#he literally made yggdrasil
treeoflifeloki · 7 months
Guess that's why they were calling the timelines branches all along
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pocket-dust-starr · 7 months
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anthurak · 2 years
One of my favorite things about Control is just how completely and utterly nuts/bonkers/GONE the FBC is as one of these ‘secret government blackops’ groups.
Like this is a trope we’re all fairly familiar with at this point; some secret government organization formed to monitor, contain and research all kinds of weird shit and keep it secret from the public. Also they may or may not have kinda gone totally rogue somewhere along the way and might now answer only to themselves at this point in a ‘who watches the watchers?’ commentary on the need for oversight.
But the more you find out about the Federal Bureau of Control, the more it becomes clear they just so utterly past ANY of that by the time the game begins. And have been for basically the last fifty some odd years.
Like here is a basic overview of the FBC that you learn within the first thirty or so minutes of the game: They are a secret government organization dedicated to the containment, cataloguing and research of supernatural artifacts and events. They are headquartered in what they call ‘The Oldest House’, a tall, imposing yet utterly nondescript building in the middle of New York City that is literally impossible for anyone to enter or even notice unless they already know about it. And the interior of the building is actually a twisting extradimensional labyrinth that also opens up to other dimensions/realities and might actually be the World Tree Yggdrasil. It also kind of hates any technology made in the last twenty years. And apparently Number 2 Pencils.
Oh, and the FBC doesn’t really report to the US Government. They report to a floating, inverted black pyramid that exists in a space outside of known reality that might also be the collective human subconscious. The pyramid is colloquially referred to as ‘The Board’ and they are an extradimensional entity/group of entities that appoints the Director of the FBC via the use of a physics-defying geometric gun called ‘The Service Weapon’ that is probably Excalibur/Mjolnir/every other legendary weapon in human myth. They also speak in word-salads and probably know they are in a video game.
See, back in 1964 when the FBC first discovered The Oldest House, they basically decided ‘WOW, this place is cool! Let’s make it our new headquarters!’ and promptly moved in. This was also when the current Director at the time found the Service Weapon within The Oldest House, made contact with/was chosen by The Board and from the point on the FBC really hasn’t answered to the US Government anymore.
Also, the Government basically doesn’t even know the Bureau even EXISTS anymore. Remember how The Oldest House has this kind of ‘Perception Filter’ that prevents almost anyone from entering it or even noticing it, which is how basically nobody can find it despite the fact that it is right in the middle of New York City? Well, after they moved in and became effective ‘residents’ of the house, this filter started applying to the FBC itself. They basically CAN’T be noticed or remembered at this point by anyone who isn’t part of the organization. The reason this secret organization can operate entirely off the grid and can’t be tracked is because they literally have freaky extradimensional reality-warping covering their tracks.
This is what I meant when I said that the FBC is just so far GONE. At this point, the FBC is itself a crazy, supernatural thing in and of itself.
Other fun details about the FBC include:
The Bureau facilities in The Oldest House are not powered by coal, oil or nuclear power. No, instead the lights are kept on by a former director who went a tad power-mad and lost control of his pyrokinesis, so the Bureau locked him up in a giant ‘Sarcophagus Containment’ unit and now use him as a power-generator.  He also sometimes talks through the waste-disposal furnace to try and get people to bring him human sacrifices.
The maintenance sector of the FBC includes an area called the ‘Black Rock Quarry’. The so called ‘black rock’ is an extra-dimensional mineral that, among other things, blocks and dampens supernatural effects and abilities. Needless to say, the Bureau mines the stuff extensively. Now, despite being within The Oldest House, the Black Rock Quarry is an open-top quarry. To space.
