#fic idea: resident evil
teecupangel · 7 months
pops in here bc I’ve been writing Resident Evil crossover AUs for fun (and angst) and I have a fun little idea for you!
so, re4make has dropped some interesting and tasty lore about Los Illuminados, aka the parasite cult that makes up the main bad guys in this particular game. according to the new lore, they popped up in 1554 and were exiled from their old place in 1741. now, we know that mutations and parasites and viruses can possibly extend somebody’s life in REverse beyond their natural lifespan and also make them far more durable than humans. I was thinking—Edward Kenway gets killed in 1735. this we’re well aware of. but what if he wasn’t?
say that Birch is aware of Los Iluminados and their work. he wants to keep a closer eye on them since he hears a lot about Las Plagas and its hive mind abilities, but he’s not about to risk becoming a part of their hive mind—he doesn’t entirely trust this cult. and he has a pesky Assassin who’s just found out that he’s actually a Templar, and who has a book and a son he would defend. if he survives the night—and it’s damn near a guarantee that he would, Birch has heard that he once cleared a whole deck of a galleon on his own—there’s nothing stopping him from taking up his sword and beelining to Birch and just cutting down every last member of the British Rite. but he can’t do that, if he has a bug inside his head.
so Edward gets knocked unconscious, and dragged off to the cult. now Birch has a reason to keep an eye on the cult, and he’s taken Edward out of the picture with no one the wiser for it.
years later—hundreds of years later—Desmond Miles, 17yo runaway, gets kidnapped along with Ashley Graham for whatever reason. maybe he saw too much and immediately launched himself at Krauser and actually managed to acquit himself pretty well in a fight, only to get stuffed into a van along with a very terrified First Daughter. Leon goes to find them.
in the meantime, Saddler has a very fucked-up Edward stand guard, and Desmond starts to talk to this guy, bc something about him seems…not quite the same as the rest of the cult. there’s some core of humanity still holding stubbornly on inside him, even if he looks pretty bad off, if not heavily mutated by now. which is how Leon ends up finding both Ashley and Desmond having managed to get a very snarly pirate to help break them out and has to gently convince said pirate that yes he really is here to help them please put that pitchfork down sir.
Oooohhh, if you wanted to, you can even include one of Ezio’s or Aquilar’s descendants in the lore as well, maybe even both? 1554 is around the time Flavia and Marcello would be 20~21 years old. Old enough to be Assassins that would be sent to foreign lands to help other Brotherhoods. We can even have them be sent by the current mentor of the Spanish Brotherhood because of this cult that supposed worship something ‘strange’. The mentor thought that the Italian Brotherhood who had a mentor who had been quite verse in strange things would have an idea of what they’re dealing with. Flavia or Marcello (or both if you want) asks to be sent because it seems connected to the precursors and, as Ezio Auditore’s children, it’s their duty to continue their father’s legacy.
They meet up with Aquilar’s child (or grandchild maybe?) and they help in exiling Los Illuminados, making the cult hate them and the Brotherhood in the process.
It’s because of their hatred for the Brotherhood that Birch was able to have a distant alliance with them and it’s because of his connection with the cult that Edward starts to suspect him as being a Templar.
(To sprinkle more angst, how about Haytham saw his father being dragged away and tried to save him, killing one of the kidnappers which ends with Teresa seeing him as a cold blooded killer and he is indoctrinated by Birch as a way to try and find Edward but never found him. After learning Birch was the leader of his father’s kidnapping, he gives up on Edward because Birch burned all evidence that will link him to Edward and the Los Illuminados)
Okay, so we go to the Ashley and Desmond part of the story.
Ashley is around 20 years old when she was abducted so, if you’d like, she could be in New York to shop or something when she was kidnapped. Desmond was on his way to his first shift in Bad Weather and saw a woman struggling while being dragged into a car with men looking like professional bodyguards (suit, sunglasses, wired ear pieces) on the ground, unconscious maybe? Dead even?
Desmond didn’t have time to think, his body reacted and he punched one of them. He starts to fight them off while telling the girl to run and the girl tried to, screaming for help but there were more men than they expected but her screaming (and his battle cries, they were not screams, they were battle cries damn it) was attracting attention so they had to book it quickly and Desmond was swept alongside the girl in the process.
Leon is briefed that an unknown man with no past of his own may be with the president’s daughter and he’s a low priority. The most that Leon is expected to do is find out who he was and if he was truly just taken alongside the Ashley because he tried to be a good Samaritan.
Now Saddler though…
Saddler had planned to kill Desmond from the very beginning but then he noticed something peculiar.
Desmond looked familiar.
So he let Desmond live because he needs to find out why Desmond looks familiar at all. He orders Edward to guard them and to keep them there.
Leon starts doing his job and Saddler gets sidetracked.
When he heard that Edward had ‘betrayed’ them, he realized why Desmond looked so familiar.
In one of the oldest journals written by his ancestors, there were sketches of the three Assassins who led to their fall and exile.
And two of them…
… looked very similar to Desmond Miles.
So now, Saddler believes Desmond is a descendant of those who exiled them and wants to infect him as well.
Because what better revenge is there than to have a descendant of those who wronged them become their ‘property’?
