#hero grian
jadespeedster17 · 1 year
Summary: Live long enough to see yourself become the villain, Grian never put much stock into these words. We all have the power to chose good or evil. To hurt or help people. Now... he wasn’t so sure. Staring down at the mentor from opposing sides. His brow in a white knuckled grip, and the smile that was painfully familiar but directed malicious intent at him.
Warnings: Mild Violence, Hero turned Villain, Manipulation, Villain Scar, Hero Grian
Notes: this was something I talked abut a few days back on blu’s blog again. We were going crazy with the Father Spore AU and i suggested that might be a Villain Scar. So yeah.  Grian’s power is he can sense the emotions of others as a passive powers, but his main power is he harness emotions as powers to create potion like effects on his arrows.  Scar’s power as Hotguy is Eagles Eye, he could see the world in slow motion, a passive ability of this is he can have out of body experiences and walk to places in his minds eyes. His powers are the same as a villain, but now he’s also got abilities from a weird alien spore cloud. (No this isn’t Venom :/)
The flash of lights, cameras, and reporters yells did nothing for Cuteguy as he walked with Redbot away from the crowd. He felt numb inside, despite the face he was beat up pretty bad from the fight. Silently they reassured the citizens that though this situation was unfortunate, they had it handled. These lies sat bitter on his tongue. 
The drive back was even worse with his group, all of them having varying ranges of emotions Cuteguy picked up on. They all had taken off their masks and were most reeling from it all. The one spot near Grian felt empty now, a sense of bitterness also came with it. Ren’s emotions were of anger, sitting across from Grian glaring out the window. Ren, Wulf, always felt he was leader of this pack, to possibly know one of his own had been turned and he could do nothing to stop it... there was undertone emotions of disappointment and self loathing. 
Mumbo, Redbot, was solemn, yet a steel to them. No doubt he was already planning encase their once friend tried anything. He was sad, upset at himself deep down, but also seemed to be on guard.  Then there was Pearl, Nebula, who he only got sadness from. Grian could faintly make out tears on his siters face, but there was also anger that burned deep. He reached over and took her hand as she didn’t look at him, but squeezed it back. 
Grian went back to staring out the window, they were all exhausted after all of that. The arrow wound in his shoulder would need looked at. He could still see it, the sharp green eyes as he fired the arrow to hit his shoulder to keep him from firing shots back. “I was the one who taught you that trick Gri.” a condescending, but knowing smile. “I’ll see you soon.”
He never liked how white and sterile the HA was, sitting here now in the directors office, Xisumi was pacing slightly. He could sense frustration and worry from the man. “This is... unprecedented.” he finally spoke, voice weary and tired. “Hotguy, Scar Goodtimes, has been infected by the fungal spores then?” he asked again to the group.
Soft agreement words, they all saw it, Grian got a front row seat to it. His mentor being careful to approach, the green cloud engulfing him as he started to cough... then... watching as the mushrooms grew on his back. The dread realizing now that could have been him.  “The higher ups are not gonna like this.” Xisumi groaned a bit, looking at his desk in despair. 
The agency they worked for wasn’t part of a good system, and while their director tried to make it barrable for them, it was clear that the higher ups were looking for any reason to bare down on this group. They had the highest success rate in villains stopped, and the least amount of crime. But this was also because they loved what they did, and felt they were doing good, at least here. More than just for greed and advertisement. 
The group looked at each other, some other faces were here too, False spoke up “This might be the thing they need to bare their teeth.” Xisumi scowled at his desk at that, “And turn this place into a money maker... no... I won’t allow that. But they will no doubt tight security and leisure activities will be replaced with more training.” he grimaced. 
They all grimaced with him, but it would be understandable why. Scar knew much about them, their fighting styles, and their powers. They were close here, they were a family, Ren their defector leader, Bdubs his second and right hand, Grian’s mentor was the sniper and training him to also be one, Mumbo was tech savvy and helping Pearl also become the same. False who watched from the skies for them and kept everything running, and who scared the shit out of everyone. Welsh was their trainer, and a hard task master of a mentor to them all.  Everyone... the others, now all knew that Scar was now a Villain. 
