuring his hair wasn’t too unkempt before he left the sanctuary of the bathroom to gather his things. Today was no ordinary day. He was starting his new job, the first in five years and one he was semi-confident he would excel at, but his social battery worried him. Would it hold enough charge for an eight-hour workday? He wasn’t entirely sure.
She insisted he spend the night so she could see him off on his first day, and she woke him with his preferred black coffee and two slices of buttered toast. His stomach was a nest of snakes, and she seemed to know he couldn’t stomach anything else. It had settled him somewhat, and her tender, loving touches and smiles helped more. Still, there was a definite tremble in his hands as he packed the forms he had filled in with his shiny new bank details and hunted for his favorite pen, which he found tucked behind her ear as she entered the bedroom to see how he was getting on. She gave it to him with a sheepish smile, and he chuckled at the pink flush on her cheeks.
“You look like a professional.” She teased, eyeing his freshly pressed shirt and black trousers.
“I don’t think they’d appreciate me turning up in a hoodie and jeans,” He said.
“Hmm, they don’t know what they’re missing.” She laughed but quickly stopped as she sensed the tension in him.
“Hey, are you okay? You look like you’re about to be sick.”
Jake swallowed hard, head shaking as he drew in a tight breath, “I’m... terrified. What if I fuck it up? What if they find out what I did? What if-”
“Jake. Breathe,” Her hands were on his shoulders as she looked him in the eye, “Let’s try something different. What if none of that happens, and you love it? What if this is what you need to finally feel safe? You won’t know for sure until you’re there. Don’t ruin it before you get started.”
He knew she was right, but there was an iron band around his chest and a dead weight in his feet that kept him rooted to the floor. He didn’t want to let her down. Wanted to build a life with her, and to do it, he needed a job, and he was very aware of all the ways it could go wrong. Taking a steadying breath, he shook out his tingling hands and nodded, hoping he looked braver than he felt.
“I just hate being scared of everything. It makes me feel useless, weak,” He admitted in a whisper, watching as her brows furrowed. That spark ignited in her eyes, the one that always appeared when he was being too hard on himself.
“I’d be more concerned if you weren’t anxious or nervous. It’s normal to be afraid of something new, especially after what you went through. But Jake, the only time you can ever be brave is when you’re afraid. It doesn’t make you useless. It makes you strong and courageous because you’ll do it in spite of your fear.”
There was nothing but stolid belief and conviction in her tone as she stared up at him, a soft smile on her plush mouth, and he knew she was right and he would adapt like he always did.
“How do you always know the right thing to say?” He wondered aloud and she winked, pushing up on her toes to kiss his cheek before turning to leave the bedroom. Her response was tossed over her shoulder before she walked out the door.
“I just say what I wish people told me whenever I was afraid or anxious. And I know you better than anyone. You just needed someone to remind you who you are.”
Shaking his head, Jake didn’t question it or the calmness she left behind as he zipped his work bag shut and carried it through to the living room. She was waiting for him, a coy smile on her lips as she handed him a lunch bag and ducked her head. His heart swelled and warmed, touched that someone wanted to take care of him. Her quiet care for those she loved was the most beautiful thing about her. He tried to open it, but she stopped him, a note of alarm in her voice that made him arch a brow.
“Wait until lunchtime to open it. I could barely close it; it’ll explode all over the place, and you’ll be late if you don’t hurry.” She rambled, not meeting his eye, and though he wanted to question her, she was right. He had to leave.
“Thank you. I’ll let you know how it goes when I get home. I love you.” He murmured and kissed her softly, smiling into it as she sighed happily.
Parting with the promise of spending another night together, Jake grabbed his car keys and belongings and headed out the door. She stood in the doorway waving and grinning as he backed out of her driveway and onto the main road, beeping the horn before he steeled his spine and followed the GPS to his new workplace. The drive seemed to pass almost instantly. Like he blinked and he was there, he hoped the day went by just as quickly. The parking lot was already filling up, and he had to circle it a few times, his heart rate climbing higher with every turn. Once he found a parking space, he double-checked he had all he needed and got out of the car, feeling his phone buzz in his pocket as he walked toward the building. Pulling it out, he saw her name and smiled as he opened it.
MC: Good luck, love. You’ll smash it. I’ll help you forget all about it tonight ;-)
Jake: Thank you. Enjoy your day, and I’ll hold you to that. :-)
He turned it off as he entered the building, schooling his features into what he hoped was a welcoming smile as he approached the front desk and gave the receptionist his name. The kindly older woman grinned at him and directed him to his floor, handing him a passkey with his photo, name, and title already on it. Security analyst. It sounded very official, and he couldn’t help his wry chuckle as he took the elevator to meet with his boss. If Jake from two years ago could see him now… He’d barely left the elevator when his name was called. He recognized the man’s baritone voice and whirled to face his new employer. His name was Harvey. He was a sauve and perfectly put-together man in his mid-forties. His suit must’ve cost at least a couple month's wages. Jake felt like a boy around him but knew it was in his head as the man gestured for him to follow him inside his office.
Once he was seated, Harvey gave him a lengthy rundown of all that was expected of him and how desperately they needed his help and expertise. It was overwhelming, but he managed to stay on track and digest the urgency of the situation. Jake nodded and asked a few questions, mainly listening as Harvey explained the flaws in their systems and the temporary patches they had in place. It would not hold forever, and Jake’s job was to close all holes and ensure everything ran smoothly. He was being paid handsomely for it and knew he could do it. It was the human aspect of the job he worried over, but he’d cross that bridge when he came to it. There was no point in borrowing problems from the future when the present held more than enough to keep him occupied. His boss seemed to deflate with relief when Jake told him the ideas he’d already had. Still, he wanted to get familiar with the systems before implementing anything. Harvey was amenable to that, and soon, they were on their way to Jake’s new office. An office. His time spent in dingy motels while searching for Hannah felt like another life as he surveyed the room. 
“I’ll let you set yourself up and get a feel for it. If you have any problems or questions, call my office. We’re glad to have you here.” Harvey said with a smile.
Jake thanked him again and returned his goodbye as Harvey closed the door and left him to it. He slumped into his new chair and blew out a breath as he turned his computer on and signed into his work account. He soon forgot to be nervous as the familiar feel of the keys under his fingers and their comforting clacking filled the quiet room, reminding him of being at home. Working on his laptop while she flitted around the house or kept him company. The morning passed in a blur of very little in the way of progress, but he learned a lot more than he thought he would take in on his first day. The size of the company was an issue. As was the fact employees took work laptops home. That wasn’t his problem yet, and he soon began compiling a list of the most glaring, dangerous issues. He sent an email containing his findings to his boss, checked the time, and was surprised to see it was already lunchtime. He didn’t want to leave the safety of his office and decided to eat there for the day at least. Socializing could wait until he got his feet under him.
Signing off for the hour, he reached under his desk for his lunch bag. He set it on his desk, carefully opening it as he remembered her strange demeanor earlier that day. He was smiling as he saw the effort she went to. Along with his well-filled sandwiches were a bag of chips, three energy drinks, and a bunch of his favorite snacks. His chest felt tight and pleasantly warm as he sent her a quick text to let her know how much he appreciated her. He was happily eating a sandwich when he pulled the bag of chips out to add some to it and saw the note at the bottom of the bag. His heart kicked up as he picked it up and read it.
No matter what your silly brain tells you,
you are excellent at everything you do and can do this.
I am so proud of you I could cry.
You have strengthened me in my weakest moments.
I plan to always do the same for you.
Don’t forget how happy you make me.
Enjoy your lunch.
I love you.
His vision swam as he read it again and again. She was always surprising him. He never knew what was next with her, and he liked it, no, he loved it. She shook him out of his rigid numbness and convinced him he could have and be more. She was a balm to his every wound, and he knew she felt the same about him. He saw it in the way she went soft around him, all smiles and gentle kisses. Even when they disagreed, she was never cruel or harsh. She stood her ground, made her argument, and always listened to his side. They were a team, and he was doing this job to make sure that the life they dreamed of came true and she never had to worry about him again. He barely tasted his lunch after that, time passing swiftly as he thought of everything he would say when he got home.
The rest of the work day went as quickly as the morning had, and Jake felt lighter and more sure of himself as he closed everything down and left his office. Harvey wished him a pleasant evening as Jake poked his head into his office to say goodbye and thanked him for the opportunity. He was in his car and on the road home within minutes, music blaring, and the window rolled down as the sun made the tarmac shimmer. Fresh air filled his lungs, and he breathed much easier now the day was behind him. She would already be finished work, and he knew where she would be as he neared her house and slowed to turn into the driveway. Seeing the side gate was unlocked, he knew his hunch was correct and hurried out of the car to find her. Her garden was half-wild and half-tamed. Long grass and tidy borders filled with carefully selected plants and flowers. Birds chittered in the trees lining the back of it, and she was on her knees before a flower bed, hair tied back in a messy bun as she pruned the rose bushes. Their sweet scent hung heavy in the summer air as he approached and admired her in her element. 
Bees buzzed around the flowers as he announced his presence so he didn’t frighten her; their fuzzy jackets were weighed down with pollen as they jumped from bloom to bloom. As she turned to him and saw him smiling, her shoulders relaxed, and her eyes softened as she got to her feet and took off her gloves, tossing them on the ground as she came to him. No hesitation, no second guessing, she invaded his personal space and gave a satisfied little sigh. Her arms wound around his waist. She smelled like earth, grass, and roses, a fragrant perfume he wished he could bottle. 
“Well, how was it? Was anyone mean to you?” She laughed as he wrapped his arms around her and shook his head.
“It was... good. I think I’ll like it there. And no, cheeky, they were nice.” 
“See, I knew you would do great.” She said, watching his face for any sign of discontent and finding none.
“I especially enjoyed the food you packed for me,” He hedged, delighted to see a blush creeping up her neck as she avoided his eye.
“Did you now?” 
“I did. Someone left me a really encouraging note. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?” 
She shrugged, eyes twinkling as she said, “I haven’t the slightest inkling. What did it say?” 
“That you are proud of me and love me. Some other things too, but I don’t want you to get any redder than you already are,” he teased, kissing her forehead as she hummed and cleared her throat.
“I suppose it’s all true... Tell me, did it help?” She asked, and he nodded.
“It did. Thank you, you’re far too good to me.”
She shook her head vehemently, “Nope. None of that. You’re more than enough for me. If I have to tell you -”
He laughed as he cut her off with a kiss that made her melt into him and clutch his shirt in two tight fists. He would never tire of kissing her. That he was able to whenever he wanted felt like a gift, and he would not waste it, not for a second. He’d already spent years of his life as a ghost, he refused to do so again. The feel and scent of her were all he knew as he possessed her mouth and knew this was where he was meant to be. They were only at the beginning. There were so many years and opportunities ahead of them, and he could choose the things that made him happy, not what kept him free of his pursuers. That was the most exciting thing of all, and he couldn’t wait to make mistakes that wouldn’t end his life or put him in jail. Just wanted to make those normal mess-ups that one could learn from. He hadn’t been able to do that in so long. It felt silly to look forward to such a thing, but he knew what life was like without it, and it wasn’t worth it. The world was theirs for the taking, and he knew they would make it to whatever end they wanted. Together, always together. And whether the weather be frost, rain, or sunshine, they would be each other’s shelter. It was a vow he was only too happy to keep.
Thank you for reading! And if you reblog or comment, thank you so much for that, too! I am so grateful to you. I hope you enjoyed it 🥰❤️
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babeczka415 · 10 months
Life for Her
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A/N: I've been struggling with writers block and hating what I have been writing but I found myself last night starting this and finishing it up this morning.
I had no idea that she would turn my world upside down. She would make me feel things I never had. I thought I knew what love was with my previous life before on the run but now I'm certain she is it, the one I was made to find.
Our first meeting wasn't as planned. I had snuck into her apartment and heaven help me she held a knife to me. I couldn't blame her because she didn't know it was me. She made me tell her something only I would know and that's when her strong walls fell down.
I've been running since, going back to her even for a few hours when it's safe for her. Everytime I leave it breaks both of our hearts. However, this time I've been gone way longer.
You see, this time I'm working with the FBI to clear my name. It's been a long process and they told me to have no contact with anyone. That alone broke my heart. I told her I was going into hiding and not to worry.
I know those hazel eyes are constantly watching for some sign from me and soon I will be able to. Until then I just need to hold her memory close to me.
Her memory of those gentle kisses, her skin against mine. The way she is an adorable mess that always smells of coconut but her lips always taste of coffee. The way her body fit against him. 
All those little things added up to the big picture. The picture of a life with her.
This life now was for her, was for that future life together. The only place that was home for even short moments together.
The last time together I snapped a photo of her drinking her coffee but her gorgeous smile on her face as she looked at me. It's my constant reminder that one day, sooner I will be back in her arms for the rest of our lives.
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x3kristax3 · 1 year
Lets have some reblog Duskwood fun! I'm gonna start a story and we all keep it going!
Edit added: Check the reblogs for most recent post.
ReBlog Story Game
She standing at the black lake, its the middle of the night and she hears the nighttime animals around her. Its a cold fall night so she is bundled up with a hoodie and leather jacket. She's been waiting for this moment once they realized there was no denying the connection between them.
These last couple days in Duskwood play in her mind. She was scared she had lost him, had to deal with Alan, and being there for the friendships. She still has so many answered questions that she needs to talk to Hannah.
She hears the leaves crunching behind her and she turns her head. She's met with those piercing eyes and her heart she feels stops. She never imaged him look so handsome but she's wondering if this is a dream.
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julesthoughts · 1 year
Before The Lies
Chapter 8
A/N: "Before the Lies" is the prequel to "Trap of Lies" started by @babeczka415. You can find the other chapters here.
Each chapter is written by these amazing writers: @babeczka415, @paigenoelchas-blog, @duskwoodgirl4life, @raemae17
⚠️Warning: prostitution, murder, drugs and alcohol ⚠️
She walked the foggy streets with a heart as heavy as lead. She was alone and her instincts were all screaming to turn around and call off the mission. Everything in her resisted this operation, but she ignored it. She kept walking in the direction of her destination, the lair of a disgusting man who only spreaded injustice. A wind blew through the wet trees and the rain broke from the leaves and fell down on Janice, causing goose bumps on her skin. She may be the best of the White Nights, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t terrified , at the end of the day she was only human. That fear in her threatened to break out, but she squashed it like a beetle under her shoe. She kept walking, with a false confidence in her stride that she didn’t feel, when a fox chasing a mouse ran across the path bringing her stumbling to a halt.  
She sighed and spoke to herself, "Even nature tries to stop me."
Just as her instincts were winning her internal battle, a shot rang out from far away. The fox from earlier ran timorously back into his hiding place and whimpered softly. Janice turned to face the shot and saw a thousand birds flee the area from the trees. All the birds fled from the horrific event. She shook herself and started walking again. Again and again she was stopped, whether it was by a wild animal living out its nightlife or whether it was a branch that fell to the ground. 
Mother nature didn't want her to go there.
"I have to do this! Please understand that!" she whispered into the wind. She didn't know who she was speaking to, whether it was nature, the universe, or her own mind. She only knew one thing, she was alone. She felt almost lost, knowing she might not  come back to her beloved son, Jake. She turned around one last time to take a look at her hometown. 
There was nowhere to hide, as the city lights burned.
