#i Will learn to weave on that tiny loom
psychiclounge · 7 months
that "you don't need to get into a new craft" post is a fucking curse btw now i have a mini inkle loom and a nalbinding needle coming
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botanyshitposts · 1 year
sorry for not posting here more lately i was working on a video about fern sex and then i moved to working on a video about ranking plants by hubris and whimsy and then i moved to learning calculus so i could understand cursed biology and then i built a tiny pin loom to learn how to weave with yarn so i could make a little stuffed creature with it and then i moved to learning how to hack a little circuit board but to do that i need to learn how to solder you know how it is
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mysterycitrus · 6 months
kory for the character ask if you're still doing it/she hasn't been asked already!!
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Headcanon A:  realistic
the same as clark, flowers turn to face her as she walks by. standing in her gaze is like being basked by the sun. as she cradles seeds in her palm they sprout to life, unfurling into lush green buds. her hair shimmers, like aspalt on a hot summer's day. when it rains, the water catches on her skin and casts tiny fractals of coloured light in the air. the world is in awe of her. when you stand too close, you feel you hair stand on end. when you kiss her, it is like drinking liquid gold.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
if she wants to, she looms. she's six foot four on a bad day, and even taller with heels. her hair adds another half foot. she is honest and has nothing to hide and it's easy to mistake that for naïveté, but she takes great pleasure in standing over people and peering down at them from her great height. to bruce wayne, especially. he recoils from her light, glaring at her beneath his cowl. she steps on his toes, hits him with the shoulder of her armour, throws her hair back in his face.
"sorry," she says so sweetly, and smiles with all her teeth. "i didn't see you there."
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
when she looks up at the sky, she can still see tamaran burning. its light will not disappear for the next ten thousand years. everything that ever was now must live through her. the weight of it threatens to swallow her whole. she loves earth and its people, she loves the titans and her new family and the people who care for her here, but she is still so afraid - what do they truly think of her? do they look at her and see someone subhuman, someone undeserving of respect, someone whose passion and rage is less-than, and unworthy of honour? is she a creature so hurt from her time in the citadel, so consumed by everything she has lost, that they fear what she is unafraid to do? the action she will take to protect those she cares about?
they do not, of course. they see her as someone so full of love.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
on tamaran, braids were a sign of status. hours were spent weaving gemstones and beads and crystals through the strands. stories of victory were told through the woven patterns. it is so important that this history is not lost. donna is the first to learn, then dick, then rachel and karen and lilith. she'll sit on the floor in the tower as they patiently brush out her curls and begin to weave. one hot afternoon, she walks into a quiet salon and leaves with twists piled high on her head. as she pays, the stylist kisses both her cheeks and holds their hands together. it is not forgotten, is said unspoken, here, it lives on in you.
she makes sure to leave a tip.
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knebulanight · 1 year
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Stretched out my character design muscles by turning a bunch of my favorite* Pokémon into cute girls inspired by the original creatures.
(*Galarian Weezing and Clodsire aren't as high on the list as the rest, I just had some fun character design ideas for them, but everyone else is definitely my top 10)
Character names and short bios below the cut:
Glaceon (x2) | Firn & Mint | Duo magicians specializing in ice magic illusions and fantastic icicle displays, they're part of a band of performers.
Farigiraf | Zarifa | The curator of her own museum. She has a fondness for the old, dusty, magical, and especially cryptic.
Falinks | Hexa Semestre | Genius inventor, master of technology, immature brat, and super full of herself. Very much chaotic neutral, she's prone to nice and naughty acts alike, but it heavily depends on her mood and whoever is paying her with the tastier snacks.
Whirlipede/Scolipede | Latrielle | A high-ranking member of a secret evil organization. She specializes in taming and breeding dangerous beasts and insects with her unique charm and strange magicks.
Ribombee | Talis | A teeny tiny pollen collector and seller. Using her fairy intuition, she's able to tap into the mystical power of flower pollen, and turn them into a powerful healing substances and painting materials.
Sylveon | Pennon | An energetic acrobat who's part of the Glaceon Twins' performing troup. She also part-times as a candy shop clerk. Which candy shop, you ask? All of them.
Galarian Weezing | Madam Miasma | An eccentric perfume maker and wandering saleswoman. She shrouds herself with her own special perfumes. Her mood, methods, and prices dramatically shift with each kind of aroma.
Breloom | Boleta | An apothecary who lives by herself in the forest, studying mushrooms. She's learned the effects of many fungi breeds and their spores, and weaves them into her staff and self-defense fighting tactics.
Slither Wing | Dawn / "Daybreaker" | Professional wrestler in the evening, monster fighter in the morning. "Daybreaker" wakes up squarely at sunrise to fend off the daily influx of giant monsters that threaten her peaceful city.
Clodsire | Daisy | A simple lackadaisical young girl who's often seen prowling the marketplace, conversing with random passersby and indulging in free samples.
