#i actually really miss new leaf a lot in general
treefish · 1 year
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Pepperfig’s a tourist destination
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noir-drabbles · 24 days
Drafts 1
Summary: Just an unfinished solo writing thing while playing Iron Valley. Basically it was just me testing out what it is I wanted, trying to create my own setting and characters, but then my brain got bored of it. So, I figured I may as well dump it here.
(I said I was going to start dumping my drafts here and I am going to commit to it. Drafts will be half actual prose writing and rambles on the side because I want people to enjoy the ideas and characters I have in my head. Hope this is fun!)
(Oh yeah, here's the link to the game I was playing. Lot of reading but it's easy to start and understand. Really does test out one's creative muscles.)
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Today’s Spring pick for the Luminariae Post is as follows:
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When a new branch grows, I always worry for what it may carry. The bark upon the trunk is many years old and yet it still insists on growing new leaves, new buds, and new fruits. A large and wise old tree, and yet it didn’t know age. It didn’t know where it should draw its limits. It simply grew and produced, as it always has, even when the threat of disease was always there.
But I’m not scornful. I’ll simply grab my polished clippers and snap off whatever rot has caught onto the leaves, onto the branches. I’ll eat the fruit it gives me, and carve a flute out of the wood I snipped off.
I’ve been there when you were young, when each new leaf would make me dance in the mud because I keep forgetting not to over water you. When your fruits would spawn out of seemingly nowhere, like your love for the world could not be contained, so you had to give it back as much and as fast as you could.
You’ve long outgrown me. I can’t even climb up to the very top of you as I once used to with my own little sister. You could still support me, but the youth in your new branches are not what they used to be. And yet, you still try and grow just as much fruit as you can, even when it’s no longer anything anyone can eat.
You’re just an old fool. You and I are two of a kind. And that it why you will always be one of my dearest friends.
And every day, I thank you for being who you are.
– Carmen
Heyo, author Noir here. So, the idea I had for this little segment is that every start of the new season, the Luminariae Post would post a submission that was sent to them by one of the residents in this small town of Arbor Hills. Typically they pick submissions that have something to do with the current season, or just a general connection to nature that can be connected to said season. It's also meant for the regular folk to take a peek into a small part of that resident that wrote the piece. Just fluff writing things.
Oh, and Carmen is a big ol dragon man, the one that basically provides the Reader with a house and a job, a nice bouncing point since the Reader starts off with literally nothing, not even clothes. He's a nice man, good roommate and clearly misses having other people live in his house. There's this big tree that the whole town pays their respects towards because of the sheer size and reach of its roots. In fact, most of the plants and trees you find often end up connecting their roots to that big tree, as it provides nutrients to said plants, leading to them weathering even the toughest of disasters. Rumor has it that Carmen was the one that planted that tree when it was a sapling, but that's just a rumor.
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Spring 2
Time: [0/4]
| Forecast: Sunny | Luck: Neutral | Lucky Color: Lemon |
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“Did you hear? Apparently our dear local baker has been in need of a new recipe to put as a potential special.”
“Oh? Which one? Is it that sweetie Ivory or that nutty Obsidian?”
“Don’t be mean Martha. But it is nutty Obsidian. Apparently he’s going a little crazy from lack of inspiration and just wants something new to really make his day pop from grays to happy pinks.”
“Hehehe, well in that case, you think he’ll want to try out some of my homemade cookies? Maybe that’ll perk him right up and get his head out of the pizza oven ashes?”
“Bleh, if you want to kill him… But yes, let’s. I’ll be the merciful one and bring him some of my delicious tea.”
“Let’s poison him together, Lily.”
The idea I had here is basically a cutscene being played out every day, where a couple of characters do something or have a conversation that implies a very long request. The town bulletin is still a thing, but those quests will end up being pretty short. The short requests do change often, I'd say once every two days, while the longer requests are more persistent, changing once every five days. Obsidian is basically this mad scientist-like baker that loves to go crazy with the designs and flavors of his baked goods. And, well, he's prone to losing inspiration and just wants something to get that flow going. He's a pretty intense cosmic star dude, the kind of energy that easy to be overwhelmed with. He has a sister named Ivory who helps out in the bakery, but is mostly found working with wood as the local carpenter. She's not gentle, she has that quiet intensity about her, and is just as wacky with her woods craft. She will get the request done, and will probably add some else to it. A weird feature that you probably won't notice until you accidentally activate it. Like a table that can convert itself into a suit of wood armor. You never know with these two.
Oh, and I have no clue who Martha and Lily are. Just that they're best friends who love to gossip, and were once very competitive rivals in school before someone tried to accuse them of cheating so they'd be unable to participate in theater. Yeah, those two were theater kids, and their rivalry, for the most part, was a fun exaggerated thing on their part that got a liiiiittle too real, but they're good now. They're middle-aged and married to their respective spouses.
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“You doing alright?”
You snapped out of your reverie by a rumbling voice that’s not quite meant to overpower the general noise, so much as it should rumble underneath one’s feet.
You didn’t look at Carmen. You looked at his horns instead, all scratched up and chipped at in all their ridged and curling glory. It’s hard to look at him in the eyes. They aren’t particularly piercing, they’re just filled with a love for the world around him. A gentle and boundless love that he’s willing to share with you, a fellow roommate but a stranger still.
It’s… a lot. Too much. But it’s fine. He’s good and nice. He makes you all those warm and filling meals, and lets you take up a room in his house. You had nowhere else to go, but he gave you a hand anyway.
So, are you doing alright? He did ask.
You hummed out a yes. Because words would be too much in all this noise. The sensation of your throat rumbling, of moving your lips and making a conscious effort not to stutter. You’re already a little on edge as is.
“Hmm,” he copied your tone, though you didn’t know if that meant he believed you or not, “I know there’s a lot of little noises, but a small outing like this is good. It is something to get used to, that’s for certain.”
It’s… yeah, he’s right. It is a lot. Carmen’s farm isn’t exactly all the quiet either, with all the cows, chickens and bees he has, but there’s a different quality to the noise of people. It’s a… a rhythm, of sorts. The livestock back home are always keeping out a listening ear to the nature around them, so their own noises follow that beat, usually. But people… don’t really care, nor can they truly listen.
The rhythm isn’t bad, in the sense that it’s wrong and that people should pay more attention. It’s just… different. Absorbed in their own little pocket of time. And those pockets just, overlap in your ears.
You’ll probably get used to it, in the same way you got used to Carmen when you first woke up to his face looming right over under the arbor. It was an adjustment. The man’s over seven feet tall with a broad frame to fit, built over the years from heavy farm work. But, you suppose that’s the average height of all dragons. Well, his specific branch of dragon anyway. You don’t know any other dragon.
You nodded and let your eyes wander over the sparse crowd around you, to the area you’re both sitting on a bench in.
The village’s center, built around a pretty fountain that’s filled with little seashells, all in various pastel colors of white, blue and pink. One little kid in white sandals had to lay her belly on the ledge of the fountain just to reach in and drop her shell. Her little transparent wings fluttered with her excitement, dropping flecks of pink dust here and there.
A water spout spat right up her nose and the little fairy girl snorted then gave a big powerful sneeze. She launched herself right into the air. Luckily, before you or Carmen could rush right over, her father was right there to catch her.
Chuckling, her fairy father said, “I got a precious gift from the heavens!”
“No!” She yelled, raising her arms high like claws, “I am your worst nightmare! I eat your dreams and your banana splits!”
He gasped, “A monster! Oh no!”
She kicked her feet and lost a sandal in her giggles.
You jumped when Carmen gave chuckles of his own. The sheer volume of his voice never ceases to surprise you, that his happiness can be something so… loud? Strong? It’s solid. Which is kind of dumb now that you think about it. You’ve seen him lift an entire tree trunk with his arms and shoulder alone. It shouldn’t be shocking at all to find that his laugh has just as much power behind it.
But it is, because he would always bend down just so people could hear him. He didn’t like raising his voice just as much as he hated going into the details of his private life.
And with a flinch, Carmen realized as much. He looked to the side, scratched the back of his neck, and sighed out, “Sorry.”
Did you look bug-eyed? You probably did.
You shook your head at Carmen. He doesn’t need to apologize to you. It’s not his fault that you’re easily startled. Besides, he’s the one going out of his way to get you situated in this place. He didn’t have to do it, but he did anyway.
He nodded to you then hovered a hand right over your shoulder. He stopped, waited, and when you shifted closer, he patted you. The weight and strength of his bones alone almost made your joint creak.
