#go roast riko in tv!
jamiesshelves · 2 days
Parts of TSC I can't stop thinking about (after my first read)
Jean having a few minutes before Riko got to him and using it to text Renee a warning. NOT asking her to help him. But warning her. Probably to protect Kevin and Neil more than himself.
Jean viewing himself as a captive with Wymack and Abby
Jean calling Neil Nathaniel until that sudden switch (just like when Neil thought of himself as Nathaniel)
Jean being the same age as Neil, so one of the youngest characters we know
Jean worshipping Thea and her calling him Paris
Jean throwing out Andrew's candy
Jean roasting Aaron for being unimportant even with a murder investigation going on
Renee giving Jean forehead kisses
"Right person, wrong time"
Jean taking Renee's picture and it being the only picture he has
The way the world perceives Riko as a martyr after his death
The way the world brushes aside that he almost killed Neil on live TV
"The only one close enough was andrew"
Jean reaching towards the TV as if he could save Neil and wanting him and Andrew to run
Jeremy being brunette through the events of TFC
The Trojans being okay with their plan for the foxes game because they knew they'd lose to the ravens eventually anyway
Jeremy living at home and having an estranged family situation
Jeremy having a butler he loves and trusts more than his family
Jean's promise to Kevin
Jean calling Kevin a "beautiful boy"
Both Jean and Jeremy trusting Kevin whole heartedly
Kevin giving truths about the nest to Jeremy
Kevin admitting to sticking to Andrew like glue because he didn't know how to be by himself after the nest
The coaches concern as they realize the way raven coaches treated Jean
The rumors about Jean and that Neil never thought of them
Jean being confirmed a bi king and simping over everyone except canon beautiful Neil
Jean probably not simping after Neil because he's the partner that could've been, aka a brother/safe space he never got
Jean not realizing why top surgery scars, and his abuse scars, would be seen differently
Jean not understanding why Trojans can pick their own clothes, food, majors, etc
Andrew letting Neil go to the FBI in California without him because he trusts his runaway to come back
Neil's immediate response to hearing about Greyson is hiring a hitman
Neil sassing the FBI
"I guess Drake wasn't a biter"
Neil telling Jean he can lock his door if it makes him feel safe but he doesn't have to worry anymore
Cat wanting to teach Jean to ride a motorcycle
"Kevin has earned the right to be"
Jean being afraid to ever teach anyone French again
Jeremy hiding from the police
"That's putting it mildly." WHAT THE FUCK STUART.
Jean's list.
Jean still texting Renee
The reason the Trojans stay so positive
"I'm not safe with you anymore"
The parallels between Jean and Neil
Jean thinking he never got anything he didn't deserve
Jean only having a carry on bag like Neil
Wymack giving Jean money and his note
The Trojans giving Jean forehead kisses
Jeremy being into Jean but wanting to allow Jean to be able to heal first
Honestly more but this is enough for now lol
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allfortheroasts · 2 years
One thing you gotta love about Neil Josten is he is all for the drama. anytime there is a reasonable solution to a problem, you can bet he’ll swerve 180 and drive off a cliff instead. But it delivers the drama.
Teammate went through his things? Will he wait to find out who and take his revenge later? Will he leave it alone bc it’s not worth blowing his cover over? No. He will absolutely go yell at the men responsible in french and then get choked out in a corridor. He will also deliver the funniest piece of dialogue in tfc. Drama.
Kevin’s terrible old teammate Riko appears on tv with him? Will he stay out of it bc he doesn’t want to piss off the insane moriyama man that could get him killed? Will he lie and pretend to be polite to get both him and Kevin out of there? Nope! He will make an enemy of Riko by roasting his ass on live television. He will be real funny about it. It is the best entertainment ever to be created. Drama.
Neil Josten everyone, a man all for the drama.