Grian gripped the edges of his skirt, and narrowed his eyes slightly. He tuned out Xisumi talking about how security now will put them all on protection. He doubted Scar would jump now to attack, no doubt getting used to his new self. Ash sat on Grian’s tongue even though he didn’t say that. 
The meeting was dismissed with all of them told to be on guard. Grian felt like he had a weight on his shoulders still as he walked to change and head home for the day. No one said anything, Pearl opted to stay later to help Mumbo with security. 
Grian didn’t want to stick around, putting on a sweater, comfort really. And... it had a scent to it that was familiar to him. And got his bag for the walk home, the sun was dipping low in the sky, casting somber orange shades over the city. The walk home and going to bed was uneventful, Grian didn’t remember most of it, he did remember crying though.
. . .
A few days later
. . .
Sirens going off was annoying as the building echoed them, Grian rushing out to the landing pad to open his wings to the wind. There was an attack on a large government building, a lab just near the outskirts. Souls... the villain’s sculk like stuff was easy to see from the air that False saw. Blocking entry and exit and to no doubt corrupt the people inside or make them into sculk husks.  With the rebreather on his mouth, so not to get the sculk in his mouth or lungs, Grian was their way to get in. 
Snipers like him were to infiltrate and be the eyes for the rest of the group. He and Scar had done many dangerous stuff like this. First to go in, and the most vulnerable. Being a duo made it easier to watch their backs.
Grian couldn’t fathom what doing it alone was like for Scar before, but he was about to find out. 
He managed to find a small opening that was being closed off, the sculk luckily grew slow in light, and he managed to slip through before it closed behind him. He turned on his visor to see in the dimly lit room, sculk covered many areas, shriekers and sensors, Souls used them as security, and Grian knew he’d have to be as silent as a mouse to get deep inside and not be caught. 
Moving slowly over the sticky stuff on the ground, Grian remembered his training, quiet, silent, your ears were your greatest strength. He focused on the area, he frowned as he noticed the air in the area was very dense. Dust? No, these buildings were very well cleaned. Even though reports False was sending showed that the ventilation had been turned off.
Grian could hear voices ahead as he pressed to the wall, and listened closely to everything. “Our powers are almost the same, but yours has a instance effect compared to mine” that sounded like Souls. “It’s fascinating, gonna requite more experimentation. But you say you can hear their thoughts now?”
He crouched low and peered over the banister, he saw Souls, the sculk along the left side of his face. His vison zoomed in on him, looking at the blue eyes, ‘Cub Fan: Former HA Scientist corrupted by the Sculk Catalyst.’ came up on his screen.  Cub had been before Grian joined, Scar spoke often of his old friend and about how sad he was that Cub because what he did. 
He frowned a bit, but who was Cub talking to? “Yup!” his insides turned cold and he turned to where the other person was. “I can feel them in my head, and vice versa, they do as I saw, those that agreed have more freedom of will then that but seem happier now.” 
Scar smiled at Cub as he walked away from a person that had mushrooms growing out of their skin. He looked different, having on a had that had mushrooms on it, which also had the things growing out of his back and shoulders. Green mist came off his skin, which was much paler now and his eyes near glowed green. He was dressed in a purple vest, and black pants. The white shirt was loos and was buttons were undone to expose his chest. 
He seemed giddy as Grian looked around to see people around. Some had the green and blue veins of sculk on their faces and glowing blue eyes. While others looked akin to Scar, they moved on their own compared to the shambling that the Sculk Infected did. Most smoother in their emotions, like they weren’t puppets on strings, and seemed to be gathering up things. 
“They keep calling me ‘Father’ which is funny.” Scar’s voice said with a sheepish laugh as Cub also laughed. They were walking together  as Grian followed above them. No doubt the others were watching through his visor and listening in. “Suppose it comes with the new role.” Cub commented casually, “But I will say I’m glad you’re here with me friend.” nudging Scar lightly, who scoffed out a laugh and shoved him back. “I’ve missed talking to you. Banter fighting can only do so much.”
