#her sweet pic wearing One Direction merch
sunshineandlyrics · 11 months
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⭕️ This One Direction fan was one of the concert photographers at FITFWT Phoenix, 3 July 2023
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insipid-drivel · 2 years
Who's ur favorite OC? (or smthg like top 3, god knows I could never only name one)
They're not really OCs but alter personalities that I figured out how to hang out with and they take me on adventures thanks to years of work and finding a phenomenal therapist. I have a good few of them, but a handful are always around and with me. It wasn't until after I was diagnosed that I learned that they weren't just fantasies or OCs. I'll share my primaries, because they're awesome:
-Cassandra. She's my "Enforcer". She and her twin brother Alex are the protags in my novels and stories. Cass is about 6'1", is highly protective, subtly witty to the point that it takes a double-take to tell she's joking, swears constantly, and is fixated on various forms of martial arts and non-projectile weapons. She's a glassblower, bi as hell, and polyamorous.
-Alex. He's Cassandra's younger (by a few minutes) twin. Alex likes shooting guns because artillery is fun, but he's actually a doctor, refuses to wear anything but a white lab coat and sweatpants (nothing else), and is a pun and dad joke war criminal. He's incredibly sweet-tempered and doting, gay, and categorizes himself as an otter.
-Sal. My sweet baby who cries at romcoms, gives fantastic manicures, and is an expert with makeup. He's a teeny tiny 5'2" rail-thin twink-and-a-half that is so Asexually Oblivious that if you stood in front of him with your pants off and told him you were thirsty for him, he'd offer you a glass of water and a belt. He's Saudi and is obsessed with classic rock and metal, and keeps a huge collection of merch - primarily t-shirts - from all the concerts he's gone to. His prized possession is a Rolling Stones t-shirt Keith Richards sniffed cocaine off. He's a snuggle-monster and loves all kinds of herbal tea, particularly chamomile.
-Odd. That's his name. He's the guy in my profile pic right now. He's old, grumpy, tired, gay but too apathetic to do anything about it, and mostly spends his time writing novels he'll never share with anyone (you have to steal them when he's pretending he won't notice) and paints in his own illustrations. He's grumpy and perpetually Too Old For This Shit. He's 44. He's German. His love language is his middle finger and his favorite things are exotic inks and sand-brewed Turkish coffee. He never wears a shirt.
-Marchosias. Probably around as long as Cass has been. He looks almost identical to Ranveer Singh in the movie "Padmavaat", down to the clothing style and colors and scars on his face. He's Odd's best friend and a transman, sees himself as Iranian, and loves everything Arabic and Persian. He's a vicious asshole with a hilariously scathing sense of humor, and Odd's best friend in spite of how often they punch and throw things at each other when they argue. Which is constantly. Then they cuddle. Marchosias is a raging, unrepentant troll, drinks like a fish, and smokes like a chimney. He always smells like cigarettes and rosewater.
-Aever. Alex's possessive, surly, hypersexual, toothpick-narrow power-dom boyfriend. Aever is a Seelie Sidhe that plays World of Warcraft constantly when he isn't fucking around with computers and neurology. Or Alex. Alex thought he was cute and asked him out for dinner and Aever decided to keep him. Alex is not at all upset by this. He eats obscene amounts of candy, particularly chocolate, and why he loves Alex considering Alex is the golden retriever puppy to Aever's wet barn cat, I will never know.
Yes, if you or anyone reading this would like to, please feel free to direct questions to them. I'm not closed-off about having DID or embracing my alters (that's actually what you're supposed to do), and they absolutely love having the chance to talk to people. They often liken it to "Horton Hears A Who", and it always makes them feel incredibly special to be noticed and recognized without being treated like evil horrible things. They're not. Hollywood is bullshit and it's time to stop being scared of it.
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louis-in-red · 2 years
Ok so… I saw Louis yesterday 😭 tbh I’m still processing it because he is the first concert I attended to in years and I was very anxious about it 🫣 I wasn’t sure what to expect but it’s easy to say that Louis exceeded my expectations by miles!! This will be long 🫠
It all started a few months ago when Ceci @uruwhy gave me the idea to go Buenos Aires’ concert, since at the moment Peru wasn’t in the tour. I obviously say yes since I didn’t want to miss the chance to see him live and I started to arrange my trip and holiday so I could also have some days in the city.
Months passed and the day finally arrived!!! Me and Ceci arranged to stay at the same hotel and spend a day together, which was lovely!! We met Friday night… hugged as if we were friends from many years, walked through one of the main’s streets and just talk and talk and talk! The next day she joined me in the Bombonera’s stadium tour and we took lots of pictures in Caminito, a colourful place 💛🧡 we had lunch and then took the subte (underground) towards the venue!!! There were many Louies wearing merch there too, which indicated us we were in the right train 😂
We arrived and saw a VERY VERY LONG LINE!! Like… seas of people!! We obviously realised we weren’t going to be in the front 🪦 but we were chilling, just enjoying our company and trying to buy merch… when we see a commotion! A lot of louies were running and screaming so we also run towards that direction and we saw OLI!!!! Who is so HOT!!!!! He was unbothered hahah he didn’t pay attention to our screams but he is just… hotter than we expected! He looked so good in white and his cap.
We also met Vane @lou1e ❤️❤️ who is so sweet and kind!! I’m so happy that she was at the barricade in the Paraguay show! She truly deserved it!!! ❤️
After that special moment we decided to eat and drink something before the show so we wouldn’t get hungry during the concert. After that we saw people were starting to enter the venue so we patiently waited to our turn to enter. Paz was singing and she was so lovely!! Like she seemed so nice and excited for the opportunity! So sweet and her voice is so good!! We truly enjoyed her set!! After we were extra anxious because only 1:30h for Louis 😭 Sunroom came and the crowd went wild! We were concerned because the venue was very very warm and there was no aircon nor ventilation so it was understandable that some fans were feeling poorly and fainted 😭 fortunately security reacted quickly and could help them.
Then Louis came and we just SCREAMED LIKE CRAZY!!! Like I think I couldn’t believe it! We weren’t super close but I could clearly see his face and his curves and everything! He sounds so perfect!! It amazed me how PERFECT he sounded!! Like so much better than the album 😭 my baby 😭 I felt like a proud mother tbh 😂 the crowd was so LOUD!!! I’m pretty sure I’m dead hahaha I also had a sore throat because I didn’t stop screaming with everything I got! It’s been a while since I’ve felt this carefree and the adrenaline stay with me during the whole night!! It was a crazy experience! There were times I couldn’t hear Louis because the crowd was mega loud 😭 there was a moment when everyone was chanting Perfect Now except for me and ceci since we were screaming Just Hold On 😂 and then we thought he forgot to take the picture so I yelled: Y LA FOTO??? So obviously Louis listened to me since shortly after that he said: ok let’s take a pic 🫣
The concert ended way too soon 😭 me and Ceci walked through the streets feeling so sad it was over 😭 but the funny thing was that our night wasn’t over since our taxi driver played us Louis’ music during our trip and we talked about him and hopefully we turn him into a Louie since he seemed a Harrie 🪦 and maybe a Larrie??? Haha I think the bald man knew way too much 😂
Thank you so much @uruwhy for your friendship and for being so lovely!! We’ll see each other SOON!!! I promise!!! ❤️
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 3 years
Fri 4 June ‘21
“Look out my window and Louis Tomlinson outside”, said the (second) luckiest man in London (first is Harry ofc), and posted a pic of himself with Louis, who is looking cute in a jersey and cap over that long long hair (looks like the guy took a couple blurry pictures out his window then ran out to accost Louis, lol.) He said, “pleasure to meet you on my road this evening” and that Louis was “a real gentleman” (and also a “gemtleman” SO TRUE whether he typed it that way on purpose or not) and “a proper amazing chap.” Also on this guy’s road? A recording studio, specifically the one Louis was pictured working at last week. Looks like Louis was with Charlie Lightening (and at least one other person, unidentifiable). Grown ass men recognizing Louis and running outside to talk to him?? This is the future louies want!
Liam woke up early and hopped straight on his discord to respond to some very sweet messages-- I hope he’s getting some enjoyment out of reading them all. I think a lot about his sister saying that he always read all the stuff fans are saying and is really affected by it and so it always makes me happy when people flood him with positive stuff. He also polled people about NFTs (yes, no, idk what that is) and said he’s going to be in Brazil at the end of the year. OoOh? Then he posted a video telling us about what he dreamed-- “now without sounding like a complete fanboy I had the weirdest One Direction related dream,” he said and that he dreamed he was arguing with Zayn over ownership of a leather jacket, and that he had a boxing match “with Tommo” and “I couldn’t hit him.” “Well at least you know I’m thinking about you, boys!” he concludes.