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snowcoming · 1 year
okay but coach hernandez from aftg must have been like
so shook during the whole series of all for the game
like he sees neil and then this kid gets a four on his cheek and then he turns out to be the butcher of baltimore's son
and then
(or before that when he roasted the shit out of riko on nation tv like imagine the coach watching that and wondering wtf happened to quiet neil?!)
he then sees the foxes go against the ravens and neil just switches mid game
and defends the goal from RIKO?! like doesn't the coach think that neil's a striker? (imagine how confused he is)
like coach Hernandez would be like: and i thought this kid only had small issues with his parents but this is more than I expected what-
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kevinexyqueen · 4 years
So what if neil had a little brother?
he would be like, 2 years younger
his name would be nico because yes
during his childhood neil would try to protect him at all costs
like take hits for him and make everything so lola and nathan keep their attention at only him, same thing with mary
lola would make they fight each other with knifes, neil hated it but he tried to make a way so it could be fun for his brother
so when mary runs with him, she also brings nico
but nico becames neil's responsability
he tried to shield Nico from all the deads and everything else, but there were only so much he could do
Nico had also a sweet tooth, so Neil would always steal some chocolate to bring him without his mother seeing
the first time Nico shot someone was to save Neil's live, and Neil is a little guilty about it
but when Nico becames older he also becames protective towards neil
so like if you fuck with one of them the other will see red
but then we have Seattle
and Mary knows she wouldn't be able to save both of them
so she tells neil that nico is dead, and he should keep running
neil loses mary and nico at the same night
he chooses the name neil because it was the nickname Nico used to him, nobody else knew about it
so when he join the foxes he is a little more broken
he only speaks about his brother once with andrew and he goes for a long run afterwards
Nico is alive
he somehow scapes nathan but he also thinks neil is dead
so instead of keep running he calls uncle Stuart
and he goes to live in england
and guess what he plays exy there too
Stuart tells him the whole thing about the moriyamas
so when he sees Neil on TV roasting riko fucking moriyama he freaks out
he wants to go straight back to the usa, but uncle Stuart doesn't let him because its too dangerous
and after Baltimore he doesn't tell neil because the moriyamas still wanted to kill him
but after everything is alright? and riko's death? after Stuart talk to the moriyamas he goes try to join the foxes
so he sees wymack in his office and is like let me see my brother
wymack is so done with neil shit
he tells him to wait in the lounge but Nico ignores him and follow him to the court
it's an extra practice so no freshman are there
and neil sees him he is goes with and drops he racquet, and like just stares at him without move
when Nico goes inside the court he stands in front at neil and quietly asks if he can hug him
neil only nods he can't find words yet
so nico bury his face in Neil should and start crying and he is shaking
so neil start to talk to him in french, like he would do when they were kids and one of them had a nightmare or when they were doing stiches
and it's everything all right now
they are together again
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comin-up-for-air · 5 years
Do y’all remember when at Kathy Ferdinand’s show it took three (3) people to prevent Andrew, a psycho midget fresh out of juvie, from stabbing Riko on live tv and go back to jail? And so nobody paid attention to Neil who in the meantime roasted Riko in front of the cameras and almost committed suicide by exposing himself to the Moriyamas? Those two really are soulmates.
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100storiesin2020 · 4 years
West Coast Friendship - an AFTG fic
This story was inspired by an Owl City song of the same name. Why mix Owl City and All for the Game? Ask the Muse.
TW: Neil’s past, specifically his mother, her abuse, and the events surrounding her death. Also, nightmares.
Neil woke with a gasp.
Heart pounding, he took stock of his surroundings. The apartment was dark, but his eyes were already adjusted. A phone, plugged in, sitting on the coffee table. Two pairs of shoes, resting by the door. A jacket and a hoodie hanging on the wall, looking almost surreal in these early hours. He was on a couch, tucked in under a thick blanket adorned with fox paws. He sighed in relief. This was his and Andrew’s apartment, and he was sleeping on the couch because yesterday had been a bad day. They were comfortable sleeping in the same bed, these days, but occasionally one of their pasts would rear its ugly head. Space was helpful when that happened to Andrew. Unfortunately it was less helpful for Neil.
Neil tried to calm his breathing. He was Neil Josten. He was, and always would be, a Fox. He was a professional Exy player. He lived in Denver, Colorado, and lived with his husband Andrew Minyard. He was twenty-five years old.
This chant wouldn’t stop the memories tonight.
