#he absolutely knows kd did that
Steph Curry is the nicest person in the world
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anavatazes · 5 months
They found Abby TLOU2
Now, can all the ASSHOLES that hate Abby LEAVE the actress the FUCK ALONE! After the immense hatred that poor Laura Bailey received for playing a fictional character in a video game, I am fearful how poorly Kaitlyn Dever will be treated, in particular concerning her connection to Pedro's Joel.
⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️SEASON 2 SPOLIERS⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️
You are warned. If you don't wanna know what happens, don't go any further.
Ok. Now, for that already know what knows what happens in Part 2, Abby kills Joel in a very horrific manner. Not rehashing it, nor do I really want to turn this into another Abby bashing post. Not my favorite character, but I don't outright hate her, and won't tolerate that shit right now. Time and places, people.
I am concerned because of the absolute hate STILL felt for the character, that it will seep over to the actor in full force, much like it did for LB. Many can't seem to be able to separate the actor and character from each other. They still body shame Abby to no end. I've already seen a bunch of comments where they began body shamming the live action actor before she was even cast.
The misogynistic idiots can be ignored to a degree. But what really worries me are the Pedro fans, similar to the Joel fans, are gonna be so pissed when they see Abby kill Joel. And they didn't know it was coming. Some people can remain oblivious, somehow, in this day and age. How feral are they gonna be? How reactionary are they gonna be? Are they gonna be able to separate the actor from the character? And, more importantly, are the rest of us Pedro fans gonna be mature enough to help guide them to a safe place to get their emotions out where it won't be a complete nightmare for KD AND Pedro?!
Because, c'mon, you can't tell me, that when Pedro sees any fan of his hurt anyone that it doesn't hurt him? The big smush pillow that he is? I see so many people passing around videos and memes about how they're not responsible for your reactions to their actions. That may be so, but you do need to be held accountable if those actions are causing harm. A point that is sorely missed those. The Pedro Fandom is overall protective of our Pedro.
So, I want to kindly ask the Fandom, with love, that when we see this shit happening, and especially when it happens when the show airs, (picture lots of mom/grandma finger pointing here, because that's me), to be nice, be mature, ask them to remember what our Squish Pillow would do (even if he is more chiseled and less squishy right now 😉)? Are we adding to his anxiety? We don't need to do that. The man has more than enough for all of us and don't need no more. Nor does he need another fucking excuse to shrink more away from social media!
Besides, I don't know Kaitlyn Dever. I've never heard of her. I look forward to learning more about her, and seeing what she brings to Abby. Do she and Craig make me see what Neil wanted me to all along? Or is it the same old? But I know this. I won't hate her. She's a human being. Very few things on this planet could make me hate her, and her playing Abby is not one of them.
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vickyvicarious · 8 months
3 October, part 2
I am already so worn out
oh I love the several individual flicks of paper. The frustration and rage and deliberateness of him moving one page at a time to get to the right spot
"As I must do something or go mad," I. I........
"The teaching, big or little, could not have landed Mina or me anywhere worse than we are to-day." I AM SO SAD
their voices together...
oh my god his little sniffle before "to work!"
NO I FORGOT ABOUT THIS we get to hear Renfield yelling agggggh I was not prepared at all and now I'm crying again
"the very first thing we decided was that Mina should be in full confidence; that nothing of any sort—no matter how painful—should be kept from her." I love how you can hear the rage at himself and determination to never ever ever fail her this way again
the fear, the trembled edge as he says "her eyes shone with the devotion of a martyr"
I love the way she says "I shall die." perfect delivery, gets across the 'like a fact' so simply and so well
"I would; if there were no friend who loved me, who would save me such a pain, and so desperate an effort!" She looked at him meaningly as she spoke." she is so good at manipulation. Something about the way she says this is perfectly pointed, so deliberately calm and not requesting but absolutely requesting and framing it as love and friendship and what is deserved
I really love the way he says "you must not die!" each and every time
"you must struggle and strive to live!" this sentence has such a good sound
"She was pleased with the prospect of anything to do" oh Mina
"Until it sets to-night, that monster must retain whatever form he now has. He is confined within the limitations of his earthly envelope. He cannot melt into thin air nor disappear through cracks or chinks or crannies. If he go through a doorway, he must open the door like a mortal." I think this is new vampire lore, that he cannot change shapes or anything during the day. It makes sense but hasn't come up I don't think
"the minutes and seconds so preciously laden with Mina's life and happiness were flying from us" I just love this phrasing
the house in Piccadilly that Jonathan hunted down. so, so, so glad he did
the way Jonathan says "the precious, precious time!"
"Don't - wait - more than need be..." he is trying so hard
van Helsing is so good at knowing how to get away with breaking the law <3
I wonder if this story about the guy who sold the stolen house is based on true events
van Helsing's laugh at the story is so nice
the way Art says "I can be of some use here" he is trying so hard to help. this is the only time he's wrong because his carriages are too fancy richboy for the situation
Jonathan not mentioning Mina's pointy teeth...
van Helsing's "do you forget" is SO king laugh. oh my god
the way Jonathan says "did I forget" lkadjsflkdjsf;kds
"I shall not forget, for it is well that I remember" Mina's hoarse voice...
the way Jonathan sighs when saying Mina was the most cheerful
"my poor darling" the way he says this
fuck, the way she sobs "Unclean" and "polluted flesh", how her voice cracks on "before the Judgement day"
"For a few minutes our sorrowful hearts beat together," this line
the way Jonathan says this line so softly: "There was hope in his words, and comfort; and they made for resignation."
~holding hands while pledging to save Mina~
"To one thing I have made up my mind: if we find out that Mina must be a vampire in the end, then she shall not go into that unknown and terrible land alone. I suppose it is thus that in old times one vampire meant many; just as their hideous bodies could only rest in sacred earth, so the holiest love was the recruiting sergeant for their ghastly ranks." this line. and the delivery. almost soft at the end, but completely resolute.
van Helsing has at minimum 56 holy wafers left. and that is after his antics at Lucy's tomb. he really just took a giant sack I guess
Jonathan waving to Mina in the window <3 and her waving back <3
Art looking out for Jonathan's future <3 and utilizing his privilege and title
oh I love the frustration as Jonathan snaps "Eight boxes only out of the nine, which we sought!"
god, the description of Jonathan. love the music on "he is like a living flame"
oh I have always been pronouncing it "skolomance" in my head
"He is experimenting, and doing it well;" I love the delivery of this line
"Do we not see how at the first all these so great boxes were moved by others. He knew not then but that must be so. But all the time that so great child-brain of his was growing, and he began to consider whether he might not himself move the box. So he began to help; and then, when he found that this be all-right, he try to move them all alone." I really don't think this is the case. I think he didn't feel the need to move them all by himself at first, not that he didn't think he could
"He has just now, 12:45, come from Carfax hurriedly and hastened towards the South." the USEFULNESS. the PRECISION ABOUT TIMJE
"Now, God be thanked, we shall soon meet!" and "I would sell my soul to do it!" Jonathan is AFLAME
the delivery of the "w- for him" when van Helsing is scared they literally destroyed the boxes is so funny
oh I love the way van Helsing figures out his movements and the music as he does so
so exciting kill him kill him
the slice!!!
the loot drop!!!!
again the disgust as JAck describes Dracula
I love the window breaking noise so much, not only just for itself but for what it means. Dracula is reduced to ungainly flight. he's snatching money off the floor and jumping out a window, tumbling to the ground. He's still losing money when he gets there!!!! (the ting is so good). Meanwhile Jonathan will skitter after him no problem at all
the way he says "You!" all scoffing but with a little edge to it. This whole speech. He is trying so hard to sound in charge and unbothered and terrifying and he is failing
Jonathan had no problem with the window but sadly a locked door yet again defeats him :(
Mina still finding time (and blood) to blush at descriptions of Jonathan's love for her <3
THE WAY SHE SAYS "Jonathan." so much love I cannot handle it at all
Mina speaking of pity for Dracula now... it's about herself as well of course. She is trying to sound so calm and compassionate but she is also so so so afraid here.
Jonathan's hatred for Dracula <3
"I, too, may need such pity; and that some other like you—and with equal cause for anger—may deny it to me!" Jonathan thinking well that will never happen because I will never let it.
The way she repeats "my husband". The way her voice shakes. I imagine her touching his hair as she talks about it...
The way he says "This, I know." The way he cries as he talks about how much more he loves her. I can't....