One of the ways Bureau personnel get around is via pull-strings that show up all over The Oldest House. Pull a string three times and you are transported to the Oceanview Motel, a quaint little motel that probably exists outside of known reality because no one has ever been able to actually go or see outside the motel. Once you’re there, you just ring the bell on the front desk three times, do some random task and procure a room key. The key opens a door, but only one with an inverted black pyramid. From there, you pull another string and are transported back to somewhere else in The Oldest House. So basically a rather convoluted teleportation system. There are also doors with other symbols that probably go to other realities, but the Bureau hasn’t figured out how to open them. Though one does seem to lead to a void of malevolent darkness that feeds off human creativity and is currently holding one Alan Wake.
Also, the bureau’s janitor is probably a Finnish Sea God.
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magpie-murder · 6 months
*it wont let me edit the poll, but the one with the random parentheses in the middle is meant to read "valhalla and hel are not the only afterlives"
people who dont know much about norse mythology:
i see a decent amount of misinformation surrounding norse mythology (particularly related to loki's family, how many children he has, who he is and is not related to, etc) so i figured this could be a fun game to play to encourage people to both read about norse myths and fact check things before you post them while claiming they're true.
ex: váli is not canonically a lokison, he was an odinson; loki is not related, even by adoption, to thor; loki as WAY MORE than two children and the status of two of them potentially being twins is highly debatable; loki did not have a horse baby for funsies, it was to protect asgard; there's more but these are the MAIN ones i see
this is not to say you shouldn't mess around with norse mythology in your fanon btw!!! i do a bunch of incredibly non-canon things with my loki fanon. i just ask you to fact check when you're talking about actual norse mythology 🛐
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avelera · 7 months
Some missed opportunities for Norse Mythology references in the Loki S2 Finale
I want to quickly preface this by saying the Loki show never claimed to be about or even incorporate more than passing nods to Norse mythology, so the following "missed opportunities" are more things that I think could have been cool and were perhaps within reach as references, but that even at my most wildly optimistic I didn't and still don't really expect because the show has been so very clear on this front. It's not fair to say these are flaws because the show never pretended to be about Norse mythology. NEVERTHELESS, because I'm a big nerd:
1) Ragnarok - All respect to Waititi and Thor III, it was a great interpretation of the myth, but I've always longed for something a little closer to the doom and mysticism of the mythology and the Loki S2 finale came tantalizingly close to invoking it, but fell short of actually using the word. Because Ragnarok isn't just about the fall of the gods, it's about the destruction and rebirth of the world. "After [the events of Ragnarok], the world will rise again, cleansed and fertile, the surviving and returning gods will meet, and the world will be repopulated by two human survivors." 
Gee does that sound familiar! Almost like destroying all of the timelines to create them anew! Almost like that's what Sylvie was invoking by telling him it's better to accept destruction rather than accept imprisonment, and to build something new out of the ashes.
That's Ragnarok. That's literally Ragnarok and they invoked it in so many ways there short of actually using the damn word.
Loki, the god destined to bring about Ragnarok, proceeding to directly bring down the current timeline by destroying and then renewing it with a male and female survivor to help rebuild (visualized with Mobius and Sylvie's little chat at the end, even if it's the TVA they helped rebuild not the human population) sure does sound astonishingly close to invoking the story of Ragnarok.
And even though I'm bummed they never called it Ragnarok, I completely understand why! Ragnarok has kinda already happened in the MCU (never mind that Ragnarok itself is cyclical and will come again, but I digress)! I'd even go so far as to guess that earlier drafts probably did make it clearer but the thread, except for its bones and outline, were abandoned or left unnamed explicitly because it would be confusing for those not familiar with the myth or who would conflate Ragnarok with its Thor III invocation. Alas.
2) Loki bound - Already sort of invoked in Thor II with Loki imprisoned, which is why I don't think any more overt reference was made, but Loki was rather famously bound up in mythology. In this case, in a cave with a snake's poison dripping into his mouth. Not saying Loki bound to his throne of time needed to be conflated with how he was imprisoned until Ragnarok in the myhology, but the imprisonment parallel is there.
