brandstifter-sys · 10 months
For @dukexietyweek Day 1: Tattoo Shop/Florist             (Ao3) (login required)
Word Count: 1261
Characters: fem Virgil (Violetta), fem Remus (Reina)
Rating: T
Warnings: Trans fem Remus, Genderbend, genderfuckery, miscommunication, mild sexual themes
Vi is just an average florist, working a job she doesn't like, but it's worth the frustration because of the tattoo artist across the street. Reina is confident and apologetically trans, why wouldn't Vi have feelings for her? But when Reina comes in to order a bouquet of flowers so she can ask someone out, Vi is heartbroken. If only she knew just who was getting those flowers.
If there was one thing Violetta hated in her life, it was her job. She was fine with flowers, but she was so done with the people buying them. Someone is sick or dying, someone forgot their anniversary, bridezillas demanding the very best for their "special day," cheaters trying to make up for being scum—she hated working with those people. And she hated the people who tried to flirt with her on the clock. 
It was an average Tuesday and business was slow as usual. Vi was scrolling through her phone, finished with cleaning and stocking. She was happy to have some quiet time and roll up her sleeves. 
So she had to keep her arms covered at work because of her ink. Her boss was a little old man with some old fashioned ideas about professional appearance. He and his husband were absolutely wonderful beside that one detail, so Vi didn't complain. 
She was considering adding more detail to her arms later. She was happy with the black angular vines creeping down her forearms and the fluttering burning rose petals dancing around them. But she wanted to add some webs and thorns. And she knew exactly who she wanted to do it. 
Her mind wandered to the tattoo artist across the street. She was so bold and fearless, proud to let her freak flag fly. She was so energetic and friendly, gorgeous and strong. Vi had no idea how to talk to her without making a fool of herself. 
"Hello!" a familiar, nasally voice pulled her out of her trance. Vi put away her phone and looked up at the customer. She knew that mustachioed grin immediately. 
"He—Hey Reina," Vi stammered and hid her face behind her hair. Reina giggled and flipped her wavy dark curls over her bare shoulders. 
"I didn't know you had ink! It's so cool!" 
"Uh, thanks," Vi said softly and rubbed her neck, "What brings you here?
"I need your help," Reina gasped and shimmied, drawing attention to her muscular tits.
"With what?" 
"I need the perfect bouquet to ask a total babe out, and you would have to know the perfect flowers for her!" Reina beamed. She didn't seem to notice Vi's heart breaking. 
Violetta pulled her sleeves down and cracked her neck. She could do this. 
"So what are you thinking, something big and dramatic?" 
"No, she's pretty subtle, except when she smiles—I would rip off my bike shorts and corset in an instant if she told me to while wearing that grin!" Reina gushed and squished her cheeks.
Violetta bristled but tried to keep her feelings out of her work. Whoever made Reina this giddy had to be special and incredible. 
"So, a subtle way to ask her out—You'd probably want morning glories, white jasmines, pink camellias," Vi said and grabbed a notepad to write down the order. 
"What would you want in that kind of bouquet?" Reina pressed and wiggled her mustache.
"Me? Uh, I kinda ignore flower language, but I would probably want to get purple hyacinths, irises, and violets. Pretty much anything purple." 
"Gimme a small bouquet of all of those!" Reina gasped and bounced on her heels. 
"How soon do you need it?" Vi asked and wrote down her order. 
"How soon can old Vince make it?" Reina asked with the excitement of a puppy. Vi could make it and have it ready by the end of her shift. Vince had a lot to do.
"It can be ready by 3." 
"Sweet! I'll be back by then! Thanks Vi!" Reina giggled and skipped off, making Vi regret waking up that morning.
Of course she was going to regret it a lot more when the next customer came into the shop.
Reina was thrilled when she clocked out and skipped into the flower shop. The curvaceous chubby violet wasn't at the counter, but that was okay! Old Vince was there and the humble bouquet was just waiting for her. 
"Hey Vinny!" she cheered and skipped up to the counter, "I have an order to pick up!" 
The old man chuckled at her hype and picked up the purple bouquet. 
"Is this for who I think it's for?" Vince hummed knowingly. Reina beamed and nodded. 
"Then it's on the house. She'll be out any minute." 
"Really? You're the best Vinny!" 
"It's free if she accepts it." 
"I hope she does! She's so pretty and hot and I want to worship her butt and cuddle under the stars! God I hope she's into genderfuck trans women!" Reina gushed, unaware that Vi was trying to sneak past with her hood up. 
