#even the reading of mammy is wrong
people try in a million and one words to insist to you that black women embracing extreme gender roles and hyperfemininity is radical as though stereotypes about black women historically have not fetishized submission in black women and demonized assertiveness. the mammy lacks dignity and a backbone but she has always been an exalted character. but black women’s independence, assertiveness, and resilience have been demonized consistently. senator daniel patrick moynihan blamed us for the dispossession experienced by the entire black community. black villains are always active, assertive, and self-interested (look at the tragic mulatto, which is often female, and pays for not knowing her place with death).
it will never be progressive, let alone transgressive, for black women to embrace the stereotype of female helplessness or the archetype of a kept woman. wearing pink, getting your hair and nails done, being unemployed, living solely according to the allowance you get from a man….none of these things are progressive and they damn sure are not liberating. i don’t hate the “soft life” or whatever the hell black women, but just about all usage of the “strong black woman” trope is for regressive means. or best case scenario is misguided. black women ARE resilient and competent and assertive and independent and that is a good thing. we do not need to be “taken care of,” we need solidarity and support and community, like everyone else.
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chrollohearttags · 10 months
not even to wake up in a haterrific mood on such a beautiful morning but I feel like I gotta say something. Especially when I’ve been seeing a multitude of posts critiquing black writers and seeing so many of amazing moots leave. (and reminder that the anon button is OFF so you will argue with the wall or get that ass cussed out publicly, your choice. And if you feel brave enough to come to my DM’s, I got something there for you too 🤗 so feel free) but I am so so so SICK of seeing these very unnecessary and annoying standards being placed on black writers. I’ve said this once and I’ll say it again that the goalpost keeps moving for us. It went from the toxic, plug, sneaky link, etc fics are harmful and damaging to us as black women to now I’ve had the displeasure of seeing that modern AU’s in general are problematic and we should write more canon AOT stories (I wish I was making this up). Don’t know about you but I want no parts of that depression fest. Especially because the ONE black person was basically observed like some type of mystical being. I’ll pass on the whole ‘why does your hair feel like that’ and a handmade’s mammy tale of tending to a war criminal’s wounds in a jail cell. Regardless, all of this is rooted in a respectability and projection issue. Because as I’ve said before, none of these critiques started until the TikTok girls started publicly bashing black writers and using them as a ploy to get views because doing it to other groups who write the SAME tropes with a “digestible” packaging would’ve gotten them backlash. So as does everyone on this hellscape of a planet, they use black women as a punching bag and laughing stock to garner engagement. Now you’ve got an influx of people regurgitating these same things and making others feel bad for what they write. I’ll be honest, a lot of these tropes/stories that I see, they’re not exactly my niche, mainly because I don’t smoke, I don’t do parties and stuff like that so I can’t resonate with it (don’t come at me, I got asthma and social anxiety, bitch 😭) but that doesn’t make me love/wanna read them any less. I love seeing different perspectives and being in another set of shoes for a while. There’s nothing wrong with that because as long as black women/enbies are happy and confident in what they write and it’s not causing harm, I’m going to support ten toes down because we need representation, we need that community and I’ll be damned if I turn my nose up in the air at anyone just trying to express their creativity. What I WON’T support is a bunch of hateful, nasty spirited shrews parading around in clean girl cosplay and bashing others to be seen as acceptable and ‘one of the good ones.’ Not liking smut doesn’t make you a better reader/writer, not liking modern AU’s and ‘overused’ tropes doesn’t make you some prophetic, divine person and sitting up in anons and on the dash, reporting fics because YOU personally don’t like them doesn’t make you superior. And running everyone else off of here won’t make your writing any better. What does it make you is a loser, a cornball ass bitch and a lazy bum. Because the energy you exert into being haters, you can simply open a Google doc or draft on here and write what fulfills you. Be the change you want to see in the world or whatever they say. Also, a lot of us ARE writing these very scenarios you all are claiming you want to see. We can also see the notes count in comparison to the ones being deemed so horrible so again? You as the consumer determine what’s popular and not. We’re only going to write what’s going to be seen. Anyways, black women/femmes/enbies, I love you. I love your stories, I love your portrayals of our favorite characters whether they’re a drug dealer or a doctor, I love seeing y’all on my dash and I hope that you continue to grow in your writing journeys. I hope that you write what brings you joy and block out all the bullshit. Stay safe and have a wonderful weekend! 🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
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capseycartwright · 2 years
it always leads to you, in my hometown
James gave her a reassuring smile. “You can love somewhere,” he began, and maybe he meant somewhere and someone, too, but Erin wasn’t ready to have that conversation. “And still need to leave it for a while. Derry will always be here,” he reassured, reaching out and giving her knee a gentle squeeze.
“And you?” she breathed the words. "Will you always be here?"
- or, a series of moments over their university years where james and erin fall together, fall apart, and find their way home to each other.
read on ao3
Erin wanted to make one thing clear: she loved Derry. It felt important, to clarify that - especially as it was the night before she left it for four years of university in Dublin. She loved Derry, with every part of her heart and soul, the city etched deep into her bones, at the core of who she was - Erin Quinn could have been a very different girl, if she’d grown up somewhere else. But, she didn’t: she’d grown up in Derry, and so the city she called home now would forever be, well, home.
Derry was changing - for the better, Erin hoped, but that wouldn’t become clear for another while yet. Derry was changing, the city she knew so well entering a new era, the Good Friday Agreement approved on all sides of the border, people beginning to hope that their future could be a peaceful one. May had rolled into August, the summer slow, and syrupy sweet, the days feeling endless, and too quick, all the same, passing faster than Erin had been ready for.
The lights of the city glittered in front of her as Erin watched on from her spot on the walls, drinking in the sight of her home before she set off for university in the morning.
“I thought I might find you here,” a voice drew her attention, Erin twisting to see James standing a few metres away, arms crossed over his chest as he watched her carefully.
Erin gestured vaguely. “Yeah,” she managed. “You found me.”
“Mind if I join you?”
Erin shook her head, watching as James eased himself up and onto the cool stone of the wall beside her. Derry was never very quiet, but it felt quieter that evening, the noise of people going about their lives background noise as she watched James settle next to her.
“Aren’t you going to ask me what’s wrong?” she asked after a beat of silence.
James shrugged. “I think I can guess,” he said, because over the last year, James had developed this uncanny ability to read into Erin’s every thought, and so it didn’t surprise her that he knew. Well, Erin supposed - it wasn’t hard to guess why she was here, sitting on the city walls, instead of watching her mother go through the packing list for the fifth time that day.
“Everything is changing,” Erin said, letting out a shaky breath. This week - it had been full of goodbyes.
They’d gone to the airport with Clare and her mammy on Tuesday, waving goodbye from the departures hall as Clare had headed for the security gate, and her new life in London, away to university about as far as she could get from Derry. Erin understood, really, she did - for Clare, Derry was filled with the ghost of her father, the man sitting quietly on every street corner, a reminder that he never saw Clare finish school, never got to vote in the referendum, never saw his beloved Northern Ireland start on the slow march to peace. No, Erin could understand why Clare needed to leave - but for a moment, clinging to Michelle’s hand, Erin had wished that the day hadn’t come and that Clare hadn’t felt like she needed to go.
