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unmotivatedworld · 2 years
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alphafitnessman · 8 months
Smart Layer, a new project backed by Mark Cuban, is airdroppingg free SLN tokens for easy social tasks. Also, earn more SLN by inviting friends:
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earning9999 · 11 months
Best online earning 2023 crypto currency
Crypto Earning 2023
Bestf2023 crypto currency
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Cryptocurrency Mining: If you have the technical knowledge and access to specialized hardware, you can mine cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin or Ethereum. Mining involves solving complex mathematical problems to validate transactions on the blockchain and earn rewards in the form of cryptocurrencies.
Cryptocurrency Trading: Trading cryptocurrencies on various exchanges can be a way to earn profits. It requires understanding market trends, performing analysis, and making informed trading decisions. However, please note that trading involves risks, and it's important to do thorough research and exercise caution.
Staking: Some cryptocurrencies offer staking opportunities where you can lock up your coins to support the network's operations and earn rewards in return. Staking typically requires holding a specific cryptocurrency in a compatible wallet or platform.
Crypto Affiliate Programs: Many cryptocurrency exchanges and platforms offer affiliate programs that allow you to earn commissions by referring new users. If you have a website, blog, or social media following, you can promote these platforms and earn rewards when people sign up through your referral links.
Microtasks and Freelancing: Some platforms offer opportunities to earn cryptocurrencies by completing microtasks or freelancing jobs. These tasks could include participating in surveys, testing websites or applications, or providing services in exchange for cryptocurrencies.
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kryptokriss-blog · 2 years
Mine Pi hier ungekürzt
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aatarx · 3 months
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earning1422 · 6 months
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synspen88 · 7 months
How Bonus Bucks Will Make You Easy Money From Home
In the dynamic landscape of rewards programs and cashback incentives, Bonus Bucks emerges as a standout player, offering users a unique and rewarding experience. As we navigate through this blog post, let's delve into what Bonus Bucks is all about and why it has become a popular choice for those seeking additional perks in their everyday transactions.
1. The Basics of Bonus Bucks:
Bonus Bucks is a rewards program designed to give users cashback or bonus points for their spending activities. Whether you're shopping online, making in-store purchases, or engaging in specific transactions, Bonus Bucks aims to sweeten the deal by providing you with additional value. The program often collaborates with various retailers and partners, allowing users to earn rewards across a diverse range of products and services.
2. Earning Opportunities:
One of the key attractions of Bonus Bucks is the multitude of earning opportunities it offers. Users can accrue Bonus Bucks through activities such as making qualifying purchases, referring friends to the program, or participating in special promotions. The flexibility in earning avenues caters to different user preferences, making it accessible for those who frequently shop or those who prefer to leverage their network to maximize rewards.
3. Redemption and Benefits:
The accumulated Bonus Bucks are not merely a digital number; they translate into real-world benefits. Users can often redeem their Bonus Bucks for various rewards, including cashback, gift cards, or exclusive discounts. This redemption flexibility adds a layer of personalization, allowing users to choose rewards that align with their preferences and lifestyle.
4. Membership Perks and Tiers:
Bonus Bucks frequently employs a tiered membership structure, rewarding loyal and active users with additional perks. As users progress through different tiers, they may unlock enhanced earning rates, exclusive promotions, and priority access to new features. This tiered system encourages ongoing engagement and provides an incentive for users to explore the full potential of the rewards program.
5. User Experience and Feedback:
User experience plays a pivotal role in the success of any rewards program, and Bonus Bucks excels in creating an intuitive and user-friendly platform. Many users appreciate the seamless integration into their existing shopping routines and the straightforward process of earning and redeeming rewards. The program often encourages user feedback, fostering a sense of community and ensuring continuous improvement based on user preferences.
In conclusion, Bonus Bucks stands as a compelling option in the realm of rewards programs, offering a diverse range of earning opportunities, flexible redemption options, and a user-centric approach. Whether you're a seasoned rewards enthusiast or someone exploring the benefits of cashback programs for the first time, Bonus Bucks provides an accessible and rewarding avenue for maximizing the value of your everyday transactions.
Click here if you would like to sign up, for free I might add, and start making some easy money with Bonus Bucks!
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passive-idea · 11 months
"Make Money While You Sleep: Unveiling the Top 11 Websites for Daily Income"
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heklang · 1 year
Can i earn money without or with investment from home via MiningOneBitcoin? - Copy
Can i earn money without or with investment from home via MiningOneBitcoin? – Copy
So many online earning options available on the internet, but the challenging things is to very difficult to find genuine and legitimate option to start.  Number of frauds, scams and data stolen happening on the internet world. We can’t believe everything that found on google. We have to research ourselves to find genuine or frauds.  But mining one bitcoin is one of the genuine. Know about MINING…
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moneymaker358 · 2 years
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What You'll Discover Inside The Million Dollar Replicator System
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financialoptions113 · 2 years
Raysbot.com Review (Is Raysbot.com Legit Or Scam? Trading Bot Scam!)