Wailord | Lady Duchess McGalleon | The only child, heir, and right hand to a canned plankton tycoon. While patiently waiting for her huge inheritance, she helps her father by overseeing the company's workers, always looming tall over them.
Typhlosion | Ignis Megaboom | She's always throwing herself into fights with no purpose, but her behavior is likely due to insecurities or something. The only time you'll see her exhibit patience is when she's charging up her explosive attacks.
bonus doodles & sketches, including some scrapped designs:
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The Parenting Habits of one Miguel O'Hara
Continuation of Sleeping Habits || Peter B Parker x Miguel O'Hara || Gen
This is for my beloved wife @virgo-dream, who begged me to write Daddy!Miguel (no, not like that, get your mind out of the gutter). Beloved, I hope you enjoy this when you wake up (and if I don't get the chance to tell you before you read this, I hope you had a wonderful night's sleep)! I love you, my dear, and I hope this lives up to your expectations! For everyone else, I also hope you enjoy this continuation!
Peter had, perhaps innocently, perhaps idiotically, assumed that he had learned everything there was to learn about Miguel O'Hara. It had been months since he had unearthed (and kept) the secret of his sleeping habits, animalistic and clingy as they were, and they had fallen into somewhat of a routine since then. More often than not, Peter would crash at HQ, falling asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow, only woken by the cries of his daughter or his boyfriend falling into bed on top of him. The latter was far more easily rectified than the former; indeed, the latter required no rectification at all, simply a pair of arms to wrap Miguel in and the work of a moment to slip back into unconsciousness.
Mayday's midnight screaming, however, was more difficult to deal with. MJ had always been better at quieting their daughter back down; it was almost magic the way she could weave a calming story within moments, leaving a soundly-sleeping Mayday in her crib mere minutes later. Peter had never had such luck. He tried singing (badly, which seemed to do more harm than good), reading stories (including the voices, which delighted Mayday, but didn't exactly put her in a sleeping mood), and pacing the tiny length of his living quarters, rocking her futilely (which only served to make her cry harder). It had gotten to the point where, on nights when May was taking up residence in the crib that had been installed in Peter's HQ quarters specifically for her, Peter expected to be woken up by her plaintive cries at least once, sometimes more.
Which was why confusion and panic descended, one after the other in lightning-fast succession, when he woke up one night to complete silence.
At first, his sleep-starved brain struggled to find a reason for his sudden bout of wakefulness. The apartment was still dark, the only light coming from a small nightlight next to Mayday's crib. A quick sweep of the room revealed nothing amiss; his and Miguel's spider-suits slung over the back of the single chair, right where they had left them; the door's deadbolt still locked in place, a lock that had no doubt been picked by Miguel when he had joined Peter and Mayday in their tiny sanctuary hours ago.
Miguel was missing.
As soon as he noticed it, he kicked himself for not noticing sooner. Miguel was conspicuously absent and Peter suddenly felt chillingly bereft. Adrenaline flooded his veins and he threw off his blanket, still warm from the radiator he called his boyfriend, and sprung out of bed. His racing heart was thunder in the quiet apartment, punctuated only by the rasp of his breath echoing in his own head.
The hushing sound, long and low and oddly ominous, cut through the noise and Peter honed in on the dark shape looming in the corner next to Mayday's crib.
The dark shape looming in the corner holding his daughter.
The figure's legs were cast in subtle blue light courtesy of the nightlight, and Peter could make out a pair of arms cradling Mayday's tiny body. The figure was staring down at her, head tilted just so, angled so that Peter couldn't see any defining features. Immediately, his heart kicked up again, every paternal instinct woven through his very being screaming to rescue his daughter from the arms of the intruder. He took two bounding steps, web slingers at the ready to restrain the stranger in his bedroom, his muscles bunching in anticipation of a fight.
And then the stranger turned, lifting his head, and Peter found himself face to face with Miguel.
"Miguel," Peter breathed, lightheaded with relief and the knowledge that he had been mere milliseconds away from attacking his own boyfriend.
"What's wrong, Peter?"
"Nothing," he said, "I just thought-"
His gaze flicked down to Mayday as she twisted in Miguel's arms, undoubtedly seeking out the same warmth that Peter himself gravitated towards and Miguel's eyes followed the movement. His nostrils flared, no doubt smelling the adrenaline and panic that was washing off of Peter in waves and realization dawned on his face, his softly glowing eyes widening in alarm at the implications.
They both opened their mouths at the same time, quick to attempt to clarify the situation.
"Mig, I'm so sorry, I didn't-"
"No, it's okay, Pete, I shouldn't have-"
Silence descended and Peter sank into the chair, exhaustion suddenly catching up to him. He relaxed infinitesimally at the warm, heavy hand that came to a rest on his shoulder. He glanced up into the soft face of his boyfriend, a love-swathed expression that always made him weak at the knees. Few had ever seen Miguel so tender, so warm, and Peter was always achingly aware of the fact that Miguel's trust wasn't easily earned.