“I’ll be going on ahead. I need to buy some things for the gardening day this week.” Carmen reached into his pocket and took out a few notes that you don’t really need. He pays you plenty for your services, but saying no to him–especially when he wants to spoil or be nice–just leaves a sour taste in your mouth. He stuffed them in your hands. “Go around, explore. Or relax by the community garden if you’d like. I’ll be by Peach’s place for the most part. I won’t go home unless you want to, okay?”
Ah, here it is, the big send off. You can’t really complain since you asked for this kind of time for yourself, but augh… It’s difficult all the same. You’ve been here for the better part of one year and you’ve yet to make a single friend. You haven’t really been trying, to be perfectly honest. Whenever you go out into the village on your moped, you’re strictly in working mode, schedule and time all planned out. Whenever people would try and talk to you during those hours, you get antsy and anxious.
You hate being off schedule. On top of that, if you weren’t working, you were around Carmen all the time. He’s a friendly and well known face. It’s only natural for people to gravitate towards him rather than you, especially when you would rather hide in his shadow than look at anyone.
You weren’t trying to make friends. Everything was just too unfamiliar for you to do that, or even think of it. And nobody pushed you to do that. In a way, you’re grateful for that, that the people here left you alone for the most part. A nice respect of your time and attention. They made attempts to talk to you, certainly, but that was about where the pushiness ended.
And, now, you’re calmer-ish. You can take the time and try.
You can go anywhere and make a friend.
Augh, you still can’t talk. Words just really don’t want to come out.
Well, baby steps, baby steps.
Carmen has since left you to yourself, with money in your hands. A nice sizable amount. Can’t buy a microwave with it, but you can grab a while feast of pastries if you wanted to.
…you know what? That sounds like a good idea. Having something to munch on while trying to make a friend would help calm you down some. Besides, a lot of people frequent the bakery. Surely you’ll be able to find someone who wants to befriend you.
That and you’ve heard of the gossip between those two women over there. Apparently the local baker needs some help. You don’t have any ideas, but maybe you’ll come up with something by the time you get there?
The crowd didn’t really get any thinner as you walked down the white stone path. Lots of people were gathered in small packs, but they were polite enough to shift slightly out of your way. You followed the scent of bread and soon enough found yourself inside the cozy atmosphere of a bakery.
Honestly, it seemed more like a home than it did a bakery, which makes sense since it looked like a store/home hybrid from the outside. But, rather than a home that seeks to hide emptiness with store bought furniture the owner vaguely likes, each table, chair and even the frame of the mirrors in this place were clearly handmade.
It was small though, and all the furniture had people either gathering or sitting on it. There wasn’t anywhere you could just pick and sit down for an hour or two while you mindlessly pick at your pastry and watch the people go by.
A healthy routine makes for a good base for potential friendships. At least that’s how Carmen puts it. You’re not sure if it’s true, but you may as well try, right?
You walk to the back of the line and wait. At the front, behind the register was someone that you can only describe as a galactic black hole. The white light that makes up what you think is hair slowly swirls around in a clock-wise motion, collecting light like a vent does smoke as it slowly gathers in some dark center you can’t make out. The white light hair fades into a dark shadow dappled with white little star pinpricks, doing nothing to to take away from the bright eyes that look around this way and that.
This person had no mouth to speak of as he nodded and packaged a new box of pan dulce. It’s interesting to you, watching the way their body never quite stabilized into something truly solid, but it was enough for his clothes to hang on. He didn’t have a uniform, it was just a set of comfy billowing clothes that had little tears and big patches over what was probably holes.
His form stretched up, bending in ways a shadow would as he gave the box to the person waiting in line.
“You wanted a surprise and a surprise is what you’ll get!”
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Aaaand this is where I lost my steam, and I had a pretty good pace going too.
Reader is basically this dryad person that was born from the big tree(of which I have yet to name, eh) and as such, has little to no knowledge of many things beyond the general basics. Socializing is obviously not their thing. Many of the towns people just think they're a traveler from afar that suffers from amnesia, but since nobody witnesses the Reader coming out of the tree, it can't really be disputed that they're not a traveler.
There's a biblically accurate angel just, hanging out in Arbor Hills. He's the current master carpenter and boss of Ivory. He spends most of his time sleeping, and in the rare times one manages to make a request to him, you can be sure that whatever furniture he makes will never break, and will even have a little buff to them.
The angel's name is Peach, because someone called him "an absolute peach." With the last name Angel for the sake of simplicity. No matter how you poke and prod at him, you can't get details about his past, you'll just get references about how empty of an existence he was living before coming here. Now he can dream all he likes.
There's a tradition at the start of a new year to share stories you may have or have written. Arbor Hills is all about communal story crafting, so often the whole town will come together to either craft a new fairy tale, or add on to another existing tale. The only rule is that it has to have at least one true event in there, or be based on a true event. So you could have witnessed a bug trip over grass and flip itself over and craft a tale about a malicious weed that seeks to grow and prank all the bugs that nipped at it. That kind of thing. So, one of the Promises is to get ideas and make a story before Spring 1 rolls around. There are usually two groups, one group that's full of people that have written their stories on their own, and the other group that shares their ideas for a group story making session. Perfection is not expected. Just have fun. And if you don't want to make a story, just be a listening ear.
There's also another tradition where, after reaching a certain age, kiddos go to the community garden to pick out a seed they like and plant it somewhere in the town. This tradition does stretch out beyond just for the kids, you can do this as a new adult, or when you reach a huge milestone in your life. Don't worry about having to take incredible care of it, these seeds are magical and are often deeply connected to you. They grow as you grow, and if they get sick, you can be assured that they'll be taken care of by the garden spirits of the forest.
There aren't many dragons to be found. There be different types of dragons, but their lifespan varies quite a bit between them.
Same for the dryad. There's nobody else quite like you, and if there is, they're usually no bigger than the size of your palm. Tiny, squeaky things.
I know I have more things sitting in the brain, but I need to prodded at to really remember. So, if you want to poke at my brain, be my guest!
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europa-ganymede · 10 months
Light at the end of a very long tunnel
As you may know, shit has been going literally sideways for me for the past couple weeks now (months, actually). I had been so depressed and upset about it all.
I’ve had really very bad luck with trying to find anyone to even come out to look at my house before another rain storm (my gutter issue was unresolved). We had a very dry spring, unusually dry. So, I didn’t have much rain to even worry aobut until the end of June/beginning of July. And Maryland does this cute thing now where when it “rains” it means a drenching downpour of 4″ of rain in an hour. On Sunday, in rained for 20 minutes and we got 2″ of rain. We were running through towels to try to soak up the water that was coming in from the window and flowing under the radiator. I felt bad for me, for my son, for my house.. I cried A LOT over the weekend. Like on and off just sobbing. I talked to so many companies, so many of them didn’t give a shit if I lived or died, if my house flooded, it was more or less like “sorry lady not my problem”. They wanted to upcharge me $100 to even send someone this week... I’ve been pretty broke after all this shit happening so I don’t have the money to just throw at upcharge fees.
I got a missed call Tuesday morning from the guys who I’d used in the past to clean my gutter, his name is Ray. I was so relieved to hear from him. Ray  literally made my entire year because of how kind and generous he’s been with me at a VERY excessively stressful time in my life. There are things going on with me that I can’t even discuss or type to a public audience so just know it’s way deeper than anything surface level... but I just got a much needed gutter replacement from a man who did this work for so, so much less than I could ever find anywhere else. When I say he gave me the deal of a lifetime, he did. He came out, made time, went out of his way to get it done before any other rain storms... he clearly cared. He told me he was inundated with calls and referrals but he wanted to get to me as soon as possible so my “house didn’t crumble”. I told him how we had spent money renting a truck and ladder, spent money on another company to come out and $300 later I was still no closer to a solution. He said “let’s replace it, I’m more than happy to do it”. He quoted me an INSANELY low amount. He refused extra money. I feel very lucky to have been able to know him when I needed him. He did an excellent job and now I have a new 6″ aluminum gutter, upgraded downspout, leaf guard and he installed a fascia board so the gutter is affixed to my house securely and not hanging off the roofing material like before... he said “it’s secure, going nowhere I promise”. This little Turkish man is an ANGEL. I thanked him so many times, I was preparing myself to have to take a loan from my sister for a grand at least and pay her back incrementally. He took pictures and videos to show me exactly what was happening - sent them to me and everything. He’s such a kind soul I hope each side of his pillow is cool, he always merges easily on the highway and he has lots of business for years to come. Honestly.
Ray restored a bit of my faith in humanity. I left him reviews on all major sites to sing his praises.