Raysbot.com Review (Is Raysbot.com Legit Or Scam? Trading Bot Scam!)
Have you heard of forex trading bot before? Well, forex trading bots are bots which help take profitable trades on the forex market. Also, having this trading bot is every forex traders wish, and raysbot.com is giving it to you at a cheap price. Moreover, you & I don’t know if this is legit, or if raysbot is trying to scam us by selling fake bots, and that’s why raysbot.com review was created for…
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thevaluestack · 2 years
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theambitiouswoman · 6 months
Wealth Building: Money Topics You Should Learn About If You Want To Make More Money
Budgeting: This means keeping track of how much money you have and how you spend it. It helps you save money and plan for your needs.
Investing: This is like putting your money to work so it can grow over time. It's like planting seeds to grow a money tree.
Saving: Saving is when you put some money aside for later. It's like keeping some of your treats for another day.
Debt Management: This is about handling money you owe to others, like loans or credit cards. You want to pay it back without owing too much.
Credit Scores: Think of this like a report card for your money habits. It helps others decide if they can trust you with money.
Taxation: Taxes are like a fee you pay to the government. You need to understand how they work and how to pay them correctly.
Retirement Planning: This is making sure you have enough money to live comfortably when you're older and no longer working.
Estate Planning: This is like making a plan for your stuff and money after you're no longer here.
Insurance: It's like paying for protection. You give some money to an insurance company, and they help you if something bad happens.
Investment Options: These are different ways to make your money grow, like buying parts of companies or putting money in a savings account.
Financial Markets: These are places where people buy and sell things like stocks and bonds. It can affect your investments.
Risk Management: This is about being careful with your money and making smart choices to avoid losing it.
Passive Income: This is money you get without having to work for it, like rent from a property you own.
Entrepreneurship: It's like starting your own business. You create something and try to make money from it.
Behavioral Finance: This is about understanding how your feelings and thoughts can affect how you use money. You want to make good choices even when you feel worried or excited.
Financial Goals: These are like wishes for your money. You need a plan to make them come true.
Financial Tools and Apps: These are like helpers on your phone or computer that can make it easier to manage your money.
Real Estate: This is about buying and owning property, like a house or land, to make money.
Asset Protection: It's about keeping your money safe from problems or people who want to take it.
Philanthropy: This means giving money to help others, like donating to charities or causes you care about.
Compounding Interest: This is like a money snowball. When you save or invest your money, it can grow over time. As it grows, you earn even more money on the money you already earned.
Credit Cards: When you borrow money or use a credit card to buy things, you need to show you can pay it back on time. This helps you build a good reputation with money. The better your reputation, the easier it is to borrow more money when you need it.
Alternate Currencies: These are like different kinds of money that aren't like the coins and bills you're used to like Crypto. It's digital money that's not controlled by a government. Some people use it for online shopping, and others think of it as a way to invest, like buying special tokens for a game.
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ewingstan · 2 months
Is there any parahumans character who would have gotten into crypto? Besides Uber and Leet I mean.
Lisa's probably run a few investment scams promising blockchain-backed play-to-earn game development but she prolly wouldn't have touched the actual tech.
I could imagine Rain being weirdly credulous about crypto having non-speculative uses. Being raised in an apocalypse cult might prime you for the whole "this can be an actually usable currency without government backing" pitch. But even that wouldn't be the same as being "into" crypto in the post-boom investor way.
Krouse and Cody both seem like valid options here but both of them had too much going on to cultivate an OpenSeas wallet.
I feel like there's an obvious pick here I'm missing.
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btc-mining · 10 months
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Bitcoin Mining platform
Bitcoin Live App is a crypto mining platform to help you start earning BTC! It contains the most necessary tools for working with digital assets: cloud bitcoin mining equipment with high hash power. It is a meta-universe of crypto investments available to everyone.
How does Bitcoin Mining App work?
Previously, to mine cryptocurrencies, you had to buy equipment and then recoup its cost. Bitcoin Live App allows you to start mining right now with a minimum cost threshold.
We have developed a quantum decryption algorithm to mine Bitcoin at unsurpassed speed. You only have to log in and activate our process with very simple steps, the magic happens in our the magic happens in our mining farms, so you just have to wait for your profits to be generated. No more hassle with buying and maintaining equipment or mining pools.It's easiest and most efficient way to make money from cryptocurrency mining without having to buy and maintain your equipment. Just choose and buy the best Crypto Mining Key for you and start earning today!
