#faust grand order
hellsvestibule · 11 months
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Seee if nobody else got me I know @zeravmeta got me. Please please pleaseee….I…insane clown p-ussy...
I think in his interactions w Anyone really. he needs to be read as pretentiously playing the “devil you know.” Like, as you mentioned here for Jeanne this takes the form of like, an unhinged desperate man turning to her for forgiveness. But he changes his personality up a bit w everyone he talks to in a way that mirrors their perceived insecurities. All of its genuinely Him because he has a strong personality, but he also has very strong paralels to every character I can think about him having any sustained interaction w. I can’t even really get into all of them cuz I’d be here forever but I’ll rant a bit about some scenes he has w Jeanne, mash, the one valentines scene w Kama, his general shtick w nursery rhyme. And how murder at the kogetsukan is actually imo important to understanding who he is at heart.
The thing is in each case I can think of where he does this, the reality is he’s more similar to the person he’s trying to disturb than the person whose evil behavior he’s imitating. Or is equally similar to both and kind of bridges the theological gap between them a bit maybe. Like, w jeanne, it’s not just that he’s behaving like Gilles, he is also situationally a lot like Jalter, he himself is some weird horny old man’s botched lab experiment out to avenge himself and others like him, but also, his approach to this feels more abstract and inhuman than Jalter , more adjascent to jeanne herself, and I think that’s meaningful bc she sort of theologically distances herself from Jalter but here is a guy who is batshit in both ways. He enacts good will through force of evil deeds which distance him from being able to hold normal relationships, the type of morality I don’t think Jeanne who holds tight to goodness for goodness sake, or even most normal people, can really begin to comprehend, but it’s also, the same way others can’t comprehend her insistence that she’d hold tight to goodness no matter what is done to her. Both are simultaneously, totally reasonable for latching onto the abstract concepts of good and evil within their own perspective. But totally incomprehensible to anyone who isn’t also. like that. Sure Mephy may have the “selfish” Jalter adjacent motives of a victim lashing out to avenge himself in an undignified attempt to gain dignity. But also, like, fatalistic understanding of the will of god as something he serves at his own expense, means he kind of is a saint and martyr in his own weird way. When I say serving the will of god I don’t mean happily so, he even says to guda he wants to help them kill god, bc. Well, he’s the worst Big Daddy upstairs of them all. But he’s still a big daddy who can smite you like an insect, so you have to play by his rules. Mephy wants to make everyone think he’s evil, bc he wants to become a real devil, bc that’s what he thinks he exists to be, what will give him power to avenge himself, and so he’s purposely denigrating himself to an inhuman construct to achieve it, and a portion of the audience apparently buys it, bc just being an arrogant asshole dressed like a creepy clown is enough to rub a lot of people the wrong way. But imo he holds a similar type of arrogance as Jeanne’s in this regard. He’s holding himself to an impossible standard of both good and evil so he kind of had the right to call it out in her even if he’s a hypocrite, which he is in every interaction w everyone. And also, even the parallel to Gilles has multi tiered meaning, since Faust is often portrayed as a child abuser, and so is mephisto in the Goethe play, and he sort of ends said play lamenting his obsession w innocence and purity and inability to ever possess it being his downfall... and like, our Mephy, i would guess, despite the conflicting framing of him, probably doesn’t want to become that, but might sort of think this is his natural disposition or fate, simply bc the things he’s implied about Faust or at least how he perceives him. So only Jeanne can save him from becoming and committing evil like that right? But like. No. She can’t. Bc he’s not her devil. And she shouldn’t even really be held responsible for Gilles, or any other unhinged guy needing her forgiveness. Mephy is pointing out how many people approach her w this whim that she can make them fucking normal if she just hits them hard in the head w a brick. This is normal to her but it’s pitiful it’s normal and she accepts it as such, which he probably wants her to admit, bc his repeated theme across these interactions is that he just wants people to be happy and reject creeps like him, but tells them in the cruelest way possible. which brings me to. Mash!! Bc it paralels his behavior towards her too.
When he first meets Mash in garden of order, he says a bunch of things that are brought back as specific notes of contention within her dynamic w Beryl during the lostbelts (and also Pepe and Kadoc to some degree) He says he’s like her big brother in an attempt to get her guard down, which Fujimaru chips in instead of letting it fly as ironic or cruel like yeah yeah, you’re like her big brother, encouraging him in a positive way bc Fujimaru believes in everyone’s capacity to be equals, flying in the face of mephistos assumptions Fujimaru only likes mash bc her lack of agency and rebelliousness, so they would consequently hate him for being. Not a nice sweet submissive person. This is true of Mash in this point of the story, she has little agency in the earlier chapters, and if you understand his character you understand he actually relates to this and is genuinely horrified on her behalf, but is phrasing it more like it’s in a pitiful inconvenience than w the kindness it actually needs to be said, the same thing kadoc did which is why I point out it’s not just beryl even if it’s mostly beryl.
Bc he also says he watched his roommate repeatedly sever the arms of his family members every night, and due to his conditioning by Faust sacrificing humans (supposedly to aid in his creation) doesn’t know if this is done as an act of abuse or love, specifically adjascent to what beryl does to her and what she asks after. At this point in the story you haven’t met Beryl, but Mash still clearly dislikes this, she becomes visibly uncomfortable and for a short bit after that is slightly hesitant towards mephisto, but she also like, gets over it really quickly after she sees him attack his “bad” selves, stepping in to be like, oh, ok, I see you are trying to become a better person despite having been mislead and used as a proxy for other peoples violence. She Gets it. She’s the first to sort of commit to the repeated theme w Mephy, that everyone he attempts to harass is actually hesitantly accepting and compassionate towards him and willing to relate to him, he’s the one who most struggles to accept this possibility of having normal loved ones who care and understand him and not just bc they are naive and mislead by him. Bc if everyone trusts him not due to naïveté but due to recognition of everything he embodies. He loses power as a (theoretical) devil. He is obviously, regardless of his status as a know it all, mostly just a petulant traumatized child, with no real power over anyone. That’s both the sad and hopeful thing. Power is bad for him, it’s the corrupting force which will help him actualize into a real devil. But conversely he’s the easiest villain to defeat and in some ways purposefully so, because deep in his heart he doesn’t actually want to win. He just wants to be innocent, if someone does not give him any power over them by reacting with violence or hate, he utterly flounders. Devils only exist if you will them too, but nobody here wants the devil, they want Mephy to be whoever Mephy actually is, some sort of, weird pathetic clown guy who is sort of sweet and sort of an asshole? and that’s incredibly agonizing to him bc he doesn’t know who the fuck that is without Faust. He has very little personhood outside of Faust and yet constantly boasts his independence and freedom, for understandable reasons.
Preoccupation with avenging lost innocence is a good segueway to the valentines scene with Kama I think. Also note, I use Kama and Sakura sort of interchangeably here but I recognize they still separate characters. To me this scene reads as the character Kama wanting to offer something nice to the character child Sakura. But I sort of mush them together when discussing them.
IMO if you don’t understand these characters backstories still haunt them, this scene might fly totally past the radar as anything important, because Kama is trying to downplay her engagement in any of these scenes, so it’s played for silly and awkward in context. But that’s just any scene Mephy is in, and you have to look past it for what it really is. Kama is pretending to be a child at the park w her dad, sort of, mimicking maybe one of the last happy memories of childhood Sakura has, and Mephy is clearly here to play the villain, he doesn’t even really have to Try to be sakuras devil bc he’s already at glance an amalgamation of the worst traits of all the family members who hurt her but. Also. He’s a stranger,,, or more so, they sort of imply they concocted this scenario ahead of time and are just really bad actors motivated by the same wants, who are using each other as pawns for each others evil ends (showing the hypocrisy central to their approach).
However. Your feelings of dread are kind of mitigated by the obvious fact no one here wants to play out a depraved or traumatic scenario bc it clearly hits them too close to home. I think the implication given by their backstories is they are waiting to see if you are a creepy or innept dad towards child kama, because Mephy as we know from how he talks about Vicky Frank in London, is basically itching to smash literally every shitty dads shitty face in. but of course guda isn’t a shitty dad, so they’re left w nothing but a really awkward setup they’re trying to play off as meaningless that kinda screams like, this isnt meaningless and petty at all actually, both really wish their fucking parental figures had taken them to oniland instead of committing human rights violations. They did not get to have normal childhoods and so they implicitly. want this nice little fantasy to play out for child Sakura. without phrasing it as such bc that kind of open admission of vulnerability is forbidden, so mephisto, as usual, will play the villain to his dying breath, bc he won’t ever directly admit he’s traumatized. Neither will Kama of course, but this is -their- valentines scene, which necessitates them revealing more than he does. It goes to show how hard mephisto will self denigrate until the other party confronts their inner demons, and that’s bc the clown in him that exists to be humiliated and despised, which Kama has to give in to bc a god of love can only go so far in that capacity. So it feels like Kama is both. Irritated by the pretentiousness of this . He ends up being less like shinji or his father or zouken and more like Kariya, and that’s still shitty and traumatizing in its own way. Mephisto prefaces this scene as him being creepy but what he’s really doing is going oh poor baby whatever you’re going through is more important than having my own similar problems be understood. And of all things, that’s what fucks this scene up. She’s trying to brush off why this scenario or any of these scenarios exist bc she’s never dealt w this pain and assumed she could preface all of this w ironic detatchment. But still! Going to a park is something kariya and her mom used to do w her and her sister, showing she might not have actually totally forgotten what this type of thing means and holds sentimental attatchemt to the idea of it (a theme park just ups the ante and the fantasy aspect of it) But also do you really think Kama would admit they want this sort of sentimental thing unironically? So Mephy the clown must prove he is a worse more traumatized asshole than Kama , so she can admit by proxy she just wants to act like a normal innocent kid for a day, she doesn’t have to thank him for this role or even care about him, but she still points out hes not evil, that he does this as a pretentious part of being what he is, and she focuses on the one thing that’s Not familiar. Clown. he’s sticking to the act of a horrible despicable clown, even on Valentine’s Day, bc hes a very pathetic man scared of being loved, and would probably sooner die than admit that. kama does the big person thing, accepts the shallow pretense they brought you here w for the paradoxical depth it has, this is a normal scenario of a little girl at the theme park with her dad, who had a brush in with a creepy clown and just wants to feel protected and loved. Both of them are too detatched to tell Why you any of this was necessary, it’s the context of what they’ve said and done before now you need to read into, It actually makes me really sad to think about.