3) Loki becomes the new Odin, sacrificed upon Yggrasil - "The generally accepted meaning of Old Norse Yggdrasill is "Odin's horse", meaning "gallows". This interpretation comes about because drasill means "horse" and Ygg(r) is one of Odin's many names. The Poetic Edda poem Hávamál describes how Odin sacrificed himself by hanging from a tree, making this tree Odin's gallows. This tree may have been Yggdrasil." (source)
IE, Loki has sacrificed himself upon the world tree for power and knowledge and for the sake of the world. In this, unlike in the mythology where Loki is not Odin's son, Loki ascends to a parallel of his father's throne to follow in his legacy, having finally learned his father's lessons about rulership and self-sacrifice. Perhaps like the mythological Odin, we will learn that in making this self-sacrifice, Loki too has gained phenomenal knowledge and power?
4) Ratatoskr - This is more foward-looking and I don't in a million years think they'll do it but it would be so cool - so cool - if at some later point Loki has a friend or a servant or a squirrel form or idk, something that invokes Ratatoskr, the squirrel that lives in the World Tree and freely travels up and down its branches delivering messages. Please, MCU, give Loki a little squirrel friend??
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simplylupin · 5 months
I was watching CA: the first avenger the other day and I saw something which I thought was kind of crazy.
Y'know at the beginning when Red Skull steals the Tesseract, he pushes (or pulls or does something to) the little wooden snake engraving in the wall to reveal it. That snake engraving is at the bottom of Yggdrasil, or the tree of life.
Who does a snake represent? Loki.
Who essentially became/made Yggdrasil? Loki.
What one thing basically kick-starts Loki's assent to the God of Time/The God of Stories? The Tesseract.
Please correct me if I'm completely wrong with this or if someone's already pointed out but I just needed to share.
Also I know they can't have planned this because this film was literally made a decade ago but...
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violation72089 · 7 months
i made this literally to soften the blow of this season’s last episode. it’s literally a “thank u” to the entire Lokius fandom for making this season so good for me. y’all are both FUNNY and hashtag RELATABLE here on tumblr, and many of you are super talented as well!!
if you like this story, please re-blog OvO if not, PLEASE KEEP SCROLLING and don’t be mean >:c i’m not here for the “tHaT’s iMpOsSiBle iN tHe TVA” WHO CARES. JUST LET THEM BE HAPPY.
A Bond at the Center of Time
Loki finally had his throne. For his entire life, he had coveted this power that he now held so delicately in his hands.
All at once, Loki felt differently than he’d expected. He knew by now that this wasn’t the power he thought he wanted. Now, sitting at this throne of time, he began to consider how much he had changed.
In the past, Loki was a destroyer. He was easy to blame and easy to hate. Even arriving at the TVA, he had his walls built high and was ready to stand tall to defend himself.
But with one conversation, Loki had quickly realized that his past aggression was all an act.
As he considered that fateful encounter, Loki’s heart sank.
His right-hand man. The person he trusted.
Loki looked down, taking in the sight of Yggdrasil. He had certainly aligned the multiverse as it needed to be, but he knew in his heart there was some things still left unsaid.
He stood up, still conscious of his magic to stabilize Yggdrasil. Simultaneously, his slender hand reached for a particular branch in the timeline.
It glowed, and moments passed while Loki seemed to be looking for something.
His eyes closed, and his head dipped down once he finally felt the energy he needed.
Slowly, he sent a rush of his own energy through the timeline. It was definitely the right one. The link clicked.
If he wanted to, Mobius could respond.
“W-what?” Mobius was saying. “What’s going on?”
Loki could only chuckle, small tears forming in his eyes at the sound of his voice.
He was still alive.
“Mobius.” Loki choked back tears.
“Loki? I— hang on! Just hang on.”
Mobius seemed to be getting away from something, and now quickly headed to somewhere with less noise.
“Loki?” Mobius said breathlessly, “Is that really you?”
“Mobius!” Loki exclaimed. “It’s me.”
