ispychef · 17 days
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masalamingles · 3 months
Fruit Tart
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Okay, here’s a simple recipe for a tasty dessert filled with fruit. You can personalize it by adding your fruits and presenting it artistically!
Ingredients for Fruit Tart:
For the Tart Shell:
1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup unsalted butter, chilled and diced
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 large egg yolk
2 tablespoons ice water
For the Pastry Cream:
2 cups whole milk
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/4 cup cornstarch
1/4 teaspoon salt
4 large egg yolks
2 tablespoons unsalted butter
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
For the Fruit Topping:
Assorted fresh fruits (berries, Apple slices, Kiwi, Peach, etc.)
Apricot or fruit preserves for glaze
Instructions for Fruit Tart:
1. Tart Shell:
Pulse the salt, sugar, and Flour in a food processor.
Pulse in the cold butter until the mixture looks like coarse crumbs.
Beat the egg yolk with the ice water in a small bowl.
When the dough comes together, add the egg mixture to the flour mixture and pulse.
Place the dough onto a surface dusted with flour and form it into a disc. Refrigerate it for at least an hour after wrapping it in plastic wrap.
Turn the oven on to 190°C or 375°F.
Using a floured surface, roll out the chilled dough and place it into the tart pan. Prick the bottom with a fork.
Pie weights or dried beans can be used to fill the parchment paper-lined crust.
After 15 minutes of baking, take out the parchment and weights, and continue baking for a further 10 to 15 minutes, or until the cake is golden brown.
Let the crust of the tart cool fully.
2. Pastry Cream:
Heat the milk in a saucepan until it almost simmers.
Beat together sugar, cornflour, and salt in a separate basin. Whisk the egg yolks until they are smooth.
While continuously whisking, slowly pour the heated milk into the egg mixture.
Place the mixture back into the saucepan and whisk continuously over medium heat until it thickens.
Take off the heat and mix in the vanilla extract and butter.
Pour the pastry cream through a fine-mesh strainer into a bowl, place plastic wrap directly on top, and chill until the cream is firm.
3. Assembling the Tart:
Spread the pastry cream evenly throughout the tart shell after it has cooled along with the tart shell.
Top the pastry cream with an arrangement of your preferred fresh fruits.
Melt the apricot or fruit preserves in a small saucepan over low heat. To get rid of any solids, strain.
To give the fruit a glossy coating, drizzle the melted preserves over its surface.
Before serving, let the fruit tart cool in the fridge for at least one hour.
Enjoy your delicious homemade fruit tart!
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Read next: https://masalamingles.com/blueberry-lemon-scones/
Keep Following Masala Mingles to stay updated with more interesting recipes !!
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raphaelannee · 6 months
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Rhubarb, orange and pistachio pie Let the vibrant colors of nature inspire your taste buds with our luscious Rhubarb, Orange, and Pistachio Pie - a tantalizing marriage of tangy rhubarb, citrusy orange, and nutty pistachios that will transport your senses to a picturesque garden.
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idben · 2 years
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很有份量的芒果派,應該有半顆芒果那麼多,視覺上很享受,拍照很上相。 奶油是無甜味的奶油,如果剛好是遇到很甜的芒果應該味道會剛好,不過遇到不甜的就會是台灣人常講的「不會很甜的甜點」。 但我喜歡很甜的,所以有點遺憾。 #深夜裡的法國手工甜點 #fruitpie (在 Global Mall 環球新北中和) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgRltWCrs1-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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williechou · 2 years