Also this is why I’m convinced Mephy is concious and self aware in murder at the kogetsukan. Even the naming convention and setup follows everything you see from the established patterns of interactions, the names of the violet family have a lot of biblical conventions which feel too convoluted to ignore the symbolism of. (Also, that dancing with Eve and Lilith is something he and Faust do in the play, and gorgon taking Margaret’s face in the same scene, there’s just a lot of weird little meta bits in here) Mephy’s character is named Cain, which imo gives him an excuse to break the fourth wall 4th wall and literally just be a self possessed actor rather than narratively lacking self awareness. Named after Gods grandson, whom God dismisses because his sacrifice of plant instead of meat is deemed less significant, and so he becomes possessed by the devil and enraged, and imo this is paraleling mephistos preoccupation w his doll body, how it implicitly makes him feel inherently objectified and worthless and inhuman. Like. Valentines day he gives you a pet which will explode and simulate artificial death, and tells you he wants you to see it as a mascot more worthy than fou. Or when you give him chocolate he’s like (clown screech) my heart valve is pumping. Constantly reminding you he isn’t human and feels awful about it. He thinks his own life and death is meaningless because he is artificial which is why he’s a self sacrificing individual. While maybe not concious and self aware. Ignore everything Moriarty says abt the faces not being significant? They are, Lancelot is cast as and is subsequently the perfect father to this stand in for mephisto bc he’s also struggling w these same feelings and told it all to kariya back in fate zero, and he’s worried he’s a bad dad who would objectify or traumatize his kid, something you see Moriarty needle him for in grand carnival albeit played for laughs at the fact that usually Lancelot is the one who ends up objectified, but Moriarty is also someone who needles peoples trauma when trying to help them. But Lancelot’s like, not what people assume him to be, he’s a genuinely loving person, and so is his character by proxy, so the second “Cain” realizes this, he has a massive sentimental breakdown where he says he loves his family and wants to save them, and I think this is important not to distance the characters 100% from the npcs in this moment bc it shows major facets of Mephisto and Lancelot that often get ignored or misunderstood, and lets mephisto actually commit to his genuine issue of just wanting a dad who loves him normally and showcases that Lancelot actually is so good he wouldn’t care if he’s in a family unit wher he’s a cuckold or his kid is a crazy loser like him, the things people sort of assume he’s preoccupied w being like the possession of another man’s wife or having the perfect child, but like, no, he genuinely just wants to love the people he’s with in the moment but is hesitant to attempt it. the event isn’t totally uncorrelated to the faces the npcs have at all. For some people at least (Mephy, Lancelot, Moriarty, and Mordred off the top of my head) all had some deep seated desire or other fulfilled by this scenario . (Sherlock npc dies, mordred npc has a dick) I can’t really rationalize the others but these 4 at least are super obvious, and it’s part of why I want to “blame” mephisto bc I think out of everyone his reasons for wanting this and ability to put it into place as a mythological wish granter who concocts dreams, makes the most sense motive wise, and also, the deadly fever guda falls under as well as the fantasy concocted are both things mephistos poison is capable of in faust. But I might be missing something, it’s possible like the drama Cd or something I don’t remember revealed a culprit behind the “it was all a dream” thing, but I just think it’s notable that for mephisto there is no barrier between dreams and reality.
Also I should probably mention the importance of his dynamic w nursery rhyme mirroring the absense of what he and Kama don’t have? She calls him uncle mephy and is clearly like, trying to talk him out of his nihilistic suicidal outlook of reality. Bc well whatever, they are both helpless broken dolls but also, she has reason to form sentimental attatchment to clowns, they -are- familiar to her, Faust was one of the first plays put on by pantomime, clown theatre, as was the goose that laid the golden egg, a story about sacrificing something loyal to you so you can reap the immediate benefits of its labor. and I think the latter was one of the performances where mother goose went from a folklore figure to having a canon physical appearance (and you can see as of fgo she still does not, she’s still using Alice’s appearance) and there’s even more nameplay going on w the paralels to kariya she’s invoking w the uncle Mephy shtick making them like kariya and Sakura, kariyas name means “wild goose” and being sent on a wild goose chase is a euphemism for becoming lost in pursuit of something you desire. Mephy doesn’t seem to accept anything in reality as anything but nonsense and farce, yet he constantly imbues every attempt at nonsense and trivializing peoples problems w a huge load of painful sincerity. mother goose is, itself, a book of mostly nonsense. But its sentimental purpose as a familiar children’s book and folklore brushes against his, saying “you have a home here” something he’s obviously in severe denial of wanting but also manages to make 90% of his personality. Mephisto at the start of faust is literally just a lost dog looking for a home. @zeravmeta mentioned how little of Mephy is even allowed to be himself, and he exists mostly through others and like, yeah! There’s more paralels than there is Mephy at a certain point. every “joke” scene Mephy is in is actually majorly sad and fucked up the moment you take a minute to dissect it. Bc he’s convinced trauma makes him funny, when it only paradoxically makes him funny by sheer force of how unfunny he is.
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The Arcana HCs: M6 making the MC breakfast in bed
Part 1 is here:
You had made your beloved breakfast in bed a few weeks before, and since then, they've taken it into their heads to do the same for you. How well does it go when they do?
Ever since he decided to return the favor, he's been caught up in the romantic aspect of it and is turning it into a grand gesture
This man never plans something unless he's forced to
So yeah, he scoured Vesuvia yesterday to find you the perfect bouquet, and he knows exactly how you like your morning caffeine
But he doesn't realize you're out of groceries until he's got 30 minutes until you wake up
He's finished decorating the tray and adding the sonnet he wrote you and now he's standing in front of the food cabinets, head empty, because he totally forgot about the breakfast part of breakfast in bed
Muffled cursing
Gathers what he can from the early vendors at the marketplace and breaks into Mazelinka's kitchen for the rest
You wake up to the sound of him crashing back into the kitchen, ordering Malak to keep you distracted by whatever means necessary
Rushing over, hair tousled and eyepatch slowly slipping, with a very unusual combination of street foods and kitchen ingredients
"Good morning, MC, light of my life, my dearest love, your dashing doctor has brought you breakfast in bed."
Your drink is cold, and you don't normally go for deep fried stuff first thing in the morning, and you have no idea what the random bowl of rosemary is for, but the flowers are beautiful and the sonnet is very sweet
You pull him down to sit next to you while you eat what you can and compliment what you can't
You take him grocery shopping with you later to restock the kitchen (and return Mazelinka's things)
They were planning to return the favor from the moment you had brought them their tray, but it's taken a couple weeks because they keep accidentally sleeping in
He finally enlists Faust's help by having her squeeze his arm and not stop until he makes it out of bed
He has already spent years collecting your favorites for you on his many travels, he knows what you like
Some of the food he's brought from outside (pumpkin bread!) and kept fresh with some useful spells
Some he endeavors to make himself
Except they also love experimenting
Maybe they got a little carried away with that one enchantment to enhance the flavor
Maybe they had to restart a few times
Maybe they employed a very mild sleeping spell to buy them a little extra time
When you do wake up, it's to Faust sliding around your shoulders and his smiling face over a steaming mug of your favorite morning drink
You do notice that about half the things on your tray seem ever so slightly ... off
You might also notice the hint of guilty mischief on their face
He's already admitting to his "adjustments" by the time you start to ask
Easily fixed though! They just snuggle up next to you in bed and take the first bite of everything as your official taste tester
Cue intense levels of sappiness as you take turns feeding each other and giggling
Initially, she was planning on ordering breakfast for you the next morning, to be delivered to your chambers
But then she remembered how special it was that you had prepared it yourself
And you know how devoted she is to doing things properly down to the smallest detail
So she gets up half an hour before you do and walks down to the kitchen, thinking "how hard can it be?"
