#getting the chance to make the choice is one of the greatest gifts
sophiethewitch1 · 2 months
the inherent romanticism of accidents. yes i spilled my coffee on you and there's no fate intertwining us but isn't that so lucky? arent I so lucky to have met you? even if it was never intentional, even if it was never meant to be, even if you might've not chosen me if you'd seen it coming from the beginning. we've changed each other, and whether its for the better or for the worse, its a sign you're here. it's a sign I'm not alone. it's a sign that no matter what, there's always going to be something out there for you. you just need to trip on it
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aita-blorbos · 2 months
(Spoilers for Magnus Archives)
AITA for burning my childhood house down
Hello, Jon.
Apologies for the deception, but I wanted to make sure you started reading, so I thought it best not to announce myself.
I’m assuming you’re alone; you always did prefer to read your statements in private. (slightly strained) I wouldn’t try too hard to stop reading; there’s every likelihood you’ll just hurt yourself. So just listen.
Now, shall we turn the page and try again?
WIBTA for starting the apocalypse
I hope you’ll forgive me the self-indulgence, but I have worked so very hard for this moment, a culmination of two centuries of work. It’s rare that you get the chance to monologue through another, and you can’t tell me you’re not curious.
Why does a man seek to destroy the world?
It’s a simple enough answer: for immortality and power. Uninspired, perhaps, but – my god. The discovery, not simply of the dark and horrible reality of the world in which you live, but that you would quite willingly doom that world and confine the billions in it to an eternity of terror and suffering, all to ensure your own happiness, to place yourself beyond pain and death and fear.
It is an awful thing to know about yourself, but the freedom, Jon, the freedom of it all. I have dedicated my life to handing the world to these Dread Powers all for my own gain, and I feel… nothing but satisfaction in that choice.
I am to be a king of a ruined world, and I shall never die.
I believe there are far more people in this world that would take that bargain than you would ever guess. And I have beaten all of them.
Of course, this desire did not manifest overnight. When RS (87, M) first gathered our little band – L, S, and the rest – to discuss and hypothesize on the nature of the things he had learned from R, I felt what I believe we all felt: curiosity, and fear.
But as he compiled his taxonomy and codified his theories on the grand rituals, I began to develop a very specific concern. RS was so obsessed with his ideas on balance, even as our fellows began to experiment and fall to the service of our patrons.
I began to worry that if one of them successfully attempted their ritual, then I would be as much a victim as any, trapped in the nightmare landscape of a twisted world.
At first, I attempted prevention, but the cause seemed hopeless. The only way to ensure I did not suffer the tribulations of what I believed to be an inevitable transformation was to bring it about myself. So what began as an experiment soon became a race.
Beyond that, I was getting older, and mortality began to weigh more heavily on my mind. How much in this world is done because we fear death, the last and greatest terror?
I convinced RS to work on Millbank, leading him to design it as a temple to all the Fears in equilibrium, such that my own modifications to the design of the Panopticon went… unremarked.
It. Took. Years. for the dread of the prisoners to fully suffuse the place, and I was an old man before I made my first attempt at the Watcher’s Crown, sat in the center of that colossal eye, the great ring of cells encircling me like a coronet.
It was… flawed, of course, as all RS’s rituals were, and none of the inmates survived as the power I attempted to harness shook the building almost to pieces, and the murky swamp upon which the prison was built consumed it.
But it left me a gift: For sat in that watchtower, I could see everything I turned my mind to.
It was a dizzying power, and one I discovered I maintained even as I found vessels to extend my life. Of course, I had to make sure the location was kept under my control while I worked on revising my plans, and so I moved the organization I had founded to assist in my research down to London, and the Institute as you know it was born.
I’ll not bore you with details of my bodies and failures through those intervening years. Suffice to say I kept busy, both planning my own next attempt, and doing my best to stymie those others who tried versions of their own.
Surely my interpretation of the Watcher’s Crown had been incomplete; there had been some element of the ritual I had overlooked.
It was not until I met G (70, F) that things began to really come into focus.
You see, the role of Archivist has been part of the Beholding for as far back as my research can go. This isn’t uncommon for the Powers; most of the beliefs around them are guesswork and fallible human interpretation, but there are certain throughlines and consistencies that can be spotted, regardless of the trappings.
But G was unlike any other Archivist. She simply did not care about compiling experiences or collecting the fears of others. She was driven to stop those who served the Powers.
More than once I thought she must secretly be of the Hunt – but there was never that sick joy in her, that thrill of predator and prey. She had simply decided that this was her position in life, and went about it with a practicality that even I found disconcerting at times.
I once asked her what drove her, what had started her down that path. She told me the Desolation had killed her cat.
I don’t know if she was joking, and, to be honest, I could never bring myself to look into her mind and find out for sure.
In any case, G’s ruthless efficiency in derailing and collapsing rituals threw into stark relief a question that had been bothering me for almost a hundred and fifty years: In the whole span of humanity, why had nobody ever succeeded?
Perhaps there were a long line of G throughout history, but I found that hard to credit. Could it be, then, that there was something in the very concept of the rituals that meant they couldn’t succeed?
She was clearly having similar thoughts in that last year, all of which culminated with the People’s Church.
When I saw that she was making no preparations whatsoever to stop it, I realized she was putting into practice a theory, and one she couldn’t afford to be wrong. She was going to wait, and see if the unopposed ritual succeeded, or if it collapsed under its own strain as mine had all those years ago.
Knowing G, I’m sure she had a backup plan if she had miscalculated – but she had not. The ritual failed. And all at once, I realized what had to be done.
You see, the thing about the Fears is that they can never be truly separated from each other. When does the fear of sudden violence transition into the fear of hunted prey? When does the mask of the Stranger become the deception of the Spiral?
Even those that seem to exist in direct opposition rely on each other for their definition as much as up relies on down.
To try and create a world with only the Buried makes as much sense as trying to conceive a world with only down.
Every ritual tied itself so closely to a single power as to render itself impossible. They could bring their patron close, but never sever it from the others, and eventually it would be violently pulled back into the place next to reality where they dwell.
The solution, then, is simple: A new ritual must be devised which will bring through all the Powers at once. All fourteen, as I had hoped I could complete it before any new powers such as Extinction were able to fully emerge. All under the Eye’s auspices, of course. We mustn’t forget our roots.
And there was only one being that could possibly serve as a lynchpin for this new ritual: The Archivist. A position that had so recently become vacant, thanks to G’s ill-timed retirement plans.
Because the thing about the Archivist is that – well, it’s a bit of a misnomer.
It might, perhaps, be better named: The Archive.
Because you do not administer and preserve the records of fear, Jon. You are a record of fear, both in mind as you walk the shuddering record of each statement, and in body as the Powers each leave their mark upon you.
You are a living chronicle of terror.
Perhaps, then, if I could find an Archivist and have each Power mark them, have them confront each one and each in turn instill in them a powerful and acute fear for their life, they could be turned into a conduit for the coming of this – nightmare kingdom.
Do you see where I’m going, Jon?
It does tickle me, that in this world of would-be occult dynasties and ageless monsters, the Chosen One is simply that – someone I chose. It’s not in your blood, or your soul, or your destiny. It’s just in your own, rotten luck.
I’ll admit, my options were somewhat limited, but My God, when you came to me already marked by the Web, I knew it had to be you. I even held out some small hope you had been sent by the Spider as some sort of implicit blessing on the whole project, and, do you know what, I think it was.
Of course, I had to bide my time, get a measure of you before I began to push, learn how you worked – So I decided I would wait until something came for you, and see how you reacted. Attacks upon the Archives were not uncommon during G’s tenure, and, while she was always prepared, I made sure you would not be.
I reasoned if you couldn’t survive a single encounter, you were unlikely to make it through all fourteen. So, when JP attacked, I watched eagerly, one hand on the gas release from the start.
You acquitted yourself well enough, so I decided to see how far you would get, though I waited until the worms were in you before I pulled the lever. I needed to make sure you felt that fear all the way to your bones.
The discovery that one of the Stranger’s minions had infiltrated the Institute in the aftermath was certainly a pleasant bonus. Even if that sliver of paranoia, that vague wrongness you couldn’t quite place wouldn’t count as a mark, it was only a matter of time before it confronted you in a far more direct and affecting matter.
Admittedly, given the advent of the Unknowing, I needn’t have bothered. But what’s the old saying about hindsight?
More important to me was Sasha’s encounter with the Distortion. If it had taken an interest, then I very much wanted it to cross your path.
So I found one of its current victims and convinced her to make a statement.
Poor H (~20, F). I actually had to put her in a taxi myself, she was getting so lost in those narrow London side streets.
It worked, though.
Between the stabbing and at least two desperate flights into its doors – you’re marked very deeply by the Spiral.
JL (~70, M) was a surprise, of course, and I was forced to improvise. I had no idea how much G would have told him, and he could very easily have derailed everything if you learned too much too fast.
I justified it to myself saying I was going to have to send you out into the world anyway, if you were to encounter more of the Powers, but I can’t honestly pretend it wasn’t a… rather rash move.
Still. I’d requested Detective T (~25, F) be assigned to the case when they found G’s body in the hope that having a Hunter in the mix would eventually lead to a confrontation, and setting you up as a killer certainly hastened that.
Then it was just a matter of feeding you statements to lead you to a few Avatars I thought were likely to harm you – but probably would stop short of actually killing you.
J (27, F) served her purpose exactly as I had hoped, as did our dearly departed Mr. C, marking you for the Desolation and the Vast.
Honestly, I had – nothing to do with M (23, F) and her Slaughter adventure, but when I saw the situation, I made sure to trap her here, so when her rage bubbled over you would be right there, a ready target.
I didn’t foresee the mark coming from surgery gone wrong, but it was a very pleasant surprise.
The Unknowing was a distraction, but not an unwelcome one. For this to work, you needed more than just the marks; you needed power. And that was something the Unknowing served to test, though it posed no actual danger in the grand scheme of things.
And it did serve another purpose, of course. It inadvertently pushed you to confront death, a mark I had been very worried about trying to orchestrate. If I tried too early, you’d just die. Too late, and you might be powerful enough to see the attempt coming, and maybe even understand why.
As it was, it was just right, and once again, you came through with flying colors.
By this point, your abilities were coming along in leaps and bounds, and I was concerned that meeting face-to-face might end up with you – (sigh) – Knowing something you shouldn’t.
I had initially planned to go into hiding, but when your colleagues surprised me with the police, well. It was simple enough to cut a deal.
All that remained, then, were the Dark, the Flesh, the Buried, and the Lonely.
I was a little put out when that idiot JH (???, M) misinterpreted my letters and attacked the Institute too soon, before you were even out of the hospital, but then – Ho, you should have see my face when you voluntarily went to him.
I couldn’t see what happened in there, of course, but given how you came out, I’m very sure it counts as a mark.
I suspected the coffin might turn up again, and once it did, it was simply a matter of getting any, uh… restraining factors you might have had flying off on a wild goose chase, and waiting.
Honestly, Detective T has been proving invaluable through this process. I’d been racking my brains for months about what I could use to lure you in.
And, of course, I knew the Dark Sun was just sitting there waiting. So when it came time, I just whipped up another apocalypse and sent you on your merry way.
Then all that remained was the Lonely.
Poor P (~50, M). He really should have left well enough alone. Or just done what I’d asked in the first place.
Ah well. He knew what I was attempting, and was very unwilling to cooperate until I made him a little wager about M (same age as you, Jon, M).
Of course, he had no way of knowing that, in addition to setting you up for the final mark, he was giving you all the tools you needed to escape from it.
How is M, by the way? He looks well. You will keep an eye on him when all this is over, won’t you? He’s earned that.
And there, I think, we are brought just about up to date. I have enjoyed our little trip down memory lane, but past here lies only impatience.
You are prepared. You are ready. You are marked. The power of the Ceaseless Watcher flows through you, and the time of our victory is here.
Don’t worry, Jon. You’ll get used to it here, in the world that we have made.
Now. Repeat after me.
You who watch and know and understand none. You who listen and hear and will not comprehend. You who wait and wait and drink in all that is not yours by right.
Come to us in your wholeness.
Come to us in your perfection.
Bring all that is fear and all that is terror and all that is the awful dread that crawls and chokes and blinds and falls and twists and leaves and hides and weaves and burns and hunts and rips and bleeds and dies!
Come to us.
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spiral-man · 6 months
Hey dudes,
Just wanted to wish everyone a happy-
Hello Jon,
Apologies for the deception, but I wanted to make sure you started reading, so I thought it best not to announce myself.
I’m assuming you’re alone; you always did prefer to read your statements in private. (slightly strained) I wouldn’t try too hard to stop reading; there’s every likelihood you’ll just hurt yourself. So just listen.
Now, shall we turn the page and try again?
Statement of Jonah Magnus regarding Jonathan Sims, The Archivist.
Statement begins.
I hope you’ll forgive me the self-indulgence, but I have worked so very hard for this moment, a culmination of two centuries of work. It’s rare that you get the chance to monologue through another, and you can’t tell me you’re not curious.
Why does a man seek to destroy the world?