"See you tomorrow Vi," Vince called to her. Vi turned to him and waved. Reina saw her runny eyeliner and immediately marched up to her, bouquet in hand. 
"Who do I need to fight?" she asked and grabbed Vi's shoulders. Her eyes were so red and puffy. 
Vi pulled away and shook her head. Reina didn't need to know why she was crying. It was mainly because of that bouquet. 
"It's nothing—just another bridezilla. You don't have to worry about me. Go ask your girl out. Cut flowers don't last forever," she said and hurried out the door. 
Reina hurried after her. 
"Vi, wait!" Reina gasped and nearly barreled into her on the sidewalk. 
"What the hell?!" Vi snapped as she regained her balance.
"Isn't it obvious? I'm trying to ask you out. I can't even ask if you leave!" Reina giggled with an adorable blush on her cheeks. 
"Yeah! I really like you and I know I'm not the most feminine woman so I understand if you aren't interested in—" 
"Are you telling me I made a bouquet for me?" Vi scoffed incredulously.
"I thought I said I wanted Vinny to make it," Reina pouted, "So you wouldn't have to make your own bouquet." 
"And you're sure you want to ask me out? You have to have other options." 
"How many options do you think I have?" Reina giggled, "I’m a genderfuck trans woman who won’t take any shit about being the right kind of trans!” 
“If you want to say no, I won’t be mad at you, I won’t take it too bad,” Reina sighed, “I’m not trying to force anything or hurt you.” 
Vi bit her lip and took a deep breath. She could do this, even if she was hesitant. She wanted this. 
“Ree,” she said and stood on her toes to kiss her cheek, “You wanna come over and get take out? We can marathon Halloween and cuddle.” 
“Should I go home and get comfy clothes?” 
“No, I have some stuff that should fit you. And if you tear the sleeves, I don’t mind,” Vi shrugged, “I kinda like the idea of having a buff girlfriend.” And then she squeaked as Ree scooped her up, holding her by the thighs.
“If you just want me to go shirtless, you can say so!” she giggled as Vi hid her face in her shoulder, “I won’t stop you from freeing the tiddy!” 
“Ree, put me down,” Vi huffed, “People are staring.”
Reina kissed her head and gently set her on her feet. Vi grabbed her hand and led her toward her apartment. 
“And maybe if you want, I can show you the rest of my ink,” Vi suggested. Reina would be thrilled to take her up on that offer, but she was happy just to hold her hand and call Vi her big tiddy goth girlfriend. Even if the flowers did nothing to get them there.
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doodle-png · 2 years
so i wanted to draw my fem!sides designs then i wanted to draw naga!sides sooooooo have naga!fem sides doodles HDKJSAHF
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Genderbent!Virgil: hey
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djpurple3 · 3 years
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This woman is my destiny,
she said, "Ooh, shut up and dance with me!"
I stayed up til like 3am colouring this, bc lighting is atrociously hard and i did my best. [Click for better quality!!]
This is a half-baked au that's been drifting around in my head which floats around the moment these two ladies meet in a nightclub and Virginia (Virgil lol) takes a risk to just have a good night with Reiner (Remus) and it pays off for them 💜💚
might write it down/doodle more later idk
@leiasolo77 @broadwaytheanimatedseries @nerdy-as-logan @milomeepit @magpiemorality @fangirltothefullest @ironwoman359 @dukexiety stans
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goodieghosty · 3 years
If you're still taking lewd requests, maybe fem!virgil and fem!remus? if not that's perfectly fine
Lewd below cut
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Would you ever write fem!Sides content?
aaa thank u for the ask!!
ooooh this is a good question and. i genuinely am not sure?? i often use the sides to project my transmasculinity or my nonbinaryness onto and explore those things and my relationship with them. so just through that fact alone, i think i am much less drawn to fem!sides than i might otherwise be, because of how extremely personal my approach to the sides and gender often is.
i'm not going to say i would never do it, but i think it's unlikely to happen in the near future, because my gender feelings are A Mess rn lol. and people irl keep pushing femininity and womanhood onto me when i have done my best to make it clear i am not comfortable with them doing that, which is very unpleasant and makes it a lot harder for me to connect with femininity on my own terms. so that complicates things rip.
(i will say lesbians moceit with butch patton is very big brain though. i could also see fem loceit being really fun. and possibly dukexiety.)