He’d had a nightmare, a montage of memories about his mother. He thought of the way her hair had been difficult to manage, damaged by all the rounds of dye. He thought of her rough hands, her loud voice, her demands that he run and run and never look back.
And the walls were closing in, like the darkness around him.
Neil stood and put on his shoes. A run would help. He grabbed his phone and his wallet, having learned years ago that it was easier to take them with him than it was to fight about it later. Their apartment porch light was very bright and he didn’t want to wake Andrew when he left, so he snuck down the dark metal shape of the rusty fire escape.
The run did not help.
It did reduce the physical urge to move, but it wasn’t enough. Neil continued for miles and miles, trying to stop his mother’s voice chanting /run, Abram, run and don’t look back./ He knew she had been abusive. It had taken him years to recognize it, but he knew it was true. It wasn’t the whole truth, though. She was abusive, and she had been all he had, and he had loved her.
He had broken his promises.  He was quite clearly stuck here, held to Denver by contracts and Andrew, unable to run and unwilling to try. If only he had gotten to say goodbye -
He stopped. All he really needed was to say goodbye.
He devised a plan.
An hour later, he was at the airport. He’d bought a one-way ticket on the first flight available, and was going to make it just in time. He had called an Uber and left straight from his 4am run to the airport, not even stopping at home for a change of clothes. He felt an urgency, as if he needed to go now or it would never happen at all.
Neil opened his phone to text Andrew. I’m going to California. He sent the flight details. He thought for a moment, and decided to add Not running. Saying goodbye.
Neil checked the message again just before takeoff. Read at 6:23 am. Andrew hadn’t replied, but he’d gotten the message. There had never been any chance of Andrew coming with him, as much as Neil would have appreciated having him along. There were just too many hard memories in California.
The flight was too short.
Several modes of transportation later, Neil was in a rental car, nearing the beach where he had left his mother behind. Clouds were blowing in from the ocean, and it looked like it may rain. Or it may not. He’d never become familiar with coastal weather. The place snuck up on him, probably because he was approaching from the opposite direction, but there was no mistaking this beach. This was it.
smoke and waves and flames and salty air
He pulled off the road and walked towards the beach. He didn’t know exactly where he’d buried his mother, and there were no signs of where it might have been. Of course, there might not have been any signs by the next morning, thanks to the waves.
Neil sat in the sand and lit a cigarette. It was surreal. He could almost smell the burning car, hear the ripping sound of dried blood -
No. That was not why he had come.
He’d left that moment behind long ago. Right now, it wasn’t about the end. It was about the life before that.
Neil could picture Mary clearly. Her hair had been a light blond, quite beautiful, but he hadn’t seen it that way in years. She had preferred to dye it dark brown, rather muddy, which didn’t suit her skin tone but was admittedly less memorable. She’d always had a fearful manner, but a ruthless one too. It left its mark in her face - the worried lines, the determined expression, a permanent case of what Allison would have called “rbf”. 
It was almost as if she was here, just out of sight. Out there over the ocean, where the rain was beginning. 
“I’m sorry, Mom. I couldn’t run anymore,” Neil began to say. “I broke my promise to you. It was too hard to go on without you, and I stayed in one place too long.
It was the best decision I ever made.”
Neil paused, watching the rain fall on the ocean. It drifted in closer, blown into shore, but it was light and he had a hoodie. It fit the mood, really.
He continued. “I don’t really believe in a life after this. It’s hard to without believing in God, and no matter what Renee and Nicky say, I can’t believe a God would allow monsters to roam the world as they do. But I had to say goodbye to you.
I’ve let go of what you taught me. I stopped running. I started playing Exy. It gave me something to live for, after you were gone. And it was only the first of many stupid decisions I made.” Neil smirked. “You would have been furious. First it was signing with Kevin, even though he didn’t recognize me. Then it was appearing on TV. Then it was roasting Riko Moriyama himself on TV, and from there it only escalated.” Neil paused, remembering.
“I broke every rule you ever taught me,” he choked. He could see her now, angry and fierce, hand raised to slap him again and again and again and again. “You would be so angry with me. I was angry with myself.” The tears started to fall.
“I failed you, Mom.”
He sat there and cried with only his memories and the waves for company.