Famous last words
Turns out kitchen knives cannot be used with the same technique as swords
Turns out cooking pots get very hot when they sit on the stove
Turns out things burn quickly when you leave them unattended on said hot stove
Turns out fruit is difficult to cut into fancy little shapes, and even more difficult to peel
Portia receives an emergency message from Chandra and rushes over to find Nadia nursing a burned thumb, trying to wave away the smoke while the kitchen staff hide around the corner
Nadia's too proud to accept help from anyone else and the staff are too baffled to approach
Portia is deeply honored
Nadia appears a few minutes after you wake up with a bandaged hand and a simple but hearty breakfast
Portia helped, but Nadia still did the bulk of the work and makes sure you know that
She will shyly let you heal her, and is so satisfied with your praise that she decides to take a few cooking classes in the future
Bold of you to assume he doesn't already cook breakfast for the two of you most mornings
But he was very deeply moved by your gesture, so he wants to do something special in return
Except you've been slowly pulling him out of his "food is fuel that I am barely worthy of" mentality, so he steels himself and opens up the spice cabinet you've been gradually building
He's very careful, sniffing everything before he decides whether it should go in or not
The chili pepper makes him sneeze super loud and that wakes you up
It's too early, you roll over and go back to sleep while he's standing frozen in the middle of the hut, sweating
He also picked up your favorite pumpkin bread in town the day before
He had to ask Asra for help, but he did it, and Innana was so proud of him she howled the whole way back through the woods
He slices it up with the same precision he gives his carvings and toasts it so meticulously over the fire
He also carved you a tray since you had to use a slab of wood last time and he only gives you the best
He shakes you awake sooo gently and waits until you wake up all the way to put your tray down
Every positive comment you make turns him a little more red
After the amount of affection you show him for the rest of the day he decides to make you breakfast as often as possible
He carves "I love you" into the tray so that that's the first thing you see every morning
Queen of breakfast in bed
She's been taking notes for the last week on your food preferences, what pastries you like, what fruits make you smile, how you like your eggs, etc etc
Has all of the ingredients in her cabinets and prep work done the night before
She took you out to the rowdy raven the night before with Ilya and Mazelinka so she could put you to bed without you noticing her plans
And after the crazy dancing you did on the tables, she knows you'll be extra hungry in the morning
Everything goes to plan. The pastries bake perfectly, the eggs behave themselves, the fruit is just the right amount of ripe, her hard work pays off
You wake up to possibly the best breakfast you'll ever have
Except that in all the excitement Portia forgot to feed Pepi last night *and* this morning
Pepi is watching, waiting so very patiently for her breakfast, and she sees how much work Portia's doing in the kitchen so she's got her hopes up
And then all of that beautiful food goes onto your lap, and the longer the two of you talk and eat, the less food she sees on the tray and reality sinks in
She leaps up onto the bed, snatches the best pieces left, and streaks out of the cottage
Portia knocks her out of the tree outside with a broomstick
It doesn't occur to him to return the favor until roughly two months have passed
He remembers during a bragging contest about how his lover is just the Best and lists the breakfast in bed as evidence
Person responds with "yeah, but could you do any of that?"
This is a challenge to prove his greatness, there is no way he's backing down now
He did not make any plans, he just started making breakfast foods (or trying to) at two o'clock in the afternoon
Quickly realized that the only food he's decent at making is what he learned as a mercenary, so he sets up camp in the palace gardens with a bonfire
Mercedes and Melchior are so impressed they keep trying to steal your food
Finally, covered in soot and reeking of smoke, he pops up at your shoulder and drags you to your bed by the wrist
"So just like, lie down there and go to sleep until I say so or something."
Mercedes and Melchior help out by lying on top of you until he reappears
"Wakey wakey, are you ready for the best breakfast of your life?!"
It's actually not that bad, you just don't know why you're having breakfast in bed while the sun is setting
He's peacocking about it for the rest of the week
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zeravmeta · 1 year
the thing. the thing about mephistopheles grand order. is that he never had his faust. the absurdity of it all. the devil mephistopheles was meant to be called by the human faust and either drag him to hell or be defeated by him. the servant mephistopheles never had that, instead quite literally being made by faust in an effort to replicate humanity. and faust was such a genius that it worked. but faust had given it the name of a devil, the one and only thing that belonged to the nameless homunculi, the one defining trait which would give it meaning. a devil with humanity? how ridiculous
faust was such a genius, but was also boring. soooooo boring. what joy is there to be gained in evil and cruelty when the most definitive stories of humanity are about good overcoming evil? there was never any force of good to stop faust, so his story remained boring. his evil was never interesting, no higher purpose to strive for, no base human need behind it, nothing but cruelty for the sake of cruelty, a want that faust held for his name to be remembered but no actual risk to the man himself for such an endeavor.
this could be it! the nameless homunculi had become the devil mephistopheles, and while there was no good to vanquish evil, there was more evil still to crush faust under his own hubris. however, he was still not truly a devil, because he had yet to be defeated! isn’t that so funny? what kind of resolution is there in a story where the force of evil wins?
there needed to be some change. perhaps he might have killed his creator in an ultimate ironic act of betrayal, but he was still around because faust was never truly the human meant to defeat him. faust was too basic, not having a shred of character nor even being interesting in the evil he committed. There needed to be someone else, the truest example of a human that would continue to strive to be saved despite all the evil left in their wake.
how convenient the master of chaldea was! how absurd! they never asked for any of this, but here they are, continuing to burn themselves out, giving up pieces of themself while they kill and further stain their hands, further destroy their own soul. how paradoxical, for someone to end so many lives and yet still be considered the force of good in their own story. how absurd, the notion of a normal human remaining as such when having experienced so much, overcome foes that humans were never meant to.
how sad. the devil mephistopheles wants to save this human. the nameless homunculi loves this human.
but a devil isnt someone who can save others. their respite comes only in being vanquished, in their adversary overcoming the evil that they represent, the basic evil that exists in all humans. how funny! he, the manifestation of humanity's failures, wanting to save someone! it makes him laugh, a cursed laugh which embodies everything wrong with humanity. how could a devil love someone? how could a devil save someone? of course, it would be in being their greatest enemy, the literal devil on their shoulders urging them to do evil, and being defeated at every turn. for a human as damaged and scarred as the master of chaldea to still refuse evil even when steeped in it? why, that would be such a nice dream! it wouldnt be boring for such a human to live. it would give meaning to him in order to become a true devil. it would be an utterly cheesy and textbook happy ending, but it would be one well deserved after the master had struggled and suffered for so long.
wouldnt it be nice for the master of chaldea to be the one to defeat him?
mephistopheles has already dragged faust to hell once. now all thats left is for him to be defeated and for his killer to be saved.
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chaldeanu · 5 days
i’ve been rambling the whole sunday about sunday to a friend of my friend, so i decided to copy and rewrite it into this post. there’s a bit about gopher wood, sunday (of course) and the dominicus.
is there a chance that i’m just excusing an authoritarian antagonist in text below? yes. am i reaching too deep to prove that he’s “not as bad” (lmao)? yes. my thoughts there are not complex, i don’t intend to dive into every reference to goethe’s faust or the bible (i wish i could) ଘ(*. .)
gopher wood (heavily inspired by catholic priests) groomed sunday from the youngest years to play a certain role, i doubt it’s even debatable (the parallels to the environment me and my friends were raised in hit hard btw but it’s irrelevant, just a fun fact lol). it wasn’t a relationship of father and son (though it sounds now accurate given the religious symbolism) — it was purely transactional and for gopher’s benefit to succeed. sunday just has a heart too big for his own good and took all this manipulation to another level, thus he almost ascended to aeonhood out of his own pure nature despite gopher’s intentions being not pure at all.
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sunday did nothing wrong (like every angel-themed soft-spoken antagonist in any series before, right /j). plot-wise, we had to have a ‘targetable’ antagonist and gopher (merged into the dreamscape) put sunday in his place to be a martyr in his world domination plan. on the contrary, sunday’s intentions were honest, and that’s admirable that he could turn a “somewhat brainwashing controlling type of thing” into something out of good nature — it was still “somewhat brainwashing controlling type of thing” but, if we were to choose between him and gopher (or anyone else tbh because no one has a conviction as strong as sunday), under his rule it would be benevolent. thus, philosophy. he added his own understanding of the role he’s forced to play either way. of course, it still wasn’t good, but at least sunday had good intentions, unlike the family’s initial aim for control (power).
does it technically change anything? honestly, no. we still judge sunday for his actions and he outright said things considered authoritarian and pessimistic. he used to be a hopeful child that wanted to believe in people, but oh well…
gopher couldn’t even sacrifice himself to his own grand plan, so he used sunday — and sunday was more than willing to become the only one person unable to achieve the absolute happiness, even if this whole idea wasn’t coming from his own mind. he’s utterly devoted to the cause because of his little sister (the real family). everything he’s doing was out of literal love (for robin) and extending it to embrace the humanity, too, because he doesn’t hate humans — he pities them. to the point where he almost ascended, despite not wanting to revive a dead aeon or become one himself.
embryo of philosophy — now, that’s the question. would he be reborn as a completely new aeon of philosophy? or was it just a temporary name? something between order and hamony, his own thoughts filling the void in between. where his heart is too kind for order, but too broken for harmony. i wonder if him becoming an aeon would break him out of gopher’s initial motives? at the cost of his own freedom. perhaps either this or robin rescuing him…
because he genuinely believed that the ends justify the means, but he didn’t like what he was doing, constantly struggling between choices. is there no other way? but corruption is so deep-rooted in others that he’s willing to take the burden if it means bringing the ultimate peace…
the thing with characters in fiction like him is that, depending on which ‘side’ will you put them, the same exact goal sound either as the best idea ever or the worst idea ever, without changing a single word.
was he our ally plot-wise, his goals would still be better than the current state of penacony, and we probably would support him. but he was placed on the opposing side as our target, manipulated by gopher and working in his stead. so, heroes focused on the part that he plans to take away their freedom and decided to stop him. valid. also that’s the whole idea of catholic paradise, but i’ll leave the topic before even starting it (but if you get me, then you get me).
