#dw oc tournament
The OC's Are Currently Prepping For Battle
The fight will start around tomorrow. Untill then, meet your contestants!
Dalek Blueton
Aurora Williams
Brick Ashton
Selena Ali
Odhrán Catton
the Monitor
Dalek Riz
Buddy Adams
the Stowaway
Riley Tyler
Odessa Hanover
Amira Striker
Attorney What
the Assasin
Calpernia Weatherly
Lizzie Stewart
And their owners!
@pancakesabc @gender-snatched @cosmikazie @partywithponies @what-if-i-just-did @bodhrancomedy @firewolf-pyro @dinnerisnotover1997 @theshotgunsailor @musesreunite @doryphorey @microraptorreactor @im-tired-24-7 @thatdramabitchq @skaro-central @fuckyeahvaleyard @problematic-rayndrop @konnfusion @capybaraonabicycle @okayhotshots @partial-bouquet @whatthedogdoing123 @eddysocs @xendiyatrix
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cosmikazie · 1 year
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some old art as propaganda for sam (ft. his tardis) in the @doctor-who-oc-tournament
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afarcryfrommymain · 10 months
Far Cry OC Tournament Round 1A
Esther Seed v Orayani Ragadio v Wesley Beltran
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Voting and little about our contestants under the cut!
Esther Seed (@vampireninjabunnies-blog)
About: Esther was born on March 20th 1994, in a very small rural community outside of Atlanta, Georgia to the local pastor David Shea and his wife Mary. She's the youngest of three, her sister Sarah is ten years older and Michael is four years older. She didn't fit in very well as a child due to being skipped ahead several grades. Her parents did the best they could to make her childhood a happy one and for the most part succeeded despite their deep poverty. She graduated from Harvard University at eighteen with her Ph.D in Psychiatry, focusing on childhood and religious trauma. Esther participated in competitive archery while in University and was champion three years in a row. She met John Seed in a nightclub not long after, and they dated for a year before she moved to Montana. During that year she'd worked as a social worker but quit from burnout when the systems flaws kept her from saving a child in an abusive home. She and John married and lived very happily for around two years despite her passive aggressive conflict with Joseph. Until one night after an argument with Joseph went too far. She and John attempted to leave Eden's Gate and Hope County but Joseph ran them off the road into the river. Now three years later the Reaping is in full swing, John and the rest of the county believe she's dead. And she's trapped in a bunker by Joseph with her children working to escape. Esther is 5"0, 98lbs, long copper red hair, big brown doe eyes. Fair skinned and covered in freckles with an hourglass figure. A fairly small, delicate woman. She has two tattoos given to her by John. The Seven virtues in latin under her right breast and a small bumblebee with John's initials on her pelvis. Later in her story she has the word PRIDE carved into her left shoulder blade by Joseph.
Does your OC have anything to share?: "Esther is an accomplished archer and equestrian. She is quite good at mounted archery and being as petite as she is she favours stealth and ambushes if she has to fight."
Orayani Ragadio (@broken-balance-baby)
About: She's from the post-canon au of Far Cry 3 where Jason becomes a merc! Filipino Aeta girl, she's also a starting journalist and meets Jason and his team in the middle of a warzone in Southern Philippines. she's very sweet, polite and always optimistic, she also doesn't seem very smart because of that but she is. she knows how to handle a bow and arrow and Jason teaches her how to use guns in their story.