That's why the villains' hideouts were never found in the city. It would be far too easy to find them there. 
Another shot rang out, and by reflex she reached into the slit on the right side of her skirt and felt her gun under her garter. If Arthur found out that she stole his gun for this mission, no, he wouldn't find out. In fact, she knew she probably wouldn't need a gun at all, but that wasn't why she stole it. 
She wanted something of him with her.
From Arthur.
So she wouldn't feel completely lost and alone. 
She listened to the rush of water from the river beside her to steady her mind. The owls sang their songs and she listened to them with a smile as she walked on with firm steps. After she finally got rid of all negative feelings she went on.
What was she willing to lose?
She covered her wounds from the past, but underneath them a million voices in her head screamed, "Stop, now!" but she didn't listen. She tore herself from her peaceful life for this mission. She left all the thoughts for her loved ones at home so she could focus on the mission alone. 
She came closer and closer to the unfamiliar building. With a pounding heart, she entered her enemy's territory and climbed over the fence that surrounded  a cozy brown shack. Before attempting to enter the cabin, she snuck  a look around the property. 
At the entrance hung a wall lamp, in which a candle was close guttering out. The walls were very dark wood and ivy snaked up one of the square windows. In the reflection of a window she saw a flame blazing from a nearly burned out candle. To the right of the building were several carriages with horses. 
This was no ordinary bar. 
This was a whorehouse.
In the backyard, she heard two men arguing loudly.
"Why did you shoot her twice?"
"She was pregnant by me! You know what happens to married men who sleep with a prostitute!"
"Maybe you should have just held back, you miserable bastard! And how could you be so sure that she's pregnant by you, huh?"
"She was new here and I was her first guest."
"You are disgusting! Cheating on your loyal wife who would die for you. You should be punished with death!"
The man drew a pistol and pointed it at the married man. Janice decided to move from the scene. She had to concentrate. Just as she was about to enter the bar, a shot sounded, goosebumps spread over her skin. The poor woman had to die because of this disgusting man's horniness. She shook her head, said an inward prayer for the poor woman, and finally entered the bar.
Arriving at the bar, she heard the moaning of different women from different little rooms. No one seemed to mind, which was no wonder given how drunk all the men here were. She saw a man paying a prostitute, before they disappeared into a back room. 
It wasn't long before she was approached by a man. He offered her money and wanted to satisfy himself on her. He held out money to her and, not waiting, started kissing her neck. When she took the money from him, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her into a side room. He smelled of drugs, alcohol, and his eyes were slightly red. He was an easy target and she would pound him with questions.
As he locked the door behind him with the key, he turned to Janice, pushed her onto the bed behind her and climbed on top of her. He kissed her all over and ran his hand up her skirt, but faltered when he felt her garter and the gun on it.
"You are not a whore," he stated, looking at her with wide eyes.
"You guessed it, and now I want answers," she ordered while he was still lounging on her body. He didn't move, forcing her to bang her head against his. While both moaned in pain, she didn't let it stop her for long and kicked his crotch hard. He pulled away from her and jumped up, clutching his hand to his crotch, hissing in pain. She stood up, taking advantage of his vulnerability and flipped his body over with his back to the bed and kicked him in the stomach, dropping him onto the bed. She immediately mounted him and squeezed his hands under her knees while he pressed his lip tightly up in pain. She smiled softly at him and he swallowed hard, realizing his situation.
"First question, what kind of wine did you drink?"
"Wha- Why are you asking me such a weird question?"
"Answer me," she commanded. 
"Red wine!" He blurted out.
"There you go, very simple. Next question, what drugs did you take?"
"I didn't do drugs!"
She laughed mockingly. "Oh my dear, you can smell from miles away that you've been on drugs. So, I'm listening!"
"Who the hell are you?"
"None of your business. Answer me."
"I can't believe I'm asking this, but will you sleep with me in exchange for answers?" He asked.
She smiled softly at him. "But of course." She kissed him as a promise, he hummed deeply.
"Fine." He sighed. "It was the drug Madak. Happy now?"
"Not quite yet. Who are the drugs from?"
"By God's blood, I can't answer this!"
"Why not?"
"Because I don't know!"
She eyed him critically and noticed that he was only telling half the truth. She put her right hand around his neck, squeezing and getting closer to his face, so close that she could feel his disgusting breath. She heard him swallow hard and knew he was scared.
"You better tell me what you know."
"What if I don't?" He asked with a smug look on his face.
She squeezed his neck so tight that he couldn't breathe at all. His eyes flickered, but just before he could pass out, she let go. 
"Again?" she asked.
He shook his head in panic while coughing and gasping for air miserably. After an eternity, he was breathing normally again, but still coughing occasionally. 
"Answer my question right now."
"I bought it from a strange man near the wharf. I really don't know more!"
"Good." She smiled. "Any last words?"
"What is with our deal? I will give you answers in exchange for sex with you!" 
"I don't remember signing anything. I feel sorry for your wife." She glanced at his hand, which was wearing a wedding ring on his ring finger. "But if she hears that your body was found in a whorehouse, she won't care."
"I am so sorry Cecilia," he sobbed. 
"Too late, darling." She choked him with both hands and put a pillow on his face.  She finally felt him collapse lifeless under her. She climbed down from him and searched him for money, taking it.  He wouldn’t be needing it any more. 
She heard voices from outside the door. Apparently the owner of the bar found this room too quiet. Janice ran to the window, opened it in no time and climbed out. When her shoes sounded on the wood of the terrace, she immediately ran to the other side of the yard where the horses and carriages were standing. She freed one of the horses from its carriage, climbed into the saddle and rode into the night, letting the darkness swallow her.
Panic broke out in the bar because Janice had murdered a corrupt businessman without knowing it. There was no trace of Janice. The last thing the bar owner heard was the horse's hooves on the gravel.
Janice rode through meadows, fields, gravel roads to finally arrive at her destination. The Wharfs. She got off the horse and miraculously the horse stayed for her. Janice was just good with animals and apparently she had already found a new friend.  She gave the horse an apple from a nearby apple tree, stroked its muzzle, and said goodbye. 
As she ran down the slope to the docks, she already heard several voices. She crept behind a large wooden trestle, crouching on the damp ground as she listened.
"Is this seriously everything you got for me?" A deep male voice asked heatedly. 
"I'm sorry, but you're not the only one buying from me."
"You can not be serious."
"I am serious,” he said in a calm but menacing tone.
"Next time you'll give me double!" He almost yelled.
A large fist came crashing down on the box behind which Janice was hiding. She flinched, but quickly gathered herself and regulated her breathing again. She couldn't allow herself to lose control now. She took a quiet deep breath and closed her eyes for a second to steady her pulse. Seconds later she heard the deep voice that seemed to belong to the boss again.
"Do you have any of  the latest drug, at least?"
"Yes, the drug to make someone unconscious."
"Very good. That will help me with some problems," the boss almost cheered.
Suddenly there was an awkward silence. So awkward it was almost dangerous. She heard the seller slip away and quietly ride his horse away. After the horse's hooves had stopped in the distance, only the splashing of water could be heard. Normally she would love and enjoy that sound, but right now there was no time to relax. A man came running down the slope with a hand signal that shocked the boss. 
When Janice tilted her head back, she saw the boss's chin. He stood directly in front of the box and looked towards the slope. She pressed even more against the heavy box and made herself as small as possible, not moving an inch. She even stopped breathing. Her situation worsened when the man finally told the boss what was going on.
"We found a carriage horse up the hill, but without a carriage. The pairs of lines were cut. We're assuming someone stole the horse to get here."
"This is not good. Keep your eyes open!" He kicked the box, making Janice flinch again. 
Just as he was about to look down, something distracted his attention and he walked away from the box. She exhaled in relief and snuck deeper into enemy territory to eavesdrop. 
Her heart was pounding in her chest, so loud she feared everyone would hear. 
"Angus what the hell are you doing here?" The boss asked.
Jake's father…
What was he doing here?
Those were the thoughts that flew through her head. She felt the tears pool in her eyes and silently ran down her cheeks. He had lied to her. Angus lied to her. She thought he had always been honest with her, but she seemed to have been wrong. Everything she had suppressed on her way here overflowed like a full keg and big tears fell on the floor. Even though the two were no longer together, it hurt to know that he lied to her without batting an eyelid. 
No matter how hard she fought against it, her heart ached. She loved someone new now, but their love was forbidden. She didn't love Angus anymore, but it still hurt her. 
She let her emotions control her and made a fatal mistake.
"Angus…" She whispered loud enough for everyone to hear it.
The man in question snapped his head at her, eyes wide and a flash of concern. He still loved her, his eyes gave him away. Angus' heart was beating fast and burning tears pooled in his eyes, but he blinked them away. Unfortunately, the boss noticed that his eyes were directed elsewhere. 
The boss turned and caught her eye. He saw her and she saw him. Angus was like a copy of him. The jet black hair, those piercing blue eyes and that damn sharp jaw. 
Without a doubt this man was Angus' father.
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hacked-by-jake · 1 year
I'm not just a jakelover, im a duskwoodlover
They stole my heart and now I'm hopin' they don't break it
The whole duskwood fandom in a nutshell.
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babeczka415 · 8 months
My Forever
Everyone hears those love stories of finding your one true love when you're little but for most it doesn't happen. However for me that's exactly what happened. Our moms worked together at a nursing home and we spent so much time with each other. It was that once in a lifetime kind of friendship to love. By the time I was 10 we were inseparable and everyone knew it. However, that all changed one night. 
He was spending the night over with my family as his mom had to work graveyard that month and there was a knock on the door in the middle of the night. We had fallen asleep on the couch watching a movie and were woken up to knocks on the door and red lights in the front yard.
In the six years I had known Jake, I had never seen him cry until that night. The police officers let him stay with us that night but we didn't fall back asleep. 
I had seen him one more time since then at the funeral and he hugged me so tight. By the end of the funeral he didn't want to let go of my hand and I didn't want him too until the police and my parents pulled us apart.
He went into the system and while we tried to keep in touch with letters it eventually stopped when I turned 12 and my heart was broken. 
When I finally turned 18 I spent 5 years looking for this man. My heart was still attached too with no luck. I had finally given up and tried to move on but no matter what no guy meant the same to me.
Until HIM and I started texting trying to find his sister who was kidnapped. I was instantly drawn to him and there was an instant trust like I had known him my whole life. After everything we had been through we had fallen in love and decided to finally meet in Duskwood.
My heart was pounding out of my chest as I walked into the park. He had told me where to meet him and when I went to the spot he was already there leaning against a tree. I couldn't miss him as he was wearing all black during the middle of the day. I finally caught a glimpse of his eyes as I walked in front of him and my heart I swear stopped. He must have also because he pulled his mask down. 
Standing in front of me was Jake, my Jake. The man I fell in love with through texts, but also the same boy I fell in love with and was the reason I couldn't find love again.
Without even saying anything to him I run and jump into his arms and wrap my arms around his neck. I feel his arms around my waist and he holds me until he lets my feet hit the ground. He's staring into my honey golden eyes and me into his electric blue. I see his black hair fall down under his hood.
"Hi, Jake," I said with the biggest smile.
"Hi, my MC" he says with a smile back.
He always called MC growing up because he was the only one besides family to know my middle name abd while I started going by it when I turn 14 hearing him say it sends shivers down my spine.
I gently smack his chest "you have a lot of explaining to do mister. I looked for you for five years once I turned 18 and there was no trace of you" I say with a pouting face.
He leans in and kisses me "I will explain everything to you."
Jakes POV:
She hasn't missed a beat since seeing me. She's still that same playful, loving girl i fell in love with at the age of 13 and my heart never let go over.
I twist us so shes against the tree as Im holding her waist still. I know there's alot to catch up on with her.
"Just before i turn 18 i started getting in a lot of trouble with hacking. Nothing major at the time but enough to keep the police on my tail. I didn't reach out to you then back because I wanted to keep you safe." I sigh knowing these next words are going to be the hardest.
"I had contacted your dad the moment I could and he told me all about you. He knew the moment you turned 18 that you were going to be looking for me and to keep you safe from getting pulled into this life that I had to stay under your radar which is exactly what I did."
"You spoke to my dad but you couldn't reach out to let me know you were damn alive!? I thought you were dead Jake!" She yells.
I kiss her to keep her quite. When I finally pull away she looks shocked that I just did that.
"I know what you thought and I hated letting you think that after the promise I made you the night my world turned upside down. I had all plans on the day I turned 18 to enter back into your life MC. However with everything that was going on it wasn't the right choice to keep you safe."
"I think I'm more mad that my dad knew and didn't give me any hope" she says looking down at her feet.
Her looking away from my eyes has always been a sign she's upset, even as a child. It's one of the things I fell in love with. I lift her head to look into her eyes. "He did it to protect you. Honestly, as hard as it was not reaching out, it was always to keep you safe." I say as I pull her towards me.
"Jake, you're not allowed to disappear again from me. I don't care what you're about to say, I'm coming with you" she says sternly.
I know she's my forever and I want her safe but one thing I learned from her is she's stubborn and I can't stop her from doing what her heart wants.
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babeczka415 · 6 months
The Island
A/N: this has been sitting in my documents for forever and I finally finished and editted it. Its was inspired by @reds-ramblings story.
It's been ten years since we found Hannah. Ten years since I last saw him, expect on TV or the courtroom. He kept his promise and so did I. We met in Duskwood, I saw him before anyone else from the group for a night. It was heated, emotional, and passionate. However, he decided to turn himself in so we can live a life together one day. We had no idea that from one night together, we would have a little one. I was unable to see him while he was in prision even with his daughter, because we weren't officially family.  I waited, Hannah and Lilly kept him updated on me and Faye.
Oh Faye, shes the spitting image of him, even ten years later she's loving computers. I never forgot what he told me before handing himself over to the FBI "MC, I love you but don't wait for me." I couldnt see anyone else because my heart was taken.
Ten years ago my heart shattered as he was arrested. Five years ago I decided I needed to change something and I remember him telling me about someone he knew that owned an island with a resort. The whole group decided to go and I fell in love with the place. Faye and I made it a yearly trip, until this year. I saw the man was selling it and I had the savings and could get the loan so I did the irrational thing. Jake would have been the only one to talk me out of it.
Fast forward to today, I'm standing on the boat waiting for the gang with Faye. The cool spring breeze is on my face and I smell the salt in the air. Jake would be so proud of me for these last year.
"Mom, when can I see Dad?" She asks,  so excited for that moment.
This is a conversation I know too well and it breaks my heart. "Hopefully soon he should be out."
I see the cars pull up and everyone gets out. However I see an extra person and my heart jumps out of my chest.
Hannah and him walk up to the boat together and I finally see his face clear and run off the boat, almost falling. He grabs my waist and looks into my eyes.
"Hi, MC" he says with the smile that just melted my heart 10 years ago.
"Is this real? Are you really my Jake?" I ask as tears run down my cheek.
"I am" he say wiping them away.
"I wanted to surpise you with how much you've been working on this place and taking care of Faye" says Hannah.
"Oh my god! Your daughter" i exclaim. I go to turn around to call her and he grabs my chin and kisses me deep.
All concerns of everything in that moment leaves my body. I wrap my arms around his neck not wanting to pull away.
"Hey there are kids around" says Dan as he pushes past us.
We finally break the kiss and I lean into his chest. I turn around and I see Faye, looking at us and blush.