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loosesodamarble · 1 year
Faustsele Masterlist
I just... really should have a list all for my Faustsele writing...
Note: These aren't all the fics/posts that feature Josele. These are the ones with a heavy focus on the relationship between Josele and the Faust twins, usually with a romantic leaning.
Second note: This is not listed in chronological order of events. It's (largely) in order of when I wrote/posted them. The song related posts are at the very end since those aren't fics.
What Once Was: Five times Nacht loved Josele and one time he hated her.
Happy Birthday Morgen and Nacht: Josele’s gifts to Nacht and Morgen over the years.
The Death of Light: Morgen’s death leaves Nacht and Josele with little more than grief and guilt.
Love Like Fairy Tales: Snapshots of Morgen and Josele’s love.
Imperfect Ending: Happy endings are not always perfect. Still, love is a blessing that makes it worthwhile.
Troublesome Devils: Devil Fausts AU. The relationship that Josele has with her devils, Nacht and Morgen, is… complicated to say the least.
A Moment of Passion: Morgen and Josele share a moment together, expressing their love in a way they had never done before.
The Most Painful Conversations: Morgen and Josele’s proposal is followed by tough conversations with the in-laws.
A Shared Bitter Aroma: Three souls mourn a terrible tragedy.
For That Special Day Part 1: Solara helps Josele with her future marriage to Nacht.
For That Special Day Part 2: Nacht gets help from Acylla to get his wedding gift ready.
Don't Tell Me "Goodbye": Words are something special to Josele. Recently, Morgen’s words have hurt her.
Shadows of the Past: Nacht reveals the truth of that fateful day to Josele.
Finding Words: The words that were never said are brought to Josele and she has her own words to say back.
The Star Gazers: Under a starry night sky, Josele speaks to Nacht about his concerns. They have a heart-to-heart regarding a few things, like just what they are to each other.
A Union Made in Shadows: At long last, Nacht and Josele have made the decision to finally be married. Though nothing grand is planned for their union, the most important people are gathered for the occasion.
To Share and to Celebrate the Joys: When Nacht and Josele get married, of course the Black Bulls have to get involved with it.
Between Night and Morning: Nacht and Morgen celebrate their birthdays with Josele, at a somewhat unreasonable time. But they're happy with it.
Firefly's Dance: When a beautiful evening has been seemingly ruined by rain, Morgen finds some inspiration and shares a moment with Josele. Inspired by "Night Bugs on a Rainy Street."
Wedding March: A series of vignettes about Morgen and Josele preparing for their marriage. Part of it is inspired by "Monster's March" by Kenshi Yonezu.
I Return to You at the World's End: It's Judgment Day in Clover Kingdom. A return that shouldn’t have been happens, bringing with it too many tears to count.
Sweet Little Morning Thing: It's a beautiful morning for Morgen and Josele. It's a normal morning routine with a little fun thrown in at the end.
Sweet Little Evening Thing: On an evening stroll, Morgen makes a little show of care for Josele. A semi-sequel to "Sweet Little Morning Thing."
Nostalgic Date: Nacht takes Josele out for a special date after he catches her reminiscing.
Nacsele writing by @/thoughtfullyrainynightmare
Faustsele AU Thoughts: AUs for my silly little ships.
The Music of Faustsele
Other Nacsele Songs
Other Morgsele Songs
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power-chords · 1 year
so what is your thesis?
Oh, that’s a joke on my part. Mostly. To call it a “thesis” exaggerates the level of formality involved. I’m just bitching about the scope of the work, which I feel entitled to do because my insistence on pursuing this is less a function of personal choice than personal pathology.
Regardless, it IS intended to address the lack of interdisciplinary synthesis on a literature graduate and polymath whose formative influences are known to preempt his interest in film by at least 20 years. Mann's approach to filmmaking — in structure, in semantic ambition — is grounded in a literary systems analysis that he quite literally inherited as the descendant of Russian/Ukrainian Jewish émigrés; that would soon later reach a fever pitch in American English departments in the form of its descendants when he was a student. And like, in fairness, it took Mann being like "Heat is my Faust. By the way ;)" before I myself was like "OOHHHH" and simultaneously zoomed in and zoomed out to examine his work at the requisite resolution(s). I've been tugging at threads ever since to see what unravels and what leads me closer to the center of the labyrinth.
The irony is that the film literature has mostly missed the trees for the forest, and the forests for the biome. In the same way that Goethe had to iterate upon the constituent structure of Faust in order to "bring current" and encapsulate a more complete historical and referential sphere for its mythic content, Mann is using the component forms of cinema — its emergent technological and visual language, right down to grammar and syntax — to chart the "becoming" of a new postmodern age, its grand crises of meaning and morality. To quote Goethe: "Content brings form with it; form is never without content."
This is, for example, why you have Pacino and De Niro playing the roles that they do in Heat; why Heat exists in no fewer than four different evolutionary stages; why Tom Cruise was cast as Vincent in Collateral and why the film was shot digital (also why Mann initially considered casting a woman as Vincent!!!); why every last detail down to the buttons on a suit jacket or a "psychotic kitchen chair" brokers his consideration; why he hates the S-word; why every one of his actors receives a complete backstory and life history for the character; why he CUTS AND RE-CUTS AND RE-CUTS AND RE-CUTS FOREVER AND EVER FROM EDITION TO EDITION... I could go on. He's not just an auteur, he's the ur-auteur. The inter-text is the text, and there is nothing outside the text, for him maybe more than anyone else.
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twistedtummies2 · 2 years
The Devils I Know - Number 12
Welcome to “The Devils I Know!” For this spooky time of year, from now till Halloween, I’ll be counting down My Top 31 Depictions of the Devil, from movies, television, video games, and more! Today’s Devil is an operatic villain…literally! Number 12 is Samuel Ramey. (pauses) Just…just Samuel Ramey.
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Now, the chances are VERY high that if you’re reading this, your immediate thought is, “Who is Samuel Ramey?” The answer is simple: Samuel Ramey is a performer – a singer and actor – who is probably most well-known to general audiences for his voicework in things like “Over the Garden Wall.” Beyond that, he’s most renowned for his work in opera. Having said this, before I continue talking about this entry, I need to make one thing clear: I’m not a big opera buff. I respect and admire opera immensely, and I don’t believe the old cliché that “opera is boring” has much merit…but the simple and fundamental problem is that most of the great operas are written in any language but English. Which wouldn’t be a problem if it weren’t for the fact that I, personally, don’t understand any language BUT English. Seriously. I’m terrible with other languages; I can’t even speak or understand much Spanish, and I live about a hop skip and a jump away from the Mexican border. I took a French course in High School, and I think I’ve forgotten everything I learned there. It all goes in one ear and out the other. So, unless I’m watching a video with subtitles, and I’m REALLY riveted to what’s going on, I’m just not going to really “get” what I’m watching. Thankfully, I’ve seen Ramey’s performances in such situations. Ramey is a renowned performer with many credits under his belt, but he’s probably most well-known for playing one role, which he has effectively made a career out of, and that is the Devil. More specifically, Mephistopheles in numerous productions of Faust…and with numerous librettos. In the world of opera, you see, there are no less than THREE separate operatic versions of the Faust legend, ALL of which are VERY highly respected and frequently performed. In order of when they were composed, there’s “La Damnation de Faust,” by Berlioz; Gonoud’s “Faust;” and Boito’s “Mefistofele.” All three of these tell the exact same story, with basically the exact same plot, but with obvious minor differences between each one. I like to call them “The Three Devils of Opera.” Ramey has played Mephistopheles in productions of all three of these operas, and in all three cases, he has done so more than once. While the music and lyrics and some scene elements may change, his portrayal of the Devil in each of these is consistent. And when I think of Mephistopheles in ANY of these shows, it’s usually Ramey I think of. Ramey’s Mephistopheles is a figure of true fantastical power; he’s a grand and show-stealing figure who is impossible to take your eyes off of, and the simple fact this actor has played this same role in so many shows for so many years really does help to make him noteworthy. It’s the operatic equivalent of, say, Mark Hamill as the Joker: Hamill has not only played the same character for many years, but in many different adaptations, and every single time he’s awesome. Ramey is exactly the same with his portrayal of Faust’s tempter and deceiver. He’s become so well-known in the part, that Ramey actually went on a touring concert once singing different songs in his repertoire; the concert was appropriately called “A Date with the Devil.” Indeed, one could argue The Beast from “Over the Garden Wall” – his most well-known performance beyond the hallowed halls of opera – is really just another example of Ramey playing the Devil, given the way the fiendish monster is portrayed in the miniseries. If you’re not into opera, watching or listening to any of Ramey’s performances probably won’t change your mind. However, for those who are interested, just to get you started…there are recordings of Ramey’s full performances from productions of “Faust” and “Mefistofele” available on YouTube (as of when I typed this, anyway). The former was recorded and aired on television and in theatres in 1995; the latter came earlier in 1989. In my opinion, these are the two finest examples of Ramey’s work with the Devil. Check them out as soon as you can. :) Tomorrow, the countdown continues with Number 11! HINT: An Eggs-asperatingly Evil Fellow.
