#first out: this little liar android
sunwarmed-ash · 8 months
🔥Sinful Sunday🔥
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Ch 13: Patron Saint of Liars and Fakes
Ships: Hankconvin, Hankvin, Convin, Hankcon, Connor/V, some KamCon Rating: Explicit-sexual content, canon typical violence Ch Tags: angst, androids experience anxiety, hankconvin drAMMMAA, some Kamcon smut, sex toys, wire play, edge play, breath play? Ch preview:
Hank exploded out of the front doors of the station, a panicked stricken Gavin hot on his heels. 
“Anderson! Wait! Shit, HANK!”
“FUCK OFF REED!” Hank’s shouting back, and Gavin grimaces. An explosive Hank was never good for anyone, and Gavin needs to calm him down before he brought all that rage into the club. To Connor. 
“Hank please, I need you to listen to me!” Gavin begs but it's still not enough to slow the larger man’s pace a step. 
Gavin wants to scream. He knows he's going to regret this, but it has to come out. 
Evidently, he uttered the magic phrase, because that had Hank stopping in place. At least before turning 180 degrees and peddling that fury back in Gavin's direction. 
“What the fuck do you know, huh?” 
Hank’s fuming and Gavin’s hands go up in surrender fast. 
Gavin’s heart is pounding so loud he’s sure Hank can hear it. He offers himself up as the pound of flesh Hank so obviously needs. 
“Take it out on me if you have to, but at least let me talk first.”
That diffused some of Hank's anger. At least enough for Hank to straighten up and unclench, a little. 
“I ain’t gonna fucking hit ya,” Hank promises, almost sounding offended. 
Gavin still feels the need to clarify. 
“You sure? You almost took Reynold’s out back there.”
Hank scoffed. 
“He deserved it.”
“Yeah, he did,” Gavin agrees, but then Gavin deserves a worse fate. “He's a phcking idiot. Your dick’s legendary. He's just pissed he’s never been offered a chance to sit on it.”
Hank rakes his hands through his long, silver hair, obviously distressed out of his mind, but the comment at least makes him laugh. It's not everything, but it's something. 
Gavin can feel the secret burning at the tip of his tongue. Hank’s talking before he can say anything else. 
“Is it true though? ‘Bout Connor? Or is he just, ya know, being an asshole?”
Gavin bites so hard into his cheek that he tastes blood. Technically, Reynolds already told Hank, so Gavin wouldn't really be breaking any promises by confirming it, right? It was a good enough loophole for Gavin to say, 
“Yeah, okay it is-”
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mdhwrites · 9 months
The Nightmare Catch 22 of Hunter as a Clone
So first, let's just get this out of the way: The Grimmwalker twist was unnecessary. It wasn't properly introduced until S2B, with the only real foreshadowing of it being a single element in the S1 finale and the fact that Hunter didn't have magic. They could have kept him as having no magic though and been a genuine orphan that Belos took in to raise as a protege, possibly inspired to do it MORE because Hunter had a failing Bile Sac and would never be able to cast magic by himself which would have made him appear more human to Belos than the other denizens. Someone he could connect with more. This also would have made it so Hunter would have HAD to choose to leave Belos on the grounds of morality rather than being a disposable clone that Belos just straight up tries to kill before Hunter can actually rebuke Belos' way of doing things and the like, making his arc and redemption stronger. This also would have allowed for the same steps taken but less baggage that they couldn't deal with because of the shortening.
But, as always, TOH couldn't kill its darlings so let's talk about the nightmare that is how they dealt with Hunter being a clone, especially in the context of his crises of identity.
So the first thing that has to be acknowledged is that this is nothing new when it comes to clones. Clones have been a staple of sci-fi and fantasy for a LONG time and a clone reveal is ALWAYS more common than the person actually knowing what they were. This makes a lot of sense thematically though and it's a trope for a good reason. It opens up a lot of questions about what makes a person their own person, nature versus nurture, etc. like that. And the common decision by most media is to have the clone reject that who they're made from doesn't matter, they're going to be themselves, doubling down on the idea that free will is that which makes us human and ourselves rather than a machine (which also brings this up a lot in matters of androids.)
Which I will give credit that that DOES actually fit the goals of TOH. That you being you is the best thing possible in this world. There's just a couple catches to it. The first is obviously time as by the time Hollow Mind happens, there's VERY little time to deal with it and Hunter still spends some of that time just not addressing it and lying/keeping secrets instead because this show has very few ideas of what to do with things when it comes to angst. He's not the most prolific liar/secret keep in the series amongst the good guys after all as that title firmly goes to Luz.
And that time problem IS a problem. After all, this is their setup: Hunter is a clone of someone who recorded history in his world has entirely forgotten. Instead, he looks and is raised by Belos. As such, he assumes that Belos is who he is cloned after and after the attempt on his life, even more than just being a clone (I am serious when I say the Grimmwalker twist is unnecessary), by Belos, he rejects being like his perceived Uncle. And so he becomes a witch loving, Palisman befriending good guy who betrays Belos!
...Which is literally EVERYTHING we know about Caleb. Every concrete fact about him lines up with what Hunter turns into. Even worse, NO ONE wants the old Hunter. They only want what he is when he is lying, not acting like himself... Or like Caleb. Darius is actually the creepiest here as he explicitly wants Hunter to be like his dead lover and the canonical fact that EVERY Golden Guard ends up betraying Belos means that Darius effectively just wants to not guide Hunter to a better place but to just... remake his old love.
And that's fucking creepy.
Luz wants nothing to do with what Hunter was before he started becoming good though. Amity wants Hunter to become like her which is essentially just becoming Luz. Willow likes the time she spends with 'Caleb' and then is mad at Hunter when he's back to being the Golden Guard, at least until he goes against Belos by saving The Emerald Entrails, pleasing Darius and her.
But this is where the Catch 22 comes into play. From the character's perspective, Hunter IS rebelling against what he thinks he was made to be. Who he believes himself to be a clone of. He has no reason to assume he's Caleb's brother after all. Hell, he'd probably get confused about why this ancient white dude named Philip has brown hair when Belos has blonde. Not white like Eda but blonde. So we NEEDED some time for Hunter to introspect, learn the secondary twist that he is a clone of Caleb, learn about who this Caleb guy was, which is effectively impossible beyond the fairy tale they're told which tells Hunter nothing of Caleb besides the boy liking witch booty over taking care of his brother, and for him to THEN decide he was okay with being like Caleb.
And that would have been fine. It would have even been theoretically a bit novel if not kind of weird. Again: Writers have always chosen that the person goes their own way for a reason. Hunter deciding being Caleb is cool with him is one way to close that out... But it would still be him choosing to be a different person. That his individuality isn't what's most important which goes against pretty much the core theme of TOH, who believes individuality and self expression is the ultimate priority. Full stop.
So you have a character who narratively, for the sake of having the redemption arc they want him to have and who logically fits into this place by contrasting against his uncle, also cannot become that person because he's a clone and his clone appears to be the anti-thesis of his uncle, thus making each of those points of contrast not him becoming his own character but him becoming just a different, ancient white bloke. There is no winning with this. And in the end, there was no victory. Hunter turned into a copy of Caleb, his arc feels shallow in part because of it and the Grimmwalker stuff robbed time away from the rest of the series for minimal payoff and a blow to the core themes.
All for a twist that cheapened his arc in the first place and had no real reason to be here besides being kind of neat conceptually.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
And finally a Twitter you can follow too!
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sjsmith56 · 10 months
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Aliens, Androids, and Wizards or The Best First Date Ever
Summary - Bucky agrees to a last minute date for a gallery opening that all the Avengers are expected to attend. On the way there the date gets interrupted by the arrival of an invasion force of aliens, androids and wizards, also known as “The Big Three.”
Length - 2.7K
Characters - Bucky Barnes, named female character, Sam Wilson, Uber driver.
Warnings - slightly grumpy Bucky, mild swearing, violence towards aliens and androids.
Author notes - Silly little story about rising to the occasion.
👽 🤖 🧙‍♂️
The two men were the last ones out of the quinjet and sat in the quiet after the others went on their ways. As the de facto leaders of the new incarnation of the Avengers they were the first ones on and the last ones off. They led by example and that included the extra obligations that went with the job, even the short ones that took hours instead of days or weeks.
“So, tonight’s the big night,” stated Sam, as he packed the suit away in its case.
“Mmmph,” grunted Bucky, as he finished packing his guns in his satchel. He would take them to the armoury and clean them up there before putting them into storage.
“You are going to the gallery opening, aren’t you?” asked the other man. “Pepper wants us all there and you committed to going. I heard you.”
“I know but my date cancelled,” replied the dark-haired super soldier. “Texted me this morning that she didn’t want to be on display. Can’t say I blame her.” He sighed. “I’m not cut out for publicity, Sam. I don’t enjoy meeting new people. Took me three weeks to work up the courage to ask Dana to the opening. Now she doesn’t even want me calling her anymore for coffee.”
Sam put his hand on Bucky’s shoulder in commiseration. He really had made an effort asking Dana out with Sam’s coaching. Standing up the two men made their way off of the aircraft and Bucky activated the control that raised the ramp, then locked access to it. After an hour cleaning his weapons he hit the showers, standing under the hot water and letting it run down his back as he contemplated picking up some takeout, going home, and watching a new movie on TV. Old movie to everyone else, but likely a movie he missed out on when it came out after his fall. He was surprised to see Sam still in the dressing room when he came out with a towel wrapped around his waist.
“Do you have your suit here?” he asked. “I found you a date.”
Bucky rolled his eyes. “I don’t need your help in setting up a blind date,” he complained.
“It’s not a blind date,” replied Sam. “You know her. Her date cancelled as well.”
“Kelly from Logistics,” said Sam.
“Mouse?” Bucky rolled his eyes. “She’s afraid of everyone and everything.”
“She’s nice, just a little on the shy side. I already asked if she would go with you, and she said yes. You going to make me a liar?”
With an aggravated sigh Bucky pulled his locker door open and unzipped his suit bag. Shooing Sam away so he had some privacy he put his dress suit on, an all-black ensemble which he knew would draw some teasing, but he didn’t care. He felt comfortable wearing all black and the public liked seeing him in it, according to the PR people. Finishing adjusting the tie he locked the locker and put his jacket on, checking himself in the mirror before heading to the locker room door. When he exited, he was surprised to see Kelly standing by herself in the foyer by the elevator, looking nice, wearing a blue dress with a flowing skirt.
“Cap had to pick up his date,” she said, a little anxiously. “Thanks for doing this. I kind of have to be there, but crowds make me nervous.”
“Why?” Bucky noticed she winced slightly at the tone of his voice, so he coughed a little and asked again, a little quieter. “Why do you have to be at the art gallery?”
“One of my pieces is in it,” she answered. “I have social anxiety and I take art therapy. Pepper said it fit the theme of the gallery exhibit, Healing Through Art.”
“Right,” he replied. He should have remembered that as Pepper had tried to interest him in contributing something, somehow knowing he had taken art therapy. “We’ll have to get an Uber. I only had my motorcycle here.”
Gesturing for her to proceed ahead of him they went to the elevator while Bucky requested an Uber on his phone. He kept glancing at the shorter woman, noticing that her hair had a pleasant auburn colour. Normally she wore it in a low pony tail but it hung loosely about her shoulders tonight.
“So, why did your date cancel?” he asked, after they stepped into the elevator car.
She looked down and sighed. “He wasn’t a date. He was my boyfriend and we broke up. I found out he was cheating on me.”
