#everyone else is gonna do it x’D
pixelatedraindrops · 1 month
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Yuma Month: Day 4: Reflection
“Because you and I have the same face.”
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twilightknight17 · 4 months
Yesterday on P3R, Elizabeth is the best of my friends so far, burger time!, and sadness that there was no dialogue option to ruin the police’s day.
First of all, I found one single butler outfit in Tartarus, for Junpei. Which… little weird that it wasn’t a full costume set, but okay. That’s cool. Now he can have a top hat while everyone else wears their uniforms.
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After running around to fulfill a bunch of Elizabeth’s requests, including trying all the vending machine drinks, she finally asked to go out places during the day. And… I’m surprisingly delighted.
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From an in-story perspective, it’s hilarious that spending time with Liz doesn’t just absolutely drain our poor introverted Minato, but I’m also pleased that it doesn’t take my afternoon slot, because my god, I’m reaching that point where I have so many links to juggle and they’re ALL during the day. X’D There’s no way I’m maxing everyone on the first try.
Anyway, it’s Monday, and I did great on my exams!
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Mitsuru gave me a reward for doing well, but still doesn’t want to hang out with me.
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Like, by all means, have high standards, but I just wanted to walk home together. X’’’D
But that’s fine. I’m gonna go do my first outing with Elizabeth, and then check on the student council.
Elizabeth is great to spend time with. She’s so excited to see everything. We’re spending our first outing in the mall, and even though she’s like… in the mall all the time watching the door, apparently she’s never walked around before?
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She wants to make a wish in the fountain, and she’s… a little confused, but she’s got the spirit.
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Can… Can I have some of that? Why are you charging me for compendium summoning if you have that?
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It’s a shame that she insists on only going out in the afternoon, and not at night, because we’re missing a golden opportunity.
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She keeps finding more fountains and being impressed, but then I suggested karaoke, and it’s a damn shame we didn’t get to actually witness it, because Liz cannot sing, and I was prepared to be so amused.
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Velllllllvet, oh vellllvet~
Tragically, she’s not getting her wish granted anytime soon. I can just imagine Igor’s face when she requested that.
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After Margaret and Yu manage to save humanity through dance, I guess he reconsiders.
Now it’s back to school to catch the student council meeting. Odagiri isn’t there, though, because he’s still busy looking for whoever left a single cigarette butt in the boy’s bathroom. Well, heck. Better go find him.
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...I don’t believe in “Evidence is everything in court”, my dude, but you gotta have something. Just because this kid is a delinquent doesn’t mean he’s your guy.
Apparently this is like the third kid he’s accused like this. And they’re not enjoying being accused.
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……...it was probably the wrong choice, but I let him get hit. He needs to tone it down some. Is this really my Emperor and not my Justice?
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Dude. Stop taking out your trauma on the students.
Ugh. Well, that was a bust. I guess I’ll head home.
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…….the roof? The locked roof? I haven’t been up there since the Magician attacked. Why?
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Dude you’re the one who just randomly wants to go to the roof. I don’t want to be cornered by puns!
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Oh, it’s just gardening. Okay. Actually, that’s pretty cool. And planting things doesn’t actually take any time, which is also nice.
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Look at my tomatoes. They’re great. :D
The week continues, the teachers at my school continue to be useless.
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Elizabeth wants me to win the Big Eater Challenge at WildDuck Burger, so I guess we’ll go give that a shot since no one is available for Tartarus tonight.
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I see we’re going for many small burger instead of one big burger this time. Still way too much burger, even for this bottomless pit of a human.
We pop back into Escapade and run into this dude, who is struggling with the vibes.
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And we make a new social link! Is… Is the “Gourmet King” in trouble with the mafia or something??? What is wrong with everyone in this city?
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Starting to think the Dark Hour is making everyone crazy even if they can’t see it.
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Thank goodness, Akihiko is gonna take me out for beef bowls and we’re gonna have a nice normal evening of bonding.
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Kind of weird to be such a wacky fan for… basically a high-school senior on the boxing team. He’s not a celebrity, although the girls were making such a big fuss that some passers-by thought he might be. We ended up making a run for it, because he’s not thrilled with all the attention.
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Well, now I have to call you Panda-senpai. XD
We find those girls again getting accosted by some dudes, and one of them challenges Akihiko to a fight. Which, biiiig mistake.
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I kind of wanted to see him beat the shit out of all of them, but the girls called the police when they ran off, and the gang made themselves scarce as soon as the police showed up.
Despite explaining that they were the aggressors in this situation, somehow the police still think it’s partly our fault, even though nothing actually happened.
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Do it. Give me the dialogue option.
“I’m sorry, officer, my parents and twin sister died in a horrible car crash when I was seven.”
Ruin their night. I don’t know if Akihiko has parents, either. I’m not sure. Either way, fuck them up with that bit of info.
But, no dialogue option. Officer Kurosawa stepped in to take over the situation, and let us head home. Thank goodness our weapons dealer has our back. XD
The next full moon is creeping closer, and Pharos still hasn’t come back to talk to me. He said he would. He hasn’t even technically told me his name yet.
Maybe next time.
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galaxina-the-pyro · 3 years
So I'm kinda curious, what is your "Like Father, Like Son" Au?
Oh my...I was honestly afraid someone was gonna ask me this, but I kinda wanna answer it so...yeah. X'D
The AU started off as a "Doof is Phineas' dad" fan fic that evolved into something else entirely...sort of. Doof's not Phineas' BIO dad in this AU to put it simply - that just wouldn't make sense for the story I've written for it.
Basically, the AU takes place in "another 2nd Dimension" - the 2nd Dimension with the 2D cast still exists, this just takes place on another route (because I doubt that the number of dimensions is that finite if the movie is to be believed). Kinda like @lyllaotterofhalfworld's Platydad AU, everyone there is kinda the opposite of their canon counterparts, only I take a different approach.
Phineas is the main protagonist of this AU - he is an orphaned/abandoned little ragamuffin that Doofenshmirtz and Schnitzel ended up taking in after finding him in a dumpster. He is creative and fun-loving much like the Phineas we know, but has a much more destructive way of going about it, often choosing to blow stuff up than build something in particular (though he CAN build things and has - his favorite part is just the demolition). He's a little troublemaker who likes to break rules, worldly possessions, and starts some fires here and there. He's also inhumanely strong and indestructible, with boundless amounts of near-unhealthy optimism. He can be pretty selfish and a brat, often at odds with the people who took him in, but ultimately is very caring towards others in spite of his more unstable tendencies. He's an adventurous daredevil that is incredibly extroverted.
Doofenshmirtz is the deuteragonist, and much like in the 2nd Dimension, he is a dictator (though his reign goes far beyond just the 2nd Dimension). He is almost nothing like his counterpart - rarely cracks jokes or smiles, is very no-nonsense, and is incredibly intimidating - it's also very clear that while he never wanted to be a dictator, he is the only reason why the inhabitants of Danville have not been killed by their own hubris. He's often the straight man to everyone else's insanity, though he too is quite the character, often displaying the same kind of reckless behavior and Phineas (and even somewhat encouraging it). He tends to keep people at arms length, but cares a lot for Phineas and Schnitzel's well-being and happiness. He lost both Charlene and Vanessa in a blimp accident and was never the same ever since. He also has a softer side when it comes to animals, stating that they're easier to understand than most people. Though he often is fine with Phineas' antics, he's equally overprotective of him.
Schnitzel (my OC) is the tritagonist, and is Doof's righthand (wo)man. She's a medical professional who's in charge of multiple factions of DEI, and is always stressed and suffers from high levels of anxiety. Always having to keep an eye on Phineas and to make sure Doofenshmirtz doesn't feel like being an idiot, she's often the voice-of-reason, or at least tries to be, her fear often driving most of her decisions. She is incredibly motherly, but can be very blunt and violent when provoked to rage. The universe seems to absolutely hate her, seeing as she's often the target of a lot of the slapstick in the AU. She's Doofenshmirtz's love interest and closest friend, being incredibly loyal to him and Phineas, as well as to Charlene even after she died. In spite of being the universe's punching bag, she often comes through when the call to action arises.
The AU centers on these three dealing with multiple antagonistic forces such as the OWCA, a "heroic" organization that experiments on animal agents to take on DEI (led by Monogram, the man that supposedly was responsible for Charlene and Vanessa's deaths), The Resistance, a group of teens bent on overthrowing Doofenshmirtz by any means necessary (that's also lead by Phineas' older sister, Candace, who very much hates him and is sadly blinded by anger to see that she's not being reasonable), and even LOVEMUFFIN, the very organization that rules over most of the planet that Doofenshmirtz and Schnitzel both work for. They also deal with a bunch of misadventures as well, some typical familial drama, that kinda stuff.
A lot of the times Isabella, Phineas' best friend/crush (the boy just...loves her so very much, he can't even, if only she frigging knew, come on, it's so obvious), will tagalong on these adventures along with the likes of Ferb (who is NOT Phineas' stepbrother in this, but is considered his OTHER best friend - really, Ferb is trying to assassinate Doofenshmirtz for Candace, but grows attached to the very annoying triangular redhead), Buford, Baljeet, Irving, Django, and the Homicide Girls (the Fireside Girls of this AU). There's more to them as well, but that's about the gist of it.
Phineas also has a hamster named Freddie (ala @sortofcaffeinateddoodles) instead of Perry - I'm not actually entirely sure what Perry's role IS in this AU, anymore. He's definitely THERE, I'm just not sure what his relationship is with everyone else, or even if he's a good guy or a bad guy. Freddie's fun - he's got a knife. No one knows where he got it from, but he has one, and Doofenshmirtz and Schnitzel are concerned.
This is mostly a very self-indulgent AU, that I guarantee is not for everyone - especially since I portray certain characters like Candace and Linda in particular in a very bad light, some characters like Vanessa are dead/are probably gonna die, and the fact that there are OCs in this story, blahblahblah. Oh. And they cuss a LOT - this isn't a kid friendly AU. I do plan on writing a fic where the canon-verse meets this AU, cuz I feel like it would be interesting for the characters to interact. Though I already do that with @lyllaotterofhalfworld, and our three-way AU where her AU, my AU, and the canon-verse Phineases all interact and stuff, and it's great and I wanna do more of that.
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parkersloths · 3 years
Hi ^^
First of all – your Art is INCREDIBLE!!!
I especially love your use of colors and textures :) Everything is so bright and colorful, but still cohesive. And your images are so clear without being overly detailed! It’s all literally perfection!!!
I like to draw digitally as well and your art-style is a huge inspiration for me. So I wanted to ask if you have any work in progress videos or pictures? Or if you could explain your process in general? Like, are you using a sketch layer underneath, with how many layers are you normally working, what kind of brushes do you use or any tips overall to improve digital painting?
Of course you don’t have to answer this (kinda a lot of questions, sorry 😅 ). Just know that I adore your art and that you’re helping me on my own art-journey just by sharing your work with the world – so, thank you!!! <3
Hey!! So first of all thank you so much for everthing you said about my art, I really appreciate it! But also omg thank youuu for this amazing ask like this is for real the kind of ask I've always wanted to get, where a total stranger is interested in my process XD So yeah don't worry about asking a lot of questions, they were great and I loved them!
Also I'm super flattered that my art has inspired you in your own digital art journey and I hope the stuff I say here can also help somewhat! This will get pretty long so sorry in advance everyone for making you scroll so much cause for some reason the read more option doesn't work on mobile :/
But anyway to answer your questions!
