#heavy emesis blu
another-delta-lover · 23 days
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for you, my children @cause0fchaos and @ionlypostmymeemocs((I didnt know what to draw for them to KISS MORE?? what does that EVEN MEAN?? So here u go)):
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it's my first time drawing people kissing:( i'm sorry if it isn't good as expected... next time i'll do better (I HOPE)
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Welcome to my blog!!!🩶🖤🩶
This blog is @another-delta-lover 's blog to express his love for Emesis Blue Heavy Daily! (AKA Stalingrad).
Posts will be under the "Daily-emesis-blue-heavy" tag!!
This is NOT A RP BLOG [If it was, it would be really boring, 24/7 saying "builders league👹"(might joke about it tho xD)]
This blog is open to requests [just sfw!!] of course, ONLY STALINGRAD REQUESTS!!! [of course he can be with Emesis blue characters!!]
It starts today :D !! [May 13rd 2024]
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cheemscakecat · 3 months
If Emesis Blue really is a Dream, I love the fact that BLU Medic sees RED the way he does.
Think about it, BLU Medic is a Catholic who knows he’s mentally ill and is trying his best to keep it under control. RED Medic is a megalomaniac who likes the challenge of playing god and made a deal with the devil.
And beyond that, BLU has other personalities that he doesn’t understand [who freak him out] and hallucinates them from time to time.
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That’s the actual reason he didn’t attack RED immediately, he thought it was one of them from afar. It has to be trippy and difficult to deal with that guy IRL in battle with the personality issue.
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And even if BLU doesn’t know it, if he thinks his other personalities are demons or something, they still act like people. Angry, revengeful people, but not monsters. This picture is such a good representation of the difference between the two. RED is feral and messing with powers he shouldn’t…. For fun. Fixing respawn failures is not “for fun” it’s meant to save mercenary lives. So RED would be Monstrous.
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He’s still red hued even in this blue room, skin and hair too, like a demon. And given he joined Classic team in hunting his own crew and BLU mercs, it makes sense that he’s literally two-faced.
Something else that’s interesting is that BLU Medic’s eyes are only ever black/brown as the funeral version, and he has hallucinations that make that personality look demonic.
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But again, funeral Medic acts like a human person that’s 100% done with BLU Corp and their lies, not a cryptid. He’s not actually evil like Ludwig thinks.
But RED Medic is criminally insane in ways that transcend other Gravel War mercs, and that’s disturbing to someone like BLU.
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O no he crumchy
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He just put Scout’s body in a coffin as respectfully as he could given the circumstances. RED Medic brought their team’s sniper back to life and there’s no way BLU hasn’t heard about it post-comics. He didn’t want RED touching Scout, even if it could bring him back. He doesn’t trust that maniac, and that’s 100% valid. Why?
BLU team doesn’t know RED personally. What they’re like at their base, living with each other. They don’t know that RED Medic was infiltrating Classic, not truly joining them. They don’t know what he was doing in the early 40s or how close he is with RED Heavy. And here’s the proof:
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BLU Medic doesn’t know that this is BLU Heavy; he knows that he’s at RED base, and wouldn’t have a reason to believe that this isn’t RED Heavy. Especially after what happened to Scout. So from his perspective, RED finally pushed nature too far and it blew up in his face. Resulting in RED Heavy loosing his mind and attacking.
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That’s also why he hesitates to run away from the big Hoovy; he might be in hearty agreement with defeating RED Medic and leave BLU alone. But that’s not the case, and so the context changes from “this guy no longer serves RED” to “this guy has lost the plot altogether, he’s just attacking anybody’.
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We, the tf2 fans know that this isn’t how RED Heavy acts; he actually didn’t question Medic’s loyalty in comic 6 and was ride or die, so if anything he’d still be docile to RED. But nobody on BLU team knows that.
And BLU’s doctor believes that something terrible will happen to RED if he doesn’t stop messing with the powers that be, even though he has no idea about the demonic deal.
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ellewoodzzzisaicon · 5 months
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They are a lovely married couple
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crewtawn · 12 days
Also got some nsfw cooking up for you guys. I'll post it tommorrow at my peak activity time. Gotta test something huehue..
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amethystfox4 · 2 months
I’ve known about TF2 broadly for most of my life but never looked into it fully but I got a certain movie in my recommended
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And I have five more of these in the works
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crowfulley · 6 months
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r3n-p0tat031 · 16 days
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Catnip and a dead rat
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aamy2100982 · 9 months
I think he is ahmm... lovely?