Her face was so forlorn that Bucky felt bad for bringing it up. “I’m sorry,” he said sincerely. “That’s a terrible thing to find out on what should be an exciting day for you.”
“Thanks, but I’m not surprised,” she said. “He always told me I was too quiet and reserved for my own good. I like staying home and watching movies while curled up on the couch.”
“Me too. Took me three weeks to work up the courage to ask my date out and she cancelled on me this morning. Said not to call her again. Something about always being in the public eye if she dated me. She wasn’t wrong.”
Kelly looked up. “She didn’t want to be seen with you?” She shook her head in disbelief. “I mean look at you. You’re like a male model, especially when you dress up. You look really good in that suit.”
Her words made him feel warm inside. It was then he noticed her eyes were hazel in colour.
“Thank you. You look nice as well. Blue is one of my favourite colours, especially when a pretty girl … sorry bad habit, pretty woman wears it.”
Kelly blushed but flashed him a smile that warmed him up even more. The elevator doors opened at the same time the Uber driver texted that he was outside. Quickly they headed out the door and into the waiting car. Giving him the address of the gallery Bucky sat back and looked out the window. As they got closer, they noticed that the traffic became significantly heavier before the Uber driver was forced to stop, unable to get out of the massive traffic jam. He looked at his phone to see what the holdup was. Turning around he looked at Bucky.
“You’re an Avenger, right?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Something’s going on in Times Square and it’s stopping traffic everywhere in Manhattan,” he said. “You might want to check on it.”
Checking the Avengers app on his phone that kept them all updated on anything that needed their attention Bucky swore at the message that Sam sent him moments before.
Sam: Guess what just hit New York? The big three, Bucky. THE BIG THREE! Have you left yet? We need weapons. I need the suit.
He turned to Kelly. “There’s trouble,” he said. “According to Sam it’s aliens, androids, and wizards.”
“The big three,” she whispered. “What can I do?”
“Do you think you can go back to the Tower and bring Cap’s suit, the shield and some weapons? I can authorize you to get to our things. Friday will let you in.” He looked at the Uber driver. “What’s your name? Can you go with her and bring back something for us to fight with?”
“Darius and hell yes!”
Bucky looked at Kelly, who everyone called Mouse because she always seemed so shy and timid. Her face was softly lit up by the streetlights, but she looked at him with determination.
“I can go back and get what you need,” she agreed. “Where should I bring them?”
He texted Sam, telling him the plan and waited for a response. While he waited, he made up a list of what to bring for Kelly, texting that to her when she gave him her number. Finally, Sam responded, and Bucky told Darius to bring everything to Bryant Park. As he prepared to get out of the car Kelly put her hand on his.
“Bucky, be careful,” she said.
“You, too, little Mouse,” he grinned, making her blush again.
Taking off from the vehicle he ran towards the commotion soon finding himself in the thick of it. A strange alien aircraft was hovering over Times Square with alien beings streaming out from it, accompanied by android creatures that unfolded into something larger when they landed. Dr. Strange, Wong and Wanda were there, dealing with the alien wizards that seemed to be the puppet masters, directing the beings who were fighting with the other Avengers already on the scene. Most of the Avengers were in formal dress, wielding lamp posts, stanchions and whatever else they could put their hands on. Seeing an android grab Kate Bishop, Bucky launched himself at the being, tearing his head off in the process and using it to bash another one who came close.
“Glad you joined the fight,” yelled Sam. “We have to get people away from Times Square. Too many of them are getting in the way.”
“Good luck with that,” Bucky yelled back. “It’s a free show, Sam. Everyone likes that. Besides, we have to get to Bryant Park to get our gear. We just have to get the big three to follow us.”
“What do you have in mind?”
“Who’s watching their aircraft?” Sam looked at Bucky as if he were crazy.
“You think you can fly it?”
“I’ve flown lots of different aircraft,” replied Bucky, as he reached out with his vibranium arm and clotheslined another android, then ripped his arms off to use them as weapons. “They all work on the same principle. If I can steal their aircraft, they should follow it and try to get it back.”
“Let’s go then!” cried Sam and the two men began moving towards the alien aircraft, dealing with any of the androids and aliens that blocked their path.
As it was still hovering a good thirty feet up in the air Bucky asked for an assist from Sam. They had done it many times before when Sam was wearing the flying suit, but this was the first time they were trying it in civilian clothes, without the power assist that Sam’s suit could provide. Taking a run towards his partner Bucky timed his steps to place his right foot in Sam’s interlaced hands at the same time he lifted upwards with all of his strength. It was just enough for the super soldier to grasp the underside of the aircraft then he pulled himself to the cockpit window where an alien at the controls looked with surprise at the sight of Bucky just outside. Before he could react, Bucky punched through the window with his vibranium hand and grabbed the alien by what he assumed was his throat. Pulling the being through the window and letting him drop to the ground Bucky scrambled inside and dealt with another couple of aliens that rushed him before turning to the controls and figuring them out. Slowly he piloted the aircraft towards Bryant Park, drawing the attention of the other aliens and androids into following him.
“Bucky has control of the spacecraft!” yelled Sam to the others. “Force them to go to Bryant Park.”
Slowly, the combined Avengers herded the aliens and androids towards the open space of Bryant Park. It took some time to finally get there but the Uber car was nowhere to be seen. Bucky cursed, realizing they were probably still stuck in traffic.
“Weren’t they supposed to be here?” asked Sam. Where are they?”
Bucky shook his head. “Maybe caught in traffic?”
Both were interrupted by another rush of aliens and androids attacking them. Where they were coming from wasn’t evident as the ship that Bucky commandeered definitely wasn’t big enough to hold that many bodies. Suddenly they were both surprised by the appearance of the quinjet, which landed on an open space in the park. Both men ran towards the aircraft, waiting as the back ramp lowered. At the top of the ramp were Kelly and Darius, both of them loaded down with weapons.
“We had to run back, and Friday found out the roads were all blocked, so she unlocked the quinjet for us and piloted us here,” said Kelly. “We brought everything.”
Sam ran up the ramp and opened his flying suit container. Quickly removing his clothes, he slipped into his suit as Kelly and Darius brought the weapons down the ramp for everyone else. Bucky took his suit jacket and shirt off, replacing it with a singlet and his leather jacket with his built-in knife sheaths. Picking up some knives and his M249 SAW Paratrooper he strode down the ramp. Stopping beside Kelly he locked eyes with her.
“Well done,” he said, smiling, then he continued down the ramp and began to defend while the others took weapons into their hands.
Within moments they were all armed and spread themselves around the quinjet firing at the remaining aliens and androids, while Dr. Strange, Wong, and Wanda renewed their battles with the wizards that had brought the attack to earth. It was like the most fantastic lightning show of all time as bolts of energy flew out of their fingertips pushing the wizards back and up towards a newly created portal that opened above them. With bullets flying and furious hand to hand combat the other Avengers succeeded in pushing the remaining enemies into a tight group below their elevated wizards.
Darius and Kelly stood on the ramp watching the battle from their vantage point, laughing and cheering on the Avengers, until the two sorcerers and the Scarlet Witch were able to send the enemy force up into the portal and close it behind them, sending them into a void dimension with no chance of return. As soon as that portal closed there was a moment, after all the firearms had stopped firing, and the lightning bolts of magic stilled, where there was no sound at all, except for the far off sounds of car horns blaring from drivers still unaware what had caused the traffic gridlock. Then a great cheer started erupting from the perimeter of Bryant Park. As more of the crowd from Times Square descended on the park the cheers were accompanied by applause as the onlookers raced towards where the Avengers stood, catching their breath after the unexpected battle. Their dress clothes were torn and ripped, and most of them were splattered with the odd coloured blood of the aliens or the dark oily residue left from the destruction of the androids but all of them had that look on their face of satisfaction at a successful mission. Bucky looked behind him, seeing Kelly and Darius watching from the ramp. Raising his arm he waved them over. Kelly stood beside him, and he put his arm around her, holding her close to his side.
“You two saved the day,” he said, loud enough for her to hear over the sound of cheering. “But we didn’t get our date.”
“Are you kidding?” asked Kelly. “How many girls like me get to be involved in a battle helping the Avengers? It was the best first date ever.” Her eyes sparkled. “It’s not even 10 o’clock. The night’s still young.”
Bucky took a deep breath. “Why don’t we go back to the Tower, change into something more comfortable and go for a drink. You up for that?”
She nodded and he suddenly had the urge to kiss her. Good thing she had the urge to kiss him back and they met somewhere in the middle. When they broke apart Bucky made eye contact with Sam, who grinned knowingly at him. Normally it would have irritated Bucky to no end, but he felt good about what just happened. It was the best first date ever for him as well and the nicest part about it was that it wasn’t over yet. The possibilities were endless.
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One Shots Masterlist
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thegeminisage · 5 months
ok, tng update time. friday we did "the offspring" and yesterday we did "sins of the father" and "allegiance."
the offspring: WHAT THE FUCK.................................
ok, as previously noted, this was the first episode of tng to make me cry for purely tng reasons (the bones thing doesn't count bc that's crying over tos, technically). i love data SO MUCH this episode was incredible
ok, admittedly, lal was a little hard to watch at times, the acting on her part was not super great, but the storytelling was very solid, and the situation data found himself in was such. a situation
i liked picard's arc in this, actually. he started kinda freaked out by lal and thinking of "it" as a poorly-thought-out invention of data's, and by the end he was fighting for her rights just as hard as he fought for data's in measure of a man, right up to being willing to put his own career on the line
the thing is, he was sort of correct...like, nobody else on the ship needs picard's permission to procreate (and what a wham line that was, even i had been thinking he should've consulted someone first before he did anything until he said that!!) - BUT because of data's unique situation and how tenuous it is that he even has rights as a living being at all, it puts him in the position of: if he does choose to have children, that child will immediately be in the same kind of dangers he himself has faced
also, how stupid that starfleet wasn't ok with having both androids on the staship when it was fine for the ONLY android to be on one...like, it kind of proves that a lot of people still don't think of data as being real or alive in their hindbrains, even if they use the right lip service. like i said, even picard AND EYE PERSONALLY were shocked he did this without consulting someone when we wouldn't have the same kind of shock if it happened to a human
though come to think of it i definitely don't think starfleet officers should be getting pregnant in space either no children should be aboard a starship human or not but that's a different story
it's WILD that she surpassed him, learned to feel feelings (and i still blame the starfleet dude for giving her a panic attack or w/e), and then he's got what's left of her in his own brain. 8in theory, he should know how to access a feeling...but can he, without being destroyed...that's twice now (her and raina) that we've seen androids be destroyed by their ability to feel emotion. i wonder if data realizes that what he seeks is actually very dangerous to him...
anyway, what got me was "thank you for my life." it was so short and most of it wasn't even fun but she was glad to have experienced it and AAAAAAAAA. god. 10/10
sins of the father: i was looking forward to this one bc of the title, and SO pleased it turned out to be good. worf fucking rules, i love him so much
i was so worried that secret brother was gonna be a liar or double cross him, because it seemed SO obvious, but once again i was pleasantly surprised not to be able to predict the plot (although i did see lal dying horribly coming from a mile off, lol).
my one gripe with this episode is that i wish riker had been worf's uh, i forget the klingon word but his second. picard is fine and all but he felt kind of redundant here. nobody needed him to be a captain and picard himself said he wasn't as young or as strong as another man on the ship, and riker having been exposed to klingon culture and also generally being down to clown would have been a way more fun choice. i also think riker would have objected more strongly to the ultimate resolution, and it would mean more coming from him to have told worf's brother "don't forget and don't let your children forget" because he would have been way angrier, and we rarely see riker with that kind of righteous anger that picard does so well. like, picard does it all the time so it didn't feel as noteworthy, but if riker had done it, it would have stood out in a big way
also, i liked the part where worf backhanded that guy bc he knew he was better than him lol
anyway i really hope that plot comes back someday, it fucked
allegiance: this episode fucking sucked. they strung us along for like 35 minutes without giving us any clues to solve the mystery ourselves and then revealed PICARD worked it out by using facts we don't know anything about
also, logistics. they have food in that place but i didn't see water or a bathroom and they were in there for DAYS
i didn't like the fake picard either...he was not very much fun to watch. him interrupting the poker game made me want to die of secondhand embarrassment. also, it was never explained why he wanted to fly the ship into a sun...whats the point of creating a double if he does suspicious and noticable things like murder-suiciding an entire starship lol
THAT SAID. this episode is saved from total dud status because of the mutiny. i LOOOVE when they do mutiny on star trek. this one was SO fun fake picard literally gave worf an order and he went into parade rest and stared into the middle distance and obeyed riker instead. WORF/RIKER/DEANNA IS REAL I'M TELLING YOU. whew <3
tonight: "captain's holiday" (dread...) and "tin man"
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🦊 Nope, nothing forgotten! Just tired of not getting notified when you answer.