“It really is you.” His voice was full of wonder. “How are you even talking to me right now?”
Loki wiped his tears away. “I-uh… I’m a God. I guess I have my ways.”
Mobius laughed. “Still the man of mischief! Wow! How are things going up there in the treehouse?”
Loki laughed now, glad to hear his bad jokes again. “I was hoping you’d come here and see it.”
“Now, look,” Mobius protested, “I personally think risking to get my skin peeled off once was enough. As much as I’d love to, I think I’ll pass.”
“I’m sure there’s a way,” Loki assured him. “Let’s ask O.B.”
As time passed, Mobius worked alongside O.B. to create a way to safely visit Loki. After many long hours spent in Repairs & Advancement, they finally invented a type of time box that could travel through multiverse branches. Even with only one coat of paint, the mechanism would surely get the job done.
Mobius was all suited up, moving around impatiently in his bulky attire. He waited for O.B.’s signal, running the plan through his head one last time.
“Alright,” O.B. chirped, “it’s ready to go. All you have to do is think about where it really is that you want to be.”
After a few clicked computer buttons, Mobius braced himself and thought of Loki. The interrogations, the outings, the pies, the talks…
Before he knew it, he was gone.
Mobius woke almost instantly, seeing that he was standing inside in a glowing green box. It was much like the orange time boxes in the TVA— but, this time, this box was meant to protect.
Mobius looked up, seeing Loki from outside the square. He had a fixed smile on his face from his spot on the throne.
“I guess it worked,” Mobius said awkwardly, chuckling.
Loki stood up. His cape trailed behind him as he entered the green box with ease.
They held eye contact, slowly walking toward each other.
“It’s safe in here, you know.” Loki gestures to the radiation suit. “You won’t be needing this.”
“Ah, I guess not.”
They were silent as Mobius stepped out of the giant protective suit. To his pleasant surprise, this green space was just as safe as Loki had said.
When Mobius finished, he stood in his brown suit with his hands folded in front of him. He looked at Loki expectantly, watching him come closer.
“Um…” Loki started, finding his words. “Hi.”
“Hi,” Mobius answered, obviously confused. “What made you want to bring me all the way here?”
Loki lifted his hands carefully, slowly placing them on Mobius’ arms.
The God looked down. As much as he had done to save the multiverse, this somehow seemed like the hardest thing he’d ever had to do.
“Mobius,” Loki said finally. “I’ve had a lot of time to think. I’ve sorted through our memories, reliving all our old experiences. To me, I feel a lot was left unsaid.”
“You think?” Mobius quipped, smiling.
Loki exhaled a small laugh, meeting his eyes.
“When I met you, I wouldn’t shake your hand,” Loki began. “You prodded my brain like any other criminal. You even went so far to throw me into a time cell.”
Mobius knitted his eyebrows. “Hey, I thought we made it past all that.”
“It is in the past,” Loki agreed. “But I’m not finished just yet.”
Mobius opened his mouth to reply, but shut it again.
“I came back to the TVA and you didn’t know who I am,” he continued. “But… I never forgot who you were. You helped me fix my time slipping, and since that day I felt things start to change.”
Loki paused. The two of them kept looking at each other.
“There was something I wanted to say then,” he continued, “do you remember?”
“If you didn’t make it back?” Mobius laughed nervously. “We see how that ended though, didn’t we?”
“For sure,” Loki nodded, looking away once more.
This was it.
“What is it?” Mobius’ voice was a whisper now.
Loki cautiously glanced back up at him. The tug came again at Loki’s chest, and this time he knew what it was.
“I love you.” Loki paused. “That’s what I wanted to say.”
Mobius’ eyes grew wide. Then, he smiled.
The two of them naturally closed the distance between them. Mobius started to grab Loki’s cape, but the God took his hands gently instead.
“I love you, too,” Mobius answered, looking down at their hands intertwined between them. “Wow, I… who would’ve guessed? You almost wish this had better timing, though, don’t you?”