It’s a simple enough answer: for immortality and power. Uninspired, perhaps, but – my god. The discovery, not simply of the dark and horrible reality of the world in which you live, but that you would quite willingly doom that world and confine the billions in it to an eternity of terror and suffering, all to ensure your own happiness, to place yourself beyond pain and death and fear.
It is an awful thing to know about yourself, but the freedom, John, the freedom of it all. I have dedicated my life to handing the world to these Dread Powers all for my own gain, and I feel… nothing but satisfaction in that choice.
I am to be a king of a ruined world, and I shall never die.
I believe there are far more people in this world that would take that bargain than you would ever guess. And I have beaten all of them.
Of course, this desire did not manifest overnight. When Smirke first gathered our little band – Lukas, Scott, and the rest – to discuss and hypothesize on the nature of the things he had learned from Rayner, I felt what I believe we all felt: curiosity, and fear.
But as he compiled his taxonomy and codified his theories on the grand rituals, I began to develop a very specific concern. Smirke was so obsessed with his ideas on balance, even as our fellows began to experiment and fall to the service of our patrons.
I began to worry that if one of them successfully attempted their ritual, then I would be as much a victim as any, trapped in the nightmare landscape of a twisted world.
At first, I attempted prevention, but the cause seemed hopeless. The only way to ensure I did not suffer the tribulations of what I believed to be an inevitable transformation was to bring it about myself. So what began as an experiment soon became a race.
Beyond that, I was getting older, and mortality began to weigh more heavily on my mind. How much in this world is done because we fear death, the last and greatest terror?
I convinced Smirke to work on Millbank, leading him to design it as a temple to all the Fears in equilibrium, such that my own modifications to the design of the Panopticon went… unremarked.
It. Took. Years, for the dread of the prisoners to fully suffuse the place, and I was an old man before I made my first attempt at the Watcher’s Crown, sat in the center of that colossal eye, the great ring of cells encircling me like a coronet.
It was… flawed, of course, as all Smirke’s rituals were, and none of the inmates survived as the power I attempted to harness shook the building almost to pieces, and the murky swamp upon which the prison was built consumed it.
But it left me a gift: For sat in that watchtower, I could see everything I turned my mind to.
It was a dizzying power, and one I discovered I maintained even as I found vessels to extend my life. Of course, I had to make sure the location was kept under my control while I worked on revising my plans, and so I moved the organization I had founded to assist in my research down to London, and the Institute as you know it was born.
I’ll not bore you with details of my bodies and failures through those intervening years. Suffice to say I kept busy, both planning my own next attempt, and doing my best to stymie those others who tried versions of their own.
Surely my interpretation of the Watcher’s Crown had been incomplete; there had been some element of the ritual I had overlooked.
It was not until I met Gertrude Robinson that things began to really come into focus.
You see, the role of Archivist has been part of the Beholding for as far back as my research can go. This isn’t uncommon for the Powers; most of the beliefs around them are guesswork and fallible human interpretation, but there are certain throughlines and consistencies that can be spotted, regardless of the trappings.
But Gertrude was unlike any other Archivist. She simply did not care about compiling experiences or collecting the fears of others. She was driven to stop those who served the Powers.
More than once I thought she must secretly be of the Hunt – but there was never that sick joy in her, that thrill of predator and prey. She had simply decided that this was her position in life, and went about it with a practicality that even I found disconcerting at times.
I once asked her what drove her, what had started her down that path. She told me the Desolation had killed her cat.
I don’t know if she was joking, and, to be honest, I could never bring myself to look into her mind and find out for sure.
In any case, Gertrude’s ruthless efficiency in derailing and collapsing rituals threw into stark relief a question that had been bothering me for almost a hundred and fifty years: In the whole span of humanity, why had nobody ever succeeded?
Perhaps there were a long line of Gertrude Robinsons throughout history, but I found that hard to credit. Could it be, then, that there was something in the very concept of the rituals that meant they couldn’t succeed?
She was clearly having similar thoughts in that last year, all of which culminated with the People’s Church.
When I saw that she was making no preparations whatsoever to stop it, I realized she was putting into practice a theory, and one she couldn’t afford to be wrong. She was going to wait, and see if the unopposed ritual succeeded, or if it collapsed under its own strain as mine had all those years ago.
Knowing Gertrude, I’m sure she had a backup plan if she had miscalculated – but she had not. The ritual failed. And all at once, I realized what had to be done.
You see, the thing about the Fears is that they can never be truly separated from each other. When does the fear of sudden violence transition into the fear of hunted prey? When does the mask of the Stranger become the deception of the Spiral?
Even those that seem to exist in direct opposition rely on each other for their definition as much as up relies on down.
To try and create a world with only the Buried makes as much sense as trying to conceive a world with only down.
Every ritual tied itself so closely to a single power as to render itself impossible. They could bring their patron close, but never sever it from the others, and eventually it would be violently pulled back into the place next to reality where they dwell.
The solution, then, is simple: A new ritual must be devised which will bring through all the Powers at once. All fourteen, as I had hoped I could complete it before any new powers such as Extinction were able to fully emerge. All under the Eye’s auspices, of course. We mustn’t forget our roots.
And there was only one being that could possibly serve as a lynchpin for this new ritual: The Archivist. A position that had so recently become vacant, thanks to Gertrude’s ill-timed retirement plans.
Because the thing about the Archivist is that – well, it’s a bit of a misnomer.-
It might, perhaps, be better named: The Archive.
Because you do not administer and preserve the records of fear, John. You are a record of fear, both in mind as you walk the shuddering record of each statement, and in body as the Powers each leave their mark upon you.
You are a living chronicle of terror.
Perhaps, then, if I could find an Archivist and have each Power mark them, have them confront each one and each in turn instill in them a powerful and acute fear for their life, they could be turned into a conduit for the coming of this – nightmare kingdom.
Do you see where I’m going, John?
It does tickle me, that in this world of would-be occult dynasties and ageless monsters, the Chosen One is simply that – someone I chose. It’s not in your blood, or your soul, or your destiny. It’s just in your own, rotten luck.
I’ll admit, my options were somewhat limited, but My God, when you came to me already marked by the Web, I knew it had to be you. I even held out some small hope you had been sent by the Spider as some sort of implicit blessing on the whole project, and, do you know what, I think it was.
Of course, I had to bide my time, get a measure of you before I began to push, learn how you worked – So I decided I would wait until something came for you, and see how you reacted. Attacks upon the Archives were not uncommon during Gertrude’s tenure, and, while she was always prepared, I made sure you would not be.
I reasoned if you couldn’t survive a single encounter, you were unlikely to make it through all fourteen. So, when Jane Prentiss attacked, I watched eagerly, one hand on the gas release from the start.
You acquitted yourself well enough, so I decided to see how far you would get, though I waited until the worms were in you before I pulled the lever. I needed to make sure you felt that fear all the way to your bones.
The discovery that one of the Stranger’s minions had infiltrated the Institute in the aftermath was certainly a pleasant bonus. Even if that sliver of paranoia, that vague wrongness you couldn’t quite place wouldn’t count as a mark, it was only a matter of time before it confronted you in a far more direct and affecting matter.
Admittedly, given the advent of the Unknowing, I needn’t have bothered. But what’s the old saying about hindsight?
More important to me was Sasha’s encounter with the Distortion. If it had taken an interest, then I very much wanted it to cross your path.
So I found one of its current victims and convinced her to make a statement.
Poor Helen. I actually had to put her in a taxi myself, she was getting so lost in those narrow London side streets.
It worked, though.
Between the stabbing and at least two desperate flights into its doors – you’re marked very deeply by the Spiral.
Jurgen Leitner was a surprise, of course, and I was forced to improvise. I had no idea how much Gertrude would have told him, and he could very easily have derailed everything if you learned too much too fast.
I… justified it to myself saying I was going to have to send you out into the world anyway, if you were to encounter more of the Powers, but I can’t honestly pretend it wasn’t a… rather rash move.
Still. I’d requested Detective Tonner be assigned to the case when they found Gertrude’s body in the hope that having a Hunter in the mix would eventually lead to a confrontation, and setting you up as a killer certainly hastened that.
Then it was just a matter of feeding you statements to lead you to a few Avatars I thought were likely to harm you – but probably would stop short of actually killing you.
Jude served her purpose exactly as I had hoped, as did our dearly departed Mr. Crew, marking you for the Desolation and the Vast.
Honestly, I had – nothing to do with Melanie and her Slaughter adventure, but when I saw the situation, I made sure to trap her here, so when her rage bubbled over you would be right there, a ready target.
I didn’t foresee the mark coming from surgery gone wrong, but it was a very pleasant surprise.
The Unknowing was a distraction, but not an unwelcome one. For this to work, you needed more than just the marks; you needed power. And that was something the Unknowing served to test, though it posed no actual danger in the grand scheme of things.
And it did serve another purpose, of course. It inadvertently pushed you to confront death, a mark I had been very worried about trying to orchestrate. If I tried too early, you’d just die. Too late, and you might be powerful enough to see the attempt coming, and maybe even understand why.
As it was, it was just right, and once again, you came through with flying colors.
By this point, your abilities were coming along in leaps and bounds, and I was concerned that meeting face-to-face might end up with you – (sigh) – Knowing something you shouldn’t.
I had initially planned to go into hiding, but when your colleagues surprised me with the police, well. It was simple enough to cut a deal.
All that remained, then, were the Dark, the Flesh, the Buried, and the Lonely.
I was a little put out when that idiot Jared Hopworth misinterpreted my letters and attacked the Institute too soon, before you were even out of the hospital, but then – Ho, you should have see my face when you voluntarily went to him.
I couldn’t see what happened in there, of course, but given how you came out, I’m very sure it counts as a mark.
I suspected the coffin might turn up again, and once it did, it was simply a matter of getting any, uh… restraining factors you might have had flying off on a wild goose chase, and waiting.
Honestly, Detective Tonner has been proving invaluable through this process. I’d been racking my brains for months about what I could use to lure you in.
And, of course, I knew the Dark Sun was just sitting there waiting. So when it came time, I just whipped up another apocalypse and sent you on your merry way.
Then all that remained was the Lonely.
Poor Peter. He really should have left well enough alone. (cruel laugh) Or just done what I’d asked in the first place.
Ah well. He knew what I was attempting, and was very unwilling to cooperate until I made him a little wager about Martin.
Of course, he had no way of knowing that, in addition to setting you up for the final mark, he was giving you all the tools you needed to escape from it.
How is Martin, by the way? He looks well. You will keep an eye on him when all this is over, won’t you? He’s earned that.
And there, I think, we are brought just about up to date. I have enjoyed our little trip down memory lane, but past here lies only impatience.
You are prepared. You are ready. You are marked. The power of the Ceaseless Watcher flows through you, and the time of our victory is here.
Don’t worry, John. You’ll get used to it here, in the world that we have made.
Now. (cruel, cruel laugh) Repeat after me.
You who watch and know and understand none. You who listen and hear and will not comprehend. You who wait and wait and drink in all that is not yours by right.
Come to us in your wholeness.
Come to us in your perfection.
Bring all that is fear and all that is terror and all that is the awful dread that crawls and chokes and blinds and falls and twists and leaves and hides and weaves and burns and hunts and rips and bleeds and dies!
Come to us.
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luneariann · 11 months
Bsd headcanons!
- Kouyou, 27 yr as of current canon
- Kouyou started dressing in traditional clothing in an effort to seem older/inspire more respect when she first became an executive, and it stuck. now instructs all the people under her wing to do the same
- Actually a huge fan of romance novels, Chuuya started reading them cuz of her
- Tea snob
- WILL judge you to your face in the most convoluted language, you will only realize you were insulted in like three business days
- She has freckles but she covers them up w makeup, Yosano loves them
- Yosano, 27 yr old
- When she was first adopted by Fukuzawa she tried doing things she thought kids her age did in an effort to feel more "normal" it didn't rly work
- Has won scariest ADA member four years in a row, shes both very proud of that title and very protective of it, actively does scarier shit once the elections come back around each year
- Wine snob!
- Veryyy blunt, she got it from Ranpo (Fukuzawa would call him a bad influence except he theyre both saying what hes thinking so)
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- Dazai, 26
- Has tried to be a plant dad to win a bet w Ranpo, failed miserably, none of his plants are alive but theyre all lovingly named anyway, he talks to their decomposing corpses sometimes
- The worst fashion sense known to man, he KNOWS how to dress he just makes the active choice to dress like a bowling alley carpet when given the chance
- When Atsushi made him a friendship bracelet and he had to be excused to go to the bathroom and compose himself
- Hes Yokohamas local cryptid
- Chuuya, 26
- Loves romance novels, its his greatest secret
- Dazai gave him a bunch of plants as a surprise gift during his brief plant dad phase, he frantically learned everything he could abt them so he could take care of them properly
- He cuts his own hair, yes it is uneven on purpose, he thinks he looks cool (he does, but only because hes Chuuya so he can pull off literally anything) (yes i am biased why do you ask)
- Fantastic cook
- Piercings <333 he would get a tattoo but he doesnt rly do well with needles (cough trauma cough)
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- Atsushi, 18
- Had a "sleepover" with Kyouka when he realized neither of them had ever had one, it was great they did eachothers nails and watched romcoms together, Kyouka decided she didnt really like them but Atsushi did so they watched them anyways
- Made everyone friendship bracelets one time on said "sleepover"!