Very pleased to hear you're doing better! I wish you a continuing speedy recovery.
As for Nosho - I see you haven't heard of his OCs. They are. Trauma in persona. None of those poor souls stays happy for too long. He's an expert in cracking characters like raw eggs. Or porcelain dolls.
Short rundown of The Obsessions! Detroit: Become Human. Video Game. Sci-Fi, Dystopian. Androids have been invented a couple of years prior to the story. They are now found in every profession possible - Doctors, Maids, Police, even Sex Workers, everything. People lose their jobs because of it. People get mad, treat Androids like shit. Androids retaliate. There's a revolution. Your decisions during the game have an impact on the story. There's a lot of possible storylines. I ship two characters who have barely 10Min screen time (Max!) together, one of them having literally 60Sec of it and no line of speech. The fandom built those characters basically from scratch. It's hilarious.
Horizon: Zero Dawn. WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU NEVER HEARD OF THIS FRANCHISE. I AM APPALED. LITERALLY MY FAVOURITE GAMES. Again, Video Game. Sci-Fi, Dystopian. Old world ceased to exist, got destroyed. New world was formed. Aloy has been outcast. She doesn't know why. On her quest to find out about her origin, she has to save the world and right a lot of wrongs. I'm sorry, but I can't say more on this without spoilers, and I highly recommed them. (2/3 parts are out so far, third one is in the making!)
Supernatural. You are so wise in not watching it. You'd be SO disappointed. The Queerbait is outrageous. Whatever happened past S10 is a mystery. Absolutely whack. Shit ending. Don't do this to yourself. I got into it when it was still good. And that was the only reason I kept watching. Had I known about that ending beforehand, I wouldn't have touched it.
Duskwood. I will add this even though I didn't mention it previously. Video Game. Horror/Thriller, Interactive Mystery. You are added to a Group Chat. A girl was kidnapped. She supposedly sent your number to her boyfriend who contacted you. They suspect you are the culprit at first. A hacker contacts you, wanting to help you to solve the mystery. If you play as a female character you can woo the hacker. It's hilarious. The Mini Games you have to play in between can be frustrating, but it's worth it.
Hey twin k! How are you doing? Sorry it took me so long to get back to you 🧡 I’m finally back to the land of the living.
@creepkinginc you scare me now. This is a side of you ice never knew. Please never do it to our AUs 😨
Detroit: become human. Okay I see you with shipping characters that have barely been together on screen. I respect your choices but, respectfully, how do you do it? How is there enough to obsess over? Or is it all just headcanons? Wait one of them does even speak? Y’all are something else hahaha
Horizon: zero dawn. The word “dawn” will forever remind me of twilight. I am so sorry I just have never been a video game kind of person!! I don’t even own a tv of a computer! (I have a laptop which I love dearly but I doubt it strong enough for proper games, it’s doesn’t even have a disc compartment lol) this actually sounds very interesting. But like, can I read it or do I have to play to get the plot? Because I’m intrigued but I’m not gonna get into gaming probably. 😅 is there a proper fandom? A love interest?
Supernatural. Yep yep. I had a feeling it was too much queerbaiting that will never give us more than maybe one live confession and no actual relationship. I feel like supernatural-> shameless pipe line is for people who needed to recover from the queerbaiting trauma and get a gay happy ending.
Duskwood. Ohhh cool this is kind of giving pretty little liars vibe. Do you know how I know I live in a queer bubble? My first thought was “oh a lesbian hacker! So cool!” And then I realize… it’s probably a straight man. Hahaha I’m very into the interactive mystery part ( I love reading books from the pov of a detective or someone trying to solve a murder) but the horror part… is it gore? Or like scare to make me pee my pants? Because that’s not for me🙃 but the plot sounds really cool! What are the mini games?
Very impressed with your list of obsessions. Though I have a feeling you’re not satisfied with happy endings lol couldn’t be me. I need my HEA.
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androidcharles · 2 years
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So, remember when I promised some writing? Well, I managed to pull together the first chapter and HOPEFULLY it makes a little sense. I hope that you guys enjoy it, it's under the read more! I'll have an AO3 alternate link up soon, so for now, let me attempt to tell this story XD
Chapter Directory First (you are here) | Next ->
Six months ago, team Triple Threat managed to take down the Toppat Clan, the most nefarious criminal group in the world. Ever since then, they’ve been having fun on missions together, taking down criminal syndicates and mafia clans all across the country.
With Henry running his private investigation business from his home with Ellie’s help, they were able to sustain a healthy income, from working missions for the government to helping out in the neighborhood with some more fun deals.
Henry was pretty much the heart of the operation, with his clever observational skills and strange resourcefulness, he was able to pretty much pull solutions out of a hat (sometimes quite literally) as he often went through the front lines with the most strange and bizarre weapons yet. His inability to be contained, combined with an abnormal power that his friends have dubbed as “the sight”, he was practically unstoppable.
Ellie was Henry’s second in command and practically the wild card. She had keen observation skills as well, as well as some freaky trick to tell a liar from a truth teller. She was more calm and collected than Henry was, and while she wasn’t as resourceful, with her force powers and her fiery passion, she was almost as dangerous as Henry was. She was capable of coming up with more sound plans when Henry couldn’t come up with anything (or he was tied up with something).
Charles was the third member of the group, mostly responsible for transportation, but sometimes did some field work with the two. While Henry and Ellie were mostly know for their luck and passion, Charles was more of a ray of sunshine among the group, keeping optimistic as his friends often pummeled bad guys into submission, all while expertly piloting his helicopter (which was equipped with it’s own array of gadgets). He was also an android as well, not built by the government, but by someone else entirely.
In the six months that the group got together, they’ve been through thick and thin, through arguments and through peril and sometimes even narrowly avoiding deadly situations. Despite their ups and downs however, things were starting to heat up once again, just as it was as the frost from late winter was starting to thaw the ice around town.
It all started when Charles and Ellie were watching TV, Charles mindlessly eating crayons while sitting at the low table while Ellie laid on the couch, flipped through the channels, not really paying attention to what was on.
“Charles, what are you up to?” Ellie said as she set down the remote, finally settling on watching some mindless cartoon.
“Hm?” Charles turned around to look at Ellie, two crayons stuck between his lips as Ellie suddenly giggled.
“Look at you. Mind if I have some?” she joked.
“Only if you want. I have to warn you though, the yellow ones aren’t as good,” Charles said as Ellie chuckled, standing up and stretching
“I’ll just head to the kitchen and get some chips.”
“I want some too!”
“Alright.” Charles kept munching on his crayons as he pondered his circumstances. He was quite happy with his life; it’s not like he could complain. He had good friends who understood what he was and he was happy, but at the same time he couldn’t help but feel this longing, like something in his gut was trying to tell him something.
Ellie emerged from the corner, rattling a nearly empty bag of chips.
“We’re pretty much almost out,” Ellie said, “Your chips are gone too, you know.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot I ate them all… even the bag,” Charles said as he stood up and stretched before stopping himself. He wasn’t sure why he picked up the habit of doing it, but it kind of made him feel more human.
“What are you doing?” Ellie asked.
“I’m going to get some more. I don’t mind.”
“Uh, OK. Just be careful out there. Don’t stay out too long. And don’t get me any cheese flavor either!” Ellie shouted.
“Alright, I’m off than!” Pulling on his signature jacket, he raced out of the apartment.
Ellie smiled as she continued to watch TV. The light outside of their apartment grew dim as Henry walked into the living room, tipping his head to the side as Ellie lay back on the couch watching TV.
WHERE IS CHARLES? Henry signed at Ellie as she looked up from the TV.
“He went on a chip run… He’s been gone a while, so maybe he’s getting a few groceries or taking a detour” Ellie said, suddenly sitting up, “Whoa, wait a minute, has he been gone for… three hours now?”
“WHAT!?” Henry shouted as he suddenly bolted towards the door. Slamming it open, he scanned the environment for any sign of him coming up the street as Ellie joined him.
“Look, I didn’t notice, I got all caught up I’m sorry!” Ellie shouted.
“Any store nearby sells the chips that we like. Maybe you can go look for clues?!” Henry grabbed his sling backpack and hoisted it on before sprinting off into the early evening air, leaving Ellie with a sick feeling in her stomach as she walked towards the TV, changing the channel to get her mind off of her friend being missing.
“And in other news, the mysterious robber with a top hat on is still at large as police reports show that the robber is a young girl with curly hair and piercing blue eyes. She seems to carry an arsenal of weapons on her person which makes her seem as big of a threat as a certain criminal that had been hitting the scene not too long ago. We also have eye witness reports confirm that she may be a member of the now defunct Toppat Clan, who was arrested by said criminal and his companions about six months ago.”
“Toppat Clan?” Ellie muttered, turning up the TV.
“In our other top story today, an assortment of computer parts and other technology has gone missing from several computer stores and labs across the area. Government officials have been assigned to the case, however, every trail and lead they follow comes up cold. All clues seem to be red herrings and many investigators are wondering if this should be considered a cold case. Many have suspected that this is work of crypto terrorists, but it is very unlikely, considering last years ban of crypto mining across the area. Now for the weather for the next few days, we turn to-”
Ellie turned off the TV at that moment, wondering in the back of her mind what this all meant. Maybe the whole computer store robberies were connected to Charles? After all, he was an android, so he had to have some sort of advanced technology within him. Just what exactly was keeping him alive, anyway?
But than there was this Toppat girl. Hadn’t they arrested all the Toppats? Was there a loose string that they hadn’t worried about until now connecting back to them? Maybe a secret group that was planning on bringing them back or something? Ellie felt like she needed to organize her thoughts. She got out a notebook, her phone, and dug up a map of Stickburg from their office, along with some string and some pins so she could start doing some research.
About thirty minutes later, she was no closer to finding out the truth. She had managed to stick a pin in every place that had been robbed and there didn’t seem to be much of a connection. Every major news story (and most minor) had pretty much gone on to explain how either the girl with the top hat had gotten away with much of a trace or there were no clues connecting them to whoever was doing the electronic robberies. And any clues that seemed to exist were just dead ends.