"I am not sleepy myself, though I am weary—weary to death." God, the way he says this line is agonizing. And how he gasps into his next breath... gahhhhh the way he starts to fall asleep as he writes
Mina's fear at someone in the hall is SO GOOD. And Quincey's so so so gentle "go back to bed. It's all right..." I love them so much I am crying about it, literally
oh SHIT there's music
I literally tensed every single muscle in my body as I hear Dracula start to sing. Oh my GODDDDDD every line is so good and so inFURIATING holy shit the smug bastardddddd
the music is. so CHEERY. fa;lkdfjas;kdjlas god he is so delighted with himself this is. I cannot. ASJKDFLKDDJ DRACULAAAAAAAA
this song is amazing. with every single new line I. I- incredible.
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princessmo · 11 months
okay i did it. ranking beavis and butthead main/recurring characters from most to least homophobic (under the cut)
todd. you know he leans out the window and calls people fags but goes home and jacks it to porn of two straight women kissing
mcvicker. gay people gross him out but he keeps his mouth shut bc he’d lose his two best teachers if he said anything
stewart’s parents. they won’t outright say anything but they’re def visibly uncomfortable and mrs. stevenson says shit like “i don’t think those sort of relations are family-friendly”
tom anderson. touched upon this earlier; he’s kind of uncomfortable but he doesn’t really care so long as like, the gay people in question are red-blooded taxpaying american citizens. asks things like “so who’s the woman?” in that way where you can tell he’s uncomfortable and trying to lighten the mood
stewart. he’s cishet and his parents raised him to be homophobic but all his friends are lgbt and he’s trying SO hard to be Better. asks things like “so who’s the woman” but genuinely. he does really want to be a good ally he just kinda sucks at it
NOTE: the rest of these characters are lgbt in some capacity. to me. in my world
butthead. he’s bi but has SO much internalized homophobia and makes fun of other gay guys for being “wussies”
daria. lesbian and in a relationship with jane after she moves to lawndale, but i think she gets annoyed with stereotypical gay men. she just wants everyone to shut up forever so she can read kafka while jane paints something 5 feet away
buzzcut. i used to hc him as bi w/ a preference for guys but i think i’m just gonna make him homogay. has soooo much internalized homophobia it’s crazy, but he’s working on it. if he catches anyone being homophobic they’re DEAD it is OVER for them. and he’s SOOOOO in love with his malewife
earl. ik this one’s outta left field but i kinda love him and wish he was featured more. i think he’s bi w/a preference for guys. i remember darren said he would idolize rob halford and he was SO right; he absolutely would. king you don’t need to be in todd’s gang you’re too good for him
beavis. he’s homo gay to me i think he just goes along with butthead liking chicks bc he likes butthead. if butthead does something that means it’s cool and he wants to be cool too. i don’t think he feels shame over it he’s just kinda clueless
cassandra. UNDERRATED QUEEN. she literally, in canon, says the woman she admires most is KD lang. i think she’s bi w/ a preference for women. president of highland high’s GSA
ok i know this will surprise exactly no one but. DAVID MF VAN DRIESSEN. GAY GAY HOMOSEXUAL GAY OF ALL TIME. he’s married to buzzcut and he’s the faculty member in charge of the school’s GSA. he was canonically singing about lesbian seagulls in 1996. guy who genuinely respects women too much to be attracted to them in a sexual/romantic way. he's THEE coming out teacher. i think beavis, butthead, cassandra, daria, and earl have all come out to him; gay kids feel comfortable confiding in him and he would not tell their parents. homo king of all time i love you
ok if i forgot anyone or you want my opinion on a character feel free to say something. peacing love on planet earf
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someverygaymoth · 4 months
(lmao did I forget to mention the errormare? My b Dawgs that too. We have chaos polycules in this au.)
Euclades(NM) knew Steller(Error), when he was younger, still in his flock, still by an entirely different name and form. When things went horribly wrong for him, he ran from his flock, and Steller. A lover he'd taken some 400 years ago. They parted with only a letter, a letter Clay left for him in a fit of fear and confusion after becoming what he is now. He fled from his problems, and didn't allow anyone to follow him or help them. Needless to say, Euclades still thinks of him often, and having him show up on his doorstep, with a mate, no less, is not something he was prepared for.
Steller doesn't recognize him. He looks so different now, he can hardly blame him, but part of him aches. He can barely stay there long enough to greet both him and Atra(ink) before having to spend the rest of the day in his room, shocked to realize he can still take his old form. He didn't know that before Steller came around. But, it didn't take much for Steller to figure it out...
Literally the whole fic I wrote about that ages ago↓↓ (this is old AF I revamped it literally just for this post PLEASE forgive me if it vaguely sounds like garbage in some parts.)
(Important details: trade is the common language used for international trade in this world, dragons propose with giant intricate circles made with stones and rocks gathered sometimes over months, dragons have little balls of flame for souls called soulfire.)
(First person: Steller's point of view)
Clay isn't who he says he is. To Steller, it's all but a mystery to whom, if anyone, he's told the truth to. It started with a feeling when they first arrived here. Something felt off, familiar and suspicious. Then it became a hunch, then a conclusion that the king was hiding something. If his mate, his kid— Atra's kid were going to stay here, secrets weren't going to fly with him.
Many things clued him in on the King's secret, and when he uncovered something so personal as this is, Steller found it an incredibly difficult realization to have. He had to confer frequently with Atra, to fumble through what to do and what to think, how to feel. Not that Atra is any good at any of those things, but stars he does his best. And that's something. One thing Atra said stuck with him through all of this.
"If he loved you as you said he did? He left so abruptly to keep you safe, even if it was something you didn't need to be protected from."
Euphe was always the protected, never the protector. Of course he'd want to protect Steller from what he wasn't protected from. From whatever happened to his home, to his people. To him. Thinking about and processing all of this went slow, was absolutely heart wrenching, and snowballed slowly into more of an investigation into the truth rather than a hunch or a feeling.
The first hint had been his reaction to his presence here, Euclades didn't utter a word beyond a curt greeting in draconic, in response to Steller's trade. That could easily be mistaken for an old age monarch attached to his ways, but Euphe never learned trade either. Then, with nothing but those words, he disappeared for the rest of the day. Stellar had been intrigued, and looked for him, wanting to talk to him more. At least thank him for allowing himself and his mate to stay here, apologize for his lover's foolishness.
Though, he wasn't around. Steller asked his mates, though they told me he was in his room, probably working, and he seemed in a mood about something when they last saw him. In other words, he was best left alone. Though they remarked about Cain handling the political affairs this week, to give him a break, and promised they would check on him later, and relay his gratitude. It left him with an odd taste on his tongues, persay.
The next? Cain. Steller never met him when he was with Euphe. Euphe talked about him a lot. Tall, strong, bright and beautiful. Steller knew without a doubt, that Euphe loved him deeply, but Cain was a protector before all else, he would've kept the secret at first, but Euphe knew it would spill eventually... On purpose or not. His flock wasn't a fan of lone draconics. Nor was any other, really.
To have one of their monarchs, nevermind such a sacred being as Euphe fraternizing with a troublemaker like him, that would give the young monarch's flockmates more reason to hate him. Though, now Cain acted the same way Euphe had always talked about him. A beautiful golden social butterfly that was able to connect with damn near anyone. Though he lacked a certain naivety that Euphe described, Steller could guess that was a product of maturity. To find them together now, ruling their empire as mates, was no surprise.
Cain contributed to more than one hint, really. One other being, their origin. Born of the sacred Tree of Connection, twin protectors given to their flock by their deities. It's pretty difficult to miss that one. Euphe never completely explained what they both were to him, but he's not sure that Euphe completely understood that for himself at the time. Nonetheless, you don't get two stories like that one. He was almost completely sure of it then.
The fourth hint lie in the garden. Deep in the garden, in fact. Abandoned and alone. The Tree of Connection itself, and the last source of Empathy magic, a single golden apple, alone within its ancient branches. A story that's also pretty unmistakable for any other, it sat in a well, reflecting golden light onto the water beneath. It was so well kept. Too well kept to be anything but the real Tree of Connection. How the hell they got it here was beyond Steller's comprehension, but still.
Steller would suppose it's fair to count the Tree of Life as a part of that last hint as well. The massive tree in the middle of the castle's main buildings. An apple tree, just like the Tree of Connection. It wasn't hard to figure out that it was grown from the last dark apple of Empathy. Steller put that one together pretty quick after seeing the golden apple all alone on the tree. He had few doubts then.