"I'm sorry," he said, because he still felt horrible for nearly jumping his own boyfriend in an instinct-driven panic, but Miguel shook his head slightly, a lock of hair falling across his forehead at the movement.
"Peter, I was once a father too. I understand. God knows what I would've done if I had ever seen a large figure standing over Gabriella's bed in the middle of the night. Even my own brother wouldn't have survived it."
"Hey, I like your large figure," Peter protested half-heartedly, picking at the easiest thread. Miguel only snorted softly in response. By now, he was used to Peter's humor-laced avoidance.
"What happened?" Peter asked, after a beat. His pulse and breathing were slowly calming, gentled by the quiet peace that suffused through the room and Miguel's solid, pacifying presence.
"She started to fuss, a couple of hours after I got here," Miguel said softly. "I didn't want her to wake you up, so I got up to-"
At that moment, Mayday wriggled in the crook of Miguel's arm, scrunched up her eyes and puffy cheeks, opened her tiny mouth, and let out a piercing wail.
"Fuck," Peter swore without heat. "I have a bottle around here somewhere-"
"She's already been fed," Miguel said. "I think she wants you."
He held her out, his massive hands cradling her body as gently as a live landmine, and Peter's heart flipped in his chest.
"No," he protested, "I've never been good at quieting her, MJ's always the one who gets her back to sleep. If you give her to me, we'll all be up for hours."
"Hours?" Miguel exclaimed. "She settled down right away earlier."
"Well, keep doing whatever you were doing, Magic Mike."
"I was just singing," he said, tucking Mayday back against his chest.
"Then she likes your singing a lot better than mine," Peter chuckled, "because my singing only makes her cry harder."
Miguel shot Peter a disbelieving look before returning his attention to the child in his arms. He dwarfed her, and the size difference between them would've been comical if not for the adoration on Miguel's face as he gazed down at her. Then, he opened his mouth, and Peter was suddenly very glad to be sitting down, because the sound that dropped from Miguel's lips would've brought him to his knees.
Miguel's singing voice was one of the most gorgeous things Peter had ever heard. It was at once so similar and yet so different from his normal speaking voice, soft and throaty, and Peter's heart spasmed in his chest, as if it were trying to escape the bone bars of his ribs, trying to get as close to the love of his life as possible. He watched as Miguel started swaying from side to side, still crooning in subdued Spanish. Mayday quieted almost immediately, which would've allowed Peter to pick out the words if he had spoken a lick of Spanish. Instead, he simply admired the way his boyfriend's lips curled around the unfamiliar syllables, the way his boyfriend's eyes softened impossibly as he gazed down at his daughter, the way his boyfriend's hand cupped Mayday's head of wild curls in his palm, as gentle as morning light.
Dos oruguitas enamoradas Pasan sus noches y madrugadas Llenas de hambre Siguen andando y navegando un mundo Que cambia y sigue cambiando Navegando un mundo Que cambia y sigue cambiando
By the end of the third stanza, Mayday had fallen back into silence and by the sixth, she had fallen back into deep sleep. Peter, too, had nodded off several times during Miguel's quiet performance and when he tapered off, letting his voice ease back to quietude, Peter blinked up at him with sleepy, half-lidded eyes. He watched Miguel place Mayday back into her crib, impossibly delicate.
"You always were," he whispered, nearly a soundless breath. Miguel set an adorable confused gaze on him, exhaustion pulling at his features. "You said you had been a father once," Peter clarified. "But you always were. And as long as you stick around, you'll always be Mayday's dad."
Miguel's face cracked open in shock, his lips parting and his eyebrows raising of their own accord. Peter wordlessly raised an arm, an invitation, or maybe a demand. Either way, he got what he wanted, because Miguel took his hand and pulled him out of the chair and towards their bed, instantaneously wrapping him in a vice grip.
"What was the song about?" Peter used precious breath to ask.
"Us," Miguel mumbled, reverently, into the crook of his neck, and the remaining air in Peter's lungs left in a whoosh. Even as Miguel relaxed against him, his breath evening into the rhythm of sleep, Peter stayed awake, his mind racing, his chest fit to burst with the love contained within the confines of his ribs.
He had, perhaps innocently, perhaps idiotically, assumed that he had learned everything there was to learn about Miguel O'Hara. But as he ran his hand along his sleeping boyfriend's spine, rucking up his shirt, making him snuggle impossibly closer, he knew that Miguel had a lifetime of surprises, and Peter would gladly spend the rest of his lifetime discovering them.
Thank you for reading!! I hope you enjoyed it!
Just as before, if you would like to show your support via kudos/comments, this chapter is posted on AO3 here!
