#ffxv rainy days headcanons
Rainy Days in Insomnia
Young Prince Regis and his crew all cope with the rain differently. So, which one overthinks things and who gets to spend the entire day listening to jazz?
Prince Regis
Contrary to belief, Prince Regis loves the rain.
In fact, he rejoices whenever it pours.
The main reason for this is the fact that he has the excuse to stay in the Citadel.
And when he has nowhere else to go, then he’s got a very good reason to go and visit his father, King Mors.
The prince would engage his father in every conversation possible, or challenge him to a game of chess to which the prince always, always loses.
He doesn’t mind his chess blunders, however. Every moment he can spend with his father, whether he gets a good scolding, a long lecture on chess, politics or even ehem, adult things,  Regis doesn’t mind at all. At least he doesn’t have to attend to his princely duties that would take up so much of his time away from his father.
During rainy days, Regis is very much the only person who is active in the Citadel.
He’d bother Clarus to no end with his talk, or ask Cor Leonis to  spar with him. 
Sometimes, Regis would pitch some of the Crownsguard or Kingsglaive for Cor, amused in the confused expression of the young soldier whenever someone tries to flirt with him.
If no one else is available to be engaged in conversation and other such things, Regis amuses himself with books.
The other thing he ever bothers himself with is music. He can’t play any instruments save for a couple of songs in the guitar, but he listens to his collection of valses, concertos and most of all, songs by the latest Jazz or country singers. 
With the latter, Cid was a huge influence. Not the cowboy kind as the prince is not fond of it even one bit, but the relaxing, home-feel kind of songs.
Expect Regis to drink a hot beverage, especially chai tea whenever the weather gets cold and dreary.
Owns a very expensive foldable black umbrella. He likes keeping it with him if he has no choice but to travel in the rain. He would share it, but of course, not with strangers. 
He’s the one who, if he had the choice, would buy a transparent umbrella. But he’s supposed to be incognito out in the streets so he can’t.
Also, speaking of choices, if the young Prince can be extra lively in the halls, he would. Although, he’s the one who’s bound to be greeting everyone with an extra cheery tone just to lift the mood. 
Sleeping on a cold night is one of Regis’ favourites. He looks forward to it with a smile on his face.
He curls up in his luxurious Lucian duvet, feeling the soft texture of his bedsheets against his skin even as the Fulgurian shows his might in the grey skies.
He likes to spray his room with a light scented perfume to help him ease in to beautiful sleep.
Regis is actually very indulgent of himself in the rain. Expect him to reach for a nice slice of decadent cake and a glass of wine as he’s all cozy in front of the fireplace either in his study or in his father’s solar as the rain pours outside.
A warning or not. Don’t sit beside Regis on the couch, especially on a rainy afternoon.
Because if he falls asleep, he’ll cuddle the next person until he wakes up half an hour later. Everyone learned this the hard way. 
Not even Cid’s excessing cursing of ‘son of a garula’ or ‘wretched bastard’  or ‘gerrofff me or I’ll strangle yer royal throat kid’, Regis won’t budge. And boy, Cid would never stop making everyone wake Regis up. It makes for a good photo op for Weskham, however.
Clarus Amicitia
Clarus is a sleepy man on rainy days.
Nothing lulls him to sleep better than the soft pattering of rain on the roofs and windows.
No one is surprised to see the man nodding off on meetings or curled up in a corner of the solar, a book laid flat on his face, snoring the rainy day away.
No amount of coffee wakes him up.
The only thing that could stop him from falling asleep on a grey day is a sparring match.
So when the rain comes, everybody shuffles away from the young Amicitia’s path.
No one wants to be his sparring partner for the whole day, not even Cor. He’s much too strong for everyone.
Regis made the mistake of accepting his request and ended up looking as a haggard, rain-soaked and ruffled chocobo after that. Never again, said Regis.
In days when Clarus can resist the temptation to sleep in as it rains cats and dogs outside, he’d be found walking around the perimeter of the Citadel several times.
It is during these rare days that Clarus can be engaged in any kind of conversation. He’s a bit of a curt man, but when it rains, he relaxes somewhat, thus making him quite open to socialising with people he works with.
Clarus is the one who can detect if it’s going to rain because of his hobby of watching his environment.
As soon as Clarus predicts the rain coming, Weskham would buy all of his ingredients to stock up for his ‘rainy day comfort food’.
If he’s supposed to be out in the rain, he brings out his huge umbrella. It fits everyone under it.
Clarus likes to sleep in early during rainy nights. He can’t be made to stay up when the feel of his comfy bed beckons him to a wonderful night full of sleep.
Veritas a.k.a. V
She has a love-hate relationship with the rain.
Veritas likes the fact that whenever it rains, everybody stays indoors. It brings everyone together.
A busy Regis becomes very much engaged in every conversation. A sleepy Clarus is lightly snoring on the couch as everybody huddles by the fire. A contemplative Cor puts up the best topic for debate. And Cid, well…Cid brings in the fire in the cracker. Meaning, he’s the one who gets everyone either arguing or laughing in the room, even King Mors.
Veritas is very much inclined to delve into her ‘gentle hobbies’, as Regis likes to call it.