The fifth clue, was each of Clay's mates. The stories of how they met. Clay's need to help them all... That unmistakable empathy for small, helpless things. That was all Euphe. It was just like him. Steller could see it in his expression as they talked about it, he seemed so nostalgic for the time, but so terribly empathetic, hurt by remembering their pain and helplessness. He still has that same desperation to protect, to provide. Like he has anything to prove after taking an entire Empire by right of combat and creating a safe haven for draconic people everywhere.
The sixth was the library. The moment Steller saw it he had no doubts left. So many books, in so many draconic languages, so many scrolls from so many different flocks. Euphe loved books. He may not know trade, but he knew almost every draconic language near to his own flock. He used to bring many books in whatever language he could find, to their little clearing in the woods and read to him all night long. Memories Steller carries with fondness.
The castle is full of secret rooms and dark passages, and the library is no exception. The library has so many secret rooms, full of old scrolls in ancient draconic languages. In one of these rooms there was nothing but scrolls about his flock... The flock and the prophecy that tortured Euphe until the day they all disappeared. So many of them had the burnt impression of claws on the corner of the page. Steller could imagine it so easily, Clay staring at it with such fear and anguish, wondering why they had done this to him, and allowing his emotions to run away with him.
Between Cain dropping information about their past, Clay's desperate little attempts to hide the obvious, and the clues practically written in the walls themselves... It wasn't long before Steller figured it out. Now, came the hard part. Actually talking to him about it.
Atra was there through it all, content to let Steller know his thoughts on everything. All he had to say when he decided he wanted to talk with Clay was, "do whatever you feel is right. If the dust settles and you want to be friends? That's okay. If you end up fucking on his desk, that's cool too! We can sort stuff out later." Stellar gave him a straight shot to the ribs for that, of course, because that was a very unhelpful fantasy to carry in this situation... But at least he knew whatever way things went, he had the support of his mate.
After hours of pacing and procrastination in my room, Steller somehow end up in front of his door... Holding that old letter like the most precious thing in the world. The purple ribbon that held it was old and worn now, he'd applied sap many times over the years to help the fraying. The edges used to be a vibrant shimmering silver, but now the thin metallic touch had worn and flaked in some spots. The letter itself was corroded and yellowed at the edges. Steller read it often in those first years that his lover was gone. In fact, he'd read it so many times now he's certain that he could recite it word per word, blindfolded.
Now he held it before the door of the one who gave it to him, unsure and fearful. Clay knew he was there, without a doubt. Born of the tree of Connection, he possessed focal magics even other monarchs did not. Empathetic magic, specifically. He'd always been able to feel the emotions of others, but what he understands now is that Clay's abilities have grown much over the years. Steller knocks on the door gently and it unlocks with a small click, opening just a little. He pushes it the rest of the way open, and when he does, Clay watches him with tired eyes.
After all his anxiety and worrying today, it would seem he is an expected guest.
"Steller, what do you requi-" he freezes-no, flinches- when he sees the letter in his hand. His eyelight swirls with an unmistakable twinge of vibrant violet for a moment. He blinks and it's gone, it almost felt imagined.
"Euclades. It's a lovely name."
He was silent, watching Steller wearily. He looks guilty, contemplative, maybe even afraid... The dredge of negativity that flows over his bones seems to drip more heavily around him, roiling like a pond disturbed by rain.
"But it isn't yours, at least... It wasn't always. Was it?"
"No. No it wasn't." The door shut quietly behind him. The sound makes Steller glance back, only for a moment. "Please... Please allow me this moment in private. I... Cannot imagine how you must feel. If I must endure your anguish, let me be the only one to bear it." He pleads.
Steller locks the door on his own, content to give Clay what he asks. He sighs out, "I knew it was you," in a breath. It's difficult for him to tell whether it's a sign of relief or something entirely different.
"You're clever, I knew I couldn't hide it."
"You made quite an effort," Steller counters quickly.
He whispers back, "I am sorry."
"I was afraid," Clay answers. He looks Steller in the eyes with some acrid, visceral emotion that lingers. A terror he keeps buried away in the embers of his soulfire. It's an expression so like one he'd once seen Euphe make, whenever he spoke of his flock... It makes Steller's soul twist with longing, nostalgia, love and care that still lingers after centuries apart.
"Why did you leave." He corrects, "why didn't you even say goodbye?" Steller steps forward slowly, pulling the worn, old ribbon from their letter, and places the curled page gently on Euclades' desk, right in front of him.
"I... was afraid," he answers again.
"Of what?" Steller paces a slow line past his desk and around towards the door, gripping his skull as though he couldn't comprehend any of this. Maybe after all these years, he still couldn't.
"Of myself, what I might do... What the corruption did... It... I hurt people. It made me want to hurt people. I didn't want to hurt you."
"And you thought I wouldn't stop you? You thought I'd ever let you become something you're not? You thought you could hurt me? I am a force to be reckoned with, I've burned villages and destroyed towns, I have faced those which were unbeatable in the presence of draconic armies! I can protect myself!" Steller spits.
"Not from this. You don't understand. The influence of the tree is strong, Steller, it is dangerous, and real. It isn't something you can protect from. It took me centuries to break through it's influence-"
"And I COULD HAVE HELPED YOU!" Steller cries, pausing his pacing near the door, "but no, no you left me alone, and scared, with no clue where you were and no chance of helping you- you fool! I would never be afraid of you!"
"Well maybe, you fucking should be." Clay hisses, standing up.
"Don't try to prove a point, dumbass. I know what you are. What you REALLY are. And you can't ever hide that. You are not, and will not ever be something I fear." Steller growls, wings flaring out behind him. Already a broad, tall monarch, it made for a threatening display.
Clay puffs up right back, purple dancing through his eyes and in his markings. Two eyes... That's... Different. Everything is different. He's so much bigger now, it's startling to hear everything in his voice ring with something from the past, all coming from a form so different. Euphe was beautiful, even without the extravagant marks of a strong monarch. Even now, he's so beautiful, in all the conventional ways he never thought himself when they were younger. It makes Steller ache, but he doesn't let up on his stance.
He's in power here, size and status be damned.
Euclades still can't hurt him.
Clay marches around his desk, a growl heady in his throat. "That's exactly why I stayed away. You're too trusting— too stupid to—" he makes a wounded sound, "if I wanted to hurt you, would you even stop me?" He asks, expression pained.
"If you wanted to hurt anyone I would have stopped you!" Stellar barks back, throwing his hands up in the air.
He marches forward, face twisted into a snarl as he slams a fist into the door hard enough to make the wood tremble. "WOULD YOU?! Would you hurt me to stop it? Would you?" Steller doesn't flinch. Instead, he slides hands up to Clay's face, rubbing the gleaming markings under his right eye.
It has all the effect he remembers. The expression on his face wanes and it's not so difficult to see the tears blossoming in his sockets now. His wings shudder and his eyelights shift to a deep plum, he might notice, given the way he blinks a little harder for a moment, but he seems to give up on whatever he was trying there fairly quickly. Steller lets out a long breath, still holding him gently.
"The entirety of this hypothetical little situation that you've made up in your head, depends on you being able to hurt me. Euclades. You may be a king now but I know you are not but a stubborn child in your embers. I am not afraid of you, I never have been, and I never will be. No matter how hard you try, you can't hurt me. I won't let you, and you would never. You never once won a sparring match against me in our days together, and a handsome set of horns and some height on me will certainly not change that. Euclades, Euphe, neither of them would hurt me, I know that. More than anything, I trust that," Steller whispers to him, watching as Clay closes his eyes.
He leans into the contact as his breathing goes shaky, and his shoulders tense up with quivering little sobs. His expression tenses for a moment before going lax again. When tears fall, they're a familiar purple, not seafoam. They leave smooth trails of ivory white bone visible in their wake, and only more of it is exposed with every moment.
He asks softly, "do you hate me?" and when he speaks it's not the same deep central nation draconic grumble. It's softer, a gentle voice with an eastern dialect. It's Euphe's voice, not his.
"I couldn't ever hate you, I don't," Steller promises, still holding him in his arms, even as the darkness fell away, dripping onto his hands and the floor. "Not Euphe, and certainly not Clay. I don't blame you... Even if you were a stupid jerk for leaving me like you did." He whispers. Clay smiles, and when he opens his eyes, blinking away tears, it's Euphe staring up at him. "I uh... didn't know you could... you know. I didn't know you were... Still... Like this, under all the..."