Sadly I don't have videos but I do have some pics I'll share. This is actually my second attempt at answering this because before I was going to use some WIP pics of the Majid drawing as example but then I didn't want to because it was in black and white and color is kind of one of the main things I like to emphasize in my art so I wanted to talk about it in the example XD Then I started a couple new drawings and was taking pics of those but I got super artblocked, but luckily I just finished one out of the blue that I can use. Okay so... I started answering this, again, and it was getting way too long and rambly so I'm gonna try to keep it simple this time and maybe I can elaborate more another time if you're still interested/ if anyone else wants know X'D
My process in general: I always start by making a simple basic background to work on, just fill it in and add some blotches of color. Then on a new layer I just start painting the subject, no sketch, so again just laying down some colors (I usually take whatever color in the bg is closest to skin tone and adjust the new color from there) and I just start blocking some shapes in aproximately the right places to start defining where things will be and how they fit together and just go from there. It's hard to explain it more cause that's kinda it, I just paint until things look like they're supposed to or at least visually appealing enough XD I add or adjust whatever colors seem necessary along the way (in this particular drawing I left the darker values until way too late which I don't recommend) and just refine and refine and refine things and add as many or as few details as I feel like, working on everything simmultaneously bit by bit.
Layers: like I mentioned before there's no sketch, and I try to use as few layers as possible so usually I'll have about 3-5. One for the basic background, one to three (though sometimes I merge them) additional layers for more background effects/colors/value fixes that I usually add later in the process, and I try to have just one for the subject. Sometimes I have one or two more if I'm feeling too hesitant but I always merge them in the end.
Brushes: I only use one brush at 50% opacity the whole time for everything. It's a squarish/rectangular brush that has some sort of jagged edges and a bit of a watercolory texture.
Tips: so this part is especially hard cause like.. I feel like any tips I could give are only applicable to drawing portraits and even then it'd be for doing it in the particular way that I prefer.. Like for example I could say it's best to work on every area at the same time and never spend too long one thing before moving on to the next but.. some people actually prefer finishing the eyes completely before moving on to the nose for example you know? So honestly the main thing I'll say is kinda to just experiment with a lot of methods and styles and see what works or doesn't work for you. Something that I think always helped me a lot was watching speedpaints of people who were more skilled than me and had a distinct style, just literally watch how they did their thing and every once in a while I might notice something I'd be interested in trying for myself and yeah with practice and experience you just kinda figure out what kind of things you not only like seeing but actually want in your own art. Like years ago I used to sketch but then I saw enough videos of people painting without sketching that I wanted to try it and I realized it's just more fun and makes more sense to me that way. So yeah try lots of different things and see what works for you and what you want to incorporate into your own art style!
Some more standard digital art tips I could give I guess are like.. the thing I said about not spending too much time on just one area (if it applies to your prefered process XD). Flip the drawing every now and then to catch stuff that's off. Stay zoomed out as much as possible and when you do zoom in for details always keep an eye on how the bigger picture's looking. Take your time finding or arranging a good reference pic that really inspires you cause it'll save you time and frustration later. And aaa idk I could say more but I don't think it's that informative or helpful, and all of this is probably really basic obvious stuff anyway and this is long enough as it is so yeah I'll leave it there...
I hope any of this can help in some way or that I've at least answered your questions in a satisfying enough way haha And finally here are some of the WIP pics I took. Where you can see some parts of the process. I did a lot more after that last pic but yeah at that point it's just about fixing little things, refining and adding details, but there you can see the color adjustment thing I usually do as the very last step (though not for this pic). I don't always have to do it, and there are probably times when I shouldn't, but I almost always like to do it anyway and that's why my colors look so exaggerated and bright XD I usually make the midtones more red and/or magenta, the shadows more blue, and the highlights more yellow (and sometimes a bit cyan) but if you wanna try something like that it's definitely fun to experiment with the different color possibilities ;u;
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And yeah that's it for now! I'm sorry this is so long, and this was the short version lol I hope you like the answers at least a fraction of how much I loved the questions X'D
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tapefish · 3 years
You think a good third of the zones would leap at the opportunity to sew your mouth shut but this one looks more angry than anything. And while you’re normally against people rounding up on you with needles, the past half hour has left you down one hand and the better half of your face. You are in no position to argue. They’re griping about something or another and pretty sure they just referred to you as fungal (really?) somewhere in there and you’d correct them but air and blood is busy burbling out the new gash in your face. Try and stop the bleeding with a sleeve but your hands keep getting batted away with a curse and an even sharper look. Maybe venom siblings is not just some zone given title after all.
You let your mind drift to distract yourself from the pain, Party Poison’s angry mutterings are entertaining and all but it’s hard to pay attention when half your face is gaping open. Going up to the fabulous killjoys and asking where the sign up sheet was, you weren’t expecting a warm welcome- or any kind of welcome really. But you also weren’t expecting Jet Star to point you in the direction of The Kobra Kid of all people without so much as a ‘good luck’. It’s not like you haven’t fought people stronger than you. Or smarter. Or taller. Hell, practically every crew you’ve ever inconvenienced has had the pleasure (and the advantage).
Without warning the side of your face lights up and everything blinks out.
You’re trying your best to sterilize the wound- Jet won’t miss his stash too much and you dare him to raise an objection- when an elbow shoots out, barely missing your jaw. The kid’s thrashing now, knocking what’s left of the alcohol to the ground and scratching at the wound. How are you supposed to work with this? Sure, just deal with the aftermath of yet another great plan from our fearless leader. Get the new guy to fight Kobra, declare them winner and leave them to bleed out on the floor. Real fucking smart. What, was Jet expecting the kid to sew up their own face? Where were they even going with this, just tossing over the med kit and wandering back to the am? As if having to physically pry Kobra off of- what’s their name-wasn’t enough now you gotta fix his mistake. Both their mistakes. Really you don't see why you aren’t the leader, you’re already picking up after everybody.
Whatever. The time for self pity has passed, and that’s enough of that. Grab them by the arms and hold them still for fuck’s sake before they make things any worse.
Threading the needle is easy enough, you’ve done it plenty and while the wound seems intimidating, closer inspection reveals that it’s not a bad cut, just in a weird place. As if to make up for sitting still, the kid has decided that now is the time for small talk. Swear to the witch it’s like they don’t want it stitched up. Watching them attempt to speak and stretching the wound in the process, you have half a mind to quit right there and let it heal all lopsided. Whatever they’re trying to say- all it’s really doing is depositing more blood and spit and- fuck is that a tooth? On your already sweaty hands. Gross. Well, it won’t get any cleaner than this so you get to work. They seem to catch on pretty quickly, and clam up right as you start the first stitch.
While you’re busy trying to line up the edges, the kid is scratching lazy lines into the dust around you. The first is a set of letters: FUNGHOUL followed by an x’d out face. Almost as an afterthought, they scribble a set of stitches across the smile. The irony of it isn’t lost upon you, and a snicker escapes before you can stop yourself. After tying off the last suture, take a moment to judge your work. You’re no medic so it's not pretty, but all things considered, it could be much worse. Catch yourself absentmindedly rubbing at the fading scars on your left hand. Like you said, you’re no medic.
You’d think the first coherent thing out of their mouth would be gratitude, a semblance of a thank you perhaps, but no. They just had to get one last bit of stupid out of their system. “So, does shades over there greet everyone like this or am I just special?” Snap the medkit shut and spit a “what’s it to you” hoping they get the message and witch- where is kobra?
Look at them, laughing away as if nothing just happened. And it’s at you you’re sure, what else would there be to laugh at? The Kobra Kid, declared loser of a fight against some fresh faced nobody. A fight that you won but is gonna cost you everything because that new kid- what was their name? ghost or goblin or something stupid like that decided they were too good for the rules of engagement? You were doing fine! Pinned them down twice with only a handful of sand to the eyes for your troubles. It was pure luck that placed them so close to the bonfire, with all that smoke, it's not like you could see. Reached into it and knocked you off balance, enough to squirm out of your grasp again.
Did Party really think calling out would make you think they cared? Their actions speak for themselves- spending time tending to pintsize over there instead of their own brother. Little shit thinks they could just march up to camp and demand a spot that you earned. What’d they think? They’d get you kicked out? Take your place? Shake your head at the thought and focus on the task at hand.
Tending to your burn is hard and water is sparse, your hands are shaking as you peel off layer after layer from your neck - your hands never shake. You have to get it off though or else it's going to scar. And parallels be damned, you are not keeping a reminder of tonight if you have any say in it.
It wouldn’t have even registered when they hit you if it weren’t for the smell. Acrid and chemical, you get the feeling it won’t be leaving any time soon. Pour water on your neck and peel off the layers, until the last of it finally comes off with a gasp. You can actually feel it now, pulsating and radiating heat. Water alleviates it for a bit but you don’t have much of it to spare.
The thought crosses your mind to check the burn over in the trans am’s mirrors, see how bad it is, but it’s been taken over by Jet. Look back at your sibling siding with the new kid. Acting like you’re the one at fault here when really, why couldn't they just admit that you won? And why wouldn't Jet acknowledge that? With everyone around you forgetting that tiny, tiny fact you had to pull something that would stick. Running their mouth the whole time, forgetting that it's them that's trying to join your crew, laughing like the whole thing’s just one big joke to them.
To make things worse, Party barging in and intervening in your fight, like you’re some sort of kid back in the lobby, as if you haven't done worse things to nicer people with less than your reputation at stake. You know, you didn't really consider yourself a prideful person before this. Guess you really are Party’s brother. Go back to camp, ignore Party’s million where were you, what were you thinking, are you even listening to me’s, and work on your bike. Because for all their questions, they haven’t looked you in the eyes once.
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drkineildwicks · 2 years
Temtem – 12/10/2021 – Still Hunting Nessla...
Oh help me I’m back on my Temtem—
Anywho I really need to log on this more frequently
Now’s a good time because FF14 is stuffed to the gills thanks to the new update
Plus THIS time I get to be paid for it because I’m writing about it for work XD
So…oh gosh my poor dudes what state did I leave you in
Let’s get healed up first
Okay so the thing I wanted to fool around today with was this:
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It’s the Temtem version of the EXP Share, I had to refresh my memory on how and where I picked it up, totally forgot I had it, but let’s see how it does
Let’s see, we’ll give it to Scrapit….
And now we’ll test and see how this goes
So glad I can right-click to move I’m stuck with our pet bird on my lap
She likes attention
Oh come on why y’all picking on Minion
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This is how that works, apparently
So it’s something useful if I need to level up a guy quickly without the AI constantly targeting them
And it’s one Tem at a time and an equippable item you can totally forget about, not, oh, I don’t know, Game Freak hijacking your game and telling you how to play it
Sure Legends looks cool but I had better see some glowing reviews from people I trust before I give GF any of my money
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Do I?  I just clicked on her because there was a question mark on my map—
I do actually
So I got some scent for my trouble—
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That is a Platypet—
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Yeah I’d better catch it THIS WAS THE FIRST TURN
That thing almost one-shot KO’ed Olaf and it’s four levels under him
Can’t get this experience with Pokémon
Oh my gosh if you idle too long he sits down XD
Okay so this thing killed Olaf and now it’s working on Turtlinni
Finley got knocked out by Kaku’s poison
Okay don’t know if I can risk another hit on it I’m gonna catch it
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Okay I know everyone and their mother has named one of these Perry but IT WORKS SO WELL
I promise if I ever catch a second one I’ll give it a more original name
Okay I want to play with my new Platypet but I’m pretty sure my original plan with this group was to get them all to a comparable level so here we go to Skail Jail
Ooh but later Finley and Perry are teaming up
Still want a Nessla tho but that one’s got a catch rate that’s a pain in the Arrisola
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So Scrapit leveled up like this that’s nice
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This is new
Are they…planning on adding new content?...