I’m grappling a little bit on what to do. I want to properly pay him when I get more money but I don’t think he’ll accept it. Do I just sit with the guilt? Let someone do something extremely kind for me and accept it? I don’t know. 
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lacefuneral · 10 months
Voice to text:
I have only very vague memories of playing ocarina of time as a small child because I didn't really get to own my own game console until I had the game cube and everything before that was my siblings' so I played my brothers copy on N64 and I was like a larva so I don't remember much but I do remember the fishing minigame and I remember I spent a lot of time trying to catch fairies and fish and bottles and I spent a lot of time riding epona around but I never actually progressed in the game because I didn't really understand how to and I just enjoyed the open world elements and that's really the only Zelda game I played in any sort of significant capacity before I played breath of the wild so I never played twilight princess I never played wind Waker I never played majora's mask and like I said I didn't even finish ocarina of time so there's a lot in general about like Zelda lore that I have gaps with and sometimes I think about like trying to go back and play these games like through emulation or something like that I think ocarina of time would be especially interesting but I would probably need a walk-through 
I also have a somewhat similar experience in terms of the animal crossing franchise because I played the original GameCube game like pretty extensively but I was also very young so I don't remember a whole lot of it and then I was not aware that there were other animal crossing games until I heard about new leaf.  I had DS  I had the Wii I just didn't know that these were games that existed because I was busy playing Pokémon mystery dungeon over and over again
And once again… The Pokémon franchise the same deal. I actually spent most of my time playing spin off games instead of the main ones. I did play yellow I did play red but it wasn't really until like X and Y and sun and moon that I tried to get into it again. But I played Pokémon snap,  I played hey you Pikachu, I played Pokémon Colosseum on my friends game cube, and like I said I played the mystery dungeon series. But I only played blue rescue team and explorers of time and this was another situation where I just straight up did not know that they were other games. And about three years ago I bought some of the DS games i had missed. and while playing through one of them the screen of my 3DS broke and I just never bothered to get it fixed or get a new one so I just have unplayed Pokémon mystery dungeon games sitting in a bag somewhere. And it pisses me off so much that the switch doesn't have backwards compatibility for 3DS games because you know I'd be on that. I can't tell you how much time I spent as a kid playing game boy games on my game cube
this has been a text based voice memo 
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alostlittleriverlotus · 10 months
Wait, that was a stupid question. We already are. Then, my actual ask is, what's your favorite pass time? Like what do you do when ur not on Tumblr??
Let me think. Mostly play video games honestly. DS, 2DS XL, Switch and after I move I'll have my Wii U and GameCube to play games on.
I will sometimes draw and paint, most general art. I do write fanfiction and write stories I hope to be published one day. These are all pretty rare since ADHD and fatigue kick my butt most days.
I watch mostly YouTube as of right now. Typically the gaming side of things with like Markiplier, Call Me Kevin, RTGame, Alpharad, stuff like that, but I watch a variety of content.
I'm on my phone a lot. I mostly just check fandoms for my special interests like the Splatoon subreddit or scrolling on here. Or just checking news.
I'm in the process of moving rn so I've been busy organizing some stuff and putting stuff away.
The only show I really watch right now is Bluey just cause I'm a traumatized individual lol, but I'll get with my friend MA on call and we'll watch videos or shows together. Like, we're trying to watch the rest of The Owl House, but with her busy schedule and not getting home till like 9 pm my time, yeah, we don't really got time to do that.
It really does just boil down to mostly video games and watching something and focusing on taking care of my body since disabilities and unable to get help for em thanks to financial stuff and relying on my parents. So I pretty much just spend time in my room, chatting with my friend MA and my girlfriend, watching stuff which is whatever I feel like, playing video games, and working on the boxing stuff up part of moving when I can. I also love reading, but I have a lot of books I bought for my trauma so they can emotionally exhaust me 😅
My favorite past time is def video games and watching stuff that seems so cool to me. For instance, watching speed runs or Mario Kaizo stuff. Since my hands don't respond well, I could not do a lot of it though I do want to get into speed running one day, so I love watching these people do things I cannot do. I love commentary side of YouTube. I love video essays on stuff I would normally not care about or stuff I haven't thought about in a long time, especially when it comes to lore of pieces of media that I will never care about. I have a wide variety of games and game systems to play, I'll also often play with my friend MA when we get the chance. So those are definitely my favorites. Just doing stuff that lets me relax, turn off my brain, or watch something that will make me almost die of laughter. I've played video games since as long as I can remember, starting with like educational kids games on the computer before I could even read. So they've always been a big comfort for me and a big part of my life and I love to challenge myself now with them and explore a variety of different games.
One thing I wanna get back into is Legos at some point. I miss building with Legos and so probably for a holiday or something or if I can save up for it, I'll just buy myself a nice Lego set to build.
I rambled a lot cause my thoughts are very disjointed, but I hope that gave ya an idea of what I do. I mostly play on my switch these days since it's the easiest for my to access. With my set up in my room, it's difficult to play the Wii and GameCube without back problems or the Wii remote struggling with the sensor bar + I'm moving so I'm getting them packed away. And then for my DS's, it's just I don't keep em charged honestly 😅 though I am actually playing Leaf Green on my DS right now so yay, I finally charged one lol. But yeah, that's pretty much all I do :p with video games and YouTube being the most prominent. I also mostly talk to MA and my gf a lot of the time. They're both long distance so texting is our main way to communicate since we can't just like hang out. But yeah, that's pretty much it. I'm gonna stop now lol. It's basically just whatever I hyperfixate on most of the time.
Edit: Pffft, just remembered. I roleplay with MA a lot. Mostly just comfort roleplays for both of us. I used to roleplay a lot and even had an Envy (fullmetal alchemist brotherhood) roleplay account, but gave it up cause of how fandoms can be and just some personal reasons and anxiety around interacting with people. I do that about just as much, when MA is free of course.
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#FFF166 Count the Ways
Finaly another snippet @flashfictionfridayofficial! I actually wanted to write last week, too (and I did have a good idea for the relic-prompt) but alas, real life things happened and I didn't get to it :)
But this week I'm back and have a little something with my TCC-Characters for the new prompt #FFF166 Count the Ways!
This time with Kaz and Anton :3 Have fun!
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Count The Ways
“Alright, let’s see what you learned this week.” Kaz pulled a face and sighed. Even though Sascha was his actual mentor, Anton did like to take his potions education personal. Probably because, well, Kaz spent a lot of time in their bookshop and their working spaces after class or in the weeks where Sascha was responsible for him. And Sascha probably talked about him over dinner or something. At least that’s what he would guess. And it wasn’t really bad that Anton helped him with learning potions. It just could be exhausting. The potions master had his standards after all.
“Well?” Kaz snapped out of his thoughts and looked up. Anton had his eyebrow raised and didn’t look very impressed with Kaz letting him wait. “Uhm…” Kaz frowned thoughtfully and looked around the potions lab he only was allowed him in situations like this. “We talked about the uses of different herbs outside of the recipes in our books. For example how to substitute raspberry leafs in a potion against menstrual cramps and associated pain for people with uteruses. Or why it was raspberry leafs in that recipe and not another kind of herb that helps with pain or bowel movements or something.”
“And what was your answer to any of these questions?” Anton asked, his smooth, deep voice gaining that slight edge that announced to Kaz he was ready to pounce and call him an idiot if he couldn’t procure the answers. At least after calling him an idiot Anton usually would work with him on whatever Kaz was missing and in a way that a) showed that Anton had been a reacher before and b) Kaz could keep up better than in a class of more than twenty students at school. It still made Kaz nervous to maybe be wrong.
“Well. Chamomile is also good for alleviating menstrual cramps and helps with stomach aches,” he started to explain under Antons watchful eyes, relieved, when he got a slight nod. “Though it’s effects in general concentrate more on the digestive system less on the reproductive system. So it helps but not the same way as raspberry leafs since they target and focus on different aspects of the body. You would need a lot more chamomile to have the same effect on the reproductive system as with only a small amount of raspberry leafs. And though chamomile is a lot safer than raspberry leafs you could still overdose yourself on the potion by accident while trying to alleviate pains and cramps since it wouldn’t be as effective.”
Kaz swallowed slightly as he waited for Anton’s evaluation of his answer. A moment of silence ticked by until Anton nodded again and Kaz couldn’t help but breathe in deeply, relieved that he wasn’t going to get called an idiot. Or imbecile. Or dunderhead. Or one of the many other insults Anton reserved for people he thought were behaving stupid.