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I mean, we don't know his story, but he is a calm and reasonable character :D👍
and he looks funny when he is pushing the wagon xd
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I don't even know if he's trying, but he's there to support
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teamfortresstwo · 7 months
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tf2incorrectquotes · 2 months
My Emesis Blue: Incorrect AU:
The Administrator: *has revived the BLU Team and hired the Classic Team for a joint mission*
Fritz: *horrified whisper* Oh verdammt, it’s my ex!
Jeremy: *does a double take* You and the Administrator?! Gross…
Fritz: *looks insulted* Excuse me, but I’m not... that insane.
Jeremy: Then who?
Classic!Heavy: *looks over, sees Fritz, smirks then winks*
Fritz: *buries his face in his hands* Bitte, töte mich jetzt einfach…
Jeremy: *realizes that the doc has a type*
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another-delta-lover · 21 days
I wanna make another account named "Daily-emesisblue-heavy", would you all approve that?
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Daily heavy fanart blog here !
Let the man try some Sushi :-)
(I don’t like sushi but that was the first thing that popped in mind)
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DAY 4: "Sushi!" :D
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I drew him on my test 😭😭HAHDJAHDD MY TEACHER LOVED HIM (But not as much as I love him of course, he my waf)
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cheemscakecat · 4 months
Tf2 comic details I noticed
Heavy and Medic very much give me the vibe that they know each other better than the rest of the team knows either of them combined.
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This is the first time Heavy is seeing Medic again after the team split, but he’s likely been briefed on the mission to rescue the others. So he’d know about Medic being with Classic team. I think he knows what game doktor is playing.
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Medic warning his bestie that Classic has a gun as soon as he can breathe enough to get the words out.
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And then heavy proceeded not to care about the immortality machine, because his friend died to a man with no honor.
2. Found some more pain again.
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Scou no, hon-ey. [Cries]
3. Emesis Blue parallel/foil?
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RED Sniper was locked out of the room, but he managed to get in through a window and saved Spy.
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RED Spy tried to use stealth to defeat Classic Sniper, and it would have worked if the man wasn’t a dirty cheater with robo-eyes. He got shot in the leg.
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Even if he’s grumpy and standoffish about it, Spy did in fact give his Sniper some credit. And a cigarette when he wanted one.
I’m assuming the suit argument comes from not wanting the man -who takes kidney enlarging pills to produce more pee- to use the drip like a diaper and lecture him about Classic’s soiled britches.
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It’s actually BLU Soldier that wants RED Sniper to die slow this time. Maybe because he still believes in Archibald being a good man, and he’s angry about what happened to Scout.
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Spy had a really good opportunity to shoot Butcher Pyro, but decided to try and threaten the man with a bigger, faster gun anyways. That’s crazy, talking about “Take off the mask” like he’s gonna be threatened.
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He gets shot in the leg for it. Other side, but still near the knee.
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Soldier has to run for cover [because powerful gun] and the door locks behind him. He isn’t able to open it after Butcher Pyro runs out of bullets, leaving BLU Spy on his own.
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And then he does get tortured.
Also, it seems like BLU doesn’t know RED Sniper very well at all. Spy had to be reminded of his Sniping moral code, but he was still salty about the cheater and bleeding near the knee.
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Sniper doesn’t monologue. He did talk to Pauling about his parent situation, but why would he talk to the enemy teammate who shot half his leg off and left him to bleed out? Doesn’t sound like him to me.
4. RED Medic brought Sniper back to life after 12 hours, and post-comics I feel like the BLU team found out. “I seen the other side”. And…
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BLU Medic killed RED on sight. Either he assumed he was with the Bloody Engineers, or he knows that guy’s crazy and he’s not taking chances.
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Also for all he knows, that’s undead RED Hoovy. Given the fact that RED Medic invented the ubercharge, and Heavy was the first teammate to demonstrate it. And this nightmare hoovy is against Builders League, so how would he know better?
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cause0fchaos · 17 days
Hey it's anon😁😁😁😁you donnknowme
Anyway can u draw emesis blu ehvy with
with a pretty flower ples
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Heavy nooo. That's a Kadupul flower, it's an endangered species ❗❗❗
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crewtawn · 11 days
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COME EAT YOUR FUCKING FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
18+ interactions ONLY
Full, uncensored version can be found here!
I actually had a pretty good time making this, was working up some stuff for my own freak fortress charcters (Heavymedic themed ofc.)
Maybe I'll post about them soonish?
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