Anything else we should know?: "she's very small! like say about 5'1 or so. so it's possible she could use her size to her advantage LOL"
Wesley Beltran (@stacispratt)
About: wes beltran considers himself a generally calm person, and this is true until his friends are in danger. staci and joey are his only family in hope county, and he'd do anything for them. after the seeds take them from him, his singular goal is to rescue them at any cost. at first, he agrees to help the resistance, because the more people fighting the cult the better, but the second any task doesn't directly help him get joey back from john (his first goal), he'll ditch it. he doesn't want to waste time, he wants to get right to joey, and also get his hands bloody punishing the people who have hurt her. after he gets accustomed to his brand new bloodlust, he prefers to use knives/blades/shovels to kill cultists over guns. it's more personal and painful for them. this is especially so with john seed! killing him from a distance with a gun would take all the reward out of killing john. also, it turns out that john seed's obsession with him scratches a very particular, desperate, life-long need inside wes to find someone who loves him more than anything, and his priorities after he rescues joey starts to blur into something that includes soaking up john's obsessive love forever and ever so he can (maybe, possibly) finally feel so full of love he'll never starve for it again! that's not to say john and wes don't beat the shit out of each other, because they do, most notably at wes's confession where wes beats john over the head with a metal pipe to rescue joey, and at wes's atonement, where john tattoos wes and then wes hunts john down until john gets the upper hand and steals him away to his bunker where, you guessed it, they beat the shit out of each other again. when marshal burke dies, wes blames the resistance. staci suffers near-death torment at the hands of jacob seed, and wes can't reconcile this with the idea that the resistance cares at all, because he's so sucked up in the well-being of his own two best friends. eventually, consumed with his mutual obsession for john seed, wes joins the cult and becomes john's right hand man and favorite chosen. he doesn't particularly take pleasure in torturing or killing innocents, but his loyalty to john has cemented itself and he'd do anything for him, just as he'd do anything for joey & staci. plus they still get to make each other bleed without politics also boomer is his bestie :)
Anything else we should know?: corruption arc through obsessive love babey.
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ceragolor · 1 year
To Naos:
What’s your favourite flower? I was out in the garden today and picked some really special sparkly golden flowers, so I made you a bouquet to say good luck in the tournament! I hope you like it!
- Rosie
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Naos: Oh! Thank you these are wonderful! I've grown really fond of the pop flowers in White Wafers. They remind me of um... home...
Naos: (But I like any, really!)
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azzie-tangerine · 1 year
Have so many ideas but school has been burning me out so much that I barely get any drawings done.
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goldendragonleaf · 1 year
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o7 to Loga, rip. It was fun while it lasted though! Congrats to Naos by @ceragolor!
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daily-pink-character · 9 months
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Happy summer break!!!
o<(*’v`p)p☆+*:;;;:*+☆ masterlist !!
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Hi! (=^ ◡ ^=)
I decided to make this because i like these types of blogs dhsh
(This is mostly a mish mash blog inspired by all these guys @your-fave-is-a-pink-character @dailyhatsune and @pink-character-tournament)
If u wana be alerted when i post ur suggestion dont send the ask in anon. Ill automatically reply privately so dw abt that!
✩its preferred to send suggestions separately<3
Also i dont mind spam liking. Go ham boys.🫡
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Ok so
Ill be posting one character a day, if i ever skip a day ill add an extra character for the day i missed( ̄ω ̄;)
(Preferably not real people!)
I dont really mind if its not completely pink but sometimes theres some characters that arent really pink at all so😭!!! AND OCS ARE ALOUD:3!!
You can send asks with a character and suggest it! But asks don’t necessarily have to be about the characters
Also if anything is problematic lmk😭
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About the mod-
I am a minor so dont be ehhhh
My pronouns are they/she/he pls feel free to use them all!
I also speak spanish so thats cool!
Thats all actually(;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)
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thecatfight2023 · 1 year
Cat Fight 2023!
There has already been a catpeople tournament, but we couldn't find an actual cat tournament so we decided to make one :)
It's going to be run by two people (Mod Orange [he/they] and Mod Calico [any prns])
Submissions open!
inspired by: @catpeople-tournament-2023 (ofc), @clown-poll, @mad-scientist-showdown, @ultimate-fnaf-showdown, @2023himbotournament, @lawyerbloodbath, @mostpatheticlittleguy, @creature-competition, @cinnamon-roll-competition, @certified-dumbass-competition, @gaybadguystournament
also tagging @competition-list :)
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Art is by mod orange :3, it is his oc (dw he is okay)
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companion-showdown · 11 months
How do you feel abt being the backbone of the fandoms fun rn?
if you're having fun here, check out some of these other fandom tournaments
@doctorwhobracket <- tournament between all new who episodes
@adventure-showdown <- this one's me, every televised doctor who story and then some, currently ranking all TV stories, will become an actual tournament in november
I'm probably missing some, so if you know of any others with ongoing tournaments or plans to run tournaments tell me so I can help spread them since they're all so fun
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So, as I have mentioned in a tag before- I have been working on a new au (dw Insane Subspace will still be here it is my first au here and I WILL die for it)
but I have been listening to the Side Order soundtrack, and saw the themed at play in the DLC and made a sort of.. au? Timeline? For it simply called the Order AU.