- ALSO has an atrocious fashion sense, its Dazais influence <//3
- Kyouka has made it her personal mission to fix his haircut over time (he cuts his hair with kitchen scissors, she was horrified when she saw)
- Akutagawa, 19
- a full on trad goth, he goes simple for work tho
- Hes a gatekeeper, sorry yall </3
- Carries around an umbrella in the sunlight cuz he burns rly rly easily
- Gets cold REALLY easily too
- The most socially inept man you will ever meet, Gin had to cover for him A LOT when they were children
- When he first realized he felt something for Atsushi he not only did not realize that his heart speeding up around him was a crush thing, but thought it was excitement for a fight, so he just ended up challenging him to an absurd amount of fights, going as far as to go to the ADA to pick fights
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giggly-squiggily · 5 months
A New Kind Of Mystery (Bungo Stray Dogs)
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Whoops my hand slipped :D Heyo everyone! Today I bring you some Ranpoe cause I can :3 This is a gift for the amazing @intheticklecloset cause why the heck not? >:3 I hope you like it friend!
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps):
@myreygn @thatbigbisexual29 @dirtpie39 @duckymcdoorknob @cupcake-spice13 @t-wordiiish @rachi-roo @chibisstuff @imjusthere07, @sevenincubistolemyheart
Summary: Books are Poe's life, but so is Ranpo and all his antics. Stressed about both, he inadvertently finds a way to make both work.
“Eeheehehehhe, Ranpooooo!” Poe squeaked, nearly breaking his pen in half when fingers pinched his ribs. “Please, I’m wohoohorking!”
“You always say that!” Ranpo teased, snuggling closer to the shy author as he carried on kneading his sides, earning even more giggles and squeaks. “Play with meeeeee~”
“Ahehahahaha, R-Rahhahahanpo STAHP!” Poe twisted around, catching the detective’s hands with his. “I reahally need to gehet this done. I can’t play right now.”
“Okay.” Ranpo nodded, a touch of hurt coloring his smile as he got up to go. “Well…call me when you’ve got down time, okay?” He turned to leave, whistling as he walked to the door.
“R-Right.” Poe nodded, giving the other one last smile as the detective disappeared, shutting the door behind him. When he was out of earshot, the author let his shoulders droop, head hitting the desk with a low groan. Why did books have to take so long? Mysteries couldn’t write themselves, and he always wanted to give Ranpo his best self when presenting a new book. Breaks were rare, and even those mainly consisted of naps and remembering to eat; not much else.
Ranpo, bless his heart, was so patient with him, but Poe couldn’t shake the image of that sad expression. He needed to make it right! He started to get up-
The sound of a car pulling out stopped him in his place. Looking out the window, he watched Ranpo head back to the Agency.
Shit- missed his chance.
“Gggggggrr?” Karl hopped onto the desk, tilting his head curiously up at Poe. The author stroked his head, trying not to cry.
“Oh Karl…I’m the worst boyfriend ever!” He moaned pathetically, gathering the racoon up in his arms. “I can’t even make time for Ranpo! He just wants to play- and here I am working on books-”
Books. Wait a minute…
“Oh…OH!” The ideas were turning in his mind. Karl climbed up on Poe’s head as the author gathered his things- a notebook for outlining, his typewriter for the final product, and most importantly; a framed photo of him and Ranpo the other gifted him when they first started dating.
“Don’t you worry, Ran. What you’re about to read is gonna be my greatest work.”
Greatest probably wasn’t the best choice of words, but it was certainly his fastest work.
Poe all but leaped for joy the morning he finished it- it was rough around the edges and didn’t have a title, but it was perfect! He could refine the work later- for now he needed to get this to Ranpo!
Taking the world's fastest shower, he texted his boyfriend an assortment of words that he hoped conveyed “Meet me at the park” before flying out the door, running as fast as he could, Karl hanging on to him by the back of his coat. The cold winter chill colored his cheeks, and his breath was frosty without his usual coat, but he couldn’t wait a second longer.
To his glee, Ranpo was where he wanted him, slurping on hot chocolate and kicking his feet against the bench. When their eyes met, he raised his cup in greeting.
“Poe-” A crash! A flop- Poe came tumbling before him in a heap of limbs and cloth, Karl leaping for safety at the last second. When the world stopped spinning, he found himself on his back, Ranpo’s wide eyes looking down at him.
“Poe!  Are you okay?” Instead of answering, the author pulled out the book- holding it up to him.
“It’s done! Here.” He gasped out. “Please, take it.”
Ranpo blinked. Then his eyes narrowed, irritated. “I haven’t seen or heard from you for two straight weeks and this is the first thing you say to me?” Hurt swallowed his anger as Ranpo sat back, hiding in his hat. “And here I thought you were just excited to see me…”
Oh no- this is not how he wanted it to go! Poe sat up, scooting closer to his boyfriend. “I’m sorry, Ranpo- truly I am! I was just so determined to get this book done. It’s a gift for you.”
“A gift?” Ranpo looked at him, somewhat guarded. “Not just me reviewing it?”
“Well- I would like to hear your thoughts on it after you finish it, but yes. I made it especially tailored for you and you alone.” Poe nodded, shaky as he held out the present. “I understand if you don’t want it. Not after me ignoring you for so long-”
“I’ll read it.” Ranpo took the book, running his fingers along the spine. “But I have a condition.”
“After I read this- I want you to take a proper break from your work.” Ranpo gave him a stubborn glare, cheeks puffed some. “You’re my boyfriend, and I have a two week vacation coming up. I want to spend it with you. If you promise me that, I’ll give you my full attention to this book.”
Poe was..hesitant. He’d only ever taken short half day breaks from writing; never a full vacation. What would happen if he did stop writing for two weeks? Looking at Ranpo, a worse thought occurred.
What would happen if he didn’t?
“Okay.” He nodded, prioritizing. “Two week vacation.”
Ranpo seemed pleased, lightening up some. “Okay. Whenever you’re ready.”
Poe nodded, taking the book. He flipped it open and began the tale.
When Ranpo came to, he was in the usual setup. A mansion- old and Victoria. A handful of staff- maids and butlers and gardener’s alike. There was a dead body in the room to his left- he needed to figure out what happened.
A classic mystery, if not a little simple. He already knew who did it. He was about to voice the culprit-
But stopped. That wasn’t the deal.
“Okay Poe- I’ll play by the rules.” He decided, even if he was kinda disappointed. The way Poe all but crashed into him to deliver this book- how he made it out to be something special- he figured it’d be a bit more complex than this. He went over to the room where the body laid, ready to get this over with. “What’s in here- ehehehehehe!”
The second he touched the doorknob, something ticklish shot up his arm, making him retract and giggle. The detective stared, looking between the doorknob and his hand. There was nothing there that could do it, but it felt as if someone brushed his palm with a feather duster. He knew this was the right door, and yet…
Like a drop of pigment into clear water, Ranpo’s disappointment faded into curious excitement. “Now what is this all about?” He grinned, slowly reaching to touch the knob again. The second he touched it, he was giggling once more, barely hanging on as he twisted the knob. “Cohoohhome on, I knohohoohow this is the rohoohohohohoom!”
Eventually, he got it open. Sure enough, a body was there- dressed in fancy attire and wearing a racoon mask. Ranpo huffed for air as he rubbed his palm, eyes landing on a note pinned to the body.
So you found my victim. Can you find me?
~The Tickler
Ranpo snorted at the name, flipping the paper over to find the same racoon mask imprinted on the back. A feather hung off one of the ears in the drawing. When Ranpo looked up, the same feather was snug behind the mask on the body.
“So this is what you meant when you said it was for me.” Ranpo smiled as he gathered the soft item, twirling it in his fingers. “Okay Poe- you want to play? Let’s play.”
Ranpo carried on the mystery, growing more giggly as he went. Every correct clue he found had that same ticklish touch, sometimes on his hands if it was an item he had to gather, other times along his sides when he walked through the correct door. By the time he got to the culprit’s location, he was a flustered mess of laughter, rubbing his sides to rid himself of the ghostly feeling. “Ohoohohokay, Mr. Tickler. I finally found you!” He pushed open the door-
And was ambushed by a racoon!
“Ah! Ahehahahhahahaha! Geahahahahahhahah!” He squealed, trying and failing to catch the fluffy creature as it dug into his sides, back to his face so it’s fluffy tail swished and flicked against his nose and neck. “Kahhahahaharl, wahahhahait! It’s yohohohohohohohou!”
“So you figured it out.” The racoon cooed, sounding just like Poe as it carried on tickling him, nuzzling so much the detective was in pieces beneath him, struggling to curl up. “Didn’t expect little ol me to be so devious, did you?”
“Yohohoohohohu gohohohooohoht mehehehehehe! I shohohoohhuld have knohohohohown you’d be so dehehehehehvious!” The detective reached into his pocket with some difficulty, clenching his fist around a very important item. “Buhuhuhut you faahhahaailed to remememeeber ohohohohohone dehehehehtail!”
“Oh? And what would that be?” The raccoon asked, fur standing up when Ranpo shot his fist out. “What-Ah!”
“Yoohohohu forgot I hahahve a wehahapon!” Ranpo sat up, the feather in hand wiggling against the racoon’s face and ears as it squeaked and thrashed in his arms. “Now Karl- or should I say Poe. You’re the culprit!”
The world around them changed. Ranpo soon found himself once again in the park, Poe’s ability ending and returning him to the real world.  His body tingled with mirth, and the feather was no more. Before him, Poe was a mess of giggles on the floor, scrunched up and giggly. “Aheheahhaha…yohohou got mehehehe.”
“I sure did! Ehehehehe!” Ranpo raised his chin with pride, something soft replacing the feeling after. “You really did that for me.”
“Ohohof course I did. It’s the least I can do after ignoring you.” Poe sat up, hiding in his bangs as he pulled on his sleeves. “I prioritized my work over spending time with you, and I’m sorry for that. Going forward, I’m gonna work on finding a balance.”
Ranpo took it in, considering. Then he smiled, crawling over until he was side by side with his boyfriend, lying his head against his shoulder.
“I appreciate that. I don’t mind you writing; it’s your passion. Just…remember I’m still here, okay?” He felt Poe take his hand, squeezing it tightly.
“I will. I promise.”
“Good. Cause if you don’t…” Ranpo didn’t give any warning, shooting his hand out and squeezing his side. Poe yelped, falling backwards and taking the detective with him. “I’ll tickle you until you die!”
“Ah! Rahahhahanpo, the groohohohohund’s coohohohohld!”
“Is it now? I’ll just have to warm you up!”
“Hm…gotta warm those up too.” Ranpo giggled as he slid his hands up Poe’s shirt, delighted at how giggly he got. “Get ready, Poe. These upcoming two weeks are gonna be full of this stuff!”
“Ahehahhhahaha! Ihihihih’m alehhahhahahdy lohohoooohking fohohohhoward to ihihihihihit!” The words made Ranpo’s heart skip.
This was gonna be a good vacation.
Thanks for reading!
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dabblingreturns · 2 years
What a gift young Gideon nav must have been to Aiglamine. She spent her youth as a soldier dropping into battle like an avenging angel, and her middle age as a teacher in a cave teaching children to fight. She went from glory to a backwater school teacher
And her pupils are okay...some are probably good. One, the cav heir is remarkably bad but oh well thats his father's problem.
Then all her students die except the useless cav heir and a little redheaded baby.....years and years or care....or relationships....all gone and all you have is sad abused ortus and his poetry.
Then Aiglamine relize that the little hell raiser with the flaming head and messy paint has the balance of a much older child.
Aiglamine goes out to train and begin to notice a shadow. Not just following her path but also her movments. So Aiglamine start here or there to help the child. To correct her grip or fix stance....
As Gideon grows and Aiglamne grow old she relizes relize that she has a student with the potential to be a legend.
Aiglamine thought that she would be forgotten but she is going to be remembered for teaching a once in a millenia warrior....
And Gideon prickly and disrespectful and Aiglamine is not her mother.....Aiglamine can't care for her as both her teacher and her parrent....and Gideon could be the greatest.....so Aiglamine makes the choice to be a teacher....
And if she can just get her protégé safely and legally into the cohort then Gideon can shine brighter than Diminicus
But Aiglamine hadn't counted on Harrows control. That Harrow wouldn't let Gideon go.
So when the letter comes from the emperor, and harrow says that she must have Gideon as her cav Aiglamine does everything she can to make sure her legacy, her protégé, her one last triumph has a chance.
Because Aiglamine needs Gideon to be great. And aiglame vouchsafes Gideon. Because how could anything hurt her unkillable girl. The ninth house hasn't duller her flame nor slowed the flash of her teeth.
And Aiglamine is sad to hear that ortus died...but she cant care more.
So Aiglamine sends her girl out to shine....
And then she received a note that Gideon has died along with a a whole crop of new students....students who can't measure up.
And she can't belive fully that Gideon is dead...If her girl is dead...then where is the body....why hasn't anyone sent back her body? It's not like her body is hard to loose
Then as the ninth house is attacked Gideon and harrow returns....except gideon Nav is dead....she shows Aiglamine the hole in her chest.....the fact that she is a prince now, and still moving is just confusing. And harrows someone else completely but Gideon is dead
Where is her sword....the two handed you taught her to use for 8 long years
Where is her breath...the breath that cursed the house for 18 long years
What have they done to your child?