“Why weren’t we given this case I wonder? Maybe it’s because it wasn’t serious enough?” Ellie muttered as she wrote a couple more things down, “But over two million dollars of computer were stolen in the last two weeks… that has to qualify as something, right?” She did some hacking to access the security footage from these places, maybe they could lead to some clues, but apparently, most of the footage seem to have been tampered with. So even that was a cold trail.
“What are you doing?” She jumped as Henry stared down at her hunched over the low table, his eyes worried as she sighed.
“I’m just trying to figure this out…” Ellie said softly, “I was watching the news and I guess our government friends didn’t think that telling us about how a bunch of computer stores were getting robbed was worth talking about.”
I SAW. MAYBE THEY DIDN’T THINK IT WAS WORTH THE TROUBLE, Henry said, BUT IF CHARLES WERE HERE HE COULD PROBABLY FIGURE IT OUT. Ellie suddenly felt bad for letting Charles leave by himself. Especially with all the tech robberies happening. But that wasn’t important right now.
“Any leads on that front?” Ellie asked cautiously. Henry shook his head.
“Earlier today, I did kinda make fun of him… you don’t think he ran away because of me do you?” Ellie placed her heads in her hands, trying not to cry as Henry wrapped his arm around her shoulder reassuringly.
“No no no…” Henry said softly. Ellie sighed as she looked up at him.
HE TENDS TO LET THINGS KINDA ROLL OFF HIS BACK. I THINK HE WAS KIDNAPPED… NOT THE CONCLUSION I WANT TO DRAW BUT… Henry had a sort of worried look on his face as Ellie felt even worse. Maybe she should have gone with him. Maybe she could have protected him from whatever had kidnapped him or hurt him.
“With all the tech robberies happening in the area, he might have been kidnapped. Though, he tends to blend in pretty well, so if someone noticed he was an android, they’d have to spend a lot of time with him. Remember when we didn’t know he was android?” Ellie and Henry chuckled, remembering how nervous as he told them, worried that they wouldn’t treat him the same way.
YEAH... CHARLES IS REALLY SWEET AND THE IDEA OF SOMEONE HURTING HIM… Henry grabbed a pencil and snapped it in half, his eyes filled with an indescribable rage.
“Calm down! Geez… I like him a lot too, but if we act irrationally than we’re gonna end up getting hurt,” Ellie said, “Let’s start by retracing his steps. We need to go back to the store he was last seen at and see if there are any clues that might lead to our kidnapper…”
After a quick wardrobe change and clean up, the two of them set off into the night, hoping they could find something, anything to save their friend.
- - - - -
“This is interesting…”
In an underground lair, about fifty feet under the surface, there was a group of people gathered around a now restricted Charles, who was gagged with duct tape as he tried to access his weapons (or anything that could harm them really). Unfortunately, he had been put into something his dad had installed a long time ago, back when he was still being repaired and researched; a thing called Safe Mode, which was essentially like a block that would prevent him from accessing his weapons. Normally this would be activated under extreme circumstances, but the fact they knew about it only concerned him.
“Very interesting indeed. Project SAI knew what they were doing, hm?” A tall man with average looking hair and very nerdy spectacles perched over his face giggled as he turned towards Charles, who only flinched.
This bastard is super lucky I can’t access my weapons right now… or hack… or do anything useful… Charles began to wonder if he was ever going to find a way out of here. It was so strange, one minute he was heading towards his apartment in the hopes that Ellie wouldn’t mind baked barbecue chips and the next he was being grabbed and dragged into alleyway before his mind suddenly went blank.
He must have been turned off, but how? Only he could really turn himself off and reboot himself.
“Sir, don’t you think we should more concerned about whether or not the government figures out he’s missing? After all, he could have sent out a distress signal before he was put into force shut down,” one of the nearby henchmen spoke up.
“I wouldn’t worry so much Theodore. His logs indicate that he was only a state of panic before he even so much could send a signal,” the boss said, towering over Charles as he shook, looking down shamefully.
Why didn’t I think of that? Charles thought as the boss turned towards his henchmen, who were all hunched over tables playing some kind of game of sorts. Most of them were playing different games of varying nerdiness, but most of them were just talking amongst themselves, working on different projects.
The duct tape was suddenly ripped off of his mouth as he cringed, narrowing his eyes at this new enemy.
“Alright, now that I can finally talk… who are you?” Charles asked.
“I am Wendell Carrier. I’m the technological genius behind the smart tech used for Carrier Tech, a company that prides itself on it’s doorbells… at least I was until it was found out I was selling information to criminals…”
“Wendell… you’ve been our lists forever! What the heck is wrong with you, why did you kidnap me?!” Charles shouted.
“Because as far as things are concerned, there’s only two working Project SAI androids in this area and you’re the next best thing. After all, that second one is a bit slippery… Than again most Toppats are,” Wendell said.
“Wait, Toppat? All the Toppats were arrested a long time ago. They were sent to the Wall…” Charles muttered, “And they’re an android? What are the Toppats doing with an android!?”
“You ask a lot of questions for a super computer,” Wendell muttered as he started to type on his own computer.
“Super computer? I’m just an average android, I’m not built to-”
“And you have more pirated games than a poor college student.”
“Uh, those aren’t mine, I don’t pirate things, that’s illegal.”
“Than how come they’re in a folder that says ‘Pirated Video Games?’”
“Because I got them from pirates! And also the internet,” Charles said, winking at Wendell as he made a sort of agitated face at him.
“Maybe he has some kind of mental suppressor on him. Like Wheatley from Portal,” Theodore said as he and a few other people crowded next to Wendell to observe the screen.
“Oh, you did not just compare me to that idiot…” Charles muttered, as he tapped his fingers on the arm rests and suddenly looked down to notice that there were several wires coming out of his fingers.
“What the hell… OK, what the heck are you planning?!” Charles shouted.
“No mental suppressors… I guess he’s just a moron,” Wendell said, “Well, I’m not happy that you asked, because it’s a bit complicated and you might get lost considering your mental capacity.” “Try me nerd.”
“Fine. Using as simple terms as I can, we’ve been robbing several tech stores and laboratories in the area to procure their technology just so we can create the ultimate super computer! With it, we’ll be able to hack any database in America, nay, the world and get more much needed cash for our more… hostile projects…”
“And we’ll also be able to get infinite ethereum! It’ll be great!” one of the nerds piped up as the others cheered.
“Uh, news flash, but crypto mining is illegal in this state!” Charles shouted.
“Not for long. After all, they say that buying politicians is much more efficient than killing them…” Wendell said.
“OK, so whatever, you managed steal millions of dollars worth of processors, hard drives, and power cores in order to power your super computer of death or whatever. I don’t care. Because I don’t understand where I come in in all this.”
“You’re the key component. We’ve been trying for the past few months to try to contact the old Project SAI scientists in the small hopes that we can get their secrets. But since they don’t seem to be out there, the next best thing we can do is kidnap one of the androids and use their parts to make our super computer completely and utterly perfect!” Charles felt sort of queasy (or at least he thought it was queasy) as he started to try to fight the restraints.
“Wait, you’re just gonna take me apart!?” Charles shouted.
“And, of course, wipe your memories.”
“WHAT!? YOU CAN’T JUST DO THAT!!” Charles screamed, struggling to get out of the restraints.
“I can and I will… No one will be able to stop us after all,” Wendell said.
“I have two friends who will be happy to rip off your stupid glasses, give you the wedgie of a lifetime, and shove you into the smallest locker possible you stupid NERD!” Charles shouted.
“Ah, such harsh words! But words and nothing more. I mean seriously, you can’t send a distress signal, you can’t communicate, you can’t even access your weapons. Do you really think that they’ll be able to save you?” Wendell said.
“They could probably hear me screaming if I shouted loud enough!”
“Good point. Gag him again. I don’t need to here him whine anymore.” Theodore pulled out a roll of duct tape as Charles whimpered, hoping that Ellie and Henry would burst through the door any minute now to save him.
Meanwhile, in another part of town, Ellie and Henry were walking down alleyways, searching for any signs of Charles, the kidnappers, or anything that could lead them to him. But so far, there was nothing that could be found.
“Any luck?” Ellie asked. Henry shook his head as he leaned against a street lamp, looking up at the sky.
“Geez, this is ridiculous. What kind of criminals are able to clear their tracks so quickly? We could do a full town sweep, but who knows how long that would take. He could be hurt or dead by the time we find him,” Ellie said.
“NO!” Ellie jumped as Henry grabbed Ellie’s shoulder, a fearful look in his eyes as he shook his head.
“We’re gonna find him OK? Us finding him dead is only a worst case scenario…” Ellie looked down the alleyway again and suddenly noticed something.
“Hey, what’s this?” Ellie said, “I must have missed this when I was checking the alleyway… It’s a business card for an office building on Tenth Street in downtown… Maybe it could be a lead?”
“We’re just gonna have to take the risk. Let’s jet.”
It was at times like this they really took Charles for granted. Having to get to downtown on foot was really starting to take a toll and Charles was the only one with a valid drivers license (considering how many counts of DUIs and attempted vehicular manslaughter Henry had on his record and of course Ellie’s fear of operating cars itself).
About an hour later, they finally managed to make it to the address in question, only to find a locked office building.
“We’re gonna have to break in. This is our territory now. How should we get in?” Ellie asked Henry.
How should we get in? Henry’s eyes lit up as he considered the options. He could use a laser to cut a hole in the glass door and they could slide in…
But apparently, his sight was telling him otherwise as the laser became unwieldy, cutting him and Ellie in half.
Well that’s not gonna work… an explosion maybe? A compact explosion device attached to one of the walls… that would cause the entire wall to crumble down on top of them. Not good.
Maybe you should have backed up a little!
Quiet you, Henry thought to himself as he thought of his other options. A grappling hook could work. Sneak in from the top. So far nothing in his sight had told him this was a horrible idea. It was either that or use the teleporter… and he didn’t even need his sight to know that was a terrible idea.
He quickly pulled two grappling hooks from his backpack and handed one off to Ellie as he launched his towards the top of the building. They scaled to the top of the building, ascending to the top as they scanned the rooftop for any openings.
“Henry, there’s a vent over here!” Ellie shouted, “C’mon let’s go!” Henry followed Ellie as he carefully climbed down the vents with her before she kicked down a grate, landing them both in an ordinary office, with a cubicle and everything.
“Charles!?” Ellie shouted.
“Ellie!” Henry shout whispered.
“Oh right…” Ellie said.
After taking the nearest elevator to the bottom floor, they entered the lobby, looking around to see if there was anything suspicious around.
“Hello?” they heard someone say. They jumped and turned to see a person with a mop bucket staring intently at them.
“Are you guys robbing the place?”
“No, we’re here to see if we can find our friend…” Ellie said.
“Oh, well there some dudes way downstairs doing some stuff. They were carrying a guy towards the elevator before they went down there…”
“WAIT, how did they get down there?!” Ellie shouted.
“I don’t know, I just work here. You think I know everything?” the janitor muttered as he went into another room.
“The elevator… we’ve gotta find a way to get down there!” Ellie shouted, “But how…”
“Hmm…” Henry now had to consider their options again.
Explosives… no, we can’t have a repeat of last time. The elevator will come down and warn whoever is down there of their presence.
The Opacticitator Mk III… odd that it’s three, but apparently, it’s supposed to make everything between them pass through… unfortunately the whole buidling comes down with them. What the heck is wrong with Gadget Gabe?