Loki laughed softly, small tears of joy forming again in his eyes. His hands grabbed Mobius’ face, and he pulled him in for a kiss.
This surprised Mobius, but his eyes fluttered closed. He kissed Loki back, moving delicately against his lips. His hands found their way to Loki’s sides that he always loved to touch.
When the kiss ended, they both caught their breaths. The kiss had been tender and slow, but all the emotion they’d built up for an immeasurable amount of time had finally sparked and started to burn.
Now, they couldn’t let each other go. They held each other, feeling like everything finally made sense.
“What now?” Mobius asked, leaning against Loki.
“The same thing, I’m afraid,” Loki answered sadly. “I have to focus constantly on preserving this tree.”
Mobius frowned.
“It’s harder to do when you’re here, but… I still can.” Loki kissed Mobius’ forehead. “What do you say you come up here to see me sometimes?”
“An occasional trip out to the cosmos? I’m in,” Mobius said. “I admit, with this now I’m sure you won’t be able to keep me away.”
“Not a chance I’d ever try.”
Mobius and Loki backed away, looking each other now with a sense of knowing.
“Let some time pass, and come back to me soon. I’ll miss you,” Loki said softly, just before exiting the time cell.
Mobius looked down, holding back his tears. “I’ll miss you too.”
In an instant, Mobius was safely returned to the correct moment on his timeline. His life looked the same— his same suburban house and unkept lawn. Even so, he knew nothing would feel the same to him ever again. Not after today.
Loki felt the same way, now sitting on his throne with a smile on his face. He realized now there was nothing wrong with wanting something.
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smthlok · 7 months
(loki ep6 spoilers)
ok but another favorite part of this episode is the Yggdrasil reference. he made it himself, put his whole soul into it, literally, and it all came together with his past as well. i really enjoyed that.
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tremendoushideoutfun · 7 months
"Loki's desperation is palpable in this episode, as he tries anything he can in order to not only save his friends but save all of time. When confronted with the inevitability that Sylvie must die, he returns to the branched timeline from the last episode, before Sylvie can spaghettify, and freezes time to tell her what he must do. It's there that Sylvie confronts him, telling him that allowing He Who Remains to live robs existence of free will — and she's right. Even with just a Sacred Timeline, existence is still full of death, destruction, suffering, and injustice. And in that moment, Loki understands the choice he must make".
"Without Sylvie's connection to Loki, it would have been easy to allow He Who Remains to live in order to save all of time and space. But Loki's love for Sylvie keeps him from making the hard choice, even if it means saving literally every single life. His love for her also makes him understand that the only choice is to sacrifice himself rather than anyone else. Loki has called himself selfish and untrustworthy, but in the finale he not only selflessly takes on the mammoth task of becoming the person who must hold together the strands of time, but he also is who all existence has to thank for being able to exist. Although Kang is the villain of this era of the MCU, the impact of Loki's transformation into literally Yggdrasil, the Norse tree of life, seems like a story destined for the big screen".
"It's hard to imagine a more fitting ending for the series. And while I personally would have enjoyed a couple more scenes between Loki and Sylvie, the way the show was stitched together deserves some praise. Season 2's finale brings together all the elements of the series and of Loki's life. While the ending itself is poetic, it means that the weight of literally every world now rests on the shoulders of our favorite Norse god".