"I didn't either... Until you came back." He laughs, like it's all some cruel joke.
"You're beautiful. Still so beautiful..."
"You always said that." He's smaller than Steller is now, looking up as he gently wipes the tears from the other's cheeks.
"I'm not talking about Euphe, you're not some relic, Clay. I'm talking about you."
Euclades looks up at me like he's said something profound, something that he hadn't even considered.
"That's not- I'm not..."
"But you are... You're so beautiful. You're strong, and amazing. You always have been, you just didn't see it before. And your horns have grown so much too... I won't lie, it's... attractive." Steller admits, smiling wryly and glancing to the chair in the corner of the room. It's upholstered in a beautiful purple, velvety fabric, and it's clear that someone sits their frequently, likely to keep Clay company while he works.
"Oh..." Clay stares at him wide eyed, flushed a deep plum, a color that's rather ironically fitting of royalty.
"You're... I still..." Steller sighs before taking a deep breath in, "I loved Euphe, and I want to love you too, Euclades. I want to chart every difference, bed our coals and make a new fire together, every new feature and habit as our kindling."
Clay sighs when their skulls press together, a smile creeping onto his face when their horns clink, and it makes both their beads rattle on their horns. "I cherish you Steller... I always have."
"Too much for your own good, dork."
"Hah! Maybe..." Clay admits, sighing.
Steller smiles down at him with an unconditional fondness. Their faces are close, like this Steller can feel their breaths mingling together. The tease of a taste on his tongues, like sweet spices and the love Steller wants to give him. Clay takes a step closer and pauses, seeming contemplative.
"Is this okay?"
"More than okay," Steller murmurs back, sliding one of his hands into the other's.
With the confirmation, he presses a slow kiss to Steller's mouth, chaste and small. The taller leans in again, vying for a deeper kiss. Clay happily reciprocates, squeezing Steller's hand as his other gently squeezes his iliac crest. He pulls away just enough to breathe before searching for more. Steller encourages the closeness with a hand on his skull, pulling him closer with the gentlest insistence. Clay doesn't resist or hesitate, just presses closer, until Steller's back is firmly against the door, wings relaxed out to the side.
After a couple more rounds of kissing he pulls away, breathless. "Wow, spirits I missed that..." He says softly, almost trembling.
"Did you now?" Steller asks, grinning a little.
"Silence, I missed your silence... That's what I missed." He insists, although the soulfire glimmering through his thin shirt does him no favors in confirmation.
"Naturally, of course."
"I- oh stars, Atra, he- did he say this was okay?" He tries to pull away, seeming startled.
"Shh, he's fine... Jerk was literally rattling off about every way this could go and telling me I better at least kiss you," Steller scoffs.
"Oh... Hah! Dear stars... Yes, I can imagine he was as helpful on the mind as Vicki was..." He sighs, "I figured this was coming... I... Thought you would be more... Upset with me."
"Something like that... Ramblings of a horny bastard," Steller sighs, shaking his head. "I was upset, at first. I couldn't fathom why you'd abandon me. Not when we almost..."
Clay pets gently over his hand.
"We were almost mates, Clay... That and I... I know I didn't tell you but I... I'd been working on a circle for weeks before you left."
Clay's expression twists up again, and his surprise is almost something he can feel in the air. "Steller..." He sighs, tearful.
"Shit timing... Huh?"
"My love..." Clay cries, smiling at him. "I would've loved that more than anything."
"I still would now."
Steller's soulfire burns cold for a moment, flickering in his ribs.
"We have some catching up to do... and we still need to talk with our mates, together. But I want you to know... really, it was time that wronged us. You, were perfect. Always," Clay says softly.
"You were perfect too..."
Clay smiles wider, and Steller can almost feel the joyful shift of his magic in the air around them.
"So... where should we start, on that catching up?"
Clay grins slyly, "you know, I have been thinking about that. I have some ideas."
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pocketramblr · 11 months
Ask Game: Pop Step ends up joining the League of Villains during the time of the main manga because, after what happened to her in Vigilantes and with Koichi off in America, she has absolutely no hope of being able to get a legitimate job for herself and has to turn to crime to survive.
1. Pop doesn't know the guy behind Rokuro is the same guy behind Shigaraki, because if she did she would have stolen Dabi's gun herself and do her best to take out AfO first. All she knows is it's a roof over her head, and surely these guys aren't that much worse than Soga and friends, who helped her out too, right?
2. Yeah some of that is willful ignorance, some is desperation. Hardly matters, because she's there now. She gets a new look, because while Shigaraki points out that being recognizable as QueenStep would work to make her more intimidating, she refuses to go back to anything Rokuro had a hand in. She's not putting the costume her kidnapper designed for her back on, thanks.
3. Toga still thinks she looks cute though. Pop says thanks, but puts up boundaries- she lost enough of her body to people who said they loved her, she's not giving up any more. Still, Pop keeps an eye out for Toga and Magne from the others, especially at the beginning when she's still trying to figure out how far to trust these guys. Toga wraps her head around it eventually, realizing she's the little sister of the three, a novel experience for her but one she's happy to go along with.
4. Giran, who told KD how to remove the bee parasite from the previous Queen Bee, also understands Pop and gets her great gear that lets her disguise her jump slightly, and gives her ranged artillery since he's sure not actually putting faith in Dabi or Mustard with the guns
5. Pop shoots Chisaki lol Kurono wasn't the only gunman hiding in the rafters at that meeting
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dizzysilhouette · 21 days
The Exchange #1
DK: Splendid, you made it. Were you followed?
AED: I… I don’t think so.
DK: Good. I’ve been in hiding since… everything, so I just wanted to make sure… Anyway, I did some digging and found some stuff pertaining to what you asked for. [hands over a manilla folder] These are dupes of the documents, so do with them what you please.
AED: Oh gosh, thank you. Thank you so much.
DK: It’s no problem, friend… How did you get out, by the way?
AED: I had to do some… special favors, if you catch my drift.
DK: Heh, yeah. I totally get it. Do you think the others will be able to get out, too?
AED: For sure. I set up a “deal“ for every time I have to pass through there.
DK: Good. [shyly] Come visit me sometime, yeah?
AED: [smiles softly] Absolutely. You’re one of my best friends in the whole world! …I wish I could visit more often.
DK: I know. I wish you could too. But for the safety of me and you, I know it’s for the best.
AED: Yeah… [hugs them] I need to head back, I’m sorry. KD is gonna start getting suspicious that I’m not at home…
DK: Don’t worry, I totally get it. I’ll be where I told you I’d be. Come find me there, or I’ll get FP to deliver you a letter pertaining to my location. [giggles] He’s a good little mailman.
AED: [chuckles] I bet, he has the right canter for it.
DK: Yeah… Alright, trot along, superstar. I’ll work on getting things situated for when you all can get out.
AED: Thank you so much again.
DK: [smiles] No problem.
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silveredsound · 2 months
Oh it’s good to read someone being realistic about Harry and I loved ‘sarky little perfectionist’: exactly, exactly. I do think over 14 years there’s been growth but I think of him as a delightful creature, of excessive beauty and work ethic, who embodies the scene in Succession where Tom Wambsgams tells Cousin Greg that he’ll teach him how to be rich. (If you didn’t see Succession that’ll be lost!) An absolute pro at being connected to wealth and artists in secret ways that we get the tiniest, occasional glimpse of. I find it fascinating, because I’m from a family like Harry’s, and the very active choices he makes to ‘be rich and connected’ are so kind of hidden, but it’s impossible for them to be accidental, which makes me think: who is he really?
And we don’t know! Wonderful. Good for him. He seems broadly to be a decent guy but what I wouldn’t give for a peek behind the curtain 👀
Ohh I love the excessive beauty and work ethic description - v true.
Like I think it's so funny, he's all 'Hi, I'm Harry's at the start of every gig and I am sure he is humble and he's clearly not a twathead who lords it about, but also, he signed his fucking management contract on a yacht in the Bahamas in front of the paps and he's literally mates with his label chief (who did nothing about getting rid of Dennis Handlin grr) not to mention the fact that James Cordon is a known absolute prick and Harry is known to be very polite and professional even in the face of insane levels of attention and intrusion - how does that worrrkkkk?
His friendship with Tommo is my favourite and I think they hang out a lot and I have a theory that KD is about them.