The immortal would curl up in one corner, preferably near the window or the fire and start doing some embroidery work. Sometimes, she’d take a pencil and her notebook and would start to either draw or write. And when she finds a new book, she’d be busy reading it, too.
Just don’t leave her with nothing to do on a rainy day.
Rainy day makes her feel down. She remembers the days she spent with the First King of Lucis and how he held her inside the Citadel for days just so she wouldn’t escape him. She hated those days. And the rain makes her remember such horrible things.
Cid is the one who is able to coax her to get up from her seat and hover over to watch the card game.
She’s highly likely to tell Cor Leonis of what cards Regis has in his hand, to which Regis calls her out on it, daring her to try the game herself. 
She tries it, but fails. All the time. She’s horrible with games.
She’s the target of one such Prince Regis whenever he’s in one of his dancing moods. He’d pull her up from her seat to whirl her about the room as his favorite valse is playing, says he needs to practice for that moment he finds the opportunity to dance with Aulea. She agrees; he can dance, but not without mischief.
She’s not averse to sparring. She’ll spar with Clarus. But only once. 
Her energy’s too low on rainy days.
Except when she has been engaged in some sort of activity the day before, then she’ll be inclined to try and finish it even on a dreary day.
She’s extra sociable in rainy nights. She’ll be happy to answer questions or tell stories. Just don’t ask her about Somnus Lucis Caelum her ex-something. She’d clam up and change the subject all too obviously. 
Veritas likes to drink hot chocolate as she gazes out into the window.
The smell of the rain doesn’t bother her at all.
Cid Sophiar
Rain? What rain?
Cid Sophiar doesn’t care whether it is raining cats and dogs or blazing like a hundred degree oven outside. Nothing stops him from doing whatever it is that he needs to do.
He likes to work on his cars and machines even if the rain is dripping down on his skin, as long as his precious leather jacket stays out of the way.
One is bound to find the mechanic strolling about Insomnia in the rain without his umbrella.
He doesn’t even get sick when he does so.
He likes to feel the rain against his skin, revelling in the way it falls on him.
When it rains and Cid is with his friends, expect a whole tirade of stories.
Cid likes to tell stories whenever the rain pours down. Everyone is there with him escaping the rain, so he has all the reason to be sociable, right?
He almost always tells the exact same stories that whenever he has the dialogues coming up, either Regis or Weskham would mouth the words quietly while doing the exact same gestures as Cid does when he blurts out the lines.
When he has the chance, he’d blast up the volume of his radio as it plays his favourite songs.
Regis curls in the sofa of Cid’s house, pulling the pillows over his head, groaning in contempt.
However Regis might hate Cid’s rainy day playlist of swamp music, the prince is delighted to partake in Cid’s delicious comfort food: tacos.
Everybody loves Cid’s comfort food for rainy days. Veritas especially loves the chili, to which she is the direct competitor to the limited stock of it against Cor Leonis.
But when the night comes and it is still raining, Cid Sophiar becomes quiet.
He likes to look out the window, watching the rain against the glass, the bokeh effect of lights beautiful in his eyes.
He stares a lot at his hands, too, wondering just how his life is going by in front of his eyes. He can be very mellow in rainy nights.
But when the morning comes, he forgets everything.
And he’s Cid Sophiar all over again. All fire and energy, as usual.
Cor Leonis
The sulkiest boy in Lucis.
Cor Leonis hates the rain.
Allergy boy. Sneezes incessantly whenever it starts raining.
He can’t go outside to get some fresh air.
Plus, it gets him into one of his moods.
On rainy days, Cor Leonis contemplates on his own existence.
He questions the decisions he’s made or the ones he is going to make.
His family is of a lesser status as those serving the Crown of Lucis. His decision was to make some sort of distinction for themselves. But he was wondering if he did the right thing.
Instead of going to school or acting like boys his age, he was serving the King of Lucis, secluded within the walls of the Citadel, hearing of news of threats against the kingdom instead of listening to jokes or lessons.
He doesn’t mind those, however. What he kept thinking about is if he’s worthy to be serving the royal family in the first place.
Aside from this, there’s just something about the rain that makes him feel so aware of things.
He’s extra observant of the way the light shifts in the room whenever a storm cloud passes by, or whenever the fire crackles in the fireplace, the distant sound of cars drowned out in the rain, or the sweet scent of hot tea as it lingers in the air of every room in the Citadel.
He likes to stand in front of the windows and just stare out into nothingness, a cup of coffee or barley tea in his hand.
He’s rather fond of the conversations that King Mors and Prince Regis would engage in. He’s often being invited to join, and the laughter or the banters that would echo in the room would comfort him from his rather dreadful reveries.
Cor likes the valses in the rain, too. He likes to listen as the records play out with the scratches echoing from the speaker.
He’d listen to the music as his hand touches every surface he could find, revelling in the way that his senses are even more sensitive in the rain.
Rainy days are the best time to make Cor Leonis memorise something. He’s got nothing else to do, so better make the most of it and ask him to memorise a military strategy or a poem, or anything at all. Except maps, of course. He’s bad at remembering geography.