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ariesalpinesavi · 3 months
have better things to do, but i just started going through my old DeviantArt page so uhh, gonna post some old things of interest
just got into my "realism" phase and was at a dog show - i wasnt showing so i was talking to everyone who had time. Met a Berner named Otis and had to draw him <3
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Didn't have my own laptop cause i was prolly only 13? so using my mom's laptop i made this multi-media creation X,D dont mind the mess, i literally LIVED in this spot for like 3 years
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Yggdrasil tree - remember distinctly fighting my teachers bc we were allowed to doodle in class, but apparently this wasn't considered "doodling" anymore
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One of my first few times catching a shiny pokemon while trying to chain (but it was my birthday and i ended up finding it within like 2 encounters)
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the first time i worked up the courage to draw a nude figure (scary lmao)
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the prospect of going to a real art college was scary, and i thought they wouldnt accept me unless my art was deep so....."smoking kills"
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went to a trade school for digital art, learned they dont actually teach animation. They lied to me. When i called them on it, they suddenly made up an animation project and i basically showed the class how i use Adobe Flash
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Met my current partner at this trade school for visual art and he said he liked giraffes. Guess who got a metric ton of giraffe drawings after that (thats my love language)
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going to a highschool dance with my current partner - feels like a lifetime ago
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Another instance of "art schools wont want me unless i do real artsy looking shit", first time i ever touched an ipad
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was taking japanese classes and some furry pen pals online helped me so much with daily conversations (and constantly correcting my spelling and grammar!)
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the music program at my high school was really big. The band students asked me to make the painting they gifted the teacher when he finally retired
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My dog, one who i had worked with the last 6 years, had passed away after being hit by a car. Tried to process my feelings the only way I knew how.
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the first anonymous death threat i ever got online
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my first DnD character, a druid
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dabbled in pixel art for a hot minute
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OKAY last one -- watercolour self portrait right before i left my little hometown for the first time and was going to live on my own to finally study at a real art college
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metanarrates · 5 months
what do you think about the implications that the fourth wall/dokkaebi king is Jesus
i'm not sure it's an important piece of information in itself, frankly! i believe that someone COULD draw out that piece of info and construct a lot of meaning from it, but to me, it's just a fragment of the larger idea. the dokkaebi king is not just jesus - he is a representation of every founding myth and story in all the world.
so he is jesus. he is god. he is lucifer. I'm sure he is also yggdrasil, or the fates from greek mythology, or any other mythological idea that explains how the world is founded. or any important myth, too. I haven't read the epic of gilgamesh, but I would bet real money that something around him at least references it.
it's not even that any of these figures are his real identity, either. it's implied he doesn't quite have one. the way orv's universe functions, everything is just another incarnation of an older and deeper story. the dokkaebi king himself doesn't know where he originated. he is a representation of the concept of "the founding story," if you will. a story that seems responsible for the origin of everything, but is, in itself, a text whose origin is slightly shrouded in mystery. a final boss who seems like he might be responsible for all the world's evils, but who is ultimately a character in a text, and who by definition cannot be the author or reader who made the constructed reality of the fictional world.
I suppose you can draw a savior/jesus story out of his role as the fourth wall, but I also personally don't see it that way. the dokkaebi king represents not just the text of twsa, but literally all literature and mythology. and while he does protect kim dokja in this role, it is not an unambiguously good or healthy thing, as jesus allegories tend to treat the concept of saviorism. since kim dokja uses fiction itself as a coping mechanism to dissociate himself from daily life, the fourth wall becomes his shield. this makes it so the fourth wall represents both fiction itself AND fiction as a coping mechanism AND fiction as a way of understanding and interpreting the world. its a very multilayered allegory. and while orv ultimately settles on his usage of fiction being an overall good thing, it is HIGHLY nuanced and not afraid to point out how the thing that saves him can also be a hindrance at times. which is sort of antithetical to a jesus allegory lol
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medievildead · 11 months
Thinking for a moment about it though- Because the events of gow are a separate universe, the death of certain gods happening sooner than intended changed the trajectory of how mythology played out. Because Baldur died earlier than it did in the OG myth, fimbulvinter happened early. Everything happened early. We know that in the dimension of Yggdrasil, the reign of mankind is still blossoming and the age of the vikings has yet to prosper and- by proxy, mortal classism has not yet become heavily implemented among midgardians.
