Palia villagers and quotes on my friend group's ooc doc
Reth: okay I CANNOT stop thinking about a person having a roll of paper towels served to them at a bar? and then. just going 'finally' snd eating it
Najuma: I love causing mass chaos.
Jina: *casually digs a hole in the floor*
Kenyatta: I've read a lot about murder.
Hassain: rip someones spine out and make a whip... what? I'm being practical. Save resources.
Reth: I'm not sick I'm just dumb
Jina: Hi friend! How are you this fine, fine, existential crisis day?
Auni: Why can't I walk like an octopus?
Chayne: *throws therapy everywhere*
Elouisa: Doctors know the best way to kill someone.
Reth: What am I supposed to do? Just- function??
Jel: My life is boring unless you want to talk about my endless despair.
Elouisa: This demonstrates the fact that our lives are futile and we will never reach the same level of omnipotence as our fellow creature, the aquatic snail.
Reth: I don't really drink water that much which is probably why I have so many problems.
Najuma: hehe I made eye contact. exciting.
Kenyatta: It was a defensive look of annoyance.
Sifuu: *stares deep into your eyes* embrace your feral lizard...
Einar: Behold. A swordfish.
Zeki: I DO feel like a cult leader. ...I like it.
Reth: I have a lot of terrible opinions, and I'm very ready to share them.
Hassain: Get your brain away from my brain.
Einar: I'm so happy I can finally be a fish!
Kenli: I'm tired of standing so I'm going to lean against this nice historical building.
Eshe: I know how to do basic math. I know 1 + you = worthless.
Badruu: s o y b e a n s
Zeki: I like calling people trash. It's really fun.
Jel: Why are you a fashion icon? You're like four.
Tamala: But if you're boiled that means someone's going to have you as a snack, probably.
Nai'o: You're allowed to hear sheep.
Reth: I feel like a very tired subway rat.
Tish: I won't forgive this. you just interrupted two pigeons kissing.
Reth: Soup. Was an answer to your question.
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carolemm · 2 months
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« Panorama » est un roman policier dystopique qui se passe en France en 2049.
Depuis la Revenge Week de 2029, révolution qui a éclaté suite au ras-le-bol d’une société où trop de crimes restent impunis, on vit dans l’ère de la Transparence.
Désormais, afin d’éviter les crimes, les Français peuvent vivre dans des maisons en verre où chacun peut/doit être épié par son voisin.
Plus de violences intrafamiliales, plus de maltraitances dans les EHPAD… Tout manquement aux lois, déclenche une arrestation suite à une dénonciation des voisins et en guise de tribunal, la vindicte publique. Le coupable doit prouver qu’il ne l’est pas.
L’histoire débute par une disparition, celle d’un couple et de leur enfant vivant dans un de ces quartiers en verre…
J’ai beaucoup aimé ce livre au style très épuré de Lilia Hassaine. On comprend vite que le crime n’est pas le sujet central. On vit dans un monde pas si différent du nôtre. J’ai apprécié les petites phrases sibyllines ironisant sur les même problèmes que ceux de notre monde actuel : la maltraitance, le qu’en dira-t-on, les écrans, les réseaux sociaux, l’éducation, la police, la santé, l’intimité sacrifiée à la sécurité, la dictature du paraître …
«  Il lui a enfin présenté Louise, qu'elle trouve formidable et ouverte, deux adjectifs qui ne veulent rien dire. Ouverte à quoi? je lui réponds, ça veut dire quoi « ouverte »? Ouverte sur le monde, curieuse, attentive, j'en sais rien moi, ça veut dire quoi « ouverte » ? Tolérante, elle voulait dire. Elle lui a parlé de sa bisexualité, et Louise a trouvé ça top, alors que je me suis contentée de hausser les épaules quand elle me l’a annoncée en avril. Je ne vois pas ce qu'il y a de top dans une orientation sexuelle, c'est la tienne et tu as le droit de mener ta vie comme tu l'entends. Je ne pense rien du fait qu'une femme soit bi, tout comme je ne pense rien du fait qu'elle soit noire ou asiatique, ce n'est Pas ma grille de lecture des gens... »
« Faire un effort. Pour quoi faire ? Ma fille est gonflée de certitudes mais c'est à moi de faire des efforts. Personne ne fait d'efforts ici. Rien ne nous y invite d'ailleurs. Ni l'école, ni la société, ni la technologie. J'allume mon smartphone, et je ne sais plus ce qui est vrai. Peu importe. Ce qui compte, c'est que ça circule. Les flux. Les tendances. Se laisser influencer par ses propres idées. L'algorithme nous approuve, entretient nos croyances, nous conforte dans nos choix. Je partage des articles, des posts, pour évangéliser mes amis, ma famille. Je partage, sans débattre. Ne pas communiquer, pour ne pas évoluer.