I think this was just like…blocks and coral before this is interesting
Okay swapping things around, Minion replaces Finley who just leveled up and Olaf now gets the Coward’s Cloak
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I like this, this is cool
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And Minion leveled up and learned a new move!
What…does that mean, -1 Hold?
Let’s test
That does…not outspeed Lowkey’s DC Beam
So in order to test this I gotta either swap Lowkey out or find something he doesn’t insta-kill
Olaf’s leveling up nicely though
It helps that he’s way low in level compared to the others Lowkey’s pulling like a handful of XP per battle because his level’s so high XD
But that’s because he’s still my only Electric type and therefore effective against water Nessla where are you
Oh what’s this?
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That’s cool
Oh a team!
FINALLY I can test Cheer Up!
I don’t see how this did anything soo…swapping that out
Lt Shock and Mister Chai, love the names :D
I love that you can check out someone else’s Tem and get the information that way another little thing that makes it better than Pokémon
Oh Minion leveled up again!
And so did Olaf but then again Minion got 108 XP, Olaf got 120, and Lowkey got 29
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This was on a low-level Tateru but this is basically the EXP difference
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This amuses me and I’m not sure why
Okay back to trying the Nessla fishing hole again
At least two people here have Nessla that seems promising
THREE okay come on Nessla come to me…
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Yeah this REALLY shows the EXP difference X’D
Okay we’ll just do this until everyone who isn’t Level 20 reaches there
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We’re getting there
Okay Lowkey’s getting dangerously low on health we’ll swap out and go find someplace to heal
And then try the other place I saw a Nessla
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I don’t know what this is, but it’s cool
Those dudes are still floating next to that wreck
Oh my gosh I don’t think I’ve seen a Pewki knocked out from the front before but the eyes turn into spirals XD
Still love the music and designs
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Okay and that’s everyone to Level 20!
My opinion on the Coward’s Cloak…I’m not actually sure if it leveled the team faster
Not something I think I’d use often
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I…don’t know why this got reversed
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Gonna swap Perry and a couple others in and then quit for the day
Did get some nice leveling in AND CAUGHT A PLATYPET :D
Still no Nessla tho….
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The state of the squad
But now we’re off—until next time!
Nessla won’t escape me forever
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fatal-error-blog · 4 years
Super duper sorry folks, no live-streams this week X’D
Hey guys, I’m really sorry to have to cancel streams this week :/ I kinda expected the bulk of distracting stuff to be over with yesterday but it’s not haha so I think I’m gonna turn my focus to something else productive, like getting ready for the book orders to be sent out (the Final Sticker should be arriving tomorrow or Friday, thank goodness).
I absolutely plan on streaming next week, and we still have the 12 hour stream to plan which is coming up soon~ and I’m looking forward to things feeling more normal than they have the past couple of days.
I hope y’all have a good rest of your day! Thank you for understanding and I hope everyone takes care of themselves ^_^ Do something nice for yourself!
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origami10 · 3 years
Ajin ch 86 thoughts
Okay, it’s been a little bit! Thoughts and spoilers under the cut! (Warning, this is very long)
Writing this in a word doc because a) I don’t want to risk going on tumblr and b) I don’t want to risk the post getting deleted in the middle  [note from the end: this ended up being four pages long in a Word document, so I’m sorry]
Ahhhh, last time buying the digital magazine ><    Until... if... Sakurai starts publishing something new...
It seems kind of unfair not to have Ajin be the cover feature if it’s ending DX I guess they’re just starting with a new series, though. Is that how that works? (It has a main character with white hair so I might be interested...) It’s at the beginning of the mag.
Okay, yeah, pages 111-175.  Aggghhhh I’ve always put off reading the end of series, but I think this is the first one I’ve been up to date with when it actually ended. Promised Neverland was close.
ooh completely new characters...?????? whoops overshot the starting page by a few ughhhh it’s definitely the last one... I mean we knew that, but still..... OMG NO IT’S IZUMI AND TANAKA ISN’T IT??    jeez woah  I can’t wait to hear other readers’ reactions    [edit: yes this was about clover, and she recorded her reaction, which was beautiful ;u;] also omg they’re at least appearing together
omg Sakurai’s author’s note: “It’s very cold, isn’t it. Everyone, I hope you don’t catch a cold.”       YOU’RE NOT EVEN GOING TO ACKNOWLEDGE IT’S ENDING?
okay, so at least some time skip Tanaka: New identity, who dis Ooh, Izumi called Tanaka “anta” – the rude/familiar version of ‘you’, rather than the polite one. Honestly I don’t remember but it’s probably what she called him previously. And then turns around and called him anata the next page X’D  Okay, I’m glad that not being consistent is okay in Japanese, I always worry/wonder about that ooooh so Tanaka doesn’t have a new identity YET. I wonder how long it’s been?? omg Tosaki prepared it??    Was he thinking that far ahead? Or is he not dead....   ???  okay so he made it ahead of time     oh, and Izumi was the one who asked him for it??? Oh wow, Izumi has yet another change of identity. I wonder if she’s back to (omggg I forget D: her original name... Tainaka [hah]) Also another great shot emphasizing their height difference X’) lmaoooo I always love when there manages to be some humor oh, they’re only about three years apart! I wonder if that helps pin down the timeline at all??
Aw, Izumi still respects Tosaki lmao  “I’m going home.” “You really have places to be?”  Oh I guess that wasn’t quite it- she really was wondering if he was had a living location... so he has been kinda on the run ><    [Sakurai. Sakurai, happy ending. There is, right? Right?]
Oh dude I really didn’t think we’d get any resolution on that ship and like, idk if this counts as resolution but it sure looks like it does right now okay I’m really sorry but part of me is like ///we’re using so many of the remaining pages on this///  although oh I guess it’s only been 10 pages... it feels like so many since the chapters have been so short lately...
heyyyyy  I mean we kinda knew the U.S. ajin would be back or else what was the point of introducing them Ogura not being dead at the end of the series is extremely impressive (also hopefully Kai :prayer hands:  as in I think he survived) so Ogura didn’t tell them he was coming back huh ... with the crew??? :eyes emoji: lmao AND they thought he was dead, I’m cackling oh okay so they had heard he wasn’t dead the close up of Jim’s face reminds of Kai somehow I guess this manga isn’t so long (and the U.S. ajin left enough of an impression) that at least we’re not like WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE “I’ll kill you!!” “Go ahead!!”  HA Winnn I think the people in this series need to get their idea of ‘fun’ checked I don’t really understand what he says in the bubble after that... I’ll have to check the English did he like, metaphorically die because he’s out of FKs? I’m not up on my cigarette brands enough to know if that’s an FK or not... I think it’s what the brand turned into...? oh no what’s this omg    is it gonna be Kai? Are they all gonna be in there? Kotobuki??   also this is already super sad that not everyone got out of jail free... unless they did and I’ll see... but also it’s realistic so all for the best I guess?  i have no idea OH HA I thought it was the juvenile detention center but it’s Takahashi !  o_o not entirely sure I understand what Takahashi says to the guard either at least everyone’s having... fun??? KAI KAI KAI    gahhhh this looks exactly like how ch 69 started and agh they’re both in juvie but ahhhhh they’re together??         I’m already scared to read and actually find out –o- oh wait they have dates to get out!  and they said plural ‘we’ “That was fast”  I feel like that panel represents what this chapter means to me somehow lmao they just want them to be not their problem anymore... that really wraps it up nicely, hilariously, and realistically I’m glad I’m not translating this because there are really a couple lines where I don’t completely understand them “something happened that day”  um, yeah WOW I did NOT think we were going to get an answer to whether Kai was an ajin now or not, but I feel like that definitively answers that question?????     also that’s terribly funny HE DOESN’T EVEN KNOW KEI REVIVED HIM??       -punches a wall-  Kai’s whole personality is  ‘I don’t really remember that happening’  >_____________________________> Kei... gave Kai a reason to live... because he almost died...?      I still kinda have faith in this wrapping up well but GOD Kai is not a character to invest all your emotion into, laughs cryingly Kotobuki: “You literally never make any sense, man.” oh no “ano natsu” GAH
I just realized that this almost certainly means Kai and Kou never met. There isn’t enough keysmashing in the world to express my desire to throw my laptop at a wall right now
In no way shape or form did I ever expect to get closure on Akiyama, even on him getting out of the barrel
Manabe definitely stole whatever it is he’s holding but it was probably some kind of personal effects...?  [my powers of prediction suck most of the time] he really looks beat up now ;u; Izukyū-Shimoda... Win, that’s not where you traveled, is it?  Maybe I saw it on the Sunday NHK travel program... but it’s also the end of the train line and has ferries going out into the ocean islands.  Is he getting away, or going home.......? or to Hirasawa or something...?
well that was an extremely abrupt shift are they really shooting Satou up into space they’re not using him as a test subject are they that sounds like an even more awful idea than I ever could have come up with okay... oh jeez can we please please not have Satou be Captain America you just KNOW he’s going to make trouble again, ,, , , ,!!
oh jeez Eriko! I didn’t expect to see her but it’s nice! it’s really sinking in that that’s all the closure we’re going to get on Kai isn’t it Eriko tsundere as if that needed confirmed okay cool, so she’s out of the hospital (for now)
It does seem appropriate? Likely? That Kei didn’t go home. WE BETTER SEE KOU THIS CHAPTER oh, it’s fall   (or winter? Izumi said it was cold...) oh phew
Sakurai said RIP KeiKai shippers I guess....  but they still influenced each other so that’s still shippable even though they’re not together?  sigh not everything is so straightforward and I guess it’s good it reflects that
Kei looks happy enough was Kei working a blue collar job with Kou or something? That’s 100% unexpected Kou adorable omg what is his new name gonna be Also ;-; so they’ve giving ajin rights but everyone’s still staying undercover...? or Kou isn’t I guess, that’s sweet oh wow we admit Tosaki’s great     I guess last chapter’s statement that they found his remains must have settled whether he’s alive or not ‘iroiro atta na’  YOU THINK    also pretty sure that’s Kai’s line from the drama CD what’s with that Kei face??? OMG PERF       also that is scarily close to what I wrote in a fic, but also pretty much to be expected crap I guess at least Tanaka and Izumi are with each other? KAI’S MOON JACKET   WITH THE SMILIE       we really messed up characterizing Kai as the sun haha he’s out he’s out he’s out is he going to meet someone literally zooming out on everyone (like at the end of last chapter too) is kinda messing with me Like they’re still around and doing stuff but we aren’t (don’t get to) watch them anymore Kou saying ‘let’s all meet again’... my heart is warm ;0; LMAO
we can at least rest assured that everyone stayed in character
I can’t I can’t I can’t  [note, this was when I thought Kei saying ‘nah’ was the last page]
omg Sakurai you’ve done it again bwahahaah a coworker hit him and is like ‘oh cool fine nevermind’ this is WAY more hilarious than I was expecting for this chapter How do I always forget that Ajin has so much comedy not remembering what page number the chapter ends on is nice
Tankobon releases May 7th in Japan Elizaaaaaa Kei’s got a Shion coat
alright uh well I guess that’s good, in a way, we still get to imagine whatever we want
Finishing it hasn’t sunk in yet, I’ve have to get back to you on that one.
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dawniebb · 4 years
Face reveal bc yes
So, guys...especially from the Renegades fandom bc i’m the most active there: you saw the title lmao. This will...barely get notes (i wonder if it’ll get notes at all) buuUUUT YEAH LET’S GOOOO (If you’re gonna reblog pls be respectful bc i have issues and btw reblog ONLY if we are mutuals)
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Now, if you want to stop here, do it. If you don’t...well
I’m going to tell you a story about myself and why I decided to post this.