“All right. Let’s test your theory,” Anton said, already turning away to pull out a few smaller cauldrons, arranging them in the corner of the room. “Brew me that raspberry leaf potion and any variant you can think of.” Kaz grinned and wiggled his body happily before following Anton’s orders. Brewing with the man always was a lot more fascinating and less stressful than just answering questions.
He really loved working with both his mentors! Nevermind that officially he only had one.
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Daily Log 5
Trying out (probably just temporarily) making short daily-ish notes about things, in an attempt to see if it helps me be more reflective or productive lol.
Activities: Not much, I had to run errands most of the day and also felt incredibly tired, probably because the cats woke me up like 4 times last night begging for food and things. Overly warm and headachey a lot.
I planted a few new flowers, and pressed more flowers and clovers in my Large Sturdy Flower Pressing Book as well.
Actually worked on translating the text for the previously mentioned tapestry/painting thing. I think I've decided that it doesn't really matter very much, because nobody else even knows anything about this conlang except for me, so they won't know if it's wrong lol.. It is not entirely completed after all (complete enough to translate most simple sentences into consistently, but also there are a few spots here and there where I haven't fully worked out the way some part of speech actually functions or etc., or I wrote down one thing that later contradicts something else, so occasionally I reach a sentence that I'm not sure exactly which rule to follow to translate, and I need to do a larger comprehensive organization of the document to work out all the kinks and declare officially like 'THIS is the ONE way this is done' etc. etc.) - so because of that, I think I'll just kind of 'do my best' and if the rules now end up changing in the future as I further work on the language, then, that's fine, because nobody can read it anyway lol. Kind of like that song on my side music youtube that's sung in genuine Avirrekava lyrics but also I wrote them years ago and some of the sentences have now become outdated/invalid.
Washed and cleaned some kale so it will be dry for me to maybe make silly kale chips tomorrow.
Final proofreading + posting of the poll adventure thing.
eughh,, literally nothing else.. I hate running errands because it always makes me feel drained and sick after, plus I get nothing else done all day except for just going places. I know checking my p.o. box and picking up cat food and stuff is technically still a productive action, but it just feels like.. i should be getting all of my long term projects done instead lol.. what about the videos?? or worldbuilding?? what does grocery shopping have to do with elves??!?! >:V (aside from pretending to be a group of fantasy creatures evaluating produce having an imaginary conversation with yourself at the store ghghj,, but that is not productive either lol)
Notable sights: Found 13 four leaf clovers, and 2 five leaf clovers, though one of them is almost a 6 leaf (like one of the leaves is nearly split all the way into a sort of heart shape, just not entirely). Also two of the clovers are HUGE, probably the biggest 4 leaf clovers I've ever collected, like 2 inches across maybe. The sky was very pretty a lot with big fluffy white clouds. Not a 'sight' really, but I got to sit in air conditioning for a little while today and it was very nice. I love the cold crisp kind of stale air smell, like walking into a freezer or something (which I used to do when I was a kid, I would sneak into a walk-in freezer at a school cafeteria and just sit there for a while lol), it's comforting to me.
Goals moving forward: Consistent sleep schedule. Focus on social activities, finding new friends in the places I want to move, communicating with ones I have. Physical therapy exercises. Plant nasturtiums. Finish and upload videos, edit costume pictures & etc. Do the new costumes I've planned. MAKE SCULPTURES at some point, I miss them.
Notable foods: Had a bit of smoked gouda and green onions in my Mandated Completely Plain Flavorless Grits For Breakfast this morning, as a littol treat lol.. Tried a 'biscoff' ice cream bar, which is generally a flavor profile I like, but I think I would usually rather be eating a cookie than having ice cream. Also an Ensure nutritional drink, which I know most people consider gross but I genuinely like them.. maybe it's like a source of comfort when my stomach is too sick to eat, like 'oh well at least I can have this cold smooth textured chalky chocolate thing' lol.
Sort of like how I have positive conditioning to feel safe/comfortable in bathrooms (due to it usually being one of the only places you can safely retreat from a social situation or get out of crowds in public areas, etc.), even though rationally I have no particular reason to like bathrooms much, and most people dislike public bathrooms especially. Fellow public bathroom and ensure nutritional shake lovers unite! (3 of us in the entire world)
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#just posting these publicly since it feels more like I'm doing something or easier to hold yourself accountable if you make public#declarations of goals and progress or etc. .. perhaps.. for now..#Not sure if this is helping me be more productive#though I think it might in some ways help me appreciate things around me more. Since I'm kind of collecting 'notable' sights or smells#or things. sometimes through the day I'm looking around my environment trying to spot anything whimsical or wonderful or pleasing#I could see this excercise possiblyhelping people pick out more positives around them and appreciate small things in life more#I kind of already do that (very meticulous slow moving person who notices tiny details in everything) so I'm not sure if it's any more than#I usually would but.. eh?? maybe??#Still craving a ton of hearty foods lol my body is so so so deficient in something right now and I'm being very cool about it#I have a very high level of self control (so like am very responsible good at managing money and getting placeson time and planning and#etc. and abstaining from things if necessary (like wearing a mask and cutting out certain activities during a pandemice#or not eating something now that might hurt my stomach later etc. etc.) so It's not much of a problem but#if not... I would probably be ordering in so much random fast food and stuff or something ghh#Even before I was put on a restrictive diet by my doctors I still never ate out very much for money reasons#Usually once a month or less. this includes stuff like coffees (can be made at home cheaper) or drinks or etc.#Especially with the cost of things going up so much now I'm kind of glad I've already built in that habit#/have never known or gotten used to anything else - because if not I feel like it would be a real shock or like a struggle#I have friends that order in food for like every single meal and it's only getting more and more expensive#so I guess it's kind of releiving to not really have the prospect of that stress as much (though things in the grocery store#are still expensive too so.. even if you're cooking at home. You do save money but its STILL a strain with the current#economy). ANYWAY... maybe sometimes it is good to be miserly and poor.. if I had unlimited money and a spending habit or something#I could go through with ordering ribs and chicken wings and 5 plates of lasagna and a burrito and udon and etc. and eat it all at once#and then have such a bad stomach pains I have to go to the hospital lol#ANYWAY...#daily log
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fuun-crossing · 2 years
i don't know if you play/hack acnl anymore but do you know if there's a hack to stop villagers moving out when you don't play for a long time? i know there's methods to do it but i would prefer a simple mod if possible. that's really the only thing stopping me from getting into new leaf. thanks so much!!!
Hey friend, sorry for the late reply!
As far as I know, you can't prevent a villager from moving out through hacking.
But you have other options.
Option 1: If you find that your beloved villager has moved away, you can always just change another villager to the one you've lost:
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Anything can be adjusted here.
Of course, that won't save your friendship you might have built up with them and I know that this actually means a lot to some players.
But there's Option 2:
If you plan to take a break, create a save file of when you last played (put the date in the file name, so you won't forget it). Now when you return and see that your villager is gone, just load up the backed-up file and see if the villager is now there. It might take a few tries until that happens. Please note that the time, that has passed while you were gone will still be recognized by the game.
If that takes too long and you don't mind time-traveling, then there's Option 3: Set the time to when you last played before your break, load up your back-up file and then everything should be as if you've never even left at all.
Option 3 is the one I'm mostly using because it's the most convenient and I also won't have missed out on any seasonal events.
As for there being a MOD for this specifically - never heard of it.
You could also always hit the Discord for either the Animal Crossing community, or for Nintendo Homebrew for more info on hacking in general.
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nimuetheseawitch · 1 year
10, 11, 29, 30 for ao3 wrapped asks
Thank you so much for these asks! You always make me think :)
10. What work was the quickest to write?
Class A's - I'd actually forgotten this and thought the fastest was one of my newer ones, but nope, I apparently wrote this in 15 minutes.
11. What work took you the longest to write?
I think it was I'm missing you like I used to. The idea came quickly after posting the other pieces in that series, but I dug way too deep into the Kinsey reports (yay research!) and did a lot of rewrites. The next piece in that series is going to probably be the longest once I finish it - it's been most of the year...
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Ooh, this is hard (and now I have to go read everything). I am most proud of this one:
The weather. I know talking about the weather is mundane, but mundanity has been one of my few sources of joy these last few months. I cried at the first falling leaves I saw. A New England autumn is a sight to behold. I bet you’ve never been leaf peeping. Yes, that’s a real thing, I promise. You’ll have to visit some fall, and I’ll take you on a tour of the best leaf peeping spots in Maine. You know I know all the best peepshows.