Neil had arrived in midmorning, but the sun was nearing the horizon when he felt a hand on his shoulder. It startled him half out of skin. He turned and tackled the person behind him, catching them off guard and pinning them to the sand before he realized who it was.
It was Matt. “Whoa there, Neil,” he said with a laugh. “I guess you didn’t hear me calling your name.”
Neil wiped the last of the tears from his eyes. “Matt??” He asked incredulously. “Why are you here??”
Matt shrugged. “Away game in LA this weekend.”
“But why are you here?”
Matt grinned. “Would you believe that Andrew sent me?” Neil just looked at him in shock. “He said you needed someone and posted your location in the Fox chat.”
“My location.” Neil deadpanned.
Matt scratched the back of his head sheepishly. “Well, yeah,” he said. “Apparently he has a tracking app on your phone in case you get kidnapped again.” Of course he did. “Anyway, I was the closest to you, so I came.” He put his hands on Neil’s shoulders and looked him straight in the eye. “I’m always here for you, Neil.”
It was too much. Neil tackled him again, in a hug this time, and started to cry again. This wasn’t like him, all these tears, but he supposed that he was only now allowing himself to finish the grieving process for his mom. Matt hugged him back, and they stood there for a while.
He may have lost his mother, but he had gained a whole new family because of it. He would never feel alone in their arms.
At this point the tide started to come in, surprising them both when the warm water suddenly washed around their ankles. It felt almost familiar, in a way. Maybe this water remembered him. The evening tide must know the whole ocean side quite well, after all.
Matt ruffled Neil’s hair and stepped back. “Do you feel better now?”
Neil thought, and then nodded slowly. “I’ll be alright now. I came to say goodbye to Mom, once and for all.” He turned back to the ocean, removing his shoes and walking in until the water was up to his knees. Matt stayed on the shore, watching him.
“I failed you,” Neil whispered into the waves. “You died trying to save my life, and I thanked you by breaking all your rules. But I managed something you did not. I /lived./
Father is dead. The Moriyamas own me, but I live life on my own terms. I have a husband, and a family, and I’m doing what I’ve always wanted to do.
Thank you for helping me live long enough to get here.
Goodbye, Mom.”
And with that, he turned back to Matt and they started towards the car. “It’s strange to me that Andrew isn’t here.” It wasn’t a question, technically, but Neil wasn’t Andrew. He would answer this.
“There’s a reason for that,” Neil replied with a smirk.
“And that is?”
“Where we are.”
“The beach?”
Neil shook his head. “Not quite. There’s only one place that Andrew will never go. And since he isn’t here, well. I must be in California.”
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aquickstart · 5 years
idk yall im just thinking abt neil josten and how stupid he is like who would bet their life on a sport they last played at the age of like 5 or who would roast riko moriyama on live tv or who would look at andrew minyard and knowing all the shit abt him go "this :0 is hatefuckin" like. who would do all these things if not him?? somebody gotta live the first thought best thought dream even if the thought is exceptionally dumb and is absolutely the worst like try and tell me this is Not inspirational. effervescent. neil josten said stupid rights and i fucking love him
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thealternatemind · 4 years
Rules: name ten favourite characters from ten different things (books, tv, film, etc.) then tag ten people.
@ellacj thank you i love you this one was so much fun i have so much to say!!!
so...... i ended up writing a lot. i love fictional characters a lot, okay?
caleb widogast (critical role) -- what can i say? traumatized, mentally ill yet incredibly silly nerd that adores cats and his friends???? um.... me? in all seriousness, i relate to him a lot, and he serves as a huge comfort character for me. i adore him, and even that word doesn’t suffice how much he means to me.
ronan lynch (the raven cycle/dream trilogy) -- i appreciate an angry character, especially when that angry character grows into something more. he’s so dynamic and has changed so much from trb, which is fascinating, since he himself believes that he’s static
yennefer of vengerberg (the witcher) -- she doesn’t get enough love from the fandom. she is a complicated, angry, and traumatized woman written FOR women. she has been taught to maintain control her whole life, when all she wants to do is SCREAM. the woman experience right there.