"Sweetie, this is your dad" I say with tears in my eyes.
Jake lets go of me and reaches out for her. "Hi Faye," he says with a smile and she jumps in his arms.
I look at them then look at Hannah. "You have no idea how happy you just made both of us" I say to her, her brown eyes the total opposite of Jake's and Lillys blues.
"I have an idea. I know she's been asking about him a lot lately." She says.
Watching Jake just hold her, melts my heart. My family is finally whole after 9 years.
Everyone finally gets on the boat and as always when taking out of the dock Faye runs to the front. She leans against the rail and I watch her.
"She's just like you, carefree" I hear Jake say.
"She's also yours. She's stubborn, reserved, loves computers. I swear she took after you more then me." I say watching her.
Jake spins me around looking into my eyes. "Why didn't you move on?" He asks.
"I tried but I had found out I was pregnant with Faye right after and I knew she was yours. In that moment, I knew I had to be strong so when you did get out we could be a family." I say as I look away. "I mean if that is what you want" as I bite my lip.
He lifts my chin, "I very much do. Hannah kept me uodated on you and her everytime she came to visit or we talked on the phone. I instantly knew who she was because Hannah showed me pictures." He says brushing hair away from my face.
"I want you to know, I tried to visit and get on your call list for Faye's sake '' I say looking into his eyes.
"I know you did. My lawyer told me but because we were not engaged and they didn't want to do a DNA test on her you couldn't get even her on the list.."
"Yeah" I say wanting to kiss him again. All of sudden I feel another set of arms around me and I see Faye.
"Mommy, you look so happy today" she says hugging me then running to her seat.
I blush and go to follow her. "They got her for a moment" Jake say grabbing my hand. "I got out a couple days ago and I knew I wanted to be with you." He says and I can see he's getting nervous. "So when Hannah told me you had bought this place and fixed it up, i thought it would be a perfect surprise."
"Jake, I want to be with you also" I say grabbing his face. "Seeing you get out of the car with the group my heart I swear jumped put of my chest."
"MC, will you officially be mine?" He asks.
"I mean we hav to make sure its okay with Faye'' I laugh "but yes jake!" I say wrapping my arms around him.
He kisses me deeply and passionately again. Once we pull away to catch our breath, I look up at him. 
"Yeah Faye is staying in the room with the other kids" I say with a smile.
"I do want some father daughter time if she wants it" he says, looking into my eyes.
"Oh she definitely will. She's been asking nonstop questions about you and a lot of them I cant answer. What she wants most is to spend time with you."
The boat docks and everyone runs off towards the resort. I smile watching Faye with her cousins. Jake is up there playing with the kids as I finally get off the dock. 
"MC, your girl is right, you are happier" says Dan as he comes walking back to me.
"For nine years I waited for this and I never imagined she would take to him like this" I say with a tear in my eye.
He pulls me close "she wants to know him and see her mom happy" he says.
"I just hope we can make it work. We never had a chance and now if it doesn't her heart will break too." I say hugging him.
"Hey don't think like that. I'll tell you something I probably shouldn't but your a sister to me." He says with a sigh.
"Well spit it out Dan" I say with a laugh.
"The last few days when he was around Hannah, Lilly, and the kids he just kept asking about you and her. Wanting to know everything possible from everyone." 
"Wait so everyone knew he was coming?" I say as I start walking to them.
"Yeah but with all on your plate we agreed to make it a surpise. Seeing your face light up from the boat and run towards him was worth it, MC" he says following me.
Faye comes running up with Jakes hand in hers "mom!" She calls and he follows her. "Can we go out on the water in those boats?" She asks.
"Sure, find one of your cousins to go with you." I say meeting them half way.
"But mom, I wanted to go with Dad" she whines.
I look at Jake in shock, then look back at her. I crouch down to her and try to be gentle with my words. "I want everyone to test them out including the smaller ones for you kid" I say trying to reason with her.
She pouts and runs off to find one of the kids to join her and I stand up.
"Did that really just happened?" Ask Dan
I look at Jake and he's just as surpised as me. "Yeah she called him Dad already '' I say looking at Dan.
He walks past Jake and taps his shoulder "good luck man. She's a real wild one just like her mom" he laughs as he walks past us with his bag.
"Sorry I wasn't expecting that" I say blushing.
"Neither was I. Dan's right you know, shes wild like you" he says wrapping his arms around me.
We walk hand and hand inside where everyone is and i give them all their keys. Jessy and Cleo agreed to stay in the room with the kids, even adding Faye to the bunch. I take Jake up to my room and grab the extra key I have and hand it to him. "If we are really going to try and make this work…" I say lost in thought as Faye comes running in.
"Mom! I thought I was staying in here with you!" She whines.
I turn away from Jake and as Im about to say something Jake steps in. "Your Mom and I talked, we think you could use some time with your cousins on this trip" he says in a smoothing voice.
I look at him and realize how much he's already stepping in as a parent and it melts my heart to the point I want to lock the doors and stay in bed with him this whole trip.
She whines and stomps away grabbing her bag. I hear her say something under her breath.
"Don't even go there missy" as I raise my voice to her.
She turns around "he just came into my life and your taking him away from me" she yells.
I walk up to her and sit on the bed in front of her. I take a sigh as I try to find the right words. "Faye, you need to understand your father and I need to figure some things out before we jump in as a family. I promise you will have tons of time with him apart of your life. He can teach you all that computer stuff you've been struggling with and take you out for icecream and have fun." I say looking into her eyes.
She come closer to me, "will you be there too?"
I look at Jake then back into her blue eyes, "yes" i say not wanting to break her heart more right now. "Go get ready though to go out on the water." 
She gets the biggest smile on her face and runs to the bathroom. I look at Jake and sigh hoping I just made the right call.
He comes picks me up, wrapping his arms around me. "You're doing amazing raising her. Just know I am here now and don't plan to leave anytime soon" he whispers into my ear.
"I know you don't but what if…" he stops me mid sentence with a gentle kiss. 
"No what ifs right now, MC. We will figure this all out together." He says
Its later in the day, we had a fun day st the water and around the island just all of us. We finally get all the kids into bed and we all head outside to the firepit that Dan and Thomas started for us. 
Jake pulls me close in the seat were both in and he feels me cold. He takes off his hoodie and gives it to me. 
"Its okay the fire will warm me up" I say looking at him.
"MC dont be stubborn just take it" he whispers into my ear with a growl. 
My body shivers knowing what he wants after ten years and I put it on. It smells just like him and I curl up against him.
Jessy is the first to notice how close we are right now. "Okay we need to talk about the elephant in the room. What is going on with you two?" She asks.
"Yeah I think we have the right to know if you're not going to tell Faye" says Lilly.
I look at Jake for some form of help but he's just watching me. "We're seeing what happens." I look af them as I say it. "You all know how much we were in love ten years ago .  Obviously things happened that one night. '' I laugh.
"We know how you two felt back then" says Dan.
"Yeah but what about now?" Asks Hannah.
"It's pretty obvious" says Cleo. "They are still in love."
"We are seeing where things lead. There is another heart we have to both make sure doesn't break" states Jake.
After a couple hours around the fire everyone starts to dwindle inside and while the fire is out Jake and I just sit there. I finally decidd to get up but he grabs my hand and pulls me back down.
"There's something I want to show you" i say looking into his eyes.
"Wanted to make sure you weren't leaving" he says.
"Definitely not there is a gorgeous spot that looks out over the water. It's not far fron here" i say standing up but taking his hand.
It's nearly midnight but with being with Jake I'm wide awake and we walk up to the spot. In the moonlight its even more breathtaking 
All you see is the darkness of the water and the moonlight over the cliff and hear the water crashing below. He pulls me close and between the smell of him, the smoke, and the salt water my mind is totally lost as he wraps his arms around my waist with my back to him.
"MC, are you really worried things wont work?" He asks.
"I am because its not just are hearts at stake. I have for the past ten years had someone else to watch out for. It's only day on and she loves you" i say taking a deep breath.
"I always want to be there for both of you" he says.
"I know you do Jake. However we both know that last time we were together it was passionate and strong. We didnt think about the future in that night and let things happen." I say turning towards him.
I see the love in his eyes as the moonlight hits him. I feel the warmth of him even through his hoodie I'm wearing. I lose all control over my emotions of trying to keep my heart safe for Fayes sake and kiss him like when I saw him on the dock. This time noone is around to stop us and i feel his hands move to my neck and my ass pulling me even closer as we can't stop what is going to happen.
Jakes POV
I wake up to the sun coming up over the water and I see her. She's still sleeping on my chest my hoodie is over both of us as a blanket and our clothes are on the ground. I want nothing more then to keep this feeling locked away forever but I know i need to wake her up. I kiss the top of her head and she stirs awake. 
"Good morning beautiful" I say with a smile.
"Good morning handsome" she says looking up at me with a smile. "Oh shit we should get back.” As she sits up and realizes we're both naked.
I pull her back to me, this time kissing her gently. Ahe pulls away again but all concern is gone. She reaches for our clothes and we get dressed. She throws on my hoodie which looks good on her and I take her hand.
"I guess we really are giving this a true chance" she says looking towards the water.
I grab her chin and direct her to look at me. "My love, did we even have any other choices.
She shivers as she looks into my eyes, "not really. Your my home" she says as she leans info me.
MC pov:
We walk back to the resort and thankfully as we walk in the front door it doesn't sound like anyone is away. We walk up to the room and see Faye sleeping in the bed.
"I knew she wouldn't make it the night," I says softly with a smile. I walk away from Jake and lift her up. I goes to carry her out of the room but he takes her. 
"How about we do pancakes for everyone?" He ask.
"Pancakes?" A sleepy Faye states while Jake holds her.
"Give me a few moments, okay?" I ask, smiling at Jake holding her.
He kisses my cheek and lays Faye down. I grab change if clothes and head into the bathroom. At this moment I'm so thankful I have my phone. I pull up the messages and see Jessy is online.
MC: oh my we need girl talk!
Jessy: did you even sleep?
Mc: i mean if you count a few hours outside 😜
Jessy: coffee with girl talk?
MC: we're gonna make pancakes. Oh by the way good job keeping Faye in the room last night. 🤣
Jessy: she wouldn't have it and I didnt want her to wake up the others.
Mc: its okay we actually found her this morning in the bed. But going to clean up and head down to the kitchen with Jake and Faye.
There's a knock on the bathroom door "mom, dad and I are heading to the kitchen to start pancakes" Faye says.
"Okay I'll be right down" i say. I smile at her love already for him. 
MC: Jessy! Come here so we can talk
Jessy: okay I'll be right over.
I hear them leave and a few minutes later there is a knock on the door. I open and its Jessy wearing her PJ. I grab her hand and pull her in.
"Girl, what am I going to do?" I say so worried.
"Look, he wants to be part of her life no matter what so just let this run its course."
"No you don't understand. We did it last night out on that cliff I told you about. All it took was once and we got Faye. I don't know if i could handle it if it doesn't work and us having two kids" I say breaking down.
Jessy grabs my shoulders "don't think of it like that. You're an amazing mom and he's showing he wants to be around." She says.
"Jessy, wait if all we have is passionate love explodes and then its nothing. We've never had the chance to see if we can keep these feelings" i say looking at her with tears in my eyes.
She pulls me in for a hug "just take it a day at a time sweetie. Also would it really be bad if you guys had another one?" She laughs. "That man is madly in love with you."
I realize she is telling me the truth. Jake and I need to take this a day at a time together and learn each other and build a family with Faye.
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babeczka415 · 1 year
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Bitter - oneshot
Four year…. Four years its been since Hannah was found.
Jake and I were madly in love, i had heard he was going to propose. However, we both after three years realized we weren't going to work. Did it hurt? You bet but it was a mutual feeling and no hurt feelings.
Today we are all at Hannah's and Thomas place. They are having a baby shower for their second child, which is a little girl. it's been three months since Jake and I ended things. He's here with a new girl and it brings up emotions I didn't think it would. It's almost like when your out and want coke and all they have is Pepsi, or when your on the outside of an inside joke.
Everyone seems to like her but I can't bring myself to go up to them. She's gorgeous and calm but I notice Jakes hand on her lower back. 
I'm sitting at the table outside with a drink of whiskey and coke. I look over their backyard and remember the first time we were all here. The yard backs up tocthe forest and theres two big oak trees perfect for shade and fun. The porch is huge with a table and chairs and extra sitting. This is perfect for the gang to grow as couples with all the future kids.
I notice one of the chairs next to me move out and I see Dan. "You okay boo?" He asks, looking at me. His brown eyes are soft and I know he's worried.
"I'll manage" I say as I down my drink. I swirl around the ice in my glass as I look at it.
"You have every right to miss him, MC. I know how much you loved that man." He softly says so noone else can hear this conversation.
"We ended things mutual. I can't even say it hurts. He's a catch, for certain. But seeing him bring someone here, I'm bitter." I bit the inside of my cheek regreting what I said as I look up and see him and her standing across the table. He's staring right at me and she's looking at him. My heart breaks as thaf use to be me at his side.
I push my chair back and head inside without saying anything to him. Dan grabs my arm "stay" he states trying to get me to meet her.
"I need a refill," i can't even bring myself to look at Jake again. I know he heard what I said and she probably did too.
As I walk away i hear him say to Dan "i just want them to meet."
"Give her time, hackerman. A wound was reopened." I hear Jake sigh. 
I know he just wants things to be good between us but it's too soon in my mind for him to bring someone new to this. I know his heart and he doesn't seem to love her.d
I bite my lip as I reach for the door to head inside and a hear a voice. "I'm coming for a drink too" she states.
It's not a voice I recognize and I turn and see her. I sigh as I have to bit my tounge if she wants to talk, specially about Jake. I hold the door and as she grabs it I bolt into the kitchen. I pour myself a shot and down it and then put some in my cup.
"Hi, Im Amber." She grabs two cans of coke and hands it to me.
"Hi, I'm MC." I grab it and open it.
"Wow! Your prettier in person then I imagined" she states.
She's gorgeous, dirty blonde hair and green eyes. Shes tiny though, what most people expected Jake to be with when he would introduce me to people. "Thanks" i say with a fake smile.
"You know, everyone tells me you and Jake dated. Is thst true?" She's blunt and wants an answer.
"Yeah, three years. You have nothing to worry about though, Amber," as I say her name I look to make sure I said the right name. She doesn't even look at me.
"Honestly, I'm always worried about the ex when they are still around" she softly smiles.
I sigh "we ended, i guess you can say on good terms."
"Then why not talk to him or me until now?"
I take a drink and as I look up I see Jake standing in the door way. "Yeah why you ignoring me?" His voice sends chills down my spine.
This was a question I wasn't prepared for and I can't answer it without telling the truth. It isn't right for me to break them up. "I haven't been very social in general today" i go to walk past Jake bit he grabs my wrist and looks in my eyes. 
The look, I know all to well. He knows me too well to know that there is more. "Amber, can you give us a bit to talk" his eyes don't move from mine.
She walks past me and he grabs her and kisses her without letting me go. I turn my head bit not before I notice him kissing her but looking at me. I know he's trying to make a point and fuck does it hurt.
Amber walks away back outside to everyone and he pulls me into the guest bedroom. This room is simple but Hannah made sure cozy. The bed is in the center and theres a dresser and desk with a wooden chair and a tan pillow and a soft blanket on the back.
