#evil SATS
vagabondart · 3 months
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Resident Evil color wheel because Capcom really does love to color-code their characters.
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siruerto · 3 months
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you got this rookie
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jellazticious · 5 months
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oreonyu · 4 months
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I'll shine enough light on the church's treachery for the both of us
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buck-yyyy · 1 year
an introductory description of the greek club except it’s narrated like the meet the plastics scene in mean girls
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nailsinmywall · 2 years
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the 7 sons of fëanor
(part of the Maglor Zine which you can get for free here)
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respectthepetty · 9 months
Boston IS the worst
Boston has never intended to play nice. Not even for a second.
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Every look he gave during the last part of episode five was just him getting more upset.
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He was waiting for his moment to pounce.
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Everyone was so happy, yet Boston was irritated.
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Then he found his moment. He didn't say Ray likes Sand. No. He said Sand likes Ray, and that it was so obvious ("I can tell")
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He targeted Sand by suggesting that he would like Ray for superficial reasons - looks and money.
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If coming from anyone else, that would have seemed playful, but knowing Boston had sat there that entire time observing them with disgust, it seems more like he was implying Sand is a gold digger.
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And Sand actually doesn't look too pleased being put on the spot.
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Sand doesn't react the way Boston wants, and he looks bothered.
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Look at the pissed-off way Boston keeps looking at Nick whenever Nick encourages the happy vibe.
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And when the boys are distracted with flirting about kisses
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That's when Boston went for the jugular. He removed Nick from him, leaned forward, and unleashed his venom.
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This is the first time he smiled since they had been sitting there. THIS line is where he smiles.
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And he keeps smiling. Even as everyone else's demeanor changes, Boston is almost giddy.
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The total number of people who have said Boston is trash is now four: Ray, Chuem, Top, Sand.
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I think it's time some of you start to believe it.
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crguang · 3 months
haven’t been in the donna tag on ao3 in forever because
1. too many people thought she was a top when shes the bottomest bottom on earth. possessive ≠ top, that woman has never had sex in her life she doesn’t know how to eat pussy let’s all be honest with ourselves here
2. ive read so many fics of her lowkey acting like a baby i couldn’t take it anymore 😭 miranda said mentally underdeveloped she didn’t say CHILD
3. not enough people dipped their toes into the creepy horror possessive donna genre and it’s such a shame… out of all the lords she has the potential to be the scariest (house beneviento literally scared tf out of everybody, me included im never going back there) likeee the hallucinogens all around the house, the dolls, the fact that she has no idea how to interact with people, angie etc. i’m begging here
i kinda miss herrrr shes my baby😢 maybe i’ll go read all the new fics she only had a little over 100 fics when i last checked and that was way before RL😭
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frobby · 3 months
thinking about how xanxus's mom named him xanxus cuz it has X for vongola 10th...... girl idk how to tell you this but XX is 20
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lovesickeros · 1 year
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☆ sickly sweet poison
{☆} characters tsaritsa, harbingers [ mentioned ] {☆} notes cult au, imposter au, drabble, gender neutral reader {☆} warnings isolation, starvation {☆} word count 0.6k
You lose track of time so easily in the suffocating walls of your room. You can only guess, generally, how long has passed by how the logs burn in the grand centerpiece of a fireplace, drowning the entire room in vibrant hues of orange at all times. Servants come every few hours to stoke the flames and add more, should it be needed, but they do not listen to your pleas, hurriedly scurrying out of your room as if they had never been there at all.
It was..surprisingly lonely, despite how often the Harbingers visited.
You did not even know what the hall outside your door looked like, beyond the brief glances you managed to steal when it was opened. They showered you in affection and gift, your closet bursting at the seams with new clothes and the bowl of imported fruit sitting untouched - they claimed to love you, to adore you, to worship the very ground you walked upon..so why, then, did you feel more like a bird, trapped within a cage of it's own making?
You should have never trusted them to protect you from the other Acolytes. Death, you think, would have been sweeter then the poison they feed you with every pretty lie they tell you.
We're just protecting you, Most Divine.
The others cannot be trusted. They have failed you once already, what's to say they shall not do so again?
You are safe with us, Divine One.
You no longer believed a word of it. Not since they locked you in the palace, in the room you once viewed as a safe haven from the cruelties of the world. You were blind to their own cruelty, as they made it your prison.
"Divine One?"
Heels clicked against the floorboards, the door shutting softly behind her, as the cold that followed her like her own shadow swept over you. Even beneath the heavy blankets and despite the freshly stoked fire burning every so brightly, you could not help but shiver. You felt sick, dread clawing at your throat as the bed dipped, calloused, gentle hands brushing your hair away from your eyes.
You wish she would at least pretend, just like the rest, that your isolation was for the greater good. It was so very easy to hate them. But she would not hide her intentions behind falsities - she was simply selfish.
"My Harbingers tell me you refuse to eat," Her voice is uncharacteristically soft, but you sense the dull threat offered beneath her honeyed words, "Must I remind you, Divine One, that I am not above forcing you, if I have to?" Her tone turns bitter, fangs peaking from beneath plump lips as you tearfully meet her eyes, shivering beneath her cold hands and even colder eyes, dissecting you and pulling apart your defenses until you become pliant.
"It truly pains me to do so, Divine one, so let us not make this any harder then it has to be for either of us." You tense, freezing like a deer in headlights as her hand slips to the back of your neck, nails digging into your throat enough to make a point, the bed dipping even further as she leans down, "I hope I will not have to ask you again."
You barely hear your own voice over your heartbeat, your hands still trembling as she takes them in her own, "There we are. I knew you'd see reason." As if waiting for your eventual compliance, the door opens again, the overwhelming smell of food filling your room as multiple servants shift in and out, lining the table in the far corner of your room with more food you would eat even on a good day.
You are sure she senses your uneasiness, but she peels the layers of your bedding away all the same, hands shifting beneath your knees as she lifts you away from your last remaining comforts, cradling you against her chest.
Had you known love could be so cruel, you never would have stepped foot into the wolves den - death was a mercy, now.
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shsl-roomba · 2 months
sayaka maizono tried to murder someone because she was terrified that the most important people in her life were dead. mondo owada murdered someone because they triggered his inferiority complex by asking for help from him.
one of these characters is despised and labeled as a snake by the community while the other is fauned over. i wonder which one it is.
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onawhimsicot · 4 months
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skylessnights · 7 months
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They're like us...they satisfy each other's interest.
EVILIVE 악인전기 ▸Episode 7
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mightymizora · 7 months
Every day I find new layers of how deeply The Dark Urge is a love letter to absolute fucking feral freaks.
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discjude · 1 month
otk spoilersish again uh
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(said by Japeth, father in question is Rafal btw) this specific passage devastated japeth enthusiasts AND rafal enjoyers everywhere. "but it wasn't enough for my father, was it? And it wasn't for me" might be like my favourite quote in this chapter and its got a LOT of good ones
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 8 months
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smile for the camera!
crisis belongs to @amyupup47
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