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waraxarcana · 9 months
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@dinoxdrake asked: ❛ all you can say are pretty lies. ❜ Darker vibes starters (Always Accepting!)
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"Would you prefer pretty lies, or harsh truths, Drake?" Hawkins asked, eyeing his companion. He'd been surprised to find his fellow Northerner on Wano, though less than surprised to see he'd climbed up the ranks of Kaido's army to become a Headliner. The North Blue was generally considered the strongest of the seas outside of the Grand Line. Because of this, many had even made projections that the next Pirate King would be from the North, so of course both of them had survived long enough to make it to the New World.
And yet not so strong as to not be conquered by a Yonko. The memory of how he and his former "alliance" had been decimated still made his stomach turn. Even more so when he remembered what had been taken from him.
He'd live, for Faust's sake. He'd find a way to escape this wicked fate and prove his own strength among his fellow members of the Worst Generation. The cards had not been in his favor with his past alliance, but perhaps this time, he had a better chance. Drake was strong, and surely he didn't enjoy being given orders by the likes of Queen or Jack.
They were both pirate captains from the North. They were among the strongest and most dangerous of the Worst Generation. They were meant to give the orders.
Red eyes met the taller man's gaze unblinking. "Let me give you one now; if we intend to survive in this poisoned, oppressive country, we need to be both strong and smart. This means being duplicitous more often than not. Are you up to the task, Drake? Or is there still too much of an honest man in you?"
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melodiaemfrp · 10 months
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Hello, Attuned! Thank you for participating in Melodiae’s twelfth Activity Check! Listed here are characters that did not pass the check (Five (5) days of activity in-server) for the period of Monday, May 8th to Sunday, July 7th.
If you believe your muse(s) are listed here by mistake, you may reach out to the Masterlist on or before Saturday, July 15th. All characters that do not have activity accounted for by 11:59 PM EST on this date will be removed from the server by or before the next inbox run (Tuesday, July 18th)
If you did not pass the check, you also have until Saturday, July 15th to reapp your muse(s) by sending an ask to the Masterlist indicating your intent to reapp the character. You DO NOT have to resubmit the whole application; simply provide your name, the character’s name & series, your OOC contact, and the date in an ask. Muses marked with an asterisk (*) have failed two consecutive checks, and are ineligible to be reapped this way unless they are an OC. These muses must wait one full week, and may resubmit their entire application on or after Saturday, July 22nd.
Muses that are not reapped by 11:59pm EST on Saturday, July 15th will be removed from the server by our inbox run on Tuesday, July 18th.
Thank you for your continued interest in Melodiae!
- The Melodiae Team
Ryuunosuke Naruhoudou (Mica)
Ernesto Salas (Tequila) (Hika)
Ling (Hika) *
Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Flora) *
Nikolai Gogol (Kit)
Sigma (Rosel)
Power (Satsujin)
Suzaku Kururugi (Laur)
Lucien Tavelle (Aria)
Mollymauk Tealeaf (Myco)
Light Yagami (Light)
Matt (Mail Jeevas) (Aria)
Kris (Willow) *
Rengoku Kyojuro (Rose)
Yoriichi Tsugikuni (Rose)
Hakuba Saguru (Lucifer)
Dante (Willow)
Charlie (Emberlyn)
Tomix Danao (Birb)
Raven Cronwell (Nova Imperator) (Sadie)
Ibara Saegusa (Aria)
Enkidu (Lancer) (Aria)
Romani Archaman (Linette)
Amour Darling (Pax)
Ardbert (Mica)
Breakfast Sandwich (Emil) *
Charlenaux Valmont (WOL RPR) (Star)
Hilda Ware (Rhia)
Osial viator Lacus (OC) (Owl)
Shara Ruivert (WOL SGE) (Jun)
Zero (Myco)
Felix Hugo Fraldarius (Owl)
Lyon (Jun)
Kaeya Alberich (Laur)
Zhongli (Ree)
Lucilius (Aria)
Zagreus (Moshi)
Elysia (Mikey) *
Dan Heng (Xing)
Jing Yuan (Hika)
Pom-Pom (Satsujin)
Stelle (Rhia)
Rudbeckia de Borgia (Alice)
Inumaki Toge (Jun)
Joseph Joestar (Stan)
Leone Abbacchio (Tom)
Foo Fighters (Tom)
Julius Caesar "Gyro" Zeppeli (Derrick)
Hana Natsuki "Aguilera" (Lucifer)
Yukimi Igarashi (Lottie)
Aruto Hiden (Isu) *
Jin (Lottie) *
Fran (Carmen)
Dark Link (Pax)
Megamind (Birb) *
Sherlock Holmes (Rosel)
Alfyn Greengrass (Shae)
Temenos Mistral (Shae)
Trousseau (Shae)
Erika Ishikawa (Rhia)
Grey (Cee)
Shimmer (Rhia)
Witch Princess (Pax)
Elizabeth (Aria)
Minato Arisato (Athiel)
Morgana (Satsujin)
Hokma (Rosel)
Demian (Rosel)
Don Quixote (Swub)
Faust (Tian)
Galeas Sturm (Fris)
Gregor Samsa (Ghost)
Ryoshu (Rosel)
An Shiraishi (Kyuu)
Ena Shinonome (Rhia)
Hatsune Miku (Mikey)
Rui Kamishiro (Fris)
Figaro Garcia (Ree)
Ai Minato (Carmen)
Misao Mondo (Nox)
Spy (Red) (Birb)
Michael (Myco)
Chip Revvington (Xanthe)
Souza Samonji (Rose)
Millions Knives (Eris)
Fai D. Fluorite (Ashley)
Malleus Draconia (Laur)
Morrigan Desrosier (Fris)
Noel Levine (Lottie)
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german-enthusiast · 1 year
Alligatoah's Musik ist keine Lösung - Lyrics for German learners (Difficult!)
Listen to the song (and read the lyrics) - look up the difficult words below (I added a vocab list with the colored words after paragraphs! Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives and others, proper names/neologisms/expressions) Don't let all the words overwhelm you, you can figure this out! The song is worth it!
Sehr geehrter Kaliba, netter Versuch
Kritische Texte, Weltverbesserer-Blues
Du denkst, du gibst dem System eine Reparatur
Unterschätzt dabei nur das Gesetz der Natur
Denn wir kommen mit Kohlekraft
Dem Monopol der Macht, mit Munition en masse
Durch Korruption ergattertem Logenplatz
Du kommst mit Notenblatt, wir haben uns totgelacht (guck ma')
Kaliba - Name the artist used to call himself; der Versuch - the attempt; kritisch - critical; der Weltverbesserer-Blues - a blues about making the world a better World (verbessern -> to make sth. better); die Reparatur - the repair; unterschätzen - to underestimate; das Gesetz - the law; die Kohlekraft - coal power/energy; das Monopol - the monopoly; die Macht - the power; die Munition - the ammunition; en masse (french) - a grand amount; durch __ ergattert - scavenged through.../gotten through...; der Logenplatz - a seat in a box/loge(in a theater); das Notenblatt - the sheet of music; totgelacht - died of laughter: guck mal - look/watch!
David gegen Goliath
Ist aus 'nem Märchenbuch voller erlogenem Quatsch
Bevor du Feuer bei der Generation entfachst
Fahren wir Hovercraft durch eine Mondlandschaft
Ein Anti-Kriegs-Klangerzeugnis?
Pff, ganz was Neues
John Lennon hat das schon in den 70ern gemacht
Hat ja richtig was gebracht
das Märchenbuch - the fairytale book; voller - here: full of; erlogen - lied about/bogus; der Quatsch - the bullshit/nonsense; entfachen - to spark/kindle; Hovercraft - a vehicle; die Mondlandschaft - moon-landscape; das Anti-Kriegs-Klangerzeugnis - the anti-war-sound-product; etwas Neues - something new; etwas bringen - to be effective
Du machst ein Lied gegen die gemeine Welt
Und in China hat gerade jemand Reis bestellt
Dann kommt der Krieg wieder, dann begreifst du schnell
Musik ist keine Lösung
Die Melodie löst bei ihnen Hoffnung aus
Heute hebt das Festivalgesocks die Faust
Aber morgen wachen sie in ihrer Kotze auf
Musik ist keine Lösung
Was willst du? Menschen mit deinen Liedern tragen?
Von der schiefen Bahn zur Zivilcourage?