It was hypocritical of her, she knew - Erin herself was off to Glasgow in the morning, a place at the University of Glasgow on their English Literature course waiting for her. She’d applied on a whim, and told nobody, until UCAS had come through and informed her that she’d been given an unconditional offer at Glasgow to study her dream degree. It had been her mammy, who’d told her she should go, Mary wiping away Erin’s confused tears as she’d reassured her daughter that it was okay, and she should go, and follow her dreams, and her, and her daddy, would always support her - no matter where in the world she was.
James was staying. That had been the biggest plot twist of it all - if their lives were a novel, and James staying in Northern Ireland could be considered a plot twist rather than a thoughtfully made life choice - but Erin could understand why he was staying. James hadn’t said it in as many words, but here, in Derry, he’d found a place to call home for the first time, and so it made sense that he wasn’t willing to go very far, English and Film Studies at Queen's University Belfast his new home as of September.
“It is, aye,” James agreed, and Erin couldn’t help but smile at the Derry lilt that had found a home in James’ accent, the swotty (Michelle’s words, not her own) English accent he had arrived in Derry with all those years ago now slowly beginning to fade. It suited him, Erin decided - he was a Derry girl, after all.
“What - what if it’s not as good?” Erin couldn’t help the tears that welled up in her eyes as she looked at Derry, and looked at James again, her heart aching as she tried to even begin to process the monumental changes that they were standing on the precipice of. For years now, Erin had dreamed of university, adulthood, and growing up, and now it was finally all happening, she couldn’t help but wish that she was heading back to Mary Immaculate College and Sister Michael’s wrath in two weeks' time.
James looked thoughtful, for a second. “I don’t think it’ll be comparable,” he said, continuing after a beat. “Nothing is ever going to be comparable to this,” he gestured vaguely, waving toward the rolling expanse of Derry that spread out for miles in front of them. “But that doesn’t mean that what’s coming next is going to be bad. You know? It’s going to be - it’s going to be fun,” he said, determined. “It’ll be different, sure, but it’s going to be fun too.”
Erin wiped roughly at her eyes. “What if I can’t do it alone?”
James gave her a fond smile. “You’ll never be alone, Erin,” he said, and Erin couldn’t help but smile. She hadn’t ever been alone, not really, her life always full of joy, and laughter, and friends and family. She, and Clare and Michelle had already gone through the teary goodbyes and promises to stay in touch, and Orla had, in her very Orla-like way, solemnly reassured that she could easily swim the length of the Irish sea between here, and Scotland, if Erin ever needed her.
“I know, I just…” she trailed off, wondering how to voice her fear aloud. “What if I get to Glasgow, and I can’t do it alone?”
“Erin Quinn,” James said, as though he was about to say something obvious, something she should already know. “You can do anything you set your mind to.”
read the rest on ao3
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spidersdance · 3 months
Damhán Alla; Spiders
     Growing up Jim hated spiders. It stemmed from an incident when he was younger. His father, in an attempt to toughen his son up, forced him out into the shed, locking him in amongst the cobwebs. Spiders skittered across the floorboards, over his feet and around his hands, frightened by the sudden appearance of a human in the usually abandoned shed. He’d tucked his legs up and sat there, crying until his father opened the door. He was seven years old.
     After that he had nightmares almost every night. He could feel the spiders in his bed, crawling up along his neck and settling in his hair. He would wake, panicked and sweating, turning on the light in his room and refusing to go back to bed until his mother had checked under the covers. His father didn’t care, stating that his son needed to toughen up and stop being such a “wimpy little shit”. 
     His mother consulted a friend. A woman down the road whose daughter had gone off to Dublin to see a therapist about her fear of heights. She was told that exposing Jim to the fear might help, once done in a careful way. So that’s what his mother did. She bought the book ‘Charlotte’s Web’ and would read it to him every night. The pictures in it were cartoons so she’d gently encourage him to take a look, showing him the image of Charlotte in her web, smiling down at Wilbur. Once he was comfortable with the cartoons she moved onto real pictures. Got books from the library that were specifically tailored to teach kids about insects. It took him a little longer to get used to those pictures. A few sleepless nights occurred, his mother staying in the bed beside him as an assurance that the spiders wouldn’t get in. Eventually though, it became easier. He found himself wanting to learn about the different types of spiders, even building up to touching the pictures. 
    The real test came when she went out into the garden and caught one in a cup. Before she showed it to him she knelt down, hands coming up to either side of his face. “Now, brave boy, we’re going to do this together, alright? It’s only a small little spider and you’ve got your mammy here beside you. There’s nothing you and I can’t do together.” A gentle kiss was pressed to the tip of his nose before she handed him the cup. 
    She’d expected him to drop it. As much faith as she had in her son she didn’t think they were there just yet. However, he proved her wrong. He looked into the cup and let out a soft whisper of “Hi Mr Spider, I’m Jimmy.” 
     Her heart felt as if it could burst with pride, her smile the widest it’d ever been. Not wanting to spook him she let him keep the cup for a moment, listening to him chatter away about all the new spider facts he’d learned. “And y’know Mr Spider, I think we could be friends really. I like watching you make webs and maybe some day I could figure out how to make a web of my own.” There was a little pause, his eyes wide and sorrowful as they looked into the cup. “I’m sorry I was scared of you.” 
     Years later, on the day of his father’s death - seven years after his mother had been killed - Jim went back out to the spider infested shed. It’d remained locked for all those years, the key had been lost and there’d never been any reason to go back in. Determined to prove something he broke the lock and stepped inside. That time he cried for a different reason. His mother wasn’t there to see it and call him ‘brave boy’. 
     He left home a week later. The only thing he took with him was a small bag of clothing and the copy of ‘Charlotte’s Web’ that his mother had read to him. This experience eventually became the basis for his empire, Jim adopting the moniker of ‘Spider’ as a reminder to himself to be brave.