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c6jpg · 5 days
dainsleif quest
the lore drops. fucking impeccable. but also i feel edged the fuck on. like we learned a liiiiiiiitle but also get 10 thousand unanswered questions as well
that's pretty standard for dainsleif quests though ig
the quest itself. can we even call that a quest it was so anticlimatic ajkdfladjsf like just content-wise i think that genuinely might have been our worst dainsleif quest the lore was CARRYING this shit and all we got was more questions and it felt SO short
as an aside its also criminal how long apart these quests are bc i honestly already kinda forgot what happened in the previous one (caribert) and i had to like. really use my brain to remember the lore we got then
just in general like. my mind was exploding when we were talking about the five sinners of khaenri'ah. i want to learn more about them so bad
"i'll tell you all you want to know" YOU'RE NOT TELLING US ENOUGH DAINSLEIF ELABORATE
ngl when we first saw caribert i actually thought this might be dainsleif's brother and i was like NOOOOOOOOOO THEY CAN'T NPC DAIN'S BRO
i just KNOWWW his brother is gonna be so sexy whenever they reveal him. sorry i had to say it. anyways.
caribert man... his whole deal honestly felt like a sidequest within the quest but that was sad :(
not to be a #scarastan but i was just thinking so hard about the parallels between caribert and scara, implanting vs removing oneself from the memories of the world. both doing it to bring comfort to others, even if futile. i'm not smart enough to expand on this but i'm sure yall know what i mean
anyways okay. so the loom of fate can weave ley lines, that name makes sense now. now can literally anybody please explain what the fuck yall want to do with it
honestly the twin reunion scene felt kinda. idk. flat? like i was more hyped about the abyss twin vs dainsleif part kadjlsflds (speaking of which the way dain clenched his fist lmaooooooo i was just thinking of that one arthur meme)
i do love the detail that the twins call each other by their canon names though
was kind of 🙄 when we got hit with the "yeah btw you won't remember any of this once we're out of here." okay plot convenience
actually is it even plot convenience? like literally what harm would there have been of the traveler remembering???? what are they gonna do???? the only actionable thing of substance we learned was that the loom of fate was completed which dainsleif should have figured out anyways since he got the eye taken from him????????
actually i think it was great that dainsleif got bamboozled though. dude has been carried by plot armor for too long
sea of flowers mention interesting (i have no thoughts on this just interesting esp since i'm pretty sure that's the place shown in the teyvat trailer)
so basically confirmed the heavenly principles are asleep/inactive for some reason. idr if it was explicitly mentioned before. i actually DID wonder why we didn't get some celestia nail action smiting after all the shit that happened in fontaine, a lot of people thought that was gonna happen too with the whole celestia is floating right over fontaine
and then we wake up and the quest just ends??? LET ME TALK TO DAIN HELLO
also like. why did dain want to confront the abyss twin again??? maybe it was mentioned in an earlier quest and if so i forgot but either way i don't understand wtf dain was up to by luring the abyss twin out
no literally that felt like half a quest
objectively i think that quest kinda sucked but i will forgive it solely because of the lore drops no matter how tiny they were and bc i did really like caribert's story
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flowerflamestars · 6 days
A loom! That's so exciting, what kind? Do you already know how to weave? I would love to hear all about it!
Just a tiny lap loom- slightly sturdier than the children's ones.
It's totally new to me! I'm very excited to learn. All my previous textile/fiber work has been either clothes or wall hangings (sewing, crochet, a metric ton of embroidery), so almost a related progression? Really looking forward to messing around with colors and textures.
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braceletstea · 3 months
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I repaired the parts that Chloe chewed on and trimmed the fringes with a new and exciting rotary cutter and now it's well and truly finished.
I made cloth! I took a bunch of string and did magic with it! this is very exciting for me-- I've never attempted such a large weaving project before, and for a first I think it came out really well.
I'm especially pleased with the selvedges (selvedge edges?). Many years ago, when I had a tiny frame loom, I consistently pulled the weft too tight. All my projects bowed in towards the center. Even though it looks messy, I kept the edges even, and I'm proud of that.
I discovered partway through that the orange/brown yarn and the dark purple yarn had different amounts of stretch to them, and I was worried the meant it would warp after I cut it off the loom. There is a little warping, and the orange stripe doesn't drape like the rest, but overall it's fine, and now I know to compare stretch if I use multiple yarns.
Overall I'm really proud of this. now that I've finished one weaving project, I can start planning others and keep learning.
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thermitetermite · 2 years
Super-powered asks, let's go, Bugaboo!
Based on a fic I'm planning to write:
And shrinking people or objects and then bringing them back to their original sizes.
Powers: 🥏🔍
All the best,
Authors note - Thank you for waiting! I hope you enjoy!