Échanger, pour ne surtout pas changer.
Alors faire des efforts... »
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nycreligion · 2 years
August Wilson House opens in Pittsburgh. His roots in the Nation of Islam
August Wilson House opens in Pittsburgh. His roots in the Nation of Islam
August Wilson stands in front of handwritten excerpts from his plays. Wilson “assembled” his plays by hanging out in his old neighborhood (The Hill district of Pittsburgh) in mosques, cafes, bars, and on the street corners — he would write down bits of conversations that he overheard on scraps of paper. Photo by David Cooper, originally for Yale Repertory Theatre, 2005. Last Saturday, Denzel…
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raihanehassaine · 6 months
What Are the Benefits of a Mediterranean Diet?
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It’s been widely recognised for some time that populations living in the Mediterranean area tend to have less heart disease than those of northern Europe and the UK. Health experts believe that this is connected to the traditional Mediterranean diet enjoyed in these regions.
What Is the Mediterranean Diet?
A Mediterranean-style diet is typically high in fruits, vegetables, legumes, beans, nuts, cereals, grains, unsaturated fats (like olive oil) and fish. Limited amounts of meat and dairy foods are also consumed. Those in the Mediterranean eat more seafood – especially oily fish – compared to their counterparts in northern Europe.
The Health Benefits of the Mediterranean
Proponents of the Mediterranean diet, such as Raihane Hassaine, are aware of the many health benefits associated with this style of eating. As well as being linked to better heart heath, research into the Mediterranean diet has suggested it can also help prevent the development of type two diabetes, raised cholesterol and high blood pressure. Furthermore, those who follow this diet are less likely to become obese and more likely to live longer.
Foods to Restrict on a Mediterranean Diet
Those wishing to follow a Mediterranean diet should decrease their consumption of foods such as margarine, butter and lard; cakes, biscuits, pastries and confectionary; and refined white versions of bread, rice and pasta. The amount of processed meat (such as sausages and bacon), red meat, and high-fat cheese, milk and cream consumed should also be limited.
Following a Mediterranean Diet
Meals should be based on foods such as noodles, pasta, bread, chapatti, rice and yams –ideally, wholegrain varieties should be used, which are higher in fibre. Followers of a Mediterranean diet should aim to eat at least five portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables every day, which are low in calories and rich in essential nutrients. White fish is low in calories and can therefore help with managing weight. While oily fish such as salmon tends to be higher in fat, it contains vitamin D and important omega-3 fats, so it’s great to incorporate.
When choosing nuts and nut butters, which are rich in monounsaturated fats, opt for unsalted varieties. Aim to eat around a handful of nuts (about 30-35 grams) a day.
As part of embracing an overall Mediterranean lifestyle, make time to get out into the sunshine every day for at least 30 minutes during the spring, summer and early autumn, and remember to apply sun protection as necessary.
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madscientist2739 · 8 months
My favourite gemstone is Rhodochrosite but my favourite crystal is Torbernite, what are yours?