Unorganized Notes:
I like to imagine Ashley and Desmond become friends immediately, with Desmond helping Ashley stay calm while Ashley gives Desmond something he wanted ever since he was a child, a close friend.
Ashley would definitely not leave without Desmond and Desmond would do everything he can to keep Ashley safe.
Edward ‘recognize’ Desmond, in a way that Desmond reminds him of his young son, but he doesn’t understand it, because the infection inside him mutated thanks to his ‘bloodline’, so he’s not exactly the same as the others.
Edward will be conflicted though because his infection would make him want to obey the cult but he can't hurt Desmond at all. He doesn't want to and his body will never allow it.
Is it his own free will? The reminder of a past long gone? Or...
The Calculations at work?
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salvy-deldroid · 7 months
Yandere! Wesker, who didn’t give you much thought when you first joined.
Yandere! Wesker, who would find you annoying, to say the least.
Yandere! Wesker, who would always give you the cold shoulder.
Yandere! Wesker, who you didn’t think much of either at first.
Yandere! Wesker, who was just supposed to be your boss.
Yandere! Wesker, for whom you’d start to yearn.
Yandere! Wesker, the silent man whose mysteries you wished to unravel.
Yandere! Wesker, for whom you fell first.
Yandere! Wesker, who was paired with you during one fateful mission.
Yandere! Wesker, who you protected when things went haywire.
Yandere! Wesker, who is now confused over his feelings for you.
Yandere! Wesker, who is now a bit warmer towards you.
Yandere! Wesker, who was snapped to reality by one of the STARS members joking to him about his apparent closeness to you.
Yandere! Wesker, who started to shut you out, because you were going to be a hindrance to the plans of Umbrella.
Yandere! Wesker, whose disregard started to sober you up.
Yandere! Wesker, whose neglect pushed you to move on from him.
Yandere! Wesker, whose coldness helped open your eyes to the feelings harbored by others for you.
Yandere! Wesker, who was trying to make sense of his feelings for you.
Yandere! Wesker, who was confused as to why it was so irritating to see you treat the other male members the same way as you did to him.
Yandere! Wesker, who loathed how Chris suddenly became way closer to you.
Yandere! Wesker, who wanted to now bring you along with him to the new, better world.
Yandere! Wesker, who fell harder.
Yandere! Wesker, who would slowly start to affect your schedule.
Yandere! Wesker, who would make sure any threat to your love would be eliminated.
Yandere! Wesker, who would ensure your complete isolation at work.
Yandere! Wesker, who would slowly try to incorporate himself as deeply in your life as possible.
Yandere! Wesker, who would start to sneak in little soft touches here and there.
Yandere! Wesker, who had started to creep you out.
Yandere! Wesker, who didn’t take your rejection lightly.
Yandere! Wesker, who wasn’t above manipulating, gaslighting, drugging, or kidnapping you.
Yandere! Wesker, who believed that you were made to belong to him.
Yandere! Wesker, who would mock your tears and pleas.
Yandere! Wesker, who now won’t let you go at any cost.
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wazzappp · 7 months
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Ok so all of these ideas are seriously impacted by quaser and polarspaz's amazing fic which you can read here and also this one called undertow. The combined might of these two fics are giving me brainrot that could make Ethan Winters jealous.
I love seeing everyone give Leon mandibles. Seriously. Mandibles for the win. Bug boys stay winning ong frfr. BUT. I wanted to try and do something slightly different because I saw the regenerators in the remake and went JESUS CHRIST WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT ITS HORRIFYING and then proceeded to watch like 3 speculative biology videos about how they work.
I have given himb. Teef. When in doubt just add more teef this always works no exceptions.
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I had some VERY OBVIOUS Xenomorph inspiration I'm not even gonna pretend like I didnt. However I am very proud of his tail. Ive essentially created a design that allows it to turn into a saw once its impaled someone. If the blade of the tail gets caught halfway through someones torso? Shaboom. The spines flex and you've got an automatic bone saw now cut that guy in half.
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I also have some speculation about how the plaga itself mutates the body.
Given that in game the infecting agent is called a 'toxin' I can only assume that the plaga is mutating its hosts with a geneotoxin. A genotoxin is a chemical agent that causes chromosomal damage and/or mutations. Usually these mutations refer to cancer, but the plaga could absolutely be making something specialized to mutate a host in a way it deems beneficial. This would mean that the plaga would probably be pulling nutrients/calories/protien/WHATEVER it needs from Leons body, and using it to create and refine this toxin.
Also, the black blood vessels leads me to believe that the plaga is spreading this toxin through the cardiovascular system, so I made a diagram that includes 'barbs' in the left ventricle and left atrium. I figure the toxin would be essentially 'hitching a ride' to the oxygenated blood that would then spread throughout the entire body. That also got me thinking about how much I see Leon coughing up some kind of black substance. I think that could be his body purging materials that the plaga has deemed 'waste'. So genetic material that it doesn't think is needed would be coughed up. So. Uh. I guess he's basically coughing up his own rotten insides. That gets worse the longer I think about it.
