#gollum movie
meteors-lotr · 19 days
Listen I was somewhat excited about the animated Rohan movie
I am not excited about the Gollum movie, because I have a feeling it’s just going to be “Everything that was bad about The Hobbit movies but amplify it by eleven”
Anyways if you haven’t already watched the 2009 fan film, “The Hunt for Gollum”, then check that out it’s a banger
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With the announcement of the new Gollum movie who knew this would become a bingo card and not a fun joke
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So pj and andy serkis are making a gollum movie. I'm not sure what to think of this. Especially since it will be called the hunt for gollum. Which means it will have aragorn, gandalf and possibly legolas, thranduil, arwen and elrond? What are your thoughts on this?
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izunias-meme-hole · 25 days
The 2020's must really HATE this fella..
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tildeathiwillwrite · 15 days
You do know they’re actually making a Gollum movie right?? The joke from the “if LOTR was the MCU” post is literally coming true irl and idk how I feel about that. For all we know, Tom Bombadil: Civil War and all the others might actually happen irl too 😂
(in reference to this post)
K I just googled it and storms. Another movie added to the list of Things I Won't Watch. And the post was made in 2022??? Dodgeball of prophecy right there.
All I can say is please no it's been ruined enough
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elen-ancalima · 22 days
I'll only watch the new gollum movie if he calls dobby a faggot again
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beginnerblueglass · 24 days
The franchise-ation of LotR. Its here.
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homoqueerjewhobbit · 25 days
Warner Brothers just announced the upcoming film Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum coming in 2026.
I've gotten a peek at the rest of the upcoming release schedule as well:
2028: Lord of the Rings: The Gay Adventures of Glorfindel
2030: Lord of the Rings: The Fatty Bolger Story
2033: Lord of the Rings: Beregond, You Remember Him, Right?
2035: Lord of the Rings: Golf Across Middle Earth
2036: The Silmarillion: Everything We Remembered From Before We Got Bored and Gave Up Reading
2038: The Silmarillion: The Rest of the Book, As Mansplained By Three Redditors
2040: Lord of the Rings: Shadowfax and Bill the Pony: A Tale of Forbidden Love
2043: Lord of the Rings: Endgame
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velvet4510 · 5 months
One of the most fascinating details about Gollum for me is that even though it is said that the Ring warps its user’s intentions and makes them commit acts of evil, Gollum never once uses the Ring for any power-seeking purposes. He doesn’t try to assemble an army or rule over anyone. He doesn’t try to conquer lands or replace Sauron. He never uses it with the intent of dominating others. All he ever wants to do with it is hold it, look at it, sometimes wear it, and keep it with him in dark little caves where he can eat anything edible he can find. It’s even mentioned somewhere that the Ring’s temptation in his mind is merely visions of him having enough fish to keep himself fed forever. But he never tries to use the Ring’s power to actually become powerful…the very thing that Gandalf and Galadriel were afraid they would do if they had the Ring. I think that goes to show how Gollum still was shaped by his hobbit nature; it’s just an inherent trait for hobbits to be completely uninterested in any kind of absolute power or dominion of others.
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bookaddiction14 · 11 days
Someone’s prob caught this long before me, but:
In Lord of the rings (fellowship) we see the ring leaving Gollum and bouncing and rolling down the rocks:
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The ring wanted to leave Gollum and therefore did.
It’s then picked up by Bilbo unwillingly; has an ‘unexpected journey’; and stays with him.
But when Bilbo is leaving, he decides to leave the ring with Frodo. The ring however, wants to stay and keep wielding its power and influence over him.
And when, at Gandalf’s insistence, Bilbo drops the ring, it still doesn’t want to leave him:
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Which is why it falls flat, no bouncing or rolling away. It thuds to the floor like a child might stomp its foot when not getting its way.
I dunno how i’ve never caught this b4, and I may just be stupid and ppl have spoken bout this b4 but i’m a nerd and can’t help but mention it unprompted.
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caenith · 2 years
It's always been so funny to me that the Council of Elrond is literally just a meeting of people who have showed up in Rivendell with different problems and just happened to do so at more or less the same time. They didn't gather there to discuss the Ring, the future of the Middle Earth or the rise of Sauron.
Nope. Each of them have faced An Issue and decided to ask Elrond for help.
Poor Elrond. He managed to avoid the kingship, but not becoming a parent figure for almost everyone in the Middle Earth.
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lit-erary-memes · 1 year
Book Faramir: Ah yes We shall have food, you can sleep, here we made up little cots for you
Movie Faramir: Fuck you and your weird cat give me the ring
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kenobihater · 24 days
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daeneryssansa · 9 months
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His sense of duty was no less than yours, I deem. You wonder what his name is, where he came from, and if he was really evil at heart. What lies or threats led him on this long march from home. If he would not rather have stayed there, in peace. War will make corpses of us all. THE LORD OF THE RINGS: THE TWO TOWERS (2002)
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c-rowlesdraws · 1 year
SO uh. With the Gollum game coming out (for good or ill), I've had the guy on my mind lately and today I had a terrible epiphany, a breakthrough in the academic field of Weird Little Freak Studies:
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look at me. Look me dead in the eyes. This is the same species of guy. They are brothers. If not by blood, than in spirit.
they BOTH throw themselves to their deaths from a height into a traditionally-hot thing (cauldron vs volcano) and, deliberately or unintentionally, bring down some powerful evil villain the heroes couldn't kill!! They're small and unpleasant and have an odd speech pattern! They hassle a white boy for some precious, coveted object:
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I don't know what to do with this information and probably you won't, either, but I had to share. My eyes are opened forever
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I feel like we all predicted that there would be more lotr movies in a silly little way but I need to ask:
What is everyone’s fascination with Gollum?
We got a game, now we’re getting a movie. Like, of all the things you could’ve made a movie for, of all the lore we DON’T know or have detail on, why make a movie about a character we essentially know everything we need to know about?
Gollum was in like… every Tolkien movie ever let him rest 😔
Like what about a sons of Gondor movie WHO SAID THAT
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