Weskham Armaugh (before they left for Accordo)
The deep-voiced retainer loves to take things easy on a rainy day.
He’s not sleepy like Clarus nor is he moody like Cor.
No. Weskham drops every appointment he makes and stays indoors. 
He can do some paper work and research, but his priority is to sit back and relax as he listens to the rain.
He’s one of those ‘romantics’ who would light up a candle in his room, put up some incense or sandalwood scent, as well as playing some soft music like jazz to complement the mood.
He’s an intellectual, but he doesn’t shy away from feeling his senses, mainly those that eases some of his troubles away.
Expect him to run a bath at the end of the day, warm and relaxing, a glass of wine in his hand as he reads his new book.
Despite his ‘idle’ state, Weskham gets most of his work done during rainy days. The more relaxed he is, the more he can focus on his work.
Weskham whips up the best soup or pasta on rainy days and everyone looks forward to it.
His friends, and even some of the Kingsglaive would wait in the kitchen as he finishes up his delicious food.
The kitchen becomes one of the liveliest place in the Citadel because of him.
Even King Mors would look forward to Weskham’s famous Lucian Tomato and Olives Pasta.
He’s most susceptible to singing while it’s raining. It gets him into one of his moods wherein he can be heard singing from outside his door.
And he’s got a really good voice, too.
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xmydaysinmilanx · 7 years
Hii, could you hit me up with a Headcannon for how the bois like to spend time with their s/o on rainy days.
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- Low key, happy to lounge around on his phone all day whilst his S/O occupies themselves, whether that be drawing chocobos, listening to the sweet sound of the raindrops falling or simply staring at Noctis because freakiness is life. - He might want attention after an hour though. He’ll insist on ordering food because neither him or his S/O can be arsed to cook. - Will want to watch a comedy movie - he’s sick of shit sometimes, being a Royal is hard so he needs laughter and joy.-Once the movie’s finished it’s way past 1am so Noctis insists on the pair of them heading to bed by taking his S/O’s hand, leading them upstairs.Prompto
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-Would like to embrace his romantic side cuddling his s/o under the blanket, in front of a fire. So kinda like indoor camping for the cuteness
- Will insist on taking millions of selfies for his Chocogram page. Hashtags include: #LuckyGuy, #DayOff, #DaysOffBeLike, #DoSomethingUnique, #LiveLifeProsper - Will suggest playing some video games whilst wrapped in blankets once his S/O has grew tired of all the indoor camping selfies. He will expect them to sit in between his legs so he can wrap his arms around them. Oh yeah, he’ll sneak in another pic with the hashtag, #multitasking. - Night will end with them falling asleep on the floor. Prompto’s stole all the blankets by the way. Gladio
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- Gladio doesn’t give a fuck if it’s raining, he’s all about the action and will take his S/O out for a long drive, in the comfort of his huge range rover.- He’ll allow his s/o to choose the music themselves for the romantic touch.
- Gladio ain’t playin. He will playfight with his S/O, gently pushing them out the car whilst holding onto them, resulting in a muddy, wet roll around the ground. You get the picture.- After some outdoor fun, they’ll arrive home and take a shower together. Again, you get the picture. Sorry, I just envisage these sorts of activities for the likes of Gladdy xDIgnis
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- Ignis will obviously opt to cook a home special for his S/O- His S/O is not allowed to join in, Ignis insists it’s a solo effort. Low key just wants all the praise for an ego boost, lets face it.
- He will politely request permission to use his S/Os new ‘dark’ ebony scented candle, to set the scene accordingly. - After a divine candlelit dinner, Ignis will play a record on his S/O’s vinyl player, engaging in a thought provoking conversation - the pair talk into the night, then taking a brisk walk under the stars before Ignis carries his S/O to bed. ____________________________________________________________Hello all! Yes, I am back. I’ve decided to return to writing headcanons and imagines for my own personal sanity. Yeah, work is hectic and time consuming but writing allows me to escape reality and delve into the mind of my readers whom make these requests. I must stress the outcome of reader requests may not be satisfactory to some. Due to the nature of my lifestyle, writings are likely to be fairly short in length in comparison to other posts in the community.  I will be opening headcanon requests for the time being, fandoms remain the same as when I had previously taken requests: Final Fantasy VII, X, XIII series, XV, Kingdom Hearts series, and Spider-Man (various universes). Thank you to everyone who’s remained active during my absence and I look forward to conversing with new readers!xmydaysinmilanx
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randomfandomimagine · 4 years
okay so i saw that get bonus points for FFXV requests so I’m coming at you with some love for Iggy. Can we get some really soft rainy day Ignis headcanons?