And, yes, the big drama and discourse of the day (™)... Zayn and Gigi had a full day of getting papped yesterday, with her- according to paps- at a vaccine shot appointment and he showing off his very stylish white tracksuit and yellow hat; and, unfortunately, ending up showing a less press-ready side as well. A short video shows Zayn shirtless and yelling at some guy who is yelling at him and pushing into his space and getting in his face (mostly a lot of “who the fuck are you” from Zayn) while PA Taryn tries to hold onto Zayn and keep them apart. The guy calls Z a f***** and Zayn repeats “I’m a f*****?!”, laughing incredulously, and now half of twitter is canceling him for using slurs, so that’s a fun day for everyone. Then ZaynWeLove you trended worldwide as fans worked to bury the video, but tabloids got wind of it anyway so that was that. According to TMZ “Zayn was smoking a cig outside Amsterdam Billiards Club in the East Village after 2 AM when a group of guys came out of Little Sister Lounge next door and an altercation ensued.” Also “sources say he was wearing [a shirt] at the billiards joint, but it's unclear exactly when or why he took it off”, haha- the attempts from everyone at a definitive shirt removal timeline are for sure the only fun part of this. ANNNNYWAY, how about that Look, he looks like a cyber cow, love that, and also: before all this, Zayn got papped, which generally means Zayn is about to release something or other, so that’s exciting.
More Holivia pics from the pub they were at last night were posted-- in these pics you can see that in fact Harry is wearing a DIFFERENT pair of stripey blue and pink shorts with the cutest cardigan with colored cuffs, also pink and blue, aww. Our lil walking trans flag/ Fine Line cover! We’re told he drank tequila and was (of course) very nice to fans and that PA Luis was sat between him and Olivia (lol). A crowd gathered outside the busy pub trying to get in to Harry, and photographed his and Olivia’s departure; they are shown cuddling a bit on the street, with Luis suddenly nowhere in sight. Very private moments not meant to be captured for the public eye, I’m sure, despite the many fans right there.
The person responsible for Other People Fund, an organization that helps people pay for therapy, told us about Harry Lambert getting some of her merch (shirts and tote bags that say ‘I think we should see other people and by other people I mean therapists”) for Harry Styles! Harry carried the tote for his walks in the park with Olivia last month, HAAAAA AMAZING. I wonder if he was sad no one managed to read the message then? The story is that the girl who makes them had made a post offering to provide Harry with a shirt after his (shirtless) grammys appearance and ended up sending it to Harry L who was like YES WE MUST HAVE THIS and bought two shirts and the tote. Maybe she should make a post for Zayn too, how appropos her messaging would be for this shirtless media moment huh? Anne Marie said the Our Song MV bts won’t be long now and “are you ready???” “No I’m not!” said Niall. A Luca Shreiner Our Song remix is out. Showtime added Louis to their pride month queer playlist and Jason Sudeikis’ show Ted Lasso wrapped its London filming- will this also mean HoliviaUK is a wrap? We can only hope.
#Louis tomlinson#zayn#liam payne#harry styles#holivia#thank you so much for the Z news heads up it can be hard to know a thing is happening when people are actively working#to keep people from finding out that a thing happened...though I suppose once TMZ got on it that was out the window#I starred out f** to be considerate but tbh- it feels weird to me. Like people calling queer a slur when it’s a full on identity and common#word#I know loads of people who self identify as fags and who use that word a lot in casual chat you know?#I’m currently reading a book that uses the word casually every couple pages right now (written by someone who self identifies as a f*****)#which really adds to the dissonance (for me) of the reaction to it on twitter#anyway which isn’t to say dudes throwing the word around as an insult in macho pissing contests is okay#tho for the record I don’t think Zayn’s use of it here is him doing that it sounds to me more like ‘omg you did not really just say that wtf#I’m more bothered by the macho pissing contest part really#if you want the book rec it’s The Freezer Door by Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore#who as a side note#has been dressing in brightly colored corduroy flares with lacy collars and pearls and hats with flowers on them since like… the 90s#which is no shade @ Harry just a reminder that he's drawing on and paying tribute to a long tradition of queer culture#not inventing it#I also just read 100 Boyfriends by Brontez Purnell which ALSO uses that word like every other page and is also very good#Sometimes you just gotta catch up on your queer lit I guess anyway there’s a lot of queer culture out there besides twitter and tiktok cult#er tiktok culture I meant but uh#you know what.... lol#4 jun 21
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ashenhawk · 4 years
Could you do a headcannon of how the devil boys would react if MC wanted to take a selfie with them? Hehe :>>
Doesn't understand why. What's the point of it? It's not like you could take your DDD with you back to the human world. So why bother?
You explain that you want to have some kind of reminder of your time with him, even if it doesn't make it back to the human world. But add that you hope somehow you can at least bring that selfie back with you.
Lucifer understands a bit more - if he could have taken a 'selfie' with Lilith when he had the chance, to remember her by, he might have done so.
He also realizes that even if YOU can't keep the selfie, he can, and it'll help him remember YOU.
He's an extra fancy boy and offers to have someone do a professional painting based on the selfie for you to bring back with you.
He agrees surprisingly easily! But he does wonder why you want a selfie with him, specifically, and suggests that you take a photo with everyone as a group.
When you actually get the camera ready he asks how to pose. You tell him to just be himself, and he ends up over thinking it and makes a weird face the first attempt.
He makes you delete the selfies you take several times before deciding you've taken one that's "good enough" - not blurry or out of focus, good lighting, etc.
Satan asks if you've taken a selfie with Lucifer yet, too, and jokes that you should get a picture with him where Lucifer is blinking or making a dumb face by accident to send to him so Satan can save it on his DDD.
Naturally you want to take a picture with Mammon The Great! But are you, a mere human, worthy of taking a selfie with a demon as important as him?
You start to walk away while he says all that and he quickly calls after you to come back and says to PLEASE take the selfie!
He wants to look good in the picture and his pose is way over the top as a result. Even though it's super cheesy and honestly a bit embarrassing to look at, Mammon is proud of it and wants to post it on Devilgram.
He tells you to send the picture to him - not cuz he wants to remember ya or somethin of course! He just looks good in that pic! It has nothing to do with YOU being in it, okay!? - He blushes as he insists all of that.
Ohhhh!!!! A selfie with you!? That's so sweet! He thought you'd never ask!
He takes out his own DDD and opens an app that has cute filters and stickers on it. Of course you need to take one with this cute bunny ear filter. Oh and you should try a face swap too, since you're both so beautiful! And naturally you'll also need to do one with flower crowns~☆
By the time Asmo is done with you, you've got nearly 100 selfies saved in your camera roll. Asmo loves all of them and tells you next time you take selfies together, you should let him do some makeup for you or choose a cute outfit to wear. He can do your hair too!
He even tells you that you could he a famous Devilgram model if you tried. You're nearly as cute as him, after all.
OMG a selfie!? For real!? He's immediately excited, until he realizes that means he actually has to be... seen. Then he gets shy and tries to back out.
But you're his best friend so he trusts you won't take a bad pic where he looks stupid or something.
He hasn't really had someone close enough to him to ask for selfies before - usually he's just kinda there for photos and not specifically asked to join - so he's genuinely flattered, even if he won't admit that to you.
Levi does a peace sign in your selfie together. Then he gets a bit more confident and asks if you can take another one together while you two hold up some of his favorite anime merch for him to post online.
A selfie? Yeah, sure, why not? He agrees without any fuss.
Beel doesn't really even realize it about himself but he's a super handsome guy, and taking a selfie he looks good in is easy. His smile is genuine, the way he tilts his head in your direction looks natural, and his immediate instinct is to put an arm around your shoulder while you take the pic - it's got all the elements of a perfect selfie.
He asks if you two can take a selfie with Belphie too.
Beel's personal Devilgram mostly contains pictures of his food - the ones he can manage to take before hunger overcomes him and he eats it before having a chance to, at least. So it's nice to post a selfie once in a while.
He doesn't realize he has a lot of followers on Devilgram who specifically want to see his handsome bod, and his new selfie gets a lot of likes when its posted.
Denied. No way. Nope. He does NOT want his picture taken. He says he doesn't want it because there's no reason to take one, but he's actually a bit shy about selfies and pictures to be honest.
You show him a selfie you took with Beel and mention that Beelzebub said he wanted to take a selfie together. He ends up considering it after that.
But in the end the reason he says yes is because he's a bit jealous you got a selfie with Beel and the other guys but not him. He wants you to remember him most clearly... and if that means taking a dumb selfie, then fine.
He makes you promise not to post it online, though.
Later he agrees to take a selfie with Beel as well.
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taylorverse · 5 years
My Taylor Swift Story
hello taylor! can i just make a big point to say how incredible you are. so i don’t really make these sorts of posts because it just seems unrealistic to be not just noticed by you but by any other swifties. You, Miss Taylor Alison Swift are the actual reason why some people are still living their day to day lives. I have literally grown up listening to your music and there’s always been an element of happiness that it brings me, whether its the vibe of the song or the melody or the lyrics or the sweet and pure way your voice echoes the words. I have had every single album of yours on repeat for all the times i’m hovering over the bath shaving my legs, procrastinating doing revision and literally jamming to old tswift songs in my bedroom. I have spent hours laying in my bed looking up at the ceiling playing all too well whilst i cry my eyes about relating the lyrics to how hard life can be and how difficult it is to keep going. But your music has always been a huge element of my well-being as it just provides a sense of stability; the songs you’ve sung is the poetry of my emotions and the lingering thoughts that I just can’t seem to say. My younger self didn’t even realise what a toll you had on me growing up, I always bought every single calender and all the albums. I remember my dad buying me the signed version of RED and it was just the happiest day of my life. I so clearly remember just holding it in my hands and feelings so happy in that moment. The years where i was beginning to get a bit older and things started to shift, your music was the constant that was always there and never left. I had dance parties where I would be alone in my bedroom singing with the huge poster of you hung above my bed (which once actually fell on my face in the middle of the night and was absolutely terrorfying). My favourite memory was sitting downstairs late at night, when I was like 9 and watching the livestream for RED when you sat in nashville and played acoustic songs on your guitar. I was so happy in that moment, to be able to just feel so connected to a woman who didn’t even know I existed was unlike anything I had ever felt before. Then came my birthday where my dad surprised me with Red tickets I LITERALLY CRIED. The night came and it was my first concert, it was one of the London nights and we sat right at the back. My most vivid memory of that night was the two people behind us who were obnoxiously going on about how they were gonna meet you after and that the show didn’t matter as much. Me and my dad would look at eachother with a jealous smirk and enjoyed the show. To be honest, I can’t actually remember that much but of what I do, I could have sworn you waved at me (even though there were probably about 4894 people in my direction) and the small kid i was held onto that as we trecked our way back on the train at midnight. As this was my first concert and I was so young, it felt so cool to be awake so late and I was in awe of the night I had experienced. 