First of all, I’m not celebrating anything. I’m just celebrating me, I guess (?) and in fact I’ve been wanting to do this since my parents got me a She-Ra cake for my 20th birthday back in May, because I loved that thing and felt the physical need to shove that thing into everyone’s faces But I didn’t because I didn’t feel ready enough...then that thought left my mind, and it came back like two weeks ago.
I’ve had mental issues since I was in like...elementary school. I’m sure I had felt depressed before I turned 12; however, the first memory I hold of feeling so, it’s when I was already 12. Because it was then when I realized that I wasn’t just a dumb kid who didn’t know how to make friends xd To this day, I genuinely feel like I was suffering from isolation bullying; you know xd my classmates purposely excluded me from activities, they would find any excuse for not letting me join their work teams and stuff like that; during my last year at elementary school, I only had like one friend, and that one friend and I shared a sort of abusive/toxic relationship, as in: manipulation, “we’re best friends. you should only talk to ME”, and then this friend turned her back at me too, because she decided to join the rest of the group and ignore me.
And I remember wondering what was I doing wrong. Like, why didn’t people like me; why didn’t they want to hang out with me; why did everyone seem to have friends except me. And then I got trapped into a very...dark place, and I remember being overthinking one day, because I tend to overthink a lot...and I remembered this specific kid who was in the same class as me.
I was in the line for the teacher to check my homework, and this kid, a boy, was behind me.
You see. I’ve always been chubby xd I don’t think I’ve ever been skinny since I was 2 years old or so, because by the time I was in kindergarten my classmates’ moms were already calling me a ‘little meatball’ thinking it was a fucking adorable nickname because Mexican moms can be pretty shitty sometimes don’t let the media stereotypes fool you not all of them are all cheerful and upbeat and when I was in elementary school, for some reason, besides being chubby, I had a really bad posture. And this boy who was behind me started imitating my way of walking and his friends were laughing, so I turned around and asked him wtf his problem was xd and he turned around to his friends and asked “Do you see how hunchback she is?” like I wasn’t even there xd and I genuinely tried to slap him but I couldn’t, and he said “Yo, stop moving because you’re going to cause an earthquake”
And my mom has always felt personally attacked for the fact I’m...u know, fat. She has always been very insistent on the fact I need to lose weight and stuff like that. And her, mixed with my experiences at school, made me feel like I wasn’t enough.
But my mind started saying things like “And u know why you aren’t enough? Because you’re fat”
Because, like, the day of the hunchback insult, when I told the teacher, who was a very shitty teacher btw but i’m not talking about her again today (i’ve already talked about her in MANY of my university papers, because I’m studying to be an English teacher), she turned around at him and said “Don’t listen to HER” and to this day I still don’t know why xd
But it made me feel like I wasn’t enough. Because I was fat.
Lol x2.
To this day, I still don’t know if I have an ED. Like, I genuinely don’t know. But I can safely say that, if I have one, it’s more likely BED... because, through the years, I managed to lose weight when I turned like 15 and I had my quinceañera party, but then first year of high school came and I had a relapse into depression...like, this might come off as a very unpopular opinion, but junior high school was dope for me x’d I remember it as one of the best years in my life, right after my second and third year in high school (high school in Mexico lasts only three years) and so...when I started my first year in high school and got fucking depressed again, I gained ALL that weight back, and even doubled it. During my second year of high school, I met my friends. The friends I still keep with me to this day. And they accepted me like the fucking train wreck I was, failing math like three times in a row and crying about it every single one of those times  because I’m pretty sure I have dyscalculia but my parents won’t listen to me they think i’m just lazy when it comes to math even though they know i cant even read a fucking clock . And them, along with my another very close friend who I met via fanfction when I was 12, helped me go through it. Like, I did have some issues with my body during high school, but not as much as you would expect. They were getting pretty bad in my first and second semester, but during the other four my friends managed to stop me from losing my mind, even when it all went to shit in my third year again for different reasons.
Then I graduated from high school, and I made friends there too. Although my best friends are still my friend from fanfiction, my friends from high school and just one of my university friends. And you know...I was left...pretty scarred from the shit that happened during third year of high school, and even if I didn’t feel like I was *that* depressed, I did gain a lot of weight.
Like, the highest I’ve ever been. Then my dad got sick during October from last year, then my two doggies were murdered god i fucking hate my neighbors the same day my dad was released from the hospital and my mom went kinda nuts during December and I wanted to just...yeah.
So I did a lot of emotional eating. Like, y’all don’t understand.
It was like...I would go to uni and eat a brownie. Then chocolates on my way home. THEN a “a snack” like...fucking rice krispies. Then a huge ass meal, with soda bc why not. Then I would have either cookies or hot cheetos as a treat after my huge ass meal,
I’m a short person xd carrying that much weight was making my ribs and back hurt, as well as my legs and feet; my breathing was freaking awful, and there were some days were I got SO paranoid I just said things like “i’m gonna die today” or “out here trying to get diabetes like the rest of your family, aren’t you??” :’) but i didn’t tell anybody. My parents are not really an option in this case, BUT I didn’t tell my friends, because then I would have to explain that I ate a lot and that was something I was EXTREMELY ashamed of.
When February came, I was scared of going out, because I knew I would have to choose what clothes to wear and nothing fit me anymore and, the things that did, looked super stretched on me and, u know, I was sore. My health was getting bad. But I didn’t like to feel that way.
But going back to the story...
My friends used to tell me I looked pretty all the time, which I appreciate a lot to this day. But my parents were like
Me: I’m fat and I look deformed.
Them: I agree.
Because yeah.
Just before the pandemic madness happened, I went on a school trip with my uni friends and one of them triggered my isolation trauma in the worst way possible...and that, somehow, ruined ALL the photos I took throughout the trip. Because I wasn’t enough. Because I was deformed and fat and I looked like an apple. Because nobody wanted to be seen near me. And my personality was shitty.
Like, I should’ve known I was worth it. I’m still worth it and I know that. But I wasn’t less worth it when I was chubbier. And maybe I didn’t look as bad as my head made me believe. But at the time my mental health was extremely awful.
Now, covid happened.
Not gonna lie. Quarantine fucked me up as much as it fucked everyone else, but for me...by not going out, I stopped being near trigger foods, and I was even able to consult a dietitian.
I’ve lost 15 kg since March. And I’ve managed to love my past self, but I love this one because changing it was my decision. Sure, my parents didn’t help a lot, but in the end it was MY decision. I’ve come to accept I was worth it even when I felt disgusted by myself, and all of those awful things people said or did to me, like my friend during that trip...
I didn’t deserve any of those things. Because NO ONE deserves to be treated that way.  No one deserves somebody else making fun of them. No one deserves somebody else doing awful things to them that they know damn well that they trigger their childhood trauma. No one deserves to be judged for the way they look.
I was in a very dark place, and sometimes I’m still inside there. And like...during all those times, I kept posting in here.
I remember being next to my dad in the hospital, telling him “Guess what? Supernova drops this week” or “We’re going to watch TDP together, right?” or “Let me talk to you about She-Ra...” ....those were things that like...saved my life for a while, though mostly Supernova. Because, actually, Marissa Meyer has helped me in my fucking darkest years x’d from my third year of high school until now.
Her books didn’t take my depression away, but they did make things a little lighter for me, even when I felt like dying.
And I know this fandom is like..full of minors, so...I don’t know if any of you need to hear this: But you’re worth it.
If you want to change anything in your body, do it because YOU want to.
Because YOU’LL like you better.
Because it’s YOUR body, and it’s the only part of yourself that you and other people can touch.
Nobody should ever tell you you’re worthless because of your weight and your physical appearance. And if they ever do, then they’re the ones who should apologize, not you.
Nobody has the right to mistreat you, abuse you, or use your own body against you.
As for me...my ribs don’t hurt anymore. Nor does my back or my feet, and my breathing is getting better; I took the conscious decision to lose weight but, like I said, now that I’m not in such a dark place, I’m staring to realize that the past me wasn’t as hideous as my mind was making me believe. She was okay; she was broken inside, but she didn’t deserve anything that happened to her, nor did she deserved to treat herself that badly.
I posted my photo just to celebrate that I can finally said I’m not disgusted anymore. I can finally see myself in pictures again. And see my own reflection. Or go through my closet. Or do my makeup, because I LOVE doing my makeup and I was even ashamed of that. I’m not fully okay yet, but I’m healing.
So, if there’s any little Dawnie around here: I hope you give yourself a chance and realize you’re beautiful.
I hope that, if you change, it’s because you wanted to do it.
I hope you know that it’ll get better even if the healing process it’s not that easy.
I hope you know there’s people who love you.
I hope you know that you are beautiful. You were always beautiful and, no matter what path you choose, you’ll always be beautiful.
And worth it.
And human.
And important.
Take care of yourself, because you’re wonderful, no matter your size <3
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galaxina-the-pyro · 3 years
How would you improve the episode AYA?
...wait...you’re asking me?
I...I didn’t expect this...
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The thing is is that I don’t think I could possibly come up with ideas for this better than, say, @authenticcadence18 or @springsfordays because their ideas are just too good (seriously, check them out, they have the literal best ideas for a rewrite of AYA, holy crap).
But if I were to rewrite it...hm...let’s make a checklist for stuff about AYA that just miffed me:
1. Plot B is fine. Plot B was probably the best part of AYA - Doof’s dilemma made sense for his character (and is hilarious), tied in with the name of the episode, and involved fun little shenanigans. My only gripe is that they didn’t go MONDO insane with it at the end, and said ending felt really abrupt.
(I also wish that, somehow, even Doof was involved with that “everyone knew” bit, but we’re gonna be scrapping that joke for this story - that joke is FUNNY, but it’s also degrading to Phineas, and is sorta a nice way of saying “yeah, you’re stupid for not noticing her feelings even though she’s not entitled to them - you’re the problem. It’s not like the episode is trying to hint at you two having switched roles, no, you’re the only one who was being oblivious and stupid.”)
2. We cut out Plot C entirely. Everyone trying to get Phineas and Isabella together was just...ugh. Why? And they had the audacity to compare what they were doing to all the AMAZING things they did when they were younger, like, guys - you set up some tables, decorations, and cooked them what I can assume to be a run-of-the-mill restaurant dinner - that has NOTHING on a rollercoaster through downtown. And their applause at that sweet but ultimately lackluster confession? Hurt. So much. Now that I think about it, it felt condescending, it unintentionally emphasized HOW uninspired this confession (as much as I love it) was, and it felt like they were taking credit for something they didn’t do.
And if we’re NOT gonna cut out Plot C...have Plot C be about FERB? Leaving for COLLEGE? Out of COUNTRY? Cuz I have a hard time believing that Phineas and Ferb are just OKAY with separating at such a long distance - heck, in “Candace Gets Busted”, FERB is the one who assumes that one day he and his brother are gonna own their own place together. It should at least be BROUGHT UP, don’t you think? (I’m conflicted on whether or not I’d keep Montessa in the ring or at least SHOW US how Ferbnessa happened, because I think what’s weirding people out is that they’re assuming that Vanessa literally waited for Ferb to turn 18 to start dating him - when I think it’s more likely that they kinda JUST started dating during the beginning of Summer? But I think stuff like that really SHOULD be explained because even though I don’t think it’s that weird, I understand why OTHER PEOPLE wouldn’t like the idea)
3. I kinda feel like this should have had more songs? I dunno why, I feel like this all could have been improved if we got a fullblown musical out of this (and...this may be me wanting a “What Might Have Been” reprise, lol) - like, make fun of HSM or something, you can’t tell me you wouldn’t have.