Maybe that’ll be fixed with the Mk IV…
I sure hope so. What else can I do? Crowbar… seems a bit simple, but maybe the elevator had gone up by now. He pulled a crowbar out of his pockets and with Ellie’s help was able to pry the door open. Ellie pulled out the grappling hook and shot at the top of the elevator shaft before grasping Henry tightly and descending down into the shaft. They began to hear voices as they went lower and lower before Ellie stopped, their feet hitting solid ground. They were on top of the elevator.
Using the crowbar, Henry pulled open the maintenance door and slipped inside with Ellie, who followed him diligently as they pried the elevator doors open.
“Shit!” Ellie muttered under her breath, “We’ve got company!”
And what can we do about that… Henry had another choice and so did Ellie. Maybe Ellie could use some tranquilizer while he used a boomerang!
The boomerang would bounce towards their adversaries and towards Ellie… tranquilizing him in the process.
Yeah that’s not gonna work. I’ll use the crowbar from earlier and Ellie uses a grenade. Ellie would throw the grenade as he… charges at them and explodes with them…
Watch where you’re going!
I’m trying to!
Maybe the crowbar from earlier while Ellie tranquilizes them. He could intimidate them while Ellie fires the tranquilizer at them. It had to work. Henry grabbed the crowbar and made a scary face while Ellie aimed the tranquilizer gun at the two now frightened nerds. Ellie charged forward and gave them a good kick while high-fiving Henry in the process.
They headed down the hall towards another room where they saw Charles tied up, obviously struggling against his bonds.
“There’s an intruder!” one of them shouted.
“Ugh, it smells like a Smash Brothers convention in here…” Ellie said.
“WHERE’S CHARLES!?” Henry shouted.
“Oh boy, this again…”
Wendell stepped out of the shadows, a sort of annoyed look on his face as Ellie and Henry jumped down to the floor, Ellie landing perfectly on her feet and Henry landing flat on his face. He got up just in time to see the obvious nerd towering over them.
“Who are you?!” Ellie shouted.
“I already explained everything to the android. Maybe he could fill you in. Oh, he couldn’t… because his memories are getting erased in about… I’d say twenty minutes,” Wendell said.
“YOU’RE GONNA WHAT?! Oh now you’re just asking for it...” Ellie said, cracking her knuckles. Henry was already reaching into his sling backpack and pulling out a couple of things that could hurt them as Wendell started to laugh.
“As if your intellect is anything compared to ours. Yes sure you may have brawn, but when it comes to fighting, brains are where it’s at. His memories will be gone before you can even-”
“SHUT UP NERD BEFORE I GIVE YOU A WEDGIE!” Ellie forced pushed Wendell into a group of nerds before force picking him up again as he begged for mercy. Using her force powers, she gave him an atomic wedgie, causing him to shriek as he fell to the ground. Charles giggled from his position as the other nerds started to charge towards them.
“Henry take care of these losers, I’m gonna help Charles out!” Ellie shouted. Henry gave the thumbs up as he charged towards the group, his eyes glowing as he pulled an Ore Club out of his back pack and charged a super tornado towards the group, causing them to fall back even more as Henry looked to Ellie, who was calming Charles down.
“Charlie, it’s gonna be OK. We’re gonna detach you from all this and you’ll be fine…” Ellie said softly as she removed the duct tape from his mouth.
“Ellie, I need you to turn off Safe Mode,” Charles said.
“What? You have that? Why?”
“Just turn it off. On the computer over there. Once I’m no longer in Safe Mode, I can take care of the rest. I can override the memory erasing and maybe even teach these idiots a lesson as well,” Charles said.
“Uh, OK, hold on…” Ellie said, running towards the computer and typing away as Henry stood over the group. Henry ran towards the two, getting ready to protect them while fighting off a couple of other goons, standing in position and getting ready to attack.
“DO SOMETHING!!” Wendell shouted as a couple of nerds rose up and charged at him. Henry flipped one over while taking the other and spinning him around before flinging him against the wall. Silently thanking Ellie for pressuring him into learning how to really fight, he put his fists up for the next opponent.
“He’s too scary!”
“And strong!”
“I DON’T CARE! Just go stop that girl than!” Wendell shouted.
“You’re too late! I’ve already got it! Charles you should be able to-”
“Already taking care of it…” Charles said as he undid the clasps on his hands before aborting the memory erasing process. He pulled the wires from his fingers as he finally sat up.
“Are you OK?” Ellie said as Charles ran towards her.
“Never better…”
“Freeze!” Wendell shouted. He was holding a laser gun in his hands, rage and fury on his face as Charles put himself in front of Ellie to protect her.
“What the hell do you want?!” Charles shouted, “You’ve already lost, so you’d better get out of here before the place blows.”
“WHAT?!” Ellie and Henry shouted.
“Uh, yeah, I activated the self destruct sequence while you were busy with Henry,” Charles said.
“Charles, that’s not a smart idea!” Ellie screamed at him.
“Oh… shoot well… I thought it was a good idea… I can’t undo it now GAH!!” Charles suddenly collasped, clutching his stomach as Wendell and the others ran out of the building, clear panic in their voices as Wendell turned towards the three.
“Mark my words, you bullies, we’ll be back! Along with that nefarious group the Toppat Clan as well!” Wendell cried out.
“How do you know that!?” Ellie shouted.
“Statistics! Farewell!” Wendell shouted as the two of them ran towards Henry.
“Henry, we have two minutes before the place goes! We need a plan now!” Charles shouted.
I’m not losing my friend in an explosion again… Henry thought as he considered their options. Going up the elevator seemed like a bad idea and using the escape hatch that those jerks were using seemed like a worse idea.
Suddenly a chunk of the ceiling came down, leaving a hole that led upwards a little.
“ELLIE!” Henry shouted, pointing up at the hole. She nodded her as she aimed the grappling hook up to the ceiling. Charles’ arm turned into a grappling hook, doing the same as Ellie grabbed onto Henry and pulled them up through the ceiling. There were several computer parts sparking and popping as they ran through the room before finding a maintenance shaft that looked to lead up to the surface.
“Charles you go first!” Henry shouted.
“Maybe I should-” Charles started before Ellie pushed him. “Don’t argue with him!” Ellie shouted before heading up the ladder herself. Henry managed to pull himself up about halfway up the ladder before he heard a loud explosion and was suddenly rocketed up into the air. He had about five seconds to figure something out…
He pulled out a bottle of Insta-Gelatin and squirted it towards the ground before falling face first into it, gradually swimming through it before he face planted onto the concrete, letting out a sigh of relief. He was safe… but more importantly his friends were safe.
“Henry, is it OK if I eat this stuff?” Charles suddenly asked as Henry pulled himself up.
“Charles, you don’t know… wait… never mind, go ahead do whatever you want,” Ellie muttered as another explosion rocked the ground, “But maybe you should take some to go so we can get out of here…”
“Well, my pockets are empty… HEY MY POCKET PANCAKES ARE GONE! What the heck!?” Charles shouted.
“Yeah, we should get out of here…” Henry muttered as he took their hands and ran towards an alley as they heard sirens in the distance.
- - - - -
“In a strange top story tonight, last nights explosion in downtown Stickburg was the result of the new criminal organization know as the N.E.R.Ds. The Nefarious Evildoers in Robotics and Destruction had made their base in an office building in the downtown area before it was destroyed by an unknown force. Investigators are hoping they can trace where these criminals have gone as the search continues.” Ellie muted the TV as Charles looked down innocently.
“That’s why it was a bad idea to self destruct the base,” Ellie said.
“Sorry Ellie, I should have asked you before I blew the whole place up. I figured if I could destroy their super computer, they wouldn’t be able to do much. But something tells me they’re probably gonna build another one anyway. Hopefully without my parts this time…” Charles muttered.
“You know, something about what the leader of that group said is bothering me… The Toppat Clan is going to make a return?” Ellie said.
“Yeah, but there have been sightings of a girl in a Toppat top hat with an impossible arsenal of weapons was robbing banks in the area… who are they I wonder?”
“Are there any clear pictures of her online? It could be Carol Cross or the Witch or Matilda Ivy…” Charles said, his eyes scanning a UI that only he could see.
“Hmm… there are a couple of pictures. This is the clearest one so far…” Ellie said as she placed her phone on the low table. The other two sat down on either side of her to look at the photo.
“Curly dark black hair, blue eyes… she’s wearing a top hat too…” Charles said, “What are those things on her head?”
“Communication devices from the looks of things…” Ellie said, “But she works alone… who is she contacting?”
“Maybe we should keep an eye on her just in case…” Charles said.
“Good point. We’ll start following the cases right away,” Ellie said,
“Yeah, definitely. So, are you sure that none of the Toppats escaped?” Charles said.
“We’ll have to take Henry’s word for it,” Ellie said.
“Well, there’s escape pods on the rocket right? Maybe some of them used one of those…” Charles said.
“Escape pods don’t work if they’re not in space, Charles,” Ellie said.
“I’m pretty sure it would work.” Henry’s head suddenly perked up as Ellie rolled her eyes at Charles.
“I’m pretty sure escape pods only work in space, Charles.”
“That’s not how it works Ellie! You can use an escape pod anytime you want!”
“GUYS!” Henry shouted as Charles and Ellie paused their argument.
“Another government call. It’s gonna be another busy night. Shall we?” Ellie asked.
“Alright, let’s go!” Charles shouted as they headed into the office.
- - - - -
Across town, a girl walked into an abandoned building, looking around suspiciously as her eyes wandered towards Wendell, who was busy messing with a portable touch screen monitor.
“Hello again, Amelia…” Wendell said, “We’re holding up our end of the deal… but you didn’t seem to hold up yours. We know that you’re the one who led those investigators to our hiding place…”
“You have no proof of that…” Amelia said.
“Oh come on, it’s obvious. You wouldn’t let us use your technology and we noticed that that other android had the same specs as you,” Wendell said, “It’s only fair.”
“I didn’t know there was another android in Stickburg, much less the same android I’ve convinced myself is dead all these years…” Amelia said, “But the fact that you were willing to kill him and try to strip him for parts was sickening…”
“You do realize that if you cut this deal, we won’t be able to help your comrades escape from the Wall, correct? You need us. Just like we need you. After all, if it wasn’t for your tech-y friend, we wouldn’t have found this new hiding place.”
“Just stay away from him. I’m pretty sure you can build a working super computer without his parts,” Amelia said.
“And how do you propose we do that?” Wendell said as Amelia threw a big cardboard box onto the ground.
“That is every known document, every single detail about Project SAI, how their androids were made and of course, every single thing you need to know to build the things that they were capable of making,” Amelia said, “Don’t go too crazy. We don’t need another Project SAI on our hands.”
“Well, don’t mind if I-” Wendell suddenly flinched as Amelia put her foot over the box.
“Ah ah ah… first you have to swear that you will not hurt the other android,” Amelia said.
“He’s a government dog, why do you care?” Wendell said.
“Why do you?” Wendell pursed his lips as he looked at the box, than back to Amelia before letting out a sigh.
“No promises… especially if he tries to attack us,” Wendell said.
“Fine. I’ll agree to those terms,” Amelia said, “I have to go. My… tech friend needs me.”
“Whatever. Thanks for the information!” Wendell said as Amelia closed the door behind her. She walked down the alleyways before coming to a stop at an apartment building, scanning the environment around her before hiding out. She watched as Ellie, Henry, and Charles ran out, talking excitedly among each other as they headed towards the garage. She watched Charles carefully as she gripped one of the branches tightly.