So Scar had teamed up with Cub then? And from what Grian can gather their powers are quiet similar. He could tell False was sending this info to the others, he gripped his bow tightly and crouched lower.  He noted they had stopped walking, and Scar smirked slightly, “I wonder how long the pretty bird is gonna keep sneaking about?” he said louder, Grian pressed his back to the pillar his heart pounding. 
“Grian, I know you’re here, you forget I can walk without going their psychically.” a chiding tone, like one would scold a child or tease them.  At that moment the sculk next to Grian reached out, and he moved fast, not bothering with stealth anymore, Cub knew where he was. He jumped from the balcony and onto the lights above, gripping the wires as they moved. 
Grian looked down at the two villain who were smiling up at him, Scar looked excited and Cub’s neutral smile. “Nice of you to come out of hiding, but I prefer to talk face to face.” Cub commented as Scar nodded in agreement with a smile that showed sharp teeth. 
“Like I’d risk being on ground level with either of you.” the rebreather distorted his voice a bit, which upon noticing Scar’s smile turned to a pout.
“Really Gri? The air if very breathable here.” he waved his hand, creating another cloud of spores. 
“DANGER: Highly Contagious’ his headset said as Grian scoffed, “You know your tech can tell you’re lying about that as Scar just gave a smile that said he tried. 
Scar smiled up at him, “Come on cutie, just want to talk is all, surely you must be curious.” and he was, Grian was curious as to why Scar was acting like this, what the spore cloud did to him. “tell you what, I’ll promise not to try anything, and we’ll have 10 minuets to talk it out on ground level. Then I’ll give you time to get higher again. Scouts honor!” he said with a hand to his heart and the other up in the air. Cub snickered next to him at the gesture. 
Narrowing his eyes Grian knew this was a bad idea, but he also knew right now it was either engage in a fight or talk. The others were still getting ready for this place, so not to be infected by whatever Scar and Cub were doing. he had to stall for time, “Fine.” he said slowly as the smile grew on Scar’s face.
It was slightly unnatural, uncanny at that, like someone just plastered a smile on the glass face. Grian jumped down, his wings catching the wind and di blow away from spores due to the wind they made. Scar just laughed at that with a grin to the other.
“There’s my Cuteguy!” Scar said cheerfully, looking like he wanted to hug Grian, but opted not to, Grian’s chest ached at how familiar it was. And action he found he already missed, strong arms around him after missions and a kiss to his cheek. “It’s only been a few days, but I already miss you.” Scar admits to him, tone softer and sadder. Grian could feel the emotions stronger now from Scar. 
Longing. Sadness. Nostalgia.
Grian didn’t falter though, “So... spores? Mushrooms?” he asked a little awkward unsure how to start this conversation.  A look that made his heart clench, but Scar quickly smiled again, “Yup, amazing aren’t they? I can feel through them, I can feel everything now. The edges of my awareness take up more space, but... the city is rather empty.” he admits, the word sends a cold chill through Grian.
He opened his mouth to talk only to yelp as his visor was yanked off my sculk and pulled over to Cub, “HEY!” he yelled as the villain crushed it in his hands. 
Cub tutted, “Can’t have eavesdropper Cuteguy.” he said casually tossing the remains on the ground.
Grian glared, as Scar continued, “I want to talk to you without them talking in your hear Grian... To offer you a place with me.” he breathed out as Grian looked back at Scar with a gapped expression.
“w-What!?” he balked out, as Scar looked at him unflinching, not saying anything, Grian knew what he meant. 
“I miss you my songbird.” Scar said again, voice gentle and calm, “I want you back in my arms, to share this with you. Don’t you miss me?”
Grian shifted at the words, he did, he did miss Scar, it’s only been a near week but he missed him so much. The knowing that he’d be fighting his mentor again, and painful night wishing this was all a bad dream.
Scar looked at him earnestly, “Gri, you can sense my emotions, I’m not lying. I’m still me, the Mycelium changed nothing. Not how I feel about you or the others... it’s so lonely Grian, it wants to bring others into it’s embrace. To show you happiness.”