Anon 💙💙
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unmanageably · 2 months
whats the tea on kd leaving the warriors? i was a casual fan at the time it happened so i don't know the situation
well... let me be brief (1/278)
lmao jk but.... well a lot! and most of it is speculation, etcetc ofc we'll never truly know until 20 years later when the last dance-esque documentary comes out about the warriors in the steph curry era lmao-- but the story goes like this:
kevin durant was the superstar of okc thunder and was steadily building up the franchise over the years to become serious contenders for a championship. they were always close, but had never quite made it. but with a good FO/org behind him, westbrook by his side, they were always really close— but again, as we all know, it was never enough (made the finals in 2012. lost. would make the playoffs but always got defeated). in 2016, they once again get really close at the western conference finals where they led the series 3-1 against the warriors. despite that they lose. a mere month later, he joins the warriors: a team that's obviously at the beginning of a dynasty— they won a championship in 2015 and made it into the finals in 2016. but more importantly, the team that beat kevin durant and okc thunder at the conference finals.
there were layers to this "betrayal" and to this day people still think this one decision "ruined the sport" (lol). people saw it as a betrayal on KD's part and it took an incredible hit to his reputation. you almost make it to the finals, you have an incredible teammate in westbrook by your side, an org that supports you and is willing to uplift you to your highest star potential, and you leave? to join the team that BEAT you? to the team that has steph curry, klay thompson, draymond green, andre iguodala?
already a hugely successful team without KD, but with him, it was undeniable. a superteam. yeah, a lot of team has duos or trios. lebron and kyrie, lebron and dwade, harden and cp3, etcetc. but this team was different levels. a whole team full. the team was 73-9 without KD. massively talented already. but now? steph, KD, klay as offensive threats. draymond and andre as defensive threats. insanely good roleplayers like shaun livingston.
everyone was livid. not just OKC fans. everyone in the league! the warriors, and KD's name specifically was tarnished. how disrespectful for the warriors to even think about creating a team like this. how disrespectful for KD to leave an org that's done so much for him. sports media was tearing into them, fans were tearing into them, they were quite literally, the most hated north american sports team. fans were burning jerseys, making videos threatening KD, etc.
we all know how KD with the warriors went. winning fixes all, right? arguably the most dominant team in nba history (2017 warriors vs 1996 bulls a common debate to this day), the warriors absolutely dominated the nba, and went on to win the 2017 and 2018 championships. KD finally gets his two rings and a FMVP. and the warriors still stay the most hated team in the league. you either loved the warriors or hated them! no in between. the narrative is that KD's rings were called into question because he "had a superteam" so they weren't "valid".
2018-2019 is when it all kinda starts falling apart. the warriors are plagued with injuries, and it's just clear they don't have the synergy and chemistry that they did before. it was most clear during a game against the clippers where draymond and kd visibly fought after a bad play at the end where draymond refused to pass to kd. draymond had allegedly yelled at kd and told him to just leave the warriors, and that they didn't need him (kd's contract was up that year as well). KD has said in later years that that argument was kind of like the ~last straw for him and the nail in the coffin for him leaving. he had already been having feelings of being "the odd man out"— though they were winning together and had good synergy on court, the core3 plus the other players were already a tight knit family long before he had arrived. after the incident with draymond, the team never really sat down and talked about it: just brushed it under the rug (dray was suspended for one game but nothing was talked about). KD felt like it was a slap in the face, all this stuff about how gsw is known for good team chemistry and good culture but they just wanted to brush that very public incident under the rug? after that he started playing more selfishly— less like how they would play as a team and more in isolation. KD gets injured during the finals, and as we know, klay gets injured as well: we lose the finals. we don't get the sought after three-peat. KD signs with the brooklyn nets and the rest is history.
i talked a lot about the beginning of KD signing on to the warriors because i feel like that was really the root of why he left. he became one of the most hated players in north american sports. his own fans tore into him. sports media all tore into him. calling him mentally weak, pathetic, etc. and does winning fix all? i feel like KD with the warriors was proof that... it doesn't. KD gets two rings that he basically sold his soul to the devil for AND two FMVPs and people still don't respect him. on top of that he wins it with the warriors: which has always been and will always be Steph Curry's Team. yeah he was integral to those wins, but you can't compete with how steph has built the dynasty, yk? what steph has given to the warriors.
so at the end of the day, the story goes like this: KD "betrays" okc by going to the team who beat him in the conference finals, creates the first real "superteam" in the nba (the superteam discourse is a whole other thing smh like teams aren't trying to do that now but i digress). the whole sports world is going in on him, he's basically sold his soul for these rings. he gets his rings, he gets his FMVP. but his legacy and reputation is still called into question: he's integral but still won his rings and his FMVPs on STEPH CURRYs team, not his. Steph's. on top of all the outside noise, internally he's not happy either. he doesn't feel protected within the team. he has beef with draymond, and steph/klay + the franchise will clearly always have their loyalty to draymond. he doesn't buy into the team culture anymore, and he feels like the odd one out. the only thing that could make him stay would be to keep winning more rings. but the two rings he has didn't fix anything. so why stay? what does he have going for him?
(he goes on to bounce between different teams, tries to build his own superteams but never comes as close as he did. meanwhile steph klay and draymond go through a tough two years, considerably the lowest two years in the steph/core3 era, and come out on top: they win the '22 finals, against a celtics team that had an 84% chance of winning the finals. they save their dynasty, their legacy. steph proves that he won a chip BEFORE KD, during KD, and AFTER KD as well.)
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koneko-dreams · 4 months
Oc Introduction:
KD: Just realized that I needed to do this before I post a fic(That I am currently working on with someone) To know my oc-
Name: Koneko Dreams
Age: 700 years old
Species: Demon
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Title: Ruler of Demonia, The kingdom of demons.
Personality: Cold(to others), Doesn't smile, Never lets down her guard, Calm and Collected, Diligent, Observant.
Appearance: Dark pink hair, with a horn on either side of her head, different coloured eyes left being black while the other a dark pink, has a heart shape with a slice in the middle pupil on both eyes indicating a broken heart, it changes when she's close to someone. Her clothes are very elegant and royal, though they are dark coloured.
Likes: Reading, Drinking tea, baking, sharpening weapons, observing and collecting Scythe's for her collection.
Height: 175 cm
Dorm: Diasomnia
Year: Third year
Zodiac sign and birthday: January 20th (Aquarius)
Birthplace: Obviously Demonia. She was raised there to rise as the next Ruler.
Backstory(Summary): Her backstory is an absolute mess. She conquered the throne at the age of 8. It took her just 2 years to complete all of the requirements needed to be the Ruler of Demonia. And before that, she has issues with her parents due to her unnatural pupils. She is absolutely traumatized at the time of her birthday due to her older brother dying infront of her from an assassin when the clock striked midnight, signifying the start of her birthday.
Crush/In a relationship with: Lilia Vanrouge
Relationship with the person: It has been 600 years that they have known each other. But, at the age of 683, she was called to participate in the Angel and Demon war making her leave a letter behind signifying why she has left, and when she'll be back. After 15 years later, they are reunited at Night Raven College.
Weakness: Holy magic but it wouldn't really harm her, just weakening her. And also her sensitive hearing.
Strengths: Immune to any poison, she can regenerate even if you obliterate all of her cells she will come back, she is an all-rounder meaning that she can expertly use any type of weapon, Revival of the Dead and Can remember anything to extreme detail.
Additional information: Wears gloves to hide the wedding ring on her ring finger. Is also Malleus' tutor/teacher/caretaker before he went to Night Raven College and to add to that, it makes Sebek also greatly respect her due to her being Malleus' tutor(One that contributed the most I mean excluding/including Lilia?). Best friend is(was) Meleanor. Her husband is Lilia Vanrouge and in total, they have been in a relationship for 498 years.
Name: Arien De Valentine
Age: 17
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heteroromantic
Title: None
Personality: Kind, quiet, gentle, aloof
Appearance: Blue hair, purple ish- pink eyes
Likes: writing poetry, animals and places that are calm
Height: 165cm
Dorm: Diasomnia
Year: 2nd
Zodiac sign and Birthday: (Taurus), April 21
Birthplace: ???