My favorite genstone is garnet and my favorite crystal is amethyst!
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aforcedelire · 8 months
Panorama, Lilia Hassaine
Rentrée littéraire 2023
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En 2050, en France, une Révolution a laissé sa place au traité de la Transparence : parce que la justice est dépassée et obsolète, désormais, les cloisons ont disparu. Les murs sont abolis, les maisons et tous les bâtiments sont fabriqués en verre, et chacun surveille son prochain. Dans ce climat aux apparences idylliques, une famille entière — deux parents et un enfant — a disparu mystérieusement. L’affaire est confiée à Hélène, ex-commissaire et désormais « gardienne de protection », qui est loin de se douter de ce que va révéler son enquête…
J’ai beaucoup entendu parler des romans de Lilia Hassaine, mais jusque-là je n’en avais jamais lu aucun. C’est désormais chose faite, et c’était plutôt sympa ! J’ai bien aimé le mélange des genres, entre la dystopie qui interroge nos habitudes contemporaines et l’enquête policière. On s’interroge très vite sur les limites d’un tel système que celui de la Transparence : avec l’abolition de l’intimité, il n’y a certes plus de violence physique… mais qu’en est-il de la violence morale et du harcèlement ? Le côté polar était étonnamment sympa, même si un peu tiré par les cheveux en ce qui concerne la résolution. J’ai surtout apprécié le « lore » que nous propose Lilia Hassaine, entre la semaine sanglante de la Revenge Week, la Révolution qui a pris sa place, et tout ce côté « quartier résidentiel huppé et propret où tout semble parfait en apparence ». Un ouvrage qui change, sympathique et très agréable à lire ! C’est pas non plus THE roman de la rentrée, mais on passe un bon moment.
Disponible en librairie depuis le 17 août !
27/08/2023 - 31/08/2024
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sheltiechicago · 1 year
Moonrise over the Bay Bridge
Moonrise over the Bay Bridge by Christophe Hassaine Via Flickr: 09.09.22
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spoopydeboop · 3 months
Hello, and welcome to…
Pointless Palia Head-Cannons!
This is a segment where my hyper-focused and obsessive brain will shower you all with all of the pointless very important head-cannons I have about the MMO Palia and its many NPCs!
Today’s topic is:
Which Palia NPCs can sing well and which ones simply cannot carry a tune?
Now, in the words of the famous Italian plumber, “Here we go!” (List below the cut!)
NPCs are listed in alphabetical order.
• Ashura - Absolutely yes, but in a very deep, sea-shanty / Gaelic tune way. He’s not the most technically sound, but his voice is very gruff and soothing. Absolutely sang his son lullabies every night.
• Auni - No, I’m sorry. Convinced that he cannot carry a tune AT ALL but thinks he can. Sings loudly with zero inhibition whatsoever. Gotta give him credit there!
• Badruu - We know this man was in a traveling Bard group, so he’s musically inclined for sure. I feel like he would have been killer backup and filler vocals and he can harmonize beautifully.
• Caleri - Doesn’t believe in fun, jovial activities like singing. (Elouisa informs you later that her sister can in fact not carry a tune at all.)
• Chayne - Absolutely. He’s naturally musically inclined, but part of his spiritual training involved learning to lead chants and hymns. Bass level vocals, v soothing.
• Delaila - Not at all. Where do you think Auni gets it? Part of what entranced her about Badruu in the beginning was his musical abilities. She’ll still sing along with a group and put her all into it though!
• Einar - The concept of producing a vocal stimulation to create a pleasing melodic sound is lost to the robot. But if it’s your Oneness, he respects it.
• Elouisa - Cannot sing, but definitely played clarinet in high school and was first chair!
• Eshe - No way. Cruella de Vil type vibes. She definitely was classically trained on the piano, but doesn’t often exercise the skill.
• Hassain - Can absolutely carry a tune and harmonize well! Definitely low baritone or higher bass in range. Can harmonize with higher ranges very well!