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raybizzle · 1 year
Tumblr media
"No Way Out" (1950) is a brilliant noir film debuting the acting career of legendary Sidney Poitier and starring an excellent cast that includes Richard Widmark, Linda Darnell, Stephen McNally, and Mildred Joanne Smith. The movie also features Ruby Dee and Ossie Davis in their first film together. By 1950, black actors with significant roles in Hollywood films were still uncommon, particularly in non-stereotypical roles such as medical doctors. Moreover, the Race Era was ending, so the opportunities for black actors mostly faded. However, a year before, James Edwards starred in "Home of the Brave," and Juano Hernadez starred in "Intruders in the Dust," which set a new trend for black male actors in Hollywood. In addition, the presence of Mildred Smith as the supportive and loving wife living in a middle-class family added to this new narrative. These subtle differences were giant leaps for Hollywood as it was risky for them to show black people other than stereotypical servants, field hands, mammies, Uncle Tom's, or slow-talking dimwits. So how does "No Way Out" differ from some of its precessors? "Home of the Brave" is about a black man in a war setting. "Lost Boundaries" and "Pinky" had a 'passing for white' theme with different story premises. "No Way Out" tells the story of a black man in a white man's everyday world as a professional. Darryl F. Zanuck produced the 1949 film "Pinky" and enthusiastically backed "No Way Out" after reading Lesser Samuels' script and soon assigned Joseph L. Mankiewicz to add his expertise in filmmaking. Zanuck wanted both movies made as they dealt with two different subject matters of black life. The search for a suitable actor for the black doctor Luther Brooks was a nationwide search by Zanuck and casting director William Gordon. Several dozen actors auditioned, but eventually, Gordon selected 23-year-old Poitier for the role. Ruby and Ossie Davies starred in the Broadway and American Negro Theatre play, "Anna Lucasta" for the West Coast road company, while Potier played lead in the Eastern show. However, the head of the American Negro Theatre of the New York Actors Guild, Fredrick O'Neal, was among the biggest supporters of the movie. He remarked: "It's the most honest (scripts) I have ever read on the subject. The resemblance between this story and life is strictly truthful." Overall, this movie has many layers, and if you're critical like I am, you'll see many social components addressed on race, class, and patriarchy. It's a beautiful cinematographic film with intense emotion and drama. The film dives into how hate blinds people from the truth, even when their life depends on it. Richard Widmark did a superb job in his challenging role as the hate-filled low-class criminal mourning the death of this brother and the symbolic end to his truths. And Linda Darnell, the bewildered damsel trying to figure out the world around her while struggling with her prejudices, did an excellent job in the movie. I highly recommend this film and all of its glory and energy. You will be satisfied. Director: Joseph L. Mankiewicz Writers: Joseph L. Mankiewicz, Lesser Samuels, Philip Yordan (contract writer) Starring Sidney Poitier, Richard Widmark, Linda Darnell, Stephen McNally, Mildred Joanne Smith, Dots Johnson, Ossie Davis, Ruby Dee, Harry Bellaver, Stanley Ridges, Maude Simmons, Amanda Randolph Storyline When a white patient in a hospital dies under the care of a black intern (Sidney Poitier), the victim's racist brother (Richard Widmark) seeks to destroy the doctor's career. Although the hospital's idealistic Chief Resident (Stephen McNally) tries to diffuse the escalating tension, the victim's ex-wife (Linda Darnell) seems to go along with the vengeance-seeker until she realizes she's on the wrong side. https://www.daarac.ngo https://www.daaracarchive.org/2017/09/no-way-out-1950.html Available on Blu-ray (Region B only). https://www.amazon.com/Way-Blu-Ray-combo.../dp/B07BX6Q789 Available on DVD (Region A), but it's out of print. Also, on streaming services. https://www.amazon.com/Way-Out-Fox-Film-Noir/dp/B000CNE08S
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strawberryjamsara · 10 months
for the ask game
Evangelion number 8
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
People are like. Way too forgiving of Misato for EoE. And even the entire series. She may care about Shinji more than his dad, but she’s still constantly badgering him about how he can’t leave this life. She does not so much as once tell Shinji to quit. And yeah. People will jump through so many hoops to justify her kissing her 14 year old son figure and say people who dislike her for this have “Zero reading comprehension.” It’s part of why I don’t spend much time in the Evangelion fandom because Misato is boiled down to a mammy figure when the entire point of her character is that she is not that.
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samhlaiocht · 11 months
Jim Moriarty; Spiders
     Growing up Jim hated spiders. It stemmed from an incident when he was younger. His father, in an attempt to toughen his son up, forced him out into the shed, locking him in amongst the cobwebs. Spiders skittered across the floorboards, over his feet and around his hands, frightened by the sudden appearance of a human in the usually abandoned shed. He’d tucked his legs up and sat there, crying until his father opened the door. He was seven years old.
     After that he had nightmares almost every night. He could feel the spiders in his bed, crawling up along his neck and settling in his hair. He would wake, panicked and sweating, turning on the light in his room and refusing to go back to bed until his mother had checked under the covers. His father didn’t care, stating that his son needed to toughen up and stop being such a “wimpy little shit”. 
     His mother consulted a friend. A woman down the road whose daughter had gone off to Dublin to see a therapist about her fear of heights. She was told that exposing Jim to the fear might help, once done in a careful way. So that’s what his mother did. She bought the book ‘Charlotte’s Web’ and would read it to him every night. The pictures in it were cartoons so she’d gently encourage him to take a look, showing him the image of Charlotte in her web, smiling down at Wilbur. Once he was comfortable with the cartoons she moved onto real pictures. Got books from the library that were specifically tailored to teach kids about insects. It took him a little longer to get used to those pictures. A few sleepless nights occurred, his mother staying in the bed beside him as an assurance that the spiders wouldn’t get in. Eventually though, it became easier. He found himself wanting to learn about the different types of spiders, even building up to touching the pictures. 
    The real test came when she went out into the garden and caught one in a cup. Before she showed it to him she knelt down, hands coming up to either side of his face. “Now, brave boy, we’re going to do this together, alright? It’s only a small little spider and you’ve got your mammy here beside you. There’s nothing you and I can’t do together.” A gentle kiss was pressed to the tip of his nose before she handed him the cup. 
    She’d expected him to drop it. As much faith as she had in her son she didn’t think they were there just yet. However, he proved her wrong. He looked into the cup and let out a soft whisper of “Hi Mr Spider, I’m Jimmy.” 
     Her heart felt as if it could burst with pride, her smile the widest it’d ever been. Not wanting to spook him she let him keep the cup for a moment, listening to him chatter away about all the new spider facts he’d learned. “And y’know Mr Spider, I think we could be friends really. I like watching you make webs and maybe some day I could figure out how to make a web of my own.” There was a little pause, his eyes wide and sorrowful as they looked into the cup. “I’m sorry I was scared of you.” 
     Years later, on the day of his father’s death - seven years after his mother had been killed - Jim went back out to the spider infested shed. It’d remained locked for all those years, the key had been lost and there’d never been any reason to go back in. Determined to prove something he broke the lock and stepped inside. That time he cried for a different reason. His mother wasn’t there to see it and call him ‘brave boy’. 
     He left home a week later. The only thing he took with him was a small bag of clothing and the copy of ‘Charlotte’s Web’ that his mother had read to him. This experience eventually became the basis for his empire, Jim adopting the moniker of ‘Spider’ as a reminder to himself to be brave.
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chloeeteller · 1 year
Mistakes Disney has Made
The representation of race in the Disney animated film "The Princess and the Frog" has drawn attention to many critics for negative racial and gender equality. The movie's Black female lead, Tiana, is portrayed as a dedicated worker who is committed to following her dream and opening her own restaurant. Up until The Princess and The Frog, Disney has never had a black princess. This was a stepping stone for Disney, and definitely built up young girls of color who have never felt connected to a princess in the way that young white girls can. 