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delphi-shield · 8 months
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Close in the Distance // Poly Drabbles
multichara x gn!reader wc: ~1650 characters included: jill, leon, chris, claire, rebecca, carlos, ada pairings highlighted: jill & leon, jill/claire, jill/chris, jill/carlos, chris/leon, chris/rebecca, leon/ada, leon/claire ada refers to the reader as gorgeous but i consider that a pretty gender neutral expression, ymmv. i'm kind of throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks with this, but i hope you enjoy it! i know i had fun writing it. i'm gonna go see fnaf and play splatoon until my eyes bleed lmao
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Ada & Leon
Ada runs just as easily as she pulls you down to her bed. Leon leaves you with much more reluctance, but he leaves all the same. The note he leaves pinned to the fridge with a fish-shaped magnet from your last vacation (Roatán, blissfully uninterrupted by Leon’s work. Ada’s shadow darkened your doorstep two days before your flight home. She arrived in the night; you think you dreamt her arrival, her muted argument with Leon, but when you wake it’s with her arm draped across your waist. "Stay put, gorgeous," she tells you, her voice a sleep-addled rasp at your ear, "Leon's getting breakfast.") dripping with remorse and guilt.
On a rare reunion, you slip away to give them time to themselves and Ada reels you back in with an arm around your waist, tucking you securely between the two of them. They race for the same cheesy joke just to hear you laugh and exchange warm glances over your shoulder. You pray one day you will wake and they will both be there. You pray that one day you stop collecting the pieces they leave behind to remember them by.
Claire & Leon
Claire and Leon are in and out of each other's lives so often that you could tell time by it. Thanksgiving together and Christmas apart, a New Year's reunion obfuscated by the fizzle of fireworks overhead. Claire holds your hand in the crowd, Leon’s hand at the small of her back to guide the both of you. She leans close to be heard over the cheering of the crowd, promising to kiss you first at midnight. Leon doesn’t seem to hear, but he spins you away from her when the clock hits midnight, stealing the first kiss of the year, smiling against your lips as Claire whines and smacks his arm.
Days later, Leon tells you, "we're both in the doghouse now," when you come home to an argument and refuse to pick a side. Centrism is the biggest crime of them all to Claire, and Leon’s apologies are in short supply. You fall asleep with him on the couch, and when you wake with a pillow under your head and Claire’s humming drifting from the kitchen, you know that you are absolved.
Chris & Leon
Chris and Leon thought this arrangement was fine until their own unresolved feelings bubbled to the surface, their entire friendship recontextualized in the span of seconds over cheap beer. You lean against Chris’ shoulder, watching the gears in Leon’s head turning. A realization years in the making happens in the span of minutes for you, and it takes only a little bit of careful probing to understand that it’s mutual. 
They both drag their feet, men who know how easy it is to wreck something as fragile as this, neither willing for their hands to be the ones that break this time. To be direct is to be dismissed. Chris brushes off assurances that you don’t mind and Leon has told you in no uncertain terms to drop it. You feign tiredness one night and slip away, leave them to themselves, and like clockwork, they ask to speak with you about something the following week. Smug is an understatement. Your playful ribbing is worth putting up with if it means the three of you can move forward together - even if it means the porch swing is a little more cramped from now on.
"Don't let that one go," Chris teases, his eyes squinting in a smile.
"I don't think I can," Leon says. He means it to be a joke about the way you cling to his arm, but his voice too soft, too enamored for the intended effect, his eyes too warm.
Jill & Leon
Jill and Leon see too much of themselves in each other to ever understand the appeal, but god, do they love you. For a long time they operated on separate schedules. You had called it a custody arrangement once, a joke that you came to regret with every fiber of your being because the both of them had latched onto it and neither of them know how to let a joke die with dignity. The first sign of change is a text from Jill, sent at three in the morning (a difference in timezones she didn’t bother to calculate, you’re sure). An offer, their stupid custody joke to break the ice -  I know it’s your weekend, but that movie they want to see is coming out Saturday and I’ll be stateside. Do you mind if we go? You can come too.
It hadn’t been a good movie, some forgettable action movie you had laughed about all the way home, but ever since that night they had been more open to nights together. That’s how you wound up with your legs over Leon’s lap, your head against Jill’s thigh, Leon’s thumb tracing a lazy pattern against your ankle and Jill’s fingers carding gently through your hair. Their hands meet in the bowl of popcorn and Jill relents. Leon insists, no, after you, his tone as dramatic as the sweep of his hand. You can envision the way Jill rolls her eyes without picking your head up, and before they can devolve into a familiar back and forth, you chime in sleepily. "What, are you guys five? If you were going to get cooties, you’d get it from me."
Jill & Chris
“Wrong side,” Jill reminds you, indicating to her own ear. She doesn’t even need to look up from her breakfast. You click your tongue and move to Chris’ left instead, repeating your question louder, clearer. They move so fluidly around each other, nearly two decades of trust informing every word, every look, every action. At times it feels like they inhabit the same body. It's all you can do to try and fall in step with them. They make space, slow their pace, guide you where they have to. Chris is ever the worrier, but it’s Jill who watches you like a hawk when the three of you are out, who grips your wrist loosely and nudges you up with them, never letting you fall behind. Unhurried time together is short on supply, but you cherish every moment of quiet, every laugh, every old story they have to explain to you, you cherish the hurt and the pain, the grief that they try to borrow from each other, all the things they would rather forget yet choose to trust you with.