What are they doing to her body?
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evil-flesh-eating-ai · 3 months
top 13 deaths in the magnus archives
Hello, John. Apologies for the deception, but I wanted to make sure you started reading, so I thought it best not to announce myself.
I’m assuming you’re alone; you always did prefer to read your statements in private. I wouldn’t try too hard to stop reading; there’s every likelihood you’ll just hurt yourself. So just listen.
Now, shall we turn the page and try again?
Statement of Jonah Magnus regarding Jonathan Sims, The Archivist.
Statement begins.
I hope you’ll forgive me the self-indulgence, but I have worked so very hard for this moment, a culmination of two centuries of work. It’s rare that you get the chance to monologue through another, and you can’t tell me you’re not curious.
Why does a man seek to destroy the world?
It’s a simple enough answer: for immortality and power. Uninspired, perhaps, but – my god. The discovery, not simply of the dark and horrible reality of the world in which you live, but that you would quite willingly doom that world and confine the billions in it to an eternity of terror and suffering, all to ensure your own happiness, to place yourself beyond pain and death and fear.
It is an awful thing to know about yourself, but the freedom, John, the freedom of it all. I have dedicated my life to handing the world to these Dread Powers all for my own gain, and I feel… nothing but satisfaction in that choice.
I am to be a king of a ruined world, and I shall never die.
I believe there are far more people in this world that would take that bargain than you would ever guess. And I have beaten all of them.
Of course, this desire did not manifest overnight. When Smirke first gathered our little band – Lukas, Scott, and the rest – to discuss and hypothesize on the nature of the things he had learned from Rayner, I felt what I believe we all felt: curiosity, and fear.
But as he compiled his taxonomy and codified his theories on the grand rituals, I began to develop a very specific concern. Smirke was so obsessed with his ideas on balance, even as our fellows began to experiment and fall to the service of our patrons.
I began to worry that if one of them successfully attempted their ritual, then I would be as much a victim as any, trapped in the nightmare landscape of a twisted world.
At first, I attempted prevention, but the cause seemed hopeless. The only way to ensure I did not suffer the tribulations of what I believed to be an inevitable transformation was to bring it about myself. So what began as an experiment soon became a race.
Beyond that, I was getting older, and mortality began to weigh more heavily on my mind. How much in this world is done because we fear death, the last and greatest terror?
I convinced Smirke to work on Millbank, leading him to design it as a temple to all the Fears in equilibrium, such that my own modifications to the design of the Panopticon went… unremarked.
It. Took. Years, for the dread of the prisoners to fully suffuse the place, and I was an old man before I made my first attempt at the Watcher’s Crown, sat in the center of that colossal eye, the great ring of cells encircling me like a coronet.
It was… flawed, of course, as all Smirke’s rituals were, and none of the inmates survived as the power I attempted to harness shook the building almost to pieces, and the murky swamp upon which the prison was built consumed it.
But it left me a gift: For sat in that watchtower, I could see everything I turned my mind to.
It was a dizzying power, and one I discovered I maintained even as I found vessels to extend my life. Of course, I had to make sure the location was kept under my control while I worked on revising my plans, and so I moved the organization I had founded to assist in my research down to London, and the Institute as you know it was born.
I’ll not bore you with details of my bodies and failures through those intervening years. Suffice to say I kept busy, both planning my own next attempt, and doing my best to stymie those others who tried versions of their own.
Surely my interpretation of the Watcher’s Crown had been incomplete; there had been some element of the ritual I had overlooked.
It was not until I met Gertrude Robinson that things began to really come into focus.
You see, the role of Archivist has been part of the Beholding for as far back as my research can go. This isn’t uncommon for the Powers; most of the beliefs around them are guesswork and fallible human interpretation, but there are certain throughlines and consistencies that can be spotted, regardless of the trappings.
But Gertrude was unlike any other Archivist. She simply did not care about compiling experiences or collecting the fears of others. She was driven to stop those who served the Powers.
More than once I thought she must secretly be of the Hunt – but there was never that sick joy in her, that thrill of predator and prey. She had simply decided that this was her position in life, and went about it with a practicality that even I found disconcerting at times.
I once asked her what drove her, what had started her down that path. She told me the Desolation had killed her cat.
I don’t know if she was joking, and, to be honest, I could never bring myself to look into her mind and find out for sure.
In any case, Gertrude’s ruthless efficiency in derailing and collapsing rituals threw into stark relief a question that had been bothering me for almost a hundred and fifty years: In the whole span of humanity, why had nobody ever succeeded?
Perhaps there were a long line of Gertrude Robinsons throughout history, but I found that hard to credit. Could it be, then, that there was something in the very concept of the rituals that meant they couldn’t succeed?
She was clearly having similar thoughts in that last year, all of which culminated with the People’s Church.
When I saw that she was making no preparations whatsoever to stop it, I realized she was putting into practice a theory, and one she couldn’t afford to be wrong. She was going to wait, and see if the unopposed ritual succeeded, or if it collapsed under its own strain as mine had all those years ago.
Knowing Gertrude, I’m sure she had a backup plan if she had miscalculated – but she had not. The ritual failed. And all at once, I realized what had to be done.
You see, the thing about the Fears is that they can never be truly separated from each other. When does the fear of sudden violence transition into the fear of hunted prey? When does the mask of the Stranger become the deception of the Spiral?
Even those that seem to exist in direct opposition rely on each other for their definition as much as up relies on down.
To try and create a world with only the Buried makes as much sense as trying to conceive a world with only down.
Every ritual tied itself so closely to a single power as to render itself impossible. They could bring their patron close, but never sever it from the others, and eventually it would be violently pulled back into the place next to reality where they dwell.
The solution, then, is simple: A new ritual must be devised which will bring through all the Powers at once. All fourteen, as I had hoped I could complete it before any new powers such as Extinction were able to fully emerge. All under the Eye’s auspices, of course. We mustn’t forget our roots.
And there was only one being that could possibly serve as a lynchpin for this new ritual: The Archivist. A position that had so recently become vacant, thanks to Gertrude’s ill-timed retirement plans.
Because the thing about the Archivist is that – well, it’s a bit of a misnomer.
It might, perhaps, be better named: The Archive.
Because you do not administer and preserve the records of fear, John. You are a record of fear, both in mind as you walk the shuddering record of each statement, and in body as the Powers each leave their mark upon you.
You are a living chronicle of terror.
Perhaps, then, if I could find an Archivist and have each Power mark them, have them confront each one and each in turn instill in them a powerful and acute fear for their life, they could be turned into a conduit for the coming of this – nightmare kingdom.
Do you see where I’m going, John?
It does tickle me, that in this world of would-be occult dynasties and ageless monsters, the Chosen One is simply that – someone I chose. It’s not in your blood, or your soul, or your destiny. It’s just in your own, rotten luck.
I’ll admit, my options were somewhat limited, but My God, when you came to me already marked by the Web, I knew it had to be you. I even held out some small hope you had been sent by the Spider as some sort of implicit blessing on the whole project, and, do you know what, I think it was.
Of course, I had to bide my time, get a measure of you before I began to push, learn how you worked – So I decided I would wait until something came for you, and see how you reacted. Attacks upon the Archives were not uncommon during Gertrude’s tenure, and, while she was always prepared, I made sure you would not be.
I reasoned if you couldn’t survive a single encounter, you were unlikely to make it through all fourteen. So, when Jane Prentiss attacked, I watched eagerly, one hand on the gas release from the start.
You acquitted yourself well enough, so I decided to see how far you would get, though I waited until the worms were in you before I pulled the lever. I needed to make sure you felt that fear all the way to your bones.
The discovery that one of the Stranger’s minions had infiltrated the Institute in the aftermath was certainly a pleasant bonus. Even if that sliver of paranoia, that vague wrongness you couldn’t quite place wouldn’t count as a mark, it was only a matter of time before it confronted you in a far more direct and affecting matter.
Admittedly, given the advent of the Unknowing, I needn’t have bothered. But what’s the old saying about hindsight?
More important to me was Sasha’s encounter with the Distortion. If it had taken an interest, then I very much wanted it to cross your path.
So I found one of its current victims and convinced her to make a statement.
Poor Helen. I actually had to put her in a taxi myself, she was getting so lost in those narrow London side streets.
It worked, though.
Between the stabbing and at least two desperate flights into its doors – you’re marked very deeply by the Spiral.
Jurgen Leitner was a surprise, of course, and I was forced to improvise. I had no idea how much Gertrude would have told him, and he could very easily have derailed everything if you learned too much too fast.
I… justified it to myself saying I was going to have to send you out into the world anyway, if you were to encounter more of the Powers, but I can’t honestly pretend it wasn’t a… rather rash move.
Still. I’d requested Detective Tonner be assigned to the case when they found Gertrude’s body in the hope that having a Hunter in the mix would eventually lead to a confrontation, and setting you up as a killer certainly hastened that.
Then it was just a matter of feeding you statements to lead you to a few Avatars I thought were likely to harm you – but probably would stop short of actually killing you.
Jude served her purpose exactly as I had hoped, as did our dearly departed Mr. Crew, marking you for the Desolation and the Vast.
Honestly, I had – nothing to do with Melanie and her Slaughter adventure, but when I saw the situation, I made sure to trap her here, so when her rage bubbled over you would be right there, a ready target.
I didn’t foresee the mark coming from surgery gone wrong, but it was a very pleasant surprise.
The Unknowing was a distraction, but not an unwelcome one. For this to work, you needed more than just the marks; you needed power. And that was something the Unknowing served to test, though it posed no actual danger in the grand scheme of things.
And it did serve another purpose, of course. It inadvertently pushed you to confront death, a mark I had been very worried about trying to orchestrate. If I tried too early, you’d just die. Too late, and you might be powerful enough to see the attempt coming, and maybe even understand why.
As it was, it was just right, and once again, you came through with flying colors.
By this point, your abilities were coming along in leaps and bounds, and I was concerned that meeting face-to-face might end up with you – (sigh) – Knowing something you shouldn’t.
I had initially planned to go into hiding, but when your colleagues surprised me with the police, well. It was simple enough to cut a deal.
All that remained, then, were the Dark, the Flesh, the Buried, and the Lonely.
I was a little put out when that idiot Jared Hopworth misinterpreted my letters and attacked the Institute too soon, before you were even out of the hospital, but then – Ho, you should have see my face when you voluntarily went to him.
I couldn’t see what happened in there, of course, but given how you came out, I’m very sure it counts as a mark.
I suspected the coffin might turn up again, and once it did, it was simply a matter of getting any, uh… restraining factors you might have had flying off on a wild goose chase, and waiting.
Honestly, Detective Tonner has been proving invaluable through this process. I’d been racking my brains for months about what I could use to lure you in.
And, of course, I knew the Dark Sun was just sitting there waiting. So when it came time, I just whipped up another apocalypse and sent you on your merry way.
Then all that remained was the Lonely.
Poor Peter. He really should have left well enough alone. (cruel laugh) Or just done what I’d asked in the first place.
Ah well. He knew what I was attempting, and was very unwilling to cooperate until I made him a little wager about Martin.
Of course, he had no way of knowing that, in addition to setting you up for the final mark, he was giving you all the tools you needed to escape from it.
How is Martin, by the way? He looks well. You will keep an eye on him when all this is over, won’t you? He’s earned that.
And there, I think, we are brought just about up to date. I have enjoyed our little trip down memory lane, but past here lies only impatience.
You are prepared. You are ready. You are marked. The power of the Ceaseless Watcher flows through you, and the time of our victory is here.
Don’t worry, John. You’ll get used to it here, in the world that we have made.
Now. (cruel, cruel laugh) Repeat after me.
You who watch and know and understand none. You who listen and hear and will not comprehend. You who wait and wait and drink in all that is not yours by right.
Come to us in your wholeness.
Come to us in your perfection.
Bring all that is fear and all that is terror and all that is the awful dread that crawls and chokes and blinds and falls and twists and leaves and hides and weaves and burns and hunts and rips and bleeds and dies!
Come to us.
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hi idk if you want to do this (if not, no problem!) but can i request something platonic with levi from f&h termina? i just feel so bad for him so maybe one where he gets to be happy? im sorry if this is too vague or something lol
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(I understand exactly what you mean, Levi can be happy, as a treat.)
Levi expected many things on his way back to that hellish place he grew up in.
Riding away on a train with almost everyone who got stuck in that damned game was not one of them.
There was a silence over all of them, but it wasn’t a silence Levi could understand.
It seemed almost… comfortable… but there was something else to… mourning… that's what it was.
Everyone on this train had seen things that shouldn’t ever be seen, heard things that shouldn’t be heard, and had things done to them that shouldn’t be done.
But they all had lived, which is more than they can say for the citizens of Prehevil.
Levi might not have had any love for the city or the people in it… but no one deserves what happened there.
But… good did come out of all this.
Levi absentmindedly ran his thumb over the wounds on his face, courtesy of Miss Marina.
This was the longest he’s been clean for a long while.
He owed that to the little group in the train.