Prompt #12 - Telekinesis x Shrinking Powers
Tldr: Villain shinks Hero and Hero messes with them. Villain is terrified of tiny Hero. Hero is just trying to finish an investigation when new information is brought to light
CW: swearing, threats of being squished and thrown in a freezer, kidnapping mentions, handcuffs, needles
"What did you do to me!?!?!" Hero shrieked at the top of their now tiny lungs.
Villain loomed over their shrunken foe and gave a gravelly laugh.
"Oh Hero~. Clearly someone didn't understand the assignment."
The "assignment" for Hero was to subdue Villain quietly and throw them in the Villain Intelligence Learning Enclosure, or VILE for short. An anonymous tip told the department that Villain was responsible for the mysterious disappearances of city leaders.
Regardless, this was supposed to be an easy stealth mission. Get in, telekinesis the power dampening cuffs on, walk out with Villain, interrogate them at VILE.
They had specifically recruited Hero because of their telekinetic powers. Villain had to touch things to shrink them, use a Hero who could trap them from a distance.
Makes sense!
What they didn't account for was Villain getting the jump on them. Long story short, they were now shrunken, trapped in Villain's sewing room, with no way to turn back.
Hero could only imagine how their friends would laugh when they told the story. If they ever got out that is. They'd probably say something like "why couldn't you convince Villain to undo it by offering a lighter sentence for good behavior?"
That would be a great idea. Wonderful even. Slight problem though. They managed to get the cuffs on Villain right before they were shrunk. The key for said cuffs was in Hero's suit. The now shrunken suit that Hero was wearing. Meaning the key was now shrunken and useless. Like Hero. Great.
They snapped out of their initial shock and looked up at Villain (which was super odd because of how short Villain normally was compared to Hero. Their head was at Hero's shoulders for goodness sake!)
"You know, you're acting pretty cocky for a powerless Villain!" Hero spat trying to annoy Villain to get them to talk, but Villain only laughed again pulling their wrists apart to rattle the cuffs.
"And you're acting pretty cocky for a 4 inch Hero. You only cuffed my hands, nothing stops me from stepping on you." As if showing off, Villain dramatically went to step on Hero while making those dumb airplane noises. Villain was completely caught off guard when Hero levitated out of the way and towards their face.
"Oh God, you fly!" Villain panicked like a bug they wanted to kill suddenly flew at them. They ran out of the sewing room, locking the door as they left screaming. That was odd but Hero wasn't one to be choosy right now. Hero breathed a sigh of relief before examining the room for an exit.
Unfortunately it seemed that this random sewing room in Villain's basement was locked up to the teeth. Hero wasn't sure what to expect from Villain's house but it sure wasn't a craft room that doubled as a prison cell. At least there were enough needles in here they could pick up telekinetically and hide to surprise attack Villain.
It was around this time when Villain returned, unlocking the door before kicking it open. They were brandishing a handheld vacuum cleaner like a weapon of mass destruction.
Well shit.
"Here's Johnny!" Villain yelled, switching it on and running into combat with their miniature enemy.
Hero wishes they could say they elegantly weaved around Villain, shut off the vacuum and flew to freedom. Unfortunately they were caught by Villain's vacuum in the doorframe.
"Ew, ew, ew! Get in the vacuum! Get in the vacuum!" Villain shrieked as Hero was sucked down the vacuum tube. They kept it on for a good 30 seconds afterwards while shaking the tube and crying. Like full on sobbing. Did they really see Hero as a bug?
They calmed down when they saw Hero in the clear dust container.
"I should just throw you in the freezer for all the mental anguish you've put me through!" Villain said while glaring at Hero through the plastic. Their hair was a mess and their eyes were puffy from tears.
"Hey! I'm not the idiot who shrunk a telekinetic Hero and then didn't expect them to fly!"
"I acted in self defense! You, however, broke into my house and put handcuffs on me! I get a free pass on this one!"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever! At least I'm not scared of tiny things" Hero grumbled. Villain gave an offended gasp.
"How dare you! I'm not scared of tiny things!" Hero gave a tiny eyebrow raise. "Just tiny living things..."
"Really? You expect me to believe that? That you're scared of tiny living things and you had nothing to do with the disappearance of half the city's council."
"I'll do you one better and prove it to you!" Villain growled with a newfound anger before taking the both of them out of the sewing room and into another room in the basement.
Hero expected a torture chamber, death pit, gadget room, something of that nature. They were caught off guard once again by Villain when they turned on the lights to reveal a tiny town.
Hero thought this was a confession to taking those people when they noticed the place was completely empty. All of the buildings were tiny shops that had disappeared in the past with a tiny museum in the center of town. Hero had no doubt that it held all of Villain's prized treasures stolen over the years.
Villain showed them around the town with suppressed pride and opened every door to prove no people were in there.
"Happy?" Villain hissed.
"No. I'm not." Hero flatly said causing Villain to look at them in shock.
"What do you mean no!?"