[ask me what i would & would not write!]
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monkeythefander · 3 years
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Here is a fem-dukexiety drawing based on “The Zombie Song” by Stephanie Mabey. I hope the dukexiety shippers like this 💜💚.
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igotthit · 4 years
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Day 2 - Fairytales
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eevee-eclair · 4 years
Little Miss Muffet
Written by EeveeEclair
TW: spider person, mention of eating bugs (a cricket muffin), body horror(?), Fem!Sides, (tell me if I missed one)
Random side note: This was actually planned out! Sort of… (also, Roxie is Remus, Rose is Roman, Petunia is Patton, and Vanessa is Virgil. They are fem!sides)
Roxie sighed as she sat down on a tuffet next to a tree, thankful for the shade. It had been a long day and she was excited to eat the muffin Petunia had baked her. Not only was it Petunia’s extremely great baking, it was her favorite too; a cricket muffin. It was surprisingly good since crickets taste like nuts. Plus, it was full of protein so it was good for her too.
She unwrapped the muffin and took a huge bite, blissfully unaware of the shadowy figure creeping up behind her. It got so close, if she was aware of anything around her, she would notice the extra eyes and limbs coming off them.
“Whatcha eating?” They asked after watching Roxie eat a few bites.
Roxie screamed and jumped away from the direction of the voice. When she looked back she saw what looked like a spider woman hybrid.
“I’m so so sorry!” They cried. “I didn’t mean to scare you!”
Roxie just stared at them. “What?”
“I smelled your muffin and it smelled so good! So I wanted to know what you were eating,” they mumbled. “I’m Vanessa Spider by the way. She/her pronouns please.”
Roxie nodded. “I’m Roxie Muffet. She/her too,” she said. “Might I ask what you are?”
“Well I thought that was obvious,” Vanessa laughed. “But if you must know I’m a spider,” she said, climbing up the tree and hanging from some web. Probably to prove her point.
“Yeah, that was pretty obvious sorry,” she said. “I can’t see you, can you step into the light or what? You said you were a spider, not a vampire.”
Vanessa laughed. “I can if you want. But you probably don’t want that,” she laughed.
“If I didn’t want that, I wouldn’t have asked,” she said. “Now come here so I can see you.”
“Fine! Have it your way,” she said. Roxie could almost hear the eyeroll.
Vanessa got off the silk she was dangling from and walked into the warm autumn sun. Roxie gasped as she took in the eight legs and six eyes. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of violet and despite her having eight legs, she was surprisingly short.
“You’re beautiful,” Roxie muttered. And it was true. She had never seen someone so beautiful.
“Really? You’re not just saying that so I don’t eat you?” She asked. She sounded scared and Roxie felt her heart break at the sound of it.
“Of course not!” She said. “You’re like, extremely hot! And you eat people? That’s even cooler!”
Vanessa laughed. “No, I don’t eat people. Sorry to disappoint. But most people see my face and run for the hills. You’re probably the first person to stick around this long.”
Roxie walked closer to her. “Well I think your face is beautiful. How about you and me go get some muffins and coffee?” She asked, grabbing her hand and kissing it. Oh if Rose could see her now.
“I don’t think I’m allowed in town,” she mumbled. “People might think I’m a monster.”
Roxie laughed. “Trust me, if you’re with me, you’ll be fine,” she said. “Now shall we? I would like you to meet my friends. They’ll love you.”
“Well… okay. But only because you’re so cute I could just eat you,” Vanessa said, smiling.
“I’m not opposed to that, but please, take a girl to dinner first!” Roxie joked.
“That’s not what I meant but sure,” Vanessa shrugged. “Now, let's go get some muffins!”
“And then they have little spider babies together!” Remus said.
Virgil laughed. “That’s one way to tell ‘Little Miss Muffet’. I liked it,” he smiled, kissing his boyfriend on the forehead. “Now we should get to bed.”
“Ffffine! But I want snuggles,” he demanded.
“Anything for you, Cephy,” Virgil said.
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brandstifter-sys · 10 months
Hiding Eyes
For @dukexietyweek Day 7: Soulmate            (Ao3) (login required)
Word Count:2797
Rating: T
Characters: Remus, fem Patton, fem Janus, Virgil
Warnings: mtf Virgil, genderbend, background moceit, sex mention, alcohol
In a world where you have one of your soulmate's eyes and can see what they're seeing if you cover your borrowed eye, it should be easy to find your soulmate. Unless you can't see anything when you try and get a look. Remus, a movie star, is unfortunate that he can't see anything. He's ready to give up hope until a chance meeting at his oldest friend's drag show.