So my idea is that this new group has taken over Crossroads/Inpherno, imposing their idea of Order upon it. Let’s just call this group Order This results in the Phighting tournaments being shut down by them and colors being practically drained into the monochrome nightmare that you see in Side Order. Order has taken over every aspect of Inpherno life
… but someone will always fight for the chaos that once littered Inpherno with Color (and conflict but there’s surely better ways to go about it then THIS)
So enter Justice and Citric (Justice is the oc of another friend of mine (Vic) and yes they are canonly friends) They (Order) TRIED to get Justice to join them, but Justice knew that this was wrong. HORRIBLY wrong
The whole Phighting roster DID try to fight back as well but
You will see how that turned out for them.
they even caught the deities as well and subjected them to the same fate as the phighters
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As you've probably guessed from the title, this is a tournament for Doctor Who OC's! I'm going to edit this post whenever something changes or comes up, so pay attention.
Submissions are closed!!! Sorry ya'll. I've added one of my oc's, but I won't be saying who it is untill they lose/win. I also added Odhrán Catton ( @bodhrancomedy ) because I just love them.
We've got a bracket of 32, with four Rounds and a bonus poll for third place.
Some General Rules
If you're transphobic, homophobic, biphobic, aphobic, fatphobic, islamophobic, anti-semetic, racist, sexist, ableist, or any other shape of bigoted asshole, fuck off and don't interact with this blog ever. Thanks. If you're trans, gay, bi, ace, other types of queer, fat, muslim, Jewish, poc, feminine/female/afab, disabled, mentally ill or neurodivergent; this is a safe space. You're welcome here.
The usual, this is just a funny tournament, no death threats or anything stupid or You Will Be Blocked
I love hearing about your OC's so infodump all you want please!!!
I've seperated things into tags, feel free to block/follow any of them
tournament related things - dw oc tournament
polls - dw oc poll
asks - dw oc ask
And, of course, the mandatory @'s:
@drwho-shipbracket @companion-showdown @doctorwho @doctorwhoblog @doctorwhoproblems @dw-companion-outfits-bracket @oc-ships-fight-to-the-death @oc-siblings-bracket @ocshipsmackdown @dt-oc-tournament @villain-oc-tournament @transfemswagbracket @original-character-championship
If you could kindly reblog this please?
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who is Gable? are they someone's incredibly popular oc? a Patreon-exclusive character? someone else that I somehow completely forgot about/missed somehow???
Ahaha no dw you haven't missed anything! Gable is a character from Campaign: Skyjacks (so not dndads nope!) that Nicky tied with in an earlier round of the tournament- hence them moving together as one!
Personally I don't know much about Gable other than what is listed in their propaganda (some good stuff there, mind you), but the gist is they're the 7 foot tall sword of god turned fallen angel that Nicky pulled by being silly, to which I say- fuck yes! Love fucking wins!
👀 So folks, consider voting for Nicky and his unexpected partner Gable in the semi-finals of the sexiest podcast character poll, you're entitled to a sketch request from the lovely @slightlyhopefulromantic if you do!
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So a major update
So a few days ago I was not in a good mental space. & during that, I ended up deleting the entire folder I had on my computer that contained every single asset I made for this bracket.
I am not gonna give up the bracket dw, & I ain't gonna restart the whole thing, I'm gonna recreate all the assets & make them even better this time. Plus, all the ocs I put in this bracket are outdated anyway bc they've all been totally overhauled design wise.
So it'll be a bit of a confusing shift but I'll be updating the blog & making it even better <3 Consider the Dorothy haze poll a little bonus to tide you guys over while the blog does some renovation. <3 also for the rest of Era 1 I might be having our rounds be 1 fight per day instead of week long batches. And then it'll be helpful for transitioning to the new renovated blog. Thanks for sticking with my stupid little self indulgent tournament btw
And since I mentioned it, Zoey has had her design finalized, heres a little preview of her final design, she hopes you guys are proud of her
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whatthedogdoing123 · 1 year
Meme blog!!!!!!!!!!!
This is going to be a meme blog, i will post (almost) every day. If you know a funny meme that you want to see here, just send it in😄 I might use this for a couple of small tournaments, so follow for funny memes and possibly polls, reblog for more attention!