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接續著上一篇的他她咖啡, 結束後就到附近走走逛逛, 然後就來到成功路上丹丹漢堡身後這間 「 憨吉胖 」, 這名字讓我覺得很可愛, 但又有種樸拙的感覺。 原本以為就只是間平凡的小小烘焙坊, 也只能外帶, 但進去後, 跟老闆娘小聊一下後, 才發現這又是一家素食者的天堂, 而且他比之前的吃貨製造所的素食等級又更高, 因為她是無蛋無奶的素食烘焙坊, 所以可以讓更多素食者有更多的選擇。 不僅他的麵包麵糰是素食的, 他的原料方面也是嚴選過的, 像是我這次到店時, 正好是他們的桑椹季, 而他們的桑椹來源就是用植物友善的工法去栽種, 整個就是各種友善啊! 然後我就不要臉的問了闆娘可不可以內用, 想不要居然可以, 於是就點了幾樣感興趣, 還有闆娘推薦的品項跟方式來吃吃。 |馬鈴薯蘑菇鹹派 / 加熱回烤 菇類的香氣非常明顯及特殊, 不知道是加了什麼香料(闆娘說是義大利香料), 我吃不太出來說, 但是得說的是他的餡炒得很香, (闆娘說除了馬鈴薯、蘑菇,還加了花椰菜等材料在裡面) 是那種吃完後, 嘴裡還會殘留著香菇餘韻的那種, 甚至會有種鮮味。 而且由於是無蛋無奶的緣故, 一般鹹派內是用蛋奶液來作為內餡, 我就不太知道是用什麼材料了, 但他口感跟蛋奶來做的非常不一樣, 他的是比較鬆的口感, 但是又不會散掉。 |桑椹派 / 冷藏狀態 闆娘建議水果系列的派可以在冷藏冰涼的狀態就直接吃, 所以當然要照推薦的方式來吃啊, 我用木刀切的時候, 就可以感受到派皮的酥度, 不是軟軟的, 是會有點硬度的酥感。 切開後可以看到裡面被填滿了滿滿的桑椹果醬, 而且不是水水的那種質地, 而是整個被濃縮到接近沒有液態感的狀態, 但你還是可以吃到微微的果肉感, 沒有熬煮到整個果肉化掉的程度。 但一口咬下, 原本以為會是甜味跟桑椹味道會很明顯, 但出乎意料的算清爽嗎? 好像是欸, 因為他的桑椹風味沒有到過於強烈, 是舒服不厚重的那種, 搭配著不帶有過於甜的派皮, 或是你也可以說是沒有甜味的派皮, 來吃剛好有口感跟味道上的互補與平衡。 *闆娘說他們內餡是直接用桑椹拌了一些砂糖, 然後直接放入派皮裡面下去烤, 而不是用桑椹果醬下去做, 所以他才會那麼有口感, 跟不過於甜膩。 |可可布朗尼 雖然說是布朗尼, 但他吃起來更像是磅蛋糕跟黑糖糕這兩種口感的綜合體, 咬下時有磅蛋糕的鬆軟, 而咀嚼時又像是黑糖糕的紮實Q彈感, 但是是鬆的,不是緊實的, 加在裡面的堅果跟果乾也讓口感跟味道豐富不少, 吃起來完全不會有負擔。 🍠:台南市國華街四段11號 FB:憨吉胖 IG:憨吉胖 #憨吉胖 #台南美食 #手作烘焙 #全素麵包 #素食麵包 #小農水果 #季節水果甜點 #手作甜點 #手作麵包 #桑椹派 #可可布朗尼 #馬鈴薯蘑菇鹹派 #quiche #fruitpie #北極是吃貨 #chocobrownie #vegan #vegetarian #veganbread #vegandessert #popyummy #poptainan #pop台南 #台南麵包店 (在 憨吉胖) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfK4Ka9v0pl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Tom Wambsgans, son of one of the most esteemed lawyers of the Twin Cities, probably went with his mom to so many lawyer parties and had his cheeks pinched so much that it permanently changed his psyche thanks to hundreds of old ladies covered in white linen perfume
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himymthings · 7 months
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Fig and plum pie with all-butter crust. Ready, set, PIE. Dive into the heavenly flavors of our Fig Plum Pie with an all-butter crust - culinary bliss in every forkful.
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Last night I made these apple and raspberry pies with leftovers. Leftover pastry, apples I had stewed and frozen and some raspberry jam I had in the fridge. So today they were breakfast. Love pies ♥️♥️ #applepies #raspberries #glutenfree #grainfree #dairyfree #refinedsugarfree #breakfast #dessert #snack #grainfreeandhappykitchen #baked #fruitpies #pies #fruit #winter https://www.instagram.com/p/CfKxJ-Nvpx6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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subway-dove · 1 year
🌳 naturalgnome49 Follow
My favorite pollen-free gnomestaurant closed 🧌
🧄 gnomtiseptic Follow
Honestly gnomes like you are why the gnood industry is so slimy. Obviously gnobody is going to invest in a gnomestaurant to keep open for business if everygnome is requesting 🧚‍♂️special treatment🧚‍♂️ if YOU walk in and don't want any pollen (naturally found in our environment) and the next gnome walks in and suddenly can't have any mouse fur and the next gnome needs something different and on and on EVERYGNOME'S GOING TO SHUT DOWN. TRADITIONAL GNOME CUISINE DOES NOT CATER TO MICROTRENDS. I'm so sick and tired
🌳 naturalgnome49 Follow
If I have any pollen I go into gnardiac arrest 🧌
#discourse #honestly gnomes like this grub me the wrong way
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🗝️ dwarfy's-little-gwhore Follow
I can't wait for dwaddy to come home ⛏️ guess what gifts he's bringing me from the mines 💎🤭
#interspecies #dwaddy's gnome #nectar baby #diamonds #sfg
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🪱 your-gnajesty
Hi everygnome i'm so sorry to be reaching out here but my gnoverment does nothing for gnomes like me. I'm trying to get into odd jobs like part-time gnomeguarding but most of my efforts are going into my dream of bug rodeo and it's not working out. I was at a pollen-free gnomestaurant but it had to close because we were getting poison threats. This is ーーーーーーーーKeep Readingーーーーーーーー
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🕷️gni-warnings Follow
GNOMES NO INTERACTION with gnomeblr user @/fruitpie-yum THEY HAVE BEEN PROVEN TO PARTAKE IN DARTFROG KISSING IN THE PAST!! refer to @fruityum-callout for evidence
#signal gnoost #gni
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Sorry to my Lalogirl(gn) mutuals for rooting for Gus 😔 I am bringing fruitpies and sociopathic dilfs to your shiva
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sapporomilktea · 2 years
!!!! dire emergency !!!!
