#finnish vas
seagull-energy · 28 days
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The snow is melting where I live which means that it's time for my boy to return to Moominvalley <3
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luonnonvalinnat · 1 year
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Yep, sharin some animatic frames cause it's still my baby. True pride and joy.
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laserbread · 2 years
Ok, with those posts out of the way, time to make the post I was supposed to make before getting sidetracked
Thinking about the IDW ending makes me sad so I'm tossing Buzzsaw into the TFP universe. Might actually write this down (even though it's one of my worse AU ideas) mainly because it seems like something easy to write without having to do a ton of research, rereading and rewatching and I need something easy to start with if I ever want to get into writing.
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reflectionsofthesea · 8 months
Some cool expressions in Bergamasco (the dialect from the town I was born and raised in, Bergamo) and a comparison with italian.
Bergamasco is a very interesting dialect, because it borrows terms, sounds and letters from both german and french! This makes it sound very different from italian and other italian dialects.
A lot of grammatical components like the way verbs are structured, the sounds and pronunciation, and articles, are very similar to german and french.
And it also gives bergamasco-speakers like myself an advantage in speaking german, finnish or other languages that have the vowels ä, ö, ü (or the finnish y), since we already know how to pronounce them!
(green: Bergamasco, white: italian) Some expressions:
se fet? cosa fai? = what are you doing?
so mia. non lo so. = i don't know.
n'doe? dove? = where?
n'do set? dove sei? = where are you?
mochela. smettila. = stop it.
lassa sta'. lascia stare. = don't bother/leave it alone.
fa frecc. fa freddo. = it's cold.
fa colt. fa caldo. = it's hot.
mola mia. non mollare. = don't let go/don't give up.
fa' mia isè. non fare così. = don't be like that.
n'dondaret? dove vai? = where are you going?
n'che manera? perché? = in what way/ means 'why?'
borlà zò cadere = fall down
desdes fo'./rampa fo'. svegliati/muoviti = wake up, hurry up
gregnà ridere = to laugh
usa drè urlare dietro = to scream at someone
porta drè negot. non portarti dietro niente. = don't bring anything (with you)
lèa de terra levare da terra = scream/argue at someone so much you're lifting them from the ground
an va? andiamo? = shall we go? (from french on y va?)
so dré a maià. sto mangiando. = i'm eating. (from french  je suis en train de manger)
usa mia. non urlare. = don't shout
Some words:
rüt sporco = dirt (from german)
hümmia scimmia = monkey
cì maiale = pig
ca'al cavallo = horse
formagèr formaggiaio/lattaio = cheese maker (from french fromager)
articiòk carciofo = artichoke (from french artichaut)
oeuf, öf uovo = egg (from french oeuf)
frèr ferro = iron (from french fer)
rasga sega = handsaw
scèta bambina = little girl
Bergamasco is mostly spoken in the countryside and especially in the mountain villages and hills around Bergamo by older generations. It is not as commonly spoken in the main city, or used by younger generations. I learned it from my mom, and we speak it in the house daily. You can often hear it spoken by handymen, construction builders, artisans, and older men in the town.
A political party popular in Lombardia (Bergamo's Region) proposed years ago that Bergamasco should be thought in schools in Bergamo and around the province, but the idea was rejected. The sad reality is that Bergamasco, like a lot of italian dialects, is in danger of disappearing due to how less and less it's spoken and taught to younger generations. I personally really love Bergamasco and I love how unique and cool it sounds, and how it clearly shows the history of Bergamo as well: we went through the Austrian invasion, the German influence and also trades/exchanges with France, that contributed in the years to make the dialect sound the way it does now. It's a collection of my town's history and cultural exchanges and interaction (even if unfortunate ones, with Germany and Austria)
Most people from Bergamo and that speak Bergamasco have a very prominent specific accent (I do!) even when speaking normal italian. People from Bergamo are considered very matter-of-fact and straightforward, and the dialect reflects this nature very well: a lot of words and verbs are shorter than their italian counterpart, and the borrowed sounds from German make it sound harsher/more direct than italian does.