"This only makes me worry more. If you had them they aren't here anymore. If you've never had them then you're being set up. Whatever is the case, I don't know were they are. The could be dead as we speak and you'll get the blame if they're discovered." Hero looked sadly throughout the town. It really was a shame too, because it was clear that Villain cared a lot about this little town.
The bonsai trees in the little park were well taken care of. The shops didn't have an ounce of dust anywhere. The community pool was chlorinated and beautiful. Villain cared a lot for their secret town.
"What!?! I'm being framed!!?" Villain registered snapping Hero from their thoughts.
"Yes, and I have no idea who's behind this. I think it's clear that you probably didn't do any kidnapping considering how terrified of me you are."
Villain mumbled something that sounded like gratitude before going to panic in the corner. Hero banged on the side of the plastic container they were still holding to get their attention.
"Hey! We're going to figure this out ok! I know this is probably a lot to you, trust me it's a lot for me too. But right now you need to calm down. You built this town as an escape right?" Villain nodded eyes now focused on Hero. "Good. You did a good job on it. Can you give me another tour of it?"
Villain shakily got up to show Hero the town again. Villain started out their presentation still panicky but noticably calmed as they started showing off their valuables in the dollhouse museum. At the end of the tour Villain gave a relaxed sigh.
"Thank you, I guess, for listening to my dumb tour. Usually I shrink myself and visit here when I need some away time but it was nice to finally show someone else. You aren't going to use my tour as a confession, right."
"Probably not. If you help me find those missing council members I might conveniently forget this whole thing."
"Deal! I'll do anything to clear my name!"
"Well we might have to start by breaking into HQ to get keys for those cuffs."
"...ok, we can try."
"You might also need to let me out of the vacuum."
"...I need like 15 more minutes to work up the courage."
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demongrocer · 3 months
I want to experiment with posting fiber arts stuff on tumblr more. If you want to avoid my fiber arts posts, filter out the tag #demongrocerFiberArts
I wasn't acquainted with the idea of National Knitting and Crochet Month / NaKniCroMo in March (fashioned after NaNoWriMo / National Novel Writing Month in November). However, I saw a post this year and figured I would try it out
NaKniCroWriMo Week 1: Meet the Maker
Day 1: Introduce yourself
I have been dabbling in random fiber arts like latch hook and pot holder weaving since childhood, but learned knitting and crochet when I was 17. I took to knitting in particular, and knitted on and off for years (mostly basic hats and scarves).
When I was in my late twenties, a coworker was knitting at his desk, which renewed my excitement about knitting. We started a craft club together at work, and I expanded my knitting skills significantly (knitting with double pointed needles, knitting small toys, knitting socks, etc.), and relearned the basics of crochet from a craft group member.
In my mid-thirties I started experimenting with machine knitting, first with round Addi knitting machines, then with flat bed and double bed knitting machines, then with circular sock knitting machines. I found that relearning crochet basics yet again was useful for finishing machine knit pieces. This time crochet finally clicked with my brain, and while I am still at essentially the proficient novice stage, I have made multiple shirts and a hooded cardigan, which has led to me teaching some crochet basics classes locally.
At this point, I have been exposing myself to various fiber arts, and picked up both spinning (drop spindle, manual wheel, and espinner) and weaving (mostly rigid heddle loom weaving, but trying other small looms and cards, and working to get a small 8 shaft floor loom).
Edited to add: I also do some cross stitch and needlepoint here and there, but am usually too impatient to do anything not tiny
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dead-rabbit-comics · 1 year
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washed and finished. this is the main bit in twill and the main reason i was weaving this piece. bottom left is fresh off the loom, all other pictures are of the finished cloth.
originally the goal was to weave a pattern sampler, both to see what i can do with my table loom both in terms of weave structures and with two colours. i also just wanted to plan and weave a fabric that felt right from a yarn i liked. i then remembered i didn't like the feeling of weaving on the table loom, sold it and readjusted the plans for my floor loom.
augh, it's so special to me for so many reasons so i want to put something here. this is a milestone. i'm just going to list up the most important bits for future reference as briefly as possible :)
started planning 3.11.2021 finished 9.1.2023 warp length 8m, prepared in 3 parts 8 ends per cm, 378 ends total 7 colour sequences in both warp and weft per weave structure 4 plain weave variations, 7 twills in the main bit plus some extra experimentation based on a book** as well as a tiny double weave bit 52 picks per colour sequence for the plain weave, 48 for the twills so 539 squares (rectangles really) in total and no two the same! (343 twill, 196 plain weave) mostly listing this because those are some nice numbers c:
first time:
winding a warp with this many ends
planning for a structurally sound fabric based on a specific yarn
beaming a warp on my floor loom
keeping notes this complete and updating them when i changed things
planning and mapping out a draft using weavepoint demo version
using floating selvages (poorly)
weaving twills on the floor loom*
*yes, you can weave unbalanced twills on an old-school counter-balance loom. no, you probably don't want to. balanced twills however 👌 no problem
keeping a roll of paper on the weaving to take notes is inconvenient but comes in handy when you need to vent your frustration. i probably won't bother again except for when sampling though.
measuring instead of counting threads to know when to switch = golden
switching colour sequence mid weave pattern and keeping the weave pattern going is a no-no i will never plan for this again, i don't care if it disrupts the order of things, change the plan, don't do it, it is so unbelievably annoying, please
also maybe scale it down next time? or don't. but uh, it was a lot of firsts on a fairly long warp, changing something every ten minutes of weaving. maybe next time try being more compassionate with future self.
in case i do another pattern sampler, i'd add a third color to border and define the different areas in both warp and weft. i will not make it 8 meters long.