Über allen Krisenstaaten Friedensfahnen?
Willst du noch 'ne Niere haben?
gemein - mean; bestellen - to order; wiederkommen - to return; begreifen - to understand (to grasp mentally); die Lösung - the solution; auslösen - to trigger/cause; die Hoffnung - the hope; heben - to lift; das Festivalgesocks - the festival-rabble/mob); die Faust - the fist; morgen - tomorrow; die Kotze - the vomit; auf der schiefe Bahn sein - to be delinquent, criminal; die Zivilcourage - the civil courage; der Krisenstaat - a country/nation in crisis; die Friedensfahne - a flag representing peace; die Niere - kidney
Denkst du, du bist jetzt die Stimme der Gesellschaft?
Die finden dich solange cool, bis du Geld hast
Vielleicht wirst du von manchen für den mutigen Schritt geliebt
Andere sagen: "Der will doch nur gute Publicity"
Nein, es ist nicht leicht, du musst Gegenwind verkraften
Zweifelhafte Leute aus der falschen Ecke werden für die nächste Single klatschen
Zum Beispiel anzuggetarnte, rechtsextremgesinnte Spasten
Die dein Video posten, weil sie kalkulierte Jagd auf jugendliche Wählerstimmen machen
Klar, denn keiner versteht deine Texte nach einer Jever-Palette
Du hast mehr Schnapsleichen auf dem Gewissen als Leben gerettet
Die Satire wirst du schwer im Dorf erläutern
Es sind Perlen vor die Säufer
Schenk den Menschen Botschaften und dein Temperament
Sie werden nur darüber streiten, wer dich länger kennt
Glaub mal nicht, dass da irgendetwas hängenbleibt
Außer dem Download der MP3
die Stimme - the voice; die Gesellschaft - the society; solange... bis - until; mutig - brave; der Gegenwind - the adverse wind, here: opposition, critique; verkraften - to bear, to handle; zweifelhaft - questionable; die Ecke - the corner; klatschen - to applaud; anzuggetarnt - disguised with suits; rechtsextremgesinnt - right (pol.) and extremist; der Spast - (insult!) idiot; kalkuliert - calculated; die Jagd - the hunt; jugendlich - teen; die Wählerstimme - the vote; die Jever-Palette - 24x0.5l beer (Jever is a beer brand); die Schnapsleiche - a person who died because of alcohol; auf dem Gewissen haben - to be at fault for sth. - aka to "have sth/sb on your conscience; retten - to save; erläutern - to explain; Perlen vor die Säufer - parody of german expression "Perlen vor die Säue" (Pearls in front of pigs), to give sb. something valuable who doesn't appreciate it; die Botschaft - the message; streiten - to argue; hängenbleiben - to stick (information); außer - except for
Du machst ein Lied gegen die gemeine Welt
Und in China hat gerade jemand Reis bestellt
Dann kommt der Krieg wieder, dann begreifst du schnell
Musik ist keine Lösung
Die Melodie löst bei ihnen Hoffnung aus
Heute hebt das Festivalgesocks die Faust
Aber morgen wachen sie in ihrer Kotze auf
Musik ist keine Lösung
[vocab see first chorus]
Wenn du alles soviel besser weißt, du Wunderknabe
Warum sitzt du nicht im Bundestag, hm?
Hast'e gedacht, der Job als Protestsänger ist krisensicher
Doch wäre Weltfrieden, braucht man deine Lieder nicht mehr
Wenn man die Geiseln in Guantanamo befreit
Und das Weltklima wieder einen Status quo erreicht
Muss ich darauf hinweisen, ohne schadenfroh zu sein
Du singst dich in die Arbeitslosigkeit
der Wunderknabe - a child prodigy (boy); der Bundestag - Germany's house of representatives, most important political place; der Protestsänger - a musician singing in protest; krisensicher - safe even during a crisis; die Geisel - the hostage; befreien - to rescue/to free; erreichen - to reach; auf etw. hinweisen - to point sth. out; schadenfroh - happy about sb. else's misery; die Arbeitslosigkeit - unemployment
Gib es zu, du brauchst die Tränen, die Angst
Die Hero-Junks, die Krebserkrankten
Die Schlägerbanden, den Mädchenhandel
Die Denunzianten von nebenan
Die Militärtyrannen, die Hate-Kampagnen
Die Karriereschlampen, die Laserschranken
Die toxigenen Substanzen, die in den Meeren landen
Der Planet geht baden, doch wir gehen zusammen
etw. zugeben - to admit (to sth); der/die Krebserkrankte - person suffering from cancer; die Schlägerbande - group of violent criminals; der Mädchenhandel - (illegal) trade with young girls; der/die Denunziant - a snitch, often to a tyrannical power/government (often used in connection with Nazis who ratted out Jews); die Hate-Kampagne - campaign with the only motive of hating and denouncing sth.; die Karriereschlampe - a woman who was made a career only because she's had sex with people in power; die Laserschranke - an electronic device with a laser to make a sound when sb/sth passes through (like at the exit of a store); toxigen - toxic; landen - to land, but here to end up in; baden - to swin/go into a pool/lake/ to have fun
Schenk dir ein und du siehst, dich bemerkt keiner
Das Glas ist halb leer, Meister *
Erlaub dem Zweifel, deinen Kopf zu ficken
Denn es steckt immer noch Mist in jedem Optimisten
Mach's wie wir, uns ist die Schöpfung latte
Wenn Gott nur sieben Tage braucht, kann er's ja öfters machen
einschenken - to pour (in); bemerken - to notice; *subtle when auditory: leer, Meister (as in "the glass is half empty, master") or Lehrmeister (as in "the glass (alcohol) is almost a teacher"); erlauben - to allow; der Zweifel - the doubt; ficken - to fuck; in etw. stecken - to be a part of sth.; der Mist - the shit, dirt, BS; die Schöpfung - the creation of the world through God; jmd. latte sein - to not care about sth.
Stampf Gitarre und Schreibfüller ein
Du wirst unbesiegbar durch Gleichgültigkeit
Nichts ist mehr schlimm und verwerflich
Nimm dir ein Zimmer mit Meerblick
Während sich unten das Gesindel beerdigt
Gib die Menschheit-, ich bin noch nicht fertig
Gib die Menschheit auf, Kaliba, du verschwendest deine Kunst
Sie wollen Änderung, doch sagen, ihre Hände wär'n gebunden
Da sie dunkle Mächte lenken, blah, sie quengeln wieder rum
Aber die Menschen sind nicht böse, die Menschen sind nur dumm
einstampfen - to destroy; der Schreibfüller - ink pen; unbesiegbar - undefeatable; die Gleichgültigkeit - the apathy; schlimm - bad, terrible; verwerflich - morally corrupt; der Meerblick - view of the ocean; das Gesindel - the common (or low) people; beerdigen - to put to rest/hold a funeral; (etw) aufgeben - to give (sth) up; verschwenden - to waste, not use sth appropriately; die Änderung - the change; gebunden sein - to be tied (up); lenken - to lead/steer; quengeln - to complain (childlike)
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newsintheshell · 2 years
ARKNIGHTS - PRELUDE TO DAWN: nuovo trailer dell’anime in attesa del debutto in streaming su Crunchyroll
Il primo episodio della miniserie sarà disponibile dal 28 ottobre.
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Il nuovo cupo trailer di “ARKNIGHTS: PRELUDE TO DAWN”, diffuso giusto oggi, ci rammenta che mancano ormai solo pochi giorni al debutto della miniserie animata, ispirata al popolare videogioco mobile di Hypergryph e Studio Montagne, distribuito da Yostar.
Il primo degli 8 episodi sarà, infatti, disponibile in streaming su Crunchyroll a partire dal 28 ottobre. Come vi ho anticipato ad inizio settimana, l’anime entrerà a far parte del palinsesto simulcast della piattaforma e potremo seguirlo in lingua originale, sottotitolato in italiano. Non dimenticatevi di dare un’occhiata alla guida anime autunnale per sapere a che ora usciranno le puntate!
In produzione presso YOSTAR PICTURES (Azur Lane: Slow Ahead!, Sorairo Utility), l’adattamento sta venendo diretto da Yuki Watanabe, già regista dei promo animati e dello speciale cortometraggio chiamato “Holy Knight Light”, realizzato per festeggiare il primo anniversario del titolo.
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Ad affiancarlo, in qualità di assistente alla regia, troviamo ancora una volta Masataka Nishikawa, mentre il character design è curato da Aya Takafuji (animatrice chiave in Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia). Per quanto riguarda le musiche, invece, la colonna sonora è composta da Yuki Hayashi (Haikyu!! L’asso del volley, My Hero Academia).
Come era lecito aspettarsi da un gioco con all’attivo più di 200 personaggi, anche il cast della serie si preannuncia piuttosto corposo. Di seguito vi riporto i nomi confermati fino ad oggi.