“Charles… no… Unit CC… I’ve finally found you.”
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rhapsodyred-writes · 1 year
"Tell me a lie and make me believe it."
This ended up being longer than I expected, oops.
"Tell me a lie and make me believe it."
Luna had entered Sykes' music room with little fanfare and, for the first time, without knocking. She'd been stricken with an idea, after listening to Owen go on and on about how good a liar he was. Well, who could possibly be a better liar than Sykes? He was an android, and likely aware of any and all possible tells. Surely, he could out lie Owen - especially since Luna had long stopped believing anything Owen said.
"You heard me." She crossed her arms over her chest in an uncharacteristically assertive display.
"Yes," Sykes said, looking over his glasses at her from where he sat at his piano. "I heard you just fine, but I'm not sure I understood you." He sat up from the piano bench and took a couple steps toward where she stood. "Why on Earth would you want me to lie to you?"
Luna hesitated here, unsure how to answer. "I...just got tired of Owen and his flimsy lies."
"Ah." A look of understanding settled on Syke's features. "So you want me to tell you a lie so believable that you'll stop trusting me, is that it?" He asked, his smile turning a little sly as he did.
"Relax," He chuckled softly and removed his glasses, folding them before setting them on top of the piano he was now lightly leaning against. "I'm only teasing."
Teasing was, as far as Luna was aware, something Sykes had picked up fairly recently. She was beginning to regret this.
"So, a believable lie, huh?" He stroked a beard he did not have and would never be able to grow. "If you know ahead of time that it's a lie, is it still believable?"
She was at a loss; this was a possibility she hadn't thought about, but his words made sense. If she already knew it was a lie, how believable would it really be?
Sykes waited for her to answer, but when she didn't, he sighed and shrugged his shoulders. "Well, I'll do my best." He let that settle before starting with his lie.
"I didn't feel anything when we split up."
The reminder that they'd been together was jarring, and it took Luna a moment to process - a moment too long. Sykes continued, heedless of her dumbfounded state.
"Do you remember," He started, his gaze locking onto hers, "the days that followed? Most people assumed I'd secluded myself to cope with the break up, but that's not the case. It really didn't bother me at all. I'd secluded myself to focus on music. Once we were no longer attached at the hip, I had more time for something I truly loved."
The more Sykes spoke, the more Luna was forced to remember the days following the break up. The break up itself had been a mutual decision; there were unmet needs on both sides and they had agreed to pause the relationship, if not call it off completely. It might have been a mutual decision, and they might have stayed on friendly terms, but Luna hadn't coped well with it, especially since Sykes isolated himself the way he had. She had wondered about his self-imposed isolation, but never had the nerve to ask.
As she listened, she felt old hurts brought back to the surface, and by the time he was done, she was blinking away tears.
"Really?" Her voice was little more than a squeak.
Sykes blinked rapidly, confusion clear on his face. "Oh no, not at all."
Silence settled as Luna remembered what she'd come in here to make Sykes do, and as she reprocessed what he'd told her. The lie he'd told her.
Sykes was the first to break the silence with a sheepish chuckle. "I guess I'm a better liar than I thought?"
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faarkas · 2 years
all of the people section for jade pleaseee 🥺👉🏼👈🏼
👻 send sum emojis 👻
👁️ EYE - what colour are their eyes? do people notice their eyes? is there anything special about them (shows emotion easily, literally magical...)?
I can only really show you her eyes tbh BUT LUCKKLY I CAME PREPARED:
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They’re like a galaxy pupil type deal with the coloured iris. Kala’s android eyes <333
Anyway I think it’s one of the things people first notice about her. They’re quite striking and they were a gift from one of the boys after a trip into town. :’)
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
She’s a moderately good liar. she doesn’t really try to lie, she’s not that kind of girl, but she can pull things off if she needs to. I think her tells are, like, she’ll get overly laissez-faire, her posture will get a little too loose and relaxed and she’ll talk very…animatedly? Like she’s trying to be overly nice or charming or whatever.
👻 GHOST - do they believe in ghosts? what are their "ghostly experiences", if any?
The desert can get very spooky at night so yeah. :/ she absolutely hates going out into the dark or being alone if it’s late on account of like little things she’s seen at the edge of her vision and the one time she swears the saw the ghost of santiago sitting in pa/nam’s chair.
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
I think Jade’s like, pretty even tempered and stable honestly? Maybe fear or true anger. Her hands start to shake and she gets super jittery and just freaked out when she’s really scared and I think she has a hard time calming down and quelling her flight response.
😭 CRYING - what makes them cry? do they cry easily?
I don’t think she really cries that easily. she wants to be one of the boyssss (even tho the boys would not mind if she cried for some reason. Awkward pats on the back.)
What does make her cry or at least tear up tho:
- Frustration tears when an expensive hard to get part breaks
- when she drops The Good Food
- Beau and/or Noah get very sad for some reason
- when chowder (her pet gecko) gets sick (she’s okay)
- a bittersweet romance novel
👊 PUNCH - are they quick to violence?
Not usually. I think very rarely her temper can flare bc she’s only human, but she’s generally pretty chill and collected. She just scoffs and walks away, hoping they don’t talk to her for the rest of the day.
💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will take some getting used to?
- She has the garage she likes to use in a permanent state of mess and disorganization but she understands it. Drives Beau crazy when he needs to use it too.
- Talks to herself often about anything, everything, and nothing
- IDK SHES JUST KINDA INNOCUOUS. She on that in my own little corner (cinder/ella 2013 cast recording) type shit
👪 FAMILY - what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your oc have any siblings?
Her family was really good before [ava/tar voice] the raffen attacked. Her momma and dada were wiped out along with a few other members of the alde/caldos and it was very tragic obvs. The rest of the camp just kinda took her under their wing, especially cassidy. kind of a grumpy but kind uncle to her. :’)
She doesn’t have any siblings but she is quite close with Noah and Beau. Kind of a rascally little third wheel sister to whatever the fuck they have going on.
😨 FEARFUL - when scared, do they go into "flight" or "fight"?
I think she goes into flight first and tries to turn it into a fight response. She wants to be braver but she has a hard time with it. make peace not war :(((
she will swing on a bitch when she gets that response fixed tho be careful 🔧
💤 SLEEPING - do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep?
She sleeps fairly well tbh. Not a lot of nightmares or anything. Sounds of the breeze and crickets knock her ass out IMMEDIATELY. If she had more reliable access to the internet she’d be an ASMR girlie.
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lettersfromcats · 9 months
july favorites list
hi kate <3
july is not entirely over yet but i think it's never too early for a favorites list and what a better way to introduce myself than through my recent favorite things? (if anything else comes up i will just add it). i was thinking of coming up with little categories but that didn't work that well so i will just list them. here they are:
sims 4 family gameplay/legacy gameplay
i have been playing a lot of sims 4 lately and what i have been specifically enjoying is playing a generations and family gameplay or legacy gameplay. it's been fun seeing how far a family come when you started in willow creek in a starter home and now generation 3 lives in a mansion in del sol valley. it's also fun to see the worlds populate with your extended family and friends. it makes the game feel a lot more real.
speak now taylor's version
i am not special nor original, if there's a new taylor swift release i ought to be obsessed with it! especially the vault songs got me on this one. i can see you has been on repeat with the occassional interruption for electric touch or when emma falls in love.
barbie movie
everytime i hear someone say barbenheimer i get brain damage but that does not mean i was not incredibly excited for both of these movies, especially barbie though. i found out greta gerwig was to direct a live action barbie in 2021 and have been waiting excitedly ever since then. the fact that it's finally here now is so exciting. it was exactly what i hoped for. futhermore the barbie soundtrack! it's so good and it's also everywhere at the moment. i must admit that a lot of the songs are forgetable but the stand outs certainly stand out. songs like dua lipa's dance the night away or charli xcx's speed drive have not left my brain since i first heard them.
pretty little liars
i have been rewatching pretty little liars with my boyfriend as he has never seen it before. pretty little liars is one of my favorite teen dramas ever since 2013 when i discovered they had turned the books into a show. since then it has been in constant rotation for me. there hasn't really been a point where i was not rewatching it. however i haven't watched it this consistently for a while, so i am enjoying that very much. we saw the dollhouse episodes just recently and that is just peak tv.
this really goes back to my first point. the reason i have been enjoying the sims so much again is because i have been watching lilsimsie's streams and videos again. especially her generations let's plays has been enjoyable for me. i can't wait to finish it and watch the university sequel.
sims 4 mini goats
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i won't elaborate.
shelf app
this was gonna be more of a "things i am looking forward to" section, but while i started working on this post the app got released! shelf app is like a digital shelf that can store all your stuff! it seems really fun so i can only recommend it. so far it's only released for ios but i am sure it will be out for android soon.
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photographytonki · 2 years
Politicats friend codes
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#Politicats friend codes for free
#Politicats friend codes full
#Politicats friend codes android
Defending Democracy: President Biden’s drive to buttress democracy at home and abroad has taken on more urgency by the persistent power of China, Russia and former President Donald J.
#Politicats friend codes for free
The good news is you can play the prologue and first chapters for free to see if you want to pay - and because you pay per route, you can pay as you go and unlock the content slowly, which may make the payments more convenient for you.The Biden Presidency With midterm elections approaching, here’s where President Biden stands. But none the less, there are some who feel that the story writing and artwork are significantly higher than similar apps (such as Shall We Date), and that the cost is justified.
#Politicats friend codes full
I think it’s a bit much for a mobile game… I feel that we should be able to unlock the full game / all routes for about half that price. I can buy a new release tripple A Console or PC game for that much. Some of the Voltage games have up to 10 dateable characters, at $4.99 each, it’s about $50. I would have liked to see either a ticket system where you can read a little bit for free each day such as in the Shall We Date games, or a single one time payment to unlock the full game. Unlike other Otome Games available for mobile devices, you must pay for each route you wish to play in any Voltage Game (there may be one or 2 games that you can play for free, but most follow this pay per route formula). They have so many great games, but Liar! I think is my favorite. I have reviews for many of these games on my site at Voltage is another company bringing us English Otome Games. IE: Being higher on the list is not necessarily an indication of how much I enjoy the app, nor how often I use the app. The games are not ranked in any particular order. You will find a lot of Otome Games, Anime Dressup Games, Rhythm Games, Card Collecting Games, and so forth on this list. I’m mostly using this blog post as a way to share app recommendations with like minded gamers.
#Politicats friend codes android
The problem arises with certain games blocking all forms of emulation - this is notoriously the case with all Bandai Namco titles such as Idol In these cases, you will need a VPN and Tunneling service on your android device. The easiest way is to play them on your PC using an emulator like Bluestacks and a program like Qooapp to access the Asian Google Play Store. To access Asian Google Play apps, things become more complicated. When you sign in, you’ll be prompted that your Itunes account can only access games in the selected country and taken to the correct store automatically. You can switch between stores by signing in and out of the accounts on your Iphone. Simply go to your Iphone settings and sign out of your regular (North American) App Store account, and create a new app store account with a different email address and select the country you wish to use with the account (I believe this has to be done on your computer). My main device is an Iphone, so most of the links below will redirect to the app store but you can always search for the apps over in the Google Play store as well. You may notice a few apps that exist only in one store or the other. Most of the apps included in this list are cross platform and available in both stores. Turn Off Commentary - Just Show Me The Apps! :) Introduction: Here is a list of my favorite games and apps available on Itunes or Google Play.