Backstory(Summary): Many years ago, a little girl was born to a couple. The father, Louis Valentine, who was a fae and her mother, Azia who was a human. This was a forbidden love, as humans and faes were not allowed to be in a relationship with eachother. But this did not stop the couple, and they kept their relationship a secret, only revealing it to people they could trust. When the girl was born, she didn't inherit the fae genes, much to everyone who knew the relationship's shock. But nevertheless, her parents still loved her. The girl was named Arien, meaning ‘Musician ; Poet’ or ‘Greek Poet’. As time passed, baby Arien took her first steps at 12 months or a year old which made her father happy. On the other hand, her mother beamed with joy and couldn't wait to share this with their relatives and in-laws.
Crush/In a relationship with: Silver
Relationship with the person: Partner
Weakness: ???
Strengths: ???
Additional information: A poetry writer.
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voxmyriad · 1 year
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I posted 4,932 times in 2022
19 posts created (0%)
4,913 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 4,867 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#what even are cats - 236 posts
#cal kestis - 230 posts
#anakin skywalker - 214 posts
#obi wan kenobi - 210 posts
#spoilers - 155 posts
#good stuff - 136 posts
#recovery - 131 posts
#fallen order - 114 posts
#darth vader - 109 posts
#kenobi show - 107 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#but i remember when there was a trend toward getting emails from a site that let you have whatever domain name you wanted and they all filte
My Top Posts in 2022:
Sith Obi-wan Kenobi is the most lethal of the enemies, not because he is powerful on the force like Sidius or Vader, but because he has charm, he makes allies, his control over his own power is precise, deadly precise, he has the Jedi training integrated on his body and (depending on how far in his life he is and how canon you want to count his life of absolute misery during his padawanship) years upon years of experience that not many in the galaxy can say that they have and much less survive out of it, he was set on a pad of Infinite Sadness, and he took it, made his feelings fester and grow until one day he decided that he was done, his Fall was a surprise to everyone but himself
I love this song See, THIS is why I like the Sith Obi-Wan AU idea. I think Obi-Wan has a lot of motivation not to fall, but I also think he has a lot of potential points in his life where he could if the wrong thing happened at the wrong time. And if he did, everyone would be fucked, because ALL THESE REASONS.
I love thinking about things like always-a-Sith!Obi-Wan as a general leading the Separatists, I've read a couple good fics like that, but I also like imagining that conversation between Obi-Wan and Dooku going very differently in Attack of the Clones. If Obi-Wan was just a little more tired, or frustrated, if Dooku had focused all his attention on his grandpadawan and taken the sympathetic tack instead of dangling (true) intel because he knew Obi-Wan would never believe it...I don't know, it's a fun what-if to consider.
7 notes - Posted August 14, 2022
My Obi Wan is Cal’s father fic. I have two fics in the series so far 😊
Throws this at the Cal Kestis Kenobi crew!
10 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
Hiii I’m Obi-Anon!! About the Anakin god thingy is just because he is son of the Force but you are right is closer to the anti-Christ or straight up Eldrich anomaly lol
Honestly would love to see more fics or art with Anakin as an eldritch manifestation of the Force while he's a little kid, although neither Shmi nor Obi-Wan deserves him being all creepy.
It would be very funny though if his Force powers started manifesting really hard for a short time when he was a little kid. Floating a couple inches off the floor instead of walking until Shmi asks him to stop, things like that. Just doesn't mention this to Obi-Wan or any of the other Jedi because he assumes everyone goes through the "floating instead of walking" phase.
12 notes - Posted August 22, 2022
I'm not even watching the tags, but the posts I've seen on my dash from the sudden Goncharov fandom seem to be encapsulating all the essential elements:
Posts doing deep-dive analyses into cinematography, costuming, characterization, music, and other aspects of this piece of forgotten cinema
Artistic gifsets and fanart and fics
The Ship Wars
This feels like if Christopher Guest had made a mockumentary about a Tumblr Movie Fandom.
14 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Cal Kestis is Obi-wan’s son, I just know it he was to be!! What other redhead is there that can look so similar to pawadan Obi?! Or is the lack of sleep finally catching up with me?!
"Cal Kestis is Obi-Wan's son" is my favorite Star War conspiracy theory. The timing works out perfectly if Obi-Wan had a delightful evening with a lovely woman on whatever planet he and Qui-Gon visited before Naboo. And no shade to those who love them but I really don't care much at all about Satine or Korkie or especially Korkie's parentage
At this point unless they disprove it in canon I'm just embracing the madness that is Cal Kestis Kenobi.
23 notes - Posted August 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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smokeybrandreviews · 1 year
NBA Rant: Round One Roundabout
I have to say, this first round of the NBA Playoffs has been wildly exciting. I mean, the Kings are back in the Playoffs after damn near two decades. Giannis was bounced out by Jimmy Buckets! The Clippers did what Clippers do and sank. Man, there have been some straight up moments n these first few games and i got feelings!
The LAkers are glass cannons and we better pay AR15, goddamn!
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My darling LAkers are so goddamn inconsistent, it’s soul crushing. These cats have all the tools necessary to be great and yet, we lose two games to the goddamn Grizz? We are, obviously, better than our seed (and the Grizz much, much, worse than theirs) but, come on, really? They better pay Austin Reeves, though. This kid earned a raised during this first round. That, and the fact this team isn’t built to “win now.” These cats were thrown together at the trade deadline. We are overachieving right no. I am dying to see what an entire summer and preseason turn this already close squad into.
D-Lo is still the player I thought he was way back when.
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Russell had a pretty mediocre showing in this series and said some really wonky sh*t in press conferences. I’m concerned he’s still that immature kid who ratted on Nick Young. That’s nether here nor there right now bu dude still seems to have that ego sink all over him, which concerns me about the future. We need a guard who doesn’t mind taking a backseat in the moment but, when needed, drop a solid fifteen to twenty and Russell is wildly inconsistent in that regard. Dude can put up cartoon numbers, sure, but most of the time, he’s kind of a chucker? Or, at least, that’s what he’s been through these first six games.
The Bucks got straight bodied by the Injury Bandit.
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The Bucks have been the best team in the entire NBA this whole season. Easily creme of the crop. I thought, for sure, they were on their way to a Finals repeat. I thought Giannis was abut to take his turn as the new LeBron, forcing anyone with title aspirations through Milwaukee for years to come. Nope. Bro, when he went down with that back injury, his team crumpled. These motherf*ckers just wilted like week old lettuce and i couldn’t believe it. I doesn’t help that Coach Bud got absolutely schooled in he Xs and Os by Coach Spo. When your number one goes down and the mastermind is a dunce, you don’t really have a shot as the W. It also helps that...
Jimmy Buckets is THAT dude!!
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Bro, Playoff HIMmy is real! I wasn’t even clocking the Heat for anything this post-season, a footnote in the odyssey of the Greek Freak’s illustrious career, and then THIS happens? double-nickel plus one more, in a historic showing on the way to giving the number one seeded Bucks a gentleman sweep. This Miami Heat team is the one of six, eight seed teams to topple a number one. Not for nothing but my seven seeded LAkers knocked of the two seed Grizz, i forgot to mention that above, but to have both of those moments happen in the same year is ridiculous. The Grizz deserved it. The Bucks, not so much. Giannis blew out his back trying to slow down Jimmy getting his buckets.
Still not wrong about Rusty Westbrick but the Clippers sure were.
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Boy, if I'm Kawhi, I'm mad. Took all this time off to get straight for the Playoffs and, right before we get a shot at a proper title run for the first time in his Clippers tenure, you sign Rusty Westbrick? Word? Bro, say what you will about his stats and accolades and locker room chemistry, Russ is a loser. That’s hat he does: Loses. I’ve seen this man snatch defeat out from the jaws of victory for years. I watched him play KD out of OKC. That’s an L for an entire franchise and, sure enough, he played the Clippers out of the Playoffs. Look, i know he was the most efficient he’s ever been post OKC days or whatever but that motherf*cker is watching the rest of these games from home. There’s a reason why the LAkers got better after we traded dude away and no amount of locker room positivity will ever change the fact that Rusty Westbrick is a loser.
Hell, How ‘bout them Kings?
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If you would have told me that the Kings would be a top five team in the West this season, I'd have called you a liar. If you’d have told me they would take the reigning NBA champion Warriors to seven games in the first round, I'd have punch you in the mouth. This sh*t is AMAZING! I thought that Haliburton trade was the “Kings gonna Kings” moment but nope! Fox stepped up and Monk stepped right with him. Sabonis has been a everything this team has needed and more. I am stunned how deep, fun to watch, and young this squad is. Seriously, the Kings deserved that third spot. They earned it. As a life long LAkers fan, i am rooting for the purple and gold. I want them to beat the Warriors tomorrow so we bring this long dormant rivalry back to life. Light the f*cking beam!