"One rule with us has always been no bullshit MC so don't start now." He grabs my chin to look at him. As I look into his eyes the walls inside just break down with him alone.
"Hearing about your new life and a brand new you.I heard you got a new job but I heard you moved.  I don't wanna hear it, don't wanna hear about you. I don't give a fuck but yet I do." I raise my voice as I pull away from him and turn my back. I feel the tears forming and I can't let him see me like this. He's here with her. She's the one that he's leaving with and going home with.
"Then you tell them you don't want to hear it. You tell me how your feeling when I'm around." His voice raises as I know hes trying to keep control.
"IM BITTER!" I yell turning around and he's right behind me. His cobalt blue eyes staring back at me. He doesn't say or do anything. I see his jaw clench at that. 
"I know she thinkin' now she found herself a winner.I know you fucked her on the counter right before you cooked her dinner, yeah.  That you threw out all our furniture and pictures. I bet you sugarcoat the truth, I bet you're real sweet with her, yeah. I know you think about me when you kiss her. I left a taste in your mouth, can she taste me now? I'm bitter." I state holding my ground.
He steps away and runs his fingers through his jet black hair. His eyes close and he sighs. "MC, we both agreed we weren't good for eachother. We didn't hurt eachother when we left so why? Why now?"
I feel the tears in my eyes. "Maybe…." I stop. I never was one to break apart a couple and I won't do it now. "Just forget it" i state going to leave but he steps between me and the door.
"No say it." His voice is stern as he grabs my wrist. I look at his hsnd on my wrist and I freeze. My mind goes back to when we ended things and he tried to change my mind.
I look up at him and i lose all control of my mind. "I thought maybe we would take a break and return to each other." I turn around and cover my mouth.
I feel his hand on my right bicep. "Your the one to say for us to start seeing other people." His voice is soft now.
"I just…" theres a knock on the door and it opens. It's Amber and Hannah standing in the doorway.
Hannah instantly knows whats happening by my tears but I just bolt through them and outside from some fresh air.
I turn around as I hear the door swing open and see Jake running but Dan stops him. I can't hear what is being said but by Jakes face I have a feeling. I hear Jake say 'we need to finish our conversation'
He turns and walks away and Dan stands there watching me. Amber is completely unphased by what she walked into and clings to Jake but he pushes her away. I know what's happening. I know that man all too well not too. He doesn't truly love her, he's just trying to fill the hole we both have.
She stands there and looks at me but I look away. Im staring off into the words when theres a gentle tap on my shoulder. I look up to see Thomas with a drink and he hands it to me. I take it and drink it, i smile softly as Dan made it for me.
The rest of the time I stay away from Jake and Amber. Which is hard as she grew a liking to Jessy and Dan.
It's been six months since the baby shower. Hannah and Thomas had their little girl, named April Rose. They had asked me to be a guardian for her and I gladly accepting knowing that meant I was staying apart of Jake's life.
It was hard at first seeing him and Amber so much but i came to terms that he was happy. He at least acted like it, up until recently. He had started spending more time away from her and with me and April as I would be watching her a lot.
I had the night off from everything and was curled up on the couch watching some random TV. Amber and I had grown somewhat close, she didn't see me as a threat anymore with Jake. However, she didn't see how he was with me when we were we are alone. It feels like old times and its breaking my heart. I refuse to be the reason they break up but I see it in his face when he looks at me and at her. I keep telling myself no but my heart keeps getting pulled back to him.
I hear the doorbell ring and I wasn't expecting it so I check the camera. I see Jake standing there with flowers and what looks like a bag of takeout. I sigh, knowing I'm going to have to break our hearts. I get up and open the door. The smile he has melts my heart and I let him in. He closes the door and looks at me.
"You should be home with Amber," I state, trying to keep my distance from him.
"I can't keep this up anymore. I miss you, MC." His soft voice makes me weak as he stares into my eyes.
He steps closer to me and I back up until I'm at the wall but he doesn't stop until he's right against me. His scent is one I had bought from him and I hadn't been smelling it on him when we hang out to watch the kids or even when we have game night with everyone, including Amber. The mint with a tropical scent drives me crazy. I smell the hint of orange, lemon, apples, tonks beams, amber, a woodys vanilla, and moss. I also smell the leather from his jacket and oh the memories. 
This cologne is one I had picked up for special nights between us. It's one I would spray on his hoodie and curl up on the couch with when he had to work late. It's one that when we ended things drove me crazy because I smelt it on all my clothes for weeks.
I close my eyes, not wanting to be the reason they break up. Amber had confided in me that she thinks there is someone else but I shut down those feelings of hers. I couldn't let her know he's been trying to win me back. I had gone on a couple dates but everytime Jake somehow manages to get between us. I hate the control he has over me but I can't help it. Not after what I said at the baby shower. I feel his hot breath on my skin. I feel his body heat between us.
I open my eyes and his mouth is inches from mine. "Jake you're with Amber. I refuse to let you cheat on her." My heart breaks as the words comes out of my mouth.
He steps back and pulls out his phone and sends a text. Before I can stop him he sends it and puts it back into his pocket. He pins me against the wall again "there now I'm not."
"Jacob Evans! You will not break a girls heart over text" I push him away. I hear my phone go off with an incoming call from Amber.
I pick it up and answer before he can stop me. "Hey Amber, whats up?" I state glaring at Jake.
I hear the tears in her voice as she's unable to speak. "What did he do?" I ask walk away from him. I know what happened but she can't know.
"He ended us in a fucking text! He said he loves someone else and he wants to win her heart." She manages to get out.
"Let me deal with him okay?" You just grab that icecream and a movie. I have a guy I've been seeing over tonight and tomorrow we will deal with him. Okay, sweetie?" I feel Jakes arms wrap around my waist as I'm trying to calm her down.
"Oh god I didn't realize you were seeing someone." She exclaims.
"Hey it's okay, I didn't tell anyone. I didn't want to jinx it." I sigh. She can't know I'm with him. "But we will talk over coffee tomorrow. And I will knock some sense into his head." I smile into the phone.
"You always know how to fix things with Jake. I seriously don't see why he walked away from you." Her voice is soft with that last bit but I heard it.
"Bye Amber" I state, hanging up the phone and putting it down on the counter.
"Don't fight us, this anymore. We were meant for eachother." His words in my ear as he pulls me closer to him.
I can't look at him but I feel his breath on my neck. His finger are playing with my shirt hem and he knows he's breaking down my walls. I pull away from him and grab another drink, this time whiskey. "We both said we weren't good for eachother." I manage to get out as he stays where he was but grabs my hand.
He hold my hand with my back towards him for a moment. He spins me around so I'm facing him. The look in his eyes is pure love. It's like when we first met. "Damn it MC! What do I need to do to prove to you that I can't live another day without you by my side?"
His voice and words hit me like a ton of bricks. I realize in that moment he never stopped loving me. "You call Amber right now and you tell her the truth. You tell her everything. You don't get to break her heart over text and not hear her cry." I state crossing my arms.
He tilts his head and grabs his phone and pulls it out. He puts it on speaker as he calls her. She answers and you can hear the tears in her voice.
She doesn't say anything and neither does he until I motion for him too. "Amber, I'm sorry for how I ended things. You need to know something though." His words sting as I know she will hate me for this.
"Well spit it out, I can't hate you anymore. Even MC knows what you did already," you can hear her wiping tears away.
"I still am in…." He stops mid sentence and I know he's struggling.
"Still what?" She asks.
"Love with MC. I thought I could move on but I was wrong." His head hangs low.
"Are you with her right now? Have you been with her since you sent that text?" He doesnt answer her. He knows what he did was wrong.
I tap his arm and he shakes his head no as he goes to hang up but I grab his phone. "I'm sorry Amber. I had no idea he was going to do this tonight." I say shakily into the phone. All of a sudden the call ended and I put the phone down. I slide down to the floor and realize I'm officially a homewrecker.
He grabs us both a drink of whiskey and hands it down to me. "I'm sorry, MC" his voice is soft.
"How long? How damn long have you been trying to fight us?" I look up at me.
"Eight months. I thought in the start that's what you wanted so I found her. I really thought I loved her, until you spilled your guts to me." I hear the tears in his voice.
"Jake, you could of said something then," I hear the frustration in my voice towards him.
"I fucking tried, MC, Dan stopped me. I told him I still loved you then. His words 'both your wounds have been open give her space' then you kept your distance." He kneels down in front of me and cups my face to look at him.
Without any thought I lean in and our lips meet. I feel the passion as he kisses me back and those walls left standing just crumble down. My hands grab his biceps as I pull myself closer to him, not wanting to believe this but not wanting to let him go.
He finally pulls away from the kiss and leans his forehead against mine as we both our out of breath. "I thought we couldn't work this out. I thought…" I say stopping mid sentence as I look into those blue eyes.
His smile drives me crazy as he looks at me. "Thought what?" His voice is filled with lust and love.
"When we started falling apart it was over and no fixing it." I sigh.
"We can always fix our problems. Its us against the world." His voice sends chills down my spine but I can't stop looking into the blue eyes. "Let's eat though I went to our favorite Chinese place."
My face must of light up like a kid in a candy store as he says that. He stands up and reaches his hand out for me.
We both decided in that night of Chinese, cuddles, and movies to let our hearts be whole again with eachother.
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miss-celestia13 · 10 months
Strangeness and Charm
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DanxOFMC First Date One Shot
Words: 5.3k
Three months after the events in the mine, Imogen has moved to Colville and is determined to find out of the thing growing between her and Dan is something real or imagined. A dark theater, a row to themselves, and Dan's surprisingly gentle disposition leave her head spinning.
I started this a year ago and finally got around to finishing it. It is sickly sweet. Tooth-rotting fluff and romance. Just tried to capture something light and lovely. Tension, soft looks and touches as they watch the stars and open themselves up to the possibility of more. I hope you enjoy it!
Imogen paced the pavement outside her house, counting the cracks in the concrete repeatedly until her mind spun with numbers, and it shut up that voice yelling that this was a stupid idea. It had been three months since the events of the case had come to a fiery end—three months of healing and breaking and bleeding. Most nights, she awoke to gasp for air, sweat trickling down her neck as she clutched at damp bedsheets in a vain attempt to keep her tethered to the here and now. She was getting there, though. It was easier every day to ignore the flashes that crossed her mind whenever something reminded her of those dark days.
Tonight she was meeting the one person she’d never stopped thinking about. Not even while she’d been interrogated for hours on end, FBI agents screaming in her face as she refused to give up Jake’s location. Not that she knew it. Nobody did. And he had vanished like the phantom he had to become to stay free of the twisted justice system of their country. Jake hadn’t been in touch with anyone since, and she missed him in an odd way. She had thought there was something between them in the midst of fire and blood. Still, it had turned out their situation had created a false sense of urgent emotions that had dissipated the moment Hannah was saved. They’d parted as friends and had made no promises to see or hear from one another again. And she was good with that.
The betrayal of one of their own was a poison that had yet to be sucked from shared wounds. None of them would be the same again, and Imogen thought that was good. After all, their secrets and lies had caused the entire mess; maybe now they’d communicate before hell could rain again. She’d barely spoken to them since. Lilly and Jessy had made the most effort, but Imogen was the type to let people breathe and reach out when they were ready. So far, that day hadn’t come, and it stung her after all she’d done to help, but she didn’t blame them for not wanting to speak with a living ghost reminding them of their darkest times.
Then there was Dan. His abrasive nature had been offputting and irritating. Until that hard shell had cracked like an egg, and he’d shared a piece of his heart with her, and she’d seen him for what he really was. A golden soul with a heart of sunlight that he protected with barbed words and bristled skin. They’d tentatively made plans that last day and kept in touch while her friends put their lives back together. She had initially hated that it was Dan who had reached out. Thought he was brash and combative in those early days but had soon learned that he felt and saw more than he let on. He found it challenging to deal with. He’d been trying with her over these long months they’d spoken daily over text or video calls. Planning for this night.
A first date always brings up a myriad of emotions. Nervous anticipation led the charge, a sparkle of fireflies in her belly each time she thought about seeing him, and delicate hope was the most giddy-making of them all. It was the cause of the sparkling energy currently causing mayhem in her stomach each time she imagined the many different ways this night could end. That feeling of weightlessness blended with a tang of fear had haunted her throughout the long day. She swore the clocks had rallied against her. Each time she looked, they had barely moved. The day had gone smoothly despite it ebbing like thick treacle, and the sunny weather helped boost her optimism, as had all her preparations for the date. She took that as a good omen. Her days usually were a test of endurance and fortitude. She tried to picture it in her mind; Dan reaching for her hand, his shock at her newly dyed purple hair, and she could already hear him asking if she wanted butter on her popcorn. His voice had slowly become a lullaby these past few months, soothing her and making her laugh whenever he spotted the shadows swimming in her eyes. Her dearest hope was he would remain her friend if this failed and they didn’t click.
Imogen loved and hated horror movies in equal measure. She loved being terrified after the scare was over, the giddy rush of adrenaline as you realized you were safe, and laughed at your own stupidity. He hadn’t mentioned if they were watching something scary, only telling her he was holding her to their deal. Dan was on his way to pick her up since only she moved to Colville last month and hadn’t gotten a car yet. The early evening sun beat down on her bare shoulders, the sundress she wore insubstantial as it frothed in the breeze. She was overdressed, but she had wanted Dan to see her as she was and not the terrified creature she had been for the past three months.
Her heart was a hummingbird in her chest, fluttering wings grazing her ribs every time a car slowed as it passed her. He was a few minutes late, but traffic was always bad at this time of day. The heavy satchel she’d stuffed with toiletries and a change of clothes slapped against her thighs as she continued her pointless pacing. It was presumptuous to assume she would spend the night after they left the movie theatre, but she liked to be prepared. She was reaching into her dress pocket for her cell phone when a car horn blared too close. She jumped a foot in the air, whirling with a hand pressed to her chest to see a black Mustang purring at the edge of the pavement. A shy smile curved her mouth as Dan leaned over to open the passenger side door for her. Another car waited impatiently behind him as she scurried over and clumsily got in.
Her eyes raked over him hungrily. He’d hit the gym hard after everything, and it showed. All hard lines and lovely muscle, his shirt sleeves rolled up to the elbow as he drove off with one hand on the wheel. His hair was much shorter now. She had loved the long hair, but it had looked scraggly a few days before, and he hadn’t video called her since that day. It warmed her to know how much effort he’d put in, and the new hair color and makeup she donned didn’t feel as frivolous now. He wore black sunglasses, effortlessly cool as he smiled softly at her, and she itched to scratch her nails through the scruff of his beard.
“Hello, stranger,” he chuckled in a deep voice when all they did was steal glances at each other every time he hit a red light.
“This feels weird, right?” She laughed after a long moment, making Dan grin.
“It does, but who said weird had to be wrong?” He returned, and she shook her head, smiling as she looked out her window.
She could feel his eyes on her every now and again. A flash of heat crept up her neck and colored in her cheeks when she met his sparkling gaze. Her body felt as if someone had replaced her blood with fizz. She might have floated away if she hadn’t been strapped into her seat. He chatted about mundane things, his usual sense of humor was restrained for now, and her heart grew gossamer wings as she understood he was nervous. Dan. Was nervous. That seemed absolutely ridiculous to Imogen as the man had no shame, and his brash attitude was part of why she started falling for him.