The words... sounded fuzzy on his ears. Grian knew what loneliness felt like, it was cold and empty... he didn’t like how empty it felt. Waking up alone without Scar holding him through the night. Would it feel like warmth? Would it taste sweet like happy emotions? Why did he feel unsteady on his feet.
‘Closer... closer...’
He wanted closer, he just wanted to feel Scar’s arms around him once more. Wanted to taste that emotion again of being loved and secure. 
“I can show you my pretty bird, I can get rid of that loneliness... don’t you want that.” 
He did, he wanted it so bad. A hand brushed along his mask, down to his chin. He saw Scar’s green eyes, they glowed softly, he... saw something else. It was foggy, hazy, like looking through mist. Triumph? For a moment he saw Cub smirking in the background, the sculk spreading along the ground to trap Grian form behind. 
Grian felt awareness crawl back to him as Scar moved his hand to the back, to his rebreather- “NO!” he yelled, out as emotions burst forward to shove away the fog, fear, fear, fear, and he shoved the villain back.  Scar grunted at that skidding back a bit as Grian gripped his bow again, he near dropped it. His heart was racing, and the fog was listening from his mind. That... jerk he was using his powers of persuasion on him! 
Scar looked up at him and growled, “I wanted to make this easier on your Cuteguy.” he said in a cold tone. “I’d have accepted you easily, less pain that way. But... guess it's the hard way.”
A snap of the fingers, so much for their deal as Cub nodded also. The group of people around them suddenly turned hostile. His wings opened and he lfew, barely dodging the sculk that tried to grab him. He also felt an arrow whiz past him as Scar near shot him out of the sky. 
This room was too open, he had to get out of here, and hope backup came soon. Grian pushed his wings, and dived to move through a hallway. He could hear the hissing and screeching of the spore infested and sculk infest people coming for him.
‘I’m sorry Gri.’ A voice cooed in his head, sounding like Scar’s, ‘I hate to do this, but... you won’t fly away from you that easy pretty bird.’
Fear rushed through Grian at that, he hoped that back up go here before he was captured. 
EEEEEEE! Stopping point for now, the Cult One is gonna be another 9K oneshot, so I wanted this one to be short and simple.  What did you guys thing? Scar Evil and Creepy enough?
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linktoo-doodles · 11 months
imagine grian dancing to gangnam style
you dont have to imagine anymore
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vesperionnox · 5 months
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[ Day 200 ]
Hero villian au-
more like coffee shop au-
Redraw of this scene from my
'People You Know' animatic
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aofikofi · 1 year
remember this? what if they get along eventually?
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angeart · 3 months
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frozenjokes · 2 months
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Couldn’t study until I drew them. One day I’ll make actual cuteguy and hotguy designs. CubGuy has infected me though I’m a little insane about him. Uh. ao3 link.
So today, they were the assholes hogging the private bathroom, but Grian couldn’t have cared less. Washing his hair in the sink was a process, and even just picking the glitter off and out of his clothes was a certified nightmare, one that would take hours, though only forty-five minutes passed before someone knocked hard on the door, clearly annoyed.
“Maybe it’s time to go,” Cub mumbled, still sparkly and purple himself (clothes far more wrinkled than they were before), and Grian huffed, still unhappy with the state of his uniform. Cub bumped him gently, throwing a small smile his way, “Most of its out at this point, we can do the rest when we get home.”
“We? You did not just say we.”
“Ah, look at the time! We’ve been here for a while, haven’t we? Time to go, yes, time to go,” Cub grabbed his bag, barely giving Grian enough time to fix his hair before throwing open the door, only to be met by the one person they could not be seen by today.
“Cub!?” HotGuy almost shrieked, his voice cracking in his surprise, “What are you doing here? You can’t be here! Is- CuteGuy! You said you weren’t working today! Did you sneak him in? Why are you both purple? Why is the bathroom purple!?”