O’saa for his weirdness and sharp wit.
Marcoh for his strength and his heart.
Tanaka for just trying to keep things normal.
Daan for making sure everyone stayed in as few pieces as possible.
Marina for her smarts and her sigils.
The others for their own things that they brought to the table, to keep Levi’s mind off of the needle.
And you, for keeping an eye on him.
He had no idea what made you decide to try and keep him alive.
Then again he didn’t know why all of the others were so kind to him.
Levi briefly glanced at your sleeping form in the seat across from him before returning his attention to the landscape speeding by.
Rolling green hills and painfully blue skies.
Levi had never seen anything like it before.
The fog of war and the constant clouds over Prehevil made it to where he rarely ever got to see the sky above.
Even when he did it just forced him to acknowledge how he could never escape either of those places.
Yet now that he has escaped both of them… he wanted to capture this exact sky, to capture the brilliance of it… to capture the brilliance of the freedom he had found because of you and the others.
Because now Levi had a chance to be free of War, free of Prehevil, free of the monsters he saw in that hellish city.
And he wanted to do something he liked, and to figure out what that was.
Writing, painting, sculpting, he never tried any of them, and he wanted to.
Even if he failed in them all, it would’ve been his choice to try them.
That was something he had never had until now.
That was the greatest gift he had ever been given.
And it was a gift from you and the others.
A gift he couldn’t be more thankful for.
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richincolor · 6 months
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K. Imani's 2023 Favorite Books
This was such a great year for books! My TBR pile never once came close to empty and I always had a plethora of choices to choose from. I had a hard choice trying to decide what my top favs would be but ultimately decided on books that I know I would love to read again and again. All of these books were stories I couldn't put down and sacrificed sleep over - all extremely well worth it!
That Self-Same Metal (Forge & Fracture Sage #1) by Brittany N. Williams
Sixteen-year-old Joan Sands is a gifted craftswoman who creates and upkeeps the stage blades for William Shakespeare’s acting company, The King’s Men. Joan’s skill with her blades comes from a magical ability to control metal—an ability gifted by her Head Orisha, Ogun. Because her whole family is Orisha-blessed, the Sands family have always kept tabs on the Fae presence in London. Usually that doesn’t involve much except noting the faint glow around a Fae’s body as they try to blend in with London society, but lately, there has been an uptick in brutal Fae attacks. After Joan wounds a powerful Fae and saves the son of a cruel Lord, she is drawn into political intrigue in the human and Fae worlds.
Queen Bee by Amalie Howard
Lady Ela Dalvi knows the exact moment her life was forever changed—when her best friend, Poppy, betrayed her without qualm over a boy, the son of a duke. She was sent away in disgrace, her reputation ruined. Nearly three years later, eighteen-year-old Ela is consumed with bitterness and a desire for . . . revenge. Her enemy is quickly joining the crème de la crème of high society while she withers away in the English countryside. With an audacious plan to get even, Ela disguises herself as a mysterious heiress and infiltrates London’s elite. But when Ela reunites with the only boy she’s ever loved, she begins to question whether vengeance is still her greatest desire.
Their Vicious Games by Joelle Wellington A Black teen desperate to regain her Ivy League acceptance enters an elite competition only to discover the stakes aren’t just high, they’re deadly, in this searing thriller that’s Ace of Spades meets Squid Game with a sprinkling of The Bachelor. You must work twice as hard to get half as much. Adina Walker has known this the entire time she’s been on scholarship at the prestigious Edgewater Academy—a school for the rich (and mostly white) upper class of New England. It’s why she works so hard to be perfect and above reproach, no matter what she must force beneath the surface. Even one slip can cost you everything. And it does. One fight, one moment of lost control, leaves Adina blacklisted from her top choice Ivy League college and any other. Her only chance to regain the future she’s sacrificed everything for is the Finish, a high-stakes contest sponsored by Edgewater’s founding family in which twelve young, ambitious women with exceptional promise are selected to compete in three mysterious events: the Ride, the Raid, and the Royale. The winner will be granted entry into the fold of the Remington family, whose wealth and power can open any door. But when she arrives at the Finish, Adina quickly gets the feeling that something isn’t quite right with both the Remingtons and her competition, and soon it becomes clear that this larger-than-life prize can only come at an even greater cost. Because the Finish’s stakes aren’t just make or break… they’re life and death. Adina knows the deck is stacked against her—it always has been—so maybe the only way to survive their vicious games is for her to change the rules.
The Song of Wrath (Bones of Ruin #2) by Sarah Raughley
Iris Marlow can’t die. For years, she was tormented by her missing memories and desperate to learn her real identity. So when the mysterious Adam Temple offered to reveal the truth of who she was in exchange for her joining his team in the Tournament of Freaks, a gruesome magical competition, it was an offer she couldn’t refuse. But the truth would have been better left buried. Because Adam is a member of the Enlightenment Committee, an elite secret society built upon one fundamental idea: that the apocalypse known as Hiva had destroyed the world before and would do it again, and soon. But what the Committee—and Iris—never guessed is that Hiva is not an event. Hiva is a person—Iris. Now, no matter how hard Iris fights for a normal life, the newly awakened power inside her keeps drawing her toward the path of global annihilation. Adam, perversely obsessed with Iris, will stop at nothing to force her to unlock her true potential, while a terrifying newcomer with ties to Hiva’s past is on the hunt for Iris. All Iris wants is the freedom to choose her own future, but the cost might be everything Iris holds dear—including the world itself.
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19 for beren and lúthien maybe? (kiss prompts)
Thank you @thalion71! It took a while for the Beren and Lúthien brainworms to make themselves known, but here they are, and I had a fun time with this prompt <3
For Luck
Beren sighed, and set the ladle by the side of the cauldron. “He gets this way of tarrying and traveling abroad from you, Tinúviel.”
Lúthien, perched fearlessly on a thin branch, stopped peering down to look for their son and glanced at him over her shoulder, her bright face creasing with laughter. 
It creased, now; and as ever Beren’s heart trembled in his chest, marvel ling at her changeful and unchanging beauty, the tremendous courage of her choice, the impossible charm of her laughter. 
“The singing, mayhaps! You too sing well, and with skill; but not so often as we. Yet his gift for friendship is yours, beloved.”
“I see how it is! Were I rude to animals, and unkind to plants, our son would not come home sooner.” 
They teased each other gladly and often over bowl and broth in the evenings, but the time for that had come and gone, the song faded among the clustering stars; and Beren grew impatient. had been waiting for long enough that the bread was ready and the even the oven was cooling, and the fire under the soup grew dimmer. 
He took great joy in having his own hearth once more, and in cooking for his family, and what guests among the elves of the island they might chance to have a wish to share the king’s talan. Though they ruled as lords of the Isle, it was a quiet, twilit life, balanced in the middle of the running river, housed atop the ancient, gnarled trees that grew in the shores and islands of the Adurant. 
Their house was not vast, and they lived not richly, but in the manner of the people of Tol Galan; for in their ways each family kept to their platform amids the boughs, be they even Lúthien most fair and her mortal man. 
 Beren would not have known what to do with a princely dwelling; and at night, sweetly entrapped in the shining safety of Lúthien’s arms, he had confessed the truth - how he had grown to fear and loathe all underground dwellings, and to worry that Lúthien might wish to return to dwell in the sunless caves of Menegroth. 
Beren was more content that ever he would have thought it possible, though it happened that their nights were at times haunted by fell dreams, and the taste of fear and wolf musk and iron clung to his nose at times. He regretted little in setting aside all the works of the world for this high dwelling, his lady’s singing and laughter, his son’s mischievous troubles.
Dior was their greatest joy, the bright voice that woke them in the mornings, singing with the sparrows and wild doves and chattering with the trees. 
All trees; even the slow, solemn, venerable oaks and the fair beeches with their haughty ways. They were strange teachers, but generous; and long did Dior wander under their rustling leaves and their slow tutelage, hearing secrets few elves had heard, in voices none of the Edain ever would hear.
So too was he the friend of all beasts: and fearless, utterly fearless as one loved by the woods. The elk herds minded him and nudged him towards berry patches when he was hungry, and the nightingales sent out their call to bring him home for dinner.
And if he did not wish to stop his walking trips and games, he was not shy about running off, pretending he did not hear them. Truly he was Thingol’s heir, Lúthien’s own beloved child! - willful and cheerful and not very fond of being guided against his own will. 
All the same.
All the same, fear as a hard habit to shake.
“Has it not been too long? If he fell by the water he might catch a chill -”, and he would have smiled at himself, for his fretting, how much he sounded like his own father’s voice in the fading memories of his youth. But in truth Dior had fallen before, last fall, and grown ill for some weeks. 
It had been a hard, unhappy time, the sudden introduction of mortal affliction among the elves of the island - and Lúthien most of all had suffered, singing healing songs over Dior’s feverish brow, and grown near as weak as he, and proved slower to rise from that first, shocking bout of frailty than him. 
But rise she had, and become strong and light footed once more, if a little more attentive of her body’s potential for faltering. It was spring once more, a flowering end of spring turning into a mild summer, and in Tol Galan, sheltered from the Enemy’s foul smokes and plagues by the fierce waters of the river, the forest came alive once more. 
“I shall go fetch him, if he tarries overlong,” Lúthien said, not very concerned herself.
Her faith in the good will of the people of the island, and the island itself, was great and encompassing; but she was kind to Beren in all things, not least regarding his cautious fear. “But do not fret, dearest! It shall not be necessary. Already I hear him in the wind - listen! - singing your people’s marching tunes, and my people’s walking songs, all together with words of his own.” 
And so it was, of course.
Dior called out as he neared, and clambered up the tree, nimble and quick; and then he was there, not long after Lúthien made her way from among the leaves. Many blossoms nestled in his hair, calla lilies and wild, sweet honeysuckle; and his small arms around Beren’s neck were the dearest yoke. 
He pulled back, and showed his new wreath to be admired; and the pretty pebbles he had gathered, and the happy news he was eager to share.
“Mama, look! I found these flowers by the stream, but there were too many berries for me to carry. May we go, and take our food, and eat there?” 
His parents exchanged a speaking look, striving not to smile too readily. 
Beren made himself look pensive, more for the pleasure of Dior’s wide-eyed anticipation than anything else. “Should we, I wonder? The bread is cooling, you know! Yet we will have no peace, I am sure, if we do not let this little beast have his way.” 
Dior fled from his tickling fingers, and insisted that he was not a beast at all, though last week he had played at being a little stout so well Beren had to look under a dozen bushes to find him. 
He lifted his arms as high as they went, bumped on Beren’s elbow, and declared, “I am a tree! A river tree, Ada, can you not see? We must go to the river, or I shall be very sad, and lose all my leaves, and - and the birds will eat all the good berries, too!” 
Lúthien and Beren agreed that that would be very sad, and sent him off to add his pebbles to the rest of his collection, and wash, and make ready to go. 
“Another turn down these rope stairs! Stars give me strength, I thought to be done for the day,” Beren said wryly, groaning as his knees complained as he rose. It was spring, and soon summer; but winter, he thought, lingered long in his bones since his captivity, and did not like to be easily shaken loose with the thaw.
Lúthien kissed Beren, swift and glorious as a starfall in the glowing summer sky; and pulled his large hand into hers to help him rise. “They shall. Now go, help me with the baskets! I do so long for  cloudberries by the stream for dessert, but not as much as I know you do. Sweet Beren! He, too, has that from you.” 
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avatarmerida · 2 years
Something about the 6min clip of season 3 👀👀
ONE WEEK!!! CAN YOU BELIEVE???? I’m assuming this was a prompt because it prompted me because you know I’m manifesting Huntlow content 👀
Willow was obsessed with the camera Camila had given her. With their scrolls not functioning in the human realm, Willow wanted a way to show her dads everything they had been up to when they were finally reunited. So Camila had dug her husband’s old camera out of storage to give her the chance.
“It’s pretty old,” Camila said as she blew the dust off. “Nowadays, everything is fast and digital but I think vintage is making a comeback. I’m surprised to still works but it’s all yours mija.” Camila had said. Willow held the little black box like it was her greatest treasure and proceeded to bring it everywhere.
The adjustment had its ups and downs. It seemed that just when they felt one way, something turned everything around. When they’d be enjoying themselves at the mall, laughing and trying human food they’d remember their families on the Isles and feel guilty. When they were in the middle of worrying and feeling like things were hopeless, Gus would find something else amazing about the human world that would distract them and inspire them to try again. It was as though there was no right way to feel so they had no choice but to feel everything.
This was a chance that may never come again, they didnt know how things would play out. So they had to make the best of it and she wanted to remember it. Every part of it.
“The photos are in!” she announced as she entered the living room. Even thought the photos printed automatically, Willow liked to save them to show everyone when they were together so when she entered, everyone jumped from where they were sitting and crowded around Willow as she placed the envelope on the kitchen table. This had become their weekly routine, reliving the week through Willow’s lens, commenting on the moments she captured and picking their favorites.
“Oh, look! Here’s one of me when I got stuck inside the claw machine!” Said Gus, picking up the photo with glee. In the photo he was indeed hugging a giraffe plush that now rested beside his pillow. Camila was seen beside the machine, looking concerned and trying to figure out how to get him out. The claw hadn’t been able to grab the long neck and Gus decided to take matters into his own hands.
