#four horsepeople
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yoshitaka amano
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drconstellation · 2 months
The Cupperty Ceremony
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Every bit of food and drink in both seasons has a metaphorical significance, even if you don't realize it.
Tea is no exception. Its one of the few times an eastern philosophy creeps into Good Omens, but it still meets with a western ideal. It's also intrinsically linked to Aziraphale and his affected British style.
Coffee gets more of a focus in S2, and has a specific meaning around freedom and liberty, whereas tea appears more in S1. But the metaphorical meanings around them are fairly consistent across both seasons, with stereotypes for the British drinking tea and the Americans only drinking coffee put aside.
Lets start with Muriel on the doorstep of the bookshop, at the beginning of S2E3, asking to come in, because its noisy outside.
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Aziraphale, after a moment to take in who they are, is the epitome of politeness as he welcomes them inside.
You might think "well, isn't this just Aziraphale being typically Aziraphale?" in this moment, but soon we shall see its a relevant part of a ritual going on here.
The bookshop is noticeably quieter on the inside. There is just the two of them. Aziraphale offers Muriel tea in a fine china cup, with a blue pattern, and gold trim.
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Muriel is not sure what to do with it so they just hold it. Aziraphale makes a point of demonstrating what should be done: He tells Muriel the tea is "to drink," then looks at it, sips, and makes both an appreciative expression and sound.
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Muriel seems repelled by this, and declares they are just going to look at theirs. Aziraphale patiently, still polite, lets them do so.
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Up to this point, there are actually two levels of meta happening at the same time. The first one is a tea ceremony (which I had a go at once before, and got the wrong one!) and the other is about trying to get Muriel to take the first step in "going native."
A tea ceremony always starts with a courteous invitation. The tea is prepared, then served and offered to others. It should be taken in a tranquil, peaceful setting, perhaps in a harmonious natural environment (such as a Garden) and with only a few people at a time (two people is considered a "superior" experience.) The tea ware is important, as it should allow the fragrance of the tea to be appreciated (we have some fine china, Heavenly-coded.) Appreciation of the tea's qualities is undertaken, first with the eyes, then by smell, then tasting. It is considered an art, a process of spiritual enjoyment, a means of cultivating the moral character - and then Crowley bursts into the bookshop with his flirty comment about going by train and breaks the fragile connection Aziraphale had been trying to establish with Muriel.
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*sigh* Timing, Crowley! Can't you see I'm in the middle of trying to subvert a fellow angel here?
I was recently reminded that tea and coffee have a connection in GO, in that that they are both linked to the American War of Independence. While the speech that gives us "Give me liberty, or give me death!" conjures the stormy winds of war sounding trouble approaching, the Boston Tea Party was the initial spark of the brewing conflict.
I realize there is a LOT of stuff written about this particular bit of history, and it can get quite political even in these modern times, so let me frame it in a Good Omens frame of reference if you aren't familiar with it - the colonists in the New World were upset at how they were being ruled from afar by the British and staged a small protest about some new laws imposed on them by dumping ship-loads of valuable tea leaves (a daily consumable pleasure people had become hooked on) into Boston Harbor on the night of 16th December 1773. To disguise themselves they dressed themselves as indigenous people, or "native Americans" as one might have said. This was just the beginning of further rebellion that led to war a few years later.
So here is another reason Aziraphale offers tea to Muriel, and not cocoa; he can see how fascinated they are with with everything Earthly around them, and he hopes to ignite a spark of rebellion in them, too, by introducing them to the more civilized pleasures (*ahem*) that he knows and enjoys so well.
While there is little tea to be seen in S2, there is plenty to be seen in S1. Perhaps the most prominent one for this discussion occurs right near the beginning, when Gabriel surprises Aziraphale in the sushi restaurant in S1E1.
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Aziraphale offers to tea to Gabriel, and Gabriel shuns it. He, like most of the angels we meet, have no real interest in Earth. It's "gross." Ah, well. He gets to change his mind in S2.
So where else do we see tea in S1?
The Four Horsepeople: War orders four teas, one black, and a cheese sandwich in the diner where they all meet up together for the first time on Earth. We don't know who the sandwich is for, but I'm going to guess its for Famine. Reasons below, with Shadwell. (Cheese and tea make a nice savoury pair for a snack, if you haven't tried it. I'm partial to tea with cheese and crackers on the side from time to time.)
The Tibetan Tunnelers were on tea break from digging tunnels all over the Earth when we meet them, where they mention they were transported into the tunnels when they themselves stopped for tea back in their real lives on the surface.
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Shadwell's infamously sweet tea, with either nine sugars or condensed milk, needs a mention as well, as it appears several times. Shadwell is an Aziraphale parallel-character, living on the fringes of society and starving for attention, even though he makes feeble swipes at Madam Tracey's attempts to care for him. The sugar represents the amount of care or "sweetening up" he needs.