The movie, which takes place in 1920s New Orleans, has representations of Black art, music, and culture. Although it could be seen as a positive stepping stone from the outside, some critics have expressed worry about how race is portrayed in the movie.
It is not all happy and easy as we would like to think it seems from the outside. There are a lot more things that come into play, and Disney is guilty of doing some questionable things. 
When “The Princess and the Frog” was first brought to light, they received an extreme amount of backlash. To start, instead of Tiana, the main character's name was supposed to be “Maddy,” which to African Americans was too similar to the offensive term, “mammy.” 
I have never heard that term before, but other sources said that even just the name “Maddy” was “too white”, so they then changed it to Tiana. 
Critics also did not appreciate that Tiana was a black chef to a rich upper class white family. This shows that she is seen as less than them, and could be compared to times in history when black humans were slaves to white families. 
She was a lower class working black woman cleaning and cooking for a rich white family. 
Something interesting about the film was that Prince Naveen was voiced  by a  Brazilian actor. People took exception, in seeing that this all took place during the Jim Crow era. At this time, interracial marriage was seen as unacceptable. Naveen is also a middle eastern name. Why would Disney not just embrace black culture? It seems strange that they avoided having a black prince to go along with his black princess. 
“Critics have cried, “What’s wrong with a Black Prince? While others rebut, “What’s wrong with portraying multi-racial love?”” (Essence.) 
Seeing dark skin start to flourish in Disney Princesses was a great stepping stone for young girls who love to watch their favorite princesses in movies. Women of color were beginning to feel represented and empowered. They finally feel seen and can relate to a princess. 
For years, Disney Princesses were white, coming from rich white families. When young girls of color are introduced to Tiana, they finally have a sense of belonging. Tiana teaches young girls what it means to be a strong and powerful black woman. She teaches them strength, responsibility, and to be dedicated to family. Tiana is independent and puts others' needs before her own. 
However, many critics are saddened because of the fact TIana is a frog for the majority of the movie. The Black princess could not even be on the screen the whole movie? To me it makes no sense, and it is quite horrifying and sad. 
I am not sure if Disney did this with bad intentions, but it is truly heartbreaking for little girls out there who finally have a princess that looks like them, for her to just be covered up by an animal the whole movie. 
I never even thought of it like this until I read this article. I am saddened by this. 
“Unlike the Auroras, Belles, and Cinderellas of the world, my “fairytale” was destined to be disrupted by an animalistic coming to princessdom. How could I be a princess if the world couldn’t fathom me as human?” (The Harvard Crimson). 
It is so sad to know that young girls never had the feeling of looking like their favorite princess, because of the close mindedness of Disney and the color of most of the princesses skin. 
Up until now, I never questioned Disney and its lack of color in the princess movies. That is because I am white, and I do not have to deal with the feeling of not belonging. I hope that over time, Disney and other platforms can be more inclusive and realize that they could be hurting children of color. Everyone needs to be more open minded. We are in 2023, and these kinds of things should have been left in the past. 
There was also some controversy sparked about the location of the movie. The Princess and The Frog takes place in New Orleans, which is a large black community, where Hurricane Katrina just ruined. It is said in an article that New Orleans was chosen because it was the producers favorite city, and they wanted to celebrate the magic of New Orleans. 
New Orleans was also known back then for being heavily segregated. I think showing that Tiana and Charlotte were best friends was a step in the right direction. 
I truly think that The Princess and The Frog could have been portrayed much better. While it does not do history and the black community justice, I don’t necessarily think the whole movie lacks value of appreciation for the black community. 
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cassandrabaresi · 1 year
Emperor Phoenix's Miraculous Doctor Abandoned Concubine a Cai 108
"The empress can rest assured that the harp was transformed by Mo Wubai, a close disciple of the Mohist school. It will never be found by people. When the time comes, as long as you find an opportunity to knock the harp to the ground, the things inside will fall out." The old Mammy had a face and a smile like a chrysanthemum, but she looked so shabby. The queen nodded with satisfaction: "Carefully arranged, thise. This was not clearly aimed at her, the princess. To share the worries of the court and help the poor people, this should be what she, the princess, should do. What is Feng Qingchen? Why should she steal her limelight. At the thought of those rumors in the imperial city, Princess Anping was wronged and wept. Those young men in the imperial city did not point at her and say that Princess Anping only knew how to enjoy, did not know the sufferings of the world,smart boards for conference rooms, and did not care about the life and death of the people. She could not even compare with half a finger of Feng Qingchen. The queen looked at Mammy behind her, and Mammy stepped down respectfully. She knew very well that if she did that thing well, the queen would reward her. As long as that thing is done, the prince and Feng Qingchen are the capital crime of murdering the emperor, and when the time comes, even if the nine emperor's uncles come forward, they can't be protected. "What's the matter, my son?" The queen came forward and held Princess Anping in her arms with a face of pity. Mother.. Registered members can get a private bookshelf, which is more convenient for reading! [59 Literature Permanent Address: www.59to.com] [Text 407 Talking about Love,65 inch touch screen, Visiting the Boudoir at Midnight] Princess Anping sobbed and told the most unpleasant rumors about the imperial city to the empress. The more the empress listened, the more uught it would attract the echo of the people, but do not want those family childe, Xungui young master actually said she did not understand the good intentions of Feng Qingchen, Feng Qingchen is for the people of the world to come up with such a strange move. [] Emperor Huang's Miraculous Doctor Abandoned Concubine 407 What strange move, clearly is gambling, smartboard for business ,75 inch smart board, discerning people can see, this gambling game earned hair, why people still say phoenix light dust good, even those childe young master, also one by one praise phoenix light dust good. Princess Anping was angry, but her fists were hard to defeat her four hands. Princess Anping, who could not take advantage of her words, returned to the palace to complain. No wonder Princess Anping would suffer losses, she did not know that although the gambling game was put forward by Feng Qingchen, those families and dignitaries were the sharers of interests and fame. Those who speak for Feng Qingchen's family sons, dignitaries and young masters, their family is one of the initiators of the gambling game, Princess Anping said that Feng Qingchen is not good, that is to say, they are not good, happy in a few days, the mother will help you out of this tone." Peed to help you. You should be good these days and wait for a good show." Mother, mother, what have you done? Tell it to the minister,interactive flat panel display, and the minister can help you. Princess Anping immediately stopped her tears, her eyes shining, and pulled the queen to act like a spoiled child. hsdsmartboard.com
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cyarskj1899 · 2 years
Alleged Scammer Candace Owens Announces Documentary She Vows Will ‘Expose’ BLM As A Scam
Source: Jason Davis / Getty
Days after talk show host and professional MAGA mammy Candace Owens was spotted next to Kanye West wearing one of the non-reading rapper’s “White Lives Matter” shirts—who later claimed he made the shirts to make the point that Black Lives Matter is a scam—Owens announced that she’s launching a documentary that will “expose” BLM as a scam.
“Ironically, you suffer from a life of tremendous white privilege,” Owens tweeted Thursday. “You say ‘black lives matter’ not because you mean it but because you hope it provides you legitimacy within a community you never knew.”