Bergamaschi wanted to avoid speaking so badly they even made their dialect as short and direct as possible, so they could use less words than regular italian and get to the point quicker.
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reuna · 2 months
Marssi Palestiinan puolesta: Loppu kansanmurhalle; Loppu apartheidille.
Mielenosoitus Helsingissä Narinkkatorilla lauantaina 16.3. klo 14:30-16:30.
Puhujina mm. Li Andersson (vas), Majed Abusalama (Sumud ry) ja Rand. Esiintyjät ilmoitetaan myöhemmin.
Aloitamme Israelin Apartheid-viikon ohjelman vaatimalla yhdessä pysyvää tulitaukoa Gazaan sekä palestiinalaisten kansanmurhan ja Israelin apartheidin loppua.
Kutsumme myös muita Suomen kaupunkeja järjestämään mielenosoituksia maaliskuussa vietettävän Israeli Apartheid Weekin tueksi.
Tuothan mukanasi vain Palestiinan ja/tai suomalaisen järjestön lipun. Emme salli rasistisia (mukaan lukien juutalaisviha tai islamofobia), seksistisiä tai muuten syrjiviä tekstejä ja symboleja.
In English:
March for Palestine: Stop Genocide; Dismantle Apartheid.
Save the date for the demonstration in Helsinki 16th of March at 14:30-15:30. Speeches from Li Andersson (Left), Majed Abusalama (Sumud), Rand. Performances TBA.
We start the Israeli Apartheid Week of events together by demanding a permanent ceasefire, end to the genocide of Palestinians and end to the Israeli apartheid system.
We also invite other cities in Finland to organise demonstrations in support of Israeli Apartheid Week in March.
Please bring only the flag of Palestine and/or a Finnish organization. We do not allow racist (including anti-Jewish or Islamophobic), sexist, or otherwise discriminatory texts and symbols.
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faybellesbeauty · 1 month
i usually prefer original over dub when watching shows BUT in eah i feel like the finnish voices suit their characters better?? or maybe it's because i grew up with them... my favourite example is Cerise bc in the english vers she has a pretty high pitched voice right??? in the finnish dub her voice is lower and kinda raspy which i think fits the character better.
also Raven's voice is wayyyy more accurate imo (despite her va changing mid-series. both are awesome though!!!!! her other va also voices rainbow dash and elsa from frozen?! multi-talent queen ily katja sirkiä)
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damiannasworld · 10 months
This is a good interview. It's in Finnish but the main points are translated here. What really cracked me up was Häärijä doing the weirdest stuff in the background during the interview. 😂
Update: here's the video with subtitles.
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morsobaby · 2 months
There's just such a fondness I feel whenever I hear the finnish dub cast of Transformers prime in random ads throughout my life bc i damn near immediately recognise them. It's like oh hi Ratchet how's bookbeat? Omg hello Arcee you're doing Vinted now? I once heard Airachnids VA on a pet supply store ad and it was such a dissonance hearing her put on a cheery marketable tone when I know Airachnid the character would more likely add all those animals to her collection.
Still, makes me a little reminiscent every time. It's a fun surprise.
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yoiku · 3 months
I wasn't planning on pulling Santalla but now that I know she has a finnish VA, i gotta.
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bisonaari · 9 months
Random useless observation:
So far as I've noticed
Finnish pronouns starting with s (sinä, sua, sä, sut…) are 2nd person singular, and conjugations for them end in t (olet, oot, puhut…)
While french pronouns starting with t (tu, toi, tes, tien…) are the ones that are 2nd person singular, and conjugations for them end in… s (vas, parles, es, chantes…)
COMPLETELY USELESS BUT I WILL REMEMBER IT EASIER NOW thank you for coming to my ted talk
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drawnaghht · 11 months
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"Wait hold on is there a Japanese dub? Or am I reading wrong oop"
@freakova Yes! yes there is! :D :D whoever edited that TVtropes page I mentioned is wrong, I'm not sure if they just didn't have the track available bc of region-restrictions on Netflix (like here for example, we don't get some shows) or bc they have some downloaded version which only has other tracks, but whoever recorded/ripped it originally, didn't have the JP dub track. I suspect it might be the latter.