This is a safe space so if you think a meme is disrespectful, please message me and i will remove it as soon as possible.
Tags: @memewhore @memes @memedaddy @dailymeme@memesalldaylong@memes-sugadores-de-mentes@doyouknowwhatimeme@thememedaddy@thememeismighty@dogposts@important-animal-images@bestsiblingstournament@doctor-who-oc-tournament@important-animal-images@fyon-luna-13 @bestsiblingstournament@best-animal-bracket@ultimatepokemontournament@respectthewolf@randomreasonstolive@bestpokemonevertournament@bestgirlsnametournament@worstinsultsever@catsthatlooklikepinupgirls @lunarnamesbracket@dead-character-showdown @the-ultimate-tournament @hellsite-hungergames@dead-character-showdown @best-green-character @bestsiblingstournament @bestgirlsnametournament @best-fictional-cat @hellsite-hungergames @the-ultimate-tournament @thelittlestguy-tournament @the-nobody-tournament@drwho-shipbracket @companion-showdown @doctorwho @doctorwhoblog @doctorwhoproblems @dw-companion-outfits-bracket @oc-ships-fight-to-the-death @oc-siblings-bracket @ocshipsmackdown @dt-oc-tournament @villain-oc-tournament @transfemswagbracket @original-character-championship
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thembosupreme · 1 year
Hi, okay, I fear this will be very random, but you ARE the person who has written 'Daleks in the Desert', right? Otherwise, please just ignore this ask and forgive my confusion.
If you are, let me just start by saying that I adore the story and I am incredibly sorry (and confused and shaking my head at myself) that I still haven't started reading the second part. But I recently reread the first part and it is still so beautiful and I love it to pieces.
Well, what I actually wanted to talk about is that @doctor-who-oc-tournament is still looking for ocs for their competition. At least I think so? They were 2 days ago. And I remembered your story, obviously, because Koschei is my favourite of all dw ocs I have encountered so far.
Now, Idk if that is anything for you, don't worry if it isn't, but I would definitely vote for them if you wanted to nominate them. Just, there is a rule not to send in incarnations of the Doctor or Master and tbh I am still not 100% convinced Koschei ISN'T the first incarnation of the Master. So that might be a problem if my cautious hunch is right.
Anyway, I hope I have reached the right person and I hope you don't mind the ask. Have a lovely day!
HELLO MY DARLING!!!! My favorite reader oh my god, you did find me ✨😭💕. I just looked at the Bracket blog bc that sounded so fun and the submissions just closed 😭 but i’m gonna watch it anyways lol. Thank you so much for being so sweet and supportive all of the time and I’m so glad you love Koschei as much as I do.
I’m not gonna give away who they are but I will say they aren’t The OG Master, and I’ve taken a break from writing their adventure but i’ll be back on it soon.
I’m so glad you found me!!
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doctorjackrose · 1 year
Could I - maybe, possibly - ask about your dw ocs? 👀
(anything you want to share; also if you just want to link me somewhere you have talked about them before I would gladly check that out, too)
Ok, it's taken me for-fucking-ever to answer this ask because I wanted to put my whole pussy into explaining my beloved Selena Ali, but it's finally here.
First, her name is Selena Ali. She's a Punjabi Muslim who lives in London. She works in a shop (like Rose), but her true passion is art, and she has a studio where she works on making all sorts of art.
Second, she has a chronic pain. It's ambiguous (aka I haven't figured out what kind), but she needs either crutches or a cane to move most days. Both of these are red and covered in little white designs she did herself.
Third, she's Martha Jones' girlfriend! At first she was just a "hehe lesbian Martha" sort of character, but now I'm absolutely fucking obsessed with them and their relationship. They're perfect. If anyone would read it, I'd write a whole long fic just about the two of them.
Major points: they kept meeting because Selena kept getting injured and needed Martha to treat her, finally she refused Martha's treatment, Martha was offended, but it was because Selena was like "I don't think I can date my doctor". They do get married.
Do you want to read Marlena fic? Yes you do. Here's the series. The old stuff isn't that good (and I only recently solidified certain pieces of her character), but anything in 2022 and beyond is pretty well written if I do say so myself.
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Also, since I've entered her in @doctor-who-oc-tournament, this counts as propaganda. Go vote for her whenever she turns up.
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