Yes, I love it! Thank you so much for requesting, hope you like it :D
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Ignis doesn’t usually get days off, so when it rains it’s kind of one for him
He gets to stay home and relax, have a little break
You take it as an excuse to look after him and spoil him, and he lets you
Reluctantly at first but then he eases into it and is grateful for you
(More of this in this other headcanon I wrote)
But mostly, rainy days mean you get to stay in and be lazy
They mean you get to be self-indulgent and do whatever you want
Most of the time, it’s just sitting down together to chat and catch up
Just having a hot cocoa or coffee or any other warm beverage
And telling the other about your days and about other things
You also get to do any activities that you enjoy doing together
Sometimes you do something simple like watch a movie or documentary
Other times you work on that puzzle you’ve been making together for months
Or putting some romantic music and slow dancing, holding on to each other
Other times, though, you convince him to do something a little more unique
Ignis can be very serious and maybe even too dull
But you once convinced him to do a pillow fort with you
You just take this as an opportunity to be intimate and a bit childish
To be playful even and get closer to Ignis and play around a little
Ignis ended up loving certain things, like the pillow forts
It reminds him of childhood, of a calmer time without responsibilities
And he really appreciates that he gets to sit there with you
It’s really cozy as he snuggles you and hears the rain
On those rainy days, Ignis also loves cooking some snacks
Cooking relaxes him and he also makes you happy with the food
So he might excuse himself and return a bit later with your favorite
Even if it’s just popcorn, he loves the excitement in your face when you see it 
Also, playing with each other’s hair a lot, rainy days mean messy hair
And just lots of cute domestic intimate affection and softness
Tag list: @call-me-harley-quinn / @wonderlandfandomkingdom /  @anxiouslyreckless / @xionroxas / @dancewaterdance02 / @blossattic / @little-faerie-artist / @x-joie-x / @sylleblossomstar / @legallyblindgamer727 / @lotsoffandomstoimagine / @kirahhhh / @trunks-kiwi // If you want to be added or taken off the tag list for these fandoms or characters, send me an ask!! // Feedback and reblogs are appreciated!
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Headcanons of spending a rainy day with the main four?
((Rainy days are a joy and it’s interesting to think of what the guys really would do in these situations. :P))
Noctis’ fine idea of a rainy day is to just sleep in. But that is the prince any day, so what would he do differently? But you are here, so he knows that is not the best idea to do. If you are cooped in for a day, Noct will still want a nap or two here as long as you agree to it. But the prince is also willing to laze about on a bed or sofa and play video games. Order some take out food or coerce Ignis to cook, a day of food and being lazy is his idea of a great rainy day.
You will notice the first thing about Prompto is that he is antsy and does not want to stay still. He hates staying in one room. If you two are at hotel in Lestallum, he’ll ask you if you want to get into some trouble (nothing too bad though to get… some people upset.) Eventually, Prompto will lead you outdoors to play in the rain for a bit, going through the streets and trying to catch the rain on your tongues. You both might be soaked to the brim, but that just means a nice cup of hot chocolate to drink later while cuddling up with blankets covering the both of you while listening to some tunes.
Rain ain’t gonna stop anybody and it certainly will not be stopping Gladiolus from talking you out in the rain. Some of the best kind of days are when you just force yourself into the rain to still do what you want to do. Plus, staying cooped up like a chicken in a house is no fun. Gladio will make sure to  find a place outside of town so you two can have a bit of play-time – and not for some good old, rainy rough action. Mud wrestling during the rain would definitely he’d get you into.  You might look like a mess for a while, but once you get home, he’s read for a good warm shower (with or without you. ;D).
Ignis does not let a little bit of rain stop him  from doing what he needs to do for the day. You’ll see him still wake up early in the morning, cup of Ebony in his hand while he reads the current events of the day – newspaper or on his phone. He’ll have a breakfast prepared and everything. With it raining all day, Ignis would still take you shopping, but he’d remember to take the umbrella. He’ll enjoy holding your hand, walking around down while people watching as you perhaps to a cafe. Once the day is coming towards an end. When you two are alone, Iggy will put on a little bit of music, slow dancing type music as he gives a miniature dance lesson just for you.
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mouseymatchmaker · 6 years
Hey! I love your blog! Would it be possible to get a FFXV and KH match up? I'm a straight girl and I'm very short, extremely shy at first but when I get comfortable I'm hyper and happy! Im a Slytherin and my personality type is INFP. I love to read, draw, play video games, as well as baking on the side!
You may indeed my sweet! Thank you for your kind words :3 Feel free to request any headcanons or other matches!
I think Prompto would go nicely with you! He too is happy and hyper but also, by his own admission, is somewhat shy. Once you are both over that initial shyness, you’ll both be bundle of happiness (Ignis refuses to give either of you sweets when you get a bit too hyper) He’s not really one for reading or drawing but we do know he loves to play video games! So junk food and rainy days are spent on them! Also, you both team up to beat Noctis and Gladio on Kings Knight (if you like phone games, that is). He doesn’t have as much of a sweet tooth as Noct and he likes to watch his weight since losing so much of it, so while he will eat your sweet treats and help you make them, he won’t eat as much of them as you may think. Just take that into consideration as it will not be a reflection of your cookery skill.
Overall, the only issue you’ll both have is getting beyond the shyness but once you do (with assistance from the other chocobros) you’ll but be bundles of joy and sunshine!