I know I watched a bit of the japanese version in august, so I wonder if it's those 2 options or maybe even that most people don't watch netflix on PCs/laptops on their browsers, and so they miss out on the extra dubs on TV. That's smth that I often miss on our Netflix, i.e. some shows will have a finnish dub (the closest language to estonian where I don't need subtitles myself), but if it's smth super popular, it won't show the option for the finnish dub on the TV version of netflix at all. Japanese is a language very often missing in the TV version for many things, doesn't seem to be related to how J is in the middle of the alphabet, but rather, whatever system of regions Netflix uses to give suggestions to users. But if I switch to finnish on my PC, it will continue that show/other shows with available dub in my selected language. This goes for subs too!
Lol if u have a friend with Netflix or have it yourself, you can check it out. I have watched it with japanese dub + sub on at the same time to get any interesting language/delivery differences but also just to watch it out of curiosity. this is what I base some of my posts on too like the one's about names, but when I was just curious to see what the JP subtitles were like I got curious abt the dub too and then switched to both. It's
I also added this on the TVtropes page as a source to avoid ppl changing it, but Usagi's japanese VA, Kengo Takanashi, actually tweeted about his involvement for the airing of S2 (for those unfamiliar with voice actors there, like I am, he plays Link in the newer Zelda games. But also, fun TMNT trivia: he plays Donnie in the Bayverse japanese dub hehe x3 )
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I think I found this randomly while going through twitter searching for something else. Definitely did not know about this VA before, but it's cool how happy he seemed about tweeting abt this show.
He sounds really nice as Usagi! He has that youthful and curious but annoying quality to it which makes Usagi unique and he sounds just as excited as the original, so the acting is on-point too. I've heard some people say that they like the JP dub over the EN original, but I honestly like both. There is a bit of a difference between Kengo (JP) and Darren (EN) with how different of a timber their voices have, but it's a very subtle difference. I've also watched the finnish and german dubs (both languages which I actually understand/speak more than japanese) and those also had very good Usagi voices. The russian dub versions sounds a bit deeper/ older but otherwise, the acting itself is fine, so it doesn't really bother me. In some versions, either Tetsujin or Gen sound either too young or too old for their roles, but otherwise, most of the dubs for this show at least, sound pretty good and similar to the og.
Anyway, I am not thinking of doing a spring cleaning on TV tropes now to clean up any more old/misleading info hehehe >:3c
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sootyships · 7 months
random fact: if you see a surname that ends in -nen, there's a distinct possibility that the person has finnish and/or karelian ancestry or at least is/has been married to someone who does. further elevated likelihood if this person is from the great lakes region of north america.
inspired by the VA Carrie Keranen making my "that's a finnish fucking surname" senses tingle. one of the corporals of my recruit squad in military training literally had the same surname, just with ä, which unsurprisingly has been replaced with a there :')
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goldensmilingbird · 4 months
Cool cartoons I'm excited about
So while I was on my search, I went through some animation magazines and trailer compilations and stuff and found a bunch of interesting projects that I just want to infodump about.
The first one is the one I'm most excited about, Voro.
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Synopsis: "Lily is a talented young novice who dreams of becoming a master thief. Unfortunately, because she is young and puny (and a girl), the guildmaster assigns her only most trivial missions. However, during one of these quests, Lily finds herself at the centre of a battle between several ancient cults, worshipping entities who have been long forgotten… In order to prevent the world from sinking into chaos, the teenager will have to find a series of occult artefacts during quests that will make her question her own ethics. She will have to make crucial choices of allegiance – even going against her old mentor Seamus!"
It's a show aimed at young adults, based on a finnish comic of the same name (though in translation it's called Lily the Thief) and it's gonna have 16 episodes of 26 minutes. Btw, the comic looks like this
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The director says they're making the show for slightly more mature audience than the comic and so they wanted to make the style more cinematic and realistic and also age up the characters a bit. Also they're planning to make a videogame, so that's fun.