4. I kinda wanted to see more of the “where are they now”. Like, Jeremy, Stacey, Little Suzie Johnson, even that one couple with the lady who’s always like “what did you think, an anniversary dinner was just going to fall from the sky?” - I like stuff like that, it’s so much fun to think about. Also...I legit have so much anxiety over Perry never interacting with him owners ONCE in that episode, and even more anxiety over Pinky never making an appearance at all. Heck, if there was a good time to show us what the HECK happened to Django, now would be a great time.
5. I would have given the episode a unique intro, ala “Night of the Living Pharmacists” and “Last Day of Summer” - like, AYA is as much of a status quo shifter as those two episodes, why was it given the “Phineas and Ferb Get Busted” treatment?
6. Here’s a brilliant thought - NO ONE tells Phineas about Isabella’s crush? How about instead Phineas goes and wants to check in on her, because he really misses her and doesn’t understand why they don’t talk anymore (and he’s tried before, and they’ve nearly had conversations, but Isabella’s just too busy) - did he do something wrong? Is Isabella just too busy now? He needs to know. That should have been his priority, none of this “FrIeNd ZoNe” nonsense.
7. I would have made this into a near movie-length special. With all the topics that this episode brought up, particularly the whole “manipulating the situation” thing, I feel like a longer episode would have given them more time to talk about how stuff like that is...not okay.
Okay, with those out of the way, how I would have written Phinabella the Movie...I mean...Act Your Age (I warn you, it’s not gonna be as good as @authenticcadence18′s or @springsfordays‘s ideas, so if you want quality stuff and not just mushy fanfiction fodder I’d check their stuff out):
I would have sorta made this entire thing take place during the “What Might Have Been” song - what that means is that it’s a collage of memories. How Isabella and Phineas met, how Isabella first got her “crush” (if you can really call it that, girl was full out in love lol), them building stuff with the gang during their canon ages, them going into highschool, Isabella ultimately choosing to give up her crush to maintain her friendship with Phineas (because her choosing to not be as close to Phineas because of a crush isn’t an option), Isabella’s first boyfriend (which probably’s gonna hurt a lot of fans, cuz I envision that to NOT be Phineas; but it’s Phinabella endgame, so relax); the episode just centers on the gang (mainly Isabella since it’s from her perspective) growing up.
Like, yes, all of the memories are gonna be Phinabella centered, but we gotta have SOME side-stories and junk, like maybe how Baljeet gets together with Ginger (and...how they break up...please don’t kill me), what ultimately leads Ferb to want to go back to England for studies (maybe it’s him wanting to be his own person and not wanting people to think he and his brother are just “a pair”), Buford...uh...something with Buford definitely, because I love him and he deserves it. Heck, maybe even the Fireside Girls can have their own arc with a graduation ceremony for their ranks (...what? I’m not linking stuff to the best fanfic ever, noooooo...why would-why would I do that?).
And maybe in this case Plot B SHOULD be different - maybe it should focus on how Doofenshmirtz first got to America, how he first met Charlene, what exactly led him to being evil in the first place, all that good stuff. Though, ultimately, that might be a little angsty - maybe there’s a reason why we don’t see exactly HOW Doof and Charlene divorced, because that could very well be the saddest scene ever, and it’s hard to put that kinda comedic spin on something so tragic (I mean, obviously there are comedies CENTERED on divorce, but like...they always SKIP the divorce part from what I’ve seen). Not to mention that this is a kid’s show, so...I doubt they’d actually show HOW it happened. This is just my thoughts. X’D
Back to the Phinabella.
Phineas and Isabella would have their confession during THIS part of the special rather than the very end (so, like...they’re still in highschool, and Isabella’s already broken up with that other dude in the story, and maybe Phineas had a girlfriend he just wasn’t happy with) - Phineas tries to do something big for Isabella, but it ultimately falls through because of Perry’s current nemesis (we never see who that is, lol), so he settles for something simple (at first he’s scared about it not “being enough” for someone like Isabella, but Ferb’s able to slap that nonsense out of him pretty quickly). He and Isabella spend the ENTIRE DAY together alone, leading to Phineas eventually singing a song he wrote for her to her, and the two have a cute little duet as a result (that has the opposite energy of “What Might Have Been”, so it’s important that somewhere in this episode that “What Might Have Been” is still a thing, it just doesn’t involve Phineas being aware of Isabella’s feelings, and it doesn’t involve Isabella trying to leave somewhere without saying goodbye, this would be more about Isabella, after trying to get over her crush, realizing that she still LIKES Phineas that way). They almost kiss, but they’re ultimately interrupted by Buford being Buford or something, but it implies that Phineas and Isabella are now a couple onwards from here.
Eventually it leads to a small party in the middle of Summer with the gang, with them playing some games and talking about how by the end of Summer, they won’t be seeing each other as much anymore because of college and stuff. They all remanence about the simple times - with Isabella eventually leaving (saying it’s because she needs to check on something, but really it’s because she’s sad that things are ending so quickly and she’s gonna miss everyone especially Phineas), and Phineas going after her to see if she’s alright (he’s oblivious, but he’s always been able to tell if she’s sad for the most part, save for maybe a few instances - but he’s older now, so he’s probably better at telling).
The two go for a stroll outside, and discuss the changes and stuff, how he and Isabella are ultimately going to have to work on a long-distance relationship and how Phineas is going to miss Ferb when he leaves the country, and how he’s gonna miss Isabella. And then they both realize that everything is gonna be okay, because they’ve literally dealt with worse situations and came out stronger for it - Isabella nor Phineas have any doubts in their minds that their relationship with each other or anyone else is going to sever just because of long distance.
Time moves onward, and there are a lot of changes (mainly talking about couples and other stuff - if it were me, there’d be endgame Buford/Gretchen and Ferb/Ginger of all people, and of course Candace and Jeremy would be married by this time). Phineas and Isabella are about to go into their last year of college, and decide to spend one more day together before they, once again, go their separate ways. The gang surprises Isabella by having made an ACTUALLY GOOD AND CREATIVE BACKYARD DINNER for the two per Phineas’ planning (the idea wasn’t bad, the execution was just lame imo), and long story short, Phineas proposes to Isabella. She obviously accepts, and everyone cheers for them as Isabella inner monologues about how change can be scary but it’s okay some mushy stuff about loved ones being there for you when you need them or something.
And finally, we cut to many years later, with Isabella as an adult now, looking out at the backyard of her current home, drinking some tea - this whole movie/special has taken place in this Isabella’s memories (if that makes sense), as she thinks on how she got there. The story ends with a child (we don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl) calling to her and calling her “mom”, and Isabella leaving to check on her kid.
And...that’s how I would have written “Act Your Age”. Again, I recommend this and this over my idea (because again, their takes on this episode are perfect, I don’t think anyone can top them), but if you like it then great. This was still fun to write out and stuff, and I hope you enjoyed it regardless. ^^;
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revengerevisited · 3 years
i found this vanqua fic the other day, it’s only a couple chapters but i like it so far. :3 it does have a ‘creator chose not to add warnings’ label though, so please be cautious. also baby-xemnas aka kotbysleep (nsfw) aka nekokat42 (also nsfw) is a much better vanqua artist than me so please check him out. X’D (heads-up those twitter threads are way longer than you think so make sure you see eeeverything~).
anyway, more wip art below the cut, plus my endless rambling (i talk about 18+ topics, just a warning)—
i’m still working on venqua week and i’ve got 2 more prompts to go, one i haven’t started yet and one i’m halfway done with—
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~aaand yeah i’m re-using it for a vanqua pic too... X’D am i lazy, or just resourceful? you decide. ;P
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but yeah, both of these pics will have an 18+ version as well. i admit i’m super anxious about posting it next week, as i’ve seen just how absolutely toxic fandom is on twitter. like, you thought tumblr was bad? i’ve spent the last few days preemptively blocking literally hundreds if not thousands of antis just so i can feel a little safer posting my content without some asshat calling me a pedo or telling me to kill myself over cartoons. XU i somewhat worry that i’ve accidentally blocked some people who were just joking around and weren’t actually harassing anyone, but it’s just so hard to tell sometimes. if i’ve accidentally blocked anybody here, just let me know so i can unblock you. :3 (idk why that sentence came out so sinister sounding but i’m legit being sincere X’D).
but seriously, idk when fandom suddenly got such a stick up its ass (around 2016-17 from my guesstimate) and decided aging-up a fictional character by a year or two is such a crime, but i guess that’s just the state of things. :T i could draw vanitas as a centaur or make him blond or whatever and no one cares, but aging him by one year? suddenly big problem! yeah, right. XP like, i know i said every character in kh is 17+ as of khmom (ignoring any weird timeline retcons of course), but heck i could make an honest case for the wayfinder family all being adults. hear me out—
it’s been 13 years since bbs, right? and for 12 of those years, aqua was in the realm of darkness, terra had some awareness while being possessed by xehanort, ven experienced some of sora’s life when he was in a coma, and vanitas was almost certainly in ven/sora’s heart as well, so all four of them could be said to be 31, 33, and 29 respectively. it’s not like their character models were any different when they were young teens as opposed to older teens, so can we really be sure they’re not all 30~ by now? heck, since ven is from the age of fairytales i could say he’s 1000 years old if i wanted too! (psst, it’s almost as if these are all fictional characters living in a fantasy world with time travel and whatnot and their ages are completely arbitrary numbers nomura made up on the spot, numbers which he has retconned before! :P).
now i don’t actually think they’re that old, but if people are gonna hassle me over a goddamn 2-year age difference, i might as well say fuck it and have fun with it, right? ;P it’s not like antis even know what the canon character ages even actually are, like when they try to say that skuld is underage when (assuming she’s subject x) she’d be around 28~ by now, or axel and saïx’s age. (maybe i’ll draw some saïx x skuld art and watch the antis lose their minds. ;P it wouldn’t even have to be nsfw to rile them up).
anyway, i do admit i’m feeling a little burned out on art recently. XP i’ve been trying to get one art piece out per week plus venqua week, and yeah it’s kinda taken its toll. i know this really isn’t anything anyone wants to hear, but i’ve been kinda thinking of moving away from fandom projects to work on my own original work. now, i’m not saying i’m abandoning a heart and a half nor anything as drastic as that! but i have spent like 2 years of my life on it just to get to the halfway mark, and i’m not sure i can spend 2 more doing only that.
i’ve got an original story idea that i’ve been working on-and-off on for the past 7 years or so, and i’m thinking of going back to it again (it does need a pretty big re-write). its main pairing is actually pretty vanqua-ish, now that i think about it. like, imagine the realm of darkness but instead of the heartless it’s infested with demons, and the main characters are the demon-slaying duo of a serious yet kindhearted half-angel and a feral, snarky half-demon. i even aged them up from 14 to 18 so none of my potential fans have to suffer the same anti bullshit that i have. XP
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what else can i ramble about... oh, i got these super cute pins for christmas! :D the heartless is by xkirakira, and vanitas and aqua are by maxxmerch. they’re just so cute! X3 i hope everyone had a merry christmas and a happy holiday! i’ll see you guys later. ^3^ 
*looks around sheepishly* ó3ò alright... confession time. spoilers for a heart and a half for the rest of this post—
sooo~ i’ve kinda hinted at this before, but yeah i’ve always planned on adding a sex scene to a heart and a half; when i started writing back in 2018 i hadn’t realized how hostile fandom had become compared to only a few years ago, and it worries me that some readers might drop the fic because of it, or be angry with me over the underage aspect. :(
idk, i could go on about how i just wanted to explore every aspect of a romantic relationship, or how other disney/square enix characters married or had kids young (ariel, sarah hawkins, héctor, claudia strife, possibly jasmine), or how attempting to apply real-world rules to a videogame fantasy setting is inherently silly and pointless, but really it’s just ‘cause i love vanitas and aqua to bits and i just wanted to write a cute and funny mild sex scene between them (this fic is rated mature, not explicit, so much less graphic than confection affection), and at the end of the day they are just fictional characters, after all.