Kingdom Hearts:
I think, based on the previous match, sweet bean Sora is a nice match for you. Yes, our hero has a habit of getting through a variety of walls that people put up and working his way into their hearts. You’re no exception. He’ll be so happy when you start being hyper and jovial around him. It makes him feel like you trust him that little bit more and that warms his heart. I don’t see him being partial to reading but I can see him like drawing, but he’s awful at it (see paopu fruit drawing in the Secret Place for reference :P). I definitely see him as a gamer, a really competitive one too but he likes being on your team to bring down Riku. Riku does not appreciate you two teaming up on him :P Unlike Prompto, I see Sora as being a bit of a glutton and will love it when you make sweet treats! Just keep his hands away until they’re cool enough. He’s burnt his tongue on many an occasion because he was too impatient to wait for them to cool :P
Overall, I genuinely see no issues with this match! He helps you out of your shell and just loves to spend time with you
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stephicness · 7 years
Stephic Writings -- Fanfiction Masterpost
OKAY. I finally got around to reorganizing my masterlist of things, and now I decided to be a dummy and compile them VIA what I wrote (fics, headcanons, theories, etc). So here’s my current masterlist! C: Have a browse whenever you like! I’ll also link this onto my main blog page too. Just in case~
Corrupt (S/O, NSFW) -- Horror, Romance
Rage Mode (S/O, Language Warning) -- Dramedy, Romance
Unrequited -- Drama, Romance Sensuality (S/O, NSFW) -- Romance Little Wonders -- Drama, Angst Time for a Diet! -- Comedy, Headcanon
Restless Nights (S/O) -- Romance Pint-Sized (S/O) -- Comedy, Romance Rainy Days (S/O) -- Romance Secret (S/O) -- Dramedy, Romance
...Seriously? (S/O) -- Comedy, Romance
If I Talked To God -- Drama, Angst
Shades of Pink -- Drama, Romance, Angst The Bringer of Bad News (S/O) -- Comedy, Romance The Gala (S/O) -- Comedy, Romance Peace Among the Chaos -- Romance A Date Of Fate You Can Relate... To -- Comedy, Romance Confidence Booster (S/O) -- Dramedy, Romance Ecstasy (OC, NSFW) -- Romance, Smut
PROTOCOL (Ravus x Reader Fic) -- Dramedy, Romance, Android AU
Chapter 1 -- By Another Other Name Chapter 2 -- Apology Requested
Disposable (Character Death Warning)-- Drama, Angst
Leave A Message -- Comedy Sexy Sax Ardyn -- Comedy Racket Power -- Comedy
A Response -- Comedy
The King of Mercy -- Action, Drama A Queen in the Shadows -- Drama
Child’s Play -- Comedy, Drama Tickle-Me-Pink -- Comedy, Drama A Shadow Lingers -- Comedy, Drama, Horror With Care -- Comedy, Drama, Angst
Fatherly Advice -- Comedy Dressed to Impress -- Comedy, Romance
Wedding Woes -- Comedy
The Morning After -- Romance
Sugar-Coated (NSFW) -- Romance, Almost Smut
Fallen -- Drama, Romance Flowers -- Comedy, Romance Artistry (NSFW) -- Romance, Almost Smut A Last Resort (Semi-NSFW) -- Comedy, Romance Recovery -- Drama, Romance Deceiving -- Comedy Plush -- Comedy, Romance Trust -- Dramedy, Romance Darling -- Comedy Sleepless Nights -- Drama, Romance Blind As A Bat -- Comedy Devour (Body Horror Warning) -- Drama, Horror, Dark Romance Discipline (Semi-NSFW) -- Romance
CORQI (Cor x Loqi)
Dirty Tactics -- Comedy, Romance
Fixation -- Romance Sensory -- Romance Contained (NSFW) -- Comedy, Romance, Smut Together -- Romance Spoiling You Silly -- Romance Locked-On -- Drama, Romance Lingerings (NSFW) -- Romance, Almost Smut Little Luxuries -- Dramedy, Romance, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
How To Adult (Nyx x Ravus x S/O) -- Comedy, Romance Handled With Grace (Ravus x OC, Part I) -- Drama, Romance Handled With Grace (Ravus x OC, Part 2) -- Drama, Romance
PROMDYN (Prompto x Ardyn)
Monsters -- Drama, Horror, Angst Pleading -- Drama
Twenty-Four -- Romance Food for Thought -- Comedy, Romance
Need A Lift? -- Comedy, Romance
Pain (Self-Harm Warning) -- Drama, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Night -- Drama, Angst, Hurt/Comfort Coffee Break -- Comedy Night Terrors -- Drama, Angst, Hurt/Comfort Intruder -- Comedy, Romance Lick -- Comedy Stand By Me -- Drama, Romance Greetings -- Drama Nyactis -- Comedy Road Rage -- Comedy
RAVNIS (Ravus x Ignis)
Morning Search -- Comedy Admiring the View -- Comedy, Romance Taste -- Romance The Usual -- Romance Scandalous -- Comedy The Void (Suicide Reference Warnings) -- Drama, Angst The Next Chapter -- Romance
RAVIOLUS (Ravus x Gladio)
Delight -- Comedy, Romance Combatant -- Action, Comedy, Romance Addicted (NSFW) -- Romance, Smut Provocation (NSFW) -- Romance, Smut
RAY OF SUNSHINE (Prompto x Ravus)
GOTCHA! -- Action, Comedy, Romance A Nickname -- Comedy
Where Your Duties May Lie (Lothric x Lorian) -- Drama, Angst, Hurt/Comfort
Shattered (Violence/Abuse Warning) -- Angst, Drama, Dark Romance
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stephicness · 7 years
Stephic Writings -- Headcanons Masterpost
OKAY. I finally got around to reorganizing my masterlist of things, and now I decided to be a dummy and compile them VIA what I wrote (fics, headcanons, theories, etc). So here’s my current masterlist! C: Have a browse whenever you like! I’ll also link this onto my main blog page too. Just in case~
Five Headcanons about Aranea Highwind -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/162846671579/a-character-huh-how-aboutaranea
Ardyn and the Little One -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155226447389/love-the-blog-may-i-ask-for-ardyn-izunia-dad
Two Thousand Years Ago… -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/156701619149/hey-i-love-your-blog-and-your-writing-is
Out of Exile -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/160975935799/hello-there-fam-i-was-wondering-if-you-had-any
Five Headcanons about Ardyn Izunia – http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/161485205849/ravus-would-be-too-obvious-for-the-headcanon
Cor the Immortal Lover Boy -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/163975688584/cor-so-headcanons-pls