I found out that the author of the comic, Janne Kukkonen, is on tumblr (he is @/kukez) though he doesn't post often. Idk what he is up to rn but he previously said that, while writing Voro, he accidentally spiraled into making a whole other story ("Raivotar" which means Fury) that's more gritty in comparison to Voro being pretty lighthearted, so I'm interested in what comes out of that too. Also I'm trying to buy a used copy of Lily the Thief rn because it looks cute and I want to know more about this girl already.
The second one is Shepherdess Warriors.
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Synopsis: "The sto­ry takes place in a small medieval vil­lage, nest­ed at the heart of a green val­ley by the sea. Only women, chil­dren and elder­ly peo­ple live in this village, as all men were recruit­ed to join the Great War in a dis­tant land. They left ten years ago and nev­er came back. Nobody knows what hap­pened to them. To protect and defend the village, women had to step up and decided to cre­ate the Order called “The Shep­herdess War­riors”. Mol­ly, our lead char­ac­ter, is a young girl, who nev­er knew her father. At 10-years-old, she is now old enough to start her train­ing as a shep­herdess war­rior, an apprenticeship she's been waiting to start for a long time…"
Also based on a comic, but this time French one. Sadly, looks like it wasn't translated into my language. But the animation looks amazing and the concept's fun. It's gonna have 13 half-hour episodes. Also Molly strongly reminded me of Kelsey from Craig of the Creek (who is 9 and daydreams about being a fantasy hero) and I love that for her.
Third one is The Monsters Valley.
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Synopsis: "Ellis is a common teenager who, apparently in an accidental way, touches a magic orb and acquires a power that allows him to control fire. At that moment, he starts being chased by strange creatures who want to take advantage of his power. Ellis, overwhelmed by the situation, asks Blanchet, his childhood friend, for help. Together they will enter into this dreadful and wicked world to try to find a way for Ellis to get rid of his power without knowing that fate has another plan for both of them".
This is gonna be an original Spanish series, not based on anything, aimed at teens and young adults. The creator is already planning five seasons (13 episodes of 25 minutes) and wants to expand to other stuff, like videogames, films or novels. (Damn, that's ambitious) He also says the show "proposes a journey of the hero from an adult point of view, with gray characters, battles, magic and blood".
Beyond the teaser and this interview, I found a link to a now privated video called "The Monsters Valley developing footage" from 8 years ago, twitter and facebook accounts made for the show that were only active in 2019, a link to a site that my browser says is fake and probably dangerous and a studio website that's just a logo and a contact link. So I just kept hitting dead ends with this thing. Then I suddenly found show's creator twitch? Good luck to this guy, honestly, he seems passionate.
There are more interesting projects, like The Tern, for example, but for now these are the top three I wanted to highlight.
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nei-ning · 2 years
Rise Movie Dub Recommendations
These are MY PERSONAL opinions after watching Rise with all 32 dubs. They are NOT meant to insult or belittle anyone! If you don’t agree with me, that’s perfectly fine! English dub is OUT of the list because we know it’s good!
Those dubs what I have “rated” as “Highly recommended” are, well, SO GOOD that I won’t even bother to tell WHY they were so good! I WANT YOU to watch that dub version and see for yourself! :D
Arabic: It’s okay. Not too bad but could had been better. Lacks emotions. Swedish: Highly recommended! German: Highly recommended! Finnish: Not good, honestly. Only Raph is good. Basque: Gets better towards the end (aka it takes time for Vas to “warm up”). Brazilian Portuguese: Highly recommended! (only Don’s voice is bad) Spanish: Highly recommended! (April sighs: “Oh Diablos” at one point! :D) Galicia: Gets better towards the end. Heprea: Entertaining, do recommend. Hindi: Entertaining, do recommend. Holland: Highly recommended! Indonesia: It’s okay. Not the worst but not the best either. Italy: Very entertaining, do recommend / Highly recommend. Japan: Highly recommended! Catalan: Entertaining, gets better towards end. Korea: Highly recommended! Greece: Okay, a bit boring in a way. Croatia: Entertaining, do recommend. Malay: It’s okay. Not the best, tho. Mandarin Chinese: Very entertaining! Do recommend! (Best Kraang!) Norway: It’s okay. Expected it to be better. Portugal: Very entertaining, do recommend! Poland: Entertaining, gets better towards the end. France: Very highly recommended! (Best Leo at first “Portal Chopped” moment + loud crying in Dimension Prison) Romania: Okay. A bit unemotional at times. Casey okay. Raph and Leo’s VAs don’t even try. Adorable Mikey! Denmark: Very entertaining, gets better towards the end. Thai: It’s okay. Not the best nor the worst. Turkey: Entertaining. Leo’s voice is lovely soft and mature. Splinter has deeper voice which I really liked! Best Splinter in my liking! Czech (Republic): Entertaining, do recommend. Gets better towards the end. Hungary: It’s okay / good. Gets better towards the end. (Raph’s called Rafi! :D) Vietnamese: Not too good nor too bad. The way how VAs speak is not pleasant in a way. It’s like “morse code” styled in a way. Sorry for lacking the right word here.