i guess all i can hope for is that i’m a skilled enough writer to pull it off in a believable way, and that my audience won’t be too put off by it. >_> i know vanitas and aqua have technically only known each other for about 2 months so it might not be ‘realistic’ for them to go so far into a relationship so soon, but i think it’s important to remember that ultimately this is a romantic fairytale, and other canon disney couples haven’t seen nearly as deeply into each other’s hearts as vanitas and aqua have (and this video also helped me feel better about it).
i also wanted to finish that nsfw venqua fic i started a few months back, it’s set just before the mark of mastery so yes ven would be 16. i suppose it’s a way of testing the waters to see what kind of reception i’d get (hopefully positive) before i get to that part of a heart and a half. i was also thinking of including some of the uh, ‘keyblades as erogenous zones’ aspect from this terraquaven fic as well... w-why are you looking at me like that?! it’s funny! *sweats nervously* o3o’
in all honesty, i’m probably just overthinking all this (which, knowing me, is almost a guarantee >_<) and i should just *ahem* let my heart be my guiding key, and just write what i want to write without worrying about it all the time. i just get so anxious so easily... buuut that’s not really news to anyone, now is it? ;P well, i think that’s the end of my endless ramble, thanks for reading if you got this far. X’D and i really hope i didn’t actually upset anybody about a heart and a half. ;_; i just felt like i needed to vent a little, but don’t worry about me, i’m doing fine. anyway, i really should stop typing and get back to work on venqua week, sooo... bye! X3
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miyakuli · 4 years
bnha? ^^ (lol i accidentally unfollowed when i tried to send an ask!)
Send me a fandom 
Haha no pbm Anna and thank you for the ask :)) <3
The first character I first fell in love with: Midoriya boy >v<
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Present Mic
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: hmmm I’m gonna say Endeavor even though he’s not the most loved by people, but with the latest chapters, he seems to get more love but I still have a hard time with this character ^^”
The character I love that everyone else hates: Overhaul, I love hating him lol he’s an amazing vilain imo
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: Mineta....like at the very beginning I was *he’s ok* now I just despise him x’D
The character I would totally smooch: ERIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
The character I’d want to be like: Jirou she’s chill, she can be as badass as adorable, and her singing voice is so beautiful *envious*
The character I’d slap: def Bakugou xDD just stop being so grumpy all the time
A pairing that I love: lately, Erasermic is all I think about/////
A pairing that I despise: I’d say Bakudeku 
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fizzingwizard · 3 years
Episode 34 arrives and it’s a MUCH NEEDED breath of first air. I mean, this episode could have actually BEEN a 99 Adventure episode. I guess at least one person on the production team has actually seen the old show at least once!
In my opinion, it doesn’t quite equal the cuteness, silliness, and personality of similar 99 episodes, but it comes very close, and it’s certainly the best we’ve had in a long long while.
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And it’s all because of these two.
More below!
The episode bizarrely begins with Tailmon barking to communicate with Komondomon. Which raises the question, if no one could talk with Komondomon before because he can only bark, how were they communicating? Did Lopmon just tell Komondomon everything he needed to know and tell the kids “just follow his lead” or something??
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Also Tailmon’s opening line being her barking is pretty surreal. And yet, fitting for a cat Digimon who is a dog at Child level.
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The kids are shown taking a break - the first sign that this episode is gonna be A Bit Different.
Taichi: Something feels weird. Why aren’t we fighting?
Sora: Taichi, don’t you think you should rest once in a while?
Taichi: I mean, I do, I just got the impression the rest of the world didn’t agree...
Sora: By the way, why do we like this world that constantly tries to kill us and never gives us any pleasant memories so much? Why don’t we just take our partners to the human world and leave this place to its fate?
Taichi: How else am I gonna get an outlet for my pent up aggression and adrenaline junkie issues?
Sora: That’s your backstory?
Taichi: I’m a complicated man.
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Komondomon then randomly jumps... into the sea. “Oh no, they’ll drown!” No, they won’t, because Komondomon has the ability to build a dome over his back trapping oxygen inside. Submarimon I get, but Komondomon?
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As they dive, Tailmon explains what we learned last week about Millenniumon trying to resurrect himself with a new body. Apparently a very large fragment of him is located undersea in a place called Farga (transliteration TBA). She thinks resentfully about how she was almost absorbed into Millenniumon’s most recent resurrection effort.
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Hikari tackles her with a comforting hug, which Tailmon seems a bit discomfited by. But does not object.
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Tailmon considers defeating Millenniumon for good to be her personal mission as a Holy Digimon. Patamon sees her determination and does his best to put on his game face too. It’s like being glared at by a sock puppet.
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Tailmon: I can’t allow Hikari to be put in danger. It’s my job as the Holy Digimon -
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Tailmon: - gosh darnit and she’s just so cute too!
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They wind up getting hit by a rip current or something?? and thrown into another weird submarine sort of thing. They discourteously break a hole in it and wind up inside a self-sustaining underwater kingdom, apparently, which instantly goes on Red Alert as Manbomon come to attack them.
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This is Daipenmon, or Big Penguin Monster. I love him. He is glorious. Gaze upon his expression of perpetually stoned haze.
Daipenmon: You try steering this thing every day in and out nonstop without turning to hard drugs.
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She attac!
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While fighting, some Mantaraymon break in through the hole they made and the Manbomon go to drive them off as apparently they are not welcome. Then MarineAngemon appears in all her creepy glory and they sort everything out.
MarineAngemon: Oh, Tailmon, I see you’re a Holy Digimon! I can tell by your Holy Ring. I have one too.
Takeru: Patamon, why don’t you have a Holy Ring?
Patamon: .... -.-’
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Look! See! So cute! They are floating on bubbles! All the kids get their own and each has an individual design that shows their personality. Here Tailmon tries desperately to keep Hikari from falling off. I missed this kind of thing! Flashbacks to Monzaemon’s Toytown...
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Turns out MarineAngemon is extremely small and the scene before was all “don’t pay attention to that man behind the curtain” type scare tactics. Not very effective since no matter how big MarineAngemon gets, she’s still extremely adorable. She invites them to stay the night. I really expected it to be a trap, but it wasn’t.
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quick someone alert the producers! Someone’s having FUN with this show! I was starting to think that was illegal or something!
It’s not AS fun as when they went to Devimon’s illusory castle in 99 Adventure and stuffed their faces after starving and living on potentially poisonous eggs for a week... but I’ll take it.
Meanwhile an undersea band plays music and Taichi ACTS LIKE THE FIFTH GRADE CHILD THAT HE IS. For about 0.5 seconds but HEY he did something child-like! holy cheez wiz batman!
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Hikari is mysteriously absent so Tailmon goes to find her. Turns out she’s asked MarineAngemon to heal Komondomon who is tired and wounded from their journey. Tailmon’s like, “Aw, what a nice person she is.” I’m all for exceptionally kind-hearted Hikari, but taking care of Komondomon should have been priority 1 for EVERYONE. At least Sora should have thought of it. I can see Taichi being too forward-focused, and Takeru a dumb eight year old, but Sora would definitely have thought about Komondomon.
Clearly the show wanted to establish how nice Hikari is, but I hate when shows inadvertently make all the other characters look like asses just to trump up the current star...
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Taichi’s digivice glows and...
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Um, what’s that Sora’s drinking? A mimosa? o.O
Well anyway, Koushirou just shows up to remind everyone of the situation with the satellites and that things are getting worse.
Taichi: Do you have any idea what we can do about it?
Koushirou: No, but I’ll keep you posted.
Taichi: Thanks for nothing braindead
Koushirou: That’s it! You’re not the man I knew in episode 3 anymore! I want a divorce!
Taichi: Fine with me it’s not like you’re ever home anyway!
Koushirou: Well at least I’m not cheating with YAMATO!
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Uh, I know Taichi is shorter than Sora, but he looks... pretty tiny here... lol. Or maybe Sora’s just had a growth spurt again.
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They spend the night sleeping in bubbles. Aw.
By the way, question: the kids seem able to walk and breath normally in MarineAngemon’s kingdom... but the fish-type Digimon can also swim around normally. And it seems the kids wouldn’t be able to survive in the ocean itself, but they and the fish can both survive here? And yet bubbles? What... what kind of scientific anomaly is this place??
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So... MarineAngemon’s kingdom appears to be a Whamon’s corpse! X’D Wow that’s dark.
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They are attacked by Anomalocarimon! For reasons. Actually, they did explain earlier that the ocean Digimon have been more aggressive lately and it seems to be the influence of Millenniumon’s stone in Farga or whatever.
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Daipenmon: This sucks I don’t have health insurance
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Tailmon frantically tries to fight off the intruders while also keeping Hikari out of danger. This entire episode is about Tailmon wanting to protect Hikari and keep her at arm’s length so she doesn’t end up in danger, while Hikari just keeps trying to stay close to Tailmon and support her.
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Tailmon: I can’t take you with me, Hikari. It’s too dangerous.
Hikari: Fine. Big brother, will you bring me into the heat of the action with you?
Taichi: Sure thing.
Tailmon: ...
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In his defense, Taichi does seem a bit freaked when Hikari TAKES A FLYING LEAP off MetalGreymon toward Tailmon.
(no I really love that Taichi immediately understands why Hikari wants to fight and takes her right to her partner without even a token “nuu but you’re still a baby.” I mean, if Yamato’s cool with Takeru being in danger all the time, Taichi shouldn’t be much worried about it...
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Hikari has a flashback! Turns out she’s heard Tailmon calling for her since she as a little kid!
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She caught one of Angewomon’s feathers back then too.
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Hikari promises Tailmon that she’ll be by her side. Awww.
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Hands again.
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Crest of Light! I kind of expect that we’ll find out about the Crests and what they mean really fast at the end of the season... although I’m still kind of hoping Mimi is mining Crest crystals atm.
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Hikari is able to magically produce a Digivice... I’d completely forgot she didn’t have one till now.
Here I expected Tailmon would evolve, but instead, the power of Light appears to give everyone a power boost like it’s done in the past. They all glow with their Crest colors, kids and partners alike (except for some reason Tailmon glows yellow???) and launch a joint attack on Anomalocarimon and defeat him. Yay.
Then they say goodbye to MarineAngemon and go on their way, I guess to Farga.
So... yeah! it was a nice episode. It had a theme. There was fighting, but it didn’t overwhelm everything else. There was character development. I really can’t complain about it. And it was SHOCKING that Taichi had so few lines (compared to what’s become the norm - a GOOD shock but still I was like “omg what’s going on!!”)
I am just confused because why is this sort of episode happening when we haven’t seen it in ages? What happened in that interim between when they all met up after the first team split up and just now that prevented the show writers from having fun with the show and just writing nonstop fighting all the time? I’m so confused. It makes no sense. Still suspecting that they couldn’t get anyone to come in and voice characters for long enough so they just focused on Sanpei Yuuko/Taichi, but without the others they couldn’t figure out how to push the show forward and make it fun too... Idk. It’s so weird. But oh well. We got a good episode, and maybe it’s a sign of changes to come. I hope so.
Next week...
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We get attacked by a scary looking Digimon and Hikari... Idk, thinks she can block the attack somehow? haha. Aw but look how awesome she is protecting her brother and Greymon!
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Hikari gets touched by the dark powers! Oh noes!
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And more cuteness.
The episode title name-drops Angewomon, which surprises me because I figured they’d hold off on her and give Tailmon Nefertimon for an evolution first. But *shrug* whatever! Looking forward to it.
