#fuck Hamas
lazykurocat · 2 days
This is how Queers for Palestine seem to think Queer rights are in Palestine based on how much they support it...
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No Courtney from Ohio they/them in Bio you can NOT get your fucking top surgery at Palestine Hamas would shoot you with the slightest hint that you're queer, get a grip and drink your damn pumpkin spice latte.
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bringherhome7 · 2 days
"Can someone let liberals and leftists know that Hamas, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Yemen’s Houthis, and Hezbollah do not just kill Israelis? They kill free women, homosexuals, singers, rappers, artists, converts, atheists, secular Muslims, ex-Muslims, and blasphemers."
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asickandtirednobody · 16 hours
For people who hate us soo much, they sure like to appropriate our culture but at the same time ignore those who actually practice and live the culture.
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As a Jewish advocate for Palestinian rights, let me tell you something. I’m fucking hurting right now.
I hate Hamas because they have made the plight of Palestinians so much worse with their actions in that now even fewer people will be willing to acknowledge their 70 years of suffering.
I hate that they will be used as an excuse to demonize all Palestinians, and the US is already upping their already astronomical military funding for Israel.
I hate that they’ve committed unforgivable violence in the name of a cause that is just.
I hate the Israeli government and the IDF for creating the conditions for this tragedy and countless others stretching back to the Nakba.
I hate how they have perverted my culture into a settler-colonial ideology and perpetrated on the Palestinians the very kinds of pogroms my own family fled Europe to escape.
I hate that so many Jews in Israel and throughout the diaspora face ostracism from their communities and families for speaking out against the atrocities Israel has been committing against Palestinians.
I especially hate how many of my fellow Jews have bought into an ideology that can handwave the bulldozing of homes and schools, the imprisonment of children, the bombing of residential homes, the displacement, the massacres. Virtually all things we have suffered as Jews at points in our history.
My heart aches for the innocent people murdered across the board - no matter who the bombs came from. Even though part of me thinks settlers aren’t innocent, what can you really do if you just happened to be born there? And even if you moved to Israel, do you really deserve to die? No.
But neither do all the children in the Gaza Strip currently being bombed in a revenge attack that, with the denial of food, water, and medical aid, violates the Geneva convention.
But to everyone who is posting now about Israel and these “unprecedented tragedies” - yes, these are tragedies, and my heart is so heavy with them. But they are not unprecedented. Where were you when the same things were happening to Palestinians for decades upon decades? There’s a monumental amount of video evidence of atrocities against Palestinians, but somehow people have managed to miss all of that. If you’re only paying attention to the suffering of certain people, ask yourself why.
If you’re only now posting about “of course Palestinians should be free” in posts primarily about mourning the killing of Israelis, where were your voices before now? Those of us trying to organize and fight for Palestinian human rights could have used you.
If more people had spoken out against our government’s support of what Amnesty International and countless other human rights organizations have called an apartheid regime, who knows what could have been possible.
Edit: Since this is getting a little traction, I wanted to leave these links here. Both are very reputable organizations that are providing humanitarian aid:
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guyoftheego · 7 months
People stop trying to simplify the actual most complicated situation in the world challenge.
Yes, Netanyahu's government is horrible and we should oppose all of its terrible actions. Yes, Palestine deserves to be a free state with its own government.
No, this does not mean we support HAMAS, which mistreats its own citizens and puts them in the line of fire. And No, Israel itself can and should not completely stop existing, the Jewish population in Israel is too populous and too well established for them to ever be able to "go back to their old homes" which don't even exist anymore. And considering the atrocities commited by Israel against the Palestinians, I don't doubt for a second that the hurt Palestinian goverenment would lead a campaign of genocide right back against the Israelites.
You guys *need* to realize that this issue will never be as simple as "Palestine owns everything" or "Israel owns everything" because that will lead to nothing but more loss of life down the line. You *need* to realize that Israel is no longer made up of people who migrated there, and its now mostly people who have lived there their whole life. On the other side, you *definitely* need to realize that Palestinians are not horrible monsters for the sins of one extremist group in the Gaza strip, and you need to realize that the Palestinian people have just as much of a right to self-determination as any Israelite, and deserve to be able to live without fear of the IDF bombing their home.
There's nothing I myself can do personally to lead to peace, but I can at least hope for Netanyahu to be ousted one day, for the West Bank and Gaza to be free and not have to worry about their livelihoods being ruined by the IDF, for HAMAS to eventually no longer have the influence they have, and for Israel and Palestine to be able to exist with eachother without any sort of encroachment on eachother.
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floralcavern · 4 months
Fun little game for people who are tired of antizionists
What false information about Israel-Palestine is your favorite? (By favorite, I mean favorite to stomp all over and makes you want to flip a table through the fucking wall). This can include historical takes, common sense takes, etc, etc.
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arunswild · 4 months
One hundred and one days ago my friends and I were normal teenagers. It was sunny even for an October day, I had just gotten coffee with an old friend, I was scrolling through some silly article I found, speedwalking the way home so I could make it in time to help prepare for the holiday dinner. All of us seniors were warily anticipating the endless weeks until the next break, mentally preparing to study our asses off for the rapidly approaching finals. I was finally working up the nerve to ask this one guy out, I was vaguely planning to see a friend who was home from the army during the week, and I was due to start driving lessons as soon as I called the teacher up.
And then everything changed the next day, just like that.
In these past one hundred days every Jewish person and every Israeli has had their world turned upside down. There is not a SINGLE family left untouched somehow. Cousins, friends, teachers, we all know someone whose life is never going to look the same.