It wasn’t until they were well into the drive that she broke the easy silence. Her mind was abuzz like a swarm of bees had taken it over to build a new hive inside the dark of her brain.
“So… what movie are we seeing?”
Dan flashed her a Cheshire Cat grin, eyebrows waggling as he replied, “Well, you said you liked being scared. But I didn’t want to frighten you off on the first date… kinda hoping for a second one.”
He winked playfully, and she couldn’t help the shocked laugh that burst out of her.
“What did you pick? If there are spiders, I can’t watch it.” She warned, teasing him, and he shook his head.
“No! It actually looks funny more than anything. M3GAN? Have you heard of it?”
Frowning, she reflected on the things she’d seen and couldn’t stop the thought that reminded her that her whole life had been a horror movie for months. She did not remember if she had stumbled across a trailer or something for it.
“I don’t think so. What is it about?”
“Ahh, it’s better it stays a mystery. I want to see your face when she’s on screen.” He joked, making her giggle and play with the ends of her hair.
“I swear, if it’s anything gross, you will pay my next therapy bill.” She laughed. Dan’s undignified snort only intensified her joy.
“Deal. We’re here,” he said gently, and she was startled, suddenly realizing they were parked behind the movie theatre, and she hadn’t even noticed the car had stopped.
She hurriedly unbuckled her belt and reached for the door handle. Dan’s voice stopped her from opening it.
“Wait, you can’t deprive me of my gentleman routine!”
Chuckling, she smirked and said, “Gentleman? Come on, Dan, we both know you’re far from that.”
He exaggeratedly gasped, clutching at his chest while she tried to hold in a stupid giggle.
“You wound me, Genna! I am a sophisticated man who knows how to treat a woman.”
“My apologies, Daniel. Go on, treat me like a lady.” She teased to make his lovely eyes twinkle. The pleasure of his nickname for her still made her chest glow.
Watching as he got out and walked around the hood of the car, she bit down on her lip to restrain her joyous smile, trying to break free, and quickly failed as he opened her door with a flourish. He held out his hand, head bowed and watching through a fan of thick lashes as she took it. Tingling like a thousand tiny creatures crawling up her arm as their skin connected, the fireflies in her stomach took flight again as he helped pull her out of the low car. Her cheeks were stained pink, and a delightful warm flush crept up her neck, yet she felt utterly at ease with this man. He had seen her at her worst. Her most desperate moments had been spent with his face on her phone screen, and she had done the same for him. There was nothing to hide as she tipped her head back to meet his eye.
“Thank you, sir,” She joked as he closed the door and locked the car.
He chuckled, voice dry as dust as he said, “Sir? I’ve been called many things, never that.”
“Let me guess, uncouth, cheeky, strange... should I go on?”
He winked and slung her arm around her shoulders as they approached the ticket booth.
“You missed mouthy, obnoxious, and charming!” He chirped, making her look away to hide the smile hurting her cheeks.
He quickly bought their tickets, dropping his arm to hold the theatre door open for her and ignoring her arched brow as he fell into step beside her, and they headed for the concessions stand. Scanning the menus, her stomach grumbled. She hadn’t been able to eat much that day. Too excited and nervous, she’d forgotten that food was a necessity as time finally grew legs and tried to outrun her. Dan heard and ordered the most enormous bucket of popcorn they had, more of a trashcan, really, smothered in butter, and she added nachos and chocolate to the order once he had gotten them drinks. Carrying it all was the biggest challenge. Hot plastic cheese, cheap salsa, and jalapenos tickled her nose as he opened the screen door and let her choose the seats.
The room was chilly, the air conditioner working overtime as the bodies filling the theatre raised the temperature. It wasn’t full yet, but almost there as she climbed the darkened stairs, desperately praying she wouldn’t trip as she spied an empty row near the back. Glancing back to ensure Dan followed, she guided him into the middle of the row and plopped down. The previews started as Dan handed her a drink, and he settled in beside her. The dim lights went off, sounds of explosions, some hero rallying their team to defeat the enemy, and the quiet murmurs of people chatting about which movie they’d see next filled her ears as static skittered over her skin. His arm had come up beside hers, barely touching her, but she felt it like a shock each time he shifted, and his skin brushed hers. The hair on her arm stood straight as he did it again, and she wasn’t entirely sure if he meant it.
By the time the movie started, she had run through a hundred scenarios and questions, wondering how the date would end and if he’d make a move. Would he do it here? Taste like popcorn and syrupy sweet Dr. Pepper? She wasn’t sure, couldn’t plan for it, and didn’t want to. They shared the popcorn, blindly reaching for handfuls, jolting each time their hands met, and shyly smiling at each other. It was driving her mad in the best way. She took a deep pull of her drink to wash the saltiness away as the titular character appeared on the screen. She almost sprayed Pepsi out of her nose. Dan was grinning as she turned to him and shook her head.
“That’s the reaction I hoped for,” He had leaned in so close his warm breath ghosted down her neck, and she suppressed a shiver even as she smiled.
“I’m glad you find me amusing,” She laughed, ignoring the tremor in her hand as she rested her arm beside his again. He hooked his pinky around his almost absentmindedly. He watched her, though, like he was ensuring she was okay with it. The world might not see it, but Dan was sweet, and she would fight anyone that said otherwise.
It went on like that. Tension swirled and grew more palpable as the evil doll robot thing murdered everyone that displeased her owner. It was a current under and over her skin, electric and vivid, like she had finally awoken from a months-long sleep, and the world had returned to full, screaming color. The small touches lingered longer, hands reluctantly parting and shifting imperceptibly closer to each other. She wanted to rest her head on his shoulder and see what he would do if she did. Just do it. He clearly likes you! Stop overthinking it. She chanted it over and over in her mind but slumped down in her chair as courage failed her, and the voice in her head called her a coward.
Eyes glued to the screen, she tried to ignore the melancholy trying to creep into her heart at her inability to make a move. Dan either sensed it or had been having a similar internal battle. She managed not to jump out of her skin as his arm wound around her shoulders, fingers tapping the bare skin of her shoulder, scattering goosebumps down her arm as she turned to find him gazing at her with a question in his eyes. Is this okay? And she melted as she nodded and relaxed into it, finally giving in to the urge to rest her now silent head on his broad shoulder. She felt as if her blood had been replaced with helium, and she was at severe risk of floating away as he squeezed her gently.
The empty nachos tray lay at their feet, and the popcorn bucket was almost done, too, as Dan set it down on the open seat beside him, and every inch of her was alert as he settled back down. The weight of his eyes on her was heavier than his arm, and she couldn’t shake it off. He paid more attention to her than to the movie. Every time blood was spilled or that freaky robot danced, his eyes were on her to see her reaction. Her cheeks were aflame, hands trembling as she fidgeted with the skirt of her dress and tried to hide how pleased she was, but it was impossible. It was almost hard to breathe. Each little movement had them rubbing together. His breath ruffled her loose hair, and the heat coming from him was close to scalding, keeping the chill in the theater well at bay. She was dizzy, excited, and terrified all at once.
Whatever cologne he wore sent her thoughts down steamy, dark paths. Slightly spicy, woody with a hint of musk and clean skin. It was addictive, and she found herself sneakily inhaling deeply whenever she felt his attention stray from her. She wanted to brand it into her lungs and imprint it on her memory so she never forgot it. Time was a cruel mistress. It loved to drag out the boring parts, the waiting. But when it came time to indulge in the things she’d wanted for months, it slipped through her hands like she was trying to catch smoke. Neither moved as the credits rolled, enjoying the darkness and closeness as the other patrons left in a slow drip. Colville had never felt like home; she had believed it wouldn’t ever feel like hers. But in that dim room, the scent of him, his whisky eyes locked on her blue ones, she could feel the last three months of displacement and anxiety slowly slide free of her body.
There was an invisible thread between them. A magnetic force that drew them closer, mouths inches apart before they were aware of moving. Her lips tingled as she licked her bottom lip, and he followed the action. She went very still as he seemed to come to a decision and moved to eliminate those last inches just as the lights came on and the door slammed shut, indicating everyone else had left. They sprang apart as if lightning struck them as the usher tidied up for the next showing. Shaking hands and black internal curses at this stranger for interrupting their moment were all she knew as they hurried out. Dan burst out laughing as he held the main door open for her, and they skipped out into a beautiful summer’s night.
A plush blanket of stars glimmered overhead as he took her hand, threading their fingers together and slowing her to a casual stroll. They ambled toward the car park, taking their time as they chatted and joked.
“Your face... I wish I had taken a photo. I want it as your contact pic.” He said as she nudged him with her elbow.
Her fingers were fizzing between his, the innocent contact sending sparks flying up her arm and into her chest.
“It was funny, not scary... Though I’m sure my nightmares will now consist of that thing dancing down the hall to kill me.” She retorted as they waited to cross the busy road.
“Yeah, it made me want to climb out of my skin. Creepy.” He laughed as his hand tightened around hers, and they crossed the street.
Her heart rate was more appropriate for a life-threatening situation, not a first date, as they entered the parking lot, and his car came into view. She didn’t want to end it yet. Wanted to talk with him for hours and then do it some more when the sun came up. His steps had slowed almost to a crawl, and it made her feel brave that he was reluctant to end the night too. She smiled as he let go of her hand long enough to open the car door for her, waiting patiently for her to get in, but she paused in front of him, making him toss her a questioning look as she took a deep breath. He was much taller and bigger than her. Indeed, he was a bear of a man, and she had to push up on her tiptoes, tentatively laying a hand on his hard chest as she brushed a tender kiss onto his bristly cheek.
It was meant as a chaste, quick peck to thank him and show him she was open to more than friendship. His reaction was beautiful. She had never imagined Dan Anderson could blush! But roses were definitely blooming in his cheeks, and he moved mechanically once she’d belted herself in, closing her door and marching around to get in his side. Neither spoke until he’d pulled out of the lot and merged with the traffic. The radio played softly, an old rock song she remembered her parents singing along to the last time she’d visited them. Every glance they shared was charged by indecision and reluctance to end their lovely evening. She was tired of denying herself good things, and she thought he might be too, so she dredged up as much confidence as she could gather and offered him a way to extend their night.
“If you take a left just up here and follow it for a few miles, we can sit at this quiet spot near the docks and see if we can catch any falling stars.”
“What the lady wants...” He jested, making her giggle like a schoolgirl with her first crush.
The spot was quiet, a small hidden cove not many knew about, and she often walked there during her many sleepless nights to watch the sun recolor the world once the moon had turned into its watery bed. It was peaceful and calming, and hardly anyone went there as there was no beach to play on. The sky looked like fine art on the best nights. Sometimes, she felt that each masterful stroke of shadow and brush of light across the endless sky had been done purely for her eyes. She hadn’t told anyone else about this place and crossed her fingers that he would like it too. Her breath was tight in her chest as he took the left turn and coasted down the tarmac while she told him where he could park. Too soon, they reached their destination, and she had to fight not to hold her breath as he stopped the car and stared through the windshield at the water rippling endlessly before them.
“We can sit inside, but it’s better outside,” She nudged when he remained quiet long enough that she was starting to feel the urge to pick at her nails again.
“Come on then, Genna show me; it is your spot after all,” He said after shaking out of whatever was holding him captive.
She searched his face for any sign of turmoil or regret, found none, and relaxed slightly as he helped her again.
The salt-coated wind on her face, brine, and a clean freshness perfumed the air, and she breathed it in deeply, quickly calming down now she was in familiar territory. Her nightmares usually chased her here. Many tears had dried on her cheeks as she stared longingly at the sky, begging for a reprieve from the terror. She wanted to replace all that with something good, something fragile and full of glittering hope as they perched on the hood of his car. He didn’t hesitate this time. His arm wound around her waist and tugged her into his side as she followed his lead, arm wrapped around his hips and hooked her thumb through his belt loop. Her feet didn’t touch the ground, kicking carelessly as they enjoyed the peace. So many words were crawling up her throat, begging to be given life and sound; she was tired of holding them in.
“Thank you,” She whispered, “Not just for tonight, but for everything. You didn’t have to be there every night and day.”
“I didn’t, but I wanted to be. You don’t need to say thank you. You did the same for me.” He replied just as quietly, uncharacteristically somber for him.
“I don’t need to, but I wanted to.” She said, lifting her head to meet his eye as he smiled at her.
“I accept your gratitude, my lady,”
She snorted and poked him in the side, delighting in his false shout of pain before he laughed and kissed the crown of her head.
“Just so you know, those nights you struggled? I was struggling too. I needed you just as much as you needed me. I hope you know that,” He confessed in a murmur, serious and utterly free of his usual snark. It touched her, and she felt like she’d been dipped into a hot bath. The cold night didn’t bother her as they basked in silent comfort, speaking and joking when something popped into their heads. She couldn’t remember a time she had been able to indulge in those silences borne between two people who understood each other and did not need to voice everything that came to them. It wasn’t something she had thought Dan was capable of, but he kept surprising her. His fingers drew patterns over her dress, making her shiver and lean into him.
Soon, they lay back on the car, she mourned the loss of his touch for a split second, but he immediately grabbed her hand as they got comfortable. They stole glances at each other through their periphery as they watched nature’s finest show in the sky above them. His thumb made slow circles on her hand. An incredible prickling sensation moved in the wake of it, and she shifted closer until their heads and legs touched too. Contentment was a rare thing for her. She always found some way to sabotage it or deny it. Still, she felt it then under the melody of stars and the crash of the waves, and her heart was the drumbeat to the song her mind composed in honor of it.
“Did you tell anyone you were meeting me tonight?” She asked after a long while just to hear him speak.
“Thomas and Jessy. They’re both too happy about it, and Jessy demands that you visit her soon.”
Forcing a laugh for none had reached out to invite her or check on her, she said, “Tell her I will come soon... How are they all?”
Dan caught the shift in her mood but understood she didn’t want to poke at that wound.
“They’re okay. Some are worse than others, but they’re better than they were... It’s still weird, though.” He said, and she nodded, understanding they might never be okay again.
“Maybe one day this will all just be a memory that doesn’t hurt anymore.” She muttered, hoping it would come true as a star streaked across the sky, and Dan instantly pointed at it.
“What do I wish for?” He said with a wide grin, turning to her as if she held every answer to every question he’d ever had.
“Whatever you want, it has to be yours.” She teased as he gave her a resolute nod and took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a second as the star vanished.
When he looked at her again, she couldn’t stop her nosiness, “What did you wish for?”
Dan shook his head, “Can’t tell you. Then it won’t come true.”
“If you tell me, maybe I can make sure it does,” She chuckled, eyes locked on his rugged face as his gaze dipped between her mouth and a spot over her head.
She thought he would ignore her, change the subject or make a joke. He didn’t.
“Or I can make it come true myself.” He said in a voice that wavered as her body went loose and tight, her hummingbird heart out of control as she nodded without any idea what she agreed to.
It didn’t really matter. Not as he moved so close, her vision doubled. All she could see, feel, and smell was him. Electricity sparked under her skin as he let go of her hand to cup her face, tilting her head so gently it made her want to cry. He was careful and slow, giving her time to back away or turn him down. Instead, she gave in to the need to scratch his bristled jaw and wordlessly handed him the consent he sought. Her pulse flickered in her throat, breath quickening along with it, the rush of blood in her ears as time stretched out and the world around her faded until there was only Dan. Supple lips on hers, delectable and plush as he tested the waters, and she let go of the breath she was holding. He made a sound then like a leash snapping as he grew more insistent and brave. The scratch of his whiskers, the heat of his body, and his big hand dragging her closer chased away any doubts still flittering about her overthinking mind.