“And there’s the fireman cutting you out,” said Vee fondly.
“And there’s security escorting you off property and banning you from the store,” said Hunter.
“Aw, Eda would be so proud.” Luz said, wiping away a tear.
“Oh! Here’s me and Luz before we went on our first human realm date!” squealed Amity, admiring the photo. They were by the door preparing the leave and Willow had caught the moment when Luz had whispered something to Amity and she had thrown her head back laughing as Luz helped her put her coat on.
“Oh! So cute! That’s going on the fridge for sure!” Exclaimed Luz, holding the photo to her heart.
A few of the photos were posed, but most of them were candid action shots. Willow had a gift for spotting the perfect moment.
“Willow, why are so many of these of Hunter?” asked Amity, raising her eyebrow as she flipped through the stack.
“What do you mean? There’s pictures of everyone.” said Willow, confused.
“Yeah, but percentage wise they are mostly Hunter,” laughed Amity. “Look, here’s Hunter in your garden, here’s Hunter showing off his haircut, Hunter reading, Hunter putting away groceries, Hunter... watching a sunset?”
“I guess I spend a lot of time with Hunter,” Willow shrugged, not seeing the issue as Hunter attempted to hide his bright blush her words summoned.
“Yeah, you could open a Hunter gallery with all these,” teased Gus with a whistle. “I didn’t know you were so photogenic dude.”
“The Captain is simply a gifted photographer,” said Hunter, clearly flustered by the proof her attention. “She takes good photos of everything. I mean, here’s a stunning photo of the orchid she grew in the flower box outside, she found the perfect lighting even in the rain!”
“I can see you in the reflection of the window holding the umbrella over her,” said Gus, squinting at the image. He smiled at how happy he looked to be with her, helping her.
“Well I... didn’t want the camera to get wet,” he muttered as he pulled a photo from the pile of him and Flapjack, the Palisman sleeping happily atop his head as a Hunter wore a silly expression Willow had prompted him to make. He smiled at the memory of the day, as though the photo brought it back to life.
“He’s been smiling more,” said Willow plainly, looking at her photos. “It’s nice. I wanna remember it.”
“He’s been smiling more because you spend so much time with him,” said Gus quietly just to her.
“Well maybe that’s why I keep doing it,” she whispered back, wearing a smile of her own as she admired a photo of Hunter covered in mud as Vee and Gus sat on the ground, laughing beside him. In the background, Luz and Amity swayed in the rain. The photo was a little blurry and the exposure wasn’t great, but she wouldn’t trade it for anything.
Willow kept all the photos in a photo album for safe keeping, like a little comic documenting their time here. As she added the newest photos to the album, she noted that they were mostly of Hunter. She did want to gather evidence of his smile, but maybe the camera was a tiny excuse to explain why else she looked at him so much.
The others had gone back to their usual activities as she sat at the table admiring her work and writing the dates they were taken in the white portion on the bottom.
“You don’t have to keep wasting so much film on me,” a voice said sheepishly from the doorway. Willow looked up and saw Hunter leaning against the doorframe.
“I’m not wasting anything, “ she countered, motioning for him to sit beside her. “I like having picture of my friends to remind of good times when I’m sad. Look, I love this picture if you and Gus eating ice cream, you were so nice to give him yours when he dropped his. I might not have remembered it without a photo.”
She knew that was a lie as she passed him the picture of sitting beside Gus on the bench and handing him his cone. There was no way she’d ever forget how soft his voice got when he said “here” and gave his shoulders a squeeze as he proceeded to clean up the fallen treat. The way he didn’t think twice about helping Gus made Willow’s heart flip, how helping him was second nature. Willow knew Hunter didn’t think twice about this kind of thing, and didn’t do them for praise which is why it’s memory mattered even more.
“It reminds me how lucky I am to have such kind people in my life,” she said, but Hunter didn’t seem too convinced.
“It’s just that...I know that your families on the Isles wil appreciate the pictures to see what they’ve missed while you were away but... there’s no one who would want to have my picture.”
“What about Darius?”
“He... maybe,” Hunter admitted. “But even then he’d maybe want one or two at most, I’m sure mostly to criticize what I’m wearing. I don’t think he’d approve of my chosen human fashion.”
“Well then I’ll keep them.” she said simply.
“You? W-Why would you want p-pictures of m-me?”
“Because they’re nice pictures, why wouldn’t I want to keep them?” Willow laughed. “I like spending time with you and I like having these pictures to remember the time we spend together. Even though being here can be hard and scary sometimes, you’re always there when I need you. You make me laugh and you care about me and you’re sweet... but if you don’t want me to take your picture, I can stop-.”
“No! No, it’s not that at all,” he chuckled nervously. “I... don’t mind. You really are a great photographer so it’s a honor to be photographed by you.”
She laughed and brought her camera to her eye and snapped at photo of him, his chin resting on his fist as he stared at her with wide dopey eyes.
“Plus, I’m documenting the disappearance of the bags under your eyes,” she added playfully. “You can see the longer we’ve been here, the most rested you look. I think it’s important to commemorate , because you’re important to me.”
“Well... then,” said Hunter, reaching for the camera. “There’s one important thing you’re missing.” He mimicked her motions and snapped a picture of her. Af first she looked at him with confusion, the photo captured her looking up with bright, wide eyes. The second one she smiled for and titled her head. Hunter blushed from behind the camera, attempting not to go too crazy taking photos of Willow. “When you have enough for your dads... I’d like to have a photo of you too, if that’s alright.”
“I think we can arrange that,” she smiled smoothing out her braid. “C’mon, let’s take a picture together.”
She walked over to his seat and rested her chin on his shoulder and angled the camera up to take a selfie. She wasn’t sure how to position it, since when she took them on her scroll she could see the photo as it was being taken but now she had no idea if they were in frame. When the photo spit out the front, it was slightly crooked but the image was still risky clear. Willow looked at the camera making a peace sign and a wide smile, while Hunter’s eyes were glued to Willow, his cheeks red but his smile just as wide as hers.
“Uh, here maybe I can try taking it,” offered Hunter, making note to look at the camera this time. “My arm is longer.”
“Oh good idea,” said Willow handing him the camera and getting up to to look through the lens to make sure the angle was right. “Okay, perfect!”
“So I just press the button?” Asked Hunter as Willow took advantage of having her hands free and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, their faces much closer together this time.
“Yup! And then the flash will go off.”
Just as Hunter found the button Willow turned her face and pressed firm kiss against Hunter’s cheek. His eyes widened in surprise, and Willow smiled as she pictured his reaction. She could blame her impulsiveness on the aesthetic the photo demanded. Hunter remained frozen as Willow leaned forward to take the picture from the camera, and shook it gently.
“You know, you’re actually not supposed to shake it, but I’m too impatient,” she whispered to him with a wink. “Aw! Your face looks so cute, I’m definitely gonna frame this one.”
“You look lovely, Captain,” Hunter said lightly, admiring the photo. It reminded him of the picture they had taken with the Emerald Entrails and reminded him how thankful he was to have her in his life. “Do you think, uh, I could have a copy as well?”
“Well it only prints one copy, but we can take another one!” she said cheerily, setting the photo down carefully as she reassumed her position with her arms around him. He lifted the camera again and held his breath as he prepared to take the photo again. Willow tightened her grip and kissed his cheek again, holding the position and waiting for the flash. Dedicated to the art of photography, she was willing to keep her lips pressed against his face as long as it took to increase their chances of a perfect photo. But Hunter was so focused on her choice of pose, that he didn’t have any brain cells left to focus on actually taking the picture.
But something told him he wouldn’t need a photo to remember this moment forever.
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mdhwrites · 7 months
So do you ever think that the whole Cat God thing in the Amphibia felt kinda out of left field? Like aside from Anne rambling when high on painkillers (which is not good foreshadowing), the Cat God feels like it came out of nowhere with barely any build up and only really exists purely so they wouldn't have to end the show with Anne 100% dead.
So... I really like it. It's maybe one of the few really good fake out deaths out there because it would have genuinely sucked if Anne were dead at the end of the series but having her briefly die for once has an actual POINT to it in the story, as well as one other part I like about it that I'll get to. Most things that do this sort of death can't say they have a real point to it. For them, it's just a heroic sacrifice to show things are serious and then it's various levels of questionable of how they turn it around when they get back. *glares daggers at Kingdom Hearts 3*
Amphibia is all about change though. How change can be painful, how it can be great, the good, the bad, and what we must sacrifice for it. A story about change that never addresses death is arguably incomplete in its themes. Death is one of the most painful changes in our life after all and rarely do we get to have a choice in the matter. Rarely does it get to mean something. Anne at least got to have it be her choice and to have it be in order to save the world she loved and change it for the better, while the Core wanted to change it for the absolute worst.
So her dying makes sense. It's kind of just the natural final note for the theme to go out on. So how do I justify the god coming out of nowhere?
Well, a lot of it has to do with Amphibia's writing. For once, not just that it is a looser sort of show with a better comedy focus than something like TOH. No, this time it has to do with the writing around the stones and around the god. The stones are always portrayed to us as gifts. Even Aldrich says it is their greatest treasure and that no one knows where they came from. They have prophecies about it. It's very BIG fantasy. Not High Fantasy but BIG, the sort that includes gods and what not. Honestly, one could argue it's taking cues from Greek storytelling in that way with chosen heroes, divine gifts, etc. like that.
So when the god appears and says the stones were all a game/test... Yeah, I buy it. They are unfathomably powerful, they aren't fully known by anyone, no matter how much anyone claims to understand them and all you have to do for their full power is to ask. Send a prayer to the one who made them.
But it gets better. I LOVE that it was an offhand thing for the god that then got annoying. That they decided to change things for no reason by giving mortals unlimited power and had to scold itself for TEN THOUSAND YEARS for what a mistake that was. It treated life as a game, fucked around and found out.
Which actually brings us to the final thing: The fact that Anne's kindness is rewarded. While community and change are major themes of the show, the driving force behind pretty much the entirety of the show is compassion and understanding as what brings about positive community and change. In her sacrifice, she showed the ultimate compassion she could for her world, her friends showed understanding by knowing they shouldn't stop Anne if this was her choice and for that, she is given the chance for godhood.
But Anne doesn't back off from her choice. She accepted death and she doesn't see herself as a queen. She isn't about to become like Sasha or the Core and take power just because it's in front of her. Not when she's made plenty of mistakes during the show. In that humility, she is given a chance to finish growing but they don't take back the impact on the theme. She still accepted the ultimate change. She even accepted it over power over everyone because she didn't just assume it'd be a purely positive change for everyone.
And all of that is part of why to me, the catgod works. Admittedly, from a pacing standpoint, it's about the only way to pull Amphibia's tone back to where they can start cracking jokes and what not and have an ending that feels like Amphibia rather than some dower, bittersweet farewell which is in and of itself smart for the show.
There's a LOT in Amphibia like this. Where if not for smart, cohesive choices made on all levels, and a genuine understanding of what it is on all levels, the choices wouldn't work or they'd be stupid or rushed, etc. like that.
But Amphibia is smart enough to make it all work, almost like a capricious god playing with a world, though not without a couple cracks at the fault lines. But that's just texture since a perfect product is a boring product.
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead. If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
And finally a Twitter you can follow too!
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c0l0re · 24 days
As long as you are taking statements:
Statement of Hazel Rutter regarding a fire in her childhood home. Original statement given August 9th, 1992. Audio recording by Jonathan Sims, The Archivist. Statement begins.
Hello, Jon.
Apologies for the deception, but I wanted to make sure you started reading, so I thought it best not to announce myself.
I’m assuming you’re alone; you always did prefer to read your statements in private. (slightly strained) I wouldn’t try too hard to stop reading; there’s every likelihood you’ll just hurt yourself. So just listen.
Now, shall we turn the page and try again?
Statement of Jonah Magnus, regarding Jonathan Sims, the Archivist.
Statement begins.
I hope you’ll forgive me the self-indulgence, but I have worked so very hard for this moment, a culmination of two centuries of work. It’s rare that you get the chance to monologue through another, and you can’t tell me you’re not curious.
Why does a man seek to destroy the world?
It’s a simple enough answer: for immortality and power. Uninspired, perhaps, but – my god. The discovery, not simply of the dark and horrible reality of the world in which you live, but that you would quite willingly doom that world and confine the billions in it to an eternity of terror and suffering, all to ensure your own happiness, to place yourself beyond pain and death and fear.
It is an awful thing to know about yourself, but the freedom, John, the freedom of it all. I have dedicated my life to handing the world to these Dread Powers all for my own gain, and I feel… nothing but satisfaction in that choice.
I am to be a king of a ruined world, and I shall never die.
I believe there are far more people in this world that would take that bargain than you would ever guess. And I have beaten all of them.
Of course, this desire did not manifest overnight. When Smirke first gathered our little band – Lukas, Scott, and the rest – to discuss and hypothesize on the nature of the things he had learned from Rayner, I felt what I believe we all felt: curiosity, and fear.
But as he compiled his taxonomy and codified his theories on the grand rituals, I began to develop a very specific concern. Smirke was so obsessed with his ideas on balance, even as our fellows began to experiment and fall to the service of our patrons.
