#i am so drunk
tinderfishboy · 1 year
God is real and he wants us all. If anyone was going to live forever it was going to be leonard cohen and he died years ago and it was a mercy. So close your eyes and open your heart and take what you will of the world. Worlds. Take what you need babylove take whatever you want. Take what you damn well please. Cause god is real and in us all and he wants you. He wants us and he is coming for us so you may as well suck the world dry of whatever it is you want out of it. Its time to embrace mortality. God may love you but god will not save you. God knew his power and so he took him from us. Do not expect yourself to be the exception. Take and take and take of the world. You do not decide when you have had enough, so why limit yourself? God wants you and he will have you. Try not to worry about it.
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trevwhorephilips · 10 months
trevor philips i love youuuu
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joyridingmp3 · 8 months
sometimes you will speed up to do 110km/h on the highway and not okay will start playing just as you start ZOOMING
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mistress-light · 2 years
Sometimes you are like spacing out........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................ *_______*
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porcelxinfemme · 1 year
draw the cat eyes sharp enough to kill a man call that dagger liner
god fears me
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matriarchshark · 1 year
I hate Catholicism and its holier than thou attitude through all things. Funnily enough, this is directly in reference to Warrior Nun S1E4 ~18.00 where Cardinal Duretti's statement of "dire sin being forgiven in the pursuit of the greater good". How dare you attempt to name what is the greater good??? You are not God. You do not get to say what is in the name of greater good. You are merely a vessel. and even that is hard to place. Priests have never made sense to me. We are merely humans TRYING to make sense of HIS word. And i HATE referring to God with male pronouns. God is genderless and that is something that the Catholic Church has forgotten to emphasize. We should not be referring to God as "He" considering that God is something that we as humans cannot begin to understand. If Catholic school has taught me anything, it is that we cannot begin to understand what God is and what God's missions is.
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sandygarnelle · 2 years
6 is the most gender neutral number.
6 is even, not odd
But isn't included in the "powers of 2" progression that is used in copmuter science (that is 2, 4 and 8 bc "2×2×2=8") which is used within binary system
Which makes 6 non binary (what)
Its 4 AM I need to sleepp
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3am-ontheweb · 2 months
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I was fixing a record player and I didn’t know what the problem was until….
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eggnogged · 4 months
honestly I've never been really a fandom/fanfic person but I respect the grind. yall will see two men in a room and call it gay and that's awesome.
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merryvrismas · 6 months
unlimited drinks for $21 was a mistake
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Part 2/2
Part two of two, let’s talk about Marie.
Marie is an average human not much to say about her really only that she makes a deal with Greed. Marie comes from a large family from Alabama state.
She cooks she cleans, she does chores, and she gets her ass beat. Not much you can do about that though,because you’re born into a family with generational trauma.
So it’s only after one of her beating sessions where she: You know, murderers your father. Because we love somebody who can make a progressive statement like murdering their own father to expose generational trauma, and then almost getting killed by all of your family members who don’t take your side and think you’re the bad guy. (They’re assholes only one gets better.)
So Greed makes a deal with her while she’s vulnerable but, you know, being a child of abuse you get to learn a few tactics. Gotta love a loophole in a deal. Yeah, she steals half this bitch’s has powers. Fuck you Greed.
So something goes wrong with the deal not only does she steal half his abilities, but they also cannot be apart from each other for more than a say 50 feet at the max.
(Imagine being stuck with your most annoying sibling 24 hours a day for the rest of your life. you’re welcome.)
So inevitably they’re stuck together you can’t get a part they’re locked in a deal of a deal has no end which goes on for a while.
Eventually gets better where they can separate for a good chunk of time, but the inevitably have to return the one another.
Kind of suspicious when your contractee is only 14 years old and you’re as old as on the black plague first appeared in history. (Sus as fuck.)