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During this time, We have won the trust of thousands of users. So, join our Platform and start earning bitcoin today by using our mining website. Start mining the quick way, Generate 1 BTC fast and easy with instant withdraw.
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blazehedgehog · 8 months
What do you think of AI stuff like DAll-E or Midjourney?
It's not as useful as some people want you to believe. A lot of people pushing for the acceptance of this kind of software are the same tech bros that invested in crypto currency and were trying to sell you NFTs, which should tell you enough.
All of this "it's democratizing art!" and "finally, people can make art even if they don't have natural talent!" is snake oil.
You know where my "natural talent" came from? I started drawing when I was 4 or 5 years old. I drew at least one thing per day for over 20 years. I earned the ability to crank out dumb doodles on a whim.
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You can't just show up one day and think you deserve to make artwork without putting in the work to learn and get good at it. Art's importance comes from the length of time needed to learn to master it. And I don't just mean drawings, I mean music, film, food, everything. No matter what it is, effort is value.
Financial value, sentimental value, it doesn't matter. All value is derived from the effort required to make it.
If you can just push a button and churn out artwork en masse, that devalues the importance of art. I mentioned this back with the Martin Scorsese ask, but it's like, which has more value? An original hand-made piece of artwork, or a print of that artwork? Prints are easy to mass produce. You can get a nice, high quality, glossy print of the Mona Lisa almost for free at this point. But the actual Mona Lisa, the original product, is actually valuable beyond value.
Art prints are literally just replicating a single file over and over and over again, but the original is one-of-a-kind and where all the effort is most evident. All the layers of paint can be felt as DaVinci sought perfection in his work. That's what makes it special. That's what makes it important.
My uncle does woodworking. He's so good at it, he gave my Mom an end table that looks like it came from a high-tier furniture store. A mass-produced end table like that would be at least $100. He made it by hand. It is beautiful. I will treasure that end table forever.
Effort is value.
If you spend any length of time looking at art websites where AI art is allowed (such as deviantart or pixiv), what you'll often find is these AI art chumps submitting massive amounts of artwork. They'll submit 10, 20, 40+ images a day, all from the same prompt, all with slight differences, because to them, every single thing the generator produces is worth submitting.
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Even when I was drawing regularly, I could only really do maybe one finished piece per day. Two if you were lucky. Not only because sketching, inking, coloring and shading would take so long, but because after I was done the tank was empty. I'd used up all my effort for the day and had no more creativity left to give.
All the claims of "letting people without artistic talent generate art" are bogus because it throws the whole signal-to-noise ratio out of wack. Too much signal in itself becomes noise. And it devalues the effort that real artwork takes, because real artwork is now part of that noise, instead of rising above it.
When anyone can vomit out hundreds or even thousands of AI generated images that are of decent-to-good quality, a lot of what would be considered "b-tier" artwork ceases to be important anymore.
In a world where AI generated images are normalized, only the top 0.1% of artwork (your Mona Lisas) are considered to have real value. And who benefits the most from that kind of stuff? Rich people. Rich people who can afford to drop a million dollars on a historic piece of hand-crafted artwork. And just to be clear: these are exactly the same people who are trying to sell you on how important AI generator software is going to be going forward.
Or to simplify it even more: the people who stand to profit the most from AI "art" are the ones trying the hardest to sell you on its benefits. Because it benefits them more than it will ever benefit you.
Because, full disclosure, over this last week, a friend of mine has been having a lot of fun with Bing's new image generator feature, and I couldn't help but also play with the toy. The quality of images it can generate is shocking.
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Microsoft, in their endless desperation to get anyone to use Bing on purpose, is clearly playing with fire here.
When effort is value and value is effortless, nothing has any value anymore.
I understand how, if you aren't an artist, this is all probably incredibly difficult to comprehend. The lure of fast and easy artwork from a simple line of text is a net gain to you, and nothing else really matters to your perspective. But imagine all of the up-and-coming artists who get completely pushed out of the conversation because of how easy it is to crap out endless AI generator output. I spent 20 years drawing every day for results that can be beaten in 20 seconds.
How many future artists is that going to discourage? There's a lot of buzz, now more than ever, about "late stage capitalism" and the way that's manifesting in our lives. When AI generated images are "good enough", how is that going to change the world around us?
You can't just think, "we'll figure something out" because the people trying to control this narrative do not have your best interests in mind. The people trying to control this narrative think they still don't have enough money yet even though there's not much money left to give them.
Their solution is to stop paying people to do work that they can get a computer to do for free, even if it means destroying the entire foundation of human culture. Long term destruction for short term gain. The same old story.
Are they going to get away with it?
(Another good ask along this line is over here, from February.)
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