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irenereru · 3 years
For the Daft Punk asks: 1993-2021.
Yes, Irene. I want you to answer all of them (except the ones you don’t want to answer, of course ❤️).
Well well well, this is gonna take a while! I already answered 2011 to 2013 in this ask right here, so I’ll be skipping those!
1993: When did you first hear about Daft Punk? That’s an odd question, and hard to answer. 
During my childhood I KNOW I heard songs like Around The World, Music Sounds Better With You, One More Time, Harder Better Faster Stronger, and Technologic later on. 
It wasn’t until around 2011 when I had my first contact with Daft Punk, when on a restaurant, on a TV in the background, One More Time was playing. I could not hear the song, but the visuals catched my attention and I became fascinated. Sadly, I did not catch who’s song was that, nor the title. 
It wasn’t until Get Lucky and RAM released that I FINALLY figured out who Daft Punk were. The moment I saw the robots, when I rediscovered and watched Interstella 5555 in it’s entirety in one setting, then, was when i got hooked up to them, forever.
1994: What do you find most striking about the band? THE ROBOTS! I love the dessigns, they have SO MUC PERSONALITY. But other things I love are, obviously, their music, the “not giving a shit” actitude, and the way they worked. That’s something I admire a lot, keeping control of your works. As an artist myself, it’s something that can be really important and can help you out in the future.
1995: Do you have any favorite music videos? I love Interstella 5555 with my whole heart. The Homework MVs, specially Burnin’, hold a special place in my heart. I love that in Burnin’ the boys make a cameo for a split second, wearing odd costumes and wigs.
1996: What do you think about the Homework album? Pretty good! I love house music, and it’s certainly the album that introduced me to the genre, so... Da Funk, Around The World, they’re just absolute BANGERS. The “harder” songs on the album aren’t really my thing, tho...
1997: What do you think about Alive 1997? A bit bare-bones, not gonna lie. It’s like 45 minutes long. That’s not a lot. It certainly is something of it’s time. What I love the most are the scarce pictures and videos of that era of them playing live. You can REALLY tell they’re having a blast, specially Thomas.
1998: Do you have any favorite remixes/mash-ups? Their remix of Chord Memory is certainly one of my favorites. It really gives you a... Something. It feels like it’s telling a story, with it’s change of tone later on and then mashing both. Also, that WDPK 83.7 reference!
1999: Has your opinion of the band changed over time? Not really. It just started high and they stay high as my favorite band/musicians. They’re extremely inspiring, specially for the fact they did so many different things, but all feeling so unique to them at the same time. Them also being nice people and supporting of social rights and the LGBT community is certainly a great plus!
2000: Do you have a favorite ‘era’ of Daft Punk? Discovery. It’s the most fun, colorfull, and the one they seemed more “silly”. The robots appeared in their rainbowy marvel and odd/oversized clothes.
2001: What do you think about the Discovery album? It’s My FAVORITE! There are barely no songs I dislike. It have so many different vibes, feelings, you have vocal tracks and instrumental tracks, all with the same quality... And my favorite song from them, Something About Us, is from that album.
2002: Has Daft Punk inspired you creatively? Absolutely. Like, 100%.
2003: What do you think about Interstella 5555? They could’ve worked on that lip-sink a bit better, it’s something that ALWAYS pulls me off. But aside from that, it’s a great concept, and a very special animated film. You can tell there was a lot of care put on it.
2004: Are there any lyrics in particular that stuck with you? Within. That song just, resonates so much with me. Check out my other post with answers, I talk in depth about it!
2005: What do you think about the Human After All album? You can tell it was made in 2 weeks. They were angry, frustrated. And you get a lot of “Thomas Vibe” in that. It feels like it wasn’t a good time for them and it’s reflected in the album.
2006: What do you think about the Musique album? The only good thing from it is that they FINALLY re-released Musique and those remixes! Also, in the special version, you get the Interstella 5555 DVD, which is how I got the movie myself physically!
2007: What do you think about Alive 2007? It’s just great. I wish there was an official version of the entire concert edited by them, where you could see the visuals, the vibes, and the boys all in one enjoying themselves. I’m sad I couldn’t go see them, but at the time I just did not know who they were, and I was only 11. I remember seeing their pyramid on TV when they came to Spain in 2006! I thought it looked really extra, and it really is.
2008: What do you think about Electroma? It’s heartcrushing. I have the feeling they could’ve cutted the ending a little, and I don’t really get why of the dunes looking like a woman and going like, inside the vagina... But still. Also, I can not laugh when they wear the human masks. They’re so ugly x’D Is that how they see themselves?
The bathroom scene ALWAYS gets me. GM08 getting extremely mad and frustrated, while TB3 tries to hold on to what’s left until it can’t be recovered... That says SO MUCH about them, about the robots, as characters and people. You can really get what they’re feeling.
The ending, though... That ending. My god. Everyone always talks about TB3′s death, but the one that really got me the most is GM08′s. It seemed like he wanted to keep going, but finding himself alone ends up being his demise. They need each other. And when he tries to reach to his self-destruct button but cannot, and he just stares in the distance... I really, REALLY felt that.
2009: Do you have a favorite Daft Punk cameo/reference? I talked about the Burnin’ video before, but if I have to think of something else... I think their cameos in different productions are great. Like Sebastien Tellier’s videos of the songs he made with Guy-Man, one with magazines with drawing of GM08, while on the other he appears as a background guy, face partially covered... Also Thomas’ cameo in the movie Realité, where his wife is one of the secondary characters, where he just, again, appears for a split second. I find those really funny.
2010: What do you think about TRON: Legacy? It had a lot going on, but it’s story just... Was bad. The effects are cool (except for the guy they tried to make look younger), and I love that Daft Punk just kept vibing when the fight breaks out at the club. Aside from that, that’s all.
2014: What’s your favorite moment of Daft Punk at the GRAMMYs? The hug. Come on, that’s like, the loveliest thing ever. You can tell how happy and emotional they were. They even had to hold Thomas’ hand because his helmet fogged on the inside.
2015: Do you have friends who like Daft Punk? Hmm... Does all the cool people I’ve met in the fandom count? ;D Specially @edbangingrobot and @invader-777 they’re the coolest people ever <3
2016: What Daft Punk collaborations stood out to you? Probably the one with The Weeknd, but only because of their AMAZINGLY COOL COSTUMES, more than anything. Those have to be my all-time favorite looks for the robots.
2017: Did you get to see Daft Punk live? No :(
2018: How does Daft Punk fit into your taste in music? They have that disco-electro-house vibe I LOVE so much. Why do you think Discovery is my favorite? x’D Tho my tastes go all over the place, if I’m honest. You just have to take a look around my Spotify playlist to see what I’m talking about.
2019: What Daft Punk song makes you smile? One More Time, Digital Love, Voyager and Give Life Back To Music. If you wanna make me get in a good mood, play those.
2020: Did Daft Punk help you get through tough times? They certainly helped me focus on something. I found them in one of the toughest, darkest times of my life. Just had to drop out of school due to my mental illness, only to be abandoned by my old friends, while my family did not listen to me about my depression, anxiety and agoraphobia. Not only that, but we also moved for the third time in a decade, and it wasn’t for fun reasons. Having Daft Punk’s music there as a new discovery to me certainly helped, with their cheerfull, thoughtless songs for a time where everything felt too much.
2021: How are you “holding on” after the split? I am extremely sad we will never get to see the robots again. They’re a really important part of my life. Just like their music. All I hope is that they’re in good therms, and that they’ll be happy for now on. We do not know the reason, but there surely was one behind their decission. If any of them does make something new in the future, I’ll make sure to check it out. It wouldn’t be the first time they’ve done things aside from Daft Punk.
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Avatar: The Last Airbender episode 3x16 .・.・:★’
Ooh this episode will deal with the relationship between Katara and Zuko. Her mistrust in him is obviously well founded and fully justified considered how personally his recent betrayal cut in relation to her, and I wonder what can happen - what he can do - to gain her trust.
It’s a quiet morning at the air temple until it isn’t. While everyone goes to escape to safety, Zuko stays behind to hold the attackers off... well aware of who is attacking them.
“I am about to celebrate becoming an only child!” the dramatic gene surely didn’t hold back in this family. Their fighting is definitely Intense(TM).
The others split up, and the gang plus Suki fly out on Appa. Love the rock armor in front of Appa to defend him from Azula’s blast.
On a scale from one to Zuko emerging on top of a dirigible how dramatic are your re-entrances in a fight?
Zuko and Azula seem pretty fair-matched now... they blast each other off the dirigible and Zuko gets caught by the gang on Appa, Azula falls... “She’s not gonna make it. Of course she did.” :p
Everyone except Katara feels comfortable around Zuko, and Zuko with them, that they can joke about the “old times” when he was trying to capture Aang. They toast to Zuko facing off Azula today, and Zuko is Soft.
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But Katara isn’t happy about the whole thing. Zuko asks what he can do to make things up to her, but Katara answers retaking Ba Sing Se, bringing her mother back - the latter isn’t Zuko’s responsibility, but as Katara herself said once, Zuko was always the face that represented the enemy, and his recent betrayal only went to add to an old wound made of all the trauma she’s been through.
Oh boi Zuko getting the the way of the Sokka-Suki date X’D
He says he cares about what Katara thinks of him, and wants to know exactly what happened to their mother so he can understand where Katara comes from. He understands that Katara carries two levels of anger, the ancient one stemming from her trauma and the recent one towards Zuko, and connects the two. I’m appreciating how he doesn’t dismiss her feelings towards him in a “she uses me as a scapegoat for something else” but acknowledges she has two kinds of anger in her, both justified but that will only hurt her and their relationship if she keeps them together and doesn’t process the trauma.
Oooh. Zuko tells her he knows who killed her mother, and wants to help her find him. But Aang confronts her about the thing - Zuko’s intentions are to give her closure and justice, but Aang replies this rather seems about revenge. Aang talks about forgiveness, but she can’t conceive that, not now that she knows revenge is possible. She even suggests that Sokka didn’t love their mother as much as she did because he doesn’t want revenge, which is something cruel to say but they’ve definitely processed that trauma very differently, which is for Katara not at all. I’m thinking that, unlike Sokka who found out afterwards, she did see her mother’s death, probably carries guilt about it...
Aang acknowledges that she needs to go and face the man, but asks her not to give in to revenge but let the anger go. Neither she or Zuko understand what he’s been saying, though.
“You know, you’re pretty wise for a kid.” “Thanks Sokka.” “Usually it’s annoying but right now I’m just impressed.” “...I appreciate that -_-”
I was right, she did see her man’s killer although not the moment she was killed. Her experience was different than Sokka’s.
Oh god, she uses bloodbending on the guy... but he’s not the right guy. The former leader retired...
And unhappily lives in the countryside with his mother.
Oooh the information he was after was who was the waterbender still left in the tribe... she died in place of Katara D: Yeah, no wonder the poor kid’s messed up about it in a way her brother isn’t. That’s some horrible burden to carry.
She shows the guy she could kill him if she wanted, but doesn’t do it. She says she can tell he’s pathetic and sad and empty. Heck he offered her to kill his mother to balance things out... not exactly a spectacular human being.
Aang says he’s proud of her and talks about forgiveness... Katara says she no, she will never forgive the guy, but is ready to forgive Zuko. Awwww :’)
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Zuko can also understand now what Aang was talking about earlier about revenge and violence, but asks Aang the big question - what is he going to do about Ozai? Dun dun dun. I mean I know what happens eventually, everyone knows, but I’m intrigued to see how that specifically develops.