I began to worry that if one of them successfully attempted their ritual, then I would be as much a victim as any, trapped in the nightmare landscape of a twisted world.
At first, I attempted prevention, but the cause seemed hopeless. The only way to ensure I did not suffer the tribulations of what I believed to be an inevitable transformation was to bring it about myself. So what began as an experiment soon became a race.
Beyond that, I was getting older, and mortality began to weigh more heavily on my mind. How much in this world is done because we fear death, the last and greatest terror?
I convinced Smirke to work on Millbank, leading him to design it as a temple to all the Fears in equilibrium, such that my own modifications to the design of the Panopticon went… unremarked.
It. Took. Years, for the dread of the prisoners to fully suffuse the place, and I was an old man before I made my first attempt at the Watcher’s Crown, sat in the center of that colossal eye, the great ring of cells encircling me like a coronet.
It was… flawed, of course, as all Smirke’s rituals were, and none of the inmates survived as the power I attempted to harness shook the building almost to pieces, and the murky swamp upon which the prison was built consumed it.
But it left me a gift: For sat in that watchtower, I could see everything I turned my mind to.
It was a dizzying power, and one I discovered I maintained even as I found vessels to extend my life. Of course, I had to make sure the location was kept under my control while I worked on revising my plans, and so I moved the organization I had founded to assist in my research down to London, and the Institute as you know it was born.
I’ll not bore you with details of my bodies and failures through those intervening years. Suffice to say I kept busy, both planning my own next attempt, and doing my best to stymie those others who tried versions of their own.
Surely my interpretation of the Watcher’s Crown had been incomplete; there had been some element of the ritual I had overlooked.
It was not until I met Gertrude Robinson that things began to really come into focus.
You see, the role of Archivist has been part of the Beholding for as far back as my research can go. This isn’t uncommon for the Powers; most of the beliefs around them are guesswork and fallible human interpretation, but there are certain throughlines and consistencies that can be spotted, regardless of the trappings.
But Gertrude was unlike any other Archivist. She simply did not care about compiling experiences or collecting the fears of others. She was driven to stop those who served the Powers.
More than once I thought she must secretly be of the Hunt – but there was never that sick joy in her, that thrill of predator and prey. She had simply decided that this was her position in life, and went about it with a practicality that even I found disconcerting at times.
I once asked her what drove her, what had started her down that path. She told me the Desolation had killed her cat.
I don’t know if she was joking, and, to be honest, I could never bring myself to look into her mind and find out for sure.
In any case, Gertrude’s ruthless efficiency in derailing and collapsing rituals threw into stark relief a question that had been bothering me for almost a hundred and fifty years: In the whole span of humanity, why had nobody ever succeeded?
Perhaps there were a long line of Gertrude Robinsons throughout history, but I found that hard to credit. Could it be, then, that there was something in the very concept of the rituals that meant they couldn’t succeed?
She was clearly having similar thoughts in that last year, all of which culminated with the People’s Church.
When I saw that she was making no preparations whatsoever to stop it, I realized she was putting into practice a theory, and one she couldn’t afford to be wrong. She was going to wait, and see if the unopposed ritual succeeded, or if it collapsed under its own strain as mine had all those years ago.
Knowing Gertrude, I’m sure she had a backup plan if she had miscalculated – but she had not. The ritual failed. And all at once, I realized what had to be done.
You see, the thing about the Fears is that they can never be truly separated from each other. When does the fear of sudden violence transition into the fear of hunted prey? When does the mask of the Stranger become the deception of the Spiral?
Even those that seem to exist in direct opposition rely on each other for their definition as much as up relies on down.
To try and create a world with only the Buried makes as much sense as trying to conceive a world with only down.
Every ritual tied itself so closely to a single power as to render itself impossible. They could bring their patron close, but never sever it from the others, and eventually it would be violently pulled back into the place next to reality where they dwell.
The solution, then, is simple: A new ritual must be devised which will bring through all the Powers at once. All fourteen, as I had hoped I could complete it before any new powers such as Extinction were able to fully emerge. All under the Eye’s auspices, of course. We mustn’t forget our roots.
And there was only one being that could possibly serve as a lynchpin for this new ritual: The Archivist. A position that had so recently become vacant, thanks to Gertrude’s ill-timed retirement plans.
Because the thing about the Archivist is that – well, it’s a bit of a misnomer.
It might, perhaps, be better named: The Archive.
Because you do not administer and preserve the records of fear, John. You are a record of fear, both in mind as you walk the shuddering record of each statement, and in body as the Powers each leave their mark upon you.
You are a living chronicle of terror.
Perhaps, then, if I could find an Archivist and have each Power mark them, have them confront each one and each in turn instill in them a powerful and acute fear for their life, they could be turned into a conduit for the coming of this – nightmare kingdom.
Do you see where I’m going, John?
It does tickle me, that in this world of would-be occult dynasties and ageless monsters, the Chosen One is simply that – someone I chose. It’s not in your blood, or your soul, or your destiny. It’s just in your own, rotten luck.
I’ll admit, my options were somewhat limited, but My God, when you came to me already marked by the Web, I knew it had to be you. I even held out some small hope you had been sent by the Spider as some sort of implicit blessing on the whole project, and, do you know what, I think it was.
Of course, I had to bide my time, get a measure of you before I began to push, learn how you worked – So I decided I would wait until something came for you, and see how you reacted. Attacks upon the Archives were not uncommon during Gertrude’s tenure, and, while she was always prepared, I made sure you would not be.
I reasoned if you couldn’t survive a single encounter, you were unlikely to make it through all fourteen. So, when Jane Prentiss attacked, I watched eagerly, one hand on the gas release from the start.
You acquitted yourself well enough, so I decided to see how far you would get, though I waited until the worms were in you before I pulled the lever. I needed to make sure you felt that fear all the way to your bones.
The discovery that one of the Stranger’s minions had infiltrated the Institute in the aftermath was certainly a pleasant bonus. Even if that sliver of paranoia, that vague wrongness you couldn’t quite place wouldn’t count as a mark, it was only a matter of time before it confronted you in a far more direct and affecting matter.
Admittedly, given the advent of the Unknowing, I needn’t have bothered. But what’s the old saying about hindsight?
More important to me was Sasha’s encounter with the Distortion. If it had taken an interest, then I very much wanted it to cross your path.
So I found one of its current victims and convinced her to make a statement.
Poor Helen. I actually had to put her in a taxi myself, she was getting so lost in those narrow London side streets.
It worked, though.
Between the stabbing and at least two desperate flights into its doors – you’re marked very deeply by the Spiral.
Jurgen Leitner was a surprise, of course, and I was forced to improvise. I had no idea how much Gertrude would have told him, and he could very easily have derailed everything if you learned too much too fast.
I… justified it to myself saying I was going to have to send you out into the world anyway, if you were to encounter more of the Powers, but I can’t honestly pretend it wasn’t a… rather rash move.
Still. I’d requested Detective Tonner be assigned to the case when they found Gertrude’s body in the hope that having a Hunter in the mix would eventually lead to a confrontation, and setting you up as a killer certainly hastened that.
Then it was just a matter of feeding you statements to lead you to a few Avatars I thought were likely to harm you – but probably would stop short of actually killing you.
Jude served her purpose exactly as I had hoped, as did our dearly departed Mr. Crew, marking you for the Desolation and the Vast.
Honestly, I had – nothing to do with Melanie and her Slaughter adventure, but when I saw the situation, I made sure to trap her here, so when her rage bubbled over you would be right there, a ready target.
I didn’t foresee the mark coming from surgery gone wrong, but it was a very pleasant surprise.
The Unknowing was a distraction, but not an unwelcome one. For this to work, you needed more than just the marks; you needed power. And that was something the Unknowing served to test, though it posed no actual danger in the grand scheme of things.
And it did serve another purpose, of course. It inadvertently pushed you to confront death, a mark I had been very worried about trying to orchestrate. If I tried too early, you’d just die. Too late, and you might be powerful enough to see the attempt coming, and maybe even understand why.
As it was, it was just right, and once again, you came through with flying colors.
By this point, your abilities were coming along in leaps and bounds, and I was concerned that meeting face-to-face might end up with you – (sigh) – Knowing something you shouldn’t.
I had initially planned to go into hiding, but when your colleagues surprised me with the police, well. It was simple enough to cut a deal.
All that remained, then, were the Dark, the Flesh, the Buried, and the Lonely.
I was a little put out when that idiot Jared Hopworth misinterpreted my letters and attacked the Institute too soon, before you were even out of the hospital, but then – Ho, you should have see my face when you voluntarily went to him.
I couldn’t see what happened in there, of course, but given how you came out, I’m very sure it counts as a mark.
I suspected the coffin might turn up again, and once it did, it was simply a matter of getting any, uh… restraining factors you might have had flying off on a wild goose chase, and waiting.
Honestly, Detective Tonner has been proving invaluable through this process. I’d been racking my brains for months about what I could use to lure you in.
And, of course, I knew the Dark Sun was just sitting there waiting. So when it came time, I just whipped up another apocalypse and sent you on your merry way.
Then all that remained was the Lonely.
Poor Peter. He really should have left well enough alone. (cruel laugh) Or just done what I’d asked in the first place.
Ah well. He knew what I was attempting, and was very unwilling to cooperate until I made him a little wager about Martin.
Of course, he had no way of knowing that, in addition to setting you up for the final mark, he was giving you all the tools you needed to escape from it.
How is Martin, by the way? He looks well. You will keep an eye on him when all this is over, won’t you? He’s earned that.
And there, I think, we are brought just about up to date. I have enjoyed our little trip down memory lane, but past here lies only impatience.
You are prepared. You are ready. You are marked. The power of the Ceaseless Watcher flows through you, and the time of our victory is here.
Don’t worry, John. You’ll get used to it here, in the world that we have made.
Now. (cruel, cruel laugh) Repeat after me.
You who watch and know and understand none. You who listen and hear and will not comprehend. You who wait and wait and drink in all that is not yours by right.
Come to us in your wholeness.
Come to us in your perfection.
Bring all that is fear and all that is terror and all that is the awful dread that crawls and chokes and blinds and falls and twists and leaves and hides and weaves and burns and hunts and rips and bleeds and dies!
Come to us.
So this is how you wanna do this, huh? On ace day and everything? Alright, you have no one to blame but yourself:
Hi my name is Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way and I have long ebony black hair (that’s how I got my name) with purple streaks and red tips that reaches my mid-back and icy blue eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me I look like Amy Lee (AN: if u don’t know who she is get da hell out of here!). I’m not related to Gerard Way but I wish I was because he’s a major fucking hottie. I’m a vampire but my teeth are straight and white. I have pale white skin. I’m also a witch, and I go to a magic school called Hogwarts in England where I’m in the seventh year (I’m seventeen). I’m a goth (in case you couldn’t tell) and I wear mostly black. I love Hot Topic and I buy all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a black corset with matching lace around it and a black leather miniskirt, pink fishnets and black combat boots. I was wearing black lipstick, white foundation, black eyeliner and red eye shadow. I was walking outside Hogwarts. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of preps stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.
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seokka0o · 1 year
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/ᐠ . ˕ .マ .. 💨 thoughts とン ۪ ࣳ ⊹ ◌      ゲイ 🍚 。0t9 ︵🏹 ༉
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Contain : Heavy themes; horror; Yandere; stalking, possessive; mention of su!c!de; murder; harassment; toxic relationship; smut (seongmin); delusional; craziness; threat; aggression; manipulation; drugging; kidnapping; ; mention of blood; mention of poisoning; noncon; bribery; persecution.
Author: there are some themes that may be sensitive for some readers so please read the description before proceeding. let me know if you like it
Not fully proofread
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He thinks you were meant for him, some kind of gift from the gods for always being a good boy from the right family, so when you first rejected him, serim thought maybe you didn't understand what your mission was and that he should remind you that you were made for him, him becoming close to your parents is the small part of the overall situation. Serim is your savior, he would do anything in his power to help you, he wouldn't take a moment to separate you even from your family, ruin your life to see if you understand that your purpose is to be his sweetheart, at least until you find out about the whole lie surrounding this situation "I don't want to hang out with you…" ; "you can't, you're mine, it's my purpose in life" he's not aggressive, not even remotely, serim has convinced himself of his own madness, he's looking for safe openings to come in and chase you, even if you say you don't want him around he is always there, no matter where or what he is doing, he will be around, taking care of you with his beloved protected and don't even think about trying to run away, because he will find you, that kind of attitude hurts him " if you let go of me i'll kill myself, and it'll be all your fault...don't you understand?" how dangerous it can be if you leave him alone "let's move in together! That way we'll never have this kind of problem" you're terrified of him doing something against his life, because you can't stand the idea of ​​him doing it something because of you, which makes you plunge into his madness.