When he first meets Newt he gets the young man to buy him a tea and a packet of cheese and onion crisps. Remember the cheese sandwich War ordered for Famine? A packet of cheese flavoured crisps is a parallel here. Newt has turned up and finally given someone Shadwell someone to sink his teeth into.
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Finally, we need to return to Crowley - its coffee, as black as his soul for him, please, and extra strong (six shots is for the number of Hell.)
Because he's already "gone native," just like Aziraphale, and he wants to maintain his freedom. He's left the Garden, and Heaven, behind him, and he'll do anything to keep it that way, thank you.
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I'd like to thank my mutual and other food meta writer @vidavalor for discussing some of this off-list some time ago. We mostly see things the same way, I believe, but one must tread one's own path sometimes. They have some different ideas around some of this, but I'll let them say it in their own words.
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parttimesarah · 7 months
Practicing being normal about my hyperfixations:
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Someone else brings them up in conversation:
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sentientsky · 3 months
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i might be a hardcore environmentalist,,,but got DAMN
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windsweptinred · 1 year
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They/Them 💛🤍💜🖤
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levulosandcolore · 9 months
My horseperson of the apocalypse name would be: Authors murdering the essence of your favorite book characters to get TV plots.
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epic-poutine · 9 months
Tristan #02🏀
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Same Speil as Lancelot Lmaoo😭 Kuroko no Basket is good yall.
Here’s another vid of me tryna draw
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shotgunyuri · 9 months
omg so you know how in the book when the horsemen come to power their bodies turn to all that material things that make them? (i.e. war's teeth turning into bullets) well before she triggers the relapse of this civil war, her shirt is red. and after the people start fighting again (an example of her "coming into her power") her shirt turns white. like her shirt contains the blood she's spilling
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abczine · 8 months
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A latecomer to the four-person biker gang that is the Horsepeople of the Apocalypse, Pollution oozed onto the Earth with plenty of horrible contributions. Humanity’s new way of destroying itself manifests in barrages of filth and waste from every possible direction, and Pollution relishes and cultivates it all. Nothing is more beautiful than a landfill, and Pollution would see the whole of Earth become one. Don’t bother trying to wash the grime away… it’s too late for that. Isn’t it?
If you’d like to see more of these characters, consider subscribing to the Above, Below, and the Common Ground Zine, and click here to fill out our interest check!
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ravenart357 · 2 months
Title: The Four Horsemen
Much happier with how this one came out. Enjoy!
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retroillustrates · 9 months
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☣️☣️ You may approach us, but at your own risk ☢️☢️
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greekmythcomix · 9 months
Felt like, with Good Omens 2 just a few days away, it was time to share this bad boy: a comic version of Revelation: the Seven Seals
Because I’m *certain* that “Wait and See” is a riff on ‘Come and See’… 👀
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Originally commissioned for Issue 4 of Pipe Wrench Magazine (Oct/Nov ‘21): https://pipewrenchmag.com/issue-four-oct-nov-2021-archive/ - a really interesting issue focusing on how different people interpret the supposed end of days.
(Btw I’m not religious - I *teach mythology* - but I was raised Catholic and Good Omens was the first thing I saw that allowed me to take the whole thing with a pinch of salt. [The second thing was Eddie Izzard’s ‘Glorious’ show, based on the Old and New Testament 😁]) Turning this into a comic was… hard. There’s a *lot going on* in this chapter, it’s an LSD trip of a text, so I just focused on the fun bit with the horsepeople.)
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pandoraboxsblog · 10 months
Pandora redesign
War of the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse
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trashboatprince · 1 year
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Ineffable May day 4: Four Horsemen
Game night with your apocalyptic coworkers
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bugbugboy · 10 months
After that dramatic moment where the four horsemen get together in the coffee shop, do you recon they all stuck around for their tea
What a beautiful bit of imagery
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windsweptinred · 1 year
Destiny Calls His Children
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If you haven't heard me banging on about this before... Congratulations. 😅
But, the spin off comic series, Destiny a Chronicle of Deaths Foretold, focuses on John Ryder, the Horseman Pestilence. Before he is born to a mortal mother and father, Destiny informs his mother she will bare 'his' son. And upon reaching adulthood and finding his way through the Garden of Forking Ways, John is granted his new vocation as Pestilence by Destiny. The end of the comic gives a subtle indication the same process has happened for the other horsemen. And I've been fascinated by this concept ever since. That the four horsemen are know as the 'Children of Destiny'. It's all left as vague as many references to the Endless in the Sandman Universe. If these children actually are in a sense Destiny's, or he just claims them as under his dominion... Who knows. But combined with Good Omens, oh do I have headcannons galore!
(Apparently Pestilence's sigil is a poisoned bow. In the comics, his horse is called Paladin and is pure white. So the horses represent Famine (black) , War (red) , Pestilence (white) and Pollution (pale green) : The scales, The Sword, The Bow and the Crown.)
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