The tale of Heimdall/Rigr's sons occurred when mortalkind was thriving and beginning to form an economy, and Heimdall took it upon himself to visit the "realm of man". During the events of gow, this has not yet happened. In fact it feels implied Heimdall hasn't even stepped foot in midgard yet as he has no need to. So, evidently, Heimdall's sons have not been born. Because they have had no reason to be, there is no current midgardian class system present in the realm for Heimdall- or his unborn sons- to enforce.
It's like a break in spacetime. Because of the premature death of Baldur, certain things haven't happened. Because the real tyr has been locked up all this time, certain things haven't happened. Because Laufey didn't mother Loki until Kratos came around, so many events among the aesir played out differently.
Among these things that bent myth, Heimdall's sons are among the unfortunate cast that never existed. Because Heimdall died in the canon of gow much sooner than anticipated- Midgard never began a proper social class system and economy, so he never got the chance to take the role of Rigr in Midgard, and he never got the chance to seek shelter in mortal homes, and therefore never got the chance to grant children to the women of each home.
So Heimdall's children don't exist. Simply because they never got the chance to in that specific universe. Quite literally, Kratos stepping foot in Midgard changed the trajectory of life forever. Much like how Kratos changed the fate of the olympian gods, he changed the fate of the aesir gods too
And actually, going by this theory, because Karl, Jarl and Thrall have never existed to represent and enforce the socioeconomic-ness of Midgard- in killing Heimdall, Kratos may have inadvertently made the Midgardians communists. And frankly that is the funniest thing to come out of this theory
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apathyandmischief · 7 months
I think one of the things that bothers me most about Loki's ending now that I've had time to simmer is that it was just so passive. We get all of this beautiful character development, all of this raw power that he refines over the course of the series (though it was rushed in the last episode in a way that made it feel too convenient, I wish more of the season explored honing his skills), only for him to get a stupidly passive ending. I'm okay with the sacrifice, I'm okay with the solitude. But for him to climb the steps into unknown only to sit on a throne, literally holding together the fabric of time at the center of Yggdrasil? They effectively made our beloved into a zip tie
Edit: my bad. I guess he's a battery. Which is somehow worse?
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bladesofkyber · 1 year
I can’t remember if someone else has talked about this, but i’ve got a brain worm so it’s gotta come out:
I cannot stop thinking about how impossibly cruel it is that Freya was banished to midgard; separated from her people, humans, and even her own twin. Freya, as a goddess of fertility, beauty, love, sex, war, gold & seiðr, as well as a leader of the Vanir, would have been surrounded by others. I can’t remember if this is canon or just my HC that i’ve adopted as actual canon, but Freya might have stolen away from her duties as a child to play among the flowers in Vanaheim. It would be a poetic tragedy if the activity she chose as a child became the bane of her adult life.
When Odin bound Freya with the roots of Yggdrasil he took everything from her. Everything that made Freya, Freya was taken away and locked up or given to someone else. She was [just] the Witch of the Woods when we met her, Odin took her entire identity. Her people believed she abandoned them for Asgard; that Freya, ever loyal to Vanaheim, chose the tyrants over her own. No one in Vanaheim knew she was trying to escape back home when Odin trapped her in Midgard.
By the time of the Journey, Freya’s been bound to Midgard for 120 years (per Atreus’ timeline in Lore & Legends.) Almost two whole lifetimes without anyone except Hildisvíni and Chaurli. Stripped of her home, her titles, her friends, her family and her ability to defend herself, Freya is nearly entirely alone and trapped in a realm that is not hers. That’s 120 years without human contact, without touching another person. The woman is literally touch starved, and for a goddess of love, fertility & war? That is devastating.
In Norse mythology, Freya gets half the souls that die in battle and, correct me if i’m wrong, she gets first pick of the souls too. and our Freya no longer has her warriors in Fólkvangr or her valkyries. She is alone. (Sans Chaurli & Hildisvíni, of course)
With her “warrior spirit” taken from her, Freya’s alone & defenseless sans magic to hide herself. She’s been almost neutered in a sense, a forced sterilization as punishment for having the audacity to leave. This leaves her no choice but to further isolate in order to protect herself. The desolation, begun by Odin when he corrupted the valkyries, means the only inhabitants of Midgard are essentially raiders and draugr.