• Hekla - Her Jina often sings to herself as she works, but the ability and desire to produce a series of melodies is not within her rune programming.
• Hodari - Not the biggest fan of singing, but has a decent voice that comes off pleasantly gruff and southern. I imagine if Pedro Pascal’s ‘Joel’ from The Last of Us sang a slower, more reserved tune. (My other example was the dad cow from Back at the Barnyard that sings “I Won’t Back Down”… Let me know if that woulda been better or worse.)
• Jel - Definitely took vocal lessons with his sisters. Has a very pleasant and airy singing voice that is very technically sound.
• Jina - Doesn’t really sing much except for to herself. Massive stage fright on this one! Hekla says that her Jina seems happy when she sings, and that’s what matters.
• Kenji - Honestly? 100%, yes. Maybe like a broadway or an operatic voice. Doesn’t sing much but I imagine it would sound really jolly if he was a jollier guy.
• Kenyatta - YES! Doesn’t sing because she thinks it’s ‘lame’ (she gives me massive ‘too cool for school’ vibes) but has a delightful and powerful singing voice (kinda like the wolf Porsha Crystal played by Halsey in Sing 2.)
• Nai’O - Yes absolutely. Got his talent from his dad! He’s very shy when put on the spot though, so he doesn’t sing in front of people often — mostly when he works in the field with his animals by himself.
• Najuma - Not at all! But it’s okay because Najuma has zero desire to, haha. Kid is happy to be tinkering!
• Reth - On god, YES. Man has a beautiful and casual singing voice with a little rasp around the edges. Sings to himself while he cooks or gets really focused on something. I’m thinking “Feelin’ Good” by Michael Bublé, but maybe bit more rough around the edges.
• Sifuu - Not much of a singer, but I know our Muscle Mommy definitely has a few war chants or something up her sleeve! Lady can keep a beat for sure.
• Tamala - Thinks she can, but makes it way too sultry. You heard me. There’s such a thing as too much!
• Tish - Yes! Absolutely. She seems like she would 100% have like a Mandy Moore or Kristen Bell vibe. Very Disney Princess-esque!
• Zeki - Okay, honestly I think yes — but not in a conventional way. Kind of like Ashura; I think he would be great at singing like traditional Grimalkin shanties or folk-songs. Not very practiced, but he’s got spirit!
OKAY FINALLY DONE! I plan to do a lot more of these! Let me know if you have any suggestions!
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rubinaitoart · 2 months
Hypothetically speaking when it comes to fics (because there’s around 180+ Palia fics already on AO3) you could isekai literally any human protagonist into it right?
So here’s what I think the M6 would be like in Palia, just a quick list since my general creative juices are low today. This all assumes that A) They all don’t have any memories like the player and B) They all get isekai’d in separately.
Asra: Somehow this doesn’t feel too abnormal to him. The most strange part to them is the automaton and technology that’s scattered about the place. He warms up quickly to Jina, and there’s something about Hodari and Hassain that feels comforting and familiar. Their best skills are in bug catching and foraging. Adapts fairly well.
Nadia: The most irritating thing to her is her lack of memories. She might accidentally snap at Jina, but quickly corrects herself and apologizes profusely. Jel and Caleri are lovely people and it doesn’t take her long to get on Eshe’s good side. Her best skills are in hunting and furniture making. Manages to adapt.
Julian: This really throws him off. Perhaps he suffered a concussion? Absolutely floored by what Jina tells him and is insanely intrigued by Hekla. Doesn’t take long for him to befriend Tau and he’s frequently at the inn chatting with Reth , Ashura, Zeki, and Sifuu. Avoids Eshe for some reason, he feels like he should be keeping his head low… his best skills are in fishing and bug catching. Struggles a little to adapt.