It's from the letter Hawkeye finally writes to BJ in Sitting here tonight. In general, that's one of my favorite fics I've written (I have this thing about letters and epistolary stories), but I was just so pleased with myself for You know I know all the best peepshows.
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
Honestly, writing itself was the biggest surprise. And people's positive responses to my writing. I never considered myself a writer and started posting fic last December (not counting the one fic I wrote in 2019) and just kept going. I really shocked myself with the desire and inspiration to write as well as just how much fun I'm having. It makes me happy when I go back and actually like what I wrote (although I still have some cringe moments). It surprises me when I mention something I'm writing on Tumblr and people get excited about my ideas.
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veronicasanders · 2 years
What’s something absolutely unhinged that you believed in childhood that you later learned was not in fact true? Bonus points if it's a funny lie a relative told you. Have you ever had to come up with any elaborate lie for a kid yourself?
Hello darling!!! Love this one!!! You might learn some things that make you a little scared…then again, you know me pretty well so this might not surprise you at all... 😂💖✨
I think the unhinged things I believed as a kid were mostly the product of my own unhinged mind, rather than things people told me:
For awhile (like, aged 4ish, I think? Maybe 5 a little too?), I was operating under the theory/paranoid delusion that I was the only human and everyone else was an alien or actor (basically a Truman Show scenario but more like a science experiment) and they all had ways to watch me at any given moment. So like, a powder compact or handheld mirror was actually a screen that showed what I was doing. The REALLY unhinged part was that since I was kind of a ham and an exhibitionist, this didn’t really bother me very much, and I just adjusted my behavior to kind of play to the cameras for awhile until the fantasy of it wore off and seemed less plausible. Also I was pretty sure that at least my Grandma was real so that kind of blew the lid off the whole thing.
Around the same age, like 5 or so…because of some random expressions that my family had, I made a strange leap of logic that both the word and the action of “tickling” was something my dad and his brothers made up to torture/amuse me and my cousins. I was very surprised to learn this was an Actual Thing that other people knew about and did outside our family. 
This wasn't a specific belief but more of a General Sense, but I had a feeling during a lot of my childhood, especially after we moved away from my extended family, that whenever I was with just my immediate family, things weren't Real. As in, I was just like, playing the role of Daughter/Sister in some TV show, and the only things that were real were when we were around a lot of cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc. Like any less than 10 family members felt like a very strange and foreign and made-up existence.
I should say, also, that I was usually the one TELLING the unhinged and elaborate lies rather than believing them. They often involved me trying to convince other kids my age that I was actually a robot or an alien or had powers of some kind. Usually under the context of 'pretend,' although sometimes forgot to warn the others that that’s what we were doing. When I was 6, my family moved cross-country, and I used my New Kid Clout to spin a very elaborate tale for my classmates, that I had psychic powers and could get visions of their lives by holding their hands. I would demonstrate these powers at recess, and usually they were cute and silly and kind of vague things like “You will have a pet chicken named Esmerelda” or “Your grandfather misses you, you should call him” or “pay attention to rainbows!” 
Anyway, half the fun was the drama; I would take their hands and roll my eyes back and really get into the performance of the ✨vision✨ and then open my eyes and tell them what I’d “seen.” And we’d all be having a great time. But then when this one kid was gonna take her turn - and I guess (I learned years later when this all came up again) she was already scared, because she was Catholic and kind of thought I was probably a bit Satanic to have or use these powers to begin with, lmao. 
So I take her hands, do my regular thing, only much shorter, and then I let go of her hands and gasp and go “Oh no!” And then look straight at her with a very serious expression and go, “You’re going to die. Soon.”
And then recess was over and this poor kid went back to her class shaking like a leaf and apparently couldn’t sleep for like 2 weeks and finally told her mother, who had to convince her 6-year-old that no, she was not going to die, and I was just playing a game and did not have psychic powers. (One of many exhausted phone calls my mother had to endure from parents being like, "Yes, V has a very active imagination, I'm so sorry. No, she doesn't remember saying that, I...Yeah, I'll talk to her. Sorry again. I'm sorry...I'm sorry." All while I blithely acted out Soap Opera storylines with my dolls.)
(Also - we stayed friends, and when she recounted her side of the story to me in high school and how much distress it had caused, of course I felt fucking TERRIBLE, because I really didn’t remember telling anyone things that weren’t silly during that game, and I also didn’t remember it as anything but a game of pretend that everyone knew was pretend. #oops) 
So yeah, I try not to lie to kids as an adult because I lied enough to kids as a kid and it caused them a lot of unintentional trauma. 😂
Another time, I sarcastically told a kid in my class that the boots I was wearing were $200 when he asked how much they were. (They were actually $7 on sale at a discount place and btw the kid was way richer than me and was wearing Air Jordans that were over $100 at the time, therefore he believed me.) Anyway this led to him telling all the other boys in my grade that I was “rich,” which is hilarious since like, there were a bunch of Actually Rich kids at my school, like Parents Had Trust Funds in the $10-500 million range rich. Meanwhile my mother was literally earning minimum wage as a yard supervisor while she got her teaching credential. These kids were morons. But I didn’t know that he’d taken me seriously until I got into a fight with another boy and he called me a “rich bitch” and I was like “wait, what?” Like fine, bitch I accept, but where did you get rich from? I was wearing hand-me-down jeans and a $3 T-shirt with puff paint I’d decorated in Girl Scout day camp on that day. And a side half-ponytail. This is just not rich person behavior. 
But maybe the worst Unhinged Lie, which could have been a disaster, was the time my brother and I were pretending to be abused children to cope with the indignity of having to go lamp shopping with our parents for like 6 hours, and it nearly led to us getting sent to foster care for real. Because in one of the stores, we were huddled together under an end table in the lighting store, deep in our game (I was like 9-10 and he was 4 or 5), and one of the saleswomen heard me say something to him like “Don’t worry, I’ll never let them beat you again.” And basically it’s only due to my mother staying very VERY calm (and being smart enough to send my father to the car while she spoke to them) that we didn’t end up in a police station. (There's so much more to this story but this answer is already insanely long so let's just say...it was a very fucking crazy situation and the context of when and where it happened made it a super thin ice sliding doors moment for all of us.)
I do play pretend with kids all the time, but I make sure they know that we are pretending. To clarify, these are not like, random kids off the street, they are my cousins or my cousins’ kids or my friends’ kids. 
(Although today, a 7 year old that I tutor told me that he had kicked a tortoise outside his building, and I told him that he shouldn’t do that because that hurts the tortoise. When he was unmoved by that argument, I told him that also, the tortoise could tell all his tortoise friends and then what if 100 tortoises show up to fight him holding tiny little tortoise knives. He still didn’t seem too bothered but that either so I was like, “Okay, what if the tortoises join forces with a thousand tigers and then they all come after you?” He was like, “I’d call the police to shoot the tigers.” And I was like, “Good luck calling the police when a thousand tigers have you pinned to the ground and are tearing you apart. You’d be tiger food before you could even get out your phone!” But I’m pretty certain this kid knew we were speaking in fantasy because he was laughing the whole time. Also I hope he stops kicking tortoises which is how I ended. “Okay, just stop kicking tortoises. Let’s move on to page 45…”) 
Also, I find that telling More Truth Than Necessary is a better technique for dealing with uncomfortable questions from kids than elaborate lies. Like if they ask something that might be difficult to explain, just like, give them a massive amount of information and I promise they'll get bored before you run out of material.
Another thing that might be relevant here. I worked for awhile as a concierge for a company that did like, educational/recreational vacations for seniors. The gimmick was that they would stay in college dorms and have very low-key classes in things like local architecture and flower arranging and yoga and also go on day trips and to see shows and shit like that. Anyway, one of the first days, I had to replace one of the people who was supposed to be a bus tour guide and I had only a very LOOSE script and they kept asking me the names of every plant we passed and I was like “look, guys, Imma level with you…I don’t really know the names of plants. But if you want, I will make up names for you.” And I’m not sure if they fully grasped that or what but they kept asking me and I kept making up names for the entire 3-hour bus tour. (I guess that’s not really unhinged but I’m keeping it anyway because it’s so dumb.) 
Hope you enjoyed this Dickensian-length answer. XOXO!!!! 💖✨
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makethiscanon · 2 years
🎶🌞👀🤲 for the ask game?
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
Of course! Music is my imagination's lifeblood. I tend to listen to emotive scores from movies and video games, but once in a while I'll find a song with lyrics that really speak to me. It's usually the songs that speak of finding somewhere to belong, or that things can change with enough belief.