Sometimes it was hard to look for a soulmate even though they had one of your eyes. If they covered the borrowed eye they could see what you were looking at. For Remus, it was a lot harder to tell. 
He was happy to be finished with his latest movie and wanted to either sleep or get smashed. At least this one wasn't some trashy romcom where he'd have to play straight. It was a trashy macabre romcom where he had to play bi, Cthulhu in Love , and he was the lead! He was just glad that he didn't have to sit in makeup for hours to get his face tentacles done that day and instead just put on a fake beard to match his mustache. And he had the next day off!
Remus carefully removed the color contact from his right eye and closed his eyes. All he could see was darkness but it was nice, sometimes the light was too much. He sighed, not bothering to just cover his right eye to catch a glimpse of his soulmate's world. He never saw anything. Sometimes he wondered if he even had a soulmate. 
He wouldn't be surprised if he didn't, he was aro and he didn't really want to enter some one-sided romance if he could help it. But it would be nice to at least see who got stuck with him. He knew he was a lot to handle. 
"Hey, Remus?" someone called to him from the other side of the door. Remus got up with a grunt and opened it to reveal his costar, Pat, and she looked worn out. 
"What's up Patty-cake?" he asked and leaned against the door frame. 
"Sorry if I'm bothering you, I just thought you might want to get some dinner and see Janice's performance tonight," Pat said and played with her hoodie strings. Remus couldn't really say no, he wanted to see his childhood bestie's drag performance even if she spent the rest of the night with her soulmate. 
"Give me five minutes to get dressed and then we can party!" he grinned, "If you want to watch me strip you can come in!" Pat shook her head and smiled sweetly. 
"I'm spoken for. I'll be here when you're ready!" 
"One of us has to be," Remus shrugged. 
"You have a soulmate, little mister, and I will fight you if you say you don't!" 
"You can't win on an empty stomach!" Remus jeered, "And Jan would get off seeing you beat me up!" 
"Remus," she scowled and adjusted her glasses. 
"I'll be right out!"
Remus was incognito, hiding his skunky bangs with a beanie and his body in a hoodie and baggy pants. Pat wasn't as hidden as they entered the bar, reeking of McDonald's. It wasn't terribly crowded, but still full and dimly lit. Remus could see the low stage and the lights. It would be a good show. 
"If you save me a seat, I'll get the drinks," Remus suggested. 
"Okay, can you get me a Hemingway Champagne, please?" she said brightly. Remus ruffled her hair and laughed before sauntering to the bar. 
Remus moved like he was the hottest thing in the world and leaned against the bar with a winning smile. The bartender got one look at him in his bum attire and sighed. She was pretty, with long purple hair that covered her right eye and half of her glasses. She had deathly pale skin that looked more pallid paired with her black hoodie. 
"Hey there gorgeous!" Remus cooed and motioned her over. She moved towards him reluctantly and crossed her arms. 
"I thought I told you I'm not doing it. I'm not falling for it." 
"Falling for what?" 
"Don't play dumb, Roman. A fake mustache and a pale blue color contact are not going to convince me that you're Remus." 
"So you know the boring theater twin!" Remus laughed, "I'm sorry for you, girl!" The bartender's visible eye went wide and she shook her head. 
"I'm not going to kill him, I'm not going to kill him," she sighed as her cheeks turned pink.
"That's my job! And here I thought Roman didn't have hot friends!" 
"Are you gonna order or waste my time?" she huffed. 
"Can I get a Death in the Afternoon and Alligator Sperm? And if you have to spit in one, aim for the gator! Pattycake doesn't deserve my hate," Remus said brightly before he noticed her eye. It was the same brown-green hazel as his. 
"Anything else or do you need to stay sober for your next shoot?" 
"That's all for now. How did you know I'm shooting a new movie?" 
"Jan. She always gushes about her soulmate being a movie star and working with you all the time. I haven't told anyone if you're trying to keep an industry secret or something," she shrugged, not exactly telling the whole truth, but Remus couldn't be sure.
"It's not really a secret, just not well known. I'm sure it's all over my fan pages! I can't hide from them, not that I want to—they're why I have what I do." 
"It's not because you have talent or anything," she scoffed and rolled her eyes. Remus snickered and bobbed his head back and forth.