Muriel: Sure. Why not. Inwardly freaked out by a lot of things—why is he so tall? Are the people just short? Where did he come from? Why is he covered in scars? Outwardly he manages to show some semblance of calm. He speaks very little, and Jina can’t get much out of him. Auni’s personality reminds him of someone, and he finds a kindred spirit in Hassain. Doesn’t take him long to befriend Tau either. His best skills are in foraging and furniture building. He struggles to adapt to everything.
Portia: Oh wow. This is fascinating! She has so many questions but not enough time to get any answers. Jina is ecstatic to meet someone with the same curiosity she does. Very quickly gets acquainted with everyone in town, and befriends Reth, Tish, and well everybody. Absolutely adores Zeki, and is very fond of the palcats and chappas. Her best skills are in cooking and gardening. She adapts pretty well.
Lucio: Where the hell is he?! … who the hell is he? Hm. Questions Jina on everything he can, and tries to wrap his head around everything. He does know he was somebody very important! So that should count for something. Probably pisses off Kenyatta but manages to charm his way onto Eshe and Kenli’s good side. His best skills are in hunting and foraging. Adapts well.
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veselinasboekenkast · 2 months
Hallo daar,
Wow dat was lang geleden. Ik was effe druk bezig met school.
Ik ben onlangs begonnen met het lezen van mijn Nederlandse boeken voor een grote boekopdracht. Ik moet in totaal 3 boeken lezen, ik heb de eerste al een paar weken gelezen afgezelen. Het is het boek Paaz van Myrthe van der Meer. Je zal later nog een posts zien over mijn persoonlijke mening. Maar eerst mijn boekopdracht. Voor dit boek moet een kijkdoos maken, meer informatie zal ik ook later delen.
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Daarnaast heb ik ook franse boeken moeten lezen. Ik heb er zelf dit jaar meer Franse boeken dan Nederlandse boeken gelezen.
Pays des Autres van Leïla Slimani
S'adapter van Clara Dupont-Monod
Soleil Amer van Lilia Hassaine
Dit zijn de drie Franse boeken die ik dit jaar al heb gelezen.
ZO, wat ben ik blij dat ik weer actief ben op tumblr.
Tot later!!!
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alexmotamots · 3 months
Panorama - Lilia HASSAINE
De l’autrice, j’avais moyennement aimé Soleil amer. Je me suis régalée avec son dernier ouvrage. Bien sûr, il y a une enquête sur la disparition d’une famille dans un quartier huppé dans lequel toutes les maisons sont transparentes. Mais cette enquête n’est qu’un prétexte pour nous présenter une société résultante des réseaux sociaux dans laquelle rien ne peut être caché à ses voisins. Tout a été…
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hcdahlem · 6 months
Dans son nouveau roman, Lilia Hassaine raconte comment après la «nouvelle Révolution» de 2029, la France s’est installée dans la société de la Transparence. Une société qui se veut modèle jusqu’au jour où un grain de sable vient enrayer ce beau mécanisme.
  Prix de la rentrée du festival Les Écrivains chez Gonzague Saint Bris En lice pour le prix Renaudot 2023 En lice pour le prix Le Temps Retrouvé 2023 En deux mots Dans la France de 2049, la société de la transparence s’est établie. Hélène y est gardienne de protection, chargée d’enquêter sur la disparition improbable d’une famille. À mesure qu’elle avance dans son enquête, ses certitudes sur…
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nycreligion · 2 years
August Wilson House opens in Pittsburgh. His roots in the Nation of Islam
August Wilson House opens in Pittsburgh. His roots in the Nation of Islam
August Wilson stands in front of handwritten excerpts from his plays. Wilson “assembled” his plays by hanging out in his old neighborhood (The Hill district of Pittsburgh) in mosques, cafes, bars, and on the street corners — he would write down bits of conversations that he overheard on scraps of paper. Photo by David Cooper, originally for Yale Repertory Theatre, 2005. Last Saturday, Denzel…
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raihanehassaine · 9 months
The History of Fermentation 
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While fermentation is becoming more popular in today’s society, it is not a new concept. Technology is serving to change what is possible within nutrition, but the practice itself can be traced back millennia to the Sumerians, who discovered its unique capabilities to make bread and beer.  