He tasted like sugar and salt, sweet with a bite as she opened for him, and his tongue swept inside to tangle with hers. It felt like discovering something new and coming home all at once. Unfamiliar but somehow fitting her perfectly as she mapped the shape of his lips, his hand dropped to her hip to pull them flush together. It was a clumsy kiss that soon turned into something so sweet and profound that she felt her nerves melt away as her body slackened and the tremor in her hands stilled. Her fingers were in his silken hair, trying to pull him closer in as her greedy lips opened wider, and she nipped at his plump bottom lip to feel him smile. His very male scent in her nose was so enticing she sighed and let herself enjoy being soundly kissed for the first time in years.
Their lips tasting each other, their roaming hands, and the scrape of his beard on her flushed, sensitive skin was all she ever wanted to feel. She felt free, a little wild, and wanted, and it was a gift beyond price as he taught her a secret language that needed no sound or words but their panting breath shared between two lungs. In all her imaginings, she had never come close. She had expected roughness, grasping hands, and a demanding mouth from him. He held her like she was made of fine glass, reverent, and like she was something he never wanted to break. It made her heart quiver and jump as they kissed. Heat cascaded through her chest and banished the frosty layer that had protected her during these past months of painful healing. The weight of it had been crushing, and now it was gone. 
Magic. She had never believed in it before. But there, on the hood of his car under the stars, she felt it ignite in her veins as he broke the kiss to stare into her eyes, and she knew his world had just tilted upside down too. All they thought they knew was now gone, and something new was ready to bloom. If they were brave enough to take it, they could grow like ivy, out of control and all over each other. Was she prepared for that? She didn’t think anyone was ever truly ready to change their lives to include another. So, instead of overthinking and writing a thousand speeches, she would never say out loud, she was tired of playing it safe. Imogen took a deep breath and jumped. 
“Your place or mine? I’ll pay for breakfast.” 
I may or may not write another part. I haven't decided. I wanted to write something romance-focused without smut to see if I could. Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed it, I'd love to know! :-)
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babeczka415 · 10 months
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Heart Like a Truck: Chapter 4
⚠️trigger warnings: mention of death, alcoholism, and language
A/N: I ended up having to cut out the ending and will be putting it in chapter 5. I'm still struggling with writing but I adore this chapter and couldn't wait any longer to share with you all.
The air in this truck as the three of us was thick with suspense. Cecilia felt Jake hand on her thigh but as much as she wanted to shut out the world and take Jake dressed like a cowboy she couldn't. Her eyes kept darting to him. How he looked in that red plaid and those jeans set her core on fire. It was a look she always loved on guys but with Jake she fell in love with his soul and mind before ever seeing him. However his muscles did wonder for him in this even though everything was a size bigger because of being Casey's. Her right hand left the wheel and put it on her thigh over his hand.
She didn't want him to run because of what was bound to happen. Her heart knew they would find their piece of heaven here on these acres and he would run until it was safe. In her mind she had a feeling who was at the house but she had to come up with a lie. She was preparing herself for the worst.
"Cece, what are you thinking?" Casey voice behind her in the back seat. His voice filled with concern for the woman who's always been a sister to him. His eyes caught hers in the rearview mirror.
"What is waiting for me," she tried to hide her panic from the two guys but they both knew her too well.
As she finally pulled her truck up into the front of the house her heart sank. It was her worst fear, it was the FBI. Her and Jake's eyes met each other, she could see the fear in his blue eyes at the sight in front of them. Before opening the doors,she sighed,"follow my lead boys," taking a deep breath to regain her confidence.
Out of the SUVs was her lawyer; Jackson Carter, Eric Randall the chief of the Police and a man dressed in a suit. She looked at Jake and back to the house and watched him walk there before she opened her mouth.
"Cecilia, there has been new evidence found on the death of your parents" Jackson states.
She turned her head so face, certain she was going to have whiplash from it. She looked over the men standing in front of her. Unsure what to say, it's been eight years since the accident. Her and Casey were the ones to find them as they came home from the bar. Unable to say words she turned around but not before looking at the man next to her that had stood by her side through it all.
"Jackson, what are you talking about? It was stated to be an accident," Casey's voice full of concern. He knew this conversation was going to open a deep wound for Cece but neither of them understood. They had found the truck used to haul hay hit one of the apple trees they had on the farm.
"You see it wasn't an accident. Someone tampered with the vehicle. Someone who was on the farm then and still is now. He is always wanted for other crimes from before he started here."
Looking down at the ground and digging her feet in. Besides Casey there was only one man still here from that time and she knew exactly who. "That lying piece of fucking shit," she mumbled under her breath. The anger rose inside of her. She and her father had trusted this man. "I'll take you to him," her voice dark. 
"Cece, let me. You go calm down otherwise you will end up in no better spot. Remember that man in that house" his hazel eyes looking at the house then back at her. "He needs you to stick around." Putting his hand out for her keys.
"NO! Ryan is the reason they aren't here anymore. I want to see him arrested!" She turns toward the three men that told her this information. "I'm on my property, my only request before you read him his rights is I get to punch him."
She heard the chief chuck, "I won't stop you."  Eric states. He's known her since she was just knee high before he even joined the force.
Feeling the keys in his hand, Casey knows she isn't in her right mind to drive to the bunk house. He sees the look in her face and this isn't what she expected tonight. He watches her jump in the passenger seat and sighs. Looking at the house she sent Jake too, he knows that man is watching out the window unsure of what is going on. However he gets in the truck, looking over at the hellfire sitting in the passenger seat. He knows she's going to fight the biggest guy and he won't stop her.
His knuckles are white from squeezing his fist so tight. He has no idea what's going on but he watches then all head back out to the farm. He's concern, knowing he doesn't know everything about her past he thought she was open enough. However the look Casey gave looking back at this house as Cecilia climbed into the truck passenger side his mind wandered. He walked into the dinning room where his backpack was and pulled out his laptop he had to see what he could find out about the woman who held his heart. He promised himself he never would but after watching everything unfold outside he didn't want anymore secrets. He searched her name but instantly it felt wrong and he couldn't bring himself to look. She always told him when she felt like talking she would. He knew it was his fault, he never stayed long enough for those walls of hers to break down.
She felt the rev of the truck as her blood boiling inside her. For twelve years she trusted this man. Her own father trusted him and now she wanted answers. She wasn't scared of him but more of the truth coming out and destroying everything she thought she knew. She felt her mind drift back to that night. However she shook her head, she couldn't pry open this wound while Jake was here.
After a long quiet ride Casey pulls the truck in front of the bunkhouse. It was a log cabin that was for all the guys that stayed on the ranch to work. She knew they would be in there as it was dinner time for them, and of course beer. She jumped out of the truck with it still in drive with Casey behind the wheel. She heard him sigh but she was on a mission. She heard the other two vehicles and wondered why no one was coming outside. She swung open the door to find them all around the table.
Casey leaned against the door frame, watching the fight unfold before Ryan knew what was happening Cecilia had him but his collar and throw on the floor. She might be a tiny little thing but she had a fight in her that was unbroken. She was a straight up spitfire when it came to those that hurt who she loved. This little thing was ready for any fight this man was gonna throw her way and she had the fight of a wild mustang under her shell.
"What the hell Cecelia?" Ryan yells from the floor.
Not saying a word the anger was evident on her face as her jaw was tight and she threw a punch hitting him square in the jaw. Ryan knew better than to fight back though. She wasn't one to pick a fight over anything.
She told them one punch and she listened she walked away, shaking her hand. She still was angry and needed to let off some steam. "Have at it, Eric. I don't want this piece of shit on my property ever again."
"Ryan Davis, you are under arrest for the murder of Thomas and Emma Dunn."
As Cecilia stormed out of the bunkhouse she heard Eric reading Ryan his rights. She didn't want to hear the FBI agents. She let out a sigh, she needed back to her safety in his arms.
Feeling a hand on her upper back she turned and saw Casey. She felt the tears forming under her hard shell. He pulled her in for a hug. It wasn't who she needed but he understood her pain. He had been there with her that night when they found them and through all of it. 
She looked up "take me home to him. I don't feel safe driving." She walked away from him. Her head hung long with frustration, her skin felt hot to herself and she felt her strong heart breaking down.
"Cecilia Dunn! I have a few questions for you about another man we are looking for," states the agent just as she's about to get in the truck.
"I don't know who else you would be looking for. I'm not a safe haven for wanted criminals," the anger and emotions still clouding Cecilia's head. 
"This is about the hacker from Duskwood…." The agent starts talking. "I haven't heard from him since the mine. I assumed he died in the fire started by Rogers but I'd like to get back to my home after everything." She turns around and gets in the truck.
She looked out the window not saying a word to Casey as he drove her back to the house. She was frustrated, she wanted to punch Ryan more. Everyone in this town knew she was a fighter when those she loved got hurt. She wanted to kick him and make him beg for his life but not in front of the Chief of Police and the FBI agent. She knew her lawyer wasn't going to stop her but that's all.
Her mind kept drifting back to that night but she refused to open that deep wound. She felt the bumps of the uneven road under the truck. Her only concern was to make sure she made it into his arms.
As he pulled up she saw Jake sitting on the swing. Before Casey even had a chance to put the truck to a full stop in front of the farmhouse Cecilia had opened her door and jumped out. She couldn't wait another second to be in his arms and a moving vehicle wasn't going to stop her.
He grabbed her as she came running up and pulled her against his body. She was burning up and he knew she was angry as hell. He looked up from her and saw Casey getting out of her truck.
"Cecilia, I will check everything he's touched tomorrow. The rest of the boys will pick up the slack and it will be like he wasn't even here. I promise," Casey's voice laced with a promise to make it all better.
She turned her head to look at him and the tears of crying into Jake's shirt was evident on her face. She was at a loss for words as the sunset, she just shook her head but held onto Jake tighter.
"Love, I made something simple for dinner. Why don't you go eat." Jake's soft voice in her ear. She shivered at it but in the best way possible.
Watching her walk inside Jake knew it was going to be a rough night but even though the FBI found his little slice of heaven here he couldn't leave her even to distract them.
"Be easy with her tonight and don't let her get to the liquor cabinet. I know she knows how to pick the lock," Casey's voice full of concern for that girl. However as he looks in the window he sees her standing in front of it. Before Jake even notices he runs in and throws Cece over his shoulder and brings her to the kitchen.
"LET ME DOWN YOU BIG GOON!" Cecilia yells hitting his back.
Casey completely ignores the request and just takes the hits on his back. This isn't the first time he's dealt with this side of her but the first time Jake is here as well. He places her down on the barstool. 
Cecilia keeps looking between him and where the liquor is. After everything she just needs to feel the burn of whatever she grabbed going down her throat and into her stomach. Her eyes linger on it slightly too long and she feels a hand grabbing her chin. She sighs as she knows it's Casey. She looks into his eyes and sees the hurt and feels herself picking at her fingernails. The feeling of him being right is something she should be used to but she refuses to admit it.
Casey realizes she won't move as Jake stands in the doorway. Unsure at this point if Cecilia even told Jake about this issue. He goes into the fridge and grabs her a can of soda. Handing to her, he knows what she wants but he can't go down this road again. He leans in and whispers into her ear, "this is not the time for that. I can't watch you open that wound as well. I won't watch you fall into that again."
Standing in the doorway where Cecilia's head turns in the man that holds her heart. She's kept so many secrets from him and maybe it's time they come out.
"I got it Casey, go take care of the ranch," Jake's voiced full of concern for Cecilia. He is realizing there are some big secrets in both their life. He thinks back on the moments with her, how didn't he figure it out sooner. She's fighting the devil in alcohol form.
"I will see you guys tomorrow. Cece, I think you should tell him." Casey walks away.
Looking back at the can that still isn't open, Cecilia focuses on it. The cold metal in her hands, she felt like she could melt it with her touch so hot. She flips the tab but not enough to open it. She doesn't realize Casey left until Jake is standing in front of her with his hands on hers.
"How long?" The crack in his voice is evident he figured out what was going on just now. However, Jake wants to hear it from her.
"Eight years, I've had this drinking problem. It started after Casey and I found them." the softest sigh leaves her mouth as she plays with the tab on the can.
"Why hide this from me?" Jake very well knew the answer but he wanted to hear it from the girl in front of him.
"Because you always leave!" Cecilia's voice raises as she looks up. The tears in her eyes turn back into anger.
"Only to protect you! If they were to find me here I can't imagine what I would do if they hurt you!" Jake's voice laced with anger on her hiding this from him.
Pushing Jakes away from her, the can dropped to the hardwood floor. Cecilia stands up and turns away from him. "When are you going to fucking learn Jake! I don't need to be protected! I didn't need it with Richy or any other time! I need to know you're not going to leave when things get tough with me! For fuck sakes everyone in my life has left me besides the ones I pay!" Her voice laced with total anger and frustration, it's this morning all over again. However, this time she refuses to walk away from the fight.
Jake's jaw clenched tight at her words. Of course she needs to be protected from them, she was all he had to live for. He understood her anger but he wasn't afraid of her like Casey or the other guys, his fear inside of him was for her if something was to happen to this piece of heaven carved out in the Montana countryside. 
Unsure how to put these fears so she could understand where he is coming from he picked up the can. It was a miracle this can didn't break open in the fall, much like the two of them it held on even under the pressure. Moving closer to Cecilia he knew she was a bomb that if handled wrong would go off. Was he frustrated with her for hiding this, fuck yes but he needed her around.
She felt his hand graze her arm, but she moved away. Cecilia knew she hurt him saying that but it had to have been side. She stopped herself from saying she wished never took that text because it would have been a lie. She adored and found home in him but this fight needs to happen.
Turning around she catches the look in his eyes, it's one of fear. "I guess I'll be better off alone," her voice still angry at everything that has happened.
"I'm not leaving you Cecilia! I just was raised to protect the woman I love without even batting an eye." He reached for her hand this time grabbing her so she couldn't move.
Catching his jaw clenching at trying to protect her from his world she's unsure if she can keep this going. "I protected you from them! I didn't let them ask questions on who you are. You need to stop treating me like I'm something that needs to be put on a pedestal because I'm not!"
As she goes to pull away Jake pulls her closer. His free hand goes to the back of her neck and the other one moves to her waist. "I will always protect you. I can't imagine a life without you. I meant it, there is no evading you. When I'm not with you every moment of my existence is thinking of you. Trying to figure out how to come back to you and let those masks of both of ours fall off. You are my home!"
Feeling herself pinned between him and the counter she feels stuck. She loves him just as much as he's saying he loves her but her mind is fighting all of this. She catches him staring at her eyes and while she sees fear still its truly not of her but of losing her. She pushes him away and storms into the living room again. Heading near the liquor cabinet and her knives she plays with. 
"For fuck sakes Cecilia! Don't do it. Don't choose the alcohol over me!" Storming after her as he watches her every movement and sees where she is heading.