michael guerin (roswell new mexico) -- i saw a bisexual disaster, and i said, “that. i like that.” this show is trash, but the characters make me love it. michael is filled with love and struggles so hard to express it, especially when love his whole life, whether romantic or platonic, has been tied to pain.
lydia martin (teen wolf) -- i was a teen wolf kid from 2012-2016, man. i worshiped this show in my teenage years, and lydia was a huge part of that. seems like a nasty, shallow girl on the surface. underneath, she is so deeply caring and soft and intelligent.... also she made me realize i was gay
gorgug thistlespring (fantasy high) -- i just started fantasy high!! gorgug is ADORABLE. awkward nerd boy? hey it’s my character type! he’s just really dumb and wants the best for his friends and to find his father and just... i love that about him. also he’s bi/pan, which automatically makes me adore a character more.
neil josten (the foxhole court/all for the game) -- SASSY BASTARD KING. i binge read the first book in one sitting, and i remember the MOMENT he roasted riko on live television, that he would go down in history as one of my faves. he cares so little about his own well-being but adores his friends and andrew so much... he’s so, so funny in a dry way, and he doesn’t even know it
sirius black (harry potter) --  i’m a marauders ho. y’all know that. fanon sirius gives me life. he’s been through such a rough, hard life. it’s made him desperate for attention. it’s made him vain and mean, but that doesn’t stop him loving his friends so, so much... he would do anything for them.
steve harrington (stranger things) -- steve. everybody loves good ol’ steve. he’s a classic himbo. his best friend’s a lesbian. he’s great with kids! he has awesome hair! what isn’t there to love? i just wanna chill with him, ya know?
isak valtersen (skam) -- BOI. what a little snake, amiright? he’s an icon though. i couldn’t not include him. he goes from a slimy little asshole to an adorably sweet little asshole! he messes up constantly, which i love. but he always comes back from those mistakes. he apologizes. he grows. from season 1 through 4, he changed so, so much.
i’m probs not tagging 10 ppl cuz i don’t think i know that many but i’ll tag some mutuals! @vvlcanspock @gleedegrassi-bigfan @221buckythesoldier @breadsacrifice @hallieisntbritish @littlecajunlady @quoththeraven-fuck @my-mind-is-a-weapon @thirst-god brace yourselves, i’m about to tag y’all in another haha!
as always, no pressure to finish this! i just think they’re fun. (:
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andrcwjminyxrd · 6 years
TFC-NET’S 2017 Spooky Creation Event: ↳  i answered this ask with some jerejean headcanons and it got me thinking about my boys so here i am back with some more. this time though, they’re Spooky™ (and a total mess)
the ravens never celebrated halloween
riko wouldn’t let them
halloween was just another day and they weren’t going to waste time on stupid games when they could be practising
because of riko, jean hadn’t celebrated halloween since he was a child, before his world narrowed down to exy and the ravens
he didn’t even realise that adults celebrated halloween so he wasn’t really sure what was happening when alvarez started talking about plans for this year’s spooky extravaganza
halloween with the trojans is a week long affair 
you think they just have one party and then call it quits? 
absolutely not
no, they go all out in a week long celebration of all things spooky
they start off with a scary movie night
jean wasn’t particularly interested in that - he finds scary movies kind of boring and predictable - but he sat and watched them because “it’s tradition, jean. you’ve got to.”