The yeasts involved in the process generated very valuable B vitamins, which are crucial for maintaining good health – as nutrition and wellness specialist Raihane Hassaine can confirm. 
Harnessing the Potential of Fermentation with Technology 
Applying groundbreaking technology to this process can yield amazing results. As more research has been conducted into the process of fermentation, scientists can now use biotechnology to encourage the microbes to produce healthy, nourishing food products. These processes create foods rich in vitamin B, amino acids and omega-3s. Precision fermentation can stimulate naturally sourced proteins, fats and vitamins, creating nature-identical products while eliminating the need to use animal products. 
Sustainably Sourced Food Products 
With more emphasis being placed on clean and sustainable living in a bid to protect the planet for generations to come, methods of improving the way communities eat and drink are more important than ever. One such example is the sweetener Stevia, which scientists have altered using bioconversion processes, resulting in a product which tastes far more like sugar than in its original form. Using the low levels of natural steviol from the stevia leaf to create amounts suitable for commercial use shows the huge potential of fermentation. 
The Possibilities in Dairy Manufacturing 
The manufacturing of dairy products has a huge impact on the environment, necessitating the farming of animals on a huge scale. Precision fermentation, however, can program the microbes to create milk proteins, opening up opportunities for alternative products for cheese, yoghurt, milk, eggs and meat, with better flavours and textures than any animal-free products have achieved in the past. Of all foods, the manufacturing of cheese is one of the biggest contributors to greenhouse gases, lagging only behind red meat. 
These developments also have the potential to impact the infant nutrition market. Companies are continually seeking to bring formula milk closer in composition to breastmilk. Although most infant milks are based on bovine compositions, it is predicted that this could change in generations to come. The drive for sustainability and greater awareness of animal welfare in younger sections of society is likely to fuel a swing towards plant-based alternatives. With increasing research and investment in the production of milk proteins, this evolving technology could have a significant impact on the infant formula market in years to come. 
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puchkinalit · 7 months
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En 2049, les bons citoyens habitent dans des maisons complètement vitrées parce qu'ils n'ont rien à cacher. De fait la criminalité a drastiquement baissé. Mais un jour, une famille entière disparait. Hélène Dubern, gardienne de protection, et Nico, son collègue et voisin sont chargés d'enquêter. Lilia Hassaine écrit ici une dystopie, un roman sur une société future basée sur de bonnes intentions mais qui recèle en elle des abimes de noirceur et un fonds dictatorial et liberticide. Mais j'ai eu mal à me le représenter car la romancière le limite à un quartier d'une ville et à sa périphérie qui n'accepte pas le par(t)i de la Transparence. Qu'en est-il du reste du monde puisque le changement de conscience est français ? Comment toutes les maisons, chaque pièce peuvent être visibles par tout un chacun ? Ca ne tient pas debout. Et les personnages par conséquent sont des pantins sans âme dans ce pâle ersatz des chefs-d'œuvre du genre tels que 1984 ou Le Meilleur des mondes. Dommage.
Panorama / Lilia Hassaine.- Gallimard.
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clemjolichose · 8 months
Got tagged for a reading tag by @evergardenwall thank you!!!
last book
In June 2023: We Should All Be Feminists by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie and Soleil Amer by Lilia Hassaine
In July 2023: Rainbow Music by Romain Burrel
In August 2023: Les Yeux d'Elsa by Louis Aragon
currently reading
Subtil Béton by Les Aggloméré-e-s, Angels in America by Tony Kushner, RESIST! How to be an activist in the age of defiance and Mai 68 by Laurent Joffrin
One of the books in my VERY LONG list of ~200 books that I bought and should read.
I don't know who to tag feel free to do it if you see this
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