Ja might be my favorite of the youngsters but the Grizz are NOT fine in the West.
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Bet Dillon Brooks regrets poking that bear, yeah? What the f*ck happened to this team, man? I was rooting for these cats. I wanted Ja to take that next step. I wanted this squad to finally get the shine they deserve and NOPE! F*cking shenanigans, clownery, and disappointment.
I’m sorry, Ms. Jackson.
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The Cs had WAY too hard of a time with the goddamn Hawks. Seriously, the arena was double booked with a Janet Jackson concert because f*cking Atlanta didn’t even think they’d still be playing by then. The Celtics put it away in convincing fashion but really, bro? Six games for the f*cking Hawks? Word? Whatever gave y’all that hitch in your step, you better fix it because Philly is next man up and Embiid is hungry. Giannis ain’t around to gt in his way and he wants to make that sprint to the Finals, for sure.
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smokeybrand · 1 year
NBA Rant: Round One Roundabout
I have to say, this first round of the NBA Playoffs has been wildly exciting. I mean, the Kings are back in the Playoffs after damn near two decades. Giannis was bounced out by Jimmy Buckets! The Clippers did what Clippers do and sank. Man, there have been some straight up moments n these first few games and i got feelings!
The LAkers are glass cannons and we better pay AR15, goddamn!
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My darling LAkers are so goddamn inconsistency, it’s soul crushing. These cats gave all the tools necessary to be great and yet, we lose two games to the goddamn Grizz? We are, obviously, better than our seed (and the Grizz much, much worse than theirs) but, come on, really? They better pay Austin Reeves, though. This kid earned a raised during this first round. That, and the fact this team isn’t built to “win now.” These cats were thrown together at the trade deadline. We are overachieving right no. I am dying to see what an entire summer and preseason turn this already close squad into.
D-Lo is still the player I thought he was way back when.
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Russell had a pretty mediocre showing in this series and said some really wonky sh*t in press conferences. I’m concerned he’s still that immature kid who ratted on Nick Young. That’s nether here nor there right now bu dude still seems to have that ego sink all over him, which concerns me about the future. We need a guard who doesn’t mind taking a backseat in the moment but, when needed, drop a solid fifteen to twenty and Russell is wildly inconsistent in that regard. Dude can put up cartoon numbers, sure, but most of the time, he’s kind of a chucker? Or, at least, that’s what he’s been through these first six games.
The Bucks got straight bodied by the Injury Bandit.
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The Bucks have been the best team in the entire NBA this whole season. Easily creme of the crop. I thought, for sure, they were on their way to a Finals repeat. I thought Giannis was abut to take his turn as the new LeBron, forcing anyone with title aspirations through Milwaukee for years to come. Nope. Bro, when he went down with that back injury, his team crumpled. These motherf*ckers just wilted like week old lettuce and i couldn’t believe it. I doesn’t help that Coach Bud got absolutely schooled in he Xs and Os by Coach Spo. When your number one goes down and the mastermind is a dunce, you don’t really have a shot as the W. It also helps that...
Jimmy Buckets is THAT dude!!
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Bro, Playoff HIMmy is real! I wasn’t even clocking the Heat for anything this post-season, a footnote in the odyssey of the Greek Freak’s illustrious career, and then THIS happens? double-nickel plus one more, in a historic showing on the way to giving the number one seeded Bucks a gentleman sweep. This Miami Heat team is the one of six, eight seed teams to topple a number one. Not for nothing but my seven seeded LAkers knocked of the two seed Grizz, i forgot to mention that above, but to have both of those moments happen in the same year is ridiculous. The Grizz deserved it. The Bucks, not so much. Giannis blew out his back trying to slow down Jimmy getting his buckets.
Still not wrong about Rusty Westbrick but the Clippers sure were.
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Boy, if I'm Kawhi, I'm mad. Took all this time off to get straight for the Playoffs and, right before we get a shot at a proper title run for the first time in his Clippers tenure, you sign Rusty Westbrick? Word? Bro, say what you will about his stats and accolades and locker room chemistry, Russ is a loser. That’s hat he does: Loses. I’ve seen this man snatch defeat out from the jaws of victory for years. I watched him play KD out of OKC. That’s an L for an entire franchise and, sure enough, he played the Clippers out of the Playoffs. Look, i know he was the most efficient he’s ever been post OKC days or whatever but that motherf*cker is watching the rest of these games from home. There’s a reason why the LAkers got better after we traded dude away and no amount of locker room positivity will ever change the fact that Rusty Westbrick is a loser.
Hell, How ‘bout them Kings?
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If you would have told me that the Kings would be a top five team in the West this season, I'd have called you a liar. If you’d have told me they would take the reigning NBA champion Warriors to seven games in the first round, I'd have punch you in the mouth. This sh*t is AMAZING! I thought that Haliburton trade was the “Kings gonna Kings” moment but nope! Fox stepped up and Monk stepped right with him. Sabonis has been a everything this team has needed and more. I am stunned how deep, fun to watch, and young this squad is. Seriously, the Kings deserved that third spot. They earned it. As a life long LAkers fan, i am rooting for the purple and gold. I want them to beat the Warriors tomorrow so we bring this long dormant rivalry back to life. Light the f*cking beam!
Ja might be my favorite of the youngsters but the Grizz are NOT fine in the West.
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Bet Dillon Brooks regrets poking that bear, yeah? What the f*ck happened to this team, man? I was rooting for these cats. I wanted Ja to take that next step. I wanted this squad to finally get the shine they deserve and NOPE! F*cking shenanigans, clownery, and disappointment.
I’m sorry, Ms. Jackson.
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The Cs had WAY too hard of a time with the goddamn Hawks. Seriously, the arena was double booked with a Janet Jackson concert because f*cking Atlanta didn’t even think they’d still be playing by then. The Celtics put it away in convincing fashion but really, bro? Six games for the f*cking Hawks? Word? Whatever gave y’all that hitch in your step, you better fix it because Philly is next man up and Embiid is hungry. Giannis ain’t around to gt in his way and he wants to make that sprint to the Finals, for sure.
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afracturedstory · 1 year
It’s been a long time since I visited these halls. I felt something deep inside me, calling out, to come back and write down my story. I’ve never been one for words, I’m a reader, not a writer - but I need to get some things out of my head and into the world. These feelings just won’t go away and I’m hoping that this will somehow fix something in me. I keep having these weird breakdowns. I don’t know what I’m doing, where I’m going. I have student debt and nothing to show for it. No career, no connections, no practical skills, no want, no desire, no motivation, no job, no money, no life. 
I don’t remember much of my childhood. I think my brain found one coping mechanism - repression - and it stuck with it. I remember bits and pieces when I hear other people mention certain things. They’ll talk about a time they walked to school, and I’ll remember the time I tried to do the same, at 5 years old, and my father rolled up beside me in the car, the most panicked I have ever seen on his somber face. He simply said “get in” and I did. I was so terribly confused. I was just walking to school. My older brother was allowed to walk to school alone and I wanted to as well. I knew the way, so I just put on my backpack, my shoes, and started walking to school. When we arrived back at home, the entire neighbourhood was out looking for me. Or at least it seemed that way. A few neighbours from across and down the street were outside, which I remember being quite odd. That many people were never outside at the same time. 
That is probably my most vivid memory, and one of the only, I have from being a child. Others are simply glimpses of a friend’s big, fluffy orange cat, eating cold KD with ketchup for lunch because I liked it that way, or watching a friend play Halo while her dad was out (I had no idea what Halo was at that time). I moved around so much that I think my brain repressed a lot of things. Not trauma, but traumatic for my innocent little mind. A lot went on in my early life that I could not comprehend at the time. And then, suddenly, I woke up. We moved to a new city, not for the first time, but for the first time to a new province. We didn’t know anybody. I started at a new school. I made a friend simply for being a “smart kid” and so my friend was the other “smart kid”. A year later, she introduced me to a girl who I believe, to this day, was my soulmate. Though she did not feel the same way about me. She was a free spirit, independent; the same things people told me I was, but we were far from the same. 