“he hasn’t got to do anything. you don’t have to watch if you don’t want to.” - jeremy knox, number one member of the jean moreau protection squad
jean wanted to watch with them though even if he doesn’t care for horror movies
he’d never wanted to spend time with his team before so he wasn’t about to isolate himself if he didn’t have to
the next day was scary stories
laila plugged her laptop into the tv and went on one of those websites with scary stories and videos that you know has a pop-up at the end but you watch them anyway
that was more fun
by the end of each story jeremy had more or less climbed onto jean’s lap in his attempts to hide
then there was the videos
jean could have done without jeremy repeatedly screaming in his ear but he patted his back reassuringly every time
day three was scary video games
alternative title: jean’s time to shine
when he was recovering after leaving the ravens and shamelessly hiding from the world, he’d suddenly found himself with rather a lot of time to kill
renee gave him a ps4 and a handful of games
she tried to tell him it was all stuff she didn’t want any more
one of the games was still in the shrink wrap
(jean never told her)
as a result, he got rather good at video games
cue him absolutely killing it at amnesia, stony faced and concentrating, while jeremy hyperventilated beside him
the girls cheered him on, yelling when they saw something move in the background and providing a running commentary as he hid in cupboards
“just keep hiding, just keep hiding, hiding, hiding, hiding”
“shut up, laila, i need to listen for him moving around”
day four was baking day
they made pumpkin pie and cookies and roasted pumpkin seeds and a whole host of other treats that jean was sure he’d never eat
jeremy burnt the butter and alvarez spilt sugar all over the floor
it was messy and stressful 
it was also the most fun he had for a long time
day five was pumpkin carving
the less said about that, the better
(jean doesn’t have an artistic bone in his body and, judging by the absolute mess the pumpkin ended up in, neither did anyone else)
on day six they went for a ghost walk
jeremy organised it which made no sense to jean seeing as he was the one who was the most easily scared
it only took five minutes before jeremy screamed much to the girls’ amusement
it took another ten minutes for him to grab jean’s hand as he practically leaped into the air in shock
jeremy would have let go but jean squeezed his hand before he could
they did the rest of the walk hand in hand, jean laughing under his breath every time jeremy screamed
and then there was day seven
the grand finale 
the spooky event to end all spooky events
a giant party taking over the whole dorm with anyone and everyone invited
it took all day to decorate it
fake spiders webs, plastic skulls and huge candles, balloons and bats, and a horrifying distorted skeleton which looked like something straight out of one of the horror movies they’d watched on the first night
“i’m putting it here and it’s going to stay here. if anyone so much as thinks about moving it, they’re off the team” - jeremy knox, the bravest captain there ever was
alvarez said they all had to dress up, no excuses
jean protested - “dressing up is for children” - but he couldn’t miss how excited jeremy was at the prospect of fancy dress
that was the reason (the only reason) that he made his excuses and managed to sneak away for a couple of hours
he didn’t tell anyone what he’d done, insisting right up until they went their separate ways to get ready that he wasn’t going to dress up
no one could quite believe their eyes when he appeared in the girls’ room wearing a long sleeved shirt and waistcoat that fit so well it should be illegal, complete with a cane, fangs carefully slotted onto his teeth, and fake blood dripping almost artfully from his lips
(jeremy was sure his heart momentarily stopped beating)
the fangs didn’t last long - it was too hard to drink with them in - but the blood stayed on for most of the night
although some if it somehow found its way onto jeremy’s chin
(how on earth did that happen??)
jean stayed up too late and drank too much but the hangover was worth it
it was the best halloween he’d ever had
it was the best week he’d ever had
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top100anime · 5 years