"Talent? Half the time I don't even speak in my fun movies! It's my hot bod and creepy mannerisms that sell those! I mean it was the fans that petitioned for me to play the creature in Frankenstein. I wasn't considered since I'm not a tall brooding goth prince, but it's my best performance, and I have the fans to thank for that."
"You were better in Cuttle as a tentacle monster. Even if the fanart got weird. I needed to bleach my eyes." 
"Is that why you cover your soul eye?" 
"I keep one eye covered because it's light sensitive, because of genetics," she said flatly and got to work on the drinks, avoiding eye contact.
"Do you put eyeshadow and liner on both sides?" Remus asked. She moved her bangs to reveal that she had an eye patch on her glasses. 
"There's no point. Anything else or are you going to give your friend her drink?" 
"Oh Pat! Right! We're both here for Janice, or should I say, Dante Infernal! You got me there! Can I get your name before I go? Hot bartender isn't a good name." 
"Violetta, but you can call me Vi," she said shyly and slid him both drinks. Remus beamed and took them. 
"Thanks! I like that name! Maybe I'll see you around!" he said and trotted off to find Pat. 
Of course, when he found her, she was with Janice in a more secluded booth, giggling and flirting with the drag king. It was so easy for Dante Infernal to charm anyone with his wry smirk and gentlemanly wiles. It was cute but Remus was not interested in third wheeling just yet. He was too sober to deal with any romance. 
"Should I get you a second straw to share?" he teased and set her drink on the table. Pat giggled and beamed at him. 
"Thank you so much Ree!" 
"Hello Remus, I'm surprised you haven't snapped anyone up yet," Janice teased. Remus shrugged and took a swig of his curdling drink. 
"I just got here, give me some time!" he laughed, "And maybe I want to be a good friend first!" Janice chuckled as he downed the rest of his drink. 
"So you're going to give me a few dollars and sulk at the bar this time?" she hummed knowingly as Pat sipped her drink. 
"Maybe," he pouted, "As long as the hot bartender doesn't get tired of me!" 
"Violetta? Oh, darling, if she figures out you're you, you might get tired of her . She's a huge fan of your horror movies, and your butt." 
"Really? I mean my ass is perfect but she didn't seem interested in it! She's got the big tiddy goth girlfriend vibe so it checks out that she'd like those movies!" 
"She certainly does, even before her top surgery she was gifted," Janice said bitterly. 
"Your tiny titties are cute!" Pat cooed and hugged her. Jan nuzzled her hair and kissed her cheek. Remus blinked and stared at them both. He was still too sober for this.
"I'm gonna go back and get another drink." 
"Remus, don't drink too much, okay?" Pat pouted. Remus flicked his wrist at her and pulled a few bills from his pocket. 
"Don't have too much rockin sex, okay?" he retorted and handed the money to Jan. She knew that meant he wouldn't be close by when she performed. She also knew that Pat was flustered, so she waved Remus off to do whatever he was planning. 
Remus waved impishly and went back to the bar, this time hopping on a stool and setting his empty glass down. Vi glanced at him and sighed. 
"Finished already?" 
"Yeah, can I get another one?" he asked and wiggled his eyebrows as she took the glass. 
"Not for a while. I'm not letting you get drunk, pretty boy. Your romcom fans will eat you alive." 
"I'd rather my horror fans did. Literally!" he jeered, "You know you want to!" 
"Do I?" she asked and set the glass on a tray to go through the wash.
"Well you've got Jennifer's body, so why not enjoy a snack?" 
"What?" she snorted and turned around.
"Is your name Megan because damn you're foxy!" Remus purred with a goofy grin. 
"Shouldn't you save that for your soulmate?" she said with a snicker. Remus wanted to hear her laugh more. 
"I don't think I have one, I'm aro and I don't see anything when I do the eye thing," he said with a shrug, "I don't mind. If I had one, they'd have to deal with the paparazzi, my schedule, and me!" 
"Being aro doesn't mean you don't have a soulmate, I can tell you that much. Blind people exist. And maybe don't treat yourself like a problem. It doesn't help anyone," Vi replied and leaned on the bar across from him. 
"I'm a lot to handle, but I'm a lot of sexy fun too," Remus giggled, "So you're aro spec, huh? And you have a soulmate?" 
"Yeah, but the universe hates me so I don't look anymore. They're only interested in men. But you're not here to listen to my problems." 