Being at school, I was always known as the swiftie. I bought the drawstring Red tour bag from the concert because my dad said i couldn’t buy a top as he said “there’s no point in buying it if you’re going to grow out of it”. Anyway i used it as my PE bag and still do to this day. Everyone would tease me and I used to just SHAKE IT OFF and ignore the haterzzzz. My life was completely altered by that night, I wouldn’t stop thinking about it and I remember doing a show and tell in class where I played the videos I took of the concert on the big screen to my whole class as I passed around the rubber wristband I had too bought from that night. Everyone was so amazed by my experience, I was just so happy that I had seen my role model and that my life felt fulfilled at that point. 
I’m now in secondary school, I have never ever stopped playing your music. I even got an app to see how many times I had replayed songs and it turns out i have listened to Speak Now all the way through 800 times (not including the years of listening to it on my iPod). Then when one day I was sitting watching greys anatomy (wink), I got an instagram notification that you had posted a picture. My heart sank as I began to wonder WHAT THE HELL YOU POSTED since you had disapperred from earth. Seeing the what i know now as the snake, I literally jumped out of excitement & an overwhelming burst of confusion built up as I tried to figure out what the hell was happening. More pictures posted and my lil swiftie inside of me came rushing out as I just skipped around the living room. I still remember staying up late to watch LWYMMD music video. It was insane. I lay in my bed with my headphones plugged into my phone and quietly shrieked at the BEAUTY of it. At this point I wasn’t as indulged in the online fandom as I am now, so I started to follow accounts like @marthaswiftie on instagram to be more involved and find out all these crazy theories. The reputation album came out the year right before my life kinda went downhill. I remember the tickets came out for the tour and I didn’t even ask my parents to go because we were going through such a tough time that my own selfish wants were not the priority. 
So beginning 2018, my dad was diagnosed with cancer. We soon found out that it was terminal, which just broke our family individually in different ways. Our family is extreamely close and for something like this to happen, it was such a huge surprise that we just didn’t know how to react. My closest memory was sitting Physics class, just staring into space and all of these horrible thoughts were flooding my mind and all of the worst case scenarios just ruined me. Yet my naive self was so unaware of my emotion that I just carried on with my life, instead trying to be overly happy about life. At this point, my dad was is hospital most of the weeks spending time having his radiotherapy and chemotherapy done. I tried so hard to not think about it, that I ended up having so many breakdowns of which I spent crying my eyes out in my room just trying to hold onto hope that seemed so far away. Selfishly, I so wanted to see you on tour just to give me a pick-me-up but i felt so bad about wanting something for myself since I shouldn’t even be thinking of anything but him. Yet instead, I was so broken that I just ignored what was going on around me. This is what I’ve been learning to cope with and i think at points i felt so defeated. The tour month came up, i watched endless clips of people going and felt so hopeless in seeing you. I was in such a rut of trying to feel happier, yet trying to cover up the way I dealt with things by watching every Youtube video under the sun and literally all the shows on netflix to exist. Even writing this now feels so narrow-minded but it was just the way I was going through it. The literal day before the tour, my sister surprised me with tickets and i canNOT TELL YOU the rush of happiness I felt. I sobbed so much, I did not sleep as I lay thinking about what I was going to wear and the fact that i was going to see you in the flesh. 
The day came, and there are truly no words to describe it. I left school early, rushed home and did my makeup and hair. We hopped on the train and made our way up to london. I remember getting into Wembley and as soon as we walked out of the station I saw a huge group of people wearing merch tops and that’s when it started to kick in. We had a few hours, so we walked up and down the streets, me noticing all the outfits from music videos and award shows that people were dressed up in. Then we sat in nando’s, literally starving and as we ate our food just kept repeating to eachother, “we’re gonna see TAYLOR SWIFT” and every time it gave me goosebumps. A little girl came in as we were finishing, she had little cat ears on and a tutu. She had a top that she had DIYed herself that said I LOVE TAYLOR on it. My heart melted as we made our way out of the restaurant and grinned our way up to the stadium. The closer we got, we saw so many people with VIP necklaces and we looked at eachother rolling our eyes because we were jealous haha. I was so shocked by the diversity of people there, literally every type of person was surrounding us obviously in awe of the event that was about to occur. My favourite bit was walking up the huge pathway to the door entries, we came super early so I could get merch and our route was filled with girls screaming at the sight of eachother. My sister was so confused so I filled her in on the details of how so many people meet online through fan acounts and these concerts are where some of them finally meet. The merch queue was huge, but i had saved enough for a hoodie so we made the decision to stand in it. There were a few girls behind us complaining about the outfits people were wearing, we were annoyed because they kept saying “why do they dress up so much she’s not gonna see them” and my blood just boiled as their remarks piled on top of eachother. As we reached the front of the queue, we heard Charlie playing from the stadium because this line ended being 2 HOURS LONG. I didn’t care though, I said to my sister that the whole fun of it is to wait the long hours and dedicate our time to this day as it was a once in a lifetime. I bought the black hoodie with the zipped hood, they didn’t have small so I got Medium which ended being HUGE, but I love it because I snuggle in i every night. Straight after, my sister took a cute pic of me in the hoodie to send to my mum right before we were about to go through security. It was my first time at wembley so I had no idea what I was doing, but I just followed my sister as we got our bags checked and prepared ourself for the view we were about to whitness. My heart began beating so fast, I was in complete shock and my sister gripped my hand as we found our entry doorway. My first thought was, WHAT THE HELL. I had never been in such an overwhelming place. IT WAS HUGE. the amount of people there just left me in a sedated state for a second before we trudged down the stairs to find out seats. We were in block E, on the floor. It was my first time not being super high up, so i felt so privileged as i strut across the metal walkway feeling so happy about where i was. The struggle to find our seats was REAL. We spent ages when they ended up just being right in front of us the whole time. As soon as we scooted through the others, we sat down and just took a second to realise that we were about to whitness TAYLOR SWIFT PERFORM. My adrenaline was going crazy, my sister took tons of pictures and videos to send to my parents and they were so jealous! Then Camila came on, she was incredible. Everyone stood up as my short height meant I was staring at the huge screen, miming to lyrics to consequences and never be the same. She left and the stadium began to flll up and it just got so much louder. Anticipation grew, every single person in that stadium was just so happy. The Ready for It tune started and that’s when it all kicked off. I lifted myself from my seat, screamed to my hearts content as my sister sang along whilst also watching me give a performance in front of her. Every song was just so amazingly performed. Then when the b stage was next, the whole floor just legged it to get closer. I was nervous to lose my sister or the bags so i remember turning behind me as my sister grabbed the bags and said ‘go’. Little old me bent through the crowd, I ducked beneath and tried to get as close as I could. I remember standing on a chair and as I did i realised that i was less than 5 metres away from TAYLOR SWIFT. I sang along to So it goes and turning back every now and then to see where my sister was and I kept saying ‘Emma, I AM SO CLOSE I AM GONNA CRY’. Every now and then I would pull my phone out for videos but I wanted to grasp this moment as I let all my worries wash away and I whitnessed the most insane moment of my life. As the move for the next stage came, I followed the movement of the crowd as the security officers began to strictly tell people to stop standing on chairs. There I was, spinning around every now and then to see the crowd. Dress was the current song and my eyes lit up at the beauty of Miss swift. The concert followed with so much energy, the seats we had were right at the back of the floor but it was amazing to feel the lit up souls of everyone around me. There was just so much energy, so much love. One thing I remember was grooving to a song when the confetti began to float over us. We were so far back that it didn’t quite reach us yet this one piece was slowly floating mid air quite far back. I followed it with my eyes and reached to grab it as another girl took my opertunity. I was slightly annoyed, but the scenery of lights and idea of my idol being in the same room brought me back to happiness. The night ended with me and my sister talking on the phone to my mum, praising the show and just feeling so blessed. The nightmare of getting home began, as we got on the wrong train and then as we finally settled we were so tired that we almost got lost. My sisters boyfriend picked us up and we got home in a blur of sleep.
That night was unforgettable. It was just all my needs in one place, i felt so satisfied and i watched the videos I filmed of it months and months after, remenising on it. Coming back to present, TS7 is on its way. I woke up at 5am to see the ME! music video as soon as it comes out and see all of the hype. This has been the best day in ages. I have bought the song on itunes and streamed it on every device & app. My fingers literally ache from typing this in one sitting, but it was amazing because I just went through that night all over again from writing about it. But my point is. Whoever is reading this, Taylor or even just my grandma; there is happiness out there. I live by Taylor Swift and her music, she will always and forever be my role model, I LOVE YOU @taylorswift
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katieamazeballs · 6 years
SYTYCD Tour Recap
Y’all.....this is a face of distrust and regret. Like any good recap, this will be lengthy so it is going after the break.