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Ace: Takashi Matsuyama 
Wei Yenwu: Kouichi Yamadera 
Medic: Momo Asakura 
Guard: Chiaki Kobayashi 
Doctor: Yuki Kaida
Franka: Ai Kakuma
Dobermann: Atsumi Tanezaki
Nearl: Ayane Sakura 
Amiya: Tomoyo Kurosawa 
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Texas: Azusa Tadokoro
Hoshiguma: Kiyono Yasuno 
Exusiai: Manaka Iwami 
Meteorite: Risa Taneda
Ch'en: Shizuka Ishigami
Kal'tsit: Yoko Hikasa 
Liskarm: Yui Ishikawa
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Crownslayer: Sayaka Sembongi
Mephisto: Kohei Amasaki
Faust: Shun Horie
Talulah: Maaya Sakamoto
W: Ayana Taketatsu
Misha: Satsumi Matsuda
Skullshatterer: Risae Matsuda
La storia è costantemente in evoluzione ed espansione, quindi cerco di darvi giusto un’infarinatura generale che sono riuscito ad estrapolare sull’ambientazione.
Il gioco è ambientato in una versione futuristica, distopica e post-apocalittica del pianeta Terra, sulla quale esiste la magia e parte della popolazione manifesta caratteristiche fisiche tipiche degli animali o di creature mitologiche. A seguito di alcuni disastri naturali, chiamati Catastrofi, sulla Terra è apparso un minerale, l'originium, che ha due effetti: infetta le persone con una malattia, l'oripathy, e permette l'utilizzo della magia. Poiché il tasso di mortalità è del 100% e possiede un'alta infettività al momento della morte, non è raro incontrare ostilità nei confronti degli infetti. La Terra, similmente a quella reale, è governata da varie forze, che si sono ritrovate a formare un piano di quarantena della popolazione e contenimento della malattia su larga scala, talvolta ricorrendo anche alla violenza e spesso alla ghettizzazione degli infetti.
Il giocatore veste i panni del “Dottore”, che soffre di amnesia dopo essersi svegliato da un sonno che gli ha provocato la perdita della memoria. Il Dottore comanda una squadra di “operatori” appartenenti alla Rhodes Island Pharmaceuticals, un'organizzazione medica dotata di squadre di supporto militare. Questi corpi hanno il compito di cercare una cura alla malattia e al tempo stesso di sopprimere gli attacchi da parte del Reunion Movement, una forza militare anarchica fondata da alcuni infetti, il cui obiettivo è quello di vendicare le vittime della malattia, terminate o minacciate dal governo.
Autore: SilenziO)))
blogger // anime enthusiast // twitch addict // unorthodox blackster - synthwave lover // penniless gamer
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dweemeister · 10 months
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The Last Command (1928)
Before their professional rupture while making The Blue Angel (1930), both Josef von Sternberg and Emil Jannings came from German-speaking environments to find success in Hollywood. But while von Sternberg’s family emigrated to the United States from Austria in his teenage years, Jannings carved out a reputation of playing larger-than-life protagonists in Universum-Film AG (UFA) films such as F.W. Murnau’s The Last Laugh (1924) and Faust (1926). His rising star spurred Paramount to offer Jannings a short-term contract that lasted two-and-a-half years and six features. Of Jannings’ extant movies at Paramount*, The Last Command is the one that has brought the most acclaim.
We open in 1928 Hollywood. While shooting a Russian Revolution picture, Russian expatriate director Leo Andreyev (an underutilized William Powell) selects Sergius Alexander (Jannings; whose character is living in poverty and takes jobs as a Hollywood extra) out of a heap of casting photos. Leo’s decision to cast Sergius is less magnanimous than it first appears to be, but to say more would be to spoil the ending. While in the dressing room, Sergius reminisces about events a decade prior. Flash back to 1917 Imperial Russia. Grand Duke Sergius Alexander, cousin of the Tsar, Commanding General of the Russian Armies (for students of Russian history and politics, this is analogous to “Chief of the General Staff”), is commanding the tsarist troops to battle Bolshevik revolutionaries. Informed that two actors entertaining his soldiers are actually Bolshevik agents, he orders that they be ushered into his office so that he might humiliate them. Sergius has his way with one of the agents, Leo Andreyev. But for Natalie Dabrova (Evelyn Brent), Sergius finds himself attracted to her. Despite the dangers involved, he keeps Natalie by his side. Revolutionary zeal and Stockholm syndrome be damned, they fall in love. The film will conclude when it flashes back to 1928 Hollywood.
Jack Raymond (later a director of films such as 1930’s The Great Game) plays a brief role as Leo’s conceited Assistant Director.
The circumstances and developments surrounding Sergius and Natalie’s romance is far-fetched and contrived beyond belief. Natalie’s reasons for falling for Sergius – paraphrasing her, that she could never believe that someone could love Russia as much as he – are unintentional comedic gold. The film’s best line appears as Sergius realizes that Natalie is not going to act on her revolutionary beliefs to assassinate him: “From now on you are my prisoner of war – and my prisoner of love.” All credit to intertitle writer Herman J. Mankiewicz (1941’s Citizen Kane, 1942’s The Pride of the Yankees) for that screamer of a line. Whatever political differences between the two main characters melts away because of that.
This writing from journeyman screenwriter John F. Goodrich (1933’s Deluge, 1936’s Crack-Up) and the story from Lajos Bíró (1933’s The Private Life of Henry VIII,1940’s The Thief of Bagdad) points to a larger problem regarding the film’s political depictions. Never mind the ideological chasm that exists between a man sworn to uphold the tsarist establishment and a woman to whom that very establishment is the embodiment of all that she and her comrades find loathsome. The Last Command, in keeping with Western attitudes towards the Bolsheviks, is decidedly sympathetic towards Imperial Russia, rather than the inebriated, murder-hungry proletariat mob that wants nothing but bloodshed. There is no political nuance to these depictions. Tsarist Russia is honorable, the unquestionably legitimate state; the Bolsheviks’ demands flattened to simply mindless violence for the sake of it. This is not to deny the facts that there were decent people serving the Tsar nor that the Bolsheviks engaged in excessive violence, but that the film overly simplifies the conditions in 1917 Russia.
Despite his status as one of the most accomplished Hollywood directors working during the transition from silent film to synchronized sound, Josef von Sternberg disdained the Studio System and producer control over filmmaking (if only he was alive to see how things are today!). In The Last Command’s bookending scenes in 1928 Hollywood, von Sternberg takes aim squarely at Hollywood norms. Note the arrogance in which the Assistant Director conducts himself in front of all the extras. How infuriating it must be for the audience when he chastises the elderly Sergius for correcting him about a detail on a Russian general’s uniform: “I’ve made twenty Russian pictures. You can’t tell me anything about Russia!” Filmmaking in this environment, according to The Last Command, is exploitative. There is little to no regard about the wellbeing of all the extras scraping by with a meager day’s wages. As for Leo’s intentions for Sergius, the psychological cruelty in which he directs him is something he may or may not come to regret in the film’s final seconds. In those closing shots, the Assistant Director’s pithy remark encapsulates Hollywood’s wanton disregard for those uncredited many who wove themselves into the magical fabric of Old Hollywood.
The film’s most narratively crucial scenes – excluding the romantic scenes between Sergius and Natalie – make excellent use of extras and the blocking of extras. Whether it is the scene where the Bolsheviks drag Sergius off the train and threaten to hang and mutilate him or the film’s final scene on the studio soundstage, there is a bustling of activity in the background. Von Sternberg and cinematographer Bert Glennon (1939’s Stagecoach and Drums Along the Mohawk) vivify The Last Command with these masses of people. Look at the furious, grasping hands as Sergius as the Bolsheviks tear his outer layers off in the cold – this might not approach the violence of Sergei Eisenstein’s Battleship Potemkin (1925), but that is because the anger here is directed at a solitary figure. The crew behind the camera and the extras reacting organically to Sergius’ acting adds to Jannings’ memorable performance in the climax, empowering a scene very obviously shot on a soundstage.
Somehow, these critical framing scenes from The Last Command escaped the attention of Paramount executives during the film’s production. When learning about them only after seeing the final product, they planned to prevent the film’s release. Also citing von Sternberg’s portrayal of the Russian Revolution (including portraits of Stalin and Trotsky), Paramount’s executives only relented when an unnamed Paramount stockholder compelled them to release The Last Command.
In spite of the questionable central romance and its poor historical representations, The Last Command thrives due to Jannings’ performance. Paramount wanted Jannings for this role due to his reputation as a theatrical, bombastic actor. He does not disappoint here. Taking a page from his performance in The Last Laugh, Jannings’ character similarly takes pride in an article of clothing. Where in The Last Laugh he loses his doorman’s uniform, Jannings regains a general’s uniform in The Last Command. With it, an utterly broken man finds a modicum of self-respect (at the very least), or perhaps it resurfaces the jingoist that once was. The physical transformation and mental turn Jannings embodies is absolutely compelling and deeply tragic. Art then begins to replicate the past too faithfully. Man and character become the same. Jannings won the inaugural Academy Award for Best Actor for The Last Command and The Way of All Flesh (1927)‡, despite German Shepherd Rin Tin Tin (1922’s The Man from Hell’s River, 1925’s The Clash of the Wolves) receiving the most votes in the category. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), wishing to be taken seriously and not wanting to bestow the inaugural Best Actor statue to a dog, gave the award to the runner-up, Jannings.