Things That Go Bump in the Night -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/164711019644/cors-reaction-to-hid-so-calling-them-in-the
Daddy-olus -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155508991034/papa-gladio-headcannons
There’s Something Naughty about Gladiolus Amicitia (NSFW) -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/158982530794/hmm-gladio-3
Five Headcanons about Gladiolus Amicitia -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/161484612589/gladiolus
Guard My Heart -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/162375219889/because-you-indulged-my-request-about-ffxv 
LET HIM BE SENSITIVE -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/165223884119/okay-but-like-gladiolus-amicitia-the-guy-who
About the Strategist -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155324559849/ignis-scientia-headcanons
Iggy the Romantic -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155515945504/you-write-really-well-and-i-would-love-to-hear
Let’s RP Ignis Scientia (NSFW) -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/159205063319/can-i-get-some-nsfw-ignis-head-cannons-pretty
LET HIM BE DORKY -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/165233179554/we-all-love-the-suave-and-handsome-man-but
Five Headcanons about Loqi Tummelt -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/161483405369/loqi
Five More Headcanons about Loqi Tummelt -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/162847112159/5-favorite-headcanons-for-loqi
Rainy Days -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/156706402969/heres-a-headcanon-for-you-how-would-noctis-and
Prince Sleepless -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/161299941309/noctis-headcannons
Five Headcanons about Nyx Ulric -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/162846031984/for-5-headcanons-nyx-ulric-please-d
Five Headcanons about Prompto Argentum -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/161484143399/prompto-headcanons
Honey, I Shrunk the Kid -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/162845229504/um-so-im-writing-my-own-fic-for-my-short
What Comes to Mind About Ravus -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154318267419/how-about-some-ravus-nox-fleuret-headcanons
A Blurb about Ravus (NSFW) -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154543632249/nsfw-ravus-blurb
PET ME HOOMAN -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155077772819/do-you-think-ravus-likes-his-hair-stroked-in-bed
What Is Mine -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155116138279/do-you-think-ravus-would-be-a-possessive-lover-or
Ravus the Vampire -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155217053044/headcanons-about-ravus-if-he-were-a-vampire
Tender Touches -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155217633394/would-ravus-be-against-his-so-touching-his-arm
A Raspberry Blend -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155287323419/what-is-ravuss-fav-place-to-tickle-his-so-and
First Dates -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155292111419/your-blog-is-awesome-i-love-your-writing-style
Community Headcanons -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/158154957429/you-guys-are-the-best-for-sending-me-headcanons
Astrological -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/158361299574/what-horoscope-do-you-headcanon-ravus-as
RAVE-us -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/158637792509/ravus-at-a-rave-thoughts
Ravus the Vampire II -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/159126867424/more-vampireravus-headcanons-please-3
Speed Demon -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/159510823249/what-car-do-you-think-ravus-would-drive-i-cant
Combat Proficiency -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/159945185079/i-mean-its-pretty-obvious-ravus-is-a-beast-with-a
Templar Commander Fleuret -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/159956444019/so-the-schnee-not-only-do-you-ask-me-for
A Pen-Stroke of Genius -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/159957385324/headcanons-ravus-handwriting-idk-im-a-slut
The Tenebraen Prince -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/160197565724/headcanons-if-youre-still-taking-them-for
High Commander Giggles -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/160249099509/i-really-want-to-draw-ravus-smiling-or-laughing
Kings, Queens, and Little Things -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/160345908809/i-didnt-know-i-needed-more-ravus-in-my-life
Well, That Was Awkward -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/160826979864/hiyaa-socially-awkward-so-anon-here-this
Fear Itself -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/160976354729/curious-about-your-thoughts-on-thiswhat-do-you
Munchies -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/161174619054/whats-ravus-favorite-food
Little Minions -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/161298629619/havent-read-a-headcanon-yet-with-this-subject
Ravus is Adorkable -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/161334072854/ravus-is-adorkable
‘CAUSE EVERYTIME WE TOUCH -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/161402732649/if-youre-open-to-it-or-not-too-busy-may-i-ask-for
Hipster Ravus -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/162813540504/hipster-ravus-headcanons
A Commander on the Streets, A Prince in the Sheets (NSFW) -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/163081370309/any-nsfw-headcanons-for-ravus-youve-got-bouncing
Knights of the Round!Ravus Code Geass AU -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/163931390204/ok-ill-ask-you-something-cuz-your-alert-just
Two Feet Below -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/164811957314/headcanon-that-ravus-likes-to-let-at-least-one
Cooking with Ravus -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/164812232114/does-ravus-knows-how-to-cook-despite-being-a