First things first, we bought these tickets a few months ago for Abs, me, and 2 of my coworkers.  One coworker has since left the company but was still going to go until about noon yesterday when she was informed she had to work mandatory overtime at her new job leaving me with Abs and my coworker I’ll refer to as A.  Let’s just say I had my hands full with those two.  All day long A was walking around the office making grabby hands because she said she needed to warm up for grabbing Slavik.  This is the same coworker who wants to go to DWTS with me and wonders if Artem will let her rub his abs.  Coincidentally, this is the person who killed my dream that one day Abs would become a reasonable adult.  I had high hopes that she would be sane during the bus meets........
 Pre Show......We went for a quick dinner at Panera where A laid out her plans to Abs and swore Abs to secrecy so that she wouldn’t warn anyone that she was planning to squeeze some cheeks.  We got to the theater about 6:15ish for a 7:30 show.  We parked and found the buses and sat on the benches watching for dancers.  We did see Cole, JayJay, Lauren, and Chelsea but it was too close to show time for them to come over so they all shouted hello and said they’d see us after. 
Showtime.......We got inside the theater, bought Abs her shirt, and climbed Mt Everest to get to our seats.  Then we laughed at our my ability to find the most hysterically amazing nosebleed seats.  But hey, me and A were like “Sorry, Abs, cheap seats for the win!”  They were actually FABULOUS seats we saw everything and no one got altitude sickness.
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 Intermission.....Abs and A were still talking about Slavik (I wish I could have snuck a picture of A’s face when he danced his solo.  It was hysterical.  The thirst is real).  While they were going on I looked down and saw security and the police and we all cracked up.  We were texting the rest of the office in the group chat and they were all placing bets on which one of us would be arrested and who was gonna have to bail us out.  I am sure this isn’t as funny to you guys but we were crying laughing after Abs and A’s conversation.
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 Post Show Bus Shenanigans......OMG Y’all!  OMG!  This was the best bus experience!  Aside from the drizzly rain which we hid from in a doorway outside of the bus.  There were only about 15-20 of us out there and everyone came out to see us.  We were standing with 2 ladies in ballgowns and the sweetest family with the cutest daughter.  The one lady was obsessed with Lauren.  Like “name your car after her and get a vanity plate with her name and season number on it” type obsessed.  She was intense...and really really tall. 
First out was Cole and Slavik.  They came over after stashing their things on the bus and Cole immediately looks at the crowd and yells “Who’s gonna give me a hug?  I need a hug!”  Abs came to his aid right away.  Abs released Cole from her grips and Cole looked at me and was like “OMG!  It’s Katie!  You’re a superfan!  Thank you for always supporting me!”  The Ballgowns jaws dropped and they were like “OMG!”  He gave me a huge hug and thanked us for coming out and started asking  the adorably sparkly little girl next to me about her favorite dances while he stood there with his arm slung over my shoulders.  I never got a picture with Abs and Cole....whoops.  He ended up walking by us about 5 or 6 times stopping for hugs each time. 
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While I was talking to Cole I was oblivious as to the horror happening behind us.  I turned around and saw this......
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Y’all.....this is a face of distrust and regret. The Ballgowns were talking to Slavik and Abs and A were cackling.  I said “Oh God, what did you do?!?!”  Apparently A got two juicy handfuls of Slavik.    However, he was SUPER nice and laughed as well.  Abs pitched her ship name and he was all about some Javik. It is of note that lots of people wanted autographs and The Ballgowns had a sharpie.  Cole kept coming back to borrow it because Slavik wasn’t coming back in our direction....not without security at least.
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 Next out were Cyrus and Lauren....The Ballgowns were EXCITED!  Cyrus came over to us first and he’s so nice!   He had his fanny pack…who decided these things needed a come back.  They should be exiled from making decisions ever again. He did the robot with Lil Miss next to us and it was the cutest thing.  After we talked to Cyrus we turned around and The Ballgowns were showing Lauren the pictures of the car.  Lauren mentioned that Faith the Merch Lady had told her that they would be waiting for her.  She was very pleased to meet her superfans as well. 
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  Abs made her dance pose.  It was super cute.  
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Then came Darius and JayJay.  I freakin love me some them!  They were both FULL of energy and so fun.  Abs and JayJay are new besties and JayJay says we’re twinsies because of the mustard yellow tops we were wearing.  FYI….Darius absolutely owns the stage and even prettier in person. JayJay pulled a Cole and had to stop and hug his new bff every time he walked by. 
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 Genessy came next and made her way very quickly down the line.  I’m not sure if she didn’t feel well or was tired or just doesn’t like crowds but she basically just took a quick selfie and moved on.  She was out and in in about 5 min.  She did stop to hear Abs Javik pitch and said she’d run it by Slavik…..they created a monster and it’s hysterical.  She’s so damn proud of her ridiculous ship name.  
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Then came Evan.  He went pretty quickly through also but talked a bit with the sparkly cutie next to us because she taps.  I have still never figured out why he doesn’t dance in Juice and lost my nerve to ask him. Dude can tap like a dream though! The only thing that bothered me was that his taps were dubbed in the audio, which is strictly logistical because duh they have to, and he was slightly off both times and that kind of thing annoys the shit out of me.  It was like when the sound and the lips don’t match on the tv.  It’s one of my biggest pet peeves.  It also made me feel a little bad for him as a performer because I know that dancers/singers/anyone really switch it up here and there and he won’t ever be able to.  Man that man’s feet can move.
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Hannahlei, Jensen, and Magda all came out together and honestly, I initially felt a little overwhelmed because OMG they’re all right there!  All the girls Abs and I wanted to meet!  However, we most definitely did get to meet with each of them.
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Abs was VERY excited to report that she’s taller than Hannahlei.  It’s the little things in life when you’re a short person. 
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And Jensen....who is every bit as exuberant in person as she is on TV.  Pure sweetness and energy.
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And then the queen herself.....Magda!  She went to The Ballgowns and the adorable girl next to me while we were taking pics with the other two.  Once they walked away she did the cutest scream/squeal and fangirled while I almost passed out because HOLY CRAP!  It’s Magda!  Her stage presence is absolute fire and she is just the sweetest in person.  We talked and hugged and talked and hugged. 
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Me and my idiot fan self is all “I’m KatieAmazeballs” and she laughed and said “I know exactly who you are!  I’m so glad to finally meet you!”  Y’all.....Y’ALL!  Night was freakin made!
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After Magda and I talked (she was the only one still out there because the massive crowd of 20ish had pretty much dispersed) Abs and A had figured out we only had Chelsea left.  Abs asked if Madga would go get her.  She said she’d go find her but that she may not come out because she hadn’t been feeling the best earlier.  She went to the bus, got up on the first step, and yelled “Yo, Chelsea!!!!!  Get out there and meet your fans!”  Out came a very perky Chelsea who apologized that she was stuffing her face with pizza in the bus instead of meeting fans.  She asked if we had any questions about tour life and Abs wanted to know how bus life worked.  She explained the lay out of the bunks and Abs said she couldn’t do it because she’d roll out.  I said I couldn’t because I’m ridiculously claustrophobic and she said there’s actually more room than it looks and that it doesn’t bother her claustrophobia at all.  Then Abs asked if anyone snores.  Chelsea said she doesn’t know because once she hits her bed she falls asleep pretty fast so she’s never noticed....but outed JayJay as a sleep talker.  Abs is truly his kindred spirit. 
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(Peep the security photo bomb.....lol)
Now that we were done, we made Abs stand here for this picture because pre show she was ahead of us and was super grossed out by the “male toilet” right out there in the open. 
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We came around the corner and died laughing because apparently my kid has never seen a pay phone before.  Then she picked it up and immediately freaked out because “IT’S RINGING!!!!!”  That was the moment I realized she’d never heard a dial tone before.  Kids these days.  Lol.  We were still laughing on and opening car doors when we heard this CRUNCH that sounded like someone crumpled about 6 water bottles at once.  We jerk around and some dude had his car on top of the damn yellow pole.  Then we speculated the whole way back to the office (where A’s car was) about how he was gonna play that one off to the insurance company.  Now to today.  It is overcast and dreary and A and I are so tired but everyone at work is much relieved that we both made it out without handcuffs.
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falseroar · 6 years
Can You Wake Up? Part 11: Undercover Mode
((Here are links to Part 10: User Not Found and Part 1: Great Things))
It felt like you barely slept at all by the time morning came around. You listened to the noise coming from down the hall for a few minutes before you gave in and got up to see what was going on.
“Oh! Good morning, Y/N,” Mark said, jumping back with his hand raised as if he had just been about to knock at your door. “I was just, uh…”
He looked from the package in his hands to you and then just held it out.
“Thank you?” You took the box, which was just big enough that you needed both hands to hold it comfortably even though it wasn’t heavy.
“It, uh, was on the front step,” Mark said. He wasn’t making eye contact with you, until he glanced at your shirt and then looked at you with concern. “Are you okay?”
You looked down and realized that your faded to pink Google shirt had a couple of red spots on it now right about where your bandage was.
“Oh. It doesn’t hurt right now,” you said, pulling your collar back so you could see the bandage, just enough to know it needed to be changed.