Back in Weimar Germany, Jannings and von Sternberg would work together on The Blue Angel (1930) – their finest collaboration with each other. But the two clashed repeatedly while making The Blue Angel, mostly over von Sternberg’s fawning over Marlene Dietrich during production. Von Sternberg returned to America and remained with Paramount until 1935, and his Hollywood standing rose alongside Marlene Dietrich's. Following the end of that contract, he bounced around various Hollywood studios, never again finding the cinematic footing he had while at Paramount. By contrast, Jannings remains in the German film industry following The Blue Angel and starred in several Nazi propaganda films that, after the end of World War II, made him unemployable.
As if foreshadowing Sunset Boulevard (1950), The Bad and the Beautiful (1952), and even Singin’ in the Rain (1952), this dramatic unpackaging of Hollywood’s dark underbelly has elements of scathing satire that form the backbone of the its best moments. No matter the mutual accusations of imperiousness, Jannings and von Sternberg while on set of The Last Command, pieced together a film that obscures its true messaging beneath its ridiculous romance.
My rating: 8.5/10
^ Based on my personal imdb rating. My interpretation of that ratings system can be found in the “Ratings system” page on my blog. Half-points are always rounded down.
* The Way of All Flesh (1927), The Patriot (1928), and Street of Sin (1928) are lost; Sins of the Fathers (1928) is only rumored to be intact; and only The Last Command and Betrayal (1929) are extant.
‡ The 1st Academy Awards was the only ceremony in which actors and actresses were nominated for a body of work, rather than their work on an individual film.
For more of my reviews tagged “My Movie Odyssey”, check out the tag of the same name on my blog.
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xaracosmia · 2 years
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If you / your muse is on this list, that means you have failed to send in your Activity Check form to THYME within the allotted time. If your muse is on here and you DON’T want them to be kicked for inactivity, you have 24 hours to re-app.
Gina Lestrade
Trucy Wright
Stephanie Brown
The Maid
Cú Chulainn
Hilda Ware
Ren Hawke ( WOL Red Mage )
Ling Yao
Arataki Itto
Juliet Starling
Makina Nakajima
Faust Lavinia
Ritsu Kageyama
Cara Demir
Tamaki Naito
Arthur Morgan
ꕥ  — SHOW BY ROCK !!
Karina “Blue Rose” Lyle
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coolchulainn · 4 years
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Look, let's throw away your tears and simply dance together tonight Have a heated dream with me There is nothing left for me to lose anymore, and therefore Love, give me all of your love
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bayern-moni · 6 years
How nice modesty is
Che bella modestia 😅
Povero Faust
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ieatsuffering · 3 years
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‼️Ok so some obvious trigger warnings ahead‼️
❗️tw: Graphic depictions of suicide and death❗️
If you are struggling with this please seek help!
Suicide hotline: tel:+18002738255
So the game plan is to have an Mc with poor mental health, express their su*icidal thoughts to the Li’s, then get found unconscious from an ob, with both a good and bad end! I can do this!
**Lmao I’ve tried writing this for so long but I ran into some major writers block so all I could get out was Asra and Julian**
He knows somethings wrong, he can feel it with your shared heart
You’re just not your self, random fits of crying, spacing out constantly, not eat, spending whole days just laying in bed staring at the ceiling. Even the things you once loved bring you no joy.
It tears him apart to see you like this, an empty shell of who you used to be
He tries so hard to help you, to cheer you up and care for you, but nothing helps
He can feel your pain
One morning he lays with you in bed as you stare into nothingness. “How are you feeling today Mc, do you want to go for walk?”
“Asra...” you start to speak not looking at him “... I want to die...”
His blood runs cold
“I’m sorry Mc, I don’t think I heard you right...”
“Life just feels pointless, I’m done”
He can’t swallow the lump in his throat, his pulse is in his ears. This must be a bad dream
“I’m so sorry Mc...” he cries, it’s all he can do. Just hold you and cry
After you two manage to calm down and have a long talk he’s determined to heal you
He’s nose deep in spell books, never leaving you side desperately searching for something that may help you
Slowly with his support you start to do better, crying less, moving around more. Things start to go back to normal
Or so he thought
One night while he’s out visiting Muriel he suddenly feels this deep blinding pain in his heart.
“Friend?” Faust ask
Asra blots back to shop shop with heart in his throat runnings as fast as he can tripping over his own feet
“Mc!” He call your name as he busts through the shop door
When you don’t answer he freezes
Not again gods please no not again
Slower now he makes his way to your shared bedroom
There he finds you still and motionless on the your bed purple faces with foam bubbling out of you mouth clutching an empty bottle
Asra good ending
With out even thinking he rushes to your side pressing an ear to you chest, he almost breaks down when he hears the slow faint beat of your heart
He’s not too late
Asra springs into action pouring all of his magic into the most potent healing spell he knows
You jolt up right vomiting the potion as the magic forces you to purge it from your system
Both you and Asra are weak and shaking as you lay together
You’re barley conscious but alive
Once again you’re under asras constent watch however this time instead of trying to help you himself he reaches out to Nadia and Julian
With their help he’s able to get you on a medication for you’re mental health
Slowly but surely you start to be your best self again
Asra bad end
With out even thinking he rushes to your side pressing an ear to you chest, but there’s nothing. You’re pulse has stopped
He’s to late
He just lays there hoping you’re heart will start again
He’s in shock
How could this happen again he lost so much to have you back
He just lays there with you as your body grows cold
Until Faust leads Muriel leads to him holding your corpse
He won’t let you go he can’t. If he lets go you’re truly gone forever
Faust finds Nadia and Julian, it takes all of them to separate Asra from you
They all sit in the floor and hold him as guards come and take your body away for burial
Nadia makes sure you have a grand funeral, that you and Asra get the goodbye you deserve
He keeps up a strong front but Muriel knows, he won’t let Asra out of his sight
Between Muriel, his parents, Faust, and your friends everyone takes turns making sure Asra is never alone, no one wants to loose him too
He never truly heals always looking for someway he can give what’s left of his heart to have you back
He may ignore his problems but he’s very sensitive to others emotions
Between his own experience with depression and working with soldiers, he’s very informed on mental illnesses. PTSD, general anxiety disorder, depression, substance abuse... he’s seen it all
Out of everyone he knows how to help you the best
He’s seen suicide on countless occasions, he knows to signs
You haven’t expressed your suicidal thoughts to him yet, you don’t have to
He’s already watching you like a hawk, constantly by your side. When he can’t be with you he has people he trust watch you.
Of course he doesn’t tell them why just that your feeling down and he’s worried about leaving you alone
On day while he’s working at the clinic he has you spend the day at the palace which is usually the safest place for you between Nadia and Portia
Today however the palace was in chaos. Portia was running around as Nadia is in and out of meetings. You’ll be fine for a few minutes right?
Julian’s face looses it color as he starts to panic when neither Portia or Nadia know where you are when he goes to bring you home
The look on his face is all they need to know that something is gravely wrong
Nadia orders everyone in the palace to search for you and Portia follows with Julian as he runs through the halls screaming your name
Mercedes and Malachoir run up to him howling and crying. Portia tried to chase them off but they nip and bark at julians coat trying to get him to follow
The dogs lead him to a locked pantry in the kitchen
Portia turns to fetch the keys but Julian throughs himself at the door until he breaks it open
There he finds you laying on the pantry floor in a pool of blood with a knife you had grabbed from the kitchen
Julian good ending
He switches in to war surgeon mode rushing to your side to assess the wound on your arm
In truth it was really a pool of blood, but your life was still in danger as the deep gouge on your arm continued to spout blood
He rips his jacket into strips and calls to Portia to bring him wooden spoons for a make shift tourniquet
He uses the rest for the strips as a bandage your arm
He shouts orders to the servants to starilize a room and to fetch the things he needs to mend your arm
Even after he has your arm stitches up and is certain you’re not in any immediate danger , he stays calm and vigilant
Like a machine he cleans your wound, changes your bandages, and makes sure you don’t develop a fever
It isn’t until you come to that he let’s himself break down
He throughs himself around you holding you tight
He cries and screams in agony but also in relief. Heartbroken and furious that you would try to leave him but relived that this time he was there to save you
After this he never really trusts to leave you alone even years after when you’re healed he’ll still get anxious if he doesn’t know where you are
Julian bad end
He goes into war surgeon mode rushing to your side
He can tell it’s to late, he’s seen enough people bleed out in his life to know how much blood is too much
But he won’t let himself believe it. He was too busy the first time you died to save you he couldn’t let it happen again. He couldn’t loose you again because he couldn’t be bothered to care for you
Despite it being a hopeless effort he applies pressure to the gushing wound as your body grows cold
“Come on darling please you can’t leave me”
His hand are shacking covered in your blood
“Nononononono...please.... PLEASE... MC NO DONT LEAVE ME!”
Portia knees to his side placing a gentle hand in his shoulder, “Ilyushka, she’s gone”
He lets out a chocked sob holding your stiff body covered in you blood
He manages to stay strong just long enough to attend your funeral
But the moment they put the last bit of dirt on your grave he’s a wreck
He spends all day in bed and all night wasted getting into fights hoping someone and one will put him out of his misery
One night after getting into a fight with an especially rowdy thug he gets his wish
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