Taking a sigh she shuts out the world. Picking up one of the knives her dad had given her. It was handmade, she felt the wood grain under her fingertips and saw the family last name engraved in it, Dunn.  She flips it over running her fingers along the dull blade. She saw the other engravement 'to my loving daughter, Cece'. She felt the tears she had gotten just before they passed for her birthday, it had never been used outside of this house and that's how it planned to be kept. Putting it back down, she realized her parents wouldn't have wanted her to react like this. She was supposed to be an old tree that no matter the storms never broke.
Turning around she saw Jake, she saw the anger as he thought she was going for the cabinet. "I needed to refocus, Jake," she felt her mask slide back on.
He walked closer to her, this time grabbing her waist. "No masks with me. Let those feelings out but don't hide yourself from me please."
The concern in his voice made Cecilia thankful for his hand around her waist. She grabbed the worn out flannel he still had on and pulled herself close. She looked at him up and down and the feeling in Casey cabin came back but this time with also the anger she felt in herself.
He saw her close her eyes and he knew she was trying to calm herself down but tonight he was going to do so. Crashing his lips into hers he felt her body melt. Expecting her to fight him he smiled into the kiss as he pulled her body against his leaving no space.
Feeling his grip tighten on her she fought the melt into him and every muscle in her body tense. His smile was the very thing that was making that happen. She was certain he thought he had won but she was still a loose canon. She pushed him away and bolted away from him.
She ran down the hallway, passing all the family photos from over the years and a few she added of friendships. As she turned the knob into the master bedroom she heard him coming behind her. He wasn't light on his feet in the boots but she slammed the door closed and locked it. There was a small stash noone else knew about in the closet of Jack Daniel's and tonight she planned on shutting out the world and forgetting everything.
As she found the bottle and popped the top off she heard the door unlocked and swing open. Before she even thought about it the bottle was to her mouth and she felt the burn going down. It was the only thing in this moment to numb the pain she felt inside. 
Jake grabbed the bottle from her and went into the bathroom with it dumping it down the drain. Caseys words rang in his mind 'Be easy with her tonight and don't let her get to the liquor cabinet. I know she knows how to pick the lock.' He heard her crying but didn't see her. As the last drop went down the sink he tossed the bottle in the garbage and entered back into the bedroom. Finding her curled up on the floor where he had taken the bottle from her. Jake knew she was broken and afraid.
"Cecilia….." He went to say, unsure of the rest.
"No, don't you dare!" Her head lifted out of her knees and the tears streaming down her face. "You have no idea why I wanted that bottle so bad that I was willing to hide it from you!" Her voice was laced with an anger he couldn't deny.
She was right, he didn't know but Jake knew she needed to be thinking straight and right now she wasn't. Walking up to her even in this state her hazel eyes were dark as the bottom of the ocean and full of anger and tears. Kneeling in front of her his hand reached for her face. However, she batted him away. 
She wasn't going to let him win tonight as much as her body was aching for him, she was also needing to forget today's events. She closed her eyes trying to steady her breathing and was once again lost in all emotions including feeling his fingertips on her lips.
"Please let's talk this through. I can't lose you to that," his voice soft for her to truly hear what he was saying and her body leaned forward with their lips crashing into each other's.
He tasted the whiskey still on her lips but the kiss was messy. Jake felt Cecilia's hand grab the flannel and pulling herself close to him until she was on her knees. Pulling away reluctantly he smirked at her as his forehead was against hers. "Don't think for one moment that kiss is going to let me let you open the liquor cabinet." Jake knew she was hoping for relief but she wasn't going to get it that way. If anything he would be that release and addiction for her.
Her sigh was evident, still full of anger as she opened her eyes. Cecilia knew he was close but looking straight into his electric blue eyes did things to her. She saw the unconditional love in them for her and she knew he could take the anger still inside her. She wished she let it out on Ryan but she couldn't. She felt her emotions melting away but still the anger burned inside of her. That wound that was sealed so tight was cut open again and the thought of losing Jake like she had lost her ex-fiance; she couldn't handle that. Her heart was very much unbreakable with others but Jake to her was her motor. He is the very thing that keeps her going when everything else fails around her.
Cupping her face, Jake could see the emotions still bottled up inside her, especially the anger. She hadn't joked back with him about the kiss and that worried him. The playful banter between them was always their way of calming the storm building but he had seen her in the middle of it this time and had to ride it out. He leaned his lips forward and kissed her deeply pulling her as close to him as possible.
His kiss brought her out of her mind and back to him, she still tasted the whiskey in her mouth and Cecilia knew he had as well but wasn't letting her go. Her fingers found their way to the buttons on Jake's shirt and started to unbutton, she needed that skin to skin contact with him. Pulling away from the kiss to take a deep breath she was struck by his eyes again with a devilish grin.
That devilish grin was the one she knew she needed to ride this storm out. The one that would eventually calm her soul when her anger was released even if it meant no sleep for the restless. As she looked between his blue eyes and his grin she felt herself lean back into this kiss. Her hand ran along his strong chest as they knelt on the floor but this kiss was full of anger of the events and things said. Her body knew what she needed from him even when her mind fought it.
a/n: thanks to @digital-corruption, @itsnotzka, and @miss-celestia13 for the help on this chapter.
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babeczka415 · 11 months
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⚠️T/W: talk about depression and mental struggles
I feel myself slipping into a dark hole. It's been months since I've seen Jake as he had to run from his pursuer. Jessy and Dan have tried to help soften the blow but I don't want them tonight. I only want him here tonight.
I pull out my phone and see all the unread messages from everyone. Only chat I'm caught up on is his. I open it up and it says he's offline.
I let out a sigh "baby, please come on" I whimpered between tears on my couch in the dark.
MC: Jake, do you have a moment?
I watch waiting for him to come on and finally I see his picture next to typing bubbles.
Jake: Everything okay, my love?
MC: No, I really need you tonight. I'm in a dark place.
Jake: You know it's not safe.
MC: I don't care!
Jake: Baby please, you know I just want to keep you safe while I'm trying to clear my name.
I start typing but then I see him go offline. I sigh, throwing my phone down on the coffee table that's full of empty cups, tupperware and wraps. I wrap myself up in a big blanket and put on a movie just for some background noise.
About 30 minutes later I hear my front door open and I grab the baseball bat that Dan gave me the other day when he came over to check on me.
"MC?" I hear Jake's voice as the front door closes.
"Living room" I say not wanting to move at this point.
Jakes POV:
I signed off, frustrated that she doesn't care that I want to keep her safe. However, I can't leave her in the dark place she's in. I grab my bag from the spot I'm hiding in and throw my stuff in it. I order some Chinese food and stop by the grocery store for some of her favorite snacks and drinks before I pick up the food.
This is something we've talked about on what she needs when she gets into this place and right now she needs all of it and me. As I'm checking out at the store. I see some sunflowers and I pick them up for her.
I go to her apartment and unlock the door. I open it and there are no lights on, all I hear is the TV on in the living room. I call out for her and she says she's in the living room.
The fact she didn't come running to me, makes me worried for her. Before I enter the living room my phone goes off and it's a chat with Jessica and Daniel.
Jessica: Please tell me you've heard from MC, Jake.
Jake: I just walked into her apartment. I'm worried for her.
I put my phone back in and I see her wrapped up in her blanket just laying on the couch. I go to put the bags down but there isn't any room. I find a spot on the floor and kneel next to her.
"Hi my love," I say, brushing her hair out of her face. I see she hasn't been taking care of herself and it breaks my heart.
"Hi" she says with a numb expression as she takes a deep breath and smells the Chinese food.
Her eyes get big as she looks at me "I got all your favorites. I didn't realize it was this bad," I say as I hand her the flowers and see a tear drip down her cheek.
She nuzzles into my hand as I go to wipe it away. She moves back on the couch and opens the blanket. I crawl in with her and pull her close.
"Tell me what happened. Who do I have to hurt?" I ask wrapping my arms around her.
"I keep fighting voices in my mind that say I'm not enough. Every single lie that tells me I will never measure up. Am I more than just the sum of every high and every low? Remind me once again just who I am because I need to know." She muffles into my hoodie.
I lift her head so I can look into those brown eyes. "Baby you are more than enough. You are love, you are strong, you are the top of my world. I don't want you to ever think that you aren't. I am not me without you."
She leans her head against mine and I pull up the hoodie so it's covering both of it. She finally starts to doze off but I don't want the Chinese food getting cold.
"Hey my love, why don't you go shower and I'll make you up a plate of the food?" I say running my hand on her cheek.
"Can you join me?" She asks so shyly, unlike her normal self.
I can tell she doesn't want to be alone right now.
"I'll be right here when you come out okay? I'll even clean up a bit for you."
She lets out the saddest shy I've ever heard from her. I finally get up and so does she. She heads into the bedroom and about 10 minutes later I hear the water running. I grab all the cups and bring them into the kitchen. I grab a garbage bag and toss all the food wraps.
I wonder how long this has been going on so I pull out my phone and open the chat with Jessica and Dan.
Jake: How long has she been like this?
Dan: A couple weeks. She never told you?
Jake: She mentioned she missed me but it's bad. I wish you guys would have told me sooner.
Jessy: Sorry she asked us not too because she didn't want you to worry. I guess it became too much finally.
Jake: She's showering right now and I'm cleaning up and making her up some Chinese food. Any changes for the worst I'll let you guys know
Dan: Thanks hackerman. I know you love her and are just taking care of her. We tried too for you.
I put my phone down and put the food and drinks away. I grabbed for her and make up her plate. She comes walking out wearing a big tshirt and her hair in a bun. I can tell she was crying and I pull her close.
"We will make it through this MC" I whisper into her ear.
She pulls away and notices everything cleaned up even the dishes. "You didn't have to do all this Jake. I just needed you " she says looking into my eyes.
I see the hurt in them and it breaks my heart because I know me not being there so much has caused it, but I promised her I'd always protect her.
"Yes, I did have to. I have to protect you from everything. The external demons and the internal ones. Those right now are the ones you've been fighting for too long without me" I say grabbing her face.
She pulls away and goes and sits down "you talked to Jessy and Dan" she sighs.
"Yes I had to know how long this has been going on. Why did you wait so long to tell me?" I ask handing her the plate I made for her.
"Because I knew you were trying to protect me from them finding me." Mc says.
"Love, yes I want nothing more than to protect you. However if you need me that bad that you're fighting your own demons I will always get here as fast as possible. I just happened to be near here right now so it didn't take me long." I say as I grab a fork of her favorite fried rice and put it up to her mouth.
She takes and eats " are you going to spoon feed me all of it?" She gives me a non impressed look.
"I will if I have to so you eat something besides the junk food I cleaned up" I say with a smile.
She smiles back at me, just a little one but enough she knows I'm going to take care of her.
We both finally eat and I take her hand and bring her into the living room. I put on her favorite comedy movie and pull out my laptop and set it on the coffee table so I can keep a watch but I wrap her in my arms.
She finally falls asleep and I can't help but smile because this is the life I'm trying too hard to get too. Having her in my arms daily and smiling even on her rough days.
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babeczka415 · 11 months
The Famous Line
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⚠️T/W: violence and language
thanks @inertflouride for the prompt from this one, I forgot how much i loved this oneshot.
Coming into my apartment after a long day of work. I crash on the couch, thankfully I had some leftovers in the fridge from the take out the night before. After watching a tv show I'm trying to catch up on and eating my dinner I decide it's bedtime. I check my phone to see if Jake has messaged me at all and nothing. I'm not too concerned as we haven't been talking daily since we found Hannah but when we do the feelings are still there. We both agreed we wanted to meet up but he has to shake his pursuers first. I had told him where I live in case something was to ever happen.
As I'm in the bathroom I hear faint knock on the window pane. I was so caught up in the music I was playing I didn't hear my front door open though. I go to check the window but before I do someone comes up behind me and puts their hand over my mouth and all I had was a curling iron in my hand that they made me dropped.
I start to panic, unsure who is behind me when my body goes weak. Just as I'm losing control I see someone in the window.
I finally come to my senses and I'm tied up to a chair. My mouth is gagged and I start to scream but it's muffled.
"If you want the gagged remove be quiet" a man says.
I turn my head and I see a guy, he's dressed in all black and tied to the chair as well. His black hair makes me wonder if it's him. As my eyes get big he looks at me.
"It's really me. This isn't how we were supposed to meet" he says, trying to undo the ties on his hands.
The door opens,"oh good you're both awake" the man says wearing a mask.
"Look you have me, let her go. She doesn't know anything" says Jake.
"See we thought of that but what are we supposed to levarage if you decide not to talk to us?" The man says again.
I feel tears run down my face as I realize there is only one way out of this.
"I swear I'll give you whatever you want. Just let her go" Jake says, looking at me.
"Lets see what she has to say. As she seemed to have screamed alot when passed out" the guy says and removes my gag.
I take a big breath of air, and look at Jake with pleading eyes. I finally notice his bruises and some blood on him. The guy gets in my face and grabs my chin towards him.
"Oh, was this the first time you have actually seen him? What a shame it might even be the last" he says with a grin.
I lose any control and hit my head on his as hard as I possibly can and he steps back.
"Oh your a little shit!" He yells as he slaps me. Then looks at Jake "Nymos, there is officially no letting her go. She waged her own war on me and I'm not even the head of the snake." He snares at Jake.
"I'll just cut the head off" I yell, going into flight mode. What he does realize is while I was doing that, Jake got his hands loose enough to slip out.
He storms back up to me and wraps his hands around my throat. "Those were your last words, you bitch!"
As he says that Jake gets free and gets behind him, snapping his neck. He unties his feet and then undoes my ties.
"You okay?" He asks, looking into my eyes.
I see those bright blues looking into mine and I lean my head against his. "I'll manage, let's get out of here." I say slowly standing up but losses my balance.
Jake helps me up and grabs the guy's gun. "Do you know how to shoot?" He asks, looking at me.
"I've been to shooting ranges" I say concerned.
He grabs the second one and hands it to me. "At least you know how to use a gun" he smiles, which melts my heart. "Stay behind me, if I don't see it just shoot okay?"
"Okay shoot first, ask questions later" I say with a smirk.
He heads to the door and opens it peaking out. He doesn't see anyone on either side and heads out. I peak out as well and do the same thing.
I go to open my mouth and he puts his finger to it to tell me no and I listen. Why does this man first time meeting him tell me to keep quiet and I flat out listen. All of a sudden I hear a gunshot coming from behind me and I move and turn. As I get the gun up Jake already shot and hit the target. My eyes get big as I realize this is going to take a lot on me to shoot someone. I pray Jake has enough ammo to get us out of here.
He takes my hand and pulls me towards more hallways and I feel like we're going to get lost but I trust him. He must sense my nerves and pushes me against a wall to steady my breathing for a second.
"We will be okay" he whispers into my ear. I feel myself calm down and he takes my hand again until we hear more gunfire and he shoots and I hear another. For the need to survive I lift the gun and shoot and I see the body drop to the floor.
He pulls me close again and we see a sign above a door that says exit and pulls me towards it. I have to run to keep up with him but I know I'm safe.
He gets into a car and I follow his lead getting into the passenger seat. He hijacks it and peels off. I keep looking back and all of a sudden I see a vehicle chasing us.
"Jake, we have company," I exclaim.
"Do you trust me?" He asks, looking at me as he puts his seatbelt on.
"Yes" I say, following his lead.
He speeds up and starts making a ton of turns. After 30 mins, we finally lost them and he pulls into a parking lot and we get out. I lean over and throw up.
"You okay?" He asks coming up to me.