“Hang on, I’ll go grab you some clothes,” Mark said before rushing off down the hall, past an open door where you could hear Bob and Wade arguing.
You looked down at the package again and took it into your room to open it. Ripping the tape off, you found an envelope sitting on top of a seemingly random group of objects. You opened the envelope first and pulled out a short letter written in ornate, cursive script.
Dear Y/N,
Some of us thought you might enjoy a little care package during your time away. I apologize for some of the more interesting gifts. They mean well.
We look forward to seeing you again. Call if you need anything.
Always yours,
It would have been almost sweet if it wasn’t coming from Dark. You tossed the letter aside and with a bit more care went through the contents of the box. There was a book that looked interesting, and a glance inside found “The Host thought Y/N might enjoy this.” written in shaky ink. There was a bunch of bandages, rubber-banded around a tube of pain cream and a box of Bugs Bunny bandaids, easy to guess who those were from. Someone had also stuck in a half-eaten jar of peanut butter and…was that a lock of hair? You avoided touching it as you pulled out a hastily wrapped paper bundle that had its own note attached to it.
“What’s that?”
You almost dropped it as you turned to look at Mark, who had stopped at the door.
“Just some gifts from the others,” you said, hoping that he wouldn’t look in the box. As weird as some of the stuff was, it was nice to know they put in the effort. “Dr. Iplier sent bandages, so that should help.”
Mark shrugged and held out some clean clothes. “I think these should be about the right size. Bathroom’s open if you want it.”
For a moment you were afraid Mark might try to talk some more, but after a moment of hesitation he walked away. By the time you grabbed the clothes and Dr. Iplier’s gift, you could hear Mark’s voice coming from one of the other bedrooms.
“You okay there, Sean? Not going back to sleep are you?”
Jack gave a muffled “no” that sounded like he was talking through a pillow.
“Wait a minute, sleep is for the weak…” Bob said. “That’s not the real Jack, get him!”
You would have loved to watch how the resulting pillow fight went, but the bathroom was calling your name. You ducked inside and locked the door, avoiding looking at your reflection in the mirror before dropping everything on the counter—including the paper-wrapped package you hadn’t meant to take with you.
You pulled the note off the package and read,
I thought of the perfect thing to send you! But apparently knives “aren’t an appropriate present,” whatever that means. The Jims said there was one thing Mama Jim said they should never leave home without, so we sent that instead!
It was signed with a pair of ‘W’s that were nearly bigger than the rest of the writing put together and a pair of Jims signed in almost identical handwriting.
You ripped open the paper and felt the heat in your face as you had to cover your mouth with both hands to keep from laughing.
Oh, God, did Dark see this?
You recovered, eventually, and walked out of the bathroom fresh from your shower with new bandages on your hands and chest and sporting one of Markiplier’s Sunset Van shirts. By the time you put the rest of your stuff back in your bedroom, it sounded like the guys had moved downstairs. You followed the noise down to the kitchen, where you were greeted by a few good mornings amidst all the chaos.
Except for Amy, who took one look at you and said, “Mark! Those are the clothes you gave them?”
“What’s wrong with them?” Mark asked.
“Dude, you can’t make them wear your merch,” Bob said.
“Well, excuse me, but it’s the only stuff I have around in a bunch of different sizes! At least they’re new and clean, right, Y/N? Not some hand-me-down Google shirt.”
You looked down at the shirt and shrugged, having not really thought about it. “But I liked the Google shirt too.”
“But what about other stuff?” Amy asked. “Socks, underwear, toothbrush?”
You looked away, embarrassed not just because Amy was pointing this out in front of the others. You weren’t sure what had surprised you more about your gift from Wilford and the Jims: the fact that it was underwear, or just how…lacy it all had been.
Comfortable, though.
Amy looked at you and asked, “How would you feel about going to some stores, maybe to the mall and getting you some essentials?”
Ethan, who had been trying to steal a bowl of cereal since he got in, suddenly perked up. “Ooh, I want to go shopping! Let these guys go to their stupid convention, we’ll have our own adventure, right, Y/N?”
“You’re not going?” you asked, already warming up to the idea. It meant less awkward time around Mark, for a start.
“Nah, I got a thing tomorrow,” Ethan said.
“’A thing,’” Mark said sarcastically. “Don’t lie to them Ethan, you’re just too cool to come with us and we all know it.”
“Yeah, I am! Isn’t that right, Kathryn?”
“Yeah, sure,” Kathryn said without looking up from her phone.
“I mean, I could see if I could get a visitor’s pass if you wanted to come with us,” Mark said, gesturing to himself and the other guys.
“No, I think this sounds like fun.” Honestly, the con sounded fun too, but you weren’t about to go anywhere with Mark right now.
“Yay!” Amy threw an arm around your shoulders and stuck her tongue out at Mark. “See you losers later!”
“Yeah!” Ethan walked out of the room with his stolen cereal and came back in a minute later. “Oh, I thought we were leaving right now.”
When you did leave, it was with Amy, Kathryn, Ethan, and Tyler, who admitted he had passed on this con because he had been to one just a few weeks before, all crammed into Amy’s car. This car ride wasn’t as bad as the last, but you still kept your eyes on your hands the whole time and tried to focus on the others laughing and joking around you.
You went by a few stores and eventually wound up at a thrift store, less to buy clothes for you at this point and more because Amy and Kathryn apparently knew the place and loved it. Everyone was messing around and trying on clothes by now. Amy managed to snag a pic of Ethan and Tyler in dresses, which Tyler swore would work great for a video idea he and Mark had been throwing around. While they went to find a dress in Mark’s size, you held up a shirt to your chest and turned to a nearby mirror to see how it looked.
That’s when you saw him behind you, a few rows in the other direction. He was peeking through the racks, either not bothering to be stealthy about it or just doing a really bad job at it. You turned around and he ducked back down a second too late.
“Y/N, what do you think of this one?” Tyler asked as he came around the aisle, holding up a blue floral print dress.
“Hang on a second,” you said, walking past Tyler and down the rows of racks, but there was no sign of him now. You heard the bell at the front door tinkle, but by the time you reached it he was gone.
“Something wrong?” Tyler asked, the dress now thrown over one shoulder.
“I think I just saw the Detective,” you said. “I mean, he was wearing these big sunglasses and the ugliest Hawaiian print shirt I’ve ever seen, but it was definitely him.”
“Oh, he must have been in ‘undercover mode’ then,” Tyler said. Catching the look you gave him, he explained, “Yeah, I see him around every now and then. He still takes cases, I think. Don’t worry, he’s ultimately harmless as long as Mark or the Col—Wilford aren’t around.”
“Okay, there was nothing undercover about that shirt. You could see that thing from space!”
Tyler sighed. “I don’t know, he watches these old detective shows and gets weird ideas. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I guess so,” you said, feeling more confused than anything. Mark had said something about how the Chef and the Detective were still around, but it hadn’t really sunk in. After all, the last time you saw the Detective—
You realized you were shaking, and tried to play it off by talking about some of the clothes on the rack behind Tyler. He chose not to say anything, and by the time everyone was ready to leave you had managed to calm down a lot, enough for something else to bother you.
Why was the detective watching you? Now that you thought about it, you had seen him at the airport yesterday too, when you were arguing with Mark. And why did he run away?
((End of Part 11. Thank you for reading! That lock of hair was from Yandereplier, because the best gift they could think of was something from Senpai.
Link to Part 12: Gone
Tagging:  @silver-owl413 @determinedrevolutionary @cherrybomb-jaguar @blackaquokat @catgirlwarrior @neverisadork @luna1350 @oh-so-creepy ))
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writtenbykaichu-a · 7 years
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Ky + Disney World: a magical journey or whatever?
someone requested fewer posts so y’all get one giant summary of my trip. mmmyup. gonna be image heavy as FUCK. sorry ‘bout that. we’ll go park-by-park, i’ll try to be as brief as possible! click the cut for the deets and junk!
Day 1: Hollywood Studios
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This is where I dressed up as Mickey Mouse. It was the day we focused the most on my brother cause most of the Star Wars stuff is here. I kinda mentioned the storm trooper story, but in detail:
We had spent all day tracking down storm troopers cause they were basically the only face characters my brother wanted to see. But they were closed to taking pictures. Plus they kept slipping away from us anyway.
So eventually we were hanging around the Star Wars area and we happened to run into them. And mom asked “can you please take a picture with my son now?” So one of the Storm Troopers grabs my brother by the shoulder and walks off with him and mom’s like freeeaking out and like they take him to this wall and are like interrogating him like “you’re not with the resistance are you?” I’m recording and all that jazz and eventually they turn to me and are like “you with the camera, get over here” (so MY VIDEO actually goes to black lmao but u can still hear them talking to us). It was a blast; later on we were in line to meet Chewey and they saw us and were like “I’m WATCHING you.”
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Meeting Mickey and Minnie was a blast. Minnie was absolutely adorable I LOVED her dress and she was bashful and friendly and gave lots of hugs. Mickey on the other hand was bold but still friendly, and the best part was even though he wasn’t matching my outfit, on my way out? He stopped me, gestured out my outfit, and gave me the okay hand. It. Was. The GREATEST.
Cute little side note... they’re dressed from movies they apparently directed and produced for each other. CHECK IT OUT!