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First, let’s just take a look at all the irony in that caption alone. Owens has spent her entire “career” vehemently denying the very existence of white privilege, but that apparently doesn’t extend to white people who say they support BLM—nah, those white people experience “tremendous white privilege.” 
Secondly, somebody needs to remind Candace that the Black community is also a “community you never knew.” Outside of a few sunken place outliers, Owens has no Black following. She’s just as much disinvited from all cookouts as your average Karen who refuses to disabuse herself of the belief that raisins are a proper potato salad ingredient.
Whenever Owens is trending for any reason, the popular Black response is always the same:
Anyway, Owens’ video, which appears to be a trailer for the documentary, doesn’t have anything to do with white people supporting BLM for clout. It seems to be more focused on allegations that the BLM global network misappropriated funds and donations. But, as I’ve said before, even if the allegations are true—and even if Owens’ doc manages to pull a fact or two out of what is sure to be her usual smorgasbord of anti-Black propaganda—BLM was a concept, movement and rallying cry before it was an organization. It’s also worth mentioning that there are local BLM chapters across the nation that have not been accused of stealing funds for personal use. (If I were a betting man, I’d wager that fact doesn’t make it into whatever it is Candace is doing here.)
At the end of the day, I doubt Owens—who has been proven to be a fraud herself a dozen times over—really cares that an organization she never supported in the first place may not be properly serving a community she isn’t a part of. 
Because how many times does it need to be made clear that Owens is a self-loathing wannabe white woman who hates all things related to Black identity?
This is, after all, the same woman who got her Miss Millie-wear all in a bunch over Netflix and Uber Eats having Black categories. This woman has gone out of her way more than once to call Juneteenth “soooo lame,” while declaring that she will continue to celebrate the Fourth of July instead, despite the two holidays occurring in different months. (I mean, it’s literally right there in the title of both holidays.)
The point is, the woman who doesn’t think abortion existed during slavery—and the woman who has never missed an opportunity to be on the wrong side of every issue involving an unarmed Black person killed by cops or racist vigilantes—is not likely producing this doc to protect Black people from a purported BLM scam. Her audience isn’t Black people. It’s white conservatives who are already anti-BLM. 
Anti-Blackness and being a lapdog for white nationalism have always been her brand. So, she’ll put this doc out, falsely claim vindication and she’ll probably be demanding an apology from Black America—again. But the woman whose lies weren’t even bought into by the conservative-leaning Supreme Court won’t receive any praise from the Black masses, she’ll just join her fellow shuck n’ jivers in getting their heads patted by their white overseers.
In other words: There’s really nothing to see here. Just another propagandist calling everything she opposes propaganda.
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oloohyeah · 2 years
The worning signs was sealed on the billboard long ago
Whom ever read my blog, must have come across a story about how I showed my employees and their manager Rick that I manage to bring in every girl that attended to the dance club we came. I even let them choose who would be the object.
So I succeeds to pickup Roni and few days after, I came, pick her up, and drove to see my manager Ricky. As we came in she suddenly ask me if she can take a shower? Sure I said and asked Ricky for towel. Rick gave her a towel and she enter the shower (I picked her from the Gym) As soon as she lock the shower door Rick run to the living room and there I set.
Ricky: Tovi aren’t you afraid that your wife know about Roni?
At the time didn't know about Ricky and my ex Mara secret affair (I’ll discover it more then 16 years later)
Me: what did you say??? I confused 😕 and who going to tell Mara?
Ricky: I don’t know but people can easy see you and immediately tells her about it. And besides I fell in love with Roni and I wish you to leave her here and go to your wife.
I lost my temper and stood up while he ascaped to the kitchen laughing.
Me: What’s wrong with you, are you an idiot why you saying those things?
Ricky: It all coz I care for you and Mara and I don’t want anything bad to happen between you and Mara.
Please Tovi, go to your wife and let me be with her.
I thought for a few then grabbed my keys and left without to say anything.
15 minutes after got a call, Roni was on the line. Tovi where did you go?
Me: Ricky told me he is in love with you so I left . She suddenly said ohh Ricky mammy are you in love with me ??? How cute. Tovi, Come pick me up now…
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evierena · 3 years
The Demon Brothers catching MC listening/Dancing to their songs
I know that Belphie’s song has been out for a while now, but I still wanted to write something to celebrate all seven songs were blaring on replay on my phone so, here it is. 
For this time around, MC (and Solomon) has somehow convinced Diavolo that in the human world, people felt more at ease with music, with songs that reflected the character of the singer and that could move their hearts.
So, to further expand this idea and to see if it could prove useful to his goal of uniting the realms, the Demon Prince entrust the task to none other than the demon brothers.
Now, with all the songs out and blaring all over the Devildom, MC had found themselves to be quite fascinated by a particular song they just couldn’t stop replaying.
And what happens when the author of said song catches MC singing and dancing along? Let’s see…
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You were waiting for him in his study, so probably you shouldn’t have expected much privacy really.
But, in all honesty, how could you not sing along to Arcadia?
The music was alluring, and his voice was simply enticing, it compelled your body and soul to let go, to allow being embraced by Lucifer.  
So you did.
You had forgotten your headphones, so you just had your D.D.D blaring Arcadia on replay, and once the lyrics began, you started signing along, your already dancing hips gaining rhythm and sensuality as the song progressed.
And while you were having a blast, dancing and signing in Lucifer’s study to his song, he was right outside, with the door half open, staring at your figure.
He was as captivated by your dancing as you were by Arcadia.
His heart was both full of love and pride, although he would only publicly admit to the latter. Because, you already knew about the first. And that was enough for him.
In one of those twists and turns you did while dancing you finally lock gazes with the deep crimson irises of Lucifer.
But, instead of stopping all together, you were encouraged by his powerful eyes, and decided to continue signing without breaking eye contact.
Lucifer was amused to say the least, by your little show, and he started to approach you with slow, determined strides until you both were inches away from each other.
The atmosphere grew heavy with his proximity, and you found yourself lowering you tone, adapting it to a soft whisper only loud enough for his ears.
His hands found purchase in your hips, stilling your movements, and to your surprise he joined you in your quiet singing.
And like that, both enraptured, lost in each others eyes, basking in the others presence, the song ended.
Your D.D.D ran out of battery, and the study was suddenly filled with tentative silence.
Lucifer had a smirk in his lips and you were smiling, your hands traveled to his shoulders, and you reach out to him to close the final gap between his mouth and yours.
But just before sharing a kiss that promised so much more, you both were startled by a loud crashing noise somewhere in HoL, and then a series of cursing and screaming.
Let’s just say that the punishment for whoever it was that interrupted Lucifer’s and his human moment was… terrifying.
However, that night you received a visit from Lucifer.
“Why don’t you sing for me again, my dear?”
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Mammon had invited you to a night out in the casino, and for such a thing you had decided to doll yourself up a little in your room before going out.
That’s what you were doing, when Are you Ready? Started to play in your D.D.D and well, you started to dance in front of the mirror.