"I don't mind, I'm curious—what idiot wouldn't want a babe like you?" he said and held his chin in his hands. 
"Some idiot I knew of in school who's in the film industry now. Roman thinks you might know them, I'm pretty sure you do." 
"Can I see your other eye? It could help me figure out who they could be. And I kinda just want to see both eyes." 
"I'm gonna regret this," Vi sighed and moved her bangs. She lowered her glasses and bit her lip, trying not to squeeze her eyes shut in the dim light. 
Remus gasped when he saw that familiar pale blue iris staring at him. He slapped his hand over his right eye and saw a blurry version of himself gawking and covering his eye. His hand fell to his side and he shook with so much excitement he had no idea how to release it.
"Remus?" Vi asked hesitantly and readjusted her glasses. She was regretting that choice. 
She yelped when he grabbed her face and kissed her like he would die without her lips. 
"Holy shit!" Vi gasped and lurched back. Her lips were tingling and she was staring at Remus in shock. 
"I know I should've asked first," he said softly, "I wasn't thinking." 
"But you—" 
"Love is love, no matter how romantic or platonic or alterous. And I could see myself falling headfirst in a vat of battery acid for you, no romance required." 
"You don't have to do that," she said with a shy laugh. Remus beamed, proud that he could bring that sound out of her. 
"So we went to school together, and you were too shy to say anything to me, huh?" 
"You were—are so confident and bold, and you had friends, it was intimidating, and I was really just a nobody with self esteem issues and I avoided you as much as I could. The easiest way to do that was spending time with Roman." 
"Hmm, well it would be really funny if you were the hot emo who always had headphones and a spiderweb backpack! I had such a mesh it was embarrassing!" 
"Oh god," Vi groaned and went bright red, "I still have that backpack." 
"Okay now I definitely need your number and I need to take you on a date!" Remus laughed, "I can be covert if you like!" 
"Please? I don't need the paparazzi tearing into me because I'm an edgy trans woman." 
"The only one tearing into you is gonna be me!" Remus jeered. Vi shook her head and readjusted herself. 
"Go watch the show, my shift is over in five so I'll find you, before Jan can rub it in," Vi said, "And don't think you're gonna be the one tearing into anyone." 
"I'm looking forward to proving Pat right! And getting to know you!" Remus grinned and waved impishly before trotting off to join his co-star. 
Unfortunately for Remus, he missed Janice's performance, but he was able to take his seat by the lovers without drawing attention to himself. 
"There you are, Remus," Jan hummed and ran her fingers through Pat's hair, "finally tired of your biggest fan?" 
"Nope! I just wanted to check in on you and tell you that I owe Pattycake a puppy!" 
"You found your soulmate!" Pat gasped and sat up. Remus nodded excitedly with a bright grin. Pat squeaked and hugged him, far too excited to contain herself. 
"Did you meet them or did you finally see something?" Pat squealed, "Do you know what they look like? Are they handsome?" 
"Darling, let him breathe," Janus hummed, "One question at a time." 
"I finally got to see and I met my soulmate," Remus giggled and shimmied excitedly. Pat was so happy, hanging off his every word. Jan was more interested in the figure looming towards them. 
"And she is the most beautiful woman with the most sultry voice and she could burn me alive with her stare!" Remus gushed, and swooned, leaning into the seat, "And I want her to step on me."
"That's no way to describe someone to your witnesses," Vi said and sat next to Remus. Remus leaned against her and beamed. 
"Well, this is an unexpected twist," Jan hummed with a smirk. Vi flipped her off and flipped her hair over her shoulder. 
"Sounds like you expected it," Remus giggled and wrapped his arm around Vi. She leaned against him and placed her hand on his thigh.
"I did, but I didn't expect you to be so, adoring," Jan hummed. Remus shrugged. 
"It's not romantic adoration, it's all about power, beauty, the macabre, personal connection, and lust!" 
"Lust?" Pat squeaked and inched closer to Jan.
"I'm a horny little bastard!" Remus giggled, "And it takes a lot to tame me!" 
"I doubt it," Vi jeered.
"You would be the first to say that!" Remus jeered. 
"Wait until your brother hears!" Pat gasped, looking for any reason to change the topic. 
"He's known since high school. He'll be insufferable," Vi sighed, "More insufferable than Remus' rabid fans who hate his soulmate because he's not theirs and he won't ever see them like that." 
"They what?" Remus gasped. 