At the moment, I've got 'There's a Place for Us' by BYU Noteworthy (originally by Carrie Underwood) on loop for inspiration.
🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write?
Last thing at night or very first thing in the morning while the world (and my head) is quiet. Once there's too much stimulation in front of me, be it sound or distraction, I can't keep my thoughts together enough to concentrate, so I do my best work in moments of peace.
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
Oh no. Not my mountain of WIPs 😂 I've been writing a self-indulgent piece recently to wind down after work, where nothing much really happens.
It's actually an Animal Crossing/My Hero Academia crossover, but it's an iyashikei fic (there's no English word equivalent, but it's a genre of writing in japan known as a slice of life story with healing properties for its calm and tranquil atmosphere).
Basically reader lives on an island with my 2 favourite villagers, Goldie & Sherb, plus Ojiro, and it's all about them growing the island into a beautiful place to live for Tom Nook. 0 drama. 0 tension or angst. Lots of peaceful fun.
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
I've picked a different WIP from the last question so there's some variety. This is actually a snippet from my introductory fic for Mimi Mahoro, the shy horror queen:
“Attention, everyone. We have a new student joining us today.”
Aizawa’s voice rippled out over the general hum of Class 1-A at the beginning of morning homeroom.
As class transfers were rare and school transfers were almost unheard-of, the announcement shut everyone up at once. Gossiping ceased and even idle notebook-doodling halted.
Holding his students’ undivided attention, Aizawa raised an arm towards the door to welcome someone inside. The class remained still, their curiosities gluing them to their seats with their lips sealed shut.
“This is Miss Mahoro. Transferring mid-semester can be daunting, so please make her feel welcome and included.”
The door opened. Excitement built. Midoriya pulled out his notepad to take notes, and everyone sat up straighter in anticipation.
But no one came in. The collective excitement quickly slipped to confusion. Aizawa cleared his throat then gestured to the door again as if to urge the person inside.
Finally, after what seemed like a very long pause, a girl shuffled into the room. She kept her head low, clinging to the back wall like her life depended on it. But despite the clear bout of nerves, she made it all the way to Aizawa’s desk then held onto it like a lifeline, lifting her head to finally meet the class’s collective gaze.
“I’m M—M-Mimi Mahoro. L-looking forward to working with- with you.”
Her voice was so incredibly quiet and jittery that it barely reached past the first row of desks.
In comparison to many of her new classmates, Mahoro didn’t leave much of an impression. Perhaps her only discerning feature was her long, brown hair, as there was enough of it to style into thick pigtails with ample extra billowing freely down her back and shoulders. Heavy bangs hid the left side of her face, and her pale, almost sickly skin suggested that she had been a NEET until very recently.
It was customary to offer up information about oneself during an introduction, but as Mahoro seemed to have used up all her inner strength just to say her name, Aizawa stepped in on her behalf. Those in the front row could see she was shaking like a leaf.
“Thank you, Miss Mahoro. If you would like to take your seat, you’ll be just behind Mister Midoriya.”
Dutifully, Midoriya raised his hand to show her where to sit.
Mahoro nodded, looking a little less panicky after being relieved of her public speaking duty. She bowed to the class then kept her head low as she weaved between the desks, making a beeline for her chair. Once she was seated, she immediately looked out the window to prevent any accidental eye-locking.
Her classmates did indeed turn to look at her, but Aizawa cleared his throat to garner their attention.
“Furthermore, I have news regarding your midterms."
A collective groan rose up amongst the students. With the prospect of getting to know their new classmate, the last thing they wanted to do instead was think about their impending failure on the upcoming exams.
“Groan all you want. You might be ahead in terms of practical work, but your scores on the mock written tests tell me there’s still a lot to do. We’ll be shifting class-time to focus on theory over practical, and I sorely suggest you find study groups during free periods. Some of you will benefit from them more than others.”
He did not try to hide the way his gaze fell on Kirishima, Kaminari and Ashido. The latter chuckled awkwardly, scratching the back of her pink head.
“Roger dodger, sir.”
As Aizawa returned his attention to the rest of the class, Ashido’s shoulders sagged. Kaminari leaned over to pat her consolingly on the back, as he was equally deflated for knowing he was part of the Bad Scores Brigade again.
“Yaomomo might tutor us, if we ask nicely?”
“Let’s buy her chocolates as a bribe.”
Thank you again for another fun set of asks! ♡
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only-lonely-lovers · 3 months
tags: sex dreams, dreams in general
Bird is あ / Avvy is つ
つ:i think the concept of tsukasa being like "there we go. very good" while you come is like a nightmare hanako would have. its been funnny to think about bc it isn't their dynamic. its liek you have an extremely fucked up dream that is inscrutable
あ:lol yeah just something to make you feel really fucked up like -- NO..
つ:hai, hai……
あ:its so funny though bc like again one has incest dreams even when youre a normal person the thought of alive boys ever having them its mutually so funny
つ:yes, they're completely normal. its something i think about. its free childhood incest thoughts no rules no limits
あ:in my mind tsukasa isn't able to parse his as incest he's just like. what a silly little dream i had about amane and the contents arent actually incriminating enough it really is like we're helping each other pee
つ:he's just like ah that was interesting
あ:omoshiroi. that would never happen though.
つ:as much as you have a dream you both eat big caterpillars together off of leafs wooow intresting. i liked that that dream had amane in it
あ:as unfettered about them as one could be amane hasnt been in my dreams for a few days. im glad he is back
つ:amane wakes up more like… woeuhg.. [going to try to willfully forget this. distract with tasks] ugh… weird dream… shakes it off
あ:in a haze sometimes. like wipes drool off of mouth. eugh…. well whatever…. as weird as having dreams where i'm like stuck in this scary old man's sexual carnival like just garbage brain making up shit [represses]
its like overall i think amane just ahs more sex dreams. and sometimes they're nonsense by virtue of having more. just fodder.
つ:i think when you get into the harming phase of their relationship…. it's…. hmm. going to get sicker but I also love the idea of nutting in sleep but the dream wasn't coherently sexual at all
あ:mnnn yeah i think then its a lot more.. visceral, relevant, and stomach twisting
つ:when you have major anxieties repeating all the time it does start to reflect… ah no sad tothink about amane having a lot of dreams tsukasa goes missing again, NOOO
あ:I think emotional stress IRL makes things manifest more coherently in dreams… well, its like it simulates your sense of helplessness etc
having dreams where tsukasa just is very listless and if you let go of his hand for a few minutes he's trying to leave, crawl out windows, like a pet stress dream
つ:probably a lot its his fault, too..... get distracted as one does in dreams.... forget about tsukasa while you're like. tabbing through dolls in an extravagant shop. only remember him existing later like MY-- TSUKASA!!!! NO!!! TSUKASA!!!! RUNNING AROUND THROUGH EVERY BUILDING
あ:dreaming about being in crowds and tsukasa just walks in the opposite direction and he's just gone you blink and you're just like ??? wait. oh NO
つ:dreams of hearing tsukasa just behind a door and opening it and he's not there… desperately opening hundreds of dors…
あ:and calling his name and sometimes you hear "amane" but also like "its fine… im fine…. you dont have to come…" and its just like😭 TSUKASA!!!
つ:the nature of how blissful you were before he disappeared means you can never have just…. security. i imagine dreams would be very cruel and be very WOO HOO BOUNCE HOUSE and then tsukasa gone
when bird can't stop himself from like . forgetting about me or neglecting me in a dream like you just have an extreme memory problem
あ:Noo yeah like i just have this disability almost, I'm just pathologically unable to be more attentive or considerate. Like i fall out of time. Amane just getting so engrossed in tuning his telescope
つ:youre like discovering a new astrological phenomena or some crap or for age 5 youre like seeing. real bunnies on the moon. making a stupid discovery
あ:Lately i keep having dreams where im being so supremely picky about video games like … obsessing about old consoles and getting the right versions of games. but it makes me meaner and shittier somehow like a version of myself thats an eviler nerd. thinking about Amane more or less becoming some goblinized version of self, liek you're staring into your telescope and you FEEL tsukasa's hand tugging you urgently but you slap him dismissively and keep adjusting and when you look up tsukasa's just liek gone His stuff is all scattered on the floor in a mess like he dropped a bunch of stuff and staggered away
つ:you wake up and you. must. let tsukasa do whatever he wants today lead the way… tsukasa PLEAAASE
あ:anything at all roachie So sad, you can really imagine there being bed time distress both at like 4-5 freshly dealing with tsukasa going missing/returning, and then 12-13 as life gets bad
I just think early days there was soo much anxiety to be had also about tsukasa leaving again…. ah, i like to think about them really being prone to waking up in the middle of the night from bad dreams and face snuzz and cuddle… just need the comfort
つ:it had to have been .... the circumstance which really rots them from the inside out..... the act of losing contact, once.....