"Not how we were supposed to meet" I say as I catch my breath.
He giggles and I swear it's the best sound in the world.
"Even when we are being attacked you know how to make me smile. By the way, good job keeping his attention so I could get my hands loose. However, we should get moving again" He says as he extends his hand. I reach for it and take it in his as we start to run away from the car.
Once he feels we're a safe distance away he stops and pulls me into him. I realize I'm still only wearing a big shirt that I use to sleep in and I blush. He wraps his arms around me.
"Back there I really had to put my trust in you, you know that right?" I say looking into his eyes.
"I'm glad you trust me enough too even though we never met before," he says as he runs a finger on my neck and I flinch from the guy trying to strangle me.
"I have my bag hidden so I can give you a pair of pants and let's go get that Chinese date" he says with a smile.
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x3kristax3 · 2 years
Replaying the game and man I always hate this conversation!
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babeczka415 · 1 year
Heart like a Truck : Chapter 2
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A/N: please note this story will contain cursing along with smut. To pass the smut keeo a wat for '---------' and skip to the next line like that.
Jake could care less if he got dirty from holding her. He missed everything about this woman standing in front him. Her long brown hair was now in a messy braid with pieces of hay in it and she was covered in mud. His hand moved to her face and run along her cheeks. He couldn't imagine how he got so lucky with her. He leaned in and kiss her lips gently and he felt he melt in his arms. 
As she reluctantly pulled away she looked into his blue eyes and that scruff on his face. His black hair fell in front of his eyes slightly as he leaned down to her. The height difference was definitely there but that never stopped them before.
"You're not allowed to leave again," her voice stern. She heard a chuckle from behind and forgot in the moment Casey was there.
"Oh boy, You got your hands full." Casey chuckled at the two of them. 
The chuckle Jake lets out gives Cecilia shivers down her spine. He very well knows she's a handful, and has been since the moment they started talking. "When isn't she a handful, Casey? However, I would not trade her for anyone else."
"Hey dipshit!" Cecilia yells as Casey starts walking away. "I still expect that cowboy coffee in the morning!"
"Same time as this morning, only way you will get it. Otherwise, I'm drinking it Cece!" He gets in the ATV he left up here earlier for this moment. After they day they hand this is a tradition they have had since they were just teenagers working this ranch and learning everything they could. As he mounts the ATV he turns around and watches her smile at this man and take him inside. He knows she won't be up early with him here, she will probably just be falling asleep then.
With their fingers interlaced, Cecilia pulled Jake up the porch into the house. Nothing was going to stop their time not even Casey remarks, about early morning coffee. She never had a problem waking up early even with Jake so the thought didn't even cross her mind.
As they walked into the house she took off her mud covered boots and cleaned off the big pieces. She sighed as it was now something else she would have to do before she showered.
She felt arms around her waist, feeling his breath on her neck. "Love, go relax. I will get these for you," Jakes voice was gentle but demanding and she loved when he was in this mood. She didn't know how he didn't care about getting dirty from holding her. 
A smile was evident on her face as she moved away and saw him grab her boots and the brush and take them outside. Jake wasn't her normal type. He sure wasn't what everyone expected her be with but it didn't matter. Her heart belonged to him and nothing could change this feeling.
When it came to Jake Andrews, she wanted to settle down, she wanted this man to be free from being forced to run. She wasn't sure how she was going to manage that but there was no way she was letting him leave her again.
She turned and shook her head as she caught the mess. She had only came home for food and to change her clothes from after the horses being born today that the house was a mess. She refused though to let herself nof relax. If she had too it would be a day around the house and let Casey take care of the ranch tomorrow.
She entered the bathroom, thankful for her silk robe. She decided to leave the door unlocked. She put on some soft country music that has been helping her relax and after peeling off her clothes she pulled off the hay and big pieces of mud that got under her clothes and in her hair as she got in the shower.
He entered back into the house and heard the water running. As he looked around he realized how busy she had been since she didn't pick up around the house. The thought of surprising her so they could relax was all he could think of. He grabbed a towel and threw it in the dryer to be warm for her and started picking up. He knew how she kept things as he always helped with this in the past but tonight he wanted some alone time. He had missed her these last couple months and by the way she ran to him he knew it was just as hard for her.
They hadn't planned on falling in love while looking for Hannah but they had. His life wasn't easy but this was a safe haven when he felt like they were far enough away. He wasn't sure how long they had and he was going to give her everything he could.
After picking up he walked into the kitchen. This kitchen was huge, it had a massive white finished island and dark accents throughout. He knew from photos she had redone it when she took over but she did it to her style even now. He knew if he could get free he could live here with her. He decided to make them a simple tuna sandwich with a salad and chips as she probably hadn't eaten really today. 
As he finished making the food she heard the dryer stop and grabbed her towel and brought it in. He wasn't sure if she left the door unlocked but as he reached and turned the knob, a smirk formed on his face. As he walked in he put it in the hook next to her robe. He saw the tie and decided tonight was going to be fun. 
He sat in the kitchen waiting for her, checking his phone and their location. They never got close to him here but he couldn't put her in danger of them finding this piece of heaven she has here.
She walked out and saw him in the kitchen on his phone. She knew what he was doing and was thankful he picked up for her. She walked up in her black silk robe that barely covered her ass but it didn't matter with him here. She walked up and leaned against the island next to him and put her arm on his hand. He didn't even flinch at her touch deep in thought but he put his phone down and wrapped his arm around her waist.
"I made us something to eat," his deep voice with the look for desire in his eyes made her walls start breaking down.
"You didn't have to do all this Jake" she leaned in and kissed him. This was gentle and needed after months apart. She felt him pull away and knew they needed to eat before things led to more. 
She sat down next to him and felt his eyes on her thighs. She knew he wasn't looking at her tattoo but how short this robe was and it was driving him crazy. They ate in a comfortable silence as his phone was between them. She saw how far they were away and she made it her mission that he wasn't going to leave her again this time.
They had made it to the bedroom after tons of stopping in the hallway kissing and biting each other's lips. He manages to get her in front of her full length mirror with him behind her. Her small frame against him was perfect to him especially in moments like this. 
She felt his hands on her waist gripping tight against the silk. He hadn't moved his head but their eyes were locked in the mirror. Normally she would try and control what was happening but tonight she didn't want to. She was always in control and tonight she was surrendering herself to him. Hands pulled at the time on her robe letting it open up and she saw the fire light in his eyes. She only had put on a pair of cheeky black underwear, nothing else.
His mouth moved to her ear and nibbled on it as he pulled her back and she felt the bulge in his jeans. Cecilia let down the wall and melted against him at this move, even though it was simple it was what she needed tonight.
"You're going to be a good girl and let me do the work" he hisses into her ear with his hand under her chin as he looks at her in the mirror with her robe open.
Goosebumps spread over her skin at his words, with a slight shuddering moan she gave her approval.  But she wanted to talk so badly with him about him not leaving the ranch. She wanted him to stay with her, not leaving her again. 
"Jake, I-" He refused to let her speak by opening her robe and rolling her right nipple between his thumb and index finger, making her whimper. 
He sensed that she wanted to talk about something serious but he wanted to enjoy the moment with her. She leaned in, resting her back on his chest while he drove her nipple mad.
"No talking now. Be a good girl and let me lead the dance," he growled in her ear while turning her around.
Looking into his dark eyes, she forgot everything she wanted to talk about and only focused on the lust in his eyes and the burning fire in her. She let go of the leash she was using to control herself and let Jake seduce her.
Her arms wrapped around his neck and that sly smile on his face she knew there was no turning back. She felt his fingers switch to her left nipple giving the same attention as his other hand gently clenched her chin tilting it up to him.
He felt her hands move down over his shirt and find the hem to slide under. She needed to feel his skin under hers and he wasn't going to stop. Too many months with only text while on the run he needed all of her to submit to him.
He stepped away but she followed by undoing his jeans and sliding them down. She slid off her robe, left only wearing her underwear as she gave herself fully. 
He knew she wasn't fully submitting to him and it's what was needed. He knew one way to make her heart flutter in moments like this and have her give into him fully. His hands moved to her ass so she didn't realize what was happening and picked her up. As he did she clung to him, wrapping her legs and arms around him fully. He saw her neck on full display as her head leaned into his shoulder and his lips met the spot right at her neck and shoulder, sucking and licking it. He felt her grind in his hands but he just played with her ass. He couldn't help but smile as she moaned softly into him.
"Jake, more please," she whimpered as she felt the heat rising inside her and between her legs getting wet. She knew what he was doing and she wasn't about to stop him now.
He pulled away from her neck with a smirk as he saw the mark he left. He knew that would be bruised in the morning. He however couldn't wait another moment. She purposely teased him at dinner with that robe and her hands touching him. He turned them around so her back was to the queen sized bed and tossed her back but held onto her legs as he dropped her.
Looking at her, the lust in her hazel eyes would drive any man insane but here she was looking at him with a fire in her soul and heart. He knelt over her on the bed leaning down to kiss her which she met. Her walls broke down and he slid off her underwear as he never broke from her lips and mouth. Their tongues played with each other and he felt her moan as his fingers grazed her clit.
He knew there was no room for the foreplay the both normally enjoyed but he looked up and saw the drawer next to her bed that held her handcuffs. He stopped up and finished undressing as she laid there watching him. Wondering what he was doing being so far away from her.
He moved her so her head was on the pillows and kissed her, needing all of her tonight. She hadn't even realized he grabbed the cuffs until he locked one around her wrist. She looked into his blue eyes and they were dark with lust. She knew at this moment he needed all of her and she was willing to get it.
Without a word between them she lifted both hands above her head and he clicked the other. She was so thankful these were fur lined and super soft. He was giving it all tonight and she wasn't going to stop him.
As he looked at her on the bed, hands restrained and naked. "Fuck Cecilia you have no idea what you do to me." His mouth met her nipples and she instantly bucked her hips under him.
"Jake please!" She begged, needing to feel him inside her.
He couldn't contain it anymore and lifted her legs onto his shoulders and spread her wide. He slipped right in and instantly started to rail her. One of his hands moved to her clit and played. He watched her squirm and scream under him but he wasn't stopping. He kept it up as she started cumming over and over until they turned into orgasms. 
After a while with her squeezing around his big cock she felt him twitch inside of her and fill her up as they both screamed and moaned at their peak.
She knew this was only the start of her night.
Jake woke up in her bed, the soft blankets and soft cotton sheets was where he got his best sleep. Well honestly anywhere that brunette was he could sleep. He felt her arm around his chest and turned his head not wanting to disturb her. She was rarely still asleep when he woke up so this was a sight he was not used to. She was peaceful as he watched her breathing in her sleep. 
Last night was evident as he saw the bruise on her neck forming, her messy damp hair and her naked body curled up against him.  He saw a piece of hair near her mouth and moved it for her. Her lips still swollen from the kissing last night but he loved this sight.
He was taken away by the scene and if she really gets him to stay this time he could get use to this. He was aware once she woke up her own mask would go on around everyone else. He is brought back by a knock on the door. He sees her stir at the sound and slides out of bed. He grabs a pair of black sweatpants and heads to see who's at the door as the sun is barely peeking through. 
He sighs as he sees Casey standing there with two cups of coffee. Jake opens the door and notices a confused look.
"Where is Cece?" Casey asks looking behind Jake.
"She's still sleeping, guess she needs it. Do you think you can handle it until she wakes up?" Jake asks checking to make sure noone else was here.
"Tell her when she wakes up, she lost her coffee but to take today with you. She needs a day of peace and you bring it to her." Casey didn't know why this man brought her peace but after everything she's been through she deserves it.
"I will let her know. However, I need an answer as she will just tell me she's been find. How has she been lately?" The concern in Jakes voice as he looks back into the house.
"She's been through worse, but will make it through. I think you really should stick around so she can actually heal." Casey knows the likelihood of Jake staying was slim but she needed him fully in her life.
"After last night, I want too but my main concern is always to keep her safe." Jake looks over the pasture and realizes why she tries to always watch the sunrise. The view is breathtaking and serene.
"Well, she needs you here," Casey states. He hopes that this conversation makes Jake stay but only time will tell.
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babeczka415 · 5 months
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A/N: writing is something I have really missed @paigenoelchas-blog thank you so much for helping me get back to this.
Flutter in her stomach, butterflies. She is living for these little magic nights when she is with him. She gets the feeling of being high; you can see it in her big pretty eyes.
She had no idea that today she was going to feel this way. It's been another hectic morning at the coffee house she found a job at. It's always asking for a name and all the different coffee's that she has memorized. However, today felt different. The normal busy business feels even busier. It makes sense as the holidays are around the corner so everyone is doing their holiday shopping.
He comes walking in and lets out a sigh. His blue eyes scan the coffee house for one of his half sisters. Jake is suppose to be meeting Hannah here to do holiday shopping as he is meeting the rest of the family this Christmas. They both agreed to meet here as its a halfway point between Duskwood and where he has been staying. 
Jake wasn't a fan of coming in and seeing the long line but he decided to get in the line as he needed coffee if he was going to make it through shopping. He knew what he was ordering, it is always a basic 20 oz americano no matter where he goes.
As the line moves she feels a change in her. She feels these butterflies in her stomach. MC has always been one to fall fast so her heart comes full of scars. 
“What's the name on the order, sir?” She asks looking up. She felt the chemistry, it feels like a gravititational pull.
“Jake, 20 oz americano.” He looks up from his phone and is stunned by the hazel eyes looking at him. He feels pulled to her in a way he never has before.
She smiles and feels herself blushing. She always stayed away from guys with J names but this is like two lost souls meeting and intertwining forever. She takes his order and writes his name on the cup holder. She decides to be hold for the first time in her life and puts her name and phone number on it. 
As she hands him the sleeve their hands touch and there is an electric spark between them. Neither one of them ever believed in fate or soulmates but here right now changes them both.
MC is off work finally and walks outside the still busy coffee shop. She's thankful its now her two days off. She looks up and sees the man from earlier with a brunette girl
“Jake, we don't need more coffee!” Hannah yells
“Coffee, means I see her again.” He grumbes to his sister.
Their eyes lock and they both blush so hard.
Hannah sees this, “oh my brother has a crush…” she's stopped mid sentence by Jake's hand over her mouth.
A giggle escapes MC as she hears this interaction between the two.”I wouldn't go back in there. It's worse then earlier with the line. And I must say the man at the register isn't as cute as the girl earlier.”
“Jake, I told you it was going to be worse”, Hannah states.
“I know a place not far from here that also makes great coffee that noone really knows about. I was heading there myself, would you like to join?” MC asks.
“Yes” states Hannah and Jake at the same time.
They spend the afternoon at a little cafe enjoying the food until Hannah leaves. However, Jake doesn't want to leave yet. He feels this connection with this woman that he never has before. The spend the rest of the day and evening walking around going to little shops and just getting to know each other. Before she knows it they are back in front of her work and her and Jake are kissing softly.
Jake looks into her hazels as they pull away from this kiss. MC is pinned between hin and the wall next to her door. He has no idea what it is about this woman, he isn't one to fall fast at all. "I cannot simply evade you and I don't even want to." 
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x3kristax3 · 2 years
MC walks out of the bathroom wearing sweatpants and an oversize shirt and sees jake staring at her instead of his computer: what?
Jake walks up to her pulling her close: you take my breath away
MC: even like this?
Jake: yes and everything about you
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