"They're usually kids. They get over it. Online I actually like to claim that yes, your soulmate is a raging bitch who would whip you and make you beg for the tiniest scrap of love," Vi said with a tiny smirk. 
"You shouldn't be so mean to yourself, and you shouldn't lie just to belittle yourself either," Pat pouted. Vi shrugged and glanced at Remus. He was fighting back a fit of giggles.
"I'm not lying," she said softly. Remus' jaw dropped before a gleeful giggle escaped him. 
"You really are my soulmate! Please tell me you have more than just whips and begging in mind!" he squealed and kissed her cheek, pulling her closer. 
"I'll tell you more about it when we go on a real date." 
"There's a nice diner that Jan and I go to, it's quaint and it doesn't have a pretty face, and it's open 24/7," Pat suggested. 
"Are you free tonight?" Remus asked.
"No. I'm supposed to be going to a diner with my soulmate," Vi teased. Remus laughed brightly. Yeah, he was more than happy with his soulmate.
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doodle-png · 2 years
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i wanted to draw val in a pretty swimsuit i found on tiktok that really fit her well
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Idk why but fem!dukexiety makes me feel so much serotonin
Just... chaotic girls kissing and fluff.....yes
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djpurple3 · 4 years
Shut Up And Dance is a big dukexiety song no i will not be taking criticism
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xxlovelosshopexx · 4 years
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daised-daisy · 3 years
Writing Masterpost
Ego Bruises
Fit For A Prince?
i trust you (more than i should)
My Star
Our Happily Ever After
Quick! Kiss Me!
Sarcasm: My Worst Enemy
Stay Instead
Which Best Friend?
After the Trial (one-sided, u!Janus)
An Act
“Awww, is someone jealous?”
Baby Clothes
Curses and Secrets (fem!sides)
Killed on Sight
Magic Fix
College AU (more)
My Prince’s Tears
Roman Searches for Love in a Bar
The Other Man
Don’t Hurt Him
Bored of You
Hold Me
Sick Fic
Sleep, My Knight
Kid Remus & Dad Patton
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sablesides-ask-blog · 4 years
Can You Do “Everything’s Gonna Be Okay..” With Genderbent!Dukexiety Where Fem!Virgil And Fem!Remus Find A Baby On Their Doorstep?
Viviana could barely think straight that day, well she was hardly ever think straught; but today the ONLY thing she was thinking about was her girlfriend Ruby. Viviana hadn't been feeling the best, and Ruby was the only person who seemed to make that feeling go away. The feeling of her lips on Viviana's, her arms wrapped around her waist. But Ruby had to go to work, so Viviana was stuck at home, completely alone.
Until she heard a knock on the door. She waited, holding her breath, until she heard footsteps retreating from the porch. She opened the door slightly, and was greeted with a basket, inside of which, was a baby. Viviana felt her heart give a lurch. She took the basket from the porch and walked inside, setting it on the table in front of the couch and taking the baby out to hold in her arms.
"Oh you poor thing, you look like you havent eaten in days," Viviana said, the baby started to cry. She held it close to her chest, cradling it as though it were made of glass. She sung a quiet lullaby to it, waiting for it to fall asleep.
She couldnt have been happier when Ruby got home.
"Viviana? Where are you?" Ruby's low voice came from downstairs.
"Up here!" Viviana called, the baby still pressed to her chest.
"Why didnt you come downst-" Ruby stopped when she noticed what Viviana was holding in her arms.
"Where did you-" Ruby rushed over, looking over Viviana's shoulder at the bundle in her arms. The baby looked up at her, and its eyes filled with tears. Ruby flinched back, instinctively covering the mustache on her face.
"Its alright Ruby, you just frightened him, come on, you're not scary," Viviana said, resting her head on Ruby's shoulder.
"Shhh, everything's gonna be ok little one, we're your family now," Viviana whispered to the child, slowly but surely, its cries died down.
"How are you so good at this?" Ruby asked, untying the pigtails in Viviana's hair to play with it.
"I had to help a lot with my siblings growing up," Viviana said, she sounded sad.
"So what are we gonna call him?" Ruby asked, looking down at the baby.
"Hmm, I think Thomas has a nice ring to it, dont you?" Viviana said. Ruby gave a slight nod before getting off the couch.
"I'm gonna go find some disney movies," she said before racing downstairs.
Viviana was content with this new adjustment, finally she had someone to keep her company while Ruby was at work, and all she had to do was give him disney movies and love.
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