“CUBGUY!” Cub suddenly had another small container of glitter in his hands, and HotGuy couldn’t even scream before it was thrown in his face, nor could Grian do anything before Cub’s hand was in his, pulling him out of the bathroom and away faster than Grian had ever seen him run before. Normally Cub would have trouble keeping up with Grian, but the roles were switched today, Grian cackling so hard he couldn’t suck in enough air to breathe. And given that HotGuy didn’t catch up, or even try to follow them in the first place, it appeared that the distress of being assaulted with glitter (sparkly silver this time) immobilized heroes with masks just as effectively as heroes without.
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arseniy-arsenicum33 · 3 months
Some models I've made while watching Hermitcraft...
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First delivery!
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He needs an intervention...
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Zookeeper with zero fight or flight response...
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This season I've started watching Beef, and I like him very much! Big Salmon outfit for my tired farmer...
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Ah yes, the most cyberpunk food of all... Soup...
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Skizz, don't be that guy... And that's all for now... I didn't have an overarching theme for these, but also didn't wanted to keep them in a vault forever... Enjoy, I guess...
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berrysquared · 2 years
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Hotguy!Scar and Cuteguy!Grian intro sheets for a Superhero au I’ve been brainrotting over recently
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mochiwrites · 5 days
title: a greenhouse heart.
warning(s): graphic depictions of violence, blood, injury, general superhero story warnings
chapter(s): 1/?
relationship: scar/grian
He slowly looks over at Hotguy, “Hey, you okay?” He meets the tinted glass of Hotguy’s visor, unable to read his face clearly.
“Oh me?” Hotguy lifts his head up, eyes coming through his visor again, the angle allowing it to shift to something translucent. “I’m peachy! Can’t please everyone, y’know. Gotta just let it roll off your back like waves over a rock’s surface,” he chuckles brightly, a smile on his face.
Cuteguy can’t help but frown at him. He’s worked with Hotguy long enough now that he likes to think he’s pretty good at reading the man. He knows a fake smile when he sees one (he’s also painfully aware of how big a heart the man has, the one that he likes to hide behind the act he puts on for the public. He too had fallen for that act once, but now he knows. It’s part of what draws him in. What made him—).
“I see that frown, Cutie,” Hotguy hums. “I’m fine, I promise.”
or, hotguy and cuteguy have been working together as partners for a while now, and they've managed to overcome just about anything. but this next challenge may leave them with more complications than they first thought.
read on ao3 here!
reblogs do more than likes!
finally.... the context of "whoa sir" is shared.... /silly. giving a proper shot at writing a hotguy/cuteguy au now that I'm on summer break and I reworked some stuff for the au :D I'm very excited for some of the stuff I've got figured out for the fic hehe <33 hero au time !!!!
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toadonahill · 13 days
TW! Blood and death + Spoilers for 3rd life Want some more Traffic smp/Mcyt members in Hero Forge?
Seems I found a new hyperfixation. So here's some more:
Treebark (Ren and Martyn)
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Flower Husbands but hearkbreaking
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Bumbo Vamponi (Vampire mumbo jumbo)
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Imp and Skizz!
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Desert Duo (Grian and Scar)
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TW! Blood and death
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hermitcrimes · 11 months
Grian's crimes of episode 41
Property damage
Unleashing a chicken armeggedon on the Perimeter
Lagging the server
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vesperionnox · 5 months
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[ Day 197 ]
A lil sneak peak of my full ref redos
Thank you unclecrickett and @Annamositwo for agreeing to help me get this thing running again! <3
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lycheesandnuts · 9 months
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CUTEGUY IS REAL !!!?1??!!?21?
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angeart · 2 months
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something softer this time <3
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brandyy0moss · 1 year
TRAPPED | Page 1-2 | TOGH au
oppsie- both of them silly
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I've not had you wait until its posted off my patreon because it took so long hsishsjs sorry
Au by myself and @stiffyck
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arseniy-arsenicum33 · 5 months
King's private area violators! WANTED! 12 Xisumas!
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One of the funniest moments from season 9, the Great Xisuma Party! I've discovered for myself, that I REALLY like Hermits dressing up as eachother... Here is my interpretations of Xisuma costumes, I've tried to make them somewhat uniform, but distinct from one another... Hope, every mob reads by the colouring and helmets...
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