Jill & Claire
Jill is an expert in handling Redfields, but she can take them apart just as easily. She says she’ll teach you one day. A well-placed ‘got it out of your system’ during an argument starts Claire’s rant all over again. A hand at the nape of her neck, curling her into Jill’s side to calm her. Jill’s methods are effective, but they’re hers. You weave your own way between them, fingers interlocking with Claire’s, palm flat against Jill’s, the way each of them prefer. Jill will drink her coffee anyway she gets it, things like preferences and personal taste feeling like an afterthought to her after so long of nothing but survival, but you see the scrunch of her nose when it’s too dark, too bitter. You slip sugars and cream one cup at a time until you find the perfect blend, and it doesn’t take Claire much longer to catch on to your discovery. There was peace before, and there can be peace again.
Jill & Carlos
"Not that one," you tell Jill, swatting her hands away as she tries to pack one of your many stuffed animals up, the small army having taken over most of the bed. "Carlos got me that one." Jill rolls her eyes, muttering that they're all from Carlos. His absence is filled with plush toys, cheap, soft substitutes for his presence - but at least he tries to fill the void. Jill becomes a ghost when she's away for work, insisting her silence is for your benefit. She comes back to you battered, vacant, and she asks you what you've been up to as if she might fill herself with your memories instead.
If it weren’t for Carlos, you would have no idea how she’s really doing. He has her back, he assures you, and you wonder if he’s reminding himself as well, if the distance she forces (for your own good, she repeats, her tone firmer) bothers him as much as it bothers you. Pulling her back to you isn’t always easy, but Carlos is a steady presence at your side. His gifts for Jill are fewer and farther between - Jill told him to cool it, by his own admission - but you notice as she thins out the stuffed animal militia, she leaves the dog plushie he had gotten her right where it is.
Chris & Rebecca
Rebecca drags you through the aisles of a department store, stuffing colorful paper decorations into the cart you push. Chris is coming home - properly coming home, not just a quick stopover between flights. Rebecca wants to surprise him, and you worry he’ll be too tired. You worry his assignment took a turn for the worse, that the last thing he needs is a fuss when he’s barely had time to process the aftermath. Rebecca assures you it’s fine. She insists she wouldn’t be doing this if everything hadn’t gone well. You reach for the pink and blue streamers on the top shelf, dropping them with the mish-mash of other supplies in the cart as she tells you more and more about the assignment. “I think that’s supposed to be classified, Becca,” you remind her. She shushes you, a finger pressed to her lips. You make a detour to pick up a case of beer, making a bet with Rebecca on how long it will take Chris to ask for a cold one. Chris arrives on time for once, no delayed flights, a blissfully short debriefing at base. He drops his duffle bag the second the door is shut, eyes cutting to the fridge. His arm winds around your shoulders, tugging you into a hug. 
“Guess you missed me,” he says, taking in the decorations. Rebecca patters in from the kitchen, spreading her arms wide to gesture at the apartment, transformed briefly into a discount Party City. He’s tired, it’s clear, but he laughs all the same. It only takes five minutes - as you predicted, shooting a successful smirk at Rebecca - for him to ask, “Hey, any beer in the fridge?”
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milk-bby · 11 months
¬ Sweet Like Honey. (A Leon Kennedy x Reader) [RE2R]
warnings: licking honey off of him, smut, sub!leon, fem!reader, not proof read, might be OOC.
AO3 LINK: ¬ Sweet Like Honey. - Moth_bby23 - Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse) [Archive of Our Own]
word count: 1.1k
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When you said you wanted to try something, this isn’t what he expected.
He didn’t expect this, you sat on his lap with a bottle of honey in hand. You look down at him innocently before putting some honey on your index finger, smearing it on your bottom lip. 
Leon’s breaths catch in his throat a little as you cradle his jaw in one of your hands, watching you lean in to kiss him. Your lips meet, honey smearing on his lips too. The sweetness makes him moan a little, already feeling the pooling desire in his abdomen. 
Once you pull away slightly, you grin at him a little, looking at his lips and blushing cheeks. You just loved the way his lips stayed slightly parted when you kissed him. The way his eyes stayed half-lidded for a few seconds before looking at him with that adorable puppy look. The way his breaths stuttered a little when your lips touched his. It was all so sweet, sweeter than the honey on your lips. 
“How was that?” you whisper against his lips, still wryly grinning.
Leon stuttered over his words a little, eventually getting out a small and breathy, “y- yeah. That was… good. Felt nice.”
His hands held your hips gently as you straddle his lap, both of you on his bed. You uncap the honey and you pour some of the viscous liquid into your mouth, keeping it there. Slowly, you lean in, kissing him again but slipping your honey-covered tongue into his mouth. He shudders a little, pushing himself into you, tasting the honey in your mouth. He whimpers quietly, gripping your hips a little harder as arousal starts to fog his brain. 
Pulling away again, you pant a little as you feel him harden against you. Your hands trail over his chest, down his abdomen and rest at the hem of his shirt. Without warning, you tug his shirt off, his eyes looking at you in shock. You chuckle softly at his reaction, rolling your hips against him to tease him. He throws his head back, trying to muffle the moans bubbling from his chest. 