We'e seen the liveliest, wisest, funniest people we know walk around with hollow expressions. We've seen the strongest, most sarcastic and stoic people we know break down in tears midsentence. People we look up to are as broken as we are.
There isn't really anything to say. Our words echo in the silence. People deny us the right to grieve and to defend ourselves, everywhere, not just in Israel.
And we're not the only ones suffering. The people in Gaza are going through an indescribable hell, which their downright evil leaders have brought upon them. It's terrible.
War is heartbreaking.
Be empathetic. Be kind. Give someone a hug. Learn something new. Do something good.
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It is said that Hamas can’t count how many hostages are a live or dead but can accurately know the exact number of civilian deaths. 
How the hell is that possible?!
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notaplaceofhonour · 2 months
btw, Aaron Bushnell spent the months leading up to his death posting shit like this:
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Hamas apologia, reveling in the deaths on 10/7, claiming “there are no Israeli ‘civilians’” and calling Israeli existence inherently genocidal.
so no, I don’t give a shit if I “disrespect his legacy” or whatever. I fully believe every death is a tragedy, including his—he has my pity for being radicalized in such a self-destructive way—but to extend any further respect than that to an atrocity apologist like him would be to spit on the graves of all those murdered on 10/7.
Bushnell wanted Israelis to be ethnically cleansed. he wanted the mass slaughter of Jews. I think the dissonance & self-hatred he expressed in saying he deserves to be killed as a colonizer himself is a huge part of what led him to kill himself rather than be a living advocate. this is what comes of this ideology: death.
he craved violence, and in the end, he got it. that is a tragedy. I can only be grateful that he didn’t take anyone else with him.
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bringherhome7 · 2 days
Shani Gabay, 25, was a law school graduate who loved dogs, traveling, and singing. On October 7th, she escaped the Nova Music festival and took shelter in a bomb shelter nearby. After Hamas terrorists threw grenades into the shelter, she was severely injured but managed to escape. After being treated by a medic, she tried to take cover inside an ambulance with other festival-goers, but terrorists launched an RPG and burnt the ambulance down, killing everyone inside. Shani was initially considered missing, and her brother Aviel said "She knows everyone. We keep meeting people at the rallies who see her photo and know her from Costa Rica, or the army, or their studies. She cleans beaches and saves cats and dogs. I want to believe she’ll continue doing all of that."However, 48 days after October 7th, her DNA was found at another girl’s grave, as their bodies had melted together. The remains were separated as much as possible so she could be buried alone and in dignity.We will remember you as the beautiful soul you were.May Shani’s memory forever be a blessing.
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casavanse · 24 days
It's been six months.
The streets are covered in yellow ribbon. In every corner you can see a poster. A face.
Bring them home, they scream. Get our loved ones home.
Their calls go up to the sky, their cries echoing on empty streets. Wishing that someone, maybe, will hear it. That someone will be able to help.
They do the best they can, but it's not enough. Never enough.
Their prayers go unanswered.
There's not a single person in Israel who doesn't know someone that was kidnapped - or died - at least on some level.
Around two years ago, a kid graduated my highschool and joined the army. Six months ago he was kidnapped to Gaza.
I didn't know him then. I do now.
He's been there for six months. They've all been there for six bloody months. Six months, in which we don't even know if they are still alive. Six months, in which we don't know if they get food, water, medicine.
We will not stop until they are all out.
Bring them home. Now.
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meshlasolus · 7 months
i hate that I even have to do this:
if I have one more fucking mutual on this site dm me a free palestine post during this time when they know that I’m not only jewish but have one of my closest friends fighting for her life while her parents have been kidnapped by hamas (openely funded by Palestinians) i will lose my shit. I’ve messaged some of you privately and you still persist to think you know more. It is disgusting how you keep your narrative without doing the research just to prove a point. I am so close to losing my mind and deleting tumblr for a while, since you guys clearly don’t understand how big of a problem this actually is. I didn’t want to have to make a public post, but at this point, I’m tired of responding to conversations where all I hear about is the pity you are giving to the groups that are murdering my people. There has not been this many jews killed in a single day since the time of the holocaust, so if you’re okay with that, go ahead and reveal yourself as a nazi and let me move on with my life. I stand with the innocent people in Israel, and I don’t give a shit about your opinion. Fuck hamas, and if you’re siding with them (simply because they are in alliance with Palestine) then fuck you too.
Edit: y'all seem to think that since I'm against hamas that I'm somehow condemning the innocents of palestine too, and I would like to set the record straight that I am on the side of human life. Don't come at me saying I'm a genocider and other ridiculous bullshit when I've given of my time, effort and money to help Palestinians in need. And don't call a fucking jewish woman a nazi when my great grandmother's entire family [minus her bother and herself] were murdered in the holocaust. It's a new kind of foul when you try and pull that card.
One more thing: to the people in my inbox telling me hitler was right and that they hope hamas gasses me like my ancestors, i hope you take a moment to self reflect and find what's truly bothering you, bc ain't no way y'all just became nazis over me trying to save human life on both sides
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republikkkanorcs · 8 days
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floralcavern · 3 months
There should be a tag for where you’re both pro-Palestine and pro-Israel. Like, I hate Hamas and I want them to be dismantled and replaced with a non-terrorist organization. I hate the Israel government and it needs some SERIOUS fixing. I want the 2 state solution. I want the return of the hostages immediately. I want those who participated in October 7th to be punished. I want children in Gaza and Palestine to not be taught in preschool to want to kill Jews.
There should be a tag that encompasses all of that. That both deserve to exist.
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