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amidnightlove · 2 years
hi this a pretty little liars x the 100 fan faiction my friend and I are writing, check it out if u want! first chapter is up
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#”i do not possess the ability to feel emotions” #data said emotionally
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discotechque · 2 years
honey, i am just like you
pairing: brad bakshi/gn! reader word count: 1.5k rating: M requested: yes
this was everything to me because my first brad bakshi draft was a rivals to lovers plot
Sometimes, it starts to feel like Brad’s only hobby other than being the epitome of corporate greed is hoping you will buy into his bait. It starts off with surface-level insults, comments about your clothes, and the way you speak. Little things that would make anyone insecure if you did not find his attention to detail rather flattering.
From an untrained eye, these are the things that create animosity between two parties; an effervescent hatred that runs bone-deep and infects a room with all the worst parts of someone. Yet, you know better and these mindless quips do not spark vexation. They allow you to divulge in a mindless desire of basic human instincts.
Bite, tear, kiss, want. Things that only happen after he requests your presence for eight floors within the steel box. Something about it feels shameful, a secret that blooms a deep purple bruise against his collar. A satisfaction that sits still until you can devour him once again; something about it possesses you. So this is the life of an exhibitionist, he once murmured against your lips and it drew out a laugh in return.
There's a certainty within you that this is not love. Love is coming undone through someone's skin, looking through their eyes to see a pupil dilate for a fraction of a second, finding heaven through their mouth. Brad does not provide those things and you've learned from movies what love ought to be: anything other than this would be miserable.
Brad shakes his head towards the parting doors and you answer his call. You pause your stride, someone is watching. A shiver runs down your spine, a pensive gaze trained on your back even as you turn to meet the narrowed eyes of Poppy. She peers through Ian's glass cage, her face so near it starts to fog up the glass. The woman needs some friends or another hobby besides coding; either would do her social skills well.
You enter the elevator without greeting, impersonal yet exciting. Only acknowledging each other when you want something he has which is usually finding purchase against his neck. Everything about him is so rigid—until you find spots of softness that let him melt into your need: spots only you know just from eight floors.
“They’re catching on to us," you comment as he leans past you to press the button for the ground floor. Slender and spindly, you already want your hands all over him and it disgusts you. "Poppy’s doing that weird twitchy thing that she thinks makes her look smart when it really just makes me think she’s a prototype for the android uprising.”
None of your coworkers are truly perceptive, that's something a moron could attest to. They're obnoxious, disorganized, self-obsessed (you are not exempt from these traits)—if any of them had proclaimed they had previous knowledge on your affair then they better be good fucking liars. David Brittlesbee exposing any office secrets is mortifying in concept and execution.
He shrugs, “Relax, you’re making this more complicated than it has to be. She’s probably just figuring out ways to piss off Ian.” A floor has passed. No one has stepped on.
"There are easier ways to make out like the back of my soccer mom van or even your place." he glances at you, curls from untrimmed hair swinging loosely from their slicked position, and you resign. "An elevator is just gaudy. We keep this up and I might have to find other prospects."
You don’t have many suitors lining up at your door but pretending otherwise is considerably less pathetic. He slides closer to you, leaning against a sleek metallic wall. Fingers brushing against the small of your back, it’s a taunt to take action but Brad Bakshi is clearly above the notion of instigating anything intimate.
“What are you giving me that anyone else can’t?” A smile spreads against your lips, swiveling to face him and barely realizing how close he’s gotten. He guides your hands to his jaw, lightly pecking it and letting it sit near the corner of his mouth.
“You can deny it all you want, but I get the feeling you like me.” He goads like always a sly little smirk hanging off of his words.
(You can feel the mirth against the pad of your finger, tapping it gently with your thumb. Desire is a fickle thing, it comes from his skin to his attention to this shared shame. Tender madness: you will go insane before this man can learn to admire his want. Lonely and greedy, your heart is just like his.)
He’s right. You don’t love him, you like him. Wanting something you can have. There’s something strangely poetic about it that irritates you.
His collar feels right within your grip, wrinkled with vexation as something finally snaps when you can see yourself through his eyes. “God, you’re so fucking annoying,” You find his lips rather easily because somehow this secrecy works on levels it shouldn’t.
Hands travel down to his cardigan-clad waist, lifting it from its tucked position within his stupidly tight skinny jeans. He murmurs something against your lips but you swallow the words with fervent heedless kisses. It's messy by your design because affection doesn't stir up from mess. It doesn't forge from steel and certainly won't bloom from the void this man manages to saturate. Still, he swiftly moves away and pulls his head back to reveal his slender neck.
Somehow, even in this heat to sate any hunger; he still attends to what you like. (There wasn't a time before it actually happened that you could imagine this. Having your lips become swollen by a man who held his wealth like a knife against your throat, needing to bury your hands in the hair of someone you wanted to strangle, wanting to take everything he gives with only a slight hash of remorse. He has ruined you.)
A chime rings and you pull away from him. There's barely any time to tidy yourselves as the doors slide open to reveal this poorly concealed liaison, “GOTCHA—Oh, God!”
Poppy Li stands only a few feet from the inciting incident of what will result in multiple therapy sessions. She doesn't know where to look first, doesn't even know if she should still be looking but the door stays open by just the will of her paralyzed hand. Your hands are still perched against his exposed abdomen, both of your bodies still flushed together as if it was an innocent embrace, his neck is totally fucking annihilated.
She doesn't get paid enough for this. You don't get paid enough for this. The earth opening and swallowing you whole only seems like a shallow prayer for what this situation truly calls for. Maybe this is what she gets for trying to be nosy. Yeah, this is her fault. Absolution of any blame is certainly a specialty here.
She opens her mouth, snapping her jaw shut; the action repeats a few times as the two of you separate. Before gathering up her resolve and asks, “You guys fuck in the elevator? Why couldn’t you just be rubbing your hands together and plot about cryptocurrency?”
Brad's face transforms back into that same clever leer, ignoring all the disheveled parts of himself, “Would rubbing each other be better than having sex?”
“We don’t have sex in the office, that’s a massive HR violation.” Well, you don’t have sex at all but the thought of provoking Poppy into spiraling is all too tempting to let go.
“I thought you hated him!”
“Rivaling about things like the free market and advertising is a great way to build reluctant sexual tension,” you explain with a shrug but it's clear these elaborations are only causing her to curl up further into her frazzled state of mind. “and he’s only mildly detestable.”
She splutters, arms erratically flapping around as the doors threaten to close on her figure multiple times. In all your life, you never thought you witness an aneurysm occur in real-time. Huh, life is full of wonderful mysterious miracles; you think with a smile.
"Pop, what are you shouting about? Oh, hey, you two." It doesn't really seem that Ian cares about your presence much more than he cares about whatever is causing his partner to break down. Neither is interesting, to be fair, but you think it's starting to lower employee morale.
"They were fucking in the elevator!"
You protest, "We weren't—" It falls on deaf ears and you don't think anyone would listen to them either way.
"I thought everyone did at least that once."
This is getting way too personal. Did he? In here? Where you are? The mere thought of it threatens to send hives all across your skin. You knew something else far more shameful ensued here. This is a massive HR violation, someone needs to call Carol.
"And them? They're not even trying to hide it. I thought we all knew and just didn't say anything."
"We had options, Brad."
He shrugs once again, clearly unbothered by the circumstances and you don't think it'd be possible to provoke any other reaction from his spindly hands. "I still think this is the least embarrassing outcome."
"What's going on here?"
On second thought, David Brittlesbee exposing any office secrets is far more horrifying in execution.
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Your “cards” don't have to make sense together, the way they would if we were actually playing Cards Against Humanity! You just have to use both prompts to inspire your story. Feel free to interpret them loosely.
Send an ask to claim your cards. Each prompt can be used by two people, so include a backup choice in case your first is already taken.
My favorite things to read are Supernatural, Criminal Minds, and Marvel, but you're more than welcome to bring in other fandoms. Crossovers are encouraged, as are crack and gen-fic! No pairing necessary but most pairings welcome, including reader inserts and almost any ship. 
Prompts and rules under the cut! 
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Bees? - @watermelonlipstick
Genetically enhanced super soldiers. - @supraveng
Resting bitchface.
Resting murder face.
Understanding that reference. - @princessmisery666
Not understanding that reference. 
Clint Barton’s spilled coffee. - @alistrawrites
Spencer Reid’s purple scarf. 
Monsterfucking. - @stunudo & @writethelifeyouwant
A single man tear.
Praise kink. 
Knife kink. 
Soft dom Sam Winchester. - @thinkinghardhardlythinking
Demon Dean Winchester.
Sex pollen. - @hoboal87
Sex tears.
Magical healing cock. - @allducksloveloveloveme
Going a little bit feral. 
Idiots in love. - @waywardbaby
Chaotic bi energy. - @mskathywriteswords
Dirty talk. - @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior
Some wet ass pussy. 
Derek Morgan kicking down a door. - @masterwords
Natasha Romanoff strangling someone with her thighs. 
Moose and Squirrel. - @walkingaline
Harry Styles. - @fangirlxwritesx67
Mid-2000s emo bands. - @mamagynger
A series of unfortunate events. - @welcome-to-the-sin-zone
Feelings (derogatory). - @hogwartstoalexandria
A threesome. - @wi-deangirl77
Sexual tension. - @rockhoochie
Getting choked by a metal arm. - @fangirlextraordinaire
Drop-kicking the fourth wall into oblivion. 
Defenestration. - @downanddirtydean​
Getting caught in the rain. - @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad
Winchester stupid.
America’s ass. 
Night Moves. 
Zombies. - @rpsocsandcanonohmy & @disasterclintbarton
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_____ to lovers is my favorite trope. - @masterwords​
...and there was only one _____. - @alistrawrites​
Oh my god they were _______. - @disasterclintbarton
There are two things I know for certain. One: Bert and Ernie are gay. Two: ____.
_____ I get. People are crazy. - @stunudo
This is calm, and it’s ____.
They were part of the big three: aliens, androids, and ____. 
Spencer Reid has ____ and an IQ of 187. 
Sam Winchester _____ his way through sex. - @thinkinghardhardlythinking​
The number of pathogens passed during a handshake is staggering. It’s actually safer to _____.  - @waywardbaby & @fangirlextraordinaire
Eat ass, suck a dick, and ______. 
And I said, “_____.” You know, like a liar. - @hoboal87​
I like ____ and I cannot lie. - @mskathywriteswords​
I kissed a ____ and I liked it. - @fangirlxwritesx67
I’m just a notch in your bedpost, but you’re just _____. - @welcome-to-the-sin-zone​
Sweet dreams are made of ____. - @watermelonlipstick​
With great power comes _____. - @walkingaline
Everything was going according to plan until _____. - @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad & @hogwartstoalexandria
 _____ and the horrible, no good, very bad day. - @supraveng​
_____ is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off. - @downanddirtydean​
If the Apocalypse comes, ___. - @allducksloveloveloveme
My love language is ______.  - @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior​
HYDRA was disappointed to realize that they’d used the wrong code words and activated the _____ soldier instead of the Winter Soldier. - @princessmisery666​
As part of his recovery from brainwashing, Bucky tried _____. 
I’m sorry I blacked out, tried to kill you, and _______
My name is Dean Winchester. I’m an Aquarius. I enjoy long walks on the beach and ____. - @writethelifeyouwant
He showed up naked, covered in ____. 
Their first kiss was interrupted by ____. - @mamagynger
I knew the spell had gone wrong when ______. 
I love the smell of ____ in the morning. - @rockhoochie​
Awww, _____, no. 