**the book is amazing. however, i only understand what she was writing about when/after weaving it, so i have no choice but to work through anything i want to learn
mis-matching the beat of colour sequence and weave sequence is both irritating and fun. what i mean by this is e.g. having a colour repeat of four steps and a weave repeat of six.
loom is set-up for finer yarns, because the beautiful heddles are fixed on the shafts, you need to put some thought and effort into spacing out the warp.
the weavepoint demo version only letting you save as jpeg is fucking frustrating but understandable since their 60 day free trial period turned out to be a forever free trial period
selvages are a complete mess
the beginning is very slanted, must've had major tension issues without noticing
sides still bubbling up, despite best efforts
just. resist. the temptation of overfilling your fucking bobbins i beg you. resist! (set up a permanent bobbin winding station)
ropes holding peitschenstäbe cut into beams - should switch to cloth
need to make/find a glossary for german, swiss-german, french and english translations of weaving terms
should've weighed yarn cones in beginning and now so i could get an estimate of what's doable with the rest. oh well.
wind warp in even number of sections next time to make beaming easier
also (this is embarrassing) the raddle opens you fool.
so far so good!
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concentriccookies · 1 year
Could you tell us about the type of loom you're using? How much it was, how easy it is to learn/use, etc. I've been wanting to branch out into weaving more and have a very simple basic lap loom for little things, but I don't really know much beyond that or where to go from there, and I'd love your insight!
Omg got most of the way thu answering this question then i went to search for like a correct termonology or smthn and poof everything got deleted.
So short(er) answer i have a tiny Sample It™ loom from ashford that was gifted to me and got me hooked (which is now being leant out to get someone else hooked heheheh im gonna spread the weaving bug) i also have a 24" rigid heddle loom from ashford. They are expensive, ngl. I did a very hard reflection on how serious i was longterm abt keeping with this hobby before i bought a bigger loom.
Rigid heddles are one of the simpler looms, so its pretty easy to pick up. Theres a couple different brands like Schacht and Kromski, but idk anything about them because my local place doesnt carry them.
There are lots of resorces to learn from, i used library books and youtube vids, and this fb group called "rigid heddle loom weaving" the people in that group are so helpful and there is great knowledge there, so it offsets the awfulness of going on fb.
So idk! Take a deep dive into googling abt these things! There is literally so many different types of loom it is mind boggling. Also if u wanna buy check fb marketplace or your local weaving guilds buy/sell pages, there can b good finds there sometimes.
Goodluck! ❤
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mybeingthere · 2 years
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About Linelle Dickenson’s shifu art:
Shifu was created by weaving cloth from threads of paper sometime in 16th-century Japan as a means for peasants to clothe themselves. Much of the early knowledge was passed down by word of mouth until the early 17th century, when samurai families started to produce shifu as apparel as well as a commodity. This art form died out in the late 19th century. It was resurrected briefly after World War I, only to decline again during World War II. Today, there are only a handful of shifu artists in Japan, which makes Linelle Dickinson’s work even more remarkable.Dickinson’s fascination with Asian art began early in her life. 
Her maternal grandparents went to China as missionaries from 1920 until the Second World War. They raised seven children, including Linelle’s mother Pauline, in Shou Yang, some 250 miles southwest of Peking. Years later, the artifacts they brought back to America – silk garments, tiny shoes for women with bound feet – would fascinate and inspire their granddaughter, conjuring up magical adventures in far away, exotic places, and subtly influencing her aesthetic development.Dickinson first learned about Shifu in a papermaking class at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Her instructor, Marilyn Sward, showed her a scrapbook of papers from all over the world, including a sheet of kozo paper and a sample ofkozo paper thread from Japan. 
Linelle learned that similar paper thread was used to make clothing 500 years ago in Japan. That tiny thread of paper proved pivotal for Dickinson. From that point she focused much of her creative energy to using this unique material to express her artistic visions. She learned to turn paper into thread, and weave the thread into paper cloth on her loom. With this medium, she began to create meticulously conceived and visually stunning sculptural art, gaining acclaims for her artistry and creativity.Dickinson’s works often contain Oriental design elements that seek to connect with the interesting and at times harrowing paths chosen her maternal grandparents. 