“Awh, baby, did that feel good?” you tease, leaning in to whisper in his ear. He shudders under you as you lick a stripe up the shell of his ear. You lean back, keeping your hips flush with his and you grab the honey once again. Slowly, you drizzle it over his chest generously, watching it travel down his torso, all the way to his abs. Leon sits there flustered, unsure of what to do except let out breathy noises of pleasure while holding you in place. 
Leon lets out a breathy, high-pitched moan as you start to lick the honey off of his body. Leon’s breaths are hot and heavy as he feels your warm tongue dance over his skin, slowly licking away the sticky sweetener. As you lick off the honey, your teeth gently grazes his skin occasionally, only adding to his pleasure. When your tongue laps over his nipple he whimpers and whines, squirming and bucking his hips upwards. His hands grip his bedsheets at your relentless kisses, licks and nibbles at his skin. Your lips and tongue travel lower and lower, pushing him onto his back and shuffling down his lap. You lick a stripe along his abs, lapping up the rest of the honey. Leon shivers as the air causes his wet skin to tingle a little. 
You pull away, leaving a small kiss above the waistband of his sweats. Your eyes travel down, noticing his bulge imprinting through the fabric. 
“Oh? Is my honey a bit needy? Hm?” you tease, cupping his bulge. 
Leon whimpers, bucking his hips into your hand, craving the sweet, sweet friction. He stutters out a gasp, biting his lip at the slightest touches. 
“It’s rude to ignore me honey. Don’t you want to feel good?” 
Leon manages to get out a “please please. M- make me feel good. P- please touch me!” as you trail the tip of your index finger over his cock. 
“Good boy, Leon.” 
You pull down his sweatpants to his knees, cupping his shaft again. You notice the dark spot of precum on his grey boxers, and you lift the elastic of the boxers, only to snap it against his skin. He hisses a little but whines afterwards, the anticipation killing him in that moment. You fish his cock out of his boxers, running your thumb on the underside, causing Leon to let out a strained “fuck-” before breaking out into a few gasps. Your thumb brushes against his tip, causing him to buck into your hand.
Saliva runs down from your lips as you spit on the head of his shaft, before rubbing it up and down his cock. Leon squirms and whines at your slow, languid strokes, methodically dragging up and down at a torturous pace. Between the strokes and squeezes on his cock, Leon keeps bucking his hips and whimpering desperately while tightly gripping the pillow behind his head.
You quicken the pace of your hand, noticing how red his tip is getting as you jerk him off, his pre getting smeared down his shaft. Leon can only make incoherent noises under you, only focusing on how good your hand feels, wishing it was your lips, your thighs, your tits or even your sopping wet cunt sucking him in. God, just the thought has him reeling closer to release as he twitches in your palm, your teasing words and praises being drowned out by the white noise in his head, solely focusing on the pleasure. 
“O- oh fuck! I’m close! S’close so so close! P- please!”
He squeezes his eyes shut as his cock twitches in your hand once more, releasing all over your hand, and his stomach. His breathy moans are the only thing heard in the room as he rides out his high, cum pooling over his abdomen. His bliss begins to calm down after a few minutes, finally making eye contact with you with those gorgeous blue eyes of his. When he does, he is greeted with the sight of you licking his cum off of your hand, the salty taste lingering on your tongue as you clean him and yourself up.
His head comes back to reality but is immediately clouded with lust when you straddle his waist, dripping the honey on your bare chest. He can only watch it roll down your breasts, brushing back the hair sticking to his forehead.
“My turn?”
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gothy-froggy · 1 year
Albert Wesker x reader. But Beauty and the Best.
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I would DIE If anyone made this.
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nerdie-faerie · 2 months
It's Kol 'I come with a warning that everyone's going to ignore only to live to regret it' Mikaelson hours again
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serennedyanonwriter · 10 days
So, as some have seen already, I am writing a fic about Luis pre-RE4, and I realized I can make his immigration experience more realistic as I have an uncle that immigrated from Spain back in the late 80s/early 90s.
Though he wasn’t from a village like Luis, the only official paper he really had was a birth certificate, and he was like 14-16 at the time, which fits a lot in line with the idea I have for Luis (aka I have an actual experience I can use as a base).
Either way, wish me luck, I’m going to ask him about it, and he has been pretty open to talking about it, so I will more than likely get something I can use for Luis.
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I’m in a lot of pain due to cramps so I want to write some Plagua! Leon fics
A fluff one him fully transformed into a creature trying to adjust to life. Maybe the reader breaks him out and the two run off. Leon is very protective of the reader and considers them his mate.
Maybe a smutty one with him as the creature too! { don’t judge me! I am one of those most fuckers }
One where the reader is trying to break through the mind control of a fully transformed Leon. A part of him still remembers the reader so he kills who ever is trying to harm the reader
Fluff / smut one where the reader is on their period so transformed Leon helps them get over their pain
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macabrecake · 2 years
cake, my beloved, I’d like to request a smut blurb with re6 Leon where he’s obviously a vampire and he and reader manage to sneak off during the cathedral or during the tall oaks part for a feeding and well yknow leon, reader is obviously getting railed.
ty in advance 💕
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Gabby bby I will not hide the fact I'm but a simple lady who's actually never written monster Leon before. But it's RE6 Leon so you know I'm gonna do it 😭. Luckily I've seen a good amount of vampire movies like Van Helsing and Dracula Untold so I'm gonna try and hopefully take some kind of inspiration where I can. Still nerve wracking as all living hell but bet let's go.