The song always managed to bring a big ear to ear smile to your face and it brought out your party self. You really enjoyed it.
The music was so fun and Mammon’s voice reached the best parts of your heart and soul. And the lyrics, in your opinion the lyrics were the best part, specially because you had been there when Mammon was writing them.
It just warmed your body and made you happy.
Speaking of Mammon, he was on his way to pick you up, when he noticed you door was open so he let himself in, just to found you dancing and singing to the mirror his own song.
A deep blush spread in his cheeks, his eyes not entirely comprehending that his human looked that happy, making funny faces and dancing while listening to his song.
Once you caught onto the figure behind you through the mirror, you could see that the fiery blush on your demon grew even deeper. And so did your smile.
So, in your Are you Ready? Induced state, you went for him across your room.
Mammon tried to stop you, but in all honesty, we all know he could never say no to you, not really.
So you brought him next to your still dancing body and spurge him on to do the same.
It took a few seconds for his brain to process the situation, but once he saw the true joy and affection shining in your eyes, he felt himself relax and follow your lead.
Fortunately, the song was on replay, and your speakers were connected to your D.D.D so finally, both you and Mammon fall into a semi party just dancing, jumping to the rhythm, singing along and enjoying the others movements.
Eventually, Lucifer appeared and order both of you to shut up, and in giggles, with your cheeks aching, Mammon and you sneak your way out of HoL, and once you were in his car, on the road to the casino, he put Are you Ready? Again in the speaker of the vehicle.
All the way, both of you sang to the night in the Devildom, him stealing glances at your ecstatic face, and you staring at him while signing using your D.D.D as a pretend mic.
Once you reach the casino, Mammon felt so happy and elated to have you right by his side while he gamble his money away, he actually did manage to win a small fortune.
You both were in a rush with adrenaline pumping and serotonin flooding your brains, you suddenly found yourselves back in Mammon’s room.
Where he catch your body with his, and he stared deeply into your eyes, showing off his white pearls, no glasses covering his eyes so you got lost in the beautiful, divine blue and yellow.
“I’m just crazy for you, MC”
“And I’m madly in love with you, Mammie”
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You wanted to surprise him, ok?
It’s just, you really appreciated that he had gotten over his insecurities and power through the whole recording and making of the song. So you wanted him to know that it meant a lot for you and that you truly loved his song.
So you got a Ruri-chan cosplay from Akuzon, pretty much spending all of your savings in a really good one, made up from scratch a choreography for My Chance! And went to work
With all of this motivation you were in the planetarium, recording video after video to just make sure everything was perfect. Of course, it was not your intention to post the video, after it was ready, you were going to send it to him privately.
But, of course, when did things go exactly the way you wanted them to without complications?
Yup, pretty much NEVER.
Honestly, I couldn’t blame you either, after being dressed up, dancing for at least three hours consecutively, perfecting your moves, editing and deleting the unwanted clips, pretty much being exhausted AF, you just hit the wrong button without realizing and post it to the DevilTube channel you had with the brothers, besides sending it to Levi.
Well, good news: it went viral. Bad news: it went VIRAL.
Leviathan couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw the video.
You were so, so, so cute!!! And he couldn’t understand why would you choose HIS song to make such a good video? Like, why would you want something he made (with you in mind of course, but he couldn’t for his life say that out loud without combusting) a icky otaku like him?
So, after you realized your mistake you went to his room to clarify things.
Boy, was he flustered just by seeing you. Although you weren’t wearing the cosplay anymore, he couldn’t make eye contact without blushing furiously, stutter and imagining you in all sorts of different cosplays.
When you explained that you wanted the video to be something private for just the two of you as a token of appreciation for his song, because you didn’t want to make him uncomfortable, he understood and said thank you in between stutters and mumbles.
But you also said that you weren’t ashamed that everyone got to see you enjoying his song, almost as if you were bragging about him.
By the end of the day, he truly believed that you loved his song, and somehow both of you had agreed to make another video, dancing along My Chance! But as Henry and Lord of the Shadow.
“And I’ll be the one to make our cosplays!”
“Of course, Levia-chan”
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In all fairness, you hadn’t realized he was there the whole time you were in the library, trying to study but miserably failing the moment Read My Heart started to play in your earphones.
Singing softly, almost to yourself, your eyes unfocused on the textbooks in front of you, slowly rocking your head side to side, tapping your fingers as if playing the piano, you were enjoying Satan’s song.
You didn’t even felt the green eyes of the blond demon zeroed in on your form, and he wasn’t sure whether he liked it or not.
In the beginning he just followed the quiet noise because it was distracting him from his reading, until he noticed it was you, and after paying more attention to your voice he realized you were singing his song.
A faint blush spread on his cheeks, but his eyes couldn’t stray away from you unaware of your audience, you continued signing over and over again.
He felt warmth, feeling all fuzzy and giddy in the inside without showing much in the exterior, but the small, tender smile he wore in his beautiful face along with the pink in his cheeks said otherwise to anyone who looked.
Lucky for him, it was only the two of you in that moment.
So he decided to indulge himself in the adorable sight that was you, softly and inadvertently signing for him.
However, soon enough he just wanted to be closer to you, so he did.
Slowly, he approached you until he sat beside you.
That’s when you finally noticed him.
You stared at his eyes, and found a glint of amusement at your bashful reaction, but the tenderness in them and his own blush eased your nervousness.
You stopped signing, but he took one of your earphones and put it in his own ear, and then, he also started to softly sing along.
Wide eyed, heart throbbing and your soul melting at the sight of his deepening blush, you let yourself listen to his voice only occasionally adding your own.
Somehow, you ended up resting your head in his chest, and he used one arm to bring you closer, your earphone long forgotten, your ears capturing the sound of his heart in his chest and his soft singing.
After he ended one last time, you sneaked your arms around his midsection.
“It truly is a beautiful heart, Satan”
“And it’s yours, MC”
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On your way from RAD, you had passed by Majolish, and, through the window, caught a glimpse of the pink haired demon, dressing in what appeared to be another brand new outfit, posing in front of mirrors, being praised by a group of lesser demons.
You saw the practiced, smooth smile and postures Asmo was putting on, and couldn’t help but remember when both of you were in his room while you were trying on face masks among a bunch of other products, how carefree and relaxed he looked, how even his flashy and over the top personality had seemed to be calmed down a bit, and how he just enjoyed your presence and allowed himself to be engulfed in the comfort of the moment.
A tender smile sneak its way on your face, watching attentively as he continued on posing through the windows, and you started absentmindedly singing the lyrics of Pomade.
Not long after, Asmodeus locked gazes with you, and your heart flutter at the immense and dazzling smile he flaunted in his beautiful face.
So you continued on with your one-man audience performance.
He mantained eye contact through the mirror, and eventually he understood by reading your lips what you were saying, which brought a bashful blush spread on his cheeks that punch the air out of your lungs.
It should have been illegal to look that exquisitely magnificent. You thought it was fair since he was indeed a demon.