And Freya cannot fight anything. Not even to defend herself.
The cruelty of this act cannot be understated.
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what sort of relationship does Iceland have with Canada & America? From wiki it tells me that Canada’s the big destination, but it’s paltry to the number of Katya’s people. I also think America was among the first to recognize Icelandic independence after one of the world wars? So, just what are those relationships like? if there even are relationships.
Okay, so to prelude this, I was very very interested in medieval Scandinavia and had an extremely cringy phase of being a practitioner of Scandinavian reconstructions of Norse Paganism and most of my knowledge comes from the Icelandic Saga's or Íslendingasögur and other related interests I carried before it became even more tightly linked with neo-nazism and other absolutely disgusting racist tendencies as was especially relevant to me in Canada and the US but elsewhere as well. So my knowledge does lean into their world before Alfred even exists. Also, I have only minimally interacted with the side of the fandom of the Scandinavians so I'm not overly familiar with what takes are out there so if I contradict fandom or anything else, I didn't mean to. That said, lets go a-viking to Vinland I fucken guess.
With Matt, I'd say there's some importance with the Icelandic immigration. For example, skyr as a dairy product was available and known to Canadians and made in Canada for generations before it was in the US. There's tons of Icelandic-Canadians in Winnipeg/Manitoba. There's also a lot of awareness of Iceland and its ties to Vinland/L'Anse aux Meadows. Also the odd headline about Iceland using Canada's currency when the banking issues went bad. Egill has probably seen the dual nature of Matt as Arthur's favourite knife and his more subdued version. So, barring further research into the Canadian occupation of 1940-1941 I think there's a level of trust there? Certainly familiarity. A random fun-fact is how heavily the initial Norwegian settlers just blazed through the existing trees on Iceland. I can see Egill with distant memories of the sacred ash tree Mímameiðr or Yggdrasill putting a hand out to the great Canadian old growths with a bit of reverence. He might quote the saga's to Matt and Alfred. Ber er hver að baki nema sér bróður eigi. Your back is vulnerable without a brother. Quite literally for both of them.
As for Alfred and Egill, Iceland is important in a way that far outsizes its population or immigration. It's geo-thermal capacities means its the cheapest and most secure data centre in the western world. The same location that brought Iceland into the Scandinavian world a thousand years ago is the same one that makes it invaluable to NATO and more generally to North American and North Atlantic security. Egill can do whatever the fuck he wants, including not having a functional military beyond a 200-odd person civilian coast guard and Alfred can't say shit. My step mom is 2nd gen and her parents have a very very mixed opinion of the US. They admire it, enjoy our hardworking culture and open friendliness in contrast to how closed off Íslendingar themselves are. They both remember the controversy about being in NATO. So I think Egill would recognize dark things in Alfred even as much as they enjoy each other's company. Egill would roll his eyes when Alfred asks yet again about elves but Alfred, a child of the witch-years might seriously give him pause when he asks about Egill's fylgjur. I can see them being fond of each other. I do think there is something of an uneasy relationship there. The great superpower and the valuable and respected but still tiny island country it's dependent on. Also their relationships with Arthur and Sigurd might be a point of commonality. The colony who broke free and became an empire and the colony who was born a commonwealth and then retaken into Norwegian and later Danish and Swedish monarchy would make for a very interesting duo.
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nerdgirlriot · 7 months
What if the reason that he was timeslipping is because he was taken out of his own timeline before his death and so now he's not moored to any timeline in particular?
he literally exists outside of time
which is why he was the one and only individual who could manipulate the branches of the multiverse
he made the multiverse into a tree like Yggdrasil and is now the god he'd always wished to be
but not because of ego
because of love
what a beautiful tragedy
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