You knew the moment your gaze landed on Leon. He needed to feed. Trying to be subtle while leaning himself against the wall for support so that gravity doesn't claim him, his breath quiet but still heavy and ragged, almost in pain. Eyes fighting to stay as those beloved ocean blues and not be engulfed by the hellish red while staring at every civilian around him in the cathedral. So many heart beats. So much sustenance. It begs him to let go. Set it free and just leap onto the nearest warm body. Just one drop. Yet he fights, uses every ounce of his will to keep control.
To keep the beast locked away.
It pains you to see him like that to the point you grab his hands and guide him away from prying eyes. Convincing him was no easy feat. Watching his skin become dull as you gently cup his face. It's right there, just underneath his skin. "Please, Leon. You're hurting yourself." You speak, tone desperate. Until finally, he gives in. Letting his eyes become swallowed up by the hunger, turning them to an inky black as if touched by midnight skies. Fangs growing in length and sharpening at the tip before puncturing you with an animalistic growl. Making you gasp and fight the urge to not outright yelp for a second.
Luckily his control is quick to return to him in the form of a soft groan, slowing himself down to enjoy you. The taste of you, the smell. His most favorite meal. Leon then carefully pulls away once he's had his fill, licking up the droplets that seep from the fresh wound. Laying a gentle kiss to it before slowly working his way up to your lips while his hands expertly peel away your clothes. Pulling a quiet whimper from your lips when you taste your blood on his tongue.
You helped him so it's only fair he returns the favor. By bouncing you on his cock. Leon's inhuman strength allows him to hold your hips and pick you up to slam you back down, taking him into your tight cunt with ease. Your legs are nothing but jelly as you squirt and soak his dick again. Leaving another slick mess between your thighs and on his lap, just like the previous three, or was it four now? You've lost count. Yet he's still going, but careful to not use too much force.
Just one simple squeeze, and he can break your hips. One sudden move, he could shatter your spine and neck. One too harsh of a thrust and he could destroy your pelvis. Knowledge like that makes him wonder, baffles him even, how you're not afraid of him.
Leon knows he looks like a monster.
Eyes still glowing a sinister red that peer at the points where you both connect, seeing through your very being to watch your heart race faster with ecstasy as your walls continue to squeeze and flutter around him. Gazing at your cum that splashes every time your hips meet his to create a much louder sound of skin slapping against skin. His mouth still coated in your blood that he's smeared all over your neck, shoulders, breasts, and now painted upon your own lips. Claws digging deeper into your skin, desperate to mark all the places his teeth couldn't reach so everyone will know who you belong to.
You should be afraid of him. Yet you still cling to him, moan for him, cry out his name, letting him see how much you need him. And he couldn't be happier for that, never imagining how deeply he could fall in love. Especially when he was first struck down with this sickness. This disease. You never thought of him differently, Leon still is what he's always been to you. The love of your life. That thought alone has the golden blonde slowing his thrusts down to a more sensual motion as he hugs you closer to him with a deep, gutteral purr. Then a whisper, a promise, into your skin. "I love you, Princess." It pulls a sweet giggle from you as you hold onto him tighter, "I love you too." You see it's easy for you to love the monster.
When you already love the man.
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milkiedimitrescu · 1 year
so i have another Alcina scenario that I need to get off my chest.
I'm for real wondering if anyone would write Alcina meeting her dobbelgänger.
So maybe the castle is having new maids since there is a shortage on them and one of those new maids seem to look a lot like Alcina.
Having the same features and everything. Her daughters notice this and start to keep watch on that one particular maid and wonder why that maid looks so much like their mother.
It probably looked funny too because to them it looked like their mother was a maid working in her own castle. But for real, it was still strange.
When Alcina gets involved with showing the maidens around, she notices the similarities between the maid and her, face-wise. It surprised the maid too that the mistress looked so much like her. They were wearing the same makeup except, the maid looked more human so her skin is not white but the one skin color Alcina used to have when she was human herself.
I'll leave the other storyline stuff to the writers but damn... I just wonder how Alcina would react to meeting a literal clone of herself. Maybe the maid's name is similar to her's like, Alice, Alina, Alsie, or Alicia, ect. OR... Maybe it's just another random girl name off of Google, idk.
The maid is also in her late 40's like Alcina, so that makes them even more alike. She is also pretty tall like her. About 6'4. A fucking NBA player. 💀
They even have the same HAIRSTYLE as Alcina. Just slightly different cause obviously they are a different person and not a clone but looks literally identical to Alcina.
There could be another scenario with the reader of course being Alcina's lover. Maybe they come across the maid who looks like her and would probably ask why the hell do you look so much like my girlfriend/wife.
Nah I'll write this on ao3 if you guys want, or maybe someone can write it??? Idk bro...
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teecupangel · 1 year
I've been seeing Wesker fanart on my dash lately (Resident Evil) and, I don't have any direction I intend for this to go but, what if Wesker was Clay's older cousin? Who has always come off a little weird and creepy to Clay, but feeds into his need for *someone* to acknowledge how smart and capable he is. And then one day Wesker goes to check on the boy--bright, worthless father, keep an eye on for future potential--and he's just, vanished. Eye witnesses say an older gentleman began visiting him at his work site, and then he just disappeared, never to be seen again.