Finally, tired of not being right by your side as you made his own heart throb with such a gentle affection, he grab his bags filled with new products and gifts for the both of you to share, he made his way out of Majolish.
He found you waiting for him with a smile, open arms and sweet benevolence in your eyes, he almost melt instantly in your embrace.
Asmo, with a teasing smile said:
“Baby, you want my love?”
“Yes, I need your love”
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In the middle of the night, you and Beel had decided it was time for a snack. So now, in the kitchen, while you tried to keep as quiet as possible, you watched the gentle giant of a demon that was him, working to make the both of you a few sandwiches and some other snacks you knew he would eat the most of.
You both were sharing AkuPods, and you were in charge of the playlist for the silent raid to the fridge.
Suddenly, Hungry Six-Pack started playing. A fond smile formed on your lips, noticing that the demon himself didn’t seem to realize what was playing on his ear, so you began following the lyrics, making small movements to go along with rhythm.
You gained confidence, and a little mischievousness, so you boldly turned up the volume of your voice. Little by little, your dancing became more jumpy and louder.
Finally, while you were immersed in one of your twists and turns, you felt the warmth of a chest on your back and strong, gentle arms surrounding your dancing figure.
Giggling freely in Beel’s arms, you continued singing to your favorite song. It didn’t took you by surprise when you hear him behind you, joining your little display of talent.
Fortunately, you were able to discern the steps of someone coming over to the kitchen, and as you and your sweet demon scurried back to the safety of his room, the song kept on playing on your ears.
Once inside his room, you flopped into his bed, a wide smile on you, finally being able to see the pure adoration plastered in the orange haired demon towering above you.
“Forever?” he asked.
“Forever, Beel”
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Late at night in your room, unable to sleep, your D.D.D screen the only source of light, you were absentmindedly reading a children’s book that you had downloaded earlier that day.
Still, dreams seemed to elude you that night, so defeated you stood up and went to your switch, to distract yourself with some doodling on your desk.
You put on your favorite soft playlist to further help you in getting sleepy.
Then Dreamscape started playing.
Firstly, your moved your head to the rhythm, then your fingers stopped holding your doodles and followed the lead, later, you started humming.
So, you let yourself be comforted by Belphie and his voice, staring through the window, unfocused on the bright Devildom moon, recalling the demon’s face and his gestures while you gave in and began singing the lyrics.
The soft music unexpectedly didn’t get you sleepy, if anything it reinvigorate you by bringing happy memories of the two of you, dissing Lucifer, sleepovers in the attic, some with Beel others not, stargazing, sleepless nights like the one you were experiencing right then just talking about dreams and their very weird, complex, simple or absurd meaning, or, of course, just basking in the others company in a comfortable silence.
Absentmindedly, you had keep on singing and what you didn’t know is that your favorite cuddle buddy was right behind your door, struggling to hide the blush on his face at hearing you sing his song, pondering on whether leave you be or demanding to sleep together.
In his own side, lost in his thoughts, he missed how your voice was approaching the door, you were also on a mission to find him to sleep by his side.
Once you both were face to face, it became obvious what had happened, so you let a small giggle leave your lips, and grabbed him by the arm, turning off the lights, forgetting the doodles in your desk and dragging him to your bed.
There, both of you snuggle closer until the maximum amount of coziness was reached. Limbs tangled between the two, Belphegor’s head ended up resting in your chest, his arms surrounding your midsection, while your hand played with his hair.
In the quietness of the atmosphere, you dared to once more humming the melody of Dreamscape, to your surprise, that earned you a tighter hug and a satisfied hum from the sleepy demon.
By the end, the only thing you could murmur, eyelids barely open and voice hardly understandable, was:
“G’night, Belphie”
As the seconds went by, you fell asleep without consciously hearing his answer, but your dreams were filled with that simple phrase and the face of the demon in your arms.
“Good night, MC”
Thanks for reading and have a peaceful week!
Here's a little playlist with all the songs and audios from Obey Me!
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Atte.- Evie
Let's see if you can guess my top 3 favorites from this HC 👀
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shewhotellsstories · 3 years
Why do people hate sjm
Hey Anon. Sorry it took me all week to get to this. Sarcasm aside, I don’t hate SJM. I don’t know the woman so perhaps she is irl as tolerable as every other oblivious white woman who thinks they’re woke because they have one Black friend and unironically (read this in an interview once) says romance novels taught her about healthy relationships. Sigh. 
I and others loathe her work. I loathe that she gets hyped up as being “super diverse” and having “great rep” when she literally butchered the few Black characters she had in Throne of Glass for white tears. She uses a hybrid of the mammy and magical negro trope. I loathe that her protagonist married the man who punched her in the face and called her worthless (it’s exactly as bad as it sounds in context). I loathe the way she romanticizes toxic masculinity. I loathe that she conflates colonizing with “bringing books and culture” when history says colonizing other countries destroys existing cultures, along with entire populations. I loathe that she compared being groomed into being sex trafficked to being bisexual.I loathe her use of redemptive rape (super gross literary trope where “unlikable/bad” characters are raped to garner sympathy or spark a redemption arc for them).
I try to keep my critiques focused on her work and not her as a human, but the fact that she apparently posted about the Black Lives Matter movement on instagram, but then disabled her comments when people started pointing out the terrible way she treated her characters of color shows she’s unwilling to learn. So yeah. 
It’s ironic. When I set out to analyze the good and bad about the ya genre for my senior thesis I thought TOG would be great.  I thought it’d be an example of how the genre had evolved. Boy was I wrong. On paper it sounds amazing. What if Cinderella went to the ball to kill the prince? In reality: 
“Gods, he was brilliant. Cunning and wicked and brilliant. Even when he beat the hell out of her. Every. Damn. Day.” (Heir of Fire)
There’s probably a bunch of stuff I didn’t mention and I’m not gonna torture myself reading ACORAT so here are some posts that talk about the issues with her books along with my thesis:
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Now that season 2 of HSMTMTS is coming to I wanted to talk about something I’ve noticed in the fandom during this seasons run that rubbed me the wrong way and that is the treatment of both Nini and Gina in their relation to Ricky. 
Now I’m not super super active in the fandom, but I read a lot of posts and regularly and a trend I noticed as the season drew on was whenever their was a “relationship” issues between Ricky and one of them, Ricky tended to be absolved of any role he played while the girls were always painted to be the root of the issue. And hears the part that’s going to hurt for some people, just because Ricky has trauma does not mean he gets a free pass for his behavior, no matter how recent it is. It is ok for Ricky to be insecure about his relationships and struggle with being in one, having your parents go through divorce is hard and it is totally understandable that he would struggle with such a massive change like that. However it feels like fans would get annoyed and angry at the characters when they didn’t react in a way that was more in line with a therapist or an adult in a situation where Ricky was struggling and either lashing out or shutting down, Nini in particular. It felt like at times fans wanted the two of them to be there as like a yes man for Ricky to try and make him feel better or prop him up, rather then as individual characters with their own journeys and stories. 