Ah, what an intense episode. Katara’s grief and anger feel so real - not just here now, her characterization and arc through the show are very well written. I don’t think I’ve commented much about her specifically and I think I’ve focused more on the parallels between Aang and Zuko, but of course she and Zuko both carry a burden of trauma and the anger that comes from it, although of course their personalities and circumstances are very different and they’ve had very different ways to handle their feelings throughout the years. In a way her mission to help the Avatar once they find Aang in the iceberg mirrors Zuko’s mission to capture the Avatar, one needs to restore the peace that her tribe has lost since the Fire Nation started the war and the other needs to restore the respect of his father and his place in his home.
Katara is a fascinating character, probably the closest to Dean Winchester in the show, the caretaker that will act like everyone else’s mother and who will always jump headfirst into helping others in need, and also heavy with the fear and anger that comes from years of trauma she’s not allowed to process.
She is essentially the core of the story; she’s possibly the Dean to Aang’s Sam, they’re both leads but Dean is the character the story runs through emotionally (Zuko is a special case because he’s also a protagonist but in a very peculiar narrative structure thingie). In fact I think that’s why I never really talk about her, because the viewer is her even if you don’t notice it. Or maybe it’s me, idk...
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Match Up pws ♡(ŐωŐ人)
First, thank your hard work and doing Match Ups!♡ Arigatou *bows* So, I sent you my selfies already x3 About me…. Uh, I am a Pisces, Hogwarts House is Hufflepuff. I love videogames and to write (and hate it at the same time lmao xD;), love to read (mostly… manga… does this even count as reading?) and I love art, also love to go to museums.
I am very chaotic and forgetful and I would describe myself as loyal. I sadly trust too easily and got hurt a lot because of that. But still I do, because I wanna see only the good things in people. I often feel like I am not good enough, but I try my very best.
At first I am veeeery shy, I hardly can even talk! But when I am comfortable with someone I talk a lot (a lot of nonsense, but why not xP) 
I love to laugh, but I cry very easily. My humor is rather dirty and dark. I LOVE alcohol x’D I prefer short jeans, leather jackets and boots over dresses, but sometimes I wear cute stuff too. I meet many people at work and I am happy and proud about how they often compliment me for being a very kind girl and that they get happy when they see me. Often people also describe as “nuts, but in a positive way.” (T-Thank you….? xD)
What I HATE about myself is my jealousy. I really can be jealous easily, also because of what happened in my past. I also want to learn to love myself >.< I tend to give up very easily, but a day or few days later I am full with energy again and continue what I tried. 
Uhhh, what else…. I LOVE to cuddle and kiss and when I am in love then I love with all my heart <3 I do believe in real love and love at first sight.
Omg, congratulations and my deepest respects if you read all of this… Thank you ♡ *bows* m(u.u)m
Hi, there love! here is ya combination matchup! Thank you so much @towa-no-yume for the request! I had so much fun writing this for ya! I hope you enjoy!  
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Selfie matchup part
So I match you with………………….. Leonardo
Ooooh this boy loves the badass look you have going on. Leather jackets and jeans! This boy is in love
He has seen many a woman in his life but none as captivating as you
He hasn’t pained in a long time, but all he thinks when he sees your vibrant hair and bright eyes is that he has to capture this moment in time. You are breathtakingly beautiful
Despite your bold look, your body language screams kind, caring playful person
You low key reminds him of a cute little kitten with your radiant curious eyes and playful smile
I can definitely see the pair of you nestled together napping in the most random sunny spots around the mansion
I match you with…………………. Nobunaga
The first time he sees you after you pulled him from the flames, he can't help but think he was just saved by a goddess of fire
Your hair was so beautiful, like the blazing, brilliant orange-red hues of the most perfect sunset
And don’t even get me started on your eyes! How they contrasted the bold richness of your hair. It was like fire on the water – just unique and beautiful
Nobunaga had never seen such beautiful eyes. He was absolutely captivated by your eyes. The way they reminded him of a tempest at sea, filled with so much knowledge and curiosity.
Once you told him you enjoyed coloring your different hair colors; he was so intrigued. You show him a pic of all the different colors you had dyed it throughout the years.
He couldn’t help but think every color you had chosen was similar in the aspect of they always brought out your big beautiful eyes and that each color undeniably reminded him of the most radiant sunset.
You had instantly captured his heart; you looked like a walking contradiction, bold and rebellious yet sweet and gentle.
You were like a true fireball shooting across the night sky
His heart was stolen by the mysterious stranger that had just saved him
Also, there is just something about a girl in jeans and leather that this boi can’t ignore
He had made up his mind, he had never believed in the red string of fate but your hair and presence was enough to have him believe that the two of you were truly tied together by the legendary string.
Now for the rest of the matchup
The first time you saw Nobunaga, he was staring at you awestruck. You felt a lil self-conscious staring into those carmine eyes of his. You honestly couldn’t stop your brain from thinking, “Hello manly man,” you low key fell in love at first sight. You asked the universe for a handsome man, and here he was, asking you to rule the world at his side. Okay all jokes aside you are very drawn to Nobu, his super-hot and he had that whole bad boy vibe about him that attracts all the girls. The two of you honestly just stared at each other for a solid minute, not saying a word until he broke the silence. He was shook that you didn’t even know who you had just saved. He asked you what you wanted as a reward, and you were honestly just way toooo shy to answer. He was so amused by you. You look bold and fearless, and you had just bravely saved a man x2 your size from a fire, yet now you are too shy to even make eye contact. Very interesting indeed. Mitsunari interrupted your little conversation and took the two of you back to the castle where Nobunaga proudly proclaimed to everyone that the shy fireball that had saved him from the fire was to be an Oda princess and castle chatelaine, and the rest was history.
You were a super hard worker. And even though you were very shy, you had managed to befriend everyone in the castle. Everyone absolutely adored you!  You were basically considered the second angel of Azuchi. You didn’t care about stupid things like stations or titles, and you greeted and chatted with everyone with generosity and kindness. You always saw the best qualities in people, and for that, you were loved by all. Whenever the maids saw you they would get super excited, they loved working with you. You brought a certain calm yet enthusiastic energy to the table. You also came up with the strangest ideas when it came to improving certain procedures and things (which was nothing new to you, as that was how you were used to doing things in the future). You were a genuinely kind person without having any ulterior motives behind your actions. You would remember everyone’s names and birthdays no matter who they were and would always give them a small little gift in celebration of special days in their lives. Nobunaga, of course, loved this trait of yours. Your ideal and beliefs of not caring about status and titles seemed to align with his, and the two of you would often bond about this fact.
The first time he summoned you to his room, you were in awe at the amazing art pieces and artifacts that he had collected throughout the years. His room was like an art museum. You could spend hours and hours just looking at all the beautiful pieces. And Nobunaga was all too happy to have another common interest with you. He explained all the origins and backgrounds of each painting, matching your enthusiasm. Since then, the two of you would often go on adventures to different regions to look at and buy their art to add to Nobunaga’s collection. The two of you seemed to grow incredibly close during these little adventures, and you found yourself opening up more and more to him. The man loved that you could talk for hours on end. Usually ranging from super interesting important stuff to just utter nonsense. And boy did he love it when you would talk a bunch of nonsense. It was so freaken entertaining.
One thing you struggled to adapt to was the clothes. And the princess getup you had to wear was a particularly uncomfortable piece of clothing. The first few times it was super fun getting all dressed up and looking cute but after the 3rd time you were over it. One day while you were playing go with Nobu, you were feeling particularly uncomfortable in the traditional clothing of the past. This irritation didn’t go unnoticed by the keen eyes of the devil king, “what is it that is bothering you so much little Fireball.” You stood up and left only to return ten minutes later wearing the clothes you had worn when you arrived in the past. You explained that as much as you loved dressing up all cute at times, nothing beat your pair of jeans and a leather jacket. Your game continued while unbeknown to you Nobunaga tucked that piece of information away to use later. Later on that same week, Nobunaga invited you up to his room. As you entered, you couldn’t help but notice a big box sitting on his desk topped with a big clumsily made bow.” I have a surprise for you, fireball” he then picked up the big box and handed it to you. You sat down and opened it slowing, wondering what on earth could be inside. And then you saw it. He had gotten you a few pairs of clothes that looked very similar to your precious jeans and jacket. He explained that he had commissioned some Portuguese seamstresses to make it specially for you. You couldn’t help but bust out into tears from happiness.
The two of you also LOVED to drink together! You would sit and drink masses amount of sake together, and this is where Nobunaga discovered that his lucky charm could tell the most hilariously dirty dark jokes. At this point, he was absolutely head over heels for you. You were the most entertainingly beautiful woman he had ever met. Not just that, but the fact that you would just freely speak your mind and make these crazy funny jokes had him hooked. He was in love! When the two of you were together, it was always a good time filled with hours of chatting and laughter.
One day he had found one of your manga’s in your bag, and this boy is super intrigued. You told him you love reading mangas! After hearing that, he constructed a plan. When you turned in for the night, he started his plan. Nobunaga was a jack of all trades, and if mangas were something that interested you, he was gonna learn how to draw them. He sat for weeks perfecting his very own manga just for you, until one day he was finished. He was so proud of his creation. He presented it to you one day while you were sitting in the garden, enjoying the warm summer breeze. He handed it over with a massive smirk on his face, but even you couldn’t miss the mix of anxiety and excitement in his eyes as you started to read it. This manga was all about you and the red string of fate! And right at the very end, manga Nobunaga had confessed his undying love for manga you and asked if you would become his girlfriend. You looked up to see him look at you questioningly. You couldn’t help but give him the biggest brightest smile and kiss him all over his face in happiness.
Boy Nobunaga loved his fireball. He loved to cuddle you and spend as much time as possible with you. He loved how you could always see the good in everyone, even in him. He loved that you loved him unconditionally when he felt like he was undeserving of love. And Nobunaga definitely returned the gesture. He knew that you had been hurt in the past and worked hard every day to make sure that you knew exactly just how much he loved and adored you. Especially during times that you felt slightly jealous. Let’s be real Nobunaga is a very possessive boyfriend, and it makes him low key happy to know you are just as possessive as him. One day a daughter of one of the local daimyos attended one of the banquets. She was all over Nobunaga and had made her intentions clear about wanting to marry him. During this banquet, you were sitting and chatting with Masamune while side-eyeing the whole situation. You couldn’t hide the small frown that had formed on your face, that was until Nobunaga had called to join them. You slowly walked up to him and two important guests. That’s when Nobu grabbed your hand and pulled you into his lap, nuzzling you while you looked at him in shock. He then proceeded to very loudly announce that you were the love of his life, and no other woman would ever take your place in his heart. He also followed up that statement by saying you will be the one and only woman in his life and that he will commit his life to loving and protecting you from now to the end of time. Your jealousy melted away instantly. The two of you spent the rest of the banquet in each other’s arms, making jokes and drinking sake, low key ignoring everyone else around you.
The two of you were the cutest couple. Despite Nobunaga’s ruthless demeanor, he truly was a softi boi. He loved to cuddle and kiss you. Your all-time favorite was the little tickle fight the two of you had. It would usually start off with you playing with Nobunaga’s hair, before boldly venturing to the ticklish spot by his ears. He would look up at you with the more challenging gaze. You would just smile and start tickling him. And so, your full-blown ticking match would start.
The two of you can often be found with Nobunaga resting his head on your lap while you soothingly pull your fingers through his raven locks until he falls asleep. You would just bend down and kiss his forehead while thinking back to the first day you met this cute man now nestled in your lap, and how it truly was love at first sight!
Other potential ikesen matches.............. Shingen 
Other potential ikevamp matches..............Arthur
I hope you enjoyed it dear! and I hope you are staying safe and well!❤ Sending ya virtual hug!  
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