Well. Wesker can't very well let that stand, now can he.
It is time for me to dust off my knowledge of Resident Evil lore!
The thing about Wesker is that he’s actually part of a project to genetically modify children into becoming ‘superhumans’, the next step to human evolution. Children were adopted (more or less) and given the surname Wesker and then they were experimented on.
Albert Wesker is simply one of the ‘successful’ ones.
And, and, and…
If we take in consideration that Albert Wesker’s birthdate is around 1960s, Clay being born in 1982 means, for this to work, Wesker isn’t Clay’s older cousin.
He’s Clay’s uncle.
And there’s really no information about Wesker’s life before he became a ‘Wesker’ so we can play around with it.
Let’s say he was Clay’s father’s younger brother, the brighter of the two, the apple of their parents’ eyes. He was taken from his family because he showed potential, told the parents that they would take care of him, make him live up to his potential, the whole propaganda.
So Clay’s father had to live in his younger brother’s shadow the entire time. Perhaps his family fell apart after Wesker’s ‘adoption’, maybe the cycle of abuse started when Clay’s father couldn’t be the child Wesker had been. It does not excuse what his father did to him. It does not excuse the pain that Clay had gone thru.
But it’s what drove Wesker to check up on him.
Call it lingering sentiment.
Call it a weakness.
Call it the possibility of another ‘child’ that Wesker wanted to check before he begins the final stage of Uroboros.
Either way, he introduces himself as Albert Kaczmarek and they start to talk. Clay thinks he wants to build bridges with his father but Albert had long thought of his older brother as a lost cause.
But Clay?
Clay had potential.
And Wesker always liked to have all the cards.
So when Clay disappeared?
The other projects Wesker had in hand could be pushed for now until he finds his dear… nephew.
Unorganized Notes:
RE and AC lore needs to be played around. The most ‘pressing one’ would be the timeline of events as Uroboros is meant to be finished in 2009 and Clay was approached by Bill in 2010. That’s easy to do. Just make Uroboros have a few more setbacks and delays because Wesker got ‘distracted’.
As usual, all the viruses are derived from failed Isu experiments.
Considering ‘superhuman’ is more or less connected to the Isus in AC lore, this means Spencer was trying to recreate Isus using children.
This also means that Wesker has higher than normal Isu genes (those glowing eyes? Yeah, definitely him having some form of Eagle Vision)
It would be so, so easy to make Umbrella = Abstergo but to change things up, let’s make Umbrella and Abstergo rivals, the two big pharmaceutical companies (it really says a lot about humanity that pharmaceutical companies are easy targets of “yeah, those guys! Definitely evil corps!”)
Umbrella knows about the Templars and the Assassins but they’re in the whole “I stay in my lane, you stay out of mine”.
This does mean that the world of AC would know about bioweapons and all of Umbrella’s dirty secrets but that’s fine. I mean, Wesker is more or less doing shit on his own anyway.
Ngl, I like the idea of Clay meeting Jake just for the sheer exhaustion and sass Clay would do as he becomes Jake’s minder I mean cousin.
Oh. This means Wesker is Ezio’s descendant………
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cupidscrule · 5 months
Do u guys want me to post you and Leon in a closet to ao3 so it's 1-2k words or just post to tumblr and have it be a solid 700
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geddy-leesbian · 8 months
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lipglossanon · 4 months
When You’re With Me I’m Smiling
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Ark Thompson x fem!reader (one shot)
Warnings: cute fluff!, kissing, flirting, cheesy banter 🤭 Ark’s just a soft boy who I wanted to write ✍️
not proofread 👌 kinda came out of nowhere and wrote this in like an hour 🫣
Title from Lady by Styx 💜
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He’s quiet. Something you’ve come to appreciate the more you work with other agents. His friend Leon tends to be a smart ass on the best of days, so when Ark is the only one teaming up with you on projects (no sandy haired menace in sight), you can breathe a sigh of relief.
He works hard and keeps his head down, but also jumps into it when he needs to get his hands dirty. You tend to stick to the admin side of things, being the researcher and liaison for the missions you both take on for the agency. All in all (when you’re not able to work with Rebecca) Ark is your next choice on the roster. 
It’s how you both end up working late nights, ordering Chinese takeout and comparing which 90’s boy band had the worst hair. This particular Friday evening is the great debate between 98° and LFO on who is least remembered. 
“If it wasn’t for Nick Lachey marrying Jessica Simpson, no one would remember them,” Ark points out, spearing a piece of broccoli onto his fork and pointing it at you. 
“Exactly,” you roll your eyes, reaching for the soy sauce, “they’re more recognized because of the association. No one in hell remembers LFO.”
Ark cracks a smile at you, tossing a fortune cookie at you, “Alright, I guess I can see your point. I only know the one song by them anyways.”
You gesture with your arm while closing your empty container, “Thank you. I deserve this win after you won against Justin’s ramen hair.”
“Two words: frosted tips,” he laughs as you flip him off and grab your fortune cookie. 
“Ugh, don’t remind me,” you scrunch your nose, “why was that even a thing in the first place?”