ACCESS APPROVED (Android!Ravus AU) -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/164814753974/hello-it-would-be-very-interesting-to-know-your
NSFW Alphabet (Part 1) -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/164982476814/you-asked-for-it-3-ravus-e-t-y
NSFW Alphabet (Part 2) -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/164997553584/h-q-and-z
Chocobro Daycare -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154949302044/the-chocobros-have-been-tasked-with-taking-care-of
De-Tent-ion -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154963133059/since-the-tent-looks-really-tiny-who-out-of-the
Icky Iggy -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154964452609/iggy-is-sick-how-would-the-boys-handle-cooking
Icky Prompto -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154966179559/prompto-is-sick-would-the-others-decide-to-wait
An Undeserved Fate -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154988605289/between-prompto-gladio-and-ignis-who-do-you
Ravus and the Boys -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155328502464/other-than-the-4-chocobros-if-you-could-pick-a
Ravus and the Boys II -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155596482094/so-like-i-read-a-post-that-said-stellas-character
Bagging on the Prince -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/156597683904/i-m-horrible-person-but-i-want-ravus-as-quest
Daemon-Forged -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/156704683794/can-you-write-a-scenario-about-the-chocobros
Guilty Pleasures -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/156806249589/how-about-a-headcanon-for-the-chocobros-favorite
Party Member Ravus -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/160005468304/as-i-leave-for-the-night-here-are-some-party
End of Story. Period. -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/160327711314/hello-there-i-absolutely-love-your-headcanons-and
Just Eat It! -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/160664118139/please-can-we-get-a-couple-of-hcs-for-the
Chocoboys (Party Member Ravus) -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/160821283054/things-i-totally-cant-imagine-ravus-riding
Lover Boys -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/161337641869/just-saw-that-you-would-like-us-to-send-some-hcs
12 Mistakes -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/161486143569/12-dumb-mistakes-the-chocoboys-have-made-on-the
Hidden Chests of Magic and Wonder! -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/161514483324/just-to-be-a-little-silly-imagine-an-so-who-is-so
CHOCOBROS AND BROS KISSING BROS -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/163924133544/chocobros-and-bros-kissing-bros
By Any Other Name -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/164200083739/may-i-please-request-some-silly-headcanons-on-how
Platonic Nerdy Things -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/164420688724/do-you-know-whats-good-gladio-putting-prompto
Send My Love To The Dancefloor! -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/164639552559/send-my-love-to-the-dancefloor-final-fantasy-xv
Cat-Calling -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/164934682744/cat-calling-final-fantasy-xv-bros-vs-the-cat
Bestiary -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/165276494179/bestiary-ffxv-vs-the-daemons-au
Drunken Fantasy XV -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154987978979/very-drunk-ff15-characters-d
Noctis Caelum and the Ring of Lucii -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155059038179/in-a-harry-potterau-which-houses-would-the-ff15
Regalia Royale -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155213846609/bandau-if-noctis-and-the-others-were-actually-a
Sexuality and the Booty -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/156826902264/do-you-have-any-sort-of-sexuality-headcanons-for
Blood-Sucking Heathens -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/159508409519/how-would-you-imagine-the-chocobros-as-vampires
It is Your Destiny, Guardian! -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/159516379919/what-classes-do-you-think-the-final-fantasy-xv
College Drama -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/159695144694/ffxv-college-au-fic-character-notes
Oops! I Arted -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/160165229929/oops-i-arted-final-fantasy-xv-artist-au
Guys, Gals, and Phantoms -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/160407967954/here-is-my-headcanon-ignis-and-luna-look-like-the
Every Body! Any Body! -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/162426850294/character-body-type-headcanons-i-mean-we
Coraline AU -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/164198927634/what-if-ffxv-coraline-au-have-you-seenread
I’ve Got You In My Sights! -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/164709960909/cor-ravus-nyx-and-lunas-reactions-to-their-s
High Rollers and Sore Losers -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/164926279149/high-rollers-and-sore-losers-final-fantasy-xv
EVERYBODY TAKE IT OFF! -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/165294099859/sometimes-i-wonder-which-sentence-people-would-be
Sibling Rivalry -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/156290556729/do-you-think-ravus-and-luna-fight-like-all
Ravus and the Pooches -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/159125493534/does-anyone-in-the-this-is-series-have-pets-i
Halloween in Tenebrae -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/159723226139/by-dressing-up-as-them-did-you-mean-luna-as
Oui Oui Baguette -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/160388240989/yo-i-have-this-headcannon-that-the-nox-fleuret
Girly Girls -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/158422935834/you-mentioned-your-ask-is-open-for-all-kinds-of