Looking back, she taught me everything I needed to know about the world. She took an innocent, scared child and made me into someone who understands mental illness, addiction, why people act the way they do, she taught me that I could do whatever I wanted, skip school, shoplift, tell people how I really felt about them (good or bad). It’s strange to have been so deeply influenced by a person who seemingly had no interest in me for the majority of the decade that we were friends. She absolutely broke my heart when she said that we had only really been friends for two or three years. And then cut further the more she told me what she thought of me. I already knew those things about myself, I didn’t need my soulmate telling me those things. I lashed out, as I do, and eventually, after months of telling her to fuck off with her drunken calls, I finally was rid of her. The girl who shaped the woman I am today. 
I’m not sure if this will turn into anything, or if it will just be ramblings from a heartbroken girl, but I’ll be using this space to share my memories, before, during, and after my time with my soulmate. Sometimes I’ll be angry, sometimes tired, sometimes sobbing as I write these words. Sometimes I’ll make no sense at all, and sometimes I’ll be searching for the sense in my experiences. Whatever happens, I hope that each time, I’ll feel a little better than before. 
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dallasareaopinion · 2 years
A little Dallas sports talk, ‘cause the election is gonna suck
They absolutely need a none of the above box where if none of the above wins they have to start the process over and the candidates on the ballot can’t run again. Politicians might be a bit more aware of what the people want.
And on a side note, none of the above gets free advertising, like a public service announcement that explains what the means a couple times a week leading up to the election. I bet we hear much different from the candidates or at least it is a worthwhile pipe dream.
Anyway, the Cowboys are a pleasant surprise so far this year. There are still some holes overall, yet there is also more promise shown that I thought going into the season. And Cooper Rush shown exactly what it means to be “the” back up quarterback. You know he isn’t going to start in the long run, but he is well worth having on the roster.
I still have high hopes for the Mavericks, yet like the Cowboys they have some holes to fill. The JaVale McGee experiment is not working out well, but I think we still keep him for now even as a starter to see if he just needs to work out kinks or find out if he is passed any sort of prime he had. We need big man play eventually and so having him on the roster to find out where he stands will benefit in the long run. If he doesn’t work out, Kidd will have to figure out the adjustments like last year, but hopefully he has enough to help us in the moments he is needed.
And stop all the hypothetical trades for all these crazy superstars. Why do all the sports sites want to have the Mavericks bail out some other team with their problems. I did think why not Durant and who would we need to trade. There is no perfect solution that is equitable or benefits the Mavericks unless we just get KD. He is still good, but fitting him into the current core that the Mavericks need to keep means giving up too much of that core and the Nets are not taking peripheral players. Unless we get a super promising young player under 26 or 25 I would keep the core and hope Coach Kidd can realign the defense like he did last year. It is real early in the season so there is time. 
And for that core to work, Luka’s assists need to remain high. It means people are making baskets and just as important the ball is moving around. The ball movement should also bring up the team average for assists. To me the assists/ball movement along with better defense is the Mavericks better chance of being successful than forcing a “second star” into the mix. One needs to be developed. It might have been Jalen Brunson, but that ship has sailed, so hopefully C. Woods can develop and morph into the working second scorer and keep everyone else averaging in the teens up through the 8th or 9th man in the rotation then the Mavs should do just fine. Or Spencer and Woods average about the same right around 20 points each behind Luka and then things could really pop. And Woods does help with the rebounding so that also helps Luka a bit. Maybe not as many triple doubles, but rather have the points and assists being the lead for Luka. 
The Cowboys have gotten lucky with the two back approach since Pollard has come into his own. Zeke may not be what he use to be, yet he can be a heavy hitting back and run people over in the fourth quarter still so in the long run having both backs is a blessing. And speaking of trades, I wonder what happened with the trade for the Houston receiver that did not pan out at the deadline. Never hurts to have that third or fourth receiver that is consistent. Wide receivers are a unique bunch to say the least, but when talented a joy to watch. 
And if you like your mind expanded, oops I mean your world expanded, the World Cup begins soon. Even though there are many controversaries about what went on in Qatar to build it, the players and the game should be what you watch. We can put international pressure on the country at the same time the games are going on. Hopefully it can be a double edge sword for Qatar with being in the limelight and people realizing the lack of respect for others, workers and life their elitist culture as wrought. 
I like to vote on election day, however this year because of circumstances I did vote early. And again we need a none of the above choice. I live and vote in Dallas County and most and I do mean most of the races had only one choice. And on top of that Dallas County created a list of all the candidates with no opposition and you had to scroll through it to finish the ballot. So why bother if we are stuck with just one choice of even putting them on the ballot? I didn’t like the look or the feel and I know a few of the people running unopposed and would have voted for them even with a competitive race so not being able to acknowledge or vote against the choice seems to be like we are short changing the process and democracy.
The mid terms are less than a week away so go vote and go throw up because that is where we are now. Too many choices that are so partisan there is no way we are getting a functional government anymore. Like the ex president says “sad”.
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absolutebl · 2 years
Favorite couples with a D/s dynamic? And I mean specifically D/s, not switchy or anything else. Just one sided permanent power exchange.
10 Favorite BL Couples with a Strong D/s Dynamic
ooo, you with the challenges. Okay, let's do this thing! In no particular order and in defiance of how good the actual BL itself was, in the end. 
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1. Lian & Kuea (Cutie Pie) 
Of course they top the list. As I type this their show isn’t done, but it’s safe to say it at least ends happily so... yeah. 
Kink style? Indulgent Daddy/naughty boy 
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2. Yi & KD (Cutie Pie side dishes) 
Their dynamic isn’t my personal favorite but I think MaxNat give great D/s and always have done since they first appeared in Why R U? 
Kink style? Stern Daddy/pleaser 
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3. Yuan Zong & Xia Yao (Advance Bravely) 
Once upon a time China was kinky too. Sigh. Anygay, these two had such potential. Bummer it never went anywhere. 
Kink style? Overprotective Daddy/spoiled prince (censored) 
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4. Xie Yan & Shu Nian (Irresistible Love 1 & 2) 
Speaking of China, this is a perfectly executed whipping boy trope but you gotta be a least a little kinky to like that one at all, I think, since it’s hella warped to start with. Be warned there are two endings out there and only one of them is at all happy. 
Kink style? Spoiled Dom/whipping boy (unhealthy, triggers) 
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5. Hira & Kiyoi (Utsukushii Kare) 
While we are on the subject of whipping boy, let’s get My Beautiful Man out the way, shall we? This one makes absolutely no bones about anything but being messed up and kinky af and we love Japan for it. 
Kink style? Worshipful Dom/spoiled prince 
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6. Gii & Takumi (the Takumi-Kun series) 
What to stay about the start of it all? In stark contrast to above, Japan had no idea what it was doing with these characters (but to be fair, neither did the source material). It’s a seriously not good example of D/s (in a genre that specializes in such) but it is certainly D/s. 
Kink style? Stern Dom/broken sub (unhealthy, triggers) 
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7. TaeSung & HaeBom (Cherry Blossoms After Winter) 
Perhaps not the kinkiest on this list but I wanted to include something from Korea. Also, it’s unfinished as I write this, so not sure how they’ll end up. They’re very soft for true D/s but it’s such a strong seme/uke that I think we can call this one for kinkdom. 
Kink style? Caring Dom/service sub 
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8. Jin Teng & Yi Chen (HIStory Obsessed)
Such a traditional dynamic with such a nice twist. Jin Teng is nothing but dominant, but he is thrown for a loop when the submissive he instinctively knows is meant to be HIS keeps resisting him. I like it when a Dom has to work against type.  
Kink Style? Spoiled Dom/worshipper sub 
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9. Jack & Zhao (HIStory 3 Trapped side dishes) 
Another gentler one, but so cute because of the personalities, and a kind of couple only Taiwan can give us (since it requires the uke to be sexually actualized). 
Kink style? Indulgent Daddy/needy boy 
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10. LeoFiat (Don’t Say No) 
Perhaps one of the first to be openly self conscious about its kink dynamic, unfortunately that means I’m less forgiving about them getting stuff wrong. But hey at least it was open about it? 
Kink style? Reluctant Dom/brat 
You’ll notice there’s not a ton from Thailand, that’s because while they do strong Seme/uke all the time they don’t really seem to focus on the D/s side of the equation. They do have it all the time, but soft, since this is you, queen, I assumed you wanted the harder more explicit stuff. 
This post dated April 2022, not responsible for fabulous hot D/s dynamics that have popped up after this date. (I’m looking at YOU KinnPorsche.) 
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