I also feel like it’s important to remember that all of them are like 16/17 at the oldest. Teenagers struggle with communication in relationships a lot because a lot of times they are experiencing things for the first time and either don’t know how to communicate it or don’t realize that it is something they should be communicating with their partner. I found that with the Rini drama in particular people would get mad at Nini for not communicating something to Ricky but either ignoring the context of the situation or were only willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Ricky was constantly allowed to be unsure and have missteps in their relationship, however Nini was never given the same chance and was constantly expected to have full understanding of every situation and express herself perfectly. In situations like the rose song which are scenes where we see Nini coming to terms with their relationship and how it’s changing, fans don’t let her get the chance to come to terms with how she knows the song reflects their relationship and what that means for them going forward. 
What really irks me about the whole situation is that this is happening to two female POC characters. Like this would totally happen to a white woman as well, and we’ve seen it before with characters like JJ for Reid on Criminal Minds. But there is an extra issue with the fact that these are POC characters. There is already the whole trope of black characters specifically exhist to like be caregivers to white people (i.e. the Mammy trope) which we see with Gina at times and Nini as while (I don’t know if you would consider her falling under the Mammy trope as well as she isn’t black, but it’s a similar issue). There seems to be this inherent issue with media where fans infantilize a white straight man (or straight passing man) while constantly using the females surrounding the character to use as scape goats for the issues of the man, rather then actually confront that their fave has issues and that is ok. 
I don’t know I feel like this is something I have seen a lot of this season and something I’ve been thinking a lot about. And just to be clear this isn’t an anti Ricky post and not even a knock on the character, because I really do feel for the kid. I do find however that the writing and fans tend to infantilize him a bit too much while giving him passes for his problematic behavior. 
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zumpietoo · 2 years
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The hilarious part about this, right off the bat, is they’re acting like somebody being kind to Jug and maybe putting him first for once is a terrible thing! All while convinced he needs to pull himself together so he can go fix Slizzy....
He IS over Slizzy, that’s what last season was about....he stopped being “reckless” when he stopped drinking....apparently you’ve missed a lot of the show.
Alsooooo....ummm....noooo....in fact, that’s fucking hilarious. You really ARE desperately twisting everything now, huh? Plus I thought she was gonna either
A) read Jug’s book and run screaming into the nite, cuz Slizzy is the ultimate
B) totally cuck Jug while he’s learning sign language, cuz Deafie won’t hear her fucking the dude
Umm...yes, we can. And what he “talked up” was how much he doesn’t want to work with his psychotic ex any more than he possibly has to. I will say, given how you keep endlessly revisiting this, it’s really obvious it has you completely unnerved. IDK when I’ve seen this much “doth protest too much”.
It isn’t “the caregiver trope”, but way to make somebody being a good person into a crime, there, asswipe. Cuz, again, you wanted Jug to do that for Slizzy and Tabs to be their mammy, right?
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Again, lots in common and if he IS lonely, whelp we all know why.....
So they’re now fucking cuz she pities him and he needs her help? Funny, sure didn’t come off that way....
Dude, it’s pretend----it’s been made abundantly clear once he dried out, he saw things clearly----and even before that he knew he wanted her. He told her he wasn’t over the break up. The entire concept was that he went on his quest to get over that and other things. 
We know they’ve discussed shit and I’d say him repeatedly pursuing her makes it very clear he is. This is your fanfic/wish list. 
Actually, we saw all of that (conversation/concern about her/shared interests), that you ignore it is entirely your problem. No, turns out his relationship (7 years ago) with Slizzy was her endlessly using him, making everything about herself, taking credit for his accomplishments and being a cuntwipe. She later just strung him along/was overtly hostile.
You were completely wrong about the musical. You thought you’d have Hey #3 and a complete reconciliation. God you’re a fucking liar. Nope, everybody did except you Slizzystans. Also, dude, you REALLY need to move on. You’re a broken, boring record....
They don’t have that, they’re pretend and what Jug “deserves” is waaayyyyy better than Slizzy...
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spidersdance-arc · 2 years
Headcanon; Spiders
     Growing up Jim hated spiders. It stemmed from an incident when he was younger. His father, in an attempt to toughen his son up, forced him out into the shed, locking him in amongst the cobwebs. Spiders skittered across the floorboards, over his feet and around his hands, frightened by the sudden appearance of a human in the usually abandoned shed. He’d tucked his legs up and sat there, crying until his father opened the door. He was seven years old.
     After that he had nightmares almost every night. He could feel the spiders in his bed, crawling up along his neck and settling in his hair. He would wake, panicked and sweating, turning on the light in his room and refusing to go back to bed until his mother had checked under the covers. His father didn’t care, stating that his son needed to toughen up and stop being such a “wimpy little shit”. 
     His mother consulted a friend. A woman down the road whose daughter had gone off to Dublin to see a therapist about her fear of heights. She was told that exposing Jim to the fear might help, once done in a careful way. So that’s what his mother did. She bought the book ‘Charlotte’s Web’ and would read it to him every night. The pictures in it were cartoons so she’d gently encourage him to take a look, showing him the image of Charlotte in her web, smiling down at Wilbur. Once he was comfortable with the cartoons she moved onto real pictures. Got books from the library that were specifically tailored to teach kids about insects. It took him a little longer to get used to those pictures. A few sleepless nights occurred, his mother staying in the bed beside him as an assurance that the spiders wouldn’t get in. Eventually though, it became easier. He found himself wanting to learn about the different types of spiders, even building up to touching the pictures. 
    The real test came when she went out into the garden and caught one in a cup. Before she showed it to him she knelt down, hands coming up to either side of his face. “Now, brave boy, we’re going to do this together, alright? It’s only a small little spider and you’ve got your mammy here beside you. There’s nothing you and I can’t do together.” A gentle kiss was pressed to the tip of his nose before she handed him the cup. 
    She’d expected him to drop it. As much faith as she had in her son she didn’t think they were there just yet. However, he proved her wrong. He looked into the cup and let out a soft whisper of “Hi Mr Spider, I’m Jimmy.” 
     Her heart felt as if it could burst with pride, her smile the widest it’d ever been. Not wanting to spook him she let him keep the cup for a moment, listening to him chatter away about all the new spider facts he’d learned. “And y’know Mr Spider, I think we could be friends really. I like watching you make webs and maybe some day I could figure out how to make a web of my own.” There was a little pause, his eyes wide and sorrowful as they looked into the cup. “I’m sorry I was scared of you.” 
     Years later, on the day of his father’s death - seven years after his mother had been killed - Jim went back out to the spider infested shed. It’d remained locked for all those years, the key had been lost and there’d never been any reason to go back in. Determined to prove something he broke the lock and stepped inside. That time he cried for a different reason. His mother wasn’t there to see it and call him ‘brave boy’. 
     He left home a week later. The only thing he took with him was a small bag of clothing and the copy of ‘Charlotte’s Web’ that his mother had read to him. This experience eventually became the basis for his empire, Jim adopting the moniker of ‘Spider’ as a reminder to himself to be brave.
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