Here's the ultimate list of Top 100 Anime kobayashi-san chi no maid dragon ( kanna tohru x kobayashi ) best funny moments + Anime Review (1 Hour video HD 1080p 60fps). Subtitle : English Main Character: Kobayashi (小林) Tohru (トール Tōru) Kanna Kamui (カンナカムイ) Elma Joui (上井 エルマ) Quetzalcoatl Lucoa (ケツァルコアトル ルコア) Fafnir Takeshi Ooyama (ファフニール 大山 猛) Ilulu (イルル) Makoto Takiya (滝谷 真) Riko Saikawa (才川 リコ) Georgie Saikawa (才川 ジョージー) Watch in HD 1080p 60! Hope you loved it ------------------------------------------------------------------- If you enjoyed this video then please consider to subscribe by pressing this link: http://bit.ly/Top100AnimeYT What do you guys think? Please feel free to leave any concerns and comments if you'd like. Find us on these sites: ------------------------------------- https://twitter.com/Top100Anime https://ift.tt/2CzTEl5 List Video : ------------------ 01. That Was Fun 02. Two Dragons in the Sky 03. Whoa! It's a Dragon! Hug Me! 04. Tohru's Roasted Tail! 05. If God Exist, Then ... 06. Merry Christmas, Tohru 07. Kanna on Sport Festival 08. Training 2. Meditation 09. Tohru Cosplay as Her Self 10. Training 1. Mental Fortification 11. Kanna Kamui Can't Sleep 12. Kanna Attacking Miss Kobayashi 13. Cream Bread Canceling The Rematch 14. Inhaling The Scnet's Okay, Right? 15. Cream Bread For Elma Joui 16. Tohru, Can I Ride You? 17. Don't Assume Dragon Are Lolicon 18. Kanna Goes to School! 19. Place For Mr.Fafnir The Dragon 20. Tohru Wash Miss Kobayashi's Back 21. Tohru Lend Kanna's School Bag 22. The Room For Tohru and Kanna 23. Miss Kobayashi's Feeding Kanna 24. Miss Kobayashi's Drunk 25. Who Reached God Fastest 26. It's Ok if You Don't Come 27. Kanna Practicing The Little Match Girl 28. Secretly Observing Miss Kobayashi 29. Elma Joui's Difficult Choice 30. Why Did Miss Kobayashi Accept Me? 31. Another Dimension to Fight 32. Tohru The Dragon's Head Pat 33. Teru Teru Bouzu 34. Tohru Really Love Miss Kobayashi 35. Kanna Kamui Head Pat #2 36. Lady Tohru, You're a Pervert 37. Ingredients For Our Omurice 38. Miss Kobayashi, You are Perfert 39. Tohru Going to Another World 40. Everybody Love The Kotatsu #2 41. Finally We Found Our Lead 42. Kobayashi's Like a Mother For Kanna 43. Why am I the One Apologizing? 44. Swiming Contest, Tohru vs Kanna 45. I'd Love to Marry You Kanna-Chan 46. Fafnir the Dragon on TV 47. Tohru Hates Shopping Mall 48. Scoundrel Kobayashi 49. Tohru vs Snatcher 50. Maid Training 51. The Best Omurice Ever 52. The Zodiac Animal 53. Tohru vs Kanna Kamui 54. Elma's Stomach Growl 55. Kanna Playing Watermelon Splitting 56. Dragon Fireworks in The Rooftop 57. The Mountain? Sounds Good 58. Kanna & The Blue Bunny 59. Lady Tohru, You're Smart! 60. We Share Mutual Love! 61. I Love You, Miss Kobayashi! 62. Tohru Learning About Love 63. Everybody Love The Kotatsu 64. Elma Joui as The Salesman 65. Kanna Kamui Head Pat 66. Elma Joui The Dragon Arrive 67. I'm Not a Big Fan of the Beach 68. Popular Unicorn Pencil Box 69. Are You Cheating on Me?! 70. I've Even Slept Up In the Sky 71. Break Up With Her! Give Her Back! 72. Enjoy Time in My Real Form 73. The House Robber Meet The Dragon 74. Tohru Finally Can Bend the Spoon 75. Some Advice From Fafnir Takeshi 76. What Would You Like for Dinner? 77. Tohru is Jealous of Elma 78. Tohru Acting on Selling Matches 79. What is a Sports Festival? 80. Sallad vs Cherry Tomatoes 81. Kanna Eat Crab on the Beach 82. Kanna and Riko Playing Twister 83. Tohru's Perfect Morning 84. Kanna Chan Want to Go to School 85. The House Getting Cramped 86. Tohru Destroying Kitchen 87. Tohru! Can You Fly?! 88. Were You Worried About Me? 89. Fuji, Hawk and Eggplant Lucoa 90. Riko Saikawa Head Pat 91. Kanna Begging for a Sports Festival 92. Fruits From Other World 93. Lucoa's Swimsuit is too Skimpy 94. Kanna's Most Confortable Spot 95. Tohru Hate the Chief Officer 96. A Tool For Branding Slaves 97. Miss Kobayashi Washing The Dragon 98. Miss Kobayashi Meet Tohru The Dragon 99. Miss Kobayashi Meet Kanna Kamui 100. The Dragon In Front of the Door Copyright Disclaimer ---------------------------------- Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. If you are the original owner and want me to remove the video, I will do it immediately, just send me an email to inform me. Please do not resort to any unnecessary copyright strikes. My email: [email protected] by Top100Anime
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