Dubs where English voices (during fights, screams etc.) had been kept: Arabic, Basque, Spanish, Galicia, Heprea, Hindi, Indonesia, Italy, Catalan, Korea, Greece, Malay (some lines have not been even said in this dub),Portugal, Poland, France, Romania, Thai, Turkey, Czech, Hungary and Vietnamese. My ABSOLUTE favorites (in random order): Swedish, German, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, Holland, Japan, Korea, Mandarin Chinese, France, English. Fun fact in Korea dub is that all of the boys are being called with their full name. No Leo, Don, Raph or Mikey. It’s always Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael and Michelangelo.
IF YOU END UP WATCHING ANY OF THE DUBS I RECOMMENDED, PLEASE, LET ME KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS! I would LOVE to hear them! :D You can leave a comment here in this post if you like or approach me via chat!
PS. I hadn’t write it down to myself in which dub Splinter gasped and Leo’s voice echoed but I will try to find them later and add here! It’s 5AM and I need to go to sleep.
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bowlerhatduck · 1 year
OH MY I just purchased digital copy of Puss in Boots 2 and it also has Finnish dub version and the voice actor of Big Jack Horner happens to be my favorite Finnish VA! AAAh must watch!
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scoingun · 4 months
Lauri Allen Törni
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Lauri Allen Törni (former)
Larry Thorne
Soldier of 3 Armies
Baba Yaga
Major Thorne
Soviet Enemy Number 1
Son of Finland
104 (Mentally)
46 (Physically)
Vyborg, Finland
Finnish Army (former)
Waffen-SS (former)
Green Beret (former)
Voice actor:
J Michael Tatum (English VA)
Daisuke Ono (Japanese VA)
“I don’t enjoy killing, if anything, I loathe it with a passion, but when duty calls my name, the herd must be culled, it’s a simple matter, just like any other.”
Lauri is a tall, dreamy man with short, stylish, golden blonde hair and sapphire blue eyes, his face shows no imperfections.
Lauri has green camo war paint on his face, he dons a green beret with the pin of his unit, along with that, he wears an American uniform, he has a pair of dog tags around his neck, he has a skull and crossbones pin on his uniform, a pair of fingerless gloves, and lastly, he has an armband of the Finnish Coat of arms on his right arm with the Finnish flag as the background.
Lauri is a fearless, determined, and courageous individual, he has grown numb to the thought of killing others, a far cry from when he first became a soldier in the Finnish Military and fought in the Winter War.
When Lauri joined the Waffen-SS, he deeply despised the actions of the Nazi army and he hated himself even more for fighting for them.
So, when Lauri got the chance, he surrendered and came to the United States as a politcal refugee, there he thought he would live his days out as a carpenter.
Destiney had different plans for Lauri however, when duty called his name to fight in Vietnam, which would be where he would finally be able to rest after 30 years of war.
Master in cqc
Master in Russian Systema
Master in Pro wrestling
Master in taekwondo
Master in knives
Supernatural abilities:
Golden age
Elemental combat knife; use four different elements to fight, fire, water, wind, and earth.
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