あ:Its reasonable to, come a little, in your sleep, once in a while. after everything you've been through.
つ:it is completely normal and reasonable.
あ:Sitting here trying to think about what the average random incest dream for Amane is before things get psycho specifically and it's so funny I think he's just like ruined himself from porn. I think it's like I'm jerking off in dream and then Tsukasa is like WHOA let me help. WOW your cock is awesome.... Amane... Impressive, its bigger than mine. wow. WHAO!!1 your come... so cool
あ:like the gormlessness of an amane at some point being like ahah.F GH.F. sh/.. SEX!!!
つ:tsukasa is just there bc he always is and you know him and he is always supportive and down and thinks you are really cool
あ:Yes sjkfdjgh like i think its almost comically like oh let me help you with that. Your hand looks tired brother Just sit back I think some dreams are like. tsukasa wasnt part of the plot but suddenly in the middle of it you know tsukasa
つ:whoa it went really far!!! itslike a normal dream youre like hiding in a closet jerking off but then tsukasa is just there to comment on your cool hog
あ:it's a gormless sex dream like you're going to fuck a big life sized sex doll or something and tsukasa is suddenly here to pull down your pants for you
the random detail in someone's sex nightmare where the machine had to jerk them off to make them erect before cutting it its like wait you need to get hard first.
つ:fkld;sjfsk its sf funny how dreams are procedural and not tasteful HERE I'LL HELP puts dinosar hand puppet on your cock and goes homf homf homf
つ:butits a dream so youre like fuck it feels so fucking good jesus ive never felt anything this good in my whole life
あ:yes. its also like haphazard and completely abandons plots and changes details for no reason so suddenly its like ahhh i fuck the dinosaur puppets mouth and like THIS is the fetish i was chasing
I actually think itd be funny if Amane's inability to like respect people as individuals means he cannot have sex dreams with strangers so its always some stupid fetish nonsense your mind cannot generate the fantasy of interfacing with people. so instead you really are sooner some panty stealing pervert or like at best peeping into love hotels or something
it's like ahh in this dream im really hornyabout marbles what number is the sexiest
つ:it feels just so feasible you like hear about dinosaurs laying eggs and youre like whoa i forgot dinosaurs would have sex like normal animals [THINKING OF THEM LIKE UNICORNS OR DRAGONS MAGICALLY] . have a dream you guys are playing dinosaurs and tsukasa is like. auhho i wanna have eggs [you are 4 with no understanding of biology] get eggs in me
あ:Please amane screaaaaaa and its like oh god oh christ… gets into the positions
its all crude and like meaningless dream nonsense but the point is its like whoa feels pretty good
つ:dreams can put you through any bullshit and irl youre like coming about it
あ:itd actually be funny to be like older but having a dream about being 4 in the yard again and doing this but older like 8
つ:to have more knowledge. take it again. I know what it means to put egg in you now
あ:the dream wires get mixed up and you start also RPing attacking tsuaksa during it still like bites [tsukasa shrieking]
つ:fighting you….. wrasslin in your grasp
あ:its a dream you really bit through his shirt and there is blood
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tomyo · 8 months
I know I suddenly posted a lot of backlog adventure stuff back to back haha but just a little lore building here. I felt some energy to actually try games after the rush of playing KH3. At the same time, games are hard alone bleh.
Next week though, I'm briefly staying with a friend who I might try to play through with on Sonic Riders and Nights. Last year when I visited him, I brought my Dreamcast down and we went through Jet Set Radio on it so this is the next playthrough together I guess hahaha.
I would of liked to play more Dreamcast games soon, however a lot of mine don't actually work at the moment. Shenmue and Sonic adventure need to be polished which is big oof anxiety and to a much less extent, Cooking Mama cook off. Might even trade that one in to be real. I think it'd probably be the most fun for us to one day attempt a Dream Cast Binge together. Shenmue will certainly be....a heavy meal of a game and other games like Time Stalkers and Space Channel 5 would just be fun with friends. I might even bring the 360 at some point so I can force him to do Free Riders with me too hahaha.
In general since basically buying every Harvest Moon game out there (as I write this I may or may not be getting grand bazaar and hero of leaf valley 💀) my attention jumped to my Sonic collection. Basically my biggest gap is with Wii era games surprisingly. When I was in elementary to early high school I was pretty big on the games and bought a lot of them for the sub $15 the GameCube ones cost at that time. There is a distinct pain over the fact the copy of Adventure XD I had I had to return for being to scratched given the prices now and for personal reasons, there's someone who I've wanted to be the one to give me their old copy of even though it won't ever happened hahaha. My biggest desires right now are to get my hands on Black Knight but I've also wanted a 360 copy of Unleashed, Generations, Zero Gravity, and Shadow the Hedgehog. Rush adventure and Shuffle also catch my eye but my wallet hurts enough as is. I really need to stop getting into game collecting.
Part of the reason to bring Sonic up is also because I'll probably be playing a replay of Sonic 06 with the friend who leant me his PS4. He apparently never played it but wants to and I love just... Backseat gaming rather than actually playing. Hahahah. Games can be magical but art takes up too much time in my life now. The switch has been helpful for my more on the go lifestyle these days but I often still run short on free time. Even now Ive been wasting work hours to do KH3 this past weekend.
I guess my final little ramble is back to my HM collection. God it's kinda scary how many games I had suddenly bought at once. I keep meaning to play but I know they're the kinda games I have to secretly dedicate a lot of time towards. If I do end up getting the two aforementioned with my recent impulse gets, I've pretty much achieved most major versions of the game. My biggest other missing ones probs come down to the Og Story of Seasons, A version of Back to Nature, and the FoMT remake. Another wonderful life is on there but I'm starting to question my need for that one when I hate all the bachelors which I'm required to marry. Overall though I've reached what feels like a pretty doable conclusion from all of those.
Playing them however.....is a separate case hahaha. I had briefly started a AWLSE run which I might try to pick up, I want to return to Animal Parade as well over the winter, and a Save the Homeland run should??? Be quick??? I just started a my little shop attempt which is a pretty pick up and put down game so I will likely do that daily with Animal Parade when I play that. Overall I think my biggest scare is the handheld games. They should be easier but they feel harder. I want to do A New beginning the most but the game mechanics are daunting. The DS cute Skye playthrough might end up being the better choice from those right now. Which leads me to question how long will I take to go through all those games since I haven't been playing them over the years like they were meant for.
I think if I do go through end of the year as I intend to, recovering from surgery, I will try to go through a bunch of them.
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pr1ncesspopstar · 8 months
What's In It? - FFXIV Write 2023 - Day 15: Portentous
Most people don’t think twice about her name.
It makes sense. Many people don’t take the time to research or understand the culture behind Roegadyn names. The old language is all but spat on in Eorzea, a relic brought over by a rebellion that grew to hate whence they came and were ready to risk it all for it, and lost. And those in Shalayan, bless their souls, only viewed it through a technical lens unless they were a roe scholar themselves. The heart, humor, and history of their names lost on those that did not share a kinship with them.
Alphinaud only just noticed how many Sea Wolves would go wide eyed, even flinched when he introduced Halditar’s by her full name. Many outright refused to use her surname, resorting to Miss Halditar when it came to a formal address. The faux pas it would have been to use it was unspoken between them, but not the young Elezen. The curiosity inevitably getting to him one evening as they both tinkered with their nouliths, recalibrating the aetheric connections.
“Halditar, if I could be so bold to ask… does it bother you that other Roegadyn don’t use your surname?” He treaded carefully with the question, seeming to understand it was some sort of important subject. Halditar just smiled and shook her head.
Once upon a time, she could have seen her reaction being bigger, more panicked and worried. Now, she was actually quite happy to hear Alphinaud ask, if only to share a bit of who she was with him.
“Of course not. I feel it’s only natural, honestly. I wouldn’t want to call a stranger by my sirename,” she said, polishing the small amethyst gems that made her nouliths work. “And I can’t speak for all Sea Wolves, of course, but I know many only go by sirename because other races use them. Force of habit, I suppose.”
“What is it about your name that makes them so averse to using it?” He asked. She set her tools aside and rubbed her hand together to rid them of the dust and rust built up from her work.
“How familiar are you with the Roegadyn language?”
“Not terribly well, I’m afraid.”