Not much you can do except I guess: Drink, drugs, and sleep, which is what Marie does most of the time. Because fuck it, you deserve it, you got the hell beaten into you by your family and now you’re stuck with his Cryptid thing that doesn’t look anything like a man, until he actually put’s on his person suit.
Marie inherits his “healing factor”, from the shit deal. So side effects of drugs and alcohol. Don’t last very long and her unless she has a copious amount, and I do mean copious. Like; You would be Dead: Copious.
Not much else to say I gotta think about it really because it’s part has been going on since about 2019z.
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wetbananapeel · 1 year
Hot and sweaty and I love my friend so much
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fattyskeleton · 1 year
i had my wisdom teeth removed. but i was no dumber for it.
i wanna kill god. but first i have to find him.
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I left a party early because I was having a heavy discussion about Phantom of the Opera with a friend just to go home and watch the 25th anniversary show.
Drunk me makes great decisions.
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nico-inc · 1 year
What if I finally went fully goth 😌
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its-shells · 6 months
“So,” Grian says, “this is awkward.”
Scar says nothing. Scar had said nothing for quite a while, honestly, sitting cross-legged in the void and playing with the hem of his cloak. Or with the flower stems woven through the hem of his cloak, as it were. Lilacs and poppies. Grian had thought it painfully ironic the first time he saw them. Scar hadn’t. Not until now.
“So,” Grian says, again, “I can explain? I think?”
He can hear stifled giggles behind him, Scott and Pearl discussing the last moments of the fight. He feels Martyn’s heated glare between his shoulder blades too, knows that he’ll be getting an earful about taking his final life whenever the fourth winner can get his hands on him, but at least Martyn’s been kind enough to leave him at the mercy of the fifth for now. Or not kind enough, as it were. Whether or not Scar has any mercy for him is an open question.
“Explain what,” Scar says. It’s not a question, which is just as well, since Grian doesn’t really have an answer.
Can he explain?
“Well,” he says, “there’s these death games.”
The death games he technically started, and then technically couldn’t stop. The death games that weren’t meant to be blood sacrifices, but probably count as happening on somebody’s altar. The death games that no one ever wins, but technically–
“Technically, the people who win them get to keep their memories.” He scrunches up his nose. “Or, uh, recover their memories of the previous ones, I suppose. Which is what’s happening to you. And Martyn, and Pearl, and Scott, and I was the first, so–”
“One heck of a headache, right?” Pearl yells behind them. “Was even for me, and you’ve got four whole timelines to deal with!” She flops backwards onto the floor, which is the void, pressing the back of the palm to her forehead theatrically even as she peers up at Scar through parted fingers. Scott rolls his eyes and grabs her hand.
“Give them a moment, Pearl,” Grian hears him whisper. “I know you weren’t there for Third Life, but I’ve explained it to you a dozen times, so–“
“So,” Scar says. “Third Life was real.”
It’s a strange way of putting it for someone who hadn’t remembered it at all until now.
“That’s a strange way of putting it for someone who hadn’t remembered it at all until now,” Grian says, because he’s always loose-tongued after dying. Scar stares at him, unblinking.
“That’s a strange way of thinking for someone who declared the first ever game a double victory,” he says. His head is tilted to the side.
Grian stares back.
“That didn’t count.”
“It didn’t not.”
“You didn’t remember until now.”
“I didn’t not.”
“That makes no sense.”
“Doesn’t it?” Scar shrugs. He plucks a flower from between the dark threads. It’s a poppy. “No less than the rest of it. No less sense than me waking up with sand between my toes, or burns on my arms, or bamboo in my pockets. No less than the dreams. Those didn’t make sense either.”
“It’s not like you ever asked me to explain.”
“Would you have?”
“Not the point.”
“Isn’t it?”
Pearl is still giggling. Martyn is still staring. Scott is quiet.
“Maybe it is,” Grian admits, quietly. It’s not an apology. It never will be.
Nor is it forgiveness, when Scar leans forward to tuck the poppy behind his ear. Nor will it ever be.
Sure feels like it sometimes though.
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