The first time you saw him go crazy it felt like the last time you'd breath. You don't even know if the food you eat is safe because Allen has a bizarre fixation on blood pacts, once while you was sleeping he plucked a drop from you with a needle and added it to his blood saying now you have no choice, if by chance things went wrong you would die together, as the greatest proof of his love. He is generally very loving towards you, besides he always likes to show you how much he loves you, he even lets you be alone sometimes, but if something seems totally out of control he will go non-verbal, in a bizarre way, until the the way he looks at you changes, the food you're served looks different and it makes you flip like five different keys " allen…is everything ok? I just went out with some friends, I said I'd be back early" he could stay like this for another week , you having to hide everything that was sharp or that could push him to commit murder and then end his life "y/n you know I would never stop you from anything, everything I do with your consent, because I love you..."  the terror in your eyes seems indescribable to him, maybe that's the biggest problem "so to avoid misunderstandings, give me your keys my love, I think it's better for you to stay here with me, forever" allen looks skeptical "w-what? Please…no" you won't want to make it repeat itself, you know if you don't agree it will be the end of you, so succumb, become one with allen for all eternity.
He will buy your life, your relationships, he will make you the most successful person, but at the mercy of his money. Jungmo never gets his hands dirty for anything, he wants you to believe he's your one and only prince charming, the man you asked for, you're having the perfect life, until the moment you decide to break up with him, you want to see some heads rolling, well, he doesn't spare a penny to have whoever is flirting with you killed. If the person is influential enough he can arrange to make them just disappear from your life, you see, he gave you everything, he can also take it away, have you crawling at his feet and begging for the forgiveness he has waited so long to hear and like the good boyfriend that he is, he will welcome you, take care of you and give you back your perfect princess life, give you a family and a happy marriage, where you must always take care of your integrity and that of your children in the future because jungmo is the king of the chess game he is able to move the country with his money in the name of his love "everything i do is for you i would never be able to do anything, i just want to be happy" he is for you, don't be ungrateful, if by chance you think you deserve some satisfaction then Jungmo will be a great manipulator : "you need to have status in your life y/n, I don't want to marry a random slut "
He is a great knife handler, an exceptional cook, Woobin is careful, a homely and simple boyfriend, in his eyes, you are perfect for each other, from the day he saw you taking out the garbage he made life one playground, he knows he's too shy, so inviting you to his house for dinner doesn't seem like a big deal, not at least until you eat the first candy and pass out for weeks, waking up sporadically dying of thirst and with a lot of mental confusion, he comes to you drugging since then, your family and friends are already desperate, you can hear them talking outside, the police often visit his house, but they would never be able to suspect the good neighbor woobin, because he put on standby "y /n, your family is really amazing, just imagine at our wedding…" he is the perfect husband, he takes care of you, bathes you, dresses you and combs your hair, even feeds you, even if the ropes hurt a lot, he says it's to make sure you don't do anything silly "oh no no, don't cry, I'm taking care of you, you look prettier when you smile…or sleep" ; "please, I promise not to run away, just let me free these ropes" if you are obedient he keeps you awake longer, if you become rebellious he threatens you with the new knife he got and gives you some medicine for sleep right away "stop being like that I beg you" he has great manipulation techniques, perfect to make you fall in love with him even in these conditions, as if he had conditioned you to totally madness "woobin would never be able to do nothing against me, he loves me more than anyone ever loved"
He's your number one watcher, wonjin is in some kind of obsession without realizing it, he thinks about you all the time, follows you all the time, he just wants somehow to be able to get close, so it's okay if he breaks into your house while you sleep, to secretly sit by your bed and watch you, so he feels he's keeping you safe from any predators, all of your obsession is his too, however he becomes obsessed with the desire to eliminate, because the only thing in your life has to be wonjin. he wants to be a secret admirer in spite of everything, send you love letters written in blood, leave you tender kisses on your lips while you sleep, make up lies about you so that other people will leave you, to leave you alone in the world, kill all your happiness to be able to be your angel, appear and then make you happy, make you emotionally dependent on him, because that way every time he seems to be about to be unmasked he uses your lack of love in him as a weapon "you don't love me and now you're going to leave, you're the worst kind of person there is", so you would never have the courage to break his heart or leave him, for fear of feeling alone in the world again, because he was and will be the only person in the world capable of really love you and make you happy. "I'm your only one"
Minhee awakens the worst kind of psycho inside of him, you don't want to believe that could be it, but the amount of people close to you that started disappearing when he appeared increased very quickly, minhee is the one who kills, the one who tortures, the one who he engraves his initials on the bodies he mows as proof of love, he is not afraid to answer if you ask him anything "what? Y/n, these are delays in your life, you don't need anything else, understand?" Sometimes he'll threaten you, the desperate kind, you never go out without him and if you do he'll know where you are and what you're doing "if you mess up I'll kill you and kill whoever leads you astray " you feel like you can't leave, despite everything it's very delicate the way he caresses your face, or maybe because you should fear not only for yourself but for your family too "you can't leave me, your mother likes me , I don't want to have to hurt her, look how kind I am" makes everyone believe in the perfect boyfriend
If you fail, he will take it out on other people for no reason, normally he doesn't deprive you of your personal life, but you should never be too loving with people, hyeongjun doesn't like it, the only thing that doesn't seem to make sense is the fact you don't have a relationship, hyeongjun follows you, talks to you, invades your house as if you were a couple and you fear for your life because of that, because you've already seen him threaten his own friend for bumping into you "y/n it's mine , lay a finger on and I'll kill you!" Over time you end up pretending to participate in it just to be safe, your parents love him, love how nice he is, hyeongjun loves the attention "h-hyeongjun… we don't date"; "What do you mean? Don't say that kind of thing,y/n it hurts me...it was your friends, right? It's okay, I'll fix it" he's the one who directs your life, you can only be happy if you're with him and if you're with someone else then you won't be anymore, he's capable of staying in front of your house for days, standing in front of your window, waiting for you to give him a second chance, even if you haven't given him a first one.
taeyoung has no interest in other people around, he knows how amazing you are, so you deserves to be revered, he is also the ideal boyfriend, but the kind you never dare leave, you realized when in the first fight he simply dropped a glass on the floor and used the shards to coerce you "don't you dare say you're going to leave me… listen, everything's going to be fine, what do you think about getting some sleep, tomorrow is another day" ; "I want to leave…" ; "you're not going anywhere, you belong to me" if you run away, he'll kidnap you back, because taeyoung feels his life slipping away, how crazy he is without you, there's no therapist capable of making him understand how unhealthy this behavior is "y/n you're the light of my life, without you i'm nothing" he leaves therapy in the first week, paranoia takes over, love grows, taeyoung is moved by the voices in his head that tell him claims he should put an end to it, burn down the apartment with the two of you in it so you'd never be able to leave "taeyoung, I need to leave please"; "yes yes, we're leaving, live together in hell my love"
He likes how you tend to snap when he intends to make fun of you, how you say you'll kill him if he doesn't stop teasing you and yes, please, he loves it, he feels it physically, strong, Seongmin wants to fight of knives with you, he wants to have the feeling of you insane desperation to hurt him because he's absurdly unbearable, even if you don't know each other he knows very well who you are and what he's going to do when he catches you off guard, takes you to visit the his house for a bit, leading a physical fight because you're literally being kidnapped "why are you crying? I thought you liked me too" there wouldn't be any reason for you to take his teasing like that, you pretty much all hurt, and even then seongmin doesn't feels any sadness, in fact his erection shows the opposite "you psychopath!" ; "Oh yes! Please kill me then, give me that pleasure y/n , I beg you!" He could put the knife in your hands and wait for you to kill him, but since you won't do that he just decides to hit you a little more "you are beautiful, as I always dreamed, from today you will be mine, go where I go, do what I tell you to do, say I'm your only, I beg you, say I'm the only one" do it, there is no escape, you are his now, nothing and no one can do anything to you , only him.
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skippyv20 · 7 months
Hello Skippy, my 1 yr old kitty might be getting a baby brother soon and I am nervous and excited. Nervous because her brother died last year when they came to me to be fostered. I had fostered another kitten, and he also died. My two older cats also died a week apart, and then my parents’ cat died as well. And then my father died from heart failure (he was receiving hospice at home). The older cats had age related conditions that sadly did not present itself with symptoms until much too late. My little girl just turned 1 and her rambunctious energy warrants having a playmate as my 2 remaining rescue cats are seniors…they don’t share her enthusiasm to pounce, rumble and wrestle!
I’m nervous because there is the chance of yet another kitten dying, but I’m trying to stay positive. It’s so hard though. Why do we dwell on things we can’t change? or might not even happen? I think I’m having a hard time allowing myself to be happy because there’s been so much death in my life, setbacks with my own health in such a short amount of time, and now my mum’s Alzheimer’s is progressing. I don’t have any family and my pets are my whole world. I get caught up in analysis paralysis from facing so much uncertainty. All these hardships have stunted me from being able to be part of the living. Trauma is like an uninvited guest who overstays! Anyway, thanks for the space to share.
You are an earth angel.  You have a calling.  You give these precious cats love to fill their hearts that they carry with them when they pass.  I am so sorry about the losses you have faced, but perhaps if you can see how much you have given them, it might make things easier for you.  I am so sorry about the loss of your father, and that your mom’s Alzheimer’s is progressing.  Take comfort knowing they too have your love that has filled their hearts.  That is the greatest gift we can give.
When we suffer loss, like anything else….how we accept it, is really a choice we can make.  Of course, we are in mourning, but if we can see something good…like we have been there for our loved one and cared for them while they were sick….if we were there for them as they passed….this should give us comfort.  It is a life well spent if you have loved someone and they have passed with that love.
This new kitten may pass away or it may not.  You can’t live your life in fear of that.  Life is happening now.  God has placed this kitten on your path for a reason.  Perhaps this is the kitten to help your heart heal.  It might be just that.  Whatever happens, you are an earth angel giving this kitten a home and love.  What a wonderful time this is going to be for the kitten, and for you…one day at a time….now, take care…and pls keep us updated about new kitten baby….love and hugs….🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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attano · 8 months
#7 — noisome.
trigger warnings: gore, technically. it's going to get weird. part 2 of the first prompt, envoy.
Apathy and hatred—Solkansa's two constant companions during her trials on the First. As good as a companion the Exarch had tried to be, the void that fills her is malms wide and deeper still. Since Zenos' neck was severed to the bone, so too was her joy—how else was she to feel, having had the other half of her soul ripped from her? To meet someone—the first person ever—to see her for who she is, what she is, and then choose the edge of a blade instead of a life of revelry. A rare and searing pain.
And to then be stuck with people who hate you to save a world you do not care for. Little wonder that she is pained.
Even now, as she offers to ferry the Scions' souls back from the First—not by choice—she moves as if within a thick fog. When Krile asks her how they are faring, once she's returned to the Rising Stones, Solkansa considers not even deigning to respond.
She doesn't get the chance.
Before she would have been able to open her mouth, a panicked Miqo'te woman bursts through the doors carrying an ornate box under her arm.
"Package delivery." She holds it at arm's length, breathing heavily though a scarf pulled tight in an effort to create a makeshift mask. It's a pretty, handcrafted thing, with obsidian and gold, but she carries it like a cursed object. When, after a few moments, no one moves to retrieve it, she says in a small voice, "please take it."
Tataru and Krile exchange a glance. "May I ask who sent it?" says Tataru.
The Miqo'te shakes her head vigorously. "I don't know. I don't know. It's just—it's for the Scions. Please—please let me get rid of it."
"Well," says Tataru, her voice dripping with hesitance. "All right."
A waterfall of thanks pours out of the Miqo'te's mouth as she approaches to take it, but before it can exchange hands, Tataru recoils.
"Ugh!" She slaps both hands over her nose. "What is that smell?"
"I know, that's why I—," The Miqo'te seems to swallow a retch. "Don't make me say it, please. Don't...,"
Solkansa sighs a leaden sigh. It seems even the trivial task of accepting a package must be dropped onto her overburdened shoulders. Silently, she walks forward and snatches the box out of the Miqo'te's hands, who stammers thanks and runs back out the door.
The odious stench hits her nose, and she recognizes it immediately. Rotting flesh. Her eye narrows. A threat? She checks the note and inhales sharply at its three words.
'To my friend.'
Could it be...?
With trembling fingers, she opens it. A single, decaying finger sits daintily atop a folded letter, from which the reek stems. A perfect piece of putrid flesh—she smiles at the thought of Zenos butchering a body. She picks it up as it were a precious gem. Dare she let herself believe it is actually from him, and not an imitator...?
Quickly, she sets it down to read the letter beneath.
My dearest friend,
It is my greatest joy to send notice of my return to my own flesh. Loathe have I been to keep you waiting—I assure you each moment is as torturous for you as it is for me. In an effort to show the depths of my gratitude for your patience, I have enclosed a gift that I hope is as precious as I believe it is: my father's left index finger, butchered by my own hand. You were right when you told me patricide is among the greatest thrills.
My deepest apologies for my absence in the delivery; much work must be done in preparation for next we meet.
Your dearest enemy,
Zenos yae Galvus
Solkansa's blood sings. She feels lighter than she ever has; a warmth surges through every limb, pours out each pore. She's never smiled so hard her face hurts, and yet she finds herself doing it now. Fury, her eyes even sting with joyful tears.
"Solkansa," hazards Krile from behind her. "What is it?"
She turns, and her expression must be truly horrifying, for both of them seem taken aback. With her golden eye shining and a grin no one else has ever seen, she says, "He's alive. Zenos is alive."
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