“Alright, I’ll keep it simple then. We Sea Wolves don’t have ‘surnames,’ but sirenames. We take our father’s name as our last, generation after generation. Some take their mother’s name, but that’s not so common. 
There are also a few names used for those that have no parent to give them one. I’m one of those cases. My sire’s name is too taboo to acknowledge, so I’m the ‘daughter of an exile.’”
Alphinaud blinked, and slowly his eyes widened as the weight of what those words meant settled in. Names had power, and one wouldn’t have one like hers, without reason. “That explains a lot… Do you know what your father did?”
“Nope, nor do I want to. I knew enough about him to know he was a right bastard, and I’d much rather carry this name than his.” She told him, venom slipping into her voice as she recalled the bastard with whom she was unfortunate to share blood with. Halditar attempted to soften it with another grin. “Besides, most folk know better than to turn down help or coins over a sirename, unless you knew the bloke personally. It’s useful honestly, folks don’t ask too many questions.
“Besides, first names matter to Roe more. They can tell stories or aspirations! And name changes aren’t uncommon if your parents saddle you with a shit one, or you need to turn over a new leaf.” She beamed, excited to share. A joy infectious as Alphinaud returned the smile with curiosity.
“I assume that applies to yourself as well?”
“Of course! It’s a name my mom would have been proud of, I think; ‘Kind Knight.’ Knight of kindness if you really want to be a stickler for your aerzoeng.” 
“I don’t think there could be a more fitting name for you, my friend. You embody it perfectly.” The boy said with such kindness, it made Halditar’s heart pound hard. A warm drumming that made the moment between the two feel important, especially to the Warrior of Light. A moment of openness she’d been longing to share.
“Thank you.” She beamed, humming in joy as she added to herself, ‘I picked it myself.’
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crystalelemental · 8 months
Unit Teambuilding - Proton
At long last, that's all the Rocket guys. Proton is here, to be...I mean, they seem to refer to him as the pretty guy that the Rocket ladies swoon over, but I don't see it.
General Overview Flying support with Golbat. This man is the reason we got Flying Gear this month. Think about that. Anyway, if he's who you get hit with the ticket, the good news is he might be the best of them somehow, depending on what you're after.
Air Slash for flinch on a support is great, Confuse Ray is at least funny. X Sp Def All and TM boosts +1 Spd/acc/crit/Special Moves Up Next. Yes, Proton is, for some reason, an SMUN boosting pair with 2MP and an MPR node on grid. Repeated application of such an effect is huge. His gimmick is MGR9 and Revenge Boost 9 in one passive. All Ramped Up makes him, in a slow sense, a Sp Atk/Crit buffer. Stop Hitting Yourself 5 is just generally fun. His grid offers MPR, All Ramped Up on Trainer Move for faster boosting, Aggravation, and built-in Vigilance right near Aggravation so it's actually accessible for once.
The main problem with Proton is that he's pretty 3/5 dependent as a support. Every good thing about his grid is 3/5, and his base kit just doesn't really hold up. The buffing is slow, 30% flinch is insufficient, Confuse is not reliable, etc etc etc. I do think he has merit, but that merit comes in the form of very specific team comps, and needing max investment.
EX, Role, and Move Level Support, so generally encouraged. Move Level is 3/5 mandatory, this man offers so very little without it. Role is Tech, which is hilarious for a dude with 210 special attack. What are you gonna do, tickle them to death? Should've been Field or Sprint, dingus.
Team 1: Proton, Blue, Anni Skyla I'm going to mention both in one. Blue actually caps accuracy with this team, for full Brutal Clarity. Anni Skyla can actually get her missing special attack thanks to Proton's help. Because Blue self-buffs for three turns, successful MPR means that Blue bursts, then has, under Zone, +3 SMUN for a massive damage Hurricane.
Team 2: Proton, BP Falkner, NY!Lance These are the other two worth noting. Proton's crit boosting can salvage Falkner and Lance over time, with his speed and special attack boosting really benefiting a Hyper Beam user like Lance. Falkner's debuffs also complement Proton's preferred defensive set well.
Team 3: Proton, Lorelei, Ghetsis Proton's kit should focus on the fact that he buffs accuracy more than anything. He can fully salvage Lorelei's offensive needs for DPS, while also patching up Ghetsis' accuracy issues. For an Ice comp, Proton can offer a lot, given how many of them rely on accuracy checks. Like, say, Irida and Pryce, who are also good picks for him.
Team 4: Proton, SS Leaf, Brendan While Brendan doesn't need offensive support, he can benefit from the accuracy boost to save on energy for ensuring Leaf Storm hits. Additionally, SS Leaf appreciates the complete offensive support, speed for supporting Dual Strike, but most significant of all, the ability to store SMUN by spamming Razor Leaf for AoE debuffs first. This can turn Frenzy Plant into one hell of a nuke. Her healing also supports Proton, who is otherwise lacking in sustainability.
Team 5: Proton, May, Archie This is a really significant one. As mentioned, accuracy is a huge deal for teams that don't naturally acquire it. May and Archie can miss, and Proton fixes that, while also offsetting buffing needs. Archie can skip his trainer move and not completely ruin his bulk. May doesn't need her trainer move as desperately. SMUN is optimal for high DPS moves like this.
Final Thoughts Proton is deceptively fantastic. SMUN is ideal in circumstances where the base power of the move is incredibly high, and nothing skews damage higher than poor accuracy. Being able to buff both accuracy and SMUN in one button is already fantastic, but include the ability to boost special attack and crit, and suddenly we're dealing with a very respectable pick. I think he's being underestimated a bit.
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bookloveravenue · 1 year
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Devon Falls (book 1): Fauxmance in the Falls by J.E. Birk
I'm here to destroy this town. How did I end up in a fake relationship with its hero?
I've spent my life proving to my grandpa and dad that I'm more than just the Lewis family mistake. So when Grandpa sends me to Devon Falls, VT to take some ridiculous leaf festival to court, I head straight there and get to work.
But Dr. Jack Lancer keeps getting in my way.
He's everywhere. Helping me out with my migraines, making me dinner, insisting people be nice to me even though I’m the enemy. Who is this guy? The next thing I know I'm pretending to be Jack's boyfriend to get him out of a bind. I swear he's putting kindness pills in my food or something.
Jack thinks he can fix me the same way he fixes everyone else. But I'm not broken. This podunk town will be when I'm done with it, though. And Jack? Well, he's about to learn the meaning of the term "collateral damage." Because I'll do anything to win this case and end this festival.
Even if it means losing something that feels an awful lot like love.
Fauxmance in the Falls is an age-gap romance featuring a small town full of quirks, a grumpy lawyer and a charming physician, a fake relationship gone wild, some inappropriate use of a doctor’s office, and a healthy mix of humor and angst. It stars Benson Lewis, who first appeared in the book Counterpoint.
April 4, 2023
My Review: 5/5 Stars
Been looking forward to this book since I heard Benson was our main character! For those who don't know, Benson is first scene in Counterpoint. I definitely recommend reading that one before you jump into this book. You get a better appreciation for who he is and how far he has come and changed as you are reading this story. Benson wasn't my favorite when I first read Counterpoint but it becomes clear that we don't know everything about him. And I was definitely not disappointed to learn about Benson and his past. So the story starts with Benson being sent to Devon Falls help a client prove he is the owner of the land where the town has their famous festival. Benson knows he'll be the bad guy here but also knows that if he succeeds perhaps his grandfather and father will actually acknowledge him and how far he has come. He just needs to keep his head down and don't ask questions. But that soon becomes impossible when Benson comes across pieces of this case that don't seem to add up quite right. Then to make things more complicated, Benson never expects Jack. The hot single doctor taking care of his nephew who needs a bit of help himself dealing with his ex-in-laws. Benson still isn't quite sure how he ends up being Jack's fake boyfriend when he sees how awful they are being. Jack, meanwhile, has felt like a failure for a while. Failed in his marriage, failing to help his nephew with school. He tries so hard but it seems to backfire on him every time. And when he meets Benson, who saves him, he can't help but feel like he's found something he's been missing all along. These two were so sweet! They had such a nice balance to one another. Where Benson knows he can come off as a jerk, Jack is endlessly patient and sees past that prickly side of Benson. And neither are perfect in this maybe not so fake relationship. They have issues to deal with and we get some twists and turns on their way to their happy ending. And just some plot twists in general that happened were so good! I couldn't put this story down. We got some great new characters, great old ones making an appearance, and a town that is just a hoot and where you'll want to move to. Really loved this first book in this series and I can't wait for more!
I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
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