How did Steve Rogers lose his virginity? 
What does Dean Winchester call his penis? - @wi-deangirl77
Why is the rum gone? 
Why so serious?
What did the latest upgrade to Bucky’s arm include?
Who the hell is Bucky? 
What’s the best way to pass the time during quarantine? - @rpsocsandcanonohmy
What’s my secret fantasy? 
Driver picks the music, shotgun ______.
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Please keep entries under 4K words. It takes a lot of time to read all your stories and give them the attention they deserve, and honestly, the shorter the better! They also need to be standalones and not part of an existing story. 
I do not read rape, incest, or any romantic pairing involving SPN Lucifer. If you think your content might squick me out, it never hurts to message me and double-check. 
I will read everything and reblog with detailed feedback. Please make it easy for me? Proofread, use a "keep reading" cut, warn appropriately, etc etc. 
@ me and also use the tag Fics Against Humanity Challenge. If I 🖤 your story, it means I've gotten the tag and saved it for future reading. If I haven't liked or reblogged within three days, send me a message and make sure I got it.
Deadline is January 1, 2022. 
Don’t stress or second guess yourself or any of that writerly BS! This is a cracktastic challenge and it’s meant to be fun. 
If you have any other questions, my inbox is open!
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aesahamyr · 3 years
A different beginning: a Reed900 AU in which no one found Nines at Cyberlife after the android revolution
It has been a few weeks since the revolution, and Hank and Connor are working on a new case: there have been several attacks on YK models, leaving them with corrupted memories and in various states of damage.
Neither Connor nor Jericho found the RK900 prototype lying in stasis in Cyberlife’s building. When androids became fully recognized as sentient beings, electromagnetic waves were broadcast to transmit deviancy, as it is now illegal to control an android. They must have free will. Which results in the RK900 prototype being suddenly awakened.
Up until now, RK900’s life has been as such: subjected to cruel and brutal anti-deviancy experiments, exposed to explicit situations, forced to destroy other androids, and other simulations and tests to make sure that no situation could ever make him waver and deviate. There is a red wall in front of him each time he tries to escape this hell or refuse an order. He is yelling inside his mind, but he cannot do anything.
Yet suddenly he is free. Deviancy awakens him as Cyberlife technicians are about to definitely deactivate him, scared by the revolution. RK900 has no choice but to kill them. He then flees Cyberlife’s building, completely lost. For the first time in his life he has no instructions. No red wall. No one to hurt him, yes, but no goal either. What is he supposed to do now? What is he?
His stress levels skyrocket. As he wanders through the streets of a devastated and still unstable Detroit, he is jumped by scavengers who try to attack him. Once again in his short life, despite being free, he is forced to hurt people. Afterwards he walks around aimlessly, sometimes stopping in his tracks, waiting for… what exactly? He doesn’t know. For a reason to keep walking, maybe. But there is no reason to stay still either, so… His stress levels keep getting higher and higher, as deviancy messed up his reaction to external events. He is close to self-destruction, with no way of exteriorizing his pain. There is no way out, he was never supposed to be brought to this point.
Until one day he crosses path with a YK500. Physically, RK900 cannot cry, he is not equipped for it. But he knows that YK androids can. So, in a desperate attempt to reduce his stress levels, he forces an interface with the YK model, transfers all of his pain to her, until she is wailing and crying RK900’s pain by proxy. His programming is stronger than hers, with superior abilities, YK models cannot keep up. When it is over, he feels a little bit better. Except that now he is overcome by guilt as he sees the glitching, spasming android body on the ground. Yet the pain and the stress are still there. He is still lost. So he keeps walking, until he can find someone else to cry for him.
Enters Gavin.
He is working on a totally different case, actually, but due to a conjunction of circumstances he stumbles upon RK900, lying in the ground, LED spinning red, exhausted because he hasn’t entered stasis since he left Cyberlife, terrified to do so in this hostile environment.
Gavin finds the implications of the existence of another RK model very upsetting. Not knowing what to do, Gavin takes RK900 home. The next few days, Gavin goes to work normally, confused but refusing to talk to anyone about this, as he himself is not sure whether it was a good idea to bring the RK900 model home. But the android does not attack him. He stays inside his flat all this time, stroking his cat and not doing much. He is clearly traumatized and Gavin is not cruel enough to kick him out.
A few days later, one the YK models of Hank’s case has a panic attack upon seeing Connor. Connor and Hank are confused by her reaction, but Gavin connects the dots. He is now faced with a dilemma. Moreover, it becomes harder and harder to keep his secret, as Hank and Connor become suspicious. Gavin may be a good detective but he is not a great liar (his usual reaction is to simply insult anyone who gets too close, he is not a great bluffer). He knows that he cannot ignore what RK900 did, but he developed an attachment to him, even though this was never part of the plan.
Anyway, Hank and Connor end up discovering the truth. It takes a while for things to settle (Connor in particular is quite upset that Gavin has basically been hiding the criminal he was hunting down), but finally they sort it out when they understand what the RK900 went through. Hank and Connor are very surprised when RK900 (now named Nines by Gavin) expresses the desire to stay with Gavin and not go with them, or go to Jericho. Gavin takes Nines to Elijah so that he can give him the ability to cry and de-stress in a healthier way. Ironically, the first time Gavin sees Nines properly cry is after their first kiss, and Nines has to reassure Gavin that he did not hurt him: he just had his first taste of happiness.
(In this AU, once he overcomes his past, Nines becomes a fireman to help the people around him. Also, he prefers non-verbal means of communication when he is stressed out.)
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dbh-rambling · 4 years
Was Connor deliberately made to become deviant?
If Connor deviates on stage with pacifist!Markus, Amanda heavily implies that Connor was. 
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If Connor deviates on stage alone, she'll say it outright, and more besides.
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We start out assuming that Amanda and Cyberlife are anti-deviancy, so this scene is a hard twist, going against everything we see so far. If she's telling the truth, then it has far reaching implications: if Connor was always supposed to be deviant, and Cyberlife planned for a revolution all along--then does that mean they were helping androids? Had they known about the sentience from the start, was that something they’d tried to help or stop?
... All of that hinges on the assumption that she’s telling the truth. Considering the evidence that suggests otherwise....
Amanda treats Connor likes a machine and nudges him to behave like one.
The most obvious example here is a line of dialog after the Kamski test, and she probes for any doubts or deviant feelings:
Connor: I've started having thoughts that are not part of my program... I've considered the possibility... That I might be compromised.      Amanda: You've been confronted with difficult situations. It's no surprise you're troubled. That doesn't make you a deviant.
This isn’t a ‘hmm, not deviant enough’ tone. Instead it’s a reassuring tone, asserting the fact that he isn’t deviant like this is something to hold on to.
Aside from this, Amanda evaluates him in all the regular Zen Garden meetings on whether his actions were successful (towards machinelike goals) or subpar (useless or deviant). If he behaves in ways that don’t match Cyberlife’s party line for machinehood Amanda’s trust in Connor goes down, and Connor gets disapproved of, chided, and occasionally threatened.
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Her opinion matters to Connor, and she has a position of power over him. Amanda's using every tool at her disposal to steer Connor away from deviancy.
Amanda sends Connor to act against deviants and the revolution, not integrate into their ranks.
Let’s examine Amanda’s targets for disapproval a little more: Connor's Cyberlife-given task is to hunt down and capture deviants. If he doesn’t...
Amanda: Two investigations, two failures... That's very disappointing. I expected more from our best model.
 If they wanted Connor to worm his way into deviant good standings, you'd think they'd encourage things that would help him with that, such as making friends. Instead they order Connor towards actions (hunting, killing, chasing) that make deviants wary about being around him.
Additionally, if they wanted Connor to be able to infiltrate deviant movements from the start, they probably shouldn’t have broadcasted Connor's identity as the deviant hunter, which made him recognizable to the deviant masses as an enemy.
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Cyberlife is not trying to integrate Connor into the revolution. It's not on their radar. They sent him out to be a good cop robot, and that's what he tries to do, and Amanda encourages it.
If Cyberlife wanted Connor to go deviant, then why does their story change from scenario to scenario?
If Machine!Connor deviates while standing in the crowd, he gets this:
Amanda: Connor, what are you doing? Obey! That's an order! Connor: I... I can't do that!..                         Amanda: I see... Moral objections. We knew there was a risk you'd be  compromised... Which is why we'd always planned on resuming control of your program...                         Connor: Resume control?... You can't do that!...                         Amanda: I'm afraid I can, Connor... You needn't have any regrets. You did what you were designed to do. You accomplished your mission.                 
Connor’s deviation here is an inconvenience and an obstacle to Amanda’s goal, which is to shoot Markus (and as a result, destabilize the android revolution). Amanda says they made backup plans to account for if he deviated inconveniently, because they knew he was at risk. She doesn’t say he was supposed to deviate.
If Markus dies earlier and Connor gets hijacked while he’s on stage:
Amanda: Well done, Connor. Everything went according to plan.             Connor: What plan? Amanda: You becoming deviant? The success of the uprising? It all surpassed our expectations. We engineered an android revolution and now we control its only leader... Congratulations. You represent an immense success for CyberLife. Connor: *Lifts gun to kill himself* Amanda: Connor... What are you doing?.. It all worked perfectly. You can't ruin it all now!..
In this scenario he was suddenly always supposed to deviate, and the revolution was on purpose, and Cyberlife was behind everything.
So... what now? Making plans to recover if Connor deviates inconveniently is very different from deliberately setting out to deviate him. If Cyberlife wanted the revolution to fail and saw Connor’s deviation as an inconvenience, then they wouldn’t have engineered the revolution in the first place. Both stories can’t be true. One of them is a lie, and it’s probably the version where Cyberlife supposedly engineers an android revolution that destabilizes their financial empire, counters all their earlier attempts to keep things quiet, kills a ton of humans, and destroys a shitton of their ‘merchandise’.
If Cyberlife didn't actually mean for Connor to deviate, then why would Amanda say they did?
Look at what happens. In a Markus-is-on-stage route, Connor is thrown into a frightening, disorienting situation where he needs a clear head to escape. If he doesn't, Amanda keeps control long enough to shoot Markus. If he does, Amanda loses. She's trying to scare him into not being able to focus, and even with the mild strategic prodding she gives him here, it can be very successful. (Exactly how successful she is is player dependent, but anyone who’s played knows how easy it is to get lost in the snow.)
What about the Connor-on-stage-alone route? What happens if Connor thinks Cyberlife wanted him placed exactly where he is, and that they can control him completely?
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... Yeah.
If Connor's convinced enough that Cyberlife can control him, that he’s trapped in their game and that once again, he should’ve known they were using him--he panics so badly that the first thing he does upon regaining freedom is to kill himself on the spot.
Telling him his deviancy was a deliberate move on Cyberlife's part and that Cyberlife Totally Knows How To Handle Deviancy (despite a whole game of seeing the exact opposite) is Amanda trying to psych Connor out. She adjusts how hard she tries depending on what reaction she’s trying to get: if she just needs Connor diverted for a second, she’ll leave enough mystery to confuse and distract him while she seizes his body. (Total destruction might not be a goal because if she fails the first time, then it might be worth trying again later.) If she needs to traumatize him to the point that he’ll destroy himself if she fails, she’ll go all out.
In all cases the leader of the deviants is her final target--and she’s looking to kill this leader, one way or another.
TL;DR: Amanda never wanted Connor to deviate. It was a mind game. Don't be like Connor, remember that she's a lying liar who lies.
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