hey so... its incerdibly shameful and embarassing to admit but due to life circstances (car issues, therapy costs, tuition, etc etc) ive fallen behind on rent and ive been notifited that i literally only have two days to pay before i get evicted:
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i am around $250 short
please reblog, any amount, please.. i have no family in this city, wouldnt be able to afford "additional legal charges," immediate family will not let me move back in with them, i geniunely have nowhere else to turn
p: @/anaiyat
c: $fruitpies
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chezagnes · 1 year
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Último día de descanso 🍰 @motteaubakery #pie #food #dessert #homemade #foodie #cake #foodporn #baking #pies #pastry #yummy #gateaubasque #strawberrypie #delicious #foodphotography #bakery #foodstagram #chocolate #piebuah #love #sweet #foodblogger #fruitpie #crust #eggtart #tart #tarta #desserts #motteaubakery #bakery #pasteleriaartesana (en Madrid, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnjZxu0DVS6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ummamamarket · 1 year
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pullmyporkbbq · 2 years
Crazy SIMPLE and Crazy DELICIOUS Cherry Cobbler/ #Shorts
#Shorts #pullmyporkbbq #smoking #grilling #cooking #cookingvideo #cookingathome #cherrycobbler #cherrypie #fruitcobbler #fruitpie This is a super easy and super delicious Spanish rice recipe your family will love. Just follow the directions in the video and you'll have some wonderful Spanish rice for a side dish with your next meal. Video Title: Crazy SIMPLE and Crazy DELICIOUS Cherry Cobbler/ #Shorts Subscribe to my Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcWAidDG8jXf0qx9XHtQUBw Amazon Influencer Page for products I use;https://amzn.to/3JkAG2Y ✅ Click here if your interested in supporting Pull My Pork BBQ http://www.paypal.me/pullmyporkbbq Donations help me to continue to improve and create new content ✅ Stay Connected Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/443949354094947/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/BbqPull Mewe: https://mewe.com/join/meat_smokers_hangout Odysee: https://odysee.com/$/invite/@PullMyPorkBBQ:c My Website & Store:: https://www.pullmyporkbbq.com/ ✅ Items I use: Smoke Tube; https://amzn.to/36n9Pz8 Tempco 900 watt heating element link: https://amzn.to/3rSyFnN ✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: 👉 The Most Delicious, Easy Ribs You Can Make on a Gas Grill https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLLFg7AdNa0 👉 Fantastic Corned Beef Brisket / Bradley Smoker Recipes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKQgoKVveRQ&t 👉 Don't Eat These Again Until You Try This Recipe - Bradley Smoker Recipes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2cayBruQUo&t 👉 Much Better than Pizza - PRIAZZO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mATXQx9SGRw&t 👉 Recipe for Chicken Leg Quarters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNy2dJG3I5s&t=286s 👉 Beginner Brisket On A Gas Grill https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HedTqjLa9fI ✅ About Carlton Duncan: My Name is Carlton Duncan and I’ve had a passion for smoking and cooking food for over 30 years. I make my own bacon and sausage and I love sharing my recipes with others and I feel being as self sufficient as a person can be is the best. I’m a retired police officer and am now pursuing my passion of cooking, smoking, barbeque, hunting, fishing and other outdoor activities. I currently have a 4 rack Bradley smoker, a 6 rack Bradley smoker (both have upgrades to the heating elements), an Ugly Drum Smoker (self built) an Oklahoma Joe’s offset smoker, A Weber Kettle Grill, A Z-Grills pellet smoker, and a Gas Grill. My website is PullMyPorkBBQ.com and I try to have all my recipes there and soon will also have merch on the website. Carlton ================================= #deliciuosspanishrice #spanishrice #food #bbq #meat #foodie #easyrecipes #foodporn #dinner #zgrill #bbq #pelletsmoker #mexicanrice #mexicanricerecipe Related Phrases: https://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90y2bXIDa8Q
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hamzaaslam · 2 years
Fruitpie Remold the Creative Marketing Tactics Push out the Self-established Unorthodox NFT Motif
Fruitpie Remold the Creative Marketing Tactics Push out the Self-established Unorthodox NFT Motif
“NFT Plus” Set off a Craze of Marketing Reform Sweeping the Fintech Phase Digital Assets Empower the Conventional Consumption Extending HONG KONG SAR – Media OutReach – 7 June 2022 – Fruitpie (the “Company”), an avant-garde digital marketing consultancy, recently announced that it would exclusively design and publicly offer a Non-fungible Token (“NFT”) that first-ever combines traditional…
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asiainsider · 2 years
Fruitpie Remold the Creative Marketing Tactics Push out the Self-established Unorthodox NFT Motif
Fruitpie Remold the Creative Marketing Tactics Push out the Self-established Unorthodox NFT Motif
“NFT Plus” Set off a Craze of Marketing Reform Sweeping the Fintech Phase Digital Assets Empower the Conventional Consumption Extending HONG KONG SAR – Media OutReach – 7 June 2022 – Fruitpie (the “Company”), an avant-garde digital marketing consultancy, recently announced that it would exclusively design and publicly offer a Non-fungible Token (“NFT”) that first-ever combines traditional…
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