The current show “Tracing the Lifeline” brings that connection into focus. Was it fate that led her grandparents to the Orient, and was it luck that protected them from harm during the War? With tiny threads of paper, Dickinson seems to have woven these questions into dramatic testaments that intertwine her ancestral paths with her own.
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theladyragnell · 2 years
hi! your shawl is so pretty, do you have any tips for somebody interested in starting weaving? thanks!
Disclaimer: I am a tiny baby weaver! I have not done anything but straight across weaving so far, on a table loom that happened to be stashed in my attic after my father had a fit of fiber crafts optimism when I was a kid, no patterns or color changes or anything like that. If any more experienced weavers have tips and tricks for this anon or for me, PLEASE do reblog/reply/etc.!
Try it before you buy expensive equipment. I was lucky that I already had the equipment around, but if you aren't sure you're going to find the movements soothing, look around and see if you can find a place to try out a loom, or try tablet weaving first, which you can do with almost no equipment. Check with local craft stores or fiber festivals (these places may also have lines on used equipment), if you're rural ask anyone with fiber animals if they have a weaving connection, then ask if you can come over and check their loom out and give it a try/have a lesson, especially if they have a table loom and not one of the wildly expensive pieces that are furniture in their own right.
Plan on a few throwaway projects. While I was just learning the motions, I made three scarves with some acrylic yarn I'd picked up for extremely cheap. They were messy, and I am glad I made them! I learned a lot about keeping my edges even, keeping my weave even, etc. And then I gave them to people who love me enough that they don't mind that they're messy!
Variegated yarn. If you're a person like me who likes some variety and you want to feel like you're making something with a pattern but you're not quite brave enough to start figuring out fancy things, variegated yarn is your best friend. My shawl was made with variegated yarn on the weft BUT with the warp done out of different colors of warping thread, which is most of what gives it that cool effect. Changing colors a bunch on warping threads is tedious as hell, but it is very helpful for punching up the look of something without actually making it more difficult.
Warping tension matters a lot! (The warp are the long threads that you move the shuttle between, the weft is the working thread/yarn that you're passing through on your shuttle.) I had some troubles because I didn't have even tension on my warp, and that shawl would have been much prettier and much easier to make if I'd worked on that from the get-go.
Think about your warping set-up in advance. If you don't use a warping board, you're going to need a lot of space (as much space as you want the length of your project to be, plus a bit) and a place your loom and the warping peg can clamp onto.
There are a lot of things I can tell you are likely to be slightly harder aspects (making sure your edges are totally even, getting the warp threads even at the beginning), but there are a lot of tips and tricks on youtube and other places! I wish you the best of luck, and hopefully I'll be able to share some fancier projects in the future. <3
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cloudgremlin · 2 years
My mom always said I was born in the wrong era but I highly disagree with that sentiment, I love the modern amenities we have that allow us to connect and learn and live, I just want all the good stuff from other places in time as well because you don’t have to time travel to use historical ways. It’s history, it’s all there for us to chose from.
what I mean is, I wanna sit in a field with a little bowl of mosquito repellent incense, doodling on my iPad with the faint tinkling of my lead goat’s bell telling me that all is well, dog panting in the grassy shade. I wanna voice chat over Discord with my friends so far away physically yet I can sit and describe the sky to them and tell them about the antics of the newest kid and we can take pictures of our meals and compare.
And I can watch parkour videos and get a ride to the city to go to the tiny sushi shop that always gives me free fried vegetables, I can go to the college and barter some goat wool (angora goats are a must) for use of their looms and I’ll trade a woven scarf for a handmade mug from the pottery students.
And it doesn’t matter that I can only physically work six hours a day at my farm job, because there are modern tools there that make it so I can still get everything done, and on days when I can barely stand to feel my bones rubbing against my tendons, I can use plastic gloves thin enough that I can still be gentle on the new roots. And on my break I can weave flower crowns and darn socks and watch anime, because traditional methods of life don’t have to be separated from modern amenities!
Traditional 👏 methods 👏 of 👏 life 👏 don’t 👏 have 👏 to 👏 be 👏 seperated 👏 from 👏 modern 👏 amenities 👏
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zhooniyaa-waagosh · 2 years
My local library just released their schedule of autumn events and there's things for Rosh Hashanah (where kids can learn about it while making bee hotels and snacking on apples and honey) and Diwali (drawing patterns and making lanterns) and there's falconry events and Ojibwe paper basket weaving and Potawatomi loom beading and bird watching through an indigenous lens and just.
So much.
I don't live in a big city. I definitely don't live in a very openly diverse area. I live in a tiny rural community where the majority of my neighbors are cornfields and we have more abandoned churches than active synagogues and mosques combined.
And the library is still working so hard to create fun and educational events for kids to learn about other cultures.
Please support your local libraries.
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