He shrugs easily, leaning back into his chair, “Same reason tribal tattoos around the bicep were in style.”
You both make eye contact before cracking up loudly. 
“God, I’m so happy some styles die out with time,” you giggle, standing up to toss your stuff into the trash. 
Ark follows suit, walking with you out of the conference room to the nearby break room, recycling what needs to be and throwing away the rest. 
“You doing anything this weekend?” He asks, stalling by the door until you’re finished as well. 
You fall into step with him as you head over to your desks out in the bullpen.
“Binge some brain rotting television and clean my messy house,” you grin, shouldering him before stopping at your desk to grab your jacket and purse, “what about you?”
He hums and shuffles awkwardly as you slip your jacket on, “I was, uh, going to see if you wanted to meet up tomorrow sometime?”
You frown, “To work on the case?”
You watch as a blush colors the tips of his ears before sweeping down to his cheekbones. His brown eyes dart away and then back to you. 
He clears his throat nervously, “Not exactly. I was wondering if you’d want to go out on a date?”
“Oh,” you draw up short, eyes taking in his flushed face and nervous uptic of his lips. 
Nodding, you give him a shy smile, “Y-yeah that sounds nice. You have my number, right?”
His smile broadens until you can see a flash of teeth, “Yep, I’ve got it. I’ll call you tomorrow to hammer out the details?”
You laugh, “Maybe work on the sweet talk, huh?”
He flushes harder and rubs the back of his neck, “S-sorry, kinda nervous.”
Chest fluttering with butterflies, you link your arm with his and walk over to his desk. 
“We can work on it.”
Stopping to grab some files from his work area, Ark walks with you out into the company parking garage. 
“See you tomorrow,” you press a quick kiss to his cheek, “drive safe.”
Smiling bashfully, he rubs the skin you pressed your lips against, “You too.”
By the next afternoon, Ark calls and invites you to try out a new Italian place that Leon swears is the best. Much to your surprise, it’s actually authentic and delicious. You both spend the next couple of hours chatting over pasta and bread, work being completely off the table as a topic. After learning that Ark has never been to the local malt shop (who knew they even still existed!), you convinced him to make that your next stop. 
Now, milkshakes in hand, you walk along the pavement to the nearby park, the late evening sun casting long shadows. Coaxing Ark to sit on a bench, you sit thigh to thigh, sharing bites of your cold treats until you’re both giggling and sharing sticky sweet kisses. Sitting your empty cups to the side, Ark takes your face in his calloused hands and presses the softest of kisses to your cold lips. 
“I’m glad you agreed to go out with me,” he murmurs in the small space between your mouths, “I’ve been crushing on you for months.”
Your eyes light up, giddy excitement bubbling in your chest, “Really? I never picked up on it.”
Ark grins, thumb coming up to tug your bottom lip down, “Kept it close to the chest, didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
You melt into him a little, nipping his thumb before leaning in to kiss him more firmly than before. Losing track of time, the sound of cicadas alerts you to the late time when Ark finally pulls away from you, lips looking bee stung and swollen (you’re sure you don’t look much better).
“Let’s get you home,” his voice comes out rough, sending chill bumps skating across your skin. 
Holding hands from the park to his car, he only lets go to help hold open the door for you to get in before climbing into the driver's seat and taking your hand up once more. He randomly kisses your knuckles as he drives, shooting you soft little smiles that make your heart beat fast. Making it back to your apartment, Ark walks you all the way up to your door. 
“I had a really wonderful time,” you bite your bottom lip, feeling a little zing at the soreness you feel from your earlier make out.
“I did, too,” he rumbles, eyes dropping to your mouth before flicking back up to your eyes, “can I kiss you goodnight?”
“Please,” you breathe out, hands reaching around to tease the soft brown hair at the nape of his neck when he leans down into your space.
With a soft groan, he kisses you deeply, tongue licking past your swollen lips to rub against yours. You eagerly suck on the slick muscle as your nails scrape against the base of his skull. A deep hum echoes from his chest making you press the dough of your thighs together. He pulls away, resting his forehead against your temple as you both catch your breaths. 
“I’ll call you when I get home?” The last word lilts upward as in a question and you smile, stepping back to your door. 
“I’d like that,” you murmur happily. 
He grins, boyish and charming, “Alrighty. Have a goodnight.”
He dips back in for a quick kiss to your cheek and leaves back to the elevators. You quickly unlock your door and slip inside. Once you’ve shut and locked it back, you slump against the hardwood with a sigh. Feeling as giddy as a schoolgirl, you laugh out loud and press a hand to your lips. 
Seems like Ark might take the top spot as your favorite partner to work with from here on out. 
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silvercap · 4 months
Kittyyyy 🥰
Leon aquires a cat while on sick leave.
The cat just watches warily. He holds out a hand, letting it adjust to his presence for a moment. It's not hissing or clawing at him, so it must be pretty tame, but he still doesn't want it to freak out and scratch his hand off.
The cat mewls again, a plaintive, quieter sound, and Leon nods. "Alright. Let's do this."
Tags: Fluff and Angst, Injury Recovery, Cats, Hurt/Comfort, Leon is lonely :(, Tags May Change, Patrick/Leon are fwb (mentioned)
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