ALSOS. We ate at the 50′s place here. IT. WAS. AMAZING. Everyone was RIDICULOUSLY in character; if you were on your phone they told you to “get off the walkie talkie, this is family time!” and if you had your elbows off the table they would get on you for that too, but like... it was still fun? Three strikes and you have to get up and sing a song. None of us got three strikes but the guy at the table next to us did. He had to sing and dance “I’m a little teapot” and it was honestly the highlight of my day. xD Oh and no desert if you don’t finish your plate. The catch? THEY SERVE HUGE-ASS PORTIONS. Seriously I ordered the fried chicken and asked for all dark meat? TWO LEGS AND TWO THIGHS, A SERVING OF POTATOES AND A SERVING OF CORN OK?????? I cleaned my plate tho 83. Mama was proud of me.
Day 2: Animal Kingdom
Yo Animal Kingdom was lit as FUCK. Literally the Tree of Life was THE COOLEST SHIT. And there were PEOPLE DANCING in each area, that was pretty tight too!
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We went to the Tusker House which was awesome cause Mickey, Donald, Daisy, and Goofy were all there and they went to EVERY table for pictures and autographs. (Awesome cause I didn’t have to hunt down Goofy!) There was this ADORABLE moment where Daisy walked by Donald and blew him a kiss. Seriously the cutest thing I saw the whole trip.
(I seriously can’t find my Donald picture. Uhhhh good thing I don’t like him that much??? Oops????)
Also, we saw the River of Light but... I was passed out for most of it uh... yeah OTL.
Day 3: Epcot
Let me just say that I ADORED Epcot. And it was where I met my favorite princess so I can’t really complain there. I really loved going through all the countries and seeing all the authentic merch, although it was kind of a :’c that there wasn’t more merch of each princess ya? That aside, let’s talk about Jasmine!
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Definitely my favorite encounter, and not just because she’s my favorite princess, but because she was SO interactive. She IMMEDIATELY recognized that I was dressed at her; “You look like me!” But then right after, she noticed my Rajah Tsum Tsum, and she FREAKED OUT. She was like, “YOU HAVE A LITTLE RAJAH!” and she asked me if it was actually Rajah or just a tiger, and I assured her it was a Disney Authentic Rajah. She asked where I got it, I told her it was the last Rajah on Amazon, and you can see her squeezing it and her little “aw” face, like she freaked out over Rajah for quite a bit. At a point, she touched my headband and said “I can see you have more jewels on your head than me; you must’ve gone to the Cave of Wonders!” I thought that was the cutest. The BEST part though, was when mom came up. She was wearing a red top, so Jasmine noted that mom “look[ed] like me when I dressed up for Jafar!” and so I said, “we don’t talk about when you dressed up for Jafar.” So she leaned in and whispered, “Well. Aladdin likes to talk about it sometimes.” And I just gaped at her. At which point she added, presumably hoping to make it better, “Only on special occasions, though!” And I just... lost it. And that was the note we ended on lmaO.
Day 4: Magic Kingdom
Now okay. Magic Kingdom is DEFINITELY where we did and saw the most. I mean we ACTUALLY stayed all day and I mean it’s Magic freaking Kingdom. There was so much to do and see I don’t even know where to start.
(Okay well. Dad made this decision for me since he has some of the pictures and he just HECKING GOT ON THE ROAD TO ARKANSAS WITHOUT TELLING ME. So yeah... some of the things we won’t have pictures of for now. That’s okay there’s a LOT of MK content.)
First thing: THE MOTHER HECKING PARADES. They did these multiple times per day--I actually got to see the Vamos! one twice. (That song has been stuck in my head, actually... watch with caution.) Seriously, they’re SO fun to watch--it’s the only time I remember hearing Mickey and the Gang talk, actually...
TIANAAAA, she was great, I almost cried tbh, seeing her there. If only they had merch to match amirite. She was so sweet, she pointed out that I was wearing green like her and flowers like her and when I told her I dressed up like her on purpose she gave me a HIGH FIVE!
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I also got to meet Rapunzel, since she was in the same room as Tiana. She was a sweetie pie, she saw my first visit button and was like “that reminds me of my first visit to MY kingdom” and invited me to go see the floating lanterns, which I equated to the fireworks show at the end of the night. (Which was GLORIOUS by the way.)
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Other relevant things: we got to eat at Tony’s. The food was hecking delicious and there were pictures of Lady and Tramp EVERYWHERE. Tony was around too but I forgot to take a picture. -sob- They were playing the movie in the waiting area tho that was cute.
Bonus Round: Disney Springs
Basically my brother didn’t get this jacket he wanted so we hunted it down at the shopping center. But we took some cool pictures, look!
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Yeah you’re probably wondering that, especially if you donated to me, right? DW DW I didn’t forget that part! So shout-out to my mom (and my dad) cause I severely underestimated how much they’d be willing to help me out. That said I STILL went flat broke, coming home with 19 bucks to my name lmaO.
. . .
Let’s get to the goods, shall we?
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Pictured above:
A Tiana Birthstone Pin (yes, it’s my birthstone)
Minnie and Minnie Mouse plushies
A Disney Parks exclusive Monopoly
A Belle’s/Beast’s Mirror necklace
A Lilo Plushie
A Stitch Plushie
A Journal made to look like the original Lion King VHS packaging
A Tinkerbell that lights up green
A Jasmine ornament
A Princess Pen
A Mickey Measuring Spoon set
A Mickey Pen
A Matching Han Solo and Princess Leia T-Shirt set (for me and the bae)
A WDW Hoodie
A Mickie/WDW pair of “sweatpants” (they’re p thin tbh)
tl;dr: a damn good haul. although tbh i feel like mom’s gonna ask me to pay her back even tho she didn’t mention it earlier cause she has a habit of doing that...
And that’s a wrap! Unless you guys wanna see the pics dad has on his phone when he’s back from his trip??? (lemmie know in the replies!) Thanks everyone for your support and interest in my first ever trip to Disney World! It really has been a lifelong dream and I actually???? Stayed healthy despite all the rain and ups and down in the weather--I’m VERY proud of myself and happy that I got to ENJOY the trip rather than trudging along and stuff. Seriously I can’t begin to express how blessed I feel. I love you guys and I’ll try to keep the dash as clean as possible so if you have more questions please send them privately!
Have a magical day!
❤ Ky
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girlsandlove · 7 years
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Reasons to ship Camren...
They have matching onesies; Lauren's one is gray whilst Camila's is pink.
They're both Cuban.
They're both from Miami, Florida.
Both are Latinas.
Lauren and Camila got the most solos in The X Factor performances.
They are both big fans of One Direction.
They both auditioned in Greensboro, North Carolina.
They both have a younger sister.
They hung out with each other on December 31st, 2012 to January 1st, 2013. They then tweeted a photo of Camila making a funny face and Lauren looking awkward.
Spanish was both their first language.
They live 15 minutes away from each other.
They often switch places with the other girls so they can sit next to each other.
They both love to do accents with each other.
They often think the same things at the same time.
They both have a weakness: Lauren for beanies and Camila for bows.
Lauren is the only one who calls Camila Camz.
Camila said if Lauren got arrested for something, she would get arrested for being so sweet.
They sat right next to each other at a The 1975 concert.
They have the same music taste.
Lauren said Camila is her “Pink Princess”.
Lauren is the “mom”...and Camila is the “father”.
Camila thinks Lauren is a “boss of an intelligent opinion”.
Camila thinks Lauren “is real”.
Camila would switch her mind with Lauren.
Lauren would switch her mind with Camila.
Camila wanted Lauren to kiss her under the mistletoe.
They wear the same "merch” clothes.
The way Lauren looks at Camila after she says “Fall, by Ed Sheeran”.
Lauren is Camila’s celebrity crush. (Oh ... and Camila wants to marry with her celebrity crush ..even if her family doesn’t support the relationship.)
Camila would be "Baby Spice" because she is Lauren's baby.
Lauren is the only person who laughs at Camila's jokes.
Camila loves Lern Jerg.
Because Lauren helps her when her banana is dead on the floor.
Because Lauren helps her when her microphone breaks.
Because Lauren ties her shoes.
Camila is the sun and Lauren the moon.
Because Lauren doesn't know what else to say but she thinks Camila is pretty fucking Dope!
Because Camila has Lauren “written on her”.
Because Camila read Lauren's favorite book.
Because Lauren knows that Camila cried reading “Fault in Our Stars”.
Because one day Camila and Lauren went to the bathroom together and ... that's the end of the conversation!
Because Camila thinks Lauren can sing and is pretty too.
Because they have an audience that calls them crazy! (and they call us delusional!)
Because both like “so many hot boys”.
Because Camila said: “keep the boat floating”.
Because Lauren said “It’s Camren, YOOO!.
Because Lauren wants someone to love her insecurities...and Camila do!
Because Lauren has “the most beautiful emerald eyes in the world”.
Because Camila thinks Lauren is “perfect”.
Camila tried salmon because Lauren loves sushi.
Because Lauren thinks Camila is goofy, not the bad kind goofy, the cute kind goofy.
Because Camila loves people from “planet green eyes”.