Cultural Exchange -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154923574484/if-you-can-introduce-something-from-your-culture
Ardyn and Tabby Notes -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155322344424/ardyn-and-the-little-girl-headcanon-notes
The New Fleuret Siblings -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/156067629479/so-as-im-sorting-through-my-ask-box-i-realized
Ardyn and Tabby Headcanons -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/156824214949/ardyn-tabby-headcannons-3
Face Scruff -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/157753517914/me-cute-oh-you-i-do-have-a-weird-idea-that-i
The Asshole Princes -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/158982315974/chocobro-hijinks-you-mentioned-physical
Twin Ravuses -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/159431243879/but-imagine-if-instead-ravus-and-luna-weve-got
Ravus x The World -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/160522573679/hihi-i-was-wondering-if-you-have-a-favourite
The Merciful King of Lucis -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/160878739069/the-merciful-king-kings-of-lucis-headcanons
The Commander’s Daughter -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155327412454/what-if-ravus-had-a-daughter-who-is-basically-his
Two Princes of Lothric and Lucis -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/162851980189/im-another-person-who-is-invested-into
The Epic of Gilgamesh… And Ardyn -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/161591484479/hi-i-am-interested-to-hear-your-headcanons-for
Little Fox -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154904210664/i-think-ive-experienced-that-odd-ship-ardyn-x
Submission -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154953053109/well-we-can-assume-that-loqi-would-certainly-be-a
OTP Ask Meme (w/ Ardyn x Ravus) -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155956206054/otp-ask-meme-ardynravus-3
Coping with Sadness -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/156188419029/have-an-ask-thing-from-your-friendly-neighborhood
Hair Don’ts -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/160600249139/dont-you-think-that-ravus-and-ardyn-have-a-very
Ship Meme feat. Ardyn x Ravus -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/161322942264/ardyn-ravus-for-the-ship-meme
Perfection, Maybe? -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/162850675019/so-what-about-that-there-ravus-x-ardyn-ship-youd
Gladnis is Canon?! -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154887224474/gladnis-what-are-noctis-and-the-others-thoughts
Cuddling Up -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154888207709/gladnis-who-throws-their-body-over-the-other
Flirtation (Gladiolus’s POV) -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154888693209/how-does-gladio-feel-when-other-people-flirt-with
Flirtation (Ignis’s POV) -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154888850754/how-does-iggy-feel-when-other-people-flirt-with
Eos’s OTP -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/154903596114/gladnis-how-would-they-react-to-finding
The (Mis)Adventures of Momnis and Daddiolus! -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/164936009084/the-misadventures-of-momnis-and-daddiolus
Fanfic Writer AU -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/165259012749/imagine-an-au-where-the-boys-discovers-this-really
Search and Rescue -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/158370412804/i-ship-arenea-with-ignis-i-think-that-within-the
Emotional Progression -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/157642227209/omg-thoughts-on-loqiravus-i-love-just-about-all
The Commander’s Approval -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155541374619/what-if-nyx-have-survived-kingsglaive-events-and
Ravus x Sephiroth (NSFW) -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/159394538934/ravus-and-sephiroth-shippingjust-tossing-that
Double Dates (Ardyn/Ravus & Loqi/Cor) -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155119259764/how-would-a-double-date-between-corloqi-and
Pentafleuret (Cassandra/Ravus) -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/162851364599/please-do-pentafleuret-8d-shameless-crossover
The Future Princes of Lucis -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/158977119629/how-would-you-describe-the-child-of-luna-and
Shipping Meme feat. Promptis -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/161174269819/hmm-for-the-ship-thing-how-about-some-classic
Grease Monkeys -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/158970801559/i-ship-promptis-but-i-also-like-the-idea-of
OTP Ask Meme feat. RavNoct -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/155958976529/it-might-be-a-little-early-for-this-one-but-otp
Beauty and the Beast -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/159392315954/beauty-and-the-beast-daemon-au-ravus-is-the
RAVNOCT GO! -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/161344772494/noctvus-headcannons-go
RAY OF SUNSHINE (Prompto x Ravus)
Sunshine and a Cloudy Day -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/159401857834/ravusprompto-shipping-i-love-your-few-things-in
Hipster Boys -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/160202986009/after-i-saw-your-prompto-icons-i-started-to-ship
‘Rae’ of Sunshine -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/160339238224/referring-to-the-ravus-as-a-party-member-hc-who
Final Souls III -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/159571104209/whispers-dark-souls-bosses-in-ff-classes
Five Headcanons about Lothric and Lorian -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/163078704869/for-the-character-headcanons-if-youre-still-doing
Robot Love/Squared -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/162424883809/ssoooo-i-saw-some-adam-and-eve-pics-you
Five Headcanons about Yusuke Kitagawa -- http://stephicness.tumblr.com/post/161490873344/headcanons-foryusuke-p5-3-ps-hope-youre
41 notes · View notes