"I love you. You're one of my best friends and I feel like I've know you forever. You're one of the smartest people I know and you're stuning. I've learned a lot from you, just know I'll always be here for you no matter what!" - Camila on Lauren
"Happy 16th Birthday little one(: thank you for always being you and being one of the raddest people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. You're an incredible person and I'm extremely lucky to have you in my life. Thanks for being there to vent with and even though we haven't known each other for even a year yet, I feel like you're the sister God forgot to give me. I love you Camzi(: have a good one babe! 💙😘🎉🎈🎁💙#camren" - Lauren on Camila
"Happy 17th Birthday to this little nugget right here. I thought this picture was cute so I decided it would suffice. Just wanted to let you know that you're an amazing beautiful person and I'm glad that you've been alive for 17 years and that 2 of them have been spent with the girls and I because idk you're pretty rad and an amazing friend and fun to have around. I hope you have an amazing day and feel as special today as you deserve to feel everyday. Thanks for always being there for me when I need you and for being your wonderful self(: I LOVE YOU CAMZ" - Lauren on Camila
"AWHHHHH YAAAY I LOVE YOU UR CUTE 🐏🐟💗🎷" - Camila on Lauren
"The word I’d use to describe Camila is hmm I’m gonna say cutesy, like also goofy. It’s like both, like the good kind of goofy not the weird kind. Like the cutesy kinda goofy" - Lauren on Camila
"LERN JERGI. ITS YOUR BIRTHDAY. YOU ARE 18. THIS IS THE MOMENT YOUVE BEEN WAITING FOR. IF YOU STUCK YOUR TONGUE OUT IN THE AIR RIGHT NOW YOU COULD PROBABLY TASTE THE SWEET AND PUNGENT FREEDOM OF DRAGONFLY TATTOOS, NOSE PIERCINGS, AND VOTING RIGHTS. we've been through thick and thin in our friendship, and through those thick and thins I've gotten blessed enough to experience you as a person. ive gotten to experience your bomb music taste which I am SO HAPPY YOU INTRODUCED ME TO because we have the best time at concerts bonding over bands and there are so many more to come PRAISE JESUS. i can come to you about anything and expect the pure, honest, rare truth and I'll always be there tell you it'll be okay when you cry on my shoulder when you feel lonely or hurt. I've gotten to see firsthand your incredible sense of justice, when you see that something unfair or wrong has happened, you'll raise your voice and fight for that person with a bravery that I, and many other people (although they might not admit it) wish they had. i love how passionately you fight for what you think is right and everyone should remind you today and everyday that it's a strength and not a weakness. i can't tell you what a comfort it is to know someone like you will stick up for me and have my back, i hope you know i will too. i love you always" - Camila on Lauren
"Super cute candids taken by a random stranger always make good birthday post pics. HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY CAMILA CABELLO. YOU'RE LEGAL NOW YAYYY!!!!!! You are such a beautiful person inside and out and I'm so thankful that I get to call you my friend. Thanks for all the laughs, for being my shoulder to cry on whenever I've needed a friend, for giving amazing sound advice (even though you're just now considered an adult by the government you've been there mentally for a while which I greatly appreciate) I wish you many more years of amazingness and I hope you had the best day with your family. You deserve all the love and happiness the world has to offer and I wish it all upon you for many many years to come. I LOVE YOU CAMZZZZ❤️❤️❤️" - Lauren on Camila
"HAPPY 19TH LAUREN!! i remember the day you auditioned for X factor seeing a beautiful green eyed girl belt out an Alicia keys song so perfectly i feared for my life. i remember telling my mom "that girl can sing!! and she's gorgeous too!!" and then you walked out and i told you i loved your shirt remember? HAHAHA. it's funny how before we even knew how important we were going to be to each other, something in us knew and something in us will always know. i love how fiercely you defend your opinion, i love your strength, your bold independence, and your desire to live life fully. i love that we crack up at each other's jokes even when nobody else gets them- and i love those moments where we get caught up in talking about a band or a book and we get lost in the conversation like two normal girls in high school that aren't about to go do something ridiculous like go to an awards show. i will always be there for you when you need someone to vent to, when you want to talk about the overwhelming underwhelmingness of boys that break our hearts or the overwhelming overwhelmingness of when a kiss leaves your head reeling, when i back you up and you need someone to stick up for you, or when you just need someone to understand- we've done that for each other in the last 3 years and we will do that for each other forevermore. i love you so much !!!! happy 19th lern jergi!!!!! camila" - Camila on Lauren
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nickpetriccaships · 7 years
concert story- magic man x smallpools
SO after school my two friends and i walked to my friend’s house to change and stuff then we got in the car and drove into the city. We got to the venue about 2 and a half hours before doors opened and were the third group of people on line which was sweg. It was hella cold though and i was wearing a skirt so that wasnt v fun. ANYWAY we were just chillin and we see Sam, Joey, and Gabe carrying equipment into the venue????? it was just SUPER COOL to see them in person irl up close and personal. we also saw queen jb walk in and her haircut was ROCKIN! we also saw beau come out and that was rad 2.
while we were waiting in line, i saw the lead singer from WATERS walk by so i ran up to him and said “hey i got you guys a gift!” (lil back story- they really like pumpkin spice lattes, so i had tweeted them the night before asking if they had a keurig or just a regular coffee maker and bought them pumpkin spice coffee grinds). he was like aight sweet! but you see that purple van over there? you can just walk over and tap on the window and tell them that you got them a gift". so i was like um ok? i walked over thinking that it was just going to be a crew member or someone that i would hand the gift to, so i walked over to their van and waved at the window and was like “heeyyy so he said to come over here and say i have a gift for you guys, so…i have a gift for you guys!” so then (to my surprise) the WHOLE band got out of the van??? i was like oh good golly gosh its all of you guys!! so they all got out and introduced themselves and i gave them my present and they were like YOOOO this is THE BEST! we’re going to make this backstage later! and then i explained to them that i was the one who had tweeted them asking what type of coffee maker they had and sara was like “oh yeah lol we were like huuhhh, whats this about?” so then shes like HEY lets put this in the snap story! and i was like ????? ok??? so we filmed the snapstory and she sent it to me as well and it was the coolest thing evar? then we just hung out a bit and chatted which was super cool!
SO we ate dinner and whatnot while waiting on line, and we were sitting near this wall thing and we could hear MM sound-checking!!! they were playing chicagoland, and it was just such a happy moment for me because i love that song a lot and to hear them sound check just made me rlly happy. we heard WATERS sound-checking as well so that was coooool!
After a long wait, 7pm came and we went into the venue. we passed the merch table on our way in so i was able to drop off my gift for MM and grab postcards and tattoos for the street team. we were like the third line of people which was SO close!!!!
WATERS performed first and they were SOSO GOOD!! andrew (the drummer) went to throw his drumstick out after their set, and ofc everyone was waving but i think he saw me and sorta nodded in my direction and threw it, except i didnt catch it bc some girl next to me grabbed it before hand. :((((
after WATERS, Magic Man performed and they were SO LOVELY!!! they didnt sing chicagoland even though they performed it during soundcheck, so i thought that was kinda weird and a bit disappointing but i still got to hear it so it was ok. they also sang honey and sweet jesus that was beautiful. seriously. caplow busted out those moves during honey and im pretty sure that i physically can not have kids after watching that performance bc wow.
but after they were done they were cleaning up the stage and stuff and a crew guy grabbed the setlist and I GOT IT!!!! except my friend amelia was standing in front of me and she also had it in her hand but i didnt know that it was her and i wasnt about to let some girl take this set list frm me!1 so long story short it got ripped in half but it was ok bc it was like the happiest moment of my life.
after MM smallpools performed, and they were rad as h*ck!! i was super excited to see them bc i went to two tours that they were supposed to open for but it ended up being other opening bands instead?. during killer whales tho they passed out this huge ass blow up “killer whale” and it actually hit the chandelier and it started to shake and everyone was like wtf and we all had a phantom moment, but thank goodness it didnt fall or anything?
while smallpools was performing, my friend’s cousin was at the merch table and texted saying that acap was there, and we really wanted to meet him (again lol) so we decided to leave after smallpools sang killer whales, which was their third to last song.
so our lil trio went out to merch and i was able to get my gift and give it to caplow! we did a lil hello hug and then i said that i had got lil gifts for everyone in the band, and that i got him snapea crisps but i wasnt sure if he liked caesar or lightly salted so i just got both and he said AWWWW and gave me another hug and i criieddd. (side note- i had tweeted him a few days before asking what his fave snacks were and one of them was snapea crisps). theeen i got him to sign a postcard and the setlsit i caught and we took a pic and after we took a super cute picture i went in for another hug and i s2g- HE FUCKING NUZZLED MY HEAD. LIKE YOU KNOW HOW YOU GO TO CUDDLE W SOMEONE AND YOU LIKE NUZZLE THEM? WELL THATS WHAT HAPPENED. i just about melted and was certainly not ok.
it was real nice getting to see caplow again, and i told him how excited i was to see MM and that it was my third time seeing them and all that jazz. after we all got pics we bought merch and sara and andrew from waters were at their merch table to we chatted with them a bit too.
while all that was going on, smallpools was finishing up their last two songs (kareoke and dreaming) and during dreaming alex went into the venue and was dancing and jumping around and it was super cute.
once the concert ended we left the venue and drove home, but it was the most spectacular night ever and definitely in my top 3 favorite concerts ive been to!!!
i took some killer pics and posted the videos i took on the YouTube, so hmu for links and such or just randomness if you want to talk or have any q’s!
also if you read this whole thing thanks youre sooper sooper rad and i hope alex caplow will nuzzle your head one day.
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 3 years
Mon 15 March ‘21
FIRST TIME GRAMMY AWARD WINNING ARTIST HARRY STYLES!! From the bottom of the stairs to the top of the fucking world baby, get itttt!! He won Best Pop Solo Performance for smash hit Watermelon Sugar-- the other two categories he was up for went to others but he was a dark horse for any of them so getting one is awesome! Yeah the grammys are shit but I’m so happy for him to see him receiving validation and acclaim from the industry that has never appreciated what he (and his bandmates) are and can do as artists, it’s a fucking start you know? We can enjoy the moment! Harry did! His acceptance speech was short and it feels like he was blindsided and forgot everything (including not to swear on TV and as pro as he is you know that means he was absolutely reeling, I love that) but later he said “I want to thank my fans for giving me an environment to be free to make the music that I want to make and supporting me along the way the last ten years”, yes that’s right we have helped you find a place to feel good, and “this is an incredibly sweet icing on the cake of what I get to do everyday so thank you.”
But that’s not all! He also performed, and wore things! Say what you want about Harry (or better yet please DON’T at least to me but that’s a losing battle) we always get so hyped up about even just seeing his outfits and he does not let us down! BLACK LEATHER, TITS FULLY OUT, DICK BANANA CHARM, AND A MUPPET BOA? Yeah he did that! Shirtless under a patent leather suit, I mean: wow. Very glam rock, very… well listen it’s just very GAY in like so many different ways??? Harry Lambert said they wanted “something darker, sexier, and more unexpected” which is definitely about that look I’m assuming and not the pastel thrift store rummage bin hodgepodge he wore later, unless Harry(s) and I have very different ways of interpreting “darker”. (Harry L also said “free the nipple” and we can all see that he MEANT it.) Harry red carpet-ed and accepted his award in a lavender muppet boa, tits slightly less out but still cleavagey, and with a seemingly random collection of other garments YES BABY OKAY you just WEAR THAT THEN! About that Harry L said, “we wanted to do something that felt British and eccentric, a little bit rock ‘n’ roll and a little bit camp,” but the people have spoken and they said ‘we think he looked like Cher from Clueless’ so, sorry Harry(s)! Esquire struggling to describe the look-- “the kind of thing that Styles seems to make wearable” klasjdlk the doubtful ‘seems’ is sending me. Either way we can definitely all agree on the camp part, and that the matching face mask (as seen in the audience shots and in adorbs pics of him camping it up with Lizzo backstage) is amazing, love that (even if he does spend way too much time nervously pulling it on and off omg just LEAVE IT) and it even went also with outfit number THREE (or at least it did as well as any of his anything went together lol) which was a big floppy orange coat and plaid pants and a THIRD BOA, a dignified (haha JK NOPE it’s still a muppet) black number this time.
It seems the performance was filmed in advance rather than done live-- there were clues suggesting this might be the case, but the real giveaway was when a picture from it leaked before the broadcast, lol. Way to make it so we “can’t even tell if it’s live or not” Ben, and why is he STILL so obsessed with trying to gaslight us anyway my god just say what’s prerecorded it’s fiiiine. ANYWAY Harry played Watermelon Sugar and only WS; well after all it is his GRAMMY AWARD WINNING SONG. Plus it was a really nice version, all smooth and funky, with a highlight of the night being Harry’s full on 60s girl group choreo move with the backup singers, omg. Those backing vocalists were the duo G.A.W.D., and there was extra accompaniment by fellow nominee Devonte Hynes aka Blood Orange (who also directed the performance and no I do not know what that means) and “Spencer and Josh” on horns (the closest I can find to someone crediting them so, apologies guys). Anyway! All of them (regular HS band included) were decked out in matching gucci black leather too and looking good. And Harry looked so happy to be up there performing, just beaming like a lighthouse, so overall- good good stuff, I just keep on dancin!
The real bombshell of the performance though was subtle and needed confirmation after for the excitement to really hit-- it was Sarah drumming  decked out in tight black leather and visibly pregnant!! That’s right, band drummer Sarah Jones is PREGNANT by (Grammy Award winning) guitarist Mitch, there’s a HARRY STYLES BAND BABY on the way!!!! WHAT A NIGHT! It wasn’t enough for Harry to find love in his own band, he’s somehow cupid-ing that energy all over the place and spreading it around, AMAZING!
And Liam comes through with not just a sweet congratulations for Harry (“what a huge moment, proud to be your brother” awwww) but also the final word on the performance look- goddammit it IS one of the rejected Best Song Ever video looks, LMAOOOO. But did he tag HSHQ instead of Harry directly in acknowledgment of how the awards system really works and that they are all to be congratulated or simply because it was easier? We will never know.
Additional tidbits-- bassist Hynes was apparently playing creative director Molly Hawkins’ dad’s bass- did we know her dad was a famous bassist who played with Fleetwood Mac and many other 70s stars?! If I did I had definitely forgotten! And more Molly news-- she’s also pregnant!! Harry will soon be surrounded by quarantine babies, dreams really coming true huh? Harry posted a pic of himself with Mitch and Devonte looking very cooool, we saw the ceramic watermelons label execs were sent for the WS release last year, and Rebecca Ferguson who knows 1D from way back when (and has recently drawn attention for talking frankly about how fucked up the industry is and about having seen unnamed boy band members literally slammed against the wall by their management) congratulated Harry and posted a couple of baby pop star Harry pics, cuuuute. Louis’ merch handlers, in response to no complaints whatsoever, sent out emails apologizing. They say they’ve run out of lanyards which were meant to be sent out so they will “be adding a freebie which we know you’ll enjoy” to affected customers’ orders. That is sucky about the lanyards but that’s customer care! Niall posted about his cool bright limited edition merch to remind that it will be gone gone gone tonight and also shared a pretty and touching picture from a the large anti violence rally held in London to protest the killing of Sarah Everard today. And finally some good advice from Bebe Rexha, loved by larries; she says she loves us right back but please don’t kill anyone for not streaming her new song! Yes good plan.
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 4 years
📑 Wed 15 July 🧐
Simon Jones has announced a One Direction anniversary plan: he tells us that "alongside the fan frenzy" (they got that part right anyway) Sony will be presenting us with... a WeBSiTE!! Omgggg okay don't all freak out at once yes it's true: they are blessing us with, uh, a digital timeline of the band with "exciting activations." Given that many of us already spend our leisure time looking at digital content reliving the last ten years of One Direction, the underwhelm is real, unless they really deliver with the "steaming (sic) partner activations," LMAO. High hopes there lemme tell you! There will also be a "10 years of 1D anniversary celebration video," (taking us "right up to the hiatus" so five years actually and no solo anything), yes hello there Ben Winston we can see your grubby little fingerprints, and "reformatted EPs...featuring b-sides and rare songs...for fans to rediscover" (my emphasis cause that means nothing new but listen if anything involving/acknowledging Home happens I might consider a formal apology for taking the piss and give them their due.) Really when fans are disappointed it isn't a perfume, well just OUCH. Still, there's no indication the boys have any involvement whatsoever in this steaming hot, uh, content, so the hope that they're up to something on their own continues.
Maybe relevant to that disconnect between the band and the label plans (maybe not): it was announced today that Syco has been split into its TV and music parts, with Simon Cowell buying out the TV half and Sony retaining sole control of the music holdings. The Sun says that Louis' departure was the "final straw" yes bitch BREAK THEM! Syco Music as we know it isn't officially dead yet, but this sure looks like the beginning of the end, so feel free to start dancing on its grave! This is certainly part of the same picture as Louis' announcement but we don't know how, really. Syco music holdings went to Sony in the deal, and possibly current Syco artists will be sent to other Sony labels, but Louis' announcement would seem to tell us that he won't be included in that and has jumped free of the sinking wreckage in time to choose his next steps himself, something he should have great leverage for thanks to his dedicated fanbase. Mike Navarro, an exec at Columbia Records, liked Louis' post about leaving Syco which got people looking to Columbia, but he's also a former 1D associate and often likes Louis' posts so it might just be another one for the 'everyone likes Louis better than they like Syco' file. Anyway Simon isn't going broke yet (The Sun fawns over the "eight figures" he got in the deal but rushes vaguely past the amount he paid them for the TV wing, let's hope it was at least seven figures) but he will no longer own or control One Direction's music catalog. FUCK YES.
In other news Harry took a fan pic in London wearing his bee shirt yesterday and liked a post wishing Ben Winston's dad- the guy who's trying to make cis male pregnancy possible- a happy birthday, Liam followed a former Marine/motivational speaker and an actor known for war movies and is hyping up his upcoming concert, Louis wrote a sweet testimonial for vocal coach Helene's website and released some new merch and continued his DMAs stanning, Niall tweeted about football, ignoring the angry masses of his fans who would still like to have a word with him about his vacation, and Briana Jungwirth would like us to know that conspiracy theories are real and so is "media manipulation."
Gigi has been hiding her baby bump despite everyone making a big fuss about it, even going so far as to cover her belly in a recent photo with a Tinkerbell emoji, which most took to be a strategy to have a dramatic Vogue cover exclusive reveal, but today at last we've seen the bump (and her round rosy preggo face too) in a live. Zaby on board!
And did Harry's mom Anne unfollow Eleanor? She unfollowed someone and isn't following Eleanor, so either she did or she was not following but was liking and commenting on her pics sometimes anyway. If it's significant we'll know that only in retrospect, like pretty much everything.
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